Children's lighting. Table lamp for the student: the highlights of the right choice Table lamp LED or conventional

Comfortable and safe lighting is the most important condition for an effective workplace organization for a school-age child. It is at the desk that he will do most of his homework, and the success of the educational process largely depends on how correctly the table lamp is selected for the student.

What you should pay attention to

It is customary to classify table-type lamps according to a number of characteristics, including appearance, operating characteristics, characteristics of a light bulb and other parameters. When choosing a table lamp, it is recommended to pay attention to such parameters as:

  • location;
  • lamp power;
  • dimensions of the lighting fixture, etc.

Placement and fixing of luminaires

One of the main indicators is the installation method. Luminaires are fixed either to the table body (on the edge), or they stand on a leg - static or dynamic. The latter option is preferable because it allows you to change the direction of the light in the desired direction.

The base of the luminaire should be heavy enough to avoid deflection or sliding on the table. Clamp fixtures are preferred as they are more rigidly attached to the worktable.

Important! If the child is right-handed, the light source should be placed to the left of the child. If left-handed, on the contrary - on the right.

A very practical solution is to place the lamp next to the work area, rather than directly on the desk. As a result, additional free space appears on the table. These lamps are installed on the floor or fixed to the wall. If such a lamp is placed in the immediate vicinity of the table, from the point of view of functionality, it is no different from the table version.

Light control method

The best option is a luminaire with a switch located in the base or on the plafond. The switch must have sufficient travel and not stick when pressed.

Luminaire dimensions

Lamps with fixation on the edge of the table are equipped with convenient transforming legs, which makes it possible to adjust the installation height of the light source, as well as the angle of the light flux. The installation height usually ranges between 20 and 100 centimeters, however, longer legs are also found. The most comfortable lighting can be achieved if the leg is at least 50 centimeters long, otherwise the light will reflect off the surface of the book (notebook) or blind the child.

The size of the lamp should be in accordance with the dimensions of the table. This requirement is made not only for aesthetic, but also for practical reasons. If some parts of the lighting fixture protrude beyond the boundaries of the table, then there is a high probability of the lamp overturning by negligence. It should also be borne in mind that an oversized device will not allow other useful items to be placed on the table.

The hardest part of a lighting fixture is its base. This is done on purpose in order to give stability to the table lamp, which makes it possible to increase the safety of the device. However, if the luminaire needs to be moved frequently, it is better to choose a lamp with a light base.


The most comfortable lighting is provided when the shade is at eye level. The tripod allows you to adjust the desired height thanks to the presence of folding and retractable mechanisms. There are also bendable (flexible) tripods. Flexible arms for children are especially convenient to use, as they allow you to easily adjust the desired position of the lighting device.

Light characteristics

The main parameter to be guided by when choosing a lamp for a first grader (and any other user) is the quality of light. To make the right choice when buying a lamp, it is recommended to understand some of the technical nuances of lighting fixtures.

Types of lamps

Incandescent bulbs are still the most common type of light source. Their main advantage is cheapness. However, they also have significant disadvantages, including not too long service life, high power consumption. In addition, the use of incandescent lamps leads to overheating of the plafond.

Fluorescent lamps have many advantages, including no overheating, long life and cost effectiveness. It should be borne in mind that such a light source is characterized by color distortion, which will adversely affect the child's vision. To make the right choice, it is recommended to look at the abbreviation indicated on the product packaging. The best color rendering when working with graphics is achieved by lamps marked with the letter C. But for reading from paper, you should choose a product that has the abbreviation LTB, since they give a warm white color.

Halogen light sources are characterized by radiation as close as possible to the natural spectrum. Halogen lights provide soft and diffused light. Other advantages of halogen devices include long life and energy savings.

LED bulbs provide quality light. These light sources are equipped with power control, they are economical and last for many months or even years.

Note! LED bulbs are offered with clocks, thermometers, calendars and other useful features.

Lamp power

If the choice fell on incandescent lamps, you should pay attention to their power. Ophthalmologists recommend choosing light sources with a power of 40 to 60 watts. It is especially important to adhere to this advice when it comes to a child. The use of too weak or too powerful lamps will lead to a deterioration in vision (in the first case, there will be poor visibility, in the second, the bright light will dazzle). The maximum allowable power rating is 100 watts.

The peculiarity of LED lamps is high quality of light at low power. To provide the same level of illumination of a student's workplace as an incandescent lamp, diodes of much lower power will be required. For example, a 60-watt incandescent light bulb is replaced by a 10-watt LED device.

The best option is a luminaire with power control. Such a device is more expensive, but it allows for more comfortable lighting. For example, when reading paper, it is better to reduce the lighting power, and when working with a computer, increase it.

Colour temperature

An important indicator of the performance of a lighting device is color temperature. Light sources of the same power characteristics can produce different types of colors: white, daylight, cold or warm. Cold white light or daylight will quickly fatigue your baby's eyes. It is recommended to use warm colors to illuminate the workplace. The color temperature for comfortable reading should be within 2700–3200 K, the luminous flux should be within 400–700 lm.

Note! For incandescent lamps, the concept of color temperature is not applicable, since they always give only warm light.

Shade and material of the shade

It is not recommended to choose table lamps with too complex shades - this is impractical. The optimal performance of the plafond is in the form of a trapezoid. The trapezoidal plafond allows you to most effectively distribute the flow of light and create comfortable lighting for children's eyes.

The color of the shade should not be too bright, so as not to irritate the eyes. It is best if the lamp is soft pastel colors.

Important! The surface of the luminaire should not be glossy. This material gives glare, so you need to choose a luminaire with a matte surface.

An important issue is the material from which the lamp is made. Preference should be given only to high quality plastic. Cheap plastic will not withstand high temperatures and will melt sooner or later. It is not worth purchasing metal shades, since it is easy to burn yourself on them.


Even the most expensive and high-quality table lamp cannot replace natural light for a child. For long-term work at the desk, you need not only local, but also general light. The brightness of the general light can be low. The best option is combined lighting. In this case, the child's eyes will be less tired during classes.

22.08.2019 9629

The beginning of the school year is close: soon the students will sit down for textbooks and notebooks. Parents rush to school bazaars in search of portfolios and other supplies. In pursuit of a “three-twenty ruler” and a non-brand form, many people forget about elementary things: a desktop for a child and its correct lighting.

Why is it important

Most of the time, modern people, including schoolchildren, sit: at work and school, in transport, in front of a computer and TV. The "sedentary man" did not become so because of laziness. Working and studying, we have to be at the table for more than half of our conscious life. It is not always possible to change an occupation to a more mobile one. To stay healthy, you have to resort to tricks: ergonomic furniture and thoughtful lighting.

The argument “my great-grandfather wrote even with the torch” does not work: voluminous homework and reports are not a calligraphy lesson for you in a parish school. To search for information, students use not only books, but also digital technology. In just a couple of generations, the load on vision has increased many times over. The primary task of the luminaires is to reduce it. In addition, scientists have found that proper lighting improves performance.

How to do it right

The knowledge of the overwhelming majority about the lighting of the workplace is reduced to one common truth: "the light should fall from the left." In fact, there are several rules.
  • More daylight doesn't mean better. A table located directly in front of the window is not a good solution. The sun's rays reflecting off light notebook sheets and other surfaces irritate the eyes. As a result - fatigue and decreased visual acuity.
  • All unnecessary - out! So that shadows and glare do not interfere with the gnawing of science granite, foreign objects, especially those that are shiny or blocking the light, need to be removed from the table.
  • Moderation. It is necessary to "dose" both natural and artificial lighting. So, the power of a suitable incandescent lamp should not exceed 60 - 80, LED - 8 - 10 watts.
  • Working hand rule: the lamp for the right-handed person is placed on the left, for the left-handed person - on the right.
  • Undercover work. Do not use a lamp without a lampshade or diffuser. Concentrated light dazzles rather than illuminates.
  • Practicality is more important than beauty. When choosing between a simple device with a height adjuster and a less mobile design piece, it is better to give preference to the first option.

The ideal lamp for the student is:

  • cone-shaped or trapezoidal shade;
  • muted color that does not distract from classes;
  • absence of dangerous elements: breakable parts; mercury-based light sources; materials that accumulate dust and can catch fire;
  • robust design with the function of changing the height of the device, as well as the direction of the light;
  • stability due to fasteners or wide base;
  • anti-glare matte surface.

And how to shine?

The light source is just as important as the design of the luminaire. The following varieties are used in tabletop appliances:
  • incandescent lamps that create a glow that is comfortable for vision and are distinguished by a high color rendering, have a number of disadvantages: they get very hot, beat and need frequent replacement;
  • compact fluorescent lamps, albeit in small quantities, contain mercury, which means they are potentially dangerous; in addition, CFLs flicker, exhausting the eyes;
  • LED lamps and LED luminaires, perhaps, are optimal: the light of high-quality models does not pulsate and does not distort colors, the products serve for a long time and consume little energy.

Quick view

When choosing a light source, be guided by the main characteristics:

  • power, showing the "gluttony" of the lamp;
  • luminous flux, characterizing the intensity of the radiation;
  • color temperature, indicating the color of light;
  • luminous flux pulsation coefficient;
  • color rendering index.
If everything is clear with the other points, then the "color temperature" parameter requires clarification. You can read more about it.

Light sources with a cold white glow and a color temperature of 5000 K and above are categorically unsuitable for a schoolchild's corner. Such lighting is more suitable for spacious public spaces. Too warm light is also a controversial option. It is relaxing and not very conducive to active mental activity. However, the use of such lamps is permissible. Neutral white light with a color temperature between 3,300 and 5,000 Kelvin is good for the workplace. It helps to concentrate and invigorate, while, unlike a cold one, it does not create tension and anxiety.

A complete range of table lamps is presented in our

Lighting in the nursery directly affects the mood and health of the child. For the competent organization of lighting scenarios in the nursery, it is not enough just to hang a central, albeit funny, cartoon lamp.

Childhood for a person is the basis of the foundations, the time when we get the most vivid impressions that affect the rest of our life. The conditions under which the child grows and develops, including the living conditions, play an important role here. Psychologists agree that the sooner a child has his own room, the better. Your own room is the object of dreams not only for children, but also for most adults!

A baby's room is his special world, where he grows up, plays, studies, sleeps and makes his little discoveries. But what this room will be is still up to the adults. Parents need to understand that children are very impressionable and easily excitable, therefore, the interior of the children's room, oversaturated with bright colors and a variety of their tones, as well as extravagant furniture, will not contribute to the happy emotional state of their child. The same principle can be applied to lighting in a children's room. Do not overdo it! But the lack of light can negatively affect the condition of the baby: he can be depressed for no apparent reason. The resistance of his body to stress, fatigue, physical and mental stress, of which the child has plenty, depends on the illumination. In addition, with the help of light, you can influence the life processes of your child, stimulate him to sleep or, conversely, to active activities.

What kind of light is needed in a children's room?

But to the question of psychological health, when choosing lamps, two more important points are added: lighting in the child's room should not cause discomfort, overexertion or fatigue of the eyes and, of course, lighting devices should be safe to use. Preservation of the cherished "unit" of your child's vision (and not only the child's) directly depends on the amount and quality of light in the room.

If you choose between artificial and natural lighting, then priority, of course, should be given to natural lighting. So, when choosing where you will still have a nursery, you should give preference

For rooms with east or southeast windows: In the morning, bright sunshine will help your little one wake up easily and naturally and start their day at kindergarten or school. A somewhat unnatural light regime is observed in rooms with windows facing west - in the morning there is twilight, and in the evening it is light. But often you do not have to choose and you need to create beauty in the existing room. And if the sun is not a frequent visitor in your nursery, then it is precisely the well-chosen lighting in the nursery that will help save the situation. And the happy owners of sunny children's rooms also need to know the principles of competent artificial lighting, since it is still necessary in the evening.

The nursery is a multifunctional room, and especially when there are more than one children. This is a bedroom and a playroom and classroom. And all this in one room! For each of these processes, ideally, you need its own lighting, its own lamp. Space zoning is another function, in addition to lighting, as such, which can be carried by lamps in a nursery. The basic principle of children's lighting is as follows - a strong and unbreakable union of general and local lighting. So a children's room should have:

- ceiling general lighting of the room;

Desktop lighting of the desktop (if the child is a schoolboy).

One without the other in the children's room has no right to exist. Here are some guidelines for basic general lighting in a nursery:

Sharp and contrasting transitions from light to shadow when the room is lit in places, as on a stage, are unacceptable. This tires the baby's eyesight, he has to rebuild in a short period of time from bright light to twilight.

The bright light flooding all around, as in the operating room, will unnerve the child, and from the twilight, so beloved by the tired after work adults, he will literally nod off.

You can calculate for your nursery the recommended power of the main light source, for example, chandeliers, as follows: you need to multiply the number of square meters of your nursery by 15 W - the lighting rate per 1 square meter. If the lamps are enclosed in white matte shades, then by 20 watts. And if the walls in the room cannot be called light, then by 25 W.

Choosing a chandelier for the nursery

As a source of general illumination, a central lamp of diffused light or light is required,

reflected from the ceiling and well illuminating the center of the room - the main playground. It is desirable that it have a one-piece single closed shape, in which the light sources were hidden by a shade, possibly made of plastic. Then, in the event of an unauthorized hit by the object on the lamp, glass hail will be excluded. Although older children, approaching a conscious adolescence, you can hang a glass chandelier. A good, you see, idea in the style of floristry with beautiful roses for a young lady's room, or massive glass, like an iceberg lamp floating on a stretch ceiling, like the sea for a guy.

It is very controversial to use chandeliers in a nursery with crystal and glass faceted decorative elements that give a lot of glare. An interesting idea for general lighting in a nursery is one mounted around the perimeter of the room. However, this tape must be of high brightness and mounted in such a way that the light from it, as it were, spreads along the ceiling. This technique will give an even filling of the ceiling with light, and, at the same time, make low ceilings visually higher.

You can, of course, use such a tape and a low brightness, but in addition to the chandelier, which gives the main light. The tape, at the same time, acts as a decorative backlight and a good solution would then be the use of the so-called RGB tape, that is, it changes its glow at the request of the inhabitant of the room from the remote control from ultramarine to crimson red, with the ability to adjust the brightness and speed of color change ... The bedtime story about Umka in the North would become more "alive" under the flashes of the northern lights created by the RGB LED strip!

Another interesting solution for ceiling decorative lighting could be the use of a system consisting of special current-carrying panels and safety mini-lamps.

I would like to say a few words about colorful children's lamps in the form of airplanes, rockets, etc. children's passions made of plastic for one or two lamps. Such things are very often found in design projects, where they are presented as the central lamp of the main light. We don't argue that they are very cute and cute and your child will surely like them, but these are not centering main lamps, from which sufficient lighting is required. They can possibly cope with the role of local lighting, but rather, they are more bedside lamps. If you nevertheless decide to make such a luminaire a central one, then it will need help in the form of additional light sources with efficient lamps, for example, spotlights (built-in, surface-mounted, spots with a movable "head" or luminaires on a busbar. Together they will give you the desired effect bright even fill with light, without dark corners and twilight.

About nightlights in the nursery

Bedside wall lamps are certainly convenient for mom and child when preparing for bed and for reading about Umka.

When asked about the possibility of using a floor lamp in a preschooler's nursery, the answer is short - NO. Whatever the stable floor lamp, the persistent child will try to conquer it and test its strength. your baby is still quite a toddler, who makes his first curious steps or, on the contrary, is very active, make sure that the sconces are out of his reach and with a slight extension from the wall. It is also desirable that it be shock-resistant, laconic in shape with a closed shade and not very "appetizing" outwardly.

We hope everyone already understands the need for a room. There must be a night light! It is convenient for parents who have come in at night to straighten the baby's blanket, and the baby himself will fall asleep more calmly. The light from the night light should be weak and diffused. A very interesting spectacular novelty in Russia is the Chinese night sky projectors in the form of various animals. Mothers' comments about them are enthusiastic and positive. The preferred location of the night light is not next to the baby, but, for example, on the table, that is, out of his reach. Indeed, with such an arrangement, there is no risk of injury from waking up or active games on the bed.

Workplace lighting. As time has shown, with the development of progress, the good old no longer seems irreplaceable and necessary. Against the background of new ideas, they began to notice flaws in her: it is easy to touch her or even knock her over with a hand, she takes up a lot of space on the table, and there is always little of it, because there are textbooks, a computer, headphones and sandwiches! So the classic table lamp was replaced by lamps on a bracket, mounted on the wall or on a clamp - to the table. They take up less space and, which is important, are rigidly fixed to the mounting surface. An important point is that the power of a table (wall or clamp) lamp should not be higher than 60 watts. Higher power will give too much light and unwanted glare on the sheet of paper and the monitor, which will cause eye fatigue.

Another good solution for a student's workplace is

and hangers with adjustable cord lengths located directly above the table top. With this arrangement, unwanted hand shadows that would have been with a different type of lighting will be absent.

Which light is right for a child: warm or cold?

The color of lamps in luminaires is an important characteristic. The most recommended light color for the main central luminaire is neutral white (temperature index 4000 Kelvin), a cross between warm sunlight and cold blue sky. This glow color is also perfect for illuminating a child's workplace, as it stimulates brain activity and has an invigorating effect. Warm glow lamps - temperature index 2700 Kelvin, will be indispensable, for example, for bedside sconces, in a night light or for LED decorative strips. The yellowish glow calms and relaxes and helps prepare for sleep.

And a little more about the types of lamps for the nursery.

To come to the truth which type of lamps: incandescent, fluorescent or LED for a nursery is better, you can act

One exception. Long fluorescent fluorescent lamps of the old type, that is, those that are used in offices and public places and that flicker when turned on, are definitely not suitable.

The flickering frequency of the lamps is extremely harmful to the eyes of the child.

Compact fluorescent lamps, until recently, were the most preferred for use in children - they are economical, do not get very hot. However, these lamps do not like frequent switching on and off, (and what kid does not like to play with a switch?), They are not dimmable and, as practice has shown, due to the very mediocre Chinese quality, their eyelids were not as long as we would like.

Incandescent lamps are uneconomical, they heat up and heat up the space around them - there is a risk of getting burned.

The most attractive and safe lamp for a nursery, in our opinion, is an LED lamp. With its help, you can reduce energy consumption (adults will like it), you can play as much as you like by flipping the switch, and these lamps are dimmable and have minimal heating. This light bulb cannot be broken, its bulb is made of matte plastic, which, by the way, already gives a soft and diffused light, even if the lamp is not hidden by the shade.

Let's please both the kid and the teenager with light!

Children grow up very quickly, and what was a joy to the baby already, most likely, did not

the teenager will like it. This also applies to lighting in the children's room. If you do not plan to completely change the interior and lighting in the children's room every 5 years, then it is worth making its main components, such as the main lighting in a neutral style, that is, for growth. For the main lighting, choose what will be relevant for your child when he grows up, but in such moments as bedside lamps, table lighting, as well as accessories, you can come off in full and pick up "baby" cartoon images that match his age.

Take care of, at first glance, useless in terms of lighting, but such cute things for a child's heart, such as a starry sky or just a garland of small multi-colored bulbs or, for example, a multi-colored LED strip. They will create a magical world for your child, a certain veil of mystery, fabulousness, which will favorably affect his psycho-emotional state.

Objectives of a game lesson for preschoolers:

  • , rules of safe behavior with household electrical appliances;
  • , imagination and speech; develop the ability to classify household appliances;
  • to support the desire of children to observe the game plot, help the game character, show ingenuity, resourcefulness, and benevolence.

Play equipment:

  • didactic box "Define by touch!";
  • cards with a schematic image of a toy;
  • pictures for the game "The Story of a Light Bulb" (sun, bonfire, torch, candle, kerosene lamp, modern light bulb);
  • sets of counting sticks.

The course of the game lesson

Educator (B). Guys, listen ... Is someone crying?

Suitable for a closed box. The teacher looks into the box.

Guess what I saw in this box:

The sun was shining brightly

But when it was gone

We immediately felt sad

Very gloomy and dark.

Only I am not discouraged -

And I rather turn on the light.

The sun lives in a vase

The vase is pouring wonderful light!

Here it is, magical

The sun is electric!

Who will help us answer,

What kind of vase is shining for us?

Children. This is a lamp! (Children find a model of a light bulb in the box).

V. Light bulb, why are you here? Why are you crying? Guys, what do you think could have happened to this light bulb? (She was lost, she was forgotten, she was left alone, etc.)

Let's ask her herself.

Bulb. Oh, I'm unhappy ... Everyone has forgotten me, abandoned, left .... I lived in a house with a large and friendly family: a girl Anya, a boy Vanya, their mom and dad, grandmother and grandfather. But they really offended me ...

The girl Anya went to kindergarten and was a terrible coward.

V. Children, what do you think, for what could the light bulb take offense at the little girl Anya? (Girl Anya was afraid of the dark, did not turn off the light in the room even during the day).

Guys, are any of you afraid of the dark? What can be terrible in the dark? (You can fall, hit, get hurt; you can be scared of an unfamiliar object, etc.)

Let's try to imagine ourselves in the place of this girl.

Let's play the game "Dark Room".

Target: develop the ability to recognize familiar objects in a darkened room; stimulate the development of visual and tactile perception, develop the ability to correlate a schematic image with an object.

Game actions: recognize the object by touch and name it.

V. Sometimes there is an accident at a power plant, a power line break. People in houses have to do something in the dark. For example, find a candle, matches. Have you ever tried to turn off the lights in the whole house in the evening? How did you feel? what does a person do in this case?

Children. It immediately becomes dark, uncomfortable and even a little scary. You have to walk with your arm outstretched in front of you, so as not to bump into furniture, as if you were blind! Even when your eyes get used to the darkness, you cannot find your favorite toy, read, draw, stumble where you would never have stumbled during the day ... You want to turn on the light as soon as possible.

V. Imagine that you are in a dark room. This box for your hands is a large dark room. There are various items there.

Each of you receives a card that depicts one of the items. You need to feel the same object in this "dark room".

V. Guys, I see you are not afraid of the dark at all! Well done. What can we advise the girl so that the Bulb does not get offended? (Turn on the light only when necessary).

Bulb. Well, guys, is it convenient to play, read, work without light? You understand what an electric lamp is for! (It is needed in order to give light wherever a person is - at home, on the street, in transport and other places).

Ancient people lived in caves and got along without electric light. How did they illuminate their home? (Kostroma). Do you know my ancestors - how did people illuminate their homes at different times?

V. Guys, let's tell the lightbulb her story!

Word Game "The Story of a Light Bulb"

Target: to consolidate children's ideas about the history of the appearance of the light bulb; stimulate the development of coherent speech.

Game actions: pick up cards in accordance with the appearance of the object in people's lives, make a chain and talk about the object.

Material: pictures for the game "The Story of a Light Bulb".

Educator. How was human habitation illuminated before the advent of electric light? Think about the stories you wrote about the history of the light bulb with your parents.

Sample stories of children:

The child puts the first picture “sun”: “Before a person learned to use fire, the only source of light for him was the sun. But when night fell, people were threatened by wild animals that could see well in the dark and could attack a person. If the night caught people in the forest, they might get lost and not find their way home. "

The second picture is a “bonfire”: “When a person learned how to make fire and keep it, the bonfire became for a person both light and warmth in the cave. It burned in the cave, giving both light and heat, and served as protection from predators. "

The third picture is a "torch": “Then people illuminated their homes with torches. This is the most common sliver, only sharpened at the end. Usually a torch was made of birch: this tree burns better than others. One end of the torch was fixed, and the other was lit. There is little light from the torch, it burns out quickly and smokes heavily, it had to be changed often, to make sure that there was no fire. "

Picture “candle”: “People learned to make candles from beeswax that burned longer than a torch. Inside the candle there is a wick made of threads. This very convenient invention is used and today they are often used as New Year's gifts.

What do you think is inconvenient for a candle?

Children. It can burn yourself, it can cause a fire, it smokes, it gives little light.

Picture "kerosene lamp": "Gradually people learned to extract various minerals: coal and oil. Then kerosene lamps appeared, in which you can make the flame stronger or smaller at the request of the owner. It was economical and convenient. The flame became safe behind the glass flask. "

Was the kerosene lamp comfortable? Why?

Children. The kerosene lamp did not light up the room well; it was necessary to constantly pour kerosene into it. If someone accidentally knocked over the lamp, kerosene spilled and a fire broke out.

The picture “light bulb”: “When a man learned about electricity, he invented an electric light bulb. She still illuminates our apartments and streets. Now in our houses there are many different beautiful lamps - which ones do you know? (Chandeliers, sconces, table lamps, floor lamps).

Bulb. Thank you guys, I am so pleased to hear from you! you, it turns out, know a lot about me ...

V. What are you sad again?

Bulb. Many people know about electricity, about my history, but ... they do not feel sorry for me, they do not know how to use it correctly. For example, the boy Vanya had a lot of battery-powered toys. But he broke them all ...

V. Why could the light bulb be offended by the boy Vanya? (When his parents did not see him, Vanya twisted all the light bulbs out of the toys). Guys, why can't you do this? (The toy deteriorates, the light bulb may deteriorate, break, this action is dangerous for children, etc.).

Where else can we find a light bulb?

Game "Where does the Bulb live?"

Target: to consolidate children's ideas about electrical appliances, to stimulate the development of coherent speech.

Game actions: choose pictures depicting objects that have a light bulb, mark its place on the object with the help of a small symbol, explain its purpose.

Material: pictures depicting various objects; red cardboard circle.

V. Find in the pictures only those items that might contain a light bulb. Mark this picture with a red circle. Explain what the light bulb is for in this item.

Free images: refrigerator, table, television, bookshelf, vacuum cleaner, fur coat, telephone, vase, stove, book, iron, carpet, battery operated toys, flashlight, computer, audio tape recorder, radio receiver, turntable, alarm device, mixer, etc.

V. A light bulb is a necessary element of any electrical appliance.

Bulb. Mom in this family works all day at work, but what else does she have to do at home? (Washing, preparing food, cleaning, sewing, etc.)

V. Why could Bulb be offended by Anya and Vanya's mother? (Included electrical appliances at the same time)

Bulb. Guys, do you think you should always use an electrical appliance at home? Can mechanical devices be used? Why?

V. Dear Bulb, we are now going to play with the guys a game "Find the right objects", in which you can participate too!

Find the Matching Items game

Target: to consolidate the ideas of children about the methods of action with various electrical devices, to stimulate the development of mental logical operations, coherent speech.

Game actions: the command "Good" names the positive aspects of using this or that household appliance. The “Bad” command finds negative points in using the same device.

Material: pictures depicting a variety of household appliances and similar household items.

V. Choose from a set of pictures a pair of objects that match each other in action. For example, electric mixer, mechanical mixer, whisk.

Vacuum cleaner - beater, broom;

Refrigerator - storage room, cellar;

Electric kettle - ordinary kettle;

Washing machine - washing board and basin with water;

Dishwasher - kitchen sink;

Toaster - frying pan - barbecue grill, etc.

V. Now do you understand how important the light bulb is in our life? Without her, the whole world would be dark and gloomy. In order for our world to be illuminated by electricity, we must treat it carefully, economically, be attentive, turn off the lights and electrical appliances in time so as not to waste electricity.

Bulb. The dad in this family does not like to fix household electrical appliances. A lot of them have accumulated in the pantry.

V. Guys, can we help him "fix" all the devices?

Game "Put out of sticks»

Target: Exercise children in independent searches for ways to draw up shapes based on preliminary thinking about the solution.

Game actions: compose the contour of the object from the counting sticks in accordance with the proposed silhouette, make assumptions about the transformation of the figure.

Material: sets of counting sticks.

Game progress

V. Look at the picture - what does it look like? (This is a lamp). The dad of these children cannot repair this lamp in any way. Help him arrange the items from the counting sticks correctly. (Perform together).

Now each of you can choose your favorite lamp.

Shows silhouettes of different types of lamps:

Name them.

Children. Floor lamp, sconce, chandelier, table lamp, lantern, etc.

V. Each of you has chosen one of these silhouettes. First, decide what geometric shapes it consists of? then lay out the same lamp yourself from the counting sticks.

Bulb. Well done boys! What different and beautiful lamps you have! Among them there are also new - economical light bulbs. But Ani and Vanya's grandparents do not change old incandescent bulbs for new energy-saving ones.

V. Guys, why do you think? Remember how we in the project explored the differences between a conventional incandescent lamp and an energy-saving one. Let's try to convince the grandparents of the children of the need to replace the old light bulbs.

Game "Finish the sentence"

Target: reinforce children's ideas about ways to save energy; stimulate the development of logical thinking, coherent speech.

Game actions: come up with a variety of answers to the question asked, complete the sentence started by the teacher.

Material: an envelope, cards with questions, unfinished sentences.

Game progress

V. I have an envelope from my grandparents with questions.

The new energy-saving light bulb is better, because ... (Shines longer than a conventional incandescent light bulb, saves energy, less negative impact on nature, etc.)

Mom and Dad replaced the old light bulbs with energy efficient ones because …… ..

Leaving the room you need to turn off the light because ...

Electricity must be conserved because ...

You cannot turn on many electrical appliances at the same time, because ...

If you do not turn off the light day and night, then ...

If electric bulbs suddenly went out in the whole house, then ...

The street lights stopped shining, so ... and so on.

Bulb. You guys are great!

Educator. Guys, we can give this family our instructions on how to handle electrical appliances, how to save electricity that you made together with your parents: “When you leave, turn off the light!”, “Take care of electricity!”, “Make the right choice!”, “Do not light empty rooms! "," Do not turn on many electrical appliances at the same time! " and etc.

When choosing it, you must take into account all the nuances on which it directly depends on how convenient and safe it will be to use the device.

Few people think, but an incorrectly chosen table lamp can easily burn down your house or cripple your child's health. To prevent this from happening, when buying, it is worth knowing the main points and mistakes that are responsible for safety and affect your vision.

An incorrectly selected lamp, except as a hidden instrument of torture, is difficult to name.

Lamp support or base

When choosing, first of all pay attention to the lamp support. It can be of two types:

  • shiny
  • matte

If it is shiny, then such a base reflects most of the light. The light first falls on the leg, and then bounces off you or your child in the eyes.

This severely damages the retina and crystalline of the eye. If you bought such a lamp and use it from 3 to 6 months, every day, for several hours, then vision during this period may drop by several diopters.

Therefore, the base and leg must always be made of matt material.

This will help prevent glare and damage to your eyesight.

By the way, the requirements for a matte surface apply equally to the desktop.

A table lamp and plexiglass or other glass materials cannot be used together.

Body color

When a student or an adult works at a desk for a long time, the bright color of the desk lamp itself is an additional irritant. This makes the eyes even more tense.

As a result, in just six months of such a neighborhood, your eyesight may significantly drop. If a shiny support gives a negative effect right away - work under such lighting for a couple of minutes and then look into the distance, see for yourself.

But the bright, glossy color of the case, for example, the same leg of the support, although it will already be plastic, will affect at least a few months of use.

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Therefore, a good lamp should be neutral in color - gray, beige, dark.

Plus, it shouldn't glare.

Shade shape

In no case should the light bulb in the lighting device be extended beyond the plafond, i.e. stuck out.

In this case, she will definitely "hit in the eyes". Ophthalmologists say that both the lens of the eye and the retina are so tense.

Therefore, in an ideal model, the bulb should be completely hidden in the shade. And the plafond itself has the shape of a trapezoid with wide cone edges.

In this case, the width of the light beam will be approximately 40 degrees. This guarantees optimal illumination, while at the same time ensuring that the light is directed precisely onto the subject, without any effect on your eyes.

There are flat shades that diffuse light well.

These models are great for creating subdued lighting throughout the room, but not for reading or working at a desk.

Visual acuity with such a shade will also decrease, and the eyes will get tired.

Heating temperature

If you have chosen a lamp with a thin plastic shade less than 2mm thick, there is a high probability that it will start to melt after continuous operation for more than 3 hours.

Also, this is affected by the proximity of the location of the bulb itself from the walls of the plafond. And if the case is metal, does the thickness of its walls play a role?

Of course yes! The heating temperature of a thin metal shade can reach such temperatures that you can easily fry sausages or scrambled eggs on the lamp.

Now think about it, because your child's fingers can touch such a red-hot body. What will happen to them?

In fact, this is not a lighting device, but a kind of frying pan. Therefore, buy models made of thick metal or plastic.

The minimum distance between the incandescent lamp and the walls of the plafond should be at least 5 cm.

And the thickness of its walls is more than 2mm.

Glass shade

If the glass of the table lamp is made of poor quality, then the case can simply crack.

Moreover, these fragments will injure you and your children while at the desk.

In addition, such models are easily damaged by simply transferring them from one room to another, or by accidentally hitting them.

And the children's room is also a place for active games and fun for your child.

Light color and power of the light bulb

Ophthalmologists recommend choosing ordinary yellowish bulbs for table lamps.

The point is that our eyes are naturally accustomed to the sun. Therefore, it is this shade that will have a minimal effect on vision.

He is the most natural and natural for all of us.

White color with a slight blueness from energy-saving bulbs will cause not only discomfort, but also be accompanied by intramuscular spasms of the optic nerve, due to flicker imperceptible at first glance.

When it comes to power, always read the instructions. It should be clearly spelled out, how many watts the bulbs can be screwed in for this type of lamp.

It is not uncommon for an overheated light bulb to explode right inside the base.

How much power can you use safely?

For conventional incandescent lamps, this is a maximum of 40-60W.

You do not need to screw 100 watt copies there. Excessive light output can cause irritation and dry eye syndrome.

For LED, power values ​​are in the range from 7 to 11W.

Incorrectly selected angle of incidence of light, height from the surface of the desktop can also lead to:

  • to fatigue
  • retinal dystrophy

If you and your children are right-handed, place the lamp so that it is on your left.

If left-handed - then on the right. This will help avoid obstructing shadows when reading and writing.

The lamp itself should be positioned so that your face is in the shadow of the lamp's light, but no further than 40-50 cm from the book you are reading.

This is regulated by the height and bend of the tripod.

Short specimens below 35 cm will not distribute the luminous flux correctly.

Also remember a very important thing: the presence of a table lamp, no matter how powerful it is, in no way cancels the general light.

That is, a chandelier or spotlights on the ceiling in the room must be lit. This is due to the physiological mechanism of our vision.

When it is dark around, the pupil tends to dilate to "absorb" more light. You turn on the lamp and at this very moment, the eye receives a very bright local beam, which falls directly on the retina.

This leads to irreversible changes. And general lighting:

  • first, constricts the pupil
  • secondly, it allows you to lower the power of the lamp itself

LED desk lamp

Recently, LED models have replaced conventional lamps, which have a number of advantages:

  • more environmentally friendly
  • consume less energy
  • do not contain mercury, unlike energy saving
  • have a huge resource of work - up to 50,000 hours
  • safe for eyes

Luminescent energy savers often blink and flicker, which invariably affects vision problems.

When buying an LED table lamp, you need to clearly understand what tasks you will be using it for. For those who have to read or write a lot on paper, for example a schoolchild or student, lamps with a warm white or just white glow color (3500-5000K) are best suited.

White light is also ideal for office work. It is believed to help you concentrate better and increase productivity.

Therefore, if you are an employer or a boss, and you want your employees not to phile and fall asleep at the table, buy just such models.

But lamps with cold light are useful for working with small details - a watchmaker, a manicurist, an engraver.

In general, here you need to make a choice, you need a lamp for work or "for the soul." With those that are for the soul, everything is much easier.

This is a common decorative element of the interior and you don't need to bother too much about any parameters.

Certain requirements are already being imposed on "working" lamps. When you buy a Led model, you get a lamp with integrated LEDs, i.e. the light source stays with you once and for all.

This means that it is highly desirable that they be provided with additional functionality. After all, you cannot reduce or increase the illumination level by simply replacing a 60W bulb with a 40W bulb, or vice versa, as in conventional models.

Another important point is the dimming function. With it, the light can be made either brighter or dimmer. Most importantly, check that the bulbs are adapted for this function.

In general, correctly chosen modern LED lamps open up many possibilities for you and make your life much more comfortable.