Excommunication from the guards. Getting the mother right is an important step towards weaning. A few words in conclusion

Weaning is a very important moment in the life of mom and baby. It should be a deliberate decision that won't hurt both of you. Breastfeeding provides the baby with a special emotional connection with the mother, so weaning can be very stressful for him. You will learn how to wean your baby from breastfeeding while avoiding problems and helping your baby to quickly switch to regular food.

When to start weaning

Doctors recommended our parents to wean the baby at 11 months. At that time, this was in accordance with the established medical standards. But over time, everything has changed, WHO recommends doing this between one and a half and two years. This is in tune with the old customs, when a child was fed until two or three years old. In different sources, you can see information that will present you with different information, but in reality it all depends on the physiological characteristics of your child.

For her part, every nursing mother can help make the moment of weaning as painless as possible. There are auspicious times to stop feeding and times when it’s best to avoid. In addition, there is also a mother's own instinct, suggesting that the baby is already ready to be left without milk and switch to a variety of feeding.

How to properly wean your baby from breastfeeding

If you do not know how to wean your baby from breastfeeding, do not listen to the advice of those who suggest to do it abruptly. A forced cessation of feeding can turn out to be enormous stress for the baby, therefore it is better to do it gradually so that the baby gradually weaned:

  • You can start by replacing one breastfeeding with complementary foods (porridge, vegetables, dairy products).
  • After a week, replace another feeding - the baby will eat the new food with pleasure, perceiving it with interest.
  • Morning breastfeeding is easy to replace with fermented milk products, they are light, tasty, healthy.
  • The last on the list will be evening feeding, because it also serves as a way to calm and lull the baby.

From night feedings

You can start weaning off nighttime breastfeeding as soon as you introduce complementary foods. This happens around the age of 4-6 months. Since the baby eats well during the day, consumes additional foods, it is no longer necessary to feed at night. The child is unlikely to get hungry at night, but will still wake up due to his formed habit. Therefore, you should understand that the process of weaning off night feeds can take some time.

If the baby is experiencing a certain crisis (he has not seen his mother all day, he has teething or a stomach ache), the presence of the mother next to the crib is simply necessary. The child may want to hold hands, suckle a breast or a bottle. To minimize situations of weaning your baby from breastfeeding, try to be around during the day, giving the baby as much time as possible. This way you will provide the baby with maximum psychological comfort, and he will not have such a pronounced need to see his mother at night.

Weaning options for night feeding:

  • replacement of feeding with warm water;
  • shortening the duration of feeding;
  • increasing the intervals between two feedings;
  • mixture or porridge before bedtime;
  • restriction of access to the breast at night.

From daytime feedings

So that a one-year-old baby does not ask for breast during the day, you need to come up with another interesting activity. It's easy: play with it, distract it with games, books, swinging, etc. When it's time to feed, replace your breast milk with something just as healthy. The food for the crumb can consist of formula milk, vegetable juices, baby kefir or milk diluted with water.

You can try to break the feeding ritual by changing the usual place of the crumbs lunch. The new environment will destroy the usual feeding circumstances and distract from the breast, which will help you quickly switch to a bottle or plate of porridge. If the baby begins to behave aggressively, is capricious, insomnia is observed, he cannot fall asleep without his mother, this may be a signal that you have decided to end breastfeeding prematurely.

Ways to terminate GW

For those who decide to quit breastfeeding, milk production is no longer a necessity. However, even after finishing feeding, you may find that milk is still arriving. The chest will begin to suffer from severe stretching, this will be accompanied by painful sensations. But all the consequences can be minimized so that the end of feeding is painless not only for the child, but also for the mother.

The natural way to stop lactation

Be sure to wear a thick, natural bra. You must not part with it until the milk has disappeared. Alternatively, you can bandage your breasts with an elastic bandage, but be prepared for the painful process. If a lot of milk accumulates in the breast, you can pump a little to reduce pain, and over time, milk will simply cease to be produced in that volume. You can use a breast pump to express until your breasts feel soft. This method will help you end lactation much faster.

Medication method

Modern drugs will help you stop the lactation process, but they can only be used as directed by a doctor, because these are hormonal agents that an experienced specialist can choose correctly. Such tablets are indicated for oral administration, they act on the hypothalamus and stimulate the production of substances that block the appearance of prolactin. They can only be taken in accordance with strict adherence to the instructions. There are also non-hormonal drugs, the course of which lasts a long time, but the side effects are almost not observed.

Traditional methods

If medications are contraindicated for you, the production of breast milk can be stopped with the help of folk remedies: the use of medicinal plants was popular among our great-grandmothers, such methods may be useful to you. Sage copes well with this task, because it contains a substance called phytoestrogen. This is an analogue of the human hormone, which is responsible for the proper functioning of female organs and the production of breast milk.

Sage has a good effect on the state of the body as a whole. The use of herbs helps to significantly shorten the lactation period, reduce unpleasant, painful sensations in the chest area. To enhance the effect of the tincture, you can make special oil compresses and follow a diet. For compresses, take 250 ml of any vegetable oil and mix with two drops of sage, cypress, geranium and mint oil. Moisten cheesecloth in the resulting mixture and apply to your chest. Repeat the procedure every day.

Not sure how to wean a young child from breastfeeding quickly? Take your time, because there are several rules that must not be violated when weaning a baby:

  1. It is better to avoid cessation of lactation in the cold season: the child has a reduced immunity, frequent colds may appear. Only breast milk can provide reliable protection due to the high content of immunoglobulins and antibodies.
  2. Summer is also not the right time, because it is hot outside. There is a risk of infection.
  3. Even if you have already started the weaning process, it is possible to make an exception when the baby is anxious or scared. This will give the baby a sense of security at first.
  4. Even if you want to stop breastfeeding due to the onset of pregnancy, you do not need to leave home, as some advise. This can be stressful for you and your baby.
  5. The period when the baby is sick, his teeth are teething or he was vaccinated, according to experienced mothers, will not be favorable for stopping lactation. Now give the baby as much milk as he asks for in order to calm him down.

If you like the advice of experienced thinking doctors, you can listen to the pediatrician Komarovsky's method. He will tell you how to properly wean your child with minimal problems. His methods are somewhat unconventional and can seem harsh. They fall into two categories: some help reduce lactation, and others show you how to wean your baby from your mother's breast. Watch the video and draw conclusions:

Let's figure out how to wean a child from breastfeeding, in what age range it should be done. We also learn the advice of experienced mothers on how to wean a child from breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding can take years.

Christina, 25: “I believe that the optimal age to stop breastfeeding is about 1, 5 years. My daughter has already gone to kindergarten at this age, so I decided. We did it quite easily. "

Of course, the ideal time to stop breastfeeding is when your baby self-departs from her treat, but few mothers wait until that time.

Statistics show that in recent years, only 50% of women are breastfeeding, and most of them breastfeed for up to 1 year. Only a few keep this priceless product in the second year.

Signs that baby and mom are ready to wean

  1. The birthday baby doubled its weight.
  2. Receives all kinds of complementary foods.
  3. A baby can survive without breast milk for 12 hours or more.
  4. The child does not suck on the pacifier, fingers, bottles.

In order to wean a baby from breastfeeding, there is three ways:

  • separation of mother and child;
  • medical method;
  • planned, gradual, soft.

The "gentle" way of weaning

One of the safest methods in terms of maintaining psychological comfort is systematic weaning.

Weaning of the baby should not be in the following periods: the child is sick, feverish, the baby is teething, the period of vaccination. It is better to wean your baby during the cool season. Cannot be taken away in summer, in hot weather.

How to wean a baby correctly and gradually?

  1. If you have excluded these four points, then you can safely prepare for excommunication. One should start by refusing one feeding. It's better for mom to choose from which one.

    Distract the kid with games, walks in the fresh air. Include dad and grandmother in the weaning process. The child should feel your care, love.

  2. Observe the child for three days. As a rule, giving up one feeding by babies is well tolerated.
  3. After three days, we switch to abandoning two feedings.
  4. And so, gradually, we completely remove the daily feedings.
  5. We will talk about refusal to feed in the evening and at night below.

Do not replace breasts with bottles or nipples. This will not get rid of the baby's urge to suckle. Use cups, sippy cups.

Take your child more often in your arms. Do not undress in front of your child.

Natalia, 30 years old:“When I started weaning my baby, I tried to surround her with care. We walked longer, were distracted by games. "

Of course, it is more difficult to excommunicate when the child is already over a year old, and he understands a lot. On the one hand, it is difficult to explain that "sisu is not allowed", but you can even come to an agreement with some children.

Some mothers smear green tea on the nipple. We can say that my mother's chest "aches" and should not be touched. Also, some women cover the nipple with a tape. I would not recommend this method, since tearing off afterwards is painful and traumatic for the delicate skin of the areola. Not everyone is able to wean from the breast with these "cruel" methods.

How to wean a baby at night?

Probably the worst thing for any nursing mother is the problem of how the baby will fall asleep without breast. After all, most children fall asleep while sucking, as this is a very energy-intensive process. How to wean a child from night feedings? Consider some tips:

  1. Create rituals in which the child will fall asleep - bedtime story, evening kefir, lights off. You can leave a night light, which the baby will specially choose for himself.
  2. Often children like to fall asleep under their mother's lullaby.
  3. Bathe your baby before bed. You can use soothing herbs like chamomile, valerian root.
  4. You can replace the sucking process with motion sickness on your hands, pressing it to your chest.
  5. Try to place your baby separately in your crib. When your baby sleeps with you, he smells milk and will be even more capricious.

If the child begins to eat poorly, rolls severe tantrums, then wait a little with weaning. So, until the baby is ripe for this.

At night, 2 - 3 hours before bedtime, you can feed the baby with porridge, give kefir. Sleep better on a full stomach. Weaning at night is a long process, be patient.

"Pill" against human milk or how to quickly wean a baby from breastfeeding?

If you find it difficult to endure and prepare for a gradual weaning for a long time, but you want to quickly discourage this habit from your baby, then on the modern market there are drugs to suppress lactation as soon as possible.

A prominent representative of this group is the drug Dostinex.

Its action is based on reducing the production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. The drug has a selective effect, does not affect other hormones.

Its disadvantage is side effects, which occur in 70% of cases. These are palpitations, headaches, nausea, vomiting, deterioration in general health, apathy.

This drug is taken 1/2 tablet every 12 hours for two days. The courses are used only for the treatment of disorders associated with excessive production of prolactin.

Elena, 25 years old:“I learned how to stop breastfeeding with Dostinex from my gynecologist. 2 months after giving birth, I had to go to work. One pill solved my lactation issues. True, there was a very strong headache and weakness in the whole body, but this went away in just a couple of days. The milk has disappeared. "

Another drug in this series is Bromocriptine. It also reduces prolactin secretion and suppresses physiological lactation. Unlike Dostinex, it must be drunk as a course. Has more pronounced side effects.

If we compare these drugs from the price point, then Bromocriptine is half the price of Dostinex.

Weaning by separation

This is one of the less enjoyable ways to wean. It consists in the fact that the child is sent to live with his grandmother or other relatives for several days. During this time, the child not only loses his breast, but also does not see his beloved mother. This can cause severe psychological discomfort in the baby and, as a result, stress and latent resentment towards the mother.

Komarovsky E.O .: “When weaning a child from the breast, you can send him to his grandmother for a couple of nights. Nothing wrong with that. So the child will learn to fall asleep without breast. But keep in mind, here you need to look at the degree of attachment of the child to the mother. If you know that your child will not be able to get along with his grandmother and will cry, then you better do not risk it. "

Of course, weaning is stressful not only for the baby, but also for the mother.

A breastfeeding woman may begin to ache and harden.

If you notice a sharp soreness of the mammary gland, redness of the areola area, fever, consult a doctor immediately. Mastitis may develop.

You can cope with these symptoms in the following way:

  • if you feel breast swelling, you can express it manually or with a breast pump until the condition relieves;
  • attach the cabbage leaf for a couple of hours, softening it before that. Better to keep it cold. This will relieve symptoms;
  • you can drink No-shpa or Paracetamol;
  • A warm shower will also help in facilitating the emptying of the breast;
  • gentle massage of the mammary glands from the base to the nipple.

These symptoms occur, as a rule, with a sharp interruption of lactation. Therefore, gradual withdrawal of breastfeeding is recommended.

To prevent a lot of milk from arriving, you often do not need to express yourself. It is necessary to do this only with severe pain syndrome and swelling of the glands.

Weaning is a complex multi-step process that both mom and dad should be involved in. The most important thing is for the child to feel your care and love. Do not scold your baby if he is crying or naughty at the moment in his life. Remain calm and the question of how to wean will be decided soon.

The long New Year's holidays, which the whole family spends at home together, often become the last straw that makes the mother think about weaning the baby. In these days, dad, grandparents, acquaintances who come to visit, usually see a walker "hanging" on his chest, usually disappearing at work, and this picture is at odds with their ideas about the correct upbringing of children. But before you decide on a crucial step, you should carefully weigh everything.

Weaning between a year and two: weighing the pros and cons

If someone decides to wean a baby before the age of two, then the task is not an easy one. Perhaps this is the most difficult time to stop feeding, because, on the one hand, the baby really needs breast, on the other, it can already insist on its own.

Attempts at weaning can meet with sharp resistance from the child or cause stressful reactions, because most children aged from one to two years have a need to kiss their mother's breast several times a day. Over time, this need becomes less. But over time.

The need exists regardless of whether the mother is going to satisfy her or not. This is a property of a child, not a mother, and a mother, by her willful decision, cannot make this need simply pick up and disappear. She will not go anywhere simply from the fact that mom decided not to feed. And if the mother refuses to satisfy this need, she begins to manifest itself in some other areas, most often with various neuroses, obsessions, whims, hysterics, sucking on various objects and other things in the same spirit. If a mother satisfies this need in a natural way, she gradually leaves. For example, most mums notice that the number of feeds decreases dramatically around the age of two.

At the same time (if the child is not yet ready to leave) even an attempt at weaning can have a very negative effect on the life of the family, significantly spoil the family climate. So, having gathered to excommunicate a child after a year, first of all, it is worth deciding why exactly the mother decided to go to excommunication.

Try to write the problem you are concerned about on a piece of paper. For example, this is a lack of sleep. Count how many hours a day you sleep in general. Write down possible solutions. You can sleep with your child during the day when he sleeps (rather than trying to do the cleaning or cooking). You can transfer childcare to your husband or relatives who are ready to help for a certain time, while you can rest at this time, and so on.

Weigh it well if you wish to wean the baby altogether or if you would be happy with a reduction in the number of feedings. In any case, the preferred course of weaning implies that the process proceeds gradually, under the control of the mother. And a sensitive mother at any stage can stop him or take a step back, if this is prompted by considerations of health and morale of herself and the baby. When the child is already ready for weaning, it can be carried out forcibly, in a few days; but if you only think about it against the background of frequent attachments, gradual weaning will take several months.

What not to do when excommunicated

Maybe Mom can handle the weaning smoothly and gently. But it also happens that at some point the child begins to resist - this will happen if the pace taken by the mother is too fast for him. If at such moments the mother "squeezes" the baby, continuing to act according to her own plan without taking into account his reaction, then the most likely answer is a rapid rollback, when, under fear of breast deprivation, the baby "hangs" on her even more than before. Therefore, with a brightly negative reaction of the child, it is better to stop, giving the baby more time to adapt, than to risk the entire path passed.

Don't set specific deadlines and even more so do not choose a specific date when the child will already be weaned. If you have already tuned in, and the baby is not yet ready, someone will certainly remain unhappy, and the termination of feeding should still occur by agreement of both parties.

You can not wean a baby from a breast if he sick or recovering from illness; if a child's life occurs major changes- moving, entering kindergarten, mom goes to work. If such a situation is planned, then weaning should occur several months earlier or later, so that the total volume of changes occurring simultaneously does not become too difficult for the child's psyche.

Do not deny the child in the breast if he clearly suffered a bright shock or emotional stress: hit, scared, mom was not at home for an unusually long time, and so on.

One popular tip for faster weaning is departure... But if the child is not used to being separated from his mother, then the disappearance of both mother and breastfeeding at once can have a very bad effect on the baby's condition. And when mom returns, the baby can demand her attention even more persistently.

Nipple smearing something bitter (mustard) or frightening (brilliant green) can burn or irritate the delicate skin of the chest. And for the child, this can cause a lot of stress. For your baby, the breast is the personification of confidence, calmness and kindness, and the "trouble" that happened to the breast can turn the child away from the mother and shatter his ideas about the reliability of the home world.

On the dangers of stopping lactation with the help of medications quite a lot is known today. I will only add: when the child is about one and a half years old, the assumption that it is enough to drink a few pills and the child will stop feeding are completely not justified. A baby of this age lays on the breast not in order to get milk, but first of all in order to get mother's love. And just the lack of milk will not chill him. At the same time, sucking on a breast, in which there is almost no milk, gives the mother more unpleasant sensations than sucking on a milk breast. Therefore, my mother's task is not to "remove milk", but to reduce the number of attachments of the child. Milk production will decrease according to the attachments by itself.

If mom tries to replace night feeds bottle of milk or sweetened water, it can lead to baby tooth decay. Therefore, if you need something to replace night feedings, then use plain water.

Finally, there is no need to be overlooked the condition of the child and his own... If the baby shows signs of stress (stutters, restlessly sleeps and wakes up often at night, doesn’t “stick off” from mom during the day, bites - especially if this has not happened before), this means that feeding cessation is progressing too quickly for the baby. And if the mother herself feels very tired, nervous, her breasts are very full, it means that the weaning is going too fast for her.

If you realize that weaning has negative consequences for some of you - take a step back, return those feeds that you refused the last! Believe me, the baby's nerves and your own are more valuable than the two weeks that you “lose”.

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Up to a year, you just need to quit GW.

the best age for weaning, in my opinion, is 1.5 years

My sister weaned my nephew a year, no problems arose. But we were artificial. And they did not know what the problem was to tear the baby off the breast.

I already want to wean. It becomes unbearable. Not only did he climb into bed with us, but he also wakes up every hour at night. Ask for a breast, but not eat, but just hold it in your mouth. To be sure, it seems that my mother will not run away from him. I just want to sleep at night! P.S. we are almost 10 months old.

And here I'm not ready. Small may have thrown. Murashik is one and three years old. He's my last, so I want to prolong all the delights of motherhood.

And we are 8 months old ... what do you think? is it time to wean from the breast?

Comment on the article "How to wean a baby: 8 mistakes mothers make"

Will it be easier ?. Breast-feeding. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition Will it be easier? Section: Breastfeeding (does it happen that children sleep worse after the abolition of gv). She herself abruptly abandoned GW even before ...

Breastfeeding: Tips for Increasing Lactation, Feeding on Demand Try to feed always after sleep, always before sleep, and always give both breasts for Weaning: folk omens. Breastfeeding is a special period in life ...


Of course, 6 months. - very little. From 3 months it is already possible to give juices, from 4 months there are mashed potatoes. Read the age on the jars. From 5 months already a large selection of mashed potatoes begins.

I could not excommunicate, although I really needed it: I went to work for a full day at 4.5 months of Vatrushka, since my dad was at home with her until 9 months old, I fed in the morning, came at lunchtime, in the evening and fed all night, so 3 months, then I was exhausted by the hourly feedings at night and we decided to slowly turn off - by that time Vatrushka was already 7.5 and she was perfectly eating complementary foods.

First I removed the daytime feedings, then the evening feedings, and last but not least, nighttime feedings, for everything about all 3 weeks we needed, dad laid in the evening, 3 days with a fight, on the 4th excellent, since then my daughter sleeps all night in her room, in her crib, slept with us before weaning.

Yes, I forgot, my daughter did not recognize and still does not recognize bottles, nipples.

So the summary: try to supplement at least up to 6 months, intensively introducing complementary foods, although maybe you have a normal re who recognizes the bottle? :)))

good luck anyway!

How to wean a baby from breastfeeding? (continuation). When is weaning a baby contraindicated? If you have made the decision to wean a baby between the ages of 1 and 2, you must proceed consistently.


It seems to you that the further is more difficult.
While the child needs milk, it's great that he easily falls asleep at night and wakes up only a couple of times. After weaning, it is unlikely that it will become easier to fall asleep and it is possible that you will wake up more often, only it will become more difficult to calm down without GW. This is all, of course, if the child is not yet ready for weaning.
Then it will grow up and fall off by itself. I would not excommunicate at this age, you will definitely not sleep better

gradually replaced the night ones with kefir.
at first she offered a bottle of kefir, then, if it didn’t roll, a breast. And so every time. Then, too, with evening feeding. Or vice versa - wait, I don’t remember

Weaning pace. Breast-feeding. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness I have my first experience of weaning ... Do you think the child's temperature can rise, well, from stress?


Take care of yourself too - find something to do for pleasure, 15 minutes according to the number of previous feedings) Good luck!

I read an article on "Motherhood.ru", it says that if you wean off early, the baby can become seriously ill within six months. I was excommunicated at the age of 2 due to the fact that I became pregnant, and it seems that I endured everything normally. And I advise you to read the article.

Section: Weaning (when ovulation may begin after weaning the baby). Before weaning, the child did not eat anything except breast milk, it was with great difficulty that I managed to wean a child from one to two years.


We left for a week to two years. We are now 2 years and 11 months old and I am in my fourth month of pregnancy. And my period began the next day after weaning (it coincided, and before that we fed very little - only at night and at night)

I became the second at exactly 2.2. Even without weaning. I would have fed both of them now, if I had not thundered to the hospital at 4 months of pregnancy.

Weaning. Breast-feeding. Questions to weaned mothers: Please tell us how babies who have been weaned behave in What does a 2-year-old baby eat per day? Just give an example of your diet, and I'll translate that into ...


Len, here are the points for you :)
1.wakes up 1 time, max. 2, to pee - and immediately climbs back into bed and falls asleep. Itself, without any persuasion, etc. If she drank a little at night, she can sleep until the morning.
2.see item 1. you can still sing songs, stroke the back, hold the handle, and so on.
3. in different ways. then I just hold the pen and after 5 minutes I cut it down, or even I read books for hours. It depends. some are simply left in the crib and the child falls asleep by himself. We haven't gotten to that yet.
4. we fell asleep and so with others, so - but most likely, yes.
5. 10 o'clock at night, 1-2 o'clock in the afternoon.
6. they eat food :))) but my appetite does not complain. And in spite of the fact that I ate a lot even with the Guards, with which the cancellation began to eat even more. The adult portions are practically. yes, in the morning he immediately asks for porridge. Because he does not eat at night (and at night it was a very breast. Much earlier).
Sour milk is good. You can give kefir. Milk is not super necessary, although she can start drinking it - mine is still at the guards, almost did not drink it, and now she drinks a lot. (I only dilute it twice, otherwise my tummy hurts) porridge is actually possible on water, but it tastes better with milk. I'm making Nordic oatmeal. This is in the morning. For lunch - soup or something meat or fish with a side dish (potatoes, pasta, rice, buckwheat ...). Dinner is about the same as for lunch, but you can do it without meat. afternoon tea - cottage cheese or yogurt, cookies. Well, drinking in tech. of the day - juice, compote, milk, kefir, water. Fruit in breaks or for an afternoon snack or for lunch-dinner-breakfast. In general, as you can see, the adult menu - and our portions are also adults, sometimes it eats more of me, wherever everything fits ...

I left myself at 1.5 years old, when at 20 weeks of pregnancy the milk gradually disappeared. Immediately I began to fall asleep easily, I did not accustom myself to reading on purpose - so as not to enslave myself. That is, he holds the hand (and often without it, I just sit next to him) and falls asleep. At night he wakes up to pee and immediately falls asleep (he doesn't even really wake up ... either I come to cry, or he comes to us, if we don't hear, I put it on a pot, push it on the bed and put it off ... twice a night, then closer to the morning he refuses to fall asleep so easily, or falls asleep and immediately wakes up - I come to sleep in his room, but on another bed - for some reason I categorically stopped sleeping with me - slept with me on GV. milk (200-300 ml), for lunch, mashed vegetables and meatballs or the like (homogenized, otherwise it chews for a very long time), a few cookies or 1-2 fruits on the bed, 200 g of agusha cottage cheese for dinner, sometimes I add French puree or varenitsa. ”Often it happens that some meal is missed - put quite thin, although at the same time it moves a lot.

In my experience, during the day of such a large child, it is quite possible to distract from the desire to suck a sissy immediately. Sometimes it was possible to distract at all, sometimes - so that I could finish the job and took the sisya not immediately, but after a while, usually up to 2.5 years - no more than 0.5-1 minutes. If she asks sisya from hunger, she tried to give sisya for a couple of minutes, and immediately take food (if she immediately offered food to the hungry, she could throw a tantrum - "no! Sisya!") If she hit or something hurts, she gave sisya immediately without conversations. In general, if you behave calmly and naturally, then somehow by itself the number of daily feedings begins to gradually decrease. She also very actively demanded breasts if I took a motionless position, especially if she was bored (for example, I work at the computer). But even here you can try to keep her busy with something (for example, I have adapted to include a cartoon on a small screen when I work at a computer) or try to take a fixed position less often (say, cut down on phone conversations during the day or talk on the phone while moving).

The amount of "adult" food eaten at this age, in my opinion, does not depend on how often the baby sucks. My daughter now eats no more than she ate before giving up her breast. And, by the way, he also eats everything in large quantities at his grandmother's or at a party, and at home - as a bird will bite and run. Mom even told me that I probably don't have time to feed the children, since they are hungry all the time :) They just go to her house - they immediately run to the kitchen, even if they ate before leaving the house :) Many friends say that their children they eat much better away than at home.
My sister's daughter is generally small, she eats only milk (cow) and a little dairy products. When at 2 years old she ate her breasts endlessly and almost nothing but her, my sister also thought that if we weaned her, it would be better to eat. But she still doesn't eat almost anything :) (she's already 5 years old).
And my friend’s son didn’t want to eat his chest (and left it at 9 months old), and now it’s good if he ate a couple of spoons and 1-2 chips in a day. And that's all :) He doesn't eat at a party either. Skinny, like a kashchi, but almost not sick at all and very mobile :).

If there is no dystrophy, the child is developing normally, then do not worry. Most likely, what she eats is enough for her. Everyone has their own metabolism. And if she lived with her grandmother, then she would soon stop eating there too :)))

I could not wean for a long time ... Until I got to the hospital for a week
(in October 2003 - Dima was 2g 8months). Before that, there was no prospect of excommunication ..... It seems to me that if the child does not abandon himself, there are two ways out - to give the child (to grandmothers, aunts, etc.) or where to go; time - 4-7 days

Breast-feeding. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and Look at other discussions: Weaning in ten days. How to wean a baby from breastfeeding? (continuation of the continuation).


We are also allergic, weaned at 1.9 (I went to work part-time at 7 months, full-time at a year and a half - feeding was not a problem). I also had thoughts to quit feeding about a year or so (the doctors insisted that it was easier to keep track of the child's current diet than his mother's and child's, and I was already getting stupid from all these doctors and from a two-month terrible diet (buckwheat, black bread , green vegetables and turkey are all I could eat), which I planted health for myself and which in the end turned out to be unnecessary) - I am very glad that I did not. I finished feeding Toko when there was almost no milk and Zhenya ate little, and I think that it would be possible to feed more. But my husband insisted very strongly, right up to the divorce: - ((((((((((((((I shouldn't have succumbed ...
And you are such crumbs, do not worry about work, this is all very solvable and feed further :-)

I think it's too early for you to leave, work is not a hindrance to feeding (I was feeding until a year and a half, now I think that it could have been longer) - of course, it was hard, because it was impossible to get enough sleep at night (mine woke up not 5-6, but 10-12- .. times a night), but nevertheless, work and feeding could be combined for more than six months, and even in children. the child went to the garden, while still breastfeeding (3 months. she still ate me, after she went to the garden)
It seems to me that you can try to reduce the daytime feedings, and leave the nighttime feeds in full. True, we did not have such a number - i.e. She was pretty tolerable without a breast all day, if I was not around - but as soon as I appeared in sight, she began to demand what I wanted :)
In general, think carefully - winter is ahead, it's time for infectious diseases and colds, maybe you will still be able to combine work and feeding, and round out by spring?

Breastfeeding a baby is a very touching moment of the unity of mother and child. We can endlessly talk about the importance of this process, but sooner or later the moment comes when it is time to stop breastfeeding. It is very important for both the mother and the baby to correctly complete the lactation process. What options exist and how to make the right choice - you will find out by reading our article.

Possible methods of weaning

If you decide that it is time to stop lactation and wean your baby, there are three ways to do this:

  1. "Soft" weaning- This method is based on the gradual reduction of breastfeeding until complete cessation. Requires patience from mom and some time for smooth weaning.
  2. Taking hormonal drugs- after taking special pills in the body, the production of the hormone prolactin, which is necessary for the formation of breast milk, stops. This method is not suitable for all women, has many side effects and requires consultation with a gynecologist.
  3. "Babushkin" or folk method- you leave home for a while, and leave the baby to a close family member. This method can scare your toddler and put him under stress.

The best way: how to wean a baby naturally

In recent years, more and more modern mothers choose "soft" and gradual weaning from breastfeeding.
This is not at all surprising, because it is this method that allows you to maximally smooth out the stress state in a baby without a mother's breast, and for the female body to reduce the appearance of mastitis and lactostasis to zero. Let's find out what the essence of this method is.

How long does weaning take in a "soft" way?

It takes a month and a half to wean a baby from the breast in a natural way - about one week at each stage. Let's consider them in more detail.

Main stages

Breastfeeding counselors have divided the soft weaning process into four stages:

  1. At the very beginning, you should exclude all attachments of the baby to your breast without the purpose of further falling asleep. If during the day the child tries to crawl under the shirt on his own, you should in every possible way distract him from this activity. Go on a visit, to the park, look at colorful illustrations in books, draw - think of any activities that will distract the "lover of mother's sissy."
  2. The next step is to replace feeding after waking up from a nap. At this stage, you will again come to the rescue of the distraction of the child's attention.

    Keep an interesting book or toy close at hand that will appeal to him. Remind your child that they are going to have fun adventures and start the program right away when they wake up. Starting from one and a half years of age, you can try to negotiate with children.

    Explain that you will not breastfeed. Do not raise your voices, do not hit on the hands and do not punish the baby for trying to get the mother's breast so familiar to him. Gently, but persistently, refuse him, take the children's hands away from your shirt and switch the child's attention to other things.
  3. The next step is to teach your baby to fall asleep without the help of the breast. Here you will be helped by the creation of rituals for the night and the help of loved ones. Creating bedtime rituals is a daily repetitive activity that will precede falling asleep in the evening.

    This can be reading a book together, bathing in the bath, watching a cartoon - in general, any quiet and calm actions, after which the baby will know that he will soon be sleeping.
    The creation of such rituals has a calming effect on the children's nervous system, because the baby is already consciously preparing for the actions that he has already mastered well. It is the routine execution of actions at the same time that develops a feeling of habit in the baby.

    As an option for falling asleep without a breast - help from loved ones. Dad or grandmothers can prepare him for bed - take a bath, change into pajamas, sing a lullaby and stay close until the baby is overshadowed by sleep. Not seeing his mother, he will not be nervous because of the lack of breasts before going to bed, so falling asleep should go more calmly.

    If falling asleep is possible only with the mother, then lie down next to the child, kiss, stroke, hug - let him feel that the absence of a breast does not mean that the mother is not there. Remember to wear tight T-shirts or even golf when weaning you from breastfeeding - such clothing will not provoke additional interest in your breasts.

  4. The final stage is to remove night feedings. If your child is used to waking up several times at night to drink his mother's milk, now the most important thing for you is not to breastfeed.
    Take the awakened baby in your arms or put it next to you and put him back to bed. A bottle of water or milk sometimes helps to replace breasts at night, but control the amount of fluid you drink at night.

    Over time, as soon as the baby wakes up, do not rush to immediately put a bottle of drink in his hands - try to give him the opportunity to learn to fall asleep on his own. If you cannot immediately completely remove breastfeeding at night, do not despair.

    Gradually shorten the time the baby stays under the breast, replace this process with drinking water, or have daddy come up to him at night. As a rule, after 2-3 nights, the baby will stop demanding his mother's breast at night, and each time his sleep becomes calmer and stronger - to the delight of his parents.

Important! Do not give your baby sugary drinks, compotes and other goodies in a bottle as a substitute for night breastfeeding. The child will like their taste and he will specially wake up at night in order to drink them, in addition, do not forget that sugar destroys the thin tooth enamel in children.

Video: how to wean a baby

The benefits and harms of the fashion for mom and child

It is difficult to find disadvantages using the "soft" weaning method. The gradual decrease in the number of lactations to the breast triggers a decrease in the level of prolactin to the blood, which leads to the natural extinction of lactation.

For the baby, this process is also painless - interest in mother's breast is replaced by other interesting things, gradually and gently, mother's milk first fades into the background, and then disappears altogether.

The only drawback is that not every mother is able to resist the cry of her baby. But don't give up, especially if you've noticed progress in this matter. If a quick result is important to you and you do not have time to organize a gradual weaning from the breast, then there is another way - with the help of hormonal drugs to stop lactation.

Did you know? After the completion of lactation, a minimum amount of milk can be stored in the female breast for six months, this is due to the restructuring of the body. In this case, the most important thing is not to express it, so as not to provoke the production of new portions of breast milk.

Can a baby be weaned from the breast with medication?

Medical termination of lactation should be used in rare cases when it is necessary to abruptly stop the production of milk by the female body.

Medicines should be prescribed exclusively by obstetricians-gynecologists and only after personal consultation. It is important to understand that this method is based on interference with the woman's hormonal system, which carries certain risks.

Basic principles

The action of drugs that suppress lactation is based on slowing down and stopping the production of certain hormones, among which the hormone prolactin plays a special role - it is he who is responsible for the quantity and quality of milk produced.

Bromocriptine and cabergoline are active substances that are capable of making such serious changes in the work of the hormonal system of a nursing woman.

Potential risks and side effects

First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications to the use of these drugs:

  • cardiovascular insufficiency;
  • high blood pressure;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • renal failure;
  • Raynaud's syndrome;
  • postpartum psychosis;
  • individual intolerance to the components contained in the preparations.

Taking drugs based on bromocriptine or cabergoline very often causes the appearance of side effects, including: nausea, dizziness, sudden surges in blood pressure, cramps in the abdominal cavity, convulsions, vomiting, headaches, decreased vision, heart rhythm disturbances, irritability, lethargy, etc. sleepiness.

It should be noted that the simultaneous intake of alcohol, as well as some antibiotics and drugs to suppress lactation, can increase the manifestation of adverse reactions.
Interfering with hormone production in the body can lead to hormonal disruptions after lactation stops. Often, after taking bromocriptine-containing drugs, women complained of breast lumps, which soon turned into mastitis or even mastopathy.

Important! If your baby does not want to calm down and constantly cries without your breast, then perhaps his nervous system is not yet ready for weaning. If possible, postpone the cessation of lactation for several months. Thus, you will not injure the baby's psyche, and also save your nerves.

How to wean a baby from the breast the "grandmother's way"

A few decades ago, this method of weaning was considered the norm, and nursing mothers saw no other way but to leave home and leave the baby with someone close to her.

Video: folk ways to end lactation

The essence of the separation method

You will have to leave home for a while so that the baby does not see you and does not ask you to suck on the breast. Over time, he will wean himself from this need and forget about his mother's sis. When mom gets home, he will no longer crawl under the shirt.

Should I use the method: advantages and disadvantages

This method can be called the most stressful for the child. Not seeing mom and her breasts with delicious milk, the baby is unlikely to think about something else. The period without a mom will be very stressed. The consequences of a long separation from the closest person can remind of themselves for a long time.

For a nursing mother, this method is no less difficult and dangerous - on the one hand, experiences and stress from separation from the baby, on the other hand, breast overflowing with milk, which can be very painful. This method of weaning often causes lactostasis.

When to wean a child: should we wait for involution?

Involution of lactation (involution of the mammary gland) is a natural process in the body of a nursing mother, when, with a decrease in the number of attachments to the breast or with a complete cessation of breastfeeding, the glandular tissues are converted into fatty tissues in the mammary glands.
In other words, the breast is "rebuilt" in its previous form. Most often, the involution of lactation occurs in the period from 2 to 3 years. At this age, children no longer need their mother's milk so badly, their diet is varied, and the range of interests expands significantly.

The amount of milk produced by the female body becomes less and less, and gradually this process stops. Some mothers believe that after a year of breastfeeding, there is nothing useful in milk, they say, milk becomes like water.

But this is not at all the case. The composition and appearance of breast milk do change over time - at the very beginning it is sweeter and fattier, and closer to two years old it is more watery. Such changes are due to the adaptation of milk to provide the growing body with the necessary nutrients.
It has been proven that after a year it contains significantly more immunoglobulins, fats, trace elements and other active components necessary for the full development of the nervous system and intelligence in a child. Such completion of breastfeeding, according to modern pediatricians and mammologists, is the most correct for both the baby and the female body as a whole.

Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) unanimously declare that in the first six months of a baby's life, his only food is exclusively breast milk. Continue breastfeeding, but taking into account the timely introduction of complementary foods and with a gradual expansion of the diet - it is recommended up to two years.

Above this age - at the request and ability of the mother. A long lactation period has several undoubted advantages - a stronger immune system in a child and prevention of breast cancer and hormonal imbalances in his mother.

Mom's opinion

What is your mother's opinion about long-term breastfeeding? In fact, feeding up to two or more years is not easy. Cessation of lactation is often associated with reasons beyond the control of a nursing mother.

Taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs, health problems, the need to send the baby to a nursery, repeated pregnancy - all these factors significantly reduce the possibility of prolonged lactation. Do not forget that this process affects the skeletal system, the condition of the hair and nails of a woman.

Many mothers find that over time they start to get tired of breastfeeding. The once touching process of oneness with the baby begins to be inappropriate, annoying and only annoying. Such a reaction can be a signal from the body that it is time to complete breastfeeding, and how to know if the baby is ready for weaning - you can find out further in our article.

Video: when to wean a baby

How to understand that a baby does not need a breast: clear signs

Observing the behavior of her child, an attentive mother may notice some signs by which it becomes clear that lactation can be stopped:

  1. The teeth erupted, and the baby learned to chew solid food.
  2. The toddler does not suck on his fingers, bottom sponge, or other objects.
  3. There is at least one feeding, an "adult" meal adapted for the baby.
  4. If the baby wants mom's breast, it is easy to distract him with a book, toy or other action.
  5. Your baby may fall asleep without your breast or her presence nearby.
  6. The kid easily tolerates separation from his mother.
  7. Waking up at night, the child can fall asleep again without latching.
  8. You breastfeed no more than three times a day.

In order for a mother to make such an important decision about stopping lactation, it is important to listen to her own inner feelings and emotions.
If you have doubts about the correctness of the decision, do not rush, try to return to this issue in a month or two, because only a mother, like no one else, knows what exactly will be useful and necessary for her baby.

Weaning from breastfeeding: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

If you turn this question to the main expert on child health, Dr. Komarovsky, then his advice on stopping breastfeeding is extremely simple. He invites his mother to leave for a few days, and entrust the care of the child to her grandmother or husband.

Thus, having lived two or three nights without mother's milk, the baby will forget about his need for it. It is possible that after the mother returns home, the baby may try to crawl under the clothes in search of breasts, so it is very important to immediately stop these attempts and divert his attention to other interesting things.

Video: how to wean a baby from breastfeeding In order to stop the production of milk in the female body, you can take special pills, which will help the attending gynecologist to help you.

Did you know? There are folk remedies available to reduce milk production. For example, drinking sage tea - it contains phytoestrogen, which affects the production of prolactin, but is much "milder" than its medicinal counterparts.

When choosing a method of weaning from breastfeeding, do not forget about the psychological comfort for your baby. Abruptly stopping lactation will negatively affect the baby's nervous system and may also harm your health. Follow your intuition and the recommendations of modern doctors, and this process will be smooth and painless.

Weaning a baby from breastfeeding is an important step in the relationship between mom and baby. How to carry it out correctly and prevent negative consequences? Are there any peculiarities of weaning before a year and after, for medical reasons? What should be mom's tactics? Features of weaning children of different ages in the recommendations of breastfeeding consultants.

The question of stopping breastfeeding over time arises before every mother. But its importance is underestimated. According to psychologists, too harsh actions of a woman in this situation can lead to negative changes in the formation of the child's personality. A significant process of stuttering in children, mental disorders, and nervous states is associated with emergency weaning at a "conscious" age.

The best practice recommended by the World Breastfeeding Organization La Leche Liga is “gradual, loving” weaning. It allows you to keep the baby's psyche stable and not harm the female body.

Probable dates

The optimal period when a woman can stop breastfeeding is when the child reaches the age of two. This is stated by the World Health Organization in its recommendations for breastfeeding. Mom's milk will be useful for the baby in the future if you keep feeding for up to three or more years. However, it is during this period that changes occur in the life of the mother and the baby that require correction of habits: the woman goes to work, the crumbs enter the kindergarten.

Why is it important to feed a baby up to two years old?

  • Milk remains an important supplier of valuable substances... It still contains a lot of protein, enzymes, trace elements and vitamins. In the second year of life, the composition of breast milk is enriched with vitamins A and K. They are necessary for the development of tissues of the eyes, skin, hair, and prevent bleeding. The level of iron rises, excluding the development of anemia.
  • Immunity is maintained by breastfeeding for 2.5 years... It has been proven that maintaining breastfeeding allows the baby to gain strong immunity, which is fully developed by the age of six. Until that time, babies get sick less and tolerate diseases easier than artificial ones.
  • Reduces the frequency of allergic reactions... Babies who have received breast milk for at least 12 months are less likely to develop food allergies. This relationship has been confirmed by WHO research.
  • Correct bite is formed, speech... Babies begin to talk earlier than artificial babies. This is due to the training of the muscles of the soft palate involved in the sucking process. Long-term feeding helps to eliminate malocclusion, ensures the normal development of the facial skeleton and muscles.
  • The development of the child is appropriate for his age... Babies rarely have problems of lack or excess weight. A stable psychological state helps to better adapt to life in a team.

Other terms of weaning can be formed by life circumstances, necessity.

  • Up to six months. Breastfeeding for up to six months is vital for your baby. It is breast milk that provides his body with 100% of the necessary substances. Weaning is not permissible solely at the request of the woman, but it can be carried out for medical reasons: in case of illness of the mother with the use of medicines incompatible with feeding. Or in the case of a child's illness, when it is impossible to stay with the mother. But in each situation, it is recommended to maintain lactation by expressing, which in the future will allow to establish breastfeeding.
  • Up to a year. According to the American Association of Pediatrics, during this period, breastfeeding for up to a year provides up to 75% of the essential nutrients for the baby's health. Complementary feeding is not considered a substitute for the main food, which continues to be mother's milk, but its supplement.
  • Up to one and a half years. Experts from the American Association of Pediatrics recommend maintaining feeding for up to a year or longer if there is a mutual consent of the mother and child. If a woman cannot or does not want to feed further for some reason, she has the right to think about how to wean the baby from the breast, and do it without the risk of significant damage to the health of the baby.
  • Up to two years of age and older... According to the WHO, the period of natural involution (cessation) of lactation is the age of a child of 4.2 years. But usually it occurs earlier - in the period of 2.5 years. This age is optimal for weaning.

It is believed that the older the baby is, the more difficult it is to wean him. Indeed, at the age after a year, he already understands what exactly his mother is depriving him of. However, it is unacceptable to stop breastfeeding in advance in order to "protect his psyche." The sooner you finish breastfeeding your baby, the more harm you will do.

Action tactics

Recommendations on how to wean from breastfeeding take into account the age of the baby and the accompanying circumstances. The most difficult thing is to act if such a need arose suddenly. It can be associated with a woman's hospitalization or her urgent departure. In this case, it is important to ensure that the child is fed with a high-quality adapted formula and pay attention to his own health.

Unfortunately, breast diseases are associated with early termination of lactation. Emergency cessation of breastfeeding causes a high incidence of mastitis and increases the risk of breast cancer by 4%. A woman should definitely consult a doctor and choose a safe tactic of action.

  • Use medication as a last resort! Hormonal and sedative medications worsen a woman's overall well-being and create negative side effects. Only a doctor should prescribe their intake and dosage! If you have been prescribed lactation pills, clearly discuss with your doctor if there is a real need to take them. Safe completion of lactation in the vast majority of cases occurs without medication.
  • Don't overtighten your chest... It is enough to wear a tight bra that will fix the painful breasts. The imposition of a tight bandage is not permissible, as it contributes to the blockage of the milk ducts and the development of mastitis.
  • Express your chest... Do this as needed if your breasts are painfully full. In the first days, pumping will be required several times, then less often. Expect milk to stay in your breast for up to three months or longer.
  • Use folk remedies... Herbal infusions of sage, chamomile and mint help to reduce discomfort, which slightly reduce milk production. Apply cold compresses to the chest, cabbage leaves also help, they relieve swelling well.

If a small amount of fluid is released from the mammary glands with pressure several months after the end of feeding, this is not a cause for concern. Normally, this can last up to several years. A doctor should be consulted if milk spontaneously leaks three months after lactation ends.

Up to a year

The question of how to stop breastfeeding for up to a year requires the most balanced approach. According to La Leche Liga expert Natalia Gerbeda-Wilson, a woman needs to do everything possible to keep lactation in the future. The reason for refusal to breastfeeding cannot be the mother's exit to work. Milk can be expressed and stored to provide the full amount of milk to the baby.

Breastfeeding should not be stopped if the baby:

  • is sick . Replacing natural food with artificial can aggravate his condition;
  • learns a new skill, gets nervous... Weaning is allowed only in a state of emotional calmness of the baby;
  • refuses breast... Periods of "strike" are temporary and are triggered by the use of pacifiers, a woman's refusal to feed at night, or occasional breastfeeding. It is necessary to remove provoking factors and continue feeding.

If there is an objective need, you should adhere to the tactics of smooth weaning, with a gradual replacement of milk with a mixture.

  • Get help from your family... If the child refuses to take the bottle from your hands, ask dad and grandmother to feed him.
  • Reduce the frequency of feedings... Complete weaning will take time, but the tactic of smooth actions will allow you to avoid the development of lactostasis, mastitis. Take out the first day "snacks" from time to time. Feedings before bed and at night will be the last to go, as the baby values ​​them above all else.
  • Pay attention to your child... Weaning is a huge stress on the baby. To minimize its consequences, do not reduce the time of communication with the child, more often take him in your arms, create conditions for bodily contact. The baby should feel that the mother's love for him has not gone away with the "leaving of the breast".
  • Give up excommunication! The reason for this may be an increase in the frequency of night feedings. They are observed if the baby cannot "beg" the mother's breast during the day, and tries to "catch up" at night. And it indicates that your attempt to end breastfeeding was made too early. The baby is not yet ready to give up the breast, it is too painful for him.

Think about whether there is a real need to complete breastfeeding if the decision is made under pressure from relatives, girlfriends, or in connection with going to work or school. Contrast the physiological needs of your baby with someone else's opinion. In the second case, organize feeding with expressed milk. You can do the same if you need to leave. Reserve a milk bank in advance.

Do not use the following weaning methods.

  • Get away for a few days, get away... The absence of a beloved breast and beloved mother will become double stress for the baby. When you return, your baby will show even more affection for you.
  • Lubricate the nipples with mustard, horseradish, brilliant green... This can damage the delicate skin of your breasts and create additional stress for your baby.
  • Give juice, sweetened water instead of breast at night... Nighttime alternatives to breast milk often lead to tooth decay due to the sugar they contain.
  • Wean instantly... The tactic of gradual weaning is much more gentle in relation to the child's psyche and the mother's health. If you feel that during the day your breasts become sore and full, then you are forcing things.

The desire to stop breastfeeding for up to a year is often associated with a woman's general fatigue. If this is the case, think about how to eliminate negative factors, rest more with your baby, spend time outdoors during the day. Quitting feeding is not always the right decision. The problem may persist while the emotional state of you and your baby deteriorates.

After a year

It has been proven that the older the baby is, the easier it is for him to say goodbye to your breasts. And despite the fact that milk still brings him great benefits, when you reach a year and a half, you can think about completing lactation.

It is important to understand that this will not happen instantly, because the whole life of the baby was connected with the "sis". An instant breakaway will bring additional complications to you and your baby. Babies often show irritation, naughty, cry. A depressed state develops in a woman. In her body, the level of prolactin sharply decreases, which provokes depression.

For a smooth weaning, use a “no offer or no” tactic. It consists of the familiar “on demand” feeding. If the baby does not show interest in the breast, there is no need to invite him to have a snack. But if he asks, give him a breast. According to the breastfeeding consultant Irina Ryukhova, this method is the most gentle, it allows you to stop lactation gradually.

  • Change feeding circumstances... If your baby crawls into your arms when you sit down on the couch, do not sit on it. Eliminate the "habit signals" that induce the baby to ask for a breast.
  • Distract. Try replacing "yourself" with a cup of juice, cookies. This is a good alternative to feeding during the day. This should not be done at night due to the risk of tooth decay.
  • Spend time away from home... As a rule, grown-up babies do not show interest in their mother's milk during a walk, in games with peers. Create such conditions for the crumbs as often as possible.
  • Replace. The hardest part is to stop feeding your baby before bed. Gradually introduce alternatives. Read a book to a crumb, stroke a breast or give a light massage, hug, stay close by the bed. Show your child that your love for him remains just as strong.

Before bed, you can use a different tactic. Put the baby in the crib, read to him, stroke him. Say that you need to go away to put away toys or, for example, cook porridge, and leave the room for a while. At the beginning, your absence should take no more than half a minute. Then leave for longer. If the baby comes running to check what mom is doing, you should do exactly what he was told. Gradually, you will teach him to fall asleep on his own.

Natural weaning

According to HV consultants, it is possible to properly wean a child from breastfeeding only when the involution of lactation is achieved. This process is natural, it happens in the same way as a child begins to crawl, walk. It occurs at different times, usually up to three years. And the following factors may indicate that lactation is coming to an end.

  • The baby goes without a breast for a long time... During the day, he is busy with games and only kisses you when going to bed. At night, he can wake up several times to suck on milk. While maintaining the number of feedings from one to three during the day, the mother can confidently proceed to the completion of feeding.
  • Breasts fill slowly... The signal for the onset of involution is a prolonged sensation of a light chest. It does not swell with occasional crumbs (up to 12 hours).
  • The child is calm. It is not recommended to end breastfeeding during periods of emotional tension of the baby. They may be associated with the situation in the family, changes in his life (mother's going to work, visiting kindergarten), and other factors.

If the baby's age is over two years old, there are no restrictions on the season for stopping breastfeeding. In the summer, gastrointestinal infections are no longer as dangerous for him as for children under one year old.

Mom's tactics are similar to those recommended for children after a year. You can add one method to it, which starts working right now. The kid has grown up enough to "bargain" with him. For example, you can delay latching on until “daddy comes home from work” or “after a walk.” Alternatives in the form of juices, cookies, or yogurt with homemade jam are more productive.

The tactics of how to wean a baby from breastfeeding should always take into account not only the physiological, but also the emotional state of the baby. Indeed, a completely new stage begins in his life, he has to radically change his habits, formed and loved.

Pay attention to the signs that indicate that the baby is not yet ready to say goodbye to them. This is tearfulness, attempts to always hold mom's hand or be in her arms, whims "from scratch." Give your toddler time to get used to the new adult habits. And the softer the excommunication goes, the less risk you will get a nervous and always capricious domestic "tyrant" instead of a cute toddler.
