Rules for caring for a cat for children. Basic medical aspects of cat care. Monitoring the condition of the ears

Anyone who decides to acquire a pet should carefully study the intricacies of caring for a cat at home. The nuances will depend on the breed, but the basic recommendations apply to all animals.

In addition to ensuring the correct diet, resting place, toilet facilities, toys and entertainment, you need to take care of your pet's hygiene and health.

Hair care

Cats are famous for their cleanliness. They can often be found licking their fur and washing their faces. These actions are due to the hunting instinct of a small predator.

Many people think that self-hygiene procedures are enough for a cat, but this is not the case.

Cat brushing

Long-haired cats need grooming most of all. They must be subjected to a combing procedure, especially during the shedding season.

By combing a cat, we solve at least three problems:

  1. Maintaining the cleanliness of the home. Shedding, the cat leaves traces wherever it has been. Cat hair turns out to be on furniture, clothes, gets into food, which cannot but irritate household members. Periodic brushing of the cat makes cleaning easier.
  2. It is also necessary to comb out the coat to prevent the appearance of tangles, which are often formed on the nape of the neck, between the paws and the body, under the lower jaw and in other areas that are difficult for the animal to access. If a mug has formed, as a rule, you can only cut it off, which will not please the cat and will affect its appearance.
  3. Also, shed coat can cause serious digestive problems. After all, licking itself, the animal swallows a large amount of hair, which, getting into the stomach, can form a lump and cause obstruction.

Items required for hair care

For cats, there are special brushes and combs that have different purposes and related features.

Taking good care of cats at home means having different tools:

  1. Combs and combs. They are needed to remove faded hairs and scales of the epithelium. There are teeth of different lengths, located often or rarely. When choosing a comb, you need to focus on the length and density of the pet's coat.
  2. Massage brushes. In addition to hair removal, they provide increased blood supply to the skin and hair follicles, stimulating hair growth. They are usually equipped with sparse large teeth with rounded ends. This is necessary in order to avoid injury to the skin and not cause discomfort to the animal. Brushes made from natural materials are preferred, as they do not electrify the wool.
  3. There are also massage gloves equipped with rubber pimples that collect loose hairs.

Photo: special brushes and combs for grooming cats

Brushing process

For a short-haired cat, it will be enough to use a massage brush or mitten several times a month (during molting, of course, more often). But owners of a long-haired cat will have to put in more effort.

Rules to follow when brushing your pet:

  • first of all, it is necessary to collect the shed hair with a massage brush;
  • after that, a ridge with rare teeth comes into play. They need to comb the entire coat along the hairline;
  • finally, gently comb the coat with a fine comb or brush, paying attention to the areas where it gets tangled more often - the abdomen and trousers on the hind legs. Cats with long hair often develop dirt around the anus. This problem is easier to solve by cutting off the stuck together areas;
  • in order for the cat to calmly withstand the brushing procedure, it needs to be taught to do this from childhood and to do it regularly. You need to be careful and patient.

After finishing brushing, it is important to reward the animal with petting, treats or play.

It is believed that cats do not like water. Indeed, most fluffy clean-cutters are unfavorable to water procedures, but there are exceptions who are ready to splash in the water of their own free will.

You can bathe only a healthy cat, water procedures are contraindicated during illness.

Preparation for bathing

Usually cats are bathed in small containers - a sink, a regular basin or a baby bath will do. You should also prepare detergents and a towel in advance.

The vessel must be filled with warm water (about 40 degrees), so that it reaches the animal's abdomen, put a rug or towel on the bottom. It is advisable to use specialized shampoos or baby soap as a detergent.

Place cotton swabs in your cat's ears to prevent water from getting into your cat's ears. Use eye drops to avoid eye irritation from accidental splashing of water and foam.

Bathing should be done on an empty stomach. After eating, the animals must pass at least four hours.

Bathing process

There are many ways to bathe cats, they can be used separately or in combination.
After placing the cat in a container, using gentle movements using a sponge, wet its fur except for the head, then apply and lather the shampoo.

Then rinse the foam thoroughly with a shower or a ladle, directing a jet of water over the coat, avoiding headaches.

In this case, you need to hold the animal by the scruff of the neck, act quickly, confidently, but carefully. You can accompany the process with gentle, soothing conversations with the cat.

If the animal reacts nervously to bathing, you can place it in a sturdy cloth bag before washing, leaving only the head outside. Then place the bag in water, and continue washing directly in it.

In some cases, it is necessary to wash the cat's head. It is also convenient to use a sponge for this. It is important to ensure that water and lather do not get into your mouth, nose, eyes and ears.

After washing, wrap the cat in a warm towel and gently blot the coat. You should not actively wipe your pet, as this may cause tangles in the coat, especially the long one.

Photo: after washing, the cat needs to be wrapped in a warm towel

To clean the fur of a kitten, old, weak or sick cat, you can use a dry method of washing with talcum powder.

Sprinkle the powder on the skin, then wipe it off, remove the remains with a comb, making sure that the powder does not get into the nose, eyes and ears. Small dirt and grease will be removed with the powder.

For cats of hairless breeds, there are special gels with which you can clean the skin of an animal by wiping it with a soft cloth.

Frequent washing can negatively affect the condition of your pet's coat and skin, so you should not get carried away with the procedure.

How to care for your claws

Domestic cats need to trim their claws to keep their claws in order and so that they do not injure their owners during play.

It is enough to carry out the procedure a couple of times a month, using a special nail clipper or ordinary nail clippers.

Before starting the procedure, you need to wash your hands and treat the instrument with alcohol. It is important to choose the moment when the animal is in a calm mood. He must be picked up and made to release his claws with light pressure on the pad of the paw.

You need to cut off the free edge of the claw, stepping back a couple of millimeters from the living part, equipped with blood vessels and nerves. It has a pink color and is clearly visible in the light. You can file the cut edge if necessary.

Manipulation should be accompanied by gentle, soothing words. After processing each foot, you can take a short break.

Cleaning the ears, eyes and nose

Periodically, you need to clean your pet's eyes, nose and ears. Eyes and nose problems are more common in cats with a flattened face, but they can affect any animal.

Eye discharge often leaves ugly marks on the face of an animal, from which bald patches can appear.

To cleanse the peephole, use cotton balls or tampons moistened with special means. You can also use a 2% boric acid solution, regular tea and just warm boiled water.

The areas around the eyes are wiped with light movements in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one. Then you can dry the treated areas with a dry cotton ball.

What a cat's nose should be

A healthy cat should have clean nostrils, no traces of discharge. If the pet has had a cold or other illness accompanied by discharge from the nostrils, they can be cleaned with a cotton ball dipped in warm boiled water.

Photo: a healthy cat should have clear nostrils

The procedure should be done carefully and carefully.

Caring for cat ears

It is recommended that you check and clean your ears regularly. To do this, you need to fix the animal's head with one hand, carefully turn the ear inside out and gently wipe it with cotton wool wrapped around a stick and moistened with a special agent, soapy water, petroleum jelly or hydrogen peroxide solution.

Do not try to penetrate deep into the ear, this can injure the eardrum.

If you find redness, swelling, profuse discharge, you need to contact your veterinarian.

How to brush your cat's teeth

Cats suffer from the same dental diseases as humans. Tartar, caries, gum disease can happen to any pet and lead to the loss of teeth, if you do not pay attention to the hygiene of the animal's oral cavity. From an early age, you need to teach your kitten to examine and brush your teeth.

Kittens wipe their teeth with a finger wrapped in a clean cloth or bandage; for adult cats, there are special pastes.

For the prevention of tartar, you can use a special dry food. Its particles polish the teeth, preventing the formation of deposits.

This is not true. Eggs of helminths can enter the body of a cat if it at least occasionally eats raw meat or fish. They can also be brought with dirt on street shoes.

Therefore, deworming should be done for all cats twice a year. This is especially important in families with small children.

It is usually mixed with food during the morning feed. Pet owners also need to periodically take anthelmintics for prophylaxis, since the initial stage of infection in a cat is usually asymptomatic.

These are the basic rules for caring for cats that are mandatory for all owners of these animals. Observing them, you can guarantee your pet health and beauty for many years.

Video: Caring for a cat. Part 1

Video: Caring for a cat. Part 2

How to properly care for a cat, how to raise a cat? Useful tips and tricks for children and schoolchildren

Raising a cat, a cat

It is better to start upbringing with the fact that several times a day at the same time intervals you need to put the kitten in the place allotted for it. It is best to choose a place for the toilet in advance so that you do not have to change it later.

If you are taking an already adult cat, it is best to choose a quiet place for the toilet, away from prying eyes. It is best to take a small amount of old bedding from the previous owner and place it in a new location. With this, the smell will move to a new place.

Some cats can use the bathroom or toilet as a toilet.

Pet stores now sell special litter trays and litters. The litter box must be cleaned after each use. Recently, they began to produce clumping fillers, which not only facilitate cleaning the toilet, but also neutralize the smell.

The best way to clean the litter box is to use a long-handled brush, detergent, and hot water with a little vinegar.

It is likely that physical weakness can also be the cause of untidiness, especially with old animals, as well as an unusual environment, for example, a veterinary clinic or a new apartment. In this case, the animal should not be punished, since it will still not help.

Uncleanliness can be caused by improper behavior or indifference of the owner, who is absent from home for a long time. The reason may be the acquisition of a new pet or the arrival of a newborn. Stressful situations, such as the first vaccination, can also cause temporary uncleanliness.

You need to be most attentive to young animals. Praise and gentle stroking of the cat are very helpful. If the kitten doesn’t get used to the litter box, it can be punished with a voice saying “Ugh!” or by making a light cotton. Take the pet by the withers, scold him, then take him to the toilet and try to create a positive impression with affection. If the animal prefers a washbasin or a bathtub, then it is much easier here - you just need to leave a little cold water in them.

If you want to properly raise an animal, you have to be patient. People often try to humanize cats and judge them by their own feelings and impressions.

Animal behavior is always associated with instincts. With the correct assessment, you will be able to quickly gain the trust of the cat. As with any animal, the kitten must be treated calmly and patiently.

The kitten is very happy when they play with him and pay attention to him. By playing with the animal, we provide him with the movement that he desperately needs for full life. Along with this, during the game, the upbringing of the pet also takes place.

A cat, like any other animal, needs proper maintenance and care. The cat itself is able to take care of the cleanliness of its body. From time to time, she licks with her tongue all parts of the body that she can reach. However, this is not enough to completely clean the wool.

Combs and brushes are best used early in the procedure. First take combs with sparse teeth, and then use combs with fine teeth. Suede and terry cloth are used only at the end of combing.

With cotton swabs, sulfur is extracted from the ears of the animal. Eyes and ears should be wiped daily with a clean cloth. Caring for the skin of cats, as well as for its fur coat, includes periodic bathing of the animal - approximately once every two months.

You can bathe cats no earlier than 4 hours after they eat. Immediately after washing, the wool should be thoroughly rinsed with warm and clean water, and then thoroughly dried with a towel. On this day, it is forbidden to let the cat out into the street.

Transporting a cat, cat

Remember that the cat really does not like to move somewhere and change the place where she is already absolutely familiar with everything. However, this may become a necessary necessity if you are going to take the animal to the

During transportation, the animal should feel as comfortable as possible. For short distances, cats are often transported in specially designed bags and bags. When using these bags, the head of the animal must remain open.

For longer transportation, you will need a special suitcase or basket, whose front wall will be a lattice door-window. The floor must be retractable, impervious to liquid. It must be made of plastic or covered with a special film.

The door must close very tightly so that the animal cannot open it in any way. About 6 hours before leaving the house, cats stop feeding. If the trip takes a day or even more, it is perfectly acceptable to feed the animal once.

Cats can be transported by road, air and rail. In this case, you will have to issue a special certificate. In order to take an animal abroad, first carefully familiarize yourself with the veterinary legislation of this state.

They are very clean animals, constantly take care of themselves, and also strive to keep their place clean. Wild cats usually impart a cleanliness instinct to kittens. When keeping a cat at home, a person must develop the habit of doing his toilet in one place. The upbringing of a kitten begins with his birth, and by the age of 4-6 weeks he has developed certain reflexes.

Cat food

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You can feed the cat with professional or semi-professional food, but it is strictly forbidden to feed it with food from your table. The fact is that not all human food products are suitable for the animal's body. Quite another matter ... small birds and rodents. In nature, the cat eats them every day. However, since it is not a predator that lives in our house, but a completely civilized domestic cat, we will replace rodents and birds with it ... for meat, offal and cereals - it is from all this that a caught mouse or bird "consists". Therefore, if you decide to cook food for your cat yourself, diversify its diet with cereals with boiled meat and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, eggs, boiled fish.

If you do not have the time and opportunity to come up with something new every day for your pet's menu, or the cat is not too eager to eat the dishes you cooked, you can transfer it to ready-made feed. True, I immediately want to say - do not save on the cost of such feed. Cheap canned food has a “cheap” composition (waste and soy), therefore, such nutrition is unlikely to contribute to feline health and longevity. Plus, expensive food is more satisfying, and the portion can be reduced a little if you are worried about saving.

While the animal is a kitten, it is necessary to feed it 5-6 times a day, every 2-3 hours. Portions should not be too large, and it is better to remove food leftovers so that you can offer the kitten fresh food for the next feeding. The older the kitten gets, the more the intervals between feedings are lengthened, the portion sizes increase, and the frequency of feedings itself decreases. A teenage kitten no longer eats at night, and eats 3-4 times a day. When the cat is one year old, you can, with a clear conscience, transfer it to 2-3 meals a day.

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Some cat owners prefer to measure their portions almost with the help of home scales, and some are guided by the principle "the portion should be such that the cat eats it without a trace." In principle, the last option is more correct, the main thing is not to overfeed the animal. Therefore, just notice for yourself how much your cat eats at a time and try to pour it just as much food. As a hint, you can conditionally divide the container with feed several times and try to keep the size of such portions.

If the cat after eating does not leave its plate and continues to look into your eyes - the animal, most likely, is not full, you will have to give it a supplement and reconsider the amount of food that you pour into the cat for the future. And, here's a sign that the animal is full - will be its contented purring and ritual washing. All cats are clean, therefore, after eating, they always wash.

Do not forget that in addition to what the cat eats, she also drinks. Therefore, in a special bowl, she should always have clean and fresh water, which you will regularly change, not forgetting to wash the water bowl itself.

Cat litter box

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There are cats that quickly get used to the toilet, with others - you have to try. The mother-cat teaches everything, including this necessary skill, so the baby just needs to be told what and where to do in the new house. If the baby is mistaken - do not be angry, because you have it quite recently, dip the paper in a puddle and put it in the tray - next time the kitten will orient itself by smell.

Try to arrange the litter box so that it is comfortable for your pet. You need to choose a secluded place that is always accessible to the cat, where no one will bother her, and a suitable tray (for kittens it should be with lower walls). Cats have a habit of burying "results"; some are so diligent about it that they can sprinkle filler around the tray - in this case, a closed box will do.

It is very important to find a good cat litter. Long-haired cats are more suitable for large granules that will not stick to the coat. The height of the filler layer is at least five centimeters. Special litter for cat litter is very convenient - they quickly absorb and retain moisture and unpleasant odors. The cat will spread "folk" means such as sand or sawdust on its paws and tail throughout the apartment. Newspapers absorb very little moisture, which means the cat is not happy with wet paws and yours - with footprints on the floor.

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Clean up behind the cat in a timely manner and add filler (for this it is convenient to use a special scoop), if necessary - change completely. When washing the tray, do not use strong-smelling products. If you have more than one cat, each should have its own litter box.

If you decide to toilet train your cat, use the well-known Day 21 technique. The tray is gradually moved to the toilet, then raised to the same level with it and, in the end, replaced with one another.

Cats are very clean, but in some cases, cat litter problems can still arise. One of the reasons is the cat's dissatisfaction with the owner's actions, a kind of little cat's revenge. Think about how it might be causing it, and the problem might resolve itself. Another situation is the marks that the animal leaves on its territory. This problem is more difficult to deal with, one of the solutions is to castrate the pet. Another option is to use special sprays to help attract the cat to the litter box and make unpleasant places unpleasant.

Hair care

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Cats need to be combed out so that they don't get too much hair into their stomachs. Short-haired dogs need this only during seasonal molting, but we should not forget that combing in this case is not only a hygienic procedure, but also a friendly contact between a cat and a person. This is confirmed by the fact that cats, as a rule, willingly substitute their backs for us with a contented purr and, in response to our actions, sometimes begin to lick us. For combing short-haired cats, special latex brushes are used, which are sometimes made in the form of a mitten. Non-rigid bristle brushes can also be used.

The procedure for combing long-haired cats should become daily and mandatory, because their long hair is the result of selection, a cat cannot cope with it without human help. In this case, when combing out, use special brushes with long teeth and talcum powder, which prevents the wool from falling off. Compared to short-haired cats, this is more laborious and, in the case of mats formation, sometimes not very pleasant for the cat. But if from childhood you systematically accustom a cat to this procedure and do it slowly, carefully, trying not to hurt her, talking to her, interrupting combing with gentle stroking, she will begin to perceive it calmly and even as a pleasant pastime in the company of her friend.

But if for some reason the cat at some point categorically refuses this procedure, do not be too persistent, because these animals categorically do not tolerate violence against themselves. To prevent the cat from developing a persistent dislike of combing, it is better to leave her alone for a while - perhaps she will be more patient later.


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Traditionally, it is believed that it is not necessary to walk a cat or a cat, since they do not need to walk at all. However, the owner may want to walk the cat in order to diversify the life of the fluffy pet, show him the world outside the walls of the house and teach him to be independent. In addition, not all pets themselves are happy to be locked up, while there are so many interesting things happening on the street. If the cat's hunting instincts have woken up and it does not sit at home, you will have to take it for a walk.

Before you walk your cat, get all the necessary vaccinations. Do not forget that there may be mites in the grass. Treat the animal's fur with a flea and tick repellent, or use a special collar. After the walk, carefully examine your pet and make sure there are no ticks on its fur.

Train your pet to walk the streets from childhood. It will be easier for a small kitten to get used to and get used to the new environment than an adult cat.

If you decide to let your cat out for the first time, use a special harness for cats and a cat leash. A harness is two collars attached together. They are fastened around the cat's neck and belly. Such a harness will prevent the pet from slipping out. Don't buy leather harnesses, even the softest ones. It is better to purchase a harness for the cat made of lighter materials. Make sure to find the right size. If you can easily slip two fingers between the cat's body and the harness, then the size is correct. Do not use a collar on your cat. These animals have weakened neck muscles, so the collar can injure them.

Train your cat to use the harness. It is better to put on a harness at home for a start, let it get used to it in advance. Cats are very sensitive creatures, at first the harness will greatly interfere with them. These pets really don't like restriction of freedom, so be prepared for an overly emotional reaction. Let the cat sniff it before putting it on. Then put it on. Wait for the first discontent to pass. Remove when the cat forgets about the harness that restrains movement and relaxes. Over time, the cat will finally get used to the frequent presence of the harness. Attach a leash and walk your pet around the rooms in the apartment. If the cat calmly goes about its business and does not try to escape, it's time to walk it outside.

Find a suitable place to walk. A lot of noise, a crowd of people and a pack of dogs, of course, will scare the pet, which went for a walk for the first time. Find a more or less secluded spot away from the bustle of the city. For example, a clearing in a public garden or a cozy corner in a park will do.

If you are walking your cat on a leash, do not pull it after you. On the contrary, follow her. True, cats are curious creatures, so you can be anywhere with her. If your cat is pulling you in the wrong direction, call her or lure her with a tasty treat. Do not pull or jerk the leash. Even if your cat does not behave the way you expected, do not punish or scold her.

Try to let your cat go for a walk in warm, sunny weather. Your cat can treat yourself to fresh green grass and bask in the sun.

Don't walk with your cat for too long. After walking, wash her paws thoroughly. If you are very worried that your pet will get lost, put on a collar with a special metal keychain. Include information in it for someone who is likely to find a lost cat. Enter the pet's name, your phone number and / or home address. The very presence of a collar will indicate that the cat is not homeless, that it has an owner.

How to wash a cat

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Many cat owners have thought more than once about how to bathe their pet, how to properly wash a cat, or in general it is strictly forbidden. First of all, it should be noted that this must be done. At the same time, you need to bathe your cat correctly and not only when you want it.

Remember, you should not bathe your cat too often, as it is endowed with a special tongue and, moreover, the ability to lick itself, and if the cat is healthy, then it itself is quite clean. Among other things, the hair of this animal is covered with the so-called protective lubricant produced by the subcutaneous sebaceous glands, in turn, frequent bathing can deprive them of their natural defenses. That is why the cat should be washed no more than 2 or 3 times a year, this does not apply to washing dirty paws.

In no case is it recommended to wash your pet with human shampoo or regular soap. This is primarily due to the fact that cats and humans have completely different acid-base balance of the skin, or simply PH. That is why, in order not to spoil the animal's fur and avoid injury to its skin, it is necessary to wash the cat with a special shampoo created only for animals.

Dry shampoos are ideal for washing a cat, as they are easy to apply to the coat, and after a certain time they are simply brushed together with various dirt. These shampoos are very effective and are in no way inferior to liquid shampoos. In addition, they also make combing much easier.

Thanks to dry shampoos, you can easily rid your pet of dirt, while not harming its health. It should be noted that these shampoos are ideal for frequent use, since they do not dry out the skin and, moreover, do not damage the protective layer of the hair.

Liquid shampoos have a fairly high washing efficiency. These shampoos perfectly remove various dirt, while making the coat more silky and smooth. In addition, liquid shampoos are more specialized, they can be against ticks, fleas, and so on. It is worth noting that such shampoos should be used 2 or 3 times a year no more, as they can disrupt the work of the sebaceous glands. An exception may be situations when the wool is very heavily soiled, especially with various synthetic substances.

Before washing a cat using liquid shampoos, you must carefully prepare. First, you don't need to feed your pet before bathing. Secondly, there is no need to demonstratively make noise with basins or water, since a cat is a very sensitive animal. She may get agitated and hide from you. It is best to try to calm the cat, for example, pick it up and pet it.

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A very important condition for washing your pet is the temperature of the water and air. Remember, the air temperature must necessarily be +22 degrees, since cats are quite sensitive to various hypothermia. It is best to wash the cat in the sink or in the bathtub, while the bottom must be covered with a special bedding so that the paws do not slip. It is worth noting that it is not recommended to wash the cat in a basin, as it will desperately grab onto its edges. Now for the temperature of the water. It should not be cold or hot, the best option is 38 or 40 degrees. One piece of advice on how to determine the temperature of the water: put your elbow in the water, if you do not feel the water, then this temperature is suitable for the cat. The water level must be up to the cat's abdomen. Remember, when bathing, you do not need to speak emotionally or loudly, or make any sudden movements.

The first thing to do is to put the animal very smoothly into the water, while holding it very firmly with one hand. After that, wet the coat and apply the shampoo to the back, withers, chest, tail and belly. Never allow water to enter the cat's nose or ears. To do this, you can first insert special cotton swabs into your ears. Particular attention should be paid to lathering the forelegs, tail and chin.

Do not forget that various shampoos foam a lot, so do not apply too much of them, as it will be very difficult to rinse off the foam in the future. For rinsing short-haired animals, just one basin will be enough, but if the coat is long, then several basins. After this procedure, you must thoroughly wipe the cat with a dry towel. In this case, in no case should you rub the animal, all movements should be smooth and soft, in the direction of the wool. Wiping against the grain can easily damage it. You can also use a hairdryer, but the cat should not be intimidated by it. After the cat is wrapped in a towel, it must be cuddled to you, but in no case be deprived of support, as it can break free. After water procedures, the cat must be left alone, as it needs to gradually calm down.

Ear care

Ear diseases cause a lot of trouble for cats, and very often they occur precisely because the pet owners did not pay enough attention to the hygiene of the cat's ears. Therefore, remember, the cat's ears must be examined regularly, and at least once a month they will need to be cleaned.

To clean your cat's ears, you will need to purchase cotton swabs and a special ear cleaner (sold at the zoo pharmacy) from the pharmacy. Before this procedure, it is recommended that the cat be securely fixed so that the animal does not break out and thereby does not hurt itself or scratch you - you can wrap the cat in a thick towel. After that, you need to moisten the tip of a cotton swab in a special tool, twist the ear itself a little and with gentle outward movements, using a cotton swab, clean out the sulfur and dirt accumulated there from the depths of the ear canal.

Dental care

The most common dental diseases in cats are ... tooth decay, stomatitis and gingivitis. Cats suffer from periodontal disease and tartar. If you feel an unpleasant odor from the cat's mouth, notice constant salivation, dark plaque on the teeth, swelling of the muzzle - be sure to show the animal to a veterinarian. The reason for the visit may be a situation when you notice that the cat refuses food and it seems to be painful for her to chew. However, all these diseases are much easier to prevent than to cure, so be sure to pay attention to the prevention of your pet's dental health.

In order to avoid the appearance of tartar, caries and a number of other dental diseases, it is recommended to brush the cat's teeth using a special paste and a brush. If you accustom your kitten to this procedure, then, becoming an adult cat or cat, he will not resist such manipulations.

Prevention of the appearance of dental calculus is ... feeding with dry food. As the research results show, it is enough to feed the animal with such dry food for 1 month, as the risk of tartar formation is reduced by 50%.

It is very important for the health of the teeth and gums of the cat that the diet of the animal is balanced and contains vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, check with your veterinarian about the best vitamins to give your cat so that all 30 teeth are always healthy.


Cats do not like to move and change their habitat. However, this is sometimes necessary when taking them to exhibitions, to nature, when the owners go on vacation, to the dacha in the summer.

When transporting, you need to provide the animal with maximum comfort. For short distances, cats are best transported in special bags, where the animal's head remains open. For longer transportation, it is advisable to use small bags or baskets ("carriers"), in which the front wall is a lattice door-window. The bottom should slide out, be impervious to urine.

Feeding is stopped 6 hours before departure. If the duration of the trip exceeds 24 hours, then the animal can be fed once during this time.

Cats can be transported by road, rail and air to different regions of the country. In this case, the owner of the cat must issue a veterinary certificate. Violation of veterinary and sanitary rules entails the spread of dangerous infectious diseases. For the import and export of cats abroad, you should familiarize yourself with the veterinary legislation of a particular country.

In specialized stores on sale there are shampoos for washing cats. These products can be liquid or dry. The latter will make bathing easier if your cat is terribly afraid of water. Dry shampoo is applied to the coat and combed out along with unnecessary dirt. If you wash your cat with liquid shampoo, be careful not to get water in your ears. This can lead to her illness. A good quality shampoo will give your cat a beautiful look and help in combing it. Now, cat shampoos are available in a wide range. They can also be against fleas or ticks.

How to bathe a cat?

First of all, choose a shampoo. If it's dry, you won't run into problems. Do not worry about your pet's ears, because you will not use water. If you have chosen a liquid shampoo, everything is much more complicated here. It is necessary to prepare in advance, do not give the cat to eat shortly before bathing. Make the water as if you are bathing yourself, that is, not cold. Bathing is always stressful for a cat, so you need to take it in your arms and stroke it as gently as possible, and then slowly lower it into the container in which you will bathe, there should already be water. This is done so that later, pouring water, not to scare the cat. The liquid should not be too much - the cat's stomach should touch the water slightly. After lathering the animal, rinse it in clean water. Watch your ears so that no water gets into them. After rinsing, wrap the cat in a towel. When the moisture is absorbed, release the animal, the cat will lick itself and after a while it will become completely dry.

Care for wool and measures for its care

We all know how our darlings wash their faces. They are the cleanest creatures on earth, they constantly lick their fur. But the process of washing with them is not to lick off all the dirt, but to get rid of the smell. Cats really do not like being stroked after the next wash, because they will have to wash again. We leave new odors on their coats that irritate cats and they have to wash again. Cats lick off everything to such an extent that the coat becomes wet in some places. The animal takes care of its fur almost independently, it licks itself with its tongue and brushes.

Now there are a huge number of tools with which we can help the cat to care for the fur. Is it necessary to take care of the cat's fur? Stray cats, which no one cares for, look pretty pretty. An animal's coat will shine when it has a correct and balanced diet, and always good quality food.

Long-haired cats require additional care, their hair must be combed out periodically. In this case, you also take care of yourself. The combed wool is not scattered by the cat around the apartment or house, which is an additional plus. Combing long-haired cats helps to protect them from tangles, which, if you start the coat and do not comb, then have to be removed with scissors. Not all cats like to be combed and stroked. Some people do not like this procedure at all, and every time they try to escape and hide from the owner.

The fur licked by the cat gradually accumulates in its stomach, and from this it can have health problems. The question immediately arises, but what about the dirty stray cats that no one brushes? What's with their stomachs? They eat a huge amount of various herbs, with the help of which they cleanse their stomach of excess undigested mass. For the same reason, domestic cats constantly eat houseplants and flowers. Therefore, if your pet begins to eat any grass on the street, do not interfere with it.

A cat that has stomach problems can be hungry and full at the same time. She begins to eat food in small portions, but too often. The cat also tries to cough, or tries to induce a gag reflex in order to regurgitate the hairs accumulated as a result of cleaning the coat. If her intestines become clogged with shreds of wool, it is fraught with surgery. At risk are cats of such a breed as the Persian. Now in zoological stores there is a wide selection of foods that help cats to digest hairs accumulated in the stomach. During brushing, hairs can also cling to the teeth of the animal and then grow into the gums, resulting in gum disease.

Cat hair care products

You need to take care of the coat with the help of various special combs and brushes. It is important to choose these things correctly and to approach them responsibly. The brush or comb of your choice, in parallel with its direct purpose, should give the cat pleasure in the process of combing. On sale, these hygiene products are presented in a wide range and are made from various materials. There are brushes for combing as well as massage. If your pet is frightened by the scallop, you should purchase a brush mitten. Spend no money on these hair care products.

As a rule, grooming a coat is a laborious process, and, first of all, it all depends on the length of the coat. If it is not long, then it is enough to comb the coat a couple of times a week. If your pet has a long coat, he needs the brushing process every day. All that is required of you is patience and respect for your pet. If tangles have formed on the wool, they must either be cut or combed with a special comb. To accustom your cat to such procedures, it is better to do it from the moment when it is still small. The cat will gradually get used to the brushing process. When an animal begins to moult, it must be combed twice as often.

How to care for your cat's eyes and teeth

The eyeball of all cats must be clean. If the eye is watery and a thin film covers the entire eye, it means that something is wrong in your pet's body. The body temperature of a cat during this period may rise, and this, in turn, indicates the presence of an infection in the body. You need a veterinarian consultation who will prescribe eye drops.

A cat's teeth are cleaned for prophylaxis, to prevent plaque and to rid the mouth of the hairs that it licks from its fur. Tartar causes great harm to a cat. To make it less deposited, cats are allowed to gnaw bones as often as possible, on which they sharpen and brush their teeth. From the very beginning, the stone appears near the gums, where there is less friction. A rough surface is formed, and then bacteria accumulate there due to food. The stone can be so large that it looks like a larger tooth. The bacteria gradually get to the roots, and all this ultimately leads to the inflammatory process of the gums - gingivitis. The cat develops bad breath and stops eating because of the pain. The only way to combat calculus is to regularly brush your teeth.

The appearance of a kitten in the house is a great joy for the whole family. Fluffy four-legged pet, like a soft toy, will not let anyone get bored! Children can play active outdoor games with a new family member, and adults have an additional responsibility associated with caring for a tiny pet. How to take care of a kitten? What items do I need to buy to care for him? We will talk about this in our article.

Necessary attributes for care

When the child arrives at home, the parents purchase the necessary items to care for the baby. A similar rule applies to pets, which also need not only a cozy place to sleep, but also some personal hygiene items.

What you need to buy when a kitten appears in the house:

  1. A tray where he can relieve his natural need. This accessory is necessary for animals living in the apartment and in the house, without free access to the street.
  2. Toilet filler. Cats love to walk in a litter box filled with urine and odor-absorbing capsules. Some people use regular sand, which is much cheaper, but there are some drawbacks. The sand does not fully absorb the smell of urine, so a very unpleasant odor will prevail in the house. To eliminate it, you will need to change the sand after each trip to the toilet. Simply put, modern fillers are more convenient to use, both for the pet itself and for its owner, whose task will include cleaning the litter box.
  3. A new family member will need individual utensils: a bowl for natural food or feed, as well as a bowl for drinking water. Experts recommend purchasing a double bowl for food: one part for liquid food, the other for thick food.
  4. Comb, nail clipper, toothbrush, special shampoo and other personal hygiene products (all of which can be purchased at a specialized pet store).
  5. Toys - after all, he is a kid, and he also wants to have his own items for entertainment and outdoor games.
  6. Carrying for a cat is necessary if the owner plans to take long walks or travel with his beloved animal.
  7. A scratching post is a special accessory for animals that provides a convenient grind for growing claws. Kittens are very fond of scratching furniture, and if you do not want to see your own sofa in a very unpresentable form, do not spare money on this convenient and practical thing. Your furry friend will love this setup, so he will no longer aim his sharp claws at your sofa.

Types of cat litter

There are three types of cat litter:

  1. "Euro" is a closed model. Aesthetic toilet, easy to use, but quite expensive. For filling, it is necessary to purchase a special helium-type composition. Benefits: Effectively absorbs urine odor. Disadvantage: the size of the structure is too large.
  2. An open litter box is the most common version of cat litter. Any type of composition is suitable for filling. Very comfortable for a small kitten (low sides). It can be used throughout its entire growth. Cleaning and disinfecting the toilet is also easy. No complications + affordable price.
  3. Open tray with lattice, no fillers. Benefits: Saving money on the purchase of absorbent formulations. Disadvantage: It is necessary to regularly clean the toilet, which will also prevent the spread of an unpleasant odor of urine throughout the apartment.

New models of cat litter: special toilet attachments for animals, allowing you to accustom your four-legged family member to a complete accessory for natural needs.

Types of tray fillers:

  1. Locking is a budget option. The composition is poured into the tray in large quantities. Moisture goes down to the lowest layer and is absorbed evenly, while the top layer remains dry and clean. The smell does not spread until the filler is filled with contents. It is not difficult to determine the need for replacement, the color of the capsules will turn yellow.
  2. Clumping filler dissolves quickly under a humid environment, leaving small round lumps. A special spatula is used to remove them. Add filler as needed.
  3. Absorbent formulations are inexpensive and practical to use. Advantages: environmentally friendly material, safe for the animal. As a rule, they are made from plain paper or sawdust. The toilet is cleaned as soon as it gets dirty.

For example, your furry pet starts going to the toilet behind the couch. Spray this area with this spray, and your kitten will no longer shit in this area of ​​the room. The second option, on the contrary, allows you to accustom your baby to a particular place in the house.

These formulations are easy to use, allow you to quickly teach or wean from unnecessary places, and at the same time are completely harmless to animals.

Proper care of a kitten 1 month of life

In order to take care of newborn kittens, it is better to be close to the mother-cat, who will happily feed her babies and take proper care. Natural nutrition with breast milk will strengthen the immunity of the animal and nourish the body with all the necessary trace elements for full development and growth.

If, for some reason, a 1-month-old kitten is forced to grow up without a mother, the owners of a tiny pet need to create the most favorable conditions in the house. It is necessary to feed the baby with a special mixture - a substitute for cat milk.

After feeding, the mother cat licks the kitten, which improves intestinal motility. This procedure can be replaced in this way: a cotton pad is moistened with warm water, after which a gentle wiping of the muzzle is performed. Further, in a circular motion without pressure, the abdomen, back and sides are processed. This will improve the functioning of the digestive system and establish a small pet's stool.

Newborn animals have a relatively low body temperature, so provide a sleeping place with a warming device at night. A small infrared lamp can be used to maintain the optimum temperature. It must be installed so that in case of strong heating, the kitten can move and lie down on another, cooler place.

A small 1 month old fluffy cat is the same child who needs warmth and love. Lift your baby to your chest often so that he can hear your heartbeat. It calms and gives strength to the growing pet.

Of course, every owner wants to do it as early as possible, but it's not even worth experimenting with a month-old kitten. A pet of this age is not even able to control the process of urination, so he will not be able to perceive the "place for the toilet" correctly. Wait a bit, everything has its time!

Caring for newborn kittens is somewhat difficult, but this period flies by unnoticed and soon the tiny animal will gain strength and new knowledge, which will allow it to fulfill all the necessary needs without the help of outsiders.

Caring for a 2 and 3 month old kitten

At two months, the kitten grows older, care becomes somewhat easier. The kid is already beginning to gradually try "adult" food, self-care and actively explore the territory of the house. He is interested in outdoor games and, of course, the care of the people around him.

A two-month-old baby needs to wash, but massage procedures can already be excluded. It's time to train your pet to the toilet. For starters, it is recommended to install a small tray without sides, so that it is easy for him to climb into this unusual accessory.

It will not be possible to quickly train to the toilet if there is no older cat in the house, setting a good example for the younger generation. But, you should not despair, sooner or later he will understand the requirements of the owners and become an obedient resident of a large family.

From three months old, the kitten can be fed with chopped pieces of meat, wet food and pate. He is already becoming quite mobile and curious. The main care is love and attention. Play with him, caress the baby and teach him the correct parenting manners. It was during this period that the basic knowledge of the independent life of the animal was laid.

From 3 to 6 months, the stage of "cognition of the surrounding world" begins. The kitten will explore the world, listen to different sounds, sniff out and look for something. Watching a curious furry friend is very interesting and fun!

Raising and caring for a kitten from 6 months to a year

From 6 months, the pet begins puberty. The owner already needs to decide on his future future. If breeding of purebred kittens is not expected, it is recommended to neuter the cat or neuter the cat.

These procedures are very important for the animal, relieve it of natural needs, and the owner from the aggressive behavior of the animal during the period of hormonal surge.

Some owners, who do not want to take their pet to the veterinarian for castration or neutering, find another, easier way to abstain the animal from its natural need: they are not allowed to go outside. It is unacceptable to take such measures! This will harm him and entail very unfavorable consequences for his physical and psychological health!

A kitten of 6-9 months can already diversify its diet, gradually bringing its menu to a full-fledged adult table. It is not recommended to feed a thoroughbred pet with food from a common table. The animal needs to prepare food individually, without salt and other harmful spices. It is also important to calculate the dosage of the portions to avoid overfeeding. If you do not pay attention to these restrictions, there is a high likelihood of developing obesity.

From 9 months, the kitten becomes completely adult, he already has a full diet and a well-formed body. The character, appearance and other individual traits will remain throughout subsequent life. The upbringing that was laid in the pet at an early age will continue to manifest itself. The main thing is not to cause aggression in the animal. This often happens if the owner scolds the four-legged friend and applies force to him. Such education is simply unacceptable!

A healthy diet for a kitten

  • starting from two months, you can accustom yourself to freshly made pate in a small dosage;
  • finely chopped meat of dietary varieties (boiled) is gradually introduced into the diet;
  • chicken offal;
  • raw beef, but only frozen;
  • milk porridge;
  • vegetables (raw, boiled);
  • chicken yolk;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • cereals;
  • and be sure to have clean drinking water freely available!

The main rule when preparing food for a four-legged baby is that the food served should be fresh, safe and warm (at room temperature).

If the owner chooses a more simplified option for feeding the pet - food, it is recommended to buy premium varieties in accordance with the age of the animal. This data is published on the packaging of the product for cats.

How many times a day should a kitten be fed:

  • A 2-month-old baby is fed 5-6 times during the day;
  • from 6 months, the number of feedings is reduced to three times;
  • starting at eight months, he is transferred to an adult diet that provides two meals a day.

Mandatory care procedures:

  1. Shearing of growing claws.
  2. Gentle cleaning of the ears.
  3. Brushing your teeth with a special toothpaste and brush for animals.
  4. Brushing and combing the coat.
  5. Bathing an animal.
  6. Flea treatment.
  7. Vaccination.
  8. Worming.
  9. Joint games with a kitten.
  10. Love and kind care!

We wrote about the correct procedure for caring for cats in other articles, we recommend that you familiarize yourself!

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