Rules for skin care after the cleaning procedure: recommendations and prohibitions. Facial cleaning by a beautician: recovery after the procedure What to do after cleaning

Every woman who regularly resorts to cleansing her skin or face from impurities knows that it is useful, but at the same time, traumatic for the epidermis. During the first days after that, it can not only blush, but also become inflamed, in addition, unpleasant rashes are likely. Such phenomena should be considered a completely natural reaction to procedures that you want to get rid of as soon as possible. How exactly to do this after cleaning and what care should be, is described below.

Does it all depend on the procedure itself?

Peeling can be of various types and a lot depends on this, including the consequences. So, when performing laser cleansing, the traumatic effect on the face is minimal, and therefore the period after the procedure passes more than calmly. Tips for good skin care include:

  • scrub is not recommended for a week;
  • 2-3 days to try as little as possible to be in the air, this is necessary so that the face is not affected by the wind, as well as low temperatures in winter and ultraviolet radiation in summer;
  • it is also impossible to visit the solarium for 7 days and you should for some time refuse procedures related to water, visits to the sauna, bathhouse or classes in the pool.

In the summer, after facial skin cleansing with a laser, you should not refuse to use sunscreen cream throughout the long hot period.

After peeling with ultrasound, approximately the same procedures should be followed. At the same time, the presented procedure should be considered one of the most gentle. Therefore, in a few days it will be possible to forget about its implementation. There are no such strict restrictions that would apply to ultraviolet radiation.

All protective actions may well be limited to the use of special protective and nutritional compounds, which should be wiped on the epidermis daily. Competent facial skin care involves the use of masks, which will be discussed later and which you can do yourself.

Another type of cleansing is an acid-type superficial peel using AHA acids. It guarantees gentle skin care and in fact does not require additional precautions after cleansing the face. Deep peeling should be treated in a completely different way, because in this situation the influence is due to rather aggressive components. In this regard, the epidermis needs a long recovery period.

It is advisable to refrain from visiting the solarium, sunbathing and sauna for 25-30 days - in general, you can not expose the skin to significant temperature changes and steam. Once outside, you should use a special cream with a degree of protection of 35 SPF, as well as constantly care for your skin with nourishing masks and creams. It is also advisable not to do this without prior consultation with a specialist.

A few words about mechanical peeling

The procedure, which is one of the most traumatic, is mechanical cleansing. After cleansing the face in this way, symptoms of inflammatory processes on the skin may persist for a long period. There may even be a slight chance of infection. Care should be aimed at protecting the skin of the face to the maximum extent from the influence of those factors that pollute it.

  • within a few days not to be on the street or to limit the presence even in the alleged aggressive environment;
  • use creams with nutritional components that will be characterized by anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects;
  • apply a variety of masks after cleaning the epidermis;
  • wait with cosmetics, because unnecessary irritants can only harm the skin that turned out to be disturbed.

If the care is carried out correctly, then in just a few days the redness will subside and it will be possible to return to the usual pace of life.

It is imperative to make serious adjustments in order to improve hygiene. So, skin care means, for example, that you should not wash your face with standard water containing chlorine because it can irritate sensitive skin.

It is recommended to replace it with a high-quality mineral or thawed one. The latter is prepared in this way - ordinary water is frozen and then melted. After that, a few drops of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar are added to it, as well as to mineral water. This is necessary in order to form an acidic environment that will resist the increase in the number of bacteria.

In addition, skin care involves nourishing it with vitamin cocktails that you can prepare yourself. This should be done throughout the entire recovery period, because it is at this time that the epidermis is deprived of a protective barrier, it is likely that an increased degree of sensitivity of the skin will form. It is from this that it will be quite difficult to get rid of later.

Rules for the use of masks

So, after cleansing, any type of face is recommended by experts and even special masks are needed. In order for the presented compositions to be effective to the maximum extent, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules and try not to conduct unnecessary experiments on the skin. The rules are:

  • it is recommended that for some time after cleaning, apply the mask that the beautician who performed it advised;
  • when the consequences of cleansing are very serious, you should not try all the means in a row: you need to make masks containing antiseptics and medicines;
  • if the consequences of cleansing are quite within the normal range, then facial compositions made from fruits or vegetables are perfect;
  • any mask should be pre-tested and applied to the skin with a small layer;
  • you should not get carried away with masks: they are recommended to be done every 3-4 days.

About what to do

The main principle to be followed is that the formulations must be nutritious. It is equally important that they do not contain aggressive ingredients. A cucumber-based mask has always been very popular, because it is a guarantee of the most gentle facial skin care after cleansing. Preparing it is more than simple, you just need to find 1 cucumber at home, and then cut it into small and thin circles. After that, you need to mix the resulting parts on your face and rest for about 60 minutes.

No less simple action will be the preparation of a sour cream mask, a little more difficult - a mask containing yeast and yogurt. The second option is recommended for those who have oily skin. If we talk about the dry type, then olive oil formulations should be used.

Washing with ice water will also be extremely useful, because they not only invigorate in the morning, but also perfectly activate the epidermis after cleansing.

In order for skin care to be complete, you can use the following mask compositions. So, the first of them can rightfully be considered complex and involves the use of blue cosmetic clay, potato starch and talc in equal proportions without the addition of fragrances. After that, add 0.5 tablets of crushed aspirin and chloramphenicol. Only after that you can add alum to the tip of the knife. With the help of a decoction, the strings are brought to the state of a cream and applied to the face every 3 days.

Two more types of mask are honey and made from parsley:

  • to prepare the first, honey is heated to a liquid state, mixed in an amount of 2 tbsp. l. with finely chopped oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l. until smooth and applied to the face every 3 days;
  • to prepare the second composition, parsley is finely chopped in the amount of 2 tbsp. l., mixed with cream or sour cream - 2 tbsp. l. It is also necessary to achieve a homogeneous state and apply to the face 1 time in 3 days.

Facial care after a facial cleansing procedure is not very difficult. At the same time, it is mandatory, because otherwise the condition of the epidermis can deteriorate very much. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to use special masks and follow the recommendations of a specialist.

Many clients of beauty salons are interested in the answer to the question: “what should I do if acne appears after cleansing my face”? Indeed, complex facial cleansing is a rather aggressive, but effective method for eliminating acne, which in some cases leads to an exacerbation of acne. How to recognize and eliminate abnormal rashes?

Is mechanical cleaning worth it?

Clogged pores, blackheads and subcutaneous comedones not only spoil the appearance, but also prevent complete cleansing of the skin. Homemade facials can make imperfections less visible. But the contents of the pores (dirt, fat) cannot be eliminated without external physical influence.

Even the most effective scrubs will be able to remove only the upper (visible) part of the dirt, but will not completely clean out all the greasy and purulent contents. Ultimately, the pores stretch and clog faster. Therefore, mechanical cleaning of the face should be part of a comprehensive regular skin care.

It is best to make an appointment with a professional beautician, because a violation of the cleaning technique can lead to the intensive growth of new acne and even the appearance of scars. If you want to clean the pores yourself, then you should follow the simplest rules:

  • be sure to wear gloves;
  • disinfect the skin of the face after each extrusion;
  • never press comedones with your nails (use only special disinfected tools);
  • before starting the procedure, steam the face as much as possible;
  • after cleaning, pay maximum attention to closing the pores.

At home, you can squeeze out only black dots and already ripe blackheads.

Attention! To extract closed comedones, it is necessary to make a puncture in the correct place. It is strictly forbidden to carry out such manipulation on your own. Only an experienced specialist will be able to make a puncture so that a cystic neoplasm does not occur in place of the usual subcutaneous tissue.

What rashes after cleaning are considered normal?

Even if mechanical cleaning was carried out according to all the rules, immediately after the procedure is completed, the face will look red and inflamed. Owners of sensitive skin will even be able to notice swollen areas at the site of the deepest blackheads.

Such tumors are sometimes mistaken for new pimples. After home cleaning, small superficial pustules often appear. However, with proper care, such complications will go away in just a few days after the procedure.

Beauticians who use luxury cosmetics in their work will definitely eliminate unpleasant redness immediately after cleaning is completed. Special enzyme masks will not only close the pores, but also completely eliminate inflammation. Thanks to this, clients can make “outings” immediately after visiting the salon.

If small pimples appear on the skin about 2-3 weeks after the first cleaning, then you should not think that the procedure was performed poorly. Such rashes are considered a variant of the norm. The fact is that acne can appear even with regular cleansing of the pores. The reason is hormonal imbalance, the accumulation of toxins in the intestines. Therefore, a professional dermatologist will definitely advise you to supplement cosmetic procedures with taking pills, a comprehensive detoxification program.

What rashes are considered potentially dangerous?

Not all the consequences of facial cleansing can be easily and quickly eliminated. Some rashes are potentially dangerous and require the intervention of a dermatologist. You should be wary of the following complications:

  1. Bright red swollen areas. If aggressive chemicals were used for cleaning, then small red tumors similar to subcutaneous acne may form in place of healthy areas of the skin. The bright color of the skin, which indicates a chemical burn, should alert.
  2. Small pimples densely covering the skin. If after the procedure very small itchy pimples appear, this indicates the development of an allergic reaction. Severe allergies to cosmetics can be accompanied by swelling and even impaired respiratory function. To avoid allergies, it is worth checking all new drugs on the back of the hand (and only then apply to the face).
  3. Cystic purulent acne. If, after cleaning is completed, a too thick or greasy agent was used to treat open pores, then deep subcutaneous acne with pus may appear. Pustules are forbidden to be squeezed out on their own, because the spread of pus is fraught with the development of furunculosis.

How to care for your face if acne appears after cleansing?

Home care after the cleaning procedure directly depends on the type of rash. If pimples from the category of potentially dangerous appear on the face, then it is urgent to contact a dermatologist for a treatment appointment (often medication).

Important! It is necessary to address to the dermatologist, instead of to the cosmetician. Only a doctor can choose the optimal treatment. The cosmetologist is forbidden to prescribe pills, antibiotics, injections.

Until the moment of communication with the doctor, it is necessary to refuse to use any cosmetics (both decorative and caring). It is allowed to wash with a decoction of chamomile. If there is a strong burning sensation and itching, then you can apply ice cubes from a decoction of calendula to your face.

So-called "safe" pimples can be treated with more aggressive means. Suitable preparations based on salicylic acid (Akriderm, Dalacin) or with benzoyl peroxide in the composition (Baziron, Ugresol).

In here, combining salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide is very dangerous, because burns can appear at the site of acne. The above preparations are available in the form of gels, so you should not worry that only the cleaned pores will clog again.

As a means for daily skin care after cleansing, it is recommended to choose products with antioxidants, vitamin C and retinol in the composition. These beneficial ingredients help to smooth the surface of the face, quickly eliminate red marks and protect the skin from the negative effects of the environment.

In order to support the body from the inside, you can use ascorbic acid, Aevit vitamins. Such drugs will accelerate the process of regeneration at the cellular level.

Even if the face after cleaning does not look perfect, you should not refuse the procedure in the future. The main thing is to find a truly qualified specialist and adhere to the basic rules of skin care for at least a week after visiting the beauty parlor. But it is better to clean the pores at home only if no complications have previously appeared.

Every woman strives for perfect beauty. Knowing this cherished female desire, modern cosmetology has developed such an innovation as - which has many advantages. However, sometimes women notice with horror that acne has appeared after cleansing their face. Let's try to figure out why this is happening.

What is a facial cleanse?

Cleansing the skin involves the most careful extraction of accumulated impurities from the opened pores.

Mechanical facial cleansing is a cosmetic procedure in which the beautician manually, using special tools, cleans the pores from sebaceous plugs, blackheads, and on the face, etc. This is the same procedure for squeezing acne, but it is carried out under sterile conditions, by a professional and with a low risk of inflammatory processes.

The procedure is carried out in stages:

  1. The surface of the skin is cleansed of bacteria.
  2. The pores are opened by steaming.
  3. A special device is used for deep cleansing of the skin.
  4. A caring or other is applied to the face.

Thanks to professional cleaning, the skin restores its ability to self-regenerate, cleanses and becomes fresher. This type of facial treatment can even be carried out.

Side effects after facial cleansing

However, not always the consequences after professional cleaning are exclusively positive. Particular discomfort is caused precisely by the fact that the face after cleaning may not change for the better.

Complications often occur, such as:

  • skin redness;
  • rashes;
  • allergic reactions;
  • profuse peeling;

If, after a deep mechanical cleaning of the face, pimples appear and they do not go away within 5-7 days, severe inflammation has occurred.

Single purulent acne that appears in the next few days after salon procedures is a relatively normal phenomenon after cleaning. Anxiety should be beaten if inflammation affects a large part of the skin of the face.

Acne appeared after cleansing the face: causes

There are several factors that provoke the appearance of acne after cleaning.

Here are the main reasons for their occurrence:

  1. Insufficient qualification of a cosmetologist- if the specialist makes more efforts during cleaning than required, as a result, the skin may be injured. The wounds obtained in the process become inflamed, and therefore an incorrectly performed procedure leads to such an unpleasant consequence as the appearance of acne on the face.
  2. The presence of inflammatory processes- deep in the skin, inflammatory processes can occur that are not visible from the outside, while cleaning brings them to the surface.
  3. Exposure to aggressive environment– cleansed skin is exposed to aggressive action outside the walls of the beauty parlor, due to which dust and dirt enter clean pores and easily provoke inflammation. This is especially true for the procedure.
  4. Ignoring contraindications- if there are diseases such as bronchial asthma, dermatitis, herpes, or menstruation occurs, then face cleaning cannot be performed.

It is very important to carefully choose a beautician, focusing not on the prestige of the salon, but on the reviews of those who have already undergone a facial cleansing procedure.

How to take care of your skin after cleansing

After cleansing the face (also during the procedure), careful skin care is essential, as it is under stress.

There are a number of rules, thanks to which care will be most effective:

  1. It is strongly not recommended to use foundation or powder during the day after the procedure. Cleansing the face before and after implies a complete rejection of any decorative means.
  2. For some time, you need to cancel visiting the bath, sauna or pool.
  3. If a trip to the solarium is planned, then it is advisable to postpone the time of visiting it by at least a week.
  4. You can not use facial scrubs for about a week, and even after the specified period, it is better not to use scrubbing products with large particles.
  5. The skin needs to be moisturized with thermal water.
  6. In the first days after cleansing, it is better to wash with gel or foam, but not with soap.
  7. Going outside in any weather, after cleaning, you must use a sunscreen.
  8. Upon arrival home from the street, it is advisable to wipe your face with a salicylic solution.
  9. For skin care, it is better to use light gel textures with soothing ingredients (panthenol, aloe vera).
  10. In case of increased secretion of sebum, the best solution would be to wipe the face with a cotton pad soaked in an alcohol-free tonic or in a solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate.

Skin care after cleansing with folk remedies

To relieve small inflammations, it is enough to prepare caring masks at home, most importantly, you need.

Folk cosmetology has many recipes that will relieve the redness of stressed skin.

herbal compress
Brew 10 g of lungwort grass with a glass of boiling water, then insist for an hour, apply cotton pads soaked in infusion to the inflammation sites and keep them on your face for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with warm melt water.

1 egg white must be mixed with the juice of half a lemon and very carefully spread over the skin of the face, after waiting 25 minutes, rinse with melted water at room temperature. This mask is great for soothing the skin.

Blue clay mask
Dilute 25 g of clay with 50 ml of water, stir, apply a thick layer on the face, wash thoroughly after a quarter of an hour. It is recommended to use this daily, until the complete disappearance of inflammation.

All of the above masks made from natural ingredients do not cause irritation of the skin, exclude the appearance and development of further complications.

Prevention of acne after cleansing the face

A prerequisite, in addition to following the rules of skin care after cleansing the face, is the comprehensive prevention of acne.

It's pretty easy to follow the security measures, all you need to do is:

  • every two days, change the pillowcases on the pillows, as they tend to accumulate particles of dirt, sweat from the face and hair while the person is sleeping;
  • increase in your daily diet the amount of low-fat, low-calorie foods that help normalize the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • drink at least 7 glasses of pure water a day to remove unwanted toxins that provoke the development of inflammation.

Carefully caring for the skin, taking preventive measures after cleaning - the unpleasant consequences in the form of the formation of inflamed acne will definitely bypass you.

Question answer

Question: Can I wash my face with hot water after cleansing my face?

Answer: No, because hot water expands the pores, making them easy prey for infections.

Question: What pharmaceutical preparations are allowed to be used to eliminate purulent acne after a salon cleaning of the skin?

Answer: Such pustules are usually treated with such means as "Differin", "Zerkalin".

Question: After cleansing the face, how many days does the redness go away?

Answer: If the cleaning procedure was done by a qualified specialist, then the redness will subside in a few days.

Question: After cleansing the face, herpes appeared, is this normal? What to do?

Answer: Herpes after cleaning may appear, because. there was an injury to the nerve endings, which was a provoking factor causing a relapse not only in those who suffer from a relapse of herpes, but also in practically healthy individuals. If you are prone to the occurrence of herpes, you should undergo a prophylactic course of ACV therapy after a cosmetic procedure (take 1 tablet 5 times a day for 5 days).

Salon facial cleaning carried out by a professional does not bring additional problems to a woman, while the careless actions of novice masters often end in the appearance of inflammation or even scars on the delicate skin of the face. How to be - not to risk at all, or can you somehow reduce the risk of consequences after cleansing your face?

Minimize the likelihood of consequences!

Before you decide on a salon cleaning, make inquiries, ask your friends, in a word, choose the master whose work did not cause complaints from regular customers - this way you will avoid the consequences after cleaning your face.

Do not be afraid to overpay a little more and choose the hardware method, it gives much fewer side effects than the hand of a master! In any case, be aware that after the cleansing behavior, the master should always make a special mask that will soothe the skin, relieve inflammation and saturate the skin with moisture and nutrients!

In addition, the master should advise you on how to properly care for after cleansing your face.

Proper care and emergency care

In the first days after cleansing, it is necessary to use gels or foams - they do not need to be rubbed, and they perfectly moisturize the skin. Later, you can use moisturizers, which include antioxidants and protective substances.

Removing peeling, or applying scrubs, in the hope that the peeling will pass faster - is categorically contraindicated! It is necessary to give the skin time to restore its protective barrier, no aggressive influences - otherwise you can get scars and cavities!

Masks and compresses can be done if there is no pronounced inflammation on the skin - otherwise, you can only prolong the regeneration process.

If not everything went as smoothly as you expected, and scabs began to form on the skin, it hurts and itches, then you need to contact the master who did the procedure, or a dermatologist. Even if the procedure was carried out with high quality, then in this case there are often slight inflammations and peeling - as a natural reaction to the invasion "from outside". Then use chlorhexidine solution as an antimicrobial agent, and cold compresses to relieve inflammation.

What to do after cleansing the face if the pores are very enlarged, although the inflammation has almost disappeared?

Do a few procedures aimed at narrowing the pores - you can buy a special pore-tightening tonic or wipe the skin with an alcohol lotion, which includes calendula or other useful healing herbs.

You can also use lemon juice - only not in its pure form, but diluted in a 1: 1 ratio with pure boiled or mineral water. Apply the composition to the skin with a soft swab and let dry without wiping (do not unnecessarily irritate the skin with friction, and, drying in the air, the composition will be well absorbed into the skin). While the skin does not dry out, the procedure may be accompanied by a slight burning sensation, which will disappear after you wash off the composition with clean running water. This procedure can be carried out two to three times a week until the expansion of the pores is completely gone.

Which are included in the care after cleansing the face, it is easy to prepare at home: for example, based on heavy cream, protein and olive oil.

You can also bring this one: mix protein and lemon juice - this combination will perfectly tighten the pores and a little, which after cleaning is characterized by increased susceptibility.

In general, big amendments should be made in the direction of improving hygiene: do not wash your face with ordinary water, which contains chlorine, which irritates sensitive skin. Replace it with mineral or melted water (freeze and melt ordinary water), add a couple of drops of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to it to create an acidic environment that resists the growth of bacteria.

Protect your skin from UV rays, nourish with vitamin cocktails and try not to use decorative cosmetics for the entire recovery period - right now, when the skin is deprived of a protective barrier, there is a high risk of developing increased skin sensitivity, which will later be very difficult to get rid of!

And the last tip: if you want to clean your skin, try homemade cleansing recipes first, which do not give any complications and discomfort!

If you follow fashion trends, then you know that the focus is on naturalness: even girls on the catwalks appear with a minimum of makeup. But this means that the skin must be perfect! It's time not to cover up the flaws with foundation, but to go to a professional to solve problems. Why will the face after cleaning by a beautician be in better condition than after home procedures?

The difference between home and professional cleaning by a beautician: 3 reasons to go to a beautician

Home peels and masks will slightly improve the condition of the skin. You can use them in the hope of saving on a visit to the salon, as well as use devices for cleaning at home. But scrubbing or exfoliating with a weak concentration is not enough if you have a pronounced problem. Professional face cleaning involves the following:

  • consultation about your skin type;
  • problem analysis;
  • deep cleansing;
  • exfoliation;
  • removal of dense comedones and sebaceous plugs (if necessary);
  • applying masks;
  • massage.

You can manage some of the steps on your own, but there is still the possibility of complications due to technique violations. Without knowledge, you run the risk of misdiagnosing the type of problem, which will worsen the condition of the skin. To avoid unpleasant consequences, use the achievements of professional cosmetology. What are the benefits they provide?

Effective removal of sebaceous plugs

The main advantage of the procedure with a cosmetologist is the ability to get rid of dense comedones. After all, most people under the age of 50 have black dots. Despite the abundance of techniques, the only way to ensure that blackheads are removed is manual cleaning. Do not confuse it with extrusion, which you do yourself! Turning to a cosmetologist for a service, you will notice a number of advantages:

  1. Often the sebaceous plug is located deep in the pore. If it has become dense, it is unlikely that it will be possible to extract the contents at home and not leave a scar. The beautician will clean even problem areas: the wings of the nose, cheeks, chin. The performance will be higher than when you stand in front of a mirror and try to consider what exactly you are doing.
  2. A professional knows the correct technique for extracting sebaceous plugs. This reduces the likelihood of inflammation: they occur when some of the content remains in the pore. The beautician also uses tools (Uno spoon) to control the intensity of pressing. As a result, the red or dark spots that form in people with thin or sensitive skin will not remain on the face. The likelihood of peeling, which often occurs after unprofessional extrusion, will also decrease.
  3. The cosmetic dermatologist uses products that facilitate manual extraction of comedones. It can remove blackheads from the face after a chemical peel, as the sebaceous plugs partially dissolve. In the salon, additional methods are also connected: vacuum cleaning or decontamination.
  4. The professional uses lamps equipped with magnifiers. As a result, he sees even small comedones and removes them before the problem worsens.

Topical products that help fight acne have become widespread. But they will not give deep cleansing and will not get rid of dense comedones. In order for most of the black dots to disappear from the face after cleaning, contact a specialist.

It is important that you understand the achievability of the results. And, and other types will reduce rashes, but will not remove them completely. Black dots occur due to excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, so after the procedure, you will need to use products from the treatment and care series.

The effectiveness of professional tools

The effect achieved with the help of professional products will be appreciated by lovers of chemical peels. Of course, exfoliation gels with glycolic or salicylic acid are sold in stores. But their effect will be weak, as manufacturers rely on safety for consumers. If used incorrectly, they can get chemical burns.

Why will the face after cleaning in the salon be in better condition than after home experiments? The fact is that professional products are characterized by a high concentration of acid and a low pH level.

Why pH matters

If you purchase mixtures for non-professional use, then the pH level is always above 3.0. But peels for medium and deep action, used in salons, are highly acidic. At a pH below 3.0, products can cause damage to the skin if applied by a non-professional. But the procedure in the salon will relieve a complex of problems: clogged pores, acne and post-acne scars, wrinkles, age spots.

Concentration level

The concentration of products used in the salon is usually 30%. For deep peels, the rate is increased to 70%. Since the product penetrates into the layers of the skin, application should be under the supervision of an experienced dermatologist. Otherwise, complications are possible, and the recovery period is extended for up to 10 months.

In addition to strong exfoliators, cosmetologists-dermatologists also have specialized equipment. For severe problems, microdermabrasion is used - a mechanical peeling that cleans the pores with the help of aluminum microcrystals or a diamond head. You will not only get rid of comedones, but also improve the complexion, which will make the appearance more youthful.

Problem skin consultation

Carrying out procedures is not enough, since facial skin care after cleansing will consolidate the result. If you went to a specialist, then you probably have a problem that you could not solve on your own. But the procedure in the salon begins with a consultation about the condition of the skin. A properly qualified cosmetologist-dermatologist will analyze the integument using a lamp with a magnifying glass or a Wood's lamp.

If you want to know in more detail how the face will look after cleaning by a beautician, watch a video with a story about all the stages:

Undesirable consequences of the procedure

When you come to the salon, the specialist will explain to you the achievable results and warn you about the consequences. But, despite the development of cosmetology, discomfort remains a part of many procedures. What are the consequences of cleaning?

When there is nothing to worry about: unpleasant, but normal

Immediately after the procedure, you may notice normal, but unpleasant phenomena:

  1. Redness, especially after manual cleaning, is partially removed with masks. But the phenomenon completely disappears after 24-48 hours. Rene Roulot, a star cosmetologist, says about the cause of redness: “In general, if the skin is well softened, the pores are cleaned without difficulty. Redness appears to be minimal. But in practice, when the beautician has to manually remove the comedone, the appearance of redness is normal. Especially if the sebaceous plugs or blackheads were deep and dense.
  2. A few hours after cleansing, the skin may be rosy. Roulo says your face shouldn't look like you're inflamed. But increased blood circulation after massages and cleansing is a common situation.
  3. The rashes that appear after the procedure will also not become an alarming sign. After all, all processes in the skin are activated, and the pores begin to cleanse themselves. During peelings or manual extraction, the cosmetologist-dermatologist does not aim to remove the plugs at any cost. After all, some of the pollution will come out naturally! When the aggravation is left behind, the appearance of the face will be better than before cleaning.
  4. The feeling of tightness after is due to the fact that the skin has been exposed to acid. Although the dermatologist applies a moisturizing and nourishing cream, increased dryness of the skin remains the norm. With deep peels, you even have to put up with peeling: most importantly, do not tear off the crusts!

Most of these phenomena do not require additional intervention. A beautician can also recommend remedies that reduce side effects.

When to rush to the doctor

The consequences of purges are more serious:

  1. If, after cleansing your face, you are wondering how many days the redness lasts, and you do not see any improvement within 48 hours, contact a cosmetologist-dermatologist.
  2. Burning, hypersensitivity, swelling and redness after dry cleaning may mean that the effect was too strong.
  3. Irritation, peeling of the skin, bright redness, cough, sometimes swelling in the neck are signs of individual intolerance. Even the famous Rene Rouleau admits that one of her clients had a similar reaction to the herbal extract.
  4. Excessive rashes are the result of the wrong choice of products, infection, the use of expired products.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, contact salons with a proven reputation.

How to avoid unpleasant phenomena

Did the beautician do everything right? This does not guarantee that there will be no complications. The key point is skin care after cleansing the face. You will need to follow the following rules:

  1. Do not use scrubs for at least 5 days. The impact of the granules injures the already sensitive integument, which will cause inflammation.
  2. Replace soaps with foams or gels designed for your skin type. A cosmetologist-dermatologist will give recommendations on which products are suitable for your case.
  3. If you didn't check out the fitness club before cleansing your pores, don't rush to grab dumbbells after the procedure. Fever and sweating can cause rashes.
  4. It seems that the doctor did not remove all the comedones? Give up the idea of ​​steaming your face and squeezing out the remnants of sebaceous plugs. The integument has already been exposed and the heat may cause bleeding or sensitization. With a visit to the sauna or pool will also have to wait.
  5. Immediately after the session, do not apply sunscreen or other harsh products to the skin. Exceptions are possible when the drug was advised by a cosmetologist.
  6. After cleaning, even atraumatic, do not use tonal creams, foundations, powders. If you have a solemn event, the procedure should end 3 hours before it.
  7. Remember to moisturize: apply creams and drink plenty of water.
  8. After cleansing, you can not do lifting with the help of gold threads, epilation of facial hair, laser procedures. If you are planning such measures, take them before cleaning or wait at least 7 days.
  9. When you clean your pores, the beautician most likely removes a layer of dead cells from your face. It is they who exfoliate, mix with sebum and clog pores. After removing the top layer of the epidermis, the problem will decrease, but the skin will lose its protection. This means that the sunbathing will have to be abandoned.


Although a visit to the salon should begin with answers to your questions, you can forget what exactly you were going to clarify. Most often, clients are interested in the following:

  1. Why do a facial? Like most beauty treatments, pore cleansing prevents problems from escalating. Beautician-dermatologists say that such care even facilitates adaptation to the changing seasons. After all, with the advent of coolness, you turn on the heating and soon you feel dry skin. And in April, when it gets warmer outside, the glands secrete sebum more actively: rashes and acne are not long in coming. To ensure that the consequences are not “obvious” in every sense, clean regularly.
  2. What results to expect? Progress depends on the initial condition of the skin, so do not expect an immediate transformation. Usually the procedures are performed in a course: its duration depends on the type of problems and the type of cleansing chosen. It happens that 1 session is enough to improve, and the skin looks healthier and smoother. If you want to get rid of severe breakouts, signs of aging or hyperpigmentation, the result will have to wait. But if you follow the advice of a beautician, you will achieve improvements.
  3. What are the long-term benefits of regular cleansing? The answer is simple: the skin will be healthy! You do not have to hide defects under a thick layer of foundation or powder. The beautician will also adjust the care depending on the season, so even in the cold you will forget about peeling and redness of the face.
  4. What happens at the initial consultation? You will be asked to answer questions about your health, medications, allergies. Then the beautician examines the skin, using a lamp with a magnifying glass, asks what results you want to achieve. He should advise the type of cleaning and give advice on maintenance. A story about the preparation for the procedure is also required. Its nuances depend on whether you are going to do mechanical, ultrasonic or vacuum cleaning.

Consider these subtleties, read the information about the chosen procedure, and the effect will not disappoint.

Facial cleansing at the beautician: before and after photos

It is easier to evaluate the achievable results if you look at the photos before and after cleanings.

mechanical cleaning

The option is painful, but the shortcomings are brightened up by the effectiveness. Although many argue that such cleansing is outdated, there is no other way to guarantee the removal of pronounced blackheads.

Chemical cleaning

When surface cleaning with peels, you will not feel discomfort. But median or deep variations will require a long recovery.

ultrasonic type

Ultrasound has an atraumatic effect: thanks to high-frequency waves, dirt seems to be pushed out of the pores. Devices are also used at home, but they cannot be compared in power with professional ones.

Laser cleaning

How to choose a beautician

If you want to get beautiful skin, understand how beauty treatments work. Imagine that you go to a fitness club: when you exercise several times a year, you can forget about the result. But by working with a trainer, following his recommendations and taking care of yourself, you will get a toned body. Cosmetic cleansing works on a similar principle: you need to find a specialist, regularly carry out procedures, and choose general care.

It will be possible to determine the qualifications of the master already at the stage of preliminary consultation. The professional will ask you a series of questions:

  1. Do you smoke?
  2. How much time do you spend in the open sun? Do you love sunbathing?
  3. How often do you travel?
  4. Do you have allergies?
  5. How much time do you allocate for sleep?
  6. Do you have allergic reactions?

If you visit the salon for the first time, and the cosmetologist does not ask these questions, his professionalism is doubtful. After all, the individuality of the approach is the main plus of cleanings by an experienced master. Otherwise, the procedure will do more harm than good. Also ask about the cost: it will not be possible to name the amount clearly at this stage, but you will get a rough idea.

Pay attention to the appearance of the beautician. Is his face covered in black dots? Look for another master. If you're thinking, "I want to look like this," keep going and ask a few questions related to the latest techniques. The specialist will not be confused when he hears about the developments in the field of dermabrasion or chemical peels: he must know what you are talking about. Feel free to ask where the beautician was trained, what experience he has, what type of products he uses.

A cosmetic dermatologist should not discuss other clients with you, insist on buying certain skin care products, or make unrealistic promises (“You will look 20 years younger!”).