Orthodox prayer from the evil eye, envy, corruption and evil people. Conspiracy from evil people: how to deal with ill-wishers

No matter how faithful the friendship is, it sometimes happens that human weaknesses turn out to be stronger than virtues, and this is especially true of envy. And we all know perfectly well how often strong envy borders on such a type of witchcraft as the evil eye. Should someone envy your success very much, then problems immediately begin, because, thus, a person consciously or subconsciously sends us negative energy and then we say "jinxed". If you have such girlfriends who may envy your material success or love happiness, then it makes sense to learn how to protect yourself from such phenomena, and there is nothing better for this than using a protective conspiracy from an envious girlfriend.

How to properly use a protective conspiracy from an envious girlfriend

To effectively use a protective conspiracy from an envious friend, you need to consider just a few points:

Firstly, if you suspect that one of your friends will surely envy any of your success, then you should repeat the protective conspiracy three times even before you share the good news with her or with those from whom she can. find it out. So you will create a protective astral cocoon around you in advance.

Secondly, if it so happened that you have already faced the negative consequences of envy, then you need to repeat a protective conspiracy from an envious friend nine times, adding after each repetition - "Your envy go away, my success is stay."

I will get up (my name) early at dawn, pray, baptize, enlist God's help and go into the open field. And in an open field there is a huge stone, and on that stone are carved the words of a reserved protective conspiracy from an envious friend, from an envious friend, from all envious people. I will read (my name) those words: "Lead envy into a trap, let it perish and disappear forever and ever." And just as the sun sinks below the horizon every evening, so envy leaves my life for the ends of the earth. And as the skin falls from the snake, so the consequences of envy will subside from my happiness. And the Heavenly Forces will become the seal of the words of a protective conspiracy from an envious friend, and God's saints will cleanse me and my success from the evil eye, from damage, voluntary and involuntary, from the thoughts of enemies and the weak in spirit. And let a protective conspiracy from an envious friend become a talisman for me, a guard with a wall, become a protection forever and ever. And as the heavens are reflected in water, so may a conspiracy from an envious friend protect me from the evil eye and damage, reflect all evil and direct me to the one who sent it. And as it is said on the reserved stone "lead envy into a trap," so let it come true in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. From now on, forever and ever. Amen.

© Alexey Korneev

The material of this article contains detailed information about what this type of conspiracy is and how it can be done on your own for someone or what to do in order to remove it as soon as possible.

Conspiracy from envy if you have already jinxed how to remove

In order to remove the conspiracy from envy, it is necessary to carry out the following ritual. During the waning phase of the moon, you should retire to a room where no one can interfere with the ceremony, take a green candle, light it and say the following words of the conspiracy out of envy:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! The Trinity knows: there is no white envy. And it, black, filthy, evil, burns out with a green candle. Trinity knows: flattery is never red. And her sting burns out with sacred fire. And I say, the servant (a) of God (s) (your name), the Lord's words: “Every word that the flame of this candle is supposedly white will whiten to chalk. A well-known case. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the words are pronounced, three small circles will need to be cut out of the compacted material, each of which should be of different colors: black, red and white. As soon as the blanks are made, they must be placed near the candle and read the words of the conspiracy three times: “I will cover the black colo with white, I will cover it with red. All envy is not swept up by snow, but the Holy Cross beats off. Lips, words, thoughts of thin eternal lock. The thread on the canvas ends the lesson. Truly! "

After that, the circles should be folded one by one in the following sequence: black, white and red. When the circles are folded, you need to embroider an Orthodox church cross on them with a red woolen thread, while the needle must be new and not previously used. While the cross is being embroidered, the words of the conspiracy should be read in a whisper:

“Three churches, holy domes, a red canvas, the Son of God is with me, baptized (oh), prayer (oh) slave (s) (your name). Lips, words, thoughts of thin eternal lock. The Lord's canvas and His will is as follows. From now on until forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

At the end, you need to tie a knot on the back side, while saying: “The holy cross is my castle. The lesson is over. "

Next, you need to draw a candle along the contour of the cross so that the wax drips onto it. A used needle with the remnants of a red thread must be stuck into a candle and hidden so that no one can find it. The prayer "Our Father" should be read three times over the charmed amulet. You will need to carry it with you at all times, only so that no one sees.

Conspiracy from the black envy of others and relatives read at home

To carry out a conspiracy from the black envy of others and relatives, you must purchase a white church candle, a pin and matches in advance. None of these attributes should be used prior to the commencement of the ritual. At midnight on the new moon, you should retire in a room where there is no one, light a candle near the window so that the moonlight falls on it, and glow the tip of a pin with the fire of a candle. In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the words of the conspiracy three times:

“As long as the metal retains its strength, there will be a powerful defense.
I dissuade myself (name) from everything black, evil, evil, witchcraft! "

After that, put out the candle and hide it along with the matches, and attach the pin to the clothes so that it is always next to the person conducting the conspiracy.

Prayers from envious people and ill-wishers to the Lord God

From a black eye, the evil thoughts of ill-wishers and the envy of evil people, reading a prayer is considered to be an effective counteraction, which by its strength is capable of creating a powerful energy field of protection from negativity. In order for the prayer to come into effect, one should retire in a room with icons, light three church candles and say the words of the prayer three times:

“Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Help me to cleanse myself of the malicious envy of the enemy and do not allow me to sorrowful days. I believe in you sacredly and earnestly pray for forgiveness. In sinful thoughts and vicious deeds, I forget about the Orthodox faith. Forgive me, Lord, for these sins and do not punish me too much. Do not be angry with my enemies, but return to them the envious soot, let loose by evil people. Thy will be done. Amen". After that, you need to cross yourself three times and extinguish the candles.

Conspiracy from envious people at work

Such a conspiracy should be carried out at dawn in clear, sunny weather, it is desirable that it was the Day of the Angel, then the ritual will be even more powerful. To do this, you need to take the thing that is always nearby and can always be with the person committing the conspiracy during working hours.

In the morning, one should stand near the icon of the Holy Mother of God, pray, thank for everything and, putting the thing that should be spoken, near the icon, read the following words of the conspiracy:

“Snakes are poisonous, evil, fertile around me, do not wind, do not stick to the matter with misfortune. Your arrows won't reach! My name spills out with goodness in the hearts of people, life is filled with good luck! In the name of the Holy Trinity who is with me! Amen!"

Conspiracy from envious people to read on the waning moon

A conspiracy from envious people should be read from the first day after the full moon to the waning moon. To carry out such a ceremony, you need to take a jar of sacred church water and at midnight, secluded in an empty room, without turning on the light, read the prayer "Our Father" three times over this water, then turn to Nicholas the Pleasant with a prayer, and immediately after that how this will all be done, it is necessary to say the words of the conspiracy:

“I, a servant of God (name), am walking through a clean field, I will meet seven black demons with half-spirits. All black, evil, unsociable. Would you go, spirits with half-spirits, to the dashing people! Put them on a leash so that I am safe from them, on the way, on the road, in the house, in the forest, with strangers and relatives, on land and on the water, at a feast and at a wedding, in the night and in trouble! So that no one envies me, God's servant (name), no one betrays me to those demons. Amen".

At the end of the conspiracy, you should drink three sips of water, wash your face with it and, without wiping yourself off, go to bed. Then, for a week, before going to bed, you need to take three sips of the charmed water. After a week, if the water remains in the jar, it must be poured over the threshold of the house, so that it does not spill over and sprinkle the threshold itself.

Rituals and ceremonies from envious people

The conspiracy should be carried out on Friday, when it is raining. To perform the ceremony, you should take a glass container and put sugar in it. Close the container with a lid and place it on the windowsill so that water flows onto the glass. Before you go to bed, you need to take a vessel with contents and, knocking on it three times, utter the words of the conspiracy:

"As water cannot harm sugar,
so is the Servant of God (name of the envious)
cannot harm the Servant of God (your name). "

If it is found that the sugar inside is wet, then the ceremony should be interrupted at the same second, otherwise it may come out sideways.

However, the more rain water falls on the glass and does not wet the sugar, the stronger the protection against envy, gossip and the evil eye will be. If the person conducting the ritual knows who exactly is jealous of him, then for a week after that he can pour the conspiracy sugar into his tea, then the envy of this person will be removed as if by hand. This ritual can be performed after Friday also on Saturday and Sunday.

Man is an imperfect creature. Everyone strives for a better life, more prosperity, popularity, and success. Everyone does it differently - someone is richer, someone can boast of excellent health, someone has gifted children. And from the outside it seems that a person who has such benefits does not make any efforts to achieve them. This is where envy arises.

Envy can be white (to be honest, it is quite rare, if at all). And sometimes it is black. And people who envy you precisely with black envy are capable of committing any dirty tricks, up to magical actions.

You are not just making a talisman. To do this, you need to conduct a whole ritual that will endow him with protective power from evil people.

It is necessary to pick a day for the waning moon. At sunset, stay alone in a remote room so that no one interferes with you. But you cannot talk about what you are going to do to anyone, even to your household. Light a prepared green candle and say:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! The Trinity knows: there is no white envy. And it, black, filthy, evil, burns out with a green candle. Trinity knows: flattery is never red. And her sting burns out with sacred fire. And I say, the servant (a) of God (s) (your name), the Lord's words: “Every word that the flame of this candle is supposedly white will whiten to chalk. A well-known case. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Place the candle in a candlestick, but so that its glare is not visible from the street. Then cut out three circles from a dense material, a small diameter in three colors - black, white and red. Then place the circles at the base of the candle and recite the spell again an odd number of times.

“I'll cover the black colo with white, and I'll cover it with red. All envy is not swept up by snow, but the Holy Cross beats off. Lips, words, thoughts of thin eternal lock. The thread on the canvas ends the lesson. Truly! "

Then take the circles and superimpose one on top of the other in the following sequence: black - white - red. In a new needle and thread a red woolen thread (preferably, consecrated in the church). Embroider on all three circles, piercing them at the same time, the symbol of the Christian cross. Follow this procedure with the words:

“Three churches, holy domes, a red canvas, the Son of God is with me, baptized (oh), prayer (oh) slave (s) (your name). Lips, words, thoughts of thin eternal lock. The Lord's canvas and His will is as follows. From now on until forever. Amen. Amen. Amen"

After finishing embroidery, tie a knot on the back of the amulet and say the following words:

“The holy cross is my castle. The lesson is over "

Take the finished amulet, tilt the candle over it and drip wax along the contour of the cross. Extinguish the candle, but never extinguish. Stick the needle with the rest of the thread into the candle stub and hide. Read the prayer "Our Father" three times over the amulet.

Always keep the amulet with you. You cannot show it to anyone or explain its purpose. He will keep you from voluntary or involuntary envy, slander of evil people, evil eyes and unkind envious people.

On the next big church holiday (Easter, Christmas, Epiphany, Trinity), go to the church for the morning service. To the ringing of church bells at the crossroads of four roads, break the needle and throw it to the side of the road with the words:

“Rest here, my castle. From now on, the lesson is over. " The candle itself, being in the church, light it and set it near the icon of Christ, saying: “The Lord's canvas. This is the will of the Son. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Light a candle in the temple and set it up for the health of your envious people. Do not leave until it completely burns out.

Now the ritual of protection from envious people is completely completed. Always wear an amulet, periodically (on major holidays) sprinkle it with fresh holy water.


With envy

If you notice that things have sharply "gone down", everything is falling out of hand - think about the reason for this state of affairs. You can definitely remember when the "bad luck" began - memory sharpens in stressful situations, analyze everything that happens. Undoubtedly, you can find the reason - the evil tongues of envious people have done their dirty deed. It's time to start correcting the situation.

The most important thing in a conspiracy is not to wish evil on the envious, because it usually comes back like a boomerang. It is best to conduct a conspiracy in front of holy icons, to protect against defilement and the influence of otherworldly antagonistic forces.

Preparing for a conspiracy of envy. Buy seven large enough candles from the church and collect holy water. Place in a secluded room (preferably in the corner) icons of the Most Holy Theotokos, Savior and Panteleimon the Healer.

Write it yourself on a piece of blank paper:

There will be no envy of caustic people in me,
I'd rather keep silent about my merit.
I will hide income, grace in my soul,
Let the evil eyes not see it.
I hide any successes in myself,
Then I'll keep my family healthy.
And if this mud has already started,
Annealed with fire, he will drive away the attack.
I wish my enemies victory in fate,
And I will bury the evil pitch in the ground.
Amen! Amen! Amen!

At midnight, in front of icons and holy water, wish the Lord's good and blessings to all your envious people. Look at the candle flame and read the plot seven times. Drink holy water and wait until the candles go out by themselves.

Then wrap the candle ends in a piece of paper with a written conspiracy. Bury items in a deserted area. In the morning, give all the household members holy water.

Such a conspiracy does not carry negativity to others. Everything bad in the house will go into the ground without causing harm. This is the most important thing if you want evil not to return.

From gossip

No one wants to become the object of slander from others. But sometimes slander, which causes laughter, does not resemble the truth. Such chatter is not worth paying attention to, it can be carried only by "stupid" people.

But sometimes because of gossip, the attitude of friends changes dramatically. If you don't want a long and difficult conversation, try the following.

Take a new soap and read the words:

Water queen, my helper
You wash away all the bad
You free everything from dirt
Wash away the bad rumor from me,
Return it to my enemies for trouble.
How water does not stick to glass
So that my name is not kept in the rumor.
And who speaks badly about me,
Let the bridle fly off that tongue.
Numb at the same hour the enemy then
When you want to say about me.
Lips, teeth, key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Wash yourself with this soap from head to toe, put it in water - let it go completely limp. Then pour this water over a sink or river with running water. But do not keep this water in the house for more than 3 days.

From evil tongues

“You can't put a scarf on every mouth,” - this is what grandmothers used to say from ancient times, sitting on the heap near the village house. These mouths with evil tongues agree that there is no life! Sincere prayer that does no harm is of great power.

I speak to myself (name)
From fiercely evil languages:
Old maidens, old men
Old men, old women, age-old widows,
Relatives, strangers, healthy and sick,
And who will say bad things about me
That the Lord God will punish
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
And now and forever and forever and ever.

Meeting a person on the road with a bad character and a bad "look", especially at small children, say mentally three times:

Salt in your eyes - smoke to heaven.
Tongue on a leash - carry your words with you.
A dashing word will not stick to me,
And if you wish me harm, your tongue will become a stake.

Always wear a hairpin on your clothing, pinned down with the tip down. All the negative sent to you will pass along the curl of the hairpin and go through the tip into the ground.

Every person meets with such a feeling as envy. He either feels envy towards someone, or envy him. Envy can be kind and with negative energy. But in any case, envy is such a turn of energy, which in one way or another can have an impact on a person.

Envy is a strong energy, therefore, if envy was evil, malevolent, then it can greatly affect a person's life, fate, harmony in the family, attitude towards other people, and so on.

There are many ways a person can avoid envy. One of them is a conspiracy of envy. So that there is peace and joy in the family and in life, you can conduct a conspiracy out of envy.


How to read a conspiracy?

Like all conspiracies, a conspiracy of envy is still magic. Therefore, it is worth considering such a ceremony carefully and carefully. If you do not have the opportunity to consult a specialist in this field, then a conspiracy from envy can be carried out on your own, at home.

Before committing a conspiracy out of envy, you need to tune in, remove all unnecessary thoughts from your head. It is also worth knowing that in no case should you send negativity to the enemy, even if you are sure that it was he who put the evil eye on you, damage, or simply envies you greatly. All this can return to you with a vengeance. Be attentive and careful.

Conspiracy from the evil eye

There are several ways to protect yourself from envy. The most popular are envy conspiracy and charms that protect you or your family.
During the conspiracy process, out of envy, you need to believe in what you are doing. You also need your positive shell, your aura to be very strong for later, so you need to practice meditation, often remember all the joyful, successful moments in your life, be able to praise and love yourself and your successes.

A strong conspiracy from envy and the evil eye can be carried out at home, with the help of the icon of the Virgin. You need to read the text of the prayer at midnight, when you are alone at home. Read in a whisper, light seven candles purchased in advance from the church. Reading a conspiracy with envy - look at the candles, represent your enemies, but send them only positive energy, your forgiveness, your wish for them love and health. You must be sincere. Also, you must have holy water prepared in a cup, which you must drink after the ceremony. The remains of the candles are no longer to be used, it is better to bury it in the ground, where no one can find it.

From evil spirits

There are many conspiracies from evil spirits. Consider one of them.

You need to prepare the room, close all the windows, swap the pillows. Next, draw a circle, sit in it. Loose hair, remove all unnecessary items. It is necessary to have silence, to carry out a conspiracy without unnecessary people who can distract.
It is imperative that you believe in what you are doing. read the conspiracy carefully and clearly.

In this case, it is worthwhile to understand that evil spirits are different, therefore, it is still better to carry out such rituals with a specialist. If you do decide on an independent ceremony, be careful.

From the envy of enemies

Oftentimes, the people you work with are jealous. They may be jealous of your success, your bigger salary, your fast career growth, your friendly relations with your superiors, and so on.

Envy will be in any case, but in order for this negativity to not affect you, you need to conduct a conspiracy out of envy, it is better if it is done in nature, but if there is no such possibility, then at home, alone.

You need to take a bottle of consecrated water, read the text of the conspiracy with envy. The text is addressed to the Virgin Mary, is a request to help a person from the evil eye.

Next, you need to pour this water on yourself, starting from the head so that the water can drain all over the body. Such a conspiracy from envy is based on the fact that when reading a conspiracy, with your thoughts in a ravine, water absorbs all negative energy, so you cannot wipe the water you need to let it just dry.

From black human envy

You can conduct a conspiracy of envy to protect your home and family.

Such a conspiracy of envy is. that you need to choose a place where there are many birds - crows. For example, you can choose a dump, trash can. To come to such a place in the morning, bow in all four directions of the world, read the conspiracy out of envy. The text is to appeal to black birds that will carry away all the negative energy from your home. Next, take a pebble, speak it, bring it into the house. Now - this is your amulet against envy.

Any conspiracies from envy will help you gain peace and harmony. It is worth recalling once again that in no case should you respond to envious people with a negative. Since it is believed that such people are so bad. Their life should not be so smooth, if they live someone else's life, discussing and envious, they are already wasting their energy on such negative feelings that it affects their lives.


One of the most powerful destructive human feelings is envy. This is a powerful energy that can shatter peace and harmony in your home or work, if someone envies you with black envy. This can be resisted. There is a sure way - a conspiracy out of envy, which will not allow your envious people to have the opportunity to disturb the peace of your family, start pointing the evil eye, and poison your life. The joy of your success in business, at work, in the family can motivate a less fortunate person to take desperate measures, up to a curse.

This should not be allowed - the conspiracy ritual is complex, but doable. You have everything you need at home, and, most importantly, you have the strength to resist hostile influences.

Several ways to fight against the evil eye

Do you have a house - a full cup, at work, success and money go into your own hands? On the one hand, you're in luck, but on the other hand, your successes can greatly anger neighbors, colleagues, and unlucky relatives. Envy is in human nature - it would be easier for many to deprive you of everything, and not to work yourself to achieve success. For you, protection from the harmful influence of enemies should be an important task. Envy gives rise to a powerful negative energy in a person, which pours out on you in the form of an evil eye, damage, curse. The most popular ways:

  • A strong conspiracy that will protect you and your family, keep the house from loss and conflict.
  • Charms you create that have a long lasting effect. You can carry them with you, place them at home or work.

In any case, you need faith in yourself, your positive energy to protect yourself from the evil eye. Success is a coming business, today it is, but tomorrow it may not be. Keeping him on your side longer, not letting evil tongues and eyes take your fortune away from you is not an easy task, but doable.

You will need a strong charge of positive energy, a good ability to visualize the result. To develop it, meditate more often, imagine your successes, the smiles of loved ones, the praises of your boss and colleagues at work, your friends. The brighter your visualization of the positive moments of life, the easier it will be to find energy to perform the ritual.

Conspiracy from evil eye and black tongue

A strong way of protection, suitable to pacify an envious person, to prevent ignorance of the evil eye on you. A person spreads rumors out of envy of you, to say bad things about you - it is better to immediately arm yourself against his envy.

The Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos will come to help you. If you already have it in your house - great, but if not - buy it in the church shop. This method will allow you to get rid of envious people, not to allow the evil eye or damage to be put on you.

  • The conspiracy is done at midnight;
  • The text is read in a half-whisper;
  • It will take seven candles from the church, holy water;
  • Before starting - wish good and good luck for your enemies, because you turn to the Most Holy Theotokos for help, and, therefore, ask from a pure heart;
  • Read the plot 7 times, looking at the burning candles:

“There will be no envy of caustic people in me, I would rather keep silent about my merit. I will hide the income, grace in my soul, Let evil eyes not see it. I will hide any successes in myself, Then I will preserve the health of my family. And if this mud has already started up, I will anneal it with Fire, it will drive away the attack. I wish my enemies victory in fate, And I will bury the evil pitch in the ground. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

  • Drink holy water;
  • Wait until the candles burn out, and bury the cinders in a deserted place.

The conspiracy should act on your enemies, your positive wish for happiness and good luck for them will make them forget evil speeches, stop looking in your direction with envy and spread bad rumors. This conspiracy should protect you from the evil eye, if it has already been imposed. The rite is strong, it uses powerful energies from the consecrated icon, holy water and church candles - it literally survives all the bad and negative that had an impact on you.

Conspiracy from envious glances at work

Moving fast in your career and your colleagues can't forgive your success at work? The evil eye must not be allowed. So that their negative thoughts and words do not affect your success, you will need to perform a ritual after which you will have protection from any influence. If you have the opportunity to go out into the countryside to perform the ceremony - ideal. It will work in the apartment too.

  • Take a wide-necked bottle.
  • Pour holy water into it.
  • Speak three times over water:

“The Virgin Mary walked across the land, washed, cleaned gray stones, white roots, cleaned - with an odm from me, the slave (a) of God (his) (imeriak) from dry land, from the tract, from black eyes, from brown eyes, from clear eyes ... My words are strong and molded, stronger than stone, closer than damask steel. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  • Pour the water over the top of your head and let it drain.

If you do it outdoors, let the water go into the ground, and if at home, let it dry completely. You can't walk around the place where this water dries up - it has absorbed all the negative from the evil eye.

This conspiracy will protect you and make your enemies harmless. They can envy as much as they want, but their envy will not break through your protective armor. This method will definitely help against those who do nothing explicitly, only intrigue.

Protecting your home from envious people

Enemies with black envy for your well-being may be at work, a neighbor, or even your family member. The house is your fortress and a safe haven, you need to protect it and protect it. For this there is a simple protective rite against all enemies, wherever they come from.

  • Come in the morning to a place where there are a lot of crows - to a landfill, for example.
  • Bow to the cardinal points four times, starting from the east.
  • Read the conspiracy against the envy of your house and all enemies who come under the guise of friends:

“Black flocks of crows, from all sides barriers: from the dashing eye, from the evil envy, time-honored, directed, early, midnight, noon. I came a servant of God (my name) to take protection from each feather, to drive away a poisonous attack, to give it to the main crow, to delight his big eye. With what I came here, without that I will leave. It was done as ordered. "

Speak each word clearly, pick up a small pebble from the ground and put it in your pocket. Such charmed stones can be turned into amulets for the home. Continue:

“I turn this envious eye into this pebble, and I forgive everyone who is visible and invisible. As the Lord God has commanded. "

This part should be spoken in a loud, confident voice. Shout out to the flock of birds, even if they start to behave very noisy - your words already have power. Bring the pebble home - it will help you protect the house from the evil eye, will become a strong source of protective energy. Soon you will feel which of your neighbors or friends was that evil envious person. The person himself will stop communicating and will no longer enter your house. If we talk about amulets, such a pebble will serve as an excellent source of protection.