Psychosomatic causes of miscarriage. Psychosomatics and psychological causes of missed pregnancy

He will tell you how the state of the mother during pregnancy affects the present and future of the child.

“I’m pregnant!”, “Hooray I will have a baby!” - shock, joy, admiration from the gamut of surging feelings. And what happens to a woman after the first flurry of emotions?

After all, it only seems from the outside that the nine months of pregnancy for a woman are filled with serenity and peace, increased attention from relatives, and the husband's super-careful attitude. Very often, delight and joy are replaced by causeless tears, fear, anxiety, sometimes doubts. This is simple explanation A: Motherhood is associated with inevitable changes at the physical, psychological and hormonal levels. Daily change in the appearance of a pregnant woman, her lifestyle, new types of ailments: and toxicosis, fatigue - all this leads to stress and mood changes. Each pregnant woman may have her own: fear of childbirth, fear of impending pain, fear for the unborn child, and finally, fear of pregnancy, especially if this grand event happened for the first time. How can a woman adapt to the everyday life of a long-awaited expectation of a baby and gain a sense of harmony?

Symbiosis "mother-child"

From the moment of conception, the mother-to-be and the fetus are in a state of symbiotic unity: a complementary and interdependent relationship. SYMBIOSIS (from the Greek "sym-biosis" - "together") - a union between organisms dependent on each other, the relationship between two people who need each other.

emotional connection

During pregnancy, the mother embodies her attitude to the world and forms model of the world for a child . And if it is possible from the moment of conception to provide the fetus with a sense of security and confidence, to create an atmosphere of warmth and love, then this is a truly valuable gift to the child for life: it is so important to know that he is loved and desired. From these feelings, qualities such as friendliness and optimism, self-confidence are formed throughout life.

Hormonal connection

Changes in the nervous system of a pregnant woman lead to changes in work endocrine system regulating the reproductive functions of the body. Mom and fetus during pregnancy are a single hormonal system. During the first ten weeks of pregnancy, an active biochemical exchange takes place between the mother and the fetus, where the mother is assigned the role of a supplier of hormones responsible for the development of the fetus.

From the work of the endocrine system depends on the receipt in the right amount of the necessary hormones by the fetus: growth hormone, hormones responsible for stimulating calcium metabolism.

In addition, the endocrine system is closely related to mental processes. After ten weeks of pregnancy, it begins to function, and the exchange of hormones begins to go both ways. One of the physiological functions of the placenta is to provide continuous exchange of substances and information between the mother and the fetus. It was established and recorded in the pictures that the fetus smiles and makes faces in sync with the mother, repeating her facial expressions, which means that it reflects her emotional state. Hormones easily cross the placenta, and all the emotional experiences of the mother are transmitted to the fetus in a matter of minutes. Interestingly, each emotion corresponds to a hormonal carrier: joy - endormines, and chagrin produces the hormone of "stress" - catechoshmines.

The role of the father during pregnancy

So, since the intrauterine baby perceives all positive emotions when they are directed to the mother, it is important to remember the role of the father during pregnancy. Husband support - the main thing for a pregnant woman, and therefore - for the future baby. When the husband shows care and shows signs of attention to the wife, the behavior of the fetus remains calm and peaceful. The more comfortable the expectant mother feels during pregnancy, the higher the level of the positive potential of the fetus, and the more stable the child's psyche after birth. For birth beautiful and smart child the future dad needs to surround his wife with beauty and peace, create conditions for the development of her creative potential.

It depends only on mom and dad what idea of ​​the world the child will inherit: this world will be evil and sad or colorful, cheerful, full of good impressions. Therefore, try to listen to good music more often, visit nature and just learn to enjoy life in anticipation of a miracle.

Happy pregnancy!

« Gradually, I began to realize that the causes of diseases are hidden not outside of a person, but inside him. Each person creates his own disease. Hundreds and hundreds of times I looked at different cases from my practice, and each time I was convinced that such external factors as nutrition, infection, weather conditions, create only a background for the development of the disease. There is something deeper inside a person that determines the development of a particular disease. And it doesn't matter if it's a disease of the soul or the body.

For a long time I tried to systematize the internal, subconscious causes of diseases, to make some kind of universal classification. Over time, I realized that it was impossible to create a universal system. Each person has his own reason for his illness. But there is still some regularity in the occurrence of diseases. This is due to the fact that a certain organ or system of the body not only performs specific physiological functions, but also bears an emotional burden. That is, some part of our body at the information-energy level reflects our thoughts and emotions. » .

Valery Vladimirovich Sinelnikov

Women's diseases:

Women's diseases occur when a woman does not accept something in herself (appearance, some kind of behavior). She does not want or cannot feel like a real woman, loved and desired. Such women in every possible way suppress their femininity in themselves, refuse the very principle of femininity.
In some women, the conviction that everything connected with the genitals is sinful or unclean leads to the disease.
The feminist movement, started in the late 19th century, continues today. It brought women many conquests, but also gave rise to a lot of "women's problems." After all, it is very important to prove yourself in this world as a woman, but at the same time accept male energy. Male and female are two poles, two halves of the whole. No wonder they are attracted to each other. God, creating our world, immediately divided it into male and female principles, into male energy - yang and female energy - yin. As soon as the balance between these energies is disturbed in life, this is immediately reflected in the state of the genital organs.
Diseases of the genital organs in women are also the result of denial and avoidance of men or the result of unsatisfactory relationships with the opposite sex. If a woman does not know how to give and receive physical and spiritual pleasure while being close to a man, then she will definitely have certain problems with her genitals.
The state of the pelvic organs also reflects the quantity and quality of sexual energy.


You have a sense of insecurity as a woman. You constantly feel that you are being attacked, you expect bad things from a man.
You cannot and do not know how to realize yourself as a woman. At the same time, you constantly send reproaches to your address. As well as reproaches, claims and insults against men.
Grief and disappointment in a woman's life lead to changes in the uterus. Often in such cases, women replace love with some other highly valued qualities: for example, decency, honesty, morality.
One of my patients with endometriosis, a very young woman, confessed:
You know, I have a wonderful husband. He is a good man, a wonderful father to children. But I don't love him. Although I know that love should come first.
Another patient of mine with endometriosis and persistent uterine bleeding stated briefly and simply:
- I don't like men.
Another woman with this condition reported during her story:
- My husband is very decent, but I love another!

Fibromyoma of the uterus


One of the important functions of the subconscious is to ensure the appearance of healthy and viable offspring in this world. If a woman has infertility, then she has in her subconscious a behavior that destroys the soul of the unborn child. The huge subconscious aggression of the mother will be amplified in the subconscious of the child many times over. That is, such a child will simply not be viable. In the subconscious of a barren woman, there is a program for the destruction of children.
In all religions, a woman was associated with the earthly, with the body, with fertility. Man - with the spiritual, with the spirit, with fertilization. In Christianity there is a commandment: "Let the wife be afraid of her husband." Why should a woman be afraid of a man? Because in this way she will not be able to experience aggression towards him. There is a saying: "Afraid - it means respect." Fear will be an obstacle before triggering negative feelings and emotions. That is, a woman should respect a man, but if there is no respect in her, then at least she should be afraid. A woman who has contempt for a man in her subconscious is sterile, because such a woman despises the spirit. A man who despises a woman denies earthly things and has a sick body. And often becomes impotent.
Thus, strong subconscious aggression directed at men leads to infertility. It can be not only contempt, but also claims to men, resentment, jealousy, hatred.
Recently, a woman with a tumor / patches came to the reception. The cause of the tumor is a strong subconscious aggression towards men.
“It’s better for me that they don’t exist at all,” she told me.
She also had no children. There were two abortions and two ectopic pregnancies that ended in tubal ligation.
Sometimes impure thoughts become an obstacle to pregnancy.
One of my friends told me a story.
My friend has a crisis in her relationship with a man. And she decided to tie him to her, having given birth to a child. “I’ll get pregnant from him,” she said, “and then he won’t leave me. A sense of duty won't allow it." “Sveta,” I tell her, “what a fool you are. No man can be kept as a child. You will only ruin your life and your child. Better break up with him or build a relationship. Then everything will be fine."
But she did not listen to me and decided to do it her own way. So she could not get pregnant from him. She was treated for a long time, went to resorts. Now I understand the reason. After a few years, they still parted ways. Six months later, she met another man. They got married and a year later they had a girl.
Fear and resistance to the life process, uncertainty about the future can also be the cause of infertility. After all, children are our future. There is simply no need to acquire parenting experience. This is facilitated by a certain situation in the family, the attitude of parents to each other and to children.
As long as there is no readiness for the appearance of a child in the subconscious, there will be problems with fertilization. And no matter how theoretically you would like to have a child, and no matter how passionate speeches are made about this.
The only way out is to explore your inner beliefs. Surely you will find there the fear of childbirth because of the responsibility associated with this, some restrictions and loads.
And sometimes an important obstacle is the fear of becoming ugly, unattractive, ruining the figure and shape of the chest.

I remember one program about a famous fashion model. For a long time she could not get pregnant. And when, after many years, she succeeded, she asked her husband:
- Do you still love me? After all, I became so fat and ugly.
The unattractiveness of women after childbirth is a myth. If a woman is ready for pregnancy both physically and spiritually, then pregnancy is the flowering of the female body. Those women who are accustomed to taking care of their body before childbirth, restore their excellent physical shape after them. Caring for a child, raising a new person make a woman even more beautiful, reveal in her the facets of her being.
Once a woman has done a soul-searching, she will be able to get pregnant and have healthy offspring.
M. Erickson, an American psychiatrist, describes such a case from practice.
One of my sisters tried desperately to get pregnant for 13 years. Since she saw me only as a brother, she did not take me seriously as a doctor, which, by the way, often happens among relatives. Therefore, she took in newborn babies who, for some reason, were left without parents, and nursed them until the adoptive parent was found. For ten years she was engaged in this business and, finally, turned to me for advice.
My answer was very simple: “You have been trying to get pregnant for a long time. But something doesn't work for you. But once you adopt a child yourself and feel that he is all yours, meaning physical closeness, kinship, a special sense of belonging - I just don’t know how else to put it - how in three months you will become pregnant. In March, the sister adopted a child, and in June she became pregnant. She later gave birth to several more children.

Cervical erosion

Erosion of the cervix symbolizes wounded female pride. You are sure that you are flawed as a woman. You cannot and do not know how to realize yourself as a woman.
Modern medicine instead of treatment offers cauterization of erosion, driving the disease deeper inside. I found that 90 percent of women with uterine tumors had cervical erosions in the past and they cauterized them. That is, they fought the consequences of the disease. And it is necessary to eliminate the reasons - to change the behavior and thoughts in relation to themselves and men.
“Well, how can I not feel flawed,” a woman complains to me who has recently begun to have vaginal discharge due to cervical erosion. - The husband is constantly on business trips or on duty. I am at home with two children. As they say, I don't see white light. How can I feel like a woman in such a situation, and even desirable?
“So you are saying,” I tell her, “that any and every woman who has two children and a husband who works cannot feel like a desirable woman.
- Well, no, why not? I have a friend, so she has three children, her husband works a lot, and she, as they say, blooms and smells. But for myself, I see no way out.
“Then let’s look for this way out together,” I suggest to her.
“Come on,” she agrees.

Inflammation of the external genitalia, vaginitis, leucorrhoea

The genitals symbolize feminine principles. Problems with the external genital organs reflect the fear of not being up to par, fear for one's femininity, doubts about one's femininity. You have subconscious aggression towards men: resentment, claims, anger, contempt. Inflammation of the vulva and vagina reflects that you feel hurt as a woman. You think that women are generally powerless to influence the opposite sex.
There is such a pattern: men with wounded pride are more likely to suffer from duodenal ulcers, and women - inflammation of the external genital organs.
Women often come to me with inflammation of the genital organs. In such cases, in the subconscious of women, there is strong irritation and claims against men.
And now a young woman is sitting at the reception. She has chronic thrush. Frequent and copious discharge with an unpleasant odor. Tablets give relief only for a short time.
We have already found out the subconscious reasons - this is a "chronic" dislike for men.
“You know, I constantly meet some not such men,” she says.
What does "not like that" mean? - I ask you to clarify.
- Well I do not know. It seems to me that there are no decent men at all.
- At all? I wonder.
“Well, not really, doctor. Perhaps they are. I just haven't met yet. She got tired of her first husband - she could not bear his betrayals. The second one is gone. And now I come across all some kind of "garbage".

Dysmenorrhea (menstrual disorder)

You experience hatred for your female body, deny or reject your femininity. Or you have doubts about your femininity.
One young girl had a menstrual cycle. Menses were irregular and painful. Turning to the subconscious mind, we found out the causes of violations. In a state of hypnotic trance, the girl remembered her childhood. When she was little, her mother often repeated that she wanted to have a boy, not a girl. In addition, as it seemed to her, her brother was given much more attention in the family.
Over time, everything was forgotten, but these negative subconscious attitudes had a negative effect on her femininity.
Doubts about one's femininity are necessarily associated with subconscious aggression towards men. The girl borrows them from her mother, and this is reflected in her sexual development.
Another possible reason that can lead to a violation of menstruation is the guilt and fear associated with sex. You have a strong conviction that everything connected with the genitals is sinful or unclean.
I recently had a very unusual case. A woman came to the appointment with uterine fibroids. In addition, she had very painful periods. For 3-4 days she literally could not move, and the pills did not help much.
We turned to her subconscious to find out the reasons. Information came like this. “In a past life, you were a man and killed women,” the subconscious mind replied. “Now you will suffer in this life.”
The woman was frightened at first, but after she came to her senses, she said:
“Now I understand why I always looked at women's legs. You know, doctor, I never missed a single short skirt. Pli when they showed girls in bikinis on TV, I always ran to watch. But what am I to do? she asked anxiously. - Am I going to suffer until the end of my days?
We agreed with the subconscious mind that it would stop causing pain if she changed her attitude towards herself, towards all women and men. A month later, the next menstruation was painless.

Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation)

The absence of menstruation reflects the unwillingness to be a woman, dislike for oneself, rejection of one's femininity.
By the time a girl enters puberty, she usually already knows that she should have her period. And often identifies with his mother. And if the mother has a menstrual disorder or painful periods, then, most likely, everything will go the same way for her daughter. I have found that some women don't even know that normal periods should be pain free, no painful breast swelling, no clots. If you have at least one of these signs, then think about what is between you and well-being during menstruation?
Last year, a girl came to see me with a lack of menstruation. She is in her 20s but hasn't started menstruating yet. Parents have been worried for a long time. We visited almost all specialists, even "international class" psychics; Tried all medications, including hormones. But all in vain.
When I first saw this girl, I had the impression that her sexual development had stopped somewhere between 12 and 14 years old: the chest was ethically absent, the hips were narrow, the voice of a child, other signs confirmed my assumption.
I immediately suspected that certain subconscious motives were hidden here. And so it turned out.
In a state of hypnotic trance, the girl remembered everything that happened to her at the age of 12. On the eve of this event, the mother explained to her daughter that she would soon begin menstruating. The girl was very worried. After all, her mother had severe pain during menstruation, which forced her to lie in bed for several days, and no painkillers helped. Her mother always waited with horror for the approach of this period. The girl wept furtively for a whole week, begging the Lord God to do everything possible so that she would not become a woman, but remain a girl forever. Added fuel to the fire was the fact that the mother always told how hard she gave birth; and besides, the father was very rude to the mother. And so, either the Lord God heard the prayers of the girl, or her desire was too strong, but her development stopped.
The girl continued to be in a state of hypnotic trance, and I gave her a two-hour lecture on normal sexual development, on how menstruation should flow, on normal pregnancy, on the joys of motherhood, and much more. In general, about everything that her mother should have told her about at one time.
On that day, they had to call a taxi, since the girl's menstruation began already when she went out into the street.
Two weeks later, her mother came to the reception. She admitted that she tried to deal with her pain herself, but she did not succeed. Her problem turned out to be much more complicated, since there were motives for self-punishment and feelings of guilt. It turned out that in her youth she committed an offense for which her subconscious mind punished her for twenty-two years with severe menstrual pain!
And six months later, the girl came to me again, but with a slightly unusual request - to stop breast growth. In six months, she has changed a lot: she has become feminine, extremely attractive. Her breasts really got big enough, and I had to grant her request (although before that, on the contrary, I helped women increase their breasts). Then she asked me to put her into a hypnotic trance and tell her about normal and healthy sex (during the time we did not see each other, she had a friend and they were going to get married, but she no longer relied on her mother and friends).

Uterine bleeding

The outflow of blood from the uterus symbolizes the outgoing joy. Feel like a real woman and bring joy back into your world. Long-standing resentments and anger prevent you from doing this - get rid of them.
A woman came to the appointment, who had been suffering from uterine bleeding for a long time. And recently, doctors also discovered uterine fibroids.
The reasons were as follows. A few months ago, she suspected her husband of infidelity. I made a scandal for him, I wanted to kick him out of the house, but the children kept him.
“I gave my whole life to him,” she said excitedly. “He took me as a girl. Besides him, I didn't know any other men. And he acted so badly. I told him then,” she continued, “but do you know that the peasants at work won’t let me pass? And one doctor-herbalist even offered me a hand and a heart. He has a big house and a foreign car. But I’m not the same: “I have a family, a husband and children.” As soon as my husband found out about this, that I could go to another, ”she continued further,“ he lay at my feet for a week and asked for forgiveness. So I have not forgiven him so far, and I can hardly forgive him.

Cyst and inflammation of the ovaries

The ovaries symbolize the female creative centers.
Problems with the ovaries are problems with the realization of one's feminine principle in this world. This is hindered by negative we-ate-blocks in relation to ourselves as women and in relation to men.
A girl came to my appointment with adnexitis and a violation of the monthly cycle, “Failures” began. as soon as menstruation starts. I immediately noticed that she was dressed somehow in a boyish way.
She literally demanded from me:
- Doctor, give me these pills to make my ovaries work.
- Didn't you take the pills? I ask her.
- Accepted. Hormonal. While taking it, my periods are normal. As soon as I stop taking it, my periods stop. I'm not going to sit on hormones all my life. I already have hair on my legs began to grow intensively, but on the head, on the contrary, they fall out. But you, I heard, have special grains on herbs.
- There is.
“Here, give them to me.
- I'm ready. But are you ready to fulfill all the conditions of treatment? I ask her.
- Certainly! she answers. – What are these conditions?
“First of all, you must become a woman.
“But I’m already a woman,” the girl answers with bewilderment. I even had one abortion.
“You shouldn’t brag about having an abortion. I mean to become a woman not in the sexual sense, but in the soul. Because at heart you are a guy. Since childhood, you loved to play not with friends, but with boys, wearing men's clothes.
The girl looks at me in bewilderment.
“Doctor, how do you know all this?”
- I even guess that you are studying for a "male" profession.
- Yes it is. I study at a technical school and want to connect my future profession with car repair. I love to dig into cars and repair all sorts of mechanisms. You know, I would give my whole life to live a man for ten years.

Frigidity, lack of orgasm

Very often, fear is the cause of frigidity. Fear of various kinds: before life, before men, before the father.
A strict father, fixated on morality and decency, intimidating his daughter with rapists and feeling contempt for prostitutes (doing all this, of course, out of good intentions), unwittingly forms a negative subconscious attitude towards sex in his daughter.
“I have a very strict father,” a young woman who has been unable to orgasm tells me. “He always looked after my chastity. Sometimes it reached the point of absurdity. Immediately after graduation, I started dating a guy, and if I was late and came home later than the scheduled time, he would throw a scandal, call me names in every way and frighten me by sending me to a gynecologist for an examination.
Frigid women do not allow physical pleasure into their lives or do not know how to enjoy life through sexual intercourse. They have no balance between the physical and the spiritual. Priority is given to spiritual development, and the physical is denied. This can be facilitated not only by fears, but also, for example, by the belief that sex is bad, sinful. Such women often attract inept partners into their lives to justify their own insensitivity. They seek to replace the lack of sexual enjoyment with something else.
One of my patients, who suffered from lack of orgasm, recalled a scene from her childhood in a state of hypnotic trance. One day she heard her mother moaning from the bedroom. She thought that her mother was very sick, since she was moaning, and decided to see what happened to her. She opened the door to the bedroom and saw that her father pressed her mother to the bed, grabbed her hands and "began to hurt her, which made her moan, but could not escape."
“Now I understand why I have such a negative attitude towards sex,” the woman said when she came out of the trance. “Now I also know where I got my incomprehensible dislike for my father and men in general. I always thought that they hurt women and make them suffer. And I remember now,” the patient continues. - When the mother said to the father: "Don't get on my nerves!" - For some reason, I associated the expression "to wag the nerves" with having sex.
The absence of normal and fulfilling sexual experiences can extend to other areas of life. So, for example, several patients with frigidity turned out to be vegetarians. This by no means means that every vegetarian is frigid. Maybe it was just a coincidence. But in one case I decided to use it. I convinced the patient that a person should not become a vegetarian for "ideological" reasons. That is, he should not proceed from the fact that, they say, eating the corpses of animals is bad. Indeed, for another, meat may look like a very tasty and healthy steak. Gradually, by including meat in her diet, she began to receive sexual satisfaction.
Distrust of men and generally everything in this world leads to sexual problems. The woman develops the tension generated by this distrust, and the inability to relax and get satisfaction.
A woman in my session turned to her subconscious and asked: “What is my behavior and what are my thoughts that caused the inability to experience an orgasm?”
The subconscious answered her simply and briefly: "Your distrust of men and people in general."
Usually frigidity affects those women who grew up in families where there was not enough love and understanding between mother and father. In such families, a man and a woman are connected not by love, but by such concepts as decency and a sense of duty.
Recently, feature films (most often American) have been shown on television in abundance, where sex is cultivated, primitive relations between a man and a woman based on animal instincts. Thus, sexual behavior is separated from the person's personality. Women and men act as sexual biorobots. Such concepts as love, soul, purity of thoughts are simply absent.
And now young girls and boys, having seen enough of such films, are trying, in search of happiness and pleasure, to transfer this imposed model of behavior into their lives. These experiments often end in disappointment in life, frigidity or infertility.
In youth, few people know that physical pleasure goes along with spiritual intimacy. The fusion of souls induces the desire of bodies. Only love will give you true pleasure.


In the subconscious, a strong fear. Fear before the birth of a child, before the future. This may be insecurity in a man: “What if he leaves me! And I will be alone with the child. Or self-doubt: "Not now - after." Feeling the wrong choice of the moment of pregnancy and childbirth.
As in the case of toxicosis, a woman has a hidden, subconscious reluctance to have a child. Her body rejects the fetus.
A very young woman came to my appointment.
“Doctor,” she asked me, “help me cope with a stressful situation.
– What happened? I asked her.
“I lost my baby a month ago,” she said, barely holding back tears, “I had a miscarriage. I do not find a place for myself, I cannot sleep peacefully. I feel very guilty.
In the process of our joint work with her, using communication with the subconscious mind, we "came out" to the reasons that led to the miscarriage.
Six months ago, she met a guy and a month later she became pregnant from him. The young man was not ready to start a family and become a father. He suggested that she have an abortion. The girl was offended by him and decided that she would give birth to a child and would raise her alone. But she did not imagine the beginning of her family life at all, and she had doubts about the birth of a child. And her parents were against fatherlessness. For three months she remained in doubt. It was already too late for an abortion. The guy came to her and offered to get married, but she refused him, unable to forgive. And a few months later she had a miscarriage.
Who is to blame in this situation? And no one is to blame. After all, each person creates his own world. This means that each of them - both the girl and the boy - had to go through this situation and learn positive lessons.
Within a few sessions, she was able to shed her guilt by learning to take responsibility for her life.

Pregnancy is a physiological process of development in the female body of an embryo or fetus (starting from week 11).

Complications of pregnancy called pathological conditions (conditions that deviate from the norm) that occur during pregnancy. We list the most common of them.

  • Toxicosis is a complication of pregnancy (up to 10 weeks), in which nausea, vomiting, changes in taste, salivation appear.
  • Preeclampsia (late toxicosis) is a complication in the second half of pregnancy, in which edema appears, loss of protein in the urine, increased pressure, and convulsions.
  • Anemia is a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells, which carries oxygen.
  • Polyhydramnios - excessive accumulation of amniotic fluid in the uterus (more than 1500 ml).
  • Oligohydramnios - a reduced amount of amniotic fluid (less than 600 ml).
  • Malpositions of the fetus - a position in which the axis of the fetus does not coincide with the axis of the uterus.
  • A frozen pregnancy is a pregnancy that has interrupted the development and growth of the fetus.

In medicine, the following causes of pregnancy complications have been identified:

  • genetic factor
  • infection,
  • hormonal imbalance,
  • anembryony (there is no embryo inside the egg),
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus,
  • bad habits,
  • excess weight,
  • medicines,
  • harmful factors,
  • the presence of several embryos, etc.

It is known that pregnancy symbolizes the beginning of a new life. Such an understanding is connected not only with the physiological origin of the embryo of the future baby, but also with the beginning of a new life for the expectant mother. To be more precise, then with the beginning of the joint life of the unborn child and the future mother, a new life that is different from the previous one (even if this is not the first pregnancy).

A new life for the expectant mother will differ in both physiological characteristics and psychological background, which will be inherent only in this pregnancy.

Psychologist Lyubitskaya O.G. emphasizes that the human reproductive system is directly connected to the brain (unlike other systems that are indirectly connected to the brain). This means that any strong thought or emotion of a pregnant woman will directly and instantly affect the state of the embryo.

At the same time, psychologists and physicians also, based on practice, have found that some pregnancy complications can have both physiological and psychological causes.

Let us consider in more detail the psychological causes of some complications of pregnancy.

Psychosomatic toxicosis of pregnant women

Psychologist Liz Burbo the appearance of psychosomatic nausea is explained by the fact that a woman may have the following negative experiences: it is difficult to accept changes in her life associated with pregnancy or are disgusted with her changed body. The reason may also be the fear of losing freedom or the fear of arousing the disapproval of one's father.

Dr. V. Sinelnikov, based on his practice, claims that, as a rule, a woman who cannot come to terms with pregnancy suffers from toxicosis, does not want to have a child on a subconscious level, rejects him. Another reason the doctor calls a strong hostility and intolerance with the situation.

Psychosomatic toxicosis also manifests itself as a signal of an unconscious fear of childbirth or a fear of losing one's freedom, and may also indicate an unwillingness to have a child from a particular man or a belief in untimely pregnancy.

O.G. Torsunov sees the psychological cause of toxicosis as the result of a conflict between the character of the child and the character of the mother. He argues that the lack of inner humility and the inner selfishness of the mother cause toxicosis.

A. Astrogor in his book “Confession of a Sore,” he gives the following reason for nausea in a pregnant woman: a woman does not need a child, a woman is “sickened” by the fact that he was born to her.

He believes that the reasons for vomiting are the thoughts of a woman about whom he does not digest. In his opinion, vomiting indicates that the woman “overate” with dirty feelings, thoughts and desires against someone, and does not admit her guilt before people.

Some psychologists believe that nausea arises from the thought of imminent changes, as well as from the lack of attention of the husband. They also explain that third trimester heartburn and nausea indicate fear of childbirth, uncertainty, acceptance of a new role as a mother.

Psychosomatics of urinary tract infections

Recall that psychosomatic gynecological problems in women are usually associated with relationships with the opposite sex.

The same pattern applies during pregnancy. So, guilt towards a partner can lead to vaginitis. If the pregnant woman blames her partner for something, then with a prolonged experience of this emotion, a urinary tract infection or thrush may appear. A psychosomatic infectious disease may also indicate an unwillingness to have sex during pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy

According to psychologist Liz Bourbo, indecision of the mother, the child, or both can lead to an ectopic pregnancy. The woman is experiencing a sense of guilt, hesitates. Another psychological reason for this complication is that a woman does not have the strength and ability to give birth, but she decides for a specific reason (to awaken someone's love, to give someone pleasure).

Luule Viilma believes that the basis of such a pregnancy is the reluctance of a woman to share a child with anyone.

Psychological causes of missed pregnancy

Psychologist A. Piskovatskaya, based on her practice, identifies the following reasons for this complication: a woman’s personality traits (self-doubt, low self-esteem, unstable emotional background, depression), stress and strong emotional stress, a woman’s unwillingness or unpreparedness, conflicts in the family or on work.

Prematurity (premature birth)

B. Baginski and Sh. Shalila explain this phenomenon by the fact that the mother wants to get rid of the child as soon as possible, but does not want or cannot admit it to herself. They also note that the unconscious reluctance of new pregnancies can have the same effect.

A post-term baby, according to these same Reiki experts, indicates that the mother does not want to give the baby to the world.

Miscarriage (spontaneous abortion)

Louise Hay sees the psychological cause of a miscarriage in fear, or, alternatively, in fear of the future. The mother torments herself with thoughts “not now, after”, she constantly thinks about the erroneous choice of the moment of pregnancy.

A miscarriage can also be the result of an unconscious choice of a woman (does not feel ready) or the soul of a child (makes a different decision). Many authors on psychosomatics unanimously argue that mother and child communicate at the level of the soul, so a miscarriage can happen as a delay, which they decided on for certain reasons.

Psychologists have found that, as a rule, a miscarriage occurs simultaneously with some important, but stressful or negative event in life.

V. Sinelnikov argues that the psychosomatics of a miscarriage is associated with a woman’s subconscious having a strong fear of the future or fear of having a child, lack of confidence in her abilities or in a man, fear of being alone with a child, or thoughts that the child is inopportune.

Luule Viilma writes that this phenomenon occurs if the mother feels shame because of pregnancy. This author notes that the decision to leave in this way can be fruitful when one feels unloved and unwelcome.

B. Baginski and Sh. Shalila believe that the presence of a conscious or unconscious reluctance to have a child (tension and scandals in the family) can also become a psychological cause of miscarriage.

Psychologist-psychotherapist A. Lobazova argues that in cases of not the first miscarriage, the cause is the very fear of repeated loss and anxiety of the woman, as well as her false beliefs.

Uterine tone during pregnancy, it signals anxiety, tension, increased nervousness of a woman.

Low hemoglobin (anemia) clearly indicates that the pregnant woman does not know how to relax and rejoice.

leg swelling, varicose veins they say that a woman takes on too much, overloads herself. The reason may also be that she has problems with independence and self-support.

Psychosomatics of stretch marks on the skin

Liz Burbo claims that stretch marks, like a tear in the elastic tissue of the skin, indicate that a person should be more flexible in dealing with other people.

Stretch marks during pregnancy also indicate that a woman is too tense, convinced that a pregnant woman needs to be serious and responsible. She wants to show herself strong, so she shows toughness.

Edema, constipation, hemorrhoids during pregnancy indicate the experience of losing the old way of life, the unwillingness to let go of the old life, to leave in the past everything that needs to be forgotten (old thoughts, emotions, beliefs) and start a new one.

A. Astrogor writes that hemorrhoids appear from the “hemorrhoids” suffering of a woman’s soul, explaining that during pregnancy, a woman has matured the ability to get her husband and relatives with her discontent. And in physics, this manifested itself as an unpleasant ailment.

Psychosomatics of infertility

Dr. Sinelnikov explains infertility as the impossibility of getting pregnant by the presence in the woman's subconscious of a program that destroys the soul of the unborn child.

The doctor explains the nature of this program with a strong subconscious aggression against men: contempt for a man, disrespect for a man, claims, resentment, jealousy, hatred.

This psycho-emotional aggression of a woman, which she may not be aware of, turns into physical aggression (the body follows the orders of the mind): the woman's body does not accept the sperm of a man, it destroys them.

Most psychologists believe that psychosomatic infertility (when all tests are normal, and pregnancy does not occur for a long time) clearly indicates a lack of readiness for the birth of a child in the subconscious. This can be influenced by the situation in the family, relations between parents and children, fear, resistance to life and uncertainty about the future, fear of becoming ugly, etc.

The psychological state of a woman and its impact on pregnancy

So, as the analysis of the works showed, the appearance of psychosomatic complications is closely related to the psychological state of the woman. In most cases, hidden, suppressed emotional stress in the soul of the mother, which is associated with motherhood or the birth of a child, as well as unconscious fears, become a trigger for various kinds of complications.

One of the important dominants in human life is the dominant of reproduction (the dominant is the emphasis on the most important (for example, the instinct of self-preservation of the organism) at the moment). But when there are negative experiences associated with pregnancy, then the dominant of self-preservation takes over the dominant of reproduction and blocks the pregnancy. For example, when the information about the fatal outcomes of childbirth in the family, stored in the subconscious of a woman, begins to “protect” her, preventing her from becoming pregnant.

Another example: a woman does not want to have children at all, but under pressure from relatives she decides. Over time, it even begins to seem to her that she herself believes that she wants to get pregnant. But in the subconscious, she may have completely different needs and desires (travel, career, etc.). Then there will be a conflict of interests: in the consciousness of a woman (which we control) there are alien, imposed desires, and in the subconscious - true ones. Who will win? That which is in the subconscious. This is how the human psyche works.

Or, for example, many girls have a fear of ruining their figure (which, in turn, may be associated with a subconscious fear of not liking their husband or being left without a job). Such pregnant women begin to worry a lot even before the appearance of changes in the body. From here, their body reacts with miscarriage - as their mistresses wanted, it does not change (that is, it does not allow the fetus to develop).

Ways to heal psychosomatic complications of pregnancy

As we understood, only one person can decide the outcome of the psychosomatic complications of pregnancy (healing or worsening) - the pregnant woman herself. To do this, she will need to do only one thing - to work on her inner world. What does it mean?

  1. Recognize your true desires. Psychologists advise asking yourself a question and answering it as honestly as possible: “What are the reasons for not wanting to have a child?”. Since a person asks himself this question, wanting to reach the truth, then there is no point in evading. Whatever the answer, you can’t reproach yourself and blame yourself for anything, justify yourself to yourself and to others. This is your life.

But girls who are horrified at the thought of changing their bodies should remember: modern body parameters are an invented thing. The beauty of the body does not depend on them, especially since the very understanding of beauty is individual. And the fact that many nations perceived a pregnant woman glowing with happiness as a Goddess, I think, is known to everyone.

The next steps involve great responsibility for Life. Therefore, in order to fulfill them, you need to be an adult, mature, wise Person!

  1. Realized. And then you should take responsibility into your own hands, decide for yourself: whether you want to become a mother or not - you decide, and you are also responsible for the consequences.
  2. Change your attitude to what is happening in life. I think everyone has heard that pregnancy is a gift from God. This is true. We cannot even imagine how many people pray day and night, begging God the Creator for a long-awaited baby.

Here it is necessary to carry out a reassessment of values. What is more important, more valuable, more expensive for you? Yes, a good job, a beautiful body, personal freedom, etc. - These are important attributes of a modern woman. But no one obliges you to sacrifice them. And after giving birth, you can take care of yourself, and there are many such examples.

And at the moment, if you decide to get pregnant, please take responsibility for your decision to give birth to a new Life!

Even if this happened, in your opinion, by accident (and there is no accident in our Universe), then again, given that it happened to you (with a rational approach, you must admit, this can be easily avoided in our time), then you and have to take responsibility. Now in the first place - taking care of yourself and the child.

If you are an emotional person by nature, and it is not easy for you to control yourself, then various relaxation techniques will come to the rescue. There are also many ways to increase self-confidence and other methods of self-support.

Caring for a child involves not only proper nutrition of the body, but also the soul (listening to classical or other high-vibration music, reading relevant books).

Especially, almost all psychologists (and other wise specialists) strongly advise you to talk with the soul of the child, to say that you love him and are waiting for him. This is both caring for the child, and building relationships, and educating.

Separately, it should be said about the complications associated with spontaneous abortion.

The first thing to do is not to blame yourself for what happened. Self-flagellation will not lead to anything good. In this case (as always, in all cases), you should accept what happened to you. Realize that everything that happens to a person has causes that lead to corresponding consequences. Understand the words of the sages: "If this happened, then it was necessary."

Another important point (maybe this will be the first point for someone) is to release emotions, to give them free rein. For this, there are also a large number of effective methods that are described on the Internet.

It should be noted that if you yourself cannot get rid of negative obsessive thoughts-emotions, then you need to call for help from a psychologist! Since a competent psychologist has special knowledge and skills with which you can get to the fears and negative programs that have settled in your subconscious and remove them.

Be aware of your desires, accept Life and be healthy!

Hello, dear readers and subscribers of the blog. Today, in continuation of a series of articles about an interrupted pregnancy, I want to tell you about the possible psychological causes of a miscarriage. About what the psychosomatics of a missed pregnancy is and about the main ways how a woman can cope psychologically with such a blow of fate. Since we have already talked about the physiological after a self-terminated pregnancy, today I want to talk about the soul.

Psychosomatics is a direction in medical and psychological science that studies the influence of psychological processes on physical and bodily diseases. In other words, psychosomatics is understood as emotional experiences and psychological traumas that have not found an emotional outlet and have developed into a physical ailment or illness.

The self-help series by American writer Louise Hay is very popular today. She is the author of more than 30 books on popular psychology, which are based on psychosomatics. It says that all human diseases occur for certain reasons that a person is able to control. The main thing is to believe in yourself, love yourself and other people. You can not think about the bad, you need to get rid of negative thoughts. And everything that we do in life necessarily comes back to us.

Here's what she thinks about the miscarriage.

Spontaneous termination of pregnancy can occur for two main reasons, either due to fear or due to the wrong timing. She considers fear as a strong feeling for her future, for her unwillingness to change her present. She also offers such a way out. You need to calm down and accept the situation. It is important to understand that this happened for the good, God, thus, took care of the woman, protecting her from the worst situation.

Psychological causes of missed pregnancy

Now let's return to the psychosomatics of miscarriage and consider its main psychological causes. Frozen pregnancy has many, but do not underestimate the importance of the psychological comfort and peace of a woman during pregnancy. Everyone knows that strong emotional upheavals and stress, constant stress, conflicts at home or at work can adversely affect a woman's health. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a global restructuring in its functioning, and in the presence of psychological discomfort, an increasing load can lead to serious consequences.

Let's look at the main psychological causes of missed pregnancy.

  1. Personal characteristics. Low self-esteem, increased anxiety, nervousness, combined with the threat of miscarriage can play a very big role. Pregnancy itself is a strong stress for a woman, even if it is planned. Anxious women often perceive their situation as a disease and begin to constantly listen to their body. Any change, an unusual sensation causes them a feeling of fear and panic. The body is quickly depleted and works to the limit, and sometimes it does not have enough strength to bear a healthy child.
  2. Strong emotional stress, stress.
  3. Unwillingness, unpreparedness of a woman for the birth of a child.
  4. Conflict situation in the family and at work.

Psychologist's advice for saving the life of a child with a threat of miscarriage. I consider it necessary to consider them today as well. Even if you've already experienced such grief, it's important to know what you need to do next time to help maintain mental health, which means reducing the risk of miscarriage.

  • Psychologists recommend not to perceive pregnancy as a disease. Do not feel sorry for yourself, do not lie on the couch all day, worrying about your child, unless, of course, this is a doctor's recommendation. On the contrary, treat your position as a gift from God. Love yourself even more. More walks in the fresh air, talk with your baby. Moderate exercise is also important. You can do yoga for pregnant women. It perfectly combines control not only over the body, but also over the soul.
  • Avoiding conflict situations, strong emotional upheavals. If necessary, take sedatives that are not contraindicated during pregnancy and only after consulting a doctor. If you can’t cope with the neuropsychiatric condition on your own, then you can seek help from a psychologist.
  • Love your unborn child and prepare for his birth.

Psychologist's advice on how to survive a frozen pregnancy:

  • The first thing to do is stop blaming yourself for what happened. A child develops according to its own laws and norms, and sometimes violations and failures in its development do not depend on us. And even if we notice that there has been a fading in development, then we are no longer able to influence it. It means that it is programmed by nature. You need to accept this and move on. Live in the future and don't dwell on the present.
  • Give vent to feelings. Do not hide grief in yourself. Talk to someone about this topic, find support. It is important to survive this moment, and not hide it deep into yourself, which later it turned into a physical illness.
  • Depression is not an option. Remember, if you cannot cope with your feelings on your own, there is a special psychological service that provides effective assistance.

Dear women, we are launching personal growth groups especially for you. This is an opportunity to work through all the important areas of a woman's life, to awaken her inner strength, to be in harmony with herself and with the world. Two professional facilitators, mini-groups (about 10 people), safe atmosphere. Perhaps this is what you are looking for right now:


Ectopic pregnancy - a case in which the embryo is attached outside the uterine cavity, is quite rare. It occurs in only 2-3% of all pregnant women. There can be many reasons for such a course of gestation. Some people believe that there are psychosomatic ones among them. An ectopic pregnancy, the psychosomatics of which is quite complex, can also develop for mental reasons.


Psychosomatics is a near-scientific area located on the border between medicine and psychology. People who believe in it believe that a person's emotional state and psychological processes can directly affect his health. Simply put, those emotional experiences that do not find an emotional outlet find an outlet in a physical form. In this case, one or another disease or anomaly develops.

Ectopic pregnancy

At the same time, there is an opinion that certain types of emotional reactions can result in a certain type of disease. Doctors are skeptical of such a theory, although they admit that it can be indirectly associated with the officially registered placebo effect.

Currently, specific literature has become widespread. In it, the authors in an intelligible form explain to the followers of the theory the connection between emotions and the physical body. They give advice on how to reduce negative psychosomatic manifestations, etc.

mental reasons

Many problems with childbearing and conception can also have emotional overtones. For example, it is believed that infertility is a sign that a woman does not really want to have children (on a subconscious level). Or psychologically and morally, she is not ready for motherhood.

By analogy with this, an ectopic pregnancy is considered by the followers of psychosomatics as a sign that a woman doubts her desire to have children. According to this theory, if the expectant mother is not completely sure of her decision, then an ectopic pregnancy may occur. Sometimes such indecision leads to some other difficulties with conception.

Some adherents of this approach argue that the IMP more often develops in those who give birth not of their own free will, but to please other people (for example, a spouse) or for other reasons. Such reasoning is given as confirmation of this theory.

When the decision to have a child is made under the influence of emotional factors, IUD can also develop. These factors include:

  1. Guilt;
  2. Feeling indebted to a spouse or parents;
  3. False desire to have a child, imposed by a social construct.

The psychological unpreparedness of a woman for motherhood becomes the cause of this type of conception.

It is believed that working with a psychologist can help in overcoming the problem. If, after one ectopic pregnancy, you wait enough time until the woman herself comes to such a decision, then the second conception will be normal. The problem will be eliminated as soon as the woman is mentally ready to become a mother.


Currently, both in electronic and paper form, many books on psychosomatics are being sold. Most of them are written in the style of manuals, from the "help yourself" series. They provide practical advice on how to change the current situation. It is proposed to do this, usually with the help of a certain combination of meditative techniques and autopsychotraining.

In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, books can help identify the problem. They will also allow the expectant mother to understand herself and her desires regarding motherhood. The following books are the most preferred in this sense:

  1. Louise Hay "Heal Yourself" (a practical guide to working with psychosomatic manifestations);
  2. Liz Burbo "Your body says: Love yourself!";
  3. L. Viilma "Psychological Causes of Diseases" (a kind of reference book on diseases that may have psychosomatic causes);
  4. Valery Sinelnikov Love your disease.

Each of these books touches on the topic of ectopic pregnancy in one way or another. Some of them offer techniques for solving the problem. Others only indicate the possible reasons for its occurrence.

In any case, psychosomatics is not recognized as official medicine. So don't take it too seriously. And in the event of an ectopic pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor for treatment. After it, another course of drugs is often required to eliminate the factor predisposing to HMP (inflammatory process, etc.).