Draw arrows in front of eyeliner. Secrets of beautiful eyeliner and arrows

The perfect eye makeup is hard to imagine without the shooter. Looking through numerous videos, learning to draw clear and neat lines in front of the eyes, you sunbathe desire to try to make the same way. It seems that everything looks quite simple, but the first attempts to learn how to draw the arrows in front of the eyes usually endure the collapse.

Summary Article:

Some girls perceive this skill as a gift. But in reality, it is not necessary to be a professional makeup artist or an artist to learn to carefully put your eyes.

How to learn to draw arrows in front of the eyes

If you are accustomed to using a pencil to bring your eyes, do not rush to part with him - in the case with arrows, he will be the best teacher to us. Only you need to appreciate it well to get clear lines.

According to folk wisdom, the first pancake is always com. Therefore, it is not necessary to be upset and all the more retreat, if at first the arrow will turn too thick or uneven. In the meantime, we gain experience and sharper the pencil.

Learning to draw arrows in front of the eyes is the easiest enough, and let's start the classic option.

  1. To begin with, we will spend a thin line as close as possible to the line. Whatever told us about the arrows on the eyes of the video on YouTube, beginners should not start drawing an arrow from the top corner of the eye. While we make more or less familiar manipulations. Try starting to draw the arrow not from the inner corner, and closer to the middle of the eye.
  2. But at the second stage, you begin to draw a "tail". To determine its direction for the classic arrow, attach a pencil to the bottom century from about the middle to the corner of the eye (as in Figure 1). "Tail" draw a small one. The higher, the more difficult it will be at the next stage.

  1. Now the most difficult thing: you need to gently connect the "tail" with the main line. We make smooth and as thin line as possible. Not trouble, if the arrow turned out a bit uneven. To fix it will help the cotton wand, slightly moistened with a means for demacia. If you use a dry wand, then risk the arrow is even thicker.

How to choose an arrow in the form of an eye

Unlike the classic object of clothing or base color, the classical arrow is not suitable for each eye shape. Therefore, it is important to choose the right one that your eyes perfectly emphasize.

  • Girls with almond-shaped eyes can draw any arrow, first of all it will be good to look at the classic. It can be said that this is the perfect form of the eyes, and you can experiment with makeup infinitely.
  • The arrow for far planted eyes should be thick and start from the inner corner of the eye. Try to connect the upper arrow with a line spent at the bottom century, closely at eyelashes or slightly lower. The "tail" arrows should not be very caring for an outer corner of the eye. The owner of widely planted eyes is the model Natalya Vodyanova.
  • The arrow for closely arranged eyes is worth it to output closer, from the middle of the eye. It must be thickened to the outer corner, and the "tail" can be made of arbitrary length. Try to make a simple arrow, connecting the arrows at the upper and lower eyelids, which are drawn from the middle of the eye. You can see how Celebrity's eyes are painted with close-looking eyes, such as Scarlet Johanson and Kristen Bell.
  • The owners of small eyes are worth starting to draw an arrow from the middle of the eye. The line should be wide, and the "tail" thickening and go out for the outer corner of the eye. You can try to emphasize your eyes at the top and below. But such makeup is cunning, and he can make his eyes even less or split. Ideas for makeup small eyes can be leaning from Megan Fox or Victoria Beckham.
  • Large eyes, such as Mila Cunis, you can try visually narrowing, emphasizing the top and lower eyelid. The lower eyelid is better to bring in the inner line, above the eyelashes.
  • The owners of a round eye, like Christina Ricchi, the arrow should begin to spend from the point between the inner corner of the eye and the middle, and the "tail" is out of the outside of the outer corner. You can try to emphasize the lower eyelid, but not by the inner line.
  • Narrow, like the British model Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, the eyes will emphasize the arrow, which thickens to the center of the eye, but does not go far beyond the outer corner. The classic shooter is also suitable.
  • If the eye is omitted corners, like an actress Ann Heteway, the "tail" arrow should be raised. You can try to emphasize the arrows also the lower eyelids, only the arrow should not be inside. It is better to make it wide or lower just below the growth line of eyelashes.
  • Raised corners of the eye corrected the arrow thickened over the middle of the eye. Her "tail" should be thin. If you draw a lower arrow, then it should go under the line of eyelashes.

What to draw arrows

The arrows in the photo of many famous secular ladies look clear and elegant. Such arrows can only be drawn using eyeliner.

There is a liquid, cream and stylist-felt-tip pen.

Learning to draw arrows in front of our eyes is the easiest to the felt-tip pen. This tool can facilitate the transition from the pencil. The main problem of such a lining is that the arrow holds not long. But quickly dries and does not smear.

Liquid eyelid control is very hard. At first, the arrows can be obtained by curves and very wide, so before use you need to "fill the hand" using a leash-felt-tip or pencil. But it is using it that you can make bright and rich arrows that will hold a very long time.

The creamy eyeliner is applied with a brush, like liquid. The arrows will not be suitable, but they will be held all day. In addition, it is much more convenient to use it than liquid and easier to adjust flaws.

Wide arrows are usually painted by shadows or soft pencil. Usually these tools are used to create a "smoky" makeup. The arrows drawn by pencil or shadows are also easy to adjust. But they will last long.

What pick up color

Choosing a laying color or pencil should not be limited to black. A brown arrow will look good. Even a dark shade will not look so contrast, like black, and make a daily image easier. The main thing is that the pencil or eyeliner is without a reddish shade.

Color and shiny eyeliners will help create a bright and memorable evening image. This year the neon eyeliner entered the fashion, only as an independent tool is better not to use it. Combining neon eyeliner with black, you can create creative double arrows and abandon the shadows.

  • It is better to understand how to draw arrows in front of the eyes will help video or photo lessons from professional makeup artists who can be found in the Internet.
  • Learn correctly, draw arrows better in open eyes.
  • If you use eyeliner and you do not like that there are lumens between the arrow and eyelashes, in front of it can be applied in the eyelid some dark crumbly shadows.

Arrows in front of the eyes improve their appearance. Sometimes they simply transform face. That is why many girls always apply arrows in their make-up.

It is worth noting that the arrows are important to be able to draw correctly. They must emphasize the beauty of the eye, and not spoil them. That is why it is necessary to learn from the receptions of the drawing of the shooter, with which everything is done easier than Naobum. There are several such ways. About them, as well as how to learn how to draw arrows with a liquid eyeliner or some other, we will tell in this article.

It is important to understand that in this case there is a big role that the travelery of your hands is played. If you often draw yourself an arrows in your eyes, you can, in the end, do it almost perfect. Do not be discouraged if you have to erase drawn, and then output again. All this is normal. Rarely who does everything well the first time.

Photos from the site: jenskisait.ru

How to choose eyeliner

So that the arrows under the eyes turned out, it is important to use the correct eyeliner. It should be high quality and fresh. Too dry or too liquid agent is not suitable, since they are very difficult to work with them. Podcast consistency should be medium in its thickness. If this is not so, perhaps you got into the hands of a poor-quality tool.

Advantages of liquid type

Arrows in front of the liquid eyeliner are obtained saturated and bright. This effect will not be achieved with a black pencil. At the same time, the arrow made by a liquid type liner is more resistant. They do not erase for a long time and do not blur over time, which is an undoubted advantage.

Beautiful arrows in front of the liquid eyeliner can be made by chameleon. Liquid remedy is well mixed, you can combine colors or initially acquire what you want. With a pencil, such experiments will not be happy.

Arrow liquid eyeliner is easiest to do. With the help of a tassel or a felter you will need to simply draw the lines of the desired form. Pencil is managed much more difficult. That is why for a liquid eyeliner should be taken to people who only begin to apply arrows in make-up.

Photos from the site: IreCommend.ru

By what principle choose a tool

From the very beginning, pay attention to the consistency of the eyeliner. It should not be too thick, nor too liquid. Draw both both quite difficult. To make sure that the alignment of the middle comfortable luggage, open it and even try on the hands of the hands. Thus, you will understand whether to draw in this means.

Also pay attention to the brush. It should be militant and elastic. The tip does not have to be thick. What it will be thinner, the easier it will turn out to draw. It is better to bring the arrows several times than to immediately make them ugly thick. All this you can also evaluate, drawing several stripes on the wrist.

For beginners, cosmetologists advise a liquid eyeliner with a brush-felt-tip pen. It is very easy to draw. It turns out even lines that do not really do it hard.

The eyeliner can be not only black, but also sulfur, brown or "chameleon". For those who are just learning to draw arrows, it is better to choose a lighter color. He is not so noticeable, so if you do something not perfect, it will not understand.

Photos from the site: zonahelp.ru

How to draw the arrow liquid eyeliner

To begin with, create a convenient workplace. The most important thing in the drawing of the shooter is that your hand is not trembling. To do this, you can lock the elbow on the table. You will lean them, and this will reduce the probability of trembling in your hands.

If your good liquid liner thickened, and it urgently needed you, do not worry. The tool can still be saved. How to do it? Wrap the eyeliner into polyethylene and lower in warm water. After some time, the agent melts and becomes more liquid. You can also add a very smallness of water or alcohol. Thus, you will give your liquid eyeliner into a normal state.

Apply forever the basis for makeup, let them down a bit. This is important for drawn after the arrow look clear and beautiful. It will also visually improve eye contours.

When all preparatory work will be held, you can proceed with the case. We will tell you how to draw the arrow with liquid eyeliner.

Photos from the site: collections.yandex.ru

How to draw arrows with a liquid eyeliner using a teaspoon

You will need an ordinary teaspoon. Take care to be dry. You should attach a spoon at an angle from the outside of the eye in such a way that the rounded part is near the corner. Thus, you will create something similar to the ruler. On it, then spend the line. It will turn out to be rounded and it will not be accessed. This arrow drawing method is very convenient. True, sometimes you have to wear a spoonful to this.

If you have something wrong with you, immediately correct until the eyeliner dried. It can be done with wet cotton chopsticks. If the tool managed to dry up, then the arrows can be corrected by a consilet or tunnel.

A spoon can be replaced with a sponge. Just set the sponge in such a way that arc formed over the century. Everything is exactly the same as with a spoon. Then just circle eyeliner.

You can also use the plaster. He must be the most common. Start it in such a way as to circle its edge you were able to draw a smooth arrow. This method of applying a liner is somewhat traumatic, because the plaster will need to thread after the procedure. So if you have tender skin, it is better to choose other methods.

It is worth noting that the longer you will make the arrows, the more boldly they will look. Shortly will give a look tenderness. Load arrows not necessarily if you make daily makeup. But at the party can make long fatty arrows with raised up the edges.

Photos from the site: LiveInternet

How to draw arrows with liquid eyeliner for beginners using stencil

So, how to make the arrows on the eyes of a liquid eyeliner, never before you have done it, it is difficult to use special stencils at first. They will be enough to apply to the eye, and then spend the line on the inner cut.

Stencils can be purchased in a store specializing in cosmetics, or make independent paper.

How to draw beautiful arrow with liquid eyelid without auxiliary means

Interested in the question how to paint the arrow with liquid eyelid immediately, without stencils, spoons and other devices?

  1. To do this, accurately spend the arrow along the edge of the century, just above the eyelashes. The tip of the arrow lift a little up. The drawn line should be fine.
  2. Mouse over the arrow, ranging from the middle of the line. You must close the edge of the new line from the first. You should have something similar to the triangle.
  3. Draw a bright space between the lines.

To make the line as smooth as possible, you can place points that are then connected. So it will be easier for you.

Photos from the site: Malinkablog.ru

Make sure that there is no yellow strip between the arrow and eyelashes. It looks very ugly. Therefore, draw as close to the growth line of the eyelashes.

Some of the specified ways you will be suitable. It is important to understand that not everything turns out the first time, but everything can be corrected.

Drawing arrows, use also a consilerter or corrector. With them it will be easier for you to correct the minimum inaccuracies, because of which you do not want to wash everything. A little powder will help to hide the remaining noticeable flaws. Over time, you will learn how to draw exactly, which will reduce the use of corrective funds.

In order to make sure that there is nothing complicated, see the video about how to draw an arrow in front of the liquid eyeliner. Seeing the first, as everything is done, you will quickly learn how to draw beautiful arrows yourself.

Such arrows will fit almost every type of face and eye cut. Makeup will not be overloaded, just eyes will become more, and the look is expressive.

You need

  • Pencil (better - kayal) or eyeliner (for example, Glossy Eyeliner from ISA Dora). If you first draw the arrows, take a pencil. It is much easier to work with him. As for color, the makeup artists recommend that black, since it is universal and expressive as much as possible.
  • Cotton swabs.
  • Micellar water.

Step 1. Scroll to the interinsure

Keep the tool as close as possible to the growth line of the eyelashes and do not go on the mucous membrane, otherwise the color is imprinted in the lower eyelid.

Start the drawing from the middle of the century and move to an external corner. Stay there, where eyelashes ending: the tail of the arrows will draw a little later.

Go to the inner corner and proceed again only the growth line of eyelashes. Here, be especially accurate: the line in this zone should be the thinnest.

Step 2. Draw the tail arrow

Run a pencil or brush to an external corner of the eye. Mentally draw a line. She must reach the temple and be the continuation of your lower eyelid. Another reference point is the middle part of the eyebrows (to a break and tail). The line must be its repetition.

Lightly pulling motion Draw your arrow's tail.

Now connect the tip with a line spent on the upper age. The transition must be smooth.

Step 3. Adjust the arrow

The most common mistake that immediately rushes into the eye is the tip of the arrow. To avoid this, there is a tricky reception.

Take a cotton wand, boot it under the tail of the arrow and pull up to the temple. It will remove the surplus and at the same time pull out the line by making it thinner.

If you are a bit dirty eyelid, with a cotton wand and remove all the dirt.

Repeat the same thing on another eye and cover the eyelashes of passenger.

These arrows are expressive and more suitable for the evening. Depending on the case, the line can be lengthened and thicken, but start with the basics.

You need

  • Base under shadow (for example, from NYX Professional Make-Up).
  • Paper scotch or plastic card.
  • Black pencil (for example, Kajal Define from Make Up Factory).
  • Liquid eyeliner.
  • Cotton swabs.
  • Micellar water.

Step 1. Prepare the eyelid

You can lose weight with shadows. Dimpet the outer corner and evillivate the internal one.

Step 2. Scroll to the interinsone

As in the first way, it is finely drawn the growth line of eyelashes.

Step 3. Draw the tail arrow

The tail in this technique is the main part. An ideal line can only draw a professional, and beginners and lovers better use stencils.

To do this, take the paper. Attach a small piece in the direction from an external corner of the eye to the temple. And now with the help of a liner, draw the line of the desired length. Scotch will serve as a ruler. You can use a plastic card in the same way.

The base of the tail is ready. Now in both eyes, determine the middle of the century and put small tags there using eyeliner.

Connect the tip from the middle of the century. The line must be accurately horizontal, and the movement is light. For the convenience of applying a little, pull the skin to the temple.

Now, with the help of a submarine, fill the space between the two lines.

Step 4. Dorisite the arrow

It remains with the help of a liner to lower the line from the middle of the century to the inner corner. Move clearly along the growth line of eyelashes. Add some dark shadows to the fold of the century. For the evening or holiday, false eyelashes or mascara are suitable for such arrows.

Such soft arrows will suit both daylight and evening makeup. Application technique here changes: To get away from clear lines, we use the erection.

You need

  • Base under shadow (for example, 3ina).
  • Dark matte shadows (for example, Nude by Nature).
  • At least two brushes: solid bevel and thin soft.
  • Eye Pencil (for example, Perfect Contour Kajal from Isa Dora).
  • Consiller or corrector.

Step 1. Prepare the eyelid

Apply in the eyelid base under shadow. It will make it easier for the ease of the eraser and will extend the scope of makeup. Then, as in the previous methods, draw the interinsunny space with a black pencil. At this stage, you can afford a little negligence: it is only the foundation, in the final it will block the shadows.

Step 2. Rent a pencil

Now take a clean brush. It is best to suit the bess solid. Start your mouth with a tail. With the help of the brush, leave the arrow to the temple. Do not take any additional color, use only that pigment that you already have.

It is important to start the eraser as soon as possible. Then the pencil will be easier to succumb to your movements.

Step 3. Apply and Give Shadows

Now you will need dark matte shadows. The company and the price are not important here, the main thing - they should be good to grow.

Type the shadows on a thin soft brush and light movements (in no case do not drive) walk throughout the arrow. You can go beyond the limits of the main line, because we achieve the effect of haze.

Take the same brush with light movements. Before that you moved horizontally, now - vertically.

Take a clean soft brush (or wipe the napkin of the one that has already been used) and dial some shadows of the same color. Shake the surplus, a very little product should remain at the tassel. Light movements walk throughout the arrow and mix the layers. After that, there should be no clear boundaries in the century.

Step 4. Repeat the first layer

Take a black pencil and walk around the edge of the century. So you will strengthen the color and make a look deeper.

To complete the makeup, type black shadow on the brush and apply them to the bottom of the arrow. We again grow their pure brush.

Step 5. Adjust the arrow

Take a consillion or corrector. These products are similar, differ in their density. The first is designed for the area around the eyes, the second point closes the imperfections on the skin.

So, apply one of these money on your cotton wand and remove all the dirt under the arrow. Remember: only its lower limit should remain a clear.

In fact, the types of arrows countless. Having mastered the main, you can fantasize and experiment with form and color. For example, draw a double arrow, the classic black is replaced by white or add to clear splines.

Eyes - soul mirror. And this mirror is worthy of stylish rim. In addition to well-groomed eyebrows, eyes need a beautiful eyeliner. Every fashion season stylists and makeup artists create new trends in make-up. But the outlines of the eye by eyeliner or pencil rightfully holds a leading position in the top-sheet of star makeup and not only. Try and add a little chic into the image and draw an eye arrows. It is necessary, because, quite a bit of time.

Shadows, pencil, eyeliner and a little more - Possible materials for drawing arrow

It is interesting: Eye Makeup: Cosmetics for Karich, Green and Blue Eye + 50 photos

Arrows in the eyes can be drawn, both with a pencil and gel liner. There are also several techniques for their execution. The choice of one of the options depends on the stylistics in makeup and from the desired result. There is no generally accepted solution - just create according to your taste.

Liquid lining - classic for arrows

See also: How to properly apply a tonal face + 5 of the main components of creams

It is a case or a liquid pigment tube and an applicator brush. Liquid lining can be not only black. Cosmetic brands also offer brown, gray, blue and even violet and green eyeliner. Such a variety is due to the fact that several years ago, fashionable houses released models that defiled with makeup with multi-colored arrows.

If the applicator is really thin - then apply a liquid eyeliner. Using such a brush, you can draw very neat arrows of the desired thickness. In order for the liner after drying, it is not tightened by the skin - apply it to the basis for the comment. After drawing the arrows, let the pigment can dry for 10-15 minutes. And then you can safely paint eyelashes.

Reminder from the 80s - Eye Pencil

Pencils were lettered by our moms and grandmothers. It copes perfectly with the task of eye makeup. Pencil, like eyeliner, can be any color. Before you begin to perform a commercial, the pencil must be sharpened. In order to facilitate this process, put it for 10-15 minutes in the freezer. After such cooling, you get a very sharp and smooth edge.

For expressiveness of the view, draw the interinsuncable space. It is also recommended to paint the mucosa of the century. After such manipulations, the eyelashes will seem thicker and more.

A little imagination and eye shadow can even make an arrow

For everyday office and easy visa, arrows are suitable, which are made by shadows. This is a gentle and aerial outline to highlight the eyes, but will do it quite sophisticated. You will need an assistant in the form of a special brush with a rigid pile and a bevelled edge. For a deeper color, a brush can be slightly moistened with water. So the shadows will go to bed tightly.

Modern technology and eye marker

A marker or stover-felt-tip pen is a pencil with a pigment inside the bottle and a dense applicator. Such a brush in its composition still resembles a felt-meter tip. To bring eyes with such a marker is a pleasure. Especially if you are a big fan of art shooter or makeup "from Kutur". After applying the pigment, you need to wait a bit to complete drying. Then Mascara and Makeup is ready.

Paint? Not. Draw an arrow eyeliner

Eye eyeliner is most often used to draw a fine cross-arrow. It is used as a bass for daytime Mikepa or, as a base for thick eyeliner in retro style. Both options are quite simple in its execution. Thin arrow for everyday makeup:

  • swipe a thin line from an outer corner of the eye in parallel to the ciliated edge towards eyebrows;
  • make a thin eyeline circuit;
  • swipe from the ciliary circuit to the tip of the arrow. Connect them;
  • for greater brightness of the visas for the mucous membrane in the upper eyelid by a black pencil. And everyday make-up ready.

Fat arrow in retro style:

  • make the tip of the arrow. To do this, spend a line from an external corner of the eye towards the eyebrow line;
  • at a distance of 2/3 or ¾ from the inner corner, swipe the line that will connect the ultra-century ciliary line with the tip of the arrow;
  • fill in the internal circuit space. Make a smooth transition throughout the century. At the same time, it should be remembered that the arrow must have a thin thickness of the inner corner and thickened to the external one.

Graphic arrow pencil

Step-by-step instructions for creating an arrow with a pencil:

  • draw space between the eyelashes in the upper eyelids;
  • draw the tail of the arrows. To do this, swipe from an external corner of the eye towards the tip of the eyebrows;
  • spend line along the eyelashes. Connect it with the tip of the arrow. For convenience, you can pull the skin with your finger a little to the side. But do not overpay, so that the line does not get a wavy;
  • at the request of the eyeliner you can make thicker. To do this, spend line from an inner corner of the eye to the tail on top of your "outline". But remember that the classic arrow should be a bit thin in the inner corner and only to the outer corner. Mascara, blush and makeup ready!

Powder effect and arrow shadows

To get smooth arrows you will need a brush with a bevelled edge. Such a brush is still used when painting eyebrows. Before use, it needs to soak a bit. It will not give shadows to crumble and allow you to draw a clearer line.

Shadows usually create a slightly muted arrow. She is slightly boring, but it can be perfectly fit into a casual visage. This eye makeup is performed not only in the upper eyelid, but also captures the bottom. How to create a haze around the view.

Stepped arrows:

  • apply some shadows on the wet brush, then shake the tip in hand. Thus, you remove the extra material;
  • spend a line with shadows at the bottom century. Output the tip outside the moving century, while its upside down;
  • then repeat the manipulation with the upper century. But at an external corner of the eye, the line will need to connect with the tip of the arrow. If desired, the arrow can be sealing to the outer edge of the external agent. Little carcass on the eyelashes and you are ready to shame a languid look.

We pick up the arrows under the eye type

When creating any image, it is important to take into account the "Basic Material". That is, when selecting the skirt, you look at your clothing size, the shape of the hips, dignity and flaws of the legs. So in makeup. Picking out lipstick, you take into account the volume of lips, skin tone and even the shade of the tooth. With eyes you need to be even more careful. After all, incorrectly applied makeup can disrupt the proportions in the face. And true made makeup only emphasize your advantages and gain beauty.

Almond-shaped eyes

This shape of the eye of the makeup artists is considered perfect. It does not require adjustment. And she easily takes any verse. The corners of such a form are located on the same level or the external raised slightly above the inner. The rest of the shape of the eyes, makeup artists seek to adjust this.

For such a form, any arrow will suit. The most basic option in makeup is the elongated outer corner. To do this, emphasize the 1/3 of the lower eyelid with shadows or pencil. Display the tip a bit beyond the eye. Then draw the interinsuncable line and connect it with the tip. Gradually thicker the arrow to the tail. Basic verse is ready for every day.

Eyes with lowered outdoor corners

This form has one small feature. External corners are slightly lowered down. When combined with an authorized century, which is often found in such eyes, the impression of a sad look is created. But for a skillful makeup artist is not trouble. For an experienced master - this is just a reason to create a stylish makeup. Arrogors "from Couture" are perfect in this case. They will swell the eyelids and look away.

Start Makeup from the creation of a tail. Spend line from an external corner towards eyebrows. Then fill in the interinsuncable space with a pencil. Connect the top line with the tip. Fill the emptiness if she is still left. In the absence of a need for heavy make-up, the lower eyelid can not be inserted. Now you are ready to shine.

Small eyes

Small eyes are a collective name for many forms. This section includes narrowly planted, with the hungry and near-disconnected eyes. All these options need a visual increase in their shape. The ideal solution will be an arrow of the middle thickness with a long tip.

Creating makeup for small eyes, draw the tip of the eyeliner slightly thickening it from below. Then swipe the top century line. Connect both lines already outside the folds of the eye. Thus, you compact and increase the outer contour. So your eyes will become more. They will acquire ideal proportions.

The eyes on which the arrows are drawn - the eternal classic, which means it never comes out of fashion. Remember Marilyn Monroe or at least Sophie Lauren! The main element of makeup of these beauties was always an arrow, which attached to the view expressiveness, attractiveness and sexuality. In addition, this is the perfect option not only for the evening image, but also for day makeup. Only not everything is as simple as it seems. Not competently applied arrows can spoil the overall picture and disfigure the face. Therefore, it is necessary to stock knowledge in advance how to draw the arrows in front of the eyes. Owning perfectly with simple eye makeup techniques, you can quickly, easily and efficiently create a unique and seductive image.

Existing types of arrows

Several options for beautiful eye makeup arrows are known. To select suitable, you first need to read each arrow separately:

To make the arrows as smooth and thin, it is necessary to pull the outer edge of the century a little finger.

How to choose a color for arrows?

Mainly for applying the arrows use shades of black. This option is the most common, and at the same time suits not every woman. Most of all is harmonized with the evening. And how then to create everyday makeup? In this case, other shades are recommended, which are chosen according to the form and color of the eyes. Namely: brown eyes are friends with brown or green, to gray and blue - shades of blue or silver, and purple or emerald colors look into green - ornate. But if you decide to use a black eyeliner, then do not overdo it and try it to be as thin as possible.

With bright summer flowers, the arrows can safely experiment, sometimes it is enough to choose only to clothes.

Apply on the entire surface of the century as the basis of a white soft pencil or liner - the arrows will be drawn easily!

How to choose an arrow in the form of an eye?

Choosing the type of arrows, you need to navigate your eyes. Otherwise, it may turn out a rather ridiculous image. Let's try to highlight the main forms of the eyes and suitable flawless arrows:

Eye makeup tools

Graphic arrows can be performed using eyeliner or pencil, shadows or liner. In each embodiment, the application technology is different. Consider in detail each method separately.

How to draw arrows in front of the pencil?

Applying the arrows with a pencil - a common option at any age. To apply them:

You can visually make the eyelashes thick, additionally, building the free distance between them.

How to draw arrows in front of the eyeliner?

Use the eyeliner is more complicated than a special pencil. But the effect may turn out on a lot of cooler. How can I do that?

Draw graphic arrows by eyeliner can be easier. We present to you three more techniques of applying the arrows, to cope with which any woman can.

Pre-define the position of the arrow position. For this all over the century, lay down small points for convenience. After that, connect them to one line.

You can use hatching method. First apply the arrow in the form of short strokes and then connect to one line.

Some girls chose an extreme way. To the lines are smooth, a spoon or another object with an arched shape is applied to the century. And others chose to use the plaster or sticky tape.

Try to make arrows on both eyes are absolutely identical to avoid the effect of eye asymmetry!

Recently, the liner is increasingly used - eyeliner in the form of a marker. The arrows in this case are easily applied, it turns out clear and removed without any problems.

How to draw the arrows in the eyes of the shadows?

Want to create an impeccable outline and visually increase your eyes? Try to draw arrows with shadows.

  1. Depending on the color of the eye, pick up a suitable shade.
  2. With the help of a brush (applicator) with a beveled tip made of high-quality pile, apply in the eyelids of natural colors or the base.
  3. Then draw a neat line from the inner edge of the eye and to the center of the century. So that it is located at the base of the eyelashes.
  4. If the arrows did not work, it is possible to correct the situation, the rustic of the shadows throughout the century. It turns out!

To create clear and bright arrows, it is better to use a wet applicator, in other cases - dry.

As you can see, the arrows draw quite easily. The main thing is to pre-train and fill your hand. Then it turns out to create not only magnificent makeup for the evening or everyday image, but also hide some drawbacks of appearance.