Gems and ornamental stone. Belemnit is a legendary stone. Anhydrite - devoid of moisture

For centuries, semi-precious stones have been one of the most popular jewelry inserts. The amazing colors and properties of these crystals, as well as their reasonable price, allowed them to decorate both simple uncomplicated products and jewelry masterpieces. In addition, this type of stone is widely used in exquisite handicrafts.

Semiprecious stones: how to identify?

But, in fact, what stones do we consider semiprecious?

There is no single answer to this question. In fact, the name used by all is not a definition. In various sources, we can find different conditional classifications of such stones.

Firstly, those minerals that are quite often found in nature and are so diverse that their price is significantly lower than the price of rare precious stones are classified as semiprecious.

Secondly, this is the name for those stones that are intensively used in the jewelry industry, as well as in the manufacture of handicrafts.

In addition, the classification of this category of minerals is often based on the known hardness scale. In this case, everything is simple: the harder the crystal, the higher the value of the jewel.

So, to summarize. Semi-precious stones are minerals that are very popular in jewelry, but not classified as expensive gems. By the way, according to the law of the Russian Federation "On precious metals and precious stones" only diamond, blue sapphire, ruby, emerald, alexandrite and natural pearls are considered rare in Russia. It follows from this that according to the law, all other gemstones are semi-precious or, as they are sometimes called, semi-precious stones.

Favorite gems

How did semi-precious stones deserve such love of jewelers and buyers?

The main physical properties of these stones are high hardness and, therefore, ease of cutting. It is for this that they are so appreciated by jewelers.

Semiprecious stones are in great demand among buyers due to their varied color palette (from crystal white to deep purple) and transparency. At the same time, attractive appearance is favorably combined with affordability, which makes them particularly popular. Until now, many jewelry houses, when creating their collections, prefer semi-precious stones.

Choose your

The most famous and popular semi-precious stones are amethyst, aquamarine, garnet, rock crystal, topaz, chrysolite, citrine. Once cut, these stones become translucent and especially attractive. Therefore, in the hands of experienced jewelers, minerals acquire a unique shine and become an ideal addition to any piece of jewelry.

In addition to attractive external characteristics, it is customary to endow semiprecious minerals with a number of interesting properties.

So, amethyst is considered a symbol of sincerity, sincerity and peacefulness. Amethyst cheers up, invigorates and relieves stress.

Aquamarine is the stone of the brave, the patron saint of travelers and enthusiasts. Aquamarine tends to stimulate action, which is why it is often given to lazy people. Since ancient times in Europe, newlyweds exchanged rings with aquamarine, which brings love and mutual respect to the family.

Pomegranate brings joy to its owner, gives self-confidence and raises self-esteem. It is a special stone, a stone of love, flame and passion. Pomegranate promotes creativity, therefore it is considered a talisman for people in creative professions.

Rock crystal stimulates mental activity, improves emotional mood and has a beneficial effect on the general condition of its owner.

The most mysterious of all semiprecious minerals is topaz. This is a stone of exposure, penetration into the essence of something. Products with topaz are recommended to be worn by psychologists and criminologists. It awakens mental strength, gives emotional balance.

Rauchtopaz has a similar name, but different properties. This gem is considered to be a stone of tranquility and contemplation. It is often worn by people seeking relief from depression.

Chrysolite brings love and peace to its owner. Chrysolite is considered to be a stone of successful people, leaders of their business. For a long time, chrysolite inserts have always adorned the products of merchants, traders and businessmen.

Citrine will help improve the mood of its owner and tune it in an optimistic mood. In addition, citrine helps to achieve good results in cooperation and partnership, to correctly express your thoughts. Therefore, it is recommended to be worn by pupils, students, as well as all business people.

A rather rare mineral is ametrine, which received this name due to its similarity with amethyst and citrine. A special two-color stone has a positive effect on mood, makes a person more benevolent.

As inserts, jewelers also use apatite, which is called the "stone of pacification". It is believed that the mineral absorbs the energy of its owner; therefore, it is not recommended to redid products with apatite.

Aventurine is considered one of the varieties of quartz. No wonder its name is translated as "associated with the case." It is believed that the stone brings good luck to those people whose activities are associated with constant risk and uncertainty. Therefore, the stone is recommended to be worn by athletes, as well as creative people looking for inspiration.

Fairy stones

Not everyone knows that stones such as agate, turquoise, onyx, malachite, jade, jasper and amber are also considered semiprecious. It seems that these are names from old fairy tales or antiquity, pulled from a dusty casket. And such associations are not accidental.

These semi-precious stones are large enough, so they most strongly realize their natural potential. Since ancient times, special magical properties have been attributed to them in different countries. For example, in China, jade was called nothing but the stone of life. Jasper has long been especially prized in Japan. Russia has always been considered the empire of amber (94% of this mineral is mined in our country), and turquoise was especially popular in the Middle East and Central Asia.

Products made of semi-precious stones have always been at the peak of popularity, and our time is no exception. Fashion dictates new forms, but traditions remain unchanged.


Self-flowers- precious, semi-precious and semi-precious stones (minerals and rocks), which are used as jewelry and ornamental raw materials. Typically transparent or translucent. Term gems is of a historical and everyday character, it does not relate to scientific terminology and is not strict. At different times, in everyday speech and speech of different specialists, it could refer to translucent or opaque stones, or it could be used to divide into categories of colored-colorless, cutting-decorative, precious-ornamental stones.

see also



  • The history of the study of gems and the main features of their mineralogy
  • Gems and Minerals Descriptions and Photos

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See what "Gems" is in other dictionaries:

    Transparent colorless and colored precious and semiprecious and semi-precious and ornamental mils and gallons, possessing any valuable properties: high hardness, transparency, beautiful color or pattern, shine, high light scattering, ability ... ... Geological encyclopedia

    The term introduced by A.E. Fersman in the 1920s. 20th century to designate precious stones, including colorless ones. Often used in a broader sense in relation to both precious and ornamental stones ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    A term introduced by A.E. Fersman in the 1920s. XX century to designate precious stones, including colorless ones. Often used in a broader sense in relation to both precious and ornamental stones. * * * GEMS GEMS, term ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    To put gems under the eyes of someone. Zharg. pier Shuttle. Beat smb. to bruises. Maximov, 85 ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

    See in Art. Precious and semi-precious stones ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    A term introduced by A.E. Fersman in the 1920s. 20th century to designate precious stones, including colorless ones. Often used in a broader sense in relation to both precious and ornamental stones ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    Gems- dragon., half-dragon. and semi-precious stones mined and processed in Russia. Unlike Zap. Europe, Wed. Asia and Wed. East, in Russia the culture of stone appeared later and developed more slowly. The first mineralogists. information can be found in the Izbornik ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    - "SAMOTSVETY", Russian vocal instrumental ensemble (Moscow). Founded in 1971. Having achieved initial success with a series of melodic numbers in the beat (see BIT MUSIC) traditions, over time "Gems" switched to the banal and ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Gems are transparent, colorless and colored precious, semiprecious and ornamental minerals and rocks with specific valuable properties. VIA "Gems" Museum "Gems" Mineralogical Museum in Moscow ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Gems (disambiguation). VIA "Gems" ... Wikipedia

Despite the difference in price, semi-precious stones may well compete with precious stones in terms of external beauty and other qualities. This is due to the fact that two centuries ago the list of precious stones was much wider. The same amethyst was considered one of the most valuable stones, however, after finding large deposits in Brazil, this type of quartz was reclassified a step lower.

General classification of gems

Character is also of great importance in choosing the right jewelry. For example, it has long been known that red represents activity and movement. Jewelry in red shades is well suited for both extroverts (a person whose attention is mainly directed to the outside world) and for those who lack this activity, who need it.

Purple gems

The combination of two conflicting colors - red and blue - is attractive to many people. Purple symbolizes intuition., as well as everything magical and unknown. It is the color of mystery and power, which has long been a symbol of royal power and noble birth in many European countries. Among gemstones of this color, the following stand out:

  • Bolivianite or ametrine. The stone combines the features and properties of two stones at once - citrine and amethyst. It belongs to rare, as it is mined only in the Bolivian Anahi mine. Ametrine can be purple or yellow; species with lilac or peach color are also found.
  • Kunzite. At the moment, the stone has not yet acquired its well-deserved popularity in the jewelry markets, since it was discovered relatively recently. Color - purple with shades of lilac, pink and pale red. Individual samples can be exorbitant.
  • Sugilite. Another "young" stone with a rich spectrum of shades from dark purple with bluish color to light pink. In rare cases, minerals with a yellow tint can be found. Due to its rarity (mined in several places on Earth), it is expensive.
  • Amethyst. The most beautiful of the varieties of quartz (especially transparent types). The color palette can include rare cherry hues, which make the purple color deep and rich, and the play of light mesmerizes even those who are absolutely not interested in jewelry.

In addition to those listed, stones such as charoite and fluorite should also be included in this list. Charoite is an ornamental stone, the value of which is growing from year to year (this is due to the establishment of a limit on its extraction); it can often be found in the form of mosaics and decor in modern rich houses.

Fluorite beads, rings and necklaces are common jewelry that are in demand due to their price (this mineral is not expensive), while the material itself is quite durable in order to serve a person for a long time without deteriorating its external qualities.

Blue stones

Incredible blue nuggets are considered valuable, as well as all its shades. This is due to their rarity, as well as the fact that blue represents wealth, good taste and intelligence. Many jewelry is tinted or specially treated to create a rich, uniform and deep blue color. The list of semi-precious stones of this color includes the following gems:

  • Lapis lazuli. The medieval name is "lapis lazuli", which means "azure stone". Since it is soft and brittle, it is quite easy to handle and also polish. A varied range of shades and a presentable appearance have determined the demand for this stone in jewelry both in the past and in the modern world.
  • Benitoitis. Despite the fact that the stone can have purple, blue and other shades, it is often considered one of the most beautiful blue stones. However, due to its small size (it is mainly mined in the form of small crystals, which makes it very rare, and therefore expensive), it is not so easy to find it on the jewelry market.
  • Tanzanite. Initially, when this blue mineral was found, it was confused with sapphire, which already indicates its decent appearance. Some gemologists classify this stone as precious. Many stars from the world of cinema and art (for example, Elizabeth Taylor) do not disdain tanzanite jewelry.
  • Turquoise. It is known to use this blue-blue mineral even in ancient times. The stone itself is not only a symbol of purity and wisdom, but also the personification of devotion - it is not for nothing that turquoise is used as a decoration for a bride's wedding dress in many countries of the world.

Although sapphire does not belong to the group of semiprecious stones, the description of this corundum is simply necessary, since even the name "sapphire" is translated as "blue stone". Of course, it also has other shades, but its classic color is precisely blue.

The strength of this mineral is so great that it is used for the manufacture of bulletproof glasses in military equipment. The largest sapphire was mined in 2015 and weighs more than 1400 carats.

Red minerals

Oddly enough, some "sea" minerals such as coral have the color of passion, fire, energy and excitement. You should also definitely mention carnelian (an inexpensive gem of red and burgundy-brown shades with a translucent structure), pyrope and almandine. The last two minerals are a type of pomegranate, one of the most famous gems. It has the following characteristics:

  • All shades of red - from cherry and burgundy to light pink tones.
  • The high strength and hardness of the mineral guarantees a long service life.
  • Small size of minerals. Most often, it does not exceed 5 mm.

Transparent types of almandines are used for jewelry. By itself, garnet has widespread use in decoration and collecting, as well as in some branches of the construction industry.

Of course, the most famous stone of the color of blood is ruby ​​- corundum (like sapphire) of red shades, which is an expensive gem at all times. Represents power, luxury and passion for love. One of the main problems associated with buying ruby ​​jewelry is its regular counterfeiting - some gemologists suggest that up to one third of all “ruby” jewelry on the market are not.

Also, spinel, alexandrite and some varieties of tourmaline (such as rubellite) should be classified as red gems. In some classifications, these minerals are assigned to different groups according to their value, however, regardless of the estimates of jewelers, their appearance, rarity and cost can quite compete with ruby.

Green and yellow gems

Green is the favorite color for most people. It is believed that products of this color contribute to the development of harmony, balance and tranquility. Green gems and minerals can also have a calming effect, among which we should mention stones such as christopraz (sometimes called “green gold”) jadeite and malachite - some products made from these minerals are already several thousand years old, but they still have not lost their charm and attraction.

Known for many fortune-tellers and lovers of esotericism, the mineral jade (in particular, its green variety) is perfect as a costume decoration for official receptions, as well as for medicinal purposes. It is often used for massage, as well as in the presence of certain heart diseases.

However, as with many other stones, one should be wary of forgeries, of which an incredible amount has recently been divorced.

Bright gold, amber honey and classic yellow are one of the symbols of wealth and prosperity... Therefore, many gold-colored jewelry is capable, according to beliefs, of attracting financial success and career advancement to a person, as well as the social ladder. First of all, the following gems of a golden hue should be named:

It should be understood that the same sapphire, tourmaline, spinel and even diamond can also be yellow (this depends on the properties of the natural nugget). Here you can also add some ornamental stones - for example, agate - as well as some phosphate minerals such as apatite.

A set of natural mother-of-pearl and coral, less than 100 rubles per set.

The stones to be processed are often called do-it-yourself, but they have another name, which is due to the bright or unusual color that comes to light on the polished surface of the stone. Hence the second name - colored stone... The world of gems has a unique beauty of color effects.

There are many precious, semi-precious and colored stones in nature - more than 160 types. 20-30 types of stones are especially revered and appreciated by people - the first among them are diamond, sapphire, ruby, emerald. Next come alexandrite, opal, tourmaline, topaz, amethyst, agate, carnelian, garnet, rock crystal, turquoise, pearls, lapis lazuli, amber, malachite, etc.

Out of the total mass of all rocks and minerals, stones that are considered precious, distinguish special rare properties for which they are valued, and the most important of these is the beauty of the stone... Without this, beauty, mineral or breed will not be so highly valued, no matter how amazing qualities they have, unless it becomes reliably known that this stone suddenly heals from any diseases, etc. But this has not happened yet.

Natural Labrador beads are an expensive piece of jewelry, about 9,000 rubles.

Precious stones should delight the eye with color, skillful cut, pattern and tints - play of color, beautiful inclusions or other features that make them incomparable with ordinary stones and clearly distinguish them from the general mass.

The next important property that distinguishes precious stones is wear resistance and durability. True, today beautiful stones that do not have hardness are used for jewelry, but they are certainly not as highly valued as expensive and very hard stones.

It is unlikely that anyone wants to wear jewelry, in which one has to constantly change worn-out gems for new ones. But then a person invents new ways - for example, varnishes selenite.

Agate bracelet - here the stones are "thick", so the bracelet is expensive, more than 1,500 rubles.

Stones with a special unsurpassed strength and hardness - diamond, sapphire, ruby, chrysoberyl - will sparkle and sparkle, even when their gold setting is worn out.

But durability is certainly not the most important quality of a gemstone. For example, opal is a soft and fragile stone. In the ring, it becomes dull from contact with hard objects, you need to handle it very carefully. In terms of wear resistance, it cannot be compared with diamond or sapphire, but the beauty of opal is so great that it is used in jewelry, despite this drawback. The main advantage of opal is opalescence (opalization), that is, the ability to emit successively different bright rays under the influence of sunlight.

But opal is an exception, the main gemstones are still different in that they are harder and stronger than many other minerals.

Another important property of precious stones is their rarity. We tend to value rarity and uniqueness: out of two objects of equal beauty, preference will be given to the rarer one. Synthetic stones or glass imitations can be as beautiful or even more beautiful than natural stones, and yet most people will choose natural stones because the rare is often preferred over the more beautiful. But rarity is not the only reason. The value of natural stones is, of course, higher than synthetic ones, as the value of a living flower is higher than any paper flower, even the most skillful one.

Amorphous stones and crystals

Natural chrysoprase beads are also an expensive piece of jewelry (a valuable stone) - a little less than 7,000 rubles.

Most gemstones occur naturally in the form of crystals or debris. People with supersensitive perception can see how the energy forms of the crystal affect the person's energy field, either merging with it or pushing off.

Amorphous (non-crystalline) are those minerals or rocks that do not have a regular internal arrangement of atoms, characteristic of crystals. An example of an amorphous material is glass. Amorphous natural stones are opal and obsidian ... Opal is silica with a certain amount of water in the composition.

There are very few amorphous stones in nature. The vast majority are crystalline, although not always easy to identify.

What is made from natural stones.
Art products

Artistic products with stone carving are classified in different ways: according to the purpose of the product, material, carving method and theme.

By purpose, stone-cutting products are divided into:

  • utilitarian products (toilet items, smoking accessories),
  • decorative items
  • souvenirs.

The material is distinguished:

  • products from hard stones,
  • medium hard
  • and soft stones.

By the way of processing and carving:

  • products with volumetric thread
  • with engraving.

They are divided by subject into:

  • products reflecting the work and life of people,
  • animal world,
  • ancient monuments, etc., there are a lot of options.

In Russia, regional affiliation is also distinguished: products of the Ural, Altai, Nizhny Novgorod, Arkhangelsk, Krasnodar, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk and other craftsmen.

In ancient times, each stone was attributed its own special property (why it is difficult to say now): diamond - purity and innocence, sapphire - constancy, red ruby ​​- passion, pink ruby ​​- tender love, emerald - hope, topaz - jealousy, turquoise - whim, amethyst - devotion, disgrace - impermanence, sardonyx - marital happiness, agate - health, chrysoprase - success, hyacinth - patronage, aquamarine - failure.

Stones by colors and shades

Colorless and transparent stones: diamond, rock crystal, topaz; opaque: chalcedony, milk opal.

Transparent bluish-green gemstones: aquamarine, topaz, euclase, tourmaline; opaque: amazonite, jasper.

Transparent blue and light blue gems: sapphire, aquamarine, tourmaline, topaz; opaque: lapis lazuli, turquoise.

Transparent lilac and pinkish: ruby, spinel, tourmaline, almandine.

Transparent dark red and brown: garnet, hyacinth, tourmaline, amber.

Transparent yellow and golden: beryl, topaz, tourmaline, zircon, smoky quartz, amber; opaque: carnelian, aventurine, semi-fallen.

Obscure black stones: jet, agate, black tourmaline (sherl), hematite (bloodstone).

Transparent variegated stones: tourmaline; opaque: jasper, heliotrope, agates, onyx, eye spars.

Transparent and translucent iridescent stones: moonstone, hairy, labrador, noble opal, pearls.

A couple of days ago I was asked: “What is considered a gem? Is it some kind of official name or not? " I tried to answer briefly. It didn't work out briefly, because further the conversation spilled over to dividing stones into precious and semi-precious ... And I decided to tell in more detail what classifications of precious stones exist and by what criteria stones are divided into precious and ornamental

An informal name for all colored and transparent stones that are used in jewelry or artwork (figurines, figurines). Ornamental stones are called stones that are suitable for stone-cutting products, but they can also be used as inserts in jewelry. Conversely, there are crafts made from gemstones (emeralds, sapphires). Any classification by transparency, hardness, color, cost, application is subjective. The same material, depending on its quality (for example, ruby), can be of high quality and be precious in jewelry, or it can be of very low quality and be only collectible material.

Classification of semi-precious stones and colored stones of the USSR A.E. Fersman - is outdated, operated at the beginning of the twentieth century. This classification is closest to the old taxonomy of precious and ornamental stones. Some stones of the first group (A) are ornamental, therefore they also fall into group (B) - to ornamental stones.

A. Cutting material (gems)

I order: diamond, sapphire, ruby, chrysoberyl, alexandrite, emerald, noble spinel, euclase

II order: topaz, aquamarine, beryl, red tourmaline, demantoid, phenakite, amethyst (blood), almandine, uvarovite, hyacinth - hessonite, noble opal, zircon, spodumene (hiddenite, kunzite)

III order: garnet, cordierite, kyanite, epidote, dioptase, turquoise, green and polychrome tourmaline; rock crystal, smoky quartz, amethyst (light), chalcedony, agate, carnelian, plasma, heliotrope, chrysoprase, prase, semi-opal; sunstone, moonstone, labradorite, eleolite, sodalite, obsidian, titanite, prehnite, andalusite, diopside, scapolite, thompsonite, staurolite, bentonite; amber, jet, hematite, pyrite, rutile, cobaltin, gold in quartz.

B. Ornamental material (colored stones)

I order: jade, lapis lazuli, amazonite, labradorite, sodalite, orlets (rhodonite), malachite, aventurine, quartzite, rock crystal, smoky quartz, agate and its varieties, jasper, vesuvian, rose quartz, written granite, eudialyte

II order: lepidolite, fuchsite schist, serpentine, agalmatolite, steatite, selenite, obsidian, sea foam, marble onyx, fluorite, rock salt, graphite, amber.

III order: gypsum (selenite), anhydrite, marble, porphyry, labradorite, breccia, confluent quartzite and other rocks

IV order: pearls, coral, amber, jet

In a later classification, Kievlenko E.Ya. stones are subdivided into jewelry (precious), ornamental and jewelry and ornamental. In groups, stones are arranged in the order of their value, for which the price of a high quality stone (not unique) is taken. Defective stones do not qualify, since their prices are not comparable, and the prices for unique ones are not regulated (unique stones are often sold at auctions)

Classification of colored stones according to Kievlenko E.Ya.

Jewelry (precious) stones

I Ruby, emerald, diamond, blue sapphire
II Alexandrite, orange, green and violet sapphire, noble black opal, noble jadeite
III Demantoid, spinel, noble white and fire opal, aquamarine, topaz, rhodolite, tourmaline
IV Chrysolite, zircon, kunzite, moonstone (adularia), sunstone, yellow, green and pink beryl, pyrope, almandine, turquoise, amethyst, chrysoprase, citrine

Jewelry and semi-precious stones

I Lapis lazuli, jadeite, jade, malachite, amber, colorless and smoky rock crystal
II Agate, amazonite, hematite, rhodonite, opaque iridescent feldspars, iridescent obsidian, epidote-garnet rocks (jade)

Ornamental stones

Jasper, marble onyx, obsidian, jet, petrified wood, listvenite, patterned flint, graphic pegmatite, aventurine quartzite, fluorite, selenite, agalmatolite, colored marble

In addition to the named classifications, there are many other GIA - Gem Reference Guide (USA), VNIIYuvelirprom (USSR), G. Shubnel's classification. The variety of classifications and the lack of uniform methodologies complicate the assessment procedure.
The approval of a single international classification also complicates the impact of the classification on pricing. A higher rank in the classification increases the value of the stone and its popularity in the market.
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