Happy relationship with a military man. In the service of the Fatherland: how to be a military wife

In Russian military universities, the recruitment of girls is open only for certain specialties that are not associated with intense physical activity that is harmful to women's health. What kind of universities are these and what specialty can girls get there? You can find out about this from this article, in which we will also touch on the topic of the advantages and disadvantages of serving in the army for women.

In the Soviet Union, become professional military only representatives of the stronger sex could. Women, on the other hand, if they did become military personnel, it was only if they entered the army in completely "civilian" specialties (such as an accountant, cook, nurse, etc.). In modern Russia, the situation has changed dramatically: women can not only enter the army under contract and carry out military service on an equal basis with men, but also graduate from one of the military universities that accept female representatives for training, and thereby become a professional military man.

True, in Russian military universities, the recruitment of girls is open only for certain specialties that are not associated with intense physical activity that is harmful to women's health. What kind of universities are these and what specialty can girls get there? You can find out about this from this article, in which we will also touch on the topic of the advantages and disadvantages of serving in the army for women.

Military universities that accept girls for training

Like any other civilian institution of higher education, military universities for girls are, first of all, a source of professional knowledge and skills. Therefore, the requirements for the assimilation of information and its application in practice are no different from those that are put forward in a civil university (often they are even higher). Teachers do not do condescension to female cadets just because they are of the "weaker" sex or for other reasons not related to "military" reasons. As a result, only those girls and women who really dream of a military career enter military universities.

Strict discipline, high requirements for the assimilation of information, as well as the complete dedication of cadets leads to the fact that the level of training and working capacity of women officers at the end of a military university is much higher than that of those who consider any university only as an opportunity to obtain higher education.

Unfortunately, to date, not all military universities accept women and girls for training, so this possibility should be clarified in advance. Among those universities and academies that are ready to devote the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to wisdom military affairs, such universities as are especially popular among female applicants:

  • - specializes in training highly qualified professionals in the field of telecommunications and automation for the army and specialized departments / ministries. The term of study is 5 years. After completing the training, graduates are issued state diplomas and awarded the rank of "lieutenant".
  • - is engaged in the training of military doctors in such specialties as "Preventive Medicine" and "General Medicine" (training period - 6 years), as well as "Pharmacy" and "Dentistry" (training period - 5 years). Upon graduation from the university, the graduates are issued a state diploma and a specialist certificate, as well as the title of "senior lieutenant of the medical service".
  • - female representatives are enrolled in the specialty "Infocommunication technologies and systems of special communication". The term of study is 5 years. Cadets who have successfully completed their studies are issued a state diploma on obtaining a specialty "Application of Airborne Communications Units" and awarded the rank of "lieutenant".
  • - is engaged in the training of officers (including women officers) with higher military special education in such areas as psychology, journalism, social work, prosecutorial investigative actions, linguistics and translation. The term of study is 5 years. University graduates are issued a state diploma and awarded the rank of "lieutenant".
  • - is engaged in the training of highly qualified personnel for aerospace defense units and other branches of the armed forces and branches of the armed forces in 39 military specialties (including "Meteorology of Special Purpose" and "Military Cartography"). The term of study is 5 years. The graduates of the academy are awarded the rank of "lieutenant" and are issued a state diploma in the specialty of training.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Military Service for Women

From time immemorial, military affairs have been the prerogative of men. Women, on the other hand, have always been associated with the keeper of the family hearth, the mother and the adornment of our life. In modern society, everything has literally turned upside down: men often run the household and raise children, and women master "male" professions, which include military specialties.

What makes the "weaker sex" go to military academies or to serve in the army under a contract? First of all, the fact that today women are more active, self-confident and ambitious, and are also distinguished by an increased desire for equality. In addition, they are attracted by a number of advantages that the army gives to military specialists:

  • personal realization - military service is one of those few spheres of life that allows you to get a decent education, to move up the career ladder and support your family without huge investments and "useful" acquaintances;
  • stability - no matter what economic disasters shake the country, military specialists will always be in demand;
  • solution of housing problems - in the first five years of military service, women officers and their families are provided with service housing. With a length of service of more than 5 years, a soldier receives housing on a general basis (if it is impossible to allocate housing, they are paid monetary compensation);
  • early retirement - military specialists retire at the age of 40-50, which allows them to live not only on a pension (which, by the way, is quite large). They can easily get a job in both state and municipal structures and receive quite a decent salary.

It is noteworthy that many women are not stopped even by obvious shortcomings. military service, which include:

  • psychological stress - the army is a serious school of life, which makes a strong personality even stronger, but a weak person can easily "break";
  • a real danger to life - no one knows where you will have to serve and whether the war will start tomorrow;
  • the need to obey orders unquestioningly - for many women, who for the most part have their own opinions on everything and everyone, this is the most difficult factor in military service;
  • the lack of full-fledged days off and irregular working hours - the very notion of a "day off" for the military is very conditional, since they live directly on the territory of the garrison, which means they have a rest "on the job";
  • restriction of movement - you can leave the garrison or military town only with the permission of the command.

Agree that all the disadvantages listed above cannot be compared with material and social guarantees, a sense of one's own significance and usefulness to society. Well, and most importantly, girl in uniform The Armed Forces of Russia is just beautiful.

"And I love the military, handsome, hefty ..." - this hit is familiar, probably, to many of our readers. What is the reason for the popularity of men in military uniform among the fair sex?

“If you walk the streets of any city on a fine day, you will notice that the most beautiful, elegant and graceful girls accompany young people with cadet or officer's shoulder straps,” retired lieutenant colonel Alexei is convinced. “Men in military uniforms know how to win women's hearts!”

The reason for the popularity of the officer corps among the fair sex lies not only in good physical fitness, perfect posture, firm gait and self-confidence of our defenders. Military education is also of great importance.

Real men

“In military universities and academies they provide not only professional knowledge. Guys are taught to be commanders. They know how to give orders and be responsible for the consequences of their actions. These qualities of a "real man" are very much appreciated by the wives and girlfriends of people in uniform, "said Major of the Airborne Forces Konstantin.

His colleague Nikolai emphasizes that real officers are not only capable of giving orders, but also have the gift of persuasion. They “ignite” people, lead them along: “Women love charismatic men. The army and navy are helping to develop this charisma. "

The economic factor should not be disregarded either. In recent years, the pay of military personnel has increased significantly. It significantly exceeds the average wage in the country. Finally, the problem of officers without apartments has been resolved. Servicemen and members of their families have the right to use the services of military medicine, to rest in departmental health resorts ... In this situation, the defenders of the Fatherland really become enviable suitors.

Masters of "mattress sports"

“Many girls meet with cadets, as they themselves grew up in military families. I would like the future husband to be like his father, ”says the salesman Olga. She enthusiastically tells about her young man Sergei: “He is very handsome, romantic, with a wonderful athletic figure ... Master of Sports in athletics. And in "mattress sport" he is also a master! ".

The cashier of the supermarket Oksana also meets with the cadet: “Dmitry, like me, is 21 years old. At this age, guys usually don't want to get married yet. But my Dima is different ... We are preparing for the wedding in the coming months! Future officers know that they are responsible not only for the security of the country, but also for their families. "

Drink, take a walk?

However, there is always a fly in the ointment in the ointment. We often hear about the addiction of military personnel to drinking, about frequent adultery ... Is there some truth in these statements?

“For a military man, it is important that he makes the key decisions in the family. But at the same time, my husband, a lieutenant colonel, always listens to my opinion, ”says accountant Anastasia.

“The talk about all the officers cheating on their wives and getting drunk is an attempt to discredit our army,” design engineer Lyudmila enters the conversation. - In recent years, the Armed Forces have been significantly reduced. But the best remained to serve: competent, responsible ... A real officer understands that the family is his reliable rear and will not risk family well-being for the sake of dubious intrigues. "

Queen in uniform

“I’m unlikely to become a general or even a colonel, but even now I feel like a queen in uniform,” says senior lieutenant of the medical service Anastasia with a flirtatious smile. - My husband is a military doctor. We serve together in a medical company. "

Anastasia believes that female military personnel manage to combine strength and femininity, severity and affection. "Women in uniform can stand up for themselves both literally and figuratively ... But at the same time, at home, they still need to lean on a man's shoulder," emphasizes the military doctor.

Any married woman, no matter how happy she is, knows that family life is not only joys, but also worries, problems, worries about a loved one and children, and a lot of everyday affairs. But for those who decided to link their fate with an officer, this applies even more. The wife of a military man is not only a family status, but also an honorary title, which is very difficult to match.

What does it mean to be the wife of a military man

Being the wife of an officer is not easy at all, she also serves with her lover, obeying the same orders and the same daily routine as him.

What should a girl be ready for when she decides to link her fate with the military:

  • To long separations and often unexpected business trips, when all household problems and raising children fall on her shoulders
  • To frequent changes of place of residence, and few people may like semi-nomadic life, unsettled life and temporary apartments
  • To the need to be for your husband not only a faithful and loving wife, but also a family psychologist who can relieve stress and create a cozy atmosphere in the family
  • To the fact that the husband will not talk about official matters and share work problems, that there will always be a line in his life beyond which he will not allow it
  • To self-denial, because often the wives of the military have to give up their work, their careers, and petty women's joys. In distant garrisons, there are often no fitness centers, no beauty salons, or large stores.

But there is one very important circumstance that makes women endure all these inconveniences, accept both the husband's workload and his absences. This is Love. And those who know what a family life with an officer is, are sure: you can become a real military wife only out of love.

How to be a military wife: features of life and relationships

Military service is not a job, but a lifestyle. This should be understood by women who have chosen the fate of an officer's wife. So that family life with a military man is not a burden and brings not only problems, but also joy, it must be built on love and understanding.

To do this, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of coexistence with a serviceman:

  • The spouse is a military man and remains him at home, which means that the family and life are most often subject to a strict schedule.
  • In officer families, most often patriarchal orders. A woman must not only understand, but also accept her role as a homemaker.
  • Military service is difficult not only physically, but also psychologically, so the house should be that island of comfort and peace where your man can rest and relax
  • Life in the garrisons makes most of the officers' wives housewives. In order not to get annoyed with boredom and not complain to your spouse, find yourself a job you like, a hobby or that specialty that will be in demand everywhere
But most importantly, remember that you yourself made the choice by becoming the officer's wife.

Girls in the army are divided into two types: cadets - students entering military schools, and girls serving under contract, since there is no conscript service in our country for girls. However, women's service is not associated with military action, except in romantic fantasies. The participation of girls on the battlefield or sending them to hot spots is prohibited, which leads the beautiful half straight into the frames. While the modern mouthpiece of feminism - Wonderzine magazine - complains about the injustice of the laws and opportunities for women in the Russian army, and also tells how girls go to serve to prove to themselves that they are no worse than men, I wondered how everything is actually the case. I managed to talk to a student at the Military University of the Russian Ministry of Defense and find out why girls go to the military, whether they suffer from inequality, and who should be equal to those.

Anastasia Polyakova, 23 years old
The name and surname were changed at the request of the heroine, all coincidences are random.

Why do girls go to serve

First of all, girls go to serve, because military education is always free. You study for free, they dress you, give you a uniform, feed you, pay money. A year and a half after the start of their studies, the girls will have to conclude a contract for a period of study and a further five years of compulsory service. At the end of the training, the girls receive the rank of lieutenant and leave to serve further.

Where you will serve depends on your training profile. Among the female professions, such as military translation, economics, engineering, military medicine, or logistic support are common. In the future, girls can provide linguistic activities, help men in the rear, participate in various army events, but mostly the work is "paper", routine.

Military doctors can be on the battlefield only in an extreme situation, with general mobilization, otherwise, this is work in a unit or in a military hospital. It doesn't sound so romantic as if women were saving the wounded and dragging them on themselves under fire, but in fact the work is very responsible.
Let's say a girl serves as a company sanitary inspector, and she is responsible for ensuring that the soldiers do not catch any dangerous diseases, for example, rotavirus infection, which appears simply due to the fact that someone did not wash their hands, but is transmitted very quickly. As a result, there is an epidemic in the company.

Considering how unstable the situation with employment in the civilian sphere is today, one of the key reasons for girls to go to serve is a stable job after graduation.

Inequality in the army

When they tell me that girls serve on an equal basis with men, I never agree. There is no equality in the army, but there is also no inequality - this is such a paradox. Girls are more likely to work than serve, but at the same time, I have never come across the fact that women are treated unworthily. Probably, somewhere there is an army harassment, and statistics speak of frequent violence in mixed units, it's scary, but I don't know about precedents.

They are very loyal to the girls, no one is rude to them, does not humiliate them, does not spank them on the ass, does not remind them of hazing, but what can I say, they do not even raise their voices on girls - neither colleagues, nor higher ranks.

Cadets are prohibited from communicating with cadets. Of course, inside the university there is communication and even romantic relationships between classmates, but, according to the rules, a student guy can stand next to the student, talk to her, but in no case touch her. And guys follow these rules because nobody wants to be reprimanded. We have the opportunity to be friends and communicate with each other, but during some joint trips. For example, once we drove the whole course to a water park, and there we could talk and touch whoever we wanted.

Nobody is trying to show women their place in the army. "Go to the kitchen, cook borscht", "What have you forgotten here at all?" - there is simply no such thing! First, because a military university is not an easy place. Not a single male soldier, regardless of his rank, will ever allow himself to ask a cadet such a question, because there is an unspoken rule: any cadet goes to school for his own reasons. It is during the urgent service that the guys are driven to defend their homeland with a stick, the attitude towards them is different, they are frightened, simply because it is necessary to achieve at least some kind of discipline.
The cadets know their duty, therefore they are appreciated, they are treated as adults and independent, regardless of gender. Of course, if a student or student does not fulfill the tasks assigned to them, they can be scolded and said something like:

- but, you must admit, in this case we are not talking about who is good for what by gender. In civilian life, everything is the same. If a woman does not do her job, she will be fired, and feminists may shout about injustice, but they will be wrong.

Women in the service are asked less, no matter how anyone speaks. If the student did not obey the order, they will not punish her the way a man would, although there is still justice.

In terms of attitudes, of course, there is equality of rights, but there is an important difference: women are not sent to hot spots, they are not exposed to any deliberate danger, it seems to me that we are more likely to be cherished than humiliated in rights.

This problem is contrived. Women rarely find themselves in truly "military conditions", not because they are of little use on the battlefield or their place in the kitchen, but because there are many times more men in the military, so there are enough personnel to conduct military operations.

I think both men and women know what they are doing when they sign a contract. It's not a question of testing your self-control or wanting to prove that women are cooler than men. Those who join the army for this are fools. This is a service, this is a responsibility. We have it like this: women work in peaceful spheres, men do the rest, women are needed in their workplaces, they have enough work.

In the Russian army, of course, there are women who know how to hold weapons, are ready to fight on an equal basis with men, such fighting women, but even they do not go to fight.

Do women achieve high status in the army

Of course, there are command positions for women in the army. There are specialized women's divisions where they are taught the appropriate skills, the girls there also take a young fighter course, where they are taught to shoot, dig, put on gas masks - the basic skills necessary to survive in a war. I remember that the first month at the university we did just that. Again, the women's units are commanded by women.

We have a leader - a fighting woman with the rank of major, so strong-willed that even the cadets are afraid of her. As far as I know, she rose to her rank. But this is not always the case. My mother, for example, graduated from college, and now she is a senior lieutenant in the medical service reserve. It is enough for her to come to the military registration and enlistment office, and she can be mobilized, and she will serve according to her rank somewhere in a unit or in a military hospital.

In our country there is no specialized university where women’s commanders would be trained - on the contrary, there is a male one. For example, the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School is a rather tough place. The guys are being trained there - the future command staff. The guys study there in very strict conditions, and women are not taken there.

During their studies, the guys live in the barracks, some have an out-of-barracks position, but in most cases they are all on the territory of the barracks. Here they wake up, go to school, then they have free time, where they sleep.

We girls only live in hostels. The conditions here are excellent, and no one bothers us. The guys can often be stopped and reprimanded even for sheer nonsense, a lint on the uniform. Nobody scolds girls and does not burden them with trifling tasks. It seems to me that they give us a discount, because it is more difficult for a woman to get along in the army than for a man. And this is normal practice, natural philosophy. If the girls do not live according to the charter, then yes, no one will feel sorry for them, otherwise they always make "concessions". We wear uniforms, salute, wear outfits. Nothing special happens here, you just need to clean up and that's it.
None of my course went AWOL, again, because they are loyal to us, and if you ask for an uval, it will be given without any problems. The guys have only 2 redundancies per month, and some privileges can only be in the case of excellent studies, again, it depends on the educational institution.

Girls, in principle, always do better, so we have bonuses for good behavior.

Women commanders

The female commander and the male commander are two different things. The head of our course is a woman.

As a rule, women are in command of women.

They are also quite soft and loyal, Major, which I mentioned above, is rather an exception. There is no rudeness in the command, neither on the part of women, nor on the part of men. This is considered bad form, and many male commanders even think that it is not like a man, so they do not allow themselves too much, and if it happens, then such people are very punished.

A female commander almost never commands a male squad because guys need more discipline. Here is a different psyche and a different upbringing. This has happened since time immemorial. Perhaps a woman commander will not be perceived as a man. In this issue, of course, there is inequality. And in general, there are not enough female command personnel in the army. One female officer can lead three courses.

The stories about female commanders are almost fabulous.

Of the really existing high ranks among women, there is an example of Elena Georgievna Knyazeva - the only woman with the rank of Major General. She is now the deputy head of the Military University of the Russian Defense Ministry for academic and scientific work. The woman is very beautiful, talented, she is in charge of the academic part of the university. It is in her power to design the curriculum, and for this it is necessary to be very educated and experienced. I admire her because she really knows what she is doing. It is customary in the army to be afraid of people with such a high rank, but Elena Georgievna is a surprisingly pleasant person, she treats everyone very well.

Once she came to our place and asked so good-naturedly how we were, if we liked learning languages! We were shocked - she is a Major General! Any cadet feels righteous thrill at the sight of general's shoulder straps. Being caught by a general with some kind of violation is such a problem. When the general's check comes, the cadets prefer to sit and not stick their heads out, God forbid you get caught on some nonsense, and the generals have such a rich experience of service that they will find something to ask you.

I also very much admire Colonel Nina Vladimirovna Yegorshina - she is also a very talented woman, intelligent and experienced, and a fierce feminist, as it seems to me. This is another great example of a woman who has achieved high status in the military. She is the head of the department of linguistics and literature, so those who study poorly constantly have problems with her. You have to try very hard to pass her subject, because she is very strict and tough. Even many teachers are afraid of her, but she treats girls well, always protects.

Attitude towards colleagues

I know that guys are treated more harshly, but you need to understand that there are cadets who treat this differently. At the formation, the commander can jokingly charge his elbow into the kidney, but not out of malice, and no one considers this to be violence, there is no harm to health. And if the guy is adequate, he will laugh at this situation, and the other will run to report to the colonel about every scratch. Nobody likes such people in the team.

Among the girls, there are also bitches or scammers. This is a very rare case, but still it happens that someone comes across who runs to complain. We once had a case during an exam when a girl was found with a micro-earpiece. When asked who dictated the answers to her, for a long time she did not want to confess and betray her classmate, because she knows: this will only hurt her status in the team. Nevertheless, when already caught red-handed, one has to give up. Both were punished: one was sent for a retake, and the attitude towards the other simply changed.

How romantic it is to marry an officer, defender of the Motherland! The dream of many girls is a military man. Girls are attracted to the military by such qualities: character, courage, courage. A real man must defend his homeland and his family. Many girls do not stop paying attention to whether the guy served in the army or not. When choosing a husband, this is an important indicator. Everything seems to be fine. The military is the standard of masculinity and reliability. So why are not all girls in a hurry to connect their lives with a military man?

Features of the life of the military

Only recently in Russia have scientists begun to study the family life of the military, their problems and the impact on the work of family relations. Indeed, in today's world, the military receives an increasing load every day. In addition to the problems that have been on the shoulders of law enforcement officials for many years, the threat of terrorism has also increased.

In connection with the workloads experienced by military personnel, psychological problems arise that must be taken into account by a girl who has decided to link her life with the military. The life of the military even in peacetime is dangerous and stressful, which is why the military retire so early.

Marrying a military man: pros and cons

Marry a military man. Minuses:

With her husband's traveling service, the military's wife will also have to wander around the garrisons. And here lies the big problem.

The wife will not be able to build a career. After all, she constantly has to move, if her husband is a contract soldier, respectively, she has to either stay at home or look for an easy fickle job in a military town. And this is a very big problem if a girl wanted to become a leading engineer, but she has to work outside her specialty due to frequent moves.

To be honest, not all girls can decide on their lives and careers in their native walls, and acclimatizing in another city is even more difficult.

3. Poorly developed infrastructure in sparsely populated military camps is a problem. It happens that the service takes place in villages where there are not even kindergartens. Apartments where military families have to live at the beginning of their careers sometimes have disgusting living conditions. In addition, the problem with housing after the service hangs in my soul. These are all factors. taken together, from a gentle and affectionate wife, almost any girl will be made a shrew.

Pros when you marry a military man:

1. If a couple at the beginning of a husband's career can overcome together the hardships that make up all the disadvantages of marriage with a military man, then the further family life, according to statistics, is considered one of the most successful. According to surveys, officers and their wives who have been married for more than 10 years consider their marriage to be happy by 95 percent out of 100.

2. An officer will never leave his wife, who supported him in difficult times. As a father, the soldier will be an attentive and responsible parent. One of the first roles in terms of importance, again according to polls, for military men is the role of the father.

3. A man who has chosen the military profession is distinguished by discipline, knows how to achieve goals, tries to live here and now. As one officer's wife says, it is not known what may happen tomorrow, what business trip they will send, so she and her husband enjoy every minute and every available moment.