Cardboard balls for the Christmas tree how to make. How to make a Christmas ball out of fabric. Christmas origami balls

There are a lot of paper crafts and one of the simplest, most interesting and informative is a ball. Making this figure is easy and exciting at the same time. It's amazing how a three-dimensional figure is obtained from ordinary flat paper. There are several ways and we will tell you about the most basic ones.

How to make a paper ball with your own hands?

"Paper ball of circles"


For this origami you will need colored paper, and always double-sided. Take 3 of your favorite colors.

Now cut four circles on each of the sheets.

Thus, it turns out that you have a dozen colored circles.

Fold them in half in turn and put them in each other, then just straighten them.

Fasten the middle with a stapler.

Gently straighten everything, you should get a fairly voluminous figure.

Glue the leaves in the way shown in the image, and you will get a real ball!

Another variation of this method is not to stack the circles into each other. Regular sequential gluing will also help create a three-dimensional ball. If you take sheets not from plain, but from patterned paper, you will get a ball of amazing beauty.

You can make a ball out of paper in another way. Prepare 8 large circles and one small one. Fold the large ones in half, and then again. The folded circles must be glued to the small one, as in the picture below, and another ball is ready.

How to make a paper ball from stripes?

Cut colored strips of the same length.

Make a ring and fasten it with glue or a paper clip.

Form a second ring perpendicular to the first.

Fasten all remaining strips in the same way.

Now the ball is ready, it remains to add decoration and you can hang it on the Christmas tree!

How to make quilling balls?

The art of quilling is not easy, but if you have mastered its basics, then making a ball will not be difficult for you. They look simply amazing and are able to decorate any interior.

How to make a papier-mâché ball?

Prepare tools and materials: non-colored newspapers, glue and a brush for it, ordinary scissors, paper and a balloon.

Fill the balloon with air enough to make it round.

Shred the newspaper.

Paste the ball with pieces of newspaper in 2-3 layers, skipping the tail. The last layer must be from sheets of plain white paper.

Leave to dry.

Carefully puncture the ball with a needle and remove its parts.

Now you can attach the thread, decorate and paint to your liking.

Balls made of corrugated paper look unusually festive.

Liana Raymanova

The New Year is a time of magic, fairy tales and a festive atmosphere that fills the frosty air. And, of course, everyone, without exception, is preparing for an exciting moment - decorating the Christmas tree. But, despite the rich selection of toys in stores, many people prefer to decorate the Christmas tree on their own and with their own hand-made decorations.

Most popular stuff for the manufacture of New Year's toys - paper. This material is affordable and easy to use. But you can see how to make Christmas tree toys with your own hands from paper in this article. It will be much more interesting if you involve your children in this activity, because children are able to create something that an adult simply does not have enough imagination for.

How to make a Christmas tree toy out of colored paper

Colored paper toys will bring bright accents to the festive interior. The main thing is to take high-quality and thick enough paper so that the finished product is durable and pleases you with its appearance for a long time.

New Year paper toys

The most traditional New Year's toy is considered christmas ball. So why not try making it out of paper. It is very easy to make such decorations for a paper Christmas tree with your own hands, but you need to stock up on the necessary materials and tools.

To make such an interesting Christmas ball, you will need the following materials:

  • thick paper of any color;
  • scissors;
  • compasses or any round object;
  • PVA glue;
  • satin ribbon or thread.

When all the tools are at hand, you can get to work. It does not take a lot of time. Similar paper fakes for a Christmas tree are made in several stages:

  1. Draw identical circles on paper using a compass or, for example, a coffee lid, and cut it out. As a result, the number of circles should be 20.
  2. In each circle, draw an isosceles triangle with a pencil or fold the circle in half on both sides to mark the center with a cross.
  3. Bend the edges of the circles along the lines of the triangles and iron the fold well with your fingers.
  4. From the resulting triangles, glue the base for the ball. To do this, lay out a line of triangles on a flat surface so that their bases form a straight line. Here you can notice that the “top” of the line is with spaces, so in the gaps you need to insert five more circles. The result is a strip of 10 triangles, which must be closed in a circle.
  5. From the remaining 10 circles, make the bottom and top of the ball. To do this, glue 5 triangles into a circle so that the tops of the triangles are together.
  6. Glue the resulting caps to the base. The ball is ready.

After the ball is completely glued, you need to take a ribbon or any dense thread and attach it with glue to any place. This is necessary so that the ball can be easily hung on a Christmas tree branch.

If you find it difficult to draw triangles in each circle, you can make a spare circle and cut out the desired triangle from it. This will serve as a template and greatly facilitate the process.

You can also make not a round ball, but a square one. This requires 6 circles. Only the edges should be bent not in a triangle, but in a square. As a result, 4 squares will go to the base and 2 to the lids.

Similar paper toys for the New Year can be made plain or multi-colored.

It is important to understand that the larger the circles are in diameter, the larger the Christmas ball itself will be. Thus, it is possible to compose whole compositions from balls of different sizes.

Christmas tree toys made of cardboard

The simplest New Year's toys made of cardboard are Christmas trees from animals, which can be placed next to these Christmas trees. The principle of making animals and Christmas trees will not be explained, it is quite easy. Refer to the image below.

Christmas trees made of cardboard

But making a ball out of cardboard is not so easy. In addition, it is not always possible to find a ball with the desired pattern in the store, but we know that it you can always do it yourself. Such New Year's decorations made of cardboard can become the main and brightest accents on the Christmas tree.

Necessary materials:

  • postcard with your favorite image or photo;
  • scissors;
  • hole puncher;
  • thread or ribbon;
  • small screw and nut.

A unique Christmas ball is prepared in three stages:

  1. A photo or postcard must be cut into an arbitrary number of strips.
  2. On each strip, at the top and bottom, you need to make a hole with a hole punch.
  3. Collect all the strips together by threading a screw through the holes and securing with a nut so that they can move. The toy is ready.

After the toy is assembled, you need to straighten the strips so that the pattern is visible. And in order to be able to hang it on the Christmas tree, you need to attach a thread or ribbon to the top screw.

It is not necessary to use a photo or a postcard in order to view the image: it is quite possible to use colored cardboard, in two or more colors. You can decorate the ball with a bow, beads.

The number of stripes should not be less than 5 pieces. If there are fewer of them, the ball will look awkward

From cardboard you can create beautiful "winter" toys. How to do it, see this video:

What New Year's toys can be made from corrugated paper

Paper Christmas decorations look especially interesting if you use not plain paper, but corrugated paper. Looks very nice corrugated paper tree.

Necessary materials:

  • green corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • sheet of cardboard of any size.

First you need to make the base of the Christmas tree out of thick cardboard, for example, a rolled cone. It must be secured along the seam with tape or glue. For stability, the cavity of the cone is filled with any material.

Corrugated paper strips should be 10 cm long, 2.5-3 cm wide. The strip should be twisted in the middle and folded into a loop, pressing down with your fingertip. All prepared loops are glued to the cone, starting from the bottom row. The fluffiness and volume of the Christmas tree depends on the number of loops used. You can attach a bow or a large bead to the top of the finished beauty.

How to make voluminous Christmas paper toys

If you looked at various photos of New Year's toys made of paper with your own hands, then you probably noticed that mostly Christmas tree decorations are made voluminous. The thing is that such toys are much easier to make, because they are made according to special patterns. Such patterns of Christmas paper toys are easy to find on the Internet, they even sold in stores.

To make a toy according to such a pattern, you need to print a pattern on a color printer, cut it out and glue it along the indicated lines.

It is better to print such templates on thick paper, a simple office paper will not work. From the glue, it will get wet, and the toy will look sloppy, or even completely fall apart.

Finished products look very original. They can be given as a small gift., after putting a small treat inside, for example, a few sweets or a chocolate egg.

Do not think that handmade Christmas decorations will look unnatural and ugly on a festive tree. It's not like that at all. You can’t buy such jewelry in a store, and the time that was spent with the family for creativity will be for a long time put a smile on your face. Especially the smallest members of the family will like this activity.

September 27, 2017

The New Year is getting closer, so I want to touch this magic already. Of course, it’s still too early to decorate the Christmas tree, but you can get creative, for example, make Christmas balls with your own hands. There is an article on the blog about it, there are a lot of interesting ideas.

Balls are considered the most popular decoration, of course, you can buy them, the choice is huge - small, large, plastic, glass. But handmade items are not just decoration, they are a mood, a part of the soul. Such a toy will stand out on your Christmas tree or be a great New Year's gift.

Now the English expression has become popular - hand made (hand made), which means "hands make". And this is not just a fashionable word, now handmade things have become appreciated. Huge supermarkets are opening, where you can buy a lot of goods for hobbies, creativity, needlework, there would be a desire.

I propose to look at different design ideas - from simple ones that anyone, even a child, can handle, to more complex ones.

DIY Christmas balls for 2019 - 2 step-by-step master classes

The upcoming 2019 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, which means that there must be a Pig toy on the New Year tree. There are many ideas on the net, we will consider those that will have a round shape.

Did you know that ordinary apples were the predecessors of the balls. In Europe, Christmas trees were decorated with this biblical symbol in ancient times. In one of the lean years, glassblowers came to the rescue, making apples out of glass. This innovation caught on quickly. Candlelight was reflected in glass products, which made the decorated Christmas tree more festive.

Christmas ball pig

Remember pig Nyusha from the cartoon, she is round, but very cute. You can make such a cute pig yourself from an ordinary Christmas tree toy.

Necessary materials:

  • Christmas tree toy with a diameter of 6, 8, 10 cm
  • pink and black acrylic paint
  • polymer clay - white, light pink, dark pink colors
  • acrylic lacquer

You will need a hot gun to glue the parts, but if there is none, then you can use second glue.

Tip - do not use Moment-Crystal glue, as it can dissolve the paint on the ball.

Step-by-step instruction:

Such a cute toy will be a wonderful decoration for your Christmas tree.

The pig can be any color, choose the one you like best.

Video on how to make a Pig pom pom ball

If you have leftover yarn in your bins, then you can make Pig's cute face out of a pom-pom, detailed step-by-step instructions in the video. Children will like this Christmas decoration, because they love soft toys so much.

Schemes for collecting voluminous Christmas balls from paper

It's easy to make beautiful Christmas decorations out of paper. You can use colored paper or white paper, drawing your own drawings, snowflakes on it, or stick interesting pictures on it. Children will like such creativity, such balls can be made not only for the home, they can be taken to kindergarten or school. For manufacturing, you will need ordinary office paper, multi-colored or white, glue, scissors.

Modular paper ball

Such a product is made from modules that are glued together, they can be of different colors or plain, it all depends on your preferences.

Work description:

Large do-it-yourself honeycomb ball (step by step instructions)

Looking at such a product, it seems that it is very difficult to make it. In fact, even a child can cope with such work, the main thing is to understand the manufacturing principle.

It is better to study on a large model, then you can use it to decorate the interior, take it to a kindergarten or school to decorate a large Christmas tree. Having understood how it is made, you can easily repeat the steps on small products.

The main rule: do not get confused with the order of applying glue.

How to do:

Ball-honeycombs can be made from fewer halves, then honeycombs will be rarer.

DIY Christmas balls in shabby chic style

Shabby chic balloons can be very different, because this is not a technique, it's just a style.

The founder of this style was the Englishwoman Rachel Asheville, who initially bought up old furniture, decorated it for herself, and later began to sell her work. Accordingly, a common interior was created for such furniture. The peculiarity of this style is tenderness, warmth, and not pretentiousness of expensive things.

Today, “shabby chic” is a fashion trend based on the principle of giving things a “shade of antiquity”.

Chic style is often compared with Provence style:

  • it is characterized by angels, soft floral motifs, mainly roses, peonies;
  • from geometric patterns, a slightly noticeable cell or strip is allowed;
  • the color scheme is light, soft, mostly white, beige, peach, pink. You can add shades of lilac, salad, lavender, blue, as long as they are not bright;
  • shabby chic is lace, organza, satin, linen, delicate chintz.

Not surprisingly, handmade items (hand-made) fit perfectly into this style, New Year's toys were no exception.

Scrapbooking technique for decorating balloons

Scrapbooking is the best fit for the shabby chic style, as this technique involves decorating.

To make such balls with your own hands, you don’t really need a master class. It is enough to buy ready-made inexpensive plastic New Year's toys or foam blanks in the needlework departments.

For decor, find in your bins, which every needlewoman has, pieces of fabric, lace, ribbons, jewelry, interesting buttons, beads and, having shown imagination, make an exclusive decoration for the Christmas tree.

Decoupage Christmas balls

The now very popular decoupage technique is perfect for the shabby chic style.

It is not difficult to master it, in the article mentioned above there is a detailed master class for beginners. It is enough to choose pictures, decor in the right tone and unique works will catch the admiring glances of your guests.

In the video, I propose to watch a master class on making a New Year's ball in the shabby chic style using the reverse decoupage technique.

Decoration of Christmas balls with beads

Craftswomen working with beads do not disregard Christmas decorations. From small beads, delightful works are obtained - Christmas trees, angels, cones and much more. Iridescent reflections of small colored beads create a sense of a fairy tale in the house.

Balls are also decorated with beads, and in a variety of ways. They are completely braided, creating beautiful patterns, making exquisite openwork decorations.

To make such beautiful toys, you will need beads, nylon thread or fishing line, a needle, and, perhaps most importantly, patience.

And the master class in the video will help you, good luck!

How to make a ball on a Christmas tree with a photo with your own hands

Now you can order different toys - personalized, with a logo, with a photo, but for creative people it will not be difficult to make such things with their own hands. Read on and you will see that everyone can make a balloon with a photo.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • detachable transparent ball
  • acrylic paint - white and colored
  • glue "moment"
  • sequins
  • the photo

Work description:

Christmas ball of satin ribbons and fabric

The fantasies of needlewomen have no boundaries; ribbons and pieces of fabric are used to decorate Christmas tree decorations.

And it’s already not easy “blinded, from what was”, different techniques are used, kimekomi, kanzashi, artichoke. Balloons decorated with these techniques are simply a work of art.

Kimekomi technique for fabric Christmas decorations

Products made using the kimekomi technique are somewhat reminiscent of our patchwork technique.

We use it for the manufacture of quilted bedspreads, blankets, sofa cushions, and other products, but not for New Year's toys. But it turns out that balls made from scraps of fabric also look very original and beautiful.

In Japan, kimekomi was used to make dolls by pressing strips of fabric into slotted wood blanks.

Materials for work:

  • foam blank
  • glue stick
  • stationery scissors
  • shreds of fabric
  • sharp object with a rounded tip (table knife, knitting needle, crochet hook)
  • various items for decoration

The principle of operation is simple:

Fabrics for such work use a variety of both elasticity and strength. It is easiest to work with elastic fabrics, the most difficult - with loose fabrics with a rare weave.

Christmas balls kanzashi

Kanzashi is a technique similar to origami, only it does not use paper, but satin ribbons. This art came from Japan, women used kanzashi to decorate their hairstyles. Now this technique is used not only to decorate hair clips, but also to decorate clothes and objects.

According to the craftswomen, if you figure out how to make kanzashi, it becomes clear that this is not at all difficult.

Like it or not, you can find out by watching a video on making a Christmas ball using this technique.

Decorating balls using the artichoke technique

Artichoke is another patchwork technique that is actively used to decorate Christmas balls.

The meaning of the technique is simple - you can draw an analogy with origami - we add pieces of fabric and attach to the base.

Candy Christmas ball

New Year, sweets, sweets - these concepts are inseparable. Imagine how happy your child will be when he sees a delicious toy on the Christmas tree, although it is unlikely to hang for a long time. Sweet balls can be an original New Year's gift.

For the manufacture of sweet toys, you can use a foam blank and use glue, tinsel, pieces of fabric, ribbons to form a ball.

Another option is to use split balls. This option is quite simple - you just need to fill the transparent blanks with sweets and decorate them beautifully.

New Year is a magical holiday and you can touch this magic with your own hands, creating real masterpieces. Charge your loved ones with inspiration, let each member of your family make their own New Year's ball so that your Christmas tree is the most elegant. Good luck and a fabulous New Year.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Decoration for ceremonial events of halls, houses, apartments with balloons has become very fashionable. They create airy beauty, conviviality, novelty and positive. An ignorant person in needlework will ask the question: "How to make a ball out of paper?" And to do it is simple, easy and interesting. Abroad, in hobby-lobby stores, round foam plastic balls of various sizes are sold for this purpose, on which flowers, butterflies, and other decorations are then glued. In our country, you will not find this everywhere yet, but we are used to getting out of the situation. We offer several options for manufacturing balls.

The basis for the ball can be made from threads. In a bottle of PVA glue, make parallel holes on both sides and pass a thread with a needle through them. Inflate the rubber ball of the desired size, start winding the adhesive thread around it (it passes through the bottle) until it is completely covered with a net. Leave to dry for a day. When the threads harden, the ball can be pierced and carefully removed from the resulting thread ball. Attach a rope to the balloon to hang it on. Now stick the prepared flowers from crepe corrugated paper on this base, you can use office colored paper or floral paper. Cut corrugated paper into strips 20 cm long, 3.4 cm wide. Stretch one side of the strip. Twist the strips, tie the unstretched side with threads. Fluff, give a beautiful shape. Get a pretty rose. Another way: prepare strips of the same size from office colored paper - 20X30 cm. Only they need to be cut like noodles, not reaching the edge, twisted onto a toothpick or thin stick, glued the edge, spread the petals. It turned out an aster or chrysanthemum. Or you can just cut out the flowers according to one pattern, decorate with a large bead and stick it on the base of the ball, as in the photo. There are a lot of flowers on the ball. For a medium ball with a diameter of 20 cm, you will need about 40 pieces.

Another way to make a paper ball

This method is faster and easier than the previous one. If in it paper balls were made using glue, there was a lot of work with making flowers, then this is not the case here. The ball is assembled without glue. It also looks beautiful, and is done quickly and easily. To work, you need thick paper or thin colored cardboard, scissors, cord.

You need to cut 12 identical flowers, the shape is shown in the photo. Each petal is cut along a horizontal line from right to left, not reaching the edge. The cut of one petal is inserted into the cut of the other until the ball is assembled. Insert the cord into one of the templates and fasten it, as shown in the photo. These balls are easy to assemble and disassemble. If you make several balls of different colors, but the same size, then you can mix them, you get multi-colored compositions. As you can see, paper balls are very easy to make. It is quite possible to create such a masterpiece with your own hands.

Next method

With this method, you also need glue, postcards or thick colored paper. You need to cut out 10 template circles of the same size. Draw a triangle inside each. Bend the edges of the circle along the line of the triangle. They are connected with glue until you get a hemisphere. Do one more. The whole ball will take five triangles. Do not forget to fasten a rope to one of them. Now glue the two hemispheres. Another way to make a ball out of paper is now familiar to you.

The simplest ball

This method is available even to small children. The ball is made from corrugated paper. Two sheets of paper of different colors, approximately 30 cm wide, 50 cm long, should be folded like an accordion and loosely bandaged in the middle. Round or sharpen the edges on both sides. Gently open and fluff the petals of a large flower - a ball. Glue the two side edges in the middle. This beauty, of course, is short-lived. One or two drops of rain - and there is no ball, but in dry rooms it can please the eye for a long time.


Make paper balls: it's beautiful, simple and easy!

Our site publishes materials for those who want to make Christmas and New Year a real holiday for their children, a holiday that they will remember for many years. Here, to help parents, we publish articles and materials on the preparation and conduct of the New Year holidays. This includes New Year's master classes on making original Christmas tree decorations and Christmas decorations with your own hands. If you start making Christmas decorations, Christmas decorations and gifts for friends and relatives in advance, then by December 31 your house will turn into a real New Year's fairy tale! We offer to make Christmas balls on the tree You will learn how to make a Christmas ball with your child with your own hands, get acquainted with the schemes of Christmas paper balls, photos of Christmas tree decorations.

1. DIY Christmas ball (option 1)

To make this Christmas decoration, you will need colored paper, thin wire, a stapler, and glue. The balloon you see in the photo above was made from three different colors of paper (pink, blue and light blue).

Work plan

1. Take a small glass or glass (glass) and circle it on paper with a simple pencil 12 times. You should have 12 circles (4 circles of each color). Cut out the circles with scissors.

2. Fold each circle in half and stack them together as shown in the picture below. We use paper in three colors (A, B and C) to make this Christmas ball. Stack the circles in the following sequence - ABBCCAABBCCA. If, when making a New Year's ball, you used paper of two colors (A and B), then in this case the circles should have been folded in the following sequence - ABBAABBAABBA.

3. Fasten the circles of paper together with a thin wire, wrapping it around them along the fold line. Twist the ends of the wire together. If you do not have wire, then you can fasten the circles with a regular stapler.

4. Spread the circles and glue the adjacent halves of the circles to each other. Each half must be connected to one adjacent at the top, and with the other - at the bottom.

2. DIY Christmas balls (option 2)

Cut out three circles of the same size but different colors from colored cardboard or thick paper. In the first of them cut a cross (fig. a), in the second circle make a horizontal cut in the middle and perpendicular to it two cuts in the direction from the circle to the center of the circle (fig. b), and in the third - four cuts in the form of a cross, also along direction from the circle to the center (Fig. c). Pass the circle "c" into the circle "b". In circle "a", bend the corners formed as a result of its incision; you get a square hole. Pass circles “b” and “c” into it, having previously folded them. Then straighten the corners again (fig. d). Attach a thread to the resulting ball.

3. Christmas paper balls (option 3)

From old postcards or colored paper, you can make such cute Christmas decorations - Christmas balls.

You can print ready-made colored circles for making a colorful Christmas ball using this technique.

4. Making a Christmas ball (option 4)

Very easy to make Christmas paper ball. To make it, you will need colored paper and glue.

Work plan:

1. Cut out eight identical circles from paper of different colors. Although, in fact, the number of circles can be any, but not less than three.

2. Fold each circle in half, right side inward.

3. Glue the halves of the circles together as shown in the photo below. Glue is applied to the wrong side of the halves of the circle.

4. Before finally sealing the New Year's ball, thread a thick thread or ribbon through it. You can also make a wonderful Christmas tree garland from a large number of paper balls.

Note: such a Christmas decoration can be made not only in the form of a ball, but also in any other shape. To do this, use different stencils.

5. DIY Christmas ball (option 5)

To make these wonderful Christmas lanterns, you will need to cut colored paper into strips of the same length and width. The length and width of the strips depends on the size of the flashlight you want to make. To make one paper lantern, you will need an average of 14-16 strips of paper

When making Christmas balls, you can use strips of paper of different colors and beads to decorate Christmas toys with your own hands.

If the strips of paper are bent in the middle, then you get such a New Year's decoration.

6. How to make a Christmas ball (option 6)

We suggest you make such a cute and easy-to-make New Year's craft from old postcards with your child.

1. Using a small glass or wine glass, draw and cut out eight identical circles.

2. Using another object with a round base but smaller in diameter, draw and cut out two small circles.

3. Fold each large circle in half, and then in half again.

4. Stick four folded large circles on one small circle, the remaining four on the other. As a result, you will get two halves of your future Christmas ball.

It is very IMPORTANT to correctly place the quarters of the large circles on the small circle. Try to carefully straighten the "pockets" of the folded circles and in advance, before gluing, estimate the correctness of their location. At the same time, focus on the very first photo, which shows a finished ball.

5. Now you just have to glue the two finished halves together and, when the glue dries, straighten all the pockets. Christmas ball is ready!

7. Do-it-yourself ball of threads (spider web balls)

Thread balls look very attractive, do not require special skills and money. Many did them at school in labor lessons. And the use of these gossamer balls is limitless: just as an element of decor, and as a lampshade, and as New Year's toys. From several of these balls of thread, you can make all kinds of toys: snowmen, birds, fish. In general, everything that is enough for imagination.

Making balls from thread:

1. You will need: scissors, balloons, fat cream (Vaseline), any yarn, PVA glue, a bowl.
2. Dilute PVA glue with water, approximately 3:1.
3. Inflate the balloon to the desired size, give it a round shape, tie it with a thread.
4. After unwinding the required amount of yarn, put it in a bowl and leave for 5 minutes.
5. We smear the ball with a fat cream and wrap it with yarn, first leaving a large distance between the thread.
6. Gradually reduce the distance between the threads until the whole ball is wrapped in yarn and resembles a cocoon.
7. Cut the thread and glue it to the ball. Leave it to dry (at least a day).
8. Gradually untying the balloon, gently blow it off, and then remove it from the thread cocoon; tie a rope to the thread ball on top for fastening.

When making a ball, you can use yarn (threads) of any color or paint with any paint or sparkles (spray). Especially for the New Year, you can decorate this thread ball with tinsel and stars. Hang small balls on the Christmas tree, decorate the room with large ones. Fantasize more!

If you are unable to wind the glue-soaked thread around the ball, you can wind the dry thread, and then thoroughly soak it with glue with a brush or sponge.

Instead of glue, you can use sugar syrup or starch paste. To prepare the paste, take 3 teaspoons of starch in a glass of cold water, mix thoroughly and bring to a boil. Instead of a thread, you can take a thin copper wire and wind it around the ball in the same way.

Old Christmas balls can be updated by wrapping each of them in a piece of beautiful fabric and tying it with a ribbon.
