Comic congratulations on the day of the border guard is short. Day of the border guard - funny, short congratulations, in prose, poetry, sms. Congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard to serving friends, beloved husband, dad

In two years, Russia will celebrate the centenary of the creation of the country's border troops. On May 28, 2018, on the hundredth Day of the Border Guard, congratulations will be received by today's high school students who have decided to follow in the footsteps of their fathers and grandfathers and stand up to defend the borders of our Motherland. As in the first year of the formation of the troops as the best fighters who became the "ears" and "eyes" of the borders of Russia, today the border troops admit guys with first-class sports and military training. Only the watchful guards of Russia can repulse the enemy from land, sea and air. At the end of May 2016, it is to such people who guard the homeland and each of us that their relatives and friends will dedicate their congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard. Young "border guards" will send each other cool short SMS and comic congratulations, parades of border troops will be held in central cities, and poems in honor of the glorious defenders of the borders will be recited from the stands. Poems of their daughters and sons will be read to the border guards' dads, and programs and films about the people of this dangerous profession will be shown on TV.

Funny funny congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard in verses and pictures

No joke, the border guard is not a fighter. Standing on guard for days, Russian border guards protect the borders of our state from military encroachments, penetration of terrorists and spies into the country, and information leakage from the country. Today, the "guards of the Russian gates" use the most modern assistant devices capable of picking up the slightest rustle, sound from the opposite side of the border. However, no such sophisticated device can replace the attentive border guard responding to every sound. Of course, such a service is not only dangerous, but also physically difficult. To unwind on the holiday, the border guards exchange funny congratulations, toasts and jokes.

You deflected yours
You served at the border
And today I deserve
Congratulations like that thirty!

I want to wish you
There is only positive in life,
Always be on top
Let troubles pass by!

Congratulations in SMS on the Day of the Border Guard - short poems for friends, colleagues and loved ones

Sending a short SMS congratulating a border guard friend is always better than calling him. If a phone call can distract a border guard from work, then he will certainly read SMS congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard.

Happy border guard day, holiday of the brave!
With the faithful Mukhtar, the border of the dish,
Don't let the defectors of the left pass
Keep an eye on both night and day!

Border guard
You do not have a look, but knitting needles -
You will not even miss the midge
On the cherished path.
Be healthy, strong, courageous,
All charged with optimism!

Border guards, I will say openly,
Your service is not forgotten.
You are always on our watch
I send SMS, no more.
And wanting to congratulate you,
I offer everyone in full.

Short congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard in verse to your beloved, friends and colleagues

The guys defending the borders of our country are laconic people. Congratulate your friends-border guards on their professional holiday with short lines about their work, service “day and night”. In the border units, the guys also exchange short congratulatory jokes.

The streets are crowded today
The greens cannot be appeased with caps,
And even toddlers find it easy
The reason for this is to understand -
They walk in a merry crowd;
Their souls are full of holiday;
They wave to and from the windows of the school,
And from the tram window;
Step by step in a chased march,
And a good glass in hand ...
Perhaps someone started earlier;
But the border is locked!
I know, though not a border guard,
That it's time to congratulate
You and all the guys are great
Happy border guard day! Hooray!

Who is sneaking here with Mukhtar?
He doesn't work here for nothing!
Brave, strong border guard
He is our excellent defender!
Happy professional day!
In life - let everything go!

Happy border guard day, congratulations
And in a wish I will send
Good luck to you, five tons of strength -
I was proud of you, so that the cordon!

Congratulations to dad on Border Guard Day in verses and pictures

The son or daughter of a border guard dad can draw a greeting card for his father - his own picture. Older children can limit themselves to humble words of congratulations. The grown-up children of dad, a veteran of the border troops, will lay a festive table in honor of their father.

Daddy, you are on guard of the glorious
Sprawling borders.
May your success, as a main companion,
Flies up above the birds.
May there be vigorous health
With you for centuries
The golden sun is shining for you
On Border Guard Day!

My dad is a border guard
What I am very glad about
After all, he is an excellent student
And a true soldier.

My dad - I know for sure -
Always stronger than everyone
I wish you well
May success await you.

My dad is a brave man
After all, he serves on the border,
The order is not repeated twice,
In love with his profession.

Good luck and luck to you,
And human pleasures
Let there be, without a doubt,
Love, health and success!

Address on May 28, 2016, Border Guard Day, congratulations to all those, thanks to whose hard work our border is really locked. Read poems and short greetings to your friends in the border troops. Children of the guards of Russia can devote their own poems to their dad, and young border guards can relax on their professional holiday and, of course, make fun of their colleagues by sending them cool SMS or a joke.

The concept of "defender of the Motherland" can be interpreted in different ways. Young soldiers of the Russian Army, men and all servicemen are also called defenders. However, among them there is a special category of people who have made the defense of the borders of the Fatherland their profession and their life.

These are border guards - those who, in the literal sense of the word, without closing their eyes, watch over the inviolability of our borders. The glorious Russian border guard is worn by thousands of young guys and already experienced specialists. This title has lived in our country for almost a hundred years. Their relatives, the country, all of us are proud of the border guards. A separate holiday on May 28 is dedicated to the great work and courage of these people.

On this day, congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard are accepted by everyone who serves or once served in the troops guarding Russian cordons. Mothers, fathers, families of border guards convey congratulations to their loved ones. Already served "border guards" meet and exchange cool postcards, short humorous poems, jokes. On this day, solemn congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard in prose are heard from the government and from the leaders of the regions of Russia. The whole country congratulates its permanent defenders of our peace and the guarantors of a peaceful sky.

Funny congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard on May 28, 2018 to the serving children in verse

A sense of humor helps the border guard cope with stress and the constant stress of work. Anyone who knows what a constant concentration of attention, vigilant vigilance and observation of minimal changes around are worth, will understand why the "border guards" value rest, humor and relaxation so much. Jokes and funny congratulations to each other on the Day of the Border Guard is the best way to relieve stress.

You deflected yours
You served at the border
And today I deserve
Congratulations, thirty! I want to wish you
There is only positive in life,
Always be on top
Let troubles pass by!

One morning at dawn
The border guard went out into the garden,
There are two spooks at the net,
Collect grapes.

He blushes, he turns pale
I wanted to give them up,
But I twisted them in a second,
Our border detachment.

These are the guys, that's the way it is,
The border guard be brave
And believe in this day,
I am not too lazy to congratulate you!

Put on your cap as soon as possible
And grab your phone faster!
Make an appointment with all your colleagues
Border guard day - here he is!

Don't forget to take your guitar with you
After all, without your song, nowhere!
And give those around you the heat:
To remember the day forever.

Let them surround you today
Only the best friends of life
Only the best girls are around
Live this day for yourself!

Best congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard to your beloved man in verse

Almost every border guard who is serving, or has already served, has the closest woman - mother, wife, sister, girlfriend. They are the ones who worry and worry about the guys who vigilantly guard our cordons, more than anyone else. On Border Guard Day, they send congratulations to their loved ones.

Border guard day in spring
And on the border with summer!
Let joy flow like a river
And happiness is a bright light!

Good luck may be with you
Always - day and night,
I'm proud of you, my hero,
I love you very much !!!

You are protecting my peace
My border guard, knight, my hero.
You stand up for me like a mountain.
And I don't know a better hero.

Today, on a holiday, I want to wish
Not only the sky is bright blue
Not only more favors from God,
But get your star from heaven!

Darling, you serve on the border
Which means - an honest man,
You are truly friends with our law,
May this verse, as a talisman, keep You during the service,
Will bring you good luck
I wish you real service,
Don't forget - the bride is waiting.

Solemn and official congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard in prose to colleagues

The responsibility that rests on the shoulders of the Russian border guards is incredibly great. It is they who make sure that the enemy does not penetrate our country either from the air, from the land, or from the sea. Hundreds of terrorist threats were averted precisely thanks to the attention and vigilance of the Russian border guards. The defenders of our borders accept solemn congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard in prose. Words of gratitude are heard from the government, and in the media, and in military units.

Not everyone is honored to be a reliable guard at the border, and those who are proudly called border guards carry out their service with dignity and honor. Peace and tranquility of the country depends on them, on the brave border guards, therefore, on their holiday, on the day of the border guard, all citizens congratulate with honor everyone who was and is at the border service! Border guards today hear wishes to always remain staunch, firm, soldiers loyal to the oath and the Motherland! May your service cause pride in your family and friends, and may not a single enemy pass through our borders, thanks to you! Happy border guard day guys!

So that the native country could sleep peacefully, brave and gallant guys - border guards carry their service at the border. They steadfastly and vigilantly monitor the border of the Fatherland and of course deserve to hear sincere words of great gratitude for their service today, on their holiday - the day of the border guard! Let these guys always have peace of mind for their people and their Fatherland, let every border guard know that it is he who provides security and peace in the state, and of course, let them feel the sincere gratitude of their citizens for their hard work, for their worthy service! Happy border guard day, our dears!

Russia has more neighbors than any other country. And they are not always peaceful. Therefore, the border guard service is honorable. You need to be able to use the latest technology and find an approach to the dog, know languages ​​and be a psychologist, have endurance and wield a sniper with a weapon.

Sincere congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard to dad in verse

Border Guard Day is celebrated in Russia on May 28. It is on this warm spring day that our wonderful warriors-defenders receive the most sincere congratulations from loved ones, friends, leadership, and ordinary citizens.

The twenty-eighth of May has come ...
Wearing a green attribute,
Listening to the raging spring,
Border guards are walking around the world ...
Yes, this is forever! It's holy
And the city cannot be avoided
Traditional parade!
Happy Border Guard Day, guys!
After all, you are still the same! Keep it up!

Happy Border Guard Day! This is destiny
And you owe her luck.
May she continue to support
Opening all the possibilities at once!

So that the bright sun gives warmth
And the sky, flowing down the rooftops,
Rain knocked on your window
And it became brighter and closer.

Let everything that you went through ignite in your soul -
Warm up with good hope!
Stay yourself, be true to fate
And you will become more cheerful than before!

Oh, how many years have passed since then,
When it's hot and rain or cold,
You did not take your eyes off the borders,
Carrying a responsible service!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Happy Border Guards Day,
May luck lie ahead
Every day brings calmness!

Let health embrace you,
And happiness will give his hand forever,
Let joy surround you now
The soul of a huge man!

Short congratulations, SMS and poems on the Day of the Border Guard to dad, colleagues, friends who have served

"Border guards" are people who do not tolerate relaxation or loss of time. Even on their professional holiday, most of the guys do not leave the service, continuing to carry out their duty and their work: protecting the state borders of Russia. Send your dear border guards short congratulations in SMS or read a short verse by phone, the website writes. It can be funny, and sincere and parting words: choose yourself.

Congratulations friend, congratulations
With your true May day,
On the day of the border guard, I wish you
Always be the first, in everything!

You served, you paid your debt to the country,
Defending valiantly the borders,
Never stand aside
Remember the life of the page with honor!

The border is always under control
The enemy will definitely not get through here.
Border guards today
From all of them special honor.

Congratulations on your day,
Always be vigilant
Under your gallant protection
The whole country is sleeping peacefully.

Fortress, wisdom, strength, tranquility,
Always enjoy the service.
Let the wife be a faithful stronghold at home,
And the work often pleases with the prize,
Brings you joy and will be easy.
Today is the day of the border guard!

On May 28, congratulations on the Day of the Border Guard become support for those who vigilantly guard the integrity of our borders. Do not forget to congratulate your loved ones on the holiday. Let your kind words in prose help to serve the children. The serving "border guards" can play each other with great pleasure on this day: a joke, funny short poems and messages to young border guards will amuse the current defenders of the border.

Every year on May 28, the personnel of the border troops of the Russian Federation celebrate their professional holiday - the Day of the border guard.

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1993, the Federal Border Service of Russia was created. The date was taken from history: on May 28, 1918, the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars established the Border Guard of the RSFSR. At the same time, the Main Directorate of the Border Guard was created.

It is interesting that in addition to Russia, border guards of other post-Soviet countries also celebrate their holiday on this day: Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine. This is done as a sign of respect and admiration for the feat of the soldiers of the Soviet Union, who defended their country from invasion. By the way, Russia is the country that has the most points of contact with other countries - the Russian Federation borders on 18 countries. No other state in the world has so many borders.

Show congratulations

You have served for a long time, gray hair on your temples,
But in your soul you are there, in the border troops,
And you will always remember your native outpost,
There is never a former, a "border guard" never!

I congratulate you on the day of the border guard,
Be happy, healthy, do not regret anything,
Honor and glory to you, dear border guard,
You are your Motherland, a real hero!


Military man
No longer a boy, not a youth.
He knows what strength is
He is the protector, the father of the children.

On Border Guard Day with delight
Congratulations to our demobels.
As well as strict officers
And their great mothers.

What was raised and raised
They are our support and honor.
Happy Border Guard Day! We know,
That only their luck awaits.


Happy border guard day! Hurray and fireworks!
Happiness, health and strength in your hands!
Let people not tell legends,
How you were served in the border ranks,
But maybe you risked about a hundred times that way,
Maybe you were on the verge of death.
Honor and praise you just for the fact
That you slept well when you served.


Congratulations on Border Guard Day.
We know: he means a lot to you.
We wish you health, patience, luck,
And, most importantly, just luck in life.

You gave your youth to the service of the first border,
Your whole life is vigilance, fasting.
Although they have already flipped that page,
Don't forget to make a toast today.


Responsible service behind -
You guarded our peace.
And now with you today
We are celebrating a big holiday.

We sincerely congratulate you,
Thank you for peace in our homes.
We respect you all very much
And we honor the memory of the dead.

You often dream at night
As in a combat patrol - there,
On our homeland border,
I had to watch at night.

We wish you a restful sleep
Embracing a sweet wife
And great happiness to you,
And do not grow old in soul!


Faces pass through the memory
Those who guarded the border
Those who faithfully carried the service
And with difficulty and wear and tear.

And in the service in the distance
You fought back wars.
Can you sleep well
After all, the border is locked:

Young youthful forces,
Century not knowing fear,
You were replaced today
On the distant frontiers.


We once served, guarding the border,
On patrol without closing their tired eyes,
And now in civilian life, life flowed differently,
But the Border Troops mean a lot to us.

Every year we all together celebrate the Day of the Border Troops,
After all, the border service is now in our blood,
We often remember friends and colleagues
We have been sworn in honor and duty to our homeland.

May fate prepare a lot of tests for us,
Friends can always substitute their shoulder,
We will all meet together to celebrate the holiday,
And it will become light and hot in the heart again!


You served at the border,
Our area was guarded ...
Or, more precisely, the whole World!
You, for us, are now an idol!
Honor, praise to you, pride, title
And a universal calling -
For courage, courage, service,
Respect and friendship,
For victories, "silence"
Sun, sky and moon.
Let's drink, we stand for you all
As if you returned from the battle,
With the flag "our" behind
And "broken" enemies!

You served honestly at the border
Such an honor is not given to everyone,
Well, today, according to tradition
The whole country celebrates again
Day of the brave border guards,
I congratulate you on him!
And this holiday is very important
Let there be joy in full!

You have served for a long time, gray hair on your temples,
But in your soul you are there, in the border troops.
And you will always remember your native outpost,
After all, there is never a former "border guard"!

I congratulate you on the day of the border guard.
Be happy, healthy, do not regret anything.
Honor and glory to you, dear border guard,
You are a real hero of your Motherland!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Border Guard and I want to wish you with a smile and a sense of pride to remember the years of service, to show patience, courage, strength, intelligence and courage in any business of life. Let faithful comrades be near, let the borders of the Motherland and personal good always remain under reliable protection.

You served once in a glorious past,
In the valiant border troops.
May fate multiply everything good
What have you carried on your shoulders.

You gave the country peace of mind regularly,
Let peace always reign in the soul.
May everything in life be very glorious
Happiness will always be with you.

You served honestly and with dignity
The borders were defended by the country.
We wish you, border guard,
So that he never knew war.

The years of service have passed,
But this holiday is always yours.
You carry the memories
About this service through the years!

Whoever served at the border knows
An easy, simple service is never there,
For a long time in disturbing dreams you will dream
This feature is not easy - the border.

Fireworks fly into the sky in May,
All border guards celebrate a holiday
We praise your endurance and courage,
We sincerely and heartily congratulate you!

Happy border guard day
I want you with all my heart
I gave years of service to the cordon,
Now everything in life is on the shoulder.

I wish you strength and happiness
Let you dream the border
May the path that has been passed with honor
Will leave a mark on your destiny.

I hasten to congratulate, border guard,
Today is your holiday
Who, if not you, still knows
Heavy duty, combat?

Who else, if not you, did not sleep at night,
Went on guard, repeated the charter.
Who else but you will come to the rescue
Forgetting sleep, peace and fear?

You served, those nights are forgotten
For the Motherland, it is now always a hero.
Let there be plenty of joy
And the soul remains young!

You served, but remained a border guard,
I tried to study and serve in all my best,
Happy Border Guard Day today, congratulations
To be a soldier on a peaceful day, I wish!

May there be peace, work and kids
Mess with them and read them books,
Beloved wife cooked borscht,
And often kissed, and praised!

So that everything is in order at work,
And in the morning, like in the army, exercises,
For a weekend in the woods or at the sea
May there be happiness and no grief!

You served in the border troops
Therefore, accept congratulations!
No intruder, our enemy
I have not penetrated, there is no doubt about it,
While you stood at the border
There was only peace and quiet in the state,
After all, you honestly performed your duty,
Well, it means that you are our hero!
May health be steel
So that you succeed easily,
All sorrows will melt like smoke
So that the heart laughs with happiness!

For being peaceful on native land,
Because we are all healthy and alive,
For a clear sky overhead -
Thanks to the border guards!

You boldly performed the duty of a saint,
You are used to long nights without sleep,
We are proud of our army, country
And every serving border guard!

Health to you, border guard!
Warmth, love, mental strength,
Calm nights, excellent days,
So that he was happy and lived for a long time.

Strong family, love and happiness,
The warmth of home, kindness,
Good health and laughter.
Happy Border Guard Day!

I wish everything to be done
Your cherished dreams
Live in a world of happiness and kindness,
Success, joy, love,
There was always enough warmth.
Happy Border Guard Day!

Day and night we know for sure
Our border is under lock and key
Happy Border Guard Day
Those who are familiar with the service!

Be cheerful and active
Necessary, bright, positive,
Be happy without end
Happy Border Guard Day!

Border Guard Day is an important date,
Honor and courage are the pride of a soldier.
Happy holiday, today we congratulate,
We wish you good luck and success in your work.

I congratulate today
Homeland defender.
Smart and brave
Super border guard.

I wish, friend, for you
Courage, courage.
Always go around with success
All of you are scrapes.

Happy Border Guard Day!
May fate be good
Full of fun, happiness, laughter,
Peace, warmth, love, success!

Congratulations, border guard,
Happy holiday. Hooray!
Peace, laughter and smiles.
Always be the happiest!

Happy Border Guard Day, buddy, congratulations.
I wish you health, happiness and courage.
May the sky above you be peaceful
And let the enemy of the border go around.

Congratulations to the green berets!
Let the whole service take place in silence,
Whoever is in stock - to those of a peaceful sky,
All health, all the best from the heart!

I wish the border guard today
Trustworthy friendship, loyal friends.
Let life flow like a full-flowing river,
Good luck, love, happy days!

Bright sky over the country
And power over your destiny,
Smiles, laughter and warmth.
Happy Border Guard Day!

Border guarding is a tough job,
With such work, nothing beats.
Hurray for the border guards - we say
May each of you be protected by God.

Happy Border Guard Day! Let everything bloom around!
Let life shine and sparkle with happiness!
As long as you are, the enemy will definitely not pass,
Because there is always a border at the castle!

Happy border guard day, courage, glory,
The enemy will not pass through your outposts.
We wish you happiness, good luck, victories,
So that you never know troubles!

The border guard has a holiday today,
Accept congratulations from us,
We wish you great happiness
Success in your career and in love.

Happy Border Guard Day! May you be lucky!
I wish all your dreams come true
Always let the firmament be peaceful
And let the Motherland be proud of you!

Border guard today
I sincerely congratulate you
That we sleep peacefully at night
There is merit and yours.

In honor of the border guards - fireworks!
May victories await you in life,
Hearts of loved ones and relatives
And the stars shine golden.