Strong feminine aphrodisiac. Drugs to increase potency in women: remedies and reviews

What are the best pathogens for women, and how do you find the right remedy? Today, there are many female pathogens in drops or tablets that can enhance natural sexual arousal. Thanks to such means, a woman gets real pleasure from intercourse. Are these drugs safe?

Varieties of pathogens

  1. Women's Viagra. This is a popular drug, in which Sildenafil acts as an active ingredient. The tool is available in tablets and is taken half an hour before the expected sexual intercourse. Such a remedy has contraindications, for example, cardiovascular diseases or kidney pathologies. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a more modern and secure option.
  2. Spanish fly. This is a drug that can be purchased both in tablets and in drops (the latter option is preferable, because a few drops of the product can be discreetly added to the drink). The active ingredient of the Spanish fly is candaridin (it is created on the basis of natural plant and animal components, so the drug boasts a natural composition).
  3. Silver fox. Another natural aphrodisiac that relieves nervous tension and eliminates psychological complexes. This pathogen contains rare Thai herbs that increase sexual arousal when stimulating erogenous zones.

These are the most common arousals for women. The most powerful female pathogen is determined experimentally, it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism of the fair sex, on the dosage, the environment and other factors. Want to know what happens if a girl tries Viagra?

Application rules and contraindications

Even if you have chosen the most effective female pathogen, pay attention to the features of its use.

  1. Before use, study the contraindications, make sure that the woman does not have heart or liver problems, she does not have allergic reactions to the active ingredients.
  2. When choosing strong pathogens, it is recommended to give preference to products with a natural composition, which are considered non-toxic and harmless to the body.
  3. Study reviews of powerful pathogens, so you will find the option that suits you.
  4. You should not combine the intake of such drops or tablets with alcohol, it is permissible to drink only a glass of wine.
  5. It is not advisable to abuse pathogens, it is recommended to use them only from time to time, otherwise addiction to the drug is possible.

Thus, pathogens for women are an excellent means by which you can improve the quality of intercourse, make the orgasm richer and brighter. Observe the permissible dosage of the drug, and your sex will be unforgettable!

(22 estimates, average: 3,41 out of 5)

Sex is an integral part of our life. If earlier, back in the days of the USSR, they said that he was not there, now this topic has ceased to be taboo. They talk about her, about the problems in this area, and no one is almost ashamed, because there is nothing shameful in this. One of the topics that is always relevant is the topic of pathogens.

In contact with

For some reason, most people are sure that pathogens are needed exclusively for men, that it is the representatives of the stronger sex that have problems. Yes, indeed, men aged 40-45 begin to feel problems with potency, but women can also face similar things. Moreover, it often does not depend on the age of the woman. They can lose sex drive, they cannot get excited even when kissing. Gradually, if they do not do anything, their interest in intimate life may completely disappear. There may be two reasons: lifestyle and some more serious health problems.

Therefore, first of all, if such a problem appears, you need to go to the doctor and rule out the presence of serious problems. If everything is in order with the reproductive system and hormones, it's a matter of lifestyle.

Modern women study, work, work no less, and sometimes much more, than men, especially those who are married with children, because they also have a home and everyday life. Unsurprisingly, by the end of the day, they have no time for sex. The problem is easily solved with the help of special female pathogens, which can be prepared independently, or purchased ready-made in a pharmacy or on specialized sites on the Internet, but always reliable and proven. Female pathogens can be used in the following cases:

  • frigidity
  • loss of interest in intimacy
  • coldness in bed
  • lack of self-confidence on the part of a woman and much more

Sometimes, such means are acquired by men themselves, hiding it from women in order to make their intimate life brighter, to return old feelings and sensations. Most often, men use special perfumes with pheromones, some - pills or powders. But, men who plan to accidentally add something to their women in food or drinks should be very careful and carefully study the instructions so as not to harm, because there are a lot of "side effects" especially in synthetic drugs.

It is a stimulant that affects the nervous system and the reproductive system, stimulating blood flow to the pelvic organs. Pathogens can be synthetic or natural. Synthetic pathogens for women are fast acting, but they have a lot of contraindications, as well as side effects. Therefore, before using this or that version of "female Viagra", you must carefully study the instructions and reviews left by those who are already lucky enough to use.

Natural pathogens are much slower, not as effective, but also side effects in them are times less. Usually these are some kind of products, spices, cocktails, etc.

A strong pathogen for a woman can be a regular lubricant, which is sold in any pharmacy. The fact is that by caressing a woman, a man with his dry palms can irritate the partner's mucous membrane, or even injure her. That does not leave pleasant memories, and remains an imprint for the future - a woman is already preparing in advance for unpleasant sensations, and naturally cannot get aroused.

You can divide the pathogens that are sold in pharmacies into tablets and. The price range is very wide, it all depends on the product and the form in which it is sold. You can purchase them not only in packages, but also in tablets, choosing the required amount. It's the same with spirits. They can be purchased in milliliters in the required volume. Often the opportunity to purchase the required number of tablets, the volume of perfume with pheromones, is provided by online stores selling female pathogens.

As for the cost, the price range is different, ranging from 200 to 10,000 rubles. These can be domestic and imported drugs. Their effectiveness is different. They help someone instantly, others do not feel the effect after taking it.

It is also important to understand that after watching an online video of the effect of a female pathogen, after reading reviews, you should not completely trust the promised, not always a beautiful picture can guarantee the desired result.

The following are the best female pathogens you can buy:

  • Forte love tops the majority of ratings. It is a powder that can be added to a drink. It has neither color nor smell, so it is loved not only by girls, but also by men who want to imperceptibly pour powder into their partner's drink. Someone does this in order to sharpen the sensations, someone in order to seduce a girl during the candy-bouquet period. You can buy this fast-acting sex pathogen for women in a pharmacy from 1,400 to 2,500 rubles per pack.
  • "Women's Viagra" another drug that always takes leading positions in the ratings. It comes in the form of a pink diamond-shaped tablet. The drug contains sildenafil, a substance that accelerates blood flow to the pelvic organs. The average price in a pharmacy for a pill of the pathogen for women is 180-220 rubles.
  • "G Female" despite the fact that it is a pharmacy preparation made from natural ingredients, therefore it is considered very effective. You can buy one of the most powerful and effective female pathogens at the pharmacy for 90-130 rubles per tablet. It is necessary to take the drug 20 minutes before intercourse.
  • Female pathogen "Spanish fly" another popular drug. Packaging costs on average 280-500 rubles. It is made on the basis of the Spanish fly insect extract. Only you need to take it with caution, strictly observing the dosage and carefully reading the instructions.
  • Powder "Silver Fox" is also considered natural. It contains more than 20 herbs. The cost of one package varies between 250-400 rubles. More than 75% of women note its positive effect, so this tool also occupies high positions in such ratings.

How to make an "elixir" at home?

You can prepare some kind of drink, or something else, to take not only before sex. You can take a mixture of walnuts and honey to boost your libido. You can crush a large amount of walnuts in advance, mix them with honey and store in a jar, taking a teaspoon every day.
The most effective female pathogen at home with your own hands can be prepared using spices - aphrodisiacs. These include ginger, saffron, cinnamon, vanilla, and more. These can be sugary smoothies, healthy smoothies, salads, or something else. The downside of natural pathogens is that they are not very fast and not very effective when compared to synthetic analogues.

More information about natural pathogens for women in the video:

1970 was marked in sexopathology by a new type of disorders of the intimate sphere: suppression of sexual desire and sexual aversion. Suppression of sexual desire (PPV) - unwillingness to intimate relationships due to lack of interest in sex, physiological sexual function without pathologies. Aversion differs from PPV in cause - fear. Do the pills to stimulate the intimate attraction of women, presented by a large selection in pharmacies, help with the problem of female attraction and enjoyment of sex?

What stimulates sex drive

People are different: some girls constantly have sex, not imagining life without intimate pleasures, others have a rather weak natural interest in sexual pleasures, not counting sex as a basic human need. Is it fair to talk about the disorder when a person is not worried about anything, it's just that sex is not something that he would like to do every day? PPV is diagnosed only when the lack of interest in sex upsets the girl or is a serious reason for the depressive states of men.

The most popular of the drugs

There are various aphrodisiac pills to stimulate female arousal. Let's talk about pills that women can use to stimulate arousal mechanisms.

  • Viagra.

Viagra for women - pills that treat sexual dysfunctions in women. The female causative agent Viagra differs from the drug for men by an additional composition developed specifically for girls and women, taking into account the characteristics of the female device. Sindelafin is the main substance of the tablet. The stimulating effect on the intimate system of a woman is as follows:

  1. Strengthening blood circulation in the genitals: the cavernous bodies of the labia expand, the body of the clitoris swells - the area of ​​the external genital organs of the woman becomes dense and sensitive.
  2. The lubrication process is activated, making it easier for the penis to be inserted into the vagina. Good moisture in this area eliminates pain during intercourse, contributes to more pleasant sensations.
  3. The sensitivity of the skin receptors increases: even light touches have a strong stimulating effect.

This female pathogen can be purchased at pharmacies. The price will be about 790 rubles. It is better to discuss the dosage with your doctor. The action of Viagra pills to excite women lasts 4-6 hours. Take the remedy 30 minutes before sexual activity. Stop using this medicine and ask your doctor if you experience any of the following discomfort after taking the pills:

It is better to discuss the dosage with your doctor.
  1. Symptoms of a digestive system disorder are the appearance of nausea, diarrhea, pain in the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Symptoms of visual impairment are changes in color perception (for example, green instead of red), blurred vision.
  3. Symptoms of hearing impairment are tinnitus, extraneous sounds, hearing impairment.
  4. Other symptoms are heavy chest sensations, dizziness, nasal congestion, and breathing problems.

The causative agent Viagra for women has a large list of contraindications and side effects. The tablets are incompatible with some medications, alcohol. In pharmacies, you can buy the drug without a prescription, but you should not prescribe pills yourself. Contact a specialist, he will assess the state of health, he will be able to choose the right dosage. Incorrect use of the medicine can cause serious complications and death.

  • Cialis.

The name of another popular drug that stimulates the sex drive of women is Cialis. The content of the active substance tadalafil in the tablets affects the physical manifestations of sexual arousal: it provides the genital area with a large volume of blood. Exciting drugs "Cialis", "Generic Cialis" are advertised as effective substitutes for "Viagra", capable of treating disorders of the sexual sphere of women: problems of attraction, arousal, anorgasmia. The composition includes substances that help relieve female fatigue, stress conditions.

The tablets are incompatible with some medications, it will be much better if you consult a doctor before use.

The action of the tablets promises to be long - 24 hours, should be taken half an hour before sexual activity. The price of the drug starts from 1300 rubles. (130 rubles per tablet). The tablets have a number of contraindications - consult a doctor before use.

Course on biologically active additives

In pharmacies you can buy stimulating herbal preparations for women in tablets: G Female, Laveron. The causative agent "Laveron" belongs to the category of biological active additives for women and men. The action of the drug is directed:

  1. To stimulate increased blood supply to the reproductive system of women.
  2. Improving the functioning of the nervous system, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
  3. Influence on the mechanism of arousal of women, increase in excitability.

Laveron tablets are intended to stimulate excitability; in case of serious disorders, they can only be used as an additional agent. You should take 1 tablet 40-60 minutes before sexual activity or an hour before meals as a food supplement that promotes healing of the body and blood flow in general. The price in pharmacies is from 365 rubles.

Manufacturers of pills for arousal of women G Female promise to deal with the problems of female interest in sex without side effects. The medicinal herbs contained in the product act on the hormonal level - they increase testosterone - the main hormone of sex. A surge of sexual desire, restoration of strength, relaxation of the nervous system are the main advantages of the pills. They act within 10 minutes after ingestion. The price starts at 950 rubles.

The medicinal herbs that are part of the product act at a hormonal level - they increase testosterone - the main hormone of sex.
Drug name Cost of 1 piece, rub. Quantity, pcs. packaged Cost per package / rub.
Viagra 197 4 790
156 8 1250
133 12 1600
112 24 2700
Cialis 130 10 1300
120 20 2400
110 30 3300
90 50 4500
80 100 8000
G female 158 6 950
150 12 1800
141 18 2550
Laveron 365 1 365
309 3 927

PPV occurs in both women and men, poorly understanding their sexual reactions, responding poorly to the caress of a partner, they still sometimes have sex to maintain peace in the family. Sexual activity with PPV and aversion decreases up to 1–2 times a year. This can cause serious complications in the relationship in a couple: resentment, divorce. Disorders respond well to psychotherapy and sex therapy. There are many effective treatment methods that can help get rid of the problems of low sex drive. An experienced sex therapist will help you learn how to enjoy intimate communication with your partner.

Pathogens for girls are widely advertised on the Internet. Many have reasons to buy and try these remedies: the fair sex often does not know well the features of their bodies, the mechanisms of arousal, as a result of which they lose interest in sex. Caution should be exercised when trying stimulants. A doctor's consultation is mandatory - pathogens in tablets have serious contraindications and side effects. See an experienced sex therapist to treat serious genital problems. Remember: the best ways to treat intimate disorders are psycho and sex therapy with a good doctor, the use of drugs often has a one-time effect.

Hello everybody! This is the promised extended post about the testing I have conducted of various drugs and means for arousing / seducing girls. If you read my first post, then remember that out of 29, only 2 were effective. An important note - all the girls were aware of the experiment, and tried all these things voluntarily. So.

But here doubts arise - do these pathogens work, or is it just a deception and divorce? And if they work, then how legal are these drugs, can they be some kind of drugs, for the use of which you can go to places not so distant?

Details of my experiment with female pathogens:

I have tested 30 different drugs. Of course not me personally, I'm not a girl, pah-pah. I just gave my experimental women (all voluntarily!) The remedies from the list and watched the reactions. And out of all this variety of r ..., that is, exciting substances, only a couple of pieces turned out to be active.

Here are the detailed results of the experiment:

Viagra for women

Didn't expect any particular effect from this remedy, but it did work. And it worked really well. Affects both men (checked on myself) and women. He wrote about it in detail in a review in his first post about this experiment: “Female Viagra stimulating pill. How to seduce a girl? "

Conclusion: it really works.

Silver Fox

The experiment showed that the silver fox is quite an effective remedy ... But, here you need to carefully observe the dosage (as in the case of female Viagra, and other drugs too!), Otherwise nausea and headache are possible. But if everything is done correctly and according to the instructions, it will be good.

Conclusion: it really works.

Exciting Gum Detonator (MegaExstaz)

I came across an advertisement for this means of seduction most often. I bought 4 options from different sites. If you believe the promises, then the Detonator is able to excite a girl very strongly, this "powerful aphrodisiac makes a woman insanely passionate."

Tested 3 girls, the effect was not noticed.

Conclusion: divorce and deception!

The causative agent for women Red Ant (Red Ant)

Okay, if the Detonator didn't work on any of the three girls, then the Red Ant will definitely work on the first one! Moreover, the site promises that after taking this remedy, absolutely any girl will be in my bed! But no ... it wasn't. This means that all the positive reviews about the Red Ant tablets are linden.

Conclusion: there is no effect!

The activator for women Shpanskaya Fly (Gold Spanish Fly)

"Made with innovative extraction technologies from a potent aphrodisiac extract from the Spanish fly, the most potent aphrodisiac known to date."

Who is the spanish fly? Let's look in the great and mighty Yandex ...

“The Span fly is an insect, but a subspecies of blister beetles. These beetles were previously used as an aphrodisiac due to a substance they contain called cantharidin. Cantharidin is very dangerous when taken orally.... It is a strong irritant. It is sometimes used to remove excess moles, warts and tattoos from the skin. When ingested and subsequently exiting the body, the poison strongly irritates the urethral membrane. In women, irritation has no external manifestations, but in men, a large swelling appears in this area, which leads to a prolonged erection. Even a minor overdose of the substance can lead to the fact that a man needs medical attention - severe abdominal pain, problems with the cardiovascular and respiratory system, kidney failure, bloody urination, convulsions, coma and death. "

I also read on the Internet a story about how a guy caught such bugs and made a female pathogen out of them at home, used it and ended up in the hospital. So that's it. For obvious reasons, I did not dare to check the action on myself and on the girls.

Conclusion: the use is dangerous, I did not dare to use it!

Horse pathogen

"Indications for use: to stimulate the reproductive function of cattle, rabbits."

It turns out that this drug is intended for animals, for breeding them. Maybe this will also affect a person, but I did not dare to give the girls a pathogen for horses. I'm not some kind of scumbag!

Takeaway: May be good if you breed rabbits and horses, but giving a horse pathogen to a girl is a VERY bad idea.

Exciting drops Ecstasy (Extazy)

Expensive droplets with a tiny bubble. According to the assurances of the manufacturers, I quote: "The use of drops in 10 minutes causes the strongest sexual arousal in women." This was tried by 2 girls (the experimenter Katya and the experimenter Elena, be familiar). This is the most sexual excitement I've been waiting for 10 ... 20 ... 30 minutes ... an hour. Not wait. And I was counting on sex with two! But alas ...

Conclusion: does not work

Female pathogen (advertised by this name)

The promises are standard - if you apply this pathogen, then any girl will undress in front of me, any will do what I want! And this miracle means nothing at all - 1,300 rubles. How not to buy it! I was waiting for the parcel with impatience, and lo and behold! They brought me a small cardboard box with inscriptions in Chinese. Inside - 3 golden sachets with a bittersweet white powder without any instructions ...

The first experimental girl Elena, having drunk it, did not notice anything, the effect was zero. They waited an hour, two ... Then Oksana drank it - nothing too. Well, Katya, too, did not feel anything, and did not rush to fulfill my wishes, unfortunately.

Conclusion: does not work

Exciting drops Germanic Aphrodisiac

Well, that should definitely work! True, the inscription "Made In Taiwan" is embarrassing, but let's not find fault with such trifles. Assistant Elena is already in anticipation ... She drinks 3 drops, as indicated in the instructions ... A little time passes, and Elena starts to feel sick ... Maybe you shouldn't drink them ...? But the instructions clearly say, “Dilute 2-3 drops of the drug in 250 ml. water and drink before intercourse. "

Conclusion: causes nausea, but not arousal.

Exciting chewing gum Extaz Gum

Oh, another hot gum. Now, in order to seduce a girl, we just need to treat her to this ecstasy. The detonator has already "worked", so Ecstasy Gum will probably work too, counting the benefits ... We spread 1,500 rubles for this product, but it's clearly worth it ... There are 10 chewing gum in one package, which means I can seduce 10 girls. That is, it turns out very profitable - 150 rubles / girl.

Much cheaper than taking her out to a restaurant. I made an order, received it in ten days. I called my assistant Elena, I promise something extraordinary, she laughs back - but I will prove it to her! We meet, give her some chewing gum, and ... Nothing happens. Maybe it's because Elena is kind of special?

Okay, let's try to give Katya ... Time passes, and you can't tell by her that she was given a female pathogen. With grief I eat a few pieces myself - tasteless rubber, and no effect. Which is to be expected.

Conclusion: another divorce!

Eroshok Exciting Gum

A dummy, similar to all kinds of detonators, only the site is different, the packaging and the name. The action is completely similar - there is none! Cheating and divorce, and nothing more.

Conclusion: does not work!

Exciting French Bubble Gum

Another gum. And what are all manufacturers so drawn to chewing gum? This particular one is huge pink pastilles with strawberry flavor. The girls appreciated this taste, but I didn't. Because it is not there!

Conclusion: not exciting. At all.

Female pathogen Extaz (EXTA-Z, Ecstasy, Extra Z)

It is also found quite often on the Internet. The advertisement says that with him you can seduce a girl by simply adding this agent to her drink ... You just need to buy a female pathogen for only 950 bank tickets of the Bank of Russia. I bought it, a few days later they sent something like intimate oil or lubricant ... For external use ... Naturally, I didn't add this to anyone's drink, everything is clear here.

Conclusion: this female pathogen is a divorce.

  • Exciting drops Golden Butterfly
  • Viamax energizing coffee
  • Aphrodisiac with Yohimbe extract
  • Female pathogen Hot Pepper
  • Exciting drops German Slut
  • Exciting drops Black Bee
  • Female pathogen Vigor Factor
  • Exciting drops Sexy Life
  • Exciter for women Magic of the Seducer
  • Causative agent Fragrances Sex
  • Sexual Desire Pills
  • Sure Romance Tablets
  • Exciting chewing gum Aphrodisiac

All this also does not work. Trash!

Important note!

A reader under the nickname Master wrote to me, I quote:

In fact, it's not a fact that the rest of the tools don't work. It's very easy to fake these things, if more than 75% of fakes of such products are already sold in pharmacies, then even more so on the Internet. It is possible that out of these 30 funds, many were fake, and if they were real, they would work. Himself on this came across. Two absolutely identical packages - but the tablets from one really work, from the other they do not.

Therefore, this is a very subjective experiment, but he gives a general idea of ​​the situation with female pathogens. Most of the purchased products do not work, some may be poisonous, some are intended for animals (equine pathogen), some simply cause nausea. Therefore, be careful when buying and using these products. Out of 30, only a couple of pieces work, but it is not known what consequences such an effect of a female pathogen on the body can lead to.

Modern advertising is replete with a variety of means for arousing men, ranging from special foods to hormonal drugs and banal Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. However, few people think about the fact that girls also find it difficult to get aroused, but advertising and the media do not pay too much attention to this aspect, considering it secondary. Given this fact, it is necessary to highlight the topic of female pathogens in more detail, and describe the most accessible and effective of them. If you are a guy who wants to excite his girlfriend to the maximum, or you are a girl who, due to certain circumstances, has lost interest in sex, you are strongly encouraged to read this article in order to get a detailed answer on the topic of female arousal, the importance of this process for the body. and how to increase sexual desire, as well as get the maximum physical and mental pleasure from sex!

Before having sex, girls should experience sexual arousal, as it prepares the genitals for the act of love. The fact is that it is with arousal that the female genital organs begin to secrete a sufficient amount of "lubrication", which contributes to a comfortable and pleasant sex. If the girl does not feel arousal, the “lubricant” is not released in the proper amount, which is fraught with pain, skin irritation, and even abrasions. Moreover, the female "lubricant" has some antimicrobial properties, and in its absence, the girl has an increased risk of getting an infection of the urinary tract, especially if before vaginal, there was oral or anal sex.

Sexual arousal plays an important role in the emotional state of a woman. So, excitement followed by sex, this is an excellent means to normalize the hormonal level, which consists in the correct ratio of female sex hormones and testosterone, the achievement of which allows the girl to have a more stable psyche, resistant to external factors, and harmony with herself.

In addition, without sexual arousal, it is impossible to achieve orgasm, which can lead to a complete loss of interest in sex. If a woman stops having sex at least several times every 1-2 months, her blood circulation in the pelvic organs may be disrupted, as well as various erosion, inflammation, and even malignant and benign formations on the internal parts of the genital organs.

Ways to excite a woman

If you want to increase female arousal at home, without resorting to the help of medications and other artificial aids, pay attention to the points below:

Types of pathogens for women

If all the aforementioned remedies did not produce the desired effect, you should resort to exogenous pathogens in the form of tablets, drops and ointments, which we will talk about below:

Rapid-acting stimulants

Pathogens of this kind are made from synthetic or exotic raw materials, based on extracts from tropical plants, as well as animal extracts. Given this fact, their production is associated with some difficulties, which form their high price, which surpasses other analogues. If you want to arouse your girlfriend not only at home, but also in any other secluded place, while spending a minimum of effort, pay attention to the list below, which contains the most effective female quick-acting pathogens, such as:

Drugs in the pharmacy

Not all aphrodisiac drugs can be found in a pharmacy, since most of them are not considered therapeutic or prophylactic agents, and they can be purchased mainly via the Internet. But if you need to purchase a powerful female pathogen here and now, read the list below, which lists the aphrodisiac drugs that are ubiquitous in pharmacies:

  1. Women's Viagra and Sildenafil. These drugs are ubiquitous in any pharmacy, and anyone can buy them upon reaching the age of 18;
  2. Rendez vous. This drug is in the form of drops, and is a dietary supplement, which consists of plant materials, and is suitable as a female pathogen for both young and very mature persons suffering from menopause. The effectiveness of this tool is individual for each woman;
  3. Lubricant. Strengthens the sensitivity of the female genital organs and stimulates the production of lubricant. Lubricant is a gel that must be applied to the genitals!

In addition to these drugs, pharmacies may contain other pathogens of plant and animal origin, but their availability depends on each individual city, region and country.

Preparations on the Internet

Unlike pharmacies, on the Internet you will find a huge selection of women's
pathogens, some of which can have excellent effect, and some of which are dummies, or even can be harmful to health. To avoid confusion, we have listed some of the most effective and safest female pathogens that can be purchased online, which are presented below:

  1. Viagra for women;
  2. "Horse pathogen";
  3. Exciting gum;
  4. Spanish fly;
  5. Viamax Warm cream;
  6. Perfume with pheromones and aphrodisiacs!

These 6 drugs are the most common, studied and tested substances that you can use without fear for your health, of course, if you buy from a reliable supplier that sells only original goods!

Features of reception

Almost all stimulating drugs are forbidden to be combined with alcohol, which is especially true for Viagra and sildenafil, which, when mixed with alcohol, can cause serious problems with the cardiovascular system, and even provoke a heart attack. In addition, all oral stimulants are best used on an empty stomach, so as not to dilute their concentration with additional food. Moreover, female pathogens require careful reading of the instructions and strict adherence to dosages, which is important for pregnant women and elderly individuals who decide to test such drugs at home for the first time!

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