Strong conspiracy from allergic rhinitis. Allergy conspiracies. Easy ritual for allergies

This prayer will help you forget about allergies. Prayer is for adults only, because you have to pray and ask for healing on yourself. There are many reviews, good reviews about this prayer, with its help more than ten people whom I personally know got rid of allergies. Moreover, their allergies were completely different, so prayer works and works very effectively.

This prayer is for an angel. It is necessary to pray in the morning, at dawn, when the sun just comes out over the horizon. You need to repeat the text of the prayer three times. At the same time, it is advisable to look at the rising sun (it is especially good at an open window or from a balcony).

Prayer text

"Angel, I ask, I pray, I turn to you. Touch me with your bright wing, as you touch, so my skin will be cleansed, my face will be rid of sorrow. I ask you, and I put my hope for healing on you."

After praying, you can go about your business. On time - pray until all allergies are gone. Usually, after the allergy is gone, it never comes back.

In recent decades, allergies have been increasingly developing in children, and sometimes even very young babies suffer. And if earlier allergies were very rare (in one child out of a hundred), now there are a lot of small patients with allergies (about 50% of all children suffer from certain allergic reactions). And the problem is not only that allergic reactions develop on the baby's skin. These destructive processes also develop on the tissues covering the internal organs. In general, this is a very unpleasant and even life-threatening disease (for example, bronchial asthma, which is also an allergic disease, can cause extremely bad consequences).

Medicinal methods of dealing with allergies are not very effective. Sometimes a parent is treated for years for a child's allergy, but he continues to get sick, despite the abundance of drugs and physiotherapy procedures. The children of such parents are all healed, often lag behind in physical development from their peers, and not everything goes well with their studies, because instead of lessons they go to clinics and hospitals.

I would like to suggest that you try another way of dealing with allergies - prayer. The prayer is read to the Angel. You can read this prayer only for your child, both father and mother can read. To read, you need to go out into the fresh air in the morning (in the morning it is at the dawn of the sun), turn to the rising sun and pray. Be sure to tune in to prayer, do it with enthusiasm, and not for show.

Prayer text

"Morning angel, when you fly over my house, flap your wing, let the good air of my child cleanse, let him not know troubles and diseases, let him live, rejoice in life and make me happy, amen, amen, amen." The prayer must be repeated three times, the text will be memorized (only by heart, no readings "from a piece of paper"). Pray every morning until the child has completely disappeared from all allergic manifestations.

You can also go to church once or twice a week and light a candle to the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for the health of your child, this helps a lot and relieves not only allergies, but also other diseases.

Allergy can hardly be called a disease. This is not a disease, but a manifestation of the body's sensitivity to this or that external factor. Allergies often become a reason for refusal: communicating with pets with animals, enjoying your favorite dishes, using perfume
etc. Natalia Stepanova's conspiracy of allergies will help get rid of ailments caused by external factors.

Siberian healer

The family of Stepanovs healers is known to many Russian families. For centuries, representatives of this family have helped people to heal from dangerous diseases, gain personal happiness and escape from cruel enemies. Natalya Ivanovna became the heiress and successor of her grandmother Evdokia.

Allergy conspiracy- this is only a small fraction of what the healer Evdokia knew and was able to do. People who knew her personally attributed the most incredible opportunities to her. Natalia Stepanova's grandmother was able to calm down or cause a storm, remove the most insidious damage, help a person get out of poverty. Currently, the granddaughter of the great healer not only receives visitors, but also manages to write books with useful advice and answer questions from her readers.

Allergy conspiracy

This is one of the conspiracy options proposed by the Siberian healer. Take a towel and cast a spell on it. You can use the bath accessories that you usually use. However, it is advisable to purchase a new one for treatment. Conspiracy:

The Lord told his disciples: “ Go, help, heal. " And I say, God's servant (name), come, help, heal. As well as the deceased has neither if, nor pain, nor itching in the body, so I would be healthy in the cause of God and the word. Amen.

Then this towel should be wiped off by the person suffering from an ailment after the morning wash. The ritual must be performed within 12 days. The conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova will help to defeat the disease in less than two weeks. However, allergy sufferers should make some effort to help themselves. Try to avoid foods or household items that cause allergic reactions.

The Stepanov family is known not only for its power and deep knowledge of one of the most ancient sciences, but also for its disinterested service to people. The conspiracy of Natalya Stepanova from allergies and prayers from the books of a Siberian healer help.

Allergy is a special reaction of the body to a substance, which manifests itself in the appearance of a rash, itching, redness of the skin, nasal congestion, coughing, etc. An allergic reaction can be caused by the following factors:

  • the presence of an allergen in food (especially for infants who are bottle-fed)
  • living in an animal house (pet hair is a fairly common allergen)
  • taking medication (more often antibiotic drugs give a reaction)
  • insect bite (are carriers of allergens)
  • flowering plants (allergy occurs to pollen), etc.

For people prone to frequent allergic reactions, the question constantly arises: how to get rid of an unpleasant ailment? Of course, the surest way is to seek help from a doctor. But there is a way that has long been popular and effective, this is an allergy conspiracy. And if you do it according to all the rules, then soon you can forget about the problem.

Allergy conspiracies

Allergy conspiracies act on the human body a little differently than magical rituals aimed at healing. They effectively remove the external manifestations of the disease, at the same time they cleanse the energy, restore the aura, and increase immunity. Subject to timely exposure to the patient's special points, allergies can be eliminated forever. And one more thing: the main thing is to choose a suitable conspiracy and apply it correctly.

Your attention is invited to several conspiracies from typical allergic reactions, collected on the recommendation of traditional healers.

1. A conspiracy from an allergic rhinitis. Words: “How much water has flowed out of our pipe. We plug the pipe, stop bad weather and rain. It'll be this way forever. Amen. ”The ritual begins at noon. A metal or plastic tube is placed on the table in front of the patient, and a glass of water is placed. When pronouncing the words, the doctor spills water through the tube on the crown of the head and clamps the end. From the other end, water splashes onto the table. The rest of the water is poured under the tree after the end of the plot.

2. Allergic cough conspiracy. The prayer is recited: “I baptize with the Cross the servant of God (the servant of God) (name), I say: stop drenching and coughing, you need to solve the matter. Start business, stop coughing. Amen. ”In accordance with the recommendations, it is done in the morning.

3. Itching conspiracy. It is done in the evening, late. A small piece of dough is attached to the sore spot, during the procedure, the doctor rips off the dough and throws it under the table, while pronouncing the following words: “Sheluda, leave the servant of God (name), go to the devil, to the dog, don’t come again, let them itch, will go crazy. Amen. Amen. Amen"

4. Urticaria conspiracy. The words of the prayer: “Nettle, urticaria, bladderworm! Get rid of the servant of God (name), do not seem anymore. And if you show up, you will cry! Go away! Shoo! Till the end of time. Amen. ”During the conspiracy, nettles with leaves are placed on the table, then quickly brought to the crown of the patient's head and immediately thrown under the table. After the ceremony, it is necessary to bury it under the table. Can be done at any time of the day.

5. Choking conspiracy. Words: “As the servant of God (name) cannot breathe, as he does not breathe, so will you, Christ will beat you, curl into a knot, curse, he will not regret the children, he will overcome the sisters if you do not leave the servant of God. Key, tongue, lock. Amen. ”While pronouncing the words, a red rope is put in front of the person being spoken, after the words they tie it in a knot, burn it, and the ashes are buried under a tree. The time of day for the conspiracy does not matter.

Allergy conspiracies are folk ways to combat the disease and its various manifestations. These ceremonies came to us from antiquity and more than once were able to prove their effectiveness. The main plus in this healing is that conspiracies are absolutely harmless, and in the absence of relief, they exclude any complications.

The unpleasant manifestations of allergies are familiar to almost everyone - sneezing and watery eyes, itching and redness of the skin, rashes. The cause of an allergy can be very different, while not every patient will be helped by a course of treatment with pills, to which allergies can also manifest, and physiotherapy procedures will be ineffective. Alternatively, you can conduct special rituals by reading conspiracies from allergies - we will talk about them further.

If a child is allergic

When detecting allergy symptoms in a baby, not every doctor will prescribe this or that drug against it, due to the small age of the patient. For a baby, allergy conspiracies come to the rescue.

Butter conspiracy

To carry it out, take a little natural, preferably homemade butter and start talking about the baby's allergies. It is enough to say the following words in a whisper over him:

“I will stand up blessing, I will cross myself, and out of the door and to the door, but I will go out into the open field. In that open field there is an Altyn stone, under that stone and 3 streams run, and they crush stumps and roots, yellow sands. So they would have washed ... the name of the child ... red - krasushna, gold - scrofula, washed from the white body, but from blood and bones. So that it does not hurt and ache, neither day nor night, not an hour, not half an hour, not a minute, not half a minute. According to my word, to be like the Altyn stone, and to the teeth - a lock on it. "

Together with this conspiracy, it is worth bathing the child in a bath, with the addition of decoctions of herbs - St. John's wort, mint, oak bark and other medicinal plants.

Water conspiracy

Every mother and grandmother wants her beloved child not to get sick, and therefore, when the first signs of allergy appear, you can give the baby a drink and rub the rash. It is necessarily carried out by the mother or grandmother, aunt or sister - all representatives of the female relatives of the sick baby. The words of the conspiracy to clean, spring sound like this:

"Water you are pure water, from the very source you are holy, heal your son or daughter from sore skin and every itch ... name ... Wash you his / her ailment and cleanse it with your purity, and be according to that."

After you have read the words of the conspiracy on water, you should wash the baby with it, add it to the bathing water, give it a little drink. If it is not possible to take water from the spring, it is purchased in the store, already bottled.

Prayer for allergies in a child

If you belong to the category of deeply religious people, you can use a prayer appeal to higher powers against allergies in a child. It is more accurate to say not so much a prayer as an appeal to the Angel - the guardian of the baby himself. They say a prayer appeal at dawn, with the sunrise, opening a window, if possible, or simply opening a window. The words sound like this;

“Holy is the Angel of the dawn of the morning and the clear sun, when you fly over my house and my child, flap your wing and bless him with the purity of the morning and cleanse him of sores. Let him not know ailments and sores, let him live without sorrow and up to a hundred years, let him enjoy life and make me happy with himself. "

Such morning manipulations are carried out until the allergy disappears from the child's body. And to enhance the effect, go to church every day or read prayers at home, for example, a prayer to Panteleimon the Healer or to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Easy ritual for allergies

In the arsenal of traditional healers, there are many rituals for allergies, and then we will consider several simple and effective rituals.

Ritual from Stepanova

The presented ritual is carried out for 2 weeks, every morning, looking at the sunrise, pronouncing the following words three times:

“Our Fedya Fedot was tortured by dandruff - you go away, but calm down, and you are a servant of God ... name ... wake up from sickness, from coughs and peaks. Yes, be on that. "

Such a morning conspiracy helps to relieve a person of any allergic syndrome, including cough and Quincke's edema.

Nettle Ash Ritual

The conspiracy is carried out at any time of the day, and at the very beginning it is worth taking the nettle and bringing it to the mother of the one who is being spoken to or to a female blood relative. It is she who is on the grass and utters the following words:

“Nettles and urticaria, you are red, you are a blister, from… the name of the patient… you go away, do not appear on it again, and if you show yourself, you will regret it and cry. Kysh went from a white body and ebullient blood, but forever and ever. "

After that, the nettle is burned and a little ash is sprinkled on the rash on the body, and the rest is buried away from home. As you can see from the name of the ritual, it has special power from urticaria.

Leech ritual

The ritual is performed on a leech, which is placed on the patient's body, crossing him with a cross, and the following words are said:

“I say, and the Lord helps, I pray, and the Lord heals, and pray day and night ... the name of the patient ... be strong, and you go away to the swell of the swell, but turn to the leech. This conspiracy will be overcome by the one who can count all the stars in the sky. "

Then release the leech into the river.

Water allergy conspiracy

Previously, more than one conspiracy from allergies was presented , conducted on the water, but I would like to present you two more rituals separately.

Waning moon ritual

The presented ritual helps to remove allergies from the body, both of an adult and a child - take the most ordinary water into a glass and put it on a windowsill or a table, so that the moon is reflected in it or its rays fall. Then the following words are read aloud:

“As the moon wanes day by day, so my ailment goes away. The moon is shining in the sky, it gives strength to water, but ailments from the body of lime and ailments are far from me. Give the Moon the power to heal water, give health, take away all sores. "

Spring water ritual

In a glass, transparent glass, take some spring water from the source, or if this is not possible, then just buy it in the store, already bottled. The following words are spoken to her:

“The water is pure water, let me drink with you, take water for my ailment forever, and carry it over the 7 seas. Yes, be according to my word. "

Then they drink all the water in three sips. Such slander on water is carried out for three days in a row, supplementing, if desired, with other rituals against allergies.

Nail ritual

Allergy nail rituals are no less effective and effective than those described above. Conspiracy with a nail on the threshold of the apartment. Take a nail in your hands and hammer it into the threshold of your house - this is a kind of protection from illness and at the same time it is important to pronounce the following words:

“All my ailments would have gone beyond this threshold, and from my house and on the long journey. Let no one interrupt my word until a new nail is hammered into the threshold. "

For chronic allergies

If medications do not help to overcome the chronic form of allergies, you can use prayer, because it is possible that this is a consequence of the evil eye or not. Take a bucket with a lid and at noon, bending your head over it, say the following words 7 times:

“Yes, the servant of God carries ... the name ... on the needle of the worm, yes, he throws the sore into the abyss, buries it in the depths, so that illness and pain will leave the body. The sore will go away from the seething blood, and the body will be freed from ailments, the power of the servant of God ... the name ... and triplets will be added. I lock my words on a strong lock, but I always release them into the abyss at night. "

They conduct a ritual at lunchtime and, having said the words, spit on the bottom, lock the lid on the bucket - after sunset, go outside and dig a hole and bury the bucket. As soon as the saliva dries up, the sore goes away for good.

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