Download environmental scenarios for elementary school. Ecological holiday in elementary school

Scenario of the ecological theatrical holiday "Our Earth is in our hands!"

author: Kondratyeva Alla Alekseevna, primary school teacher at MBOU "Zolotukhinsky secondary school" in the village of Zolotukhino, Kursk region
Description: the event is dedicated to the environmental problem and is intended for primary and secondary school children. Holiday material can be used for conversation, classroom hours, and extracurricular activities.
1. Promotion of environmental knowledge and education of environmental culture.
2. Expanding the individual experience of schoolchildren's interaction with the environment.
3. Orientation of schoolchildren to the fulfillment of ecological rules of behavior in the environment - as a norm of life.
4. Awareness by children of the need to correlate their actions with their consequences for the people around them, the natural and social environment.
5. Increasing the readiness of children to participate in environmentally oriented activities.
1.To teach children to see and hear, to look inquisitively at the world, to observe this world.
2. To generalize, consolidate and deepen the ecological knowledge of students, obtained in the lessons of ecology, biology and in the geographic circle "Live to live".
3. To contribute to the formation of knowledge about nature, its laws.
4. To develop the emotional and sensory sphere of the personality of schoolchildren.
5. To promote the development of thinking, attention, observation.
Preliminary work:
1. Active participation in various competitions in ecology, in holidays-conferences on nature protection, in ecological education of the population.
2.Spring and autumn landscaping works in the village of Zolotukhino, cleaning it from debris and dead wood.
3. Active assistance to restore the park near the obelisk to the Unknown Soldier: plant flowers, bushes there, keep order.
4. Conduct purposeful work on landscaping the school grounds.
5. To continue cooperation with the children's library of the district: constant reading of children's works, holding theatrical events as part of extracurricular activities in the general cultural direction "Amateur theater" Harlequin "
Educational resources: presentation for the holiday, group and individual tasks-projects.

Great about nature:

"By the way, love for nature, like any human love, is undoubtedly laid down with us from childhood." I. Sokolov-Mikitov
“Nature cannot cope with logic, with our human logic; it has its own, which we do not understand and do not recognize until it runs over us, like a wheel ”.I.S. Turgenev
“The joy of life opened up before the man, because he heard the rustle of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of a spring brook and the play of silver bells of a lark in the hot summer sky, the rustle of snowflakes and the groan of a blizzard outside the window. This beauty is not revealed to everyone, but only to those who know how to see and hear, who inquiringly peers into the world, observes and thoughtfully investigates the harmony of forms, colors and sounds of nature. " V.A. Sukhomlinsky
“I plucked a flower and it faded. I caught a moth - and it died in the palm of my hand. And then I realized that you can touch nature only with your heart. "E.L. Prasolova
The teacher reads S. Mikhalev's poem "The Groan of the Earth" to quiet classical music.
Spinning in space, trapped in its orbit
Not a year, not two, but billions of years
I'm so tired ... my flesh is covered
Scarred wounds - there is no living place.
Steel is tearing my earthly body,
And poisons poison the waters of clean rivers,
All that I had and have
Man sweeps away with his good.
I don't need rockets and shells
And my ore goes to them!
And what all I need is the state of Nevada -
It's a succession of underground explosions!
Why are people so afraid of each other,
Forgotten about the Earth itself?
I can die and stay
A charred grain of sand in a smoky haze.
Is it because, igniting with vengeance,
I rebel against the forces of insane
And shaking the firmament with an earthquake
I give my answer to all grievances.
And it is no coincidence that the formidable volcanoes
The pain of the Earth is splashed with lava.
Wake up people!
Call on the countries
To save me from death! /Pause!/

The earth ... what is it?

The earth gives rise to transparent streams and powerful streams, grasses and trees.

She wears the oceans, clouds and their shadows. Accepts all rain, snow and fog.

It opens up with vents of smoky volcanoes.

Lets birds in the skies and in all forests - swift-footed animals.

YES! The majestic, rich, powerful nature of our Motherland. But also
green giant forest, and the river beyond the outskirts, and the anthill in the park need
in our attention, in our protection.

Today, guys, we will talk with you about nature, about our attitude towards it, about respect for all living things and about the ability to foresee the consequences of our behavior in the natural environment.
1 student:
The planet Earth is not calm!
And was it calm on her?
Dissensions and wars ceased,
They just saddled the horses again.
Now space is already in mind
Standing over the abyss, we look into the abyss.
Like Earth's foolish children,
We chop the branch on which we are sitting.
2 student:
It's time for humanity to understand
Collecting wealth from Nature,
That the Earth also needs to be protected.
She, like us, is the same - alive!
3 student:
Our earth is crying, it beats the alarm.
It is polluted and ruined by the people.
Rivers, lakes, forests and meadows
Never suffered like this.
4 student:
And the air became dirty and the forest became scarce,
And the ocean is the same lot.
The forest is suffering from fires more and more often,
And the living creatures in the forest die from that.
5 student:
Today the world has one task,
She seems to be very important,
So that the air becomes cleaner and the forest grows better.
Here we must show interest.

Children's performances: the results of project activities outside school hours.
1 student: Preparing for the holiday, we carried out research work on the topic: "The earth ... what is it?" and learned that our planet is heavily polluted. We do not yet realize this danger and live on this planet, but will future generations be able to live on it?
2 student: Look around, almost every family has a car or other equipment. This is good, but every day there is less and less oxygen on Earth, and more and more exhaust gases, chemical factories, metallurgical plants, and transport.

3 student: Scientists have calculated that so many harmful substances get into water bodies every year around the world that they could fill 10 thousand freight trains. As a result of human activity, it is no longer possible to swim in many rivers of Europe, and our rivers are becoming shallow every day.

4 student: Deforestation is under way. So, over the past 20 years, man has cut down as much forest as was destroyed in his entire previous existence. And how many fires are caused by people ?!

5 student: For many animals, the forest is their home, and the forests on Earth are becoming less and less. This means that the animals are losing their home and are doomed to perish.

1 student: Man is dangerous to animals not only by fires and oil spills, but also by thoughtless destruction of all living things.
2. We are talking about
That the whole Earth is our common home -
Our kind home, spacious home,
We all live in it from birth.
We are also talking about that,
That we should take care of our house.
3. Let's prove that it's not in vain
The Earth hopes for us.
Let's keep the planet safe
There is no other such in the world.
Scatter clouds and smoke over her,
We will not give it to anyone in offense.
Another group of children comes out.
1 student: Our group worked on a different topic:
“The problem of waste disposal. What can I do with garbage! ".

2 student: The question "Where to put the garbage?" becomes more and more relevant, and we will try to answer it today. I am convinced that if every morning from your window you see a beautiful tree, a beautiful street, a house or a landscape, you will feel better and live longer. If you see a garbage pit, a dirty yard, dull gray buildings, stunted dying trees from your window - this will be your negative emotions.
3 student: Cleanliness begins with ourselves, with our relationship to the environment, from the place where we live, work, and study. Do we like it here? Do we feel comfortable?
4 student: It is well known how much noise brings anxiety into our lives: it affects human health, performance and mood. Have you ever listened to how much noise there is in the hallways of our school?
5 student: It is noticed that noises of natural origin (the noise of the surf, rain, rustle of foliage, murmur of a stream) have a beneficial effect on the body, soothe, relax. But industrial or traffic noise tires, crushes, prevents a person from concentrating. We invite you to make sure of this.
Listening to the recording of the noise of the sea surf (you can replace the recording with the singing of birds)
1 student: However, loud music has an extremely negative effect on a person. So, in 20% of boys and girls who were fond of rock music, hearing was reduced in the same way as in 85-year-olds.
1. Thus, we learned that a lot of garbage accumulates in settlements, so there was a problem of waste disposal.
2. Having studied the scientific literature, we found out that for waste processing, waste processing plants are being built, new environmentally friendly landfills are being created.
3. Each of us is able to make various crafts and household items from unnecessary plastic.
4. Together, we believe that everyone should think about what harm is done to nature by garbage and how it can contribute to solving the problem of combating garbage.
Demonstration of crafts from waste material: the results of lesson and extracurricular activities.
Teacher: And now the participants amateur theater "Harlequin" will show you a performance fairy tales "Kolobok". This fairy tale is not easy, but ecological.
1st buffoon.
Get together, kind people!
The show will be here!
2nd buffoon.
Hello dear guests,
Yes, and you, the owners of the family!
1st buffoon.
Good health to you,
Patience and joy to boot!
Would you like to listen to a fairy tale?
And where to listen there and see.
And our tale is not simple.
Even though everyone is familiar.
2nd buffoon.
Guess the riddle:
Rolled without looking back
Through the field and woods
Our ruddy ... (Gingerbread man)
1st buffoon.
A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,
Look and you will understand.
The buffoons run away. Grandfather appears.
Do you see the smoke coming from the chimney?
That old woman is a gingerbread man.
He will bake me today.
I scratched the plots,
Swept through the barns -
Exactly on the bun
I found the torment there.
And then all in the morning and sang:
"Grandfather, her mute, dumb ..."
Well, what a smell!
An old woman appears.
Old woman
Everything. Ready. I baked it.
There is now a need to cool down.
A good, but comely!
I would have eaten it!
Old woman
No, don't touch it!
Yes, I will not touch, do not be afraid.
And poor, and ruddy ...
Here is an armless, unlucky one!
Stop! Where are you going? Wait a minute!
Old woman
Well, hold it, hold it!
Oh, catch it, catch it!
It's useless, we won't catch up!
Mother's strength is not the same ...
Old woman
What, did you jump, devil ?!
She said, don't touch!
What to do? Can you come back?
Walk and come.
Old woman
No, old man, he won't come back ...
Look how good he is!
Okay, grandma, don't cry!
Don't cry, for God's sake.
Oh-ho-ho ... Let's go home.
The buffoons run out onto the stage.
1st buffoon
Grandma is crying, grandfather is crying,
There is no trace of the Kolobok.
2nd buffoon.
Rolled down the path
Frisky legs will not catch up.
1 buffoon.
Rolled without looking back -
Only the heels sparkled -
Through the field and woods
Our ruddy bun.
2 buffoons
The fairy tale does not soon tell itself, but soon the main thing happens.
Hare(His paws and head are bandaged.)
Oh-oh-oh ... God forbid ...
What is that delicious smell?
Gingerbread man? So let's eat!
Stop! Don `t move!
Oh-oh-oh ... (Moans.)
Gingerbread man
What are you, scythe?
Both beaten and lame ...

I ask you not to call names!
Do you know who is a scythe?
Gingerbread man
Am I not?
No, not you!
There are, round, we have such,
Who rested here yesterday
And then empty bottles
He aimed at the bushes and fired.
And I was lying just under the bush -
Well, I had a cultural rest.
Gingerbread man
What a problem! And then what?
What? You won't even believe it!
Trash, dirt, shards, banks,
Cellophane, paper, bottles,
Well you have to think about it!
Were they really people ?!
After all, the animals will get hurt
Foolish guys.
You roll on, friend,
Warn everyone around.
2nd buffoon
Rolled without looking back
Our ruddy bun
And towards him - the Wolf.
Gingerbread man.
Hello gray! Al not happy?
You barely drag your feet.
Are you worried about it?
That's right, Gingerbread Man,
Round and ruddy side.
I was playful and cheerful
I have never been hungry.
I got food myself,
I ran quickly through the woods.
And then I contacted him.
Gingerbread man
With whom?
Yes, I stole a ram ...
And that lamb was walking
Through meadows and fields.
And the grass in those fields
Watering from an airplane
Herbicides, pesticides
Something is being processed.
In general, there is only one chemistry!
Gingerbread man
Well, then what?
All you "what, what?"!
I ate the lamb of the one
I gnawed everything - and now ...
The belly is puffy, the paws are hooked,
Reduces teeth, tears the skull.
Everything - I need to be treated.
There is further in the clearing
The weed that I need to eat
Gingerbread man
Get well, Wolf, quickly!
From now on you will be smarter.
Be careful in the clearing:
There are bottles, jars, flasks.
Don't cut your paws!
Thank you, round side.
Well, roll and be healthy!
Gingerbread man. And you health too!
What's going on - then! Oh my God!
2nd buffoon.
The bun rolled.
He has already helped the wolf -
It’s not a shame to help.
Look, this is coming ... Bear.
Gingerbread man
Hello Misha General!
Also, what if he fell ill?
Hello, hello, gingerbread man,
Round and ruddy side!
I, my friend, have not fallen ill.
I'm in my native forest
Slightly alive, brother, did not burn out.
Gingerbread man
How did it happen, Misha?
You need to know the rule
That bears are not allowed in the forest
After all, play with matches.
Not me! What am I, stupid,
To be naughty with matches?
A mushroom picker walked, threw a cigarette butt -
No mind to put out!
The forest flared up, the fallen trees crackled -
I barely carried my legs.
But I wanted to build a den ...
Yes, you can't argue with misfortune.
Sorry for birds, sorry for squirrels, but hedgehogs ...
What a problem!
Gingerbread man
Oh oh oh! What a disaster!
How can we help such grief?
And in the neighboring okrug
Under a large branchy tree
Can't you find a place?
What are you talking about, ruddy side?
No sidewalk: chopped up!
There are no trees either: they cut it down!
What kind of people I don’t understand?
Sow only one misfortune.
Well, happily, Kolobok!
Don't be bored and be healthy!
Gingerbread man
Oh oh oh! Yes, what can you say?
1st buffoon.
What are you doing?
2nd buffoon.
Feel sorry for the animals?
1st buffoon.
We must not be discouraged, brother!
We will continue the tale.
1st buffoon.
Gingerbread man rolled.
The breeze blows in the back.
Well, roll if it doesn't sit.
Look, here is running ... Fox.
Gingerbread man.
Bah! Fox! What a marvel!
Where are you in a hurry?
You don’t even look at me!
Didn't you recognize me?
I'm a gingerbread man - look here!
And scraped along the box,
I'm swept in the barn,
I'm mixed with sour cream,
Cool on the window.
And I left my grandmother
And he left his grandfather.
Into a cheat! In gives!
Kolobok doesn't recognize!
Kolobkov no longer eat:
I'm on a diet now.
I would have eaten you long ago
Yes, I'm afraid to get fat too much.
You have not been to the selmag,
Have you seen a chicken there?
There are no birds at all in the forest,
And I got a little hungry.
Gingerbread man
I myself have not been to the selmag,
And I heard from my grandmother
Her conversation with a neighbor
That lie, they say, like a year in the shop
"Bush's Legs" on the counter.
Mock me ?! How can that be?
It's not even possible to eat them!
No smell, no taste -
Do not ruin my soul!
Every day it gets worse in the forest
Even puddles were eliminated.
It's scary to drink water in the river -
Life is not a beast anywhere!
Gingerbread man
No, it was not in vain that I took this walk!
A fox without birds, and land without water.
Less and less surrounding nature
More and more environment!
All the participants in the performance come out.
How scary it is - the extinction of the race,
All of them, all of them,
When nature is devastated
I can no longer do anything!
And the leprosy of desolation will creep,
And the strings of water dry up
And the birds will die out, and the plants will fall,
And the beast will not bypass its misfortune.
And no matter how much self-interest you are looking for,
What excuse do you not have,
The earth demands protection, protection
She asks for salvation from people!

(Gingerbread man says goodbye to everyone and rolls on)
The Fairy appears, singing the song "Our Land" (D. Kabalevsky)
1. Either a birch, or a mountain ash,
Rakita bush over the river.
A native land, forever beloved,
Where can you find another one!
2.From the seas to the high mountains,
In the middle of native latitudes
Everybody runs, runs the roads
And they call ahead.
3.The sun is flooded with the valleys,
And wherever you look -
A native land, forever beloved,
The whole blooms like a spring garden.
4.Our golden childhood
Everything is brighter every day!
Under a lucky star
We live in our native land!
Fairy: The forest is incredibly beautiful at any time of the year! He has always been and will be a friend of man. It purifies the air, gives people food, shelter and warmth! Forest dwellers give people joy and beauty! Remember this guys, don't ever forget.
Gingerbread man appears.

Fairy: Oh, who brought this to my forest?
Gingerbread man:
I'm scraped around the box
Methen on the bottom,
Meshon on sour cream,
It's cold on the window
I left my grandmother
Where did I come?
Fairy: And you, Kolobok, came to the forest. Welcome! Where are you going?
Gingerbread man:... And wherever the eyes look. I want to see the world. Who are you?
Fairy: I am a Forest Fairy.
Gingerbread man: And I thought that fairies are only in fairy tales. Why do you live here?
Fairy: Yes, I live here in the forest. This is my kingdom. Have you ever been in the forest?
Gingerbread man: No, I haven’t been anywhere yet and I don’t know anything, I was recently baked.
Fairy(addressing the children): Guys, explain to Kolobok what a forest is.

Children read poetry:
In the forest V. Orlov
1.Like a fairytale book page
The forest opened, ringing with foliage.
I understand both the beast and the bird,
And they understand me.
Maybe on the paths of animals,
In the impenetrable depths of the forest
Suddenly a hut on chicken legs
Will meet me unexpectedly.
Maybe in this land, inadvertently,
Avoiding the road
Shines with a toasty side
Amid the tall grass Kolobok.
And I can't get lost in the forest,
Although I wander far away from people,
Because both animals and birds
The native language is spoken.

2. White birch, dear sister,
You grow, do not be afraid of the evil ax.
White birch, Russian land,
And sadness, and joy, and my love!

3. Cherry cherry
Bloomed with spring.
And the branches are golden
That curls curled.

4. Near the river in the fog
Poplars are ringing a little.
Maybe the earth beckons a person with them?
Or rowan bushes,
What blooms in the woods?
Or dancing viburnum,
What is shaking the earring?

Fairy: But trees are not the whole forest. Many herbs, flowers, mushrooms grow here. There are many other inhabitants in the forest: birds, animals, insects. Without them, the forest is not a forest. Come on, Kolobok, I'll introduce you to them! Look how many inhabitants there are in the forest! What beautiful flowers! But many flowers are good for health.
1.Many herbs grow useful
On the land of the native country.
Can cope with illness
Mint, tansy, St. John's wort.
Who hurt your heels, come on guys!
Plantain will help out
Plantain will cure.
2. We tear them not for fun,
We will take them to the pharmacy.
From the gifts of the forest kingdom
People make medicines.
Fairy: What other medicinal herbs do you guys know?
A group of children who worked on the project: "Medicinal herbs" tell those present about the work done and draw conclusions.

Gingerbread man: How many interesting things I learned about herbs and flowers. Thank you guys!

The gingerbread man sits on the "meadow", it is surrounded by flowers, the daisy girl sings the song "The Happiest" (lyrics by S. Chichkov, music by V. Shainsky)
The sun came out
Glitters in the meadow.
I will meet the sun
I run across the grass.
And the daisies are white
I'll tear it apart.
I'll make a wreath -
I will weave the sun.
Then the flower girls dance the Dance of the Flowers.

Fairy: Let's go further, Kolobok, let's see who else will meet us.
Squirrels appear

I have a lush ponytail
Fir-trees, pines are my friends.
I snap small nuts
And my name is simply - squirrel! -Hello, Kolobok! Help yourself to nuts, we have a lot of them.
Bear, Fox, Bunny peep out of the trees.
Where do I live? In the most often,
The most real
I walk there, I sleep there,
I raise my children there.
I love pears, I love honey,
I will treat everyone who comes (treats Kolobok with honey)
A bully boy with a slingshot appears, shoots at the animals.
Fairy:(outraged) What's going on here?
Squirrel: The boy offended us.
Fox: This bad boy does not know how to behave in the forest at all! He breaks branches on trees.
Hare: And the bird complained to me that he ruined her nest!
Fairy: Oh, that's it, because you have done so many bad things out of boredom, I leave you speechless.
Boy: No, don't, me and s and (hums, something waves his hands)
Fairy: Remember, guys, you can't offend defenseless animals!
Children perform the song “Don't Tease Dogs” (E. Ptichkin, M. Plyatskovsky)
1.Do not tease dogs, do not chase cats,
Spare no grain or crumbs for the birds.
And then the sparrows will wake up with a song,
And nobody will scratch and bite you.
2. If you make a lot of noise near the den,
Then you will have to take your feet away.
And the bee just won't stick.
After all, no one will sting or growl in vain.
3.No need to offend a butterfly on a branch,
More fun in the forest from its colors.
Don't scare beetles with long mustaches
And believe that the bugs themselves will not touch you.
4.If you like earthly beauty,
Take care of her, not knowing tired.
Then we will certainly become friends,
Sing with us about cats and dogs
Boy (crying)
Animals: Disenchant him, Fairy, we believe that he will no longer play pranks in the forest.
Fairy: Well, well, just let him first tell me the forest rules:

Fairy: Children, and who will complement the boy's answers? (Answers of children)
Don't leave trash in the forest.
Do not frighten birds and animals with loud voices.
Observe the rules for making fires.
Branches of trees and bushes must not be broken.
You can't catch insects.
Only adults are allowed to walk in the forest.

Fairy: Well done, boy, now you already know the forest rules.
See guys, is there someone else hiding behind the trees?

1 I look like an umbrella
Only 100 times less.
If a thunderstorm is on the horizon
I am very happy.
If it's raining and warm
I think it's lucky. (MUSHROOM-boletus)
2.And we are with friends on stumps
Crowded together in a tight bunch?
And we hold umbrellas in our hands
Caught up in a cloud. (Honey mushrooms)
Mushrooms: Who recognized us here?
Gingerbread man:... Oh, what beautiful mushrooms! Get into my basket!
Fairy: Wait, Kolobok, take your time, not all mushrooms can be picked. But only those that are edible. And it’s better not to touch the rest. Let them grow, they may also need someone. Guys, tell Kolobok what mushrooms can be picked.

The didactic game "Edible-inedible"
(Arrange mushrooms in 2 baskets)

Gingerbread man: Well, now I know what kind of mushrooms you can pick.
Fairy: Do you know how to collect?
Gingerbread man: Where, after all, I recently came out of the oven, I do not know about this.
Mushrooms: Gather us, boil, fry, pickle. But do not pull us out by the roots, do not destroy our mycelium. But if you disobey, soon the mushrooms will not grow at all.
Gingerbread man:... I have mastered mushroom science well. What about you guys?
Children repeat how to pick mushrooms correctly.
Gingerbread man:... Whom I haven’t met in the forest just today, whom I haven’t met! Great! How happy I am!

All forest dwellers recite poetry
1. Once, having gathered with the last forces,
The Lord created a beautiful planet
Gave her the shape of a big ball
And planted there trees, flowers,
Herbs of unprecedented beauty.
2. Many animals began to be found there:
Snakes, elephants, turtles and birds.
Here's a gift for you, people, own,
Plow the land, sow bread.
I will bequeath to you from now on -
You take care of this shrine.
3 we want the birds to sing
So that they make noise around the forest,
To make the skies blue
To make the river silver
For the butterfly to frolic
And there was dew on the berries.
4 we want the sun to warm
And the birch tree turned green
And under the tree lived a funny prickly hedgehog.
For the squirrel to jump
To make the rainbow sparkle
So that in the summer it pours merry rain.
5. Look at the globe - the globe of the earth,
After all, he sighs as if he were alive
And the continents whisper to us:
Take care of us, take care!
6.In the dismay of the grove and forest,
The dew on the grasses is like a tear
And the springs quietly ask:
Take care of us, take care!
Gingerbread man
7 tree, flower, grass and bird
They do not always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed,
We will be alone on the planet.
8 animal burrow, bird's nest
We will never ruin!
Let the chicks and little animals
Lives well with us!
9.We love the forest at any time of the year,
We hear the rivers of slow speech.
All this is called nature
Let's always take care of it!


Teacher: Two special calendar holidays are celebrated on our planet every year: Earth Day (April 22) and Environment Day (June 5)... These are not just regular "red dates" that are usually accompanied by solemn speeches, carefree fun and joy. These days are a reminder of the problems of nature conservation.
In June 1980, our country adopted laws on the protection of nature, animals and air. Scientists - ecologists, biologists, game experts from all over the world have sounded the alarm: nature is in danger! 35 years have passed, but the problem of nature protection remains. We also say today - nature is in danger!
“Fish need clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. Various valuable animals live in forests, steppes, mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, mountains.
Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppes, mountains. And a man needs a Motherland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland ”.
Think about the content of the appeal to us by the writer M. Prishvin. How do you understand the meaning of these words?
If each person protects his homeland, then in general we will save our planet named Earth.

No need to kill the beast in vain,
Let the birds sing, our world will become more beautiful!
After all, nature itself cannot be saved,
It is so necessary that people take it up!
Protecting nature is a sacred thing.
Only together we will build a bright tomorrow.
And if, as before, to harm nature,
Who, then, will live on Earth ?!
Plants, fungi and bacteria will disappear,
Animals, birds and other animals
We will also disappear, so come to your senses, people!
Appreciate nature, PROTECT IT!

The holiday ends with these words:
1.Come on, people.
Make friends with each other
Like birds with the sky
Like the wind with a meadow.

2. Like a sail with the sea
Grass with rains Folk festival for primary school. Scenario

Scenario of an environmental event for an elementary school.

Targets and goals:
- shaping children's opinion to protect the environment,
- the formation of schoolchildren's responsibility and an active life position for the "Common house in which we live",
- attracting the attention of students to existing environmental problems,
- upbringing of the ecological culture of the younger generation.

The course of the event.


Good afternoon dear friends!

This year has been declared the year of Ecology.

We are all residents of one large house called planet Earth. We are gathered here today to remind each other that the planet we live on is in danger, but it is in our power to save it.

Look around: what a wonderful, wonderful world surrounds us.

Forests, fields, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, sky. Sun, animals, birds. It's nature! She feeds us, drinks us, dresses us, gives us everything for life and in return requires very little - a careful, respectful attitude towards herself.

However, sometimes both adults and children behave soullessly towards her. Some of the most beautiful reservoirs turn into sewers, rivers dry up, the forest suffocates from garbage, rare species of plants and animals disappear.

Do you want to save your planet from pollution? Do you know the main problems of the Earth? (Answers of children)

Let's see what the ecological situation is in our hometown.

The main environmental problems of the city of Berezovsky:

1. Air pollution as a result of emissions of pollutants from stationary objects of industrial and municipal enterprises, as well as vehicles.

2. Pollution of water bodies and irrational use of water resources due to the operation of dilapidated treatment facilities by enterprises.

3. Imperfection of the production and consumption waste management system.

Guys, together we are the children of the Earth. The earth is our common home. If we want to help our planet, our sick nature, we must know the truth about its diseases, no matter how terrible it may be. We must remember that a person can do a lot: he is not only a destroyer, he is both a gardener and a doctor. Environmental problems arise more and more often due to the influence of man on nature. The protection of nature, the rules of behavior in it, is studied by a whole science - ecology. And now we are going to play an ecological game that will show us how well you know nature.

"Mysteries of the Forest"

1 student:

Grows in the grass Alenka
In a red shirt.
Whoever will pass
Everyone bows down. (Strawberry)

2 student:

In a dense forest under a tree
Sprinkled with foliage
There is a ball of needles
A lump, but alive. (Hedgehog)

3 student:

Green, not a meadow,
Bela, not snow,
Curly, not the head. (Birch)

4 student:

Master of the forest
Wakes up in the spring
And in winter, under the blizzard howl
He sleeps in a snow hut. (Bear)

5 student:

In the clearing, near the trees,
The house is built from needles.
He is not visible behind the grass,
And there are a million tenants in it. (Anthill)

6 student:

From branch to branch
Fast as a ball
Rides through the forest
Red-haired circus performer.
Here on the fly
He picked a lump,
Jumped on the trunk
And he ran away into the hollow. (Squirrel)

7 student:

Two brothers

They look into the water,

The centuries won't come together. (River and banks)

8 student:

Blind during the day, seeing at night,
The cat catches the mice, not the cat. (Owl)

9 student:

Mother, I don't know father
But I often call it.
I won't know the children -
Strangers will come true! (Cuckoo)

10 student:

I lowered the curls into the river
And I was sad about something.
And what is she sad about
Doesn't tell anyone. (Willow)

11 student:

Not the sea, not the land,

Ships don't float

But you can't walk. (Swamp)

12 student:

What kind of girl is this

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn't sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round. (Christmas tree)

13 student:

Just born

Immediately turned into a hat (mushroom)

14 student:

What kind of tree stands

There is no wind, but everything is trembling? (aspen)

15 student:

In the spring it turned green

Sunbathed in the summer

Put on in autumn

Beautiful corals (mountain ash)

Feathered Friends.

All groups of animals are interesting, but most often nature lovers are interested in the life and habits of birds. The flights of birds, made twice a year, are very amazing.

What kind of birds do you guys know at your place of residence?

What kind of birds are there? (migratory and sedentary)

Who are sedentary, and who do you guys know about migratory? (migratory - fly away, sedentary - hibernate)

Why do birds fly away? (In winter, the birds are cold, but they especially suffer from hunger, there is no food, all the insects are hiding)

How can we help the birds? (It is necessary to make birdhouses, bird houses, feeders)

Now let's guess the riddles and simulate this bird.

Sleeps during the day, flies at night

And the passers-by are scared (owl)

Far away my knock

Heard around

I am the enemy of worms

And the trees are a friend (woodpecker)

Mischievous boy

In a gray Armenian

Sneaking around the yard

Collects crumbs (sparrow)

Lives in hot countries

And in cool zoos

And he is arrogant and boastful

Because the tail is beautiful.

He admires him himself

And shows us (peacock)

Hide the chickens in the clear sky

Circles with a dark shadow (hawk)

Who is without notes and without a pipe

Who is this? (nightingale)

He wanders importantly in the meadow

Comes out of the water dry

Wears red shoes

Gives soft feather beds (goose)

Our cheerful girlfriend

Gives us feathers on our pillow

Gives testicles for pancakes

Easter cakes and pies. (hen)

Green Pharmacy.

In a natural pantry, like in a pharmacy, you can find the necessary medicines, but in this pharmacy everything is without labels. To get them, you need to know and love nature well. In addition, in a "green pharmacy" you need to behave in the same manner as in a real one.

What medicinal plants do you know? (guys answers)


There are many rules in nature,
You must know them by heart.
And now the time has come
Look into the book of complaints.

I suggest you take one letter at a time. These letters contain complaints from animals, it is necessary to determine who they are talking about and what benefits it brings.

1. “I myself know that she is not a beauty. If I showed myself, many jump aside, or even throw a stone or kick. For what? They figured out that I get warts on my hands. Some kind of nonsense. Not everyone can be beautiful! And the benefit from me to people is great. "

(Toad. One toad saves a whole garden from caterpillars and worms. If cockroaches are in the house, bring a toad and they will disappear) (Frog. Each of them in one day destroys a large number of gnats, slugs, mosquito larvae, among which there are also larvae of malaria mosquitoes.)

2. “There is, perhaps, no such creature on the globe, about which so many legends and fables have been told, as about us. I do not like that we love the darkness, that we do not look like ordinary birds and animals. But we are man's friends, not enemies. What do we do? After all, this is how we were born. We love to hang upside down. And they offend us undeservedly. "


3. “Oh, people don't like me! My voice is not pleasant and my eyes, they say, are not beautiful. It is believed that I bring misfortune. Is that so? If not for me, someone would be sitting without bread. So think carefully, or should you offend me or should you respect me? "

4. “We play an important role in the life of nature. We loosen the soil, carry seeds and fruits of plants, exterminate many insects. A close cohabitation with us is good for the trees. We arrange underground and above-ground galleries, giving access to the roots of the tree. Therefore, the tree grows faster than the neighboring trees. That's how useful we are. But people don't always treat us well. It so happens that our houses (anthills) are ruined and we have to rebuild the house or look for another shelter. "


5. “The most faithful companions of man are birds. All insectivorous birds eat 5-10 times more harmful insects than useful ones. A pair of large birds exterminates more than 2 thousand insects during the period of nestling. In most cases, we find abundance of food and safety in the neighborhood of a person. But this is not always the case. Quite often people destroy us, birds, destroy nests, break eggs ”.


6. “The name of the first spring month is associated with me. I give people a very tasty and healthy drink. And people abuse it, shredding and cutting my trunk, and then I die. But it could bring many more benefits. "

Summing up the results of the event.


Do not damage the bark of trees. They stop growing and die painfully for a long time.

Do not pick flowers in the forest or meadow. After all, a flower in a vase is a prisoner sentenced to death. Let the flowers delight our eyes, rejuvenate the soul of those who come to the forest to look at them.

In the forest, try to walk along the paths so as not to trample the path and soil. Popular wisdom says: one person leaves a trail in the forest, a hundred people leave a trail, and thousands leave a desert.

Do not shoot mushrooms, even inedible ones. Fly agarics help trees grow. They are eaten by moose, squirrels, magpies.

Don't make a fire in the forest. Fireplaces are wounds in the forest floor.

Project "Day of the Ecologist" for children 7 - 11 years old

Pominchuk Danila student of grade 10 B of the Municipal Autonomous Educational Institution Multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 20 of Ulyanovsk
Supervisor: Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna
Work description: Within the framework of the action "All-Russian ecological lesson" Let's do it together! " and the project "Let's Save Our Earth!" we bring to your attention a project dedicated to the holiday - the Day of the Ecologist. This material will be useful for primary school teachers, teachers of extended day groups, kindergarten teachers, educators of children's health camps and sanatoriums when holding events on environmental topics. Aimed at primary school age students from 7 to 11 years old.
Target: acquaintance with the project
- to clarify the knowledge of children about ecology, about the role of humanity in the Earth's ecosystem;
- to foster feelings of respect for the natural potential;
- improve environmental awareness;
- to foster the desire to preserve the biological diversity of the planet;
- to instill an interest in the profession of an ecologist.

The main stages of the project

1. Opening of the Day of the Ecologist.
2. The main part. Participation in the competitive program:
- in room,
- outside,
- on the stage.
3. Closing the holiday. Summarizing.

Opening of the Day of the Ecologist

Event progress

Teacher: Having solved the riddles, we find out the key word that brought us all together today.
1. He is not trained to fly,
But in running - the best.
From any big problem
An ostrich runs away - ...
Answer: Emu!
2. There are horns, not a ram,
The tail is a candle, not a squirrel,
Not a cow, but milk.
Answer: Goat.
3. Dad is very strong, tall,
And the horns are branchy.
Son, not yet an adult -
Red and spotted.
He is born without horns
In a motley fur coat with polka dots.
Answer: Deer and fawn.
4. Front - awl,
Behind - Wilze,
Top - black cloth,
Below is a white towel.
Answer: Swallow.
5. Flew past the ear
Like a fly, but not a fly
This fly did not buzz
She guys have a sting
If it stings, there will be "ay"
Who is that guess!
- A fly with a sting? - Wonders!
Everyone knows this - ...
Answer: Wasp!
6. In the flowerbed by the window
Potatoes are planted.
Her flowers are huge
Both light and dark.
Answer: Dahlia.

Teacher: With each answer, the first letter was revealed. As a result, we got the word: "ECOLOGIST"... This year, on June 5, we will celebrate two holidays at once: Ecologist Day and World Environment Day. And 2017 in the Russian Federation has been declared the Year of Ecology. A bit of history. For the first time, the World Environment Day was celebrated in Russia in 1972, and the Day of the Ecologist in 2007. Do you know what ecology is? Where did this name come from? And what does it mean?
(Children's answers follow).
Teacher: It turns out that the word itself "ecology" is of Greek origin. "Logos" is science, "eco" is home. Hence, it turns out that ecology is the science of a beautiful and huge house named Earth. If we turn to the sources, then ECOLOGY is the science of the interaction of living organisms with each other and with the environment. A ECOLOGIST is a specialist who studies the state of water, earth and air. Knowledge of such areas as biology, chemistry, soil science, geology, physics, law is necessary for people of this profession. Carrying out environmental activities, ecologists not only study the factors affecting the Earth's biosphere, they also monitor compliance with legislative measures, prevent man-made accidents. In addition, they urge ordinary citizens and business leaders to sort household waste for proper disposal. People involved in the "healthier" of our planet, reduce the harmful effects of the industrial industry and human life. In 1972, in Stockholm, at the UN conference, the holiday of all conservationists: activists and ecologists who maintain an environmentally friendly environment in the country was adopted. Thus, 113 countries have approved 26 principles focused on preserving the planet for future descendants. It was also decided to choose a “capital city” every year and hold the main events and actions there in support of the cleanliness of the planet. In addition, a motto is chosen every year. For example, “Think. Eat. Save ”or“ For a living world ocean ”.
I propose to come up with a motto for our holiday!
(The task should be completed by the children).
Teacher: Traditionally, the program of the celebration includes next competitions
- Children's drawings;
- landscaping and street cleaning;
- concert numbers;
- rallies and actions;
- parade of cyclists;
- presentations and conferences.
I suggest you take part in some of them!

Main part

Participation in the competition program: indoors, outdoors, on stage. Competition 1. Drawing on the theme: "Let's save our Earth!".
Target: disclosure of the topic.
- perform a drawing on a given topic,
- work with watercolors, gouache, colored pencils,
- to convey a respectful attitude towards nature and the surrounding world as a whole.

Competition 2. Landscaping and cleaning of the school area.
Target: clearing the site from last year's debris, planting plants in the schoolyard.
- put things in order on the received site,
- plant a plant: a tree, bush or flower.
- to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the world around us and nature.

Competition 3. Concert number.
Target: promoting the maintenance of cleanliness on Earth.
- take part in a school concert,
- prepare an amateur performance number: song, dance, poem, scene, etc.

Competition 4. Cyclists parade.
Target: participation in the parade on your own transport.
- bring a like-minded friend with you, also with a bicycle,
- to promote "clean" transport that does not pollute the environment.

Competition 5. Presentation "Let's do it together!"
Target: showing the presentation.
- to defend your presentation,
- create 10 slides on the topic of collective work for the benefit of the ecology of the planet.

Competition 6. "We collect muculature" action.
Target: participation in the action.
- bring muculature from home,
- collect muculature from friends and neighbors,
- to promote the use of secondary raw materials.

Closing the holiday

Teacher: It's time to take stock. We have managed to do a lot for the common future well-being. It is very joyful that our Lyceum has students who are not indifferent to environmental issues. This event only opens our holiday. Ahead are waiting for: excursions; environmental actions; cognitive programs.
In memory of our project - flower seed bags so that each of you makes a personal contribution to the greening of our hometown.
The most prestigious award is: Honored Ecologist of the Russian Federation. Who knows, maybe in the future you will become environmentalists, and it is in your hands that the preservation of our Earth and the planet as a whole will be in your hands!
Environmentalists are on guard for the world.
After all, the world is one - there is nowhere else to take.
And WE are obliged to preserve nature!
It is not for nothing that they say: "Nature is mother!"

“Let's save the daisies in the meadow” is a script of a musical and educational environmental event for schoolchildren, dedicated to the Red Book of the Saratov Region.

Musical educational ecological event for school children. Scenario.

Odnoburtseva Oksana Nikolaevna, music teacher.
Place of work: MOU secondary school No. 8, Atkarsk, Saratov region.
“Let's save the daisies in the meadow” is a script of a musical and educational environmental event for schoolchildren, dedicated to the Red Book of the Saratov Region.
Targets and goals:
- shaping children's opinion to protect the environment,
- the formation of schoolchildren's responsibility and an active life position for the "Common house in which we live",
- attracting the attention of students to existing environmental problems,
- upbringing of the ecological culture of the younger generation.
Purpose of material: The year 2017, announced by the President as the Year of Ecology in Russia, is approaching. This means that we must all intensify our work in this direction. The scenario I have proposed will be useful for organizers of extracurricular activities: head teachers, class teachers, music teachers.

Holiday progress:
Fanfare sounds.
"Peace and joy to you"- performed musical and choreographic composition.
Good afternoon dear friends!
The protection of flora and fauna has become one of the most important tasks of our time. The Earth is so far the only home of mankind in the vastness of the Universe. The nature of the Earth is one, and every person is touched by her troubles.
We live on an earth blessed with sunshine.
In the moonlight, a dream reflected in the darkness.
On Earth that lives like a great miracle,
And it cannot, will not smoke in the ash.
We must preserve, preserve that part of the universe
So that the descendants say: "We live on Earth!"
20 years ago, in 1996, the 1st Red Book of the Saratov Region was published. Already 8 years have passed since the presentation of the 2nd edition took place. The release of the Red Book is a significant stage in the protection of the flora and fauna of our region.
But the problem of protecting animals, birds, plants of the Saratov land, which need our protection, is, of course, relevant to this day.
Therefore, we are gathered here today so that you, the younger generation, can get to know more closely the Red Book and learn about the problems of the flora and fauna of the Saratov region.
We invite you to the microphone ………………………………
(speech from ecologists)
We are in deep debt for a long time
At the nature we have wounded.
So let's cherish and cherish
Precious waters of springs,
Clean air, fields and forests,
Birds in the woods that sing to us so loudly.
May earthly beauty of Russia
Will be kept for the joy of posterity.
"I look into the blue lakes"- performed song.
The beauty of the earth is a wealth not fully appreciated by humanity. Only an active position of all people will contribute to the timely solution of emerging environmental and environmental issues.
By protecting the flora and fauna, we thereby ennoble ourselves, our feelings - kindness, respect and love for all life on Earth. And as long as the love for the land and for the people living on it is alive, our Russia, our Saratov region will flourish.
The floor is given …………………………………….
(speech from a public organization)
Nature's world and sounds world
So similar to each other.
Nature's paint is like a chorus
Shine and weave a pattern.
"Music and Peace"- performs vocal ensemble.
The preservation of rare and endangered species of animals and plants is one of the most important problems of our time, but it is impossible to imagine human life without objective information about the state of plant and animal species.
The editions of the Red Book contribute to the successful solution of ecological and environmental issues in the interests of Saratov Province and Russia. The book is also a legal document of environmental protection.
I give the floor ……………………
(librarian speech)
Nature will weave a festive carpet
Of greenery and sunshine
We continue to give you gifts
There is no better bouquet of music and dance.
Kalinka- performs dance group.
The protection of flora and fauna is a complex matter, requiring the efforts of state and public organizations, attracting a large number of people and funds.
The release of the Red Book is a wonderful occasion to join this serious work for a humane attitude towards the nature of our native land.
The future of the Saratov region today depends on everyone who lives and works here, and therefore on you too.
No prohibitions are imposed by nature
On a quest, on the right to choose.
The brightest string of gems
Nature will always amaze you.
"Tell the Birds"- performed song.
"Sunflower"- performs dance group.
Beauty will save the world. We firmly believe in this, because young ecologists are taking over.
Speech by young ecologists.
Theatrical picture "Beauty will save the world" performed by participants theatrical collective.
ALL HEROES (in turn)
We came to you from the Red Book,
From her caring pages
What they cherish and protect
Plants, animals, birds.
We feel now protected
And we know that we will live
After all, in this book people have a soul
We managed to invest a good one.
Everyone would love to walk
In the forest nearby for mushrooms.
But if your interest is more important,
The forest will not delight with mushrooms.
And even, if suddenly, you get a fly agaric,
Don't trample them. Still
People do not know - all mushrooms are useful,
Don't touch what you don't need - the rule is iron.
And there will be more beauty at once,
Flowers will appear in the forest again.
When you don't pick them into a bouquet,
They will whisper thank you in return.
I am a Russian hare, I am a purebred.
And how many folk tales about me!
I will be gone and fairy tales will disappear.
How to keep me?
There is a clue in that book.
I am a butterfly - a living flower.
And if I sit on a piece of paper
You will feel the fragility of beauty.
The forests need airy flowers!
Steppe cat
You will not find a steppe cat.
A little more - I will disappear forever.
But what about nature without me,
Without my special kind?
Let people read about me
And again I will appear here and there.
My fluffy fur is valuable
And my success is in the charm.
Now they bred me both in the forests and in the parks,
They put gifts in the feeders.
Do you think there are many of us if a swarm is visible?
No, we are few.
We stand up for ourselves.
Respect us for our work.
The harvest depends on us.
We do not know rest and laziness.
Our work is pollination of plants!
Are you afraid of me? After all, I am a poisonous snake ...
When I meet you, I will crawl away quietly
Somewhere in the grass, to the side.
But someone cannot forgive poison,
He strives to catch up, score.
The snake on the bowl is a medical emblem
My poison in healing is precious.
But my life is dearer now
The disappearance of the viper worries everyone.
Eared hedgehog
Hedgehog - he is so good,
That he is both sweet and handsome.
At night I love to roam.
The handsome guy is an eared hedgehog.
I am a nature orderly.
And try to live without me!
Small fish
Three fish - Saratov emblem,
But sterlet and sturgeon disappeared completely.
Book Red will help to correct all mistakes,
The "golden" river fish will not become.
Scientists are now raising fry,
And people are passionate about business,
Let the fish splash, playing at dawn,
The emblem of the edge will return again.
ALL HEROES (in turn)
The world is saved by nature, beauty,
We are smaller brothers, we are sure of that from birth.
And spirituality, kindness returns,
That which was once lost to people.
Oh man, you are also a part of nature free,
But you can control a lot in the world.
So let it become a desktop book
House of the color of the heart - the books of the Red.
How wonderful nature is for its beauty.
And the soul feels warmth and peace.
Man - he is also nature,
He's also a sunset and a sunrise,
And there are four seasons in it,
And there is a special musical move in it.
And what kind of weather is dawning in it?
How much loneliness and meetings is in it?
Man - he is also nature ...
So let's protect nature.
"I'll Run On The Rainbow"- performs dance group.
"Clouds"- performs vocal group.
Improving the ecological situation, preserving the flora and fauna is a task of particular importance, because not only today, but also tomorrow of our Motherland depends on it.
Therefore, the result of the work of the Red Data Book can hardly be overestimated. It was donated to all educational, scientific, cultural institutions of the region and other organizations.
The Red Book is the ecological and moral education of all of us. Love for nature fosters deep patriotic feelings, humanism, kindness and sensitivity to all living things on the entire planet.
"In the animal world"- performs dance group.
Today we have an enormous responsibility for the health and well-being of present and future generations.
Let's take care of our Earth!
We all understand very well that we cannot live on Earth without clean water and fresh air.
The earth is the greatest miracle, we have one. Earth's tomorrow will be as we create it today.
To make the sun shine brightly
And our day has not faded in the darkness,
We will have to do a lot
In the name of life on earth.
"Save the Earth" -vocal and choreographic composition.

Scenario of an ecological holiday for students in grades 1-4.

The event is prepared by volunteers or activists of grades 5-7.

Leading. Hello dear guys, we live in a great huge country - Russia! We all love her very much, we love our city, our land.

Leading. But, unfortunately, not all residents of our city cherish the surrounding nature, the beauty of rivers and forests.

We want the birds to sing

To make noise around the forest

To make the skies blue

To make the river silver

For the butterfly to frolic

And there was dew on the berries.

We want the sun to warm

And the birch tree turned green

And lived under the tree

Funny spiny hedgehog

To make the squirrel jump

To make the rainbow sparkle

To lil cheerful

Warm rain.

Dance "CLOUDS"

(children dance with blanks of white clouds in their hands to the melody "Clouds - White-Maned Horses")

The music of "Clouds" sounds, two students come out from both sides with blanks of black clouds the size of a Whatman paper and cover the students with white clouds)

Leading. Dear Guys! Our planet and our city are in trouble. Look, the clouds have come to our clouds, have covered them. What happened?

Leading. Nature is in trouble!Ever since man appeared, he has tried to subdue, subjugate nature. That he just did not invent to improve his life.

Man has created terrible poisons that kill insects and birds.(a student comes out with a poster)

Man created a car that poisons the air with harmful gases.(a student comes out with a poster)

Man cuts down trees, drains swamps, covers the ground with a huge layer of debris.(a student comes out with a poster)

Leading. Come to your senses! Our city and our planet are in trouble! Guys, are you ready to protect nature? Yeah ...

Leading. Guys, are you ready to turn black scary clouds into white clouds? Yeaaaaa ... ..

First cloud:

People lived on the planet

Moms, dads and their children

People throw a piece of paper (everyone throws a piece of paper)

The planet will become a mess.

People lived on the planet

Moms, dads and their children

People will throw a bottle (everybody throws bottles)

There will be a landfill on the planet.

People lived on the planet

Moms, dads and their children

People will throw the package (we throw the packages)

You will not recognize the planet.


Oh, what a dump, guys, it turned out !!!

Dirt, papers and bags ...

We littered the planet !!!


Let's guys protect nature

We will not forget about her for a minute.

We collect garbage to the music.

Leading. Guys, in order to protect nature, you need to know the birds, animals, plants that are in our area. Here are these riddles:

(children come out with posters of birds, but keep drawings to themselves, make riddles and show pictures)

The yellow bird is freezing

Feed her, poor thing.

Give both seeds and bacon,

So that it becomes easier for her in winter. (Titmouse)

I walked yesterday in a blizzard,

I saw a twig in the snow

And on the branch is a red ball.

Who is he, a living flashlight? (Bullfinch)

Here is a feathered city,

Everywhere hugs people.

We are hungry in winter

We will share with him

Asks the gray mischief:

"Give some bread for a crumb!

I'm tired tweet tweet

And froze a little! "(Sparrow)

Motley fidget,
Long-tailed bird,
Talkative bird
The most talkative.(Magpie)

Wears a gray vest
But the wings are black.
See twenty pairs circling
And they shout: Carr! Carr! Carr! (Crow)

Leading. Well done, you guessed all the riddles, let's invite the birds to visit us!

Leading. Here a crow flew to us, listen to what she asks of you.

A crow comes out, reads a verse.

Feed the birds in winter.

Let from all ends

They will flock to you like home,

Flocks on the porch.

Their feed is not rich.

A handful of grain is needed

One handful -

And winter will not be terrible for them.

How many of them die - do not count,

It's hard to see.

But in our heart there is

And it's warm for the birds.

Is it possible to forget:

Could fly away

And they stayed for the winter

Along with people.

Train the birds in the cold

To your window

So that without songs you don't have to

We welcome spring.

I suggest you play. I will name the birds, but if I am mistaken, and you hear the name of the bird, then clap your hands, and if something else, then stamp your feet.

The Birds Have Arrived GAME

Birds arrived: pigeons ……… tits, flies ………. and crows ... ..

Birds have arrived: pigeons ..., tits ... .., storks ..., crows ... ..., jackdaws ... .., pasta.

Birds arrived: pigeons ……, tits ……., Storks ……, cuckoos ……, white pillows ……

Birds arrived: magpies… .., sparrows… .., ants ……., Jackdaws… .., sticks… .., swans…., Starlings….

All of you are great!

Leading. Well done boys! Look, one black cloud has disappeared .... We drove it away.

Leading. One more remained. Black, scary.

Second cloud:

Guys, do you know how to behave in the forest? ..... Yeah ...

I'll check now….


If I say it correctly - shout "yes-yes-yes"

If not true - shout "no, no, no"

Do not break the branches, do not tear the leaves in vain "yes-yes-yes"

Pick flowers, weave into wreaths "no-no-no"

Noise, shout, aukayte, lull the forest with a loud song "no-no-no"

Frogs, caterpillars, snakes, you must drive out of the forest with your breath. "no no no"

To learn forest secrets, try not to make a “yes-yes-yes” noise

All animals and plants are needed by the forest "yes-yes-yes"

Take an ax to the forest, you can light a fire there "no, no, no"

Do not throw garbage in the forest, clean up everything after you "yes-yes-yes"

What good fellows you are! You know all the rules !!! The forest will thank you very much !!!

Music "Forest Stream" sounds

Leading. Oh, and who is that babbling there!

A brook comes out.

Leading. Guys, a forest stream has come to visit us! But he’s not very funny! Stream, why are you so sad?


I was cheerful and perky!

I ran through the woods, through the fields!

But suddenly the water turned black ...

And rubbish, dirt and here and there!

It became difficult for me ... I choke ....

From dirt, debris and sewage.

I'm talking to you guys ...

Are you ready to help me? Yeah ...

Let's play with you! If you agree with what I will say, then shout "this is me, this is me, these are all my friends." If not, then keep quiet. Clear? Ready?

GAME "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"

    Who protects nature? Doesn't throw garbage everywhere?

    Which of you eats a candy and throws a candy wrapper right on the ground?


    Who offends the birds? Does it shoot them with a slingshot?


    Who helps the birds in winter? Does he collect food in the trough?

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

    Who does not offend animals! Loves and respects them?

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

    Who breaks trees and bushes? Does he pick beautiful flowers and throw them away?


    Who breaks the windows on the road that you can injure your feet?


    And now I ask you to answer, who loves nature, children?

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

    And when you grow up,

Who can surround the city with cleanliness and care?

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Thank you children, you are true connoisseurs and friends of nature. Forests and meadows, mountains and plains, streams and lakes will reveal their secrets to you - after all, you know how to appreciate the beauty of our land and protect it.

Leading. Look, guys, and the second cloud escaped ... ..There are great fellows you are! All the clouds were dispersed.

Leading. Let's now ask for forgiveness from nature and try never to upset her ... so that the clouds don't come running again!

Leading. Guys, repeat in chorus after us.

Forgive us little bug


Both the ant and the bee


Sorry, slender poplar,


And felled trees


Forgive us, caught animal


You are so cramped in the cage


Forgive me for not saving


And you have become so rare.



Let's hope that nature will forgive us and as a sign of reconciliation with nature we will sing a song.

Leading. A song about friendship. Because one must be friends with nature and cherish this friendship.

SONG "If a friend is not laughing"