How much time to feed the newborn breast milk: the principles of successful breastfeeding. Feeding breast milk newborns in the first days

With the advent of your baby, many questions arise and, probably, the very first of them is food. After all, a relaxed sleep depends on properly organized feeding, and a normal chair and rest of the mother itself. How to properly organize the process itself, and how often feed the newborn?

From this article you will learn:

In the first or second day, a woman who gave birth to a child appears a colostrum that needs to begin to feed their baby. About 3-6 days it will be changed with breast milk. And so that all the processes are tuned and worked correctly, and your baby received a full nutrition, it is necessary to apply a child to the chest, at his request.

Here are some tips to help organize feeding process:

  • Try to give the baby breast every two hours. Let it suck even a small amount of colosure.
  • Do not hide in panic. This child is quite enough. Your nervous state is transmitted to the baby and he begins to be capricious, but this does not mean that he wants to eat.
  • Feel free to contact the medical staff for help. If you do not know how to apply a baby to the chest and how often feeding the baby - ask the midwife, she will tell you everything and help you.
  • Select a convenient posture for you and your child. Learn to give him the chest right, it will not work the first time, but a little training and everything will be fine.
  • Drink more fluid: tea or water.
  • Do not keep the child with water and do not give him a mixture.

How often feed the newborn baby

To decide how many times a day feed your newborn baby, watch his behavior. Most often, the infant once in 3 or 4 hours apply to the chest. However, it is worth feeding a child on demand - it never eats more necessary, so you do not overlap it.

The frequency of receiving milk depends on the duration of the sucking process. After all, it happens that the child falls asleep, without having time to satisfy, then he will wake up from hunger and the interval between food will be less.

Watch the infant behavior

If the mother gets to notice the signals of the child with which he reports readiness for sucking, he will not need to cry and pay attention. As a result, you have a calm baby, and you are happy parents!

To understand how often feeding the newborn, you need to learn to distinguish what the baby wants. In the first weeks of his life, breastfeeding is able to satisfy all the needs of the child: in nutrition, in communication, in defense and tranquility. However, there are some signs that can be determined that the baby is hungry.

Signs of hunger in newborns:

  • noticeably movement of the eyes under the ages;
  • there is muscle tension;
  • the baby begins to spin, turn;
  • publishes various sounds;
  • pulls hands in the mouth;
  • trying to suck your hand or the subject located nearby.

How to feed a newborn right

There are several rules that need to be adhered to when feeding a child.

  • with soap wash your hands;
  • write the nipple with a small amount of their milk;
  • correct the baby correctly;
  • watch that the child captures Areola, and not only the nipple itself;
  • after the baby was saturated and let go of the chest, hold it vertically;
  • put the baby on the barrel.

Feeding at night

The digestive system of small children does not allow them for a long time without food. So you have to get up at night to feed your child. Some sleep along with the child, the so-called joint sleep, not to get up, feed the wokeered baby. Others are afraid in a dream to go to the child and the poet is sleeping separately. There are no right solutions here. How to equip your dream, and it will be more convenient, to solve only your family.

IMPORTANT, when feeding at night, attach to the baby's chest several times between 3 and 9 hours. This contributes to the process of milk production. The rest of the time you can feed it on demand.

Comfortable Pies for Feeding

In which posture to feed the baby does not matter, the main thing is the convenience of you and the child. To date, you can see special feeding cushions. You can apply them, but you can do without such a pillow.


One mothers are convenient to feed the baby sitting on a chair, chair or bed. In this posture under the head of the child there is a hand, on the side of which he will receive the chest. When he grows up, he can eat, sitting on your leg.

Position lying

It is more convenient to feed the baby lying on the side. It is worth putting a baby on a pillow so that you do not have to fake and strain your back muscles.

How often feed the newborn mixture

What if your baby is on artificial feeding. How often feed the newborn in this case? Doctors are united in their position in this matter - you need to adhere to feeding mode no more than in 3 hours. This allows you to establish a regular chair in the infant.

There is also a formula for which the power rate is calculated by a mixture: the number of days of the child's life is multiplied by 80 (if the kid is born more than 3.2 kg) and 70 (if its weight was less than 3.2kg). For example, if a child is 6 days and he was born with a weight of 3 kg, then his daily diet should be 420 ml (6x70). It is necessary to divide this volume by the amount of feeding and get the rate of the mixture at once. Most often, the monthly kid drinks 30-60 ml of the dairy mixture at a time.

Do I need to give newborn water

But in this matter, there is no unity of opinion. It all depends on the climate of the room in which the kid is located. If it is too hot and stuffy, it is necessary to give a child a boiled water, but it is not worth it to abuse, because drinking water, it will eat less milk.

If you practice swimming in cool water, then you also need to give a child water. However, it is worth saying that breastfeeding is capable of providing a baby by all the substances necessary to him, so in most cases there is no need to dope.

A woman, still being pregnant, should take a clear solution to breastfeed. This forms in the brain the dominant for the formation and development of lactation. Proper breastfeeding is impossible without an internal installation. Support for relatives and loved ones in this matter is important.

The second rule: the first feeding of the breast child

Ideally, the first attachment of the newborn is carried out in the rhodtle. Early contact contributes to the development of lactation and the population of the skin and intestines of the newborn bifidum-flora. How to apply newborn for feeding, will show medical staff. If the state of the child or the parent's does not allow it to do, the first applying to the breast is transferred. With satisfactory condition, the woman's medical staff teaches independent pressure. This skill will not allow the extraction of milk production and the development of lactostasis. In the absence of contraindications of the child during a separate stay, you can feed with recliny milk.

Third Rule: Proper Applying Baby Bog To Breast

The problem, how to properly apply the child to the chest, especially for the first time, is very important. How to take the chest, the newborn is still unknown. And my mother needs to remember or learn what how to feed the child to the breast:

  • immediately before feeding, the mother must be washed out and quench the breasts with warm water;
  • decide on feeding. It is usually sitting (half a liter) or standing (after episiotomy);
  • the baby is put on the bend of the elbow, the other hand will bring the nipple as much as possible to the poultry mouth;
  • obeying reflexes, the kid himself will capture the nipple and start sucking;
  • the chest should be given so that the baby captures the mouth of the nipple and almost all the Areal. At the same time, the lower sponge will be a little twisted, the chin and spout touches the chest.

The nose of the child should not drown. How to properly apply a baby for feeding, important for health mom. If it is incorrect to give breasts a newborn, you can get several problems with breasts. First of all, these are macerations and cracked nipples.

  • breastfeeding newborn, especially the first few days, you need not more than 20 minutes each. This will allow the gentle skin of the nipples to heat and get used to the new impact.

Often it does not work. Breakdown can be restless or have a greater body weight and constantly demand to eat. In such cases, nursing mom is necessary to arrange air baths and lubricate the nipples with healing ointments, such as Bepanten.

  • one feeding is one chest. If the child from her I all talked and did not eat, offer the second. Next feeding start with the last one. So the child will receive not only the front, but also the rear milk.

Fourth Rule: Signs of Milk Development and Flow in Breast

Lactation symptoms are as follows:

  • tingling or compression in the chest;
  • the release of milk during crying a child;
  • for each sucking, the infants accounts for a sip of milk;
  • the flow of milk from the free chest during feeding.

These signs indicate an active oxytocin reflex. Lactation is adjusted.

Five Rule: Feeding on demand

Feed the newborn child is often necessary. In Soviet times there were rules according to which breastfeeding was carried out every three hours and no more than twenty minutes. Nowadays, feed the baby is recommended on demand. Giving breasts literally on the first to face. Particularly capricious and demanding children almost every hour. This allows you to feed the baby and give it a feeling of warmth and care.

Frequent applies exempt from the need for compulsory pressure and serve as lactation prevention. And night feedings will serve as an excellent stimulation of the main hormone of lactation - prolactin.

How much breastfeed in time, ideally determines the baby himself. If turned away or fell asleep - it means full. Over time, the kid will eat less often.

Sixth rule: feeding sufficiency

Female milk in the process of its evolution takes place certain stages: colostrum, transitional, mature milk. Their number and qualitative composition perfectly meets the needs of the newborn. Also allocate early and later milk. The first is produced at the very beginning of feeding, rich in water and proteins. The second comes from the rear sections of the breast, it has more fats. For the kid, it is important to get both.

There are moments when mom seems that she has no milk and a child is not forgotten. To determine the adequacy of feeding exist certain criteria:

  • restoration of body weight at birth to the 10th day of life at the initial loss of it by 10%;
  • 6 - 18 wet pellery per day;
  • the child poops 6 - 10 times a day;
  • positive oxytocin reflex;
  • hearing swallowing baby during sucking.

Seventh Rule: Accounting possible problems when feeding

  • flat or drawn nipples. In some cases, by the time of birth, this difficulty is solved by itself. It is different to remember that the child should be seized with sucking and the nipple, and most of the Areal. Before feeding, try to pull the nipple yourself. Find an acceptable pose for feeding. For many moms, a comfortable pose is "out of hand." Use silicone overlays. If the chest is tight and the newborn is hard of sucking it, make up. Chest for 1 - 2 weeks will be softer. And the child will not be deprived of her milk milk.

No need to try to "pull out" nipples to childbirth. Excessive stimulation will lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus. Over time, the escaped child is active, everything normalizes.

  • cracks of Nipples. The basis of prevention - proper applying to the chest. When cracking, use silicone overlays. As possible, make appliques with Lanolin Ointment and Bapten. If the cracks are deep, and feeding painfully, use breastsos;
  • the flow of milk. It is easily solved by using special liners. They are disposable and reusable;
  • milk a lot, and the child is given to them. Squeeze a few front milk. When feeding it will flow under less pressure;
  • burning dairy gloys. Happens when milk overflow. The chest is painful, extinguished, hot to the touch and very dense. Milk does not follow. If this problem occurs, it is necessary to bring milk from the chest faster. Make a child more often or join. Before feeding, take a warm shower. Make a lightweight breast gland massage. This will improve outflow. To reduce the ethony after feeding, attach a cold compress;
  • lactostasis and mastitis. Arise when blocking dairy ducts. The body temperature is risen, the chest hurts, the place of stagnation is stone. Stirling painfully. Warm shower, sparing breast massage and frequent applying infants come to the rescue. When attaching an infection, the reception of antibiotics is necessary.

Infectious mastitis is a formidable complication that requires medical intervention. The non-performance is fraught with operational intervention until the chest loss.

  • lactation crisis. Develop for 3 - 6 weeks, at 3 - 4th and 7 - 8 months of life of a child. In these periods, the most important thing is to apply more and be sure to feed the kid at night. Drink tea with Melissa, Fennel and Tmin. Rest and fully twist.

Breastfeeding baby breast milk - time-consuming, but delicious process in its naturalness. Remember this, and everything will turn out.

Breastfeeding is a whole science that young mammies have to master in a matter of days. The quality of the learned material depends on how the kid will eat in the coming year. Properly established breastfeeding (GW) will allow the child to receive a valuable and incredibly useful breast milk, will save mommy from the stoppers, lactostasis and mastitis, make the motherhood process with pleasant and calm. If, from the very beginning, it is not understood by the principles of GW, it may turn into neurosis, bad sleep, problems with breast gland, and in the end - artificial feeding. Which, by the way, pulls a lot of questions, because the child is not suitable for a mixture, it is necessary to select the right product with an experimental way, which leads to additional health problems and financial costs. That is why it is necessary to tune in to breastfeeding from the very beginning of motherhood, talk to doctors, experienced friends, invite a consultant for GW. They all will help to establish this natural process, and then feeding will enjoy you and your child.

In the process of establishing GW, the question of feeding time is very acute. There are two opinions regarding this - feed the child on demand or by the hour. A couple of dozen years ago, our mothers were fed in the maternity hospitals of us strictly at certain hours, at other times the child was not even near mom. Today, the World Health Organization recommends feeding the child on demand - that is, when he wants it. Each of the methods of feeding has its advantages and disadvantages, and only depends on you that you select for your baby.

Feeding on demand

This is the most correct, healthy and natural way of feeding. Even animals feed their cubs when the kids will want. This is especially important in the first days after delivery - when only colosure is allocated from the breast. It is not necessary to worry - a colostrum is quite enough to a child, it performs an important function - the intestine of crumbs with useful bacteria, launches digestion. Already 3-5 days after childbirth, complete breast milk comes. In the first month it is very important to feed the child on demand, that is, when the kid will pay. After all, it is during this period that the body is rebuilt, determines how much milk need a child. Here are some tips and recommendations regarding feeding on demand.

It is necessary to give the baby to the baby at any anxiety - it will not only be satisfied with the baby, but will increase the production of milk, because the more baby is applied to the chest, the more chest the chest next time. Feeding on demand is the main way to increase the amount of milk.

Baby breast is not only meals, but calm, unity with mother, protection. Feeding on demand allows you to get all these wonderful feelings at any time when the kid wants it when his tummy hurts, he froze or just bored.

Feeding on demand will protect his mother from mastitis, because in short periods of time, milk simply does not have time to stifter.
It is proved that a child who gets the chest at any time, less suffers from colic and gases, as it does not feel a strong feeling of hunger and does not overeat after a long "hungry" gaps.

If you feed the child to any time you need, it is better to practice a joint dream.

At one time, try to feed the baby with one breast from the beginning and to the end. The fact is that the front milk is more liquid, it is easier to suck it, for the baby it is drinking. But the rear milk, which is more difficult to suck, is more fat, it is considered to be nutrition.

A child who is fed upon request does not arise such bad habits like sucking fingers, cams, etc. If you give the baby breasts always, it does not get used to the pacifier, the reflex sucking is completely satisfied.

Frequent feeding saves during the child's disease. First, this is the replenishment of the fluid that is so necessary at a temperature or poisoning. Secondly, the baby calms down, it is easier to transfers discomfort in teething and colic. Thirdly, breast milk contains immunoglobulins, which form crumb immunity and protect it from viruses.

Psychologists argue that children focused on demand grow calmer and confident. After all, they know from early childhood that mom is always near and comes to help if necessary, protects and calm down. And this is very important for the development of a future person.

Feeding by the clock

This method involves rigorous feeding mode - after a certain period of time. Remember Soviet times - at night the children were not fed from the maternity hospital, the last feeding was at 12:00, and the first in the morning at 6:00. That is, newborn children had a huge period of time without meals - 6 hours. What are the features and benefits of feeding on the clock, let's try to figure out.

Feeding on the clock can be carried out only on the second or third month of the child's life, when the lactation will work. If with the birth to feed the child according to the schedule, withsting long gaps without sucking, the amount of milk can dramatically reduce the uncertainty. If you do not want to feed the baby now, it is better to see the milk to not lose it.

Feeding by the clock allows mother to sleep at night. This is a very doubtful plus, because lactation stimulation is particularly intensively in front of the morning from 3 to 8 am. If at this time the chest does not suck, the hormone oxytocin is not produced, the milk will be even smaller every time.

The kids of the first months of life need to feed every 2-2.5 hours, no more. The stomach of the child of this age is very small, the kid should eat often. With age, this interval can be increased to 3-4 hours.

Feeding by the clock makes the life of mom more understandable and simple, since mom can plan his day, leave things for a certain time and even leave the house if someone will seek for the baby.

Some moms choose something mean between feeding on the clock and feeding on demand. If you listen to the body of your baby, then notice that the child is asking for about equal intervals, you can focus on this time and life will obey the specific mode.

But remember that in some cases feeding on the clock is strictly contraindicated. First, it is the first 2-3 weeks of the crumbs. Secondly, a woman in every 2-3 months develops a lactation crisis, when milk is missing, because the baby is growing rapidly. At these moments you need to give the baby breasts as often as possible to "increase" the amount of milk produced. Thirdly, you need to abandon the mode, if you see that the child really wants to eat. If the kid is crying, you took it on your hands, shocked, and the child is looking for her breasts and never ceases to cry - most likely he is hungry. So, in the past feeding of the crumb, I did not eat or jumped, in general, you need to drop all the rules and feed the child again.

Do you need to wake a child for feeding?

Many mammies are asked if it is worth feeding the baby if he sleeps for a long time, does not wake up and does not ask for the chest? A healthy organism of a newborn baby cannot sleep for more than five hours in a row without food, doctors talk about it. Therefore, the child who sleeps longer than the specified time does not wake up, it is very rare. This does not concern the artificials - the hearty mixture allows you to keep without meals much longer than breast milk.

To answer the disturbing question, you need to know how much the child is sleeping. If the baby sleeps more than five hours, it should be unworked, it slowly fool strokes and touches. If the baby is minor or premature, it is worthwhile necessarily, no more than three hours. Such children need enhanced nutrition to quickly grow and gain weight, long sleep may be caused by weakness, do not feed such kids. It is also necessary to configure a child for feeding, if a long sleep was caused by the reception of some drugs.

Feeding - the process is quite understandable and intuitive. Loving and caring mom after a few days of life crumbs can understand that the child is crying from hunger. Love your baby, feed him when he wants it, do not expect artificial intervals. And then the child will grow well and develop.

Video: How often do you need to feed the baby breast

Feeding a newborn on demand is considered new phenomenon. However, this method is older than feeding the clock. Feeding on demand is the basis of breastfeeding, which is formed naturally and adjusts to the rhythm of the child. Many doctors and nursing choose this particular approach and pay attention only to the needs of the kid. Let's consider each approach more.

According to regime

This method implies that the newborn is fed by the clock. The first month, the baby gets the chest every three hours and sucks for 30 minutes. As the gaps are consistent between feedings increase, and the duration of applying decreases. It is not recommended to feed at night, and the break between applying during this period is 6 hours.

  • The child builds a clear routine of the day;
  • Baby does not need to feed at night;
  • Mom knows exactly when feeding a newborn and when she has free time;
  • There is no need for a joint dream;
  • Part of the pediatricians believes that such feeding improves digestion and digestibility of food due to timely producing gastric juice.

Often the child has to register with milk mixtures, which negatively affect the development of the baby. Such a nutrition can cause allergies in a newborn, and children go to lures already in 3-4 months.

The dangerous consequences of this method is the extinction of lactation and an increased risk of breast diseases in a nursing mother. Please note that the production of breast milk directly depends on the attachment of the child. The smaller the applies, the less milk it is allocated. And as a result, milk accumulates in glands, which often leads to painful sensations in the chest, the appearance of seals and lactostasis.

Feeding by the clock does not guarantee mom's calm night at all, since such a long break in the first two or three months causes a strong hunger in infants. As a result, the kid often wakes up and crying. But over time, the child gets used to so night interruptions, and in the future it is already sleeping calmly. However, as practice shows, such children grow more uncertain and disturbing.

Fundamentals for regime

  • Feed a certain number of times a day. Newborn up to three months apply seven times every 3 hours. Todders aged 3-5 months feed six times after 3.5 hours. From six months to a year, the amount of feedings is reduced to five times at a period of 4 hours;
  • The duration of feeding in the first month is 30 minutes, then - 15 minutes;
  • In one feeding, the infant is given only one chest, and the next one - the second;
  • At night, the break between applying is 6 hours;
  • If milk remains after feeding in the chest, stirring is necessary.

On demand

With this approach, the infant is fed when he wants it. Duration and quantity of applies are not limited. The child is not feeding forcibly, but give the breast only when he wants. But they do not take away while the baby is not saturated and he himself will not stop eating or won't sleep. As a rule, such feedings occur every 1.5-2.5 hours in the afternoon and at least 3 times at night. Such a rhythm does not harm the baby at all and does not lead to the election of the child, as many consider.

The first two or three weeks most of the time will have to go to feed the newborn. In the first month, the number of feedings can reach 18-20 times a day and more. But over time, the duration and the number of applying gradually decreases themselves. Already by three months, its own regime is formed, which the baby chose and installed independently.

This contributes to a successful, harmonious and long-term breastfeeding, which has a beneficial effect on the development of infants. You can read about the benefits of breast milk for a child.


  • The kid fully receives substances and elements for harmonious growth and development;
  • The newborn is less tormented by colic, gases and other stomach disorders;
  • Breasts receives the required amount of food and does not need to be discussed with milk mixtures;
  • The child does not need to dope with water and do not need to introduce early and premature lures;
  • Frequent applied - good stimulation of lactation and prevention of various breast diseases in nursing women;
  • This method sets up lactation, which avoids problems with a shortage of milk for a newborn;
  • Natural and regular breastfeeding does not require stacked;
  • Frequent applying fully satisfy the sucking reflex, soothes the child and will be allowed to do without a pacifier;
  • Such kids grow healthier, confident and calm.

Minuses This method consists in the fact that before the first dust, breast milk will be the only food for the baby, so the mother always need to be ready for the feeding process. In addition, a woman will have to adapt to the rhythm of infants, take a child to bed and sleep together. Woman should be ready for inclipboard and fatigue. And the strong attachment of the baby will not allow mom for a long time to leave and leave a child with someone else.

Basics of feeding on demand

  • Apply the child to the first requirement, do not wait for a strong crying or hysteria. When the baby is hungry, he behaves restlessly and starts moving with sponges;
  • The number and duration of feedings are not limited. Do not pick up your chest at the baby until it ourselves. When the child is fed, he himself lets the nipple or falls asleep;
  • As possible, use nipples and pacifiers that replace the chest. Modern pediatricians recommend to exclude such devices with natural breastfeeding. All for and against the use of dummy;
  • Do not disappoin the child with water. Up to 6-7 months, it is not needed to kid, since the milk contains the required amount of water and fully satisfies the needs of the infants in the liquid. In the form of exception, with strong colic, it is sometimes possible to give newborn dill water. And with a strong heat, wipe the child with wet napkins, more often bathe and make air baths;
  • With one feeding, both breasts are used. At first, the child completely empties one breast, and only then gets the second. It is important that the baby gets and the front, and the rear milk.
  • In the first time, sleep together. Positive will affect the mental development of the child. In addition, at night, my mother will be able to quickly give the chest.

Is it worth feeding a newborn in time or on demand, solves each nursing mother separately. However, today pediatricians insist on prolonged breastfeeding and applying to the chest at the request of the child. This positively affects the well-being of the mother and the development of the baby. Feeding on demand satisfies both the physiological and psychological needs of the newborn.

The first half of the life of the newborn baby mother Milk is the most full-fledged food. So that this period was comfortable for mom, and the baby brought only benefits, each inexperienced mom should be known the main and most important rules for breastfeeding.

Mama on a notic!

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Baby applying to chest. Important moments:

Features of modern breastfeeding

  1. One of the principles is free and unlimited feeding in the first wisdom of the baby. Unlike old methods, this method has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of the child and. It is advisable to give the chest at any restless state of the baby, without waiting for him crying. If the child in the first months requires 10-16 feedings - this is normal!
  2. Up to six months, the baby needs night feedings, as they bring the greatest benefit to the child, and the mother forms a steady lactation.
  3. The duration of sucking depends only on the child. The last milk in the chest is the fattest and useful, so it is recommended to give the baby to suck one milk gland to the very end. The second must be offered only in the next feeding. An exception can only be in case of lack of maternal milk in one breast for complete saturation.
  4. The baby until half a year can do only to breast milk without the introduction of additional nutrition. ()
  5. The best option for the full development of the child, strengthening the immune system and virus protection is breastfeeding up to one and a half or two years.

With breastfeeding no need:

  1. Often wash the mammary glands, as frequent washing removes the protective fat layer from the nipples. The absence of a protective film leads to the painful cracks of the nipples and the arolat. It is enough one or twice a day to take a shower.
  2. Giving a child of water - excess water can reduce appetite and strengthen the meteorism in the infant digestive system. A teaspoon of water per day can only be given in the event that a child has a child constipation from her militolic milk.
  3. Until six months apply dumbfounders and pour from the bottle. If the baby lacks the maternal milk, then the doctors should be given with a spoon or pipette. The baby can confuse sucking the chest with a nipple (the milk from the chest is harder than from the bottle), and the wrong sucking can lead to the cracks of the nipples. In addition, the child can completely abandon breast milk.
  4. After each feeding, resort to plugging the residues of milk. Exception - stagnation in chest, loading or forced losing mom with baby.
  5. Weigh a child often. It is enough to control the weight once in one or two weeks. Frequent weighing can unwind mother and encourage to unnecessary administration of the doctor.
  6. Play baby sweet tea. Sweet can harm future teeth, and tea can contribute to the emergence of iron deficiency anemia.

Video №1

Video №2.

Breastfeeding is an individual natural process. All children, like moms - different. Only with the help of his own experience, any mom itself will be able to establish the rules for feeding a breast child, based on the features of his baby and following the recommendations of specialists and mothers who focused not one child.