Kanzashi snowflake - master class. Elegant snowflakes from kanzashi ribbons

You can come up with a lot of ideas for creating New Year's snowflakes, including paper, fabric or felt. If we are talking about the kanzashi technique, then fantasy here knows no bounds. From time immemorial, experienced craftswomen, who know how to work with fabric, create incredible floral masterpieces for decorating hair and clothes. And such a technique spread for New Year's paraphernalia. From satin, silk or satin, needlewomen create charming snowflakes that can become the central element of a festive dress, complementing the image of a snowflake, a star and the Snow Maiden herself.

DIY kanzashi elastic bands are a way to create a unique, incredible DIY hair ornament. Making kanzashi is rapidly gaining popularity all over the world, because this process is some incredible miracle, how masterpieces from petals are created from ordinary squares of a ribbon! We will show you how to make New Year's kanzashi step by step... The basis of this product is traditional sharp petals, but they cannot be called trivial, boring and repetitive from product to product. The sharp petals used here are made in 5 layers, they are collected in flowers and twigs of different sizes, and therefore the snowflake looks unique.

New Year's kanzashi master class

Hairpin - snowflake consists of sharp petals: single double and triple. For their manufacture, prepare (per one product):

  • squares of satin ribbon 5 cm by 5 cm lilac, white and silver brocade - 7 pieces of each type;
  • squares of satin ribbon 2.5 cm by 2.5 cm lilac and white - 28 and 35 pieces, respectively;
  • 14 unilateral stamens with white, silver or lilac heads (whichever are available);
  • metal water lily for a bead with a diameter of 2 cm (or so) - 1 piece;
  • glass or iridescent half-bead with a diameter of 0.8 cm (or so) - 1 piece;
  • felt base with a diameter of 4 cm - 1 circle;
  • lace circle or flower.

Tools that you will definitely need in your work:

- scissors (they must necessarily cut the fabric well);

- lighter ;

- thread (white or lilac) with a needle;

- glue gun;

- a clip or elastic band as a base for a hair clip.

So, how to make a festive kanzashi snowflake:

1 . All sharp petals used to model a sparkling snowflake are assembled according to the same principle, only the number of layers in them or the size will be different. To make the middle (largest) flower, prepare the initial squares of three types (white, lilac and silver) with a side of 5 cm. The lighter is indicated in the list because on the cut of the satin you can always see loose threads, which are difficult to get rid of without damaging the fabric. It is the flame that allows you to scorch all unnecessary and make all the blanks neat.

2. The initial action with squares is diagonal bend. Do this with details of all colors.

4 . From the resulting triangles, you need to prepare a "layered cake". The lilac color should remain at the bottom, silver in the middle, and white at the top. Gently displace the upper layers relative to the lower one by 1 mm.

5 . Next, it remains to bend the resulting triangles to obtain a sharp petal shape. Cut off the tip and singe to obtain a fixed petal.

6. Perform the same operations with two squares of a satin ribbon of the second grade (white and lilac) with a side of 2.5 cm. Collect a small, sharp petal, but double. From the bottom, coat the small petal with glue and insert into the hole of the large triple petal.

7. Make 7 blanks for the main flower.

eight . Glue the blanks around the circle.

nine . For the top flower, make single white pieces. They are going to thread. They will also need a metal water lily and a half-bead.

ten . Glue a stamen along each five-layer piece. With the length of the ponytail you orient yourself when the workpiece is ready.

eleven . Glue a lace flower in the center of the circle for neatness, and attach a water lily with a half-bead to the center of the top white flower.

12 . Glue the white tier on the bottom large flower.

The snowflakes made of ribbons using the kanzashi technique, presented in this detailed photo of the master class, are made in a strict color scheme, and therefore not only perfectly complement the New Year's image, but also fit a school uniform. Girls can wear such wonderful jewelry at the very beginning of winter, without waiting for the arrival of a fabulous holiday. Snowflakes are made from a satin ribbon, collected in two- and multi-layer sharp kanzashi petals. We suggest that you study the detailed instructions for making such New Year's decorations in order to make them yourself, if necessary. Snowflakes will perfectly decorate a girl's hair, hat or carnival costume, and they can also be hung on a Christmas tree or decorated with a magic wand. There will always be a use for them. Soon the New Year, and therefore you need to think over such useful little things that will come in handy for a matinee or complement a festive image.

To create snowflakes from ribbons using the kanzashi technique, you need to take (accessories are indicated for 1 product):

  • satin ribbon of deep blue color 5 cm wide - 14 squares, 2.5 cm wide - 35 squares;
  • a white satin ribbon 5 cm wide - 7 squares, 2.5 cm wide - 35 squares;
  • stamens with white or blue heads - 7 pieces;
  • flower lace;
  • a metal center and a transparent semi-bead suitable for it;
  • felt;
  • scissors, tweezers, glue; lighter.

How to make a snowflake from ribbons using the kanzashi technique step by step?

The proposed snowflakes will consist of two flowers (large and small) and branches. For the production of all layers, it is necessary to prepare sharp kanzashi petals. The main flower is made of five-layer parts, for their manufacture you will need 14 blue and 7 white satin squares with a side of 5 cm, 7 blue and 7 white squares with a side of 2.5 cm.All other squares with a side of 2.5 cm will be used up for small two-color petals designed to carry the top flower and branches. Having decided on the layout of the parts, proceed to their implementation.

To model the above indicated blanks, prepare the squares of the tape. Be sure to process all sections with a flame in order to get rid of the threads that have come out of the satin.

Fold each square diagonally, then again along the height of the resulting isosceles triangle.

Place the first large blanks on top of each other - a white square on a blue one, and another blue on top. Press down.

Pinch the sharp ends with tweezers and singe. The hot satin should stick together. Then cut off the sloppy corner. Also line up the bottom edge and singe off the protruding threads.

Make small petals in the same way, but they will be two layers. Place the blue square on the white one, close the ends, fasten. Insert 7 small petals into the center of the large ones to form five-layer details for the main flower. Pre-drip the glue, and then insert the middle.

Also try to make white and blue:

Glue 7 five-layer petals into a flower. Glue another 7 two-layer blanks in a small flower. Glue the remaining 21 pieces into twigs, combining 3 petals each.

Thus, all the details that were planned to be performed for the snowflake will be ready. Next, proceed with the assembly.

Glue the stamens on a large flower. Place each one along the petal. Glue a lace flower on top. Glue a hug with a half-bead in the center of the small flower. The middle can be chosen according to your taste or, based on the accessories that are available.

In the voids between the petals of the lower layer, glue triple branches. They will imitate the rays of a snowflake.

Another beautiful craft:

Stick the top layer. An elegant snowflake is ready. The diameter of the resulting product will be approximately 7 cm.

To make a pair of New Year's accessories, the number of pieces of tape should be doubled.

Next, it remains to stick felt circles on the back of the jewelry and think over the purpose of the snowflakes. There are options for attaching the base in the form of an elastic band or hair clips, pins, decorating a headband or hoop. Such products are simply sewn onto a handbag, hat or carnival costume. Inspired by a similar creative process, you can create many snowflakes from ribbons using the kanzashi technique to decorate the Christmas tree.

Winter is a time of miracles, magic and expectation of pleasant surprises. Many people dream of preserving the atmosphere of New Year's holidays and winter freshness, perpetuating ice beauty and a fairy tale. But the holidays are passing, the tree is crumbling, the snow is melting. Stop! And what is that hanging on the tree? And what is this white ice flower that adorns the blouse? The petals are cool, silky, as if covered with ice. It's not a flower, it's a snowflake! A real snowflake made using the kanzashi technique is a symbol of winter purity. And what is most wonderful, everyone can create such a memory of winter and snow.

What is a Kanzashi Snowflake?

The type of handicraft has the full name of tsumami kanzashi (kanzashi). This art came from Japan, where, in ancient times, there was a tradition to decorate the hair with graceful flowers made of silk and decorated with wire, pearls and precious stones, which were attached to a wooden hairpin-hairpin - kanzashi. Originally, these jewelry was worn to scare away evil spirits. This art is based on a simple origami technique. And the word “tsumami” itself is translated as “pinch”. Only the material for folding is not paper, but pieces of silk. Today, not only silk is used to create kanzashi, but also leather, various fabrics and even expensive thick paper. Flower petals are very small, therefore, to create a flower or a kanzashi snowflake, the master uses tweezers, with which he glues the petals together, or glues them to the base. A snowflake made using the kanzashi technique has a variety of uses. It can be used to decorate the interior by hanging it from the ceiling. Or stick a few snowflakes on a beautifully designed base and hang the created composition on the wall. Very often, such snowflakes are used to decorate clothes, hats, hairpins and headbands. Even using this technique, you can create original Christmas tree decorations, as well as brooches and unusual souvenirs.

Required materials and tools

The minimum set of what is required to create a kanzashi snowflake (photo below) includes: satin ribbons, scissors, glue, a burning candle (lighter or matches) and a little patience.

  • Satin ribbons are the main material for making snowflakes, it is easy and convenient to work with it. When choosing a ribbon, you need to pay attention to its width - narrow ribbons are more difficult to work with, but the products are more accurate. For beginners, a convenient width - from 3 cm. If you want to diversify the texture and color of the product, you can use nylon, metallized and brocade ribbons.
  • The scissors must be sharp.
  • For fastening parts it is best to use a glue gun, but if one is not available, glue such as "Moment" and "Second" can be a good alternative. You can also sew the petals with regular thread.

Matches, a candle or a lighter are needed to melt the ends of the cut tape (so that it does not bloom) and to connect the petals. As additional materials can be used:

  • Cardboard, felt, paper - for the base.
  • Various accessories (beads, sequins, scrapbooking materials) - to decorate the product.
  • Wire, metal "crabs", hairpins, braid and cords - for the manufacture of pendants and hairpins.
  • When making small parts, as well as when gluing petals, it is advisable to use tweezers.

The base of the snowflake is petals

To create a snowflake using the kanzashi technique, you need to make many petals, which are subsequently glued together, depending on the master's intention. Today, on the Internet, you can find and master the manufacture of many types of petals, a different combination of which allows you to achieve new patterns, shapes of products. And also get interesting combinations of color and texture.

Making sharp petals

For a beginner, it is enough to learn how to make sharp petals using the kanzashi technique. A snowflake made from these petals will look pretty professional.

The prepared tape or fabric is cut into identical squares and stacked. It is important that the squares are neat and even - the appearance of the finished product depends on this. Each square element is folded in half diagonally, and then 2 more times in the same way. For convenience, you can use pins. You should get a triangle that looks like a booklet. This is the basic petal blank.

To get a sharp petal, it is necessary to clamp the triangular workpiece to avoid unfolding. It is convenient to do this with tweezers. Then form (cut) a sharp corner of the triangle with scissors. Next, gently melt the cut over the fire. Hold for a short time, so as not to spoil the material, and at the same time, using tweezers, firmly squeeze the melted end, making sure that the petal does not unfold. If you still did not succeed in fixing the petal in this way, you need to apply glue.

Kanzashi snowflake: master class

Despite the seeming complexity, there is nothing difficult in making a snowflake. To get a kanzashi snowflake (see the master class below), you need to make at least 10-12 petals. Having learned how to make petals, you can start gluing them together. To make the snowflake more interesting, it is better to make petals of different colors and sizes. To begin with, you can try to glue the middle of the snowflake from the petals.

To do this, you need to combine and glue two petals. By fixing 5-8 petals in this way, you can get a flower. This is how the simplest snowflake is created. To make it bigger and more beautiful, it is possible to combine elements of two, three, four petals, and glue them to the main center. You can place a small petal inside a large one. The finished snowflake is decorated with beads - the middle is made of them. Small rhinestones and beads can be glued to each petal. And the seamy part of the product must be hidden with a circle cut from the fabric. Subsequently, a hair clip or magnet can be glued to this place. When making a pendant, you need to discreetly hem a string or rain between the petals. You can experiment, come up with your own new techniques. The more experience you accumulate, the better, more beautiful and original the snowflake will turn out.

If there is a desire to continue to engage in this type of creativity, it must be borne in mind that in the kanzashi technique, a snowflake is far from the only thing that can be created. From blanks-petals, you can make a variety of flowers, dragonflies, butterflies, birds and even angels.

Having created several products, you can understand the general principles of making kanzashi, and after that it will be easy to bring many products to life, taking the image of a kanzashi snowflake as a sample. Photos of finished products using this technique can be easily found on the Internet.

Thus, by showing desire and perseverance, you can not only create a wonderful gift, but also become a master in this unique technique.

Snow sparkles outside the window, shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, snowflakes are falling from the sky, it seems that Santa Claus himself is about to come. And on New Year's Eve, he always comes to children for matinees and holidays, for street festivities and theatrical performances. It is imperative to prepare for a matinee or a school holiday, buy a new dress, choose a hairstyle, and choose exquisite winter accessories.

A snowflake made of ribbons made using the kanzashi technique, which can rightfully be called a winter flower, can become a wonderful hair decoration. Firstly, it is made of the finest satin ribbons, modeled from petals of a special shape, and secondly, it really looks like a snowflake because of the fittings and shapes that match the color. You can easily complete a couple of snowflake hairpins according to the master class below, let's see how.

Kanzashi snowflakes master class

To make a beautiful product, you need to buy the accessories indicated in the list below. For convenience, we will consider separate details for the upper and lower flowers, then it will be clearer what is needed for one winter fantasy snowflake.

Details for making a small flower:

  • 12 pieces of white and blue satin ribbon - 2.5 * 52.5 cm;
  • 2 felt bases in white - 2.5 cm and 3.5 cm;
  • 6 double-sided blue stamens;
  • rhinestone chain in blue;
  • half-bead white - 1.2 cm;
  • white beads with a diameter of 3 mm.

Details for making a large flower:

  • 7 pieces of white, blue ribbon, silver brocade - 5 * 5 cm;
  • white felt base - 4 cm.

Details for making seven branches:

  • 14 pieces of white, blue tape - 2.5 * 2.5 cm;
  • 7 pieces of blue tape - 2.5 * 2.5 cm;
  • 7 pieces of transparent rhinestones - 6 mm in diameter.

The winter ornament is conveyed by almost traditional types of kanzashi petals: triple sharp petals and round (double and single). In general, a beautiful and delicate decoration is obtained. In addition, there is an interesting work to do on self-modeling of the middle.

Snowflake-kanzashi in stages

The photo shows the fragments of the fittings necessary for an interesting work. We will not dwell on the preparation of the pieces of satin ribbons. Craftswomen already know that the threads that are knocked out during cutting should be scorched with a lighter flame, do it carefully and quickly. And here's how to simulate an interesting middle, we'll tell you in more detail. Cut out a square of felt. Stick a large half-bead on it. Paste a chain of blue rhinestones around. Next, sew with beads - small and elegant. Sew the beads tightly, without gaps. After that, cut the felt around the circumference with small scissors, clearly docking the cut with the edge of the middle.

Fold all the squares twice to create a triple petal from 5cm squares.

You should get triangles. Collect puffs from blue, white and silver ribbon. Slap the sharp corners with your fingers, then solder them with a match and cut them off from the bottom.

Use 1-inch squares to create rounded double petals. Layer blue over white. Press the sharp corners to the right angle. To form a drop, round the inner part, pull the sides back, and solder in this position.

Insert small droplets into the holes of the large triple petals.

Cut off a round felt and glue all 7 petals onto it.

Glue another 17 rounded petals yourself into a small flower (it will become the top one), prepare blue stamens for decoration.

Cut the stamens in half. Glue each head along the small petal.

Make twigs from the small blue, cyan, and white squares. Model rounded petals with a central fold, one layer. Blue parts are 2 times less - they will become tops, the rest should be placed in pairs on the sides. Glue the twigs and decorate with crystal droplets.

Glue the twigs between the large petals of the bottom layer.

A beautiful winter product is ready. The frost outside the window draws unique patterns, and we were able to simulate an imitation of such a creation from ordinary satin ribbons.

Kanzashi new ideas

If you liked this technique, then we offer you other master classes in the kanzashi technique.

New Year's holidays are already close, and if you have come to this page, it means that you want to come up with something new and original to decorate your interior and you are looking for some special idea for a festive decor.

As a rule, homemade Christmas decorations mean Christmas tree balls, garlands or unusual toys made from scrap materials. But snowflakes are also a traditional element of decorating the New Year's interior, but we only need some special snowflake ...

If you decide to make decorative snowflakes with your own hands, you probably want such decorations not to look too simple and trite. An excellent option in this case would be to create snowflakes using the kanzashi technique.

The peculiarity of such snowflakes is that satin ribbons are used to make them, due to which you do not have to redo such decorations every year, and you can easily make snowflakes from ribbons with your own hands using the Japanese kanzashi technique on your own.

Source materials

How to make a kanzashi snowflake and what materials do you need to stock up on? In order to create New Year's kanzashi snowflakes, you need a light-colored fabric that is as strong and light as possible. As a rule, such snowflakes are made from satin ribbons.

In the process of making such snowflakes, you will need the following materials:

  • satin ribbons (or other similar fabric, for example, satin, silk, organza);
  • cardboard or thick paper;
  • scissors (it is advisable to use small scissors, since it is more convenient to cut small parts with their help);
  • thread and needle;
  • glue (note that it must be waterproof and transparent);
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • tweezers or clamp;
  • a lighter (if you don't have a lighter, you can use regular matches, but a lighter is more convenient);
  • beads or beads to decorate the snowflake.

It is advisable to prepare all the necessary materials in advance, since the process of creating a snowflake from satin ribbons requires perseverance and accuracy, so that you will not have the opportunity to constantly be distracted by looking for the necessary items.

You can decorate the Christmas tree not only with ready-made toys: - figurines, stars, balls, felt men will look original and cute and will serve well when decorating the Christmas tree with your own hands.

How to make a Christmas tree toy with your own hands? Find out in. From the materials at hand, you will create toys of different sizes - both large and small, with which you can decorate the house or hang them on the Christmas tree.

Let's start creating

The process of creating a kanzashi snowflake with your own hands at first glance does not seem so simple. But in fact, there is nothing complicated about it: you just have to follow the instructions and you will get an excellent result, no different from snowflakes made by experienced craftsmen. We present you a kanzashi snowflake master class, consisting of several stages.

At the first stage, you need to take the prepared tissue and cut a few small squares out of it... The size of these squares will depend on how big you want the snowflake to be. Standard parameters are 3 by 3 cm... In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of creating standard-shaped snowflakes, but that doesn't mean you can't experiment. The number of squares cut out should be determined based on the shape of your future snowflake, in our case you need to cut 42 such blanks.

Photo of kanzashi snowflakes

With cut out squares we will make small petals... The small squares are folded diagonally: this procedure is repeated three times, and in the end you should have a triangle consisting of several layers. The two outer corners of such a triangle must be rolled towards the center so that your triangle has a rounded shape.

To make folding these figures more convenient, hold the fabric with tweezers or a clip.

After the triangle is complex, you need to fix the corners... To do this, the edges of the future petal must be melted and squeezed together until the fabric cools down. As a result, you will have a finished petal.

These are the petals that form the basis of the snowflake.

This procedure must be repeated with 11 squares. The resulting petals will be placed on the inside of your future snowflake.

As for the external elements, they are created in a similar way. After carrying out the procedures described by us, you should still have 30 squares, which must be folded in the same way, but omit the stage of giving the triangles a rounded shape. That is, you will be melting triangles with sharp corners.

The next stage is creating the center of a kanzashi snowflake... Take a needle and thread and thread it through the six rounded petals. At the end, fasten the thread so that these petals form a round flower.

Using the kanzashi technique, you can make not only snowflakes, but also twigs, flowers

To form the rays of the future snowflake, emanating from its central part, you will need glue. Take two sharp triangles and glue them together. If you do not have glue or are worried that it will leave marks on the fabric, this procedure can be done with a needle and thread. Connect 12 more triangular petals in the same way.

The petals must not be glued completely, you only need to connect one of the corners.

When the double petals are ready, glue (or sew) a third petal between two adjacent ones. As a result, you will get an element consisting of three petals connected to each other. Attach the petals to 12 more ready-made elements in the same way.

As a result, you have 12 details, consisting of three petals. Now you need to connect them in pairs: sew one element above the other and repeat this procedure for the remaining ten figures. You can make the rays longer or give them a non-standard shape: it all depends on your imagination.

The next stage is creating a base for a snowflake... To do this, you need to take thick cardboard (or paper) and cut a small circle out of it. This circle should be slightly smaller than the center flower for your snowflake. Then take the fabric - and cut out a circle from it, the diameter of which coincides with the central flower.

It is not necessary to use these particular materials: you can choose any fabric and any dense material for fastening, since these elements will be located on the back of the snowflake.

Also, consider how big you need to be lace on which your snowflake will hang. Measure out the length you need to hang the snowflake. This is usually done in the form of a loop.

Kanzashi Christmas snowflakes will make your Christmas tree irresistible

Place the cardboard circle inside the cloth mug, and then use the string to gather it together so that after tightening you get a small pouch with a solid base. It is necessary to sew two edges of the lace to it to get pendant for snowflake.

Then proceed to assembling kanzashi snowflakes: for this it is necessary to glue its central part and the prepared rays.

It is necessary to glue the rays on the wrong side of the snowflake, so first turn it over to the other side.

After the glue is dry, glue or sew on the prepared loop section on the same side. As you can see, the process of making such snowflakes is not at all complicated, and even young children will like this procedure, so do not forget to invite them to participate in this process. The resulting snowflake can be decorate with beads, beads or sequins.

By the way, the video by Anastasia Kulikova about the creation of kanzashi snowflakes will allow you to more clearly study the technology of manufacturing parts and assembling them:

Methods and applications

And now we will reveal to you a little secret: in fact, with the help of these snowflakes it is not necessary to decorate the Christmas tree... There are many options for using these original jewelry.

The most standard way is room decoration... In addition to the Christmas tree, windows, walls, and a ceiling will be an ideal place for snowflakes using the kanzashi technique. Attach them to threads or laces - and hang several snowflakes close to each other. You will have a great winter composition.

Such a snowflake made of ribbons will be a worthy decoration even for a bride.

In addition, snowflakes can be made beautiful garland... And if you attach a magnet to the back wall of the snowflakes, you can attach them to the refrigerator or give them to your guests as a souvenir.

Look: such wreaths can be made with the children on the eve of the holiday and decorate the apartment with them.

Read about the New Year's decor of the apartment - all the secrets and decorative techniques to give the greatest solemnity and mystery to the interior of your home.

Kanzashi style ribbon snowflakes will be lovely hair decoration: just attach them to a hoop, elastic band or hair clip. Such decorations will appeal to your children if you collect them for the New Year's holiday.

For kanzashi compositions, use contrasting ribbon colors

By the way, in order for your snowflakes to be in harmony with the interior or clothes, you can use fabric of different colors. For example, combine fabrics of white and blue, white and purple, or white and blue. Elements of snowflakes can be made multi-layered: due to layers of different colors, your snowflake will look even more original.

We hope these snowflakes will be a great addition to your Christmas decorations. And so that you do not miss the important details of their creation, we offer you an MK (master class) on the kanzashi technique and creating with your own hands unusual and original snowflakes from Anastasia Kulikova: