Keeping a husky puppy on the street. Guard and security qualities. Peculiar features of the character of a husky

The Siberian Husky is a sled dog that was bred to transport people and goods on sleds, overcoming long distances. For a large number of years, the main duties of the husky have been transportation on the endless expanses of the tundra. Huskies are not difficult to keep in an apartment and in a private house, since these animals are clean, but they love to chew on furniture and wires. The dog's diet should be varied and include vegetables, meat, cartilage, bones, dairy products.

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    Description of the breed

    Huskies are quite playful, friendly and active, they love outdoor games and sports competitions. They are loyal friends to their master.

    This breed is unsuitable for the protection of the territory.

    Huskies are naturally extremely clean. The smell of a dog when keeping a dog at home is practically absent, since the pets lick themselves daily.

    The height of a dog at the withers is 60 cm, for a bitch - in the range of 50-55 cm. The weight of an adult dog is about 30 kg.

    The coat has a double color and can be:

    • black and white;
    • gray-white;
    • brown and white.

    Sometimes in nature there are dogs with a solid color of the coat.

    The length of the hairline is medium, the coat is thick. The dog's eyes can be blue or brown. On the face there is a rim in the form of a mask around the eyes, on the forehead there is a double vertical stripe.

    The Siberian Husky has a muscular body and powerful legs. The muzzle has an elongated shape, the ears are sharp, erect. The tail is long and fluffy.

    In a private house

    The Siberian Husky is adapted for keeping in an aviary. It easily tolerates severe frosts, but on hot sunny days it should be taken out for a walk only early in the morning or in the evening. The aviary should have a solid metal frame, the lower part of which should be reinforced or cemented, as animals like to dig holes under the fence.

    The area of ​​the enclosure should not restrict the free movement of the dog.

    Particular attention should be paid to the dog booth. It should be spacious and comfortable. The house for the dog is made of wooden planks, in winter it is insulated with a bed of hay. Huskies do not always sleep in their booths, preferring to lie on the ground or in the snow. To protect against precipitation, it is imperative to install a canopy over the aviary.

    Pomski - a cross between a husky and a spitz: description and features of the content

    In the apartment

    Huskies are often kept in apartments by their owners. Constant contact with the owner and involvement in family affairs is essential for a sociable dog. From an early age, the dog needs to be educated and trained so that it learns acceptable behavior patterns within the limited area of ​​the apartment. The main problem of housing a husky is molting, which occurs 2 times a year and lasts for three weeks. During this time, the dog loses all the undercoat.

    A negative feature of this dog breed is the habit of chewing on various objects and furniture. Husky puppies love to try on wires and shoes. Therefore, for small pets, you need to purchase a large number of rubber toys that contribute to the correct development of teeth.


    Immediately after the puppies are born, they must be attached to the mother's nipple. Colostrum is essential for the life of a newborn puppy: it provides the organs with fluid and maintains normal blood circulation. Babies' eyes open after 2 weeks. At first, puppies only sleep and eat.

    A dog from the first months of life should be accustomed to combing, bathing, brushing teeth and ears.

    A puppy is usually purchased at 4-5 months of age. During this period, they develop guard hair and a soft undercoat, so the dog needs regular brushing. This procedure is necessary to keep the coat clean and to improve blood circulation. The puppy needs to be accustomed to it gradually, gently combing with a special brush with long bristles. The tail is combed when the puppy is in a calm state, as often touching this part of the body irritates the dogs.

    It is necessary to bathe puppies up to 6 months every 2 months, for adult dogs one water procedure per year is enough.

    It is also necessary to perform the following care measures:

    • cleaning your ears with hydrogen peroxide;
    • eye examination;
    • regularly brushing your teeth or purchasing chewing bones from specialized stores.

    The interdigital hair of the dog is long and thick: it protects the paws from freezing. At home, it is subject to mandatory shearing.


    For feeding the Siberian Husky, you can use both ready-made dry food and natural food. The digestive system of these dogs is capable of assimilating fatty meats. Dry food must be of high quality, balanced in composition and suitable for a certain weight category of the dog.

    Puppies up to one year old can be fed with dry food with the addition of water or broth. After a year, the pet is transferred to dry mixes for an adult dog.

    A natural diet should consist of the following components:

    • 75% - meat products (beef, turkey, chicken, veal). Protein is essential for the dog's body. The meat is scalded with boiling water or cooked and cut into pieces.
    • By-products (they are alternated with meat) and boiled sea fish without bones (contains phosphorus, iodine, amino acids).
    • Be sure to have vegetables (20-30%), grated raw, poured with vegetable oil (cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, squash). Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals, promote healthy digestion.
    • About 10% of the entire menu consists of low-fat dairy products, which contain calcium, which strengthens bones.
    • Cereals (oat, rice, buckwheat) cooked in meat or vegetable broth. They support the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Quail egg (2 times a week) - it is necessary to strengthen the cartilage tissue.
    • Bones - given to an animal to develop jaw muscles and strengthen teeth.
    • Cartilage - contains collagen necessary for the growth and development of the husky, they are added to food with pieces of meat.

    Some dogs stop feeding their puppies with milk as early as 4 weeks of age. 1-month-old girls and boys are fed a husky at least 5 times a day. As the pet grows older, the number of feedings is reduced.

    Raising and walking

    In order for the Siberian Husky to live without problems at home, it needs training. Since these animals are energetic and active, they need training, education and discipline from the first months of birth. The dog needs communication with the owner and other animals, it cannot be alone for a long time. Husky needs maximum physical activity: you need to play a lot with it, run, sled. You need to walk the dog three times a day.

    The Siberian Husky is naturally independent and can be difficult to train. It is important to start raising your puppy at an early age, when he adapts to the new environment.

    When walking a pet on the street, the owner must ensure that the dog is on a leash and does not remain unattended in an unfenced area.

    For a temperamental and strong husky, dog sledding is suitable as winter walks. Using skis, you can engage your dog in a sport such as skijoring. Since the animal's musculoskeletal system has not yet fully formed before a year, the dog may be injured.

    At an early age, puppies are not allowed to jump from a height: this can lead to such negative consequences as rupture of the groin and shoulder muscles. Running long distances with puppies is also not recommended. You can train a dog to run in a sled, but without load, from the age of nine months.

    The lifespan of the Siberian Husky largely depends on how it is looked after. You must adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. 1. Closely monitor the health of your husky and visit your veterinarian regularly. Dogs of this breed are susceptible to diseases such as hip dysplasia, cataracts, corneal dystrophy, epilepsy.
    2. 2. Vaccinate on time and provide protection against fleas, worms and ticks.
    3. 3. Walk the dog regularly and exercise it moderately.

Huskies are unusual dogs, and once domesticated northern wolves, which are fundamentally different from most of their own kind, because life in the northern regions and special duties have made them irreplaceable human assistants, capable of making independent decisions. Therefore, the upbringing and training of a husky puppy proceeds according to a different program, which should take into account their breed characteristics.

Before you start teaching and educating your new, still unintelligent pet, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the breed and understand why huskies behave differently in a given situation. For example, why would such a dog not guard the house or babysit the child?

They do not make guards, because in the northern endless regions they live freely, perceiving everything around them as their property - without fences and fences. In addition, huskies are gregarious animals that understand that it is impossible to survive alone in such conditions.

And the most powerful being who helps in all matters is a person, and he needs to be provided with all kinds of help. Naturally, living outside such conditions leaves its mark on the representatives of the breed, but is not able to completely eradicate their habits, which have taken root at the genetic level for a long time.

All representatives of sled breeds, including the husky, were given great freedom, but it also requires great responsibility: the leader of the pack has to independently determine the path, without waiting for advice from the owner and without fear of obstacles along the way.

The rest of the team members have a different task - to drag the lines without losing the general rhythm and not stop without a serious need - the one who slows down the pace will be immediately punished by the rest of the team members. Long centuries of such a life have developed a certain behavioral line in dogs - to work, exerting all their strength, at the same time evaluating the efforts of others and looking for their own way to the goal.

The husky has well-developed hunting instincts, but not like other hunting breeds, but like its wild ancestor, the wolf. For such dogs, all extraneous creatures other than humans can be considered prey. Therefore, a dog living in a house or apartment can, without any remorse, "hunt" neighbors' cats or other domestic animals. If a husky puppy gets into a house where there is already a cat, then on the street he is most often not interested in such animals.

Such dogs treat humans differently - they often changed owners and passed from team to team, so they do not have the habit of choosing one owner for life. Huskies are not able to distinguish between strangers, that is, they consider strangers only as a potential threat to themselves, but not to the owner's home and property.

On the part of people, there were attempts to instill in sled dogs the skills of aggression towards people, but they did not lead to anything good - the dogs did not quite correctly perceive the promises and tried, to please the owner, to destroy everyone who was weaker than them.

Husky in apartment and aviary conditions

When purchasing a husky puppy for keeping in an apartment, the family should be ready for the following "antics" of a four-legged friend:

In order to influence the behavior of the pet, the owner has two options: to define the dog in an open-air cage with a concrete floor, or still turn into the leader of the pack and provide the four-legged companion with work that will make him feel needed.

Fundamentals of the educational process

Breeders with experience working with dogs of this breed note that they are one of the most fearless dogs, therefore it is highly discouraged to use threats or physical pressure during training. In addition, while working, they drew attention to one nuance - Huskies love to monkey. Pets are able to adopt the habits of other dogs, for example, those that are kept with them in the same enclosure.

It is undesirable if the husky begins to borrow the behavior of service dogs - do not forget that this is just an imitation of behavior unusual for sled dogs. But to train such dogs, training is used, the basics of which are two methods - imitation and reward. In addition, it also includes methods of punishment, but mostly not painful ones, but those that can subordinate:

  • stern, calm voice, without high notes;
  • confident movements;
  • subsequence;
  • the owner should not back down if the dog "tests" patience and does not strive to complete tasks.

With this approach, the owners can get the best results from training, because they were the ones who helped the dogs during the nomadic habitat.

How to curb a wayward pet

Siberian domesticated wolves have no stubbornness among the main character traits - they just very stubbornly go towards the desired goal. But they are able to obey other, stronger rivals only if they understand that the advantages are not on their side.

The owner must make sure that the intensity of the load constantly increases, this will allow not only the pet to show its capabilities, but also the owner to show will. For example, you can force the dog to run as long as he can do it, or you can offer him to climb to a height that the dog is afraid of in order to overcome the fear. It is possible to conduct workouts using stairs and exercises at height.

If you cannot subdue the dog with such techniques, you can apply a more radical method - restricting freedom of movement. For example, grab the pet by the withers, press it to the ground and hold it until the dog stops trying to resist.

Often, the owners have no choice but to put a wayward pet on a leash or place it in a not too spacious aviary. The only caveat is that it is important that the dog does not cheat, because the method will not work if the husky breaks off the leash or makes a tunnel and rushes off into the distance with a victorious look.

Important aspects of parenting

As soon as the puppy crosses the threshold of the house, the owner should immediately start raising him:

  • first of all, you should determine a place for your four-legged friend, and not change it over time;
  • show the kid what he can play and what is taboo; naturally, the dog must have its own toys, and the list of prohibitions includes shoes, furniture and more;
  • you should immediately train your pet to use the toilet;
  • introduce a feeding regimen from the first day, depending on age;
  • prohibit everyone around you, and, first of all, yourself from treating the puppy from your hands, and even more so from your table.

It is important for the husky to feel dependent on the leader of the pack. To begin with, the puppy must learn to respond to his nickname, as well as to relieve himself in the allotted place. On walks, the dog must walk next to the owner, get used to the collar and leash. It is worth teaching your pet to the muzzle.

Huskies are very pedantic, although this quality applies to other animals, monotony in behavior, environment and events is important for them. It is easier for them to learn the skills of correct behavior if the owner reinforces the process with encouragement: affection, deliciousness, or a benevolent tone.

The pet will be able to understand that he has blundered somewhere if the owner immediately reacts to the unwanted behavior. Otherwise, the punishment will not bring results, and the dog will be sincerely perplexed, not understanding what he was guilty of.

Experts recommend training in such a way as not to inadvertently disturb the psyche of your four-legged pet, making him angry or, conversely, cowardly. And for this it is necessary to remember about stability. The use of the same vocal intonations, gestures and commands will make the learning process more comfortable for the animal.

Another feature is the exercise mode. It is worth setting aside certain days and times for them. But active games with or without inventory can be carried out whenever your heart desires. Husky will never refuse to frolic once again.

Where to start

The representatives of the breed acquire primary skills quite well, especially considering some of the subtleties:

Huskies are dogs of incredible beauty, grace and power, undoubtedly attracting the attention of dog lovers. But before you start such an extraordinary pet, you should evaluate your own strengths. Not only are husky puppies not a cheap pleasure, it will still take a lot of effort, time and patience to curb this rebellious northern dog.

Owners should understand that a sled dog will not make either a watchman or a guard, and its love of freedom does not exclude the craving for escapes. Husky dogs are not for everyone, and it is better if the dog will do his usual work, and not sit idly in 4 walls, spoiling property and howling out of boredom.

Siberian Husky can rightfully be attributed to one of the most beautiful dog breeds with a balanced psyche, friendly, cheerful, but independent character and good health. Huskies are brave, hardy, energetic, very attached to their owners, love children, get along with other pets, amenable to training and education. Having decided to have a representative of this breed as a pet, breeders should know how to care for the Siberian husky, how to properly educate, train and what conditions must be provided for the comfortable existence of their pet. if you show proper attention, care and affection, huskies will surely reciprocate and become a devoted friend and faithful companion.

How to care for a Siberian husky

A cute, funny fluffy "lump" has appeared in your house and, in addition to systematic pet care, the most important, crucial point that breeders should take into account is raising and raising a puppy, which needs to be given the maximum amount of time.

Like any other breed of dog, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for the husky. It is possible to keep representatives of this breed in an apartment or in a pre-equipped aviary, since the thick, fluffy coat of dogs perfectly protects them from the cold in winter. A puppy raised outdoors will have stronger immunity and better coat quality.

Before you bring the puppy home, you need to purchase equipment - bowls for food and water, a collar, a leash, brushes for wool and equip a place to sleep, not in a draft and away from heating appliances, if the pet is kept in an apartment or prepare an aviary. You also need to purchase a crate, which will be needed to teach the puppy the rules of home behavior or to get used to other pets.

Given the breed's freedom-loving nature and intelligence, it is necessary to equip the aviary in such a way that the pet cannot get out on his own and go in search of adventure. Huskies are very fond of digging the ground, so the flooring should be practical and fairly durable, and the fence should be high. If you bought a puppy in the fall, to avoid colds, you should not keep him in an aviary until spring.

From the moment the baby appears, it is very important in the first days to show as much attention, care and affection as possible so that the adaptation period goes as smoothly as possible. You should not leave the puppy alone at home for a long time until the khasenok is completely comfortable, gets used to the new environment and begins to expand the boundaries of his puppy world. Husky puppies are very curious, so you need to hide all dangerous objects, especially the wires.


After adapting and accustoming the puppy to the nickname, you can start the process of raising the pet. Owners must be consistent, persistent and patient in raising the puppy, especially in the first 6 months of its life. To raise a balanced and obedient dog, from puppyhood, you need to teach the pet to obedience without using physical force or aggression.

It is very important to teach the khasenk to stay at home himself. Huskies are very attached to all family members and are very bored during a long separation. Owners should be prepared for the fact that when they return home, they will find the apartment turned upside down. Do not scold or beat the dog. It is enough to express your discontent with a strict intonation, and when leaving, leave as many toys as possible to your pet.

Taking care of the Siberian Husky is quite simple and not particularly difficult. The main thing is maximum physical activity, regular training and a minimum of loneliness. Dogs are clean, the coat is fluffy, thick, does not have a specific smell. From puppyhood, the pet is taught to hygienic procedures - bathing, combing hair, cleaning the ears, eye care. It is enough to clean the ears and eyes once every two weeks, and to prevent eye diseases, which the representatives of the breed are prone to, instill preventive drops once a week.

Particular attention must be paid to the pet's nutrition. The diet of the Siberian Husky should be of high quality, complete and balanced in the content of minerals and vitamins. When feeding, you need to adhere to the regimen and give food at the same time.

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Differs in friendliness and exceptional dedication. A strong hardy dog ​​with a huge reserve of agility.

A correct, balanced diet is a guarantee of good health and good physical condition. You need to know what should form the basis of a pet's diet.

From the moment a puppy appears in the house, breeders should know how to feed the puppies properly and what foods should form the basis of their beloved pet's diet.

The Siberian Husky belongs to the factory specialized sled breeds, bred with the participation of aboriginal Far Eastern dogs. The breed is actively used by sedentary coastal tribes, represented by the Yukaghirs, Kereks, Asian Eskimos and the coastal Chukchi.

The Far Eastern dog is perfectly adapted for enclosure keeping, and also very easily withstands severe frosts, but it cannot stay in the open sun for more than an hour and a half, which is due to the peculiarities of the coat. It is for this reason that the open-air cage in the local area should be located in some shade..

The kennel requires special attention. The roof must be with a slight slope, which will allow the pet to jump up and rest. In winter, a sufficient bedding of hay or dry straw is placed inside.

The area of ​​the enclosure should not restrict the free movement of the dog, as otherwise the pet may develop physical inactivity. As a fence, it is not recommended to use a painted mesh-netting, which is easily gnawed by animals and can cause injury. To protect against atmospheric precipitation, a canopy must be installed that does not interfere with natural air ventilation.

Aboriginal sled dogs of the Far East are one of the most ancient breeds. Currently, the Siberian Husky has gained great popularity as a companion dog and show breed, and is often kept in an apartment. The main advantage of housing maintenance is the ability to be in constant contact with the dog and involve it in the life of the household, which is especially important for such a sociable breed as the Siberian Husky.

Proper upbringing and training allows your pet to behave extremely carefully, even in a confined space. The main unpleasant moment in apartment maintenance is the molt of a pet, the duration of which is often three weeks. The Siberian Husky sheds a couple of times a year. During this period, the dog completely loses all of its undercoat. If the animal is kept year-round in warm conditions, in the absence of a pronounced change of seasons, molt occurs year-round, but is not too noticeable.

The ability of dogs of this breed to actively chew on any objects is no less problematic. The interior, wires and shoes are especially affected by the teeth of playful and very inquisitive husky puppies. It is for this reason that it is very important to start raising a pet from an early age, as well as provide it with a sufficient number of special toys.

It is interesting! When housing an animal, a sufficiently cool place is assigned to which a dense and convenient bedding for hygienic processing is laid. If the dog lies on the bare floor, then long-lasting bedsores are often formed.

Optimal conditions of detention

Lack of space and physical activity, as well as improper diet and hereditary predisposition, can significantly reduce the life span of a pet.

On average, the Siberian husky lives for about fifteen years, but in order for the animal to maintain excellent health throughout this time, it must be provided with adequate walking and nutrition, education and training.

Walking Siberian Husky

The owner of a husky must adhere to the basic rule - never leave his untrained pet for a walk without a leash and supervision in any unfenced areas. When choosing an activity for a walk, you need to take into account the temperament and physical capabilities of the dog. Very well suited for winter walks, dog sledding and istijoring, which is also a sled sport but involves the use of skis. You can also engage in weight pulling - competitions in pulling loads over a distance, walking and cycling,.

Important! As practice shows, the Siberian Husky is not a water dog at all, so any activities with such a pet in a natural and artificial reservoir will initially be doomed to failure.

When choosing the type of physical activity during a walk, you need to remember some breed characteristics that any Siberian husky possesses. Until a year, all the joints, ligaments and bones of such a pet are not fully formed, therefore they are easily damaged. Small puppies should not be allowed to run up steep stairs on their own, due to the risk of rupture of the groin and shoulder muscles. Long-distance running with pets less than three months old is categorically contraindicated. No-load sled running can be started at the age of nine months.

Diet and nutrition of the dog

When composing a diet on your own, you need to correctly determine the main type of food and take into account all the features of metabolic processes. For feeding such a dog, you can use ready-made industrial dry food or natural food. The Siberian Husky has a digestive system that perfectly assimilates fatty and high-protein meats, which is due to protein-fat metabolism, which is atypical for other dog breeds.

When choosing ready-made feeds, preference should be given to high-quality mixtures produced under proven brands and intended for medium-sized dog breeds. These feeds are completely balanced in their composition, as well as optimal in nutritional value. It is advisable to feed a puppy and a young dog up to one year old with dry granules soaked in water or meat broth. On food for an adult dog, husky is transferred from the age of ten months.

The basis of a natural diet should be 75% meat products, including beef, veal, lamb, rabbit and poultry. Such products are given to a pet raw, but scalded with boiling water, as well as boiled, cut into small portions. Also beneficial are offal and boiled sea low-fat fish, peeled from bones. It is important to remember that the Siberian Husky does not have chewing teeth, so minced meat cannot be fed to dogs of this breed.

The natural diet must necessarily include vegetables, represented by carrots, spinach, beets, lettuce, pumpkin and zucchini, cucumbers. Vegetables should be given grated, raw or fresh, seasoned with vegetable oil. Of cereals, oatmeal, buckwheat and rice cooked in meat, vegetable or fish broth are best suited. About 10% of the diet should be low-fat fermented milk products.

Education and training

Husky training is the basis for the problem-free keeping of such a breed at home. The Siberian Khaksky is by nature a very energetic and active pet, which from an early age needs not only proper training and education, but also discipline. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a dog completely uncontrollable and completely disobeying the owner's commands.

It is interesting! As practice shows, the training process is especially difficult for inexperienced and novice husky owners, so it is advisable to entrust such events to experienced dog handlers.

The breed is distinguished by a difficult character, which can significantly complicate the educational process. It is believed that the Siberian Husky is quite difficult to train due to its very independent disposition, as well as quick wits and closeness to wild wolves at the genetic level.

It is very important to start raising and training your pet as early as possible, immediately after the puppy has passed the period of adaptation to the new conditions of detention. Basic commands that are required for training: "Place!", "You can't!", "Near!", "Come to me!" and "Voice!"

Care and hygiene

A dog from a very early age must be accustomed to the examination, as well as to such basic procedures as bathing, grooming and combing. Any Siberian Husky has a very thick and rather heavy coat, so the annual shedding when kept in an apartment can, with improper care, very quickly turn the whole room into a solid “fur rug”. The pet needs to be brushed regularly with a special wide-toothed comb and a massage or long-bristled brush.

The Siberian Husky is a very clean and completely self-sufficient breed, so, as a rule, there are no problems with leaving. It is important to remember that there is a fairly long and thick coat between the husky's toes, which is designed to protect the paws from freezing in very severe frosts.

However, housing maintenance presupposes the obligatory shearing of this wool. It is also necessary to regularly brush your teeth or purchase special chewing bones, inspect and clean your ears and eyes, and trim your nails.

The Northern Siberian Husky is a medium-sized sled breed.

Perfect for active people who will not be embarrassed by a playful and agile pet. The ability of wool to self-cleaning, lack of drooling, the dog is practically odorless, qualities that have led to the fact that huskies are increasingly kept in city apartments.

in the photo a Siberian husky lies near the house

Photo and description of the husky breed

Siberian Husky - medium in size, with a large bone, thick coat, harmonious build, attractive head and ears.

Well adapted to heavy physical activity, it has long been used as a sled dog for transporting small loads, including people, over a fairly long distance. She has an athletic build, light and quick gait.

Any color is acceptable:

  • White
  • black and white
  • gray-white
  • silvery white
  • brown - white
  • isabella (very light coat color close to white)
  • marble
  • sable (copper or red wool)
  • agouti (black - reddish - white wool)
  • peebold (white coat with spots of any color)
  • black and tan (tricolor)
  • black

Siberian husky character

Happy Siberian Husky - photo in motion

The main distinguishing traits of the Siberian Husky's character are cheerfulness, poise, good nature and energy. Thanks to these qualities, it is great for families with children.

The breed gets along well with children of different ages and becomes a good friend and companion for them. If you show affection and care, he will definitely reciprocate.

Despite the fact that the character of the husky was formed in the harsh conditions of the north, they are easy to train - the husky can obey well, but there will be some independence in the character.

It gets along well both with representatives of its breed and with many other non-aggressive dogs. The character is alert to others, however, becoming a real security guard is hampered by the fact that she does not have aggressiveness and suspicion of strangers.

They love maximum attention to themselves, but if you often have to go away on business trips, the dog will not be particularly bored, so you can safely entrust your friends with caring for it.

Siberian husky maintenance and care

An ideal place for keeping a Siberian Husky is a spacious open-air cage in the private sector. But, as you know, the breed can be kept in urban apartment conditions.

Siberian huskies are quite clean, so their fur and skin do not emit any smell. True, during the heating season and in rooms with dry warm air, molting is more noticeable.

If you want to buy a Siberian Husky, remember that this is a sled dog that was bred to move quickly in the northern open spaces, so it needs physical activity and long walks without a leash.

If you plan to keep them in an aviary, it is important to note that they are very fond of digging the ground and can jump high, so take special measures to prevent their unauthorized release.

During the shedding period, comb the undercoat thoroughly and regularly, so the process will be faster and less noticeable.

The most important point in caring for a husky is the correct and proper care of the coat, because it is she who conveys all the beauty of this breed.

Siberian husky pictured with a red tulip

The Siberian Husky's wool is characterized by its density, due to which it has water-repellent properties. It is worth noting that a puppy needs more care than an adult dog, because babies require a lot of attention and affection.

She is not cut, the alternative is grooming, which is taught from puppyhood.

Brush regularly, especially during shedding, to remove excess dead hair.

When brushing, it is important to take into account one feature - it is best to brush the tail when the dog is in a lying position, so it will be more comfortable.

A bristle brush is suitable for grooming wool, which will clean the wool from dust and dirt.

Bathing Siberian Husky

Photo of a siberian husky puppy of white color with glasses around the eyes

Bathing is an important point in the care of the Siberian husky. Ideally, you can bathe no more than once a year, but in urban conditions they bathe as it gets dirty.

Many breeders use dry brushing.

With proper care, maintenance and balanced nutrition, they are distinguished by their health and longevity. It is important to know that Huskies can hardly tolerate heat, so you need to constantly monitor so that the dog does not overheat and does not get sunstroke.

Siberian husky food

Photo of a puppy siberian husky with a surprised look

The diet of a Siberian Husky puppy is significantly different from that of an adult dog.

For small puppies, it is important to grind food into small pieces, which he eats without much difficulty. And upon reaching 9 months of age, young animals are transferred to the diet of an adult dog.

It is important not to forget that this is a very active dog, therefore, the diet should be balanced and high in calories. In addition, the feeding time of a puppy, in principle, like an adult dog, should be regular, that is, at the same time. Mostly huskies eat little food, but there are also those who like to eat tightly.

Nutrition must be balanced. For this purpose, you can use dry food, but huskies prefer natural products, in no case do not mix dry food and food, this is harmful to health.

If you opted for dry food, keep in mind that in this case the dog needs to consume more water.

Make sure you have regular access to a bowl of clean water.
When choosing in favor of natural nutrition, it is important to diversify the diet: the basis of the diet should be meat (70%), preferably beef (scalded with boiling water or boiled), but chicken and rabbit meat are also suitable.

You can add insides to food - hearts, kidneys, tongue.
Husky are happy to eat boiled sea fish.
Vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, cucumbers).

Siberian Husky photo at the competition

It is necessary to start the process of training a Siberian Husky puppy at the age of 3 months. In general, huskies lend themselves well to training, since the instinct of obedience is initially in the blood.

You can train both independently and through a club with a dog handler. However, training in the club has its advantages - your dog will communicate with other representatives of the breed, plus professional training in the necessary commands.

The training follows the same basic principles for all dogs. The main rule is not to allow the puppy to do what will be prohibited in adulthood.

You need to start training with the basic commands "Stand", "Sit" and "To me".
Knowing these commands is the key to pet obedience.

Huskies, although stubborn, but diligent and obedient, at the same time grab all commands "on the fly". Commands should always be pronounced clearly and persistently in a strict voice, so that the dog understands that you are not trying to command, but ask to execute the command.

The exceptions are the commands "No" and "Fu" - these commands are pronounced with a threat intonation.
The key to successful training is rewarding a treat as soon as the command is completed.

Another indispensable command for obedience is “Near”.

After the puppy begins to understand the command and follow it, it is necessary to move from treats to praise. You can also use a variety of rubber toys - balls, balls or bones.

Huskies love games, and this can be used in training. If you want to buy a Siberian Husky, remember that this is a willful and characteristic dog, so it is important to be patient in training.

Siberian husky disease

  • corneal dystrophy
  • twist of the century
  • progressive retinal atrophy
  • cataract
  • glaucoma
  • atopic dermatitis
  • depigmentation of the nose
  • laryngeal paralysis
  • degenerative myelopathy
  • perianal adenoma
  • in males (testicular tumor)