Poems about the family. Page for caring parents

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a summer trip to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
Having children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot of homework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive grievances and quarrels away,
I want friends to talk about us:
"What a good family you are!"

The family is important for every person, especially for children, because it helps to grow up to be real people, it protects and is a support for life.

I am lucky, I have a wonderful family: my mother, me and my younger brother who goes to kindergarten.

I was born in the city of Morshansk on December 16, 2003. Now I am in school, I am fond of dancing and I love to travel with my family! I consider myself and my family very prosperous. My childhood is very happy! Mom does everything for me and my brother so that we learn and achieve our life goals.

Mom is the closest person to me and my best friend. Her name is Lyudmila Alexandrovna. My mom is very beautiful, smart, kind and fair. If I deserve it, she will surely praise me, regret it, love me. At such moments, I even more want to do something good in order to please her again. But mom can be strict if I do something wrong. But she does not get angry for long and she will definitely help me, tell me how to do it right, so I always turn to her for advice and help. Mom will postpone all her affairs, and together we cope with any difficulties. With my mother I can talk about any topic, discuss a movie, read a book, or just ask about what interests me.

I love her very much, and she also love me, so my mother will remain my best friend forever.

My brother's name is Artyom (everyone calls him Tyoma), he is now three years old. We enjoy spending time together.
I know that when we are alone, no one but me will take care of him. We read fairy tales together, learn letters and numbers. I try to be an example for my Artyom in everything. As an older sister, I must achieve everything in this life so that my little Artyom strives to become like me and better than me. It is good when you are loved, but even better when you love and understand that the future of your loved one depends on your love.

Our family has its own little traditions. The most important are hospitality and respect for people. We always meet our guests with joy and treats. We will always offer a glass of tea! And my mother taught us to respect people from early childhood. Love for nature and travel is considered a tradition in our family. We love to travel, look at the lives of other people and just relax. In the summer, with the whole family, we go on vacation to the sea. Holidays are always celebrated with the family. We congratulate each other by giving gifts and good mood. I am proud of our family and love every member of the family very much !!!

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a summer trip to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
Having children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot of homework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive grievances and quarrels away,
I want friends to talk about us:
What a good family you are!

How to become such a good family. Some find it easy and natural, while others need little tips. Especially for you, we have prepared a selection of 9 wonderful and cute family traditions that will make your family more friendly, stronger and happier.

1. Family album

Maintain a family album. Fill it with fun shots and photos of memorable moments. Add your comments and impressions to the photos. In addition to photographs, such an album may contain memorable souvenirs, tickets, herbarium twigs, children's drawings, notes left to each other, the child's first written word.
Review this album together periodically, immersing yourself in pleasant memories.

2. Family tree

In addition to the family album, the family tree can become a wonderful item in the family. An easy-to-implement option is to draw it on paper, in a notebook or calendar.
Remember the names of all family members, who they are to you, write down their birthdays.
The creation of such a tree is an excellent occasion to talk with your child about what a family is, who are relatives and what they are like.
Do not forget to periodically look through this tree and congratulate relatives on holidays, birthdays.
Such a tree will not only strengthen your little family, but it will also rally you with more distant relatives and show the value of family relationships to your child.

3. "Sunday Lunches"

All family members are busy with their own business all week. Garden - work - chores - cook food - clean up - do the laundry - do the dishes - play with the child ... Everyone has their own repetitive cycle of important things.
But on weekends, when no one is in a hurry, it will be wonderful to spend time together. This can be a family meal.
It can be mom's traditional pancakes for breakfast, or the tradition of making pies or dumplings on the weekend, or maybe you decide to cook new dishes from the traditional cuisine of a country every weekend.

4. Family evening outside the home

Unlike the tradition of "Sunday dinners", a family evening out of the house can be arranged at least once a month, but of course it can be done more often. With the whole family, you can go to the movies, to the amusement park, or even just get out for a walk together in the park for a few hours, and not just to the store or to the playground near the house.
The most important thing is that you devote time to each other, do something that pleases all family members and get a positive charge.

5. Joint games

It's a wonderful tradition to play games together. It can be both board games that you play with the whole family, and outdoor games in which everyone takes part.
Even 15-20 minutes of your time will be enough for your child, which you can afford to spend even on a weekday evening.

6. Shopping

Do not be afraid to take your child with you to the store for shopping, do not try to do it without him.
To avoid unnecessary expenses and whims - at home in advance, together with your child, make a list of the purchases that you need. You can discuss the menu for the week, find out the preferences and wishes of the child and other family members, so that the list includes not only potatoes and carrots, but also some cookies, dryers, juice and other amenities for all family members.
Walking through the store with your child, you can once again discuss what purchases are needed and what they are for. What products are needed in the refrigerator, and what is better not to buy.
When you return home, be sure to give your child a small purse with something light, like bread, and let me help you carry your purchases home.

7. Camping

It can be any walking activity, depending on the season. Walking in the park, going out for barbecue and swimming, mini-hike, hike for berries or mushrooms, downhill skiing, skiing or ice skating.
Every family will surely have a favorite type of outdoor recreation.

8. Joint vacation

Most families can afford a full vacation no more than 1-2 times a year. But try to spend these 1-2 times not just lying on a bed or on a chaise lounge with a book, but try to diversify and collect the maximum of joint impressions.
Take a few lessons in skiing or snowboarding if it is a winter holiday, diving, water skiing, wing flying, visiting a water park and other interesting excursions. Have fun with all the heart, so that later, at home, you will have something to remember. And don't forget to take photos for your family album!
Most importantly, remember, no matter how much you hope to sleep off your vacation just lying in your room or under an umbrella on the beach - it will not work, the hours spent in a dream do not accumulate for the future and you will feel tired again after a couple of days after returning from vacation, if not you will overexpose a certain regime. But the impressions of a good and fun time accumulate and stay with you for a very long time!

9. Joint gifts

Start a family tradition of preparing and wrapping gifts together. New year is coming soon, birthday, March 8 or February 23. Choose a gift together, of course, apart from the congratulatory one), discuss how best to pack, try to make a greeting card together.

Of course, here we have collected only basic ideas, they seem obvious to everyone, but not everyone is realized in life. In fact, each family over time has its own traditions and established rituals, with which you can supplement our article - it will be interesting for everyone to read and find something else new and interesting for themselves.

The most important thing is that your family has such joint traditions and rituals and that you constantly give each other your time, warmth and attention, and not live on the same territory with your own, non-intersecting lives!

Categories ,

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a summer trip to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

Having children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.

Family is important!
Family is difficult!

Always be together, take care of love,
Drive grievances and quarrels away,
I want friends to talk about us:
What a good family you are!

Family is the most capacious word.
In it one can hear the "seed" - the basis of life.
The seven "I" is the seven, firmly connected,
And future lives are a reliable source.

Family is joyful children's laughter.
Family is what gives us success in life!
May relatives be support to each other,
And let all misfortunes pass by all!

Family is a reliable stronghold of our life,
That protects us in childhood and old age.
Family - a house built on love,
May joy and happiness reign in him!

My family is a reliable strong rear.
My mother, father, sisters, brothers ...
Here they can cool unnecessary ardor,
Here I share any moment of happiness.

The house smells like cakes and warmth
Yes, by the caress of the kind hands of my beloved mother.
And if thunder strikes and misfortunes,
They will help you to survive easily, without drama.

Here, smiling, they will say: “Ahead
There will be successes, just try.
Study, work, and go with the song,
And if you are guilty, understand, repent ”.

Oh, dear home! I'm bringing my friends here.
I will find love - a dear soul mate.
But time rushes faster every year ...
Appreciate, people, every wrinkle.

Beloved home, how I hurry to you!
This threshold is painfully familiar to me.
I go delirious according to my own destiny ...
So that you are at least a little pleased with me.

There is no better team than a family.
And there is no judge more serious and stricter.
Daughters, sons are growing, growing up,
And there are no more people on earth.

Two grandmothers, two grandfathers,
Parents and me -
This is how it turns out
An ordinary family.

And if the seed is in the water
Put for a while,
With water this seed
Soften a little,
That is a soft sign sprouting
Spreads "uh" and "me" -
This is also how an ordinary family turns out.

"What is dearer to you than eternity?" -
Without looking up gray eyes
A soul accustomed to carelessness
I was asked once.
And I was taken by surprise
And I could not give her an answer ...
Since then I have achieved a lot
And so many years have passed ...
Now the soul is wiser, more experienced -
She herself can explain everything.
And I'm so sorry that in a tiny world
I have lost this thread.
And time grows with pain
Barely fit on the edge ...

Oh, how I want to repent
For his dullness,
For being in unintentional blindness
A ridiculously simple thought
I could not in my despair
To clothe with the necessary meaning
And, contrary to the pattern
Reach out to distant lands
In the language of love and fidelity
Say: "My family" ....

What could be more expensive for a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love
And they see them off with kindness!
Father and mother and children together
They sit at the festive table
And together they are not bored at all,
And the five of us are interesting.

The kid is like a favorite for the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad is a friend, breadwinner,
And mom is the closest of all, relatives.
Love! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more precious than her
On this fabulous land.

Mom dad met -
This is the beginning of a fairy tale.
Gave birth to a son for dad -
This will be the middle.
There is no happier father!
The fairy tale has no end!

Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot of homework.
Family is important! Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Family is important!
Family is difficult!

What a good family you are!

All the light has gone out, the candle is burning
And the whole family in the evening gathering.
And mom speaks to us
Asks what happened at school.

Then he tells his day
How hard it is for her!
I am not too lazy to listen for hours.
Like a song, her speech is sung!

And the house is old decoration,
Although we don't need more.
My family is my treasure!
And happiness is to live with your family together!

What could be more expensive for a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love
And they see them off with kindness!

Father and mother and children together
They sit at the festive table
And together they are not bored at all,
And the five of us are interesting.

The kid is like a favorite for the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad is a friend, breadwinner,
And mom is the closest of all, relatives.

Love! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more precious than her
On this fabulous land.

Sunday is good luck!
Sundays are so needed!
Because on sunday
Mom makes pancakes.
Dad washes cups for tea.
We wipe them together
And then we are the whole family
We drink tea with pancakes for a long time.
And a song is pouring through the window
I'm ready to sing myself,
It's good when we are together
Even if there are no pancakes.

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a summer trip to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.
Having children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot of homework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive grievances and quarrels away,
I want friends to talk about us:
What a good family you are!

My dear grandpa
We are all proud of you!
And I will tell you a secret:
There is no better grandfather in the world!
I will always try
To look up to you in everything!

I don’t want to be called grandfather, grandfather,
The soul does not agree, hurries back.
He should kiss the girl -
Yes, only the girls all look by.

Bypasses, bypasses the entire female tribe,
Some with contempt, and some with a laugh,
And irrepressible time rushes forward
And he is no longer in the stirrup - quietly on foot.

Yes, it seems, to look -
not so old:
No dull look, no extra wrinkles
Even in the evening - on the balcony with a guitar,
Even in the billiard room - an idol among men.

But why don't you -
do not look, villains!
And he would be glad to kiss their hands -
So they rush past, adulteresses ...
Yes, he also invented someone to yearn for!

Did such ladies look, it happened,
And he rejected them, cruel and handsome!
The theater actress nodded her head,
Yes, so that's his love and not tasted.

And now - where there ...
Just think - lady!
Yes, brother, I will not attract such people!
A? Who's there? To me? -
Neighbors on the doorstep:
"Danila Ivanovich, let's have some tea!"

That family can be strong
Where the cross stands on the word "I"
Where only the word "WE" rules,
Where there are shared dreams.
Where there is wealth and comfort,
Where children scurry merrily
Where it eternally flashes again
Such a passionate LOVE !!!

Love and fidelity are not just sounds
In a family, any is the main path.
So we wish to avoid boredom
And in life, fortunately, have time to turn.
On this day, we wish you loyalty
So that each of the families grows stronger.
And in everyone's life so that it shines
The star of love is brighter and hotter.

Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
- How did the word come about,
It is not clear to us at all.
Well, "I" - we understand
Why are there seven?

No need to think and guess
And you just need to count:
Two grandfathers,
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Have you folded it? It turns out seven people,
A family"!

- And if there is a dog?
Are there eight I's?
- No, if there is a dog,
It turns out In! - a family.
(M. Schwartz)

2. Toast to the house

Is the blizzard rustling outside the window
Does the lush foliage play -
Always us sweet home
He accepts with great cordiality.
And therefore we wish
So that it never comes
In the corners - troubles, in the hearts - winters,
And everything in him breathed with joy.
Blossom and hello, good home,
We drink for you today!
(I. Yavorovskaya)

3. Family and home

Family and home are like light and bread.
The native hearth is the earth and the sky.
Given to you for salvation,
whatever worries you are.

Let life be in a hurry,
wherever the road leads
in your volatile destiny
there is no more beautiful gift from God.

They always keep you
no matter how much he wandered around the world,
like a guiding star
and there is no holy shrine to this.

Your family is warm and light -
here is the best joy to the soul.
There is no other happiness in the world,
no other happiness is needed.
(I. Afonskaya)

4. A song about our family (tune "Songs about bears")

Somewhere in this world our family lives,
He does not know grief and troubles, he is reputed to be friendly.
We read books together, we go to the cinema together,
On holidays we sing and dance, on weekdays we will find things to do!

Mom washes the laundry, the son sweeps the floor,
Dad prepares dinner while listening to football.
Work argues in an instant, everyone is accustomed to work.
And we know how to relax, we fry barbecue in the forest!
La-la-la ... We have a friendly family!

5. Family

It is very important for me
I really need,
So that the whole family
I was going for dinner!
The grandfather will lay out,
What did I learn from the newspapers
Adjusting the glasses
What has dried
Sage bunches ...
Father and mother -
About important work,
Brother - about fishing,
Football, hike ...
And about the control
Today I ...
Outside the windows the evening
And in the house - FAMILY!
(V. Drobiz)

6. My house

Starlings live in a birdhouse
Glasses live in an eyeglass case
The fox lives in his hole,
Trees live on the mountain ...
And I have a house too,
He is the best:
Mom is in it!
(M. Takhistova)

7. On Family Day!

Family joy
Happy faces!
I wish all families
Shine with love!

May the families be cheerful
Children's laughter sounds
Kind and joyful
A holiday for everyone!

Love flourishes
All around the Earth! ..
Peace to your home
And in every family!
(E. Morozova)

8. House

House, as everyone has known for a long time, -
These are not walls, not a window
These are not chairs with a table:
This is not a home.

Home is where you are ready
You come back again and again
Furious, kind, gentle, evil,
Barely alive.

Home is where you will be understood
Where they hope and wait
Where will you forget about the bad, -
This is your home.
(E. Kumenko)

9. For Family Day

Life is warmer and much more interesting
And you can resist in it more reliably,
When you walk this life together.
And therefore - keep it up!

Be a reliable support to each other,
Kinder and more tolerant - triple ...
God save you from evil and from strife ...
May the peace in your family be eternal!
(E. Grudanov)

10. About love

Mom looks at dad,
Dad looks at mom,
And the day is the most weekday,
Not resurrection,
And outside the window is not the sun,
And the blizzard
It's just that they have
They just
They love each other very much.
From this love
Both light and light.
Me with dad and mom
So lucky!
(O. Bundur)

11. Family

Family is a source of joy and happiness,
An inexhaustible source of love.
And in clear weather, and in bad weather
The family keeps and appreciates the moment of life.

The family is the stronghold and strength of the state,
Keeping traditions of centuries.
In a family, a child is the main wealth,
A ray of light is like a beacon for sailors.

The rays are growing, getting brighter
And people are eagerly drawn to the light.
The family's soul is getting richer
When love reigns in her and advice.

When mutual understanding reigns
Then the whole world lies at your feet.
Love in the family is the basis of the Universe.
So may God protect all our families!
(L. Gaikevich)

12. Good

It's good to wait at home
They hurried to the door to the bell,
Opened, kissed
Warmed your hands, right?

It's good to have tea
With pies and jam
Moved back sorrows
Good conversation, right?

It's good that in the world
It smelled like snow, sun, willow,
So that children everywhere know
That there won't be a war, right?

It's good to be loved
Like the first snowdrop,
And then, then any
Not afraid of troubles, right ?!
(M. Takhistova)

13. Family

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family is a summer trip to the country.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending.

Having children, the first step, the first babble,
Dreams of good, excitement and awe.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot of homework.

Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily alone!
Always be together, take care of love,
Drive grievances and quarrels away,
I want friends to talk about you:
What a good family you are!

14. Toast to our roots

This toast to our roots:
What is a tree without roots?
Let them live more spacious
Let them love more!
(I. Yavorovskaya)

https: // site / stixi-pro-semyu /

15. The roof of your house

We are all in a hurry for miracles
But there is nothing more wonderful
Than that land under heaven
Where is the roof of your house.

Instantly any grief
Every one will disappear
Just remember the blue stars
Over the roof of his house.

And if suddenly you feel sad
Sadness means nothing
When you know what's under the sun
There is a roof of your house.

The world is full of joy and happiness
But the land is the dearest of all ...
And it's so beautiful to come back
Under the roof of your house!
(M. Plyatskovsky)

16. Fairy tale

Mom dad met -
This is the beginning of a fairy tale.

Gave birth to a son for dad -
This will be the middle.

There is no happier father!
The fairy tale has no end!
(O. Bundur)

https: // site / stixi-pro-semyu /

17. Family

In Russia it has long been honored,
What is probably in our blood:
For a woman to follow a man
In trials, in wanderings, in love.
So that, recognizing its beginning,
Hiding all worries in myself,
Nevertheless, the confession was recalled:
We are not just the two of us, we are a family.
To find wisdom in yourself,
Straightening in front of a filial face,
Repeat with maternal strength:
"Consult, son, with your father!"
So that all fears are borne alone,
She spoke, mocking, at the end:
"Hug your father, do you hear, daughter,
Our father is tired today ... "
And I would look with obvious joy,
How the look of the beloved warms up,
When they sit at the table next to them,
As today, for example, they are sitting ...
We are united in love and faith
We are united by land and labor.
And the doors are wide open to friendship
To our solid, stable home.
(T. Kuzovleva)

18. Your support

Loved you for no particular reason
For being a grandson
For being a son
For being a baby
For growing
Because he looks like mom and dad.
And this love for the rest of your days
Will remain your secret support.
(V. Berestov)

19. Parental home

The parental home is a place from Paradise ...
Where time stands still on the hands of the clock ...
And mom, forgiving mistakes with all her heart,
Will give you warmth and love!

20. Dedicated to mom and dad

Both mom and dad
Both mom and dad
Inside me
From birth
They live.
Both mom and dad
Both mom and dad
And cry with me
And they sing.

Mommy lives in me
With an affectionate word
And dad lives - mischievous
And mom - love
To smart updates,
And dad - to tricks

I see in the mirror
I see in the mirror
From mom and dad - hello.
And now I come up to them
Closer and closer
And you say - they are not ...

And mom and dad,
And mom and dad
Inside me
From birth
They live.
And mom and dad,
And mom and dad
With me
This song
(N. Pikuleva)

21. What can be more expensive for a family?

What could be more expensive for a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love
And they see them off with kindness!
Father and mother and children together
They sit at the festive table
And together they are not bored at all,
And the five of us are interesting.
The kid is like a favorite for the elders,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad is a friend, breadwinner,
And mom is the closest of all, relatives.
Love! And appreciate happiness!
It is born in a family
What could be more precious than her
On this fabulous land.

22. My family

Who comes home late
Who looks at things menacingly?
Who changes the bulbs? -
Well, of course - daddy!

Who is a squirrel from morning to night,
Washes, cooks, cuts finely?
Who flies like a swallow? -
Well, of course - mommy!

Who is ready to build a house
Run, jump, neigh with a horse?
Who is our fidget? -
Well, of course - grandfather!

Who will tell a bedtime story
About the Goldilocks Princess,
Bake pancakes? -
Well, of course - a grandmother!

Who will break what they have built
Who will help me with my sister?
Who is the naughty boy? -
Here he is - brother!

Who is all in bows and dolls,
All in emotions and feelings?
Who sings like a bird? -
It's a sister!

Who, you ask me,
These lovely friends?
I will answer without melting, -
This is all my FAMILY!
(V. Tunnikov)

23. Family tree

I have a wonderful tree.
It is my family
And it is my relatives.
On this tree
Before old age
My great-grandfather nested
And also my grandfather.
My father
I learned to take off on it
And I was able to become a real bird!
And, like in a cradle,
With me
Until morning
On this tree
The winds swayed.
And the leaves rang
Like bells
When I have
Chicks appeared ...
(G. Dyadina)

24. Family Anthem

And the house, consecrated by prayer,
Stands open to all winds,
And grandmother teaches her granddaughter
Words: "motherland", "mother", "temple".


Live in harmony and harmony.

Love of Peter and Fevronia.

Family is a great kingdom of love.
It contains faith, righteousness, and strength.
The family is the support of the state,
My country, my Russia.

The family is the original source,
Heavenly angels guarded.
And sadness, and joy, and sorrow -
One for all, inseparable.

Keep each other at all times,
Live in harmony and harmony.
And may your life be sanctified
Love of Peter and Fevronia.

Let it be repeated in generations
Blessed life days.
Keep, Lord, the family hearth,
Guard love of loved ones.
(I. Reznik)

25. Song of the holiday "Happy Moscow family"

When the air is so cheerful
Birds and chicks are dancing in the sky
And forgetting about your considerable age,
Mothers and fathers dance with us.

Happy Moscow family -
And there is no one friendlier in the world!
Dancing together Dad, Mom, I -
And in the sky, dancing, the sun shines.

Smiles light up our faces
It's great to be a good father:
Sing and have fun with your children,
And to present their flowers to mother.

And what else, tell me, mothers need,
To always say: "This is life!"
When husbands and children dance together:
Some are hip-hop, while others are a twist!
(S. Osiashvili)

26. And family is everything

And family is home
These are two and the third,
And maybe the fourth,
And the fifth later.
These are warm lines
In a welcome envelope
If parting waves
With a sad wing.

And family is light
What is invisible and generous
Illuminates all life
And accompanies us.
This is creativity
Where there are neither the last nor the first,
Where is joy and sorrow -
Always in half.

And family is everything.
It grows cold without her
Lonely thought
Lonely life.
Nothing happens
The world is dearer
Nothing, no matter how you think
And no matter how brave ...
(I. Yavorovskaya)

27. Who is whose

- Whose are you, whose, forest stream?
- Nobody!
- But where are you from?
- From the keys!
- Well, whose keys are they?
- Draws!
- Whose birch by the stream?
- Draw!
- Are you a sweetheart girl?
- I’m mother’s, father’s and grandmother’s!
(O. Bedarev)

28. How did the word “family” appear?

Once upon a time the earth had not heard of him.
But before the wedding Adam said to Eve:
Now I will ask you seven questions:
Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?
And Eve quietly answered: "I am."
Whoever sews the dress, washes the linen.
Will he caress me, decorate my home?
Answer the question my friend ..?
- "I, I, I" - Eve said - "I".
She said the famous seven "I's".
And so a family appeared on earth.

29. Family

My grandmother will tell me a fairy tale
And make a sweet cake
And give me some yarn
So that I could run with the cat!

And my grandfather will give me a plane,
Will bring nails, hammer,
And it will be ready early
We have a birdhouse and a scoop!

And dad will take it fishing
Tells about forest herbs ...
We are close, a little waddling
let's go past the mushroom firs.

We'll pick mushrooms at the edge of the forest,
We will find an intricate root
In a forgotten forester's hut
We'll have tea with raspberries ...

And mom, bending over the bed,
He will sing a calm song
Tiptoe out stealthily
And he will call you good dreams!

And the wind rushes through the windows
I don't think I sleep for a long time:
How can I answer this?
I just love them very much!
(M. Takhistova)

https: // site / stixi-pro-semyu /

30. Happiness

Oh god right
How are you right:
What happiness -
Husband and children;
Live without changing
Ferries ...
To be happier
Everyone in the world!
(N. Samoniy)

31. Dedication to parents

The quiet city of our childhood
Dreams so often at night:
Like a tired traveler
Beckons to bow to the house.

Oh, how delightful they were
These days are cloudless!
Parents gave us
Happiness to live in this world ...

There are toy houses
Hidden in a sweet slumber
Like fabulous gnomes
They look furtively into the river.

In this affectionate abode
They are waiting for the children to arrive
Aged parents
What is dearer than anyone else in the world.

Memory responds with pain -
We unwittingly hurt loved ones:
The rude word breaks down
And then there is a stone on the heart ...

Forgive me if you offended
Inattentive children!
We would give everything, parents,
If only you lived in the world ...

Are lost in the thickness of time
All earthly deeds,
But in the grandchildren they repeat
Your lines are native:

Your kind keepers
Let them walk the planet!
How happy we are, parents,
What are you in this world!
(I. Krivitskaya-Druzhinina)

32. Hunting is prohibited

I remind you friends
And suddenly someone did not hear
From now on to parents
Hunting is prohibited!
And hiding under the bed,
And around the corner of the buffet,
You can’t be in parents now
To fire a gun!
It is forbidden to lie in wait
In the kitchen and living room
When they are at a watering hole
They walk a long path.
Check your kindness
Still will be rewarded -
The parents are all alone
And they can come in handy!
Tamer's Tips:
To the wild parent
No need to stomp and shout
And we must tame it with affection!
(M. Schwartz)

33. My family

My family was sent to me by fate.
She gives me warmth, sympathy.
In it is a son and a daughter, a mother, a brother and me,
And my dear granddaughter is my ray of happiness.

It is simply impossible for me to live without them!
They are with me - the house sparkles with joy.
I will always love life for that
What a reward for me - their love is great!

34. Love! A family! Loyalty!

We grow with love in our hearts
If the family is full of it.
We feed our feelings with loyalty,
If there are faithful friends nearby.

For the sake of loved ones, we are ready for anything.
Above, we do not know love for them!
We are ready for any sacrifice!
If only they were happy!

There are different families in life,
Unfortunately, you cannot change.
I believe those who want to have it!
Among them are you, my Friends !!!
(A. Maltsev)