Wedding greetings from the witness. What can you say when giving a gift. How to make a small scene

Witnesses are one of the important guests at the wedding; their enthusiasm and support, to some extent, determines the mood of the young people and guests. Witnesses can replace the young at some toastmaster contests, and they are also not like everyone else when they congratulate the young. Congratulations to the wedding from a witness and witness is an important part of the wedding script. Therefore, you need to prepare it in advance.

Wish from witnesses in verse

A classic congratulation from a witness and witness can be considered a congratulation in verse. The verse, told with feeling and inspiration, will be pleasant to hear for guests and heroes of the occasion. Congratulations can be funny, vital or touching, romantic. It all depends on the preference of the narrator. Any poetic wish can be adapted for a specific wedding by adding names or some peculiarities inherent in this couple.

Options for congratulations in verse

Live, do not grieve

Take care of each other!

Do not quarrel, do not swear,

You are family now!

We wish you patience

Good luck, inspiration,

More glorious children

Healthy and funny!

May whatever you wish

Comes true immediately! Bitterly!

Appreciating each other is your vow,

Do not forget!

And life without sorrows and troubles

You live!

A whole horde of kids

Similar in face and disposition.

May life always make you happy

Love will pass in years!

We wish you happiness forever!

Congratulations in prose

Wish in prose also refers to the traditional methods of congratulating the bride and groom. There are advantages to such a toast, without adhering to the rhyme, you can say it in your own words. It is better to prepare a toast in prose in advance so that no "uh-uh" in the middle spoils the performance.

Sometimes, for a wish in prose, parables are used, the moral of which sounds like a toast. You can also recall some life experience associated with young people. It is important to remember that the occasion should be romantic, and not make the bride or groom look funny or unfavorable. At the end of the toast, everyone shouts "bitterly", and the newlyweds kiss each other.

Toast in prose for a wedding

Variants of a toast in prose from a friend, a witness:

  1. “I've heard that metals can rust if abandoned and forgotten, but there are alloys that last forever. For such an alloy, the steel patience of the husband and the golden heart of the wife are mixed. Let us congratulate the dear bride and groom, we wish them well-being and love! Bitterly!"
  2. “Dear young people! On the day of your wedding, this wonderful day I want to remind you of the queen of all sciences - mathematics. Addition, through which such a beautiful couple and strong family was formed from one man and one woman. Subtracting two lovers from a single life. Dividing all adversity in half. And multiplication, when children appear in a couple, and joy, happiness and love are multiplied by a hundred! Happiness to you! "

Options for wishes in prose from a witness:

  1. “Our priceless newlyweds, I can't wait to congratulate you on this main event in your life - marriage. The most important thing now is to preserve and increase the feelings that you have for each other. Do not forget to pamper and respect your loved one, take care of him, and sometimes make romantic surprises and pleasantries. May your marriage be strong, and the house will not subside from children's laughter! "
  2. “Dear newlyweds, on this day, when your hearts are beating as one, and your eyes are burning with love, I sincerely wish your life to be filled with tenderness, care, and mutual understanding. Let the warmth, trust and support not dry out in your young family, and the house will be full of children's smiles! "

Original congratulations of the newlyweds

Witnesses can congratulate the newlyweds on their wedding day in an unusual way. The original methods of congratulations include a theatrical scene from friends and witnesses of the bride and groom. The script for the performance can be taken from any fairy tale about love and marriage, adapted for a specific wedding. Funny dress-up shows are also good. The stage will not only congratulate the newlyweds, but also amuse the guests, will remain in the memory for a long time.

Sometimes witnesses prefer to congratulate young people with a video or photo presentation. To do this, they choose cool videos and photos of the bride and groom, even for children. They compose a presentation from the materials, select the appropriate music, and the congratulation is ready! This version of congratulations is quite time consuming. For witnesses who are not confident in their acting and public speaking talents, the presentation is perfect. She gives time to prepare, and comments on photos and videos can be read from a piece of paper, having come up with in advance. When the presentation - congratulations to the wedding from the witness and the witness comes to an end, they can present a large beautiful photo album for future joint photos, say warm words.

Such a surprise is no less effective for congratulations on a wedding anniversary. Only for this memorable day, it is better to choose a photo from family life, joint holidays and vacations, you can add pictures and photos of children, pets.

The groom is always waiting for some special words. and congratulations to the wedding from a witness, because this is such a rare occasion when the relationship of two old friends is in the center of attention of the family.

The witness can show his devotion to the friend, and the bride can present the groom in the best possible way.

What memories will make the witness's speech sincere

To make your performance bright you can talk about three different periods of the groom's life associated with his relationship to the female sex. Congratulations to the wedding from a witness in your own words may look like this:

For instance:

  • start with a childish act, speaking of his boyish gallantry: “Once, when we were still going to kindergarten, one girl hit him on the head with a book. And he began to cry. I tell him: "Give her back!" And he answered me: “I can’t. She's a girl! "
  • jump to memories from school life: “And when we were already in school, all the girls knew that he was always ready to help and they used it shamelessly. I was even angry with him for this: "Why don't you send them away with their endless requests ?!" And he answered me: "Upbringing does not allow me";
  • recall one of the events of recent years: “A similar story happened quite recently. It's my mom's birthday. And then he collapses. With flowers! She remembers about my mom's birthday! "
  • combine all three events with a conclusion: “And such a noble attitude towards women remains in him to this day. So let your union be a union of male nobility and female devotion! "

It will be very consonant if you agree with the witness to prepare similar memories of the bride. By the way, it's okay if the groom and the witness have not known each other for so long. You can borrow memories from the groom's parents, explaining your idea to them, or, in extreme cases, come up with it yourself.

Another option is to retell how the groom shared his impressions of his future bride:

  • as soon as they met;
  • after the first date;
  • before the marriage proposal.

The greater the difference between the periods of life in memories, the brighter and more funny they will turn out to be.

How to make a small scene

In the popular American version, this funny game play is called "Dance for the Dollar." Its essence is that guests wishing to dance with the bride must pay one dollar by putting it in a special bag. For the witness, you can change this option as follows: let during one dance guests pay a witness for the right to dance with the groom.

When the dance is over, the witness can say, addressing the bride:

“If your groom was able to withstand such a test of beauty with honor and return to you, then this is a good sign that speaks of the true strength of his love for you. Let him continue to choose only you from all the women who will meet on his way! "

What can you say when giving a gift

Not the most necessary, of course, but a very curious gift - wall map in wood frame, where you can stick colored flags with type designations:

  • places we have already visited;
  • the purpose of our next journey;
  • the place of our dreams.

Interesting to add flags to indicate a variety of places, taking into account the trips of the newlyweds: where they studied, where they were on business trips, where their friends live.

Such a gift gives a huge scope for imagination, and congratulations should be associated with words such as:

  • journey,
  • roads,
  • homecoming,
  • satellites.

Maybe these congratulations will prompt you new, brighter and more original ideas:

  • "This is a map of the journey through life that you begin today and will last your entire long life";
  • “The whole world is open before you, and you are open to the world. Let the world settle in your hearts, and you will give him a new family ”;
  • “No matter how far the paths-roads take you, walk along them always together. And let your home always be a place for you to return to ”.

Witness congratulates happy newlywed couple

Words about a strong family and mutual love, popular wedding poems and parables, which sound quite harmoniously from the lips of a witness, evoke a completely different reaction from the guests when the witness pronounces them. For a woman, as a rule, banalities are forgiven more easily, and even treat them with a certain understanding. A witness congratulating the young faces a difficult task - to find a reasonable balance between masculinity and lyrics.

To the bride

  • “Now you have a shoulder to lean on”;
  • “I trust you my best friend and I believe that it is you who will be able to make him happy! May your union bring you both something that you could never have achieved separately! ”;

To the groom

  • “May there be as much wealth and abundance in your life as there is now your mutual love in it!”;
  • “It takes courage to decide not to start a family. It takes courage to keep it. I believe that you can do it, and your children will appreciate it! ”;
  • "The French have a saying:" If all the dads of the world extend their hand to me, I will choose only yours, dad! " Let your future sons and daughters someday say such words to you! "

Today, friend, is your wedding day.
What a beautiful white dress.
Handsome groom and smart and strong,
Already gave me a car and a house.
I congratulate you and raise a toast
For the fact that the family lit you the hearth.
My dear friend, I wish you happiness.
Let the guests at the wedding cry "bitterly"!

We wish to live up to a hundred years,
Always have a cheerful look
To be so young
At least a little gray.
Give birth to great kids
To bring up glorious grandchildren.
Both great-grandmother and great-grandfather
Be sure to become you!

It is both honorable and pleasant to be your witness!
Look at the bride - incredibly good!
The groom does not yield to her, Look how he plays with his muscles.
I congratulate you, relatives, and wish from the bottom of my heart,
So that your kids are so good too!

Audio greetings for the wedding

Dear newlyweds, I congratulate you!
I want to remember the joy of your eyes forever.
I, your witness, ask you, loving
Never allow life without fire!
Let the fire flow through the veins and the blood play,
Then you will have happiness and love!
I congratulate you, relatives, and I hold a glass,
Get ready, dear ones, "Bitter!" - I will say!

There are, my friends, miracles in the world:
The family was created today - thanks to heaven!
You love each other and do not offend,
Stay family in joy and sorrow!
And do not lose faith in love miraculous power,
Let the groom be sweet, and the bride sweet!
And I want to congratulate you on your wedding and nothing more,
And along with the rest, I will shout "Bitter!"

Happy wedding day,
I wish you happiness, joy
Never to get sick
And they grew younger over the years.
And so that your dear husband
Warmed you with my soul.

I'm giving a friend in marriage,
I stand up for her with a mountain!
I believe there will be a lot of happiness
Young people! And their road
It will be beautiful, easy in life,
And God, I know, will not forget!
And in a year he will give a son!
Although, however, the daughter is also good!

I congratulate you on your wedding,
I wish you eternal love.
So that they live together, do not grieve,
And they gave birth to the little ones.
I, as a witness, know
What I wish you today.
I also have a lot of happiness,
Big, clean, earthly.

Love palm warm and big
Covered an amazing pair.
And now hand in hand, soul with soul,
Now forever together (names of the bride and groom)!

(Name of the bride), sun, you are like a sister to me,
I wish you to get to the stars,
So that life is beautiful and generous!
So that everything you dreamed of come true!

You know how to achieve victory
Well, the family is, in part, also a race:
Discovery, recognition and passion,
And then diapers, diapers.

And (name of the groom) brave, strong, strong-willed,
Always meets a new day with a smile,
He will become the head of the family,
And children will never get bored with him.

For both of you being so good
We thank the parents sincerely,
And I wish you with all my heart,
So that your happiness is endless.

A wonderful, strong union of yours, friends, protect.
In offense, do not give each other gossip and adversity.
Today you finally became a husband and wife,
And let different sorrows pass you by!

I am a witness - a family has been created!
Rejoice family and friends!
I believe you will be a happy couple
Let your heart burn with heat
From huge, unearthly love!
May peace be unknown to you!
I wish you grief not to know
And forgive minor insults!

Give your witness the floor,
Happy wedding day, I want to congratulate you.
I wish you happiness for my new family.
Let the fan of feelings be enchanting.
You live, dissolving in each other,
Let your hearts beat in unison.
And enjoying each day together.
Let your life be like a sweet dream.

Sweetheart (name)!
Your eyes shine with happiness
The veil falls in the veil,
And in a white wedding dress
You are as beautiful as ever!
I'm glad - best friend
I chose my spouse according to my heart,
And everyone came to congratulate you
With the formation of a family!
And I have been trusted
Become your witness.
Honorary role performance
I will try to justify.
I know my responsibilities
And publicly I promise
So that the thief does not steal the bride,
Run after her at full speed.
Don't let go for a minute
Warn every whim ...
And, if necessary, I will honestly
And sing and dance for an encore!
Well now without delay
My congratulations:
Let friends surround you
Let there be a strong family!
Wish You happiness and health,
Children, at least three,
Be surrounded by love
And the warmth of their relatives!
And don't forget about me
Invite to visit more often
For a cup of coffee with cognac
Talk about this - about this.
May there be so much happiness in life
That does not fit in the door!
Frankly, I am a little bit BITTER -
Girlfriend is married now!

The role of the witness is important
I'm at the wedding - oh, I need it!
I welcome the young
And I hasten to congratulate them:
I wish them to prosper
Never lose heart
And do not hurt your soul -
Just love and not grow old!

You are both loved and desired
And happiness is on your face ...
But quite recently
We played princess with you!
Probably not by chance ...
Now I, ladies, gentlemen,
I'll tell you a big secret:
I guessed right with my wife (the name of the groom)!
He made a wise decision
Changing the fate of your route.
Lovers hearts attraction
We're celebrating here today!
Live in peace and prosperity,
Keep faithful and friends!
Let love not shrink
And on the platinum anniversary!
I wish you lullabies
Let life be decorated with happiness!
May the world be small with happiness!
Happy wedding day, (name of the groom) and (name of the bride)!

From this magnificent wedding witness
Congratulations to our young couple.
Let life not be boring and ordinary
Let the fun cover you headlong.
May love forever warm your hearts,
Be happy with each other day after day.
Your feelings in the cold will warm you,
Let them refresh in the heat with sensual rain.

Thank you for your trust,
I am a witness here
I fell in love with our couple
You are the best among all.
Let hearts not be silent
Your happiness blooms
I love and respect you,
And I adore the bride.
I wish not to swear
And value trust,
Only fill with love
And live in mutual love.

I witness, squinting my eyes,
That your union is as beautiful as a diamond.
I, as a witness, give an answer to a question,
And I say that there is no more beautiful couple!

I wish you happiness and long, long years,
Let life pass without fuss and troubles!
Keep the path with agreement in life,
And you will give birth to many babies!

And now, without interruptions, the bride will be discussed,
To warn her against future mistakes:
Learn to cook deliciously, in any manner and manner,
So that, say, a cabbage leaf was just like grapes.
Spend a third of your budget on family and tailors -
If you are dressed fashionably, the husband is as happy as the groom.
If sometimes I disagree with the opinion of my spouse,
Be like a springy twig, don't say no or yes.
If your husband is tired, upset - calm down and caress,
To become calm again - give a little rest.
Never be hard you, just as if by chance,
Skilfully removing the shavings, gradually plan.
Do not persist in the sense of shavings, be always sweet to him,
Be a wife and a friend, not a rusty saw.
Give your family three quarters of the day,
But in the middle of days, hours, minutes, do not forget your friends.
Be strong, your friendly family is always in love.
We wish you many many years and health. Be happy friends !!!

Happy wedding day,
I wish you happy years
So that they do not swear in marriage,
They only kissed more
Love and good luck to you,
Solve those tasks
What life prepares for two
So be prepared.
I will be a witness
I am the best among them all
And I will lend you my hand
So that your marriage will be a success.

A wedding is happiness, this is not a dream,
Two hearts beat together in unison.
And I am a witness next to them,
I want to wish you to be together from now on.

Love life, love your union,
Today is the day of beautiful bonds
That you were tied with strong chains
I wish you happiness and a bag of money.

How beautiful is our groom
And the bride is good!
I hasten to congratulate them -
The soul asks for this.
Wish them wealth
And patience, of course
Don't get old and smile
And do not change outwardly!

Shedding bitter tears
That we are losing our friend.
She has no time for festivities now,
Not up to anxious dates.
Our dear friend
You are now forever a spouse.
You will begin to twist a nest,
Where the girlfriends won't be.
So that our friendship remains
We need to catch up with you -
Get married urgently
And to be friends with houses again.
Give birth friend after friend
We'll start and here we go again
Let's walk together -
And wheelchairs to roll.

I am in a special place today:
Girlfriend and assistant to the bride.
For your honor
To be called a friend
Me all day
We'll have to take the rap.
So that the wedding has a great time
Everyone worked - and I agree to help!
Do you agree
The culprits of the feast
Answer the questions,
Standing in front of us?
Tell the groom:
Who is the most beautiful at this festive table?
Tell the bride:
Who deserves a place to sit with you today and then?
Tell the groom:
How will the mother-in-law be called,
Who will look into the house twenty times?
Tell the bride:
Who is your mother-in-law? "
Tell me how it is
No need to frown!
Well, friends, can we read such an answer?
After all, the intent of the evil
Believe me, they have no! ..
Now it remains for us to find out only
From a kiss they are sweet or "Bitter!"

Congratulations to the young, on a magical holiday,
Wedding, happiness for two: the groom, the bride,
Snow-white veil, it will give you joy,
And vanity will disappear, and muck from life.
Save your wife, beautiful bridegroom,
And the bride was lucky, her husband got a cool one,
Wedding is a dance for two, rejoice guys,
I am a witness here - I am glad of that.

Congratulations to the newlyweds,
We wish them love and happiness,
Husband - to obey the wife
And love her alone
And the wife - to give birth to children,
Lovely, glorious rascals!
We are waiting for heroes from you
And beautiful daughters.
And we also wish you
Always be young
Us for the golden wedding
Don't forget to invite.

As an assistant to the wedding, I went to the bride,
And I have never been such a joyful one,
The witness is cool to watch the marriage,
After all, on the path of the registry office and I want to step.
Walk, young, and always rejoice
Let the family grow stronger and the soul does not hurt,
A happy start, the family was given a start
Bride smile, do not be discouraged.

I am a witness of an important event:
You have a new family today!
I carry out an honorary mission at the wedding,
On this solemn day, I sincerely wish:

Sadness, bad weather, let them walk around your house.
Happiness, joy find a place there.
And let it only be at the wedding
Loud "Bitter" to our young people!

As a witness, congratulations to a couple,
Your happiness is appreciated, it gives joy to people,
The wedding is amazing, I arrive in shock
I never thought that this is how it happens.
The dress is awesome on your figure
The dear daughter-in-law will be all in openwork,
Your huge house will be filled with joy,
And luck is hidden, waiting for you around the corner.

Let the witness insert a word,
Newlyweds, I want to congratulate you.
Let all the sorrows go away from life,
Replenish the family with a child, not just one.

May your marriage be strong, honest,
So that you always appreciate each other.
In order for your ventures to come true,
Wealth, tenderness, success and kindness!

I am a witness at your wedding,
I see how you shine with happiness.
May your house be clean, full of a cup,
Let adversity and bad weather pass him by.
Love and fidelity may not leave your home,
Let your family be respected.
Over time, let the kids grow up.
These are the instructions I give you.

Love, warmth, luck and health
I wish you young people this day.
So that you go through all the obstacles in life,
The husband has golden hands.
A good wife to be a mistress
And let her be a worthy mother.
To call each other a bunny
And let your life be calm.

Two hearts of lovers united into one,
I wish you love, warmth, prosperity.
Children so that you are born,
And in life, so that you only feel sweet.
Of course, there will be different obstacles,
But you go around them all with dignity.
We wish you to receive awards in life,
Which you yourself want.

Witness and witness are the most desirable guests at the wedding after their parents. For such a role, the spouses usually do not choose anyone anyhow - only the best and closest ones, those who will always support and help in a difficult situation. Therefore, congratulations to the wedding from a witness and witness is so important for newlyweds.

On such a joyful, solemn day, the witnesses really want to tell their friends a lot of warm words and wishes, to congratulate them on the first truly family holiday. You can congratulate friends at their wedding in many different ways: read poetry, sing a song, show a video presentation. We will tell you about some of them below.

Atmosphere of congratulations

First, you should immediately decide on the general mood for the whole congratulation. To do this, you need to decide what kind of reaction you want to get from the bride and groom.

  • A touching congratulation, for those who want to hear "oooooo" at the end of their congratulations and see the couple with their hands pressed to their hearts and tears in their eyes;
  • Congratulations with humor, perfect if you want to dilute the tearful notes in a wedding celebration (and you certainly can't do without them when congratulating you on your wedding day);

  • Congratulations with light sadness, after which you can see a kind of smile and a pensive look on the faces of many guests;
  • A sincere congratulation usually ends with the bride and groom hugging you and whispering "thank you" in a trembling voice.

In prose

Congratulations in prose are classics, and in the best way possible expresses your feelings for the spouses, and for those whom you want to congratulate on their anniversary.

For example, you might say something like: “Dear newlyweds! On this day, you will forever tie the knot, thereby becoming the closest people to each other. Let the thread that has connected you be so strong that it will not be frayed by any everyday problems and quarrels. May love, laughter, warmth and understanding always accompany you. Take care and love each other! "

A witness can congratulate a friend in a slightly joking manner (after all, all this sentimentality is not for men). For example, “when you came home as a child, having stained your new suit, they told you: so that it would be the first and last time. When you brought the first "bad" in your diary, they told you: that it was the first and last time. Today we have gathered for your wedding, and I want to tell you: that this was the first and last time! ".

Prose is the simplest, but at the same time, more touching way to congratulate newlyweds on their wedding. But only the fact that you say every word from your heart, with love and a feeling of joy for your friends, makes it so. Therefore, it is worth speaking in your own words, and not memorizing clichés from the Internet, no matter how good they sound.

In verse

Congratulations in verse sound beautiful and touching. But again, the most profitable congratulations of this type look if they are of their own composition. Because even very beautiful and correctly presented, it will look like a congratulation, said like "you need to say at least something, otherwise they will not lag behind." If you are not a master of writing beautiful words, and even in rhyme, then you can choose a poem by a famous poet and remake it, adapt it specifically to your friends. If this does not work out either, then you can take the verse that, in your opinion, is most suitable for the newlyweds according to some criterion, and after reading it, comment on why your choice fell on him. There are many poems about a wedding: they can be touching, or they can be funny, with humor.

Song composition

A song can be a good congratulation from witnesses to the newlyweds. You can write the lyrics to the song yourself, or you can borrow from famous composers and singers. The main thing to remember is that in a song composition, the main role is still played by music, not words. It is she who sets the whole mood of congratulations. Witnesses can share the verses of a song among themselves, for example, the witness can perform a more musical part of it, and the witness can perform a more abrupt part, such as rap.

Theatrical performance

The witnesses can act out a little scene. Visual information is always perceived better, and watching is always more interesting than just listening. For example, you can act out an interesting life experience. To do this, you need to find a suitable parable, fairy tale, story or any other work of art with a sacred meaning, rework and adapt it for your performance. But this is only half the battle: you can create a masterpiece script, but if you cannot play your role well, instead of flattering comments from guests and tears of joy in the eyes of the spouses, you will only see looks of disapproval and boredom. The scene should not only amuse guests and young people, but also convey to them what you would like to wish the bride and groom in marriage, or, on the contrary, avoid.

One of the most memorable congratulations for newlyweds at a wedding should be what the witness says. After all, at this celebration she will be given almost as much attention as the bride herself. A girl can congratulate young people in several well-known ways.

Standard congratulations in prose

This option is considered classic. It can also be used as a quality. When composing such a speech one should take into account such a factor as the presence of a sense of humor in the newlyweds... The witness must be sure that her jokes used in congratulations will please both the heroes of the occasion and their guests.

You can compose a classic congratulatory speech yourself. To do this, you should know that it should consist of an introduction, a main part that contains wishes, and a logically completed ending.

Here are several versions of texts from a witness of this type:

First option

Dear "Name of the Bride" and "Name of the Groom"! Today is a very touching and exciting day. The day you created a strong and reliable union! As a witness to this event, I want to join the congratulations that have already sounded here today, and sincerely wish you to carry your love through all the hardships and difficulties. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that on any life path there will be a lot of them. Love and take care of each other, do not quarrel over trifles and, if possible, yield to each other. Peace, kindness and love to you! Bitterly!

Second option

More recently, as now, I remember the day when you first met. I really liked how reverently and tenderly you began to treat each other from the very first days. It was too early to talk about love then; it seemed to me that you were united by mutual sympathy. Today I am a witness at your wedding. I am very glad that a strong and strong feeling has arisen before my eyes. Keep your love and always be together: both in sorrow and in joy. May your whole life be sweet, but for now - bitterly young!

The third option

My friends, how glad I am to be present at your wedding, especially as a witness! Your family was born today. I hope that this is not just a word for you, and you understand how important it is to protect and protect each other from all troubles and adversities. Keep your family, which over time will become at least a couple of little people more, take care of each other, show attention and love! I sincerely wish you to live together for many happy years! Bitterly!

Congratulations to the best friend of the bride in verse

Everyone knows that verse speech is perceived by the ear much better than prosaic... It is soft, melodic and can be chanted. Not every witness will be able to compose poems for newlyweds on their own. This task can only be done by a real master of artistic words, who is fond of poetry. You should not be upset about this, because you can take a ready-made congratulation in verse and read it to the young at the wedding... Remember that it is better to memorize such a text or write it in a beautiful postcard in order to congratulate the bride and groom clearly and distinctly, and not confusedly, while trying to find a replacement for one or another word. Here are several options for congratulations for newlyweds from a witness in verse:

There are, my friends, miracles in the world:

The family was created today - thanks to heaven!

You love each other and do not offend,

Stay family in joy and sorrow!

And do not lose faith in love miraculous power,

Let the groom be sweet, and the bride sweet!

And I want to congratulate you on your wedding and nothing more,

And along with the rest, I will shout "Bitter!"

A wonderful, strong union of yours, friends, protect.

In offense, do not give each other gossip and adversity.

Today you finally became a husband and wife,

And let different sorrows pass you by!

It is both honorable and pleasant to be your witness!

Look at the bride - incredibly good!

The groom does not concede to her,

Look how he plays with muscles.

I congratulate you, relatives, and wish from the bottom of my heart,

So that your kids are so good too!

Funny congratulations from the witness at the wedding

If the witness wants to stand out from the crowd of guests, who will probably use template toasts and poems from cards purchased on the eve of the wedding to congratulate the young, she can use cool ironic speech... What is important to consider when choosing it or compiling it yourself:

Cool congratulations for newlyweds can be in prose. Here are some of their options:

Option 1

My dear friend! I sincerely hasten to congratulate you and teach you some lessons of worldly wisdom. My husband did not want to watch a movie with you and is playing on the computer. Go out into the staircase and turn off the electricity - there will be a reason to spend a romantic evening by candlelight! Throws socks around the apartment - pour borscht over them. Doesn't want mom to come to visit? Invite her along with her sisters and grandmother - let her appreciate the scale of this tragedy! And you, the groom, also keep up with your beloved! Wife won't let you go to football? Invite your friends with whom you were going to go to your place - arrange a sports bar in your apartment. Can't go fishing? Don't let her go shopping with her friends. Complaining about lack of attention? Follow her all day and shower her with compliments. Jokes as a joke, but in fact, I wish you that such situations never arise in your life! May peace and understanding reign in your family! Bitterly!

Option 2

Dear newlyweds, my friends, I sincerely want to wish you to increase your wealth! No, no, I'm not talking about material values ​​- apartments, cars, a two-compartment refrigerator - these are all little things. I'm talking about your offspring. It is desirable that there are at least three children. More is better. Please grandparents and ruin the state on the maternity capital! Funny congratulations from the witness can also be in verses:

The role of the witness is important

I'm at the wedding - oh, I need it!

I welcome the young

And I hasten to congratulate them:

I wish them to prosper

Never lose heart

And do not hurt your soul -

Just love and not grow old!

How beautiful is our groom

And the bride is good!

I hasten to congratulate them -

The soul asks for this.

Wish them wealth

And patience, of course

Don't get old and smile

And do not change outwardly!

Original congratulations from the wedding witness

You can congratulate the newlyweds in other original ways. The witness can use a song as a gift for the bride and groom... It is recommended to do this only girls with good vocal abilities... You can write a song yourself, for example, remake any famous hit in a wedding manner. Or you can use the options for ready-made wedding songs. Here is a list of them:

  • "Oh, this wedding";
  • "Wedding flowers";
  • "Bitterly";
  • "Weddings";
  • "Wedding Stories";
  • "Together and forever".

However, it is not necessary to use wedding songs. You can choose a love song as your wedding greeting.

  • "I love you to tears";
  • “For me there is no more beautiful you”;
  • "If I did not have you".

Another original option for congratulating the young is a dance that a witness can give them... In this case, you can also connect a witness. When congratulating the newlyweds on such a wonderful event as a wedding, the witness should use as many warm and kind words as possible. After all, the best congratulations are those that come from the depths of the soul. A witness can tell the bride and groom how much she appreciates friendship with them and how glad she is that she was invited to the wedding in this capacity. You can also thank the parents of the newlyweds for raising and raising such wonderful children. They will surely be pleased to hear this. The main thing - not be afraid to publicly deliver a congratulatory speech, and then the performance will turn out thoughtful, clear and will be remembered by the heroes of the occasion and the guests gathered at the wedding for a long time. Well, if a witness asks for help at a wedding from a witness and from several of her friends, then all of them together will be able to "create" such an original congratulation - watch the video: