Theme of the week “Wild animals. Modeling "Wild animals of our forest

Wild animals. Based on the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Wolf"

Modeling from plasticine. Senior group.
Target: To teach how to sculpt an animal from one piece of plasticine in a new way.
Educational: Form the ability to sculpt animals, highlight the main parts of the depicted object.
Developing: Develop the ability to divide plasticine into the required number of parts, determine their size and shape, and work according to the scheme.
Educational: Raise interest in working with plasticine, evoke positive emotions from the process of work and its result.
Preliminary work: Reading the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Wolf". Staging-dramatization of a fairy tale. Examining pictures of wild animals. Mixing plasticine to obtain a gray shade.
Methods and techniques: Talking with children, looking at pictures, working with a diagram, didactic game, practical activities of children.
Materials and equipment: A wall-mounted magnetic board, geometric shapes and volumetric bodies, a fox and a wolf sculpted from plasticine as a sample.
Demo material: Pictures depicting a fox and a wolf, illustration for the fairy tale "The Fox and the Wolf", graphic diagrams for children (a diagram of dividing a piece of plasticine into parts, a diagram of modeling from each part of individual parts), a didactic game "Where's whose tail?"
Handout: Plasticine boards by the number of children, stacks by the number of children, a set of plasticine by the number of children, hand napkins by the number of children.
Lesson structure
1. Introductory part.
2. The main part.
3. The final part. 1. Introductory part.
- Children, guess the riddles ... He looks like a shepherd dog, every tooth, then a sharp knife, he runs, baring his mouth, ready to attack the sheep. (children's answers). That's right, wolf. The second riddle ... They say she is cunning, she carries away chickens from the yard. But the beauty - all the guys like it. (children's answers). Yes, it's a fox. (I attach a picture of a fox and a wolf to the board).
- Children, now we will learn to sculpt a fox and a wolf in a new way.
- You have sets of plasticine on your tables. Whoever has an orange color in the set will
sculpt a fox. Who has a gray - a wolf. Raise your hands, who's got orange? .... (I list the children) You are sculpting a fox. Raise your hands, who's got the gray? ... (I list the children) you are sculpting a wolf.

2. The main part.
Look closely at the animals that I blinded ... (demonstrating).
Tell me, how many parts do you see on a fox? (children's answers) That's right, three. Name these parts. (children's answers - head, torso, tail).
How many parts do you see in a wolf? (children's answers) Three. Name them. (children's answers - head, torso, tail).
What do you see in common with a fox and a wolf? (children's answers - both have a head, torso and tail). How are animals different? (children's answers - the fox's tail is long and lush, while the wolf's tail is shorter and not so lush).
Good. How many basic parts does a wolf have? (three) At the fox? (three)
So, into how many parts will we divide the block of plasticine? (into three parts).

The largest part is the torso, then the head and tail.

See what we need to blind to make a torso? (children's answers). That's right, we will roll out a thin cylinder and flatten it.
How do we get the head? (children's answers). That's right, we will roll the ball and stretch one side.
How do we blind the tail? (children's answers). That's right, a small flagellum.
Let's get some rest before work.

Physical education.
Like our animals have (Claps hands.)
Paws knock cheerfully:
Top-top-top, top-top-top. (Stomping feet.)
And the legs are tired
Clap their hands:
Clap-clap-clap, clap-clap-clap. (Claps of your hands.)
And then squat down (Squats.)
Animals are dancing side by side. (Jumping in place.)
And how they start to run - (Running on the spot.)
No one can catch up with them.
Let's get to work.(Children work, the teacher shows with parallel commentary). We divide the plasticine according to the scheme ... First, in half. Divide one part in half again. (After each action, the teacher looks at the progress of the children and the quality of their work).
We take most of it, knead it well. We rolled up the cylinder (sausage).
They put it on a board and pressed it down, flattened it. With a stack we make cuts on the right and left on the workpiece. The incisions should be the same. In the places of the cut, we smoothed it with your fingertips and round off the whole part to get the shape of a rainbow.
Take part 2. Roll up the ball. Pull one side out with your fingers, sharpen it. This will be the head. At the top of the head we pull out two ears., They look like triangles.
Take detail 3. What will it be? (children's answers - tail). Right. Let's play the game "Where's Whose Tail?" (The teacher places images of animals without tails on a magnetic board: a hare, a wolf, a fox, a squirrel. Children explain in words where whose tail is. For example, the first on the left is a squirrel's tail, etc. Children repeat which tail the fox has, which wolf.) We rolled the flagellum. Sharpening at the ends.
We attach the details. What will we do to prevent the parts from falling down later? (children's answers - smooth the joints with our fingers).
We make eyes, but they should not be large. And the nose. We decorate the tail and paws of the fox.
Show me what you did?

3. The final part.
- Guys, what were we doing today? (children's answers - sculpted a wolf and a fox)
- Have you learned something new? (children's answers - sculpt the torso and paws from one piece)
- You tried hard today. Put your forest dwellers on plates. We clean up the workplace.

Developed and conducted by the educator MBDOU No. 38

Dolphin, Almetyevsk, RT

Ibyatova Guzel Zigangaraevna


  • To consolidate children's ideas about pets, about the features of their appearance, behavior, and their cubs.
  • Develop visual perception, visual attention, visual memory, thinking.
  • Foster respect for animals; accuracy in working with plasticine.
  • Arouse in children a desire to do something pleasant, to give gifts.

Equipment: projector, drawings of pets, ball, plasticine.

Lesson plan

1. Organizational moment.

2. Riddles.

3. Physical minutes.

4. Games.

5. The practical part.

Course of the lesson

1.Organizational moment

Guys, an unusual guest has come to visit us! But who it is, guess!

We drink milk

Sings songs

Washes cleanly

And he doesn't know water.(Cat)

(To the accompaniment of cheerful music, I bring out a toy - a cat.)

Say hello to cat Murka.

Guys, our guest came to see what we are doing, what we are playing.

Is a cat a domestic or wild animal? (Pet)

Pets live next to a person, he feeds them and takes care of them. In turn, they also became useful for humans: they give milk, wool, meat. They are guarding the house.

Murka the cat wants to know what other pets you know. She will now ask you riddles, and you try to guess them.

2 riddles "Pets".

1. The cargo is carrying, chewing hay,

Waving his tail

The mane shakes.

I-ho, I-ho, I will ride far(Horse)

What benefits do you think a horse brings? (Helps people in the household - carries a cart, people).

Where do horses live? (In the stable)

2. She lives in our stable,
Chews both hay and grass,
And gives milk to drink.
So who will name her? (Cow)

How does a cow benefit people? (Gives milk, and milk is already used to make sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir)

Where does the cow live? (In the cowshed)

3. With a beard, not an old man,
With horns, not a bull,
Not a horse, but kicks,
Milking, not a cow,
With down, not a bird,
Bast fights, but does not weave bast shoes.
Who is this?

How does the goat benefit people?

Warm socks, scarves, gloves are knitted from goat wool, and the goat gives very tasty milk.

4. You look - caresses,
You tease - it bites.
Sits on a chain
House guards
. (Dog)

How does a dog benefit a person? (The dog is guarding the house)

The dog has its own house, what is it called? (Booth)

5. Chock - Chock, piglet,

There is a pink hook on the back

In the middle of the keg

I love to lie in a puddle,

And grunt: "Oink-Oink" (Piglet)

Where do the pigs live? (Pigs live in a pigsty)

How do pigs benefit man?

3. Physical minutes "Piglets".

Lazy pigs (Round arms along the body)

Do not charge.

And became clumsy(Sway from side to side)

Don't get out of the puddle

No way, no way, no way.

And our guys(Raise your hands up to your shoulders)

Everyone is doing exercises(Fingers clenched into fists)

And they do it right(Hands to the sides, unclench your fingers)

Like this, like this!(Hands to shoulders)

Keep pace with each other(Walking in place)

Like this, like this!

Do you guys need to take care of pets?

How do people care for pets? (Fed, watered, cleaned)

The cow grazes in the meadow in summer and man feeds her with hay in winter. The dog loves to gnaw bones; the cat drinks milk and eats fish, and the horse is fed with oats.

4. Games.

1) Let's play. I will say the names of various foods, and you name the animal that eats this food.

Hay, fish, bone, oats, grass, milk.

2) Game"Animals and Their Babies".(Children stand in a circle, in the center is a teacher who alternately throws a ball to children, naming adult animals. Children call baby animals)

The horse has a foal

The cow has a calf

A goat has a kid

A sheep has a lamb

The dog has a puppy

The cat has a kitten

The pig has a piglet.

Guys, the cat Murka told me in confidence that she would very much like to have her own portrait. And let's, about our acquaintance, draw a portrait of Murka and give it to her?

Sit down at the tables

5. The practical part.

- We will draw not with paints, but with plasticine.

See what the cat has? (Head, torso, paws, tail, eyes, ears, nose).


They put a piece of plasticine on the palm,

And covered with a palm.

Plasticine was spinning in the handles,

It quickly turned into a ball.

Attached and pressed

Our hands were not tired.

Roll the ball, flatten it in the center of the workpiece (a circle is drawn in the middle of the cardboard base), smear the plasticine without going over the edges of the contour.

Let's make the eyes easy

Our pens can do anything.

Roll two balls - peas, made of black plasticine, stick your eyes.


We will roll out the sausages now,

Forward - backward, our palms move.

Roll up short sausages, attach the legs under the body.


Roll up a thin sausage, attach to the side.


We'll roll the ball quickly.

Together we turn into a pancake,

Roll the ball, flatten.


We'll roll the ball again

And we press in our palms.

Roll a small ball, flatten, attach to the body.

Here is the portrait ready. And we will gladly present it to our guest.

6. Summing up the results of the lesson.

What did we talk about in class?

What did you like the most?

What did we do with our own hands?

Modeling and applique work with children 6-7 years old. Summaries of classes Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week "Wild Animals"

Theme of the week "Wild Animals"

Lesson 17. Uncle Misha

(Plasticine sculpting combined with natural material)

Software content. To teach children to depict a scene from a fairy tale from natural material and plasticine. Continue to teach to convey the proportional relationship of objects, to achieve the expressiveness of the image and the dynamism of the composition. Strengthen the ability to connect parts by pressing them. Teach children to understand and analyze the content of the tale.

"Basket with mushrooms"


"Golden Grove"

"Snow Maiden"


"Through stars"

"Underwater world"

"Uncle Misha"

"Dinosaur Country"

"Basket of flowers"

"In space"

"Home construction"

"Underwater world"

"Flower for Mom"

"Dinosaur Country"

Handout. Plasticine, spruce and pine cones, chestnut and oak fruits, small tree branches, stacks, cardboard stands, sculpting boards.

Course of the lesson

Read the fairy tale of V. Suteev "Uncle Misha" to the children in advance.

In class, remember this fairy tale from pictures and invite the children to think about which episode of the fairy tale they would like to depict (meeting Uncle Misha with a hare, hedgehog, squirrel, cat, fox or mouse).

Uncle Misha's body can be made from a large spruce cone, separately from plasticine, molded and attached to the body's head and paws. Other animals can be completely molded from plasticine or partially used natural material - a pine cone for a hedgehog, a chestnut - for the body of a hare or a cat, a small spruce cone - for modeling a fox, an acorn - for the body of a squirrel or mouse. The child combines the sculpted animals on a small cardboard into a single composition.

From the book Modeling and Applique with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Wild animals" Lesson 17. Uncle Misha (Modeling from plasticine in combination with natural material) Program content. To teach children to depict a scene from a fairy tale from natural material and plasticine. Continue learning to transmit proportional relationship

From the book Drawing with children 6-7 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Pets" Lesson 18. Dymkovo horse (Modeling from clay) Program content. Continue to introduce children to the art of the Dymkovo masters, to consolidate and deepen knowledge about the Dymkovo toy. Learn to sculpt from life, conveying the shape, structure, size and

From the book Drawing with children 4-5 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Wild animals" Lesson 33. An unseen animal (Drawing with colored pencils) Program content. Develop imagination. Teach children to draw non-existent animals on their own. To consolidate the ability to draw with colored pencils in accordance with their

From the book Modeling with children 4-5 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Pets" Lesson 35. Chickens (Shading with felt-tip pens) Program content. Continue to teach how to create a plot composition. To consolidate the ability to draw a silhouette of a chicken with a simple pencil without pressure. Strengthen the ability to fit the composition into

From the book Modeling with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Wild animals" Lesson 20. Meeting of a fox and a gingerbread man (Poke with a hard semi-dry brush. Gouache) Program content. Teach children to create a plot composition. Continue to learn to convey the features of the depicted objects using a hard, semi-dry poke

From the book Drawing with children 5-6 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Wild animals" Lesson 20. Bunny (Modeling from plasticine using natural material) Program content. Learn to combine natural material and plasticine modeling. Exercise in the ability to connect parts, pressing them together. Encourage children

From the book Application with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Pets" Lesson 17. Turtle (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. Learn to combine plasticine and natural material in a craft. Develop speech, thinking, fine motor skills of fingers. Handout. Half a walnut shell,

From the book Drawing with children 3-4 years old. Lesson notes the author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Topic of the week "Wild animals" Lesson 18. Ladder for a squirrel (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. Strengthen the ability of children to roll out the posts and attach them with their ends to the vertical posts. To form a desire to help those who are in it

From the author's book

Topic of the week "Wild birds" Lesson 30. Owl (Modeling from plasticine) Program content. Teach children to combine natural material and plasticine in the craft. Develop perception, attention. Demonstration material. Pictures with underpainted images of birds (without a wing,

From the author's book

Topic of the week "Wild animals" Lesson 35. Who lives in the winter forest? (Drawing with gouache) Program content. Learn to supplement the winter landscape with forest dwellers. Strengthen the ability to draw animals, conveying their characteristic features. Exercise in observance of relative

From the author's book

Topic of the week "Pets" Lesson 37. Little goat (Shading - "loop" with felt-tip pens) Program content. Continue to teach to outline the silhouette of an animal on four legs, conveying its posture and structure. Introduce a new way of transferring images -

From the author's book

Topic of the week "Pets" Lesson 17. Pig and kitten (Colored paper. Collective application from prepared parts of the subject) Program content. Teach children to compose a whole object from parts, carefully glue the details of the applique; bring the product to

From the author's book

Topic of the week "Wild birds" Lesson 30. Swan (Application from dried leaves) Program content. Continue to teach children to create a conceived object from dried leaves; bring the product to the desired image. Learn to describe the bird by the subject picture. Develop

From the author's book

Topic of the week "Pets" Lesson 17. Kid (Drawing with fingers. Gouache) Purpose. Continue to teach children to draw points with their fingers, placing them close to each other. Learn to analyze and understand the content of the poem. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Learn

From the author's book

Topic of the week "Wild animals" Lesson 18. Hare in the snow (Poking with a hard, semi-dry brush. Gouache) Aim. Teach children to make jabs with a hard, semi-dry brush inside the contour. Develop the ability to listen to a nursery rhyme and imitate the movement of a hare along the text. Give an idea of ​​life

From the author's book

Topic of the week "Wild birds" Lesson 30. Swan (Drawing with a palm. Gouache) Purpose. Continue to introduce children to palm typing techniques. Learn to complement the image with details using a brush. Develop imagination. Showcase. Object picture with

"Rules in the Forest" - Don't pick wildflowers. Moths fly in the forest, Boogers and beetles crawl ... Do not take animals home from the forest. All tasks of Baba Yaga. Do not spoil inedible mushrooms. Don't leave trash in the forest. It can be very dry in the forest at times, The fire will turn into a serious disaster! The forest has its own music ... Forest fires are a big disaster! And there will be no more such beauty!

"Wild Landowner" - A game based on the fairy tales of M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin. 2) hyperbole. What vices does the writer denounce in the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner"? 4) sarcasm. 3) grotesque. 1. How did the two generals end up on a desert island? 7. On what street in St. Petersburg did the two generals live? 1) allegory. 13. What the landowner, having run wild, did not manage to acquire? Distinctive features.

"Wild animals" - The brown bear of our forests is called Kosolapy, Mikhail Potapych, Toptygin. Bears live alone, not tolerating each other's society. Squirrel dwelling. Enriched the dictionary with the names: "hole", "den", "hollow". Likes to fish and feast on bee honey. What squirrels eat. The squirrel's pride is the tail. For the winter, bears go to sleep in a den.

"Modeling from plasticine" - Modeling of volumetric figures from dough and plasticine. Tools and equipment. Look what the doll Masha brought with her. Show the children the plasticine box. Basic sculpting techniques. Lesson "Sun". Give the children fly agaric blanks and white plasticine. Lesson "Hide the ball". Cut a few plasticine blocks of different colors into medium-sized pieces.

"Forest" - The winters here are not too cold, and the summers are warm. Geographic overview of the forest. People walked through the forest with cheerful music. Mixed forests grow in temperate regions. Don't burn the grass! Forest and man. Forest zone. Then the people made a halt. Animals of the forest. Deciduous forest - a forest without conifers.

"Domestic and Wild Animals" - Horse. Hen. Lamb. Dog. Wolf. Let's divide animals into wild and domestic ones. How do animals adapt to the difficult conditions of nature? Fox in winter. Foal. Animals are called pets because: Bear. Cat. Chick. Pig. Sheep. Wild animals. Kitty. Elk. Pets. Topic: "Wild and Domestic Animals".

Lyubov Parshukova
Summary of a modeling lesson for the middle group "Bear"

Lesson summary for artistic creation (sculpting) for middle group« Bear» . (4-5 years old).

Educational area - hood

Target: Form aesthetic tastes, develop creativity and thinking.

Tasks: Learn to sculpt an object consisting of several parts, conveying characteristic features (ears, muzzle)... Reinforce familiar tricks sculpting: rolling, rolling, joining parts by applying an anchorage. Develop independence, foster interest in sculpting.

Integration of educational areas: cognition, physical culture, reading fiction, artistic creation, music.

Material: plasticine; boards for sculpting; Images bear; a toy « Bear» .

Preliminary work:

reading fiction "Teremok", "Three bear» ; "Masha and bear» talking about wintering bear, its food products, its habitat, viewing illustrations depicting bear, guessing riddles, viewing the presentation "Wild animals".

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, a guest will come to us today, but before he appears, we must guess who it is. I will ask you a riddle, and you will tell me the correct answer.

Bigfoot and big

He sleeps in a den in winter.

Loves cones, loves honey,

Well, who will name?

Children: Bear.

Educator: Right! Listen, a short passage that talks about bear"Who among us does not know bear? Large, clumsy, clubfoot. This is the opinion we hold about this beast. But really the bear is not like that... He is very agile and agile. Bear- a formidable forest dweller who will not give anyone a descent if he is not in the mood. Belongs to the family bearish. Bear Is a predatory mammal that swims well and climbs trees. One blow - and the bear is capable of destroying another animal. Legs at bear thick, the head is massive with small ears and eyes, the color of the coat is changeable. Though bear- this is a typical predator, he loves to feast on vegetable dessert: berries, fruits, grains, grass, roots of plants ", but do not be afraid, our guest is very kind, he came to us from a fabulous country.

(there is a knock on the door. The teacher brings in a toy)... Guys, we forgot to say hello to our guests, how can we greet beautifully?

Children: Hello, we are very glad to see you!

Educator: Mishka told me that he is bored alone in a den in winter, how can we help him?

Children: Come on, we blind the little ones cubs.

Educator: But first, let's play a game with you. The game is called "Clubfoot bear", it is necessary to perform movements in accordance with the text. So, let's go to our clearing, stand in a circle.

A clubfoot bear walks through the forest,

He collects cones and puts them in his pocket,

Suddenly a lump fell, right on the bear's forehead,

The bear got angry and kicked the top.

“I will not collect any more cones,

I'll get in the car and go to bed! "

Educator: It's too early for Mishka to go to bed, we'd better go to the table and see how our guys will sculpt cubs.

Children: go to the tables and sit down in their places.

Educator: Guys, what parts does the bear consist of?

Children: torso, head, legs and tail.

Educator: How are we going to sculpt the body, what does it look like?

Children: the body is oval.

Educator: And the head?

Children: Round.

Educator: Please note that bear muzzle extended, and on the head there are ears! How many ears does bear? Let's count?

Children: 1 - 2.2 ears

Educator: I blinded a bear yesterday, want to show you?

Children: Yes.

Educator: I stretched the muzzle with my fingers, and made the ears by pinching the plasticine. What part of the body do you think we will start with? Explain why you think so?

Children: From the torso, because we will attach all parts of the body to it.

Educator: And what are we going to sculpt after the torso is done?

Children: We will sculpt the head.

Educator: Here we will have a torso and a head, do we need them?

Children: Connect.

Educator: And to keep our head tight, we need to use an anchorage technique. What is left for us to blind so that the bear is ready?

Children: Paws and tail.

Educator: How many paws does bear, let's count.

Children: 1, 2, 3, 4 -4 paws.

Educator: We will make them from balls, but we need 5 balls, why the fifth?

Children: For ponytail.

Educator: Guys, when you start working, I will play music for you, it will help you unleash your creativity. There is plasticine on our tables, we need to divide it into 3 parts, one part should be slightly larger, the other two parts should be the same. From the most part, we blind the body, from the other part - the head, and we need to divide the last part into 5 more equal parts, these will be paws and a tail. Let's get to work. (music turns on, preferably sounds of nature)

During work, the teacher gives the children advice, if necessary, provides assistance.


Look guys how cute you got the cubs.

(Ask the children whose work they liked and why, tactfully draw attention to the shortcomings in some of the works, suggest trying to avoid them next time).

Guys, let's invite our guest to choose new friends. ( Teddy bear gladly chooses all children's work and thanks the children for the gifts). The children invite him to come and visit again.

Teddy bear treats children to cookies and says goodbye.