The proportion of the urine of cats. General urine analysis in dogs and cats

Chervyakova Anna Alekseevna
laboratory doctor

General Study Urine One of the most frequently appointed laboratory tests. According to the results of this analysis, it is possible to judge the state of the urinary system organs and the effectiveness of urinating (its kidneys) and urinary and urinary (for her ureterals, bladder and urethra) of the body's functions are responsible, indirectly about the state of other organism systems.

A very important stage of research is the right urine collection to analyze.
It is important to remember that from the moment of collecting urine until the end of the laboratory research should pass no more than 2 hours.
Otherwise, you risk getting false results, since when storing more than 2 hours, urine properties change dramatically.

Generally increasing urine analysis is carried out according to the following parameters:

  • physical properties
  • chemical properties
  • microscopic examination.

Study of the physical properties of urine
The physical properties of urine are investigated by organoleptic methods, that is, as a result of the evaluation of the appearance of urine with the help of our senses, namely, the vision and sense of smell.
Every attentive owner can, and even must, independently follow the slightest changes in process of urination, quantity, colors, transparency, smell of urine In time, even before the deterioration of the overall state, seek help to a doctor.
As you understand, this assessment is purely subjective in nature and only indirectly points to the problem.
Therefore, if you notice that your animal has changed the urine or impaired the process of urination, it is necessary, without postponing, consult a doctor to clarify the reasons and pass the analysis to the laboratory for professional research.
The study of the chemical properties of urine and microscopic examination of its sediment provides a doctor with objective results, is carried out only under the laboratory conditions using laboratory methods and equipment.

Study of the chemical properties of urine

Relative density (specific weight) It shows the amount of dissolved particles in the urine and has different values \u200b\u200bin healthy cats and dogs, on average normal values \u200b\u200bfluctuate from 1.010 to 1.025.
It is very important to obtain data on the relative density of urine prior to the start of treatment, especially before the infusion therapy and the appointment of diuretic drugs (diuretics).
A decrease in density to 1.007 and lower and increasing the density of more than 1.030 indicate that the concentration and disgraced ability of the kidneys is only partially preserved.

PH urine It is an indicator of the concentration of free hydrogen ions. Healthy dogs and cats may have a pH of 5.5-7.5.
The reasons for change can serve as abundant reception of meat, vomiting, diarrhea, chronic urinary tract infections, cystitis, pylits and other reasons.

Protein In the urine - proteinuria accompanies almost any pathology of the kidneys. This indicator must be interpreted together with relative density.
Normally, more than 0.3 g / l has no protein in healthy animals. To more accurately determine the severity of protein losses, more quantitative methods require a daily study of the protein in the urine, the ratio of protein to creatinine in the urine.

Glucose In the urine (glucosuria) of healthy animals is absent. The appearance of glucose in the urine may indicate the most frequently encountered disease in animals of diabetes. At the same time, it is always necessary to measure blood sugar levels.
Glucose may appear in animals in stress, especially in cats.
In addition to diseases of the pancreas, glucosuria appears with acute renal failure, glomerulonephritis, hyperthyroidism, some drugs.

Ketones In the urine (ketonuria) is not found in the norm. Ketonuria appears in violation of carbohydrate, fat or protein metabolism.
Exhaustion, starvation and diabetes belong to the most frequent reasons for the appearance of ketones in the urine.
Ketonuria can also accompany acute pancreatitis, extensive mechanical injuries.

Bilirubin In the urine (bilirubinuria). Dogs (especially males) may have bilirubinuria in small quantities, if the relative urine density is equal to or more than 1.030.
Cats in normal there is no bilirubinuria.
The most common causes of strong hyperbirubinuria in dogs and cats are a liver disease, bile duct obstruction, hemolytic disorders. Weak bilirubinuria can be the result of long starvation (anorexia).

Urobilinogen. In the urine (urobilinogenuria). Physiological concentration in the urine is 17Mkmol / l. When using this test, it is impossible to determine the complete absence of urobinogen.
Increased extraction of urobinogen with urine occurs with an enhanced erythrocyte-enhanced decay (piroplasmosis, sepsis, DVS syndrome) and in chronic liver diseases.

Nitrit In the urine (nitriteuria). Watering of healthy animals gives a negative test result. The detection of nitrite in the urine indicates infection of the urinary system organs.
But it should be remembered that in this test there is a possibility of obtaining a false negative result. Therefore, it is impossible only on the basis of this study to draw conclusions about the presence or absence of a kidney infection and the urinary tract.

Microscopic examination
Some kidney and urinary tract diseases often proceed asymptomatic. Therefore, a study of urine sediment under a microscope is carried out.

Epithelium. In the urine sediment there are 3 types of epithelium: flat transitional and renal.
In healthy animals, the epithelium in the urine is not present. But the flat epithelium in small quantities is very often found in the samples of urine entering the laboratory, and this is usually not a sign of pathology. It enters the urine from the mucous membrane of the external genital organs at the moment of urination. But the appearance in the urine of transient, and moreover, the renal epithelium, indicates serious damage to the kidneys, ureters, bladder.

Leukocytes. Normal values \u200b\u200bshould not exceed 0-3 leukocytes in sight. This violation indicates inflammation and urinary tract infection. Other frequent reasons for the appearance of a large number of leukocytes in the urine can be stones and neoplasia.
Also, a large number of leukocytes can fall into urine from pre-school or vaginal discharges, to eliminate these factors to urine better take cystocentsis, or try to collect an average portion of urine. Often leukocyturia is accompanied by bacteriuria.

Erythrocytes. The presence of erythrocytes (hematuria, or blood in the urine) or their derivative hemoglobin (hemoglobinuria) is first determined by the test strip. The reaction to blood should be negative.
Regardless of the test strip testimony, a microscopic examination of urine precipitation for the presence of red blood cells is made. Normal values \u200b\u200bfluctuate from 0 to 5 red blood cells in sight.
Special attention should be paid at what moment of urination appears bleeding.
Blood in the urine, regardless of urination or the strongest, initially indicates damage to the urethra, prostate or extreme flesh in males of dogs or uterine (vagina) in females.
Blood at the end of urination indicates damage to the bladder. If the blood is present throughout the urination, then this may be caused by bleeding in any department.

Cylinders. These are the elements of the sediment of the cylindrical form consisting of protein and cells with various inclusions, which are casting of renal tubules.
Normally, healthy animals may contain 0-2 hyaline cylinders in sight.
The presence of cylinders confirms renal diseases. The type of cylinders gives some information about the pathological process, the amount does not correlate with the reversibility or irreversibility of the underlying disease.
Often, when the cylinders appear in the urine sediment, proteinuria is also recorded and renal epithelium detects.

Slime. A small amount of mucus may be present in the urine of healthy animals. This is a normal secret to the mucous membranes of urinary tract.
With a very large content of this, the secret in the urine is formed a large, driving, mucous precipitate. Such changes are characteristic of cystitis.

Crystals (salt). Microscopic recognition of urinary crystals is an imperfect technique, since their appearance varies through numerous factors.
Many crystals in small quantities can occur normally. For example, calcium oxalates, calcium phosphates, ammonium urates (especially in Dalmatians and English bulldogs), bilirubin crystals in healthy dogs with concentrated urine.
A large number of crystals often makes thinking about the presence of urolithiasis (stones). In animals with crystalluria, stones (urolites) are not always formed, and the detected crystalluria is not every time an indication of treatment.

Bacteria. In a healthy animal in the kidneys and bladder urine sterile. Therefore, in the urine obtained during a bladder punch (cystocentsis) in the norm of bacteria should not be.
Bacteria in the selected urine can be the result of the infection of urinary tract or contamination of the normal fluorescence of the distal part of the urethra and genital organs.
Very often there is a false increase in the number of bacteria in the urine due to improper collection into the non-sterile container and storage of urine at room temperature.
The presence of bacteria in the urine with a properly taken probe allows you to diagnose the infection of urinary tract. In this case, the quantitative bacteriological sowing of urine is recommended to determine the significance of bacteriuria and determining the sensitivity of detected bacteria to antibacterial drugs.

Normally, the color of urine is yellow and depends on the concentration of substances dissolved in the urine. With polyuria, breeding is larger, so the urine is brighter, with a decrease in diuresch - a saturated-yellow shade. The color is changing at the reception of drugs (salicylates, etc.) pathologically changed urine color occurs during hematuria (type of meat oots), bilirubinemia (beer color), with hemoglobin- or myoglobinuria (black), during leukocyturia (dairy-white color).
Normally urine is completely transparent. If the urine is muddy at the time of isolation, then this is due to the presence of a large amount of cell formations, salts, mucus, bacteria, epithelium.
Urine reaction
The oscillations of the pH of the urine are due to the composition of the nutrition: the meat diet causes the urine's acid reaction, the plant is alkaline. With a mixed nutrition, it is mainly formed by acidic use, therefore, the urine reaction is weakly acidic. When standing urine decomposes, ammonia and pH is released shifted into the alkaline side. Therefore, urine reaction is approximately determined by a litmus piece of paper immediately when delivering it to the laboratory, because When standing, it can change. The urine alkaline reaction undertakes the specific gravity indicators, leukocytes are rapidly destroyed in alkaline urine.
Relative urine density (specific gravity)
The urine density is compared with water density. The relative density determination reflects the functional ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine, this value is important for assessing the renal function in animals. Normally, the density of urine is on average - 1.020-1.035 urine density is measured using a urveter, refractometer. Measuring the density of the test strip in animals is not informative.

Chemical examination of urine

1. BEL
The selection of protein with urine is called proteinuria. Usually performed by high-quality tests, such as a blade test strip. The protein content in the urine to 0.3 g / l is considered normal.
Causes of proteinuria:
- Chronic infections
- Hemolytic anemia
- chronic destructive kidney processes
- Urinary tract infections
- urolithiasis disease
2. Glucose
Normally in the urine gyucoses should not be. The appearance of glucose in the urine (glucosuria) depends either on its concentration in the blood or from the filtration and reabsorption of glucose in the kidneys:
- diabetes
- Stress (especially in cats)

3. Botton bodies
Ketone bodies - acetone, acetoxus acid, beta-hydroxyma acid, during a day with urine 20-50 mg of ketone bodies are distinguished, which are not detected in one-time portions. Normally in the OAM Ketonuria is absent. When detecting ketone bodies, two options are possible in the urine:
1. In the urine, along with ketone bodies, sugar is detected - with confidence, you can diagnose diabetic acidosis, precomes or coma, depending on the corresponding symptoms.
2. In the urine detects only acetone, and the sugar is not - the cause of ketoneuria is not diabetes. This may be: an acidosis associated with starvation (due to a decrease in the burning of sugar and mobilization of fat); diet rich in fats (ketogenic diet); Reflection of acidosis associated with gastrointestinal disorders (vomiting, diarrhea), with severe toxicosis, with poisoning and feverish states.
Bile pigments (bilirubin). Bilirubin and urobinogen can appear from bile pigments in the urine:
4. Bitrubin
Watering of healthy animals contains a minimum amount of bilirubin, which cannot be detected by conventional qualitative tests using in practical medicine. Therefore, it is believed that normally in the OAM should not be bile pigments. With urine, only direct bilirubin is distinguished, the concentration of which is low in the blood in the blood (from 0 to 6 μmol / l), because Indirect bilirubin does not pass through the renal filter. Therefore, the bilirubinuria is observed mainly under the lesions of the liver (liver jaundice) and disorders of the outflow of bile (tunny jaundice), when the straight (bound) bilirubin increases in the blood. For hemolytic jaundice (inspection jaundice) Bilirubinemia is uncharacter.
Urobilinogen is formed from direct bilirubin in the small intestine from the bilirubin, highlighted with bile. By itself, a positive reaction to urobilinogen is little suitable for the purposes of differential diagnosis, because It may be observed with a wide variety of liver lesions (hepatitis, cirrhosis) and in diseases of the organs of the organs of the liver (with a bout of bile or renal colic, cholecystitis, with enteritis, constipation, etc.).

Microscopy of urinary precipitate
The precipitate of urine is divided into organized (elements of organic origin - erythimocytes, leukocytes, epithelial cells and cylinders) and unorganized (elements of inorganic origin - crystalline and amorphous salts).
1. Gematuria is the presence in the urine of red blood cells. Macrogematuria is isolated (when the urine color is changed) and microhematuria (when the urine color is not changed, and the erythrocytes are detected only under the microscope). Fresh unchanged red blood cells are more characters for the damage to the urinary tract (ICD, cystitis, urethritis).
2. Hemoglobinuria - the detection in the urine of hemoglobin is due to intravascular hemolysis. Clinically manifested by the separation of the urine of coffee. Unlike hematuria with hemoglobinuria, erythrocytes are absent in the sediment.
3. Shecticcites
Leukocytes in the urine of a healthy animal are contained in a small amount - to 1-2 in the field of view of the microscope. The increase in the number of leukocytes in the urine (Piura) indicates inflammatory processes in the kidneys (pyelonephritis) or urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis).
4.Epithelial cells
In the urinary sediment almost always there are cells of the epithelium. Normally in the OAM no more than 5 pieces in sight. Epithelial cells have different origins. The cells of the flat epithelium fall into the urine from the vagina, urethra and special diagnostic values \u200b\u200bdo not have. The cells of the transition epithelium lifted the mucous membrane of the bladder, ureters, lochs, large prostate festers. The appearance of a large number of cells of this epithelium in the urine can be observed with inflammation of these organs, with ICD and urinary tract neoplasms.
5. Cylinders
The cylinder is a protein that has rolled into the lumen of the renal tubules and including the composition of its matrix any contents of the enlightenment of the tubules. The cylinders take the shape of the channels themselves (castle of cylindrical shape). In the urine of a healthy animal, single cylinders in the field of view of the microscope can be detected during the day. Normally in the OAM cylinders are not. Cylinderuria is a symptom of kidney damage.
6.Norganized precipitate
A unorganized urine precipitate consists of salts precipitate in the form of crystals and amorphous masses. The character of salts depends on the pH of urine and other properties. For example, urine acid, urates, oxalates are found at the acidic reaction of urine. With alkaline urine reaction - calcium, phosphates (plipts). Detection in the fresh urine of salts - a sign of the ICD.
Normally urine in the bladder sterile. When urination in it, microbes from the lower urethral department are falling, but their number is not\u003e 10,000 per 1 ml. Under the bacteraryuria is understood to identify more than one bacterium in the field of view (high-quality method), which involves the growth of colonies in a culture exceeding 100,000 bacteria in 1 ml (quantitative method). It is clear that urine sowing is a gold standard of diagnosis of urinary system infections.

Clinical (general) Cat blood test

Hemoglobin - Blood pigment of red blood cells, carrying oxygen, carbon dioxide.
- polycythemia (increase in the number of erythrocytes)
- stay at large altitudes
- Excessive physical exertion
- Dehydration, blood thickening
- Anemia

Erythrocytes - Non-surfactant uniform elements of blood containing hemoglobin. Make up the bulk of blood uniform elements. Average for a dog - 4-6.5 thousand * 10 ^ 6 / l. Cats - 5-10 thousand * 10 ^ 6 / l.
Raising (erythrocytosis):
-Bronholegling pathology,
- hearts of the heart,
-Polikistosis kidney
- Connection, liver, liver,
Reduced: - anemia,
- acute blood loss, - chronic inflammatory process,
- Hypershydration.

Soe - The rate of sedimentation of erythrocytes in the form of a column with the upstream of blood. It depends on the number of erythrocytes, their "weight" and forms, and on the plasma properties - the number of proteins (mainly fibrinogen), viscosity. The norm is 0-10 mm / h.
- infection
- inflammatory process
- Malignant tumors
- Anemia
- Pregnancy
No increase If the reasons listed above are:
- Policytemy
- Reducing the level of fibrinogen in plasma.

Thrombocytes- Blood plates resulting from giant bone marrow cells. They are responsible for chopping blood. Normal blood content of 190-550 * 10 ^ 9 liters.
- Policytemy
- Mieloloikosis
- inflammatory process
- condition after removing the spleen, surgical operations.
- system autoimmune diseases (system red lupus)
- Aplastic anemia
- Hemolytic anemia

Leukocytes- White blood taurus. Food in the red bone marrow. Function - protection from alien substances and microbes (immunity). Average for dogs - 6.0-16.0 * 10 ^ 9 / l. For cats - 5.5-18.0 * 10 ^ 9 / l. There are different types of leukocytes with specific functions (see leukocyte formula), so the diagnostic value has a change in the number of individual species, and not all leukocytes in general.
- Leukocytosis
- leukemia
- infections, inflammation
- condition after acute bleeding, hemolysis
- Allergy
- with a long-lasting course of corticosteroids
Reduced leukopenia
- Some infections of bone marrow pathology (aplastic anemia)
- Increased spleen function
- Genetic anomalies of immunity
- anaphylactic shock

Leukocyte formula is the percentage of different types of leukocytes.

3. Base philas - participate in the reactions of the hypersensitivity of the immediate type. It is rare rarely. The norm is 0-1% of the total number of leukocytes.
Raising - Basophilia:
- Allergic reactions to the introduction of alien protein, including allergies to feed
- Chronic inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract
- hypothyroidism
- blood diseases (acute leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis)

4.Limphocytes are the main cells of the immune system. Fight with viral infections. Alien cells and altered cells are destroyed (alien proteins are recognized - antigens and selectively destroy cells containing - specific immunity), isolated into the blood of antibody (immunoglobulins) - substances that block antigen molecules and deriving them from the body. The norm is 18-25% of the total number of leukocytes.
Raising - lymphocytosis:
- Hyperthyroidism
- Viral infections
- lympholoikosis
Reduced Lymphonia:
- Application of corticosteroids, immunosuppressants

- Renal failure
- chronic liver disease
- Immunodeficiency states
- Insufficiency of blood circulation

Biochemical Cat Blood Analysis

1. Glucose- Energy source for cells - the main substance from which any cell cell receives energy for life. The body's need for energy, and therefore in glucose - increases in parallel physical and psychological burden under the action of the stress hormone - adrenaline, during growth, development, recovery (growth hormones, thyroid gland, adrenal glands).
Increased value for dogs - 4.3-7.3 mmol / l, cats- 3.3-6.3 mmol / l.
To absorb glucose cells, the normal insulin content is necessary - the hormone of the pancreas. With its disadvantage (diabetes mellitus) glucose can not go into cells, its level in the blood is increased, and the cells are starving.
Raising (hyperglycemia):
- diabetes (insulin deficiency)
- Physical or emotional load (emission of adrenaline)
- thyrotoxicosis (increase the function of the thyroid gland)
- Cushing syndrome (increase in the level of adrenal hormone - cortisol)
- Diseases of the pancreas (pancreatitis, tumor, fibergation)
- chronic liver diseases, kidneys
Reduction (hypoglycemia):
- starvation
- Insulin overdose
- diseases of the pancreas (tumor from cells synthesizing insulin)
- Tumors (excessive consumption of glucose as an energy material with tumor cells)
- deficiency of the function of the endocrine glands (adrenal glands, thyroid, pituitary gland (growth hormone))
- Heavy poisoning with liver damage (alcohol, arsenic, chlorine compounds, phosphorus, salicylate, antihistamines)

2. General protein
"Life is a way of existence of protein bodies." Proteins are the main biochemical criterion of life. They are part of all the anatomical structures (muscles, cell membranes), carry substances over blood and in cells, accelerate the flow of biochemical reactions in the body, recognize substances - their own or other people and protect against strangers, regulate the metabolism, hold the liquid in the blood vessels and Do not give her to leave the fabric. Proteins are synthesized in the liver from the food amino acids. The total blood protein consists of two fractions: albumin and globulines.
Increased for dogs - 59-73 g / l, cats - 54-77 g / l.
Raising (hyperproteinemia):
- Dehydration (burns, diarrhea, vomiting - relative increase in protein concentration due to a decrease in fluid volume)
- myeloma disease (redundant products of gamma globulins)
Reduction (hypoproteinemia):
- starvation (full or protein - strict vegetarianism, nervous anorexia)
- intestinal disease (absorption violation)
- nephrotic syndrome (renal failure)
- increased consumption (blood loss, burns, tumors, ascites, chronic and acute inflammation)
- chronic liver failure (hepatitis, cirrhosis)

3. Albumin - One of the two fractions of the common protein is transport.
Norm for dogs - 22-39 g / l, cats - 25-37 g / l.
Increase (hyperalbuminemia):
True (absolute) hyperalbummine does not happen. Relative occurs when a decrease in total liquid (dehydration)
Reduced (hypoalbuminemia):
The same as for general hypoproteinemia.

4. Labinub common- The bile component consists of two fractions - indirect (unrelated), formed during the decay of blood cells (erythrocytes), and direct (related), generated from an indirect in the liver and dismissed through the bile ducts into the intestine. It is a coloring substance (pigment), so when it is raised in blood, the skin is changing - jaundice.
Increase (hyperbilirubinemia):
- damage to hepatic cells (hepatitis, hepatosis - parenchymal jaundice)
- obstruction of bile ducts (mechanical jaundice

5. MEEW - Product of the exchange of proteins, removed by the kidneys. Part remains in the blood.
The norm for the dog is 3-8.5 mmol / l, for a cat - 4-10.5 mmol / l.
- Violation of the kidney function
- obstruction of urinary tract
- Increased protein content in food
- Increased protein destruction (burns, acute myocardial infarction)
- Protein starvation
- excessive protein intake (pregnancy, acromegaly)
- Violation of suction

6. Creobinine- The final product of creatine metabolism synthesized in the kidneys and liver of three amino acids (arginine, glycine, methionine). The determination is distinguished from the body by the kidneys by glomerular filtration, without rebupping in the renal tubules.
The norm for the dog is 30-170 μmol / l., Cats - 55-180 μmol / l.
- impaired kidney function (renal failure)
- Hyperthyroidism
- Pregnancy
- age reduction of muscle mass

7.Alaninotransferase (Allat) - enzyme produced by cells of the liver, skeletal muscles and hearts.
The norm for the dog is 0-65, for a cat - 0-75 units.
- Destruction of liver cells (necrosis, cirrhosis, jaundice, tumor)
- Destruction of muscle tissue (injury, myozit, muscular dystrophy)
- Burning
- Toxic effect on the liver of drugs (antibiotics, etc.)

8.Aspartaminotransferase (AsaT) - The enzyme produced by heart, liver, skeletal muscles and erythrocytes.
The average content of dogs - 10-42 units, cats - 9-30 units.
- damage to hepatic cells (hepatitis, toxic damage to medications, metastases in the liver)
- Heavy exercise
- heart failure
- burns, thermal blow

9.Gamma-glovedransferase (Gamma GT) - Enzyme produced by cells of the liver, pancreas, thyroid gland.
dogs - 0-8 units, cats - 0-3 units.
- Liver's root (hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer)
- Pancreatic Diseases (Pancreatitis, Sugar Diabetes)
- hyperthyroidism (thyroid hyperfunction)

10. Falph Amilaza
-Ferme produced by the cells of the pancreas and the parole salivary glands.
The norm of the dog is 550-1700 units, in a cat - 450-1550 units.
- Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas)
- Parotitis (inflammation of the near-dry salivary gland)
- diabetes
- Current stomach and intestines
- Peritonit
- deficiency of the pancreas function
- thyrotoxicosis

11. Potassium, sodium, chlorides - Electrical properties of cell membranes. On different sides of the cell membrane, the difference between the concentration and charge: sodium and chlorides are more outside the cell, and potassium inside, but at the same time less than sodium outside, - this creates the potential difference between the sides of the cell membrane - the charge of rest, which allows the cell to be alive and react to nervous impulses, participating in the system activity of the body. Losing charge, the cage drops out of the system, because Can not perceive brain teams. So, sodium and chlorides are extracellular ions, potassium - intracellular. In addition to maintaining peace's potential, these ions take part in the generation and conduct of a nervous impulse - the potential of action. Regulation of mineral exchange in the body (hormones of adrenal cortex) is aimed at a sodium delay, which is not enough in natural food (without cooking salts) and eliminating potassium from the blood, where it falls when the cells are destructed. The ions together with other solutes hold the liquid: the cytoplasm inside the cells, the extracellular fluid in the tissues, blood in the blood vessels, adjusting blood pressure, preventing the development of edema. Chlorides are part of the gastric juice.

dogs - 3.6-5.5, cats - 3.5-5.3 mmol / l.
Raising potassium (hypercalemia):
- Cell damage (hemolysis - blood cell destruction, heavy starvation, convulsions, severe injuries)
- Dehydration
- acute renal failure (violation of the kidneys)
- hyperadrenocorticosis
Reducing potassium (hypokalemia)
- chronic starvation (non-food notice)
- Long vomiting, diarrhea (loss with intestinal juice)
- Violation of the kidney function
- excess hormones of adrenal cortex (including cortisone dosage forms)
- hypoadrenocorticosis

dogs - 140-155, cats - 150-160 mmol / l.
Enhance sodium (hypernemia):
- excess salt consumption
- Loss of extracellular liquid (heavy vomiting and diarrhea, increased urination (nonaching diabetes)
- excessive delay (increased function of adrenal cortex)
- violation of the central regulation of water-salt metabolism (pathology of the hypothalamus, coma)
Sodium decrease (hyponatremia):
- Loss (diuretic abuse, kidney pathology, adrenal failure)
- Reducing the concentration by increasing the volume of fluid (diabetes mellitus, chronic heart failure, liver cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, swelling)

14. Chlorine
dogs - 105-122, cats - 114-128 mmol / l.
Raising chlorides:
- Dehydration
- acute renal failure
- Nonachar diabetes
- Salicylate poisoning
- Increased adrenal cortex function
Reduced chlorides:
- profuse diarrhea, vomiting,
- increase in fluid volume

Dogs - 2.25-3 mmol / l, cats - 2.1-2.8 mmol / l.
Participates in carrying out a nervous impulse, especially in the heart muscle. Like all ions, keeps liquid in vascular bed, preventing the development of edema. We are necessary for muscle contraction, blood coagulation. It is included in the bone tissue and enamel of teeth. The blood level is regulated by the hospitality hormone and vitamin D. Patrhgumon increases the level of calcium in the blood, leaning out of the bones, increasing the absorption in the intestine and delaying the removal of the kidneys.
Increase (hypercalcemia):
- improving the function of the parachitoid gland
- Malignant tumors with bone damage (metastases, myeloma, leukemia)
- Excess Vitamin D
- Dehydration
Reduction (hypocalcemia):
- reduction of the function of the thyroid gland
- Vitamin D deficiency
- chronic renal failure
- Magnesium deficiency

16. Phosphor inorganic
Dogs - 0.8-2.3, cats - 0.9-2.3 mmol / l.
The element in the composition of nucleic acids, bone tissue and the main systems of cell energy supply - ATP. Adjustable in parallel with calcium level.
- Destruction of bone tissue (tumor, leukemia)
- Excess Vitamin D
- Healing fractures
- Endocrine violations
- Renal failure
- Lack of growth hormone
- Vitamin D deficiency
- absorption impairment, heavy diarrhea, vomiting
- hypercalcemia

17.phosphatase is alkaline

Dogs - 0-100, cats - 4-85 units.
The enzyme formed in bone tissue, liver, intestines, placenta, lungs.
- Pregnancy
- increased exchange in bone tissue (rapid growth, healing of fractures, rickets, hyperparathyroidism)
- Bone diseases (osteogenic sarcoma, cancer metastasis)
- diseases of the liver
- hypothyroidism (thyroid hypofunction)
- Anemia (Malokrovia)
- lack of vitamin C, B12, zinc, magnesium


Lipids (fats) are the substances necessary for the living organism. The main lipid that a person gets from food, and from which its own lipids are then formed - cholesterol. It is part of cell membranes, supports their strength. It is synthesized by the so-called. Steroid hormones: hormones of adrenal cortex, regulating water-salt and carbohydrate exchange, fitting the body to new conditions; Sex hormones. From cholesterol, bile acids are formed involved in the assimilation of fats in the intestine. From cholesterol in the skin under the action of sunlight, vitamin D is synthesized for calcium absorption. In case of damage to the integrity of the vascular wall and / or excess cholesterol in the blood, it is deposited on the wall and forms a cholesterol plaque. This condition is called the atherosclerosis of the vessels: the plaques are narrowing the lumen, interfere with blood flow, break the smoothness of blood flow, reinforce blood coagulation, contribute to the formation of thromboms. In the liver, various complexes of lipids with proteins circulating in blood are formed: high, low and very low density lipoproteins (HDL, LDL, LPONP); Common cholesterol is divided between them. Lipoproteins are low and very low density are deposited in plaques and contribute to the progression of atherosclerosis. High density lipoproteins due to the presence of a special protein - apoprotein A1 - contribute to "pulling" cholesterol from plaques and play a protective role, stop atherosclerosis. To assess the risk of condition, it is not the total level of total cholesterol, but the ratio of its fractions.

18. General cholesterol
Dogs - 2.9-8.3, cats - 2-5.9 mmol / l.
- diseases of the liver
- hypothyroidism (failure of the thyroid function)
- Ischemic heart disease (atherosclerosis)
- Hyperadrenoxorticism
- enteropathy, accompanied by loss of protein
- hepatopathy (portocawal anastomosis, cirrhosis)
- Malignant neoplasms
- Poor food

The clinical analysis of urine is fully reflects the metabolism processes occurring in the body of the animal, and allows you to identify many diseases. So, with a laboratory study in the urine, a cat can be detected (protein). Normally, urine of a healthy animal protein should not contain. Its presence is allowed in quantity not more than 0.3 g / l.

And although the appearance of protein compounds in the urine of the cat is sometimes caused by non-hazardous physiological causes, in most cases it indicates the pathology of the reproductive, urinary or circulatory system of the animal.

If the level of protein in the urine even reaches the upper limit of the norm, there is no talk about the disease. The pathology is considered to be in its quantity, much more than the permissible value, such a state is called proteinuria.

The protein in the urine can be one of the symptoms of such diseases:

  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • renal amyloidosis (violation of protein-carbohydrate metabolism);
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • anemia;
  • infectious diseases (erlihiosis, Lyme disease);
  • increased blood pressure;
  • pyometer (one of the dangerous forms of endometritis);
  • lipemia (the presence in the blood of lipids);
  • system red lupus;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases of the urogenital system.

Types of proteinuria

Proteinuria is functional (physiological) and pathological. The first is not hazarded, this is a temporary reaction to a sharp physical activity, overheating, supercooling or food with a high protein content. The indicator usually comes to normal when the provoking effect on the body is terminated, for example, when changing the diet of the cat.

The pathological form develops against the background of any disease and is divided into:

  • Preenal when protein molecules having small sizes enter the kidneys from the blood, penetrating through the filtration barrier.
  • Foldable - protein fractions are formed in the urinary tract as a result of their inflammation. Most often, this form develops in a bacterial infection.
  • Renal, which is caused by functional or anatomical impaired kidney. In this case, the appearance of a protein in Urin serves as the result of inflammation or damage to parenchyma tissue.


In some cases, the protein in the urine in the cat is revealed by chance, no other signs of admiration is observed. This is possible with functional proteinuria, or in the initial period of the pathological form of the disease. With the further development of the disease, symptoms inherent in many pathologies may be detected, therefore, on the basis of an alternation only, the diagnosis is made unrealistic.

It is possible to assume that the cat is proteinuria, if in an animal:

  • gone appetite;
  • it quickly loses weight;
  • weakness, apathy is observed;
  • often the vomiting arises;
  • watering muddy, it can detect blood fragments.

Important! If the cat has at least some of these symptoms, it is an urgent to apply to the veterinary clinic to find the cause of the ailment as early as possible. Proteinuria is one of the pathologies, the success in the treatment of which largely depends on the exact definition of the provoking disease and the timely initiated therapy.


The list of diagnostic research is determined by a veterinarian. The initial diagnostic method is the overall analysis of urine. Express test for the presence of protein in the urine, which is carried out with a paper pH strip, does not always give a reliable result, and the quantitative data does not provide.

In case of suspected, bacteriological and chemical urine tests prescribe a cat. The following indicators are determined:

  • color;
  • transparency;
  • density;
  • acidity (pH);
  • character of sediment;
  • protein;
  • slime;
  • epithelium;
  • fat and ketone bodies;
  • the presence of blood elements;
  • "Hepatic" pigment bilirubin;
  • glucose.

Attention! In order for the results of the urine analysis to the protein, they were false, the animal at least a day before its fence is not recommended to feed food containing many proteins. This is the poultry meat, liver, cottage cheese, milk, eggs.

Differential diagnosis of proteinuria can also include general and biochemical blood tests, ultrasound, x-rays and other studies.


Proteinuria is most often treated outpatient. Therapy directly depends on the disease that caused the appearance of proteins in the urine.

Most often, the cause of the protein in the urine is the pathology of the kidneys. If this is a functional disease, inhibitors of the ACE may be appointed to eliminate the kidney failure of the cat: Benazepril, imidapril, Lisinopril, Ramipril. Improve the condition of the kidney vessels helps preparations containing fatty acids ALA, EPA and DHA (omega-3 group). These unsaturated acids take a long time, and their elderly is recommended to give them constantly.

With inflammatory processes in the kidneys or urinary tracts (pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis), antibiotics of penicillin groups or cephalosporins (penicillin, carbenicillin, amoxicillin, cefepim, cefotaxim), as well as sulfanimamides (sulfen, sulfadimetoxyn) are prescribed. Antibiotic therapy with tetracycline drugs is used if the cat detected erlihiosis - an acute infectious disease, whose carrier is ticks.

If it revealed that the cat suffers from hypertension, it is prescribed a course of treatment with antihypertensive agents (losanthane or telemisarthane) and / or potassium-saving diuretics (for example, spirironolactone). As an additional treatment and prevention, a diet with a limitation of fats and salts is used.

With anemia, not related to blood loss (hemolytic, hypoplastic or alimentary), the animal is prescribed tools that contribute to the increase in hemoglobin. These are the preparations of iron, copper, cobalt, as well as vitamins of group B. Often alimentary anemia with a decrease in blood levels of erythrocytes and hemoglobin is observed in young cats and kittens due to incorrectly organized nutrition or absorption of iron organism. In such cases, the veterinarian will introduce such a product into the diet as a liver of animals into the diet.

The intensity of the proteinuria manifestations, even if it is caused by severe pathology, can be effectively reduced by restricting the feline menu of products rich in proteins, and increasing the amount of fatty acids of Omega-3 and Omega-6 in it. The state of the animal immune system also has an important meaning. To increase its resistance to the cat, who had a course of proteinuria, it is recommended to use the coursework immunomodulators, veterinarians are usually prescribed Hamaprene, Hamavit, Wetrostal or Immuna.

How to collect urine cats for analysis: video

Total urine analysis includes an assessment physico-chemical characteristics of urine and microscopy of sediment. This study allows you to evaluate the function of the kidneys and other internal organs, as well as reveal the inflammatory process in the urinary tract. Together with the general clinical analysis of blood, the results of this study are capable of quite a lot about the processes occurring in the body and, most importantly, to specify the direction of further diagnostic search.

Indications for assay analysis:

Secondary ketonurias:
- thyrotoxicosis;
- Incenko-Cushing disease; hyperproduction of corticosteroids (the front of the front lobe of the pituitary gland or adrenal glands);


Norm: Dogs, cats - absent.

Hemoglobinuria is characterized by the separation of urine red or dark brown (black) color, dysuria. Hemoglobinuria must be distinguished from hematuria, alkaptonuria, melaninuria, porphyry. With hemoglobinuria, erythrocytes in urine sediment are absent, rescue anemia with reticulocytosis and an increase in the level of indirect bilirubin in serum.

When does hemoglobin or myoglobin (hemoglobinuria) appear in the urine?

Hemolytic anemia.
- severe poisoning (sulfonamides, phenol, aniline dyes,
- After an epileptic seal.
- Transfusion of an incompatible blood type.
- Sepsis.
- Heavy injuries.

Urinary sediment microscopy.

In the blade there is an organized precipitate (cellular elements, cylinders, mucus, bacteria, yeast fungi) and unorganized (crystalline elements).

Norm: Dogs, cats - 1 - 3 red blood cells in sight.
All that is higher is hematuria.

- macrohematuria (when urine color is changed);
- Microhematuria (when urine color is not changed, and red blood cells are detected only under the microscope).

In the urinary sediment, red blood cells may be unchanged and changed. The appearance in the urine of altered erythrocytes has a large diagnostic value, because They most often have renal origin. Unpumbered erythrocytes are more characters for the damage to urinary tract (urolithiasis, cystitis, urethritis).

When does the number of erythrocytes increase (hematuria)?

Urolithiasis disease.
- Tumors of the genitourinary system.
- Glomerulonephritis.
- Pyelonephritis.
- infectious diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis, tuberculosis).
- Kidney injury.
- poisoning of benzene derivatives, aniline, snake poison, anticoagulants, poisonous mushrooms.


Norm: Dogs, cats - 0-6 leukocytes in sight.

When does the number of leukocytes increase (leukocyturia)?

Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis.
- cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis.
- Stones in a ureter.
- tubulinistial jade.

Epithelial cells.

Norm: Dogs and cats are single or absent.

Epithelial cells have different origins:
- cells of a flat epithelium (washed off by the night urine with outdoor genital organs);
- transitional epithelium cells (linen the mucous membrane of the bladder, ureters, loosening, large prostate faders);
- Cells of renal (tubular) epithelium (linked renal tubules).

When increases the number of epithelial cells?

Raising cells flat epithelium There is no significant diagnostic value. It can be assumed to be improperly prepare a patient to collect analysis.

Raising cells transitional epithelium:
- intoxication;
- intolerance to the anesthesia, drugs, after operations;
- jaundice of different etiology;
- urolithiasis (at the time of the passage of the stone);
- chronic cystitis;

Cell appearance renal epithelium:
- pyelonephritis;
- intoxication (reception of salicylate, cortisone, phenacetine, bismuth preparations, poisoning of heavy metals salts, ethylene glycol);
- tubular necrosis;


Norm: Dogs and cats are missing.

The appearance of cylinders (cylindruria) is a symptom of kidney damage.

When and what cylinders appear in general urine analysis (cylinder)?

Hyalin cylinders are found with all organic kidney diseases, their quantity depends on the severity of the state and the level of proteinuria.

Grass cylinders:
- Glomerulonephritis;
- pyelonephritis;
- kidney cancer;
- diabetic nephropathy;
- infectious hepatitis;
- osteomyelitis.

Wax cylinders Specify the serious defeat of the kidneys.

Leukocyte cylinders:
- acute pyelonephritis;
- exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis;
- Abscess kidneys.

Erythrocyte cylinders:
- kidney infarction;
- embolism;
- acute diffuse glomerulonephritis.

Pigment cylinders:
- Preenal hematuria;
- hemoglobinuria;
- Mioglobinuria.

Epithelial cylinders:
- acute renal failure;
- tubular necrosis;
- acute and chronic glomerulonephritis.

Fat cylinders:
- chronic glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis complicated by nephrotic syndrome;
- lipoid and lipoid-amyloid nephrisosis;
- Diabetic nephropathy.


Fine Watering in the bladder sterile. The identification of bacteria in urine analysis more than 50,000 in 1 ml indicates the infectious damage to the organs of the urinary system (pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, etc.). It is possible to determine the form of bacteria only with the help of bacteriological research.

Yeast fungi.

The detection of yeast of the genus Candida testifies to candid by the fact that it occurs most often as a result of irrational antibiotic therapy, the reception of immunosuppressors, cytostatics.

Determination of the form of fungus is possible only with bacteriological examination.


The mucus is distinguished by the epithelium of mucous membranes. None or present in the urine in minor quantities. With inflammatory processes in the lower urinary tract departments, the mucus content in the urine increases.

Crystals (unorganized precipitate).

Watering is a solution of various salts that can fall into the precipitate when standing at urine standing (form crystals). The presence of certain salt crystals in the urinary sediment indicates a change in the reaction to the acidic or alkaline side. Excessive salts in the urine contributes to the formation of stones and the development of urolithiasis.

When and what urine analysis do crystals appear?
- urinary acid and its salts (urates): Norma may occur among Dalmatians and English bulldogs, in dogs other breeds and cats are connected with hepatic insufficiency and porcetic anastamoses.
- Triphelphosphates, amorphous phosphates: often found in weakly acidic or alkaline urine in healthy dogs and cats; Can be associated with cystitis.

Calcium oxalate:

Severe infectious diseases;
- pyelonephritis;
- diabetes;
- Ethylene glycol poisoning;


Cirrhosis of the liver;
- viral hepatitis;
- The state of the hepatic coma
- Bilirubin: can be in healthy dogs with concentrated urine or due to bilirubinuria.

In the article, I will give decoding the results of the biochemical analysis of the urine of Cota. I will tell you what the indicators are the norm. I will describe what impurities can be detected in the analysis, and what are the causes of such a phenomenon.

Study of urine cats and dogs are carried out to form a diagnosis and further treatment. Timely laboratory analysis allows you to identify serious impairment of the urinary system, caused by infection, injury, etc.

The analysis fluid is collected in three ways: with the help of a special filler, which does not absorb liquid, bladder bubble and catheter. The last two procedures must be carried out in the veterinary clinic.

The results of the studies of cat urine are recorded in a special sign, which greatly facilitates their decoding.

Physical indicators

This group includes the following indicators:

  • number. Normally adult cat, weighing 4-5 kg, it allocates about 100-150 ml of urine per day. An increase in this amount indicates the possible development of diabetes, pyelonephritis, CPN. The lack of urin can be observed during dehydration caused by diarrhea, vomiting.
  • Sediment. It is permissible insignificant amount. It consists of epithelium cells, counters (crystals and salts), microorganisms. If the amount of sediment exceeds the norm, this indicates the development of the disease.
  • Color or Col.. Cat urine should have a yellow color. Red or brownish color says about presence in Urin blood. Indicates an increased amount of bilirubin. If you have a pus urine, it will be a bit greenish. Very bright, almost white Urina talks about increasing the number of phosphates.
  • Transparency or CLA.. In the norm of cat urine transparent. In various diseases, it may include salts, bacteria, leukocytes, red blood cells, fat droplets. Also transparency depends on the term and storage temperature of urine.
  • Smell. The appearance of acetone smell in Urin speaks of the development of diabetes. If the urine smells like ammonia, it means a bacterial infection in the animal. Also, urine smell can change some products and medicines.
  • Density. Cats urine should have an average density of 1.020-1,040. The increase in these indicators indicates the presence of protein and glucose in Urin. Also, the density may increase on the background of intravenous injections and reception of some drugs. The decline in the indicator speaks of CPN, kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus.

Kota urine chemistry

This group includes a study of such indicators as pH, protein, glucose, bilirubin, urobilinegen, ketone bodies, nitrites, red blood cells, hemoglobin.

Normally, the pH alkaline balance is at 5-7.5. Increase points to lacking, which can be the result of the development of cystitis, the presence in the diet of a large number of plant foods, hypercalemia.

Reducing the indicator (urinose acidification) may be the result of CPN, dehydration, fever, long starvation, diabetes mellitus.

Proteins in the urine should not be present.

A permissible concentration is 100 mg per liter. The appearance of the protein can be the result of increased loads, eating a cat feed rich in protein.

Proteinuria is also observed with anemia, heart failure, dehydration, fever, diabetes mellitus. Often the appearance of a protein accompanies the development of cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, kidney diseases (amyloidosis, pyelonephritis, etc.).

The appearance of glucose in the urine is a deviation. This may indicate the development of diabetes. Also, the appearance of glucose is observed against the background of intravenous injections and the introduction of steroids, adrenaline.

The presence of bilirubin in the urine is due to jaundice. The norm of urobinogen is not more than 10 mg per liter. An increase in this indicator may indicate the following diseases: enterocolitis, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, toxic poisoning.

The appearance in the urine of ketone bodies is observed in diabetic coma, long starvation, fever. The presence of nitrite speaks of infection in the urinary tract.

The presence of hemoglobin may be a sign of Babesiosis.

The appearance in the urine of red blood cells indicates the development of such serious pathologies, like leptospirosis, pyelonephritis, systemic red lupus, tumors in the urinary bubble cavity, cystitis. Also, blood appears in urolithiasis, kidney injuries and other urinary organs.

Microscopy sediment

You can recognize the development of the disease using a microscopic draft of the sediment:

  • Epithelium. Significant increase talks about jade, intoxication, nephrosis.
  • Erythrocytes. Permissible content - 0-3 in sight. Raising level is often observed in infections.
  • Cylinders. Increased quantity indicates the development of inflammatory processes in the kidneys, bleeding in a parenchyma. Also, the cylinder is observed during pyelonephritis, fever, dehydration.
  • Bacteria. In the urine, which was collected by a catheter, a minor number of bacteria may be present. Increase indicates the development of infection or urolithiasis.
  • Leukocytes. Raising the level happens when, jade, glomerulonephritis and other infectious diseases.
  • Sololi.. Often the appearance in the urine of the concrections (sand, oxalates, streams, etc.) speaks about.

Study of urine is an effective measure of diagnosing diseases of the urinary system organs.

With this analysis, you can promptly recognize the development of infection. However, a minor deviation from the norm of some indicators is sometimes observed when receiving some medicines, power disorders or drinking mode.