Decoration on glass from paper templates. Paper templates for decorating windows in the form of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Cutting out beautiful figures using a paper stencil of figures on the windows for the New Year

Dear friends, today I continue the theme of decorating windows for the New Year. I will share with you the stencils that I especially like. I'll tell you how to make New Year's drawings on the windows using them. Let's talk about whether it is possible to resize the template in Word and Excel and what to do if there is no printer at home, and the image needs to be transferred to paper.

And, of course, we will analyze the most painstaking work - cutting. Its result directly affects the beauty of the New Year's window. Well, let's understand all the intricacies of New Year's paper drawings, which are also called vytynanki.

Stencils of New Year's drawings on paper windows

How do you like this winter fairy tale made of plain paper? A wonderful composition turns out. As you can see, it consists of several stencils: a forest glade, deer, snowflakes, the moon, and even small things.

I really like this New Year's story on the window, they are just mesmerizing.

And one more stencil of the New Year's city.

If you make such a Santa Claus on a paper window, although he looks more like Santa Claus, it will be fun.

Here is another stencil of the main wizard of the New Year.

If you want to decorate the window with a drawing of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, familiar to us from childhood, then take this template.

You can decorate the window with a Christmas tree and sleigh with gifts. Look how wonderful they are.

These templates of festive balls, icicles and bells will look very elegant and gentle on the window.

I would like to present you one more template - this stencil, in my opinion, should come out very interesting.

How do you like this template? I think it will be the perfect New Year's drawing.

And, of course, what one without a Snowman and holiday candles. I think you will like these templates as much as I do.

New Year's stencils for paper windows
How to print

After you have decided on a template for a New Year's drawing, beginners may have a question: "How to print a New Year stencil and how to make it larger if it turns out to be small."

This is not difficult. I will offer you three options, and you give preference to the one that is convenient and easier for you.

Working in Word

In order to start working in Word, the template you have chosen, we save it to our computer. Then we open the Word. Then press "Insert" and "Picture". A window will appear in which you need to select your template.

As you can see, the drawing is small, it will be barely noticeable on the window. In Word, you can stretch it to the size of the sheet. To do this, direct the arrow to the picture, press the left mouse button. A frame will appear around it. By stretching it, the picture is enlarged.

If the lines of your drawing come out faint, you can strengthen them. Again, move the arrow to the picture, press the left mouse button and when the frame appears, at the very top of the screen you will see the inscription "Format". We press on it. We are looking for the word "Correction" on the same panel, click. A dropdown menu will open. In the "Sharpness Adjustment" section, select your template with an increase of 50%.

I shrunk the page so you can see how I ended up stretching the image to fill the entire sheet.

Working in Excel

If you want to get a much larger picture, then you can't do it without Excel. We go into this program. Just like in Word, press "Insert" and "Picture". In the window that appears, we are looking for our template.

Bring the arrow to the picture and click on the left mouse button. A frame will appear, with which you need to stretch the picture. In Excel, this can be done up to very large scales, both down and to the side, only then the drawing will consist of several parts. The program itself will split the drawing for printing. I got 8 sheets.

We translate the stencil using paper and pencil

If you don't have a printer in your house, use the third method. By the way, it can be applied after working in Word and Excel, when the picture will be enlarged.

We take any template that you like.

Direct the arrow to the picture, press the right mouse button. A list appears in which you need to select "Open Image".

The image will open in a separate window. It will be small, but you can make it full screen. To do this, hold down the Ctrl button, and without releasing it, press "+" more until the picture is full screen.

After that, we take a blank sheet of paper and apply it to the screen. We arm ourselves with a pencil and redraw the picture. With the backlight from the monitor, this will not be difficult.

How to cut paper stencils for windows

To cut the stencil, you will need small scissors, a knife, and some kind of wooden or plastic board so that the table is not damaged when working with a sharp tool. The ideal knife for this is a wallpaper knife. You can buy it at any hardware store.

We cut out the main drawing with small scissors, but all the inner contours - with a small knife. We carry out everything so that the black lines of the stencil are on the part that will be removed.

How to glue a paper stencil on a window

It seems to be elementary, however, there are many but ... Some are glued with plain water or soapy water, others do not have such stencils. Why it happens? It all depends on the window itself. If it is dry, then it is enough to moisten the stencil with a liquid soap composition or walk it over the glass and then stick it on. But the drawing will not always remain on the sweaty glass. Therefore, to say: "Guys stick it like this and everything will be fine with you" - it's not entirely fair.

Each window needs an individual approach. It is necessary to consider, as I said, whether it is crying or not. Whether the room temperature is cold or warm - this also has an effect. Everything here is individual, as they say by the poke method - it holds, it does not hold. All I can offer you is to tell you about all the possible methods used to stick paper stencils. I think one of these versions will definitely suit you.

  1. Soap composition or simply rub with well-soaked laundry soap.
  2. Transparent tape, but it leaves a mark on the glass.
  3. Diluted toothpaste, but not very rarely.
  4. Kefir, no matter how strange it may seem, people glue with such a drink, the truth will also be stains on the window from it, and if you have a cat, the decoration will not last long, as you understand.
  5. Flour paste, which is prepared on the basis of flour and water. The consistency should be like sour cream. But again, the question of stains on the glass during washing in the spring.
  6. Starch paste is a diluted starch.
  7. Dry glue stick.
  8. Another gluing option is with ordinary milk.
  9. Sugar syrup - cook and then glue.
  10. Prepare the gelatin liquid as usual, but add a little more water than indicated in the recipe.
  11. Double-sided tape, it is hardly noticeable on the glass, can be easily removed, but then you need to thoroughly wash the traces.
  12. Men's shaving cream, dissolve in a little water. The composition should not be liquid.

As you can see, everyone sticks differently, so make a choice, try and then you will know exactly which method is right for you.

The article about New Year's drawings on the windows came out quite voluminous for me. I hope you liked the cutting stencils and the master class was interesting and understandable for you. I wish you all good luck and, of course, patience, because in order to prepare such templates you need fortitude and inspiration.

I wish everyone happiness, Natalia Murga

Hello everyone! It is winter and cold outside with might and main, and we are in full swing preparing for the New Year holidays. I would like to decorate the house as colorful as possible in order to feel the upcoming events not only by looking at the calendar, but also internally. After all, it is during this period that some kind of invisible onset of the upcoming miracle is felt!

The children will soon be given assignments to bring some decoration to the class or group. For this case, you can do a lot, or cut out a stencil on the windows. It is about the latter that will be discussed today.

You know, lately you've been walking down the street and wondering. How many elegant windows are around! I used to always think that only people who can draw can do this. And now I understand that having a computer and the Internet, everyone can become a little artist. After all, it is not necessary to have any talents to decorate your home. Now it is enough to print the finished drawing, cut out any fairy tale from it with the help of scissors and a clerical knife. Then just glue it with water, milk or soapy water on the glass and EVERYTHING!

I picked up excellent stencils that you can print by copying from the article. This can be done simply by right-clicking on the picture and then "save the picture as" or "copy as". We save in the microsoft word program. Then we increase it if necessary and print it. It's that simple!

New Year's stencils of snowflakes on windows for cutting out of paper (diagrams, templates)

What does not a single New Year do without? Of course, no snowflakes. How not to decorate the windows with such beauty. You can, of course, dream up and cut it yourself. But there are no less beautiful stencils. You can make the same ones or try all of the suggested ones below. The main thing is that your windows or classrooms will be transformed immediately!

Did you know that the art of paper cutting (vytynanka) originated in the 9th century in China. Just when the paper came along.

And you can also print such snowflakes. Inside they have a character or object.

The level of complexity of the drawings is different. From easy to difficult. Where to start is up to you!

Interesting snowflakes will turn out. Now let's see what other samples there are.

Stencils of New Year's piglets on the windows in A4 format to print

The coming year is a yellow earthen pig or wild boar. So how can we do without the New Year's symbol? No way, so be sure to decorate the windows with such animals. They can be small or large. Or maybe the window will be completely of them? The most important thing is that they are funny and very cute.

As you can see, the pigs are very cute. But even these can be in the form of cartoon characters that you certainly recognize. Now let's look at other stencils for windows.

Window decoration for the New Year 2019 in the form of New Year's houses

I cannot imagine a window on which there would be no house. They are so cozy that they immediately bring us closer to this family holiday. Looking at such, you immediately imagine how the whole family will gather at the festive table near the New Year tree. So be sure to choose and print the one you like best. Or maybe this is the home of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden? Or some fairytale hero?

See, even a birdhouse can be carved with the birds. The most important thing is how warm and cozy these pictures are emanating from.

How to decorate windows for the New Year

From what you saw above, it is quite possible to create some kind of plot. But how to do it without the main characters of the holiday. Of course, we also need Santa Claus and his granddaughter Snegurochka. Or forest animals. Let's not forget about them. In addition, children in kindergarten, schools are always waiting for them, and the house is no exception.

And here is a snowman with bunnies. Their fun will certainly be passed on to us soon.

New Year's vytynanka on the windows - templates, pictures for cutting

You definitely need to add some balls or bells to the windows. You can also have a month or candles. After all, the more colorful the window, the more passers-by will glance at it. It's always nice to hear praise addressed to you. And the joy of the children will be simply enormous.

Do not forget about the New Year's beauty.

Now you can safely print everything and decorate the windows. Imagine what kind of beauty it will turn out. It remains to dress up a living or artificial Christmas tree. Be sure to do this with your children. Of course, trusting them with a knife is not necessary, but they can easily glue them on the windows. And now I say goodbye to you, see you!

New Year is a holiday that is loved by both adults and children, especially children. They like everything - and the process of preparing for the holiday, and the process of waiting for a gift, and goodies on the table. Preparation for the New Year begins long before the start of the holiday. Ideas for gifts, home decoration, outfits, and a festive table are being worked out.

And what is the first thing that Santa Claus sees, heading to visit you? Your windows, of course. Therefore, one cannot but pay attention to their decorations.

Beautifully decorated windows will not only decorate your home from the inside, but also make it beautiful from the outside.

There are several ways to decorate - using stencils and patterns, toys, garlands. Which stencil or template is most suitable for you - decide for yourself, and below we will tell you how you can bring it to life.

The easiest and most affordable way to decorate windows is to use stencils. You can buy them in the store or make your own. The latter is preferable. Why? Yes, because when drawing a picture, cutting and gluing, you put your energy, love and goodness into the process.

Do not discount the fact that making decorations for windows and the decoration itself is a creative process, and if you do it together with your loved ones and children, then you will not only decorate the house, but also spend many pleasant minutes together.

What stencils can be used to decorate windows? Here you can give free rein to your family fantasy. It can be Christmas trees, snowflakes (stencils for snowflakes you will find below), Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, the Mistress of the Year Dog ... .. there is no limit to imagination in this matter.

You can find many stencil templates for decorating windows on the Internet, but sometimes the question is how to transfer them to paper. This can be done in two ways.

The first way. Make a drawing of the largest size on the monitor screen, attach a transparent sheet to the screen and redraw the stencil.

Second way. Save the picture and print it on the printer. Only now the drawing can be printed in small size.

How can you increase it? This can be done using the Microsoft Word program. Create a document on your desktop, copy the picture you like there and, with the cursor on the corner of the picture, simply stretch it to the desired size.

And the long-awaited stencils for decorating windows.

Snowflakes on paper windows for the New Year. Print stencils:

Light airy snowflakes give a wonderful mood when they whirl around and fall to the ground and cover it with a white snow carpet, but also when they decorate our house, especially the windows. They can be different - smooth, openwork, made of paper or cut from cardboard. You can even cut a snowflake from a newspaper, and it will have an original, slightly creative look. The simplest and most affordable material for making snowflakes is, of course, paper.

You can make them in several ways.

The way they were taught to do in kindergarten.

- Fold a square piece of paper diagonally several times and cut out the patterns that came to our minds.

- Draw or print a snowflake pattern.

- Buy a ready-made stencil or template in the store.

How to glue a snowflake to a window? There is nowhere easier to do this - just make a saturated soapy solution, smear it on one side of the snowflake and glue it to the window. Even a small child can do this. Watch a video on how to glue a snowflake to a window.

There is another way to draw a pattern on the glass of the window using a stencil.

Attach the snowflake (or some other design or composition) to the glass and apply the coloring agent with a sponge.

In our case, the coloring matter can be an ordinary toothpaste.

Below are some interesting snowflake patterns that can decorate your windows.

But how beautiful the windows will be.

Window decorations in the year of the dog (stencils in the form of dogs and animals).

The owner of this year, as mentioned above, will be the Yellow Earth Dog. And although she begins to rule only in February, we can already begin to seek her favor. And for this, family decoration of the windows of your house will be a great way.

You can give free rein to the imagination of your children and let them independently decorate the windows with dogs and other images of animals, or use ready-made templates and stencils.

Adorable, cute and serious representatives of the canine brotherhood will become a worthy decoration of your windows, and other animals will be their friends.

And now templates for adorable dogs and other animals that yearn to decorate your windows.

Christmas balls for cutting out of paper on windows (clippings).

In addition to snowflakes, various balls can be called a favorite attribute of decorating a Christmas tree and a house. If we decorate the tree with shiny glass balls, then paper stencils and ball templates can be used to decorate the windows. The windows, decorated with carved paper balls, look very festive and festive.

In order to cut the ball and stick it on the window, you need:

  • Print or redraw the version you like.
  • Carefully cut out the interior with a sharp knife or small nail scissors.
  • Glue the ball to the window in any way (best with a concentrated soap solution - then it is very easy to remove the stencil from the windows).

After you glue the ball on the window, you can use a toothpaste, sponge or toothbrush and make a stencil drawing.

And now we suggest you choose your own version of a template or stencil of balls for cutting and decorating windows.

What else can you decorate windows for the New Year 2019? Original ideas

Most likely, your family members have a great many ideas on how to decorate the window for New Year in an original and unusual way. But there are times when nothing original comes to mind. In order for our imaginations and fantasies to start working at full strength, it takes a little push.

Such an impetus, perhaps, will be the design options proposed below. You can take them as a basis and add your creative thoughts to them and turn your windows into a work of art.

Or you can give free rein to the imagination of your children. They will never have problems with the original decoration! But there will be a lot of joy from the process of inventing, decoration and pride in yourself!

An unusual decoration for the windows will be a ballerina snowflake.

It is not very difficult to make such a snowflake. Cut out a ballerina figurine from thick beautiful paper and dress it in a snowflake. Moreover, snowflakes can be different in color, complexity, texture. Hang such a snowflake in the window opening and when you open the window for ventilation, it will spin beautifully under the flow of incoming air.

How to make such a snowflake is shown in the video.

Nobody canceled the New Year's glowing garlands. By decorating the window with them, you can create a fabulous atmosphere in the room.

No less impressive is the window decorated with wool pom-poms (and not only wool). It is very easy to make such funny pom-poms, but they look just great, adding a joyful mood.

In addition, decorating windows, you can arrange whole thematic compositions. Such compositions are shown in a collage. And who knows, maybe their mesmerizing beauty will inspire you to create your own wonderful composition.

New Year has always been a family holiday. And 2019 implies an even greater emphasis on nepotism, comfort and kindness. Because the Dog is a symbol of devotion, kindness and love. She loves warmth and comfort. Therefore, the Hostess will really like your joint family work on decorating the house. These chores will not be a burden, they will be joyful and happy for the whole family.

We start fantasizing about Christmas trees and New Year's window decorations back in November. Moreover, the interior fashion in 2019 strongly recommends "making gold" (or "silvering") the house. Down with modesty. Decorated windows for the New Year using stencils is a ticket to the festive mood and luxurious life.

December is the time to prepare for the New Year holidays. Some, in order to feel all the magic of the holiday, buy gifts for relatives and friends in advance, others turn their home into a real fairy tale.

You can beautifully decorate both plastic and wooden windows. You don't need to spend a penny on stencils with a New Year's theme. It is enough to print and cut out a template with snowflakes, reindeer, snowmen or New Year's socks (boots) for gifts.

Using several stencils, you can create a completely unique creative piece on the window or arrange the window glass around the perimeter with a repeating border. A slight asymmetry will make the image as natural as possible. It is not necessary to observe specularity when gluing templates - minor deviations will give the appliqués on the window dynamism and volume.

An example of a New Year's composition, which, if not pretending to be an artistic masterpiece, will plunge headlong into memories from childhood.

The top of the glass is decorated with spruce branches, on which openwork New Year's balls hang. In the middle of the composition, a sleigh with reindeer is flying through the air. Santa Claus is sitting in them with a large bag of gifts. Fine snow is flying by. On the glass below you can see snow-covered houses, cheerful snowmen and a beautiful Christmas tree.

(Initially, draw the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe location of the stencils on the window on paper)

Stencils on the windows for the New Year 2019 for cutting

Glue templates for decorating windows with PVA dissolved in water.

Advice! The overly intricate shape of New Year's stencils will create difficulties in cutting. Therefore, if there is little time, but cutting out a window is included in the mandatory list of preparations for the holiday, then opt for simple but interesting figures and ornaments.

Decorating windows with protruding holes for the New Year

The intricate, patterned dimples on the windows are nothing more than cut-out figures and patterns from white paper. The technique is simple and it is easy to make vytynanka with thin paper sheets, nail scissors (or a clerical knife) and soap solution at hand - pictures from paper are best attached to it.

How to make a soapy solution for gluing window decorations?

The recipe for the solution: put ¼ of a piece of (white!) Soap in a cup of water, fill it with water and stir thoroughly. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, it is applied with a wide brush from a set of paints to paper and gently glued to the glass. When the vytynanki are dry, artificial snow is sprinkled on top to create a "wow" effect, just a little bit.

Stained glass drawings on New Year's glass

Stained-glass windows with Christmas trees, snowflakes, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and other thematic patterns are created using the same stencils and spray with artificial snow.

To make a New Year's stained-glass window, a paper stencil is moistened with water on one side and pressed tightly against the glass. Then artificial snow is sprayed and, when the drawing dries up (it will take about 20 minutes), the stencil is removed.

White toothpaste is also suitable for decorating windows. To do this, it is diluted with water, whipped thoroughly until foam forms and applied to a stencil glued to the window with a toothbrush. So that the paste is sprayed in the right way, slide your finger up the wet bristles and release.

Decorating windows for the New Year made of paper

To beautifully decorate windows for the New Year you will need:

  • beads, beads, bugles;
  • dry flowers or spruce branches;
  • basic skills in working with scissors and paper;
  • threads.

New Year's decoration of windows: mobile "Ballerina in a snowy forest"

A sheet of white paper is folded in half and the outline of the ballerina (bird or whatever you wish) is drawn.

On the tutu of the New Year's ballerinas, a slit is made at an angle and worn on the "torso". A thread is passed through the central fold, for which they are hung on the window garland.

Fashion trend of the season - organic style

The main element of eco-style is natural materials in the decor. New Year's windows are decorated with apples, citrus and cinnamon. It is always fragrant and beautiful, and also, oranges, tangerines and cinnamon remind of mulled wine - the main wine drink of winter.

Hand-made organic decor is easy to create with your own hands at home: you just need to buy bright fruits (tangerines, oranges or apples), tie them with a golden (silver) ribbon and hang them on the window frame on a thread (fishing line) in any order.

This decoration looks very atmospheric. And if you show your imagination and add aromatic pastries to the fruits (for example, Christmas gingerbread), then you can fold a whole New Year's ensemble on the window.

The eco-style theme is continued by linen decor. With the help of textile elements on the windows, it is not only easy to create a cozy atmosphere in the house, but also to compliment Yellow Earth Pig- the symbol of the upcoming 2019. To do this, ripe pomegranates or rowan twigs (artificial) are hung with simple fabric bows on a twine. It all looks very winter-like.

The landscape outside the window will become part of the festive decor if you block the window with a long branch found in the garden and hang glass Christmas tree decorations on it. To create the right atmosphere, the wood is effectively tinted with white gouache.

Christmas window decorations - candles

The tradition of displaying low candlesticks on the windowsill is European. Live fire always looks romantic and beautiful.

The glitter and glow of the snow-covered spaces are recreated in the decor of the windows, braiding them with lush spruce paws and exposing candles on the windowsill. Burning in the twilight, they attract the eye and act as a symbol of something pure, new, giving hope for the future.

How to decorate candles for the New Year to decorate windows - ideas with photos

Finest hour - decorating windows with paper stars

Green, white or red paper stars, like no other paper crafts, are associated with the winter holiday. Introduce them into the interior through the decoration of the windows, be sure to work with the scale: large stars or snowflakes look especially advantageous.

How to make a volumetric paper star with your own hands?

You will need: thick colored paper, scissors and glue. Look at the photo for a small master class on making an origami star. Everything is simple and step by step!

Option for the lazy! Garland of stars! We cut out stars of the same diameter from cardboard, glue them onto a thread and attach them to the cornice above the window.

Cute cardboard boxes for decorating windows

A little creative inspiration and it turns out that you can decorate windows for the New Year with the help of completely unusual objects. For example, a gift box. The easiest way to create a New Year's box is as follows: we take matchboxes, a sheet of elegant red paper and a golden ribbon. We fill in and fix a new outfit with tape and get a New Year's decor.

For those who like to do everything according to the rules, we offer a master class on creating a real box.

Window Stickers "Quick Poster"

Vinyl decals are suitable for a variety of hard surfaces, including glass. The set usually includes the large sticker itself, an ironing card and instructions.

The deer in the photo does not need to be assembled from separate small parts. A ready-made sticker is glued to the window. Fast and beautiful.

Florarium: fashionable decoration of the New Year's window

An exotic arrangement of indoor plants in a glass ball will appeal to fans of eco-style design. Moreover, such compositions can live in transparent vessels for many years with minimal maintenance.

While the whole world greets the New Year with pain in the liver and joy in its eyes, July will reign in your windows (thanks to florariums).

In the photo there are tillindsia and succulents placed in a glass ball.

You can decorate the window with "live" balls by attaching them to a thick branch painted with white paint.

Cones for a bear - decorating windows with cones

From mid-November to the end of December, most of us are overwhelmed by an intolerable desire to decorate the house for the New Year. We google frantically "how to decorate the windows and where to get the cones." So hands itch to make something original.

Try making a garland of pine cones first. Take pine cones, gouache, and coarse string. Look at the photo and repeat!

Material prepared for the site

Styrofoam-covered windows - simple and beautiful

Due to its plasticity, the foam easily takes any shape, even such graceful ones as snowflakes.

Intricate decor, which has the texture of snow, is bought in stores or made at home, in order to later decorate the window with styrofoam figures.

If desired, the foam balls are replaced with cotton wool. A white thread or thin line is threaded through the fluffy mass of cotton so that falling snow is obtained.

And even if the forecast is rain, it will snow in your house on New Years!

Openwork snowballs as a window decoration

What happens if you take knitting threads, a balloon and glue? Christmas ball! How to make a balloon for window decoration? Simple, and you don't need to know how to knit for this.

  1. Inflate a small round ball, tie a ponytail and lightly brush with petroleum jelly.
  2. Soak the threads in a pre-prepared solution of water (50 g), PVA glue (10 g) and sugar (5 teaspoons).
  3. Wrap the ball with threads, chaotically, but not very tightly, and so that you get an openwork weaving.
  4. Dry the ball by hanging it on the tree. When it is completely dry, take out the ball (burst, deflated or just crumpled).

By 2019, Pigs with their own hands are easy to make such a miracle.

A couple of chickens on the window will cheer you up and turn on the positive for the year ahead.

New Year's decor on the windows - garland

Remove the heavy curtains from the windows and hang the garland - a shining curtain on the window will create the right atmosphere, filling the room with anticipation of the holiday.

Snowflakes on glass from napkins - window decor from childhood

Snowflakes cut for the new year are always different. They, as in nature, are not two alike. To beautifully decorate the window with snowflakes, try to glue them not randomly, but with a pattern: repeating the silhouette of a Christmas tree, a cloud or smoke coming from the furnace chimney.

New year paper windows: here's what the creatives came up with from paper snowflakes:

Christmas wreath in window decoration

Fir is considered the most suitable tree for creating a Christmas wreath on the window. She has a wonderful aroma, she does not crumble or prick. There are three colors in a traditional wreath: green (branches), red (bows) and white-silver (balls).

Decoration of windows with figures made of fleece, felt and felt

It is impossible to go too far with the window decoration for the New Year. Therefore, if you have felt or felt in your house, and the knowledge from school cutting and sewing courses remains in your memory, try to sew jewelry with your own hands. Ideas in the photo.

Window decoration for the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig!

If you want to celebrate the New Year 2019 according to all the rules and traditions, then there is only one way - to decorate the house with the appropriate attributes. The yellow pig is by nature not wasteful and disinterested, so the decor of the windows should be minimal.

The easiest way to decorate a New Year's window is to stick out snow-white footprints, which you can do with your own hands as easy as shelling pears! You will need a template of paws, scissors and white watercolor.

You can print a dog's template at the desired scale using a printer, if one is not available - contact the nearest copy center.

According to Chinese astrology, the coming year carries the energy of the Earth, which means that all shades of yellow and gold should be present in the interior. A wide selection of Christmas-tree balls of incredible cuteness remove the question of decorating windows and focus the housewives' attention on decorating the New Year's table!

Textile felt dogs on the windows will add mood to the overall design palette of the room.

Figures of dogs made of plywood, painted in different colors, will become a spectacular detail in decorating windows for the New Year.

White lace feet for sophisticated natures.

If there are children in the house, then pigs made of sausage balloons will be an excellent window decoration. The symbol of 2019 will not burst if you are as careful as possible and do not bring the ball to the Christmas tree ahead of time!

The windowsill can be decorated with crafts made of plasticine or polymer clay, which children can then play with.

Best ideas for decorating windows: pictures and patterns of a dog for the New Year

Method 1 - stencils

Method 2 - dog Christmas tree toy ball

Method 3 - felt dog

Method 4 - crocheted dog

Method 5 - lollipop dog

To create a window composition (which will most likely be eaten after the New Year), you will need: candy dogs, spruce branches, cones and foam (will serve as the basis for New Year's crafts).

With the help of children's plasticine, spruce branches, cockerels on a stick and cones are artistically strengthened on a small piece of styrofoam. If desired, add rain, serpentine and other festive tinsel to the composition.

The New Year's arrangement on the window will gain soulfulness if you install a couple of decorative candles in the needles. Only in this case, you will have to monitor safety so that children do not burn their fingers while carrying their favorite sweets.

Decoration of windows for the new year 2018 from paper (paper applications) and drawings with paint (gouache) on the windows