Elastic curls - how to make a beautiful hairstyle. Hair curlers - papillotes: instructions for use

Papillots are hair curlers that are convenient to use to create beautiful hairstyles for all occasions. You can either buy them in a store or make them yourself from scrap materials. At first, you will have to learn a little in order to choose the best shape for the curls, but over time it becomes easier to use curlers of this type.

What are papillote curlers?

Papillots (hair curlers, how to use which will be described in the article below) are devices with which you can quickly make a beautiful hairstyle for any occasion.

Papillots are sometimes called "boomerangs"... They began to be used several centuries ago by the ladies of the court for curling their hair. At that time, girls used long jguts, on which they wound their hair and left it on all night.

Today, papillotes are called tubes of different colors, made of foam rubber of different quality, velor or rubber, which easily bend and change shape. They are based on a wire that helps to twist the papillotes so that the curl holds and does not fall apart.

There are many varieties of papillotes, they are made from different materials with which it is comfortable to sleep and it is impossible to injure the scalp.

How are used

They are used to create curly curls. Curlers are chosen based on the shape of the face. With their help, beautiful large and small curls are created.

The choice between them is made on the following basis:

  • owners of soft features and rhombic (oval) faces are suitable for long curls or short curls;
  • if a girl has a square face, sharp features, then she is not recommended to wind short hair. Such curls visually make it heavier and create rough features, emphasize the chin. Short hair can be curled with fine curls.

For owners of thin hair, papillotes help create additional volume.


Papillots have the following advantages:

  • they are available for every girl. If there is no money to buy branded curlers, you can make them yourself from simple and affordable means;
  • they save time on styling in the morning - so that the curls are beautiful and hold for a long time, the papillotes are wound in the evening. In the morning they take them off and get voluminous curls;
  • such curlers do not damage the hair structure, do not burn them, do not spoil them;
  • curls after papillotes are symmetrical and natural;
  • the process of curling curls takes less time than a similar one with a curling iron: you will have to spend about 20-30 minutes to create curls before going to bed.

Safety and ease of use make papillotes popular among many girls and women.


Disadvantages of this hair curling method:

These are minor flaws that do not prevent you from using this type of curler to create beautiful hairstyles. Papillots - hair curlers, how to use which on different hairs will be described in the following sections, exist in several forms.


In the store you can buy two types of papillotes.

They differ in material and appearance:

For complete hair safety and comfort, it is recommended to choose the second type of curler. But for training and primary use, in order to understand whether this type of hair curling is suitable, you can use the first type. And after successful experiments, buying papillotes for yourself is more expensive.

How to choose suitable papillotes?

When choosing curlers from such a store, you need to pay attention to their following features:

  • on the quality and strength of the material from which the papillotes are made. In high-quality papillotes, the material is dense, they bend, and the inner wire does not pierce the coating when bent;
  • how strong is the base of the papillote: the inner wire should not break through the fabric with which the curlers are covered;
  • flexibility - the papillote should bend well, the quality of fixing the curls depends on it.

There are curlers of different diameters. Each of them is designed for curls of a certain shape and optimal hair length.

The table will help you choose the right diameter:

Papillote diameter (mm) Optimal hair length What curl will turn out
14 ShortElastic small curl
AverageSpiral curls
LongSmall curls
16 ShortLarge curls
AverageElastic large curls
LongSpiral curly
20 ShortBody waves
AverageLarge curls
LongElastic voluminous curls
22 ShortNot suitable for hair like this
AverageLarge curls
LongBody waves

The information in the table helps you compare the length of the hair and the volume of the curler in order to approximate the result after curling in this way. You can independently experiment with papillotes of different diameters to find the best option for your appearance.

How to make papillotes with your own hands?

At home, curling curlers can be made from the following materials:

Homemade papillotes are suitable for single use. They are used to experiment with curls before buying real curlers in order to evaluate the resulting curls and how such a hairstyle suits the shape of the face and the length of the hair.

How to curl your hair correctly?

Wash and dry your hair well before curling. If possible, you can let them dry naturally, without heating.

The procedure for winding curls includes the following steps:

  1. Comb through thoroughly dried hair.
  2. Select one strand near the forehead with your fingers, comb it. Take a papillote in your other hand and wind a strand around it, starting from the middle of the curler. The "springiness" of future curls depends on the distance between the curls.
  3. Fix the curled strand on a papillote: with a hairpin, if it is a homemade curler, or twist it so that the hair does not fall apart.
  4. Do the same for the rest of the hair.

The head can be sprinkled lightly with hairspray. Keep the curlers all night long.

Wrapping your head with a handkerchief will help you sleep more comfortably.

In the morning, the curls are carefully unwound. Depending on the desired hairstyle, they can be combed (then the hair will be fluffy) or styled with foam in the desired shape.

Additional materials and tools

Additionally, for a hairstyle that is created using papillotes, you may need:

To dry long, thick hair, you need a hair dryer. It is used if there is no time for them to dry naturally. For high-quality combing, you also need a soft comb made of natural materials.

Hair curlers, how to use which is described in the article, should be used with various additional cosmetics to make curls more resistant to the effects of wind, rain, snow, air.

With the right cosmetics, you can learn how to style your hair that will last all day. On thin hair, curls can last for 1-2 days: on the first day they look like elastic curls, on the second - in waves.

Many girls prefer this type of hairstyle, it saves time and money. The remnants of curls can also be braided into a ponytail, which, after papillotes, turns out to be fluffy and thick.

Auxiliaries for fixing strands

To fix the strands before and after winding, the following cosmetics are used:

Using any means, the main thing is not to overdo it. Too much mousse or hairspray will stiffen your hair and strip it of shine. It should be remembered that their main goal is to help in styling, the secret of a beautiful hairstyle is in technology, and not in cosmetic gels and mousses.

Instructions for use for short curls

Papillots - hair curlers, which owners of different hair lengths need to know how to use. They use curlers of different diameters to get the desired curls and not be disappointed in the resulting hairstyle in the morning.

Curls are twisted on short hair in this way:

In the morning, it is not recommended to comb the resulting curls - the hair will become fluffy, it will be difficult to style them. And thick curls can unwind. It is best to style short curly hair with foam and secure with hairpins.

Medium length strands

Medium length is ideal for wrapping with papillotes. You can make large curls if you wind them in several turns, or small ones if you wind them tightly. The type of curls is chosen in accordance with the characteristics of the facial features.

The head must be washed and dried. Depending on how thick your hair is, you should use a mousse or styling gel. If they lack volume, the products can be applied to the root zone and dried with a hairdryer using a large round comb. Curls are curled on papillotes, starting from the forehead, moving gradually to the back of the head.

How to wind on long hair

Hair curlers, how to use, which you need to know to create an effective hairstyle, are used on a washed head. Very long thick hair is washed for a day before curling. Just before curling, you can spray the curls with styling liquid.

There are two ways to create a hairstyle:

Long hair takes more time to curl and set curls. They need to be wound up a few hours before bedtime. If they are very thick and heavy, you will need a lot of papillotes. In this case, it is more advisable to use a curling iron for curling.

Curler storage rules

Hair curlers (how to use them correctly was described above) also needs to be stored correctly so that they do not deteriorate. You can extend their life by many months if you follow simple tips.

For curlers to last longer, they must be stored in accordance with the following rules:

Before each subsequent use, the curlers should be checked for integrity: the wire should not break through the outer cover. If this happens, it is worth getting rid of them, otherwise the use of such items can scratch the scalp.

To create a spectacular and beautiful hairstyle, stylists recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • do not curl wet hair. Dry them with a hairdryer and comb them well. Wet hair does not dry out until morning, and the shape of the curls will not be symmetrical. It is permissible to slightly dampen only long and very thick hair;
  • to extend the life of the curls, before curling, each of them can be sprinkled with styling agent or a little mousse can be applied to them with your hands; the strand must be combed well before winding so that there are no tangled hairs;
  • you need to start making curls near the forehead, gradually moving to the temple area. The very last to wind the hair at the back of the head.

Using papillotes is like using the services of salons, but much easier and cheaper. Following these recommendations, you can make beautiful curls with hair curlers that will last all day. To create such a hairstyle, you first have to experiment a little with different types of curlers, but each time it will be easier and easier to create curls.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about curlers papillotes

How to wind hair on papillotes:

Female representatives love to experiment with their image. Sometimes, these are colossal and daring changes, and sometimes, a new styling is enough. The look of girls can be easily transformed thanks to all kinds of curls. If you know how to wind your hair on papillotes, then you don't even need to go to the salon for this, but create charming curls at home.


What are papillotes

Papillots are such curlers that look like foam rubber tubes with an elastic wire inside. They come in a wide variety of sizes, volumes and lengths. They are easy to use.

In addition to this plus, papillotes have some more advantages:

  • availability due to an affordable price;
  • reliability of fixation on the head;
  • thanks to the soft foam rubber, they are comfortable to wear on the head, and they do not cause discomfort even during sleep;
  • unlike other methods of curling, such curlers do not harm the hair;
  • it does not take a lot of time to create a hairstyle, it is enough to wind the curlers and go to bed, and in the morning get a ready-made amazing hairstyle;
  • papillotes are considered optional ready-made curlers bought in a store; they can be created from any available means, for example, fabric or newspapers. As a result, the curls are no worse, and using them is no more difficult than the usual ones.

Curls wrapped on regular papillotes

It is necessary to twist the curlers on clean strands, therefore, before creating curls, you need to wash and dry your hair. This can be done naturally or with a hair dryer or towel.

On dry hair, steep curls are not obtained, but only light waves are formed. The more moisture on them, the better the curls will be taken.

Therefore, you should calculate the time for curling, because too long wet strands will not have time to dry overnight.

Based on the number of papillotes in the package, it is necessary to determine the thickness of the strand so that they are all the same. The curlers are rolled up, starting from the ends of the strands... To do this, you need to moisten them with styling product and gently twist them to the very roots.

The free edges of the papillote should be tightly bent inward or twisted in a knot, which will allow it to stick well to the hair.

If you take thin curlers, you get a lot of small curls. The larger the volume of the curler, the larger the curls will be.

So that after removing the curlers, the hair on the crown lies beautifully, when winding the tools, it is necessary stagger... You should not adhere to a certain parting. To make it more comfortable to feel with papillots, a special net or a regular scarf is put on the head.

After the required time, when the hair is completely dry, the curlers are removed in the same order, as well as screwed up. After removing the curling tools, you should get elastic vertical curls, as in the photo.

It is not worth separating the curls with an ordinary comb - the hair will acquire an untidy fluffiness. You need to do this either with your fingers or with a comb which has very large teeth.

After styling the curls in the way you want, the hairstyle must be sprinkled with hairspray with strong hold. You need to use it in moderation so that the hairstyle looks as natural as possible.

Curls on homemade papillotes

The advantage of homemade papillotes is that every time you twist strands on them, you will get new, unusual curls. The hair curling technique will determine their appearance.

So, how to use papillotes from improvised means?

To begin with, you should prepare identical scraps of fabric of such length so that you can twist curls on them from beginning to end, and there is room for tying the edge into a knot or bow. If there is no fabric, you can take tubes of the same length, twisted from newspapers.

Washed and dried hair is divided into identical strands, and you need to divide them horizontally.

You need to twist curls on a piece of fabric from below... To prevent the tip of the hair from gagging, it must be secured by folding the fabric in half, and then curling the curls.

The advantage of such papillotes is that they are very convenient to use and do not injure the structure of the strands. To get beautiful voluminous strands not from the hair roots, the papillots need to be twisted to mid-length... This will allow you to create a natural hairstyle that will not at all look like a perm with finished products.

So that the hair does not get tangled and does not fall out of the twisted strands during sleep, you need to put on a special spiderweb mesh.

In the morning, you need to gently unravel the strands without tangling your hair and separate the resulting curls with a fine comb. Fix with varnish. So the curls will last a long time and look very impressive.

It so happened that in matters of beauty, women always strive for the ideal. Often, they are not seduced by their own dignity of the fair sex, so many use various methods to create a different image, different from the one originally laid down by nature. It is in this regard that most girls with straight hair dream of graceful natural curls.

Fine curls on medium hair

Chic long curls

Delightful hairstyle with curls

It's not a secret for anyone that beauty requires sacrifice, so many sometimes go to even the most harmful manipulations with hair, just to achieve the desired effect. However, daily use of a curling iron or curling iron can be detrimental to hair health. Therefore, many knowledgeable ladies have long preferred alternative ways to create graceful and natural curls that will not harm their hair. These include papillote curlers, which have been popular for a very long time.

Features of papillotes

At the very beginning, papillote curlers were made of fabric or paper. However, with the advent of mass production, motley foam rubber sticks with a flexible base began to appear on the shelves. They come in different lengths and thicknesses. The flexibility of the papillotes is due to the presence of wire in the core, which allows you to give them any shape and twist in a variety of directions.

Soft and gentle texture

Curls depend on the diameter of the papillote

Absolutely any form of papillotes

Despite the fact that the modern hairdressing industry offers a wide range of different means for creating the most natural curls, annually supplementing the list with various new products, many tirelessly buy precisely papillote curlers, the result of which is so popular with women all over the world. This is understandable, because this tool has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Hair curlers do not harm the hair, because they curl them without any heat treatment and do not break the structure of the strand due to the absence of any clamps.
  • They are able to take any shape, so the curls are as natural and beautiful as possible.
  • Practice has proven that the result from papillotes lasts much longer than from curling irons.
  • They are simple and easy to apply and do not require any special skills. In addition, they are comfortable to sleep with, as they have a soft structure unlike any other curlers.
  • Papillots are suitable for any type of hair, and the effect is as natural as possible.

Twisting papillotes quickly and conveniently

Soft and flexible papillote curlers

They can cover the whole head

Mode of application

In order for the hairstyle to be as close as possible to expectations, it is important to know how to use curlers with papillotes. The curls themselves will depend on the degree of moisture in the hair, the time of wearing and the diameter of the sticks.
The winding process:

  1. Separate the section from the bulk of your hair.
  2. From the middle of the hair, first roll the end of the strand, and then move closer to the roots.
  3. Secure the papillote with a pretzel, crossing the two ends.

Detailed process of applying papillotes

Gentle removal by unwinding

Such a delightful result awaits at the end

Natural waves

To get such a hairstyle, it is enough to wind the papillotes over clean, dry hair. It is not necessary to use any hair styling products. In this case, you need to walk with papillots for no more than two hours, and then carefully remove it, unwinding the strand.

Light natural waves

Graceful hairstyle with curlers

Natural waves on medium hair

Graceful curls

To create a festive hairstyle, you can wind curlers on damp hair, lightly treated with foam. It is advisable to leave the curlers overnight, so that the effect is more persistent. In addition, you can fix the result with varnish. After removing the curlers, comb your hair with your fingers. It is very important not to divide the head into even sections, since the natural effect will disappear. It is best to follow the chess principle.

Romantic image with papillotes

Light curls from mid-length

Chic curls on long hair

Hair curlers will appeal to those who do not like to expose their hair to harmful manipulations, but at the same time dream of natural curls. If you want to shine with an excellent hairstyle, just curl your hair overnight and the next day you will be amazed at the result.

Curls can decorate any hairstyle: they add elegance to the image, if we are talking about large, or exotic, if you make small waves. Today, hairdressing has various means for shaping curls, but not all of them are safe for hair: for example, the use of a curling iron can negate all the efforts of a woman to care for them, and so one evening spent with a beautiful hairstyle leaves behind not only good photos and pleasant memories, but also thin, burnt hair.

Fortunately, this method of obtaining curls is not the only one: among them there are safe ones, for example, using papillotes. Let's find out how to curl your hair with curlers, and also consider several types of styling with these curlers, which you can buy or do yourself.

Selection of papillotes

There are several types of papillotes, and their main difference is in the material: on the one hand, those made of large-pore foam are cheaper, but it is better not to stop at them, because they will not keep the shape of the curl, creating angular features, and will also fail quickly. More expensive, but more convenient are those made of dense foam rubber and covered with rubberized material. Inside them there is a flexible wire that helps to fix the curlers.

There are small and large papillotes, and the choice must be made based on the desired result: small curls will be obtained with the help of thin ones, and large curls with the help of large-diameter curlers.

Hair curlers: how to use?

Preparation. Before winding curlers with papillots, wash your hair and dry your hair with a hairdryer. It is better to wind the papillotes on dry hair so that the curls turn out to be smooth, and only if the hair is of a dense structure, you can pre-moisten the strand with water from a spray bottle.

The technique of winding hair on papillotes. Divide your hair into strands according to sectors depending on whether you need curls: large or small. Then take the papillote and position it perpendicular to the selected strand, and, starting from the end, wind it around the curlers so that the strand remains in the central part of the papillote. After the required length is screwed on, bend the horseshoe-shaped papillote with the ends up. Do this with each strand, from the back of the head to the top of the head.

Types of laying on papillotes

There are two main types of styling: a more natural option, and one that can be considered evening, because it keeps the shape of the curls for a long time.

How to wind up on papillotes for a "light wave" effect?

Observing the technique, wind all the curls on the curlers, having previously moistened them with water. After that, you can go to bed or just leave them for several hours: the longer the strands, the longer they need to be kept fixed. When time has passed, unfold the papillotes to an even position, and gently unwind the strands. After that, "break" the curls with your fingers and fix with a small amount of varnish. After 15 minutes, the curls will look like light waves.

How to spin on papillotes for a lasting effect and pronounced curls?

For bouncy, well-defined curls, use curly fixing spray or styling gel. Make sure your hair is slightly damp before curling, and then apply a gel or fixative spray along with hairspray to each section before curling. Leave your hair in this position for a few hours. Before removing the curlers, warm them up with a hairdryer.

Do-it-yourself hair papillotes

If you urgently need to wind your hair, and there are no necessary funds nearby, you can make papillotes.

Before making hair papillotes, prepare a few A4 sheets and a piece of cloth.

Then cut the paper so that you can twist a small cylinder, and then thread a piece of cloth or thin rubber bands for papillotes through it. After that, fold the paper and wrap a strand on it, and using a cloth or elastic band, fix the homemade papillote.

Nowadays, you can create curls in various ways: using a curling iron, a styler, a perm. But there are technologies that will never become obsolete, because they are time-tested, that is, more than one generation has been convinced of their practicality. Such technology can be considered papillotes, for which for several years in a row girls, and at some times men, wind their hair in order to create a voluminous hairstyle. How to use papillotes and we will tell you how to make them in our article.

History of the use of papillotes

Since ancient times, men and women have curled their hair with papillotes. In fact, papillotes are nothing more than narrow flagella on which the hair is twisted. This method was very popular in the Middle Ages, when hard curlers and other methods of creating graceful curls had not yet been invented.

Remember how white and dark wigs with straight curls were fashionable among men and women? Of course, it looked beautiful, and therefore provoked the fashion for wearing curls. A noble who could afford any whim would certainly buy ready-made wigs. Poorer people also tried to look fashionable, and therefore they wound papillotes around their hair, making them from improvised material - rags, paper, etc. Later, this also played a role, and paper papillotes could be seen on the hair of wealthy people who rolled papillotes at night to look luxurious during the day.

Making papillotes at home is easy and simple. You don't need any special skill to make it, but if you have long hair that you want to wind on papillotes, help will not be superfluous, because under certain circumstances this process can take several hours.

  • Papillots made of paper. To make them, you will need plain paper, it is best if it is not very good quality, that is, rough. Using a pencil and a ruler, or simply "by eye", divide a sheet of paper into even strips. The length of the strip depends on the size and length of the future curl. If you can't find stiff paper, you can use regular paper, just roll it in several layers. The paper papillotes are ready, it remains only to wind them around the hair.
  • Fabric papillotes... Another handy material can be scraps of fabric. The mechanism for making fabric papillotes is the same as when creating paper ones. It is enough just to cut the pieces of fabric, and then wind the hair around them. How to do this correctly, we will tell you a little more.
  • Papillotes made of paper and fabric... It is much more convenient to use such papillotes, but you will have to spend twice as much effort in creating them. Cut strips of paper and strips of fabric. You can make shreds of fabric twice as wide as paper shreds or the same. Then wrap a paper flagellum in each piece of fabric, this will be our papillote, in which the fabric ends will play the role of strings.

Papillotes can be made from any available material that you have: foam rubber, foam rubber and wire, fabric and wire, etc.

What are modern papillotes?

Papillots can also be bought in the store. In this case, the purchased product will enjoy a huge advantage - its durability, that is, they can be used several times until the core base in them breaks.

Modern papillotes that can be found in the store are foam curlers or curlers made of soft plastic. They are easy to find, inexpensive and easy to use. A wire is inserted inside such curlers, which allows the papillote to bend in any direction. The strand is fixed at the expense of the ends of the wire.

Regardless of which papillotes you use - purchased or homemade, the mechanism will be the same in both cases.

  • Part clean hair into strands.
  • Apply a small amount of fixer or some water to the strands of hair.
  • Take a papillote in your hands and wind it around your hair from the ends to the roots.
  • Secure the hair near the hair roots by tying it in a bow or bending it tightly (depending on the type of papillote).

To make your work pleasant and comfortable, here are some tips to help you create the perfect hairstyle.

  • If you use paper or fabric papillotes made by hand, then put on a cap on your head, which will protect the strands from unwinding.
  • If we are talking about store papillotes, with the help of which you want to create curls, then do not go to bed in them. Better to check how your hair will “react to papillotes. If your hair is thin of medium length or short, it will curl very strongly and you will look like a lamb, which will not look very nice, since the curls on the curls do not turn out to be the same. If your hair is very coarse, you will only exhaust yourself by lying on pins and needles all night: there is no sleep, and the hairstyle is "no ice".
  • Do not forget about the size of the papillotes. The smaller the papillote, the smaller the curl. The smaller the curl, the larger the size of your hairstyle will become. Remember this golden rule and there will be no problems.
  • Don't brush your curls! In order not to become like a poodle, we remind you that it is not recommended to comb the curls that have already been created. If you need to separate the strand, use either a comb with sparse teeth or your own hands.
  • You can use beer or sugary water instead of a fixative to strengthen your hair.

Benefits of papillotes

Just in case, if you still do not quite understand how convenient this method of creating curls is, let's summarize and voice the advantages of papillotes:

  • Availability. At any time, anywhere, you can create a lush hairstyle using the available means. Just a sheet of paper is enough and you can start.
  • It is comfortable to sleep. If in the morning you need to shine and sparkle with a luxurious curly hairstyle, and you do not have time to create curls in the morning, you can prepare in the evening. Having screwed on the papillotes and put on a cap (so that the curlers do not fall off), you can go to bed in peace. Papillotes do not cause discomfort during sleep as they are flexible and soft compared to regular curlers.
  • Papillots do not harm hair health... You do not expose your hair to heating or, on the contrary, cooling, but simply wind it on these wonderful rags, foam rubber or paper. No harm! You do not jeopardize the hair structure, do not have a negative effect on the roots, which means that papillotes can also be used for daily use. Isn't it ideal?
  • Asymmetric hairstyles... On papillotes, each curl is individual and beautiful in its own way, and what looks a little asymmetrical looks natural and natural.

Whether or not to curl your hair into papillotes is up to you, but on our own behalf, we want to say that it's worth a try. First of all, this is due to the fact that you are a woman, and you should not lose interest in the next method of creating beauty.