In what style can you make a wedding. For naughty girls. In what style can a wedding be played: countries and peoples

Not only are men supposed to take off to the fullest on the last day before "ringing", girls should also brightly go on a family voyage. An original bachelorette party will help you with this. We will tell you in what style it can be organized, what to wear, cook, where to celebrate it. You will be able to think of a script and entertainment that will not let anyone get bored. In addition, you will find out what to give to bridesmaids.

You can hold a stylized Hawaiian party in an institution with a swimming pool, on the banks of a river or sea, in the territory of a water park. A bachelorette party has a varied range of colors. You can use pink, white, black, green and yellow. They should prevail in the outfits of the bride and her bridesmaids. Leia is the hallmark of the party.

The bride is supposed to wear a veil. , we wrote here. You will find out which fabric is best suited, what color the accessory should be, and how to properly attach it to the bride.

From clothes for this theme of a bachelorette party, short dresses with a bright print or polka dots, tops are preferable.

Competitions are held with shells, sand and other seafood. Interesting entertainment - dancing to the groovy music, games "Find the pirate treasure", "Who is the most agile". The menu must include seafood.

Hawaiian party

Themed bachelorette party in the style of "Coco-Chanel"

A good place to have a themed party before the wedding would be at home. If you have chosen a cafe, try to have a lot of fresh flowers. It is advisable to decorate the room with various antiques, and scatter rose petals on the floor. It is allowed not to pluck fresh flowers, alternatively the petals can be cut out of paper.

The style of "Coco Chanel" is quite democratic, so you will need to come to the party in a long black or short white dress, from accessories - pearl beads. It is necessary to make a high hairdo. You can wear a knee-length skirt with a short jacket, or replace the skirt with pants or shorts. In this case, you need a tie. It is desirable that the bride's outfit be different in color from that of the bridesmaids.

Coco Chanel style

Coco Chanel loved caviar and red wine. She believed that these dishes prolong youth. Therefore, caviar, red wine, cocktails, canapes, tartlets and various fruits are served to the table.

Gatherings before the wedding in pajamas

You can hold a bachelorette party of this type in a cozy home environment or in a cafe. From clothes - robes, T-shirts with funny inscriptions, shorts. On the head there may be some cool hoops with large flowers or with ears. Slippers are an obligatory attribute.

A fun pajama party includes listening to music, a photo session and a delicious dinner. You can jump on the bed, throw pillows, play hide and seek, hold darts competitions, in general, have fun as you please.

TO the table is served delicious snacks with interesting names such as “Greetings from the chef”, milkshakes, ice cream, chips, popcorn.

Tiffany Style Event

A retro-style restaurant or cafe is the most suitable place for a party of this theme. You can choose any outfits, the main thing is that they have something blue or blue. And the bride is supposed to come in a tight black dress and have a high hairdo. Makeup should not be conspicuous, it is better if it is restrained.

Bachelorette party "Tiffany"

At the party, the bride must give gifts to her bridesmaids. Even the most ordinary trinkets will bring a lot of joy. Here are some ideas:

  • Handmade soap;
  • set for manicure;
  • cookies and sweets;
  • bonbonnieres;
  • perfume.

At a bachelorette party, it is customary to "tiffany" in full: to have intimate conversations, listen to lyric music and take pictures. The drink of the evening is a martini. There are mainly sweets on the table: a huge cake decorated with mastic, cakes, muffins. Such a party will be to the taste of those with a sweet tooth.

Don't forget to prepare. We talked about why they are needed, what they are, what should be indicated and written in them.

Disco "Chicago"

Classic style, the name is associated with jazz, retro outfits and the mafia. But this is far from the case. Clothes in burgundy, blue, purple and black tones. Bright and very pale outfits will be inappropriate. Mandatory attributes: boa, stockings, high gloves, high-heeled shoes, pearl beads.

The bride must choose a girlfriend who will play the role of her “bodyguard”.

Balloons, decks of cards, photos of Chicago are used to decorate the hall. Entertainment: darts and water pistol shooting. You will have to have fun with jazz music.

Cocktails and spirits are served in glassware, all other dishes are made of porcelain.

Liberated women can invite a stripper to their party, who will appear in a Chicago gangster costume.

Here's how to rest on the last day of "freedom":

Visiting Gatsby

The party is imbued with the atmosphere of the last century: luxury, jazz and art deco style. The main colors are gold and white. At the bachelorette party, the bride and her bridesmaids must arrive in a retro car. Every girl dreams of acting in a film, so a photo studio would be a suitable place.

Bright lipstick and arrows are the hallmark of the makeup. Hair must be curled. Accessories: veils, feathers, pearl hairpins.

Use crystal and gold to decorate the hall. On the table are exotic fruits, beautiful candles, a slide of champagne. From the obtained photos, you can then edit the video clip to music. And, of course, dancing, dancing, dancing!

Gatsby style

Pin-up theme

Celebration on a grand scale. You can come to the party in a short sun skirt, a playful light dress with a high waist, or wear shorts and a T-shirt. If you are at home, you can dress up in colorful robes. From accessories - jewelry, sunglasses. High-heeled shoes are a must. There is a scarf on his head. You can knit it in a way convenient for you.

Pin-up style

In a cozy cafe, the walls should be decorated with balloons, there should be a poster with the inscription "Pin-up", and on the tables there should be wine glasses with the inscription "Bachelorette party".

At the holiday, you can arrange a photo session. If the party takes place in the summer, you can take pictures in swimsuits on the beach or by the pool, with mojitos and other soft drinks.

An integral part of the evening is a retro car, in which the bride and her girlfriends drive up to the cafe. Treats for guests: cocktails, coca-cola, cake, low alcohol drinks, cookies, cakes.

Watch the video of girls getting ready for a pin-up bachelorette party. It will help you create bright, unique images:

Before the wedding, every bride thinks about the style in which a bachelorette party can be made so that it will be remembered as one of the best days in her life. There are a lot of options here, it remains only to choose the best one.

Getting closer to nature

For water lovers

Sometimes you can combine options for a wedding and a bachelorette party. A holiday in a nautical style is well suited for this. Of course, all shades of blue will be the main ones. Choose a vest or striped clothing as an outfit for the holiday. When decorating a room, use: anchors, ropes, sand, lifebuoys, inflatable boats, fish. Make the dishes for the table from seafood, in the form of inhabitants and symbols of water.

Elegant and luxurious styles

If you're dreaming of a brilliant, chic day, then it's worth a Gatsby-style day. Black and white color, retro car, feathers, fringe, chic decorations will turn the holiday into a great show.

A more strict, but at the same time rather sophisticated holiday is considered in the style of Coco Chanel. The main colors in the design are black and pink. Everything should be done modestly, but still look luxurious. When decorating, be sure to use beautiful flowers and fine strands of pearls. It is better to put tartlets with various fillings (red fish, caviar), sandwiches on the table. Any kind of cupcake will look great. The best drinks are red wine or champagne. Such an event is perfectly held both at home and at specialized venues.

For connoisseurs of comfort

If you don't feel like fuss, then the holiday can be spent at home. It won't look boring if the invited guests come to have fun. Over a glass of wine, one should calmly discuss all the secrets, secrets. Laugh at unusual, ridiculous and memorable events. Watch your favorite movie or tell fortunes. Such a pastime will calm the bride down and give her peace of mind and confidence.

For naughty girls

For lovers of adventure, you should definitely make a feast in a cowboy style. It is necessary to arrange horse riding here. The outfit must include the main attributes of a cowboy: a hat, cowboy boots, a plaid shirt, worn jeans. You can complement the look with a toy gun and a pack of cigarettes. When decorating a room, do not forget about a cactus, hay and a bar counter. Of course, whiskey, tequila and beer are the most suitable drinks. But it would be appropriate to offer herbal tea or soft drinks.

For a romantic nature

For a gentle and charming bride, it is worth organizing a bachelorette party in the Tiffany style. He will amaze with his lightness, sophistication and seductiveness. You can spend this day in a cafe, a country house or visiting a beauty salon. The preference is given mainly to blue, but if necessary, you can add white or black tones. The main drink for the holidays is martini. You can combine it with lemon or olives. Among the treats, you should choose a variety of sweets made in the appropriate style.

For extravagant ladies

For a striking, enchanting holiday, you should choose the Moulin Rouge style. It combines the romance of Paris with the energy and audacity of a cabaret. The main elements in the outfit are: feathers, rhinestones, lace. The image must be complemented with high-heeled shoes, a hat and a fan. It is better to choose black and red. But you should not limit yourself to them. The holiday can be held in a cabaret, if no one is ashamed of explicit scenes and loves to have a lot of noisy fun. For more modest girls, training in the infectious cancan is suitable, which can later be used at a wedding. And then the party should be continued at home with a glass of delicious champagne and incendiary music.

Don't forget about memorable pictures

Particular attention should be paid to photography and video filming. When holding stylized bachelorette parties, beautiful, mesmerizing pictures are obtained.

For sophisticated personalities

For an elegant pastime, pay attention to retro style. In clothes, you should give preference to beautiful dresses to the floor. Do not forget about the hairstyle, which should be done according to the chosen style. Pay attention to jewelry that can be changed throughout the party.

Turning to the origins

If the bride wants to turn to the past traditions, then it is worth holding a bachelorette party in the Russian style. You must choose the most beautiful outfit. An ideal long dress or a bright-colored sundress. Mandatory headband, embroidered with multi-colored ribbons. During the holiday with her girlfriends, the bride leads round dances, sings songs, and makes fortunes.

For eccentric young ladies

For the brightest bachelorette party, the style of the dudes is best. It is worth choosing lush beautiful dresses, complementing them with stockings, bright lipstick and a perky smile. Don't forget about funny music and dancing.

For the beauty of the holiday

For total fun it is worth choosing a chicago style. For entertainment, card games are ideal. A short dress, a hat and chic fur, pearl beads will look great on the bride and party guests.

Crazy party

One of the best bachelorette parties at home is the 90s style. Here there is a place for fantasies to roam, both in clothes and in entertainment, and in treats, and in music.

To have a fun bachelorette party, the main thing is the good mood of the bride, best friends, with whom you can have a wonderful rest.

Video on the topic of the article.

In what style to make a wedding?

Wedding ceremony at the registry office. Walk around the city with the laying of flowers. Laid banquet table in a cafe. Music and dancing. Congratulations. All this is a traditional wedding.Of course, this is an event. And always a holiday. But…

Do you know when they say: "Grand wedding" or "Fashionable wedding"? This is how they talk about a stylish wedding. To organize it, sometimes you have to invest a lot of money, and often it is enough just to choose the right direction, topic and think over the scenario. For example, for a wedding in folk style, musical, teenage ... Everything depends solely on your wishes and the thickness of your wallet.

What are the wedding styles

It can be color solutions, design, decorative and thematic.
The wedding will already look quite stylish if you maintain the color scheme in all details.
For example, a red and white color combination is selected. This means that the bouquet should be red or red and white. Bow tie or tie of the groom in red. The balls are red and white. Cake, etc.
Wedding colors

Choosing a wedding style

When choosing a wedding theme, newlyweds should focus not only on their preferences, but also take into account the expected reaction of the invitees.
Let's say you don't plan to call a lot of young people, limiting yourself to inviting numerous relatives, most of whom are middle-aged and older. In this case, a wedding in the style of dudes or gangsters is hardly suitable, you must agree. Give preference to a rustic wedding scenario, provence or country, for example. Or combine them altogether for a fashionable, rustic wedding. So "the sheep will be safe, and ...". In general, everyone will be satisfied and will be happy to join the process.
If the main backbone is the youth, then the cards are in your hands, as they say. Chicago style wedding, rock style, Halloween, etc. - an excellent solution for creative youth. Guests themselves will want to join the game, pick up themed costumes and will be happy to help make the celebration the most fun and unique - so that they can then tell their grandchildren, showing them themed wedding photos.

Choosing a venue for a themed wedding

The second item under consideration is the choice of location. And it is directly related to the style of the wedding chosen. If you turn to the services of an agency, then it will not be difficult to find a place and arrange a thematic decor - they themselves will offer options and will do everything.
Do you want to organize everything yourself? So, start from the topic. For example, a nautical-style wedding can be celebrated in a cafe on the bank of a river, or you can find a restaurant that was originally designed in such a style so as not to change the interior. For a travel-style wedding, you can find a picturesque meadow, set up tables and tents there, add themed compositions. Believe me, wedding photos of the bride and groom against the background of a gazebo or a fire, at a buffet table in nature will be an excellent material for a photo book or a wedding slideshow.

Preparing a script for a stylish wedding

And here everything must obey a common theme. You can entrust the development of the script to an agency or toastmaster, but there is a risk that the wedding will take place according to a run-in script.
You can independently come up with thematic contests and games, and get ideas, for example, in the portfolio of the photographer you have chosen for shooting. He certainly will not "slip" a hackneyed script, if only because he has a different specialization, but a wedding photographer can very well give fresh thoughts. In addition, this way you can be sure that excellent shots in the family album are guaranteed to you - you did not just choose it for filming.

Selection of the menu for the style of the wedding

It is unlikely that the Olivier salad will be able to reflect an Oscar-style wedding, and the Jewish salad will emphasize the theme of a Gothic wedding. Therefore, even here you need to take into account everything to the smallest detail. There is no need to go to extremes, of course, arranging a sweet table and a tea party, if the theme of the wedding is "Alice in Wonderland" - the guests will remain hungry. But you have to break your head.
For example, for a winter fairy tale, if the wedding is scheduled for this period, dishes decorated in the form of hills, snow drifts, "ice" figures are perfect, you can also depict winter fairy-tale characters. And for an Empire-style wedding, oysters, crayfish, sterlet ear and other aristocratic dishes are perfect. It all depends on the skill of the chefs and pastry chefs, and therefore you need to discuss everything in advance.

Stylish wedding photography

Ideas for wedding photography, again, need to be discussed at least a month in advance. Very often the photographer has additional accessories and decorations that will help emphasize the style of the wedding. In addition, you can order pre-wedding photography and use frames or slideshows at the wedding itself. Believe me, the effect of watching such a wedding movie at the banquet table will cause a storm of enthusiasm and applause, it will be an excellent solution to end the celebration on a positive note.

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Topic 1. Lunch in the open air.
Idea: An elegant summer lunch (dinner) with a touch of rustic chic.
Decorations: Decorate tables with white linen tablecloths or tartan dyed yarn, and lay out vintage cutlery and delicate little lanterns. Wrap the napkins with fringed ribbons and fill the vases with wildflowers. Hang small lights in the trees, and kerosene lamps can be used to illuminate the paths.

Food and Drink: Serve simple fire-fried foods and colorful salads, tables abundant with fresh fruit and sweets for dessert. Champagne or chilled white wine go well with this table, and a strong, aromatic, sweetened elderberry drink as a non-alcoholic option.

Topic 2. Arabian nights.
Idea: deserts, sand dunes, rich materials and soft oriental music - that's all that should inspire you. It is ideal for a summer evening party.
Decorations: Decorate the party venue like a harem with lots of pillows and draperies. Well, if you want to bring the real spirit of the East, you can even put up a beautiful Bedouin Tent, at the entrance to which you can put real torches. After sunset, only candles should light up your holiday. And ask all women and girls at the party to dress up as belly dancers (even if they don't know how to dance it!)
Food & Drink: Serve delectable meats with spices and rice, as well as a variety of thick cocktails. Of course Turkish delight on the table will not be superfluous!

Topic 3. Big company in swing style.
Idea: This is a real party in the full sense of the word, only music and dancing.
Decorations: Of course, the most important thing at a party like this is to have a good dance floor. If you want to really ignite, then you should order a music group. You can also decorate the walls with silhouettes of jazz musicians playing the saxophone and photos of jazz musicians. Arrange small tables around the perimeter of the hall, light candles, this will be the perfect place to take a break between dances.
Food & Drink: A variety of cocktails from Martini to Cosmopolitan. To keep guests energized, treat them to a variety of large canapes.

Topic 4. Night on the Caribbean Islands.
Idea: Who Needs Sunshine If You Can Bring It Into Your Home!
Decorations: Of course, you can hardly make a real beach at home, but you can throw an outdoor party, wear colorful clothes, and even order a palm tree for a while. Invite a noise band or play Bob Marley-style music. And the entertainment for the guests will be to walk to the music under a stick (which is held by two people), with each circle the stick falls lower and lower, and you cannot fall or touch the ground.
Food & Drink: Serve colorful cocktails in large tall glasses, fish in coconut milk, and lots of fresh fruit.

Topic 5. Casablanca.
Idea: party in the style of classic cinema of the 40s, pure romance. This type of party can be perfect for celebrating Valentine's Day.
Decorations: Create your own Cafe at Rick's with palm trees and cocktails. You can even hire a pianist to entertain you and your guests with 40s tunes all evening. And, of course, guests should dress in clothes from those years like Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.
Food and drink: only champagne!

Topic 6. Children's party for adults.
Idea: We are all happy to remember our childhood years, so why not have fun like children?
Decorations: School uniform is the dress code for this party, and the hall should be decorated with simple, fun decorations: helium balloons and lots of confetti firecrackers. Entertainment for guests: hide and seek, tag, bottle and charades!
Food and Drink: Serve the food you and your guests loved as a child - pies, ice cream, candy, etc.

Topic 7. Cocktail party.
Idea: This is James Bond style - it's time to dress up in your best costume and indulge in sophisticated elegance.
Decorations: Anything will do if it looks stylish! Candles and classical music. You can even hire multiple waiters to serve your guests.
Food and drink: Cocktails, of course! Take some time and create your own cocktail for this party! The food should take the form of delicious, gourmet little canapes.

Topic 8. Rural holiday with country dances in country style.
Idea: I-ha! Get cowboy hats, plaid shirts, and snakeskin boots. Find country music and old Wild West music and start dancing!
Decorations: A barn or stable would be the ideal venue for this kind of party, but outdoors, this party will be a very special occasion. Add a few bales of hay for the entourage. And invitations can be printed on flyers with huge letters: WANTED - WANTED!
Food & Drinks: Pastry sausages and fried chops, cold beer and lemonade decanters.

Topic 9. Party in the style of Eurovision.
Idea: We all like the International Eurovision Song Contest at least a little. It is best to hold such a party on the night of the competition itself, because you can arrange your own vote and choose your winner!
Decoration: Assign each guest a country to represent, or let the guests choose! In accordance with the culture and history of the chosen country, guests should dress up and bring something to decorate the interior.
Food and Drink: As with the decoration, guests must bring one small meal at a time from the national cuisine of the selected country. OR you yourself can cook food of different nations and countries, and the guests must guess which country this or that treat belongs to.

Topic 10. Ron-and-roll of the fifties.
Idea: Celebrating the fifties - the party begins !!!
Decorations: Watch the movie "Grease" for inspiration - this is how your guests should dress up and this is how the hall should look like where you will throw the funniest party! If possible, rent a jukebox for the party and play the most famous tunes from the 50s. Organize a dance competition, a competition "Who turns the hoop longer" or "Who blows bubbles the most."
Food & Drink: Serve cheeseburgers, fries, and milkshakes.

Topic 11. Grand Casino.
Idea: Time for inoffensive Vegas-style games.
Decorations: Buy or order temporarily poker and roulette tables. It will not be superfluous to purchase counterfeit money, as well as hire a croupier. This is a glamorous party, so there must be a specific dress code for guests.
Food & Drink: Elegant cocktails and canapes. You can even make your own cocktails and name them after the games: Blackjack, Baccarat, etc.

Topic 12. Hawaiian party.
Idea: Everything to the Hawaiian Islands, grass skirts, flower garlands and dancing.
Decorations: If you can find an inflatable pool, there is no better decoration like this. If the pool doesn't work out, throw an outdoor party decorating everything with shells, sand and palm trees. Choose Hawaiian music to play in the background throughout the evening.
Food & Drink: If you are looking to throw a traditional Hawaiian party, your best bet is to order traditional food from the local specialty store, or find recipes online. But in general, fish, sweet potatoes, pineapples, rice, and so on are all great when served with beer and tropical drinks.

Topic 13. Masquerade.
Idea: A glamorous evening dress ball with an unusual twist - all guests must show up wearing masks.
Decorations: Decorating the hall and the whole party should be simple but tasteful, and let the masks speak for themselves!
Food and drink: only dancing and cocktails, no food!

Topic 14. New York, New York.
Idea: Get some inspiration from the Big City!
Decorations: Black and silver will transform your room into Manhattan, with Breakfast at Tiffany's for even more ideas.
Food & Drink: Hot dogs, salted pretzels, cheesecake. And donuts can be used to make a skyscraper, of which there are many in New York.

Topic 15. Party "Pamper yourself".
Idea: This party is for girls only, because they will watch tearful romantic movies and gossip all night long.
Decorations: optional. You may need a professional masseuse and manicurist, so hire them ahead of time and arrange everything.
Food & Drink: Chocolate, chocolate and only chocolate ... and maybe some popcorn and champagne.

Topic 16. Sports match.
Idea: This party is for guys, although if girls are into sports and don't mind cheering for their favorite team, they can come too.
Decorations: optional. All you need is a TV and a comfortable sofa that will fit everything. As for the outfits, all your guests, most likely without your prompting, will come in shirts of your favorite team, with fans' scarves and funny hats with bells.
Food and drinks: at your discretion, snacks, sandwiches, chips, beer, juices, etc.

Theme 17. Party in the style of the 70s.
Idea: Were you born in the era of Saturday Night Fever movies and Bee Gees music? Then this evening is for you.
Decorations: Colorful ribbons, disco balls, old roller skates, gel lamps, glitter and clothing in bright, toxic colors.
Food and drink: Make a fondue, the perfect '70s-style snack.

Topic 18. After the shipwreck.
Idea: What were you wearing when the ship went down?
Decorations: If you're throwing an outdoor party, try to find a spot that resembles a desert island. There should be a large bonfire in the center, guests come in rags, or in whatever they managed to save.
Food and drink: kebabs, coconuts and pineapples.

Topic 19. Dinner on the road.
Idea: Ideal party for 4 couples - you will visit 3 times and be the host, everyone takes turns receiving guests in their house, and the journey ends in the last fourth house.
Decorations: not necessary, the most important thing at such a party is the treats!
Food and drinks: Be sure to agree in advance how you will treat your guests so that you do not end up with 4 identical tables.

Topic 20. Party in the style of the 20s.
Idea: Feathers, long beads and tuxedos.
Decorations: simple and elegant. Music in Charleston style, girls in dresses with long fringes.
Food & Drink: Elegant cocktails and canapes.

A wedding is an important solemn day that you want to remember for a long time. That is why an interesting option would be to hold it in a certain style: it will be unusual, fun and unforgettable.

Check out our photo pick of wedding styles planned for spring and summer 2019.

Stylization pitfalls

So, let's say you already have an idea in what style you would like to make a wedding celebration.

But before you embody your concept in life, consider all the disadvantages and important points that are important not to miss when holding such a wedding:

  • Do not deviate from the chosen topic in the dishes, invitations and in the attire of the service staff. Nothing should get out of the picture, otherwise the style unity will be lost! If you are not sure that you will have enough funds for such a global training, you better not take it;
  • Make time for the music. In addition to the fact that the music should be pleasant and unobtrusive, it should correspond to the era and the general style of your holiday: at a naval wedding - songs about the sea, at a knightly - medieval motives;
  • Take care of the decorations. They should be of high quality, well-chosen and successfully emphasize the theme of the wedding, while not interrupting it and, moreover, without causing a contrast;
  • Think over the story. In addition to the beautiful appearance and decoration of the room, your couple in a themed wedding should have an interesting and captivating story! You can tell it during the redemption process, or even arrange small quests for guests;
  • Finally, think about guests. Weigh whether the chosen theme suits all the people you want to invite to your celebration, and after making a decision, do not forget to notify all those invited about your plans in advance: people who are not ready for your creativity should always have the opportunity to refuse to attend the celebration.

So, you have prepared both yourself and your guests for the fact of a stylized wedding. Now all that remains is to choose a style!

In Russian style

This is probably the most famous and well-known option in our latitudes: holding a wedding celebration in nature, in the folk style.

This is a traditional wedding with wed, ransom and bridal feast that all the neighbors will envy! And, of course, such a wedding cannot do without beautiful costumes - the vestments of the bride and groom during such a holiday are always very bright and interesting.

Weddings in Russian folk style are held either outdoors or in a well-decorated "antique" room - with cobbled walls, antique wooden furniture and other attributes of those times.

Dishes should also be appropriate for the era: don't forget the wooden goblets and bowls! Beautiful painting, embroidered tablecloths on the tables - all these are important attributes of the folk wedding style.

The outfits of the bride and groom, as well as their witnesses, should be as close as possible to the Russian style. The bride should wear a sundress with wide straps with a white shirt under the bottom, the groom - an embroidered shirt tied at the belt, and simple harem pants or trousers.

If desired, the girl can also put on a kokoshnik on her head - and she will not have to worry about her hair.

When holding such a wedding, many interesting customs and traditions are used, so this celebration will definitely be remembered by guests for a long time. Moreover, if all the invitees dress according to the theme, you will get a great photo shoot!

Rustic wedding

A wedding in the so-called "rustic style", also known as rustic, is a very spectacular and unusual celebration, where the emphasis is on simplicity and comfort.

If you want to have a wedding in this style, you need to remember about the correct placement of accents: when decorating the wedding venue, natural colors and natural materials are used, emphasizing the closeness to nature.

The venue for a rustic wedding can be a forest clearing, an open terrace or a beautifully decorated hall in a wooden building.

At such a wedding, there should be a lot of wooden furniture of natural color, wild flowers, soft and calm shades in decoration: anything that can remind of a measured rural life is welcome, be it hemp instead of tables, hay as a decor or "grandmother's" embroidered napkins. Aged items with history are very welcome!

Only simple wildflowers tied with a beautiful ribbon are used for the wedding bouquet. You can also add dried flowers and ears.

In the appearance of the newlyweds, preference is also given in favor of the simplicity of fabrics and texture:

  • The bride's wedding dress should be straight cut, with lace trim, if desired, it can be tied with a belt;
  • The ideal hairstyle for the bride will be braids or loose hair - straight or laid in waves. You can decorate your hair with a flower or wreath;
  • The groom should not have a tuxedo and a strict tie, you can wear ordinary jeans with a light shirt, complementing the image with suspenders.

In addition to the location of the holiday and the images of the newlyweds, the menu should also be simple. Fruits and berries are welcome as a snack, as well as dishes with a light decoration, looking natural and uncomplicated.

This style of wedding is quite difficult to recreate, but it looks really stylish and romantic.