Wet wipes for intimate hygiene during pregnancy. Is it possible to wash with chamomile during pregnancy

Every woman strives to be beautiful and look well-groomed in any situation. During pregnancy, a woman's appearance changes, at the same time her hormonal background and metabolic processes in the body change. And during this wonderful period, a woman needs more time to take care of herself. Modern hygiene products are quite safe, but a woman in a position still needs to be more careful about the choice of cosmetics, especially the choice of intimate hygiene products.

How to care for your intimate area during pregnancy

The woman's uterus is well protected from the introduction of pathogenic microbes that are destroyed by lactobacilli living in the vagina. But, in order not to disturb the fragile microflora, you should properly and carefully take care of the intimate area. Especially during pregnancy, when a woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for the health of the baby.

If you have clear and white discharge, do not worry, this is normal during pregnancy. In the first months, a white thick discharge is possible, caused by a hormone responsible for the formation of the placenta. In such cases, you can use a gasket, which is better to change after each trip to the toilet.

If you are worried about the volume, color or smell of the discharge, then you should contact your doctor. You may need to change the intimate hygiene product you are currently using. In any case, expert advice will help you figure it out.

Water procedures

Daily care of the intimate area during pregnancy should include washing twice a day with warm, preferably boiled water. You can also use an intimate hygiene product that suits you and does not irritate your skin.

If before pregnancy you loved to lie in a hot bath, now you should give preference to a shower. Even having a perfect bath, you will not protect yourself from pathogenic microbes that can enter the vaginal microflora along with warm water. Remember that during pregnancy the risk of contracting genital infections is high - this is primarily due to changes in the functioning of the immune system.


It is worth reconsidering your preferences in underwear. During pregnancy, it is better to refrain from synthetics and lace, as they can injure especially sensitive skin of intimate places and cause irritation. Underwear should be chosen from soft natural fabrics, it should not tighten the skin and cause discomfort.

Also, any woman knows that underwear needs to be changed daily, and if necessary, twice a day. Always wear clean panties after bathing.

How to choose a product for intimate hygiene?

Conventional hygiene products should be used with caution, that is, washed in such a way that the gel or mousse minimally gets on the vaginal mucosa. Direct the stream of water from top to bottom so that the lather rinses off the skin and does not remain inside. Get yourself a separate towel for your intimate area, and change it three times a week.

During pregnancy, it is better to refuse cosmetics that can disrupt the vaginal microflora. Therefore, use milder products for intimate hygiene: mousses, gels, foams. It is worth paying attention to the special products developed for pregnant women. For example, the line "9 months" is a cosmetics specially designed for expectant mothers.

The 9 Months Intimate Cleansing Mousse is designed to take care of the most delicate parts of the body of pregnant women. It contains a high content of cosmetic milk, which provides gentle cleansing, and the moisturizing nutrients of the mousse contribute to gentle care. To keep your skin soft and delicate, the 9 Months Intimate Mousse has added natural cotton extract with milk proteins and natural fruit acids to hydrate skin and maintain its natural pH level for natural defenses. Daily use of the 9 Months Cleansing Mousse for intimate hygiene will keep you feeling fresh and comfortable for a long time, and will also give you a sense of security throughout the day.

Intimate Wipes

Another means for intimate hygiene, which will come to your aid when you cannot take a shower, are special napkins. However, conventional wet wipes contain an antiseptic that is not suitable for intimate hygiene. Therefore, choose wipes that do not contain harmful ingredients.

do not contain antiseptics, they can be used without restrictions, because they were specially developed for the daily care of especially sensitive skin of the intimate parts of the body of women during pregnancy and lactation. They are free of harmful parabens, alcohol, dyes and ingredients that can cause irritation. The napkins are made of high quality natural material, impregnated with a mild lotion. Delicately cleanses and deodorizes intimate parts of the body, giving a feeling of freshness.

Intimate wipes "9 months" maintain the necessary PH level of intimate parts of the body, preventing irritation and redness. The impregnating lotion contains vitamin E, chamomile extract, which have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects, and aloe extract is known for its healing properties. As befits a cosmetic product for pregnant women, intimate wipes "9 months" are hypoallergenic, that is, they do not contain substances that can lead to unwanted reactions.

Fortunately, today there are all the possibilities for the implementation of correct and timely care for intimate areas, so you will not face difficulties and will be able to choose the right intimate hygiene product that will be of high quality and safe. We wish you a carefree pregnancy and easy delivery and, of course, good health to you and your baby!

Thrush is an unpleasant disease. And during pregnancy, in addition, it is unsafe. It is necessary to know what to wash during pregnancy with thrush, and to develop the correct treatment regimen to relieve the symptoms of candidiasis and stop its spread.

How does the disease manifest itself and what is it fraught with

Thrush is an infectious fungal disease. The causative agent is the Candida fungus. These fungi are usually inactive. They live on the skin and in the internal organs of a person. But during pregnancy, when the expectant mother has weakened immunity, they can go into an active phase. Thus, candidiasis, or thrush, occurs.

Genital thrush is a common disease in pregnant women. She can also "pick up" him from her sexual partner during sex. With thrush of the genitals, mucous discharge of white or cream color begins from the vagina. They have a strong, unpleasant odor. The woman feels unbearable itching and burning in the labia and vagina. The external genitals become red and swollen.

The presence of candidiasis is indicated by the increased sensitivity of the genitals of the pregnant woman, pain during intercourse.

Thrush during pregnancy is a serious problem. She not only gives discomfort to the woman herself, who is in the position. With thrush, the fetus itself can become infected through the placenta, or the infection occurs during the birth of the child. Candidiasis often causes complications of pregnancy. The situation is aggravated by the fact that during this period the use of oral antifungal drugs is strictly prohibited.

Thrush is treated locally under the supervision of a physician. Disease-stopping pastes, creams, suppositories, pills are systematically introduced into the vagina according to the developed scheme.

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Hygiene procedures

Many doctors advocate that during the treatment of the disease, the pregnant woman is often washed away with a soda solution. To prepare it, you just need to dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in a liter of warm boiled water. In some cases, at the very beginning of the onset of candidiasis, thus, in general, it is possible to recover from an unpleasant ailment. Soda solution - alkali. Getting on the areas affected by the fungus, an environment is created that is unfavorable for the reproduction of Candida fungi. As a result, the infection recedes.

Constant washing helps to relieve swelling, redness of the external genital organs of the pregnant woman. Eliminates itching and burning. During the treatment period, it is necessary to constantly change bed and underwear, take a shower more often. You should also give up sexual relations with your sexual partner.

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Herbs are also not a hindrance

It is possible to wash during pregnancy with thrush with various decoctions, infusions of medicinal herbs. They are completely harmless to the expectant mother and child. But the benefits of their use are very tangible.

An excellent natural antiseptic that has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect is a simple pharmacy chamomile. Washing with infusion from it acts in the same way as a soda water solution.

Prepare the infusion like this: 1 tbsp. l. chamomile brew 1 tbsp. boiling water. Insist for about half an hour. Strain. Use warm.

Here's another recipe: 1 tbsp. l. flowers of calendula and 2 tbsp. l. pour chamomile flowers into 1 liter of boiling water. Insist for a day. Strain. The course of treatment is at least a week. Wash with warm infusion twice a day.

A decoction of such a herbal collection well relieves the symptoms of candidiasis: oak bark powder, chamomile flowers and stinging nettle leaves. Pour the collection with boiling water and put on a water bath for fifteen minutes. Then wrap the dishes with herbs in a towel and leave for two hours. Cool, drain. Use warm to wash in the morning and evening before bed.

Washing with a warm decoction of burdock root is effective. To prepare it, take five tablespoons of the crushed root, pour it with water and cook over low heat for ten minutes. You should wash yourself in the morning after sleep and in the evening before bed.

If a pregnant woman is not allergic to beekeeping products, namely to honey, it is shown to wash away with thrush with honey water. It is prepared from ordinary boiled water and any honey in a 1:10 ratio. Honey has long been known for its antifungal, bactericidal properties. Such washing will relieve itching, swelling, redness.

If it is important for any person to follow the rules of hygiene, then even more so this applies to a woman during pregnancy. However, many pregnant women believe that hygiene should be taken care of only from the second half of pregnancy. This is not true. The initial period of pregnancy is the most critical stage in the development of the fetus. The embryo is most "vulnerable" at this time. Therefore, the expectant mother must carefully and skillfully follow all hygienic rules (all the more they are simple and accessible to every woman) regarding work and rest, nutrition, marriage, clothing, etc., which will ensure not only the normal course of pregnancy, but also a successful outcome of childbirth and the birth of a healthy baby.

Personal hygiene. Body cleanliness is essential for maintaining human health. Cleanliness of the skin is of particular importance for a pregnant woman. Untidy skin content violates its protective, thermoregulatory, excretory and other functions, causes clogging of sweat and sebaceous glands and the appearance of an unpleasant odor, contributes to its irritation and the formation of pustules on it, which is very dangerous for both a woman and a developing fetus. When the skin is contaminated, conditions are created to activate the processes of self-infection in the postpartum period. The hygienic maintenance of the skin improves skin respiration and promotes the release of substances harmful to the body, which facilitates the work of the kidneys, which bear a great load at this time. The neater the woman, the better the excretory function of the skin. That is why the skin should be washed regularly and thoroughly with soap and water to help dissolve and remove sebum. In the morning, a pregnant woman is recommended not only to wash her hands, face and neck, but be sure to wipe her entire body (at least to the waist) with water at room temperature, followed by rubbing with a hard towel, and it is better to take a shower. This helps to strengthen the nervous system, improves blood circulation, respiration, hardens the body as a whole, and makes you feel good. Before going to bed, wash your hands, face, neck and legs. At least once a week (and at the end of pregnancy and more often), the entire body should be thoroughly washed with warm water and soap, followed by a change of underwear and bed linen. You should use baby soap, which preserves the skin best. Before going to bed, day linen should be taken off and put on night, spacious and comfortable. Nightgowns should be made of linen or cotton fabrics. They should not be starchy when washed.

It is not recommended to take baths, especially hot ones, they tire and weaken. In the second half of pregnancy, it is necessary to refrain from bathing, since pathogens that cause inflammatory diseases of the genital area can be introduced into the vagina. Throughout pregnancy, and especially during periods corresponding to menstrual days, baths are completely contraindicated in women whose previous pregnancies ended prematurely or were complicated by bleeding. It is best to use a shower with a water temperature of 35-36 ° C or wash while sitting on a bench set in the bath. The total duration of washing should not exceed 15-20 minutes. If you need to use a shared bath, it is imperative to observe a number of precautions: it is better to visit the bath in the morning, when there are few people in it and it is not hot, thoroughly wash the bench with boiling water before sitting on it, and it is forbidden to steam or soar your feet: this can have a bad effect on during pregnancy, and sometimes even cause premature birth. In the last months of pregnancy, a visit to the bath is undesirable.

It is especially necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the external genital organs. The abundance of sebaceous glands in the area of ​​the external genital organs (vulva) contributes to the formation of a large amount of secretion (secretions), which, lingering and decomposing, leads to the formation of diaper rash, the appearance of abscesses, heavily pollutes the genitals and creates favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microbes and the occurrence of inflammatory diseases ... This can seriously complicate childbirth and the postpartum period, and also contribute to the spread of infection to the upper parts of the genitourinary system.

For every woman, and even more so for a pregnant woman, daily care of the external genitals is mandatory. It is recommended to wash yourself in the morning and in the evening with well-washed hands using a piece of clean cotton wool or gauze, lukewarm boiled water and soap. It is best to wash over the pelvis: in the first half of pregnancy, standing, squatting slightly, and in the second half - sitting on the edge of a low stool or lying down. To prevent the introduction of infection from the rectum into the vagina, washing is performed by moving the hand from the pubis to the anus. They pour water from a jug or mug with one hand, and wash with the other (you cannot wash with water from a basin). No douching or vaginal manipulation should be done during pregnancy. Working pregnant women need to wash themselves at least twice during the working day, especially after urinating and defecating, in specially equipped rooms for personal hygiene. To wipe the external genitals after washing, there should be a separate towel, which should be washed as often as possible with boiling and subsequent ironing with a hot iron.

Pregnancy beautifies a woman very much. During this period, a woman becomes the most beautiful, she does not need to suck in her stomach, go on diets, go to exhausting fitness. She can afford to eat whatever she wants, enjoy shopping for children's things, and decorate a room for a future child.

But pregnancy is not only pleasant chores, it is a laborious process that requires constant monitoring. Hygiene of a pregnant woman, her health and positive emotions deserve special attention during this period. There are several main areas that relate to the hygiene of a pregnant woman.

Food hygiene

Food hygiene meansT:

  1. Hand hygiene
  2. Correctly formulated diet
  3. Food quality
  4. The right approach to diet

Let's figure out in order what is most important in the nutrition of a pregnant woman:

  1. Proteins of animal origin. These products include meat, dairy products, fish.
  2. Vegetable proteins. These products include various cereals and legumes.
  3. Cellulose. Foods with the maximum amount of fiber include fruits and vegetables, natural sushi rice, and greens.
  4. Calcium. Calcium is very necessary for a baby for growth and good life.
  5. Folic acid. Pregnant women should take folic acid tablets for good baby development. Since only one tablet can be taken per day, you can increase the amount of folic acid by eating cereals and bran bread.
  6. Iron. So that the body does not have a lack of iron, it is necessary to include meat, cereals, various types of dried fruits and eggs in the daily diet.
  7. Vitamins. For the body of the expectant mother and the developing baby, vitamins are very necessary. How to choose complex vitamins can be found in the topic.
  8. Water. Drinking water is very important for a pregnant woman. Purified water, with minerals, without any impurities and chemicals. During the period of gestation, it is best to use bottled water, or mineral water without gas.

Nutritional hygiene of a pregnant woman:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water before every meal. Hands must be carefully processed from the wrist to the very tips.
  • After washing, dry or wipe dry. Excessive moisture builds up new bacteria on your hands.
  • Follow the diet. Distribute the required amount of food per day for 4-5 main meals, and the rest for snacks.
  • You should not consume expired and questionable quality foods, fruits or vegetables with pesticides. Choose home or farm food.
  • Do not leave uncleaned food for storage.
  • Prepare food immediately before taking, it is better not to eat yesterday's food.
  • Doubtful products are best avoided.

Such simple rules of hygiene of a pregnant woman will protect you from many diseases and problems.

General hygiene: pregnancy body care and clothing selection

In pregnant women, all the processes taking place in a woman's body become more active: the metabolism becomes faster, sweat becomes more abundant, the skin, shape, and chest change. That is why the hygiene of a pregnant woman is an extremely important aspect of life in an interesting position.

General pregnancy hygiene tips:

  1. Do not buy bright colorful shower gels, do not choose highly saturated scents. Such funds in a pregnant woman can not only cause allergies, but also nausea. For this period, it is better to buy special, hypoallergenic hygiene products.
  2. A pregnant woman should not use strong-smelling deodorants. Limit the use of perfume to a minimum.
  3. In many women, colostrum begins to be secreted even before childbirth. If you see a discharge, you need to use special breast pads. The breasts should always be dry; irritation of the nipples should not be allowed.
  4. It is not recommended for a pregnant woman to wear heels. During this period, the load on the spine is already large, and the heels increase it. Shoes should be comfortable, you should buy either orthopedic or use silicone pads that replace orthopedic insoles.
  5. Clothes should be comfortable and comfortable. When choosing clothes, do not pinch your tummy. If you like fashionable and stylish clothes, then there is a way out for you too. The modern market offers a huge assortment of clothes for pregnant women. You can read about how to choose beautiful, fashionable clothes for pregnant women in the topic.
  6. Choose your laundry detergent carefully. You should not buy a powder with a strong odor and additives. It is better to buy phosphate-free detergents or gel detergents.

Intimate hygiene of a pregnant woman

At birth, the baby goes through the birth canal. The baby is in close touch with the female genitals. Accordingly, it is extremely important for a pregnant woman to maintain microflora and observe intimate hygiene.

Fundamental rules:

  1. Take a warm shower daily. Hot showers are contraindicated for pregnant women. You can take a bath for pregnant women if there are no contraindications.
  2. Do not use new brand panty liners.
  3. Do not wipe the genitals with wet wipes, only if they are special wipes for intimate hygiene
  4. Don't use colored toilet paper
  5. Depilation of the intimate area should be done periodically. Currently, there are many ways to carry out this procedure.

Simple rules will help you stay healthy and avoid treatment during pregnancy. Intimate hygiene also includes regular visits to a personal gynecologist. The first visit must be made before 3 months. Further, the doctor will schedule visits in accordance with the course of pregnancy. It is impossible to ignore the examinations by the doctor. If you have alarming symptoms, then you should consult a doctor immediately.

Alarming symptoms:

  • Pulling abdominal pain
  • Send the waters away
  • Bleeding
  • Large swelling
  • Feeling unwell
  • Too high temperature

You can read about the pain that a pregnant woman may experience in the article.

Sexual hygiene

The sexual hygiene of a pregnant woman deserves a lot of attention.

You can resume sexual activity from the second trimester, but carefully, choosing the right postures in which the pregnant woman will not feel discomfort.

At 9 months, it is also advisable to give up sex. This can cause premature birth. But if there is no contraindication, you can have sex until the very birth. Sexual life makes it easier to endure contractions.

Dental care during pregnancy

Oral hygiene of a pregnant woman is a very important aspect. The pregnant body loses calcium and phosphorus, from which teeth are very crumbled.

Hygiene rules for dental care:

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day. Use mouthwash between meals. Rinses will have a beneficial effect on the gums, preventing inflammation from developing, they will also wash out food debris and give you a fresh breath.
  2. Get routine dental checkups.
  3. Dental treatment can only be done in the second trimester. It is impossible to start caries during pregnancy. Because the infection that is in the mother's mouth may not have a beneficial effect on the baby. The use of anesthesia during pregnancy is contraindicated. The health of your teeth is the key to the health of the baby and his bones. You can read more about dental treatment in the topic.

Hygiene of the soul of a pregnant woman

Hygiene of the state of mind is one of the unrealistically important points that is often overlooked. Indeed, throughout the entire period, the baby experiences everything the same as the mother. All your thoughts, moods and actions do not pass by him. If you are worried, nervous or anxious - the child experiences the same. Try to make your pregnancy the happiest of your life. This is the best hygiene for a pregnant woman to follow. Walk often, watch your favorite movies, indulge in shopping, get creative. Listen to music, sing, and just be happy. Your little one will be very grateful to you.

Author of the publication: Svyatoslav Sitnikov

Intimate hygiene is called the care of the external genital organs in women - this is the vestibule of the vagina, the clitoris and the labia; hygiene procedures also extend to the exit from the rectum and somehow capture the vagina; These circumstances determine the fact that special cosmetics for intimate hygiene appear on the market.

A bit of anatomy

The vagina of an adult woman is a muscular-fibrous tube lined with mucous membrane. With its upper part, it covers the cervix, the lower part of the vagina ends in the vestibule. In the normal state, the mucous membranes of the walls of the vagina are in contact with each other, and the vagina does not gap, but looks like a gap in the transverse section.

Normally, in the vagina of a healthy woman there is a small amount of whitish content with an acid reaction. The acidic reaction (pH 4.0-4.5) is due to the presence of lactic acid in the vaginal discharge. The fact is that the surface cells of the epithelium of the vaginal mucosa contain a significant amount of a special substance - glycogen. Glycogen has two functions. On the one hand, it serves as a nutrient substrate for sperm that have entered the vagina; on the other hand, glycogen is necessary for the vital activity of lactobacilli, which are an indispensable attribute of the vaginal contents of a healthy woman. Glycogen undergoes enzymatic transformations into lactic acid, thereby creating an acidic environment and preventing the reproduction of other, including pathogens, microorganisms.

During pregnancy, many changes occur throughout the body, including, of course, in the genital area. In the pelvic region, blood circulation is increased. Due to the thickening of the mucous membrane, loosening of the connective tissue and the growth of smooth muscles, the folding of the vaginal walls increases. The amount of discharge from the vaginal glands increases, the discharge becomes thick and becomes white. The pH value of the vaginal contents shifts to the acidic side to 3.3 as a result of the increased formation of lactic acid, which is due to an increase in the glycogen content in the vaginal epithelium. Changes in pH protect the vagina from certain infections, but increased glycogen levels are associated with an increased risk of Candida albicans yeast growth. Along with this, during pregnancy, there are also changes in the work of the immune - protective - system of the body. All of these serve as predisposing factors for the penetration and activation of pathogens during pregnancy. In addition, if outside of pregnancy only a woman can suffer due to lack of hygiene, then while carrying a baby - also a fetus. All this makes the issues of intimate hygiene especially relevant for expectant mothers.

Rules and prohibitions

First of all, the following rules must be observed:

  • You need to wash yourself with previously washed hands, but not with a sponge or a washcloth: the skin in the perineal area is delicate, it is easy to injure it.
  • The water must be running. That is, if it is not possible to use water from the tap or from the shower, you should not wash yourself while sitting in a basin - you need to water it on the external genital area.
  • You need to wash yourself with warm water. Cold water can exacerbate inflammatory diseases; in addition, too cold or too hot water can provoke the threat of termination of pregnancy.
  • It should be washed from front to back in order to exclude the ingress of microorganisms from the rectal area into the vagina.
  • You should use only individual towels, the water should be gently blotted.
  • Tight synthetic underwear provokes the development of inflammatory diseases.

As with any rules, there are categorical prohibitions in the rules of intimate hygiene:

  • You should not douche - inject detergents into the vagina - without a doctor's prescription.
  • You should not use certain medications without a doctor's prescription by introducing them into the vagina. Some women practice this before visiting a gynecologist on the eve of taking a smear for analysis. Irregular, improper use of medication will not solve the problem, but it can harm the baby. The test results will be questionable and you will have to repeat the test.

Intimate hygiene products

First, let's figure out how the soap washes. The detergent properties of soap are due to its emulsifying effect. The soap dissolves the sebum (oil) on the surface of the skin and looses adhering dirt. It happens like this. Anions (negatively charged particles) formed in an aqueous solution of soap gather in aggregates and form a foam. Foam envelops grease stains. Fatty contaminants do not dissolve in water, but dissolve in the "core" of such anionic aggregates to form an emulsion. Particles of the emulsion are carried away with water. This removes fatty impurities from the surface of the skin. Cosmetics for skin care and synthetic detergents intended for washing fabrics work in the same way. The more alkaline the soap solution has, the better it removes sebum, but also dries the skin.

Antioxidants, plasticizers, stabilizers, dyes and fragrances are attributes of modern soap formulations. Plasticizers and partly antioxidants, as well as stabilizers, compensate for the defects in technology that has not changed since 1945. Variations of other additives, together with technology, provide the soap with color, smell, shape, consistency, etc.

Antimicrobial, disinfectant, bactericidal and other similar additives impart medicinal properties to soap.

Of greatest interest is the massive use of so-called cosmetic additives. The division into technological and cosmetic additives is rather arbitrary. Fragrances not only give the soap a pleasant smell, but also partially increase the plastic properties, facilitating the technology of its production. Cosmetic additives, being in most of the extracts of medicinal plants, in some cases perform technological functions, similar to fragrances.

It should be noted that the very fact of introducing cosmetic additives into the soap is more likely to play a big role in promoting the product to the market, rather than improving the effect of soap on the skin.

More often, the introduction of new cosmetic additives is used by the manufacturer to declare certain medicinal properties inherent in this additive, although in fact the content of the additive in the soap can be negligible, that is, the properties of the additives are transferred to the soap itself.

The introduction of impurities such as chopped leaves is also of questionable value. Of course, such a soap looks extravagant, but all foreign inclusions (i.e. substances of a non-soap nature, unevenly distributed in the volume of the bar) are ballast for the soap and worsen its consumer properties. The consumption of the bar during washing will increase, since some of the soap will be used to "encapsulate" and remove leaves from the washing area. There is practically nothing left to share the healing properties of crushed leaves or grains.

The softening effect can be achieved by adding glycerin to the solid soap formula. The effect of glycerin is known to most women; you can always read about the presence of this supplement on the package. The use of glycerin soap for intimate hygiene is not contraindicated during pregnancy.

However, it should be noted that soaps with herbal and some animal additives always dry out the skin less. The main mechanism of action of cosmetic additives is that the free fatty acids contained in any natural additive easily react with the alkali in the soap and weaken its irritating and drying effect on the skin. Thus, fatty acids reduce the main deficiency of fatty soaps. The effect of the additive itself (calendula, celandine, etc.) does not play a big role in creating the healing properties of soap, while fragrances and dyes added to the soap can cause an allergic reaction in the expectant mother, which will also cause an allergic predisposition in the baby.

Therefore, if during the gestation period you decide to change the soap that you used before pregnancy, then choose soap with a minimum amount of additives, or stay faithful to the old hygiene product.

For intimate hygiene, ordinary solid soap, liquid soap, or special intimate hygiene products can be used.

The optimal fatty soap formulation includes 75-85% beef tallow and 25-15% coconut oil. Deviations in any direction lead to deterioration of properties: soap changes not only the appearance - the mechanical strength of the piece decreases, its cracking increases during use, the washing effect decreases, and the consumption of soap increases. If you read what is written on the package, you will easily notice that the soap contains sodium and potassium salts of higher carboxylic acids. Moreover, solid soap contains sodium salts of higher carboxylic acids, and the main component of liquid soap is potassium salts of organic acids. Under the action of water, an alkali and a weak acid are formed from the soap, a slightly alkaline environment is formed on the skin, the alkalinity can be from 7 to 9.

Special means for intimate hygiene differ from other hygiene products in that they maintain the acidic environment of the skin, their pH is 5.5. This allows the skin to maintain normal moisture content. This property of intimate hygiene products also helps maintain an acidic reaction in the vagina, thereby preventing the onset of dysbiosis. However, I would like to emphasize once again that normally the detergent should not get into the vagina in large quantities. The announced additives (chamomile extracts, string) are also auxiliary.

Intimate hygiene products, as a rule, contain fewer aromas, fragrances, etc. This is important: during pregnancy, strong smelling and bright hygiene products should be avoided, as they are potentially allergenic.

Another important part of intimate hygiene is panty liners. With regard to these products, I would like to say the following: if they do not cause you discomfort or allergic rashes, then you can safely use these relatively new hygiene products. This applies to both regular and scented pads.

From intimate deodorant during pregnancy it is better to refuse, especially if you have not used it before, but intimate hygiene wipes, soaked in a special lotion, should be used only in cases where it is not possible to take a shower.

Let us remind you once again: if during pregnancy you have any suspicious discharge, rashes on the skin of the genitals, do not try to solve the problem with the help of new hygiene products, but consult a doctor.