We return youth and elasticity of the skin in several stages. We restore the elasticity of the skin of the body: an effective complex of procedures

The skin of your face will reveal all your secrets to others. She can tell you how many cups of coffee you drink per day, whether you stay up late playing computer games, how often you are outdoors, and much more. Dark circles under the eyes, sluggish skin that has lost its elasticity and fine wrinkles - these are the consequences of your bad habits, unbalanced diet and irresponsible attitude to your own appearance.

“Everything ugly is perishable, and beautiful is eternal, except for the skin,” noted the English writer Edith Sitwell. Almost every woman in her thirties would subscribe to this sad observation. Of course, “do not drink water from your face,” as one more wisdom assures. But tell me, honestly, don't you want to be even more attractive, have a dazzling complexion and healthy skin? Do you really want to? Then get down to business! Today we will tell you how you can restore the elasticity of your facial skin.

Say no to bad habits

What needs to be changed in your life to look young and fresh again? To do this, several conditions must be met:

  • Take a walk in the fresh air

It's no secret that our skin needs oxygen to look healthy. Thanks to him, she is saturated with nutrients and looks young and elastic. Unfortunately, we tend to sacrifice walks in the fresh air for extra work or so-called "relaxation" in front of the TV or computer monitor. In addition, in a modern metropolis, it is simply impossible not to experience constant oxygen starvation due to the huge number of cars. Therefore, if you want to restore elasticity to your skin, try to get out more often at least for an hour's walk outside the city or in the park.

  • Get enough sleep

In order for the skin to rest and recover, it takes at least seven hours (or even more) of uninterrupted sleep. Who among us can afford such wasteful luxury? Alas, constant lack of sleep has long become the norm, and its consequences are instantly reflected on the face. Flabby and loose skin is a sure sign of a lack of sleep.

  • Quit smoking

Under the influence of nicotine, small blood vessels constrict and blood flow decreases. As a result, the skin experiences an acute oxygen deficiency and loses its elasticity. Oxidative processes, which proceed much faster in the skin of smokers, lead to its premature aging.

  • Do not abuse alcohol

Unfortunately, a rare event, be it a friendly meeting or a corporate party, a dinner for lovers or a family celebration, can do without alcohol today. But even a single glass of wine triggers the process of skin dehydration. On dry skin, folds and wrinkles are more likely to appear, it becomes less elastic and even flabby.

Do not underestimate our bad habits and think that skillfully applied makeup or expensive cream will be able to hide the imperfection of the facial skin. Beauty is work and responsibility. Don't test your skin for strength - give it the nutrients it needs and rest. We assure you that you will be satisfied with the result.

Proper nutrition is the key to youthful skin

The basic rule to follow if you are unhappy with your skin is to drink enough water. “Enough” means no less than two liters of ordinary drinking water per day. Dry skin is not elastic and firm. Balanced nutrition will also help restore beauty to the skin. The following vitamins and minerals will help your skin restore firmness (turgor):

  • Vitamin A

It makes the skin firm and smooth as it stimulates the production of collagen, which every woman now knows provides elasticity and firmness to your skin. Yellow, green and red vegetables, fruits and berries such as carrots, apricots, liver, cream and egg yolks are a short list of foods high in vitamin A.

  • Vitamin B

It is he who is responsible for maintaining water in skin cells, which means that it increases its elasticity. Vitamin B is rich in potatoes, bananas, beans (and other legumes), eggplants and greens. Unlike vitamin A, which requires fats to assimilate, vitamin B dissolves well in water.

  • Vitamin C

This powerful antioxidant acts as a protective barrier to protect your skin from UV radiation. It is also involved in the production of collagen and elastin. Therefore, make sure that your diet includes foods rich in vitamin C (for example, herbs, lemons, apples, kiwi, etc.).

  • Vitamin E

It has been found that it promotes the regeneration of skin cells. That is why it is also called "tocopherol", i.e. "Helping the birth." And we would call it a vitamin of unfading beauty and eternal youth. It is found in vegetable oils, spinach, Brussels sprouts, and other foods.

Fatty acids and antioxidants are essential to improve skin turgor. They provide collagen synthesis and help restore skin elasticity. Therefore, do not forget to include nuts (especially walnuts), pumpkin and sunflower seeds, green vegetables, sardines in your menu and drink green tea (only not packaged, the benefits of which are zero).

Face masks are the main means of maintaining skin elasticity

Face masks will help to restore the lost skin turgor. You can buy ready-made masks with a lifting effect, or you can make them yourself at home. A necessary requirement for the components of the masks is their freshness. Such masks, like a rescue service, restore the elasticity and firmness of the skin, as well as have a nourishing and protective effect. When using masks, do not forget to observe the following rules: do not apply the mask to the skin near the eyes, apply it strictly along the massage lines, and while any mask is on your face, do not talk, do not frown or perform other facial actions.

  • Egg white mask

The main ingredients are fresh egg white and rice or oat flour. Grind one protein with a tablespoon of flour (if there is no rice or oatmeal, take wheat) so that a homogeneous (homogeneous) mass is obtained. For best results, add a couple of drops of fennel or rose essential oil. Apply the mixture evenly on the face. Wash off the mask with boiled water after it is completely dry. Next, don't forget to use a moisturizer.

  • Gelatin based mask

The main components are gelatin powder, kefir or yogurt, oat flour (if your skin is dry) or wheat flour (if your skin is oily). Add a small amount of water to one spoonful of gelatin and melt the swollen mass using a water bath. Add a spoonful of kefir and a spoonful of flour. Wait until the mixture cools down, apply a moisturizer to your face, and then a gelatin mask. After the mask dries, wash it off with lukewarm boiled water. Instead of flour and kefir, you can add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and a little glycerin to gelatin.

  • Honey mask

The main components are honey, egg yolk, glycerin. Mix one tablespoon of liquid (melted) honey with the yolk of one egg and a tablespoon of glycerin. Apply the resulting mass to your face. Wash off with boiled water after a quarter of an hour. Any vegetable oil (olive, almond, apricot, grape seed, etc.) is suitable instead of glycerin. However, if you are allergic to honey, this mask is contraindicated for you.

Facial gymnastics: proven effective!

Gymnastics for the face, or face building, is an extremely effective means of increasing skin tone and elasticity. Its undoubted advantage is also the fact that you do not need to purchase a gym membership. A mirror and twenty minutes of free time, and you are armed with everything you need to start (and win!) The fight for firm skin.

Be sure to rinse off makeup and cleanse your face before exercising. This will allow your skin to breathe. Hands should also be clean. Sit on the edge of a hard chair facing the mirror, keep your back straight and extend your shoulders. Try to do the exercises only in a good mood - face-building experts believe that this will increase their effectiveness, therefore, it will be easier to restore the beauty of the skin. Each exercise must be repeated ten times.

The simplest remedy for the elasticity of the skin of the face is pinching. There is nothing complicated: slightly pinch the skin of the face in the direction of the massage lines, trying not to pull it off. Five minutes of such self-massage is quite enough. A pinch massage induces a rush of blood to the skin of the face, which, in turn, increases its turgor.

Gymnastics for forehead skin

  1. Place your palm on your forehead just above your eyebrows. Start raising and lowering your eyebrows. In doing so, your hand should press on your forehead so that you feel resistance.
  2. With two fingers, press on the inner tip of the eyebrow, move the eyebrows to the bridge of the nose. In doing so, your fingers should slightly resist the movement of the eyebrows.

Gymnastics for the eyes

  1. Breathe in the air while opening your eyes wide. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and exhale.
  2. Place your index, middle and ring fingers on the bone under the eye. Look up and gently so as not to stretch the delicate skin, tighten the lower eyelid while closing the eye. Then slowly release your lower eyelid and open your eye.
  3. Open your mouth, look up and blink your eyes quickly. Optimal results are obtained by doing this exercise several times a day for one minute.

Gymnastics for the skin of the cheeks

  1. Inflate your cheeks, take them in your palms, hold your breath for a couple of seconds, release the air abruptly and relax your cheek muscles.
  2. Inflate your cheeks and distill the air first from side to side, then up and down and in a circle. A total of ten times for each "direction" of air.
  3. With a straight palm, close your lips so that your fingers cover your cheeks. Smile. At the same time, the cheeks will begin to rise. Use your fingers to lightly resist. Relax when your cheeks lift. “Smile” ten times and change your palm.
  4. Cover your lower lip with your upper lip, then vice versa.

Complete each gymnastic complex with an exercise to relax the muscles of the face. Pinch your lips and start blowing air through them. Lower your head and repeat. Feel how the skin on your cheeks vibrates as the muscles relax. Now move your head in different directions, still blowing air through your lips.

In addition to the tips above, keep in mind the most basic things: do not expose your skin to aggressive effects of cold or heat. Apply cryoprotectant cream in frosty weather, sunscreen in hot weather. Any woman is able to turn back the clock and regain the lost youth of the skin in order to become young and irresistible again!

To return skinelasticity... you need to know and follow some rules. Get away from hot baths. This water dries out the skin. It becomes rough and thinner. Better go to contrast showers. Buy milk and various body oils that nourish and moisturize your skin. Avocado oil mixed with a few drops of rosemary is an excellent tonic and skin elasticity enhancer. Exfoliating soaps, prolonged sun exposure, poor hydration and excessive make-up also have an adverse effect on skin elasticity.

Equally important in the fight against fading skin th is considered proper nutrition. Eliminate coffee from your diet. Drink only clean water. The menu should be dominated by fruits, vegetables, dairy products, various cereals and herbs. It is very important to take multivitamins, especially vitamin C, which is responsible for elasticity skin.

Stop smoking. Nicotine constricts small blood vessels, which inevitably leads to a shortage skin oxygen and essential nutrients. As a result, it becomes lifeless and dull. In addition, regular smoking leads to the formation of wrinkles around the lips, and squinting from the smoke leads to the formation of wrinkles around the eyes.

An effective, but, unfortunately, little used among women means for restoring skin elasticity is face aerobics. These are easy and simple exercises that can be done both at home, at work, and while driving. Regularly carrying out such gymnastics allows skin get back your old elasticity .

Masks with an astringent effect are also considered beneficial for the skin. With their constant use

the face is visibly fresher, and the skin becomes smoother. Olive oil is widely known for its medicinal properties. Substitute it for your daily cream, and after a while you will notice an obvious difference.

Prepare a mask from 1 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, honey and milk. Apply the product to the face with gentle movements along the massage lines.

Return skinelasticity gelatin helps. Pour 15 g of gelatin with a glass of water and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and glycerin to the mixture. Apply the resulting mass on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

An excellent result is achieved by a mask of 1 yolk mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey and vegetable oil (almond, apricot, peach, castor). Bring the mixture to a creamy mass and leave on the face for 15 minutes.

And, of course, do not use as beauty care products skin nd drugs that are not appropriate for your age.

Over the years, the body loses its former elasticity... skin and muscles become more flabby. This is a natural process as collagen production peaks at age 25. After this age, the content of the "main factor of elasticity" in the body begins to gradually decrease. Simple home care treatments can help restore firmness to your body.

  • A mixture of herbs, chamomile, birch leaves, creeping thyme, sweet clover, hernia, milk, honey, oatmeal, body scrub, massage brush

You can restore the elasticity of the body with the help of physical activity. Choose the most suitable daily set of exercises for yourself that you will enjoy doing. It is important to choose a feasible load, because excessive efforts can lead to muscle injuries and refusal to exercise. Choose a set of exercises in which all muscle groups will be involved. As a result, your muscles and skin will become tighter and tighter in a few weeks.

Be sure to take a contrast shower after exercise. The alternation of warm and cold water improves the tone of the skin vessels, and the result of good blood circulation will be smooth and elastic skin. In addition to the shower, use a stiff brush massage; first, you will need to apply a body scrub to the skin. Use this peeling no more than once a week. A scrub and a massage brush will help the skin get rid of keratinized epithelium, as a result, its regeneration processes will intensify.

In addition to the shower, baths with rejuvenating, nourishing and essential oils help to restore skin elasticity. Prepare a nutritional bath: in 200 ml of hot milk, add 2 tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of rose oil, stir and pour the mixture into warm water. Or prepare a rejuvenating bath from a decoction of herbs: take a tablespoon each of dry herbs of pharmacy chamomile, creeping thyme, birch leaves and sweet clover. Add 2 tablespoons of hernia herb and boil the mixture. After 30 minutes, pour the broth into the prepared warm bath. Take baths 1-2 times a week, such procedures improve blood circulation and restore skin elasticity.

After a bath, apply a nourishing mask to the skin to restore skin elasticity. To prepare it, grind a glass of oatmeal in a blender, mix them with a glass of milk and add 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply the mixture evenly all over the body, after 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

In the process of restoring elasticity, not only external procedures to improve the blood supply to the skin are important, but also rational nutrition. Build your diet so that you consume 100 grams of protein daily, which is the building block for the main factors of elasticity - collagen and elastin. Include fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily intake, they contain vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a good tone of your skin.

It is believed that taking vitamin C can help in deciding how to restore skin elasticity, since this vitamin is required by the body for the formation of collagen and cartilage tissue. In addition, vitamin C reduces the risk of colds, certain infections, and promotes the absorption of iron. Consuming vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties, also improves skin elasticity.

Before the body starts burning fatty tissue, it gets rid of water. Most quickly it affects the skin, which contains 20% of the "water reserves" of the body. Without water, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes rough. How can you restore elasticity to the skin? The skin is filled not only with water, but also with fat. It stretches it if you put on weight. When the fat disappears abruptly, the skin loses its elasticity and sags. Therefore, use cosmetics, massage and moisturize your skin.

How to restore skin elasticity with nutrition
To restore elasticity to the skin, do not rely only on cosmetic procedures. In this matter, it is very important to establish proper nutrition. Namely, it is necessary to include food containing collagen and protein in the daily diet.

Protein foods - lean meat, fish, nuts, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs.

Collagen-containing foods are edible gelatin.

By consuming these foods, you will help your skin become firmer!
How to restore skin elasticity using self-massage
The simplest self-massage to increase skin elasticity is pinching. The technique of this massage is quite simple, but, as in any other case, when performing such a massage, try not to overdo it. First, the duration of such a massage should be no more than 3-5 minutes for each zone. And secondly, when pinching the skin, try not to pull it off. And do not forget that a pinch massage of the face must be done along the massage lines.

A pinch massage increases blood flow to the skin, thereby improving turgor.
How to restore skin elasticity with salt
Salt is an excellent remedy for skin firmness. Sea salt is especially useful. For the skin of the body, it is good to take baths with salt, use salt scrubs and masks.

But for the face and neck, more delicate care is needed. At home, the following procedures will help restore skin elasticity:

Salt Recipe for Firming Chin & Neck

1 tbsp. Dissolve a spoonful of sea salt in 1.5 cups of water at room temperature. Moisten a hard towel well in this solution. Then roll the wet towel several times to make a tourniquet. Take the tourniquet by the ends with both hands and massage the neck and chin area with light patting movements with this towel. Do the procedure 2-3 times a week.

Firming Salt Recipe

1 tbsp. Dissolve a spoonful of sea salt in 1.5 cups of water at room temperature. Moisten a piece of gauze in this solution. Then lie down and put wet gauze on your face. Use your hands to lightly pat on the face for 3-5 minutes. Some people use a wooden spoon to pat them. Do the procedure 2-3 times a week

There are many ways, and the first is physical exercise.... Most women, upon hearing about this, brush it off as if they were being offered something frivolous, and begin to refer to the fact that they have no time to live. Of course, you can brush it off, but it is sports, gymnastics, fitness, yoga and even just a fun dance that helps us, and therefore our skin, to wake up and invigorate, recharge with energy for the whole day, improve metabolism and blood circulation ... The skin receives an influx of nutrients and oxygen, so it regains its tone and elasticity.
How to make skin firm: water treatments

After exercise, you can take a refreshing or contrast shower - it stimulates the state of blood vessels, expanding and narrowing them. For just a month, taking a contrast shower regularly, you will notice that the skin becomes prettier, stronger, elasticity and softness return to it. You can even massage it with a hard brush to make the skin redden, just not too much so as not to injure it.

Wet your skin, apply a body scrub (you can use a homemade one), and rub the body with gentle circular motions for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse with shower gel. Scrubs often should not be used: once a week is enough, or even less. You can use the scrub not in the morning, but in the evening, after a bath - it's even better, because it is easier to clean the pores of steamed skin.
Shower gels can be used every day - they will not harm the skin. Choosing a pleasant scent that you like will also help create a positive, positive atmosphere for the whole day.

After shower, use a body cream: delicate, light texture. These creams are quickly absorbed and perfectly moisturize the skin. Follow this minimum program every day, and your skin will remain firm, soft and elastic for a long time.
Home baths for firm skin

The bath not only improves the condition of the skin, but also soothes, relieves stress and lifts the mood. A great option is a honey and milk bath with rose oil. A cup of warm honey must be mixed with hot, but unboiled milk, then add rose oil (2 tablespoons). Pour the resulting mixture into the bath; lie in the water as long as you like it.

Herbal bath - you can buy them at the pharmacy or assemble them yourself. Take sweet clover, creeping thyme, chamomile, birch leaves - 1 part each; hernia of the naked hernia - 2 parts; boil everything with boiling water. When infused, pour into the bath water. Such a bath not only cleanses the skin, but also restores its firmness and elasticity.

Infusions of rose petals, mint, oregano, lemon balm, added to the bath, rejuvenate the skin and slow down its aging. It is very simple to prepare them, and they give an amazing effect.

The next type of baths is mineral, does not require any preparation at all. True, to take such a procedure, you will have to buy a lot of mineral water with gas, heat it up and pour it into the bath. As you immerse yourself in the bubbling liquid, your skin will simply perk up and feel great.

A bath with citrus juice not only restores elasticity to the skin, but also rejuvenates it and prevents the appearance of early wrinkles. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from six fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits) and pour it into the bath. The water in the bath should be slightly warm, or at room temperature - so the essential oils of fruits can have a beneficial effect on the skin of the whole body.

It's good if you also drink a couple of glasses of freshly squeezed citrus juice: of course, lemon juice should be drunk diluted.

Natural scrubs are good at helping to restore skin elasticity. The simplest and safest remedy is candied honey, as well as sea salt mixed with sour cream.
Masks for firm skin

Masks are additional nutrition for the skin, especially if it is constantly exposed to negative external factors.

Take 1 tbsp. l. honey, coconut milk and ground Hercules flakes, mix everything thoroughly and apply on previously cleansed body skin for half an hour. Rinse off first with warm water and then with cool water. It is advisable to repeat such a body mask up to 3 times a week - it is simple.

Olive oil also moisturizes the skin well, saturates it with nutrients and vitamins, preserves youth and elasticity. This method is used by many women, replacing expensive creams with fatty oils.
Elastic neck skin

The skin of the neck requires special attention - otherwise it will quickly sag, and it will be difficult to return it to its previous appearance.

Olive oil will help here too: it should be slightly warmed up and rubbed gently into the skin. Wrap your neck with a linen napkin (you can even wrap it with parchment paper), and on top with a terry towel. After 30 minutes, the compress can be removed and the neck washed with warm water. In addition to skin elasticity, such a mask provides it with more effective protection from wind and frost in the cold season.
Elastic breast skin: peeling, massage, masks

It is very difficult to restore firmness to the skin of the breasts, however, careful and regular breast care yields results. In addition to exercises and masks, peeling and a contrast shower will help keep the skin in good shape.

For peeling the skin of the breast, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. natural yogurt and coconut pulp (can be replaced with coconut flakes), and 1 tsp. oatmeal and sea salt. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mixture to the steamed breast skin. Massage lightly for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water from the shower. Repeat the procedure for three months, 2 times a week.

Ice massage on breasts has helped women of all times to keep their skin firm and fresh. It is better to use citrus ice - frozen fruit juice diluted with mineral water.

You can also freeze the citrus peel infusion and rub ice cubes on your chest. To prepare the infusion, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into the peel of tangerine and orange, and insist for a day in a closed glass container.

Another mask for firm breasts is made from natural yogurt (1 tbsp. L), raw eggs and an oil solution of vitamin E (1 tsp.). Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply on the chest with circular massage movements, then put on a bra for 20 minutes. Then gently wash off the mask with warm water.

Of course, skin health and firmness depend not only on external care, but also on nutrition. Nutrition is the basis of health and beauty: the ratio of all substances - vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, must be correct. Otherwise, the skin acquires an unhealthy color, loses its firmness and elasticity.
How to make your face skin elastic: folk masks

We take care of the skin of the face all the time, but there are masks that give it exactly elasticity.

To prepare a French face mask, you need to take a glass or enamel dish, pour fresh cream (1 glass) into it, add a beaten raw egg, juice of a whole lemon, vodka (100 g) and glycerin (1 tsp). Stir everything thoroughly and wipe the skin of the face and neck before going to bed. The resulting mixture can be used for a long time - it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to six months.

The next mask is also French - at least it's called "Madame Pompadour". The recipe is similar: you need to grate a whole lemon, along with the zest, pour alcohol (100 g), let stand and strain. Then add 200 g of cream (sour cream) and glycerin (1 tsp). This composition can also be stored in the refrigerator.

The mask, named after the famous beauty Sophia Loren, is also made from cream (100 g), with the addition of gelatin, glycerin and honey (1 tsp each). Gelatin is poured with cream and left overnight, and in the morning it is heated over low heat until it dissolves. Then honey and glycerin are added to the mixture.

The mask is applied to the face gently, along the massage lines. Such a mixture is also stored in the refrigerator, but not for long - a week, and then a new one must be prepared.

Such masks cleanse, smooth and tone the skin. If applied regularly, the skin will be clean, matte, fresh and firm.

Many girls and women strive to prolong their youth, but not everyone knows exactly how to achieve this. The modern rhythm leaves its mark on the psycho-emotional state and health. Most of all, the skin suffers, which fades over time. This factor is caused by weather conditions, external irritants, the rhythm of life, nutrition and the wrong choice of cosmetics. To make the epidermis elastic, it is not enough to use creams and tonics. We need an integrated approach, which we will talk about today.

Factors affecting skin tone

  1. As mentioned earlier, skin elasticity is directly related to the environment, food, and overall health. Moisturizing the skin is of no small importance. Lack of moisture provokes desiccation, as a result of which the dermis loses its elasticity.
  2. The elasticity of the facial skin is associated with the epidermis of the entire body. If you do not follow an integrated approach, cosmetic procedures for "face-lifting" alone will not be enough. Due to the fact that the production of collagen, hyaluron and elastin is significantly reduced, by the age of 30 you can notice the first deep wrinkles.
  3. Collagen is responsible for the density of tissues, hyaluron helps the skin retain moisture, and elastin gives overall tone. If, for some reason, one of the components is not enough, the skin begins to age prematurely.
  4. The environmental factor is an important aspect in the fight against wrinkles. Frequent climate change or sudden temperature changes dehydrate the skin, slow down blood circulation and all metabolic processes.

Ways to improve skin elasticity

Earlier, we have already said that it is possible to tone the skin only with the help of an integrated approach. Let's consider each step in order, highlight the main points.

Eat right

  1. Buckwheat will help to keep the skin youthful; it contains a large amount of rutin and unsaturated fatty acids. The listed organic compounds prevent premature aging, smooth out fine creases and accelerate blood flow.
  2. Regular consumption of fresh vegetables, berries and fruits can help cope with dehydration. They maintain the balance of fluid in the tissues, provoking accelerated production of hyaluron and collagen. It is also important to follow the drinking regime, which is directly related to the skin. Consume at least 2.5 liters. clean water per day.
  3. Flaxseed or seeds contain omega acids that prevent cracking, flaking, and wilting. Vitamins B3-B12 help the lipid layer to remain at the proper level, protecting it from harmful environmental influences.
  4. Pallor and gray skin tone indicates intoxication and lack of iron in the body. Eat veal and beef pulp, pork liver, chicken meat, egg yolks, fish, oatmeal, and herbs.
  5. Selenium is considered one of the main products that increase elasticity. It can be found in fresh garlic, seafood cocktail, fish, eggs (chicken, quail), beef liver. Along with selenium, it is necessary to replenish the balance of zinc (mushrooms, bran, yeast, cocoa butter, all types of nuts).

Avoid stressful situations

  1. Negative factors provoke skin aging not only in older women, but also in young girls. As a result of constant stress, the epidermis quickly ages, losing precious moisture.
  2. If there are small wrinkles on the skin, in a short time they will turn into full-fledged creases. In this situation, there is only one way out - invasive cosmetology. In order not to resort to Botox or Dysport injections, look for a way out of negative emotions. Read books, watch funny movies and your favorite TV shows, dance.
  3. Pamper yourself with an essential oil and sea salt bath once or twice a week to promote relaxation. Visit a yoga, stretching or Pilates lesson, the listed directions will normalize the psycho-emotional background.
  4. Many girls suffer from chronic insomnia due to stress. Choose for yourself sedatives or drink valerian infusion to normalize good rest (about 7-8 hours a day).

Steam your skin

  1. It is known that heat sources improve blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, dilate blood vessels and capillaries. For this reason, it is recommended to steam the skin in all possible ways once a week.
  2. A bath or sauna is an excellent option. During a visit, lubricate your face with honey, only then go to the steam room. After a quarter of an hour, wash off the composition with ice water, this move will tone the skin.
  3. In the bath, it is necessary to do facial scrubbing. To do this, combine crushed sea salt and liquid honey into a pasty mass. Massage the skin for 5 minutes, then rinse off the composition with cold water.
  4. Due to the high temperature, toxins and toxins that provoke premature aging are removed from the skin. Complete your steaming with homemade or commercial masks. Useful substances are absorbed into the steamed epidermis much faster.
  5. If it is not possible to use the steam room, prepare a facial bath. Brew 100 gr in 5 liters of boiling water. any medicinal herb (sage, birch bark, rosemary, lemon balm, etc.). Lower your head over the container and wrap yourself in a towel. Wait 15 minutes.

Use cosmetic ice

  1. Rubbing with cosmetic ice activates skin metabolism and improves blood flow. The procedure must be carried out daily. The duration of wiping is 3 minutes, and you cannot stay at one point for more than 2 seconds.
  2. To make ice, you need to take 30 ml. rosemary, 20 ml. oak bark, 45 ml. lemon juice. Pour the listed ingredients with 650 ml. boiling water, leave for half an hour. Strain, pour into molds.
  3. You can also make cosmetic ice from cucumber. Cut off "butts" from 2-3 fruits, grind into porridge using a meat grinder or blender. Mix with water in a ratio of 3: 1, fill in the compartments of the form. Freeze, apply in the morning and evening.
  4. If you do not want to bother with medicinal herbs, mix filtered water and lemon juice in one mixture (proportions 3: 1). Send the solution to freeze, wipe the skin only in the morning.
  5. Regular use of ice smoothes wrinkles and gives the face a healthy look. An alternative to the procedure is rinsing with melt water mixed with sea salt (for 1 liter of liquid there is 50 g of a free-flowing mixture).

Moisturize your skin regularly

  1. To make the skin even and tighten it, it is necessary to regularly restore the water balance. To do this, drink freshly squeezed juices, clean water, green and chamomile tea.
  2. Use age-appropriate serums and creams. The recommendation is especially relevant in the summer, when direct ultraviolet light penetrates deep enough into the layers of the dermis. Buy special products with an SPF filter.
  3. In winter, the skin suffers from cold wind and frost, so it makes sense to consider nourishing creams. Suitable children's composition "Umka" or anti-freeze ointment "Nivea".
  4. If the skin is naturally dry and inflamed, it fades faster. Buy a multivitamin at the pharmacy, take a course (it lasts 60 days). Supplement the complex with fish and badger oil in capsules, take the drug according to the instructions.
  5. If cosmetics do not allow you to achieve maximum results, use alternative methods. Grind the banana in a blender, mix with sour cream and apply to your face. After 15 minutes, remove the residue, wash with ice water.

Practice good hygiene

  1. Many people neglect basic sanitary rules. Get in the habit of washing your face with exfoliating scrubs and apply the product daily.
  2. Do not use toilet soap as a composition for washing, as it upsets the PH balance. Look for light mousses or gels designed for your skin type.
  3. Do not touch your face with dirty hands, even if you wish to touch up your makeup. Wear cosmetic sponges, cotton swabs, and hand sanitizer in your purse.
  4. Use thermal water in summer. It can be applied both on the face with makeup and on clean skin. The composition is available in bottles of 250 and 400 ml., It is quite convenient to use.
  5. Do not try to squeeze out pimples or blackheads without first warming up the skin. If you decide on such an adventure, pre-treat your hands and face with hydrogen peroxide, wear medical gloves.
  6. In summer, the skin of the face sweats a lot, in this case, carry matting and paper napkins with you. Gently blot the dermis to collect excess moisture. Next, wipe your face with toner or mild lotion.

Massage your face

  1. There is no better way to improve skin elasticity than a massage. The complex is aimed at smoothing deep creases and eliminating mimic wrinkles. Specialists have identified several massage lines that need to be processed one by one.
  2. Start the facial massage from the forehead. Smooth the skin from the eyebrows to the hairline. First, slide your fingers up in a straight line, then place the pads in the middle of your eyebrows and zigzag.
  3. Now go down to your cheeks. Place your index fingers on the bridge of your nose, lead them to your temples, pressing lightly. When the skin turns red, carry out the same manipulations, but in the direction of the earlobes.
  4. Next, place your finger on the glabellar region, massage the bridge of the nose and the wings of the nose. Inflate your cheeks and smooth out the nasolabial folds, stretching them towards the cheekbones.
  5. Place your thumb on one side of your chin and everyone else on the other. Begin to stretch the skin along the jaw line, go down to the neck. Movements should be quick, for this you can apply a face cream to the skin.
  6. Place the back of your fingers on your second chin, press a little, bring your hand down. Repeat the steps 20 times, then soak a terrycloth towel in water and pat on the neck for 3 minutes.
  7. Now is the time to massage the area under the eyes. Apply a moisturizing serum to the pads of your fingers, start tapping on the orbital bone (it is easy to feel). Continue until the composition is absorbed.
  8. Facial massage should be done 1-2 times a day. At the same time, special attention is paid to the cheeks, nasolabial folds, and the area under the eyes. When the first results appear, do not quit the procedure, otherwise the skin will quickly sag.

Buy the "right" cosmetics

  1. Due attention must be paid to decorative cosmetics that are used in everyday life. These include powder, foundation, blush, eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, and lipstick / lip gloss.
  2. Refuse to buy decorative cosmetics in underground passages and on the market. Shop at a specialty makeup shop. It is advisable to choose a professional series with a hypoallergenic composition.
  3. If you are using foundation, cover your face with a colorless base before applying. It will prevent the composition from clogging the pores and will prevent drying out.
  4. If you are over the 40+ age mark, allow yourself to use BB cream instead of foundation. The composition is a mixture of matting base and day serum. Such cosmetics smooths wrinkles, moisturizes, nourishes and promotes natural cell regeneration.

Every woman dreams of having firm skin. To achieve this, eat right, avoid stressful situations, regularly exfoliate, nourish and steam the epidermis. Use cosmetic ice, observe hygiene, massage your face, buy the right makeup.

Video: how to achieve smooth and elastic facial skin at home


To return skin elasticity, you need to know and follow some rules. Get away from hot baths. This water dries out the skin. It becomes rough and thinner. Better go to contrast showers. Buy milk and various body oils that nourish and moisturize your skin. An excellent tonic and elasticity enhancer is a mixture of avocado with a few drops of rosemary. Exfoliating soaps, prolonged sun exposure, poor hydration and excessive make-up also have an adverse effect on skin elasticity.

Equally important in the fight against fading skin th is considered proper nutrition. Eliminate coffee from your diet. Drink only clean water. The menu should be dominated by fruits, vegetables, dairy products, various cereals and herbs. It is very important to take multivitamins, especially vitamin C, which is responsible for elasticity skin.

Stop smoking. Nicotine constricts small blood vessels, which inevitably leads to a shortage skin oxygen and essential nutrients. As a result, it becomes lifeless and dull. In addition, regular smoking leads to the formation of wrinkles around the lips, and squinting from the smoke leads to the formation of wrinkles around the eyes.

An effective, but, unfortunately, little used among the means for restoring skin elasticity is face aerobics. These are easy and simple exercises that can be performed both at home, at work, and while driving. Regularly carrying out such gymnastics allows skin get back your old elasticity.

Masks with an astringent effect are also considered beneficial for the skin. With their constant use, the face is visibly fresher, and the skin becomes smoother. Olive oil is widely known for its medicinal properties. Substitute it for your daily cream, and after a while you will notice an obvious difference.

Prepare a mask from 1 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, honey and milk. Apply the product to the face with gentle movements along the massage lines.

Return skin elasticity gelatin helps. Pour 15 g of gelatin with a glass of water and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and glycerin to the mixture. Apply the resulting mass on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

An excellent result is achieved by a mask of 1 yolk mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey and vegetable oil (almond, apricot, peach, castor). Bring the mixture to a creamy mass and leave on the face for 15 minutes.

And, of course, do not use as beauty care products skin nd drugs that are not appropriate for your age.


It is believed that taking vitamin C can help in deciding how to restore skin elasticity, since this vitamin is required by the body for the formation of collagen and cartilage tissue. In addition, vitamin C reduces the risk of colds, certain infections, and promotes the absorption of iron. Consuming vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties, also improves skin elasticity.

Helpful advice

Before the body starts burning fatty tissue, it gets rid of water. Most quickly it affects the skin, which contains 20% of the "water reserves" of the body. Without water, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes rough. How can you restore elasticity to the skin? The skin is filled not only with water, but also with fat. It stretches it if you put on weight. When the fat disappears abruptly, the skin loses its elasticity and sags. Therefore, use cosmetics, massage and moisturize your skin.

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  • How to restore skin elasticity and firmness?

Over the years, the body loses its former elasticity, the skin and muscles become more flabby. This is a natural process as collagen production peaks at age 25. After this age, the content of the "main factor of elasticity" in the body begins to gradually decrease. Simple home care treatments can help restore firmness to your body.

You will need

  • A mixture of herbs, chamomile, birch leaves, creeping thyme, sweet clover, hernia, milk, honey, oatmeal, body scrub, massage brush


You can restore the elasticity of the body with the help of physical activity. Choose the most suitable daily set of exercises for yourself that you will enjoy doing. It is important to choose a feasible load, because excessive efforts can lead to muscle injuries and refusal to exercise. Choose a set of exercises in which all muscle groups will be involved. As a result, your muscles and skin will become tighter and tighter in a few weeks.

Be sure to take a contrast shower after exercise. The alternation of warm and cold water improves the tone of the skin vessels, and the result of good blood circulation will be smooth and elastic skin. In addition to the shower, use a stiff brush massage; first, you will need to apply a body scrub to the skin. Use this peeling no more than once a week. A scrub and a massage brush will help the skin get rid of keratinized epithelium, as a result, its regeneration processes will intensify.

In addition to the shower, baths with rejuvenating, nourishing and essential oils help to restore skin elasticity. Prepare a nutritional bath: in 200 ml of hot milk, add 2 tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of rose oil, stir and pour the mixture into warm water. Or prepare a rejuvenating bath from a decoction of herbs: take a tablespoon each of dry herbs of pharmacy chamomile, creeping thyme, birch leaves and sweet clover. Add 2 tablespoons of hernia herb and boil the mixture. After 30 minutes, pour the broth into the prepared warm bath. Take baths 1-2 times a week, such procedures improve blood circulation and restore skin elasticity.

After a bath, apply a nourishing mask to the skin to restore skin elasticity. To prepare it, grind a glass of oatmeal in a blender, mix them with a glass of milk and add 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply the mixture evenly all over the body, after 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

In the process of restoring elasticity, not only external procedures to improve the blood supply to the skin are important, but also rational nutrition. Build your diet so that you consume 100 grams of protein daily, which is the building block for the main factors of elasticity - collagen and elastin. Include fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily intake, they contain vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a good tone of your skin.