Knitting the main knots of macrame. This is what the right side flat knot looks like. Macrame products. Technique for beginners

Having prepared all the materials necessary for work, a convenient surface for work, the main knots become the next stage in mastering the technique of weaving macrame. Having at least a few of them in the baggage of knowledge and skills, you can start working on the first products.

Thread attachment

In total, there are two types of threads: working and main. Working threads are attached to the warp thread in two different ways:

  1. The working thread is folded in half and placed on top of the main thread, after which it is bent over it. The ends of the thread are held in a loop and tightened.
  2. The working thread bent in half is placed under the main thread, the loop is bent, and the ends are also pulled into it.

Macrame knots for beginners

The first macrame knots, the schemes of which we are studying, are flat. And above all a single flat knot.

To weave it, we fasten two threads folded in half using one of the methods described above. In this case, the extreme threads will become working with us, and the middle threads will become nodular. They are consumed in the process several times less than workers, so they must be initially shorter.

The flat knot can be left and right.

The left flat knot is woven like this: we take the left working thread with our left hand and bend it to the right over the knotted ones. Next, we take the right working thread, put it on top of the left one, then we wind it under the knots and stretch it into the loop formed on the left. We tighten.

Repeating the weaving of the knot, we note that they begin to twist. You should not straighten them, on the contrary, turning the work 180 ?, we will get a twisted chain.

The right flat knot is woven in the same way as the left one, but exactly the opposite. We start weaving from right to left, and most of the manipulations will be done with the left. By repeating the nodes in the same way, we get a chain similar to the left-hand one, but the turns of which are directed from right to left.

double flat knot

A double flat macrame knot is obtained by alternating the weaving of the right and left flat knot.

We fasten paired threads on the basis, weave the left knot, and immediately after it - the right one. This is the first double knot. Please note that it should have a visible "crossbar", and if the first was the right node, then it will be on the right, and if the left, then, respectively, on the left. A new knot should begin with the thread that comes out from under this crossbar. Given this, we weave a few more such knots, tightly laying the knots. We get a straight line.

By the way, this knot is also called the "square macrame knot". And it can be woven from absolutely any number of threads. The text of the schemes usually indicates their distribution. However, the number of working threads on both sides should be equal. If thin threads are used, then in order to obtain a more beautiful embossed cord, it is better to increase the number of working cords.

Rep knot

The next knot is one of the most popular in macrame. It is called rep or ribbed. From the direction in which the main threads go, the knots will be vertical, horizontal or diagonal. A number of rep knots is called a brida, regardless of how they are located.

The knot weaving technique can be seen in the picture:

Let's try to tie a horizontal brid. To do this, on the basis we fix three pairs of threads - six ends. During our work, we will have only one extreme thread, all the rest will be workers, which we will tie one by one on the basis. We take the first thread (No. 2) and wrap it around the main thread twice, weaving the macrame rep knot according to the figure above. We also weave with the remaining threads. When the row is completed, we get a horizontal brid.

If the nodes are directed diagonally, then the brid will eventually be diagonal. It is used for weaving patterns with rhombuses.

Macrame is a type of needlework based on weaving knots.

In ancient times, needlework was an integral part of a woman's life. The ability to create beauty for girls with their own hands was a must, and sometimes even helped to successfully marry.

Today, applied art is back in fashion. Needless to say, do-it-yourself openwork napkins, wicker tablecloths and even woven carpets not only decorate the interior, but also warm our souls. Macrame is one of the most beautiful types of creativity. We offer the simplest macrame lessons for beginners, thanks to which you will learn how to quickly and easily create hand-made masterpieces.

A bit of history

Mastering the alphabet of weaving macrame for beginners, you should get acquainted with the history of original art. Its roots go deep into the centuries, taking us to the shores of the mysterious East. The name is of Arabic origin, which means "braid, fringe, lace." According to historical data, unusual needlework appeared in Europe in the 7th century. It is believed that such art was known in ancient Egypt, Iran and China. The secret writings of the ancient Incas were very reminiscent of modern macrame. With the help of skillfully tied knots, they conveyed important information. Over the mystery of the knot writing of the Incas, scientists are still racking their brains. The first reliable artifact that clearly tells contemporaries about the existence of unusual creativity is the picture of the talented Botticelli "The Adoration of the Magi", where one of the characters in the canvas is wearing a cap woven in a similar way.

The famous painting by Botticelli "The Adoration of the Magi"

Art is a knot knitting technique. Having mastered the basics of the simplest patterns for macrame for beginners, you can weave macrame in the form of bracelets, fashion accessories, tablecloths, clothing and even interior.

A new era of craft came in the 19th century, technology acquired new features. It was at this time that art finally got its name. Samples of products of that time are of particular value today and are kept in museums dedicated to the history of needlework. In the 20th century, the peak of popularity comes again, needlework comes into fashion, thematic leisure clubs are created, where craftswomen learn new patterns of weaving, share their experience, and tell those who wish how to weave all kinds of jewelry. Many have associations with Soviet wicker owls and flower pots. Today, macrame takes on unusual forms, craftsmen are actively looking for new design solutions, creating masterpieces of amazing beauty and sophistication.

A little about macrame

Where to begin?

Hand made products are often presented at various creative exhibitions, where experienced craftswomen and beginners share their secrets and their successes in various creative fields with pleasure. In the nodular technique, it is easy to create openwork tablecloths, panels, lampshades, vases, curtains and napkins. This brings notes of original style, warmth and comfort to any interior. In addition to interior masterpieces, using the macrame technique, you can knit amazing jewelry and accessories that will become the highlight of a fashionable look. To understand how to make this or that product, to master the craft, you need to learn the alphabet and the simplest techniques.

preparation lesson

And you should start with the selection of tools and materials:

  • The basis of any product is threads. It can be clothesline, cords, soutache or twine. The main condition is the absence of pile on the surface. Increased "shaggyness" will hide all the beauty and relief of the pattern. To make it easier for beginners to learn how to knit the basic knots of macrame, it is recommended to use a cotton rope of medium thickness.
  • Pillow for weaving. A handy tool that will help beginners quickly and easily master the knotting technique. Instead of a pillow, cardboard tablets, boards covered with foam rubber and covered with fabric are used. Experienced craftswomen do without it at all, doing work on a sofa, chair, or whatever is more convenient for you.
  • Stationery and sewing kit. In work, you can not do without sewing accessories, pins, stationery glue or PVA, sharp scissors. In some situations, they resort to the help of lighters, singeing extra threads.

The weaving process should always start with one thing: you need to determine the length of the threads.

The length of the thread is simply measured: it should be eight times longer than the product that is planned to be woven.

The length of the rope is also affected by its thickness, the larger it is, the longer the working thread should be. Often beginners in the process are faced with a situation where the thread ends unexpectedly. In this case, you should not be upset, you can just gently glue the thread while continuing to weave.

Threads for work

To understand the features of macrame and patterns for beginners, you should learn how to properly prepare for the weaving process.

Multi-colored threads

Everyone who begins to learn macrame lessons should remember that there are two types of threads for weaving with different functions:

  1. Main thread. Its edges are tied with a simple knot, pinned with pins to the working base. At the same time, it performs the function of a place for fixing knots that are tied with a working cord, and does not take part in the process. The length of the base must be no less than the width of the finished work.
  2. Working threads or cords. The length of the working segments is equal to at least twice the length of the future product. At first, it is not easy to determine the exact length, so the diagrams contain comprehensive information about the necessary measurements.

Threads and cords in macrame

Determining the optimal cord length is not only the key to success, but also comfort in the weaving process. Too long cords get tangled, making a lot of inconvenience. To avoid discomfort, you can wind the excess on the coil, attaching it to the base. Resourceful needlewomen resort to tricks, using curlers with an elastic band instead of coils. If the working thread runs out, you can always lengthen it by unwinding the spool or gluing the end to the end.

Mastering the basics: varieties of knots

The most common use of macrame craft in the modern world is the creation of original jewelry. Having mastered the knitting of the simplest knots, you can weave beautiful Shamballa bracelets, friendship baubles, openwork necklaces, earrings.

The main knots of macrame

square knot

In most schemes, it is located at the base of the product.

The master class is as follows:

  • We fix two cords on the working basis so that four free edges are obtained at the output.
  • We take the extreme right thread in our hand, draw it over the central segments, winding it neatly at the end on the left.
  • The one that is located on the left, we lead under the central segments. We stretch it into the hole formed between the central threads and the right from the edge. The left thread is laid on top of the right.
  • The one that is now on the right starts under the central ones, but on top of the one that is already on the left.
  • The left part is placed in the center, penetrating the hole from the other side, under the right thread.

As a result of simple manipulations, a beautiful square knot is obtained.

square knot

If you use half of the element in weaving, then the resulting chain twists beautifully in one direction.

A long row of square knots with multi-colored threads will form the basis of a simple but stylish decoration. Optionally, you can weave beads or beads.

Lesson on knitting a square knot

The simplest patterns for beginners often consist of weaving primitive knots. This does not mean that such products are not beautiful or original. On the contrary, it is often from simple elements that complex openwork is created.

The simplest scheme for beginners: weaving a bracelet

Learning to knit a looped knot:

  • We fix the base cord on the working basis, tie the nodular part. You can take cords of different colors, this will help the beginner not to get confused.
  • A working thread is superimposed on the knotted part, rotated counterclockwise, the end is launched into a loop and tightened.
  • We put the thread located on the right, under the knot, start the working part to the right of the knot, perform the maneuver in the same way, but in a mirror image.

Such knots are the simplest basis for creating exclusive products using the macrame technique.

DIY shamballa bracelet

Weaving is a laborious but fascinating process. Beginners are not recommended to immediately take on large-scale projects, honing their skills on miniatures.

The Shamballa bracelet is one of the most popular pieces of jewelry worn by people of almost all ages.

A handmade shambhala bracelet is not only a stylish decoration, but also a charm for good luck. To work, you will need beads, a Tibetan cord, waxed or leather, second glue.

Weaving algorithm:

  1. We cut off two cuts from a skein of thread 40 and 80 centimeters long. The length of the working thread depends on the girth of the wrist. The short section will become the base, and the longer one will be the working thread. Tie them together with a simple knot.
  2. Let's start weaving. Draw the right end under the base, and then over the left end.
  3. We take the left end of the working part, we lead it over the working part under the right end. We “dive” right into the loop and begin to tighten. We repeat the maneuver, but now we start on the left. In order not to get confused, you can repeat the mantra "to the right under-over-dive, to the left under-over-dive." By speaking out loud the algorithm, weaving is easier to bring to automatism.
  4. Having knitted several knots, we string a bead on the working part. So we repeat until the end of weaving.
  5. To prevent the ends of the thread from fraying, you can gently singe them or smear them with transparent nail polish.

To make a convenient lock, you can use a metal carabiner. But a true Shambhala bracelet is woven only with a thread lock. To do this, we will tie another piece of cord 40 centimeters to the end of the working thread with a simple knot. Weave according to the algorithm “right under-over-dive, left under-over-dive”. Don't tighten it too tight so that the bracelet opens and closes easily.

Bracelet Shambola

The world of weaving macrame has many faces, it can take on any shape and form. It all depends on the skill, imagination and desire of the craftswoman. Having tried once, it is impossible to stop, the process of knitting knots relaxes, calms and helps to put thoughts in order.

Recently, the fashion has returned to decorate hands with a variety of bracelets. Of course, women like jewelry bracelets and jewelry, but many people like homemade jewelry made using different techniques. After all, how much soul is invested in intricate knots that form macrame bracelets!

Macrame bracelets

This type of needlework appeared quite a long time ago. For many years, macrame has been improved, discovering new ways of weaving, including new materials that are unexpected at first glance. Masters have learned how to create various decorative items for the interior, including luxurious tablecloths, beautiful planters, sophisticated napkins and many other cute little things.

Gradually, macrame was elevated to the rank of a real art. This needlework uses cords, ropes and thick threads. The principle of this weaving is similar to crocheting, however, macrame products are much more massive. These crafts are not suitable for every interior, so you should be very picky in their implementation. But they certainly look amazing.

Particularly beautiful bracelets are obtained if they are combined with stones, golden fittings and jewelry.

Just as macrame products are not suitable for any interior, a bracelet woven using this technique is far from suitable for every outfit. If there are no such strict stylistic requirements for delicate beaded baubles and floss, then the creation of an image of a certain style is required for macrame bracelets. After such preparation, these bracelets will look original and stylish.

To perform weaving, you will need the following materials and devices:

  • safety pin,
  • a pad to which the threads will be attached during work,
  • medium scissors,
  • the threads themselves and high-quality glue.

For the macrame bracelet, you will need thick colored threads.

Take two threads of the same length, fold them in half and tie a loop knot - this is the clasp of the bracelet. Choose a button that fits the diameter of the fastener

We fix the threads and start weaving. Two threads form the basis of the bracelet, the weaving itself consists of two

Weave to the desired length, tie and sew on a button fastener

One thread, fixed horizontally, is taken longer than the expected width of the product. All other threads will attach to it. It is important that good quality materials are used in the work, so that over time the craft does not lose its aesthetic appearance, and the threads do not begin to unravel.

Before you start weaving a macrame bracelet, you need to familiarize yourself with the initial knots in this technique, because they are the basis of the work. There are figured and flat weaving, as well as knotless.

To perform the Hercules knot, two threads are taken and secured with a pin. The thread on the right is woven under the thread on the left, after which the left thread is woven from the bottom up, forming a loop. Weaving is carried out to the desired length, and at the end a knot is made.

The Hercules knot was known in ancient Greece, which is clear from the name

To perform a direct knot, you will need two threads, which should be secured with an indirect fastening, resulting in 4 tails. The extreme threads are considered working, and the middle threads are considered the main ones. After that, the working thread is taken from the right side and wound up for the warp and for the working thread on the left. A working thread is taken from the left and wound under the bottom of the warp. Then the same thread is wound from below into the loop formed between the working thread and the main loop. To perform a left-hand chain, three knots (flat) are tied and the bracelet turns from right to left. This rotation is performed at intervals of four knots. After obtaining the desired length, a knot is tied, and work on the bracelet is completed.

To make this bracelet, you don’t even need to weave

Macrame bracelet patterns

Such macrame bracelets for beginners can be made based on various classic patterns. To weave the "Spider" using the macrame technique, four threads are attached, resulting in eight working ends. The first row is made from several knots based on a square. In the next row, a square knot is tied on threads 3 to 6, the basis of which is 4-5 threads. For the third row, a square knot is woven on the same basis, to which 2-7 threads are added. The basis is strands 4-5, which are also used for a square knot in the next row using threads 1-8.

Scheme "Spider"

Scheme "Nodal Peak"

Often used for macrame and chain bracelets. She needs six threads. The numbering is from left to right. Threads 3-4 are taken as a basis. Then a square knot is woven using threads 2-5. For the second knot, threads 1-6 are taken. Then you need to step back about a centimeter and repeat weaving until the desired length of the bracelet is reached.

Also often used when weaving bracelets is the "Vertical Brides" pattern. A long thread is taken as the basis and two threads are fixed on it. Further vertically, “rep” knots are made: for each thread from the left side to the right. After the end of the first brid, the working thread is turned over and weaving knots continues in the opposite direction.

Such bracelets are woven from colored ropes.

Fasten four threads on the board - two short ones (along the length of the bracelet) and two long ones directly for weaving. We start weaving, as shown in the photo

The scheme of weaving a rhombus with a hemstitch is also popular. The work uses 20 threads. In this case, 10-11 threads are highlighted in a separate color, and all the rest are taken in a different color. A series of vertical knots is made from 10-11 threads and is located diagonally. After that, a small rhombus is opened from 8-13 threads, a square knot is woven and the rhombus is closed with threads 10-11. To make a larger rhombus, you can use threads 9-12.

When performing, you can use the "Tatting" scheme. Four threads are taken for it, and the base is created from 2-3 threads. With the help of 1-4 threads, four “tatting” knots are made, the warp threads are connected and fixed with a bead. Weaving continues until a bracelet of the required length is obtained.

Another beautiful bracelet with a leather band at the base.

Here is exactly how to weave the threads for the desired pattern.

We continue weaving according to this pattern to the desired length.

A macrame bracelet with decor in the form of ... nuts looks peculiar. After all, such an ornament does not have to consist of only threads or cords. They can be woven into the most extraordinary decorative items, including absolutely unexpected ones. For example, the same nuts, combined with gray or beige ropes, create a marine flavor. The nuts are woven into two central threads and tied in a knot. This creates the desired length of the bracelet.

There are a lot of ways and options for weaving macrame bracelets. And if you master even the simplest of them, you can not only create amazing jewelry for yourself, but also as gifts for friends. Don't believe me - check it out!

Macrame bracelets video

Archaeologists claim that the history of macrame is as old as the history of mankind itself. Near the ancient fires, where cavemen used to warm themselves and eat mammoths, they find the remains of weaving, reminiscent of macrame. Interestingly, it is impossible to say exactly where this art originated, because primitive crafts dating back thousands and thousands of years are found in different countries, on different continents.

Even the very origin of the word "macrame" is completely unclear. Scientists have many assumptions about this: someone says that the word is of Turkic origin and means “shawl, shawl, lace”, and someone adheres to the version that this is a French word and it actually means “weaving”.

Be that as it may, macrame is now known in all countries. And in each country, macrame technique has its own characteristics. There are special types of macrame in Europe, China, Japan, Arab countries, and almost every tribe of Indians in both Americas.

Where to begin?

Sometimes you feel so sorry for yourself - there are ancient arts in the world that you have no idea about at all! And I want to try it right now. But what if you have never tried to weave macrame? First you need to prepare the basic minimum of tools.

To master the basics of weaving technique, you will need:

  • oblong pillow (preferably heavy) - suitable, for example, an old sofa cushion, or homemade, stuffed with rags;
  • thick and durable safety pins; you can also use darning needles with beads attached to the eye;
  • good scissors;
  • centimeter tape and a long ruler;
  • knitting hooks;
  • bobbins or bobbins to make it more convenient to work with very long threads.

What to weave?

Another important question - what will we weave from? Various types of macrame are weaving from ordinary clothesline, cotton threads, thick wool, strips of leather, ribbons, soft vegetable fibers, wire in a colored braid, and even from strips of fabric twisted into cords.

As practice shows, it is most convenient for beginners to work with soft cotton ropes - not too thin, not too thick. If you make a mistake, it will be easier for you to unweave the weave, and working with such material is easier and more enjoyable. In order not to tire your eyes, choose light ropes - the knots on them are more visible and more expressive. By the way, let's start learning the main types of macrame knots.

Node types

Macrame is a weaving of different types of knots, of which there are now about a hundred. To learn all kinds of macrame knots, it will probably take too much time. But to even try, you need to master only a few simple knots - say, about a dozen.

The most important knot, without which almost no weaving can do, is called a fastener. As the name implies, this knot is attached to the base: another thread, a wooden stick, a metal bar, a ring, or even a finished product. This knot has several varieties, but for now we will study only two: lock-out and lock-in.

Fastening with a lock outside it is performed as follows: we bend the thread in half, place the middle on the base, we wind the loop-fold for the base, we drag the ends through it and tighten it.

Lock fastening inside it is performed in almost the same way, only we place the loop-fold in front of the base.

Now let's study simple knot. However, you already know what it is. We only specify that a simple node can be right and left. The right knot has a loop on the right, and the left knot has a loop on the left.

figure eight knot a little more difficult. Form a loop from the rope, bring the end of the rope back above the loop, go around and insert it into the loop from top to bottom.

Loop knot runs on two threads. He is right and left. He is also very simple.

Now let's try to weave more complex knots. To begin with, let's study flat knot. To do this, we need four ends of the rope at once. To make it clearer to you the weaving technique, we used threads of different colors. First we tie a right-hand knot, and then a left-hand one. As a result, we get a very beautiful knot, called square, or hunting.

By the way, if you tie flat knots on only one side (left-handed or right-handed), you get a very cute twisted lace.

Now let's explore rep knot. The macrame weaving technique distinguishes between a couple of basic rep knots: horizontal and vertical.

The four ends of the rope are involved in creating a horizontal rep knot. We took the left one as a basis, unfolded it, and stabbed it with a pin. We take the second thread (it is called working), wrap the base with two loops. It is not necessary to tighten very tightly, as well as leave the loops weak. You will have to practice so that the weaving is uniform and beautiful.

Now we will do the same with the next thread, and finally, with one more, right. As a result, we get a horizontal row of knots, which is called a brida. Now you can continue weaving - let's expand the base, and start braiding it already from right to left.

The vertical rep knot already uses five ropes. Four of them, fixed vertically, will be the base, while one free thread will be the working one. Each rope of the base, from left to right, and then from right to left, we braid in turn in pairs of loops.

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Photo gallery: Macrame for beginners

Macrame is an ancient form of textile craft. The main principle of weaving is to tie knots. China is considered to be the birthplace of macrame. Beginning craftsmen can master the simple technique of weaving shoelaces, while experienced needlewomen can create real masterpieces.

What is macrame?

Macrame is a weaving technique based on tying knots, thanks to which you can create interesting crafts, bracelets and other unique things. This is one of the most ancient types of needlework, the roots of which come from Asian countries. Today macrame has become very popular. There are art schools around the world where you can learn this weaving technique.

What is needed for macrame?

The main material used for work is any thread. As them, you can use a rope, cords and more. True, it is not recommended to take threads with pile , because due to their fluffiness, the pattern becomes less pronounced. Looks much more attractive silk cords , however, weaving from them is not very convenient, since they slide in the hands. To make a strong knot when weaving using the macrame technique, you need to make enough effort. Therefore, it is not recommended for beginner needlewomen to use silk threads. For them it would be preferable cotton rope . It is convenient to use when creating various chains and nodes.

Used in macrame two types of threads . The first is for the base, the second is for work. The base is necessary for attaching working cords. It has certain requirements. First of all, the main thread must be of optimal length, which exceeds the width of the work. It is she who is tied and pinned to the base.

In addition to the main material, you will need:

  • thread attachment,
  • pins with balls at the ends,
  • measuring tape,
  • scissors.

And novice craftswomen for weaving using the macrame technique with their own hands will need and step-by-step instruction . It is desirable that it be written in an accessible and understandable language, and also accompanied by a photo.

On a note! It is important to take care of fixing the work in advance. The base must be necessarily stable, but it is excellent to skip the pins. In the case of weaving small-sized products using the macrame technique, an ordinary pillow is quite suitable as a base.

Macrame patterns for beginners

It is convenient to master weaving macrame for beginners according to the patterns.

The simplest knot, which is used in almost every macrame pattern, is a simple Herculean knot. To make it, you need to take two threads and secure each with a pin. Then the right cord is wound under the left, and the left is braided into a loop, as shown in the diagram. So it is necessary to weave until the product of the required size is obtained. At the end, a knot is made.

Often in weaving macrame, the "Spider" pattern is used. For her, you will first need to make several square knots, then one is tied on 3-6 threads in the second row. As for the base, these will be 4 and 5 cords. Performing the third row, according to the scheme, you need to braid 1 square knot using a similar warp, as well as adding 7 and 2. Threads 4 and 5 are used for the square knot, which is performed in the fourth row, using also 8 and 1.

Also, using the macrame technique, you can make a double flat knot with the left crossbar, as shown in the diagram.

Macrame weaving master class

Using a master class with step-by-step photos and a detailed description of each action, you can weave anything with your own hands. Macrame weaving allows you to realize any fantasies, to bring to life the most unexpected ideas. Such products will definitely become the main decorations of the house.

Master class 1: planters

To weave a flowerpot using the macrame technique, you need to prepare a glass round vase, adhesive tape and white nylon threads. Then you can start weaving the product.

The work is done as follows:

Thus, an interesting planter of knots and chains is obtained, which will become a decoration of the house, and also suitable as a gift.