A fruit egg came out without an embryo. Empty Farmer Egg or Embryo

Each fifth pregnant woman faces such a diagnosis as an empty fruit egg, the causes of which is practically impossible to find out. You can only reduce risks to a minimum, if before planning pregnancy, lead a healthy lifestyle and use folic acid a couple of months before conception.

The reasons

What to mean an empty fetal egg? This means that pregnancy does not develop, it stops at the stage when the cells begin to form an embryo. Such an anomaly can be provoked by some changes in the body of a woman. If a woman was diagnosed with an embryonium, she should immediately implement all the necessary measures, because the death of the fetus is not empty.

Why a fruit egg can be empty:

  1. genetic deviations;
  2. infectious diseases;
  3. environmental ecology;
  4. avitaminosis;
  5. improper nutrition, etc.

It becomes clear that the fact that reveal the causes of the empty fetal egg in a certain situation is impossible. The main reason for the fact that an empty egg cell for pregnancy was formed, is the incorrect division of the first cells, which entails genetic errors of all subsequent.

It provokes the formation of the creation of extra chromosomes (trisomy), sometimes a set of chromosomes is created not complete. In such situations, the fruit egg does not turn into an embryo. After the body realized that it was a frozen pregnancy, he begins to reject the spindle egg.


Empty pregnancy is a state of a female organism that does not show anyone at first. Even with an internal gynecological examination, it is impossible to identify signs of empty fetal egg. They can become visible when the extreme stage comes - the spontaneous abortion begins: brown isolation and sharp smell from the vagina appear.

Does hgch grow with an empty fruit egg? The HCG indicator is increasing, but significantly less than with normal toaching. View the growth of hCG in dynamics is perhaps the only way to recognize an empty fruit egg during pregnancy. If there are problems with the development of pregnancy, the indicators slowly grow or stand in place.

The symptoms of an empty fruit egg are identical to those that appear with and successful fertilization: nausea, dizziness, constant fatigue statue, monthly cycle delay.

An empty Fercent Egg is very difficult to determine in the early deadlines, because the embryo for the first time a week of pregnancy is very small and it can be easily noticed. But at 5 week it becomes possible to identify the lack of fetus.

With embryo - rate

Empty Food Egg Photo

Empty Fercent Egg for 6 weeks can be diagnosed during ultrasound inspection. At this stage of navigation, ultrasound examination is carried out in order to determine the location of the fetus: in the uterus or abroad. The future mother should be attentive to the state of his health in the early periods of pregnancy, because the first trimester is considered the most dangerous due to frequent miscarriages.

Preventive actions

As it is known to better prevent the emergence of the problem than to deal with the consequences. If with the occurrence of pregnancy, a empty egg was found - no longer help.

But to contribute to the reduction of the likelihood of such an anomaly is quite possible. To do this, it will be necessary to follow some recommendations during pregnancy planning.

Minimize the risks of the appearance of an empty fruit egg can be if:

  • complete full examination by both partners (to pass tests, make an ultrasound, consult with a gynecologist, therapist to eliminate the presence of chronic diseases);
  • start taking folic acid in two or three months before the alleged conception;
  • to lead a healthy lifestyle: abandon the bad habits, alcohol use. It will be necessary to reconsider its diet and replenish it with vitamins and macroelements and useful substances.

It is important in a timely manner to choose an obstetrician-gynecologist who will pregnancy from A to Z, and the earlier it will happen. The most important thing is that pregnancy froze once - this does not mean that any of the partners has problems with reproductive health. Do not get upset and after half a year, again to take for the continuation of the kind. And necessarily long-awaited two stripes manifest themselves on the test.

Such trouble, although rarely, but happens. According to statistics, it happens with every fifteenth woman. Seeing the long-awaited two stripes on the test, the woman is joy, but soon brutally disappointed, because the doctor discovers a fruit egg without embryo. The diagnosis in this case sounds like an anambrion pregnancy.

An undeveloped pregnancy in the type of anambronia is a kind of frozen pregnancy. This syndrome is also called the syndrome of an empty fetal egg. That is, the pregnancy has come, the fetal shells are formed, and the embryo is absent. At the same time, all external signs of pregnancy are preserved - the absence of menstruation, increased breasts, fatigue, the level of hCG with the aembrian continues to grow.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of an embryo ultrasound. The study needed not earlier than 6-7 weeks, because at earlier time this study is not indicative, the embryo is not visualized, and the doctor simply may not see its presence or absence. An erroneous diagnosis in the early deadlines may be due to the fact that the fruit is located near the wall itself and it is not visible, or the fetus has a short amniotic leg.

Sometimes diagnostic errors occur if the pregnancy term is inaccurate. That is, at the time of the examination, the embryo may be so small that the sensors of the ultrasonic apparatus will not be able to detect its presence. Be that as it may, having heard such a diagnosis, do not fall into panic - insist on carrying out additional checks with some interval.

If you have been diagnosed with an embryonic pregnancy, you need to undergo an additional study from another specialist with an interval of 5-7 days. And only after confirmation of the sad phenomenon to go to the cessation of pregnancy (in the commoner - cleaning).

Annebrion pregnancy is eliminated by scattering the uterine cavity (Curetzh) under general anesthesia. After the operation, a repeated study of the uterine cavity is carried out. Sometimes the doctor may prescribe special hormonal drugs to improve the health status of a woman.

Causes of pregnancy without embryo

To the question - why is there no implantation of the embryo? - Doctors can not give an accurate answer. The most likely causes of the development of the egg without embryo are genetic disorders, infectious diseases, features of the hormonal background.

The reason for the appearance of the anambrium can be:

  • acute viral or bacterial infection at an early stage of pregnancy, which either affects the embryo, or leads to a significant increase in the temperature of the woman, which is why the process of embryo development is exposed to devastating;
  • the effect of toxic substances or radiation at the stage of laying the fetus;
  • hormonal failure in the female body;
  • harmful habits: smoking, alcoholism, drug use.

You can learn more about the factors that influenced the pregnancy can be using histological research during surgery. materials. To avoid the repeat of anembrium pregnancy to both partners, it is necessary to pass tests on infections, go through the research of the karyotype (genetic studies), hand over the material for the spermogram.

Sometimes such a pregnancy develops from fully healthy parents. In this case, the forecast of future pregnancy is very positive, that is, with a large share of the probability, repeated pregnancy without the embryo does not threaten. It is only necessary to give the body a bit of a break from the resulting stress (about six months), gain strength and try to get pregnant again.

Approximately 15% of future mothers at the next reception at the gynecologist hear a terrible diagnosis of anembolia. Many women experience it hard, because it is very painful when you only get drunk with the idea that the baby lives inside, and it turns out to be at all. The problem is particularly worried about women who were able to get pregnant with difficulty. According to statistics, the anambrium threatens each fifth representative of the beautiful sex.

Re-pregnancy syndrome examination
Doctor examining Telta
during pregnancy complexity

If you were diagnosed with an embronium, you should not find out the doctor how long you can walk with it. It is necessary to immediately take action, because within you there is a fruit egg without embryo. Typically, the survey is carried out either by 5, or by 7 week after conception with the help of the Uzi apparatus. By this time the fruit is already dying.

Sometimes on the 7th week of pregnancy, the doctor can put an erroneous diagnosis, and there are really no anembos. This happens because the fruit is still so small that the ultrasound device cannot see it. Do not be discouraged immediately, just come after a couple of weeks to a re-examination. If you are confirmed by the diagnosis, you will need to conduct gynecological scraping and begin treatment.

The second name of this pathology - "Empty Fetal Egg Syndrome"

An anthrambrional pregnancy is not dangerous for the physical condition of the woman. Rather, she inflicts her psychological trauma. However, pregnancy after some time after the aembronia is quite possible.

The main causes of the disease

The fact of the anembos of the doctors explain the genetic pathology. When the embryo is very weak, it has an incorrect chromosomal combination or a set of genes, the female organism itself gets rid of it. In this case, and develops an embronium. Other factors are also the cause:

  • sudden change in hormonal background;
  • stressful situations that can easily provoke undetegrating pregnancy, in the state of the health of the future mother and the development of her child can affect various tragic events, constant conflicts of the house, problems in working moments;
  • the harmful habits of a woman: the development of the fetus is very adversely affected by narcotic drugs, regular abuse of alcohol and smoking of tobacco, mammies need to carefully monitor their behavior and lead the most correct lifestyle;
  • viral pathology: Increased temperature is extremely negative on the embryo;
  • there are cases when a woman is under the influence of radioactive and poisoning substances during the fetal laying, in this case the risk of the proportion of the embryo;
  • pathology is often diagnosed in women who are regularly engaged in sports, serious physical exertion are contraindicated at the initial and later timing of the child (you can do special exercises for future mothers, it is even welcome, but intensive training is prohibited, it is best to direct your strength on the sport after the birth of the kid ).

Sometimes even experienced doctors do not understand the true causes of the coming anambrign. Pregnancy can measure with absolutely healthy girls. In this case, it is necessary to be examined and pay attention to the lifestyle. Also learn and.

Symptoms of development of pathology

Usually, the anambrium does not have any symptoms, so it is very difficult to recognize it. A woman continues to torment toxicosis, the chest begins to increase in size. In short, pregnancy develops in its standard scenario.

  1. With an embrypion, the growth of hCG continues, since the fruit egg continues to increase.
  2. The uterus increases.
  3. Woman torments toxicosis.
  4. Swelling the chest.

The survey must be carried out several times to eliminate the probability of error

Signs of the development of aembrianity can be traced only by hormone pregnancy. He though grows, but not enough. Usually, the competent doctor immediately draws attention to it. The growth of hCG is extremely small with the antambonia, because the nucleus is not, but the fetal shell produces a hormone, because a female egg is in the body. Sometimes there is a spontaneous miscarriage.

Diagnose such a state can only be diagnosed through ultrasound examination. At the same time, it must be carried out no earlier than on the 5-6 week of pregnancy, if you count from 1 day of the last menstruation.

When the fetus develops normally, the embryo begins to be visualized, and the ultrasound shows a photo on which it can be seen that there is no anembos.

When a doctor for a period of 5-6 weeks has put a preliminary diagnosis, it is not necessary to despair. Pass the diagnosis again to be confident. At the same time, for some time, the doctor will follow how the HCG grows to accurately determine that you have an anthramrium. On the next ultrasound, the specialist will already be able to see the empty fruit egg.

Treatment and prevention of frozen pregnancy

  • drug abortion;
  • scraping of the uterus;
  • medical treatment.

Medical interruption of pregnancy during the aembria is produced if the term is very small. In this case, the doctor prescribes special pills that provoke miscarriages. It is forbid them on their own, because the doctor must keep the process under control.

When the term is already large, scraping is made. In suspected that the woman had a nondelive pregnancy, and the doctor determined that she was appointed Dupaston to the patient. The same medicine is prescribed after the elimination of the deceased embryo to normalize the tone of the uterus.

The anthrambrium is treated with antibacterial and immunomodulatory funds. They do not give to develop inflammatory processes and increase the body's tone. Pregnancy after the aembrianity is possible at least six months. During this time, the hormonal background and the uterus must fully recover. Be sure to analyze your lifestyle, pass the full examination to prevent the reuse of frozen pregnancy.

Always consult your doctor, because only he must tell you about how much time after the detection of the aembrian can be pregnant again. You may have to go through an additional treatment course, pass any tests.

The happening often causes severe psychological trauma, a woman feels very depressed. Yes, for many it is real grief, but do not need to despair. In most cases, the next pregnancy proceeds quite well. In any case, the aembrianium is not a sentence. Just some women will have to go through this difficult test to then give birth to a healthy baby.

Measuring pregnancy is not a reason to lower your hands. It is necessary to make the appropriate conclusions and to prevent the development of pathology. One of the basic rules is a regular visit to the gynecologist, strictly fulfilling all its recommendations. Refuse serious physical exertion, because a healthy child is more important than the next sporting achievements. Drive the right lifestyle: Use vitamins, completely eliminate alcoholic beverages.

The expectation of the baby is one of the most beautiful periods in the life of a woman, but unfortunately, it does not always proceed without problems. There are cases when the diagnosis of doctors turns out to be disappointing - "Fruit egg without embryo." Why is it going on and what way can you determine that pregnancy froze?

What does "egg without embryo" mean?

An anthrambrional, or frozen, pregnancy is a diagnosis confirming that the fruit egg develops without embryo. As a rule, this fact is detected during the UZI procedure for 5-6 week after conception. By this time it becomes apparent that the bookmarks of the embryo in the egg was not at all or what, being unsuitable, he was already dead.

Important! If the period of pregnancy was established erroneous, the diagnosis can be false. To confirm or refute the aembronia, the examination is repeated after 2 weeks, since the ultrasound device simply does not see a tiny future baby ..

A frozen pregnancy is not a threat to the health of the woman and in most cases does not have serious consequences. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the tooling is interrupted, and young parents are recommended to undergo a course of special treatment. Of course, the aembrianium is a big stress, but it is not worth falling into depression. In compliance with all prescriptions, the doctor's next pregnancy may well become successful.

Possible reasons

Most often, such a phenomenon as a fruit egg without embryo on an early term is due to genetic changes in the fetus at the initial stage of its formation. However, there are other reasons:

  • frequent stresses, conflicts with loved ones or tragic events in the life of a pregnant woman;
  • violation of the hormonal background;
  • smoking, consumption of alcohol, stimulants or drugs;
  • viral diseases accompanied by high temperature;
  • the impact of poisons or aggressive chemicals on the body of the future mother;
  • high loads in early pregnancy.

Quite often among girls-athletes who regularly train and experiencing their own organism, diagnose on ultrasound a fruit egg without embryo. The reasons for this are understandable: High physical exertion is contraindicated by any woman throughout the entire pregnancy, and disregard for this rule is fraught with its breakdown.

Diagnosis of the aembriation

It is very difficult to detect signs of frozen pregnancy. As a rule, it flows in the same way as normal. The woman does not have menstruation, increase in size and hurt the dairy glands, symptoms of toxicosis are manifested.

Important! The only indicator of the anambrional pregnancy, which can be seen in the early stages - low hormone hump.

Many women are worried about questions, whether a fruit egg can grow without embryo and why they feel "absolutely pregnant." This pathology does not exclude that the empty flicer egg will increase in size, but such a pregnancy in any case needs to be interrupted.

In some cases, the female organism himself understands that there is no embryonic in the egg, and launches the natural process of its rejection. It is usually accompanied by a sharp or novel pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe small pelvis and

Of course, one of the most beautiful life segments of a woman is to wear a baby and waiting for his birth. However, everything is not always smooth.

Recently, representatives of weak gender increasingly have to deal with various problems associated with the reproductive system. One of the terrible situations with which a woman can face during pregnancy is no embryo. This pathology, like any other disease, has its causes, symptoms and various diagnostic methods. Such a defect must be subject to medical correction, since it will not lead to the birth of a child, and the decomposition of the undeveloped fruit egg in the uterus can lead to serious complications and long-term treatment subsequently.

Where does everything start

When a woman plans pregnancy, she cannot imagine a fruit egg without embryo. However, often representatives of weak sex have to deal with this problem.

The numerical values \u200b\u200bof the heart rate of heart rate at the embryo in the uncomplicated leakage of pregnancy are gradually increasing from 110-130 UD / min at 6-8 weeks of pregnancy to 180 beats / min at 9-10 weeks.

The embryo length is measured from the head to the tail end, and denoted under the term CTR (Cocchiko-Dark Size), in Ang. Literature - CRL (CROWN-RUMP LENGTH). It should be noted that the Copchiko-parmer size of the embryo is less pronounced by individual fluctuations than the average internal feed diameter of the fetal egg, and therefore its use to determine the period of Bere change gives the best results. The error usually does not exceed ± 3 days. With a clear imbrovization of the embryo, the period of pregnancy is established depending on its length, and not from the size of the average internal diameter of the fetal egg (SVD).

It requires its clear visa-alization to the correct measurement of the smoke-dark-threshing size of the embryo. At the same time, it should be striving to measure the maximum length of the embryo from its head end to the tailbone.

With the normal course of pregnancy, the diameter of the fetal egg increases by 1 mm per day. Smaller growth rates are a bad prognostic sign. Under the period of pregnancy, 6-7 weeks the diameter of the fetal egg should be about 30 mm.

Table 1. Dependence of the term of pregnancy from the average internal diameter of the fetal egg (DV), M. N. Skvortsova, M.V. Medvedev.

Table 2. Normal values \u200b\u200bof cockene-dump-darken size (CTR) depending on the period of gestation (full weeks + days), data in millimeters, lower boundary - 5th percentile, upper border - 95th percentile.

It should be emphasized that the determination of the term of pregnancy in the length of the CTR is best carried out up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. In a later date, the measurement of the biparity diameter, the circle of the head and abdomen should be used.

Fig. 3.Pregnancy 12 weeks 3 days.

The motion activation of the embryo is determined after 7 weeks. Initially, these movements are very weak and single, barely distinguishable in the study. Then, when there is a possible differentiation on the head and pelvic end of the embryo, the movement resemble the bending and extension of the worm, then there are separate movements in the end. Since the episodes of the motor activity of the embryo are very short and calculated seconds, and the motion order periods may be significant, the registration of the heart activity of the embryo is undoubted-but is a more important criterion for evaluating its livelihoods.

The diagnosis of the anambrium (empty fruit egg) is assumed if a yoyful bag is not determined in a fruit egg. Or if a fetal egg with a diameter of more than 25 mm with a yellow bag does not contain an embryo. And also with the size of the yolk bag of 10 mm and more. In any case, with suspected anambrion, all the data obtained should be interpreted in favor of pregnancy, and repeat the study after 7 days.

The diagnosis of undeveloped pregnancy should not be exhibited, if, when ultrasound, a fruit egg has a size less than 20 mm. With a 5 mm embryo length and more in most cases, heartbeat should be clearly defined. If the embryo is less than 5 mm, ultrasound should be repeated in a week. If, when re-examined in a week with a CTR \u003d 5-6 mm, cardiac activity is not determined, pregnancy is non-visual. The diagnosis of underdeveloped pregnancy can be confirmed by the inconsistency of the beta-hgch level by echographic data.

It should be noted that the frequency of pregnancy interruption is normal in the population is 15-20% of all clinically diagnosed pregnancies. However, in reality, if you consider all the "chemically" diagnosed pregnancies, determined by the level of beta-hCG to the period of expected regular menstruation, the frequency of miscarriages can reach up to 60%.

Sincerely, doctor ultrasound diagnostics, Barto Ruslan Aleksandrovich, 2012

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Home \\ About pregnancy \\ Pregnancy examination \\ ultrasound in the first trimester of pregnancy

Uzi in the first trimester of pregnancy

Observation in women's consultation for a pregnant woman is carried out according to a specific scheme. What is included in it and why do you need all these numerous inspections, tests and surveys?

Ultrasound is used in obstetrics not so long ago - from the mid-1960s. And despite this, today it is impossible to imagine a pregnant examination without an ultrasound. During this time, the doctors have accumulated a huge practical experience on the use of this method of research, ultrasound scanners were repeatedly improved, three- and four-dimensional ultrasound appeared, and most importantly, not one generation of healthy children has grown.

How does ultrasound work?

Ultrasound call sound waves propagating in a high-frequency space (above 20 kHz). Sensors of Uz-scanners are both source and a receiver of ultrasonic waves. Ultrasonic wave, passing through various fabrics in the body, changes its speed and reflects, all these changes are fixed and converted into the image on the Uz-scanner monitor. Currently, during the examination of pregnant women, two types of sensors are used: transabdominal - that (using them the study is carried out through the front abdominal wall) and transvaginal - TV (the study is carried out through the vagina). In the first trimester, both types of sensors can be used, but more informatively transvaginal ultrasound, because the TV sensor is linked closer to the uterus and has a greater radiation frequency of ultrasonic waves, which gives a clearer image on the Uz-scanner monitor. From the second trimester used mainly transabdominal ultrasound.

Ultrasound of pregnant women are held three times - in 10-14 weeks, 20-24 and 30-34 weeks. If necessary, the obstetrician-gynecologist may assign additional ultrasound, and not even one.

Ultrasonic Fruit Study (Ultrasound, Echography) is the only one enough informative and safe study method, allowing to assess the development of pregnancy from the very beginning to childbirth. The first visit to the Ultrasound Cabinet will have a future mother already at the beginning of pregnancy.

To transabdominal ultrasound, it is necessary to prepare - fill the bladder. To do this, it is necessary to drink approximately 300-500 ml of liquid without gas 30 minutes before the study. With you, the study should be taken a clean diaper or towel. During the study on the stomach and a special transparent gel is applied to the sensor without color and smell. No special preparation is required to transvaginal ultrasound. It is only necessary to empty the bladder before the study. During research on the sensor, a special protective case is put on or a condom and a gel is applied.

The study lasts an average of 10-30 minutes. After that, the doctor fills in a special protocol, which records all the results of the ultrasound in detail.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, ultrasound is held with the goal:

  • establishing the localization (location) of the fruit egg (in the uterine cavity or outside);
  • diagnostics of single or multiple pregnancy;
  • estimates of the size and growth, the structure of the fruit egg and the embryo;
  • estimates of the vital activity of the embryo or fetus;
  • studies of the structure of the embryo or fetus;
  • studies of extraharmbrion structures (yolk bag, chorion, amnion);
  • diagnostics of pregnancy complications (threatening or abortion and elder);
  • diagnosis of diseases and malformations of the development of internal genital organs (uterine misa is a benign tumor of uterus, cysts and tumors of ovaries, a twin-furry uterus, an intrauterine partition, etc.).

Establishment of ultrasonic pregnancy

With early diagnosis of pregnancy, a fruit egg in an ultrasound study is determined as a rounded or oval formation of a dark gray (practically black) color, as a rule, in the upper half of the uterus. With multiple pregnancy in the earliest time you can see separately arranged two or more fruit eggs. Diagnosis of uterine pregnancy when ta scanning is possible at an obstetric period of 5-6 weeks, i.e. When menstruation delay with a regular menstrual cycle is 1 week or more. The average diameter of the fetal egg in these times is approximately 5-7 mm. With a transvaginal ultrasound, the visualization of the fetal egg in the uterus is possible a little earlier - with a delay in menstruation for 3-6 days, which corresponds to 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, the sizes of the fruit egg are 2-4 mm. The mespon is determined from 5 weeks of pregnancy during TV study and from 6 - with the case in the form of a linear formation in the cavity of the fruit egg white. On the same time or a little later, you can define heart abbreviations.

Normally, in the presence of a regular menstrual cycle, it is necessary to determine the presence of an embryo in a fetal egg in 6 weeks of pregnancy at TV scanning. This time does not necessarily do an ultrasound, but if it is carried out (at the request of a woman, with the usual non-leaving of pregnancy), then in 6 weeks the embryo should be determined. And if the cycle is irregular, then it is impossible to determine the period for menstruation. Then the term is determined by the ultrasound and, if the embryo is not, they look again.

When detecting any deviation from the norm, the control ultrasound is recommended in a week.

With the localization of the fetal egg outside the uterus, i.e. With ectopic pregnancy, the visualization of the fetal egg is difficult and not always possible. A reliable sign of ectopic pregnancy is considered to determine the heartbeat of the embryo outside the uterus.

Evaluation of the size and growth of the fruit egg and embryo

To estimate the size and growth of the fruit egg and embryo / fetus, such indicators are used as the average internal diameter of the fetal egg (SVD) and the Copchiko-rash size of the embryo / fetus (CTR).

To determine the FPC eggs, the length, width and front-rear sizes of the fruit eggs along the inner contour are measured, then the obtained measurements are summed up, and the amount is divided into 3. For each period of pregnancy in the first trimester, the sizes of the Fercent Egg is defined in the first trimester. The data is made to special tables and to the Uz-scanner program, which allows for this indicator to approximately determine the term of pregnancy. The average error in determining the term of pregnancy in SVD of the fruit egg is ± 6 days.

The first size, which is measured when visualizing the embryo is the Copchiko-parmer size (CTR). In fact, it is the length of the embryo from the head to the tailbone. It should be noted that the embryo CRT is less susceptible to individual fluctuations than the average inner diameter of the fetal egg, so the use of this size to determine the period of pregnancy gives more accurate results. The error is ± 3 days. The absence of an echographic image of an embryo at SVD of a fruit egg is more than 14 mm is a reliable sign of undeveloped pregnancy at which there is no embryo.

Evaluation of Embryo and Fetal Life

The vital activity of the embryo (fetus) in the first trimester is estimated on cardiac and motor activity.

Normally, with a transvaginal ultrasound ultrasound, the embryo is recorded from 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. In this case, the correct rhythm of heart abbreviations is observed. The heart rate (heart rate) of the embryo with an uncomplicated course of pregnancy gradually increases from 110-130 beats per minute at 6-8 weeks to 190 shots per minute in 9-10 weeks, after which it decreases to 140-160 and remains at this level to childbirth . The amount of heart rate at the embryo in the first trimester is important for predicting the course of pregnancy. Thus, the decrease in the heart rate to 85-100 beats per minute and an increase over 200 are unfavorable prognostic signs and indicate a high probability of abortion. The absence of visualization of heart abbreviations with embryo CTR is more than 8 mm is a sign of undeveloped pregnancy. For the final confirmation of undeveloped pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct a control ultrasound in a week, according to the results of which the final diagnosis is made.

The embryo motor activity is determined from 7-8 weeks of pregnancy. At the beginning, these are weak, single, barely distinguishable movements. Then - flexion and extension of the body. After that, as the embryo grow and the development, the movements of the limbs appear. But it should be noted that the episodes of motor activity can be replaced by durable revenues of rest, so the registration of heart abbreviations is a more important criterion for estimating the vital activity of the embryo.

Study of the embryo and fetus structure

Special attention in ultrasound is paid to the anatomy of a developing embryo, since already at the end of the first trimester can be revealed by coarse defects, such as Anediephalia (lack of brain), the hernia of the spinal cord, the skeleton anomalies, etc. The embryo head is determined as a separate rounded formation. With 8-9 weeks of pregnancy. Most of the breast and abdominal wall organs are determined after 10-11 weeks of pregnancy.

Special attention should be paid to the echographic marker of chromosomal disorders - the collar space (NUCHAL TRANSLUCENCY - NT). The collar space is measured on the rear surface of the neck in 10-14 weeks of pregnancy with a fetal CTP of 45-84 mm. Normally, the magnitude of the collar space should not exceed 3 mm. The increase in this indicator allows you to diagnose at the end of the first trimester to 80% of chromosomal disorders.

As Uz-devices improve improves, data is accumulated on the possibility of diagnosing the defects of the development of the cardiovascular system, the central nervous system (CNS), the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), the urinary system up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Study of extra-immabrional structures

In addition to the embryo, the ultrasonic bag, chorion and amnion are evaluated when ultrasound.

With a physiological pregnancy, a yoyful bag (an extrambroon structure that performs nutritional and hematopoietic functions in the first weeks of pregnancy) is determined at SVD of the fruit egg more than 10 mm (more than 5 weeks of pregnancy) in the form of a white ring with a diameter of 2 mm (5 weeks) to 7 mm (10 weeks). A sign of undeveloped pregnancy is also the absence of a yellow bag with a fruine egg more than 10 mm. After 12 weeks of pregnancy, the gusty bag is not defined normally. There is a relationship between the sizes of the yolk bag and the outcome of pregnancy. An increase over 7 mm and a decrease of less than 2 mm, the incorrect shape and thickening of the walls of the yolk bag are prognostically meaningful only when combined with other disorders, such as changing the thickness of the chorion (pork shell), the neutral growth delay. Isolated inconsistency of the size of the yolk bag of the norm reliably affect the frequency of pregnancy complications.

Chorion is the outer porcelain sheath of the fruit egg. The fruit part of the placenta is formed from Chorion. When ultrasound, chorion is visualized as a white ring with wavy circuits, located along the outer edge of the fuce egg. Chorion's thickness in the first trimester in millimeters is approximately equal to the period of pregnancy in weeks. The underdevelopment of chorion (hypoplasia) or the change in its structure often leads to a spontaneous interruption of pregnancy. The chorion naval is interrelated from the inner (decidual - disappearing) uterine shell. With violation of this interaction, the fetal egg is detachment. As a result, a retrohorial (located behind chorion) is formed by hematoma (limited blood accumulation). Retrochorial hematoma is a formidable sign, testifying to the miscarriage.

Amnion is an aqueous shell, which is a closed bag, in which the embryo / fruit is located surrounded by atomic flooded waters. Amnion from the inside comes to Chorion. The hypoplasia (underdevelopment) of an amniotic cavity leads to undeveloped pregnancy. In such cases, the diameter of the amniotic cavity does not exceed 10-12 mm on the period of more than 6 weeks of pregnancy. An increase in amnion sizes, characteristic of early multi-alone, and inhomogeneous its contents (suspended in oily water) are often associated with the presence of an infection. Early multi-way is an unfavorable sign.

Diagnosis of complications of pregnancy based on ultrasound results

The most common pathology in the first trimester is the threat of interrupting pregnancy. The main echo signs of the threat of interrupt is the local thickening of the muscles of the uterus (hypertonus myometrium). Several sites of hypertonus can be determined. At the same time, the form of a fetal egg is changed: from the round or oval it becomes the wrong, sometimes strongly deformed. The most unfavorable situation is when the plot of an elevated tone is located at the place of formation of the placenta: in this case, a detachment of the fetal egg and a pregnancy interruption is possible.

In most cases, the hypertonus of myometrium is accompanied by pain at the bottom of the abdomen. At the same time, treatment is necessary to preserve pregnancy. In the event that the fruit egg loses the connection with the wall of the uterus and pecks from its bed, a retrochaic hematoma is formed (limited blood cluster between the fruit egg and the wall of the uterus). That is characteristic of the miscarriage. With a significant detachment, a deformation and a decrease in the sizes of the fetal egg, and the death of the embryo are occurring. Clinically, there are usually bleeding of various intensity. A threatening of the abortion of pregnancy also show the shortening of the cervix to 2.5 cm (norm 3.5-4 cm) and the funnel-shaped expansion of the internal zea.

If on the background of bleeding out of the genital tract with ultrasound, the expansion of the uterine cavity and the presence of inhomogeneous content in it is found, and the fruit egg is not visible, the incomplete miscarriage is diagnosed. In this case, hospitalization is necessary to the branch of gynecology for the scraping of the residues of the fetal egg and stop bleeding.

For undeveloped pregnancy, smaller sizes of the fruit egg are characterized for this period of pregnancy, the deformation of it, the fuzziness of the contours, a decrease in chorion thickness, the absence of heartbeats of the embryo.

The localization of the fetal egg in the cervical canal (cervical channel) is characteristic of the cereal pregnancy. At the same time, the best visualization is achieved at a transvaginal ultrasound. In this situation, urgent hospitalization is necessary in the hospital, since the likelihood of heavy bleeding is very high.

Quite often during pregnancy in one of their ovaries, a cyst of a yellow body is found, which is a formation of a diameter of 3 to 8 cm with thick walls and an inhomogeneous internal structure. That option is the norm. A characteristic feature of this cyst is a gradual decrease in its size and disappearance by the end of the first trimester.

Bubble skid is a rare complication observed in the 1st case for 2000-3000 pregnancies associated with the pathology of chorion, in which the chorion conversion occurs in the grinding formations that destroy all the other structures of the fetal egg. In this case, the uterus is filled with multiple bubbles with liquid. When ultrasound, the uterus is visualized with the size of more than the norm for this period of pregnancy, with an extended cavity filled with inhomogeneous content (the so-called "snowstorm" picture).

Diseases and malformations of internal genital organs on ultrasound

During the ultrasound of the ultrasound of the small pelvis, the size of the uterus and the ovaries is estimated, as well as the presence of pathological changes (moma of the uterus - a benign tumor of the uterus, cyst and tumor diseases of the ovaries) and congenital malformations (saddot uterus, a coury morning, doubling of the uterus, partitions in the uterine cavity and Dr.). The most unfavorable situation at which the placenta is located over a myomatous node. At the same time, there is a high risk of premature placenta detachment.

Currently, a three-dimensional ultrasound study is becoming increasingly popular, in which the "surround picture" is obtained. Three-dimensional ultrasound allows you to diagnose some defective defects on earlier deadlines (for example, face vices: a lip of a lip, etc.). But the ZD scan is a longer study, and, unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the necessary image. Yes, and experiences on a three-dimensional ultrasound study have been accumulated yet enough. Therefore, most likely, behind this method, and at present, three-dimensional ultrasound is just an additional research method.

So, the ultrasound study of the fetus and the small pelvis organs in the first trimester of pregnancy is one of the most important and indispensable methods of diagnosis, allowing to assess the development of pregnancy from the earliest time and choosing the right tactics of its maintenance.

Immediately after the joyful news of an interesting position, the woman begins to worry and take care of a developing crumb. She comes to the aid of physicians - at the end of the first month of the baby tooling on the ultrasound you can already see a fruit egg. Changing its sizes for weeks allows you to draw conclusions, pregnancy proceeds correctly.

Fruit egg: What is it and why follow him?

A fruit egg is a fertilized egg, surrounded by shells. It constantly passes the division - first on 2 parts, then at 4, etc. As a result of this process, the size of the embryo is constantly increasing. Before consolidating in the uterus, which occurs 7 days after conception, the fruit egg receives the necessary substances from the yolk bag. The term "fruit egg" is replaced by the "fruit" at the end of the 12-14 week of pregnancy.

Tracking the size of the fetal egg for weeks is not a whim and not reinsurance of scrupulous physicians and their patients. This information helps:

  • determine the term of pregnancy;
  • call an estimated date of birth;
  • make sure that the growth of the embryo corresponds to the norm;
  • detect the appearance of pathologies;
  • do not allow involuntary interruption of pregnancy, that is, miscarriage.

Do not postpone the ultrasound examination for later. Indeed, in obtaining listed information, it is primarily interested in a woman who is preparing for rapid motherhood.

What figures create a "portrait" of a tiny embryo?

Medical science has long been known norms of various indicators of the development of the fetal egg in the first 3 months of the child's expectation. Exploring the embryo, visualized on the monitor, the doctor will first turn attention to his form - on the lowest time it resembles a circle. Next, it is necessary to measure the inner diameter of the fetal egg and inform the woman how much time inside it is the long-awaited "resident." But this diameter is not all the same, as it depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, if, when setting the time passed after conception, it is possible to rely only on this indicator, an error is possible for 1.5 weeks.

Thanks to modern transvaginal devices, the ultrasound can be found a fruit egg in size is 2-4 mm. How long does this measurement confirm this measurement? Not more than 2-3 weeks after the start of development and 5-6 weeks from the date of last month.

A fruit egg is the embryo and germ shells. This period of pregnancy is the first stage of the development of pregnancy. And it all starts with the compounds of two cells - female and male.

Next, the fertilized egg begins to actively share, first on 2 parts, then 4 and so on. The number of cells, as well as the size of the embryo, is constantly growing. And the whole group of cells continuing to share are moving in the uterine tube to the place of their implantation. This cell group is a fruit egg.

Having reached the goal, the fruit egg is implanted in one of the walls of the uterus. This happens a week after fertilization. Up to this point, the fruit egg is powered by substances that are located in the egg cell. And after introducing into the uterus, the food is carried out by its swollen mucosa prepared for the food process and the development of the embryo until the formation of the placenta.

The placenta, or, is formed from the outer layer of the fetal egg, densely covered with VILLINS. These villi in the place of attachment of the fetal egg destroy a small section of the mucous meter, as well as the walls of the vessels, fill it with blood and plunge into the prepared place.

A fetal egg is the very first sign of normally flowing pregnancy. It can be seen on the ultrasound after 2 weeks of menstruation delay. The embryo is becoming visible only at the 5th week of pregnancy. But if the doctor diagnoses the absence of an embryo in a fruit egg - in other words, an empty fruit egg, then ultrasound repeated a couple of weeks.

Most often in this case, on the 6-7 week, the embryo and heartbeat begin to be visualized. If the fruit egg is still empty, it speaks of undeveloped pregnancy. In addition to this complication, others can occur in the early pregnancy - the wrong form of a fetal egg, its improper location, detachment, and so on.

That is why it is important to undergo an ultrasound study as soon as possible in order to be able to change the situation if it is adjusted. Indeed, in the first trimester is a risk of spontaneous miscarriage, detachment and other pathologies. However, enough about sad.

A fruit egg on the first weeks of pregnancy has the form of oval. And on the ultrasound, the inner diameter is usually estimated - SVD of the fruit egg. Since the diameter of the fetal egg is a variable value, then there is an error in determining the period of pregnancy for this fetometric indicator.

On average, such an error is 1.5 weeks. The term of pregnancy, as a rule, is determined not only by this indicator, but also use the values \u200b\u200b(Copchiko-Durbs) and other indicators.

The diameter of the fetal eggs for weeks

So, the sizes of the fruit egg on weeks. If the fruit egg has 4 mm in diameter, it speaks of a very small period - up to 6 weeks. Most likely that now the fruit egg corresponds to a period of 4 weeks. Already in 5 weeks, SVD is 6 mm, and in 5 weeks and 3 days the fruit egg has a diameter of 7 mm.

At 6 week, the fruit egg grows up to 11-18 mm, and the average inner diameter of the fetal egg in 16 mm corresponds to a period of 6 weeks and 5 days. At 7, the pregnancy of SVD ranges from 19 to 26 mm. At 8 weeks, the fruit egg grows up to 27-34 mm, at 9 weeks - up to 35-43 mm. And at the end of 10 weeks, the fruit egg has a size of about 50 mm in diameter.

On the question - how quickly the fetal egg is growing, you can answer with confidence: until 15-16 weeks, it increases with 1 mm every day. Then the size of the fetal egg increases 2-2.5 mm per day.

The norms of the sizes of the fruit egg and the embryo can also be postponed according to the table below.

What is SVD during pregnancy and how to determine it on the ultrasound? This question exists the only answer.

SVD is the average internal diameter of the fetal egg according to ultrasonic diagnostics. This indicator is measured exclusively in millimeters.

Illustration of a fruit egg

The term of pregnancy is characterized by certain internal diameter values. The digital value of SVD is constantly varied, so the term is considered with the error from the week to one and a half. A more reliable feature to clarify the term of pregnancy on ultrasound are the indicators of the CTR (Copchiko-Dark Size). It should be noted that the Copchiko-parmer size of the embryo is less subjected to individual fluctuations compared to the average internal diameter of the fruit egg, and therefore, it is used more often to establish a reliable period of tooling. The error is about three days.

When the fruit is well visualized, then the term is determined by the length of the fetus, and not by the index of the internal diameter. Copchiko-parietal size is fixed when conducting a planned ultrasound and reflects the present of the fetus in combination with an exemplary weight indicator of the fetus. As a rule, the measurement of the CTR indicators is used to 12 weeks of navigation, and in later Uz-studies, a biparic diameter of the circle of the head and the abdomen of the fetus is used.

Approximate indicators of SVD, depending on the dawns

  • When the diameter indicators of the fetal egg is approximately 4 millimeters, then the term of pregnancy is no more than 5 weeks. It is possible to assume that about four weeks passed from the day of conception.
  • Closer to the fifth week, the diameter will reach 6 millimeters.
  • A few days later, the fruit becomes 7 millimeters.
  • By the end of the 6th week, the diameter increases to 12 to 18 millimeters.
  • The average value of SVD on the period of six weeks and five days is 16 millimeters.

Fruit egg

Of course, the future mother is worried about the following question: How does the fetus grow intensively in the second and third trimester? With confidence, we can say that up to 15 - 16 weeks of its diameter will make one millimeter daily. Then its value increases on average by 2 - 2.5 millimeters every day. In the marching period, 16 - 17 weeks stop measuring the inner diameter of the fetal egg, focusing on more reliable indicators.

Ultrasonic research on a small lap period

Conduct diagnostics with the following objectives:

Diagnostics of the Localization of the Fruit Egg

1. Establishment of accurate localization of the fetus (in the uterine or abroad). When the fetal is located outside the uterus, we are talking about ectopic pregnancy. When the fruit cannot be visualized or the recognition process is significantly difficult, then resort to accurate determination of the heartbeat of the embryo. Signs of the viability of the fetus can be detected in the field of uterine pipes or abdominal cavity.

In addition to this complication, other complications may appear at the initial stages of pregnancy: for example, a modified form of a fetal egg; incorrect attachment; High risk of placenta detachment and other pathological disorders.

2. The definition of single or multiple pregnancy is not difficult. In the uterine cavity there are two or more fetus with active livelihoods.

3. Evaluation of the main sizes of the fetal egg and embryo and comparing them with the indicators of the norm.

4. Studying the correctness of the structure of the embryo and the fetal egg to eliminate serious congenital developmental abnormalities. These may be chromosomal mutations (for example, Down syndrome).

5. Evaluation of life indicators is carried out on the basis of the presence of a heartbeat, which is found already on the fifth annoying week. The embryo motor activity is quite well determined after the seventh week of carrying.

At the initial stage of the movement, so weak and are isolated that they are hardly possible to distinguish with the ultrasound. As the embryo grow, the motor activity begins to resemble characteristic bending and extensive television, and then active movements of the upper and lower limbs. Since the individual moments of motor activity are rather short-time in time and are calculated by seconds or their shares, then the definition of cardiac activity is used to register the fact of the life of the fetus.

6. Detection in one of the ovaries of the yellow body. This small cystic education provides the body of the future mother with important hormones to preserve the fetus in the early stages of development.

7. The study of Amnion and Chorion comes down to their ratio depending on the length of the toasting already in the first trimester. Based on the results obtained, the ultrasound can be predicted the further course and outcome of pregnancy.

Ultrasound is indispensable to determine possible problems with pregnancy.

8. Diagnosis of threatening miscarriage through ultrasound allows you to recognize the early symptoms, which are characterized by a clear thickening of one of the walls of the uterine cavity, as well as a significant increase in the inner sewage. Ultrasound, with a possible miscarriage, indicators of the fetal life and state of the uterus and the placenta as a whole are evaluated.

9. Diagnosis of diseases and possible malformations for the development of the female sexual area (abnormalities of the vagina or uterus). Any deviation from the norm determines the flow and outcome of pregnancy.

Typical signs and features of the implantation of a fetal egg

Often, the fruit egg is attached to the wall of the uterus after a few days after the unprotected sexual intercourse occurred, and then the eggs are introduced after fertilization into the endometrium layer. From this point in the body of the woman, a hormone hong (chorionic gonadotropin) is actively produced, which also reacts the test - strip for pregnancy.

Implantation of a fruit egg

Not always the test test will be positive, so it is necessary to resort to a reliable analysis of blood to the definition of hg. After receiving a positive test result, it is necessary as soon as possible to turn to the gynecologist into women's advice for registration and further observation over nine months.

The formed fruit egg is the most faithful sign of the coming pregnancy. It has a characteristic form of oval and is well visualized on the ultrasound in the third week of lack of menstruation.

The embryo itself is possible to see only when the deadline will reach the fifth week. If the doctor ultrasound does not detect an embryo in a fruit egg, then the study is repeated in approximately after a half months. As a rule, the embryo becomes more clearly visible, and its heartbeat is determined. In other cases, we are talking about pathological development or at all about frozen and underdeveloped pregnancy.

That is why it is very important to pass an ultrasound to eliminate possible complications for further correction of the situation. The first trimester is the most important period of tolerance, since at all its length there is an active bookmark of all organs and systems of the future kid.

Dates of the planned ultrasound diagnostics

According to the results of WHO, strict periods are identified for compulsory ultrasound research over the time of the extension of the future kid.

Be sure to perform three ultrasound screering

In other time intervals, the behavior of the survey is appointed strictly according to individual readings from the mother and fetus:

  • the first ultrasound examination is recommended to be carried out at 12 - 14 weeks;
  • the second screening is appointed for 20 - 24 weeks;
  • for the third time, visit the ultrasound is necessary at 32 - 34 of the wearing weeks.

The period of the next survey is undesirable to neglected, since it is precisely in the specified period of toaling that the fetal developmental defects can be recognized. And if there is a necessary need - an interruption of medical testimony. The last screening survey is possible at a later time.

The results of the current diagnostics can be significantly driven out of normal indicators, but this is far from being a concern. Do not forget that the development of each child has its own characteristic features. However, ignore the identified symptoms is also not worth it.

The fruit egg is called the structure surrounding the embryo (the fruit in the earliest stages of development). Inside it, in addition to the embryo, there is an amniotic fluid, which is a natural medium and protection for a developing fetus.

This structure is an indicator of pregnancy and its viability at the first weeks. After menstruation delay occurred, a woman can test a pregnancy test, but the result of this test is not 100% proof that it is pregnant. The delay of menstruation is also not a significant feature, since it may be due to a number of other causes, for example, inflammatory processes and other pathological processes in the organs of the sexual system (after the delay, the fruit egg is not detected).

Characteristics of a fetal egg, testifying to the problems of development of pregnancy, may be the following indicators:

  • a fruit egg is not growing, as it should be with normal pregnancy (its increase to the 9th week of pregnancy should be about 1 mm per day);
  • fruit egg incorrect shape;
  • no yellow bag.

Possible pathology of the fruit egg

The first and most basic sign of normal uterine pregnancy is a fruit egg in the uterus. With the help of ultrasound research, it is visualized in a week after menstruation delay. In the first weeks, special attention is given to its size, form, localization and the presence of detacies.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the danger of spontaneous interrupt (miscarriage) is highest. This phenomenon may be caused by genetic disorders in a child, disadvantage of progesterone, as well as pathological processes in the uterus and endometrial. Genetic failure is not amenable to correction, and keep the fruit, alas, it fails; In the rest of the situations, medicine is usually in force to help mother and child.

The normal form of the fetal egg is considered to be round or oval. If it acquires a shape with uneven angles, which means - a deformed fruit egg, a suspicion arises that the uterus is in the tone. In cases of lack of concomitant pain, opening of the cervix, bloody or brown vaginal discharge, this condition is harmless. When muscle relaxing, the tone of the uterus decreases most often spontaneously, after a few minutes, after which the fruit egg returns its correct shape. The painful sensations associated with the voltage of the uterus are bored by the reception of the drug of antispasmodic action. Separate short-term cases of this nature are not a sign of the threat of miscarriage.

On ultrasound, the diameter of the fetal egg is measured in accordance with the weeks of pregnancy, dimensions in mm (for example, a fetal egg is 6 mm, a fruit egg is 7 mm). It helps most accurately set the term of pregnancy and draw conclusions how correctly the child is developing in the early stages.

Cases when when conducting an ultrasound study, a fruit egg is detected without embryo, called anambrionia. The absence of an embryo in early pregnancy (from 1 to 2 weeks after the monthly delay) is considered a normal phenomenon, a pregnancy interruption is recommended in a later week.

The aembrination can be caused by a random genetic failure, which is mainly in women of age for about 35 years, the reception of drug drugs, contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as the impact of other teratogenic factors.

The detachment of the fetal egg is more common and less hopeless compared to the anambrion, despite the fact that its manifestation has similarities with a pronounced symptom of miscarriage - uterine bleeding. In order to minimize the negative consequences of this complication for the fetus, the woman is prescribed hormonal therapy with progesterone drugs and compliance with the beddown in the hospital.

The threat of pregnancy interrupt can be the low arrangement of the fetal egg (if it is located in the lower third of the uterus).

Dried fruit egg

The most sad pathology of the development of pregnancy can be the deceiving egging egg at any stage of development. The reasons for his death can be various diseases of the fetus, as well as elements of the fetal egg (placenta, shell, umbilical cord), as well as a disorder of oxygen exchange in the embryo (fetus). The embryo may die due to the lack of yellow blood circulation for its nutrition, as a result of which oxygen deficiency occurs, which leads to anomalies, as well as due to various infectious diseases of the fetus during intrauterine development.

Such a phenomenon like a deceiving Fercent Egg is due to the following diseases of a pregnant woman:

  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • anemia;
  • hypertension;
  • severe kidney diseases;
  • infantilism;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • high body temperature due to illness.

To prevent miscarriage for women belonging to the risk group, due to the history of pathologies, it is necessary to establish intensive observation, and if necessary, hospitalize in the hospital.

The main role in the death of the fruit egg belongs to hypoxia resulting from the violation of the uterine-placental fruit circulation. In cases where the deceased Fercent Egg remains in the uterus, it becomes susceptible to maceration, mummification and petrification.

Diagnosis of the death of a fetal egg

To reveal the early death of the fetal egg and its delay in the uterine cavity is quite difficult, in the absence of characteristic manifestations it requires dynamic observation. When expressed symptoms appear: bleeding out of vagina, abundant bleeding, acute pain, the patient's urgent hospitalization is carried out.

The main feature of the undeveloped pregnancy is: stopping the growth of the uterus, determined by repeated research. It is recommended to conduct an analysis of the blood pressure of the HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), the level of which during normal pregnancy is constantly increasing. EchoD signs of undeveloped pregnancy, when ultrasound can be the following indicators:

  • lack of heartbeat fetal;
  • fruit egg wrinkled form;
  • the fruit egg is not detected;
  • "Saved" cavity of the uterus.

If the fetal egg died, there is a disappearance of subjective symptoms of pregnancy: the cessation of nausea, a decrease in the mammary glands, the absence of Pigmentation Areol.

The fetal death in the second half of pregnancy is characterized by the cessation of heartbeat and movement of the fetus, the lag behind the growth of the uterus, as well as, in some cases, the crunch during the palpation of the skull due to the separation and mobility of the bones.

Timely diagnosis will help to detect this pathology on time, which requires immediate hospitalization to further observe and prevent complications.