Mother's conspiracy for her daughter. If the pregnant woman fell on her stomach. With dews, rains, pure snows

Despite the fact that mom is the closest and dearest person, you can often come across stories when whole wars occur between parents and children. Both sides suffer from this, but the mother has the hardest part, because she always sincerely wishes her children well. Children, due to their age or inexperience, cannot correctly assess the situation, therefore, misunderstandings often arise between them and their parents.

Also, very often we receive letters in our e-mail with a request to publish conspiracies for love for the mother. After all, it is not always possible to find understanding of children, and especially in adolescence. And also there are situations when children really forget about their parents, or even go beyond all permitted boundaries and beat their mother. So that such situations do not recur, in the past, you need to use conspiracies that help to understand the fact that parents are sacred, and thereby establish harmony and peace in the family. After all, a reverent attitude towards parents from an early age is also a well-spent old age in the circle of their adult sons and daughters. So, a conspiracy of love between mother and children is read by the mother twice a day: at dawn and at sunset. Sometimes it takes several days for the reconciliation to take place, and sometimes the mother has to wait for years until the children realize that they are wrong and make peace with her. Thus, the result manifests itself in each case in different ways. The main thing is not to despair, not to lose heart, but to firmly and calmly do your job.
In general, any doubts during magical rituals are simply unacceptable, since they simply reduce the effect of a magical ritual, or they can completely destroy it. You can't even start any ceremony (it doesn't matter whether it's a love spell or a conspiracy to reconcile) if you are overcome by doubts.

How to tell the love of children

This conspiracy will help the mother find the love of her children, using it you will see how the children treat you tenderly and caringly, you will feel their love.
Take a photo of the child, go to the river on a sunny, cloudy day, attach the photo to your heart with the back, hold with both hands from the edges of the lower ones, just do not cover the front side with your hands - the photo should be open. Sit in silence and imagine your child changing, then read these words:

“As water and the sun are needed by this world, as the Mother of God loved her son, as Jesus loved the Mother of God, so may my son (daughter) (my) (child's name) love and respect me, may he (she) get rid of evil thoughts on his mother (mother's name), may the Lord be with him. Amen. Amen. Amen!"

For children to obey their mother

How to speak to the obedience of children, after all, it happens that children go crazy, they do everything the other way around, you tell them so, but on the contrary, they do it completely, do not listen and do not accept your correct advice, and what methods you did not resort to nothing comes of ... So, in order to fix and improve relations with children, try the rite of passage from the photo at home.
Take a photo of the child and gaze into his eyes while reading the conspiracy:

“You are my child, I look into your eyes and conjure love, obedience to you, let your soul melt. I will not punish you, you will listen to your mother, I wish you well and conjure with all my heart. Amen. Amen. Amen!"

Such a conspiracy for the obedience of children is read on a certain day and a certain number of times, you will need to use the table (see below) and identify the magic numbers: Each letter corresponds to a number, take the Name, Patronymic and Surname of your child, use the table to translate the letters into numbers and by add each separately.
The first number by Name - the day is calculated, the number should not exceed 28.
We calculate the month by patronymic, the number should not exceed 12.
And the last name must be brought to a single digit and this will be the number of reading the conspiracy.
For example: Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, Ivan - 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 11, Ivanovich - 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 29, now since the number exceeds, add it 2 + 9 = 11 , Ivanov - 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 7 + 3 = 21, 2 + 1 = 3. That is, such a conspiracy for a child named Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov should be performed on November 11 and read 3 times.

So that the mother is not offended

This conspiracy is suitable for the mother who constantly conflicts with her children or if the children behave aggressively towards the mother or father.
When the child is not at home, take a church candle and a photo of the child. Sit at the table, put the photo, light a candle in your hand and while reading the conspiracy, move the candle in a circle clockwise over the photo. Read this conspiracy three times:

"Unclean earthly and not earthly, you are worthless adversaries, get rid of the son of my servant of God (from the daughter of my servant of God) (name), leave the evil forces, the forces are not good, I gave birth to him not for you so (such) good-looking (I am good) ... May the light of God be shed on my son (my daughter) (name) and cleanse not good thoughts and he will enter this house with good thoughts and pour his love and respect on his mother (father) "

Then make three circles in the opposite direction, saying: “Now and forever and forever, Amen!

This book will be a good friend for you for years to come.

To my students

I bless the hands that hold this book, the hands that cooked dinner and baked pies for the whole family, gave alms, supported a sick person, rocked a baby cradle or threw a joyfully laughing firstborn high up ... How much did you work, how much hard work did you redo helping family, trying to make them happier. So be blessed, enjoy a pleasant conversation, rest more, pray and believe in a miracle. And may this book, which you now hold in your hands, help you.

I would like to tell you a parable called "Mother and Death".

One day one mother heard the cry of her child, ran to his room and saw that the child was taking away Death. The unfortunate mother, undressed and barefoot, rushed out of the house after her, despite the bitter frost. She began to scream, call her child, but he did not respond. The woman rushed to find him. On the way she met an ugly gray-haired old woman who mumbled with a toothless mouth: “I saw everything. It was Death itself that visited your home. I could tell you where she took your child, but I will not tell you until you give me your youth, health and beauty, and in return you take my old age, illness and ugliness. " Hearing her, the unhappy mother cried out: “Take whatever you want. I don't need anything if my child is not with me! " “Over there, into that forest, Death ran,” said the old woman.

The woman rushed into the forest. For a long time she ran among the trees, but she never found anyone. Then the unhappy mother burst into tears even more, and suddenly heard someone's voice. Looking around, she realized that the bush was talking to her. He turned to her with the following words: “If you warm me on your chest, I will tell you where Death took your child. See, I'm all ice and cold. Do you want to know where the child is, warm me up! " Mother, without a moment's hesitation, grabbed a branch of a thorn bush and hugged it to her chest. Sharp thorns tore the skin, blood poured out, but the woman did not feel physical pain, the mental pain was so strong. Having warmed up, the thorn bush bloomed, covered with flowers bright red like blood, and said: "Death ran to the lake."

Mother ran to the lake, but she found no one there either. The unhappy woman began wringing her hands and begging the lake to tell her where her child was. The lake replied to her: “I want pearls to lie at the bottom. If you cry into me and your eyes begin to cry, then I will receive pearls, and I will carry you to the other side - Death lives there ”. And the mother cried out: "Oh, what will I not give up to get my child back!" She cried even more bitterly - and became blind, and her tears turned into beautiful pearls that fell to the bottom of the lake. At that very moment, the unfortunate woman was on the other side, where Death was waiting for her.

Looking at a blind, old and ugly woman in torn, bloody clothes, Death said: “I took the form of an old woman, I spoke to you instead of a thorn bush, and you heard my voice from the lake. And now I see that your mother's love is boundless, it is stronger than me, so I will return the child to you. "

Having said this, Death gave the baby to the mother and returned her youth, beauty and sight.

Here's a parable.

My dear readers and students, a lot of letters come to my address from mothers who ask me to pay as much attention as possible to the children's topic. Therefore, in this book I tried to collect all the conspiracies for children that have ever been published in my books and in the newspaper "Magic and Life". You will learn to whom to pray for children, how to protect a newborn from damage and the evil eye, talk to the child for happiness and good luck, protect him from offenders and the intrigues of evil forces, scold him from illness, make him kind, obedient and responsive. And at the end, you can read about the signs and beliefs associated with pregnancy, childbirth and raising children.

I hope that this book will also be of interest to mothers whose children have grown up a long time ago, because with its help you will learn how to scold a child from addiction to alcohol, free him from bad friends and arrange his personal life.

Dear ones, I really want everything that I know and can do to serve and help you and your children. But remember that the key to all your knowledge is the same - this is true faith, for without faith there is no faith.

Some of the published conspiracies and rituals have already been published in the "Mother's Book", published in 2009. And this is no coincidence. There are questions in your letters why sometimes in different situations I recommend (and apply) the same or similar rituals, conspiracies, amulets. And, on the contrary, it so happens that in similar situations, I advise different means. Remember on-

a standing doctor, while helping a patient, as a rule, does not create a new medicine, but, having made a diagnosis, recommends exactly the remedy (or a combination of drugs) that the patient needs. So the healer, advising this or that conspiracy, folk remedy, ritual, chooses exactly what can best help the person who turns to him.

Write to me and I will definitely answer you. Ask for help and I will help you.

With great and sincere love for you, your Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova.

For pregnant women and nursing mothers

Prayer for the birth of a child

You can turn with a prayer request to the holy prophet Zechariah and Elizabeth. I recall the words of the prayer:

About the holy saint of God, the prophet Zechariah and the righteous Elisabeth! Having fought on the earth with a good deed, they perceived the natural crown of righteousness in Heaven, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him. Even so, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your residence and honor your holy memory. But you, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-merciful God, forgive us every sin and help us become against the wiles of the devil, and get rid of sorrows, diseases, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present forever and we will be honored by your intercession, if you are unworthy of Esma, see the good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His saints glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer if you want to have children

In this case, they pray to the righteous Joachim and Anna:

About the glorification of Christ's righteous women, the holy Fathers Joachim and Anno, who are forthcoming to the Heavenly Throne of the Great Tsar and the great boldness of those who possess him, as from the Most Blessed Daughter of yours, the Most Pure Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, who has deigned to incarnate!

To you, as a powerful representative and a diligent prayer book for us, we, sinners and unworthy, come running. Pray for His goodness, that He may turn away His anger from us, who is righteously moved against us by our deeds, and, despising our countless sins, will turn us to the path of repentance and to the path of His commandments, may he establish us. Also, by your prayers in the world, save our life, and in all good haste, ask for everything for the belly and piety that we need from God giving, from all misfortunes and troubles and sudden death by your representation, you deliver us and protect us from all visible and invisible enemies, as if we will live a quiet and silent life in all piety and purity, and so in the world this temporary life has passed away, in eternal rest we will achieve, whereby your holy entreaty let us be vouchsafed to the Heavenly Kingdom of Christ, our God, to Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit, all glory befits honor and worship forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the wife before childbirth to the Lord Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ our God, born of the eternal Father to the Son before the age, and in the last days, by the grace and assistance of the Holy Spirit, who deigned to be born to be from the Most Holy Virgin like a baby, I will be born and lay down in a manger, the Lord Himself, in the beginning created man and You conjugated a wife to him, giving them the commandment: grow and multiply and fill the earth, have mercy according to your great mercy to your servant (name) who is preparing to give birth according to your commandment. Forgive her free and involuntary sins, by Thy grace, grant her the strength to safely be resolved from her burden, keep this baby in health and bliss, protect them from Thy angels and keep them from the hostility of evil spirits, and from all evil things. ... Amen.

Prayer to the wife before giving birth to the Most Holy Theotokos

Most Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, even weigh the birth and nature of the mother and child, have mercy on Your servant (name) and help in this hour so that your burden be safely resolved. O all-merciful Lady of God

Mother, you have not even demanded help in the birth of the Son of God, give help to this Thy servant, who requires help, especially from You. Grant her blessings at this hour, and give her a baby like that to be born and bring into the light of this world in good times and a smart light in holy baptism in water and spirit. We fall down to you, Mother of God above, praying: be merciful to this mother, the time has come for her to be a mother, and pray to the incarnate Christ of our God from You, that he strengthen her with His power from above. Amen.

Prayer of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg

O holy all-blessed mother Xenia! Under the roof of the All-Highest who lived, guided and strengthened by the Mother of God, smoothness and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, who endured the gift of clairvoyance and miracles from God, you received and under the shame of the Almighty, resting: the Holy Church, like a fragrant flower, glorify thee. Forthcoming at the place of your burial, in front of your saint's image, as if you live with us, we pray: accept our petitions and bring them to the throne of the merciful Heavenly Father, as one who has boldness to Him, ask those who flow to you for eternal salvation, for good deeds and our undertakings are a generous blessing, deliverance from all troubles and sorrows. Appear with your holy prayers before our all-merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinful. Help, holy blessed mother Xenia, to illuminate infants with the light of holy baptism and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, youths and young women in faith, honesty, fear of God to educate and success in teaching them to bestow; heal the ailing and ailing, send love and harmony down to the family, honor the monastics with good deeds, and protect them from reproach, affirm the shepherds in the fortress of the Holy Spirit, preserve our people and our country in peace and serenity, for those who are deprived of the Holy Communion at the hour of death, pray the mysteries of Christ our hope and hope, quick hearing and deliverance, we send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to avoid painful childbirth

The most beautiful virgin, wise, wonderful, holy great martyr Catherine! Having completely studied all Hellenic wisdom, oratory and philosophy, and having learned well the medical science, you desired more enlightenment, believing in Christ, in a vision you saw the Eternal Infant in the arms of His Most Pure Mother, who gave you the ring of immortal betrothal to him. After enduring fierce torments, heavy blows and cruel wounds, and the darkness of the dungeon, and members of the fragmentation on wheels, by the power of Christ you were healed of all this. Going to the execution, you prayed, the most glorious great martyr: “Lord, Jesus Christ! Those elites will call upon me Your all-holy name, He will fulfill in the good the forgiveness of everything, the hedgehog for their need, and from everyone Your greatness is praised for ever. " To wives tormented by birth illnesses and calling for your help, you, Saint Catherine, show your intercession; therefore, others who pray to you with love and reverence, and with warm faith, and tears from the whole heart of the wives running to you, do not reject them, hurry to help them and free them from difficult births, so that having given birth to children, they will bring them up in the fear of God, thanks to you, glorious Catherine, for the help shown to them, and glorifying God for you, with all their house. Amen.

For those who have no children

To get pregnant, you need to stand on the threshold with your right knee at Christmas time and drink water. Before drinking, say:

Mother Most Holy Theotokos!
Fly to me yourself, but no,
So send the messengers,
Son or daughter
I beg you to help me.

So that misfortune does not happen to a pregnant woman

If a pregnant woman reads this protective conspiracy for a young month, then during the time that she carries the child, nothing bad will happen to her. Conspiracy words are:

Mother intercessor
Step over my belly, for my child,
Save, save and defend me.

If a pregnant woman falls on her stomach

I speak without a tongue, I hear without ears,
I catch up without wings, relieve a bruise.
You, pain, calm down, bruise calm down.
Guardian angel, come here
Take (name) under the wing of the slave. Lord, save
Lord, defend
Lord, save and protect.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, everlastingly, forever and ever. Amen.

How to put a charm on an unborn child

First of all, any mother needs to read a special protective conspiracy on her unborn child. All people are different, unfortunately, there are also those who, out of malice, can bring misfortune or even death to the child while still in the mother's womb. That is why I want to warn you once again, my dear readers and students: being pregnant, do not get involved in quarrels, beware of absurd people, otherwise misfortune may occur. But in any case, no matter how careful you are, be sure to read the charm-conspiracy for an unborn child. Conspiracy words are pronounced over water, which is then washed on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). The conspiracy sounds like this:

There is an island on the ocean-sea
On the island there is a copper pillar.
I am sending to that copper pillar
All the words are dashing, the promises are bad.
Don't mind me, God's servant (name),
And not to my fruit
Send all promises to dead water,
To the ocean-sea, to the dashing island,
To a copper pillar.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Words that are dangerous during childbirth

It is known that there are hours in a day when a spoken word materializes and a spoken rash desire or curse comes true.

So, once a woman came to her grandmother with a very sick child. He was melting before our eyes, and the doctors could not do anything about it. The woman said that during childbirth, she shouted: "Why do I need him, but to be torn apart, it hurts so much, etc." The baby was born and became ill. His grandmother cured him with this prayer:

Four-day Lazarus,
You were resurrected by the word of God.
Go, all my words, to heaven,
Angels, archangels, count all my words,
Give them to the Lord God.
As God Lazarus does not whine, does not hurt,
The soul of Lazarus does not ache,
So move away, pain and ailment,
From the servant of God (name) threshold.
A thin word does not grow together with a word,
And no curse comes true.
What I said, what I didn't say
What I haven't thought of, God knows everything,
All my words bless
It helps to rule, heal God's people.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now, everlastingly, forever and ever.

If a baby was born feet first

For the future life of a child, it is very important how he was born. If a child was born feet first, then all his life he will be exposed to all kinds of dangers. Therefore, such a child must be sure to speak in order to chastise all the troubles and prolong his life. Conspiracy words are pronounced over water and then they wash the baby with their left hand. Then the baby is wiped with a diaper left over from his baptism. The conspiracy is this:

I will wash the servant of God (name) with my left hand,
Morning with his baptized diaper,
He will be saved by my conspiracy,
From seventy-seven troubles he was conspired:
From a dangerous illness, from imminent death,
From the fire-flame, from the running beast,
From a creeping reptile,
From sorrow and slander,
From prison constipation.
I ask for help from the One God Christ,
Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos,
Holy saints, holy healers,
Guardian angels, deliverers.
I ask for help from the sky and the sun, the month and the stars,
Dawns and winds, water and land.
I ask for help from the dew, from the forest, from the fruit,
Near the heavens by the water,
Hail and snow, all white light.
Now and ever and forever and ever.

Important: the ceremony is held only on odd days!

If a child was born with teeth

It has been known since ancient times that if a child was born with teeth, then he will have a difficult character, he will not be able to get along with people and will feel like an outcast everywhere. To scold such a child, take him by the chin and, looking at him, read the following conspiracy three times in a row:

Chur, thin, mind, dashing!
The head is golden in the field,
The head has a jaw of bone,
That jaw has thirty-six teeth.
Some of her teeth are large, others are small.
Which bone was, which bone grew.
Most Holy Mother of God,
Don't let the baby suffer from its teeth.
Oh you, the head in the field, toothy, oily,
Copper cheeks, iron teeth,
Take all the bad and all the dashing from the baby.
The Mother of God will fix everything,
The Mother of God will correct everything,
The baby, the servant of God (name), will save,
He will take the saint under His protection.
My word is strong.
Key in the sea, padlock.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

To give birth without pain

Take a bite of a crust of black bread, and when you have swallowed, immediately say:

Khlebushko, did Mother Mother of God look at you?
Have you suffered bodily torment during your birth?
So I should look at bread too
And in their homelands do not endure torment.

How to make labor easy

Read the following conspiracy between contractions:

Jesus Christ in Heaven
Living soul in calves.
Yes, be my words, moldings, strong,
Lighter than a stone, lighter than a sharp knife
Lighter than a damask knife.
Teeth, key, mouth, lock.
Lord, accept my spirit. Amen.

You can do that too. On the eve of the day when you have to go to the hospital, put two eggs in the water and read the following conspiracy over them:

How the chicken laid eggs easily,
So I could easily bring a child.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

In the morning, wash yourself with charmed water.

Or read the following conspiracy for quick and easy childbirth:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Lord help, Lord bless.
I will go, praying, crossing myself to the icon,
I will look at the threshold - the Lord is coming.
Open, Lord, three gates:
Some are bone, others are meat,
And still others are made of leather.
Let the baby out, Lord, into the white light,
So that I don't have any pain
No blood, no pinches, no aches in the bones.
How the Light-Most Holy Theotokos gave birth to the Son, the true Christ,
Not sick, not grieving,
The whole world did not hear,
So would the servant of God (name) give birth,
Not sick and not grieving. Amen.

With difficult childbirth

If a woman has a difficult labor, you need to take a mouthful of water, and spray it on the door, and then say:

As the door opens
So open the way for the child!
How Christ was born
So you, child, be born.

To quickly recover after childbirth

As soon as the baby is born, say to yourself three times in a row:

Like a stove in a hut does not walk, does not hurt,
I wouldn’t have a pain in my stomach either,
It did not go, it did not destroy the disease.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy for a safe, easy delivery

During contractions, pronounce the following conspiracy words:

Oh, Thou art, Mother Most Holy Theotokos,
You gave birth to a Son without pain and without ailment,
She did not gasp, did not sigh, as if she had slept and rested.
Help me too, God's servant (name),
Give birth to a baby without torment,
So that during childbirth I do not drink anguish.
I send my pain and illness
On the sea, on the ocean, on the Buyan island.
There they accept pain and illness,
Seventy-seven locks are locked.
And be, my words, strong, molding.
The sky is the lock, the key is the earth.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy for easy childbirth

Women preparing to become mothers need to read such a conspiracy:

These words are true and fair.
Christ spoke:
- One hundred and two times Jews in court
They beat me on the lips
Thirty times I was beaten
By the trees in the garden
They beat me on the head and hands forty times,
Thirty times they hit me on the shoulders
My chest was pierced with a spear
And then again I was severely beaten.
They dragged by the hair thirty times,
I moaned one hundred twenty seven times,
Dragged by the beard seventy-two times,
They beat six thousand with a whip
Six hundred sixty-six times.
Crowned with thorns
And they gave a thousand more blows,
Spat seventy-three times.
Five thousand four hundred seventy five wounds
On My white body,
They wanted to kill Me even before the Cross.
Thirty thousand four hundred thirty
Drops of blood flowed
And then it went under My feet.
For my blood every day
Read our Father seven times.
For this, God, to the servant of God (name) in her childbirth
Do not let the pain come to her.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

In practical magic, there are very strong conspiracies for the love of people, with which you can solve various problems. Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about this - about the problem of human relationships. Interpersonal relationships are not limited to love affairs. This is a complex aspect of assessments and feelings, where there is a place for subjectivity, and disposition and mutual sympathy, and negativity as well.

Is it possible for a mother to remove the celibacy crown from her daughter

For example, there are absolutely strong maternal conspiracies for the successful marriage of a daughter. And with their help, parents really solve this particular issue, which is relevant for them, to marry their daughter well. There should be no doubt. As soon as doubt creeps into your consciousness about the effectiveness of love witchcraft, you yourself close the paths, do not use the opportunities that the Forces offer you.

Even unconscious doubts, huddled somewhere in the subcortex, harm. Even though you read household conspiracies every day so that your daughter gets married, this will not happen as long as you see in her a loser, an unclaimed girl that is not needed by anyone, and do not take witchcraft love rituals seriously.

A person on his way finds himself in different situations. By the way, if the situation is difficult, there are, say, relatives, doctors, psychologists will give up. You can help here magically - with the strongest conspiracies to remove the seal of loneliness from the daughter. You just need to decide on a fight, perhaps a long and difficult one. You do not need to think about what is "according to fate" and what is not. After all, a Man challenging fate is a favorite sight of the gods.

If everything "according to fate" worked out, then there would be no love witchcraft. However, this is not the case. Different Forces operate in the world, and fate can be taken away, broken, and destroyed. You can take a person, someone "according to fate" given, take away, take it for yourself. That is why it is real witchcraft, so that a person can intervene in the course of events at the right time and change everything to suit his desires and scales. If possible, of course, and skill. For example, you can remove the celibacy crown from your daughter on your own, if such a problem is real, and you have the strength and desire to solve it.

Is the mother's conspiracy to marry her daughter effective?

We can talk about practical magic as such, without dividing it into traditions. Is modern magic a weapon? Absolutely. However, this is not just a tool. This is a colossal system in which there are different independent egregors, each of which has internal interconnections. You can read the maternal conspiracies for the marriage of your daughter yourself, turning, you can come to the egregor of white magic, Runes or to some other. But how effective will these actions be?

It is a pity to observe when those who perform magic rituals for the love of people for themselves with all imaginable violations, who do not follow the rules of witchcraft, then loudly declare that nothing works. It seems to me that the role of the magician's personal power should still be discussed in the context of knowledge. The result of the work depends on how subtly the interaction of a strong magician with the Forces takes place.

That is, a maternal conspiracy to marry a daughter may not bring any changes, but it can bring negative consequences to people's lives from independent rituals. Such consequences, for example, may be the illness of a girl who already has problems in her personal life. That, of course, will not solve these problems, but will only aggravate them.

An equally important point in reading maternal conspiracies for the successful marriage of a daughter is the question of the faith of a person who turns to witchcraft. Namely, belief in the effectiveness of a particular magical tradition, or a predictive system. As for black magic and work with demons and the cemetery, the Forces are unlikely to give their support to anyone who reads an effective conspiracy to marry a daughter, while not believing in the result and terribly afraid of demons and the dead, to whom they call for help. You need to be logical and consistent. In witchcraft rituals for the love of people it is important.

What should you do if you find out that your son has been bewitched?

If you are actively involved in the life of your adult son, you will certainly notice signs of a love spell on him, a change in his behavior, way of thinking and lifestyle in general. If you are worried about changes, you need to make a diagnosis for someone else's magical influence. The magical diagnosis of a love spell on a son is not an easy task, and therefore I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend that in serious cases contact a real magician.

What can you do on your own in order to try to remove the love spell from your son? Try to read home conspiracies in order to normalize the situation so that the son's love is still natural, and not imposed by someone's will.

How to conspiracy to return the love of a son to his mother

Love, if any, does not go anywhere. It can fade for a while, if you do not take care of it, do not water it, do not nourish it, direct it along the right path, avoiding dangers, and do not save it as the most precious thing. Unfortunately, the cases when love runs away from people are typical.

There is a way to return the love of a son to his mother with a magical conspiracy.

  • If you are a believer, if you have a connection with a Christian egregor, and you are interested in him, ask him for help, pray, and also try to return your son to his mother with an independent conspiracy.
  • The conspiracy must be read before noon on the waning moon.
  • Visualization: the son is small, at the age of 2-3 years.
  • Read through an open window.

For a magical ritual for the love of a son for his mother, holy water is needed.

CAUTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts luck and wealth. The MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

“Take away, Lord, the anger of sons from me, the servant of God (name), so that he, your servant (name), would not offend his mother, but would always help. As a fish in a river does not open its mouth, does not scold anyone, so it would turn to me, its mother. Send, Lord, love me as a son. Amen".

Reading the words of the conspiracy for the son's love for the mother three times, wash your face with holy water. Do not wipe your faces. Say three times:

“I washed myself with holy water, washed away the hatred of my son. Exactly".

White conspiracy for parental warmth - how to revive your father's love

This witchcraft rite will be effective if you have an established connection with the Christian egregor. The white conspiracy for the love of the father is a classic of rituals for a thing, followed by a lining. You can talk about the father's personal thing, which he often uses, or you can give a magical thing bought as a gift.

To do on the waxing moon. The thing is spoken of in a threefold conspiracy, after which it must fall into the hands of the object.

“Master of Humanity, the Tsar of ages and the Giver of the good! You destroy enmity among neighbors and give peace to the entire human race. Grant now peace to the servants of God (names of parents). Instill in their hearts the fear of the Lord, and affirm to me, the servant of God (name). Quench all strife, take away all disagreements and temptations. For I send Your glory to our world forever and ever. Amen".

White conspiracy on parental love - the magic of Christian Forces

The real conspiracy is read in the church for 6 days in a row, lighting a candle about the health of the father. The text of the white conspiracy for the love of parents sounds like this:

“As you, my mother (name) is an apple tree, so I (name) is your apple. You are the chicken, I am the egg, you are the mother, I am your daughter. As this candle burns, burns out, so your dislike for me melts, disappears. It is said with a strong word. Amen".

On the seventh day, you need to go to church again, light a candle for the health of your parents, for the health of your enemies, and pray for your father's love. Leaving the temple, you need to make donations for its needs.

Strong conspiracies to bewitch a mother-in-law - how to pacify a husband's mother

It seems that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the most problematic in the context of the issue of family relationships. A mother's blind love for an adult son can be a real natural disaster. I do not presume to state anything categorically, for there are exceptions to any rule. However, in general, there are many difficulties in this. Women's jealousy is a terrible thing. This is an element that is difficult to pacify.

With the help of white and black conspiracies for the love of a mother-in-law, you can control her attitude and intentions towards your husband. But, magical control requires frequent repetitions, because magic changes behavior, but does not correct a person's character. Going into a frontal attack on a mother-in-law is too energy-intensive, and there is no point, since there are only losers in a war between relatives. So, a conspiracy for the daughter-in-law's love for her mother-in-law can also help solve the problem of a difficult relationship.

How to keep the mother-in-law in check with the help of a conspiracy - to bewitch the husband's mother

This simple ritual will help your spouse's mother see your good side and overlook your flaws. Sometimes, you need your mother-in-law to forgive, so that she can treat you kindly. A real white conspiracy for love can also be used to influence the mother-in-law, since her mother can poison the life of the family with no less success.

For a magical ritual for the love of a mother-in-law or mother-in-law, you will need:

  • thing (article of clothing) mother-in-law
  • thing given to you by your mother-in-law

Tie these things together and read the plot of maternal love 7 times on the knot, so that the mother-in-law, if she did not become your second mother, at least ceases to be an enemy:

“From now on, my own mother is the one who gave birth to my husband. Let there be no barriers between us, let everything go well from now on. We will get rid of anger and dislike forever. Amen".

Here, for example, is the black ritual on a tree stump, protection from relatives. If everyone was concerned only with love, they would think about how to return the love of the son to the mother, the mother to the son, as well as to all relatives by conspiracy, the world would be close to harmony. But, you have to deal with situations that are very far from love, so far away that your teeth begin to ache.

So, this magical rite helps to protect yourself from annoying relatives, a strong conspiracy helps to remove his mother from the life of your husband, and from your life - your unloved mother-in-law. For a witchcraft ritual you need: an old rotten stump, an old rusty knife.

A strong conspiracy for relatives of the family to be carried out in the forest.

Go around the stump three times counterclockwise, calling the name of the mother-in-law. Then kneel in front of the stump, facing north, and read the powerful conspiracy from relatives, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, or a conspiracy against the groom's parents if they are trying too hard to participate in your life. In this case, hold the knife in your left hand:

In difficult cases, the witchcraft rite can be repeated on another stump. The knife is here to buy. However, before work, it does not hurt to make a purchase, to offer the demons what you usually pay off when performing rituals of black magic. Well, since you are performing a witchcraft ceremony from your relatives, in the forest, you must respect the owner of the forest, Yenarey.

The ritual does not mention the moon, but, as for me, such influences are better placed on the waning moon. The conspiracy - protection from relatives is destructive, and even by the power of demons, who, in order to serve the magician - the executor, must be objectionable mother-in-law: "cut into shreds, burn with butter, beat with batogs." This, of course, is not at all like a white conspiracy to love children, which carries a positive meaning, and should be performed on the growing moon.

It is regrettable, but sometimes there are situations when parents cannot improve their relationships with children. It’s not because parents don’t try or don’t pay enough attention to their child. The reason is that children cannot relate normally to their parents. In such cases, a conspiracy comes to the rescue for the love of the son to the mother, or the love of the daughter for the mother. White magic has always been considered an assistant in family affairs. It has been used throughout the ages. Magic has always come to the rescue in difficult moments of life.

Reasons for disobedience of children

Descendants can be rude to their parents for several reasons.

  1. Transitional age. At this time, all children stop behaving normally, because it seems to them that the whole world is against them. It is, rather, a psychological problem than a physiological one, because it is at this age that children experience a change in character and the formation of themselves as a person.
  2. Bad Company. Sometimes a child can contact bad company, because he wants to express his opinion. He believes that new friends will help him become who he wants to see himself.
  3. Different views on life. Of course, parents know better what is good and what is bad. But the children are not used to prohibitions. They want everything to be the way they want it. And every parental comment is accepted as a challenge. Psychologists say that “the forbidden fruit is sweet,” so every prohibition is accepted as something desirable.

If you want your son and daughter to treat your words with understanding, you must take into account their wishes too. To begin with, it is worth talking to them heart to heart, and establishing contact. If there is no progress, then you can use a conspiracy for the love of a son and daughter. You must set an example for your son and daughter. You shouldn't forbid them anything. This can backfire and destroy love for you. It is better to explain to them clearly why you are against this or that situation. The child will decide for himself what to do in the end.

Relationship rituals

If you want to regain the location of your son and daughter, then you need to read the following conspiracy:

“I ask the Holy Light Forces to help me in a difficult situation. Descendants have turned their backs on me, and I want to return the love of my son and daughter. I wish that we become a family again, and never be apart again. Stepmothers will never be in their life. Only I have to wash their heads and bodies. "

Such a text is read in the early morning.

To consolidate your results before bed, read:

“Saints, you always help those in need. Today I am asking for help, the servant of God (name). My son, the servant of God (name), and my daughter, the servant of God (name), decided to erase me from their lives. But I am their mother, and I wish them only the best. I want to save them from bad company, from envious people and from the darkest forces. I will become the children’s most faithful friend, helper and the one they want to see in me. I don’t need anything else to give me confidence in our family. You want love from your own descendants. May we be happy again. We are Orthodox believers who have always believed in our God. We go to church and always say prayers. Prayer never left our home and our souls. Please heaven help us. Don't turn your back on us. In the name of the Father and the Son. Amen".

A rite of passage to bring back a child's love for a mother

If you miss the love of babies, then use the following ritual. Light three candles in the house, and take one item from each child. Children should use these things all the time. Hold the thing in your hands, and imagine how your relationship with the children has improved. In this case, you need to read a special conspiracy.

“I will settle down near the icon. I will read the prayer, I will baptize myself with the cross. On the icon I see the Mother of God holding her child. The strongest love that is possible in all worlds is read in her eyes. The child trusts her, and allows herself to be touched. I ask the Mother of God to make my children stop quarreling with me, so that our relationship will improve. They will never have a stepmother. You are a great woman, and only you can help me. Only I, their mother, can protect my descendants from everything bad. Nothing bad can surround them. "

Herbs will help in solving this problem. There should always be medicinal herbs in your yard, which are characterized by a positive effect on the human psyche. From these herbs, you can make tinctures, decoctions, and even add to tea. They have a positive effect on human behavior, because they have a sedative effect. If you do not know which herbs should be used and where to find them, you can seek the help of a specialist. He will point you to the right options to help you improve your family relationships.

For every loving mother, the welfare of her children always and in all cases comes first.

A real mother will never humiliate a child and reproach him for anything, she will always accept his difficulties as her own, give her son or daughter protection, calling on God for help. Of course, girls need protection most of all, therefore, prayer for a daughter should take place in the life of every mother.

This prayer is said most often for a dream coming two or three times in a row after the traditional reading of Our Father. Do not forget to record the prayer on a blank white sheet of paper and keep it with you, try to gradually memorize the text.

Mother's prayer for her daughter

Lord my God Almighty! Fulfill the request of your insignificant servant (your name)! May my beloved child come in Your greatest mercy, Protect her from the forces of darkness, grief and evil, grant goodness to all her deeds! With deep faith in Your power I call for help, Have mercy, may Your will be gracious to me, amen.

So that nothing bad ever happens to your daughter, so that no one offends her, read this to her conspiracy:

My daughter, are you sleeping or are you standing before the Lord, are you looking at Mother Theotokos? Jesus Christ, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, protect my daughter in all matters, in all ways, in the sun, in the month, on the night road and daytime road, on strangers, on foreign sides. The legs and arms of her enemies would have been taken away, their brains would have found darkness, so that they would not recognize either their father or their mother, it would be discouraging to offend someone else's daughter. This spell cannot be removed by anyone. Key, lock, witch ceiling. Amen!

Another conspiracy for a daughter

This protective conspiracy is best read on the day of the Angel of the child or on the day when the image of their patron saint is honored. And here are the words of a protective conspiracy on the daughter. It should be noted that he is very beautiful and poetic. However, what is there to be surprised at, because from the very foundation of the world, parents gave all the best to their children. The conspiracy words are as follows:

Oh, Mother of Christ, Oh, Guardian Angel, You are the protectors of my daughter, Servants of God (name), Servant of God (name) like lightning, Do not spoil it either to the enemy, or to the sorceress, or to the evil enchantress, Protect the servant of God (name) In all matters, in all ways, In the sun and in the night. Save, Lord, my daughter. I put three crosses: Jesus Christ in front, the Most Holy Theotokos behind, Guardian Angel above my head. Keep your daughter intact. Amen!

After you have read the charm-conspiracy, cross the child, kiss him and put him to bed. Put out the candles and do not forget to thank the holy icon for helping you.

The most common and effective is a mother's conspiracy for the happiness of her daughter, which is guaranteed to work. The bottom line is that maternal bonds are always very strong. This unshakable bond lasts all life while both people are in this world. Distance doesn't matter much, even if your daughter lives hundreds of kilometers away. Try to carry out this conspiracy so that the success of your child is undeniable.

This prayer will help the daughter get married.


Another prayer protects from anxiety and problems.


Maternal instincts are perfectly reflected in such conspiracies, so that you can use the influence constantly, although not too often. Conspiracies and prayers for happiness on water work very effectively, since water perfectly preserves various actions, a long memory. It is important to consider that each conspiracy will have a result only if it is created from the purest heart, without malicious intent. You cannot have evil thoughts either, otherwise they may be embodied in a completely different hypostasis that you discussed. Also keep in mind that strength varies with individual abilities.
