Conspiracy to trade with salt. Strongest conspiracies and prayers for big profits in your store. Conspiracy for goods

There are many stories among people who are professionally engaged in sales. Many of them relate to the luck of a particular character. It is not explained only by talent and perseverance. Often the case is presented in such a way that the lucky one receives help from above. There are reasons for this. Especially when you try it out. The consequences of such an experiment can be happy or disappointing. The result depends on the right attitude and other factors. Are you interested? Then let's figure it out.

Does the merchant need magical support?

Somehow it is not customary to persuade people to take any action. We also have tools for “building” our well-being. Still, it is worth saying a few words on this topic. Many wonder if a trade conspiracy really helps. Are its consequences really so tangible for the wallet (cash desk)? The buyer is unlikely to observe this in life. But those who are in business are constantly faced with uneven sales. There are people who are special. They are constantly lucky, the buyer and "rushing". Others have very good periods. It seems that Actually - not really. The relationship with the aura is clearly visible here. Only we do not see it, therefore the logic of events is not realized.

Nevertheless, even without using conspiracies and prayers for trade, a person can get into a wave of good luck. This happens when he intuitively tunes in to his heavenly patron. For example, lucky chances are often shown in the information field. Someone gets a bonus, another gets super profit. Most of this happens to people following their calling. That is, the sky supports them, giving them the opportunity to have all the blessings of the earth. Any person deserves this. Only we build a lot of blocks in our thoughts for ourselves, therefore we do not live, but vegetate.

How does a trade conspiracy help?

The consequences of any of our actions are first of all manifested in energy, about the flows of which only the lazy one does not talk about today. Money will come only to those who can accept it. This is also a common opinion. But it is nevertheless not devoid of logic. Money only seems to us to be pieces of paper for which you can buy things, develop your business. In fact, they are, in fact, guided by energy structures - egregors, generated by the thoughts of "big" humanity (already dead and living people). It is to this "boss" and it is desirable to settle down. Make, so to speak, egregor your friend.

Approximately in this direction, conspiracies and prayers for trade affect the field of the seller. They build bridges to the egregor of money, remove obstacles. In other words, they provide patronage to the one who influences the flow of funds. The reviews of those who actually used them are quite unambiguous. They are acting!

Rules for the use of ceremonies for trade

If a business person (of any level) takes on something, then he is not interested in the action itself, but in the result. Is not it? Magic is hardly an exception. Therefore, preliminary preparation is necessary. After all, a person is interested in a conspiracy for trade, the consequences of which will necessarily be positive. Since such actions have a very indirect relationship to the material sphere, it is there that the result appears, then the preparatory work should be carried out at the level of emotions and moods. People who practice these methods say that the emphasis should be on mood.


It is easiest to imagine that you are a river. Since the flows of money are not rushing in your direction, then there are obstacles. Maybe these are rapids, sometimes even dams are deaf. During the ceremony, you will begin to dismantle them. That is, when you start a ritual that uses prayers, conspiracies for good trade, you need to visualize unobstructed flows.They should strive in two directions: towards you and in the opposite direction. Otherwise, nothing will come of it. You cannot just attract without giving. How do you develop without investing? And do not forget about faith in the efficacy of the ritual and a good mood. This is the basis for achieving results.

To summarize: tune in to the fact that a fun and powerful river of money flows through you, filling you with an extraordinary sense of satisfaction from work (receiving, communicating, and so on).

How to stabilize trade

Business situations can develop in different ways. Naturally, it is necessary to select the appropriate magic tools for them. By the way, there are enough of them. There are also universal methods. They attract good luck, remove traffic jams, and open up new opportunities. For example, try such a strong trading conspiracy. Reading it is carried out when you need salt. The quantity is up to you. You can speak a whole kilogram, and then use it as needed. No, so no one will forbid to hold the ceremony in a month or two, when the time comes again.

Expose the salt to the open sky. Say the following words to her: “Dashing beggar, unprofitable, unprofitable trouble, do not disturb me, the Lord's slave (name). Run away, on land and on water, let you have no shelter anywhere. Venture beyond the distant seas, where the whole earth burns in fog. Don't call me with you, I won't get bored when you are away. So that I never wear rags, never be in trouble and not suffer. To sell the goods not for nothing, but to remain with the fat. I send away the lack of money, I lock the word with a key, I sprinkle it with salt, I block the roads. Amen!" Salt is sprinkled on the threshold of the premises where the trade takes place (shop, office, apartment, and so on). This is not the only (strong) conspiracy to trade. It's just that this ceremony is to some extent universal. In any case, according to the reviews of those who dared to apply it.

So as not to suffer from envious people

More often than not, the strongest trade conspiracies also carry some protective
functions. If we return to the streams, then they turn aside those who heap stones into your river, thereby creating obstacles. Such a rite, for example, is performed with hops. The only inconvenience is that it has to be torn down personally. The one sold at the pharmacy is not particularly effective. It is used only as a last resort. The following words should be spoken (on the growing moon): “Fragrant and fluffy hops winds around the pillar. This is his destiny. My share is different. I attract her. Let the merchants of the rich caravan wind around me, it will never be translated. Amen!" Store the hop cones, of course, in the place where you make deals.

Coin Conspiracy

You need a special "money". Her choice is important. The more exceptional the coin, the more effective it will be. For example, an ordinary ruble (five, ten) will be a good talisman. Some kind of commemorative coin will attract good luck. Gold (silver, historical) will act like a powerful magnet. If you are interested in foreign exchange earnings, then take a foreign coin. On the whole, the idea is probably clear. At midnight, they say the following seven times for a coin: “I collect the light of the sun, I send it into a coin. Let it spread the rays, collect the clients. My black longing-sadness, bottomless poverty, go away forever. In the hands of my wealth is a star! From now on, the chests are bursting with good, troubles and sufferings are not remembered! Amen!"

Ritual in the retail space

As a rule, people practice magic in secluded places. This is convenient, of course. Not everyone has enough strength to influence large groups of people, so to speak, remotely. If you want conspiracies and ceremonies on trade to have a more serious impact, then conduct them right in the trading room. This is how, for example, you can turn to your personal heavenly assistant. Calculate the visual focus of your retail space. To this point and address. The words are: “I appeal to the spirit of trade! I need help now! My luck lies on your trade roads! Bring me to her, marry me, tie us two! I will trade with luck. And you, spirit, undertake to lead buyers to us! Amen!" This conspiracy must be paid for. Give money to the beggar or give a discount to the poor. Just the same hour, don't wait for a reason.

Conspiracy for goods

Sometimes it is necessary to apply magical effects to material objects. People often jump to conclusions. They think that the ceremony will open golden streams from the sky right from the first minute. Not getting such results, they are disappointed. They begin to look for a conspiracy to trade in action, focusing on the last word. It is then recommended to gradually learn magic. Talk about things from your product to convince your stubborn brain of the effectiveness of the rituals. Here are the words: “The Lord's slave (name) strokes his product (name), gets along with the buyer. Stretch in a string. They will look around and praise, add the price, take away from each other. You merchants do not fight, you will agree with my price. I iron - I get along. Amen!" Naturally, it is really necessary to stroke the thing that is for sale with your left hand. Good luck!

Nowadays, buyers are so picky that it becomes more and more difficult to be a seller. It's no secret that magic rituals for good luck in trade help to improve sales and attract real buyers. Surely you heard about the effectiveness of conspiracies from Vanga to trade in order to attract people. In our article you will find strong trade conspiracies, find out under what conditions they are carried out and whether the consequences are possible after their application.


Any conspiracy is a magical means to achieve the desired goals. In order to quickly and profitably sell any product, there are conspiracies for good trade that must be read every day before the store opens. By observing the special rules for conducting magical rituals, you will achieve success.

  • To multiply cash flows and increase profits, ceremonies performed in the morning or afternoon if there are no specific recommendations.
  • The effectiveness of the ritual performed will be depend on your faith... Do not doubt your success, and everything will work out.
  • Much depends on the state of the moon. For profit perform the ceremony on the growing moon... There are rituals performed on the waning moon.
  • The best days for reading good luck conspiracies are considered wednesday and saturday... They also need to be read before every major trade.
  • All magic words are pronounced independently, all alone. Be attentive and do not tell anyone about what you have done.
  • For your business to thrive, you need more than love your job, but also your customers.

We offer you simple magic rituals that will help you in the sale of any products and things. Take it seriously, otherwise there is no point in doing it.

Read the workplace trade conspiracy

Crystals of sugar and salt are capable of storing information embedded in them and influencing events. Therefore, ceremonies with their use remain popular to this day. In order to attract buyers, you can perform a sugar ritual... It is performed directly in the room where you work after sunset.

  • Take a pinch of sugar in your right hand and read the words above it:

  • Repeat the text three times, and then scatter around the corners and walls of the room.

The result will be visible the very next day... This method is absolutely safe, since it does not affect the human energy system and is used quite often.

Read the conspiracy for good store trade

Many turn to the saints for help in sales. There are many prayers on this topic. For example, St. John of Sochavsky himself during his lifetime was a merchant, his icon and the text of the prayer can be bought in the church. The image of the Mother of God "The Contester of the Breads" is prayed for for successful trade. Nikolay the Pleasant brings good luck in business. And if you need to pay off debts, pray to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. He helps even in the most difficult situations.

We offer you a simple ceremony using holy water and the icon of Christ the Savior and the Archangel Michael. Also you need three church candles... Perform the ritual on Wednesday, on the waning moon, at your workplace.

  • Light candles, place them in front of the icons, place a container with holy water next to it.
  • Read the prayer "Our Father" and cross yourself.
  • Then say:

  • Now cross the holy water three times and read the second part of the text:

  • Sprinkle the goods with spellbound water.

This rite belongs to white magic, so it cannot harm you. Do not forget that the ritual will be beneficial if your conscience is clear and you work honestly.

Read the salt conspiracy for good trade

The well-known seer Vanga advised attracting luck to salt. For this simple ceremony, you need fine salt. It is done in the morning before the opening of the store on the waxing moon.

  • Stand at the place where you sell the goods, take a pinch of salt and cast the spell:

  • Then, throw the salt over your left shoulder.

This simple —plot of luck — will allow you to improve your trading and increase your sales. It can be done every day.

Poppy conspiracy for trade

Poppy is used in home magic, serves as a protection and amulet. This ancient plant is a symbol of fertility and good life. And the consecrated poppy has powerful power and retains its properties throughout the year. We suggest you conduct a magic ritual using the seeds of this plant. It is done on Thursday, on the waxing moon.

Whoever steps on my poppy will buy all the goods.

  • Sprinkle a small amount of poppy seeds around your work area.

Talk poppy needed once a month and sprinkle them on the place of work every day.

Honey trade conspiracy

Many ceremonies were used by our ancestors using honey. It is believed that the greatest effect can be obtained by performing the ritual. full moon... Follow these steps before starting.

  • Take a spoonful of honey and say these words over it:

  • Repeat three times and eat honey.
  • Spit over your left shoulder.

This rite is still used today to attract buyers and successful trade.

Coin Trade Conspiracy

One of the best items for attracting money is the coin. It is from one coin that wealth begins to form. There are many that must be followed, observing all the rules. For the next effective magic ritual, you will need a 5-ruble coin. Perform the ceremony at the place where you work.

  • On the waxing moon, speak the following to the coin:

  • After reading it, put it in your wallet and carry it with you always.
  • After a month, the ritual should be repeated.

This rite also applies to white magic and will not cause negative consequences. but do not overuse magic rituals for coins. In the case when a person cannot get enough of funds, excessive hobby can lead to loss of health or problems in the family.

A conspiracy to eliminate a competitor and attract profits in trade

If you are successful and your business is thriving, you may be envious. If you notice that various problems and difficulties begin, we will tell you how get rid of competitors in trade by conspiracy. To do this, you will need an icon of Jesus Christ, a church candle and holy water. It is better to carry out the ritual in the middle of the lunar cycle.

  • Light three candles in front of the icon and put a glass of holy water.
  • Cross yourself and say the "Our Father" prayer.
  • Read the prayer.

  • Now say the magic words over a glass of water:

  • Drink the water in small sips.

The water will absorb your energy, so focus and be mindful. All prayers and conspiracies are best read by heart.

Trade conspiracy read on the waning moon

If you want to be successful in trading, try the following Waning Moon ritual. For this you you need an old rag and an unnecessary key.

  • Use a rag to wipe dust in your work area or floor, but do not soak it in water.
  • Wrap the key in it.
  • Cast the spell:

  • Now, throw the package into the river or lake.

Even if your affairs are stagnant, you will notice how they become improve sales and increase profits.

All conspiracies are selected individually. Using the rituals presented in the article, you can attract good luck and achieve well-being. In love magic, rituals are used against the destruction of the family, for the return of a loved one or the attraction of a groom. There are also against various diseases. It all depends on the specific life situation in which it is necessary to apply this or that ritual. Remember that the word has tremendous power, your well-being will depend on your faith in the ritual being performed. Have you used conspiracies? Tell us about your experience.

A Whisper to Trade is a short conspiracy that can be spoken at any time. This kind of conspiracies came to us from antiquity. Previously, women read different whispers, doing the usual homework, so that everything came out okay and smoothly. In essence, a whisper is voicing your desire.

What is the difference from conspiracy texts

A whisper and a conspiracy should not be confused. Whispers can be uttered whenever your heart desires, but conspiracies are tied to a specific day of the week and time of day. Also, they do not read the whisper on objects, water, and so on, but pronounce it in order to convey their desires to the higher powers. Not only the text itself is important, but also the correct pronunciation:

  • you need to clearly pronounce every word;
  • the better you learn to focus on the end, the faster the action will manifest.

People working in the field of trade know very well that there are "fishy" days when there is no end of customers, but sometimes there is no bargaining and that is all. In such a case, you need whispers for a successful trade. Think of a product that is not for sale and imagine that a person finally arrives wanting to buy it, then whisper in an undertone.

Before the start of the working day

Before the start of the working day, they usually read whispers about a successful trade for good earnings. To do this, all goods should be overshadowed with the banner of the cross and said:

“I am a merchant, my buyer is a fine fellow. I have a product - he has money. A person does not bargain, does not find fault, whatever I offer, he likes. "

Turning to face the sun, cross yourself three times. Open a store and you will see how literally in the morning customers will flock to the store in a crowd. When the first person comes in and takes one of the bargaining items, turn away and say:

"Look, turn it over and just buy it right away."

It is very important to have time to say this while the person is holding the thing in his hands. Such a whisper awakens people's interest in your product, even if it is exactly the same two meters away, it is a few rubles cheaper.

After sale

“Money to money. Buyer by buyer. Our goods are on sale, money is being strictly calculated. "

It is best if the first buyer gives you money on account. This means that your whispers of a successful trade in the store before the start of the working day worked, and today you will be lucky in your trade affairs all day long. In order to set the right mood for the whole day in the morning, just wake up, look out the window, at the rising sun and say the words:

“I went out into the street, wherever I went, they couldn't refuse me anywhere. I am a merchant with a crown on my head. As soon as people come to the full store, it will immediately be empty. My product is good, its price is not one penny. "

How to lure customers

Whispers for a successful trade will help lure more customers to the store and quickly sell your products. Whispers of a successful trade are especially relevant, when very few people come and for the most part are only interested, and not buying. To correct your desperate situation, before starting the work day, go out on the porch, clap your hands and rub your pockets with them with the words:

“Oh yes, merchant, what a fine fellow. I sold all the goods, I collected a bag of money. He traded in the bazaar, but he over-traded everyone. "

After that, go to work, because soon clients will come running to your point. Following each person, say:

"I bought the product, showed it to my friends, one came, now bring two friends."

So that the store is always crowded, passing by a large anthill, look at it and say:

"How many ants there are in the anthill, there are so many people in my store."

If on a certain day very few buyers appeared at your outlet, then before leaving the workplace say:

“Slowly and surely. I am walking towards success measuredly, today one buyer has come, tomorrow he will bring the second one. Money will find its way to me. "

To have good revenue

You can perform a ritual with Thursday salt. It is harvested before Easter, on Maundy Thursday, and is consecrated in a church church. Going to work in the morning, throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder and speak in a whisper:

“As the treasury is full and the bins are full, so my heart is calm. May it always be so. "

So that luck never turns away, and the revenue becomes even greater, at night, looking at the starry sky, say in a half-whisper: “How many stars are in the sky, so much money is in my treasury. As the month passes clear over them, so I want over my buyers and offer the goods. Nobody bargains as much as they give. They don't know what to do with money, let them just carry it to me. "

When you start cutting cabbage, say the following:

“I chop the cabbage with a knife, add money to my wallet. Gold flows like a river to me, and goods bring only joy to people. Customers in the store are like wasps in a nest of aspens. "

How to sell a stale item

People say that every product has its own buyer. In order for this buyer to come as soon as possible, you should stroke the stale thing with your hand and say:

“When a buyer came in and was stunned, when he saw the goods, he bought everything at once. And the product is good, and the seller is good. "

To sell a defective product, utter this whisper:

“I went to the market, a swarm of wasps followed me. I sold all my goods. You took the goods to me and gave me the money. "

How to sell cattle

People trade in various goods. Many are selling livestock. To sell pets faster, read this whisper while looking directly into the animal's eyes:

“As I raised you, cared for and cherished, so now other people's hands will take you and will also take care of you. As there is a full of water in the well, and in the fields of grass, so you will know neither thirst, nor hunger, nor cold. "

In order not to give the animal into the wrong hands, while feeding, say the following words:

“As I pampered you, so other people's hands will pamper you. As honey bees have sweet honey, you will live sweetly. "

How to sell real estate

Selling real estate often causes problems. Not everyone is able to sell their homes or land at once. There are also whispers to sell real estate quickly. When you wash your home before selling, say the words:

“How sweet and loving it was for me to live here, so buyers will not be able to pass by calmly. They will go into the house, the first will look, the second will be interested, the third will buy. "

There is also a belief that says:

"Whoever walks around his house three times in a matter of days will find a buyer."

This whole ritual is performed in a special way. Do not forget to whisper magic words. When stopping in every corner, bow to your home and thank you for the happy moments you have spent there.

The possession should be bypassed clockwise, saying:

“As I lived happily, so others will live happily here. As before I could not live without this place, so now others cannot. They will come, have a look and buy ”.

So that evil, picky people do not come, they read this whisper:

“I am a merchant, well done, I have God's crown over me. Only kind people come to me. They don't leave without a purchase. The price is not bargained for, the price for which I sell, for which they buy ”.

You can also whisper into the open window:

“Like a breeze, it flew by, plucked leaves from the trees, carried them around. So my message was scattered. The buyers rushed, they quickly bought my house. "

How to trade exclusive

Today, at the peak of popularity are exclusive things made with your own hands. The work is quite expensive and not everyone will understand how difficult it is to do these things. Often, aspiring salespeople fail in such businesses. Here whispers will come to the rescue for a successful handicraft trade.

Final part

The profitability of the whole business depends on good trading. For a long time, noble merchants used conspiracies and whispers that attract money, buyers and help solve everyday problems. With the help of such simple rituals, you can significantly increase sales and make your business more profitable.

The main thing in such rituals is faith and the ability to clearly articulate your desire. When uttering a whisper, you need to think about how your wish will come true. With special words, you send a signal to the universe. If everything is done correctly, the higher powers will definitely mark your efforts and fulfill all your desires.

It is not necessary to memorize the texts given in the descriptions by heart. You can ask the Universe for what you need. The main thing is to pronounce the words clearly. Thoughts are material, and like is always attracted to like - always follow these rules in trading and your business will be profitable.

Rituals and conspiracies for trade and good business help merchants to quickly and profitably sell any product... In order for trading to be successful and the luck that promotes you in trading allows you to trade quickly and with the greatest profit, you need every day before opening, read the strongest conspiracy on your own and conduct a rite of passage for the salt trade... To attract customers, salt should be taken from the salt shaker every time everything that is in the salt shaker at home. In the morning before the opening of the store (retail outlet), take the salt you brought with you in your hand and throw it with your right hand over your left shoulder, quickly saying conspiracy to trade:

On foot, on wheels, all come here:
Here you have a place, food and water.
Your money is for me, and my goods for you.

After that, open up and give the first customer a small discount. Every day, reading the salt conspiracy for a successful and good trade, your business will quickly go up and trade will go more briskly every day.

© Copyright: Maginya

  • There is a very old and powerful conspiracy to increase profits for business growth. You need to read the money conspiracy that attracts money and attracts rich buyers on your own. Immediately after the monetary ceremony, you will feel how well all the goods will start to disperse, and the profit from sales will go into rapid growth, increasing the trade turnover in the business. When everyone is gone

  • The best and strongest conspiracy for good luck in trade in order to attract buyers and big money Vanga revealed a money conspiracy for successful trade and warding off the evil eye for honey and holy water, which must be read independently at a retail outlet every third day of the month, regardless of the moon and its state, even if you get sick and you don't have the strength to go to work, you can not miss the money

  • Conspiracies and prayers for brisk trade and business will bring daily increases in sales. The seller who performed the rite to make the trade go better will quickly grow profits, after reading a conspiracy or prayer, you can sell what you need quickly and profitably. Prayer for brisk bargaining helps lure the buyer by quickly selling the item. If, after prayer, you read a conspiracy for brisk trade from

  • To improve trade quickly and successfully sell all goods, Wang advised reading this ancient conspiracy of successful merchants attracts a buyer and turns any sale into a brisk sale of goods. Also, to improve sales, any seller in a store or tent should have an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker helped to raise business and improve sales, sales grows significantly

  • If you want to use magic to make sure that you always have success in trading and the profit from the sale grows, read the old conspiracy of a successful seller. The Good Selling Conspiracy to Attract Buyers should be read every day. The conspiracy will make sure that competitors do not have a trade and buyers queue up for you. Immediately after the ceremony, you will be convinced

  • All sellers know how easy it is to frighten off good luck in trade and jinx the goods, so that the buyer will be "empty". In order for your product to always sell well, to have good trade and to make every customer a regular customer, you need good protection from the evil eye and envy. Trade protection is done once a month on the 19th for the most common nickel. By performing this simple action your product

  • If you need to sell all the goods quickly and with the greatest revenue, take a piece of rye bread with you and when you come to work, where you trade three times, say a conspiracy to trade on bread. After finishing reading the conspiracy of the "good seller", the conspiracy piece of bread must be eaten. You will be surprised how buyers will flow to you and will start buying goods without bargaining, even if the price is from a neighbor

  • The white magic of Vanga recommends reading this strong conspiracy for trade and conducting a special ceremony, after which any product will sell well and very quickly and luck in trade will never leave you. When the success in sales and marketing turned away, sales fell and the buyer walks by, an urgent need to read the conspiracy for good trade told by Wanga. You should

  • The most powerful prayer for trade that was passed by word of mouth and is able to very quickly sell any stale goods with the greatest profit for you. Conspiracy - a prayer for trade can be read as many times as needed (at least every day) and there is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary, after reading a prayer for sale, your business will only flourish and

  • For profit growth and good trading, every day you need to read a conspiracy for honey, which will lure buyers and the implementation will go more fun bringing more money (profit). Those who are constantly engaged in sales know that some sellers have a bad product selling better and customers are constantly queuing up, this is an act of magic. There is no special rite of daring sellers

  • A strong white conspiracy to improve trade that does not have bad consequences will help remove the evil eye and spoilage from the trading place and improve trade. Read the conspiracy - you need to pray for holy water when you come to your workplace. After finishing reading the prayer, fill your mouth with holy water and sprinkle it on the workplace (counter). Pour the remaining water where people (buyers and

The ability to sell profitable at all times saved and helped in life. He who knows how to trade has money. The one who does not know how, always loses! But if the art of selling can be learned, then what about the shifting Fortune? Yesterday she smiled at you, and today only a grin was left from her smile. In addition to the ability to sell, an important role is played by success, which that is, it is not. God knows what he depends on. Another question is that some know how to achieve this very success in any endeavor.

A very strong conspiracy to trade

To carry out this ritual using a conspiracy, you will need the following things:

  1. - a brand new handkerchief (you can just take a new fabric, about 15 by 15 cm in size);
  2. - hairbrush (ideally a comb),
  3. - an ordinary pin.

Please note that both the scallop and the pin must also be new! You will not be able to use a hairbrush, a scarf or a pin just like that. These things are intended only for ritual, therefore, you will use them only before the sale itself.

For example, you are selling a house, a potential buyer called and said that he wants to see your property. What are you doing? You pin a pin to your clothes (from the inside so that you can't see it), wipe your face with a handkerchief, and comb your hair. Everything. Do not use these items anymore until you have to sell something again. After the buyer has left, you hide things so that no one can find them. These are your objects of power that will help you in the future.

The plot itself is read three times on the above items. You can place your handkerchief, comb, and pin on the table while you read. Yes, most importantly, do not forget that before reading the conspiracy, clean all objects with the help of the First Elements. (About how to interact with the Primary Elements, you can)

It is worth remembering one very important point: every single conspiracy and ritual associated with good trade or increasing profits are created on the growing moon and nothing more!

So, in order to carry out this ceremony, you will need to wait until Thursday (remember that the moon must be growing) and early in the morning, literally at dawn, first wipe the dust throughout the house, and then wipe the floor with the same rag.

The conspiracy below is read into the water:

You will rinse a rag in this water. Before each approach to the bucket, read the plot. If the rag has been rinsed five times, then the plot is read five times. Before rinsing. This ceremony helps to attract buyers. It will also help to increase sales. As in any other ritual, your attitude is very important. If you believe, you will receive; if in doubt, you will receive nothing.

When everything is done, the rag needs to be burned. Wait for it to dry out and then burn it.

Fast Trade Conspiracy

Anyone who trades knows very well that having buyers is not a guarantee of success. success consists of many components: quality and assortment of goods, their prices, competent presentation, etc. All this is good, if not great. Yes, only any situation can be improved, for example, by saying the cherished words when the buyer is already in the store, but cannot choose anything or simply cannot decide to buy.

Just tell him: " Take it, we are cheap today».

Any trade will be helped by a strong word. The main thing is to know it and say it correctly. But conspiracies and rituals help trade even better. Oddly enough, but many rituals are quite simple (if not to say - primitive) to perform. However, they give a very good effect.

Here is one of them. It is best to spend it in your store (if you have one, if there is no store, then in the room where you store the goods).

For the ritual, you need grain. Gently pour the grains from one hand to the other, while you yourself read the conspiracy.

After the plot has been read, the grain must be thrown into the field. You need to read it seven times.

For successful trading

There is a fairly old ritual that our ancestors used. It is suitable for those who have their own shop or stall. However, it is also suitable for those who, for example, want to sell their house. You need to wait for the full moon and read the conspiracy over fresh honey. After the words have been said three times, honey must be dripped under the threshold (of a store, a house (if you are selling it) or a garage, if, for example, you are selling a car).

The conspiracy is simple, but very effective:

Conspiracy from the evil eye of profits

Probably, you have more than once, if not stacked yourself, then hear from people that until some time everything went well, the goods were sold well, there was no end to the buyers, and then someone said something and that's it. went through the stump-deck. Someone has jinxed your affairs.

There is one beautiful conspiracy that saves from this scourge. Here are his words:

Read this conspiracy on the WANING Moon. See, don't mix anything up. They read it into the water, then sprinkle with this water what needs to be sold.

Another strong evil eye conspiracy in sales

Rite of passage to improve trade

In this rite you will need salt and water. Only salt is not any, but coarse grinding without any additives, including without iodine. First you read the conspiracy to salt, and then to water, here are his words:

“Everyone who walks by is drawn to me. I have salt and water, and the goods they need ”!

You read nine times for water and nine times for salt. Then, half of the water is poured under the threshold (at home or in a store). Once the water has been absorbed, add salt. sprinkle the remaining water on your product.

All this is done on the waxing moon. This ceremony is done no more than once every forty days.

In rituals for good trade, Primary Elements are very often used, for example, Fire or Water. In this case, you will need to take Living Water, read how to make it.

This ritual was shared by one of our subscribers. The feedback on it is very positive. Well, in any case, even if we personally have not heard anything about this ritual before, you can try it. Try it too. Then share your impressions. Did you succeed or not?

The downside of the ritual is that it is performed in warm weather; you cannot do it in winter. So, in order to carry out the ritual, you need to go to nature. There you need to find an anthill. When you find it, stand next to it and observe where most of the ants are rushing to their house. On the side where there are more ants, you will need to collect some earth, which must be placed in a previously prepared bag of red cotton cloth.

When you fill the earth in the bag, read the conspiracy:

Luck is a capricious thing. Today she is, and tomorrow her trace is gone. This rite helps to keep luck in your hands, at least for some sales.

For the ritual you will need: honey, Living Water and a new handkerchief.

For water (about half a glass) read the conspiracy (three times), then dissolve a little honey in this water and read the conspiracy three more times. After that, soak a cloth in water and wipe your face with it. Let this "mask" remain on your face for at least fifteen minutes.

When fifteen minutes have passed, you can wash up. The rite of passage for good trade is done on the waxing moon, on Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday or Saturday).

Morning ritual for a good income

Do not be lazy every morning aloud or silently, read the conspiracy. It's very simple. In fact, you can apply not only to Nicholas the Pleasant, but to any Saint or any Higher Powers in which you believe.

We want to show you, using the example of Nikolai Ugodnik, how exactly you can ask:

Nicolae The Pleasant!
Please send me today and always good luck in my business affairs.

Thank your patron every evening for helping you. Remember that Gratitude is the most important thing!

Anyone who has stood at the counter at least once has had the chance that the buyer did not take change. It is clear that we are not talking about large amounts, but this is not important. The fact itself is important. This ceremony is done on the change left to you by the buyer.

It is generally accepted that this lease can not only attract new buyers, but also increase income. So, if you were left with change, then in no case interfere with it with the rest of the money. Set it aside immediately. When you come home, light a candle and say three times over the change:

Remember that whenever you are given change, perform this ritual over it. And then put this money in a separate wallet. You cannot spend them. They like a magnet will attract new customers and new money to you.

A ritual for a good deal

This conspiracy is read on the day when you need to sell something big, something global. A conspiracy is read in the morning dawn, standing with bare feet on the threshold of your own house.

Conspiracy for good luck in trade

The author of this conspiracy is Natalya Stepanova, a Siberian healer who needs no introduction. This conspiracy must be read directly above the product, baptizing it. Of course, remember that the moon must grow.

So, holding the mirror in your right hand, you need to cross the product (what you want to sell). Baptize three times and at the same time say:

This ritual is created on the first day of the month or the first day of the week. It is important to remember that the moon is currently growing.

This ritual is done only once a year. We need to wait for autumn and go to the forest. In the forest you need to find a tree (ideally, an aspen, but if it is not there, then you can ask for another tree). First you need to hug the tree and ask for it and help, then you need to gently shake it. When leaves begin to fly from the tree, you need to read the plot. Here are his words:

When you get home, turn the broom over (if you don't have one, then you need to buy a new one) with the words:

As soon as you feel that something has gone wrong, that something is wrong, then immediately read such a conspiracy.