The woman leaves silently and forever. How to lose a woman once and for all. Make sex your only expression of love

Women's patience and love sometimes tend to end, and then the usual “I adore you” is replaced by “Goodbye, dear”. The reason for such a sharp change in mood is not always associated with the appearance of a rival - a variety of factors can bring the other half to radical measures. How to understand in time that your beloved is ready to leave you once and for all, says psychologist Anna Khnykina.


When a woman realizes that it is time to leave, she perfectly understands that a difficult conversation awaits her ahead. Of course, you just want to get up and leave without memories, division of property, tears and torment. The very fact that it is necessary to discuss this issue with the other half is often frightening.

Against this background, many women consciously, and some unconsciously, begin to provoke quarrels. After all, if during one of such conflicts a man does not hold back and slaps her in the face, it will be much easier to pack a suitcase and leave. This is a kind of legal and shortest way to get rid of a boring relationship.


Boredom, which you also notice, is another bad sign. The first thing a woman does is lose the fire in her eyes. She stops giving warmth, becomes emotionless, closes off from you and the outside world. Similar signs can often be observed in those who have not been loved for a long time. Such a woman needs to be woken up, stirred up: buy flowers, hug, maybe take somewhere or just say something nice.

But if suddenly a fire appears in her eyes and it is not directed at you, it is highly likely that soon the woman will physically leave (internally, she has one foot outside the door). By the way, this very fire does not always appear thanks to another man.

You get in the way

The two of you are downright sick 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The most interesting thing is that often a man does not read this information. It even happens that a woman openly declares this to him: "I'd rather sit with a friend, but don't bother us, dear."

No plans

The woman broadcasts to you: “I don’t want to be with you,” “I’m not interested in you.” Of course, it happens that initially he loves kayaking, and she loves sunbathing for days on the beach and shopping. This does not mean that you urgently need to plunge into the hobbies of the second half. No. The main thing is that after the hike and the beach, people still unite for some common cause. For example, they like to water tomatoes together in the country. Perfectly! You can find the time and opportunity to first relax for everyone according to their interests, and then it comes to tomatoes. But, if he and she only have their own interests, this is a dangerous symptom.

Behavior change

You notice that the manner in which you are treated has changed. Respect and care disappear in intonations, neglect, familiarity and detachment come in their place. And at the same time you turn from “beloved” into “Ivanov”.

The woman doesn't hold on to you

A woman who loses interest in you begins to break the usual ties: go somewhere together, sleep, walk - all this she no longer needs. At the same time, when you leave her somewhere (for example, to a meeting with friends, to go fishing), she does not react with the usual phrase: “Where are you going?”. No objections and reproaches, instead, the second half also helps you collect your bags.

But that's not always a bad sign. Sometimes this behavior accompanies the onset of maturity, when a person becomes an individual and begins to understand the value of personal space and loneliness. This usually happens closer to 40 years and does not always mean a break in the relationship.

Lack of intimacy

Lack of desire and interest in intimacy. A woman does not initiate sex, moreover, she stops your initiative: “I’m tired,” “my head hurts,” etc. This does not necessarily indicate that she has someone else, it just suggests that she does not specifically want you. Such refusals on an ongoing basis are also a symptom.

Interestingly, some women may not refuse sex, even wanting to leave a man. Why not take advantage of a nice moment, especially if no one is around right now? Moreover, some divorced couples sometimes continue to engage in intimate relationships.

It doesn't matter for a woman whether you have clean shirts, whether you are full, she may not even meet you after work in the hallway to kiss. All these little things, which seem natural at the beginning of a relationship, are actually very indicative in the 5-7-20 years of marriage.

Asymptomatic care

Everything described above is the loss of contact, the bonds that hold us together like hooks. If a couple, by tacit, mutual agreement, has long lived without them (for example, it is so convenient for them), then, of course, there is a high probability that one fine day "for no reason or reason" a woman will collect her things and simply leave, or offer you to leave ...

In fact, this situation cannot be asymptomatic. The point is, most likely, that you have either resigned yourself, or consciously do not want to notice the obvious things. It is naive to live with a person for years without warmth, participation in his life, and think that both are happy with it.

All of the above points indicate the danger of a rupture only in a complex, because in fact a woman leaves only when she really gets up and says goodbye to you. At this moment, nothing can be done except to close the door behind her. If you notice any of these signs (or even all), but the woman is still with you - this means that all is not lost, you can still do something to make her stay. But remember that the bomb is ticking slowly.

If life with a man under one roof has become unbearable, you need to leave. Psychologists do not recommend thinking about who is to blame. It is more reasonable in such a situation to think about how to leave your husband. Statistics show that it can take quite a long time from the moment of the first thought to end the relationship until the actual action. Do not try to do it overnight - this behavior can lead to dire consequences. First you need to understand whether a break is really necessary. Talk to your husband about the backlog of problems. If you understand that he does not want to correct the situation, moreover, beats you or humiliates you, you do not need to stay with him.

Significant reasons for divorce

There are several circumstances in which the decision to end a relationship is reasonable and even necessary.

  1. The husband drinks or uses drugs. Living with an addicted person puts her mental and physical health at risk. Under the influence of alcohol or drugs, a man often shows aggression, becomes uncontrollable and can harm his wife and children.
  2. The spouse is constantly cheating. For the sake of preserving the family, many women forgive accidental betrayal. But if the spouse is constantly cheating and does not even hide it, such behavior can only be tolerated in the absence of self-respect and pride.
  3. The husband beats. A woman should not tolerate beatings, if the spouse raised his hand once, he will beat you constantly. The only way out is to end the relationship.
  4. The spouse does not want to provide for the family. If he does not work and is not trying to find a job, blaming all the problems on his wife, it is better to end the relationship. A woman is not obliged to support a healthy man.
  5. Lack of love. If you understand that you do not love your spouse, do not want to share the bed with him, you should not portray love and passion.

Regardless of the reasons, the decision to leave your husband requires the right tactics of behavior. This will allow you not to regret what you have done, to make parting less painful for everyone.

How to decide to break up a relationship

Very often women save marriage out of pity. And this is a big mistake. Do not endure beatings, humiliation or indifference, even if you are sure that your husband is not able to live alone. This is your life and you shouldn't waste it. Think about the time when you live with your unloved husband, you could be happily with another partner.

If you are thinking about how to leave your husband, first solve the financial issues. If you are completely dependent on your husband's income, find yourself a job so that you can support your existence. Open a credit card for the worst cases. Learn to plan purchases, you may have to rent a house and many purchases will have to be abandoned.

Child and divorce

If the family has children, they will have to divorce through the courts. It is better to decide in advance the issue of alimony - consult with a lawyer and draw up a mutual agreement. If the spouse does not want to sign it, submit an application for the recovery of alimony along with the claim for divorce.

If you are pregnant and decide to divorce your husband, do not torment yourself with doubts. The possibility of becoming a single mother is intimidating to any girl. But you shouldn't endure humiliating treatment because of this. Get the support of loved ones and friends. When the child grows up, speak respectfully of the father, do not insult him.

How to get away from an alcoholic or a tyrant

If your husband beats you, and you are simply afraid to leave him, after the next hitting, go to the emergency room and record the fact of the beatings. When you tell your spouse about your desire to get a divorce, most likely, he will begin to threaten you with violence. Tell them to go to the police and attach a beating report. His resolve will disappear.

When the husband is drinking, the decision to leave him must be immediate. Don't try to fight a bad habit. Collect all your valuables and move anywhere - to your parents, friends, to the hotel. A person suffering from any form of addiction is unpredictable and capable of anything.

Seek support in the family, do not worry about everything in yourself. It is important to get through the difficult period as calmly as possible. Psychologists recommend speaking out. You can write letters to your spouse, but not send. In them you describe everything that you had to face, how difficult it was for you. Be sure to write a positive letter with good points in mind. Comparison will make it easier to make a decision.

The decision to leave your husband must be deliberate and deliberate. Do not succumb to the first emotions, otherwise you will regret what you have done in the future. It should be understood that breaking up is a serious step.

Talk to your husband about your intention to break up. The conversation should take place in a calm, benevolent tone. It is much easier to get over a divorce if you maintain a friendly relationship with your husband, especially when there are children in the family.

Tell your close friends and family about your upcoming divorce and its reasons. Very often, a woman who wants to leave her husband is faced with misunderstanding and condemnation from others. If no one knows what is happening in your family, your decision can be perceived negatively, up to the complete end of all relationships.

Overcome fear and make plans for the future. Many women are afraid of divorce, as they think that they cannot do without the financial help of their husbands and raise their children on their own. In this case, it is important to believe in yourself and know that any situation is solvable.

For you to do well, a positive attitude is important. Think that divorce is the beginning of a new, happy life. The power of thought is miraculous. The stronger and sincerely you believe that there will be happiness, the faster it will happen.

A few simple tips for men to help you lose your beloved woman once and for all.

"Love is the Greatest Thing in Life".
~ Pablo picasso.

Over the course of time, Picasso's painting style has changed - and each such change can be timed to coincide with a new phase of his life. His blue-green period came after the suicide of his friend Carlos Casagemos, and his pink period coincided with his love for the bohemian artist Fernanda Olivier.

When it comes to creating our own lives, we all become artists, but while we know that love is the greatest gift we can give or receive from someone, it starts to fade over time. The ability to carry it through all the hardships of life, without extinguishing its flame - this is the art that we all should learn.

Once your face and voice are imprinted in a woman's heart, it is not so easy to erase them from there, and often thanks to this, they remain faithful to us for much longer than we deserve. We have all seen such a relationship - as a rule, silently shaking his head and wishing that this intelligent and pretty woman finally abandoned that goat once and for all.

And although most women are not ready to give up their love without at least trying to save this sinking ship, there are several simple ways to lose your beloved woman once and for all:

1.Forget all the little things like taking her hand or looking into her eyes.
Often women fall in love with seemingly completely insignificant little things. After watching romantic films, one might think that the path to a woman's heart lies through grandiose acts performed on a theatrical scale, but in fact, it is much easier for little things to penetrate into her soul and stay there. Just by taking her hand - for no reason at all - or by looking into her eyes during a conversation, they can let her know that you really care about her. The touch of her hair, your undivided attention during a conversation and a kiss goodnight - these are the happy moments that she will extract from her memory when you are not around. We all know that the fastest way to kill love is to start taking it for granted, and if you decide to take this path leading to the abyss - start by giving up all the "Little Things" that mean so much to your loved one. Stand with her on this path - and she will not remain on it for long.

2. Do not ask her questions, and even more so, do not try to get to know her better.
Well, yes, it is enough that she is beautiful enough to attract you. Indeed, why would you want to know anything more about her? But if she understands that you really don't know her at all, don't understand at all, and have not shared a single secret with her, she will understand that she is completely indifferent to you, and will leave you - not now, so later. Yes, for a while you can keep her close by constant compliments to her beauty, but women are smart, and sooner or later she will see the emptiness lurking behind the compliments. Yes, it is important for her to know that she is attracted to you physically, but if this is the only thing that attracts you to her, how are you better than everyone else who met on her way? But there was no place for them in her heart.

4. Don't even dare let her get closer to you.
As soon as she starts asking you leading questions and asking about intentions, bristle like a hedgehog. Do not even think to remember that many women, burnt in milk, now blow on water. When a woman begins to truly fall in love, she often takes half a step back and carefully checks your words, actions and motives to make sure that you are really the one, the only one. And no matter how long you have been together - a month, a year, a dozen years - she will never stop testing you. And if you want her to stay with you, you will let her do it. And if she asks awkward questions and tests your love for strength - you know, it's not about you, but about the fact that she wants to become even closer to you.

5. Consider any slip of the tongue as a personal insult, and treat it like an enemy.
We all have made mistakes, we all have our fears and weaknesses, but if you do not heal your mental wounds, you will most likely explode with a stream of anger in response to even the most innocent remarks, looking for hidden - and always worse - meaning in them. ... So go ahead, instead of trying to deal with your negativity, throw it out on your loved one as if he is your enemy, every word of which is aimed at insulting and humiliating your dignity. Do just that, and soon you will get rid of this "Enemy".

6. Don't think of her as special and don't even let her think that she is your woman.
It's very important not to limit yourself in anything, right? Well, don't limit it - flirt with other women every day and openly, and try to only have regular sex with your loved one. Intimacy is something that connects only two, something that cannot be shared with others, a look into the very soul of a loved one. So why bind yourself like that? Flirt on social networks, send playful SMS to your friends, in general, make sure that absolutely nothing special connects you with your loved one - only sex from time to time. Over time, she will certainly turn into just another girlfriend who once was not averse to sleeping with you.

7. Make sex the only expression of your love.
Stop kissing her just like that. Do this only when you want to crawl under her skirt - so that she knows that if she is not in the mood, then the kiss can not be answered. Don't hug her outside the bedroom, and forget to flirt with her and seduce her every day, as you have done before - but always expect her to be passionate in bed.

8. Stop joking and making her laugh.
Humor is often the glue that ultimately holds couples together. So start acting very seriously and treat any joke - or even a hint of it - as silly and childish. Diligently ignore any funny little things that can make you both smile - it is best to do this, trying to be around her as little as possible. Instead of spending time with your loved one and laughing at his jokes, do something really important to you - and over time she will give up and leave, allowing you to completely devote yourself to necessary, important, and most importantly, serious matters.

9. While spending time with her, do not take your eyes off the phone.
Remember - your free time and attention is much more important than her time and attention. Know that your beloved woman will be very happy to sit quietly in front of you and watch how you answer very important SMS and make calls that simply cannot wait until tomorrow. Remember - she doesn't allow herself to do the same simply because she doesn't have any important things to do. Keep up the good work and sooner or later she will leave you alone with your phone. Forever and ever.

In many ancient texts, the authors limited their lists of important things to the number 9. Perhaps I will follow their example. In any art there comes a time when it is time to stop thinking about what you want to create and start creating. Unfortunately, many of us believe that in love it is enough to make an effort at the very beginning, and then let everything take its course, forgetting that in love, as in any art, you need to constantly practice. But everyday practice will allow us to turn our love into a true masterpiece that can be admired forever.

At first glance, this seems difficult. After all, women tend to love in such a way that their feelings last much longer than they should. Don't you have a girlfriend (or maybe you yourself) that you just can't get to forget your ex?

And while most women don't let go of their feelings so easily, there are still several ways to permanently lose the woman you love:

1. Stop doing little things like taking her hand and looking into her eyes.

Women just fall in love with such little things, although romantic films can inspire us that we need some kind of sweeping gestures. Suddenly taking her hand, looking into her eyes while talking, touching her hair, not being distracted by anyone else, kissing her on the forehead - all this is much more important to her than some chic romantic dinners and gifts.

We all know that the quickest way to kill love is to take a person for granted, and these nice little things usually go away first. Forget about such moments and soon you will lose your woman.

2. Don't ask her questions or try to get to know her.

Let her beauty and what you think she has to offer grab your attention. But as soon as she realizes that you don’t know her at all, don’t understand and don’t even try to find out that you don’t give a damn about her soul, she will leave. Women immediately feel the emptiness of your relationship.

3. Don't listen to her when she talks to you, or better yet, interrupt her when she pours out her soul to you, trying to teach her or solve her problems.

Women solve their problems when they tell others about them. But not in order to hear advice and guidance, but in order to talk over the problem, in order to give vent to emotions. But if you don't listen to her, she won't be able to take that long.

4. Don't let her feel safe and relaxed in the relationship.

You shut down when a woman tries to get to know you better. She wants to test how real and promising your relationship is. And if a man wants to keep this woman, he is ready for it, because he knows that he has nothing to hide.

5. Take everything as attack and criticism and respond to the woman with anger and defensiveness.

We've all been hurt, we all have fears, but if you haven't dealt with all this before your new relationship, then everything will be like salt on a wound. Ignore your problems and react to everything she does as if it is an attack on your personality and masculinity, and your problems will remain with you forever, but the woman will not.

6. Don't make it special.

Keep your options open, keep only intimate intimacy with her, but not in any way emotional or psychological. Let her know that she is the same as everyone else, that there is only sex between you, and soon she will dissolve among your other options.

7. Make sex your only expression of love.

Stop kissing her for no reason, just to initiate sex. Don't show feelings for her outside the bedroom, flirt with her, or seduce her without waiting.

8. Stop joking and making her laugh.

A sense of humor helps couples get through difficulties. Start taking everything too seriously and taking every joke as a personal insult. Allow yourself to be too busy with life and ignore all sorts of nonsense that you used to laugh at together. And soon she will give you enough personal space that you thought you needed.

9. Always sit on the phone when you are with her.

Remember that your time and attention are much more important than hers, and trust that she doesn't need anything else but to sit across from you at the table and watch you check your phone. And you will not notice how soon no one will be sitting in front of you, but your phone will be with you.