Dating rich women. Dating Wealthy Men: How to Marry a Millionaire Where You Can Meet Wealthy Men

An article about where and how to meet a rich man.
About where meet a man a lot has already been written. But having a very large and successful experience in this, I consider it my duty to contribute to the topic of where to meet the guy of my dreams. So, you have already read many books and articles on how to be irresistible, how to please a man, what to talk about with him, how to behave on the first and subsequent dates, and how to maintain and develop your relationship. But the smallest is missing. HIS. The one who will give you true love, the happiness of family life and harmony. Or IH. Those who will give you bright and unforgettable emotions, as well as a trip to Mauritius, a Hermes bag and Damiani earrings. In general, it does not matter what kind of man or men you are interested in dating at the moment. The main thing is that you are interested in Dating. Below I will give a list of the most promising places to meet successful and wealthy men.

1. Internet, Internet and more Internet This is number ONE on my list today. A lot has already been said and written about this, but still a huge number of girls still do not believe in the opportunity to meet worthy men on the Internet. And now, WARNING! There is a HUGE number of smart, interesting, successful and, most importantly, free and single men on the Internet! I state this on the basis of rich personal experience, as well as the experience of my close friends. With the help of the Internet, I met very interesting and worthy men. Among them were two multimillionaires. (Yes, yes, a multimillionaire, but where do you think very busy and rich people meet, who move along the same route work - home - work?!). And at least two of my friends are married to young people whom they met on the Internet. If they succeeded, why can't you? In fact, when hearing about online dating, many people think only about a dating site. Now I want to write a few words about other alternatives to online dating, namely: forums, community sites, social networks, chats, diaries, blogs. There are a huge number of interest forums: forums for cyclists, BMW lovers, Feng Shui experts, and environmentalists. Decide what area of ​​life you are interested in and go ahead! Find a forum on your favorite topic in all the multitude of the Internet, while the forum should be made professionally, with the ability to post an avatar photo (do not put any funny pictures, etc., only your most beautiful photo should be on the avatar!). After that, you will have to become an active commentator and author of numerous forum posts. So you will attract attention to yourself, and over time, the one for whom you actually registered on this forum will appear. Also remember, when choosing the topic of the forum, think about who more women or men will be on the forum with such topics. Try to choose topics that are interesting for men.

2. Car clubs Dating by car in different variations is becoming more and more popular. But if you are not the owner of a steel horse, do not rush to get upset. This method is for everyone! In almost any city there are a lot of clubs of fans of this or that brand - Mitsubishi club, Subaru club, etc. (You can find more detailed information about clubs in your city in the search engine). As a rule, various events are held in all these clubs, as well as regular meetings in cafes and bars. To come to such a meeting, you do not have to show a driver's license, as well as documents for a car. But keep in mind, there will really be a lot of talk about cars at such meetings, so to be completely sure, you can invite a car enthusiast friend or friend, brother, neighbor, classmate with you, whose knowledge is enough at least to know which side the brake and gas are on . And of course, you will feel much more confident if, before going to such a meeting, you still devote some time to studying the basic properties of the car, and also read about the features of the car brand whose fans you are going to meet. It is also a good move at a meeting to pretend to be a potential buyer of a car and ask in detail about the pros and cons of this brand from the prettiest guy at the meeting.

3. Courses, classes, trainings The closeness of interests and the same hobbies can incredibly bring together and make friends even strangers. And psychologists have already said a lot about the benefits of having a common hobby for couples in love. So I propose to kill two birds with one stone, or maybe three. First, courses are a great place to meet new people. Secondly, you get to know like-minded people, which already initially gives you a head start for developing romantic relationships, and thirdly, you gain additional knowledge and broaden your horizons, which makes you an even more interesting person. But here, as in the previous method, the main thing is to choose the topics of classes that are of interest to men. As an example, I can give courses in public speaking, business English (German, etc.), management courses, MBA courses, courses for directors, producers, forex club, as well as all courses related to sports. Also pay special attention to short-term trainings and seminars on personal development, performance improvement, resource management and time management. As a rule, participants in such courses are ambitious and aspiring people who have already achieved some success in life. And of course, the rule “the more expensive the training (seminar), the more high-quality contingent will attend it” applies here. I understand that it is not always possible to afford such expensive trainings, but you can find alternative ways: ask the management at work for payment (or partial payment) for professional courses / trainings, agree on payment in installments for such training with the organizers, join an organization and a club, whose participants are provided with significant discounts on such trainings .. if you set a goal, you can also find relatively inexpensive trainings attended by successful people. Well, the obligatory conditions for the success of dating in such courses or trainings are active participation, questions to teachers, participation in discussions, etc. You must be seen and heard! Prepare questions and interesting proposals in advance. And finally, if you work in an international company, then surely your company is already a member of such an international organization as the EBA (European Business Association), which very often holds various meetings, and there are free courses for employees of companies that are members of this organization. Be sure to ask your HR or marketing department about this. It may turn out that your company is a member of other equally interesting organizations. Find out all about the social events held by such organizations.

4. National holidays, receptions, exhibitions, embassy parties If you live in a fairly large city, then surely in your city there are a large number of all kinds of public organizations, clubs, communities. And all of them from time to time hold meetings, events, as well as celebrations, which you can get to even without being a member of such an organization. So, start, for example, Chamber of Commerce (website: This organization holds at least once a month a variety of open format meetings by appointment. You will find more detailed information on the website. The contingent at such meetings is the most diverse, but as a rule there is always a large number of top management of international companies, which is already quite good. The main thing is to be active! Stock up on business cards and go. The advantage of this dating format is that you can calmly introduce yourself first and offer to exchange business cards, supposedly in order to expand the circle of business acquaintances .. well, then all the cards are in your hands, try to make the most favorable impression and keep the conversation going for at least a few minutes and stay in interlocutor (the longer your conversation is, the higher the chances of being remembered!). From my own experience I can say that the success of dating at such events depends only on you!!! If you overcome your shyness and offer to exchange business cards for at least one person, then everything becomes much easier and at the end of the evening you have in your hands a stack of contacts of at least 20 successful men. And believe me, many will be interested in continuing not just a business acquaintance! After such meetings, I receive 2-3 offers to drink coffee, visit a national restaurant or another similar party. So keep it up!!! Also, such events include: buffets after exhibitions (if your company participates in any professional exhibition, ask the marketing department if you can’t go to a buffet after such an exhibition), conversation clubs, charity events, events held by embassies in honor of national holidays, etc. Set a goal and look for information about such events on the Internet.

5. Lobby bars of expensive hotels, business lunches in prestigious restaurants. As for me, not the most effective way, but the good thing is that using this method you can meet really very successful men. Every city has expensive hotels, and all have bars where anyone can have a cup of coffee with a delicious cake. Sometimes the guests of such hotels are very high-ranking officials, owners or managers of multi-million dollar companies, ambassadors, diplomats, stars, athletes, etc. the list is endless. So the habit of occasionally visiting such birrs for a cup of coffee can serve you well. Have you also been to prestigious restaurants for lunch? If so, then she should have been amazed at the incredibly large number of male companies at the tables. A business lunch for many business men is an excellent opportunity to conduct additional negotiations in an informal setting or meet friends who do not have enough time. Complex lunches even in the most prestigious restaurants at least once a week can be afforded even by girls with not very high earnings. The disadvantage of this place of acquaintance is that, as a rule, men are in the middle of a "business day" and all their thoughts are absorbed in work, leaving no room for romantic acquaintances. However, the probability of meeting an interesting man in such places is still very high!

6. Give me a ride Prince Charming on a white horse The method is not suitable for everyone, but in terms of efficiency, for example, it occupies one of the highest positions for me. Are you going to meet your girlfriends on Friday evening or in a cafe with friends and have already picked up the phone to dial a taxi number? Forget! If you are not a resident of a very remote area, where one car appears per hour, then feel free to go outside and catch a car! The more central the area where you will catch the car, the higher the likelihood that you will really be given a ride by a prince in a Lexus, and not by grandfather-? The main thing here is to remember a few rules. First rule: safety first! Don't get into a car with a few guys, drunk or suspicious men, trust your intuition and don't be afraid to refuse a trip if the driver seems suspicious to you! The second rule: if a taxi driver or a falling apart six stops, offer to give you a ride for a very low cost, as a rule, taxi drivers leave, and if they do agree, don’t be upset, you saved money on a taxi anyway and you will definitely be lucky next time! Third - do not expect the prince to stop immediately, sometimes you need to wait 5-10 cars, sometimes more .. it all depends on your perseverance. I will say one thing, there has not yet been a case that I caught a car in the center and a really interesting man did not agree to give me a ride on a 10-12 car, and sometimes the prince can already sit in the first car that stops. The fourth rule is that the more prestigious the area, and even better the restaurant (cafe, cinema, club) near which you catch a car, the higher the likelihood that you will be lucky to meet a really successful man. Good luck!

7. Supermarkets A lot has already been written about this method. But in my personal list of places for dating, he also occupies a leading position and has proven his effectiveness in practice, so I cannot but give him his due place. Again, as in any method, there are little tricks. The first trick: successful men are successful because they devote a lot of time to work, so do not expect to meet them in particularly large numbers during the day on a weekday. Best times are Thursday evenings, Fridays (best), Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Trick two: choose where to shop. I understand that it is much more convenient to shop near your home, BUT, the probability of meeting a really successful person in a mini-market on the outskirts of the city is hundreds of times lower than in the city center, in a prestigious supermarket (in each city, as a rule, there are several favorite supermarkets of the wealthy of people). There is also a very high probability of successful acquaintance in good culinary arts, as well as premium supermarket chains (for example, Furshet-Gourmet), wine boutiques and gourmet shops. Trick three: the longer you spend in the supermarket, the more likely the acquaintance. Walk, look, read, choose, take an interest, consult. I repeat, the longer the better! Trick four: most likely, acquaintances occur in two places in the meat departments and in line at the checkout. In the meat departments, men, as a rule, are completely at a loss and are in dire need of advice - do not be shy, do not wait for a question, if you see a man who has been trying to make a choice for ten minutes - do not be shy, advise first. It is easiest to get acquainted in line at the checkout. Here you can ask where the man found exactly the kind of mayonnaise that you were looking for in the supermarket and did not find what kind of interesting green fruit it is and whether it is tasty, you can also just exchange a couple of insignificant words while waiting in line. Therefore, before you get in line, wait until a really interesting man comes in line. Do not try to get in line if there is a pensioner in front of you.

8. Public organizations, political parties One of the best places. But for success here, you will have to be active and participate in numerous events and congresses, so try to choose an organization or party whose interests are at least somewhat close to you. The membership of such organizations and parties is 60-80% male. And not just men, but ambitious and purposeful men. So find an organization in your city, carefully read the provisions on its activities, call and tell us how you got inspired by the ideas of this organization and want to contribute to its activities. And then be fully armed at the numerous congresses and conferences held by this organization. Dating here is not easy, but very easy! To be honest, when I was still a student, I was a member of one youth party, and I happened to attend congresses where the leading political figures of the country were present, and I had the opportunity to see them with my own eyes. My head was not yet occupied with matters of romantic acquaintances, so I missed the glances of high-ranking officials that they cast on a beautiful and young student. If I had been a little quicker then, my chances of meeting a politician would have been incredibly high. Tskk that do not delay and go!

9. Sports club An old, long-explored way, which, nevertheless, has not been canceled by anyone, and which can lead in any rating of acquaintances. As with many other ways to meet rich men, remember that if you want to be rich, think like a rich person. So try to try on the shirt of a successful man and imagine the perfect club and dating time. I understand that prestigious sports clubs are not cheap, but you can always figure out how to find a middle ground. The main thing to remember is that rich people are usually busy people who devote a lot of time to work or social life. So don't expect to see successful men at the gym during the day, or at 6:30 pm. Rather, you will see them not earlier than 20 00 pm or at 8 am. And do not try to get acquainted with a man when he or you will do strength exercises. It is best to do this at the exit, in the locker room, in the rest room, etc.

10. Rich girlfriends A controversial and not implemented method for everyone, but it is definitely very effective. If it so happened that among your girlfriends there is a middle class, again, do not rush to get upset. Start looking! Look on Vkontakte or Odnoklassniki for old school friends (who were the daughters of rich parents at school), girls from the yard, courses, camps, trips, etc. Go through all the places where you have ever met rich girls/women. And reconnect with them. As a rule, no girl will refuse a spontaneous friendly offer for a cup of coffee from a former classmate or classmate. And then you simply have to charm your future girlfriend and make your meetings regular. Flatter, compliment, fill your worth with the opportunity to get invitations to interesting places or acquaintances with the artistic elite of the city. It doesn’t matter how or what, but you should find at least something that will interest your rich acquaintance and give her the impression that you are worth keeping in touch with. Well, then it all depends on you. The closer you can become with such an acquaintance, the better. The main thing is to get an invitation to a birthday, holiday or trip out of town. Believe me, there will definitely be successful people at such an event. And don't forget the other women! If it turns out that the event is more like a bachelorette party of rich women (and it doesn’t even smell like men), don’t be upset, make an impression, try to please as many ladies as possible, and exchange phone numbers with them under any pretexts. Perhaps when you get to another woman's birthday, the next time you will be surprised at the number of free men present at the celebration!

Moscow is the center of concentration of the richest and most successful men. That is why the capital attracts girls from different parts of the country to search for an enviable groom.

Psychologists have long established that the most important thing in fulfilling a dream is the correct formulation of your goal. By sending your thoughts to the universe about wanting to meet a rich prince, you increase your chances of making them a reality. However, it is not enough to rely only on luck. In order to achieve the goal, you need to make your own efforts. If you want to marry not a poor simpleton, but a solid and wealthy handsome man, then it is important to look for your happiness in the right places. Where can you meet a rich man in Moscow?

11 "fish" places to find a rich groom in the capital

Starting the hunt for millionaires, be prepared for the fact that this will have to spend a lot of time, effort and money. Remember that even lottery tickets are not distributed for free. And to search for a noble groom, you will have to spend a decent amount on your own appearance, self-education and visiting prestigious places in order to enter the social circle of the elite of society.

If you want to find a rich boyfriend, then first of all it is important to understand the lifestyle of enviable suitors, to visit those places where representatives of the capital's beau monde most often spend their free time.

To increase your chances of success, follow a series of rules:

  • try to settle in one of the elite districts of the capital, the Moscow region or the Moscow region (Ostozhenka, Patriarch's ponds, Arbat, Tverskaya, Rublevka, Barvikha) or take a walk in these places with your girlfriends more often;
  • visit expensive restaurants;
  • at lunchtime, look into cafes located next to the State Duma;
  • visit the lobby bars of prestigious hotels;
  • sign up for an elite fitness club;
  • try to get a job at the Moscow City business center;
  • stroll through expensive boutiques located in the center of the capital, including those designed for respectable men;
  • use the services of elite marriage agencies;
  • place a portfolio in the database of a VIP matchmaker;
  • start a new hobby that wealthy people choose (golf, tennis, collecting rare things, sailing);
  • participate in charitable activities.

5 tips on where to meet a wealthy man in Moscow

5 tips will help you move on to an active search for a worthy man and increase your chances of a successful acquaintance.

  1. Friends experience. Ask your friends who are already in relationships with rich gentlemen how they managed to catch the “goldfish”. Try to get information about where such men are more often and how you can meet them. Ask wealthy girlfriends to introduce you to promising bachelors from their circle of friends and do not forget to invite you to private parties.
  2. Study the gossip to understand the interests of today's wealthy and the places where they like to relax. It can be thematic exhibitions, restaurants, closed clubs. Dating at parties has not been canceled, but you are much more likely to successfully meet at extreme driving courses, quests in Moscow, board game clubs.
  3. Useful acquaintances. Wealthy male friends can be your guide to private events, where eligible bachelors most often live. You can always ask for a private party, an interesting exhibition.
  4. Business centers. Remember that rich men devote most of their time to work or business. Most often, such wealthy grooms "settle" in business centers. That is why you should visit such places as often as possible.
  5. Trainings and courses of personal growth. There is a direct relationship between the financial condition and the development of the intellect of a man. Rich men are constantly improving themselves and gaining new knowledge. Business training is a great opportunity to understand how the rich think and be a little closer to them.

Most modern girls consider material well-being an important component of their existence. They dream of a beautiful and comfortable life, in which there will be no difficulties and difficulties, but only pleasant and useful benefits, such as expensive cars, huge private estates, service personnel. Girls do not want to think about how to get a job, how important a career is. They make plans only for how they will surround themselves with beautiful and branded things, how to make themselves even more beautiful and younger, and they will also spend huge amounts of money on this with great pleasure. In order to translate all your plans and ideas into reality, it is necessary that there be a wealthy and accomplished man nearby. Of course, there will not be enough millionaires and rich guys for everyone who wants to live a luxurious life, but some girls still manage to win the attention and love of such men.

To meet a millionaire, it is worth leading a certain lifestyle: playing sports, keeping an eye on your appearance and the latest fashion trends, being visible at certain parties and events, having a fairly large social circle with eminent personalities.

A girl who dreams of a rich prince should be an educated, well-read and well-mannered young lady. It will not be superfluous to know foreign languages, to understand art, to be able to maintain secular conversations. Such basic qualities, according to wealthy men, should have any girl.

If a young lady has set herself the goal of meeting a wealthy man, then the question always arises before her, where can she meet him? What places you need to visit, where to go and in general, what actions should be taken in such a search. There are many ways to meet a rich guy. Let's take a closer look at some of them, and we hope that these tips will help you meet your ideal.

1. In search of a rich man, the Internet will be the best assistant. Don't let that bother you, but he is. Internet - resources are overflowing with a huge flow of information, including the one that interests you.

At the initial stage of dialogue and correspondence, it is worthwhile to clearly set the selection criteria, and limit communication with those candidates who are not suitable for you, and continue communication with the most profitable party. Most girls do not believe that it is on the Internet that you can meet a worthy man.

On the World Wide Web, believe me, there are a huge number of successful, business and wealthy men, while they are completely single and not married. Men who are busy with negotiations, work, business from morning until late in the evening do not have a lot of free time. Coming home, they often look at the pages of social networks, like ordinary normal people. It cannot be argued that you will meet a super millionaire on the Internet. Of course not! But, a man who owns a prestigious car, his own apartment and a profitable type of business, you can!

To do this, girls should register their profile on a dating site, where they declare themselves as a long-legged beauty with lovely forms. As a reinforcement of your attractiveness and charm, try to post the most beautiful photos. You should not look on the site for an indication that a man is rich or he is a billionaire. Of course, no one will ever write this information to you, and if it does appear, be sure that you are being bred and played by scammers. The status of a man and his well-being will be given out by the manner of conversation, the correct spelling of words and sentences, punctuation marks are correctly placed. Pay attention to these little subtleties, because it is from them that you can create a picture of a person.

If you have an appointment, be careful. Do not dwell on the fact that a man at the first meeting will insist on visiting an expensive restaurant. Consider that he may be hiding his abilities. In this situation, it is worth taking a closer look at his clothes. A wealthy man will definitely prefer a selection of branded and expensive items, and also pay your attention to the bouquet of toilet water used by a man and his hands. If a man has neat fingers and a manicure, you can testify to his financial well-being. The same is true with the choice of men's fragrance. You can easily feel and distinguish how the bouquet of expensive men's eau de toilette opens.

Focus your attention also on the accessories of the chosen one: watch, belt, briefcase. A wealthy guy will prefer genuine leather products and an expensive brand of watches. In order for a girl to understand all these details, it is worth having an idea about things, their cost, understanding styles and fashion houses. So, the Internet, or rather a dating site, should be considered as an option where you can meet a rich man.

2. A good way to meet a wealthy guy is to go to one of the expensive and fashionable resorts. Representatives of the stronger sex adore and are fond of active sports. For example, they are attracted to skiing, or scuba diving. Therefore, dear girls, feel free to go either to a winter ski resort or to a beautiful summer cruise. Try to also work out these sports. You can sign up and train with a professional, and then dare and make your dreams come true.

After an active day, the oligarchs like to visit a local bar and enjoy a glass of expensive and exquisite beer, as well as try the chef's culinary delights. This is where your first meeting can take place, exactly at the resort and in the bar. There is an option that the alleged businessman or oligarch wants to dance a little and go to a disco. A second chance to meet your ideal. Of course, going to a resort in search of a future good life is not cheap, but it's worth it, because your chance of winning is very high.

3. As an option for the first meeting with a wealthy man, you can become a member of a motorists club or become an employee of a large automobile company whose activities are related to the sale of expensive car models. This is a great opportunity to figure out a successful and influential person. Only a man who has a good income and accumulated capital can afford to buy a prestigious car. Whether you will be able to discern the oligarch in the man who came to the salon depends only on your attentiveness and desire. Buying an expensive car may indicate the financial well-being of a guy, but do not miss the chance that the car will be purchased on credit. This circumstance will be proof of his certain obligations to the bank.

As for the forum of motorists, there is a small percentage to meet a rich man, there is such a chance!

4. Wealthy people often visit exhibitions of thoroughbred animals. Girls, there is an opportunity to meet the oligarch in such a place. Prepare in advance before such a visit and read the relevant literature so as not to fall into the mud face when the situation is right to show off certain knowledge.

A man, watching how a beautiful girl is interested in the same thing as him, will definitely want to talk and exchange opinions about a particular breed of animal. That is how acquaintance can be born. Do not get lost, and turn on all your charm and attractiveness. This will be a good weapon to win the heart of a successful person.

5. You can get acquainted with the oligarch by visiting the auction. Rich and wealthy people often acquire expensive interior items, historical relics, being an avid collector. Men prefer to buy masterpieces of fine art in the form of paintings in order to complete their collection. It can also be coins, items that belonged to royalty and other items put up for auction.

The question arises, how to take part in this? You can attend this event, but be an observer and not take part in the direct action. It is important that you are noticed and paid attention to your beauty. The man will then take the initiative into his own hands and want to be the first to get to know you.

According to the same plan, you can visit charity events. So, your chances, dear girls, are increasing, it turns out that wealthy men are very versatile personalities, and are interested in different areas of life.

6. It is possible to get acquainted with a rich guy by visiting an expensive restaurant. Oligarchs are people too, and they love to try unusual culinary masterpieces prepared according to old recipes. Therefore, they can often be found in expensive restaurants. Before you choose a specific place where you should go - read the reviews about this institution. Sometimes there are notes about which celebrities visited this or that restaurant. Be careful and go to such a place.

You should not choose a dish that is too expensive, you can get by with a simple and fairly acceptable price offer. The main thing, having come to the restaurant, is to choose the right table. To do this, you need to choose an option so that you are well visible from all sides. A single and rich man, if you are interested in him, will definitely show the first signs of attention. It is important not to impose yourself with a look and not to drill a hole on the selected object. So you can scare away a man from yourself, and be left without a “catch”. The best time to visit a restaurant is Friday, when people want to relax after a hard week at work.

7. You can meet a wealthy guy in a sports club. As a rule, men visit it either early in the morning before work, or in the evening, when the working day is over. To make such an application, the girl herself must be in good shape. If you have extra pounds, then hurry to adjust your body and strive for perfection.

Expensive sports such as shooting, tennis, equestrianism are very attractive and interesting for the rich. Therefore, as an option, you can use the chance and visit such establishments. The probability is small, but present. Of course, wherever you go, it is worth having the skill of seduction. How much you apply your witchcraft spells depends only on you and your abilities.

8. Closed clubs and elite parties are a good option for dating. All wealthy bohemians really gather at such events. The main thing is to decide how to get to such a party. To do this, you need to have certain acquaintances in your environment, who will serve as your pass ticket. And there your charm and feminine charm will do the job.

9. To get acquainted with a rich man, you can look into the casino. The oligarchs love gambling and risk, therefore they are frequent visitors and clients of such establishments. The girl does not have to take part in the games, but it is enough to be interested in curiosity. This will definitely be noticed by the stronger sex. The main thing is not to make a mistake in choosing, and not to become a victim of a gigolo and a bred. Be careful when visiting the casino.

10. You can make acquaintances when you join a reputable and large company whose activities are related to oil, gas, financial and insurance activities. It is not necessary to focus on the management or employees of the company, pay more attention to business partners, suppliers and guests who often drop into the office. This is a great opportunity to meet a rich man. Learn to determine the well-being of a man by the way he looks and how he is dressed, by his style and manner of speaking. At the same time, you yourself should look perfect, preferring a strict and business style. This is the key to your success and good choices, as well as a rich and happy life.

Pages of women's secrets

Before reading this article, you can fill out the questionnaire of the dating agency in Moscow PRESIDENT. We work with worthy successful men. For girls, the service is FREE. We do not offer escort services, we are against content and other similar offers. Our main task is to create an equivalent serious relationship between two people who are pleasant to each other. Therefore, if you need a "man-sponsor-purse", then pass by.

Few women refuse to have a wealthy boyfriend, and even more so if a woman considers herself worthy of him. That's just in order to start an affair with a rich man, you first need to find him, and also ignite interest in him in his person.

Where to meet a wealthy man?

0. The easiest and safest way is to send a profile to our dating agency PRESIDENT. If you have already done this, then you can try an independent search, and suddenly ...
1. Expensive restaurants. This is logical. If you want to meet a wealthy man, go to a good restaurant. If a cup of coffee there costs fabulous money, then it is wealthy people who come to dine there. Order yourself something (the same coffee, for example) and wait. Of course, it would be ridiculous to sit with a cup of coffee for an hour. But half an hour is fine. If funds allow you, then order yourself something more solid. If you add a salad to a cup of coffee, then it will pass for a diet, not savings. Remember that rich people don't really like purse chasers. Therefore, try not to show your financial insolvency at the first meeting.
2. VIP clubs. The principle is the same. You determine the cost of drinks in the club and, accordingly, the solvency of its customers. Next, act by analogy with an expensive restaurant.
3. Exhibitions. Wealthy people are mostly educated and intelligent. They are interested in art in all its manifestations. The main thing that you should be able to do is to accurately identify a wealthy person by his “shell”. Look at his watches, shoes, clothes. It is worth noting that we are against the "hunters of the rich." In addition, from our experience it is obvious that smart and wealthy men often look as simple as possible and do not strive to buy a new iPhone as soon as possible.
4. Sports clubs. If you go in for sports, then buy a subscription to the most expensive club in your profile. It is there that you can find yourself a worthy gentleman. In addition, the inflated butt has not hurt a single girl.
5. Dating sites. Paid dating sites. Successful people are very busy. They do not have time to walk around the park, picking daisies, and peering dreamily at the girls. Rich people are rational. That is why on the website of the elite dating agency PRESIDENT you can find a really wealthy man. In fact, this is the question we are solving - we save the man time.
6. Hobby. Wealthy people often have a hobby "for the soul." You can enroll in courses that have a decent cost. Next, pay attention to the status of the men who will be in the audience. The signs are the same as for exhibitions. There is a great risk of running into a "show-off" or "major" - do you need it? On the other hand, the presence of a hobby you have is fundamental for most worthy men. There are always more pacifiers next to them than required, don't be one of them.
7. Wealthy acquaintances. Never lose touch with your established acquaintances. And when communicating with them, mention that you are single and are looking for a mate. Perhaps they will offer you their help.
8. Forums. Preferably themed. For example, a forum of motorists. If you see that a person is discussing expensive car brands, then perhaps he is rich (and perhaps, on the contrary, he will never be able to afford something more serious than Lada)

So, we discussed where to look for a rich man. Now it's time for jewelry work - to arrange it for yourself.

How to interest a wealthy man?

1. Be a good listener. Of course, any man will appreciate a girl who listens to his problems, and rich people are no exception. They work hard, they always have some problems with the business. Add caution to this - such a man will not entrust his experiences to every woman. If you manage to talk to a wealthy man and give him a feeling of comfort with you as an interlocutor, then consider that you have already done half the battle! They, in turn, know how to listen. If you're the only one talking on a date, be prepared to fail.
2. Be interesting. Wealthy people are fed up with dealing with beautiful pacifiers. If you want to arouse interest in such a man in your person, you will have to find a way to surprise him. Show him that you are rich on the inside. Perhaps you have a non-standard view of some things. Present yourself in the most beneficial way, but in a way that is not intrusive on your part. In fact, many girls "show off" and show off. Understand that you yourself don’t like such ostentatious men, why should a worthy man love a ostentatious woman? The best way to seem interesting is to be. You must have a hobby, a favorite thing. Very often, in the questionnaires, girls write “I like to read, I love sports, I am fond of traveling” - this is generally about nothing. If you have a real hobby, then there are achievements in it, for example: “I love to travel, I have already traveled to 12 countries” or “I love to crochet, I have knitted 5 pairs of socks for all my family members and their friends.”
3. Look decent. Never skimp on wrapping. You should forget about cheap clothes and shoes. Wear only high-quality expensive underwear, even if you are not planning a date. Buy good quality cosmetics and original perfumes only in specialized stores. Remember that accessories must be expensive too. Visit beauty salons. Always take care of yourself. You must have well-groomed hands and feet, regardless of the season. A man in a girl is attracted by grooming and self-love. A girl gives a man energy only when she is confident in herself. Beautiful well-groomed girls are always more pleasant in communication, it is easier with them. They are self-confident.

A woman who invests in herself, studies, undergoes trainings, buys clothes that emphasize her figure, regularly visits the gym, LOSES WEIGHT - becomes more self-confident, values ​​herself more and behaves with dignity. Men always pay attention to well-groomed and confident women. By the way, being overweight is a waste. Men prefer slim people.

These tips will help you attract the attention of wealthy men, and then you must interest such a man and be able to keep his attention on you.

If you have not yet started filling out the mini-profile of the President dating agency, then do it now.

Dating rich men suits two types of girls: firstly, confident in themselves, in their appearance, in their ability to interest a strong man. Secondly, to girls who want to improve their financial situation at the expense of a wealthy man. The second girls should be immediately disappointed. An extremely small percentage of men take these girls seriously. An option for one or two nights, a kept mistress - yes. Long-term relationship - no. A smart and strong man is looking for a girl who will appreciate him not for money, but for other traits of his character - determination, endurance, ability to achieve goals and more. He is looking for a beautiful girl who is developing, learning new things, striving for something.

Attention! Be sure to take this into account

If you are a girl and you are looking for a man only for a material purpose - for him to provide for you, then this approach is fundamentally wrong. And most likely, you came to the wrong site.
We are approached by men who want to find a girl for a serious relationship, and not find a kept woman in Moscow or any other city. A self-sufficient man wants a companion who will not just be a beautiful picture (such people get bored quickly), but one who is fond of something, who has some kind of interesting hobby or inspiring job.

And best of all: both. Attractive appearance is very important, but it only affects the first impression.
A successful man is looking for a girl equal to himself, a girl who takes care of herself: her figure, her face.
For everyone, something is fundamentally different - someone likes a girl to cook well, or, for example, love children and animals. Many seek to find a person who will share his own interests, views. In the process of communication, interests can become common. A smart girl can sometimes keep silent or praise what she doesn't like. Hoping to meet a millionaire without investing anything is wrong. Then it is better to immediately go to the site for kept women.

Rich men love smart women

In general, the meaning is this: the more a person is happy with himself, the more he attracts other people into his life. The better a girl treats herself (nutrition, sports, education, mood), the more she is in demand among men, especially among smart and accomplished men, they appreciate it. Here we are not talking about arrogance and bitchiness, it is no longer in fashion. But upbringing and charm, for example, have not been canceled. You are attracted to a man who has been striving for perfection for years. So why should he be attracted to a girl who is only interested in shopping, TV shows and cafes with her friends?
The more a person values ​​himself, the more activities and interests he has, the more you want to know him and the more interesting it is to communicate with him. When a person lives the life of another, and not his own, this is a "one-sided game." Nobody is interested in such a person. Everyone wants to "receive" and not just give. Therefore, the responsibility for the relationship is always borne by both parties.