Methodology for conducting individual work with children in the younger group. Methodology for conducting individual work with children in the younger group

Reading the fairy tale "Mashenka and the Fox", "Teremok", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

Speech game "Geese" A. Pushkin. “The wind is walking on the sea. "(From" The Tale of Tsar Saltan "); M. Lermontov. "Sleep, baby"

Repetition of the speech game " Horse"

Reading a story V. Suteeva "The Good Duck"

Repetition of memorized poems about winter, about a tree, about snow.

D \ games:"Find an object of the same shape", "Light - heavy", "One - many", "Geometric mosaic", "Find the same", "Show and name", "How many toys are hidden"

Conversation"Rules of Conduct on the Hill"; "Rules of conduct for a walk in kindergarten";

Related games"Fear",

C / r games"Salon"

"We welcome guests ..."



Music games:

"Let's play with a rattle"

"Snowball game".

Repetition of familiar nursery rhymes and finger games (optional)

An evening of outdoor games"We play and grow",

Ball games:"The ball into the goal", "catch the ball!", "My cheerful ringing ball"

Speech play"Horse", "Playing with the Birds".

Reading the story "The Good Duck" by V. Suteev.

Repetition of A. Barto's poems "Toys", repetition of poems about winter.

D / game "What does the traffic light say"

Game situation"The bear is walking down the street"

Conversation"Only with my mother I go for a walk."

"Playful games"

Games"Friendly guys", "Friends in our group"

Related games"Fear",

S / r "Hairdresser"

С / r "We meet the guests ..."

S / r "Aibolit"

S / r "Hospital"

"Geometric mosaic

Conversation about birds,

About dishes,

About vegetables

About fruits in pictures,

d / games"How many nesting dolls came to visit", "Find a pair", "Roll the same ball"

Outdoor games:"Mother Sparrow", "Snowflakes and the Wind", "Run to the Flag",

"Bunnies - Runners", "Sparrows and Cars", "Shaggy Dog".

Examining illustrations and conversation: "Caution: icicles, ice!", "Safety on ice", "Caution: sledges, skis and skates";

Reading Russian folk song"As if on thin ice";

Games "Let's live together"

"Angry tongue"

C / r games: "Hospital", "Toy Store", "Bus", "Tea Party at Katya's Doll",

Conversation"Where our legs walked",

d / games“Let's help the bunny find his toy”, “Catching up with the ball”, “What's in the bag”, “One is a lot”, “Big is a small one”.

The repetition of the singing nursery rhymes of sayings, the reading of which reinforces the ability to navigate in parts of your own body. "Water - water ...", "Okay ...", "Hello legs."

Finger games:"My family", "They went out to walk", "Magpie".

Reading thin literature: A. Pushkin. "The wind walks on the sea"; M. Lermontov. "Sleep, baby", a repetition of familiar fairy tales.

Outdoor games"" Santa Claus, "Snowflakes and the wind", "The snow is spinning", "Shaggy dog", "Sparrows and crows:

C / role-playing games: "Hospital", "Toy store", "Bus"

Examining illustrations:"Caution: icicles, ice!"

"Caution: sledges, skis and skates";

Viewing pictures - illustrations about the rules of behavior on the road, about transport.

Reading S. Marshak"Ball", an excerpt from the verse. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"

Conversation by pictures

- about birds, about dishes, about vegetables, about fruits;

d / games"What is rolling", "Building furniture for a doll", "Find a pair", "Name an object", "Collecting nesting dolls", "Big small",

"Name the figure", "High - low";

Finger games"Two bears"

"Met"; "Building a house"

Songs, nursery rhymes, chants."Our ducks in the morning"; "The cat went to Torzhok"; "Rabbit Egorka"; "Our Masha is small." "Chicky, chicky, kichki", "Oh, doo - doo, doo - doo, doo - doo!

Games"Learning to understand the feelings of other people"

Outdoor games"Through the Stream", "Train", "Sparrows and Crows"

Repetition of familiar games Legs, Bubble, Cat and Mouse Aim Better

C / r games"Hospital", "Toy store", "Bus", "Train", "Road", "Guests have come to Mashenka",

Conversation"Where our legs walked",

"Why did we feed the birds",

Conversations on illustrations:

"Clothes", "What are the cars", "Name the animals"

The game "Let's live together"

Game "Angry tongue

Reading thin literature L. Tolstoy... “The cat slept on the roof”, “Petya and Misha had a horse”;

L. Tolstoy. "Three Bears";

V. Suteev. "Who said meow."

Repetition of songs and nursery rhymes:"Our ducks in the morning"; "The cat went to Torzhok"; "Rabbit Egorka"; "Our Masha is small", "Chicky, chiki, kichki", "Oh, doo - doo, doo - doo, doo - doo!"

Examining illustrations about the military and talking about them.

D \ games:"Let's build turrets of the same color"

"Let's put together a matryoshka"

"Pyramid with a surprise"

"Colored cars"

"Figured pyramids."

Finger games"Two bears"

"Met"; "Wasps", "Beetle"

"Building a house"

Outdoor games"Train",

"The Sun and the Rain", "Birds"

Making gifts for dad.

Repetition s / r games"Hospital", "Toy Store", "Bus", "Train", "Road"

Reading thin literature:

V. Bianchi. "The Fox and the Mouse"; G. Ball. "Yollyachok"; N. Pavlova. "Strawberry Shortcake". Repetition of familiar fairy tales.

Conversation by pictures,

About the house, about the family, about the mother, about the name (what is your name, what is the name of your parents)

About animals, about birds, about dishes,

About vegetables, about fruits

Didactic exercises and games"A gift for dad",

"Making airplanes", "Who knows what?", "Find an object of the specified shape", "Recognize the figure",

"Find a pair", "Assemble the pyramid."

Finger games"Two bears"

"Met"; "Wasps", "Beetle"

"Building a House", "Cabbage", "My Family"

Games "Learning to understand the feelings of other people"

Examining the album "My Family", making gifts for mom.

Outdoor games"Shaggy dog" "," Step over the bumps "

Repetition of familiar games: "Bubble" "Snow is spinning", "Airplanes", "Santa Claus".

It is known that every child is unique. It has its own characteristics of the nervous system and psychophysical development. The individual characteristics of the child affect the assimilation of skills and abilities, the attitude towards others. Observing the child in everyday life, analyzing his behavior and activities, talking with parents allow the teacher to plan tasks, methods, and the content of individual work.

Children who do not regularly attend kindergarten due to illness or other reasons need especially close attention, children are "weakened" with low efficiency in the classroom, shy, slow, inhibited and pedagogically neglected. When planning individual work, the teacher must take into account the mental and individual characteristics of the child.

Individual work with children is carried out in the morning and evening hours, as well as during a walk.

Individual lessons with children with knowledge gaps are recommended to be organized mainly in the form of a game. Playmate can be an adult or another child

In the first half of the day, the teacher conducts a lot of individual work with the kids. For example, he organizes special games and exercises with those that need to correct speech deficiencies or with those lagging behind in any movements. He deals with inactive and withdrawn children, giving them various assignments that require communication with adults and peers. Children who are not inquisitive enough are entrusted with interesting observations (for example, how a hamster eats and sticks grains in its cheeks, after titmouses that have flown to the site, admire the beauty of a winter morning, etc.).

In the afternoon, the teacher conducts individual work with children on the development of movements, drawing, cutting out, designing, and correcting speech defects.

During walks, the teacher conducts individual work with children: for some, he organizes a ball game, throwing at a target, for others - an exercise in balance, for others - jumping off stumps, stepping over trees, running down hills.
On walks, work is also carried out on the development of the child's speech: learning a nursery rhyme or a small poem, consolidating a sound that is difficult to pronounce, etc. The teacher can remember with the children the words and melody of the song that they learned in the music lesson.

Methods of individual training in younger groups e:

    For example, modeled on the educator;

    In cooperation with a teacher;

    Modeled after peers;

    Using the help of peers;

The form of work organization is individual, however, in some cases it is possible to carry out work by organizing children into small groups. When carrying out individual work on a walk, it is necessary to take into account the seasonality and weather conditions. Individual work with children is planned during regime processes (education of cultural and hygienic skills, independence, development of speech, movements, etc.) and is carried out by the teacher throughout the day, in all regime moments, in any kind of activity.

The quality of individual work depends on the teacher's ability to "see" children. The emotional state of the child during class is very important. And here the role of an adult is great. The psychological and emotional mood of the classes depends only on him. A smile, encouragement, and sincere interest in what an adult teaches a child will create the background against which the child will have a desire to learn. I advise, while studying with children, reading poetry, making riddles, using elements of dramatization. In addition to the aesthetic and cognitive value for the child, this creates the right atmosphere, relieves tension and allows both you and your child to use class time more efficiently.

The approximate content of individual work.

September 2. Monday Morning. Work with Maxim K. and Daniil P. to correct the sound "sh". Repeat general articulatory exercises. Instruct Vika B., Nastya G. and Vanya D. to put things in order on the bookshelf with toys, check how the game cards and building materials are stacked in the boxes. Train them to do the job accurately and conscientiously.
Consider poplar twigs with children in a corner of nature: note the color of the bark, the shape and location of the buds. Give to touch, smell the kidneys. Before breakfast, go around a corner of nature with the children, evaluate the work of those on duty.

An example of planning individual work in regime moments in a younger group for a week.


Morning time.

1. Collective and individual conversations with children for the development of speech activity and enrichment of the vocabulary of preschoolers.

2. Mastering the basics of hygienic culture: Washing, behavior at the table, dressing, in a playful way, taking care of things, toys in independent activity.

3. Outdoor games of small and medium activity.

4. Working with fairy tales. - repetition of previously read fairy tales, reading a new fairy tale, watching a cartoon based on a fairy tale read, examining illustrations of a famous fairy tale. -a new ending to the tale, adding new characters to the tale, how to help the hero of the tale, etc.


1. Observing wildlife.

2. Individual work on the development of creative abilities (collect the most beautiful autumn bouquet, what does the cloud look like?, Show how the chanterelle walks, etc.).

3. Organize collective play activities.

Evening time .

1. Labor education - acquaintance with the work of adults (various forms of work).

2. Subject - role-playing game. To form skills and desire to participate in play activities.

3. Preparing for a lesson in mathematics.


Morning time .

1 Acquaintance with the objective world: idea of ​​objects, their name, structure, name of parts, purpose, how and where you can use: clothes, shoes, furniture, toys, vehicles, vegetables, fruits, etc. cognitive and speech skills, attitude to the objective world.

1. Mastering the basics of labor activity. Self-service, the formation of work skills in everyday life, attitude to work.

2. Individual exercises in application, drawing and modeling.

3. Inspection of the kindergarten premises, examination of furnishings, household items, acquaintance with the employees of the preschool educational institution and their professions.


1. Observation of inanimate nature.

2. Individual work with children on the development of speech.

3. Acquaintance with a new outdoor game.

4. Develop children's play skills.

Evening time .

1. Listening to musical compositions for children: songs, musical tales, musical fragments from cartoons.

2. The child and the book - reading, retelling, looking at new books, folders with pictures, albums, helping the teacher fix books.

3. Game activity: outdoor games with text, round dance (we develop tempo, rhythm, teach onomatopoeia).

4. Individual work with children (psychological relief, overcoming emotional discomfort).


Morning time .

1. Formation of the foundations of ecological education, plant world - name, plant characteristics, growth and development, comparative analysis, plant care, - animal world - name, generalizing concepts, structure, relative size, location, needs, care. - a benevolent attitude towards all living things.

2. Games with a constructor for the development of finger motor skills.

3. Individual work on the formation of hygiene skills (play activity).

4. Memorization, consolidation and repetition of poems, nursery rhymes, songs, counting rhymes, riddles.


Thematic walk (at the choice of the teacher, at the request of the children, according to the program). Conversation, story or observation according to the topic. Organization of mobile activities in accordance with the teacher's tasks (walking, mobile thematic games, strengthening motor skills). Use imitation games, mimic exercises, miniature games (mini theater).

Evening time.

1. Entertainment: - concerts, meetings with older children, - school, table, shadow theaters, - sports activities, - a festival of masks, - a party with parents.

2. Introduction and explanation of the rules of a new board, didactic game for the development of speech, sensing, logic.

3. Individual work on the development of intellectual abilities.


Morning time .

1. Cognitive development: Adults give the concept and comparative analysis, Children form an emotional state, I myself have practical skills. My family

2. Collective exercises in application, modeling, drawing in joint activities of an adult and a child.

3. Work in a corner of nature.

4. Consolidation of dance and motor skills with the use of musical accompaniment.


Acquaintance with society. Hiking in the microdistrict. Conversations "My street", "My kindergarten", "Shop" "Road" (familiarization with the phenomena of social life). Individual work on orientation in time and space.

Evening time.

1. Acquaintance with the rules of the road. The first rules for life safety

2. Individual mobile play activity with objects (hoop, ball, chair, handkerchief, etc.)

3. Game activity: HRE, game skills, learning dialogues, game situations.

4. Preparation for classes the next day.


Morning time.

1. Exhibition of children's works on fine arts, examining handicrafts made from natural materials, if necessary, complete the collective work.

2. Strengthening motor skills: building, rebuilding, rhythmic exercises, basic movements. To form in children a desire to go in for sports, correct posture, clear command execution.

3. Formation of moral qualities through the creation of play situations with dolls and toys.

4. Development of intellectual abilities - games, tasks.


Observing people. Adult labor. Age features. Communication culture. Relationship with older preschoolers. Mobile activity at the request of children. Individual consolidation of knowledge on the development of coherent speech, vocabulary development, grammatically correct speech.

Evening time.

1. Games with sand and water

2. Construction with large cubes, bricks, Lego constructor.

3. Play activities at the request of children.

4. Creation of conditions for play activity (HRE).

Prepared by the teacher: Strypa M.N.



2014 - 2015 ACADEMIC YEAR


Kuzyaeva I.K.

Romanova O.Yu



Number of lessons


the date of the

Methodical literature

1.Tikhonov Vladislav









3.Khvoronova \


* ; the game "Cars are going".

Smirnova, E.O.







with. 109-110









Give an idea of ​​yourself as a person, the main parts of the human body, their purpose

Gubanova, N.F.

Gubanova, N.F.





Demina, E.S.



A. A. Averyanov




Maksakov, A. I.





Peterina, S.V.


on physical development



Types of movements

Basic didactic tasks

Didactic games and exercises

Number of lessons


the date of the





A. A. Averyanov



with. 23, 38





Jumping, jumping

Laizane S.Ya.,





Catching and throwing

Learn to hold the ball with one or two hands

d \ y "Bring the ball"

Laizane S.Ya., "Physical culture for kids",

with. 25





Learn to throw a ball at a horizontal target

d \ y "Get into the hoop" (add to cart)




Learn to step over several obstacles in alternating steps

d \ y "Step over the stick", "Walk in deep snow"

Laizane S.Ya., "Physical culture for kids",

with. 25



Jumping, jumping

Learn to jump, jump

d \ y "Jump to the twig" (to the ribbon, to the hoop)


on speech development





Basic didactic tasks

Didactic games and exercises

Number of lessons


the date of the





Understanding speech



d \ y "Help the doll"

Gerbova V.V., Maksakova A.I.

Gaisina Ramila

Active speech



d \ at "Who is gone?"

Gerbova V.V., Maksakova A.I.

Sabitov Samat



Reading a story by L.N.

D. Bisset "Ha-ha-ha"

Lyamina, G.M.



d \ y "Who is doing what?"



Repetition of the tale "Turnip".


on cognitive development




Basic didactic tasks

Didactic games and exercises

Number of lessons


the date of the






Teach children to choose objects of two given colors out of 4 possible

Selection of homogeneous objects by color from 4 proposed

Wenger L.A., Pilyugina E.G., Wenger N.B. "Raising a child's sensory culture", p. 61

The form

Learn to select flat geometric shapes for a sample (circle, triangle, rectangle, square, oval)

d \ y "Placement of inserts of two predetermined shapes when choosing from four"

Wenger L.A., Pilyugina E.G., Wenger N.B. "Raising a child's sensory culture", p. 65

The size

Learn to assemble a pyramid of 8-9 rings according to the pattern (descending, in size and color, in shape and size)

d \ y "Let's assemble and disassemble the pyramid"


Learn to compose a picture in two parts

d \ y "Define by touch", cut pictures such as "Glue the cup", "Assemble the car"


for artistic and aesthetic development




Basic didactic tasks

Didactic games and exercises

Number of lessons


the date of the



Develop creativity in preschoolers (outlines of lessons in drawing, modeling, application): a guide for a kindergarten teacher / T.G. Kazakova. - M.: Education, 1985.

Lishtvan, Z.V. Designing: a guide for a kindergarten teacher / Z. V. Lishtvan. - M.: Education, 1981.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 31 of Leninogorsk" MO "LMR" RT




2015 - 2016 ACADEMIC YEAR


Kuzyaeva I.K.

Sabitova D.R.




Basic didactic tasks

Didactic games and exercises

Number of lessons


the date of the

Methodical literature

Glukhova Lera,





Learn to perform several sequential game actions, being in a problem situation (feeds the doll, if there are dishes nearby; builds a garage, if there are cubes and cars nearby)

Situation creation: bricks and cars - "Build a garage"; crockery and doll - "Feed the doll"

Radina E.I .., Popova M.I. "Didactic games and activities with young children", p. 73-74



Badrtdinov Ilnar,

Glukhova Lera,





Learning responds emotionally to a game suggested by an adult; imitate his actions; accept a game task; accompany game and everyday activities with speech

Examination of the paintings "Making a Car", "The Miracle Train" * ; the game "Cars are going".

Smirnova, E.O. The first steps. Early childhood development program / E.O. Smirnova, L.N. Goliguzova, S. Yu. Meshcheryakova. - M.: Mosaika-Synthesis, 2007.



Badrtdinov Ilnar,

Glukhova Lera,





Learn to build familiar buildings for soft toys from bricks

D \ and d \ u for the development of game actions: "Building a house", "Building a gate", etc.

Novoselova S.L. "Didactic games and activities with young children",

with. 109-110



Badrtdinov Ilnar,

Glukhova Lera,





Give an idea of ​​yourself as a person, the main parts of the human body, their purpose

Give an idea of ​​yourself as a person, the main parts of the human body, their purpose

The game “Where are our hands (legs, nose)?”; finger gymnastics "Ladushki".

Didactic game "Yes or no" (showing the components of a teddy bear).

Gubanova, N.F. Development of play activity: the system of work in the first junior group of kindergarten / N.F. Gubanova. - M.:

Gubanova, N.F. Development of play activity: the system of work in the first junior group of kindergarten / N.F. Gubanova. - M.: Mosaika-Synthesis, 2008.



Badrtdinov Ilnar,

Glukhova Lera,




To form a primary understanding of what is good and what is bad, initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Games "Polite Bear", "Touchy Flower".

Demina, E.S. Development and training of young children in preschool educational institutions: study guide. allowance / E. S. Demina. - M.: TC Sphere, 2009.



Badrtdinov Ilnar,

Glukhova Lera,





To teach to observe the elementary rules of conduct in kindergarten;

accompany game and everyday activities with speech;

Didactic exercise "So or not?"

Maksakov, A. I. Learn by playing: games and exercises with a sounding word: a guide for a kindergarten teacher / A. I. Maksakov. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M.: Education, 1983



Badrtdinov Ilnar,

Glukhova Lera,





Learning responds emotionally to a game suggested by an adult; imitates his actions; accept a game task;

Didactic exercise with Dr. Aibolit "Say" A "".

Peterina, S.V. Education of a culture of behavior in preschool children: book. for a kindergarten teacher / S. V. Peterina. - M.: Education, 1986.


on speech development




Basic didactic tasks

Didactic games and exercises

Number of lessons


the date of the



Badrtdinov Ilnar,

Glukhova Lera,





Understanding speech

Learn to understand a short story (without showing actions) about familiar events; answer questions about these events

d \ y "What did we do during the walk?", "What did we do?", "Who came, who left?"

Gerbova V.V., Maksakova A.I. "Classes on the development of speech in the 1st junior group of kindergarten", p. 46





Teach to carry out up to 3 assignments (take, take, put)

d \ y "Help the doll"

Gerbova V.V., Maksakova A.I.

Badrtdinov Ilnar,

Glukhova Lera,







Active speech

Learn to finish quatrains in familiar verses

Reading familiar nursery rhymes, poems, songs

Gerbova V.V., Maksakova A.I. "Classes on the development of speech in the 1st junior group of kindergarten", p. 103



Badrtdinov Ilnar,

Glukhova Lera,



Learn to name objects by pictures

d \ at "Who is gone?"

Gerbova V.V., Maksakova A.I.

Badrtdinov Ilnar,

Glukhova Lera,







To learn to listen to works of art available in terms of content;

perform movements: stamp your foot, clap your hands, turn your hands

To learn to listen to works of art that are accessible by content

Reading Russian bunk bed nursery rhymes "The cat went to market ..."

Reading a story by L.N.

Tolstoy "Petya and Misha had a horse"; reading a fairy tale
D. Bisset "Ha-ha-ha"

Lyamina, G.M. Early childhood speech development: method. allowance / G. M. Lyamina. - M.: Ayris-Press, 2005.

Eliseeva, L. N. Reader for the little ones / L. N. Eliseeva. - 4th ed., Rev. and add. - M.: Education, 1982.







Learn to name the objects in the picture and their qualities and actions

d \ y "Who is doing what?"

Gerbova V.V., Maksakova A.I. "Classes on the development of speech in the 1st junior group of kindergarten", p. 45

Badrtdinov Ilnar,

Glukhova Lera,



Clarify ideas about the tale "Turnip", about who eats what. Teaches you to clearly pronounce the sound [A]

Repetition of the tale "Turnip".

d \ y "Who eats what?", "Say" a "

Gerbova V.V., Maksakova A.I. "Classes on the development of speech in the 1st junior group of kindergarten", p. 39-40

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution child development center d / s 17 Kavkazsky district

Kropotkin 2013

Consultation for educators.

"Methodology for conducting individual work with children in the younger group."

Completed by the teacher: Sharipova Larisa Vladimirovna

It is known that every child is unique. It has its own characteristics of the nervous system and psychophysical development. The individual characteristics of the child affect the assimilation of skills and abilities, the attitude towards others. Observing the child in everyday life, analyzing his behavior and activities, talking with parents allow the teacher to plan tasks, methods, and the content of individual work.

Children who do not regularly attend kindergarten due to illness or other reasons need especially close attention, children are "weakened" with low efficiency in the classroom, shy, slow, inhibited and pedagogically neglected. When planning individual work, the teacher must take into account the mental and individual characteristics of the child.

Individual work with children is carried out in the morning and evening hours, as well as during a walk.

Individual lessons with children with knowledge gaps are recommended to be organized mainly in the form of a game. Playmate can be an adult or another child

In the first half of the day, the teacher conducts a lot of individual work with the kids. For example, he organizes special games and exercises with those that need to correct speech deficiencies or with those lagging behind in any movements. He deals with inactive and withdrawn children, giving them various assignments that require communication with adults and peers. Children who are not inquisitive enough are entrusted with interesting observations (for example, how a hamster eats and sticks grains in its cheeks, after titmouses that have flown to the site, admire the beauty of a winter morning, etc.).

In the afternoon, the teacher conducts individual work with children on the development of movements, drawing, cutting out, designing, and correcting speech defects.

During walks, the teacher conducts individual work with children: for some, he organizes a ball game, throwing at a target, for others - an exercise in balance, for others - jumping off stumps, stepping over trees, running down hills. the child's speech: learning a nursery rhyme or a small poem, consolidating a sound that is difficult to pronounce, etc. The teacher can remember with the children the words and melody of a song that was learned in a music lesson.

Methods of individual training in younger groupse:

For example, modeled on the educator;

In cooperation with a teacher;

Modeled after peers;

The form of work organization is individual, however, in some cases it is possible to carry out work by organizing children into small groups. When carrying out individual work on a walk, it is necessary to take into account the seasonality and weather conditions. Individual work with children is planned during regime processes (education of cultural and hygienic skills, independence, development of speech, movements, etc.) and is carried out by the teacher throughout the day, in all regime moments, in any kind of activity.

The quality of individual work depends on the teacher's ability to "see" children. The emotional state of the child during class is very important. And here the role of an adult is great. The psychological and emotional mood of the classes depends only on him. A smile, encouragement, and sincere interest in what an adult teaches a child will create the background against which the child will have a desire to learn. I advise, while studying with children, reading poetry, making riddles, using elements of dramatization. In addition to the aesthetic and cognitive value for the child, this creates the right atmosphere, relieves tension and allows both you and your child to use class time more efficiently.

February 2. Monday Morning. Work with Slavik T. and Alyosha V. to correct the sound "sh". Repeat general articulatory exercises. Instruct Sasha O., Vova M. and Zhenya K. to put things in order on the bookshelf with toys, check how the cards of games and building materials are stacked in the boxes. Teach them to do the work accurately and conscientiously. Examine poplar branches in a corner of nature with children: note the color of the bark, the shape and location of the buds. Give to touch, smell the kidneys. Before breakfast, go around a corner of nature with the children, evaluate the work of those on duty.


Exampleplanning individual work in critical momentsin the younger group for a week.


Morning time.

1. Collective and individual conversations with children for the development of speech activity and enrichment of the vocabulary of preschoolers.

2. Mastering the basics of hygienic culture: Washing, behavior at the table, dressing, in a playful way, taking care of things, toys. in independent activity.

3. Outdoor games of small and medium activity.

4. Working with fairy tales. - repetition of previously read fairy tales, reading a new fairy tale, watching a cartoon based on a fairy tale read, examining illustrations of a famous fairy tale. -a new ending to the tale, adding new characters to the tale, how to help the hero of the tale, etc.


1. Observing wildlife.

2. Individual work on the development of creative abilities (collect the most beautiful autumn bouquet, what does the cloud look like?, Show how the chanterelle walks, etc.).

3. Organize collective play activities.

Evening time .

1. Labor education - acquaintance with the work of adults (various forms of work).

2. Subject - role-playing game. To form skills and desire to participate in play activities.

3. Preparing for a lesson in mathematics.


Morning time.

1 Acquaintance with the objective world: idea of ​​objects, their name, structure, name of parts, purpose, how and where you can use: clothes, shoes, furniture, toys, vehicles, vegetables, fruits, etc. cognitive and speech skills, attitude to the objective world. 1. Mastering the basics of work. Self-service, the formation of work skills in everyday life, attitude to work.

2. Individual exercises in application, drawing and modeling.

3. Inspection of the kindergarten premises, examination of furnishings, household items, acquaintance with the employees of the preschool educational institution and their professions.


1. Observation of inanimate nature.

2. Individual work with children on the development of speech.

3. Acquaintance with a new outdoor game.

4. Develop children's play skills.

Evening time .

1. Listening to musical compositions for children: songs, musical tales, musical fragments from cartoons.

2. The child and the book - reading, retelling, looking at new books, folders with pictures, albums, helping the teacher fix books.

3. Game activity: outdoor games with text, round dance (we develop tempo, rhythm, teach onomatopoeia).

4. Individual work with children (psychological relief, overcoming emotional discomfort).


Morning time.

1. Formation of the foundations of ecological education, plant world - name, plant characteristics, growth and development, comparative analysis, plant care, - animal world - name, generalizing concepts, structure, relative size, location, needs, care. - a benevolent attitude towards all living things.

2. Games with a constructor for the development of finger motor skills.

3. Individual work on the formation of hygiene skills (play activity).

4. Memorization, consolidation and repetition of poems, nursery rhymes, songs, counting rhymes, riddles.


Thematic walk (at the choice of the teacher, at the request of the children, according to the program). Conversation, story or observation according to the topic. Organization of mobile activities in accordance with the teacher's tasks (walking, mobile thematic games, strengthening motor skills). Use imitation games, mimic exercises, miniature games (mini theater).

Evening time.

1. Entertainment: - concerts, meetings with older children, - school, table, shadow theaters, - sports activities, - a festival of masks, - a party with parents.

2. Introduction and explanation of the rules of a new board, didactic game for the development of speech, sensing, logic.

3. Individual work on the development of intellectual abilities.

Morning time.

1. Cognitive development: Adults give the concept and comparative analysis, Children form an emotional state, I myself have practical skills. My family

2. Collective exercises in application, modeling, drawing in joint activities of an adult and a child.

3. Work in a corner of nature.

4. Consolidation of dance and motor skills with the use of musical accompaniment.


Acquaintance with society. Hiking in the microdistrict. Conversations "My street", "My kindergarten", "Shop" "Road" (familiarization with the phenomena of social life). Individual work on orientation in time and space.

Evening time.

1. Acquaintance with the rules of the road. The first rules for life safety

2. Individual mobile play activity with objects (hoop, ball, chair, handkerchief, etc.)

3. Game activity: HRE, game skills, learning dialogues, game situations.

4. Preparation for classes the next day.


Morning time.

1. Exhibition of children's works on fine arts, examining handicrafts made from natural materials, if necessary, complete the collective work.

2. Strengthening motor skills: building, rebuilding, rhythmic exercises, basic movements. To form in children a desire to go in for sports, correct posture, clear command execution.

3. Formation of moral qualities through the creation of play situations with dolls and toys.

4. Development of intellectual abilities - games, tasks.


Observing people. Adult labor. Age features. Communication culture. Relationship with older preschoolers. Mobile activity at the request of children. Individual consolidation of knowledge on the development of coherent speech, vocabulary development, grammatically correct speech.

Evening time.

1. Games with sand and water

2. Construction with large cubes, bricks, Lego constructor.

3. Play activities at the request of children.

4. Creation of conditions for play activity (HRE).


Cyclogram of individual work with children of the younger group