Entertainment in the kindergarten "My small Motherland" for senior preschool age. Slides on coal applications

Goncharova Tatyana Alekseevna

Educator, MBDOU d / s No. 66, Kiselevsk, Kemerovo region

Goncharova T.A. Entertainment in the kindergarten "My small Motherland" for senior preschool age// Owl. 2017. N1(7)..02.2020).

Target: education of a citizen and patriot of their country, the formation of moral values.

Tasks: To expand children's understanding of the small Motherland. To acquaint with the sights of the city, workers, nature.

To develop the horizons of children, to instill love for their native city.

To cultivate a sense of patriotism, pride in the native land, city, respect for it.

Equipment: multimedia, music, sports equipment for an obstacle course, 2 baskets, bumps.

Entertainment progress:

Leading: Good afternoon guys. How many of you know the name of our huge country in which we live? (Russia). Yes, Russia is our common great Motherland

Educator: What do we call home?

1st child:

The house where we live

And the birches along which

We are walking next to my mother.

Educator: What do we call motherland?

2nd child:

A field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs

Warm evening outside.

Everything we keep in our hearts

That's what we call Motherland.

In a large country, each person has his own little corner - where he was born. This is a small home.

Do you know the name of our small Motherland, the place where we live, where we were born?

(slide stella) music

3 child:

Lost in the depths of Russia

Beyond the Urals in distant Siberia,

Among the taiga and deep swamps,

Kiselevsk is a small town.

I love with all my heart

Kiselevsk is my native city.

He is famous for his unobtrusive beauty,

Quiet and modest in appearance.

Yet you are famous.

Worker city, mining city

4 child:

Let about you, my native land,

Rumor goes, makes noise around the world,

In your rich pantry

There are no treasures.

Kiselevsk is a city-worker,

mining town,

Happy holiday to you, Kiselevsk!

Leading: Guys, why is our city called a mining town?

The floor is given to the miner - the guest.

Mine slides.

Leading: A real miner must be strong, healthy, courageous ... Courageous, purposeful, be a reliable friend and faithful comrade! And today we will try to learn all this!

The "Competition of the brave, dexterous, strong" is held obstacle course

Leading: guess the riddle

It burns, but not the sun.

Black, but not the night,

Solid but not stone

Glorious to the whole world! (Coal.)


Hello dear friends

Yes, yes, it's about me.

I am a wonderful Coal.

I have a black barrel.

Leading: Coal, what's so wonderful about you?

Coal: And you ask the guys, they will tell you everything.

Children's answers

Coal: Well done guys, that's right.

I burn brightly in the oven

I give warmth to all people!

Slides about the use of coal.

Leading: Kiselevsk is famous not only for its coal, mines, but also for its nature. There are many beautiful places in our city.

slide nature, music

5 child:

Native spaces

I love since childhood

I'm proud to grow among you

Siberia is golden, Motherland,

Native Kiselevsk and Kuzbass!

In the early morning we don't know the picture of a mile,

Than a strip above the roofs of the dawn.

Round dances of birches and rows of poplars

In full view of Kiselevsk!

Kiselevsk, Kiselevsk - the city of the heart of the native

And in the snowstorm, and in the flowering of May,

He lives overshadowed by the fate of one

With the cities of the Kuznetsk Territory!

Leading: All these words are about the beauty of our native nature. But many years ago, when there was no city yet, everything was completely different.


And many years ago

A huge forest once stood.

Mighty oaks grew

Limes rustled in three girths.

Glades instead of squares,

And instead of streets - fallows.

And flocks of wild swans

And the roar of the bear in the lair.

And at dawn to the watering place

Moose walked along a narrow path,

Hitting branches with horns,

The river flowed in the meadows, forests

They called it Tugai.

Villages were seen here and there:

This is how Kiselevsk began.

Many years ago, where our city sprawled, there was an impenetrable taiga and swamps. Many years passed, the city grew and was built. Residents of Kiselyov always cared about the beauty of the city, tried to preserve the beauty of the surrounding nature. And now our region is rich in mushrooms, berries, and plants. Have you gone to the forest for mushrooms, berries?

Game: To the swamp for cranberries relay game

Leading: Guys, do you like to travel? I suggest you take a walk around the city. Ready?

Now look at the screen and try to recognize and name the sights of our city.

(slide) quiz

Leading: Like every state, every city has its own anthem, flag, coat of arms. Our city of Kiselevsk also has its own symbols. Look at the screen.

5 child:

My city is ungilded

Looks like an ordinary

But the soul of my love

Your dear image is dear.

Don't glance over you

And do not count your deeds -

So great in the hearts of the miners

Layer of courage and love.

Sincere and discreet

He gives strength to everyone

That's why in Kiselevsk

Amazing people!

Planning directly educational activities as an element of the educational program of preschool education "Childhood", which meets the requirements of the educational area "Cognitive development" on the topic "Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky - our small Motherland" with children of the older group.

Integration of educational areas:"Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Social and communicative", "Physical development", "Artistic and aesthetic development".

Technologies used Keywords: interactive technology, ICT, information and communication, health-saving technology, technology of personality-oriented interaction.

Conduct form:

The game is a journey.

Target: the formation of primary ideas about the small Motherland, Fatherland.


Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge about their hometown ("Cognitive development");

Contribute to the formation in children of the concept of "Small Motherland" ("Cognitive Development");

Contribute to the development of children's cognitive processes: visual perception, memory, attention of children (“Cognitive Development”);

To activate the development of children's speech creativity, the ability to answer questions with a simple common sentence (“Speech Development”);

To promote the development of speech hearing in preschoolers, the ability to combine words with movements (“Speech Development”);

To promote the development of general motor skills of pupils, the prevention of neuro-emotional stress ("Physical development");

Improve the development of design skills and abilities, select the necessary details by color and shape, observing the proportions of the intended building (“Artistic and aesthetic development”);

Cultivate civic and patriotic feelings: pride in one’s small Motherland-native city, the desire to make one’s city better (“Social and communicative development”);

To instill respect and love, a sense of attachment to one's city, a careful attitude to one's small Motherland (“Social and communicative development”).

Vocabulary work:

Small Motherland, coat of arms, symbol.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about the native city of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky; viewing illustrations, postcards, pictures with images of the cultural places of the city, sights, places of recreation; city ​​tours (visiting cultural and memorable places); reading poems about the Motherland; drawing on the theme "Our beloved city"; word games on the topic; role-playing games for children (“House of Culture”, “In the Hospital”, “Museum”, “Atelier”, “Gas Station”)

GCD methods and techniques:

  • Practical - game exercise, developing game, motor exercise, construction;
  • Visual - viewing slides, images of coats of arms;
  • Verbal - ascertaining and cognitive questions, teacher's story, artistic word (riddle), explanation, conversation, interactive game.


Group room (music hall).

Stages of the lesson:

  • The course of directly educational activity consists of 3 main stages: the organizational stage provides immersion in the topic, involving children in a game situation-journey. Here we used an artistic word (poem), a game of attention.
  • At the main stage of the GCD, during the journey, they perform didactic tasks, speech games, games of low mobility are offered, where children answer questions from the educator, listen to the story and supplement it, view slides; physical education is used (coordination of speech with movements).
  • The final part contributes to relieving tension and summing up the overall result of the activity. Children are given the opportunity to express their impressions.

Materials and equipment:

multimedia, presentation "My city"; map of the Sakhalin region, the image of the coat of arms of the city, the Sakhalin region, Russia; a heart toy, a ball, red, yellow flags, several types of constructor (wooden, lego, multifunctional game material; sets of mini-toys, models of trees, houses for construction; musical accompaniment (“Russia is my homeland” lyrics by Svetlana Randa music .), the song “Sakhalin is calling me again and beckoning me”, “The road of good” lyrics by Y. Entin, music by M. Minkov.

Types, forms and methods of organizing joint activities:

  • Motor - physical education “We walked around the city”, motor movements with the ball, imitation of movement on the bus.
  • Game - educational games "Be careful", "Name your home address", "Name it affectionately", "What is a small Motherland?", Interactive game "Pass a heart and say a word."
  • Communicative - ascertaining and cognitive questions, teacher's story, explanation, riddles, speech game "What is a small Motherland?".
  • Musical - musical background (song "Russia - you are my land", "Sakhalin is calling me again and beckons me"), "By the way of goodness" lyrics by Y. Entin, music by M. Minkov.
  • Cognitive - research - designing, viewing a presentation about your hometown.

Logic of educational activity:

Introductory part.

The teacher turns on the melody "Russia - you are my land." Focuses the attention of children on the upcoming activity. Created a positive emotional mood, attracted the attention of children.

In a wide space

predawn time,

Scarlet dawns rose

over the native country.

Every year it gets better

Dear lands...

Better than our motherland

Out of the blue, friends.

What are the guys talking about in the poem? (Answers of children. Answer with simple common sentences).

Every person on earth has a small homeland.

Word game "What is a small Motherland?".

Children talk and pass the red flag to each other.

(Suggested answers of children: the small Motherland is the place where we were born and live; this is the land on which our grandfathers and grandmothers lived and worked; this is our city - Aleksandrovsk - Sakhalin; this is the place where people close and dear to us live - mother , dad, brother, sister; this is the place where our kindergarten stands; this is the place where they get bored, being in a distant land, on a foreign side).

Main part.

The teacher offers to look at the map of the Sakhalin Region, organizes the examination of the map, drawing the attention of the children, using the hand, to that part of it in question. Children examine the map of the Sakhalin region, answer the question.

- Look at the map, how majestic and beautiful our island Sakhalin is. This is our Sakhalin region. This is our small homeland. But there is a place where we were born and grow up - this is our hometown.

The teacher reads an excerpt from the poem.

- You are the pearl of the whole region

Our city is cozy and cute,

How much joy and warmth

And how much fun was there?!

Here live the townspeople and those

Every day, who get up early in the morning;

Cleaning lawns, planting flowers,

The city is made clean and comfortable.

How many beautiful buildings around

The sidewalks are sparkling clean.

My city, you are closer to me than a friend.

I love you, I won't hide it.

What city do you think it is? Where is our city located? What is the name of our city where we live? Ball game "What is our city Aleksandrovsk - Sakhalin?"

(Supposed children's answers: The city of Aleksandrovsk - Sakhalin - this is our hometown, our small homeland. Our city is located in the Sakhalin region. It is large, beautiful, green, clean, with wide streets).

The teacher organizes children for the developing game "Be careful." (Annex 1).

Children are offered images of coats of arms: the city of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, the Sakhalin region, Russia.

- Each city, region, country has its own coat of arms. And let's remember and find the coat of arms of our city. Choose from the coats of arms offered to you, the coat of arms of our city. (children perform search actions, find a coat of arms, give an explanation).

The phonogram of the song “Sakhalin is calling me again and beckoning” sounds. The teacher further suggests to travel.

- Guys, I know that you like to travel and I suggest you take a tour of our city. Usually, to see the city, what kind of transport do we need for this so that we can all fit there? (Bus) You, ready, let's go! (children pretend to ride a bus)

The music ends and the teacher announces first stop "Sights of our city".

Presentation display. (Appendix 2). The teacher's story during the presentation. (Children watch slides and name sights, memorable and cultural places of the city).

Fizkultminutka "We walked around the city."

Children stand in a semicircle, repeat the words and movements after the teacher.

- We walked around the city,

Learned a lot of new

But now we're tired

And sat down to rest.

Sat in the old park

And looked at the river

We rested a little

And now let's continue on our way.

The phonogram sounds, the children continue on their way. (Children move in a circle). The teacher announces the second stop.

The game "Name your home address."

(Children pass a yellow flag and give their home address). The teacher asks questions: - And what is the main street in our city? What is on this street? (Suggested responses of children (house of culture, shops, central square, savings bank, pharmacy, shopping center).

The teacher announces the landing for the next trip. To the music, the children continue on their way. (Move in a circle, a fixed territory). Second stop. The teacher invites the children to solve riddles and find clues in the proposed pictures. (Appendix 3).

(Children guess riddles, find pictures with the correct image).

- A house stands, whoever enters it,

he will acquire knowledge (school)

- From the outside you look - the house is like a house.

But there are no ordinary residents in it.

It has interesting books

stand in close rows (library).

- Here I go like every day,

so necessary, even if laziness,

I've known everyone there for five years

I eat and sleep with them and play with them.

I am very happy to go there, my beloved is there ... (kindergarten)

- Rising above the river

It costs so much!

He looks up into the sky with domes

Our majestic ... (temple)

— Letters and newspapers to the house

He delivers fast

Our beloved ... (postman)

There are a lot of memorable places in our city,

There is also a savings ... (cash desk)

- to always remember

And appreciated the feats

Not to always repeat

People are building ... (monuments).

Soundtrack sounds. (Children move in a circle). The journey goes on. The teacher announces third stop reading a poem.

- Small Motherland - an island of land.

Currant under the window

The trees blossomed.

curly birch,

And underneath is a bench.

Affectionate Motherland, my little one!

- In a big country, each person has his own little corner - the city, street, house where he was born. This is his small, small Motherland - our city of Aleksandrovsk - Sakhalin. Our city is beautiful, cozy, green, clean. Do you love your city? Let's think, imagine why we love our city, our small homeland - the city of Aleksandrovsk - Sakhalin so much? Let's practice making proposals about our city.

Game "Pass a heart and say a word."

(Children pass a toy - a heart and say why they love their city).

(Suggested responses from children: I love my city because it is beautiful. I love my city because it is green.)

- Guys, what do you think, what should be done so that our city will continue to remain as beautiful and only and only get prettier year by year?

(Suggested responses of children: Love your city, take care of it, do not litter, do not break trees, build new buildings, plant flowers, trees.)

- Guys, look, what else interesting we have here? (various constructor). What do you think it is for us? (For building, playing).

Yes, I suggest you dream up and build a "City of the Future". Post your version of the city and travel with your favorite toys, characters.

(The calm music “The Road of Kindness” sounds, lyrics by Y. Entin, music by M. Minkov. Children independently divide into groups and build their planned buildings from the proposed constructor).

- Guys, love your homeland - big and small. Try to learn more about its history, take care of its nature, keep its customs, live and work for its good!

Used Books:

1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155. Moscow "On the approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education."

2. An exemplary basic educational program for preschool education (approved by the decision of the federal educational - methodological association for general education protocol dated May 20, 2015 No. 2/15).

3. Educational area "Socialization". How to work on the program "Childhood": Educational - methodological manual / scientific editor A.G. Gogoberidze. - St. Petersburg: LLC "Publishing House" Childhood - Press ", 2012. - 256 p.

4. Educational area “Socialization. The game". How to work on the program "Childhood": Educational - methodological manual / scientific editor: A.G. Gogoberidze. - St. Petersburg: LLC "Publishing House" Childhood - Press ", 2012. - 176 p.

5. Educational area "Communication". How to work on the program "Childhood": Educational - methodological manual / scientific editor A.G. Gogoberidze. - St. Petersburg: LLC "Publishing House" Childhood - Press ", 2012 - 208 p.

Annex 1.

Coat of arms of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky District

Date of adoption: 28.03.2007

The coat of arms is made on the heraldic shield of the so-called French form. The azure field of the shield is endowed with a white border, as well as a white line of the same width, which divides it into two parts.
In the lower part of the coat of arms is the monogram of Alexander II, in whose honor it was founded, named, in the 60s of the XIX century, the post of Aleksandrovsky, which later became the city of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky. The shackles testify that the settlement was the administrative center of the Sakhalin penal servitude in the period from 1869 to 1906. And the break in the chains symbolizes the victory in the struggle for freedom.
In the central part of the armorial field there is a composition of the following parts: the most recognizable natural monument in the Sakhalin Region - the Three Brothers rocks, against the background of the solar disk, as a symbol of reliability, the inviolability of traditions, everything that is practically eternal in time. A symbol of what was yesterday, is today and will be tomorrow, the Sun symbolizes truth and abundance, including the abundance of the area's natural resources.
And completes, both in the literal and figurative sense of the word, the composition is a seagull. A snow-white bird of purity of thoughts and hope, a detail emphasizing the marine theme of the coat of arms. The seagull recalls the work of A.P. Chekhov, who visited our city.
The conciseness of the color palette emphasizes the forms and lines of the coat of arms, made in a deliberately simplified style inherent in heraldry.

The main colors used in the coat of arms and their interpretation in heraldry: white: (silver): purity, innocence, wisdom, joy. Black: constancy, modesty, peace, tranquility.
Blue: (azure,): glory, honor, loyalty, sincerity.

Coat of arms of the Sakhalin region

Date of adoption: 04/25/1997

The coat of arms of the Sakhalin Region is an image in a silver shield of an azure (blue) pillar, burdened with a golden, left-facing Russian Cossack koch of the 17th century, floating on silver waves, and accompanied on each side by a black hill - a volcano with one scarlet (red) flame, emerging from the vent.

State Emblem of the Russian Federation It is a quadrangular, with rounded lower corners, pointed at the tip, a red heraldic shield with a golden double-headed eagle, which raised its spread wings. The eagle is crowned with two small crowns and - above them - one large crown, connected by a ribbon. In the right paw of the eagle is a scepter, in the left - orb. On the chest of the eagle, in a red shield, is a silver rider in a blue cloak on a silver horse, striking with a silver spear a black dragon, overturned and trampled by a horse.

Appendix 3

This presentation is addressed to preschool teachers. It will be interesting to see the sights of the city, places of recreation, views of the city. A city with a long and interesting history of development since hard labor times. The presence of memorable places, like a tunnel, suggests that in tsarist times, it was built by convicts. Monument to A.P. Chekhov about his arrival on Sakhalin Island. The image of the obelisk will reveal the story of the Japanese war on Sakhalin Island. The symbol of the rock city "Three Brothers" can tell a legend about their origin, the three brothers.

The presentation is the second appendix in the abstract "My Small Motherland". In the abstract, appendix 2.



Educational areas:

Cognitive development, speech development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Target: Continue to form elementary ideas of pupils about the small Motherland - the village of Tengushevo.



To give an idea that for each person the small Motherland is the place where he was born, where he spent his childhood.


Develop verbal communication skills, the ability to perceive a readable text,

enrich vocabulary, form the grammatical structure of speech, the ability to maintain a relaxed conversation, answering questions from the teacher.


Cultivate patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland.

Educator: Dear children, what is the name of the country in which we live?

Children: Russia.

Educator: That's right, our country is Russia! There are many wonderful countries on Earth, people live everywhere, but Russia is the only, extraordinary country, because it is our Motherland!

Great is our Motherland! It spread freely from the snow and

ice of the Far North to the southern seas. This is a huge state! Is in Russia

high mountains, full-flowing rivers, deep lakes, dense forests and endless steppes.

There are also small rivers, bright birch groves, sunny meadows, ravines,

swamps and fields.

We are proud of our great Russia, its diverse nature, rich

subsoil, and in particular - hardworking and talented people, its


People have composed many wise proverbs about love for the motherland. There are among them

"Russian man does not live without a homeland",

"The native side is the mother is dear, the foreign side is the stepmother."

It happens that a person ends up in a foreign country, as they used to say in the old days -

in a foreign land, and at first everything seems new and interesting to him: people, customs, and

nature. But a little time will pass, and the heart will yearn, it will ask for home, for

dear side, where everything is so close, familiar and so loved! After all, "by birth

the side of the heart aches.

♦ What do we call this feeling?

Right! People call the feeling of homesickness nostalgia.

Many Russian poets, writers, artists who were destined to live in foreign

countries, yearned for Russia, composed songs, poems, poems about it, painted pictures,

dedicated to their dear distant homeland, dreamed of returning home at least in their old age.

Listen to the poem.

native side

I will go out at dawn

Listen to the nightingale.

Groves, hillocks,

In the distance are fields.

Above the native side

The sun is rising.

And the nightingale sings

Whistle, flood.

Nightingale trills

I understand:

He glorifies relatives

Groves and fields.

Dawn ribbon narrow

Throws over the river

Each of us has our own small homeland - that corner of the earth where we were born,

where we spent our childhood, where our parents live, where our home is located.

For some, a small homeland is a small village or village, for others -

city ​​street and a green courtyard with swings, a sandbox and a wooden slide.

In a word, everyone has their own small homeland!

Listen to the poem.

Small homeland

Small homeland -

An island of earth.

Currant under the window

The cherries have blossomed.

curly apple tree,

And underneath is a bench.

affectionate, small

My motherland!

Do you remember the name of the village where you were born?

(Individual survey of children).

Most of you were born in our village of Tengushevo. And we all live here. This is our little home.
Do you love your village?

Children's answers: (Yes, I love my village! I love my village very much!)
Why do you love him? Think about it, what's so special about it?

Children: I love my village because it is beautiful and cozy. It has a kindergarten, a school, a hospital, a pharmacy, beautiful streets, monuments, a church.


What street names do you know? (Answers of children).

Children, what are the names of the streets where you live. (Answers of children).

And now let's build the streets where you live out of cubes. (Children work).

I invite you to play a little. Stand up, scatter, repeat with me.
“We are walking along the street, (Walking).

Raise your legs higher. (Knees high, marching)

We will not go through the snowdrifts, (Hand gesture)

We will step over it (Step to the side)

We sat down on the bench, (Sit down)

They ate a candy bag there. (imitation by hands)

And when friends met, (Get up)

We waved at them! (Waving hand).

Here's how nicely they walked: (They walk).

We followed each other! (Turn to the right, follow the teacher).

One-two, one-two! (They walk).
Educator:- Rested. Let's continue our conversation. We remembered the names of the streets. What else is interesting in our village?

Children: Park, skating rink, fitness center, Moksha river,

a hospital where people are treated, schools where children are taught, kindergartens, hairdressers,

a garment factory where clothes are sewn, a library.

Dear Guys! Love your homeland - big and small. try harder

learn about its history, take care of its nature, keep its customs and traditions.

Flyagina Natalia Nikolaevna
Position: educator
Educational institution: GBOU secondary school in the village of Petrovka. JV Yazykovsky branch
Locality: s. Yazykovo. Bor district. Samara Region.
Material name: abstract
Topic: Synopsis of GCD with children of the senior group "My small Motherland"
Publication date: 06.04.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Synopsis of GCD with children of the senior group "My small homeland"

the formation of children's ideas about the small Motherland.
Tasks of educational areas:

-improve children's knowledge about their native village (names of streets, institutions) -form elementary concepts about the big and small Motherland (model "Small and Great Motherland") -develop interest in the past (acquaintance with the history of the village)
- to develop dialogical speech (through conversation) - to form the ability to use detailed narrative statements in the process of communication; - improve the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives (through the game “Think up a name”)
- to form the skills of cooperation (performing teamwork) - to cultivate patriotic feelings for the small Motherland.
Artistic creativity:
- to cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards the native land, the desire to make the village even more beautiful (conversation, improving the layout of the kindergarten) - to improve the ability of children to firmly connect the parts in working with paper - to form the ability to find compositional solutions to the plot
- to improve the ability of children to use music to convey their own mood, emotions in the process of joint performance of a piece of music.

Reading fiction:
- to form an emotional attitude to literary works.
Preliminary work:
Making a layout “Our Kindergarten”. Excursions through the streets of the village. Drawing on the theme: “My village”, “My house”. Learning poems about the Motherland.
Photos (school, cultural center, church, obelisk, kindergarten), strips of colored paper, glue, wet wipes, oilcloths.
Logic of educational activity:
- Guys, today we will talk about the Motherland. - Now I will ask Antosha to tell you one poem, and you listen carefully to his words. (To the sounds of light music, the child reads a poem by I. Maznin “Every leaf”) Every leaf, Every stream There is the main thing in the world There is a homeland! For the weeping willow there is no sweeter river, for the little white birch there are no relatives of the edge. There are branches at the leaf, Ovrazhek at the stream.
Everyone in the world has their own homeland! - Guys, what an amazing poem, everything in the world turns out to be: a birch, a leaf, even a stream, has its own homeland. For a willow - this is (river), for a birch - (edge), for a leaf - (branch), and where does the stream come from, what can be called its Motherland? - And for you, what is the Motherland? (Motherland is where we were born; where our mother and father, our relatives live; motherland is where we are loved and understood.) - Can you call our village your Motherland? Why? - Imagine that this small circle is our village of Yazykovo. (I point.) Outside of our village, are there other villages, cities? (Yes.) - In what area is our village located? (Our village is located in the Bor district.) - What circle will we take for him? (More.) - The next circle will mark our area. What is the name of our area? (Samara Region.) What circle will we take for her? - And where is the Samara region? (In Russia.) What circle do you think will represent our country? - Can Russia be called our Motherland? (Yes, you can.) Why? Russia is the Motherland for many and many millions of people. In Russia, we all understand each other, despite the fact that we are people of different nationalities, because we speak the same language. -Our village is a small part of Russia, therefore our village for us is a small Motherland, and Russia is a big Motherland. - We all know proverbs and sayings about the Motherland. Now let's play the game "Continue the proverb". I start and you continue. “There is nothing more beautiful ... than our Motherland. ” “Everyone is sweet ... their own side. " "Needed where was born. “Beloved motherland is like a dear mother. ”
“Take care of your dear land, like a beloved mother. “You live on the side, and your village is on your mind. - Each of us has a name, and the village has a name. Do you know why our village is called Yazykovo? Hear about the history of our village. The village was founded by Alexander Mikhailovich Yazykov. The village became a dowry of his daughter Irina, who married Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Fedorovich Apraksin. In 1766, a wooden church without a bell tower (Kazan Bogoroditskaya) was built at the expense of Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Fedorovich Apraksin. In 1869, with the help of the landowner Alexander Shishkov, with the assistance of parishioners, a warm stone church with the same bell tower was erected in three tiers. The second stone one-altar church in the name of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God without a bell tower was built at the expense of the landowner Maria Alekseevna Shishkova (it was erected on the estate of M.A. Shishkova, which then became owned by Olga Grigoryevna Aksakova, granddaughter of the writer S.T. Aksakov). The same Olenka, for whom the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" was written. And the fairy tale "Olenkin's flower" was called. Yazykovo is a village that is inextricably linked with the Aksakov family. In our village there is a mass grave in which the writer's granddaughter, Olga Grigorievna Aksakova, was buried with those who died of starvation in 1921. You know that we have organized a museum where information about the large family of Aksakovs is carefully collected and stored. In the village itself there is a place where the manor estate of Olga Aksakova was located, surrounded on all sides by dense lilac bushes. They are growing to this day. The inhabitants of the village were mainly craftsmen - blacksmiths, tailors, potters. Those who were richer, and they included joiners and carpenters, had their own workshops. They made sledges, firewood, carts, tarantasses, bent arcs and made skids. They wove canvases, burned lime. A mill was built on the river. There were two churches in the village - one lordly, the other - for all the inhabitants of the village. We said that every person has a name, a village has a name, our streets have names too. What are the names of the streets where you live? - Try to explain the names of the streets of the village: Dvorovskoye, Labaz, Sukhorechka, Selo, Kutok. (Explanations of children.) - I brought photographs with views of our village. Let's play the game "What is it and where is it."
Photos: school, cultural center, shop. an obelisk to the heroes of the Patriotic War, a church, a collective farm board. Children name what it is and on what street it is located. - Why do you think so many institutions are located in one place, nearby, on the same street? (Because it is the center of the village.) - That's right, that's why the street is called Central. - And what other streets are there in our village? So that we do not forget about them, remember the feat of the people who defended our Motherland, know about their courage, bravery, courage, honor their memory, be grateful to them, so our people erected many monuments, obelisks, they are in our village. (Photo: obelisk to the heroes of the Patriotic War.) -Many songs and poems have been written about love for the motherland. We are learning a song written by a poet and composer living in our village. This is Yuri Vladimirovich Mikhailov. Now Nastya will read the poem, listen carefully. We almost live in the garden, Here we play and sing, Here we find friends for ourselves, We go for a walk with them. We argue and dream together, We imperceptibly grow up. Kindergarten is our second home, How warm, cozy it is! The best house in the world The world of painted toys Very bright, interesting, Multi-colored, that's what! - What is this poem about? (About kindergarten.)
Photo of a kindergarten - they call the kindergarten and the street. - What is shown in this photo? - Our kindergarten, which you go to, is also a small part of our small Motherland, and we must love and protect it. - Guys, our village is small, but very beautiful. And this is the merit of all its inhabitants, including your parents. What can we do to make our village even more beautiful? (Do not break branches, do not scatter garbage. Try to keep it clean around. Help grandparents, do not quarrel, do not offend the little ones. We need to plant flowers and take care of them so that it is beautiful.) - Parents do for the village, and we do for kindergarten. - What can we change to make the territory of the kindergarten more beautiful and comfortable? (We could plant trees.) - Yes, then birds will be able to fly here, sing songs. And everyone will be fine. But now we cannot plant trees, because there is still snow, but we can imagine what it would look like. How? (Draw, make an application, sculpt or make a layout.) - We already have a layout of the kindergarten building. What do we need to decorate the territory? Consider the material that is on the table. Let's make birch trees: we twist white paper into a tube - this is a trunk, and wrap strips of green paper on a pencil - these are twigs with foliage. Glue the branches to the stems. Work of children (if necessary, individual assistance of a teacher). - Where will we plant trees, why? (Discussion.) - Do you like it? Why? - We will show the layout to your parents at the parent meeting and offer them to help in arranging the territory, and I will ask you at home to tell us what you learned new about our village today.
1. In preparing the material, the following authors' poems were used: Ya. Akim, S. Pogorelovskiy; "Didactic games in kindergarten" by A.I. Sorokina; four seasons, compiled by S.E. Shamaeva; "Native land" authors R.I. Zhukovskaya, N.F. Vinogradov, as well as Russian - folk proverbs and sayings. 2. "History of the village of Yazykovo" author M.T. Shishkanov 3. Internet resources. 4. Audio recordings.

NOD on patriotic education.

Theme: "Our small Motherland."

Purpose: To consolidate and expand the knowledge of children about their native city - Ryazan, about its history, customs, traditions.


1. . Formation of interest in their native city, consolidation of children's knowledge about the streets, squares, monuments of the city.

2. Consolidation and expansion of children's knowledge about the history, sights of Ryazan, about people who glorified their native city;

3. Enrich vocabulary, activate speech, cultivate a sense of patriotism, a sense of pride in their small homeland, arouse interest and love for their native land.

preliminary work : Conducting classes "Ryazan Kremlin", "Name the streets of our city", "Name your home address", "Introduction to the symbols of the country and the city", viewing presentations: "Streets that are next to the kindergarten", "Native land, forever favourite". Examination of photo albums and postcards with views of the city, sights, reading poems about the motherland.

Equipment : interactive whiteboard (slides), split puzzles, ball, bell, tape recorder.

GCD progress.

Educator. Guys, let's stand in a circle, form a round dance. Show your palms. Rub them against each other. What do you feel? (Heat) This is the warmth of good hands and good souls. We offer our warmth, our hands to friends and say:

Morning is coming

The sun is rising.

We are going to,

Let's go on a good journey.

Let's look at each other

Let's talk about ourselves:

Who is good for us?

Who is handsome?

( Children take turns calling each other affectionate words.)

Educator. I am very pleased that you are such affectionate, kind, smart guys. It is interesting to talk with such children.

You know that every person has a Motherland. Guys, what does the word “Motherland” mean to you? "(Children's answers). Listen to the poem

V. Stepanova “What do we call Motherland? '( Image slide. rivers and sky

What do we call motherland?

The house where we live

And birches along which

We are walking next to my mother.

What do we call motherland?

A field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs

Warm evening outside.

What do we call motherland?

Everything that we keep in our hearts

And under the sky blue - blue

Russian flag over the Kremlin.

caregiver : Guys, you know that our country is the largest, there are many different cities in it, tell me, what is the name of our country? (Russia). What about the capital of our country? (Moscow).

We all live in a huge beautiful country - Russia. And we must love her with all our hearts, because, as the great writer and teacher K. D. Ushinsky said, “a man has one mother, he has one Motherland.” But love for one's native country begins with love for one's city, village, native forest and river. This is what I wanted to talk to you about.

Guys, what is a "small Motherland"? (This is: home, native street, this is the sun, this sky is blue, these are friends, this is the place where we were born.)caregiver : That's right guys! We call our city homeland, the house where a person was born, where he has many friends. You know that our country is the largest, there are many different cities in it, tell me, what is the name of our country? (Russia). What about the capital of our country? (Moscow). Guys, today we will talk about our city, our city is big, so we will talk about our favorite places where all the inhabitants of our city, and you and your parents like to walk.

To the music, the child reads a poem: (music of nature) (Slide with the image of the river in the glow)

Small Motherland-Island of the Earth,

Currant under the window

The cherries have blossomed.

curly apple tree,

And under it is a bench,

My dear, dear Motherland!

Our small homeland is the place where we were born and live, we go to kindergarten, where our mothers, fathers, friends live.

And what is the name of our small Motherland? (children's answers)

We love our home, we feel very good among friends. It is not for nothing that the sayings say “Everywhere is good, but at home it is better”, “Everyone has his own side”.

Do you love our city and your homeland? (Children's answers)

caregiver : What do you like about Ryazan expanses? (Answers children)

To the music, the child reads a poem: (music of nature) (Slide autumn)

I love Ryazan open spaces,

Where in the river is the azure sky,

Splashing like a blue sea

Quietly and solemnly floats.

At dawn I will go into a wide field,(Slide. Field)

I'll get drunk on air in my native forest, (Slide. Forest)

I'll get lost in the crimson expanse,

I'll take a look at the Russian beauty.

Loose braids on birches (Slide. birches )

And on the bunches of ripened rowans,

Where dew is silver in the grasses,

I stand thoughtfully alone.

Maybe there are more beautiful lands, so what?

Maybe the air is sweeter? Well, let!

I'm dearer and dearer

Dear land, my holy Russia!

Physical education minute.

They raised their hands and shook them - these are birches in the forest.

Hands bent, brushes shaken - the wind knocks down the dew.

Hands to the sides, gently wave - these are birds flying towards us.

We will also show how they sit down - their arms are bent back.

caregiver : That's how beautiful the nature of our Motherland is, but you and I live in the city,

and now we will find out how well you know him. Conducted didactic game"The fourth extra "(slide-3 photos with views of our city, and 1 photo with a view of Moscow, children must find an extra photo). Well done guys, you got the job done.

And now we'll play. (Ball game).

In our city, the streets have their own name-name. Let's playgame "Streets of our city" (The teacher starts the game first, passing the ball)

Educator: That's how many different street names we know and we won't get lost in our city.

What is the name of the street where our kindergarten is located?The children answer Who is the street named after? ( Zubkov's slide ) Did you recognize who is pictured? (Answers) Right. Antonina Leontievna Zubkova was born and raised in the city of Ryazan. When the Second World War began, she voluntarily went to war with the Nazis and became a military navigator. She bravely fought for her Motherland and by the end of the war made 68 sorties on a dive bomber, blew up 3 enemy ammunition depots, dropped 50,000 kg. bombs. In 1945, Zubkova was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.


caregiver : Our city has not always been modern. In the distant past, he had a completely different look.

Now we will go back in time and find out how our city arose. Let's close our eyes. (ring the bell).

Sounds music to the story about Ryazan.

caregiver :

The city of Ryazan is the center of the Ryazan region, located on the right bank of the river. Okie. (Slide of ancient Ryazan on the banks of the Oka ) Initially, the city was called Pereyaslavl. He grew up in the center of an ancient agricultural region on the river. Ok. The lands around were fertile, the meadows were plentiful, the forests were full of animals, and the waters were full of fish. The city was surrounded by ancient settlements. (Slide Ryazan, around the settlement) In the territories of ancient settlements, archaeologists have discovered numerous items of agriculture, hunting, fishing, weaving, iron and bronze crafts. During the war with the Mongol-Tatars, the city was taken and burned to the ground. But under Prince Oleg, the city flourished and gained power. (Prince Oleg's slide ) Later, by decree of Empress CatherineIIPereyaslavl gets the short name Ryazan.

We close our eyes and return from the past to our time.

Guys, tell me, please, what are the names of the inhabitants of our city of Ryazan?

Children. (Ryazans).

Our city was glorified by many people. Name someone you know. (Sergey Yesenin)(Yesenin's slide ) - Or maybe someone knows Yesenin's poem?

The one who has seen at least once

This edge and this surface,

The one almost every birch

I'm glad to kiss the leg.

Every city, every town or village has its sights - places that deserve special attention. And what is our Ryazan famous for? A lot of tourists visit this place. (Children's answers). (Ryazan Kremlin slide ) And the Ryazan Kremlin is the pride of our city, there is nothing like it anywhere.

Educator: Guys, our city is one of the greenest in Russia.

And all because the residents not only plant shrubs and trees, but also preserve those that already exist.

Now let's talk about how we take care of our city. (Slide with the girls on the site).

( We plant trees, bushes, flowers, clean up the territory, etc.)

Educator: Well done guys, you also contribute to the improvement of your native city.

caregiver : Guys, now I suggest you play, collect puzzles, and at the end, when you collect the picture, you will recognize some sight of the city of Ryazan.

HeldD / games "Collect the picture." (Puzzles).

Well done! Everyone did their job. What interesting things did you learn in class today? (Children's answers).

Guys, where does our small Motherland begin. (Children's answers). And I believe that the Motherland begins with the family in which you were born and where you are loved. I want to show you a film about Saints Peter and Fevronia. They represent family, love and loyalty. (We are watching a movie ).

caregiver : I wish you to love and not forget your family. And in conclusion, I want to give you memorable gifts.