Divorce process in the Russian Federation. Divorce in court with children: the procedure for divorce in court What is needed to dissolve a marriage

You can file a divorce between citizens of the Russian Federation: by contacting the registry office, or through the court.

If the marriage is between a Russian and a foreigner, there is a possibility of divorce by contacting the consulate of the country of which the foreign spouse is a citizen.

In this article, we will look at how to quickly divorce for spouses who are Russian citizens.

Depending on the place of filing for divorce (registry office or court) and the specific situation, a different package of documents will be required.

A package of documents for a divorce in the registry office

  • if the spouse has been sentenced for more than 3 years;
  • is listed as missing, or the court declared him dead;
  • deprived of legal capacity by a court decision.

In this situation, the second spouse must submit an application to the registry office, attach a court decision to it, and automatically receive a divorce a month later.

The duty for divorce is 150 rubles for 2016 (per spouse).

A package of documents for the court

The size of the state duty for considering a claim for divorce is 600 rubles for 2016.

How to file a divorce as soon as possible

The easiest and fastest way to get a divorce is the registry office. But it is suitable if there are no disputes about property between the spouses and they have no minor children.

The process of collecting documents for a divorce in the registry office does not take more than 1 working day, and the application itself is considered within a month.

If you go to the registry office outside the wedding season, when its employees have free time, the date of divorce may be set earlier. If you have valid reasons why the marriage should be dissolved as soon as possible, you can notify the registry office staff about this. In most cases, practice shows that they willingly meet halfway with such requests.

For a divorce in court, you will have to be patient and the documents necessary to speed up the process. In this case, the process of considering the claim takes no more than one month. Further, the spouses are given from 1 to 3 months for possible reconciliation of the parties.

There is an important nuance here - this term can be waived at the hearing. It should be explained (or it is better to indicate in the declaration of divorce) that the marriage relationship has actually been terminated, and reconciliation of the parties is impossible. Indicate that you are asking for a divorce as soon as possible.

If you already have a new relationship and you live in a civil marriage, you should also note this in the statement of claim.

On average, it is possible to divorce through the court in 1-3 months, provided that the second spouse is duly notified of the claim and does not shy away from appearing at the hearing.

Around the world, there is an acute question of how to reduce the number of cases of divorce. Divorce is a serious problem that is common in Russia as well. Almost every third marriage is dysfunctional and ends up in dissolution. The divorce procedure has its own characteristics.

Divorce can be by mutual consent of the husband and wife, or only if one party so desires. The second option is more common. In most cases, the wife files for divorce. The reasons for filing a divorce can be very diverse.

The following situations lead to divorce:

  1. Unwillingness of one side to continue living together due to disrespectful attitude towards oneself (beating).
  2. If the husband or wife met another person and lost interest in each other.
  3. If one party is serving a sentence in prison or has been declared incapacitated.
  4. If there is adultery.

If the consent was mutual, then you will need to write a written statement. This is done according to a special scheme, which is indicated in the form. Similar forms are available in any registry office. If a husband or wife is unable to write a statement due to illness or business trip, then another document is drawn up on his behalf, which must be certified by a notary. A notarized document is legally binding. In case of divorce, you must apply at the place of registration or permanent residence.

When the court may not accept the statement of claim

Occasionally situations arise when the statement of claim written by the plaintiff is not accepted. This can happen if the case is being considered in another court instance. The application is not considered even if the organization or other legal entity, challenging the interests of the other party, does not have a legal right to this. The reason may be a situation when, when submitting an application, issues are raised that do not take into account the interests and rights of the applicant.

The court does not accept the application even in the case when a decision has already been made on this issue, or the case was closed due to the settlement of the conflict between the husband and wife. The refusal of the court also takes place if there is a decision of the arbitral tribunal on the same issue. Article 135 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation deals with the return of the statement of claim by the court. This occurs for several reasons. Firstly, if the plaintiff is declared legally incompetent and he cannot carry out such procedures. Secondly, if the case in question is not subject to this court instance.

Thirdly, in the case when the statement of claim is signed by a person who does not have the authority and right to do so. Fourthly, if the process is currently underway to consider this issue in an arbitration court. The court has the right not to accept the application if the plaintiff has not fulfilled the requirements for the settlement of disputes in the period before going to court (if such a procedure is provided for this issue). If the documents, when applying to the plaintiff's court, were submitted in incomplete volume, there are significant shortcomings in the preparation of the statement of claim, then the court may suspend the proceedings until all errors are corrected.

The issue of the future residence of minor children

The issue of the child's residence is of great importance. According to the Family Code, a husband and wife can, if they wish, draw up an agreement on the conditions for raising their children. If it is absent, then the court itself decides with whom the children will stay. In doing so, he is guided by several provisions.

This situation takes into account the attachment of children to their parents, sisters, brothers and other relatives. The main criterion is the interests of the child himself. The desire of the kids is also taken into account. The relationship between parents and children is also important.

The court also takes into account the possibility of providing material support for the children. We take into account the occupation of each parent, their salary, work schedule, living conditions. In order for a child to be brought up in optimal conditions, the region of his possible residence is also taken into account (the level of crime, environmental conditions, the level of sanitary and communal well-being). It is very important that the material condition is not the main criterion when determining the place of the future residence of children.

The main reason for this is that almost always a parent who is better off financially spends a lot of time on work, which cannot but affect the child. The child needs attention and care!

Therefore, children are left to those parents who have the opportunity to pay more attention to their babies. The second spouse is obliged to pay alimony before they come of age.

Thus, divorce is a lengthy process. If both parties agree to a divorce, then the procedure takes place as usual, at the registry office. If there are children in the family, the process will be more complicated.

In the absence of all documents or if the statement of claim is written incorrectly, the court may refuse to divorce the plaintiff. Divorce can also take place unilaterally in the absence of the husband or wife at the meeting.

Of great importance is the fact that the wife or husband, when filing a statement of claim, may not indicate the reason.

Everyone has family problems. And they often end in divorce. Divorcing spouses do not always manage to behave correctly. In this situation, it should be remembered that when divorcing, the main thing is a competent approach. What is the right way to divorce your husband without nerves and unnecessary hassle? This can be done by following certain rules and tips.

According to statistics, every third marriage falls apart. Currently, this procedure does not take much time and effort, especially if the divorce occurs with the consent of both spouses who do not have children under 18 years of age.

It will be much more difficult if the family has young children and property that was acquired by joint labor, since not all parting spouses can divide property correctly and without disputes.

According to statistics, the initiators of divorce are usually women. Men, on the contrary, strive to preserve their family and common life. Children usually suffer the most from divorce.

After all, they see their parents together from birth. For a child, the current situation is abnormal, because he cannot understand why dad and mom want to live separately.

In addition to this misunderstanding, the child suffers mentally, and most often the parents themselves are to blame. Adults can behave incorrectly: be offended and angry, involve them in children with insults, set them against each other, limit communication.

These actions are contraindicated for the child. Therefore, the first thing to do in a divorce is to try to maintain a neutral relationship with your spouse if you are unable to remain friends. If you want to know how to divorce your husband, remember the first rule: divorce should not separate children and father. Each situation is individual, but here it is important to know that the father has absolutely the same rights to the child as the mother.

Divorce documents

After you are mentally prepared and calm, learn the steps to follow before starting the divorce proceedings. If the spouses have failed to maintain the unit of society, they only have to correctly file a divorce from a legal point of view.

First of all, you will need to prepare a set of necessary documents. In this situation, it is very important how long the marriage lasted and whether there are joint children in the family.

If the spouses did not live together for long and did not have time to have babies, then the divorce process will be extremely simple and will require a minimum number of documents.

Spouses must provide to the registry office:

  • civil passports;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • declaration of divorce.

Documents should be submitted to the registry office located at the place of residence of the spouses. In this case, after 1 month, the spouses will be divorced. It is important that the divorce takes place on mutual will and without claims to property. If claims arise or one of the spouses refuses to dissolve the marriage, the initiator of the divorce will have to go to court, where he submits a corresponding application. In this situation, divorce will be more difficult and will take time and effort.

Correct behavior in divorce

Keep a cool head and behave with dignity. This is the main rule for divorce. Having analyzed the life together, the emotional state, the way of life, you can draw conclusions that further life with this person is impossible. You need to calmly inform your spouse about your decision without insults and reproaches. This is a very difficult decision, and it is difficult to talk about it, especially if people have accumulated a lot of grievances and problems. Divorce should be approached from a business point of view. This will help preserve human relations after the divorce proceedings.

To make divorce easier, seek professional help. He will help you get out of the most unforeseen situations, thanks to which you avoid possible misunderstandings. The specialist will advise how to behave correctly in each specific situation, so as not to harm any of the spouses.

Do not let your children know about the details of the divorce procedure; it is better to discuss all the details during the absence of the child. The psyche of children at an early age is very fragile. All this can only harm your child. The best reason for divorce, which should be called by others, including children, will be "disagreeable."

Sometimes there are situations when spouses cannot divorce, even if the length of their life together is minimal. A man cannot get a divorce if his wife is pregnant, no matter how long the pregnancy is. A husband will not be divorced from a wife who has one or more children under 1.5 years of age. Such a law operates on the territory of the Russian Federation, and it is intended to protect the rights of mothers and children, including property rights. In this situation, the husband is obliged to support the family financially and be married to his wife, observing the family code with all the ensuing consequences, even if the man has good reasons for divorce.

Divorce procedure if you have a child

If the parting spouses have a joint, minor child or several children, then the divorce procedure will take place in court.

The initiator of the divorce must apply to the court with a statement, pay the state fee and provide a full set of documents that are required to start a divorce case. List of required documents:

  • a copy of the passport of the spouse initiating the divorce;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • certificate or certified copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • completed application of the established form.

The presented set of documents is suitable only in a situation where the initiator of the divorce proceedings does not put forward any more demands on the ex-spouse. If the case concerns other additional court decisions, for example, the recovery of alimony that will go to the maintenance of young children, then the initiator must attach other documents in addition to the application. These include a certificate confirming the material condition, as well as a certificate of family composition, proving that minor children live with one of the spouses.

Joint ownership

There are cases when the issue with children during a divorce is resolved amicably, but at the same time the question of the division of property arises. And not always the parting spouses manage to divide the property without claims and disputes. If you have joint property, then you need to clearly understand what rights you have to it, and what rights your spouse has. This is the only way you will understand how much of the property you can claim.

During the divorce proceedings, the initiator of the divorce may demand the division of joint property between the spouses. In this case, he needs to collect additional documents. These include papers confirming the existence of property that is subject to division, as well as documents that indicate the value of the property.

If real estate or vehicles is subject to the section, then you will need a certain list of title documents. If the spouse wants to share furniture or household appliances, then he will have to provide passports for all products and receipts that remained after their purchase. These documents should be attached to the statement of claim along with a detailed list of the property that is to be divided between the divorcing spouses.

The set of documents will be incomplete if you do not attach a copy of the statement of claim to it. Because the court must send a copy to the defendant. It is important to pay attention to the fact that in the course of a divorce with division of property, the amount of the state fee will be higher. Its size is increased based on the total price of the things that the initiator of the divorce wants to award to himself.

The procedure for the division of property in case of divorce

You should know that all property acquired in marriage should be divided between the parting spouses in equal parts. In this case, it does not matter which of them has invested more money. Even if the spouse was on parental leave, received an education or ran a household, she is entitled to 50% of the property acquired during the marriage.

But there are also exceptions. For example, if before marriage the husband built a one-story house and during the marriage the spouses built 2 more floors, then such property can also be considered jointly acquired. The court will divide the house equally between both spouses. Consequently, if in marriage the property of one spouse has significantly increased due to common investments and costs, then he is assigned the status of joint property.

When solving issues with the section of real estate, cars and other things, try not to harm your emotional state. Don't forget about children who shouldn't be suffering. Remember your ex-spouse too. Try to take a step forward so that your relationship after a divorce becomes kind and human. Try to maintain a good relationship with your ex after the divorce and make a good friend.

Divorce is an unpleasant event in people's lives. But, in addition to the painful emotions that accompany him, one has to deal with the observance of a regulated divorce procedure - step-by-step and strictly regulated actions that must be followed so that the process does not stall and ends as quickly as possible.

The procedure for divorce - what it is, and what nuances of preparation for it must be observed - we will talk about this in the article.

What are the divorce procedures

The Family Code provides for two options for divorce:

  • In the bodies of the registry office;
  • In a court.

Each of them has its own characteristics, different terms for considering applications and, most importantly, various packages of documents that the spouse who wants to divorce will need to be provided in order for the divorce to take place without unnecessary problems and delaying the deadlines.

Divorce in the registry office is considered the fastest and most painless for former spouses, since it does not require personal participation, therefore, personal communication. This is especially true if the relationship between spouses is tense to such an extent that they do not want to communicate with each other.

Divorce litigation is a much more common procedure that cannot be avoided if the spouses have joint (adopted) children, cannot independently divide the property that they have acquired during their life together, or one of the spouses does not want to dissolve the marriage.

How does the divorce procedure take place?

There are two options for dissolving a marriage through a legal process:

  • By appeal to the magistrate;
  • Divorce in the district (city) court.

The difference between these divorce procedures in procedural terms does not differ from each other. But there are restrictions imposed by the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation on the value of the declared claims for the division of property - the magistrate considers only those claims in which the value of the property divided between the divorced spouses does not exceed 50,000 rubles.

The second limitation is the absence of a dispute between the spouses about which of them the born (adopted) minor children will remain with. Disputes about the fate of children are subject to consideration only by judges of the district (city) court.

The divorce procedure consists of the following sequential stages:

Content of the application for divorce

The divorce procedure begins by filing an application with the appropriate court. The initiator can be either one of the spouses, or both, by submitting appropriate applications.
Divorce statement, in addition to the required details:

  • Name of the court;
  • Surname, name, patronymic of the applicant;
  • Registration and actual residence addresses;
  • Surname, Name, Patronymic of the second spouse;
  • His registration address and actual place of residence.
  • Did not get along;
  • Rude attitude;
  • Alcoholism or drug addiction of the second spouse;
  • Household troubles caused by the lack of their own apartment, lack of funds, inability or unwillingness of the second spouse to participate in the joint household.

They may also contain reasons of an intimate nature associated with the sexual life of the spouses or behavior that violates the moral norms adopted in modern society - adultery, non-traditional sexual orientation of the second spouse.
In this case, the law does not require a literal statement of the reason. If the applicant nevertheless decides on this, he at the same time has the right to file a petition before the court to consider the divorce proceedings in a closed manner - without the participation of third parties and witnesses in the case.

If the statement of claim for divorce includes a requirement to consider the fate of joint minor children, their full name is indicated. and age.
The formulation of requirements for leaving children with the applicant (one of the parents) must be motivated.

To do this, in the statement of claim, in addition to the desire for the children to remain with the plaintiff, it is necessary to provide evidence of the ability to provide them with a place to live (living space that belongs to the plaintiff), to prove the sufficiency of funds and the existence of a permanent source of income that will provide the parent and children with income, not below the subsistence level established in the region of residence, the opportunity to participate in the care and upbringing of children, to refer to their personal affection.

This is especially true for children over the age of 10, since when making a decision, the court proceeds from the interests of the children and takes into account their opinion expressed in the court - with whom of the parents the child wants to stay.

When the requirements for the division of property are included in the statement of claim, it is necessary to indicate (list) all the property that the applicant claims. At the same time, it is advisable not only to indicate, but also to document the fact of the acquisition of this property precisely during the period of cohabitation in a marriage registered with the registry office. It should be remembered that property acquired by each of the spouses before marriage, or donated (inherited) to one of the spouses during the marriage is not subject to division.

When filing a petition for the recovery of alimony, evidence of the solvency of the second spouse should be provided. If he does not have a permanent job or other sources of income, he should apply to the court for the appointment of a fixed amount of alimony for the maintenance of children or a spouse who is pregnant or caring for a child under 3 years of age.

The application should not overlook the fact that the applicants themselves have the right to claim maintenance from the second spouse. This is possible in cases where permanent disability occurred during marriage or within a year after its dissolution, the spouse claiming alimony has incomes below the subsistence level.

Preparation of documents

Having stated in the statement of claim all the requirements, each of them must be confirmed with appropriate evidence. In the absence of documentary evidence, petition the court to summon witnesses who can reliably confirm the requirements set out in the application.
Usually a package of documents for a divorce consists of:

The greatest difficulty for the applicant is the preparation of documents that are designated as "other".
It is their collection and proper registration that is most difficult to deal with. This often requires the involvement of a family lawyer.
These may include:

  • Documents confirming ownership of real estate (apartment, house, commercial real estate, land);
  • Documents confirming the fact of buying a vehicle at the expense of the applicant (it should be remembered that a car registered for one of the spouses and registered with the traffic police, purchased with joint funds, is subject to division);
  • Documents confirming that the spouses have securities (shares) that can be registered on one of them;
  • Evidence of the existence of sources of income for the second spouse, which are not declared by him and are not taken into account by the tax authorities, the FIU and the FSO;
  • Sometimes it is required to establish the location of the second spouse, who is hiding, not wanting to dissolve the marriage.

The further course of the divorce proceedings

After all the documents have been collected, the state fee has been paid and the application is accepted by the court office, after the expiration of the procedural period, which cannot be less than 1 month, the first hearing is scheduled - a conversation.
Both spouses are invited to it.
During the conversation, the court establishes the true motives that caused the divorce, and takes measures to reconcile the spouses. For this, they are set for a period of 1 to 3 months.
If during this time the spouses do not resume marital relations and at least one of them teaches at the divorce, the court proceeds to consider the case on the merits.

During the court session, the arguments are heard first of the plaintiff (his representative), and then the defendant (or his representative). If we are talking about deciding the fate of minor children, then children who have reached the age of 10 are invited to the court (or the materials of the conversation are announced) in order for them to confirm with which of the parents they would like to live.
After that, the court proceeds to study the evidence presented. In the course of this procedural action, each of the parties has the right to present their evidence, or to challenge the presented.

In necessary cases, the court summons and interrogates the witnesses of the parties.
After studying the materials on the case, the parties proceed to the debate. In them, they can once again state their vision of the options for resolving the dispute, confirm or refute the previously stated petitions.
After the debate, the court retires to a deliberation.

The decision on the case, taken by the district (city) or justices of the peace, can be appealed within 10 days from the date of its adoption.

If within these terms the decision is not appealed and none of the parties announced the restoration of the missed terms for valid reasons, the divorce proceedings in court are considered completed. The decision to dissolve the marriage comes into legal force and within 3 days is sent to the registry office at the place of registration of the spouses to issue certificates of divorce. From this point onwards, the spouses are no longer considered married.

Divorce is always stressful.

It is good if people did not have time to make real estate and give birth to babies.

Then the divorce procedure will be simple and will not take much time and effort.

It is enough for both parties to come to the registry office, and the registration authority will carry out.

But when a husband and wife have minor children, they have already made a fortune and are not able to agree on who and with what will remain, the procedure can take a very long time. How to divorce your wife correctly is of interest to many men.

The best option would be to agree peacefully and further life and division of property. For this, it is recommended to conclude a special, notarized agreement. Then the judge will make an appropriate decision on its basis.

Navigating the article

Divorce methods

There are only two instances that can breed a married couple:

  • registration authority

Moreover, the second option is not always unambiguous. There are two types of courts: regional and world. Where to apply depends on whether there is a dispute.

The world executor deals with cases without disputes about children and about property worth less than 50 thousand rubles. In all other situations, the district authority divorces.

Through the registering authority, couples are divorced without disputes and joint. But, there are exceptions. The termination of the marriage relationship will be carried out by the registration authority, even with the presence of offspring, if one spouse:

  • incapacitated person
  • is under arrest for a total term of more than three years
  • missing

Thus, you should choose the instance for divorce depending on each situation separately.

Now there is an opportunity to apply to the appropriate authority:

  • personally
  • through a trusted person
  • by mail
  • using the internet

The applicant, at his own discretion, has the right to choose the option of sending the documentation to the required authority. But, if he does not attend in person, he will have to certify all the documentation. In addition, personal presence is recommended when submitting an application to the court. This will help to quickly resolve many issues and reduce the time to start the procedure.

Required documentation

In case of divorce by mutual consent and in the absence of offspring, the divorce goes through the registry office. This requires documentation:

  • standard statement
  • identity cards
  • registration certificate
  • receipt of payment of duty

When one spouse cannot appear for divorce, he has the right to write a statement and certify it with a notary. Then one side will be enough for a divorce.

If the dissolution of the marriage goes through the court, only one party submits. It is required to attach the following documentation package:

  • identification
  • Marriage certificate
  • birth certificates of children
  • certificate of income, if the issue of alimony is being decided
  • documents for real estate in the presence of disputes about property
  • receipt of payment of duty

In addition, the judge may request more documentation at his discretion as questions arise. Even with a divorce through the courts, the former spouses will have to apply to the registry office for a divorce certificate. Then they will need to add a decree to the above package of documentation.

Divorce procedure through the registry office

The easiest way to divorce is through the registration authority. The conditions for its holding are:

  • lack of common offspring under the age of eighteen
  • no disputes over joint property
  • with a mutual desire to divorce
  • if one of the parties is missing, declared incompetent, or is in prison for more than three years

The divorce procedure itself is carried out at the place of registration of the relationship or at the place of registration of a man and a woman.

When all the documentation is collected, the specialist of the registration authority accepts it. After thirty days, former spouses can come for a divorce certificate.

Divorce procedure by court

If a married couple does not fit the conditions of divorce through the registry office, the court divorces it on the basis of an application from one of the spouses. The desire of the other side does not matter here. Sooner or later, the couple will still be divorced, even if one of the spouses is categorically against it.

Lack of desire can only slow down the process. One of the parties has the right to apply for the possibility of granting time for reconciliation. But, it cannot be more than three months. The exception applies only to situations in which a woman is pregnant or has a child under one year of age. In this case, the man has no right to file a claim without her consent.

Divorce proceedings through the courts can take from one to six months, depending on the situation.

When there is an agreement between the spouses, they will be divorced in a month, at the first court session.

But, if there are disputes and proceedings between a man and a woman, the judge will postpone the hearings and even more than once.

He will ask for additional documentation to make the correct decision. Through the court, the following issues can be resolved in parallel with the divorce:

  • place of residence of offspring
  • distribution of property rights
  • establishing the amount of child support, and sometimes the mother

A claim for divorce is filed at the place of residence of the defendant. After the final decision is made and it comes into force, you can contact the registry office for a certificate of divorce. If the issue of payment was considered, the decision must be taken to the bailiffs, for the possibility of withholding. When the property is divided, you will have to additionally apply to the registration authorities for its re-registration.

Quite often, spouses express a desire to divide property upon divorce. It should be understood that this applies to:

  • movable and immovable property
  • debts

When a question arises of how to divorce his wife and divide property correctly, a man should find out about the main points that are enshrined in legislation.

When there is no prenuptial agreement, the property is divided according to the law in equal shares. At the same time, it does not matter to whom it is written. The main criterion is its acquisition during marriage. It does not matter with whom the child stays with, although it takes into account the greater need for separate items for the spouse with the offspring.

Since it is difficult to use the same house, dacha and car after a divorce, it is better to independently agree on the transfer of ownership in advance.

Property is not subject to division:

  • acquired before marriage registration
  • donated


It is possible to carry out the division of property unevenly, if the other side is not against such actions. Quite often, a man leaves an apartment for his wife with children, at the expense of future alimony.

All credits and loans are also divided equally. If one of the spouses took all the loans on himself, then the question of the section will be quite difficult. In most cases, the judge offers the party on which the loans to pay off the debt, and the cat to file a claim for the payment of half of the amount.

When there is no agreement between a man and a woman, the divorce procedure becomes much more complicated and prolonged. You may also need to spend more money on it. After all, when a person cannot cope on his own, he attracts a lawyer to the case, and his services are far from free.

Thus, there are two options for dividing the jointly acquired:

  • The solution to the issue without conflicts is an agreement between the spouses. When the parties come to a consensus, they draw up an appropriate agreement, which prescribes the size of the share of each of the parties. This document is recommended to be certified by a notary. Otherwise, it will have no legal force.
  • Solution of the issue with the help of the court. If an agreement is not reached, one of the spouses submits a claim for the division of property. This can be done immediately with the divorce process, or you can apply separately later. But, it is important not to miss the statute of limitations.

You cannot divide the indivisible, therefore, in most cases, it makes a decision that one side takes the item, and the other receives compensation for its share.

Correct behavior

Sometimes men are interested in how to divorce their wife correctly if they have children. In order for the divorce to go through quickly and without major injuries, it is recommended to adhere to competent behavior.

It is better to discuss all issues regarding alimony and children's accommodation in advance, even before the procedure begins. To do this, many spouses draw up a special agreement, which contains all clauses containing information on the following points:

  • residence
  • upbringing
  • possibility of meetings
  • the amount of alimony and the like

To speed up the process, you need to certify this document by a notary and ensure his presence at meetings. In such cases, the divorce procedure is quick enough.

In case of divorce, a man has the right to insist that the offspring stay with him. He can justify his desires with the following:

  • good financial situation
  • personal affection for the child
  • inappropriate parenting

But, in general, children always stay with their mother. Then the court has the right to establish the procedure for communication between the baby and the father and participation in the educational process.

How to get a divorce - the lawyer advises on the video:

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