How to remove antiperspirant from clothes. How to remove underarm stains easily. How to prevent deodorant marks on your clothes

White marks on clothes look sloppy and in most cases bewilder those around them. The problem makes the person uncomfortable, especially for people who wear dark T-shirts or shirts. When there is a need to raise their hands or hold out their palm to say hello, the owner involuntarily feels embarrassed, and this is not surprising. It takes some knowledge to get rid of white deodorant spots at home.

Vinegar solution

Vinegar is used to dye fabrics, so the product is safe. To remove traces of deodorant, use a 9% solution, not an essence, the concentration of the active substance in it is too high (70-95%). Fold the cheesecloth in 4-5 layers, moisten it with copious amounts of vinegar and apply to the stains. Pour a little more solution on top so that the fabric is well saturated.

Wait about half an hour, rinse your shirt and see the result. If you are not satisfied with the effect, soak the armpits again, leave for 1 hour. Finish with a machine wash with softener. Dry on the balcony avoiding direct exposure to the sun.

Tar soap

Dampen your shirt / shirt with plenty of warm water. Rub it with tar soap to give the stain its characteristic brown tint. Roll up the product carefully and place it in a plastic bag, then tie it to prevent oxygen from entering. Wait 2 hours.

At this time, start preparing the rinse solution. Grate a quarter of the tar soap on a coarse grater. Pour 3 liters of hot water over it, stir and wait until the composition becomes homogeneous. Remove the product from the bag, dip it into a pre-cooled solution, rinse thoroughly. Pay due attention to the stains, rub them with your hands. Finish the procedure with a machine wash, setting the appropriate temperature for the type of fabric.


Peel two citrus fruits, mince them, or use a blender. At the exit, you should get a liquid porridge. Spread the product on a flat surface so that you can clearly see traces of deodorant.

Apply the mixture to the stains, rub thoroughly, place cling film on top and press down. Leave the composition for 1-3 hours, depending on the degree of contamination. At the end of the term, remove the lemon mixture and evaluate your efforts. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Soda and salt

Prepare a pre-soak solution. To do this, pour 2.5 liters of hot water into a basin, add 250 gr. salt, wait until it dissolves. Put the product in the container, wait at least half an hour. At this time, start preparing the master mix. Take 70 gr. soda, 10 ml. vinegar and 60 gr. fragrance-free salts. Mix them together, add a small amount of filtered water to make the mixture viscous.

Spread the item on a flat surface, spread the composition over the spots. Make a dense layer that won't allow air to pass through. Wait 25 minutes. After the time has elapsed, rinse the product with warm water, evaluate the result. If stains remain, rub them with laundry soap and let them sit for half an hour. Then hand wash the shirt or load the machine.


Purchase borax powder to make the mixture. Mix 35 gr. borax with 45 ml. kefir, pour in 30 ml. table vinegar (concentration 9%), add 50 ml. lemon juice. Apply to deodorant stains, wait 35 minutes. Remove the composition with a paper towel, wash the product in warm water, paying attention to the armpit area. In cases where the traces are not completely removed, repeat the steps, but increase the amount of borax powder to 60 grams. If the composition turns out to be dry, dilute it with kefir until a viscous consistency is obtained.

Dishwashing liquid

Spread the item on a flat surface, take a thick consistency dishwashing detergent ("Fairy"). Apply it evenly over the stains and leave it on for 10 minutes. Wash the product with your hands, if necessary, carry out the procedure 1-2 more times. To avoid discoloration of clothes in the area of ​​use, dry the product in the fresh air, but not in direct sunlight.


Test on a small area of ​​fabric before removing deodorant stains. Soak a cosmetic disc in ammonia, wait 15-25 minutes, rinse and see the result. If the fabric has not changed color, feel free to proceed with further manipulations. Moisten the contaminated area with ammonia, leave for a quarter of an hour. Scrub the garment with your hands. If you are not happy with the result, repeat the procedure again. Finish removing stains with a machine wash, otherwise alcohol will remain in the structure of the fabric.

Professional stain remover

Stop by the household chemicals department and check out a range of stain removers for all types of fabrics. The tool is useful not only for removing stubborn deodorant, with its help you can remove traces of wine, marker, rust, etc. There are no universal instructions for use, you will find out by reading the back of the bottle. Professional stain removers are available in liquid, spray and powder form.

Let's list the most effective products:

  • Antipyatin;
  • Udalix Ultra;
  • Edelstar;
  • Vanish OXI Action;
  • "Minute";
  • Astonish Oxy Plus;
  • "Ace OXI Magic";
  • "Faberlic Edelstar)";
  • Ecover;
  • Frau Schmidt;
  • Sarma Active;
  • Amway Pre Wash.

Do not rush to throw away your favorite thing, try to wash it with laundry or tar soap. Does not help? Use a vinegar solution (9%), baking soda and salt, ammonia, dishwashing liquid, or stain removers. Dry your clothes out of direct sunlight.

Video: how to remove deodorant stains

Even in cold weather, a person sweats, what can we say about summer, when sweat pours down in hail. And here antiperspirant deodorants come to our rescue, which effectively fight against increased perspiration and unpleasant odor. But solving one problem, they create another - very often, after their application, yellow spots appear on clothes that are difficult to remove. Let's take a look at how to remove deodorant stains from clothes and how to make your favorite items look attractive.

How can i prevent deodorant stains on my clothes?

If you follow a few simple rules, then the appearance of traces of deodorant in many cases can be avoided:

  • Apply deodorant to dry, clean skin.
  • Spray aerosols at a distance of 15-20 cm from the body.
  • If possible, wear your clothes a few minutes after you apply your deodorant to dry out your skin.
  • When buying a remedy for sweat, carefully study the composition, since the presence of components such as alcohol, aluminum salts, triclosan is undesirable. Moreover, now products are manufactured from environmentally friendly raw materials (white clay, rice starch, etc.), and there is also.

Important! It is more difficult to remove stains from a mixture of deodorant and sweat. If you suffer from profuse sweating and are uncomfortable with it, use our tips to help you figure it out.

But if stains do appear, then what to do and how to remove deodorant stains from clothes?

Important! Try to remove the stain while it is fresh; if it snaps into the fabric, it will be even more difficult to remove.

Methods for removing stains

There are many home remedies for treating deodorant marks.

Lemon juice

Squeeze the juice from half a lemon onto the stain and leave for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly. This is sufficient to remove deodorant stains from clothing as soon as they form.

Important! Lemon juice removes exceptionally fresh dirt.


Mix a small amount of salt with water until a gruel is formed, then apply this mixture to the stain. After a few minutes, wash off with warm water. Such simple manipulations will allow you to quickly solve the problem.

Dishwashing liquid

Pour liquid on a contaminated place, leave for 10-15 seconds (you cannot keep it for a long time, otherwise - this area will lighten a lot), rinse and then wash clothes.


It can be used to remove deodorant stains from colored clothes, wipe the contaminated area with a cotton swab. Soaked in vinegar and leave overnight, and in the morning we wash as usual.

Important! This method is not suitable for white or light colored clothing as it can turn yellow.


This affordable product is good at removing stains from black clothing. Pour vodka on the desired area, leave for a few minutes. Usually this time is enough for the spots to disappear.

But if this does not happen, then you can soak for another 30-60 minutes, and then wash as usual.

Important! Vodka can be replaced with medical alcohol or denatured alcohol diluted in water in a 50:50 ratio.

Baking soda

Mix soda with water and apply this gruel to the damaged area, leave to dry, and then shake off the remaining soda and wash. This is all it takes to remove deodorant stains from your clothing.


Grind 2 tablets and dissolve them in water, you need about half a glass of water. This solution should be rubbed into the contaminated area and left for 2-3 hours and then washed.

Hydrogen peroxide

There are several ways to use hydrogen peroxide to remove deodorant stains on clothes:

  • Apply 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to stains, leave for 2-3 hours, and then wash.
  • Dissolve 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in 1 liter of water and soak clothes for 30 minutes, then rinse in cool water.
  • Prepare a mixture: 2 tablespoons of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid, 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Apply the resulting mixture to the problem area, wash after 1.5-2 hours.

Important! It should be noted that they are a universal cleaning agent for the home.


  1. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of ammonia in a glass of warm water.
  2. Rub the resulting solution into the dirt.
  3. Wash after 15 minutes

If the stains are stubborn, then the ammonia should be diluted with water in a 50:50 ratio and poured onto a cloth, left for 2 minutes, and then washed.

Important! You need to work with ammonia with gloves and keep the bottle away from your face, as it is a toxic substance with a pungent odor.

Laundry soap:

  1. Grate a bar of soap and dissolve in hot water, stirring until foam forms.
  2. Then lower the item into the solution, after rubbing the stained areas with the same laundry soap.
  3. Wash after 1.5 hours.

How to remove white spots on different fabrics?

When removing traces of deodorant from black clothes, you need to remember that different products are suitable for different types of fabrics:

  • Cotton and linen fabrics are treated with a mixture of water, salt and ammonia. For 1 glass of warm water there is 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of ammonia. Soak for 15 minutes, then rinse off with water.
  • If the stains remain on the silk thing, then proceed as follows:
    • first, soak the thing in soapy water and leave for 15 minutes;
    • then we apply a solution of salt in water to the places where the spots appeared (1 teaspoon of salt goes to 1 glass of water);
    • leave for another 20 minutes, then erase.
  • If a wool product is damaged, then you can only use a soapy solution so that the thing does not deform. If that doesn't work, then dry cleaning is worth considering.

Why should you not remove deodorant stains?

Some products may not only fail to remove stains, but also damage the fabric. In the end, your favorite thing will just have to be thrown away. To prevent this from happening, you need to know the following:

  • Gentle fabrics such as wool, rayon or silk should not be treated with acetic acid or acetone. Alkali is also contraindicated for them. It is best to use a concentrated salt solution here.
  • You should not apply gasoline and various solvents, aggressive pharmaceutical preparations, including hydrogen peroxide on synthetic fabrics.
  • It is not recommended to use chlorine bleach when washing colored or white items. Colored items will fade, and white sweat stains will become even darker from the interaction of chlorine with sweat. Colored clothing can be stained with egg yolk (mixed with 10% denatured alcohol) or some warmed glycerin.
  • Cotton fabrics must not be cleaned with nitric acid or hydrochloric acid.

Sweating is a necessary part of life - it is the body's way of keeping cool and includes the largest organ of the human body - our skin.

If there is a smell, we must use deodorants to help reduce moisture.
The fact remains that sweat stains and antiperspirant stains can ruin our clothes. In this article, we will look at how to remove sweat and deodorant stains from clothes, indicate the different types of products and a video tutorial on the topic.

Our "problem" sweat glands can vary - women are mostly concerned with underarm sweat, men often experience both the arms, groin, and between the shoulder blades,

Believe it or not, sweat is very similar to urine on a chemical level.

Both sweat and urine contain "urea" - which is eventually broken down into chemical ammonia. Urea is defined as the final protein breakdown product.

Why do sweat stains appear?

You probably know that sweat (and tears) contains salt, but most of the sodium is found in sweat. Sweat contains minerals and trace elements such as chloride, potassium, urea, sugar, lactate, calcium, magnesium, zinc and the list goes on….

Have you ever heard of hard water stains? Tough water deposits form on many surfaces when they are not wiped dry. White spots are just minerals found in the water, but too heavy to evaporate.

I usually use a variety of abrasives to remove hard water deposits, but this obviously won't work with clothes. Any deodorant or antiperspirant has additional chemicals that are more difficult to remove than minerals.

Deodorants and antiperspirants contain aluminum salts (aluminum chloride, aluminum or aluminum-zirconium hydrochloride), which have active ingredients to stop fogging.

Deodorant and antiperspirant stains can be hazy white or yellowish in appearance. I saw heavily dyed white T-shirts where the stain looked very dark and almost green, even though the shirt was recently washed. Chlorine bleach will not remove these stains.

How and how to remove sweat and deodorant stains: yellow, old, from white and colored clothes?

Use the following stain removers to remove stains from clothing:

1. Ammonia and water

Household ammonia is environmentally friendly and is great for stubborn stains and dirt.

Ammonia smells terrible, so you will need to open the window when it is used.

  1. Mix 1/4 cup water with 1/4 cup ammonia.
  2. Apply the cleaning solution to the stain.
  3. Let the solution sit for 60 minutes.
  4. Rinse according to the garment manufacturer's instructions.

It is very important that you never mix ammonia with other detergents.

2. Aspirin

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) is a great way to remove sweat stains.

To remove stubborn sweat stains on white blouses or shirts:

  1. Crush and dissolve two aspirin tablets in 1/2 glass of very hot water.
  2. Apply the aspirin solution to the sweat stain.
  3. Leave it on for 2-4 hours.
  4. Wash as usual.
  5. Repeat this process if necessary.

Be sure to wash your clothes thoroughly after using this stain removal method, especially if the wearer is allergic to aspirin!

3. Baking soda

Baking soda is a great way to remove stains and odors.

  1. Make a paste with 4 tablespoons of baking soda and 1/4 cup warm water.
  2. Rub the resulting solution over the stain.
  3. Leave it on for 2 hours or so.
  4. Apply a few drops of detergent to the stain just before washing.
  5. Wash as usual.

It is also a good cleaning solution for removing the “collar ring”.

4. Lemon

  1. Squeeze fresh lemon juice into a bowl and add the same amount of water.
  2. Rub lemon juice onto a sweat stain.
  3. Leave it on for 60 minutes.
  4. Wash as usual.

You can also place your clothes in full sun after applying lemon juice. Together they are great bleaches! This cleaning solution also works with white vinegar.

Oxygen bleach (sodium percarbonate)

Oxygen bleach is my secret weapon for removing sweat stain.

Oxygen bleach releases oxygen when it dissolves in water, making it a cleaning agent that is very effective at removing sweat stains.

The best part is, oxygen bleach doesn't damage fabric like regular chlorine bleach.

Follow the manufacturer's instructions for your fabric type:

  1. Mix 1/8 scoop of oxygenated bleach with 1 cup very hot water.
  2. Stir the solution until the granules are completely dissolved.
  3. Add 1 tsp. dishwashing detergents or laundry soap.
  4. Apply the mixture with an old toothbrush.
  5. Leave on for 2 hours and keep away from direct sunlight.
  6. Wash as usual.
  7. Inspect after washing.
  8. Repeat if necessary.

Now you know the professional cleansing tricks and tips for removing sweat and deodorant stains. Enjoy the luxury of clean clothes.

A detailed masterclass on removing stains in a video clip

3 effective ways to remove stains from clothes

Excessive sweating often causes the appearance of yellow stains under the armpits. These footprints have an unpleasant odor and attract the attention of others. Deodorants work with sweat, but they also leave stains on clothes that are difficult to remove. How to save your favorite things and remove underarm spots?

Causes of underarm spots

The human body has three million glands capable of producing about 1 liter of sweat per day. When it settles on clothes, it causes the appearance of yellow spots in the armpits.

Sometimes increased sweating, which has a pungent and unpleasant odor, may indicate a disturbance in the functioning of the body. In this case, medical attention is needed.

Why sweat and deodorant stains are hard to remove

Not every industrial product is able to cope with such contamination, especially stubborn ones. This is due to the multiplication of microorganisms and the process of evaporation of moisture. The combination of bacteria with chemical components forms a mixture that eats into tissue.

The use of phosphate powders in washing causes the formation of a yellow silicone coating between the fibers. This complicates the process of getting rid of stains, as a result of which even the washed laundry is sometimes not clean and fresh.

For whites, use expensive detergents in combination with bleach. Use active oxygen and enzyme stain removers to remove perspiration from colored fabrics.

How to get rid of white deodorant marks

In order to clean clothes from traces of deodorant and not spoil the thing, pay attention to the composition and color of the fabric.

  • Wipe fresh white marks from deodorant on any fabric with vodka.
  • Wash dirty synthetic items in cool water with the addition of laundry soap.
  • Use shampoo to cleanse delicate fabrics.
  • Remove stains on woolen and knitwear with vinegar.

How to remove sweat stains on different fabrics

To remove sweat stains from different fabrics, you need to choose a product that will quickly cope with the problem and will not spoil the material.

Remedies for removing stains from different fabrics - table

How to remove sweat stains - gallery

Laundry soap will help get rid of sweat stains on any fabric Hydrogen peroxide is a universal remedy for removing sweat stains from any white fabric Aspirin effectively removes sweat impurities from any clothing Salt removes traces of sweat from silk, woolen and linen fabrics Soda will get rid of yellow marks under the armpits formed on clothes made of wool, cotton, linen and silk Table Vinegar Removes Sweat Traces on Light Cottons Sodium Hyposulphite will help wipe sweat from silk and synthetics You can use vodka to remove sweat stains from any fabric Ammonia will cleanse sweat from fur products Denatured alcohol combined with yolk will remove sweat from any colored clothing

Universal yellow spot remover

Aspirin is a universal remedy to get rid of sweat marks on all types of fabrics, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Instructions for removing stains with aspirin.

  1. Take a few tablets and crush them.
  2. Add a little water to the resulting powder.
  3. Stir the composition until you get a gruel.
  4. Apply it to the dirty areas and leave it on for 30 minutes.
  5. Do your laundry as usual.

Aspirin against stains and sweat odor - video

How to clean cotton fabrics

If the yellow spots on the cotton fabric were not removed in time, you can use a composition made on the basis of hydrogen peroxide. With this recipe, you can easily remove dirt on white T-shirts, tracksuits, shirts and blouses.

  1. Take a container and add 2 tsp into it. soda, 1 tsp. any detergent and ¼ a bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Stir the ingredients and apply the resulting composition to the stains.
  3. Scrub sweaty areas with a brush.
  4. Leave the laundry for 1 hour.
  5. Machine wash in the usual way.

We remove yellowness from a cotton T-shirt - video

Also for cotton fabrics you can use 6% wine vinegar.

  1. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of water. l. wine vinegar.
  2. Apply the solution to the stain.
  3. Wait half an hour.
  4. Machine wash the item.

We clean flax and cotton

If you have sweat stains on linen and cotton clothes, use the following recipe.

  1. Take baking soda, salt, and liquid soap.
  2. Mix ingredients until thick.
  3. Add ammonia and apply the mixture to the contaminated areas.
  4. Leave the laundry for 30 minutes and then wash it normally.

The sooner sweat-stained clothes are washed, the better the end result will be.

For the emergency removal of stubborn sweat stains from white cotton fabrics, use 9% vinegar.

  1. Apply table vinegar to the stains.
  2. Leave the laundry for a few minutes.
  3. Rinse the product in clean water.

How to quickly wash stains from a white shirt

Use hydrogen peroxide to remove sweat stains from a white linen or cotton shirt.

  1. Stir 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Soak your shirt in the solution.
  3. Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  4. Then wash it and rinse thoroughly.

Attention! This method is only suitable for removing stains from white clothing. It is better not to use hydrogen peroxide for colored fabrics.

How to remove sweat stains from a colored shirt - video

How to remove underarm stains from silk, synthetics, wool and fur

If sweat stains appear on silk and synthetic clothing, use sodium hyposulfite. You can buy it at a photography store or pharmacy.

  1. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. sodium hyposulfite in a glass of water.
  2. Dampen a dirty cloth liberally.
  3. Rinse clothing in clean water.

Sweat stains on silk can be removed with rubbing alcohol. Wipe the dirty areas with it, and then rinse the clothes thoroughly in boiled water.

A saturated saline solution can deal with yellow spots on woolen clothes.

  1. Mix half a glass of salt and 1 liter of water.
  2. Leave dirty clothes in the solution for 1 hour.
  3. Rinse it in clean water.

If fur items are damaged, mix salt, ammonia and water in a ratio of 1: 10: 100. Manually treat the contaminated areas with the resulting solution, then rinse it off with clean water.

How to remove yellowness from colored fabrics

In case of contamination of colored fabrics, a mixture consisting of a 10% solution of denatured alcohol and one yolk will help.

  1. Apply it to contaminated areas, wait for the yolk to dry.
  2. Scrape it off by hand or with a little warmed up glycerin.
  3. Wash the product as usual.

Saving black clothes and a sweaty leather jacket

If spots from sweat or deodorant appear on black clothes, it is enough to wipe the stains with vodka. Other effective recipes can be used:

  • rub the stains with table salt, without making great efforts, so as not to spoil the structure of the fabric;
  • use ammonia diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Usually, after such treatment, the stain disappears within two to three minutes.

If you notice a fresh stain while wearing your leather jacket, cut the onion in half and wipe the soiled areas with its juice. You can also use orange peels. Their essential oils help to cleanse natural skin.

We remove yellow marks under the armpits from a dark T-shirt - video

Preventing underarm spots

In order to avoid the appearance of yellowness or white marks from deodorant, follow these simple rules:

  • apply deodorant to dry, clean skin, wait until it dries completely, and only then put on clean clothes;
  • To prevent yellow spots, use over-the-counter burnt alum instead of deodorant. This powder effectively adsorbs moisture.

You can remove sweat or deodorant stains from almost any fabric. Choose the right product carefully, consider the origin of the dirt and the type of fabric. With the right processing, you can restore your items to their impeccable appearance with a minimum of effort.

Deodorant stains do not look aesthetically pleasing and are difficult to remove. Here are some tips to fix and prevent the problem.

How to remove white deodorant stains

Light spots appear on dark things in the form of streaks. Take on board proven tools.


Apply it on the stain, let it sit for a quarter of an hour to 60 minutes. Prepare a strong soapy solution, wash the item, rinse, dry.


The product will help remove deodorant from dark-colored clothes. Saturate the contaminated area with it, leave for 1.5-2 hours. Then wash the thing.

Attention! The method is not suitable for light-colored fabrics: they will turn yellow from vinegar.

Dishwashing gel

They can also clean clothes. Apply liquid on deodorant marks, rub lightly with your fingers, rinse thoroughly after half an hour. Not everything went away? Try again.

How to remove yellow deodorant stains

Deodorant marks on light fabric have a yellow tint. You can remove them without damaging the fabric using available means.

Acetylsalicylic acid

The well-known aspirin will easily remove antiperspirant residues from clothes if you follow the following algorithm:

  1. Crush 4 tablets with a spoon or pestle.
  2. Add a little water to make a gruel that is easy to apply.
  3. Treat the dirt and let the mixture dry.
  4. Rinse the product, then wash.


The same thing, with the same effect, is done using soda. The powder is diluted with water, applied to the stain, waited for it to dry, shaken off, rinsed.


Removing lemon juice deodorant stains is no more difficult than any other method. The liquid is squeezed out for contamination, and after a quarter of an hour the product is washed by hand in cool water.

Hydrogen peroxide (peroxide)

They moisten the pollution with it, and after two hours they wash it off. Even better, things are washed out if you use a mixture of peroxide (about 100 ml), dishwashing gel (25 grams) and soda (50 grams).


Pour ammonia and water equally into a small container, mix thoroughly. Even old stains are perfectly removed with the solution. Moisten the dirty area with it, and rinse after two minutes.

Generic methods

Some of the products can be safely used for fabrics of any color.

Laundry soap

Most underarm stains can be easily removed with laundry soap. It is crushed, dissolved in water. In the resulting soap solution, you should first soak the product, and then wash.


To remove traces of deodorant with salt, and at the same time - bad odors, you should do this:

  1. Moisten the stain.
  2. Sprinkle generously with salt, forget for 12 hours.
  3. Moisten again and sprinkle with salt again, but this time rub it well with your hands.
  4. Wash the product.

How to remove deodorant stains with popular stain removers

Household chemicals will always come to the rescue. Here are the most famous brands of manufacturers.

Frau Schmidt

This brand produces both stain removers and bleaches, which are quite gentle but effective on the fabric, cleaning it. These funds are based on bile concentrate.


The most famous brand of stain remover in our country. Vanish Liquid and Powder Cleaners for a wide range of fabrics do a great job. How to wash, remove stains and other useful information, the manufacturer describes in detail on the label.


Network companies often cause negativity among others, but you should not be so prejudiced against Amway. After all, this manufacturer produces really high-quality household chemicals that are safe for tissue and human health. The range includes detergents for washing absolutely any clothes, including things for newborns, in the form of powders, gels, concentrates, even a spray for preliminary removal of stains.

Dr beckmann

The company has been popular with housewives for several years due to the quality and relatively low cost of products. Dr Beckmann has many stain removers - for all types of stains and fabrics. There is also a remedy for deodorant traces.

Stain removal rules

  • do not ignore the recommendations of the manufacturer of household chemicals, act in accordance with them;
  • check the expiration date;
  • test any product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product;
  • so that the border of the treated area does not appear after drying, before cleaning, lightly rub the stain with a soft brush or moisten the cloth around it with warm water;
  • always clean the stains from the edges to the middle, and not vice versa, so that it does not grow in size.

How to remove deodorant stains from different fabrics

Before removing deodorant stains, find out the material of the product. This is necessary for the selection of funds. An illiterate approach will lead to the fact that washing will be ineffective, or even lead to irrevocable damage to the thing.

Linen, cotton

It is possible to wash natural fabrics with ammonia and other universal folk remedies described above. Household chemicals designed for such fabrics will come in handy. White linen clothes must not be washed with chlorine-containing preparations.

If the stain is fresh, an ordinary dry napkin will help to remove it.

Wool, silk

Removing dirt from these fabrics is complicated by their "capriciousness" in operation, an oversight will lead to damage to the product. Use mild products: salt, soda, laundry soap.


Synthetic fabrics need to be washed more often than others. Most of the above methods will work. It is not recommended for machine wash to set high temperature and maximum number of revolutions. Do you wash with your hands? Do not curl your clothes too much.


It is not often necessary to remove deodorant stains from denim. However, if a problem appears, remember that jeans do not tolerate:

  • temperatures over 40 degrees;
  • bleaching agents (oxygen would be the best option);
  • spinning at high speeds;
  • drying in the sun, near heating devices.

For the rest, any folk and store remedies are applicable.

How to remove deodorant stains depending on the color of the material

For light, black, colored products, various means are used.

White material

Cleaning natural fabrics is acceptable using hydrogen peroxide or vinegar. Drying in direct sunlight will bring a positive result. But for synthetics, aspirin will be effective and safe.

How to remove yellow stains from deodorant on clothes: 1. Mix hydrogen peroxide with water. 2. Add baking soda. 3. Apply to the problem area. 4. Remove any remaining baking soda after the mixture is dry. 5. Wash the item in the usual way.

Black material

It is possible to remove whitish stains and the smell of sweat with laundry soap. If it does not help, they resort to lemon juice, alcohol, dishwashing liquid.

How to remove deodorant marks from black clothes: 1. Apply baking soda to the stain. 2-3. Pour in vinegar. 4. Wash as usual. Attention! This method is not suitable for delicate fabrics due to the aggressiveness of the method.

Colored material

Wool, silk, viscose should not be soaked in water with the addition of vinegar, but the rest of the fabrics - please. This will strengthen the dye in the fibers. Then wash the product with soap or stain remover.

How to remove stubborn deodorant stains

Since it is easier to get rid of traces of sweat and deodorant when things are not worn, washing should be done in a timely manner. However, even stale contamination can be dealt with.

  1. Rub the dirt well with laundry soap.
  2. Immerse in warm soapy water, leave for 6-10 hours.
  3. Rinse several times.
  4. If traces remain, sprinkle with salt, rub with a soft brush.
  5. We wash, rinse, dry the thing.

How to avoid deodorant marks

First, buy a quality product. Secondly, it is correct to use:

  • apply only to dry armpits;
  • spray at a distance of 20 cm;
  • wait until it dries on the skin, only then put on the thing.

It is necessary to wash clothes with soap by hand as often as possible so that there are no old stains. It is recommended to add baking soda to the water so as not to leave dirt and bacteria a chance.

Clean and pleasantly smelling clothes are not only beautiful, but also good for your health. But sometimes, even if you carry things neatly, antiperspirant stains can appear. Dealing with this problem is not so difficult, the main thing is to choose the right product in accordance with the color and type of material.