What if the child does not take the chest? Why does not take his chest, capricious and refuses feeding: we are looking for the root of problems and solutions

One of the serious problems faced by young mothers is a child's refusal from the chest - the crumb does not want to take the chest. Especially acute this problem is facing those who are configured to breastfeeding and does not plan to stop it. In this article we will tell you about the reasons why the kids do not take the chest, and help you find a way out of this difficult situation.

Baby refuses breast - reasons

Sometimes, after immediately after the birth, Kroch does not want to suck her mother's chest, turns away, does not respond to all attempts to feed it. There may be several reasons:

  • The child is incorrectly applied to the chest. In a good hospital, it should be done in the maternity hospital. Nevertheless, it happens that the woman will not even really explain how to attach the baby to the chest correctly. It is important that when feeding your mother and the child was in convenient poses, allowing to relax. The head of the newborn should be a little trapped, and the lower lip - turned out, the baby must rest on the nose and the chin in the mother's chest. Watch the child to capture the nipple along with Areol, resting his nose and chin in your chest. We also read:
  • Nipples have a special form. If they are flat, too large or drawn, it is difficult to capture them correctly. Solve the problem will help workouts. Apply your baby more often to the chest or put on special nipples.
  • The child has a weak sucking reflex - This is typical for premature babies that appeared on light weight or as a result of severe birth. In this case, you need to feed the baby often and gradually, so that he will go, but at the same time not tired.
  • The kid got used to the bottles and deserts. If a woman had severe birth, she was made by a cesarean section, then she needs recovery. Therefore, the baby spends the first day of his life without mom, and feed it from the bottle. Since sucking it easily, later, the crumb may not want to make an effort to suck the chest. To solve the problem, you need to fully and as much as possible to apply the child to the chest.
  • Mom has echoed nipples due to the blockage of the ducts of the mammary glands. This happens when milk is a lot, but the baby sucks little. It will not be able to grab the swollen nipples correctly. In such a situation, it is recommended to massage the chest under the warm shower and.
  • An excess of milk, due to which the crumb is choking while trying to suck the chest. Mom should be slightly indigeted before each feeding, and also a few times in a row to give the same chest.

If a child for some reason needs to register, let him enroll milk with a spoon, pipette or a syringe without a needle. This will help keep the sucking reflex, so nothing hurts to continue breastfeeding.

Stretch baby does not want to take the chest

Mama on a notic!

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Some children normally feed Mamin milk from birth, but after a few months they are suddenly beginning to be capricious, turn away, they do not want to suck. Such behavior can cause different circumstances:

  • Stress in a child - This is the most common reason for which children begin to abandon breast. It can provoke conflicts in the family, mood swings at mom, long-term separation with her, moving, noisy home holidays, guests, travel. To make your mother, you need to create a quiet, calm environment and constantly be near Croha. The perfect option is all home things to shift on the relatives, and to heal in the bed with the baby for a couple of days. You can try to wear, thanks to which the baby is constantly at the chest. If he refuses to take the breast, you need to offer it more often, ignoring all the schedules and schedules. It is especially important to feed the child at night.
  • Feeding takes place in an uncomfortable atmosphere - For example, a bright light prevents, a loud sound, the presence of foreign in the room. If the problem is in this, try to make nothing bothered and distract the baby. Stay with him alone, close the door, push the curtains and take a comfortable, relaxed pose ().
  • The baby does not like the unusual taste or smell of milk. It happens when mom uses perfume or cream for nipples, drinks pills or pregnant during lactation. If cosmetics or drugs influenced breast milk, they should be abandoned, and during pregnancy a woman does not remain anything, how to be patient and more often to offer the baby's chest. You can try to feed the baby when it is daring - at such moments it decreases the sensitivity to tastes and smells.
  • The teeth are cut. This process is accompanied by discomfort, pain in the gums, so often leads to a damage to the chest. For the child to be easier, lubricate the gums to him by Calgel or a similar painkillers for 15-20 minutes. Before feeding ().
  • Baby fell ill. With a cold, otitis, the babies become restless and begin to cry in the chest, they do not work correctly to grab the nipple and suck fully. You need to contact the pediatrician. It will appoint competent treatment, and after recovering the child it will be possible to quietly continue breastfeeding.
  • Croche offered bottles and pacifiers - Have a gross child, they can also beat off the hunt to suck her chest. If you are going to continue lactation, quieter and fade the child from a spoon or from a cup.
  • Lactation crisis has come: Mom unexpectedly disappears milk, which causes severe stress in the child. After trying to suck empty chest several times, he begins to cry, turns away and does not want to make new attempts. At the same time, sucking is the main way to cope with the crisis and resume lactation. To return the milk, a woman needs to drink more liquid, including lactagon teas, take a hot bath, make breast massages and nipples, arbum (). The baby should stay next to her mom all the time. Therefore, feed on demand, wear slings, sleep with a crumb and avoid stressful situations.

Very often, the failure of the baby from the chest leads to the completion of breastfeeding. Not wanting more to torment the child and myself, the woman sees the only solution in the transition to the mixture. Just know that in 99% lactation can be continued. The main thing is to be patient and solve the problem gradually.

Why the newborn throws the chest and crying (neonatologist Gusel Usmanova)

If the child does not take the chest, the most important thing is to control whether the milk crumb is enough. For a day, give up diapers and calculate the number of wet diapers. Are they more than 12 on the 2nd week of life? Then everything is fine! Weigh the baby: after the first week he lost up to 10% of the weight, from the 2nd week he should add 17-20 g per day and more. Now consider different situations in more detail when the baby refuses his chest.

Immediately after the birth

Hurray, you have become a mom! Immediately after giving birth, you tried to attach a crumb to the chest, but he did not take it? This is normal: most children start sucking about an hour after birth, since they need time to come to themselves.

What to do? Give the baby to get comfortable, do not brake it. Gradually, feeding mode will be improved. The main thing is that you and the baby are now needed, "peace and peacekeeping. Calm Mom - calm and crumb. Let homemade will take all the economic troubles.

First days after childbirth

Your baby was born in docking, but in the first 1-2 days after childbirth, you can't attach it to the chest? Or he is trying to sleep, and after a few seconds it starts crying? First of all, the following reasons should be eliminated: a short bridle under the tongue, the thrush in the mouth, as well as neurological complications (curve, hypo-or hypertonus, generic injury) and otitis.

Whatever the cause of the breast, everything is fixable. Ask for you to help the consultant for guv

Born ahead of time, it is difficult for him to suck the chest

Premature children can take a breast already in 28 weeks of gestational age (as a rule, it is more pregnancy for two weeks), and start to suck milk - by 30 weeks. They are hard to hold the breast in the mouth, and therefore they suck for a long time - up to 1 hour, making breaks for a few minutes. Some weakened children are the first days just keep breasts in the mouth, then begin to lick it, and a week later they are trying to suck.

What to do? Just type patience, often offer a rough chest (approximately every half an hour - an hour) and, if necessary, sink with reclining milk. By 34-36 weeks, many kids already suck the amount of milk from the chest.

"Stone" breasts

For the 3-7th day after childbirth, milk comes: the chest often swells, becomes edema and, if the Aregol is also solid, the baby is hard to dare to breast. Sponges of the crumbs can slip from it, like with a smooth watermelon.

What to do? Helps a soft manual plumbing: to surround the pillows with the nipples and carefully pressed on the Area towards the chest for 1-3 minutes. The chest will become softer, and the child will be much easier to take it and suck.

The kid himself decides how much milk suck: its number can vary from 10 to 100 ml for feeding

After the bottle forgot the technique of sucking

This is one of the most frequent reasons for breasts. Some children are enough 1-2 bottles feedings so that their sucking technique from the chest deteriorate. The fact is that during sucking breasts and bottles there are different muscle groups. The kid remembers, under what movements, milk flowed into her mouth, and he tries to suck and chest. Milk goes slowly, the child is worried, a little gains in weight or generally refuses to take and suck the chest.

What to do? The best - eliminate all breast substitutes, including bottles, and if necessary, to recover crumbling with a milk. Do it out of a syringe without a needle, from a cup, from the spoon, using a chest system from special probes. For a quick result, you can practice a special massage of the tongue and face crumbs.

Flat or drawn nipples

Usually, the child does not confuse the shape of the nipple, but only under the observance of two conditions: he was not given a bottle, a pacifier, and mom correctly applied him to his chest. After the substitutes are hard to take the chest.

What to do? Before feeding, you need to pull the nipple with your fingers, a syringe without a needle or a breast pump. It also helps applying to the chest in the postures "at hand" and "Cross Liberal". The use of linings on the nipples is usually not very effective.

Feeding by regime

Kroch just appeared on the light. Chest for him is not only a source of food. She helps to fall asleep, calm down, and then wake up. With sucking, the gaziki is better away and the intestines of the crumbs are emptied. His stomach is small, so he needs frequent sucking (in the first month most children usually up to 12 or more applying per day). During the day, children suck unevenly: some feeding they need to simply quench thirst or calm down, and they suck out only 10 ml, and another time they decide to "feed themselves" and can suck 100 ml.

What to do? It is not worth interfere in this natural process. It is better to offer breasts on the first request. The baby hurts, makes sounds, suits the tongue, smacks, is trying to sleep towards his hand? So it's time to attach it to the chest.

Stress in a child

Sometimes kids do not want to suck the chest after separation with mom, which occurred in the first days after childbirth. For example, children lie separately in the intensive care or separation of the pathology of newborns. The kid is experiencing stress due to the fact that the moms are not near.

What to do? Helps contact leather to leather, joint sleep, easy massage, stroking. It is very important to talk in the child: "Mom near", "Everything we do is from love to you."

Surely, every woman during pregnancy dreams of a long happy breastfeeding of her baby. But in reality it rarely happens when the lactation is not burdened by various negative situations. The child's refusal from the breast in the presence of a sufficient amount of milk is one of the problems that can happen during the period of natural feeding.

What is the refusal express?

Kid one milk gland sucks well, the second - does not want.

The child gives up two breasts at all.

The kid is applied only during sleep, and when walking - does not want.

Restless behavior in the chest: short sucking alternate with crying and spacing.

The reasons for a child to strike the mother's breast can be a lot of both physiological and psychological. Let's deal with everyone in turn.

Incorrect applying:

The child takes her mouth only the nipple without asela, milk does not flow, and the baby begins to be nervous.

Your actions:

Hold the crumb a little on the handles so that he stops crying.

Moisten AREOLU & NBSP & NBSP and Nipples Milk, squeeze it a little fingers, so easier to the child will take the chest correctly, and offer him again.

Follow the baby's mouth remained at the same level and did not drive to the nipple itself.

Crowded hard breast take the baby correctly very hard. Before feeding it, it can be slightly soft.

Flat or drawn nipples:

Not all women nature endowed perfectly convex nipples for feeding a child. If you are not the owner of those, do not despair, with this problem you can cope with the following methods. And after some time, the child will "pull out" the nipples, and the problem will disappear by itself.

In this case, you can use special linings for nipples.

Before the start of feeding "pull out" the nipple with the help of breastsosos.

Tight chest, what to do?:

With such a breast, the baby is difficult to suck the milk. If the child after each feeding does not eat and cry, and the milk iron still remains complete - it means that you have a tight chest.

Before feeding, make a small relaxing massage of the chest, between the blades or the most mammary glands, then the chest will become softer.

You can take the bathroom and massage the chest with a warm shower.

Before feeding, always chest slide.

Do not worry. From the nerves, the muscles can still be painted even more.

During sucking, it is possible to easily massage the milk gland with the movements "down", as if a little "customizing" milk.

Use a special posture. Bend over the child who lies on the back, and thus give him a nipple. The flow of milk will contribute to the power of gravity.

The kid refuses to eat with one chest:

It often happens that the child prefers one chest another. This may be due to physiology or with uneven production of milk in both breeding glands, with some kind of physical discomfort of the baby, etc.

Try to find out the reason for this hostility and get rid of it.

Constantly offer the "unloved" breasts on any occasion: in a dream, during a good mood, during a strong hunger, etc.

Remember, with the help of one breast, you can also fully fill the child.

The child sucks only the front milk:

Breast milk is two types. The front flows easily and quickly, the child gets drunk and gets vitamins and trace elements. & NBSP & NBSP The back milk is complicated more difficult, the crumb is saturated and gets nutrients, including protein and fats. So there are such lazy kids who do not want to suck for a long time before the appearance of the rear milk. After sitting down a little chest, they begin to give up her, and mom in hope gives the second. As a result, the child is justified only by the front milk and is gaining bad in weight. I suspect such a situation, do not go on the occasion of your sloth, and try it in every way so that he has got well with one chest. If you in one feeding gave both chest, then the next first let's do that chest that was the last one.

It is also necessary to monitor its nutrition and sufficient fluid consumption.

"Alien" smell:

Newborn children are very sensitive to different smells, and their mother will be learned by smell. Therefore, there are nozzles when they do not like a sharp "alien" smell of spirits or deodorant.

Take a shower to get rid of outsiders.

Or put one other clothes.

No milk:

It happens for itself when the child eats a little milk, then in the chest, it will become a little in time.

Try to apply your baby to the chest as much as possible (once in an hour and a half).

After feedings, join the "up to the last drop" so that in the next time the milk has arrived more.

Changes in the taste of milk:

This can happen for many reasons: the reception of drugs, the beginning of the monthly, new pregnancy.

As a rule, after the end of menstruation, taste becomes the same.

Consult your doctor about the reception of any medicines.

Toddler disease:

The physiological causes associated with child diseases are a common factor for refusing to breast in a child.

During the thrush (candidiasis), a child may hurt to suck the chest. If the baby has a mouthful cavity - tongue, cheeks are covered with a white bloom, this may indicate such a disease. Contact your pediatrician for help.

Dry crusts in the nose and runny nose do not allow the child to breathe during sucking. Clean the spout with an aspirator, you can use nasal drops, and only then proceed to feeding. Keep track of temperature and humidity. Dry warm air contributes to dried mucus.

Stomatitis or other wounds in the oral cavity. Meet your doctor about treatment. After the disappearance of pain symptoms, the kid should easily applied to the chest.

Colics - During sucking, the child sharply throws his chest, starts to cry, get out, stuck with legs, bunt.

What you need to take mom to facilitate painful sensations during colic:

Watch the child to take the chest correctly and did not swallow air.

A few minutes before feeding, lay the baby on the stomach or make it a massage for gases.

During the applies, press the child with the tummy to yourself. Heat promotes relaxation.

Exclude from their diet products that contribute to gas formation. & NBSP & NBSP are beans, apples, black bread, cabbage.

Measure the pediatrician about drugs that can ease pain during colic.

Using the nipple and bottle:

The use of bottles with nipples and pacifiers implies two problems at once - physiological and psychological. First, Kroch immediately seizes that the nipple suck is easier, therefore the breast may gradually occur, especially if she is tight. Also, the principle of sucking a pacifier and nipple is completely different. The child simply can get confused. Secondly, the psychological problem lies in a kind of substitution. The baby asks for mother's attention in one form or another, and receives a silicone substitute. Yes, the child can silence, but he will not be satisfied and satisfied. Over time, Kroch may be in favor of Mom's reliability, and take offense in the form of such a protest.

Remove all artificial mama breast substitutes to the farbox.

Let's doctors, water or lures from a spoon, cups or a syringe without a needle.

The refusal of the child from the chest is a rather complicated and unpleasant situation. Sometimes to find and eliminate the cause easily, sometimes it is a deep psychological reason. But if the mother's desire to continue to feed is truly sincere and strong, you can cope with everything. Use the advice of specialists, do not panic and do not fall into despair. Try carefully analyze your "relationship" with a child and establish the most effective care for it - a joint sleep, wearing on hand or in a sling, feeding on demand, etc.

What is not a refusal:

If the child during feeding is often distracted by outside noise or movement. This usually happens at the age of & NBSP & NBSP 4-9 months.

When the kid learn to suck, often produces the nipple from the mouth, loses it and cannot capture it again. This often happens in the first few days after birth. Mom should not be upset, after you learn how to properly apply a child to the chest, the problem will disappear.

Pregnancy - a wonderful period in the life of every woman, which is filled with amazing moments of experiences, expectations, preparation for something truly incredible. To a greater extent, it really is so, because every future motley almost from the first days begins to actively mean with all the upcoming events with the help of special literature, in the classroom for pregnant women or on the Internet.

After childbirth, as a rule, there is a question about whether the child is on breastfeeding or on artificial. Although, it is necessary to remember that it is breastfeeding an integral part of the full and healthy development of each crumb. Therefore, in the absence of any health problems from the mother, it is best to stay at this option.

Why does the child want to take the breast

It happens that even at the beginning of pregnancy, a woman unequivocally decided that it would be only GW, but the situation was not in the root of the right - from the first days the newborn does not take the chest and crying. Why does this happen?

The reasons may be several, for example:

  • mom Health Problems;
  • sufficiently developed sucking reflex in the kid;
  • use the bottle from the first days;
  • the use of pacifiers without need.

So, about everything in order. What are the most common problems in mom? Most often it is a special structure of the mammary glands. That is, the nipple is either very large, or flat, or at all rotten. In such situations, crumbs are extremely inconvenient and hard to take it and even more so to keep in the mouth. Of course, as a result, feeding for the baby becomes tedious and, as a rule, it remains hungry. In such cases, if the child still failed to adapt to the anatomical features of mommies, you need use special lines on silicone nipples. They will be able to help maximize this issue.

Another reason may be the blockage of the milk of the duct, that is, the stagnation of milk. Such a situation is not uncommon especially among the primordial, causes a strong puffiness of the nipple and seal. In this case, it is necessary to use the fitting technique, while you can make an independent massage, use breastsos or contact a specialist.

How does the proper nutrition affect the milk

If the child does not take his breasts, he wins and cry, then very often it can say that he just does not like the taste of milk. Note for pregnant and young mommies: the use of any drugs, as well as improper nutrition leads to a change in taste and consistency of milk. That is why with breast feeding it is necessary carefully read the instructionsharad use even seemed to be the most harmless drugs.

As for the nutrition of a nursing mother, the diet should be compiled in such a way that its body receives all the necessary vitamins and substances and the prohibited products causing an allergic reaction in the crumbs of the crumbs.

Psychological attitude of nursing mom

It is also very important not to get into the network to all the well-known postpartum depression. Indeed, in such a state, the newborn is given the minimum amount of time, even if it begins to cry. There are such situations when in a state of depression Mom begins inadequately and roughly behave with his child and, naturally, the newborn begins to remove it from her. In this case, it will not be surprising why the child does not take the chest.

There are such situations in which the child deliberately refuses to take the chest, for example:

  • if it was fed from the bottle - after all, it is much easier to suck out of it, you do not need to make a lot of effort. Therefore, if possible (and most importantly, in the absence of a need for an additional discoccation), it is best to limit the use of bottles to six months;
  • an uncomfortable or improper calender's posture during feeding - perhaps in such a situation, the crumb is strongly tired and as a result is not fought;
  • using dust - as in the first case, the child begins to understand that there are alternatives and do not need to strain so much;
  • poorly developed sucking reflex, but it is easily solved thanks to the frequent applying.

What to do if the child refuses guv

Your child again begins to cry, categorically does not want to take the chest, turns away and becomes very nervous and capricious. What to do? First of all, do not despair and do not start in a panic to enter the lore. After all, with a huge desire, natural feeding can be easily normalized and turn into a pleasant occupation, both for you and baby.

The very first action on the part of the mamm must be maximum creation of utza and a favorable atmosphere, bodily contact should also be adjusted. It is necessary to talk to his bluer, stroke it. And also make sure that he can be as comfortable and comfortable.

Outside periods of feeding more often kiss your child, hug, wear on hand. He needs to feel maternal care and love. In addition, such actions as nothing else brings you closer. During feeding, you can include slow pleasant music, muffle the light and stay with the Chad alone if possible.

What to do if the child refuses the breast in late infant age

It also happens that from the first days of Kroch, he gladly rummaged with breast milk, and then sharply stopped taking the chest. There may be several reasons:

  • due to a strong runny nose or nasal congestion - in this case, the baby is simply inconvenient and it is very difficult to breathe;
  • due to stress caused by, for example, changing the situation;
  • due to cutting toys.

It often also happens that the child flatly refuses the chest, if there was no long time before this mom, for example, left somewhere for several days or went to the hospital. During this period, the child begins to experience stress and on returning home you need the maximum amount of time to pay the crude.

When you should not panic

Very often, this is characteristic of young mothers love to exacerbate the situation and make a panic on a scratch. If no reason is detected, then the whole reason why the child does not take the chest, it comes down to the fact that it is simply not hungry. This also often happens.

In order to understand that your child is bestisfied. fix feeding time and compare the data. If only a few hours (2-3) and the baby does not want to eat, then it is quite possible not yet appetite. He will definitely notify you about the need to eat.

If there is a problem with the impossibility of breastfeeding - never let it on samonek. Everything can be solved if it does not work independently, you can always contact a breastfeeding specialist. The most important thing is, if something does not work, never go across this reason on the baby. Remember, the children grow very quickly - and very soon you will be insanely much to miss these the most beautiful and unforgettable moments of life.

One of the most common problems facing many young mothers is when the newborn does not take the chest. It is often regarded as a signal that it is necessary to translate the baby to artificial feeding. But do not hurry. After all, breast milk is the best nutrition that can get a little man who has just been born. It will not be replaced by no dairy mixtures, how good they were not. Therefore, it is very important to figure out why the child does not take the chest. After all, the reason can be easily disposable, which means there is no reason to translate the kid on artificial feeding.

Causes of breast cancellation

Experts allocate two groups of foundations why Kroch does not want to suck the chest. In the first case, the reason lies in a state of the kid, and in the second - in the individual characteristics of the dairy gloomy of a woman.

If it is in a small little man, the problem of breast feeding may arise due to:

  • poor development of sucking reflexes;
  • hypoxia, which began even during pregnancy or during generic activity;
  • quickly addiction to the bottle, which it was fed after birth;
  • lack of hunger;
  • inability to suck the chest properly, because of what the baby quickly gets tired and crying;
  • too short bridle.

If the reason why the child does not take her mother's chest, lies in the woman itself, maybe it's about:

  • flat or strongly rotten inside the nipple, which is difficult to grab even the baby with a good sucking reflex;
  • laktostase - a stag of milk due to the blockage of the dairy duct, which can be determined by the edema and a noticeable seal of the AREOLA;
  • incorrect behavior of a mother who does not know how to apply kid to the chest or too nervous.

It may also be such that newborn children do not take the breast due to poor sucking reflex in combination with the individual features of dairy glasses of mom.

How to solve the problem?

No matter why the child does not take the breasts badly or gives up her at all, it is necessary to do everything to eliminate the source of the problem. To its correct solution, you need to be patient and find out the main reason for the refusal. So what to do and if the child does not take the chest - what to do?

If the kid has a poorly developed reflex sucking, it is necessary to teach it to drink Mamino Milk with a pediatrician. To do this, it is necessary to make it more often to the chest and take into account that the feeding time should not exceed 15 minutes, otherwise the newborn is too tired. If you choose the right technique and free regime, the problem of refusal to breast is solved within a few days.

It is also necessary to act if the baby refuses to drink maternal milk due to the fact that the first feeding got from the bottle. In this case, the fact is that he has formed a different way of sucking, from which it needs to be gradually to teach. This can be done only by regular applying it to the chest. You should be greatly patient because, most likely, only brave crying and a complete rejection of food is waiting at first. It is important here not to give up, because the little man, who is only a few days from the family, quickly learn everything new, just help him.

It is easiest if the baby refuses to drink breast milk because of the lack of hunger. Here you just need to wait a bit when Kroch wants to eat, he will gladly begin to suck the chest.

If the problem of refusal of the chest lies in the individual characteristics of dairy gloys, you have two ways:

  • use special linings on the chest that mimic the right nipple shape;
  • top patience and teach the baby to your features of the structure.

If you have lactostasis, you need to drink less and thoroughly inspired before each feeding, which will help develop all milk ducts. After the stagnation is eliminated, the kid will agree to suck your milk.

Even if the problem is mixed - the individual features of the structure of the body of the mother are combined with the insufficient development of the children's sucking reflex - everything can be solved. Your main weapon is patience and perseverance. Very often young mothers give up when the child does not take the chest and pursuant. The feeling of self-helplessness and despair is forced to grab the bottle. However, do not forget that if you have milk, all other problems are not so difficult to eliminate. All in your own hands.

Unexpected change of child behavior

It is not always a damage to the chest occurs in the first days of life. Sometimes it happens that the baby with pleasure drank Mamino Milk, and therefore suddenly sharply began to give up him and cry. At the same time, he can willingly take off his release milk, which immediately causes thoughts about the need to transfer to artificial feeding. The reasons for such behavior can be different, the correct installation will help to return everything into place.

Most often, such a sudden refusal to maternal milk is associated with the fact that the crumb has survived a strong stress. It can be called:

  • disease;
  • deterioration of the psychological climate in the house;
  • an unexpected change of the situation to which he is used;
  • by changing the taste of milk;
  • reducing its quantity.

If the baby fell ill, it can feel the weakness caused by the general malery and increasing temperature. And since when breastfeeding, tangible physical efforts are required, Kroch may simply not cope with them. He may want to drink Mamino Milk, but to be just unable to do it. It is especially difficult with a cold when the child cannot breathe normally. In this case, instead of eating, it begins to just shout and cry, providing himself, in such a way, access of the required oxygen. Your task in this case makes it easier to facilitate the state of the baby, giving it a release milk. You can use a bottle, but it is better to use a spoon to not impose a different stereotype of sucking. After recovery, he is most likely to be happy to drink from the chest.

If you suspect that the refusal is caused by changing the taste of your milk, simply remove a new product from the diet, provoking the negative kid reaction. After that, feeding will go as before.

Reducing the amount of milk can be overcome if you start applying a baby to the chest more often than usual. If necessary, you can resort to special medications that contribute to the establishment of lactation. You need to choose them strictly after consulting with your doctor.

Psychological discomfort in the house strongly affects the child, who begins to pour and abandon his chest. To avoid this, try not to speak at elevated tones at the kid, keep calm and not nervous. After all, Kroch always feels your mood and persistently reacts to it.

If you see that the kid is healthy, but it does not want to take the chest, sprinkle with milk tongue. Often, feeling his taste, the child wakes up appetite, and he begins to suck with Azart.

The most common maternal mistakes

Often, breastfeeding too quickly ceases exclusively by the fault of the mother. To prevent this, you should know 3 basic errors that should not be repeated.

  • Stop GB too fast. If the failure of the baby from the chest occurs closer to the half year, it is often perceived as a signal that it is time to move to feeding from the bottle. At the same time, the minimum physiological age to complete natural feeding is 1 year, but it is best to continue GW before the crumb will be 1,5 or 2 years.
  • To let everything on a self-shot. Even if the problem of refusal of the breast is quite acute, do not lower your hands. Contact professionals and native people who will not only help the Council, but will also be morally supported.
  • Tear on the baby. In no case do not allow an increased or sharp tone when breast failure. Wait a little and try feeding the baby again.

Do not forget that maternal love and care is your most important gift for your child. If for some reason you have a problem of refusing a chest, you should not despair. In most cases, the case is solved quite painlessly. But if you still feel that you do not cope with the problem, contact us immediately. The advice given on time and moral support will become the necessary support for you, which will help solve the problem of breastfeeding your baby.