What should I do in 3 months. Our achievements: what a baby can do by the age of three months. Developing meaningful skills and limitations

A baby at three months is a curious baby who becomes more and more active and independent, adapting to the new big world. The daily routine is changing, the baby spends less time sleeping, and wakefulness devotes to communication and mastering movements. How to develop a baby at 3 months of age?

The growth of an infant at this age increases by 3 cm in 30 days, and the weight increases by 800 g.

Table 1. Height, weight, chest and head circumference in children at 3 months (average)

If a child has health problems (more serious than snot), his physical and mental development occurs on an individual basis (sometimes children have these indicators per year).

If the child is fed with mother's milk, the doctor must see if his needs are met. Whether full growth is provided, whether the weight is increasing. This also applies to the nutritional formula if artificial nutrition is shown to the baby.

Motor skills

At 3 months of life, the quality and variety of movements of the baby is significantly improved. What should a child be able to do at this age?

  1. Knows how to lie on his tummy, raise his torso, leaning on his elbows and forearms, holding his head high;
  2. Knows how to keep his head upright (in the arms of an adult);
  3. Knows how to sit with support for the pelvis, rolls over from back to side.

In a year, the baby should already control his body in a more perfect way.

Baby development at 3 months

Visual and auditory perception

In a 3-month-old baby, the development of the visual and auditory analyzers continues, complex conditioned reflexes are developed. When a baby spends time being awake, and not sleeping, he begins to distinguish colors (in a year he will already be able to do this perfectly). He must fix his gaze on the subject. Orientation in space and tracking a sound stimulus, while wakefulness lasts, also arise at this stage. If the baby has snot and ARVI, then the development of skills is inhibited until the moment of recovery.

Table number 2 will tell you what basic requirements the hearing, vision and emotional sphere of a child at 3 months of age must meet:

Skill Characteristic
Visual orientation reactions Visual concentration in an upright position (on the face of an adult, a bright toy);

Opening the mouth when approaching the chest, at the sight of a bottle or spoon;

He comes across toys hanging in a crib, learns to grab them if they are lightweight.

Sound-guided reactions Turns his head to the source of the sound;

Feels rhythm, distinguishes between melodies (interested in musical toys)

Emotions and social behavior, speech development The appearance of a "complex of emotional revival" in a child when talking with parents (smile, laughter, eye contact, active facial expressions);

Recognizes the mother;

A cry expresses alarm if he is left alone or the schedule for feeding is changed;

The child begins to walk outside of sleep breaks, distinguishes the intonation of speech (in a year he will already use intonation himself).


Most babies at 3 months are fed from the mother's breast. For feeding some babies in the period of 1 month 1 year of life, so that they gain weight, only mixtures are used, or they are used in combination with breast milk. Therefore, the following types of feeding are distinguished:

  1. Natural feeding;
  2. Artificial feeding;
  3. Mixed feeding.

If the parents adhere to the feeding schedule, then at this age the baby is shown to eat milk every 3.5 hours during the day. The night sleep break is 6 hours, you can give milk or a bottle of the mixture at night on demand.

Being awake during the day takes longer in a child's life, sleep lasts 1 to 1.5 hours between milk or formula meals. Maintain a correct drinking regime (give water, juices). Use diapers to get the baby to go to the toilet.

From 3 months of age, breastfeeding can be supplemented with fruit juices. The mode of use depends on the individual child. Until the end of the day, the baby is allowed to eat until no more than 30 ml of juice. It is offered after feeding with milk (bottle of formula if artificial feeding is indicated). The daily volume should be divided into 1-3 doses.

After 1-2 weeks after the introduction of the juice, the baby can be given fruit puree. Start with a very small amount and then gradually increase the dosage. The volume of puree that a child can eat throughout the day should be 10 g less than the volume of juice.

From 3.5 months of age, the baby can be given an egg yolk. Pediatricians recommend this regimen for this product. Take 0.25 of one hard-boiled yolk, rub it with mother's milk and in the form of a suspension before feeding (with mother's milk, a bottle of the mixture, if artificial feeding is prescribed), give the baby to eat. By the 4th month, the amount of yolk is increased.

A 3-month-old baby goes to the toilet a little less often than a newborn.

In a year, the child already has enough normal food, so children refuse breast or formula.

Children for whom artificial feeding is chosen have the same feeding regime as their peers. For such a child, special adapted mixtures (starting mixtures) are used, which are close in composition to milk.

Baby development at 3 months

Educational games for a three month old baby

The nervous system of a three-month-old baby is actively growing. Development will peak at 10 months-1 year of life. During the day, when wakefulness is aimed at exploring the world, the child is already included in social contacts (this is difficult if the baby has snot, etc.). To help the baby master new skills, educational games are used. Build them into your family's personalized routine for each day.

What are they like?

  • "What and where does it sound?"

Pick up interesting melodies and turn them on on the computer in the room next to the nursery. Or use a musical toy. Then you can take your daughter or son in your arms and go together to look for what it sounds like. Speak every action, praise the baby when you get to the sound source.

  • "Catch the ring!"

Buy a ring (minimum weight) made of rubber or take one of the rings from the baby pyramid. In a 3-month-old baby, when the wakefulness lasts, the hypertonicity of the arm muscles disappears, and their active growth occurs. He's already trying to grab something. It is necessary to give the ring to the baby, saying "Take it", then with the intonation of a request to say that the baby should return it. Then thank the young explorer.

  • "Clever Girl and the Newspaper"

Under the supervision of an adult, you need to let the crumbs touch the sheet of paper, crumple it, and if possible, tear it into pieces. But remember that the baby does not have to taste the paper strips.

  • "What am I in the mirror?"

This game is performed in front of a mirror. Stand or sit directly in front of him, holding the baby in your arms. Describe what you see. Give names to body parts, then show different facial expressions.

Look in the mirror at the end of the day before your baby sleeps. Even before he is one year old, the baby will be able to recognize his reflection. This is especially important if you are raising a girl.

Development of coordination

To help the baby develop coordination of movements, accelerate muscle growth, regularly (daily routine, except for the time when the child has snot, etc.), do exercises with him:

  • Alternately raise and lower the legs of the crumbs, reciting a rhyme;
  • Pull the baby by the arms towards you from a position when he lies on his back so that his body is completely lifted off the surface. Then slowly lower it.
  • Place the baby on your tummy in your lap. Lock her head and support her back, then start swinging your legs back and forth so that the baby is like on a boat.
  • In order for the baby to be able to roll over from the back to the stomach and back, and also to lie on its side, he needs the help of adults (the exercise regimen should be flexible, the height and weight of the baby does not matter). To do this, place your hand under the shoulders of the crumbs and begin to gently swing to the right and left. Then lay the baby on its side and gently push, encouraging self-rolling.

It will be interesting for the child to make movements to the music after the end of the dream.

Development of thinking

Three months is the time when babies start playing with rattles and learn to grab them. Choose a brightly colored rattle that has a long, slender handle. Bring it to the child's face, shake it several times. Make sure that the baby responds to visual and auditory stimuli.

To develop intelligence, exercises with a ball are suitable. Place the baby on the tummy. Put a colored ball in front of the baby's face, then you can start moving it in different directions. When the baby notices the toy, he will try to get to it.

Purchase several bells that have different pitches. Ring the bells one at a time from opposite ends of the crib. Then hide each one and observe how the child tries to identify the source of the sound and turns his head in the desired direction.

Come up with a schedule and lesson plan for the month and follow it exactly. Baby's growth and mental development will accelerate if he receives full maternal or artificial feeding. If you put in enough effort during each day, you will be amazed at the success of the child when he turns one year old (it will be even easier for the baby to teach him to go to the toilet in the future).

Developing movement and tactile sensations

Nursing procedures also help the baby to better navigate the world around him. Do not forget to articulate every action, maintain eye contact with the baby while taking natural or artificial nutrition, bathing and walking. Purchase a sufficient number of sensory toys that will stimulate the development of all of the child's perception systems.

  • To develop tactile sensations, you can collect a collection of objects that have a different surface - rough, smooth, with pimples, etc.
  • You can make your own sensory book or panel by sewing pieces of different materials on a dense fabric and giving it to the baby under supervision (it will be useful to you in the future, when the child is one year old).
  • You can sew several pillow bags (should be lightweight), inside which you can put fragrant plants and buttons (beads) of various shapes. Such toys stimulate the sense of touch and smell, the development of fine motor skills occurs. Put them in the bed where the baby is sleeping.
  • You can put rubber toys next to the crumbs during the day, which emit a squeak when touched, let the baby learn to play with them;
  • You can choose several attractive rattles (which are lightweight), this will help the baby learn to hold objects. Place them in your baby's hands across the palm of your hand so that the thumb is separate from the rest.

Children of this age get tired quickly. For their development to be harmonious, they need regular sleep, natural or artificial feeding without delay. Present the information in a dosed manner, control the duration of the sessions. Make a mode of activity and rest, strictly adhere to it.

Three months is a milestone in a child's life when all body systems grow. During this period, the mental development of the baby determines contact with the mother (joint wakefulness during the day and sleep at night, breastfeeding or artificial feeding with a bottle of formula). Each parent should be very attentive to the well-being and success of the baby. In case of deviations in the infant's health, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Baby development at 4 months

In the third month of life, a new stage in the development of the child begins. The baby can observe a real leap in the development of skills, the development of the mental and emotional spheres. All the changes that are taking place are rapidly entering the life of the baby and his parents. What a toddler should be able to do at this age, and how to help him develop correctly, you will learn in our article.

5 key "achievements" of the third month of life

The first period after the birth of a child begins, associated with a sharp leap in growth and development. Three months is a time of new achievements, new discoveries and skills.

  1. Fading reflexes of newborns
    Reflexes such as proboscis (stretching the lips with a tube when touched), search (when stroking the corners of the mouth, the baby turned his head) by three months almost completely fade away. This will be checked by a neurologist during a planned visit to the clinic. Two reflexes remain pronounced in the infant: sucking and crawling.
  2. Development of subcutaneous adipose tissue
    Subcutaneous adipose tissue develops very intensively at 3 months. If the baby was born small and fragile, then by this moment his body begins to "round", there are plump cheeks, folds-dressings on the arms and legs. By the age of 4 months, with adequate nutrition, the child looks plump, which cannot but touch those around him.
  3. Muscular system development
    Correct physical development involves the development of the muscular system from top to bottom: first, the muscles of the neck are strengthened, then the back and arms are next, and after that the legs. The third month is significant in that the baby is already confidently holding his head and is actively mastering the possession of his hands. The baby tries to touch everything, examines his body, his mother's hands and his own fists.
  4. Changes in the digestive system
    The digestive system of a three month old baby is already more mature than in the first months of life. Milk and mixture are better absorbed, as a result of which painful colic disappears. The stomach of the baby grows, becomes more spacious, therefore, the portions of milk at the reception become larger. Very soon, the baby will be ready for the introduction of complementary foods, but for now, the baby's diet consists mainly of breast milk or an adapted formula.
  5. Regular bowel movements
    At three months, the child's stool becomes more uniform and it is already possible to “predict” its regularity with an eye to nutrition. Babies on the mixture defecate 2-4 times a day. Babies on breast milk can have stools up to 5 times a day; but another option is also possible - 1 chair in 2-3 days. Both developments are included in the concept of the norm, but if there is no stool for more than two days, it is worth carefully monitoring the child's condition (what is the baby's behavior, is the stool soft after a long pause). If necessary, you can use additional stimulation on the recommendation of the pediatrician.

How a baby grows: physiological changes

At three months old, the infant should continue to be weighed every two weeks, as was done during the previous months of life. The growth of the baby begins to slow down, in a month it will increase by about 2-2.5 cm. The average weight gain is about 150 g per week, or about 600 g per month. The head circumference increases by no more than 1 cm, and the chest circumference can grow up to 1.5 cm, but by 4 months these parameters will become equal.

It is important for every mother to know how well her baby is developing. The guidelines for the assessment are the standards formulated by pediatricians. They allow the most objective assessment of the physical and mental health of the baby.

Note! It is worth remembering that each child is individual, and his “growing up” takes place in his own rhythm, which may not fit into the framework indicated by doctors.

Our achievements: what a baby can do by the age of three months

Before proceeding to detailed information about the skills and abilities of a 3-month-old baby, we suggest watching a video that a young mother recorded about the development of her three-month-old baby:

Showing emotions

The age has come when parents can see the emotional return of love from their little child. When mom comes to the crib, the child is very happy, smiles and walks around to her. This skill is called the revitalization complex. Communication with adults gives the baby pleasure, he is already bored of lying alone, he craves attention.

Making new sounds

At three months, the baby already makes sounds with pleasure, and the most diverse ones. Vowels, consonants, sometimes even their combinations can "slip" - the child trains in communication. If the baby sings, then he can also answer you with a humming chant.

We look at the world

A 3-month-old child is interested in everything around - both movable and immovable. The kid examines the drawings on the sides in the crib, hanging toys on the carousel. He looks with interest at the faces of adults, giving preference to mom and children. If the baby is put on its tummy, it will rise on its forearms in order to better see and observe everything around.

New movements

Being in an upright position in an adult's arms, the baby already holds its head well enough. Lying on its back, the baby can turn on its side - from this age it is no longer possible to leave the baby on the bed unattended. If the child is supported under the armpits, and put on a support (hard surface of a table, sofa, floor), then the baby will no longer bend the legs, but will be able to lean on them.

Trying "by the teeth"

What does the world taste like? By the age of three months, the baby actively strives to learn everything through the mouth, but the hands are not yet completely obedient and physiologically cannot hold what they want. Therefore, fingers or fists are most often found in the mouth. The child likes to touch rustling objects. If you give the baby a small newspaper, then he will certainly crush / tear it, and then pull it into his mouth. The kid is drawn to the knowledge of the world - it's time to buy or make a developing rug by himself.

How is development going at 3 months

A kid at this age is mastering many skills, which are very interesting for a young mother to watch. You can record new skills in the diary, making changes to it every month as the crumbs grow up. To understand what a baby should be able to do by its age and how close its capabilities are to medical standards, a table is given with all kinds of physical stages of development that are worth paying attention to.

Stages of development What a baby can do
HearingThe baby already knows how to find the source of sound with his eyes and turns his head in his direction.
SpeechOften singsong; trying to imitate little by little the intonations of an adult during humming.
VisionThe child examines the surrounding objects with interest. Turns both the head and eyes to the side of the object of interest. Smoothly follows objects lying on his stomach.
Motor skillsAt three months, the baby is already confidently holding his head. Lying on his tummy, rests on his hands at an acute angle. The child tries to grab the toys hanging in front of him.
The gameOften and with curiosity he examines his hands, feels them, clenches and unclenches his fists.
EmotionsSeeing an adult, he begins to walk, smile and actively move his legs and arms. Reacts with a smile and surprise to toys.

The child is three months old - the norms of his development:

Everything according to the regime: sleep and wakefulness at 3 months

The morning of a mother with a three-month-old baby starts early. Some babies from 2.5-3 months can sleep all night without waking up for feeding; but the majority still cannot stand a long break and wake up 2-3 times a night to satisfy their hunger.

The daily routine with a baby of three months depends on many factors, mainly individual, for example, on the temperament of the baby. You can see an approximate day with a baby of this age in the table.

Times of Day Schedule
7:00 Waking up, first feeding, holding morning toilet
8:30 First dream
10:30 Awakening, second feeding, waking and gymnastics time
12:00 Walk in the fresh air, second dream
14:00 Ending a walk, waking up, third feeding, staying awake
15:30 Third dream
16:30 Awakening, time for educational activities and games
17:30 Fourth feeding, then evening walk and sleep
18:30 End of walk, awakening, waking period
20:00 Evening toilet, fifth feeding, preparation and bedtime
23:30 Awakening, Sixth Feeding and Night's Sleep

Important! Parents, when forming the daily routine of their baby, need to adapt to his needs and developmental characteristics. The child has personal biorhythms, and they must be taken into account in the generalized recommendations of the pediatrician.

Caring for a three month old baby

From the first days of life, a child must be taught to cleanliness of the body. Carrying out hygiene in a nursing baby is a responsible business, and requires concentration and caution on the part of the parents. Particular attention should be paid to the infant's morning toilet.


After a night's sleep, the child may accumulate discharge on the eyelashes and in the corners of the eyes. They must be cleaned, it is very important to keep the baby's eyes clean for their health. Prepare two cotton pads and warm boiled water. Take one disc and flush the baby's eye from the outer corner to the nose. Movements should be soft, smooth. Also rinse the second eye with warm water and a cotton pad. Please note that a separate (!) Disc is needed for each child's eye.

Contrary to popular belief that cotton swabs are indispensable, the auricle has the ability to cleanse itself. Caring for the ears of a newborn baby and baby is very simple - you need to wipe them daily with a cotton swab dipped in water. Pay particular attention to the folds and the surface behind the ears. During feeding and when spitting up, milk can flow there, which then causes irritation and diaper rash.

Important! It is dangerous to clean the baby's ear canals with cotton swabs: careless movement can provoke a rupture of the baby's eardrum.

Insufficiently humid indoor air, occasional walks, dust can cause crusts in the nose even in a healthy baby. A three-month-old child cannot clean the nose by himself, therefore, adults must monitor the purity of the mucous membrane on a daily basis. The baby's nostrils are cleaned and lubricated with cotton wool soaked in peach or apricot oil.

On a note! You can also use drops with a solution of sea salt - irrigation of the baby's nasal cavities with salt water cleans the mucous membrane and moisturizes it.


At the age of 3 months, the baby often keeps his fists clenched, so sweat and dust can accumulate in the folds of the skin. To clean children's palms, gently open the fists and wipe them with a cotton pad moistened with water. Also, every 3 days you need to cut grown nails on the arms on the handles, and on the toes - every 6-7 days.

Games and gymnastics: classes at 3 months

Developmental activities and games that are important for the child:

A three-month-old baby is already ready to communicate, perceive new information, so various exercises for development can be safely added to his daily routine. They help to strengthen existing skills, add variety to the daily routine of the decree and bring a lot of pleasure to both mother and baby.

  • In the morning, do light exercises and gymnastics with your child. Gently bend the baby's arms and spread them apart, then rotate the legs. The kid will participate with interest in the process if it is accompanied by nursery rhymes, singing or music. Perfectly develops coordination and muscles in babies with a large gymnastic ball - fitball. The child can be rolled on it, resting on the back or tummy.
  • Daily light massage will have the best effect on the entire body of the baby. The muscles of the neck, back, with light stroking and kneading with fingertips, relax, tension and excessive tone are relieved, the baby's well-being improves. To know which areas to massage, you can consult a pediatrician or watch a couple of video tutorials.
  • A couple of exercises can be added to the regular gymnastics performed by the mother with the baby, which will prepare the baby for turning over. Turn the right leg of the child, lying in the supine position, to the left so that it is thrown over the body. Thanks to this movement, the necessary impulse is formed for future coups from the abdomen to the back and vice versa.
  • Encourage your baby to raise his head and shoulders more often while lying on his back. Do not let your baby be lazy, lay him out every day and interest him with bright objects, toys, children's books-squeaky. The child will consider them, and soon reach for objects, trying to take them into his mouth.
  • Show your baby a variety of rattles with sound effects - rustling, thundering, with bells. Put toys in the handle, let the baby learn to hold them. Hang stretch toys in the stroller or crib for your baby to reach and touch.
  • Communicate more with your baby. Call him by name, tell fairy tales and more, while sometimes take short pauses - so the baby will have the opportunity to answer you with hum.
  • Toddlers at this age are very interested in reflective surfaces, so get a safe mirror for them. Let the baby examine itself. Also show your child images in books - animals, household items, colors, etc.

P.S. Dear readers, we have also prepared an article for you about describing each month of a child's life.

At 3 months, the baby is actively growing and developing, mastering new skills and abilities, getting to know the world around him. The child already recognizes mom, dad and other close people, tries to rise on the arms when he lies on his stomach, rejoices, bursting into laughter, expresses dissatisfaction with loud crying and whims.

A 3 month old baby develops his own daily routine and diet, he sleeps less and is more awake, now he is interested not only in lying, but in touching toys, communicating with his mother and looking at the environment.

Development of a 3 month old baby

During these 4 weeks, the child reaches the maximum gain in weight and height - about 900 g and 2-2.5 cm. Almost every day the baby learns something new, and the list of his achievements is constantly growing.

The most characteristic of the third month of a child's life is the "revitalization complex" when he is happy, actively moving his arms and legs when approaching the mother's bed. This complex indicates the normal psychophysical development of a 3 month old baby.

When the baby is in an upright position in his parents' arms, he already quite confidently holds his head, and while lying on his stomach, he tries to raise his shoulders a little. If you put the baby on a hard surface, he rests well with his feet.

It is no longer enough for a child at 3 months to just look at a toy, now he wants to play with it. The baby wakes up cognitive interest, he trains tactile sensations, strengthens the small muscles of the fingers.

The mode of a 3 month old baby changes, he sleeps less and is more awake, you can already talk to him, as he is more and more interested in the sounds around. If the baby hears the ringing of a bell or a phone call, he not only looks for the source of the sound with his eyes, but also tries to turn his head to understand what it is and where it is from.

At the end of 3 months of life, the baby should be able to:

  • Raise your head 45 ° while lying on your stomach;
  • Follow the eyes of an object moving in front of him in an arc at a distance of 15 cm from the face.

Day regimen for a 3 month old baby

Sleep and wakefulness at this age, as a rule, is already formed. At night, the baby sleeps for 8-10 hours, occasionally waking up to stretch. You should not get up to the child at the slightest rustle, then over time he will stop waking up. Despite the fact that the night's sleep is long enough, the baby sleeps during the day. In total, in the mode of a 3 month old baby, 3-4 daytime sleep for 1.5-2 hours.

Generally, it is best for an infant to fall asleep and sleep outdoors. Walking with your baby is recommended up to three times a day, and the total duration of the walk should be approximately 6 hours. It is recommended to walk in any weather, except for days when it is raining heavily or outside frost is below 10 ° C.

The baby's day must necessarily begin with morning hygiene procedures: the mother washes her face and eyes, wiping them with a cotton pad dipped in clean water, and cleans the nose and ears as needed. During the day, you need to wash the baby every time he goes to the toilet, using water and soap if he pooped.

In the daily routine of a 3 month old baby, an evening bathing session before going to bed deserves special attention. If the baby is overly excited and cannot calm down for a long time after the bath, you can bathe him at lunch. Comfortable water temperature for a baby is 37-38 ° C, it is good to add decoctions of herbs, for example, chamomile or string.

Nutrition for a 3 month old baby

The feeding regimen of a three-month-old baby depends on the feeding method. Breastfed babies, as a rule, eat on demand, that is, without any time restrictions. Things are different with artificial babies. It is recommended to feed them 6 times a day every 3.5 hours, taking a break of six hours at night. Premature and debilitated babies require more frequent feedings - 7 times every three hours.

Other nutritional features of a 3 month old baby are strictly individual. For example, for children with poor appetite or insufficient weight gain, their own feeding regime is established. As soon as complementary foods are introduced, they are transferred to food every 4 hours five times a day, the night break is 8 hours.

The amount of liquid needed by a baby is determined by the state of health, the nature of feeding and the climatic conditions of residence. For 1 kg of body weight, as a rule, 100-120 ml of liquid is required. If the baby is thirsty, then an additional 50 to 200 ml per day is prescribed. Water is given to the baby between feedings or during nighttime awakenings, 1-2 teaspoons.

Rational nutrition of a 3 month old baby is, first of all, mother's milk. Recent studies have shown that in the first 3-4 months, the baby should be fed exclusively with breast milk. Early feeding in the form of juices and purees can lead to allergic reactions or digestive problems.

The introduction of complementary foods from 3.5 months is justified only in case of insufficient body weight gain, with signs of rickets or anemia, and also when the baby is artificially or mixed feeding.

The complementary food is introduced carefully, starting with a few drops of juice diluted in boiled water or from a teaspoon of sugar-free fruit puree. In the absence of allergic and other reactions, after 3-5 days, you can increase the proposed amount of complementary foods.

Better to start with apple, and then gradually introduce the baby to other fruit and vegetable juices. Before introducing any complementary foods, you should consult a pediatrician.

Developing activities and games for a child of 3 months

Games and developmental activities are simply necessary for a baby of three months, because his skills are improving every day, new conditioned reflexes are formed, and personal characteristics develop.

Focusing activities continue to play an important role in the development of a 3-month-old baby. It is necessary to stimulate the baby to fix his gaze on different objects - motionless and moving. For example, you can invite your child to observe a bright toy by moving it in different directions.

Musical toys that emit various sounds are also interesting to the baby, because they develop not only the child's attention and vision, but also hearing. Various rattles and bells can be hung on the crib. Then the baby will hear them when moving, and over time will try to grab, which is a good prevention of hypertension.

The tactile sensation for babies 3 months old is also very important. The baby can be introduced to different materials and objects by offering him toys of different texture, shape and size.

Any desire of the baby to move should be encouraged, because thanks to this, over time, he will learn to roll over, crawl and sit. The kid needs to be motivated, to attract his attention, for example, by putting a bright toy next to him, which he wants to consider and stretches himself closer to her.

In the mode of a 3 month old baby, there should be not only sleep and feeding, but also games and communication with the mother, because only in this way the baby will develop correctly and fully and will quickly master the age-appropriate skills.

Behind the first three months of the baby's life. A three-month-old baby already knows a lot, but he still has to learn even more. The period of adaptation to life in the big world has already ended successfully, the baby has finally become like the plump, charming babies from advertising. To summarize the path traveled from birth, loving parents definitely want to know what a child should be able to do at 3 months?

Baby development at 3 months

Under the everyday question of what a child should be able to do, doctors understand the so-called psychomotor development of a child, which includes mental development and motor (motor) development. Both the acquired skills of the child and innate reflexes, as well as vision and hearing, are assessed.

The rates of formation of motor and emotional reactions, the development of speech at the age of three months in boys and girls are approximately the same and depend more on the state of health and temperament of the baby than on gender. Differences in the rates of development are only just outlined and appear later, from about 6-8 months.

Motor skills

  1. Congenital reflexes (support and automatic walking) are almost completely replaced by more complex conditioned and conscious reactions.
  2. The initial coordination of movements is traced.
  3. The baby lies on his back without additional support and confidently holds his head lying on his stomach.
  4. If the toddler is held vertically, holding the armpits, he can push off from the support and try to push the proposed ball with his leg.
  5. Lying on his tummy, the child rests on his forearms, flexes like a boat, intuitively performing actions to strengthen the back muscles.
  6. The muscles of the little man have already grown so strong that he can turn on his side, some children even manage to roll over on his tummy.
  7. Physiological hypertonicity finally remains in the past, the handles are no longer clenched into fists, the baby freely spreads his palms, learns to play with a mobile or other suspended toys.
  8. He can already purposefully touch or hit the toy and every day he gets better. The kid tries to get toys even while lying down. By offering the child toys, the mother encourages him to take further action.

There are also quite rare cases when a baby in the fourth month of life is able to take a semi-sitting position, but if your child does not do this, you cannot try to plant him. The child's organism, not spoiled by the expectations of society, itself "knows" what it is ready for and what it is not. It should be noted that the pace of physical development largely depends on the attitude of parents to swaddling - the more freedom of action is given to the baby, the faster he learns.

Cognition of the surrounding world (perception)

  1. A three-month-old child examines the arms and legs for a long time, pulls them into his mouth, brings them together and spreads them apart, and can even already clasp the arms into the lock.
  2. The kid is already able to determine where the source of light or sound is, actively looking for it by turning his head.

Speech skills

  1. The sounds that the baby makes get emotional.
  2. The kid begins to walk actively, expressing his mood and trying to attract the attention of others.

Interaction with people around you

  1. The baby reacts consciously to the events taking place around, he smiles at his parents and other family members, laughs.
  2. The kid carefully examines his mother's face and he needs to be allowed to touch different parts of the face, calling them.

Comparing the pace of development of infants is a thankless and meaningless task, even when it comes to siblings. If your baby is healthy, but does not know how to do something, it means that his time has not come yet, but there are signs that you should pay attention to and correct in time.

Video calendar of child development from 3 to 4 months

Developmental deviations

It is important to remember that even perfectly healthy children develop at different rates and physical and mental development is not always on a par. The richest spectrum of emotions and speech, ahead of the average age norm, in such tiny children can be combined with some delay in the formation of motor skills and vice versa. It is worth considering the character of the little man, who begins to manifest itself at such a tender age.

Some kids, having barely mastered a new skill, begin to actively use it, protesting against attempts by adults to somehow restrict freedom of movement. Others, on the contrary, take a long time to consider whether it is worth spending energy on such a "useless" activity that a new skill gives them, and they switch to active use after a few weeks or even months.

You should pay attention if:

  • a child at 3 months cannot follow the subject with his eyes;
  • does not react in any way with a strong sound;
  • you have never seen a child smile;
  • lying on his stomach, the baby's head remains on the surface and the child does not try to lift it;
  • individual sounds are not pronounced by the child.

How to deal with a child at 3 months

Already at such an early age, it is possible and necessary to start developing a baby.

Songs and nursery rhymes

Three months is a great age to get acquainted with children's songs and nursery rhymes. Even if for some reason you have not done this before, it is worth taking a moment and enriching mutual communication with your baby. The variety of sounds and intonations is very important for the development of speech. The child often entertains himself by "singing" arbitrary combinations of sounds; the first consonants are heard in the hum.

Imitation of speech and movement

In any communication with the baby, it is advisable to comment on your own and his actions. This is necessary for the formation of a passive vocabulary of the crumbs. Of course, he will learn to understand the meaning of words by an older age, but the more you talk to the baby, the sooner this will happen. When communicating with a baby, you can and should imitate his gagging and use exaggerated facial expressions. Babies are excellent imitators and after a while the child will repeat the movements of the mother.

Hide and seek

At three months, it is already possible to offer the baby the simplest games, hide behind a diaper or hide a toy from him, accompanying the appearance of the object of observation with the exclamation "cuckoo".


From this article you will find out what a child at 3 months of age can do on his own, which daily routine is most suitable for babies of this age, how and when to introduce complementary foods , weight and height of a three-month-old baby.

The behavior of a small child at three months is more meaningful than that of a two-month-old baby. Movement becomes more refined and focused, and the gaze can focus on the object in his field of vision. By the middle of 3 months, the child may slightly turn the body on its side in order to try to reach the favorite toy with the handle. ... The best toys for a three-month-old baby are rattles and multi-colored spinning over the bed soft toys (for example, a mobile).

At this age, the baby easily understands the mood of the nearby adult. If mom or dad is in a good-natured mood, then it is immediately transmitted to the little person and he smiles with all his mouth. And if the parents quarrel, sort things out or are annoyed with something, then the small child cries and demonstrates restless behavior.

At 3 months, the conversational skills of the baby are actively developing and therefore it is necessary to communicate with him as often as possible, to play educational games, clearly accompanying his actions with remarks. In response, the baby will happily walk and even try to reproduce sounds similar to to babble and syllables - agu, gu-gu, ta-ta.

A three-month-old baby is gradually turning into a little explorer and enjoys looking at bright toys, items of clothing, and his pens. Muscle tone is no longer as tense and the fists are not clenched as tightly as in the first months after birth ... He often touches the surrounding things with his fingers, sometimes even grabs them with a handle and holds them. Develops tactile sensations and hand motor skills.

To better see nearby objects, the child can raise the head and the upper part of the body, resting the handles on the surface. But he cannot yet be in this position for a long time. At this age, the baby requires increased attention to himself and begins to be capricious if mom or dad does not communicate with him for a long time.

What is the appearance and what a child can do at 3 months:


Why is the baby crying?

the baby wants to sleep.
He is very tired or it's time to go to bed. The kid begins to rub his eyes with both handles, turn his head intensively from side to side, and if the laying is delayed, he begins to cry;

It's time for feeding, if the baby begins to sob little by little, and after a while crying loudly and loudly;

crying in pain.
If a child has a pain (head during fever, tummy from colic or swelling), then he suddenly starts crying heavily, and immediately on a raised note.

Why does a 3-month-old baby salivate profusely?

at the age of three months, many children have increased salivation , as the salivary glands begin to develop and function more actively. This is normal and parents shouldn't worry about it;

in addition, at this age, the baby is actively interested in the taste of the objects around him and tries everything "on the tooth". And he often sticks his fingers deep in his mouth. At the same time, drool is abundantly released;

some children get thrush in their mouths. If you find symptoms of thrush in a child , be sure to visit a pediatrician;

in very rare cases, three-month-old babies begin
cut through the first teeth ... This leads to increased salivation.

Fever in a 3 month old baby.


the child is very active and moves a lot;

overheats outside in hot weather or due to excessive wrapping;

the first incisors appear;

the child is overextended during a prolonged cry;

incorrect drinking regime;

colds or infectious diseases .

See a doctor immediately if, against the background of an elevated temperature, the baby has:

Severe runny nose and noisy, irregular breathing;

Convulsions with rolling eyes and pale skin;

Apathy and lethargy (or vice versa - excessive overexcitement);

The muscles of the neck are very tense, the head cannot be bent to the body;

A small rash appeared on the skin;

- loose stools and vomiting;

The color of the urine has changed markedly. The kid does not urinate for a long time;

Refuses to feed within 5-6 hours.


1) stand on their legs without tightening the toes (an adult is holding the child at the same time);

to follow the object slowly moving nearby;

3) must be able to turn his head in the direction of the sound;

4) keep the body and head in good shape when they are picked up;

knows how to lift the body and head when lying on the tummy;

distinguish spoken language from other sounds;

7) swim in the bathroom in a special circle ;

at 3 and a half months, he attentively listens to the spoken words and tries to walk in response;

9) knows how not only to smile, but also to laugh for a long time;

eat, clasping a bottle or mom's chest with your palms .


Below is an example of a daily routine for a toddler:

◘ Sleep ◘

How much does a baby sleep at 3 months? A three-month-old baby should sleep a total of 17 hours daily.

In the open air, the child falls asleep better and sleeps better with a healthy sleep. In the cold season, it is not advisable to walk for more than an hour. If the air temperature is 3 degrees or lower, then shorten your walks to 40 minutes, dressing the child warmly.

In the summer, you can walk with your child for about two hours, covering the stroller with a cloth that does not allow direct sunlight and small insects to pass through.

In the daytime, a small child sleeps for about two hours 2-3 times. At night - a long sleep of 10-12 hours with a break for feeding.

◘ Food ◘

At 3 months of age, the baby continues to feed on breast milk. It is not advisable to introduce complementary foods until 4-5 months, since the baby's digestive system is not sufficiently formed and the likelihood of allergies and gastrointestinal disorders is high. The table shows an example of 6 single feeding for an infant at three months:

How much does a small child eat at three months?
The daily volume of eaten infant formula (if the baby is bottle-fed) or breast milk increased by 60-70 ml. In just a day, a 3 month old baby eats 860-870 ml, and for each feeding there is about 120-130 ml of food.

If full breastfeeding for one reason or another, it has stopped and the baby is on artificial or mixed feeding, then complementary foods can be introduced at 3.5 months.

The break between feedings for a weakened baby who is on artificial feeding is approximately three hours during the day and 6 hours at night.

The transition from liquid food to a thicker one must be carried out very gradually. It is better to start introducing complementary foods into the diet not with fruit or vegetable puree, but with half diluted with water juice with a sweet and sour taste.

You can choose apple juice and start giving it diluted half a teaspoon. Within 3 weeks, increase the daily intake to 5 teaspoons. Water or rosehip broth should also be given a little - a few teaspoons between feedings.


Boys weigh from 4.8 to 6.9 kg,
And girls - from 4.6 to 6.4 kg.


The height of boys at this age is from 57 to 63 cm,
And the growth of girls is from 56.4 to 62 cm.

It is advisable to purchase a special scale for weighing babies or weighing a crumbs once a month in a medical institution.
The baby's weight should increase evenly without sudden fluctuations. If body weight suddenly begins to decrease, then immediately consult a pediatrician for advice.

In 3 months, the weight of the crumbs will increase by about 850 grams, and their height by 3-4 cm.


According to most child psychologists, it is undesirable to watch cartoons and any other animated pictures for children under 1 year old.

It is strictly forbidden to watch cartoons for a very small child for more than 2-3 minutes, since animation can cause deviations in mental development and vision problems!

Pictures in a cartoon should not be bright, with saturated colors of an acid shade. Animation should not be fast, calm, without abrupt transitions from one plot to another. The sound accompanying the plot is neither loud nor harsh. The characters in the cartoon must be positive. A child should not watch a cartoon alone.

Constantly comment on the plot, communicate with the baby. It is highly advisable to purchase or make do-it-yourself cartoon toy characters. During the game, act out scenes with toys in front of the baby's eyes according to the plot viewed the day before.

Now on the Internet you can find various educational cartoons for children 3 months old. Below is a video clip with a colorful and informative cartoon for very young children: