What is early pregnancy? Will there be tangible signs? Medical diagnostics of a frozen pregnancy

They are very weak and may be absent altogether. However, women still can't wait to find out as soon as possible whether it was possible to conceive a child in this cycle or not, and they tend to pay attention to any insignificant detail. let's consider early pregnancy signs before delay and in the first weeks after its start.

Before the delay

We will consider these symptoms rather briefly, since they cannot be trusted too much. Look for signs earlier than a week before the expected start date of your period.

1. Toxicosis. Surely, you have met women who claimed that allegedly the very next day after the conception occurred, they felt their interesting position. Attacks of nausea immediately began, an upset of the intestines, insomnia, fatigue and other "delights" arose. However, as you might guess, such signs of pregnancy at an early stage before the delay often turn out to be not at all what first comes to mind, but a symptom of poisoning, and just a nervous overstrain. Many sensitive girls, during severe stress, experience frequent urge to use the toilet, severe nausea and other unpleasant sensations.

2. Measure your basal temperature. It is recommended only to those women who are specialists in this matter, not experienced women, who first decided on these measurements, can draw wrong conclusions. Be sure to keep in mind that early pregnancy signs, the fever of which is one of the main ones, is not always a 100% result. This may be due not only to pregnancy, but also to sex, which was the day before, nervous overexcitation, illness, violation of the rules for measuring rectal temperature, etc.

3. Unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the mammary glands and nipples. The chest begins to hurt quite a lot, it increases slightly. But this may be due to functional changes occurring in tissues - cyclical changes characteristic of women of reproductive age. In rare cases, such sudden pain may be associated with pathology, and not with signs of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay. If a volumetric formation is felt in the breast, discharge appears from the nipples - you need to see a mammologist or gynecologist.

After the start of the delay

These early pregnancy signs are much more interesting and reliable.

1. It is not trite - the absence of menstruation. All women who, in one way or another, monitor their health, pay attention to this fact. True, many do not pay attention to the absence of menstruation for several days, since now women who have menstruation day after day are rare. Our nervous life prevents the body from working properly. Expectant mothers do not have cyclical bleeding during the entire period of gestation. The menstrual cycle is getting better only a few weeks / months after childbirth, it depends, to a greater extent, on whether a woman is breastfeeding a baby or not and how regularly she does it.

2. Pain in the lower abdomen. This is normal for expectant mothers, and for women who are about to have their periods and with the threat of miscarriage. It is necessary to monitor the regularity, duration and severity of these pains. Usually, the fair sex intuitively understands whether to worry or not. But be that as it may, any expectant mother needs to have antispasmodics in her first-aid kit - pills that quickly relieve muscle spasm.

Please note that drinking antispasmodics for pain on one side of the abdomen, especially on the right, is not recommended. It may be appendicitis, and with such anesthesia you will prevent the doctor from making the correct diagnosis.

3. An increase in the number of secretions. Sometimes the most obvious signs of early pregnancy are discharge. Of course, we here mean not bloody discharge from the vagina and not signs of sexually transmitted diseases, but ordinary, colorless, lingering discharge, more characteristic of the ovulation period. By the way, in some cases there may be spotting, but in a small amount. Many women mistake them for menstruation. If your periods are too scanty, it makes sense to get tested.

4. Enlargement of the abdomen. Young girls who have not yet had any experience of motherhood believe that signs of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay accurately indicate the birth of a new life. And that the most characteristic of this feature is traditionally the growth of the abdomen. Peering into their forms, they try to see a slightly protruding abdominal wall and, it should be noted, sometimes they really get to see something ... But only in this case, the bulging of the abdominal wall is by no means connected with pregnancy. The uterus begins to protrude noticeably only in the second half of the second trimester, not earlier. And at such an early stage, even gynecologists are unable to distinguish a pregnant uterus from a non-pregnant one.

5. The pregnancy test is positive. That is, clearly positive. Two stripes are clearly visible. In such cases, errors are practically excluded. This refers to reliable signs of early pregnancy - discharge, an increase in body temperature and rectal temperature - this is already secondary. But it must be borne in mind that in some cases the test shows 2 stripes after a miscarriage, and with an ectopic and frozen pregnancy, and with some serious pathologies of the body. Therefore, we would still recommend seeing a doctor.

6. Gynecological examination. While the pregnant uterus is determined only during a vaginal examination, but a little later, closer to the second trimester, the size of the uterus can be determined already with an external examination on the couch, which, in principle, you will expect at every visit to the gynecologist in the future. In such a simple way, the doctor will determine with fairly high accuracy whether the fetus is developing or not, whether there is a delay in development.

More or less accurately, a doctor can tell about a woman's pregnancy for a period of 5 obstetric weeks. At this time, the cervix deviates slightly posteriorly, the labia acquire a bluish tint, and the uterus becomes spherical and increases in size weekly.

7. HCG. Many women who notice early pregnancy signs do a blood or urine test (usually the first) in order to find out the exact result. Doctors prescribe this analysis usually when an ectopic or frozen pregnancy is suspected. If something is wrong with the baby, then the level of chorionic gonadotropin is lower than the level normal for a given gestational age. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that sometimes slightly lower values ​​are observed in the absence of pathologies. This hormone begins to be produced 7-10 days after conception.

8. Ultrasound examination. The fertilized egg can be seen almost immediately after the implantation of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. But the doctor will not be able to give guarantees that this fertilized egg will become the beginning of a new life, since the embryo is not yet visible at such an early stage. So, even if signs of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay are present, and then the uzist doctor diagnoses the uterine location of the ovum, it is not time to relax.

We have listed only the main symptoms of the onset of pregnancy, in fact, there are many times more of them. True, not all of them are equally reliable. The gynecologist should still diagnose an interesting situation.

Any woman who plans to become pregnant or, conversely, wants to avoid it, often thinks about how to determine early pregnancy. If the first wants to find out as soon as possible whether her dream of being a mother is coming true, then the second needs to act quickly if she is ready for an abortion. Both the one and the other need to listen to their body, follow the changes in it and conduct several simple experiments to recognize pregnancy.

First of all, pay attention to the state of your body: at the slightest change, it will react and show you certain signs - you just need to notice and decipher them in time.

First of all, remember that it all depends on the woman's menstrual cycle: conception occurs only at a certain time - 1-2 days after ovulation. The cycle must always be counted from the first day of menstruation - when a new egg prepares to leave the ovary. It matures by the middle of the cycle: that is, if it lasts 28 days (standard), then the cell is ready on the 14th day.

Together with ovulation, the woman's body is already preparing for conception: the endometrium becomes softer and thicker in order to be ready to receive the ovum; the follicle, which releases a ready, mature egg, is reborn into the corpus luteum and begins to produce progesterone - it is needed for successful implantation into the walls of the uterus and maintaining pregnancy. In addition, the basal body temperature rises to a comfortable 37 degrees for conception. According to experts, the body is in this state for just over a week - and thanks to this, it is possible to determine pregnancy in the early stages.

If conception does not happen, then all the indicators of the body again return to their usual norm: the body temperature drops, the corpus luteum degrades, and the endometrium exfoliates and comes out along with menstruation. And the cycle starts again.

The first signs of pregnancy (video):

If conception has occurred, the fertilized egg continues its path through the fallopian tube, and at the same time its division and development begins. After a week or a little more, the introduction of the ovum occurs - immediately from this moment one of the membranes - the chorion - begins to produce human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone begins to accumulate in the body, and it is its presence that is shown by pregnancy tests.

What is basal body temperature and how to measure it?

Early pregnancy is manifested by the fact that the basal body temperature of a woman increases. It can be measured using a conventional pharmacy thermometer by introducing it rectally (into the rectum) or into the vagina. In order to almost accurately determine pregnancy, the temperature must be measured for several days in a row, be sure to strictly follow the rules.

So, first of all, you need to prepare in advance: do not drink a lot of liquid at night and do not eat watery fruits; put a clock and a thermometer next to the bed, as well as a notebook and a pen. This is necessary in order to measure the temperature without getting up and without changing the position of the body - the fewer body movements, the more reliable the measurement result. This ritual should be performed daily at a specific time. You also need to write down in advance in your notebook the day of the woman's menstrual cycle at the moment - if the basal temperature is different from the norm, it will be possible to recognize the pregnancy.

So, how to correctly measure basal temperature and find out about pregnancy at home:

  1. without getting out of bed and moving as little as possible, insert the thermometer and wait 5-8 minutes while stationary;
  2. fix the thermometer readings, date and time in the notebook.

Thanks to these observations, it will be possible to draw up a graph of changes in nasal temperature: at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, it is kept at around 36.5 - 36.7 degrees; and by the period of ovulation it rises to about 37. If conception does not happen, then when ovulation stops, the basal temperature drops to an average mark; if conception occurs, this temperature will not drop. This is how pregnancy can be determined before delay and without tests.

The body signals early pregnancy

Assessment of your feelings will also help in determining early pregnancy. Fever (make sure that it is not associated with any inflammatory processes in your body), which happens due to the fact that the body recognizes the nascent embryo as a foreign body, and the immune system begins its fight against it, accompanied by breast swelling and discoloration nipple halo.

Also, in women, even in early pregnancy, nasal congestion occurs, since after conception, blood flow increases, which entails an increased blood supply to all organs; as a consequence, the mucous membranes in the nose swell, which interferes with breathing. If it's not a cold or a chronic runny nose, long-term nasal congestion can help recognize pregnancy.

In addition to all this, a sign of early pregnancy in the early stages may be tingling sensations and pain that pulls the lower abdomen or in the navel area. This feeling is typical when the embryo leaves the fallopian tubes and is implanted into the walls of the uterus. At the same time, slight bleeding is possible, which some women may mistake for the onset of menstruation, but this, on the contrary, will help to recognize pregnancy even without tests: at the time of implantation, a blood vessel is damaged, which causes spotting bleeding. Unlike menstruation, it has a one-time character and is much less abundant - this is what is a sign of early pregnancy.

Not immediately, but soon a woman will notice sick salivation and vomiting - most pregnant women suffer from toxicosis. Also, excess weight will certainly begin to appear, taste preferences will change due to an increased hormonal background; fatigue and fatigue appear; sense of smell, vision, taste buds will be aggravated; mood will often change - all this can accurately determine pregnancy without tests.

You can also pay attention to sexual attraction: women either begin to refuse sex altogether, or, conversely, experience a strong attraction. This, of course, is not an accurate indicator by which a pregnancy can be recognized, but it is worth paying attention to.

Pregnancy tests

When the body has already given all the signs that a woman may have an early pregnancy, you can go to a pharmacy or a regular supermarket for. Medicine has already reached the point that it is possible to accurately determine pregnancy with a probability of up to 100%.

It will be more effective to donate blood for the hCG indicator: with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, the amount of this hormone in the body increases, although at an early stage only very sensitive tests can recognize pregnancy. However, according to the level of hCG in the blood, it is possible to determine pregnancy before the delay even a few days after conception.

How to choose the right test? Just remember that over-the-counter samples have a sensitivity of 10 to 25 Mme / ml - and the lower the number, the greater the sensitivity. The test with the number 10 will catch hCG and will be able to show pregnancy already at a period of four weeks.

Ultrasound and observation by a doctor

To make sure that you are 100% pregnant, you should definitely consult a gynecologist. In addition to a blood test for hCG, an ultrasound will show an accurate result. The study will not only confirm or deny whether a woman is pregnant, but also rule out an ectopic pregnancy. On the ultrasound machine, the doctor will be able to see the nascent embryo and the place of its fixation, as well as calculate its size. With the help of a vaginal sensor, you can accurately determine the "age" of the embryo - that is, how many weeks it is.

Research in the chair is also mandatory: the specialist will grope for pregnancy in the early stages, having noticed a change in the tissues of the reproductive organs. And even if the ovum itself is not imperceptible, the mucous membranes will be blue due to increased blood filling, the uterus itself will become more edematous, and its neck will be softer.

Folk omens or home pregnancy tests

Despite the progress in the science of determining pregnancy, many still do not neglect to use alternative methods and check signs to determine whether conception has occurred. It is worth admitting that among such methods, in addition to some fabulous ones (like putting two halves of one onion in a glass of water and watching to see if the greens you were thinking will give), there are also quite working ones? Based on centuries of research on women.

First, you can boil the urine that was collected in the morning: bring it to 90 degrees and transfer it to a clean glass container. During pregnancy, white flakes should appear in the urine. In this way, pregnancy can be determined without any tests.

Secondly, you can determine the position using iodine - and, in two ways. You can put urine on paper or cloth and drip iodine onto the stain: if the color turns purple, then the woman is pregnant; if brown - no. You can also add one drop of iodine to a jar of morning urine: if it lingers on the surface without breaking apart, then there is pregnancy; if iodine dissolves instantly, conception did not occur.

Thirdly, you can resort to the help of soda: pour a teaspoon of powder in 150-200 ml of urine collected in the morning and observe. If the hissing begins in the container, then there is no pregnancy; but if there is no reaction, an increase in the family can be expected.

However, it is worth remembering that it is possible to determine pregnancy at home, and even with the help of folk signs, without getting carried away. The most accurate way was and remains a visit to a gynecologist, an ultrasound specialist and tests.

As soon as a woman found out about her situation, it is worth immediately contacting an antenatal clinic for registration. This is really important, early pregnancy is not always easy. The expectant mother should be fully examined for various diseases, and the life of the unborn baby often depends on the early diagnosis of various diseases.

After about the fifth week, the uterus enlarges so much that the doctor can detect early pregnancy. An interesting position can also be diagnosed with the help of an ultrasound scan, which sees the baby already from three weeks.

After the first visit to the gynecologist, the woman is given directions for various analyzes and, necessarily, for visits to specialists: ENT, ophthalmologist, therapist. Depending on the woman's health condition, this list can be expanded.

Early pregnancy brings new sensations to the life of the expectant mother. And so far they are not the most pleasant:

Everyday fatigue and the appearance of fatigue, a drowsy state;

More frequent urination;

Indigestion, heartburn, bloating;

And the appearance of taste quirks common to many pregnant women;

The appearance of edema of the feet, hands, varicose veins;

Recurrent headaches, dizziness, fainting;

The mammary glands are altered. They get fat, the chest seems to swell, the areola becomes darker;

An increase in the abdomen is possible, but so far this is not associated with the growth of the baby. During this period, stretching of the pelvic bones is possible;

Under the influence of hormones, the mental state also changes. A woman has frequent mood swings, excessive irritability and tearfulness.

Of course, early general well-being does not necessarily include all of these points.

The most difficult week for the entire period of bearing a baby is the seventh. At this time, the largest number of miscarriages occurs. This can be called a borderline when the mother's body at the hormonal level builds relationships with the developing placenta. If this relationship does not work out as it should, then the pregnancy will end.

From the very first weeks, a woman must fully adapt to her new position. This is especially true for nutrition. A lot of vegetables, fruits, boiled meat, fish, dairy products - this should become an obligatory part of the diet of the expectant mother. But smoked and fried will have to be abandoned.

Early pregnancy is very difficult for many women. This is especially true for the manifestation of toxicosis. This is nausea, vomiting. The sensations are not pleasant, but, again, this is normal for the body at this stage. There are also severe forms of toxicosis, when the mother loses weight, the skin becomes dry, salivation increases, constant weakness appears, all the time you want to sleep. In this case, help is needed, not only the mother, but also the baby suffers from such toxicosis. Most often, in this case, a woman is sent to a hospital for treatment.

Not every pregnancy is planned and often it turns out that already being in a position, but not knowing about it, the expectant mother takes alcohol and smokes, and then she is horrified by this. Fortunately, studies have shown that early pregnancy alcohol intake is not scary, babies are born normal and healthy. Smoking in early pregnancy is not a big threat to the fetus, but after the fourth month, a bad habit can bring complications and affect the health of the baby or even lead to premature birth.

It is quite natural that as soon as a woman finds out about her situation, she is simply obliged to give up all bad habits for the good of her baby.

Feeling a slight malaise, a woman is sometimes in doubt: are these symptoms the first signs of pregnancy?

To be sure, you need to know exactly how the pregnancy develops, what clinical picture is typical for the early stages, and how you can make sure of the presence of pregnancy using modern methods.

A mature egg is released from the ovary into the fallopian tube. Under appropriate conditions, it is fertilized with the most active sperm.

In this case, fertilization can be slightly "delayed" in time. Sometimes this requires several days, since the sperm move at a speed of about 2 cm / hour.

From the moment of fertilization, the zygote begins to divide. From each of its cells, 2 new ones are born.

The fission process is extremely fast. Already by the 8th week of pregnancy, the main life support systems are laid in the embryo.

However, the zygote is not only divided. She needs to find a place where she can attach to the wall and continue to grow without lack of nutrients. Therefore, the fertilized egg continues its path through the fallopian tube, slowly approaching the uterus.

This journey takes 1-2 weeks. Only after implantation of the embryo can we talk about the onset of pregnancy.

The first likely signs of pregnancy

While the egg is traveling through the fallopian tube, the woman's body carefully prepares for pregnancy.

As a result, the hormonal background changes, which has a significant effect on chemical reactions and blood composition.

At this moment, the woman begins to feel the first signs that allow judging the beginning of pregnancy. They can be characterized as presumptive, since at this stage the pregnancy has not yet received confirmation.

  • Soreness in the pelvic area.

In the earliest stages of pregnancy, the stomach most often hurts at the time of implantation of the ovum.

At this time, there may be a slight tingling sensation on the side where the egg is attached.

  • Unusual vaginal discharge.

This is another sign of early pregnancy.

Their color may change somewhat. The discharge is often whitish and more abundant. This is due to the high production of progesterone.

If the discharge resembles a curdled mass, smells unpleasant and causes itching, it is necessary to be examined for. can sometimes provoke a miscarriage. - a sign of a genital infection.

The discomfort is due to swelling of the mammary glands. The areola of the nipple becomes especially sensitive.

Often women complain that the pain is caused by a simple touch of the nipple. It is considered a very dubious sign.

Even the same woman with her first child may have severe chest pains as a symptom of pregnancy, and a sign of a second pregnancy in the early stages may, on the contrary, be a complete absence of painful sensations.

  • Change in taste.

This sign of pregnancy appears after a delay in menstruation.

Previously favorite foods cause disgust and bouts of nausea. Sometimes a woman is sincerely surprised why the sight of a fried chicken leads to vomiting, and the smell of laundry soap seems like a heavenly aroma.

Similar signs are evidence of hormonal changes and. Adaptation of the organism proceeds according to the individual scheme. In one woman, the urge to vomit may be absent, in another, the smell and sight of food leads to indomitable vomiting.

To reduce unpleasant symptoms, it is often enough to eliminate their cause by getting rid of foods that provoke attacks of nausea, as well as spending enough time walking and sleeping.

Severe toxicosis with repeated vomiting can be a sign of multiple pregnancy.

  • Feeling completely overwhelmed.

Many women at the beginning of pregnancy have a constant urge to cry or throw a tantrum. This state is characteristic of almost every woman in an "interesting" position. Apathy, depression and fatigue will go away as soon as the body's adaptation to new conditions is completed.

  • Changes in the work of the digestive system.

Many women will feel what a change in intestinal microflora means. Possible diarrhea and constipation, bloating, increased flatulence.

  • Frequent urination.

The growth of the zygote significantly affects the organs located near the uterus, in particular, the bladder. Therefore, frequent urination is observed already from the 5th week, when the uterus begins to rapidly increase in size, and continues until the 12-13th week.

In addition, the bladder now responds to a smaller volume of fluid due to the rush of blood to the pelvis.

  • Lightweight.

Often, the malaise is accompanied by sinus congestion and chills, which are common with SARS.

If within a few days the condition does not worsen and the cold does not manifest itself in full glory, one can suspect that the change in the hormonal background inherent in pregnancy is to blame.

  • Decreased tone of blood vessels.

In this case, the woman complains of weakness, dizziness and headaches.

Hypotension also negatively affects the fetus, as it does not receive the required amount of oxygen and nutrients.

If hypotension can be caused by pregnancy, hypertension is a disease caused by other causes. In any case, an examination and appropriate treatment are necessary under the supervision of a gynecologist.

The list of the listed symptoms can be supplemented by external signs of pregnancy. Already in the first week after conception, the condition of the skin may change.

Often the T-zone of the face and the areola of the nipple darkens due to increased pigmentation. By the end of the first trimester, a dark line on the skin will become visible, stretching from the fundus of the uterus to the pubis.

The work of the sebaceous glands can normalize and acne almost completely disappears. Unusual signs of pregnancy include sweating, brittle hair and nails.

The condition of the teeth often worsens. All these signs appear as a consequence of the development of the fetus. The child takes from the mother's body the substances necessary for its own development.

You can improve your appearance by resorting to a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.

It is better to consult a gynecologist who will advise which ones to take.

Personal experience

My first pregnancy came when I was 19 years old. This is not counting two attempts when miscarriages happened. How happy I was when I saw the cherished 2 strips on the dough.

Taking into account the fact that I was once diagnosed with infertility (and no doctor can make it 100%), I did not try to get pregnant fanatically. Probably, therefore, she did not attach particular importance to the primary signs. As it turned out later, it was only at the 6th week of pregnancy that I felt that the body began to change.

Before menstruation, one in two girls may experience a rash on the face and pain in the mammary glands. After the end of the cycle, the pain goes away. It remained just as strong for me, sometimes it was impossible to sleep on my stomach. Mom immediately noticed an increase in breasts by one size. To say that I got better - no. I then lost about 10 kg due to stress, treatment, etc.

My husband often began to reproach me for not feeling well - I slept a lot, my appetite disappeared, and I became very moody. The last factor is not manifested in all girls. At the same time, sexual intercourse, even at such an early stage, caused a lot of inconvenience. This worried me.

But because of my convictions, I thought that this was the usual fatigue due to work, lack of sleep and problems at work. I couldn't relax. and, of course, the delay. Although, according to my calculations, I got pregnant just in the last days of menstruation, some kind of miracle.

I did not betray much value, because for me it was normal - hormonal disruptions, and other problems. If it were not for my mother, who believed in fortitude, I would not have taken the test and found my baby at 6 weeks old.

With the second pregnancy, everything was different. I was 20 years old, still young, inexperienced. Since I was breastfeeding my first child, the pregnancy occurred during lactation. There was no less milk, but already at 2-3 weeks I felt pain in my stomach.

This fact was used to create special strips showing an excess of the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin.

A too bright second strip on the test may be a sign of twin pregnancy.

With kidney disease or heavy fluid intake, the test may show an incorrect result. Therefore, it is recommended to repeat the procedure after 2-3 days.

A home test is not a substitute for medical diagnosis. The chorionic gonadotropin contains alpha and beta-hCG.

The presence of pregnancy can be judged by an increase in the concentration of beta-hCG. Therefore, within 8-12 days after the date of the alleged conception, a blood test for hCG will dispel your doubts.

Every 2 days, there is a twofold increase in the concentration of the hormone. A similar dynamics is observed up to 7-10 weeks. Then, the indicator starts to decline slowly.

In parallel with the blood test, it is recommended to undergo an ultrasound examination.

If conventional ultrasound is able to recognize pregnancy 15-20 days after the delay, transvaginal ultrasound, a method of introducing a special sensor through the vagina, gives the result 10-14 days after the delay.

At 8-10 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound scan of the abdomen can show a fertilized egg. However, not always with the help of ultrasound, the determination of pregnancy is 100% reliable. The reason for this may be outdated equipment or low qualification of personnel.

Sometimes pregnancy is confused with fibroids. Old equipment simply isn't capable of considering early pregnancy. Even doctors warn that it is worth conducting research no earlier than 10 days after the delay, in order to reduce the likelihood of error.

What are the initial signs of a multiple pregnancy?

It can be recognized already on the basis of the first signs.

So, many women complain of excessive fatigue and drowsiness.

This condition lasts much longer than in a normal pregnancy. The body is under strong stress, carrying twins.

To nourish the embryos, you need 2 times more oxygen and other substances that are taken from a woman.

It is possible that toxicosis will manifest itself much earlier and stronger. However, this symptom develops individually and a healthy woman with multiple pregnancies may not feel unwell.

Since 2 or more embryos develop, the production of hCG is especially intense. Therefore, a pregnancy test can give a striking result in the form of a bold and distinct strip.

Multiple pregnancies are determined fairly accurately by the AFP test.

Alphafetoprotein is an embryonic protein that is produced by the gastrointestinal tract and the liver of the fetus after the 5th week of pregnancy.

Protein is also present in the woman's blood, its indicator proportionally increases with the growth of the fetus. Exceeding the permissible concentration usually indicates an abnormality in the development of the fetus, but it can also be a sign of multiple pregnancy.

Two developing embryos provide rapid weight gain. An increase in the entire pregnancy of about 12 kilograms is considered normal. A woman pregnant with twins gains 16-21 kilograms

If ultrasound is considered a sufficiently accurate method for detecting a normal pregnancy, the device is not able to "view" twins in the early stages. Therefore, twins can be guaranteed with confidence only at 5-6 weeks, when the heartbeat of the embryos can be detected.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed without risks and to successfully end with the birth of a healthy baby, after the first signs appear, it is necessary to register with a gynecological consultation.

Every woman planning a pregnancy diligently tries to track symptoms in the early stages of pregnancy, persistently listening to her body. The slightest changes in the work of internal organs already give the first hope that a miracle has happened. Many women try to recognize early pregnancy, often resorting to completely ridiculous pagan traditions. But don't blame them. Perhaps they are simply not sufficiently informed on these issues.

How to recognize the first symptoms of pregnancy in the early stages

Since ancient times, people have tried to learn how to recognize the first signs of early pregnancy in various folk ways. Modern medicine has all the necessary tools for an accurate diagnosis. During the first week after the conception occurred, the fertilized egg "wanders" through the fallopian tubes and uterus, "looking for" a convenient place to attach to the inner wall, from where the development of the embryo will begin.

Symptoms of pregnancy for a woman who is conceiving for the first time can manifest as follows:

Such conditions should be treated responsibly, because in fact, during this period, immunity is significantly reduced. A woman becomes more vulnerable to the penetration of various infections into the body.

A couple of weeks after conception, the Montgomery tubercles appear - barely noticeable bumps around the nipples. The chest becomes so sensitive that it reacts to the slightest touch with swelling or mild pain. Around the areolas of the nipples, the skin darkens slightly, which confirms conception.

Accurate signs of pregnancy

In the early stages, there may be no signs of pregnancy at all. Such cases are not uncommon. Some women pay attention to changes in their bodies only due to the absence of menstruation.

Nausea and vomiting in the early stages is one of the clear signs of pregnancy. It is on this basis that women in absentia assure themselves of the conception that has occurred. This is toxicosis. The causes of this symptom to this day remain a mystery to medicine.

Many researchers reasonably believe that toxicosis is the body's response to intoxication. The first reaction to conception is the rejection of a foreign body, as if the immune system, including its defense mechanisms, is trying to get rid of the foreign body. There is another version - a psychological reaction. One might even assume that it is psychosomatic. Most often, women who are not yet ready for motherhood are susceptible to toxicosis. Consequently, the body is immersed in a state of shock, sometimes quite long in time.

Toxicosis of psychological origin is also characteristic of those women who cannot get pregnant for a long time and suffer from it. On the contrary, those who, like fire, avoid pregnancy, constantly suspect that they have an unwanted conception and, with particular suspiciousness, monitor the slightest changes in the behavior of their internal organs.

You might be interested in: 12 ways to say no to toxicosis

In the early stages of pregnancy, chaotic disorders of the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are not excluded. Diarrhea and increased gas production are mistaken by some for signs of toxicosis. In general, the maternal organism simply "tunes" the work of internal organs, adapting them to new circumstances. But also do not exclude all kinds of intestinal infections that enter the body at the time of the weakening of the immune system. It is advisable during this period to exclude spicy, smoked, fried foods, to reduce the consumption of sweet and salty foods. An excessive amount of salt will provoke puffiness, which will put an increased load on the organs of the cardiovascular system.

The enlargement of the mammary glands, accompanied by their engorgement, soreness and redness, indicates a hormonal reaction in the body to conception. This condition can last up to two to three weeks. The mammary glands are attuned to breastfeeding. At the same time, insignificant discharge from the glands of a light yellow or white color is not excluded. This colostrum is the first portion of future milk for a baby. Such discharge should not cause concern in cases when it comes to pregnancy, however, in ordinary life, this phenomenon can be a symptom of disorders of the female reproductive system. In such cases, you should be examined by a mammologist.

A woman can experience lumbar pain at the time of her period, however, when they are associated with pulling pains in the lower abdomen without menstruation, this can be regarded as one of the signs of pregnancy.

Increased urination, accompanied by pain, may be a symptom of exacerbated cystitis. The bladder, like no other organ, is the first to react to changes in the uterus, with which it actually comes into contact with the outer walls. If the uterus is agitated, which often happens in early pregnancy, there is a frequent urge to urinate.

After conception, many women have a high risk of inflammation of the urinary tract. Especially prone to kidney infections. Therefore, back pain can be a symptom of pyelonephritis. Increased pain in the lumbar region carries a high risk of early miscarriage. It is in the first trimester that frequent miscarriages occur. If there are some pathological manifestations of pregnancy, the woman is admitted to the hospital for “conservation”. Here doctors take care of her, continuously monitoring the slightest violations and preventing them.

Fatigue and continuous sleepiness in our time are not considered something special in the behavior of the body of many young people, however, this is one of the signs of pregnancy. If a woman has not previously complained of such symptoms, then most likely this is a sign of pregnancy. The nature of sleepiness during pregnancy has not yet been completely clarified. Most likely, this is caused by hormonal changes in the body, but psychosomatic reactions should not be ruled out, when a woman subconsciously tunes in to preserve the embryo, trying to protect it from negative influences from the outside.

As the term increases, new symptoms will be added:

  • itchy skin all over the abdomen;
  • swelling of the lower and upper extremities;
  • changes in appetite and food preferences;
  • a more acute reaction to various odors;
  • gait changes;
  • new poses in a dream;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • the appearance of blush on the cheeks;
  • increased salivation;
  • itching of the inside of the palms;
  • skin rashes on the face and décolleté;
  • profuse discharge of leucorrhoea from the vagina.

A blood test of a pregnant woman will show an increased content of the hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone is produced by the tissues of the placenta after embryonic implantation as early as 6-8 days after successful conception. Perhaps this is the surest sign of a successful pregnancy.

It is not uncommon for a woman to become pregnant again during the lactation period. The first sign of a successful pregnancy is a sharp decrease in the production of breast milk, which immediately becomes noticeable when breastfeeding. Milk also tastes slightly different and the infant may refuse breastmilk altogether. This is how the body redistributes its resources, preparing the next pregnancy.

An exacerbation of thrush in early pregnancy occurs in many women. It is not worth ignoring or expecting that the thrush will go away by itself. Urgent treatment is needed before the infection gets to the embryo. Treatment is prescribed by an observing gynecologist.

Ultrasound procedure

For the final confirmation of the onset of conception, an ultrasound examination is performed. A few decades ago, this procedure could only be dreamed of. Ultrasound devices began to appear in the post-Soviet countries only in the early 90s.

Now ultrasound is a widespread and affordable procedure for everyone. With its help, a quick diagnosis of almost all internal organs is carried out. In the antenatal clinic, an ultrasound scan is prescribed already in the fifth week of pregnancy. At this time, it is still very difficult to determine the sex of the unborn child, you can only confirm the fact of conception. If parents insist on additional ultrasound in order to determine the sex of the unborn baby, they are done at the twelfth week of pregnancy or later.

In cases where the observing physician suspects the abnormal development of the fetus, ultrasound is performed more often to avoid possible risks. Table 1 shows the parameters of the embryo after ultrasound by weeks of pregnancy.

Table 1. Normal parameters of the embryo after ultrasound examination by weeks of pregnancy.
dimensions (millimeters)
Yolk sac,
inner diameter

do not measure

do not measure

do not measure

do not measure

Should you terminate your pregnancy?

Sometimes a woman has to make a difficult choice between keeping the fetus or terminating the pregnancy. This is due to many objective and subjective factors. In any case, the final word in this difficult issue should remain with the woman.

During pregnancy, a lot of vital energy and resources of the body are expended. In addition to the fact that a growing embryo now requires increased life support, the mother's body suffers significant losses. The situation is more complicated when there is nowhere to draw vital resources. The weakened immune system of many modern girls does not make it easy to endure pregnancy. The body is simply not ready for this. In this case, a decision may be made to terminate the pregnancy.

The presence of severe forms of chronic diseases that tend to exacerbate during the period of conception is a high degree of risk for a pregnant woman. When it comes to a woman's life, abortion is inevitable. Such conditions can cause chronic pyelonephritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic cholecystitis, heart failure, hepatitis, bronchial asthma, post-traumatic syndrome, diseases of the ligamentous-tendon apparatus, epilepsy.

In cases where a pregnant woman has suffered rubella, doctors recommend an abortion. This dangerous disease will inevitably affect embryonic development, depriving the body of the unborn baby of many life support functions while still in the womb.

Psychologist's help

Hormonal changes in the body, inevitable stressful situations during gestation and delivery, as well as many subjective and objective factors immediately affect the mental state of a woman who decides to become a mother. The closer the due date, the more anxious it becomes for the soul of a pregnant woman. And it is very sad if these days she is left to herself.

Probably, there is no need to say a lot about the fact that every pregnant woman should be surrounded by the care of her loved ones during this difficult period of her life. Unfortunately, there are often cases when a pregnant woman does not feel the support of her family, has little rest, spends a lot of time “on her feet,” continues to serve the family without reducing physical activity. Accumulating stress can trigger postpartum depression.

As soon as the baby is born, the mother's body releases a large amount of hormones into the bloodstream. Now the next hormonal changes begin, only in the reverse order. Following childbirth, the female reproductive system is adjusted for the lactation period. It is not uncommon during this period in the body to fail and inconsistency with the accepted norms.

Being in a state of postpartum depression, a woman can abandon the baby, ignore him, not give breast, try not to touch the baby. Postpartum depression is very dangerous for women who decide to give birth at a fairly early age, when the psyche is traumatized by numerous doubts about the need to have children at this age. A woman may even be on the verge of suicide. There is no shame in this. These conditions can be stopped if the right measures are taken in time.

Today, a visit to a psychologist does not represent fear and shame for most people. Until recently, many thought that, having consulted a psychologist, you can consider yourself almost crazy. Unfortunately, such prejudices were caused by the lack of awareness of our society, when public opinion was formed indiscriminately, one might say, “on the street,” and psychological knowledge was treated as pseudo-scientific. Now things are different. And it pleases.

A pregnant woman has the right to seek help from a psychologist at any time if she feels an increased feeling of anxiety, experiences insomnia, fears, aggravation of the general mental state. It is not necessary for family members to report your visit to a counselor for support.

Do's and don'ts in early pregnancy

The body of each person is very individual. And the symptoms of the same diseases can manifest themselves in different ways. Many women planning their first pregnancy often ask the question - can there be no signs of early pregnancy? The answer from the experts is in the affirmative.

If a girl is planning a pregnancy, then in any case she will listen to her body every day. Not everyone has implantation bleeding. Sometimes it is so insignificant that you may not even notice a few drops of blood that came out, for example, at the time of hygiene procedures.

When conception has occurred, and an ultrasound scan has confirmed this fact, you should carefully consider your next steps. In the first place will be the diet and daily routine. As early as possible, you should exclude tonic drinks that can provoke a miscarriage in the early stages, such as coffee, black tea, low-alcohol cocktails and beer. It is now necessary to control the consumption of salt and sugar. Increased swelling, which is difficult to avoid during pregnancy, will lead to shortness of breath, fatigue, joint pain, and drowsiness.

A pregnant woman should be protected from the so-called "passive" smoking. It is difficult to completely eliminate alcoholic beverages in our time. Sometimes it becomes necessary to take an alcoholic tincture for medicinal purposes. Of course, such techniques must be coordinated with the observing doctor.

In pregnant women, a large amount of the hormone progesterone is released, due to which there is an increased formation of opaque, odorless vaginal discharge. Many girls observe similar conditions during ovulation. With the end of menstruation, the discharge decreases and disappears completely. After delivery, the body behaves in a similar way.

However, you should pay attention to flocculent discharge, accompanied by an unpleasant odor. These are signs of various sexually transmitted or fungal diseases. There is a high probability of fetal damage in such cases. A visit to the doctor is required, self-medication is unacceptable. Many women habitually start douching at home, which can lead to miscarriage. It must be remembered that douching is strictly prohibited at any stage of pregnancy!

If a brownish discharge is found, an urgent consultation with a gynecologist is required. This is an alarming sign for a pregnant woman. In this case, we are talking about the life of the mother and the high threat of miscarriage. Dark discharge can signal a "freezing" of the fetus. If during pregnancy you do not regularly collect data on the state of the embryo, then you may not notice the formation of various pathologies.

Conception and the first 2 weeks of pregnancy


The first signs of pregnancy
