Sincere congratulations to the grandmother from the granddaughter on her anniversary. Beautiful poems on the anniversary of the grandmother from the granddaughter

Who will never hurt or punish? Who forgives mistakes and is touched by our little nonsense, who is never angry with us and does not notice our shortcomings? For whom are we, despite our character, always in the first place, always an object of pride and a source of joy?

Of course, this is dear granny! The relationship between her and her grandchildren is always special, filled with tenderness and warmth, there are no conflicts and misunderstandings in them. And this means that every grandson and granddaughter must - no, they simply must - prepare something special for the anniversary of my dear grandmother.

After all, it is from her beloved grandchildren (and great-grandchildren) that the hero of the day expects the warmest, sincere and pleasant words! What is the best way to prepare congratulations on the anniversary of the grandmother from the grandchildren, what is the best way - so that it is in prose or in poetry, or maybe it should be a toast?

If your head is already spinning and you cannot find anything worthwhile, then do not worry: from the options below you are guaranteed to choose something worthy and you will find such an original congratulation to your grandmother that will touch her, touch the deepest strings of her soul, make her happy in this holiday, no matter how old the birthday girl turns - at least fifty, at least sixty, at least eighty, or even all ninety!

But before choosing the birthday greetings that you find suitable, decide what shape they should have, how exactly you want to congratulate your granny. For example:

  • Beautiful holiday poems for grandmother.
  • Touching speeches in prose.
  • Nice toast.
  • Letter, postcard, sms or video.
  • Congratulations to the grandmother individually from the granddaughter, from the grandson.
  • Congratulations on the anniversary to the grandmother from all relatives.

Choose, connect your imagination, do not regret your sincere warmth and sincere love to congratulate your beloved grandmother on her anniversary, and then she will be truly happy!

With warmth and joy ...

Your congratulations on your 60, 75 or 80 birthday to your grandmother - at any age - should be, first of all, sincere. Whether it will be original, poetic, beautifully composed, literate is also important, but in the second place.

Most importantly, the very first criterion is sincerity, cordiality and sincerity. Indeed, at any age, whether it be congratulations on the 90th birthday to the grandmother, or she is only 50, the birthday girl wants the attention and love of her family, and not gifts and flowers. So please grandma!

1. Poetry is an ideal way to congratulate your grandmother on her 80th birthday and at a different age too. After all, a poem, like nothing else, will help convey the entire spectrum of feelings, show care, love, admire and thank, wish all the best. Beautiful poems with the anniversary 55 years, 60, 80 - the best that you can give a dear birthday girl. She will love it!

2. It happens, alas, that we cannot come from afar and hug dear granny, tell her on her birthday all the warm words personally, whisper: “Happy anniversary, grandmother” ... get upset - and do not forget to prepare a postcard for her, or even easier - SMS congratulations. Of course, if the grandmother turns 90 on her birthday, SMS will not be the best option, but for the seventieth or 60th birthday, this is a great option!

3. A universal and beautiful way to congratulate you on your 85th birthday, and even 90th birthday, is prose. In prose, there is an opportunity to say any, the warmest and most sincere words, to express bright family feelings, to delight the birthday girl and make her feel loved, needed and irreplaceable in her eightieth birthday or at any other age.

4. Another great option for congratulating grandmother on her 70th birthday is a toast! And not only for the 70th anniversary, a good soulful toast is indispensable on any holiday, if a feast is being held. After all, raising a glass and making a toast means showing your love in front of everyone, expressing your gratitude and happiness to be the grandson (or granddaughter) of such a beautiful woman! In short, this is a wonderful surprise!

From everyone who loves

An individual approach is always good. And individual congratulations on your 60th birthday to your grandmother (or on another anniversary) from your beloved grandson, granddaughter, family - this is especially pleasant and joyful! Not general phrases and wishes, but carefully prepared ones, chosen especially for her, which means - with a soul. What could be better for the anniversary?

1. What would a grandmother want to hear from her grandson? Of course, only the most beautiful and warm words! Let your speech be in prose, or it can be poems from a caring granddaughter for a grandmother on her anniversary - choose the text that will be most in tune with your feelings for the dear birthday girl!

2. And the festive congratulations on the next anniversary for the grandmother from the beloved granddaughter should be the most tender, touching and lyrical! After all, a granddaughter is a joy for any woman, it is her hope, support and joy, and one should not regret the words of love! Beautiful poetry or sublime prose with an anniversary to a grandmother from a granddaughter - you choose. It is important that the speech should not come from “the head”, but from the very heart!

3. If the birthday girl has several grandchildren, why not prepare a surprise for her together? A big general wish, poems, prose - this will become an unforgettable gift for the hero of the day and will leave a wonderful mood for a long time! Just imagine how unexpected and joyful it will be for her to hear a solemn speech from all her beloved grandchildren, how she will be touched and happy on her holiday!

4. Of course, you can make a surprise for the birthday girl on behalf of the whole family, not just on your own behalf. Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren - everyone can take part and compose one big speech, in prose or in poetic form, so that the effect is stunning and the birthday girl has only bright and bright emotions.

It's so easy to congratulate your beloved birthday girl on her 50, 60 or 90 birthday, and only at first glance, this task seems difficult. You need to choose the appropriate text, and all that remains is to apply a little imagination, add something or change at your discretion, if necessary, and say all the words from the bottom of your heart. Sincere attention, affection and care is the most important thing for old people, and no gifts, flowers or treats can replace this.

So, very little is required of you: to spend a little time, fantasies, put a piece of your heart into words, remember all the beautiful things that this amazing woman gave you and did for you, and express all your gratitude, all your love to her on this holiday. After all, she is worthy of this, like no other! Author: Vasilina Serova, sources:,,,,,

There is no sweeter on the whole planet
My beloved grandmother,
You are just the embodiment of good
In all the councils, I need a grandmother.
Today is your anniversary, congratulations
I wish you good health
Accept warm words from your granddaughter
May fate be favorable to you.

Dear granny, I hug you
And I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday,
So that your life is without torment,
So as not to worry for no reason.
Be healthy, young
Never grow old with your soul
In everything I wish you luck
And a festive mood.

On an anniversary birthday
Accept congratulations from your granddaughter,
Live, dear, long and please us always,
Let life be bright, and happiness without end.
Let the house be a full bowl
So that joy and luck settle in him,
Let it always sing in the soul in the spring,
Let your fate be happy.

My dear and beloved grandmother,
You are not replaceable by anyone
Accept congratulations from your granddaughter,
On your bright birthday.
Live in health always, do not be sick,
Celebrate your anniversary fun
Let spring always sing in my soul
All the best to you, good luck and warmth.

I'm so proud of you, my grandmother,
Everybody says that I'm like you
You are always gentle and kind
May the Lord reward you in full.
On an anniversary birthday
I wish you a lot of joy, fun,
Do not be sad, dear, that the years pass
May your health be strong always.

The sun is shining brightly
The soul rejoices with joy,
Today is an anniversary birthday
My grandmother celebrates.
With joy, dear, I congratulate you,
I wish you shining eyes and great happiness,
Take warm words from your granddaughter
Live, grandma, and please me for a long time.

My dear granny, dear, dear,
Congratulations on your anniversary, and I wish you a hundred years to live!
I promise to be decent and behave myself!
I hug and kiss my dear relative!
Good health to you and good bright days!
Enjoy life more often, do not be sad and do not be painful!
I love you very much, I am with you always,
Let the bad weather and trouble go around!

My dear grandmother, my beloved,
On this anniversary, I sincerely congratulate you!
I want to wish you good health
In church to God, I will light a candle for you.
Granddaughter, maybe I'm not the best in this world,
But you are granny, the best on this whole planet!
I love you very much, kiss, hug,
Once again, I sincerely congratulate you on this holiday!

My dear granny, happy holiday to you!
I will hug and kiss, I will snuggle to you, loving!
Your granddaughter congratulates you on your anniversary,
I wish you a hundred years to live healthy!
If it weren't for you, the family would not be so prosperous,
She raised us, fed us, watered us with her love!
May it be sunny, calm every day,
A sad shadow will never fall on your face!

There is no better grandmother in this world,
I wish you a hundred years on your anniversary!
Less household worries, more joyful chores,
Good health to you from year to year.
Granddaughter loves you very much, will never forget
In difficult times, we are always with you as a family!
Congratulations, grandma, and I'll drain the glass to the bottom!
The best in the world! You are so alone!

My dear granny, congratulations on your anniversary,
Let your granddaughter hug you as soon as possible!
I wish you a million sunny days
Now I want to kiss you from the bottom of my heart!
Good health, may there be summer in my heart,
Remember, I love you, don't forget about it.
Today the whole family is with you and old friends,
For you, my dear, I raise a glass!

On the anniversary of my dear, dear granny,
Hunt to say to your granddaughter that you are always with you!
Good health, my dear man,
May the Lord keep you with the Holy Prayer.
May every day greet you with a smile
Love warms the soul of our whole family!
Thank you, granny, for the love and kindness,
Keep peace, calmness and warmth in your heart forever.

Happy anniversary from the bottom of my heart I congratulate grandmother today,
I wish her health and always be joyful!
TV shows and girlfriends are always there,
You lived so that long, calm years.
She gave us so much warmth of soul and love,
She kept everyone from misfortunes, forgave everything, took care of everything.
I will always be the best granddaughter, I promise
Once again, congratulations, kiss, hug!

Grandmother is a magical creature loved by everyone. These desperate women give all their love and care to their grandchildren. They bake delicious pies, read fairy tales, take them to the park and do not spare their attention for children! If your family is planning the birthday of a representative of the older generation, you need to prepare in advance and carefully. The congratulations to the grandmother from the granddaughter on her anniversary should be special and touching. Let the girl be healthy and thank you for a happy childhood.

Kind words

On the eve of the celebration, help your daughter choose and learn a beautiful poem for her grandmother. Have your little one memorize the lines and say them with expression and emotion. Everyone will be delighted with the performance of the little artist.

Congratulations on the anniversary,

May you be lucky in everything.

I love to be from birth

In your cozy home.

You raised me and taught me

I put all my strength in full.

And I am grateful to you

My dear grandma!

Live long, smile!

You always turn to me

I will help you, as you protect me,

I'll grow up a little more

I'll bake a raspberry pie,

I will read a fairy tale to you,

I will wash the floral robe,

You won't be left alone

I will be next to you!

Such congratulations to the grandmother from her granddaughter on her anniversary will surely please. She will be moved and kiss her beloved girl!

Creative impulse

Children love to draw, sculpt, make appliques. Under the strict guidance of your parents, craft with the children. A chic card with an applique made of colored paper or fabric will look great. Flowers, balloons, cake - you can cut out figures of the attributes of the holiday and arrange them randomly on a piece of paper. If the girl draws well, let her depict a portrait of her grandmother or the whole friendly family. Next, you need to write with a felt-tip pen congratulations to the grandmother from the granddaughter on her anniversary. Such a gift will take its rightful place on the wall in the bedroom or living room!

Look here soon

Our whole family is here

We love you, granny,

And we will not forget the good.

We respect, adore,

We accompany you everywhere.

You are a beloved member of the family

You are the keeper of the hearth!

You cook like a chef

You sew like the best fashion designer

Like an experienced designer

You create the interior.

How does everything fit in you?

Everything works out for you!

You are the best grandmother in the world

Let all children envy

They won't find such a thing anymore,

Let's celebrate the holiday!

Photo for memory

Photo collage is very popular now. Granny will surely be delighted with such a wonderful present. Arm yourself with a Whatman paper, felt-tip pens, and colorful family photos. Arrange the pictures nicely on a piece of Whatman paper and glue them to the paper. Now you can start decorating and entering text. You will get a kind of wall newspaper that will please the eye and heart for many years. Old people are pleased with any attention, and if you show diligence, then grandmother will be completely delighted. Place the grandmother's anniversary verses in the center of the poster. You will get an original congratulation!

My beloved granny

After all, you have an anniversary

At our table today,

The whole family has gathered!

We love you, dear,

You are so groovy

Nimble, beautiful,

Well-mannered, dear!

An example to follow is you

I give you flowers!

After all, you, like a rose, are noble,

Beautiful, supportive!

You are not sick and not old

Drink less unnecessary pills,

We want to see you in joy

Until the very old age!

Such touching congratulations will please both the grandmother and the guests. Give the birthday girl a bouquet of flowers and kiss her hard.

Home theater

If you want to congratulate your grandmother on her birthday in an original way, show her a mini-performance. You will need to rehearse several times so as not to confuse words and their sequence. Involve all family members in this action. Granny will be incredibly pleased with such attention. A win-win version of the play is "Little Red Riding Hood". A minimum of props and attributes is required, it is not necessary to memorize words, because everyone knows a fairy tale by heart and can improvise. Change the characters to add some humor. Let dad play the granddaughter, and the granddaughter play the bad wolf, let the mother be the hunter, and the little brother can show the grandmother herself.

Get your costumes and accessories ready. But do not tell the hero of the occasion in advance about your production. Such congratulations to the grandmother from the granddaughter on the anniversary will be a surprise.


Grandmothers dream that their granddaughters will learn how to cook, clean, wash, do any homework. So present the birthday girl with a culinary masterpiece prepared by a girl. Of course, you can't do without the help of your mother. You can bake a huge cake, muffin, or pie. You can decorate it in an original way or write touching congratulations to your grandmother on it with cream. A cake can replace a delicious salad prepared with small hands! Delight your grandmother with savory delicacies from the kitchen.

Happy birthday granny

I'm busy all day today

I've got a bullet on my head

And flour is everywhere!

I baked a cake for you and tried

So that you smile on this day.

From the bottom of your heart, take these sweets

They will give you joy!

The grandmother will definitely appreciate the skills of the little cook.


Throw a star party for the hero of the occasion. Prepare recordings of her favorite performers and dance to the soundtrack in similar costumes. She will never forget such a concert. You will have a funny evening and have fun from the heart. And at the very end of the party, let the granddaughter sing a song to the grandmother for the anniversary. Let the girl rehearse at home and learn the words so that the hit comes out great!

Give the old people as much attention as possible, because they miss it so much. Drop in for tea with jam more often and talk about everything in the world! It is interesting for a grandmother to know everything about her children and grandchildren, even the smallest details will delight her. Happy Holidays to you!

My grandmother is dear,
I sincerely want to say:
I just adore you
I can't find someone like you!

Be healthy, my dear,
And smile again and again
I can't find a word like that
To express your love!

I wish you a birthday
More sun and warmth
And only a colored mood
So that you are happy!

Grandma, beloved, dear,
Happy birthday, congratulations!
And I hug you tightly
My granny is golden!

And don't you ever get sick
After all, your soul is young.
Laugh more often, smile
Do not be upset over trifles!

My dear grandmother! your loving granddaughter wishes you a happy birthday! I wish you with all my heart, dear, good health, more vitality, optimism and longevity. Stay always the same cheerful, good-natured, affectionate, caring and wise!

My dear grandmother,
I love you very much
Happy birthday congratulations
And I'll give you a rhyme.

Be healthy, smile
Let everything be overwhelmed.
Never be upset -
We will help, we will come.

I’m a secret,
Grandma, I'll tell you:
You are the best on the planet
I love you more than anyone.

My beloved granny
I congratulate you on your birthday.
I wish you great health,
Good luck, good mood!

You worry about me
You spoil me sometimes
You warm with warmth, care
And you will always treat it deliciously.

Let the wrinkles not bother
After all, this is only a trace of wisdom.
I love and adore you.
There is no granny better in the world!

Grandma, dear,
How good you are!
I wish you,
So that the soul blooms.

So as not to get sick
Never ever.
To sing songs
Without looking at the years.

May there be strength
Let your eyes shine.
Happy birthday honey
My grandmother!

Happy birthday grandma
I congratulate you.
Long and happy years
I wish you.

I really need yours
Affectionate handles.
Take the love wagon
From your granddaughter.

Warm smile, lovely eyes -
Happy holiday, grandma, I congratulate.
Long, long life for many, many years,
I wish you to save your magic light.

Good health, vigor and strength,
So that the holiday comes to visit more often.
Let the minutes go by - it doesn't matter
Only you be also young in soul.

Happy birthday, grandma.
Be healthy, cheerful.
Let the bad weather go away
Let the years not sadden.

And also, my dear,
Be happy, be yourself
In the heart and soul to be
Peace, hope and rest.

For you, all the birds of the world
They will sing a friendly song.
And bouquets on the planet
All of a sudden they will all bloom together.

Only for you, relatives,
All nice words.
Just be my granny.
The rest is nonsense!

Congratulations, grandma! Congratulations honey.
You alone are irreplaceable in our family.
For your good, warmth, business vein
Give, dear granny, I will kiss you.
How can you not love your grandmother's hands?
And it is so pleasant for me to be your granddaughter.
Forever young you should stay
Forget about diseases, do not succumb to them.
As you want yourself, so do.
Various difficulties, worries do not know at all.
Smile heartily, sing and not get bored!

Granny dear, happy birthday,
Today I say thank you to you
For pies, pancakes, preserves,
Thank you for everything, everything!

I wish you good health
So that she does not know sorrows and troubles!
With all my heart, I say with love:
There is no better granny in this world!

To be your granddaughter -
Happiness for me
All kinder and better
My grandmother.

The anniversary has come
To your house, dear,
So there will be happiness
And love without an edge.

Suitable occasion
There is for congratulations,
Take from your granddaughter
A poem as a gift!

Grandma, my dear!
Happy anniversary, I congratulate you.
I'll pick from the flower fields for you:
Poppies, forget-me-nots, cornflowers,
And from them I will weave a wreath for you.
I'll bake you a cake myself!
Kiss on the cheek, hug
My dear granny.
Let it sparkle in the strands of gray
You are still young as well.
Mom's mother, my grandmother!
These congratulations are for you.
"May everything in life be good!" -
I'll write to my grandmother in a rhyme.

You are my granny
My berry!
Forever young
You will always be!

And soul and thought,
You will be naughty
On the anniversary of the smile
You will give it to everyone!

I want health
Only wish
The rest is all in you!
Just not to lose!

If somewhere storms roam
Or are the clouds gathered,
I know - grandma will close
From them my granddaughter!
Happy Anniversary, grandmother,
Sweetheart, dear!
At least inspect the whole earth -
You are the only one!
May it warm your heart
My funny laugh!
And happiness will come to you
Health, success!
A dove will fly into your hands -
Good for you
And will warm you with a warm fur coat
Our whole family.
You are my wisest
Bright man,
Let your hearth not cool
Even a hundred years!

You, granny, just wow!
Strong mind and cheerful spirit.
Be a fun girl
Happy birthday in the style of rock and roll.

All I know is your "school":
Songs instead of validol.
Be healthy, be loose
Always be a cool friend.

Happy anniversary, my grandmother,
Congratulations sincerely and tenderly!
Let your life be
Bright, sunny, boundless.

I am so glad to say at this hour:
You are the best in the world!
I won't get tired of wishing you happiness
Let goodness and laughter surround.

My beloved grandmother, dear,
I congratulate you on your anniversary!
I dream of being like you
Shine in the rays of wonderful beauty.

Granny, I wish you health
So that every day is filled with love.
So that all your dreams come true
So that everything is as you want.

There is no kinder person
Than granny. Happy anniversary!
I wish you to live up to 100 years old,
Be healthy, energetic.
So that there are no reasons to be sad
And in life there was only one holiday.

Dear granny, on your anniversary
I hasten to congratulate you.
Wish you happiness and happy days,
So that everything is as you can imagine.

May your health be stronger
Let your home be also cozy and light.
Congratulations, beloved grandmother,
Always stay more tender and kind!

An important holiday is an anniversary.
I want to congratulate you soon
With him you, my grandma,
I love you like no one.

Long, long life of years
Good health,
I want to wish you
With sincere love.