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Dry fasting is not only a radical method of losing weight, but also a therapeutic measure for diagnosing a number of diseases. In what cases it is optimal to adhere to dry fasting, and how to do it correctly, you can find out further.

Indications for dry fasting and how it works

Dry fasting is a general refusal of food and water for a period of days to 7 days (optimal). The rest of the methods of such a refusal are based on careful preparation of the body, as well as moral endurance. The fact is that dry fasting excludes not only drinking, but also contact with water in the form of a shower and washing.

Why you need to try the dry fasting method on yourself:

  • A person significantly improves his appearance - he radically loses weight (fat deposits disappear right before our eyes), the complexion becomes alive and healthy, and the teeth become pearly white.
  • The internal state of a person is renewed, as the metabolism accelerates.
  • Human health improves if there are chronic gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Skin allergic diseases go away, since during dry fasting, blood purification inevitably occurs.
Dry fasting is also indicated if there is such a diagnosis:
  • bronchial asthma;
  • osteochondrosis and osteoarthritis;
  • neuroses, depression;
  • infertility (we will tell you about the causes and methods of treating infertility in women);
  • excess weight.

During a dry hunger strike, the body finds itself in extreme conditions, therefore, "aged" and diseased cells die already after 20 hours. There is a restructuring in the body at the cellular and energy levels.

Hence the reality: those people who approach the fasting procedure consistently, following all the recommendations, feel lightness throughout the body, rejuvenate the body, improve the quality of the skin. They say that the procedure of a hunger strike with a wise approach is a second youth.

There are several methods and ways of fasting, but the preparation for all is identical and is 2 weeks. A specific diet should be followed to prepare the body for a stressful situation:

  • If it seems possible for you, then 2 two weeks completely be on a vegetable diet: porridges that are cooked in water are allowed, without adding oils.
  • If 2 weeks are not possible for you, start with a gentle regimen: the first week - exclude all fatty and sugar-containing ones, the second week - switch to a plant-based diet.
  • The diet of the first week may include chicken and fish from meat dishes.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits, berries, as well as boiled vegetables and mushrooms are available for consumption.
  • You can add nuts, honey to the diet.
  • Drink more than 2 liters of purified water per day and herbal teas.
  • Exclude alcohol, and also you can not smoke during the preparation period and the fasting itself.
  • An hour before the start of "drying" it is recommended to drink 2-3 glasses of water, adding in 1-2 portions the juice of half a lemon and 0.5 teaspoon of honey.

If you avoid the preparatory stage, you will have to face such negative consequences as fatigue, irritability, stomach pain, and performance.

Dry hunger strike according to the Shchennikov method

The Shchennikov method is not just a method, but a whole school, which is already 27 years old, and it has real results. What is the peculiarity of his fasting method:
  • Shchennikov recommends switching to dry fasting gradually, increasing the fasting period and keeping the time between fasting, namely starting from 36 hours of dry fasting, take a break of 1-2 days, then increase the days to 3, then gradually exit.
  • With dry fasting according to Shchennikov, it is allowed to douche and wash, since the penetration of water through the skin does not affect the fasting itself, and is even useful in this case (other methods adhere to the absence of water both outside and inside during the fast).
  • Shchennikov completely denies the use of cleansing procedures (enemas), as this is unnatural, and the body must carry out "self-cleaning" without any intervention.
A feature of his method is also the "timetable for the hungry":
  • from 6 to 10 o'clock - morning sleep time;
  • from 10 am to 1 pm - time to be active in the fresh air (prerequisite);
  • from 1 pm to 3 pm - brainstorming time;
  • from 15 to 18.00 - yoga classes or any physical exercise;
  • from 18 to 22.00 - sleep;
  • from 22.00 to 06.00 - walk in the fresh air.
Now it remains only to imagine where such a plan can be implemented? Only if you organize a trip to a sanatorium or a mountainous area. By the way, founders often organize such group trips with lectures and training.

Anna Yakuba - fasting as a way of life

Anna Yakuba advises alternating dry fasting days with a raw food diet. So, it is allowed to eat green detox cocktails, fruit juices, nuts and dried fruits in moderate fractional doses.

As a preparation, Anna Yakuba recommends "sticking" for 15 to 30 days on a raw food diet (that is, not eating thermally processed foods) and setting yourself up for the result. She recommends practicing a two-week dry fast, alternating one day of fasting with a day of raw food for two weeks, and then ending the fast.

In the following video, you can clearly see how Anna Yakuba conducts a 7-day fast:

During fasting, you cannot take medications, do bowel cleansing, take alcohol or smoke.

5-day fasting systems from Lavrova

The most popular method of "fasting", which is based on the main axiom: after 5 days of fasting, the body opens a "second wind", that is, its natural strength. So, immune reserves are opened, and "self-cleaning" occurs.

Types of popular systems of dry fasting according to Lavrova (cascade):

  • "Sparing" cascade - based on the fact that you first starve for 1 day, and then for 1, 2 or 3 weeks you eat as usual, then you fast for 2 days with the same break you have chosen, then 3 days and so on up to 5 days. After five days - a way out of dry fasting.
  • Ordinary cascade according to Lavrova's method consists of 5 stages. The first is 1 day of hunger, 1 day of food, and then everything continues in the same way until you feel comfortable in this "competition" with the hidden forces of your body. This is followed by the second period: 2 days of dry fasting - 2 days of food, and so the period determined for you continues until your condition in this system is normalized. Then the third period - 3 days of food, 3 days of hunger, and so on. So in periods you reach 5 days of hunger with a break of 5 days for food.
  • Short "cascade" Is a system that does not undergo periodization. It is carried out in order to cleanse, return to its former shape or take care of your gastrointestinal tract, remove heaviness and improve your appearance. For this: the first day of hunger - the next 2 days you can eat, 2 days of hunger strike - the next 3 days - you can eat, 3 days of hunger - 4 days you can eat. So go up to 5 days and exit the cascade.
  • Abbreviated program best suited for people "experienced" in dry fasting. It is carried out as follows: 3 days of a hunger strike - 15 days you can eat on a diet, 5 days - a hunger strike and you can go out.
  • Short period fasting (24 or 36 hours), as a rule, does not require preliminary preparation and exit from fasting, but still food should be moderate. During these hours you can neither eat nor drink.

Lavrova is also opposed to cleaning the intestines with methods from the outside, since this is a natural process. At the same time, a person must be outdoors for a long time, engage in physical education or active sports, and often ventilate the room. You should start fasting according to this popular system while on vacation.

Dry fasting according to Filonov - fractional

Why factional? The fact is that it is divided into stages (cycles), due to which it is possible to replenish the reserve defenses of the body every time. At the first stage of cleansing, the body is “cleaned up”, functionality, energy potential and the volume of cell memory are restored. The second stage of fasting is the final one, at which the started process ends - what was missed at the first stage is cleaned up.

It is worth the fate of the 2nd rule of dry fasting according to Filonov:

  • During the fast, water procedures are allowed: pouring and washing in all variations. Also in this method, cleansing enemas are used to empty the intestines.
  • In between fasting days, you eat a plant-based diet plus cereals, juices, and water. It is recommended to take magnesium (or castor oil) to cleanse the intestines.

Such fasting can be carried out in two ways:

For newbies

Conducted in 5 factions:
  • 1st cycle : 1 day - fasting, 7 days - food;
  • 2nd cycle : 2 days - fasting, 7 days - food;
  • 3-cycle : 3 days - fasting, 7 days - food;
  • 4th cycle : 4 days - fasting, 7 days - food;
  • 5th cycle : 5 days - fasting, exit.

For trained

Conducted in 5 periods:
  • 1st cycle : 1 day - fasting, 2 days - food;
  • 2nd cycle : 2 days - fasting, 3 days - food;
  • 3-cycle : 3 days - fasting, 4 days - food;
  • 4th cycle : 4 days - fasting, 5 days - food;
  • 5th cycle : 5 days - fasting, exit.

Drying for 3, 5 and 7 days - what happens?

Depending on how carefully you treated the initial stage of preparing the body for fasting, the reaction of your body in the process of "drying" itself is determined. Of course, the results are also determined by the length of the hunger strike.

A dry fast of 3 days can lead to:

  • weight reduction from 4 to 6 kg;
  • the appearance of white plaque on the tongue as evidence of the "exit" of poisons from the body;
  • increased sleep time, possibly weakness, fatigue, thirst.

Fasting for 5 days leads to a weight loss of up to 8 kg, although this is added by apathy, dry lips and mucous membranes, drowsiness and, in some cases, irritability. The smell from the mouth can appear at any time, as this will be the "first bell" about the body's struggle for life with pathogenic bacteria.

Fasting for 7 days has a great result in weight loss, which reaches 15 kg, but this type of fasting is not suitable for beginners, as it can negatively affect the body. The addiction should be gradual, cyclical.

Exit from hunger strike

Getting out of a water-free, inedible diet is the most important aspect that will affect your health, well-being, and willingness to repeat fasting. So, you need to adhere to the following rules:
  • If you started the "marathon" at 7 pm, then you need to complete it at the same time. The fact is that the body needs a regime to normalize the mechanisms.
  • The first thing that can be done at the end is to brush your teeth, carry out water procedures and drink a glass of water, namely, the water should be boiled and warm, non-carbonated. Drink water in small sips.
  • Take a bath or shower, contrast is best.
  • The first snack is cottage cheese or fermented baked milk (curdled milk, yogurt), best of all, homemade with live sourdough.
  • Turn on broth from chicken breast or any low-fat fish in the mode, but do not salt it, and do not eat up the bread. You need to refrain from starchy foods for several days, so as not to overload the digestive tract.
  • For the next 3-4 days, you can eat protein foods in small portions (cottage cheese, yogurt, eggs, fish) and drink water.
  • Food must be chewed thoroughly and for a long time, water must be drunk in small sips.
  • Subsequently, you can gently enter buckwheat and wheat porridge, stewed vegetables, juices and salads.
  • Avoid salty and sugar-containing foods for as long as possible. If you are "addicted" to cyclic drying, then until the next cycle - a taboo on these products.

A new article on dry fasting will talk about how to most effectively carry out therapeutic dry fasting, about the methods of preparation for it, and a competent way out of 36-hour dry fasting.

Dry fasting. Other types of fasting as preparation for it

This article will focus on dry fasting and how to do it competently on your own. However, before proceeding directly to the description of the process and benefits of dry fasting, we will make a short excursion and figure out what types of fasting still exist.

Before embarking on the practice of dry fasting, namely fasting, when a person does not ingest not only solid food, but also liquids, including juices and water, we will describe ordinary fasting and its types, since it can serve as an excellent preparation and good beginning before proceeding directly to dry fasting.

If you have never starved before, then it is advisable to start your experience with, because during it the body will experience less stress, and you will feel more comfortable during the fasting period. It is very important to try to heed this recommendation, because having abruptly stopped eating, especially if you are on a regular diet, that is, you eat animal protein and canned products, switch to dry fasting can do more harm than good.

So start your practice with, and then gradually, when you have gained enough experience of this kind of fasting on water, including cascade fasting, you can move on to dry fasting. In the process of medical fasting, the stages of preparation for it, as well as the exit from medical fasting, are inextricably linked with the very process of temporary refusal to eat, but in reality they are one interconnected process.

For those who still, for some reason, the process of fasting on water seems too radical to start practicing it, it is advisable to experiment with another type of fasting - cascade. The scheme according to which you will starve is simplified and allows the starving person to temporarily get out of hunger, in order to return to him later.

An example would be the following scheme: 1 day of fasting, 1 day of plant food intake, 2 days of fasting, followed by 3 days of plant food intake, and so on. There are various programs where the duration of the fasting process varies, but I would like to note that Russian people are unusually categorical about fulfilling the instructions, and in this kind of practice this is not always justified. What is good for one person can have negative consequences for another, so no matter what fasting program you follow, pay attention first of all to your well-being. If for some reason you cannot continue fasting, then it is better to get out of it in time, analyze your well-being and possibly continue the next time, taking into account the gains of past experience.

Dry fasting for 36 hours. The benefits of dry fasting

So, what are the benefits of dry fasting and what is its advantage over regular water fasting? It is believed that when absolutely no food or even water enters the body, the cleansing processes that are triggered in the body during fasting are significantly activated, therefore some followers of therapeutic fasting prefer to carry out one dry fasting of shorter duration than a longer one. fasting on the water.

During both dry and normal fasting, the body's forces are directed to do a "spring cleaning", hence the healing effect. During normal nutrition during life, cells in the body die off and most of them, unfortunately, remain inside the body. In order to remove them or somehow dispose of (you will soon understand how this happens), you need to allow the body to rest from eating from time to time.

In fact, a one-day fast is not even fasting, but a fasting day. The body is finally resting, first of all, the digestive system is resting and restoring, which has a very beneficial effect on all processes in the body. But we have to disappoint those who think that one day of fasting or fasting for 36 hours will inevitably result in weight loss.

The fact is that in order for the real process of splitting fat cells to begin, at least 3 days must pass. The body is so arranged that the first days of fat reserves are preserved intact and a person loses only water. Therefore, it is in vain to amuse yourself with the thought, seeing minus 1 kg on the scales, that you said goodbye to 1 kg of body fat. Nothing of the kind, it was the water that you saw on the scales. Therefore, weight loss can be included in the list of positive results of dry fasting, but only when it lasts more than 2 days.

What Happens During Fasting? The body, due to the lack of external nutrition sources, begins to look for other reserves, and not only glycogen. The very dead cells that are still in the body are recycled. This largely explains the amazing effect of dry fasting, healing from ailments during it, etc., because the body is forced to process and get rid of what has accumulated in it for a long time and what caused these ailments.

If you're ready to go through 36 hours of dry fasting, then you need to prepare for it. First of all, a few days before the start of dry fasting, you need to stop eating animal proteins, and just before starting the process, you must remember to cleanse the intestines so that toxins do not enter the bloodstream during stopping food intake. This will prepare you and make the fasting process itself more comfortable.

It is even better if the very practice of fasting will be carried out after you have been completely on for a long time. It is well known that prolonged fasting is much easier for vegans and vegetarians, not to mention raw foodists.

The process of getting out of dry fasting is no less important. The exit time from dry fasting should be equal to the time of the fast itself. Since we are mainly talking about 36-hour dry fasting, then the exit time should be equal to 24 or 36 hours. In practice, it looks like this: during the day you do not take any food, the next day for another 12 hours you continue to refrain from eating and drinking, and only in the evening, after this time you can start going out.

The way out of dry fasting is better to start with a small amount of water, and then after a while you can start drinking juices. Freshly squeezed citrus juices are best suited for the purpose of getting out of dry fasting, it is good if they are slightly diluted with water, because the body during abstinence from food becomes very susceptible to what enters it after the fasting process, so you need to be very careful about food choice and flavor intensity.

Secondly, at the end of fasting, the process of detoxification of the body is still going on. Therefore, getting out of fasting is half of the fasting process itself. If you go straight to your regular diet, you will minimize the effectiveness of the fasting process. So make the most of your fasting recovery period.

The first day after leaving should be spent exclusively on juices and, best of all, on freshly squeezed citrus juices: oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits, etc. If for some reason you do not want to use citrus fruits, then pomegranate juice would be an excellent option. It is also transparent and has no fiber, the same can be said about pineapple juice.

All clear juices are right for you. You will have to exclude those that contain starch: carrot, beetroot, etc. Bananas are not suitable for the same reason. The second day you can already eat vegetables and vegetable juices, but better raw. Only after these two days, following a 36-hour abstinence from food, can you return to regular thermally processed food.

The benefits of dry fasting for 36 hours are enormous. The body mobilizes its strength. Since the energy is not wasted on the digestion of food, then all of it goes to the fight against inflammatory processes in the body. Also at this time, the adrenal cortex begins to produce special hormones that have an anti-inflammatory effect, which further contributes to accelerated healing, if necessary.

If you do not have pronounced inflammatory processes, then dry fasting will be an excellent prophylaxis to prevent the appearance of diseases. During dry fasting, the body most effectively burns fats, cleanses the body of toxins.

The body is cleansed both from the inside and outside: the skin is cleansed, it becomes more tender, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin of the face is completely cleansed if there were problems with it before.

If dry fasting, albeit short, for 24 or 36 hours is carried out relatively regularly, then this will have a positive effect on the figure for overweight people. But as you already learned, it is impossible to achieve this effect in one go.

Also, during dry fasting, the body as a whole rejuvenates. Fasting is like starting the system up, so some of the aging process can be reversed or slowed down.

Many people who have experienced 36-hour dry fasting have noted all of the above positive factors. However, do not overuse and do too long dry fasting, more than 7 days, or practice 36-hour dry fasting with excessive intensity. It is better to observe the measure in everything.

If you want to do fasting regularly, for example once a week, then regular fasting on water is much better suited for this purpose. Let it be just a fasting day, and psychologically fasting on the water is much easier to bear.

Dry fasting: contraindications

People with severe heart disease, tuberculosis, or anemia should avoid dry fasting. If, nevertheless, a person doubts and feels the strength to carry out the usual fasting on water, then it is advisable to first consult a doctor, and if the condition allows fasting, then you can start it.

During the 36-hour dry fast we described, negative processes such as weakening of muscles and a decrease in blood cells are unlikely to occur, which can lead to anemia or a decrease in the reserves of vitamins and minerals in the body.

All this can happen only with very long-term practices of fasting, so you should not dwell on this in detail. 36-hour dry fasting is usually safe if you are well prepared for it, and not just jumped off the bat after a meat diet and donuts, with dirty intestines, abruptly stopping food and water, and ended the fast with the same abrupt exit, the first thing eating a cutlet with fried potatoes for a side dish.

This approach definitely guarantees the appearance of problems both during fasting and after it. But our readers will carefully study the article and other materials related to dry fasting, so we have no doubt that your first experience of 36-hour dry fasting will certainly bring positive results.

It is clear that a side effect of fasting on water will be getting rid of extra pounds - this is a nice bonus. But the technique should be applied under the supervision of a doctor and solely for the purpose of improving your health, helping with certain diseases, and already along the way and getting rid of kilograms that the body considers unnecessary.

The main type of recovery is water. Do not think that this is a diet based on apples and water. From foods and liquids, you can only drink in water during the allotted time and in the amount you want. Many people say that such a water diet is much more convenient than with the inclusion of some product in the diet: it is much easier to just drink and not think about food at all than to pamper yourself with an apple and then think all day about whether it is possible to eat something else.

Advice! To make medical fasting on the water easier on this day, it is recommended to listen to music, walk more and get distracted from food.

How to prepare

It is important not only to know how to behave during and how to eat after fasting, but also to properly prepare for this difficult period. Preparation begins about a week in advance: you should give up meat and other animal food, switch to plant foods, drink three liters of water every day.

One day water diet

You should not immediately practice prolonged fasting on water, it is recommended to start from one day. According to the results of the procedure, as noted, the stomach leaves, the body becomes more vigorous, the mood rises. Periodic refusal of food once a month is the right preparation for a long fast on water.

How to exit correctly

Even a one-day fast on distilled quality water requires the right yield. Any diet requires such an approach, and the dietary option of just drinking water, one day or longer, requires a mandatory correct exit without options.

The exit lasts for one day, you need to start with fruit and vegetable juices, which you squeeze yourself and be sure to dilute with water. On the third day, you can already introduce fresh fruits and vegetable salads into the diet. Then, gradually, ordinary food appears on the menu, but it is recommended to postpone the use of meat, fatty, salty, sweet and smoked foods.

Three days on the water

This is an even more difficult test for the body, but three days without food will start the internal mechanism of fat burning. The water is drunk only clean, not mineral. You cannot add anything to the water on hunger strike days. The scheme is to drink a glass of water every hour during the day. In the evening, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema to remove waste from the intestines.

On the second day, the acidity of foods that are still in the stomach will increase. So, it is recommended to rinse the stomach with water. On the third day, drinking water is no longer every hour, but as needed. With such a diet, you can do everyday activities, but you should not overload your body.

In advance, even before leaving, you need to take a special drug that restores the intestinal microflora. On the first day of going out, drink 100 ml of fresh fruit or vegetable juices every hour. At the beginning of the day, dilute them with water, and in the evening you can switch to pure juices. On the second day of release, breakfast is a glass of fresh juice. Then every hour you can drink the juice until lunch. For lunch, already allowed oatmeal in water without salt and sugar, banana, grated vegetables or fruits. For dinner, you can make yourself a light vegetable stew or veggie soup by adding a little vegetable oil to the recipe.

On the third day, you can still abstain from meat, animal food and salt, but you can eat more and more actively. On the sixth day, you can gradually move on to your usual diet, but focus on your health.

Weekly water fast

This is already a difficult event for which the body needs to be properly prepared. That is, a beginner must first go through a one-day stage, then switch to a three-day fast, and then think about a week. Moreover, here it is important to understand that the hunger strike itself lasts a week, and then another week there will be a rather difficult way out of this state.

On the first day, you can drink up to two and a half liters of warm water, in the evening you can do an enema. Then, on days 2 and 3, drink as much, brush your teeth more often, repeat the enema. The fourth day is already the beginning of the exit, but depending on the state, the process of fasting on water can be extended. The doctor will tell you what to do here, but the most important thing to be guided by is your own well-being.

The main goal is to regulate the chemical balance naturally. Because eating people, even the healthiest foods, upsets that balance. The longer the hunger strike lasts, the more the body is cleansed, but it is important to correctly and competently approach this matter, it is imperative to pass tests beforehand, consult a doctor and, if necessary, consult a specialist for advice during the hunger strike.

In order for additional inorganic minerals to enter the body, you can take some vitamins, but everything is done strictly in consultation with the doctor. You cannot eat anything with salt for the first few days of going out after fasting, for this period, as is clear from the material, fruit juices or fruits are suitable, and the salt composition of food can already be restored to its original state somewhere at the end of the week of the correct exit from water therapeutic fasting.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)

22 Mar 2017 Nov.


A diet on one water is a world-famous method that helps not only to lose extra pounds from the body, but also to cleanse the body. In addition, the technique is also used for recreational purposes, in order to preserve youth and restore health.

Benefits of water fasting

Refusal to eat food in any form has a positive effect on many functions of the body. So, the benefits of fasting on water are undeniable, because during this period the intestinal microflora improves, the skin rejuvenates, and you get rid of many chronic diseases. If you do everything according to the recommendations, then the result will be excellent: the frequent need for food and night snoring will disappear, the state of health, well-being will improve, and most importantly, you will quickly say goodbye to the hated kilograms.

This method of therapeutic fasting can even change the work of human hormones: for example, fat is burned due to the fact that when drinking water alone, the level of insulin decreases very sharply. It is also worth noting that during the fasting period, the level of growth hormone can increase up to 5 times, which also helps to reduce the body fat.

How long can you starve on water

Fasting may cause frequent headaches, nausea, weakness, dizziness, mood swings, or bad breath or body odor. Most of the symptoms will disappear if you regularly, but correctly, fast on the water, strictly following all the recommendations for preparing and exiting the diet. In general, cleansing with a hunger strike can be carried out for 1 day or a month - the doctor will make up a regimen for you individually.

How to survive a water fast

When fasting, water is the basis, and you need to drink it constantly and in the amount in which you want. It is worth noting that it will be even easier to endure fasting on water than when you would have consumed the minimum amount of calories - it is not at all easier to eat than to eat a little. When you start to break down and try to eat something, remember your main incentive - to lose weight and help the body cleanse itself, so change your activity: walk, listen to music, read.

Preparing for a water fast

This stage is even more important than how many days you will fast. So, preparation for a water fast should be thorough, and not immediately after a heavy meal. A week before the diet, it is recommended to give up meat, and three days to start eating only fruits and vegetables. It is better to skip dinner immediately before the start of a medical hunger strike, and in the morning put an enema or drink a laxative.

One day water fast

A decrease in the abdomen is the result that you will notice after a fast, lasting a day. After you start practicing one-day fasting on water regularly for a couple of months, you will also get a healing effect: the body will be cleansed, rejuvenated, immunity will increase, and the intestinal microflora will improve. In addition, periodically refusing food for a day is an excellent preparation for a longer hunger strike on the water.

Exit from one day water fast

Even after one day, when you consumed only pure water, it is necessary to correctly switch to your regular diet. So, getting out of a one-day fast on water is no less a responsible matter than preparing and adhering to the diet itself. At the end of the hunger strike, you need to drink juices diluted with water, then replace them with whole fresh juices. On the 3rd day, you can enter fruits, salads, vegetables, and then start eating your usual food, but exclude salty, sweet and fried foods for a few more days.

3-day water fast

If you want to start the internal mechanism of burning fat, then during a hunger strike, consume water without additives in the form of honey, sugar or juice. A three-day water fast is the best way to cleanse your body for beginners. The liquid must be consumed all three days every hour for 1 glass - this is the only way the process will be beneficial. It is imperative to do an enema the night before, which will remove all secretions from the intestines that can poison the body.

On the 2nd day, the acidity of the products remaining in the stomach increases, so it must be rinsed with water in the morning. If you experience discomfort or when belching with a smell, rinsing can be done again. If on the 3rd day you want much less fluid, then do not force yourself, but drink as needed. With a three-day therapeutic diet, you can do your daily work, but you should give up hard work.

Getting out of a three-day water fast

It is recommended to take a drug in advance that helps restore the intestinal microflora. In general, getting out of a three-day fast on water twice as long, while the portion and variety will increase every day:

  1. On the first day, every hour you need to drink juices: two portions diluted with water, all subsequent portions do 100 ml without water.
  2. Breakfast on the 2nd day will be 100-200 ml of juice. You need to drink it hourly before lunch, which will serve as liquid unsalted oatmeal, or bananas, or raw grated vegetables or fruits (except carrots, oranges). For an afternoon snack, you can drink juice or eat an apple. If you want to eat, then make a vegetable stew, soup for dinner, boil potatoes. You can add a little sunflower oil to any of the dishes.
  3. On days 3-4, limit yourself from fats, salt, sweets, animal foods and orange fruits.
  4. On the 5-6th day of the exit, follow a fruit and vegetable diet, avoid confectionery, alcohol and animal food.

Water fast 7 days

In order not to endanger the body, before a weekly hunger strike, it is important to accustom the body to the fact that it knows how to eat little by sitting on diet 1, and then 2-3 days a week. In addition to preparation, fasting on water for 7 days includes two more stages - the process itself and the exit:

  1. On the 1st day, it is allowed to use only water, the total volume of which will be about 2.5 liters. Remember that the body will start to chill, so it is better if the liquid is warm. It is imperative to do an enema.
  2. The daily ration on the 2nd and 3rd days does not differ from the 1st day, but brushing your teeth with a toothpaste brush is no longer recommended: you can only use gauze. In the evening it is worth repeating the enema.

Getting Out of the 7-Day Water Fast

The fourth day is the beginning of the last stage of the therapeutic diet. So, the way out of a 7-day fast on water should be gradual:

  1. After sitting on a diet for 3 days, you can start drinking unsweetened juices, which are diluted in equal proportions with water. The total volume of liquids drunk (together with ordinary water) should be 2.5 liters.
  2. On the 5th day, the diet should also include undiluted natural juices, decoctions of chamomile or mint.
  3. On days 6-7, you can include liquid cereals and a little boiled or baked vegetables (except cabbage) in the lunch menu. The amount of water cannot be reduced.

Water fast 21 days

The main purpose of hunger strikes is to treat certain diseases and regulate the chemical balance in the body in a natural way, and the consumption of food or even vitamins can contribute to the disruption of this process. Fasting on the water for 21 days is not an easy way to lose weight and, as the experience of some people shows, such a long fast can lead to mental disorders (bulimia or anorexia), exhaustion and many other problems.

You need to prepare carefully for a three-week fast, even if you have already practiced it. For beginners, it is strictly forbidden to go to 21 days at once. A week before the diet, give up unhealthy foods, give preference to light salads, fresh juices. When you decide to flatly refuse food for 21 days, remember that during this time you still need to forget about smoking, alcohol and coffee.

All three weeks it is necessary to drink exclusively water, and it must be pure, better distilled. At first, you may have an irresistible desire to eat at least something, but if you endure a few days, then the body will understand that it will not see food yet and will begin to use internal resources, enriching you with energy obtained from its own fat reserves.

Way out of fasting

The transition from such a long hunger strike on the water must be equal to or greater than the diet itself. The correct way out of fasting on water is to gradually restore the diet:

  1. From day 1 to day 3, drink apple or carrot juice, but diluted.
  2. For 4-5, also drink only juices, but undiluted.
  3. For 6-7 days, eat vegetables, introduce fruits.
  4. From 8 to 10, add more porridge with walnuts and seeds, mashed potatoes.
  5. From 10 to 21 days, start introducing dairy products: kefir, yoghurts, yogurt.