Dry cleaning of a natural sheepskin coat at home. How to clean a light sheepskin fur from dirt. How to clean a natural suede sheepskin coat

Sheepskin coat requires constant care from the moment of purchase. A tanned coat is susceptible to various contaminants, and not every product is suitable for cleaning it. But it is not necessary to carry the item to dry cleaning. You can also clean the sheepskin coat at home using proven tools at hand. They must be used carefully so as not to spoil an expensive item.

  1. Do not wear a sheepskin coat in rainy weather. This material does not tolerate moisture well.
  2. If the tanned fur coat is still wet, then you should dry it by hanging it on a hanger and leaving it in a well-ventilated area. It is strongly not recommended to use batteries, radiators and fan heaters for drying. As a result of this impact, the product is deformed. In addition, in no case should a wet thing be put into the closet.
  3. It is necessary to store the sheepskin coat in the summer season on a hanger in the closet, putting it in a clothes cover. Such a bag should be made from natural fabrics, as they are breathable. Otherwise, a musty smell will appear. You can put a cloth soaked in lavender oil inside the cover.
  4. Other things should not put pressure on the sheepskin coat. The closet where the product hangs should be spacious.
  5. From time to time it is recommended to get the tanned coat out of the closet and inspect it. Any dirt that appears should be removed immediately. This can be done once a week.
  6. Only a clean sheepskin coat can be removed for long-term storage. Therefore, after the end of the winter season, it is thoroughly cleaned and dried.
  7. Do not try to wash an expensive item in the washing machine. It will be irrevocably damaged.

Before using the selected cleaning agent, check its effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product.

How to clean a suede sheepskin coat?

A suede sheepskin coat requires special care. This material does not tolerate an abundance of moisture and rough mechanical stress. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a special rubber brush for cleaning. You can also use a regular stationery eraser and fine-grain zero-grade sanding paper.

To remove stains at home, you can use proven tools at hand.


Table salt will help get rid of greasy stains and other contaminants.

Algorithm of actions:

  • sprinkle the contaminated area with salt;
  • rub gently without pressing too hard;
  • then shake the thing and knock out the remaining salt from it;
  • brush the cleaned area with a rubber brush.

You can use semolina instead of salt.

Oxalic acid

Oxalic acid can cope with more serious dirt. Would need:

  • dilute 1 teaspoon of oxalic acid in a glass of water;
  • add a pinch of baking soda there;
  • moisten a soft cloth with the resulting solution and wring it out thoroughly;
  • erase the stain;
  • blot the area with a dry cloth;
  • comb the pile with a special suede brush.

Do not wet the suede too much, as the material can deform.

Refined gasoline

Stubborn stains can be removed with organic solvents. For this you need:

  • moisten burlap or other rough cloth with refined gasoline;
  • gently wipe the dirt;
  • blot the cleaned area first with a damp cloth and then with a dry soft cloth.

If you don't have gasoline at hand, you can take ammonia.

Special means

To care for a suede sheepskin coat, it is advisable to immediately purchase special products. These can be various sprays and aerosols that create a protective layer on the product that repels moisture and dirt.

They should process a tanned fur coat several hours before going outside, so that they have time to absorb and take effect.

Light sheepskin coat

For cleaning a sheepskin coat of light shades, you must use special means. They will not be difficult to find in almost any home.

Methods for cleaning a white sheepskin coat cannot be used for cleaning dark-colored items. Otherwise, untidy stains will remain on the suede.

Semolina, chalk, tooth powder

Bulky substances such as semolina, crushed chalk and tooth powder cope well with stains.

Cleaning steps:

  • sprinkle the contaminated area with the chosen agent;
  • rub it a little into the fabric;
  • then shake the thing and rub over the surface with a rubber brush, removing the remains of the substance.

Peroxide and ammonia

Almost any first aid kit contains hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. They will help to quickly remove dirt from a light sheepskin coat.


  • add 1 teaspoon of peroxide and ammonia to a glass of water;
  • moisten a cotton pad with the resulting solution;
  • wipe the stain;
  • rinse the area with a slightly damp cloth.

Then you need to thoroughly dry the tanned coat. This should be done at room temperature.

Milk and soda

You can also make a weakly concentrated baking soda solution. You will need:

  • mix a glass of warm milk and 1 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • stir the composition well;
  • using a soft cloth to apply the mixture to the dirt;
  • blot the area with a dry cloth after a few minutes.

This method will help restore the sheepskin coat to its previous whiteness.

Cleaning a leather sheepskin coat

It is easier to care for a sheepskin coat made of leather. However, just like suede, it cannot be washed. Excessive moisture will cause the product to lose its shape.

Proven folk remedies will help to cope with various pollution.

Soap solution

You can safely and effectively clean a leather sheepskin coat with a soapy solution. This will require:

  • dissolve shavings of laundry soap in warm water;
  • stir the solution until smooth;
  • moisten a soft sponge with the resulting mixture;
  • wipe contaminated areas;
  • wipe the skin dry.

You can also use shampoo. You will need to combine a glass of water with 1 teaspoon of shampoo and half a teaspoon of ammonia. Then carry out a similar procedure.

Starch or flour

Starch can be used to remove greasy stains.


  • sprinkle generously with starch;
  • rub it lightly with your hands;
  • leave for several hours;
  • after the allotted time, shake off the remnants of the substance and wipe the skin first with a damp and then dry cloth.

Flour and semolina work in the same way.

These products can also be used to clean black or ginger leather goods. They will not leave white streaks on the material.


A mixture of toothpaste and ammonia will help to update the light sheepskin coat. Using this method, you can get rid of scuffs on sleeves, collars and pockets.

Mode of application:

  • mix toothpaste and ammonia to the state of gruel;
  • process overwritten places;
  • wipe these areas with a stiff brush slightly moistened with water;
  • wipe the product dry.

After such a procedure, the thing will look like new.

Refined gasoline

A dark tanned coat can be cleaned with refined gasoline or kerosene. Would need:

  • wet a cotton pad with the selected solvent;
  • wipe the contaminated area until the stain completely disappears;
  • then wipe off the remnants of the substance with a damp cloth;
  • blot the material with a dry cloth.

This procedure should be carried out in a well-ventilated area, protecting your hands with rubber gloves.

You should not use gasoline and kerosene to clean a light-colored sheepskin coat, as these substances will leave dark spots on it.

Artificial leather

An imitation leather sheepskin coat is less prone to dirt. In addition, it is not afraid of water as well as a laser-coated sheepskin coat. Therefore, you can safely use wet cleaning.

As cleaning agents you can use: dishwashing liquid, ammonia, laundry soap.

Even a light-colored sheepskin coat made of artificial leather should not be treated with chlorine-based bleaches.

After wet cleaning, the product is wiped with a dry cloth and dried in a well-ventilated area. Then it is advisable to apply a special protective agent.

Cleaning fur items

If the sheepskin coat has fur decorative elements, then they should be cleaned separately. There are several ways to do this:

  1. Oily stains can be sprinkled with chalk or baby powder. You can also use a solution: 3 teaspoons of table salt with 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. The selected product is applied to the fur and then combed out with a brush.
  2. You can moisten a sponge with lemon juice and treat the fur. After combing it with a comb.
  3. Shampoo for cats is also used. It is diluted with water and whipped until foam appears. The resulting foam is applied to fur items and washed off with clean water.

The sheepskin coat looks expensive and impressive, but in order to preserve its useful properties and appearance, regular care and cleaning with proven means is necessary.

Sheepskin coat is a fairly common type of outerwear. Many girls prefer a sheepskin coat in the cold season, because it looks beautiful and impressive, and also perfectly warms. With frequent wear and improper care, the product can lose its attractive appearance, stains appear, and shine disappears.


If you decide to clean the sheepskin coat yourself at home from dirt, then first you need to carefully read its label. Usually, the manufacturer indicates the main characteristics of the product, how to properly wear and clean the product.

In order to properly clean the sheepskin coat and at the same time maintain a beautiful and elegant look, a few simple expert advice should be followed:

  • Do not immediately treat the entire product with a cleaning agent. To begin with, you should try the remedy only on a small area. If the material does not lose its beautiful appearance, and the dirt is removed, then this product can be used to clean the entire surface of the product.
  • Experts prohibit the use of washing for leather or suede products, since the sheepskin coat will be completely ruined. It will not only lose its shape, but it will also shrink in size. The shine of the sheepskin coat will disappear, and its color will become dull.
  • For leather products, you can use dry or wet cleaning. The choice depends on the dirt as well as personal preference.
  • Suede sheepskin coats can be cleaned exclusively dry.
  • Laser-coated sheepskin coats can be efficiently cleaned from various stains thanks to the use of wet cleaning.
  • It is forbidden to store a sheepskin coat in a bag made of artificial fabric for a long time. It should be kept in a cotton cover, and also additionally put a sprig of lavender or a special napkin that was previously soaked in lavender oil.

Features of cleaning sheepskin coats at home:

  • The choice of cleaning procedure for the product depends mainly on the type of contamination, as well as their intensity.
  • The choice of cleaning agent can be made according to the material of the product.
  • Do not rub the coating very hard so as not to damage the material of the sheepskin coat.
  • It is worth remembering that different products can be used for dark and light products.
  • If the sheepskin coat has fur as a decoration, then it should be cleaned separately.
  • The selected cleaning agent must be tested on a small area from the inside of the product.
  • Initially, you need to remove the stains, and then proceed to the general cleaning of the entire surface of the sheepskin coat.
  • If a wet method of cleaning clothes was used, then the sheepskin coat must be hung in a room with good air circulation, away from heating appliances and not in direct sunlight.

Varieties of material

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of bright, stylish and beautiful sheepskin coats. They are usually made from sheepskin, which is imported from various countries. Spanish skins are soft and light; American products are known to be the heaviest because sheepskin is very rough. If you choose something in between, then it is worth paying attention to products brought from France, Greece, Turkey or Bulgaria.

When choosing a method for cleaning a sheepskin coat, you should start from what material it is made of. Modern manufacturers create stunning models from suede and leather. Sheepskin coats can be natural or artificial. Options with laser coating are in great demand.

Suede models are very delicate and therefore require delicate cleaning. For them, it is worth using dry products that do not include potent substances. A leather sheepskin coat can be cleaned both dry and wet. Laser-coated versions can only be cleaned with a wet method. Modern models are often decorated with exquisite fur. It can be real or artificial.

All modern sheepskin coats can be divided into two types:

  • Without cover. This sheepskin coat is made of polished leather. Usually manufacturers use skins of excellent quality for sewing such sheepskin coats. They look impressive, expensive and bright. The disadvantage of uncoated models is that they quickly become dirty and lose their attractive appearance.
  • Coated... The peculiarity of this type of sheepskin coats is that a special solution is used for dressing skins, consisting of natural resins and various additives. It is this coating that performs the protective function of the product. Such sheepskin coats are characterized by convenience and practicality. If you choose the right cleaning agent, then cleaning the product will be quick and easy.

What can you clean?

If desired, the sheepskin coat can be independently cleaned from all sorts of dirt at home, it is not necessary to immediately carry it to the dry-cleaner.

Regardless of the material of the sheepskin coat, for cleaning it it is worth periodically using steam treatment. This cleaning can be done with a steamer or with an iron equipped with this function.

Thanks to the steam treatment, various insects are destroyed. If you thoroughly steam the surface of the product, then the process of cleaning with an eraser becomes very easy.

There are two methods for cleaning outerwear: dry and wet.


You can use regular salt to remove minor stains on suede. It will allow you to return velvety to the product. To remove a small stain, apply a little salt to it. Using a brush or hands, rub the dirt a little. All actions must be performed gently. If force is applied, the material of the sheepskin coat may be damaged. After the cleaning procedure, remove the salt residues with a dry sponge.

Effective remedies include the use of starch and semolina. It is necessary to thoroughly sprinkle the spots of dirt, and then rub the starch or flour thoroughly from the edge of the stain to its middle.

This method requires the use of gloves or cloth mittens. When the main stains are removed, you can use a stiff brush to walk over the entire surface of the sheepskin coat with gentle movements.

A dried crust of bread will help to cope with minor stains. It is necessary to carefully rub the dirt with a crust. Then the bread crumbs can be removed with a soft brush. Using bread crust is one of the most gentle cleaning methods.

Toothpaste is ideal for cleaning greasy areas that are often found on pockets or collars. This product should be applied with a rubber brush to dirt, and then gently rubbed.


There are many methods of wet cleaning sheepskin coats. Very strong dirt can be easily removed with ammonia. It is necessary to dilute alcohol with water in a ratio of 4: 1. Take a soft sponge, moisten it in the solution and wipe the stains. Then, using a dry sponge, you need to quickly remove the ammonia.

A solution of milk and soda will help to clean the suede sheepskin coat. It is necessary to mix 200 ml of milk with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. The prepared solution should be applied to the surface of the sheepskin coat in a circular motion. It should be rubbed in until the stain is removed. After this procedure, you will need to prepare another solution.

One teaspoon of vinegar will require one liter of water. The treated areas should be wiped again with a soft cloth soaked in a new solution, and then dry thoroughly. This method is ideal for cleaning suede outerwear.

Another equally effective method is the combination of ammonia and soap solution. You need to take 200 ml of warm milk and add 5 ml of ammonia and 10 ml of shampoo. Minor stains can be removed with a foam solution. For stubborn dirt, soak a soft sponge with a solution and treat them. After cleaning, the sheepskin coat should dry well on the hanger.

Products made from genuine leather always attract attention with shine and gloss. If the sheepskin coat has lost it, then it is worth wiping it with glycerin.

Types of stains

To independently remove grease stains from the surface of a sheepskin coat, you must use gasoline. This product is most effective for removing this kind of dirt.

You need to take a small piece of rough cloth, gently dampen it in gasoline and rub the stain. This method cannot be called universal, since it can only be used for cleaning sheepskin coats in dark colors.

If you need to remove greasy stains from a light sheepskin coat, then you need to take ammonia and tooth powder. Actions should be carried out with a coarse brush. You need to take tooth powder and dilute it a little with ammonia, and then rub the product with a brush into the places of contamination.

To remove the wine stain from the surface of the sheepskin coat, you need to quickly move on to cleaning. Old wine stains cannot be removed.

Never use salt. This tool is effective if ordinary fabric is dirty, but it is not suitable for a sheepskin coat. Using salt can leave light spots or streaks on the surface.

The wine stain should be sprinkled with starch or semolina. These substances are excellent at absorbing moisture, so they will help to quickly deal with stains. When semolina or starch has absorbed the remnants of wine, it is necessary to clean the contaminated areas with a dry brush.

If your favorite suede sheepskin coat has lost its attractive look over time, then you can use a combination of soda and milk. This tandem will allow you to clean the product from different types of dirt, as well as perfectly clean the greasy surface and renew the old thing.

Milk and baking soda will not affect the color or texture of the product. Before cleaning the sheepskin coat, you need to remove the dust. To prepare the cleaning agent, you will need 1 teaspoon of baking soda for 200 ml of warm milk. You need to take a cotton swab, gently moisten it in the prepared product and wipe the surface of the clothing with light movements. A contaminated swab should be replaced with a new one during the cleaning of the product. Next, wipe the surface with a sponge dipped in a vinegar solution. For one liter of water, you need to add only one teaspoon of vinegar. After cleaning, wipe the surface of the sheepskin coat with a dry cloth and wait until it is completely dry.

There are times when the sheepskin coat needs to be wiped off the ballpoint pen paste. This often applies to men's sheepskin coats, since men often work in offices and are not always neat.

Can be used dry vanish... It is enough to sprinkle the powder on the places of contamination, moisten them a little, and then gently rub with a sponge made of foam rubber to remove all traces. After cleaning, the residues of the product must be washed off with water.

Ballpoint pen stains can be easily removed with sandpaper. First you need to rub the dirty pile in a circular motion. Next, wipe the cleaned area with a swab well wrung out of water. The suede should not get very wet.

The following recipe is ideal for cleaning sheepskin coats from mold. You will need to take one teaspoon of acetic acid, one teaspoon of baking soda and liquid soap per 200 ml of water. Dissolve soap in water, then add vinegar and soda. It is better to put the glass in the sink when creating the solution, since mixing all the ingredients is accompanied by strong foaming.

First, the solution must be tested on a small area inside to make sure that the dye is firmly attached to the material. If the paint is not removed, then with a sponge you need to walk the prepared solution over the entire surface. After cleaning, remove the remaining solution with clean water. After the procedure, the sheepskin coat must be thoroughly dried.

Individual approach to color

It is necessary to be very careful when choosing a means for cleaning a sheepskin coat. Its color performance plays an important role. Light-colored models require daily cleaning. If you do not adhere to this rule, then the product will quickly lose its attractiveness.

There is no need to go to a dry cleaner, since you can freshen up a sheepskin coat at home.

For cleaning a white sheepskin coat, you can use ammonia, which should be used together with water or hydrogen peroxide. The components must be taken in equal proportions. First, the product must be cleaned from dust. Take a cotton swab and moisten it in the solution, and then walk over the entire surface of the clothing. To eliminate the remnants of the product, you need to take a damp cloth.

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How to clean a natural sheepskin coat

A beautiful, practical, warm tanned fur coat is indispensable in winter colds and frosts. In the process of wearing, under the influence of environmental influences and weather conditions, the fur coat loses its original appearance, dirt, greasy spots and roughness appear in certain places. In this article, we will learn where and how to clean a natural sheepskin coat at home, how to properly care for it, what cleaning methods exist for such a thing, as well as other recommendations on the topic.

Every woman who has a natural or artificial suede fur coat in her wardrobe sooner or later asks the question of how to refresh the look of her favorite thing? You can contact a specialized dry cleaner, where cleaning will be carried out by professionals, using special equipment and chemical cleaning agents designed specifically for this purpose. This pleasure is quite expensive, the simplest cleaning costs from three thousand rubles and takes a long time up to two weeks. If the service is urgently needed, then you will have to pay the cost of cleaning at an urgent rate, and this is much more expensive!

In addition, dry cleaning salons do not give any guarantees for the final result and disclaim responsibility for the appearance of any defects in the item after its chemical treatment.

Before taking your fur coat to the first chemical workshop that comes your way, it is best to study the reviews about it from customers who have already used its services. Not every dry cleaner undertakes to provide such a service, since this process is complex, it requires certain conditions, the presence of special chemical cleaning agents and a high level of training of specialists. Therefore, cleaning a sheepskin coat in the salon is akin to luck, whether you are lucky or unlucky.

How to properly care for a sheepskin coat?

Correct and delicate care of a sheepskin coat will help maintain its quality and appearance for a long time. These rules are simple and easy to follow:

  • A tanned coat should be worn only in cold weather, and not in rain and slush. Any moisture is categorically contraindicated.
  • If, nevertheless, snow or rain fell on the fur coat and it got very wet, it should be thoroughly dried at room temperature in an open space, after hanging it on special hangers. Do not use heat from a battery, electrical appliances, or other heat sources for this purpose! Do not put a damp item in the closet!
  • In summer, the sheepskin coat should be stored in a closet, on a hanger and in a special breathable cover made of natural fabrics that allow air to pass through well. This is necessary so that the coat "breathes" and does not become musty. It will be better if there is a small space between the sheepskin coat and other things. However, all storage tips can be read in a separate one.
  • Along with the purchase of a sheepskin coat, immediately buy a special brush for combing fur and a rubber sponge for cleaning the surfaces of the fur coat and combing out dirt, fine litter and dust from the pile.
  • It is advisable to carefully inspect the fur coat at least once a week and immediately, when stains and dirt appear, carefully remove them. So the sheepskin coat can remain attractive and clean for a long time.
  • After the end of the winter season, the sheepskin coat must be thoroughly cleaned in the dry-cleaner's salon or itself, at home, and only then put into the closet for storage. Until next winter, it is recommended to store the item only in its pure form.
  • And yet, it is better to keep all the labels, tags, tips for caring for the thing, the payment receipt that you received when you bought the sheepskin coat, the warranty card. In a word, all the information about the thing, what materials it was made of, what kind of fur was used in the model, what kind of care it needs. It is best, when buying such an expensive item, to immediately get advice from the seller about all the intricacies and nuances of care and cleaning.

How quickly and efficiently
clean the sheepskin coat at home

It is very easy to clean and refresh the appearance of a sheepskin coat at home, using natural and improvised means. The main thing is to choose the right cleaning option: dry or wet. Dry cleaning is simpler in its technology, but a wet one will have to spend some time, since after such cleaning, the thing will also need to be thoroughly dried. But before starting the procedure, it is better to check the selected cleaning agent in a secluded place that is not visible to the eye. On the wrong side of things, on the lapel of the cuffs or collar.

Dry clean a tanned fur coat can be carried out using:

  • If the sheepskin coat only needs to be freshened up and dust removed, it is better to use an ordinary vacuum cleaner with a nozzle for carpets, armchairs and sofas. You can just shake the thing vigorously several times in different directions.
  • A cheap, affordable folk way to make a sheepskin coat look proper is semolina. To do this, you need to put on a cloth glove on your hand, take some cereal and thoroughly grind the semolina on a contaminated surface. This manipulation must be done so many times until the semolina ceases to darken from dirt, absorbing it, and retains its natural light milky color. This dry cleaning option is good and gives a positive effect in cases where the stains or dirt are fresh and have not had time to glaze.
  • You can remove dirty spots on the surface of a fur coat with a stale piece or crust of bread, preferably black. Rub the dirt gently but vigorously, then shake off the crumbs. A bread ball is also great for this purpose. They need to sort of "roll out" problem areas of things, periodically changing the old ball to a new one.
  • Potato starch is great for removing fresh greasy stains. Put a small amount of it on a greasy place, rub it lightly and leave it on the stain for a while. Starch naturally absorbs grease and dirt. In the process of such cleaning, the contaminated starch must be periodically changed to fresh starch until its color remains unchanged.
  • Very fine grit sandpaper is very good at removing dirt from the surface of a sheepskin coat. For convenience, it is better to wrap the paper on some small thing, such as a matchbox or a wooden block, and first try to clean any place on the inside of the thing and only then on its front side. Manipulation is best done very carefully, clockwise, i.e. in one direction so as not to damage the suede or leather.
  • Simple salt will help get rid of stains and dirt. To do this, it must be poured onto dirt, gently rub the composition with your fingers or with a special rubber brush. Then you need to carefully remove excess salt from the surface of the fur coat.
  • If some places on the fur coat have a greasy and rough appearance, then you can use tooth powder to clean them. On any brush, you can use a toothbrush, pour a small amount of powder and rub all the dirty places, shake off the excess.
  • The special rubber suede brush will help remove dirt around buttons, pockets, cuffs, sides and waistlines. These areas are more likely to collect dirt and stains. If there is no such brush, then you can use an ordinary school eraser-eraser, preferably new and clean, never used for its intended purpose. The effect will be the same!

Just watch how the pollution from the light sheepskin coat will disappear before your eyes:

How to clean a sheepskin coat with a wet method?

This type of cleaning is perfectly tolerated by tanned leather coats and coats with a protective dusting. The best cleanings that give real positive results:

  • Gasoline is very helpful in removing fat. To do this, dampen a small piece of natural fabric, burlap or coarse linen and rub the stains. But cleaning with gasoline is best used only on dark colored fur coats (brown, black, dark blue).
  • It is better to clean tanned coats of white or light pastel colors with an alcohol solution of ammonia and medical peroxide. In a quarter liter of water, add one teaspoon of peroxide and alcohol, respectively. Stir the composition thoroughly, soak any matter with it and apply to the places to be cleaned. You need to wipe it until the natural color of the fur coat is completely restored.
  • The method that gives real results is to remove dirt and grease stains with a solution of baking soda and milk. First you need to remove dust from the sheepskin coat with a brush or just vigorously shaking it several times. Make a solution of a glass of milk, add about a teaspoon of baking soda to it. Cotton swabs are perfect for manipulation. Thoroughly treat places with contamination with a prepared solution from cotton wool until the dirt is completely removed. Then, wipe the treated surface with a cloth soaked in a weak solution of vinegar essence. Be sure to wipe the treated area to remove excess moisture with a dry cloth or napkin.
  • Dirty spots on the surface of the sheepskin coat disappear well when using a solution of soap and ammonia. In water at room temperature, dissolve a little shampoo or liquid soap and even less half of ammonia. Moisten a napkin in the prepared solution and carefully treat all dirty spots. For the final treatment of the surface of the fur coat, you need to make another necessary composition of half a liter of water, borax powder in a volume of 5 ml, glycerin in about a volume of 20 ml and ammonia alcohol 15 ml. With this composition, wipe the entire product, hang on a hanger and leave to dry in natural conditions.

It is better to use all the described options for cleaning the fur coat from dirt and stains with caution, treat the dirty areas delicately and gently so as not to damage the elastic surface of the skin. It is strictly forbidden to wash a tanned coat! Otherwise, you can just ruin the thing.

What is the best way to clean the fur of a sheepskin coat?

Beautiful fur on a sheepskin coat gives it a spectacular, refined, smart and elegant look. Fur, most often, decorates a fur coat on the collar, cuffs and below, as a trim. The cleanliness of the fur must be carefully monitored, and fine dust particles and any atmospheric dirt must be regularly combed out with a brush. There are several ways to give your fur a proper look.

  • A good way to refresh fur with a mixture of plain sand and wheat bran. Heat the bran and sand in a frying pan and gently process the pile of the fur along its length, then shake off the remnants and carefully comb the pile with a brush, preferably with natural bristles.
  • Dissolve ordinary shampoo in warm water and beat into a lather, apply to the surface of the fur, wait for a while and rinse with warm running water.
  • Lemon juice is very good! Soak a piece of soft natural fabric with a solution of freshly squeezed lemon juice and treat the surface of the fur with it along its entire length. Then comb it with a fine comb or hairbrush.
  • Powder for newborns is good at removing dust and dirt from the surface of the fur. Thoroughly brush off all dirt with a powder, then carefully remove the powder with a brush. If you don't have powder on hand, you can use carefully weathered chalk instead.
  • The structure of the fur is well cleaned by a solution of ammonia and ordinary salt. Dissolve 5 ml of ammonia and 30 g of salt in half a liter of water. Stir the solution thoroughly and process the fur, then wipe thoroughly with a damp sponge.
  • White fur or fur of delicate pastel colors is best cleaned by hydrogen peroxide. Add a few drops of peroxide to a liter of water, mix the solution thoroughly and spray onto the surface of the fur with a spray bottle. Leave the solution on the tanned fur coat until it is completely dry, preferably in the fresh air. Then comb the fur thoroughly with a natural bristle brush.

These procedures will make the fur on a sheepskin coat clean, bright, soft and fluffy.

It is very easy to clean a natural sheepskin coat at home! The main thing is to decide for yourself where and how to give your favorite tanned fur coat freshness and respectable appearance.

Comfortable and warm sheepskin coats remain the most popular type of winter outerwear throughout the history of mankind. Fashionistas of the Stone Age got the skins of mammoths and saber-toothed tigers, and modern women - more and more artificial "furs" and "skins". No matter what material your sheepskin coat is made of, in the process of wearing it gets dirty, stained, wipes off and starts to shine. To keep it in good shape, it is important to know how to properly clean a sheepskin coat.

Sheepskin coats are subjected to severe weather tests: low temperatures, rain and snow, sun and wind

In choosing the methods and means suitable for cleaning a sheepskin coat at home, proceed from the manufacturer's recommendations indicated on the item's label. It is wiser to take expensive high-quality clothes to dry-cleaner after each season of active wear, but small dirt can be removed successfully on your own.

Cleaning methods

The main ways to clean a sheepskin coat at home are dry and wet. They are used taking into account the quality of materials, types of coatings and types of pollution. So, only dry cleanings are recommended for suede, and wet cleanings can be used for leather and laser-coated products.

Fur details (collar, cuffs, trimmings) require separate delicate cleaning

Dry cleaning: tools and products

First of all, dry methods are used to clean a suede sheepskin coat. Suede is a thin leather of medium-sized animals, produced by the fat-tanning method. This provides it with a velvety and soft pile. When sewing sheepskin coats, artificial analogs of natural suede are often used.

The pile on suede gradually cakes, becomes greasy, wipes off in places, which leads to the loss of the original gloss and velvety, that is, to the need to clean the sheepskin coat

It is most convenient to effectively clean a sheepskin coat at home from dust with a vacuum cleaner with a soft attachment (brush for furniture), and from dirt and stains - using a special brush designed to care for suede products. Many models of such brushes, on the one hand, are covered with stiff bristles, which well comb out dry and sticky dirt, and on the other, with rubber (rubber) teeth, which restore the beauty and even lying of the bristle.

Double-sided brushes clean shoes, bags, sheepskin coats and other things made of suede and nubuck

The narrow ribbed sides of the brush do a good job of cleaning in hard-to-reach places: seams, welts, trim elements. Instead of such a "magic" brush, to clean the sheepskin coat, you can take an ordinary clothes or an old toothbrush, stationery eraser, a clean dish sponge.

Suitable improvised means to clean a sheepskin coat at home, for natural materials will be:

  • edible salt... Helps to remove small stains and restore velvety to suede. It is sprinkled with it on the contaminated areas, spreading the sheepskin coat on a flat surface. Gently, without pressing down, rub in with a hand or a brush in the direction of the pile. The remains are shaken off with a dry sponge;
  • dentifrice... Effectively removes grease on the collar, pockets, sleeve cuffs. For leather goods, it is also recommended to use it in a mixture with ammonia. To clean the sheepskin coat and refresh the external waters of the skin, tooth powder moistened with an ammoniacal alcohol solution (ammonia) helps. First, the mixture is applied to the most problematic, most contaminated areas and carefully cleaned with a stiff brush, then the rest of the surface is treated, wiping it with the same composition with a sponge;
  • starch, semolina, brewed coffee thick... White powder adsorbents work well on light-colored items, while coffee, brown bread or dry mustard are considered more suitable for dark items. First, the areas of main contamination are covered with powder, the spots are wiped off with a sponge or a cloth mitten worn on the hand from the edges to the center, and the greasy pile - against its main direction in order to lift and clean the caked villi well. Then the powder is scattered over the rest of the surface and the entire product is cleaned with a stiff bristled brush in the direction of the pile;
  • refined gasoline... It is used to remove individual greasy stains by applying with a dampened sponge or burlap cloth. The stains are cleaned with collecting movements from the edges to the center.
Do not use gasoline if you are going to clean a light-colored suede or nubuck sheepskin coat. In principle, any solvents can damage the structure of the material and change the original color, therefore, be sure to carry out a preliminary test on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product from the wrong side to make sure that the chosen product is safe.

Excellent cleaning properties are provided by rubber erasers and dried bread crusts

For an example of how to clean a sheepskin coat with an eraser, see the following video:

Eraser and bread crust will remove stains and stubborn dirt. They need to vigorously, but carefully (so as not to deform the material) to rub the problem areas. The crumbs remaining from the bread are removed with a soft brush, combing the pile in its direction. For dark things, take black bread, for light - white.

Nubuck is a fine-fleecy leather that is chrome tanned and polished in the process of tanning cattle hides.

Wet cleaning: home remedies

Wash with plenty of water, the more you cannot wash sheepskin coats. Natural materials (leather, suede, nubuck) from this will become completely unusable, that is, they will be deformed, will lose their softness and elasticity. Products made from artificial analogs will "shrink" in size, become dull and hard. Therefore, wet methods are advised to be used only when it is necessary to clean the sheepskin coat from strong or local contamination.

Although leather and special coatings with water-repellent impregnations normally tolerate moisture, you should not get too carried away with wet cleaning

Before cleaning a natural sheepskin coat at home with wet means, be sure to dry clean it with a stiff brush or vacuum cleaner to remove all dust and dried dirt from outerwear.

Some of the most common wet cleaning agents include:

  • ammonia with glycerin... To remove large stains, the mixture is prepared in a 1: 1 ratio. Cleaning is carried out with movements from the edges to the center. The result can be assessed only after the thing is completely dry; the treatment may have to be repeated;
  • ammonia with soap... Solution: 5 ml of ammonia and 10 ml of soap (washing gel, liquid soap, shampoo) are added to 200 ml of warm water. A sponge moistened with a solution is used to wipe heavily soiled areas. After soapy cleaning, it is advised to treat the thing completely with the following solution: 1 tsp for 200 ml of water. ammonia and glycerin, 2-3 g of borax;
  • ammonia with hydrogen peroxide used to clean a light-colored sheepskin coat. In a glass of warm water (200 ml) add 1 tsp. ammonia and peroxide. Cleaning is carried out using a soft sponge dipped in a solution;
  • milk with soda... Also, for cleaning light-colored things, soda (1 tsp) is well dissolved in warm skim milk (200 ml). The resulting solution is moistened with a cotton pad and carefully rubbed with it stains and the most contaminated areas. It is important that the disc does not smudge the dirt; replace it with a clean one in time. After milky cleaning, wipe all the details of the sheepskin coat with a soft, well-wrung out cloth soaked in a weak solution of table vinegar or natural vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

After wet cleaning, it is advised to wipe the treated areas with a dry sponge and dry the sheepskin coat thoroughly.

For proper drying, room temperature and good ventilation in the room are sufficient. Do the same if the sheepskin coat gets wet in the rain or snow.

Drying of outerwear should be carried out, avoiding bright sunlight, away from heating and heating appliances.

Cleaning products made of artificial materials

It is best to clean an artificial sheepskin coat at home with soapy water. Clothes are laid out on a horizontal surface or hung on a hanger. Prepare a solution of warm water (500 ml) and 2-3 tbsp. l. gel for delicate washing (shampoo, liquid soap). With a solution applied to a soft sponge, wipe the entire surface, paying special attention to the contaminated areas. You need to act quickly so that the water does not have time to be absorbed into the fabric. After processing, soap residues should be removed with a clean, damp cloth and allowed to dry completely at room temperature.

An example of such a cleaning can be seen in the following video:

If soap stains remain on the fabric, then it is advised to rinse the artificial sheepskin coat in a large amount of water. Then it is allowed to drain on a hanger, soaked with dry rags, without twisting.

Artificial materials outwardly differ little from natural ones, but are inferior to them in their qualities.

Questions of how to clean a sheepskin coat at home are closely related to the observance of the rules of constant care for things made of leather and suede. Here are some tips to help you keep your outerwear in good shape:

  1. For suede items, purchase a set of care products - cleaning foams, color-restoring sprays, water-repellent impregnations in aerosols.
  2. If stains appear on the sheepskin coat, try to remove them immediately, avoiding absorption and drying on the material.
  3. Restore the fluffiness of the pile on the suede with steam - hang the sheepskin coat in the bathroom for several hours when using hot water. Then air dry well.
  4. Do not keep sheepskin coats made of artificial materials in the fresh air for more than 2-3 hours. Otherwise, the material may become rough and tough.

Oily products help to restore a pleasant shine and softness to the leather parts of a sheepskin coat: petroleum jelly, glycerin, camphor and castor oil, special cream for leather

To clean a sheepskin coat, as well as during wearing, it is best to hang it on wide shoulders, buttoned up. For long-term storage of outerwear in the closet, there must be enough free space so that other things do not press on it. If possible, sheepskin coats are covered with breathable fabric covers. They also put dry lavender or other fragrant herb that repels clothes moths.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film are capable of withstanding from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of their area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you don't have to worry about leaks from the neighbors on top.

There are special traps to fight moths. The pheromones of females are added to the sticky layer with which they are covered, attracting males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the reproduction process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

The easiest way to remove scale and carbon deposits from the soleplate is table salt. Place a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to maximum, and apply light pressure several times over the salt mat.

Threads made of gold and silver, which in the old days were used to embroider clothes, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with pliers to the state of the necessary fineness. Hence the expression "pull (breed) gimmick" - "engage in long monotonous work" or "delay the execution of the case."

The habit of using the washing machine “sparingly” can lead to an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on the inner surfaces and actively multiply.

Fresh lemon is suitable not only for tea: clean the dirt from the surface of the acrylic bathtub by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container with water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

The dishwasher is not only good for dishes and cups. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

A practical and warm sheepskin coat in the cold winter season is considered an indispensable type of clothing. Unfortunately, over time, the sheepskin coat loses its original appearance, it can become covered with dirt and stains from prolonged wear and improper care of it. To return the sheepskin coat to its original freshness and cleanliness, it is necessary to properly clean it from various contaminants. This procedure is trusted by dry cleaning specialists or performed independently at home.

To perform high-quality cleaning of a sheepskin coat at home, first study the label on the clothes, which will indicate the material from which the sheepskin coat is sewn. The methods and means of cleaning are different for different materials:
  • the skin is cleaned wet and dry;
  • wet cleaning is used in laser coated products;
  • the suede is dry cleaned.
Before you start cleaning clothes on a small area of ​​the product, be sure to test the "cleaning agent". If the stain is removed, then you can treat the remaining contaminated surface of the sheepskin coat with it. It is forbidden to wash leather and suede products in washing machines. After such washing, the sheepskin coat will decrease in size and lose its shape. The surface of the garment will become hard and dull.

If the sheepskin coat has been exposed to rain, then it should be dried at room temperature on a hanger.

It is not recommended to put a sheepskin coat in a bag for storage after the end of winter if it is made of artificial fabrics. It is best to use a case made of cotton material for storage. Place a sprig of lavender inside the bag, or use a lavender-soaked napkin.

Dry cleaning

Clothes that are made of suede material always look elegant and expensive. But, this material is quite capricious and quickly gets dirty. When buying a suede sheepskin coat, remember that this material requires regular dry cleaning and delicate care.

If the sheepskin coat is slightly soiled, then ordinary salt can be used to remove small stains and restore the original velvety texture. To do this, apply salt to the surface of the contaminated areas and rub them lightly with your hands or with a brush made of rubber. The main condition - do not overdo it, so as not to damage the fabric and prevent "baldness" of the suede. After the contamination disappears, remove the remaining salt from the surface of the sheepskin coat with a dry sponge.

The following cleaning methods are recommended to remove grease and other serious stains:

1 . Semolina... Dirty areas of the sheepskin coat must be sprinkled with semolina. After that, put on fabric mittens and rub the dirty areas on the sheepskin coat. Your movements should start from the edge of the dirt and work towards the center. After the disappearance of the main spots, do the same manipulations with the rest of the surface of the sheepskin coat, working with a hard bristle brush or using fine-grained sandpaper. Also, you can replace the semolina with starch.

2 . Petrol... Greasy stains can be removed from the surface of the sheepskin coat with gasoline. For this procedure, take a piece of burlap and moisten with gasoline. After that, rub the greasy stain thoroughly with it. For light-colored sheepskin coats, cleaning with gasoline is not recommended.

3 . Dried bread crust... This method is the most gentle for clothes that have little dirt. To carry out such a procedure, several bread crusts are needed. Rub the stains vigorously with them. Take a soft bristled brush and remove any crumbs.

4 . Dentifrice... He effectively copes with greasy places on a sheepskin coat. This product must be applied with a rubber brush to dirty areas.

Wet cleaning of sheepskin coats

Now let's discuss how to wet clean a sheepskin coat at home. This method is well tolerated by leather and coated clothing. This way rationally cleanse heavy dirt. For wet cleaning we offer the most effective of them:

1 . Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide... This method is effective for white sheepskin coats. In order to prepare a bleaching mixture, you will need: a glass of warm water; ammonia and hydrogen peroxide - a teaspoon each. Mix all components. This solution must be applied with a soft sponge to the dirty places of the sheepskin coat. Stains must be treated with a solution until the stains are removed and the color is completely restored.

2 . Ammonia... Dilute alcohol with water in a ratio of 1: 4. Wipe dirt on clothes with a soft sponge soaked in the resulting solution. Then you need to quickly remove the remnants of ammonia with a wet sponge, and then wipe the sheepskin coat with a dry cloth.

3 . Milk and soda... Before cleaning, dust must be removed from the sheepskin coat with a brush. After that, make a solution: in a glass of warm milk - 10 g of soda. Saturate a cotton pad with this solution and treat greasy spots on the sheepskin coat with it. Replace dirty cotton pads with clean ones. Then, take a soft cloth, saturate it with a mild vinegar solution and wipe the surface of the sheepskin coat. At the end of the procedure, wipe the surface of the sheepskin coat with a dry sponge.

4 . Liquid ammonia with soapy water... Dissolve 5 ml of ammonia and 10 ml of shampoo in one glass of warm water. Treat dirty places on the sheepskin coat with a soft sponge soaked in the resulting solution. After the first treatment, it is required to prepare the following mixture: 15 ml of ammonia, 20 ml of glycerin, 5 ml of borax, 500 ml of water. Mix all this and process the whole product with a mixture. Then leave the sheepskin coat on a hanger to dry.

How to clean fur on a sheepskin coat

To clean effectively the fur on a sheepskin coat, use the following tools at hand.

1 . Sand or wheat bran... To clean the fur, it is necessary to heat the sand or bran in a frying pan, and then apply it to the dirty pile with light "massaging" movements. Using a stiff bristled brush, remove any residual bran or sand from the bristle.

2 . Shampoo for cats... It is required to dilute the shampoo in warm water and beat it until a thick foam is obtained. Apply foam to the dirty fur with a sponge and leave it on the surface of the pile for a few minutes. After that, it is required to wash off the remaining foam carefully so as not to wet the skin of the sheepskin coat.

3 . Vinegar and ethyl alcohol... Mix equal parts water, vinegar, and alcohol. Sponge the solution onto the fur. After that, wipe the fur on the sheepskin coat with a clean cloth. Faux fur cannot be cleaned using this method.

4 . Lemon juice... Soak a soft sponge with lemon juice and apply the juice to the fur. After this procedure, use a comb to gently comb the fur.

5 . Gasoline and starch... It is required to prepare a mixture of gasoline and starch, and then apply it to the fur, which needs to be cleaned, and leave to dry completely. Use a brush to remove any remaining mixture.

6 . Baby powder or crushed chalk... These tools are good for removing greasy stains from the surface of the fur. To do this, you need to apply powder or chalk to the dirty areas, and remove the remnants of the funds with a brush.

7 . Salt and ammonia... To remove dirt, you need to prepare a solution consisting of: 500 ml of water, salt - 30 g, ammonia - 5 ml. Treat the stains on the fur with the resulting solution, and then wipe the fur with a damp sponge.

Fur on a sheepskin coat after long-term wear loses its own shine and fades. In order for the fur to shine again, it is necessary to use the following mixture for cleaning it: laundry soap - 10 g, animal fat - 100 g, ammonia - 12 drops. Stir this mixture and dissolve in a liter of hot water. Apply the cooled solution with a sponge to the surface of the fur. Use a damp brush to remove any remaining mixture.

If the sheepskin coat has white fur, then hydrogen peroxide will clean it. This will require 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide dissolved in a liter of water. Pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle and spray onto the surface of the fur. Then you need to hang the sheepskin coat in fresh air on a hanger until the fur dries. After that, comb the fur with a stiff brush.

Currently, there are many ways to clean sheepskin coats at home. If you wear a sheepskin coat neatly, clean it in a timely manner, it can serve you for a long time and will always look presentable.