Igor prokopenko classified materials. Secret territories with Igor Prokopenko. Download video and cut mp3 - it's easy with us

Each film tells about an unusual phenomenon, which is difficult to find an explanation. Every week viewers learn about anomalous zones, prophetic dreams, supernatural human abilities and UFOs. The authors of the program consider all points of view - from the most fantastic to quite realistic.

Secret Territories Day # 1 - Spies of Distant Worlds

Both air passengers and pilots often talk about strange luminous objects accompanying planes ... Experts from many countries track these UFOs, but they almost always hide the results of their observations ... Why?

Secret Territories Day # 2 - Fatal Contact

When will humanity face a global threat?
- What secret weapon do scientists create?
- Why are Russia and the United States pooling their space resources?

Secret Areas Day # 3 - NASA Mystery

Gary McKinnon is the most famous hacker on the planet. He managed to do something incredible: to hack the network of computers of the Pentagon and the NASA aerospace agency. In 2006, for this he was arrested by the police, during interrogation, the hacker admitted that he hacked into computers only because he was looking for secret documents about contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations. According to him, communication with our neighbors in the Universe is already in full swing, only ordinary people for some reason are not informed about this, but most importantly, the hacker Garry McKinnen said that he stole those documents that indicate military contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations ...

Secret Territories Day # 4 - Runners to Heaven

Researchers claim that in ancient times, people knew how to fly; Is it possible to return this knowledge?
The great mystery of a man flying, not in a dream, but in reality, in the project: "Fleeing into Heaven"

Secret Territories Day # 5 - Conspiracy of the Fallen

The Spear of Fate, the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail - these artifacts that give unlimited power were commonly associated with the Templars. Today a new version has appeared: the artifacts are kept by the Illuminati brothers ...

Secret Territories Day # 6 - Games of the Gods

Ancient chronicles claim that 14 years ago the gods descended from the sky;
- Recently, scientists have put forward a hypothesis: the first people appeared in a test tube;
- Why is Darwin's theory powerless over the latest findings of archaeologists?

Secret Territories Day # 7 - Underground Martians

The fact that there was life on Mars, and possibly there is, is confirmed by many facts, for example, the Martian meteorite. A medium-sized rock was knocked off the surface of Mars about 17 million years ago, after an asteroid impact. All this time, he plowed space, until 10 years ago, he fell into the territory of Antarctica. Imagine the surprise of the scientists when, after careful research, they found fossilized algae and bacteria on a Martian meteorite. Moreover, the analysis of the Martian meteorite showed that about four billion years ago, the temperature of Mars was from -4 to +18 degrees Celsius, the atmosphere could be denser than on Earth, and the climate: warm and humid, that is, the conditions are quite earthly ... It was this argument that was the main one for the supporters of the existence on Mars: intelligent life, and now, finally, new data appeared.

Secret Territories Day # 8 - Junkyard of the Universe

In 2009, a disaster struck in Earth's orbit. The Russian military communications satellite "Cosmos 2251" collided with the American satellite of the "Iridium" network. Both vehicles were completely destroyed. Russia, by and large, has not lost anything, the satellite was decommissioned back in 1995, and American users experienced interruptions in communication and the Internet, but the most terrible consequence of a catastrophic accident was the appearance of a huge number of fragments. On ortith, each of them is ten times more dangerous than a bullet.

Astronomers are sounding the alarm today. Near-earth space resembles a landfill. Of the twenty thousand large satellites, no more than a thousand are working. Tens of thousands of fragments of rockets and spacecraft are carried in orbit without control. launching them into space, no one thought that they would become a threat to all of humanity.

Secret Territories Day # 9 - Lost Gift of Ancestors

What could be the wars before the worldwide tide?
- How did the ancient gods fight?
- How did our ancestors win?

Secret Territories Day # 10 - Deorbit

Why is the climate changing on our planet?
Is it true that humanity needs to prepare for a change in magnetic poles?
What if our planet collides with an asteroid?
All versions and hypotheses of scientists about what our planet can expect in the foreseeable future, see the project "Deorbit"

Secret Territories Day # 11 - When the Earth is Angry

Why did so many cataclysms hit the Planet?
- Is modern science able to predict the future of humanity?
Chelyabinsk, February 15, 2013, residents of the city will remember this day as a bad dream. At 9:20 am, local time, the Garazans saw a luminous object sweep through the sky. Then there was a bright flash and a powerful explosion thundered. The meteor shower that followed the explosion damaged dozens of city buildings, and more than one and a half people went to the hospital. Immediately after the disaster, a special commission was created, after conducting a chemical analysis of space debris, scientists found out that a handrid fell in the Urals - one of the types of stone meteorites. according to preliminary calculations, a celestial body with a diameter of about 17 meters weighed almost ten thousand tons. But the most important question remained open: why the astronomers were not ready for a sudden attack from space ...

Secret Territories Day # 12 - UFOs. Secret files

The military claims that in 1989, an unidentified flying object was shot down; Why are the documents in this case classified until now?
Sensational facts in an exclusive investigation: "UFO. Secret Files".

Secret Territories Day # 13 - In the Basements of Time

Is it possible to create a time machine? Where to look for the other side of the universe?
"In the basements of time" is the secret of Einstein's great testament.

Secret Territories Day # 14 - Secrets of Ancient Beauties

Who gave the ancient women the secrets of unearthly love?
- How did a seductive slave become the mistress of an entire empire?
- Whose image was embodied by the great Leonardo da Vinci, in his portrait of Giaconda?

Choice of episodes: 01. The death of the planet. How it will be (01/13/11)
02. In search of Shambhala (20.01.11)
03. Saboteurs from space (27.01.11)
04. Rats. Underground Mind (02/03/2011)
05. UFO. Aliens on the Moon (02/10/2011)
06. Secrets of anomalous zones (17.02.2011)
07. Seven days until the end of the world (24.02.2011)
08. Werewolves. Beast Code (03.03.2011)
09. UFO. Neighbors in the Sun (03/10/2011)
10. UFO. Mysterious Trail (17.03.2011)
11. The death of the planet. Strike from space (03/24/2011)
12. Mirror. Parallel worlds (31.03.2011)
13. Parallel reality. Life in a dream (04/07/2011)
14. Parallel worlds. Stop Time (04/14/2011)
15. UFO. Chronicle of disasters (21.04.2011)
16. Solar threat (28.04.2011)
17. Life after death (05/05/2011)
18. Superpowers. Body Miracles (05/12/2011)
19. Stargate. The Mystery of the Lost Places (05/19/2011)
20. Unclean power (05/25/2011)
21. Space travel. Attack on Mars (01.06.2011)
22. UFO. Established contact (08.06.2011)
23. In search of a parallel world (15.06.2011)
24. Bacteria. Mind in the microscope (06/22/2011)
25. People of the future (29.06.2011)
26. UFO. The secret of the golden cradle (03.08.2011)
27. Bacteria. Elixir of Youth (08/10/2011)
28. The world after 2012. The embodiment of prophecy (12.08.2011)
29. Planet of mutants (17.08.2011)
30. Secrets of Saints and Lost Places (24.08.2011)
31. When the Earth turns over (09/02/2011)
32. Aliens. Door to the Universe (09.09.2011)
33. Secrets of time. Return to the future (16.09.2011)
34. The Earth will explode tomorrow (23.09.2011)
35. Space Wanderers (30.09.2011)
36. Lost in Time (07.10.2011)
37. Ancestors from space (14.10.2011)
38. Dragons. Star Race (21.10.2011)
39. Death of the Earth (28.10.2011)
40. Spies from Space (11.11.2011)
41. The Universal Mind (18.11.2011)
42. UFO BC (11/25/2011)
43. Apocalypse. The wrath of the planet (02.12.2011)
44. UFO. The Mystery of the Men in Black (09.12.2011)
45. Conspiracy of black forces (16.12.2011)
46. ​​Blow up the Earth. Mission Possible (03.02.2012)
47. Call of the Blood (10.02.2012)
48. Mars. Homeland of the Gods (17.02.2012)
49. Immortality. Life without a body (24.02.2012)
50. Space annals of the Earth (02.03.2012)
51. Time Tunnels (16.03.2012)
52. UFO. Reptiles Among Us (03/23/2012)
53. UFO. War of the Gods (30.03.2012)
54. Guests of Heaven (06.04.2012)
55. Apocalypse. Time bomb (13.04.2012)
56. Pyramids. Legacy of the Gods (20.04.2012)
57. Gold. Secret Power (04/27/2012)
58. Paradise Lost (04.05.2012)
59. Guests from parallel worlds (11.05.2012)
60. UFO. Forbidden Technologies (19.05.2012)
61. Parallel worlds. Zone X (25.05.2012)
62. Dwarfs in the Universe (05.11.2011)
63. Pyramids. The Mystery of Immortality (01.06.2012)
64. Treasures of Star Aliens (08.06.2012)
65. Wheel of time (15.06.2012)
66. Invisible Race (22.06.2012)
67. In contact with the Galaxy (06/29/2012)
68. Amazons. Survivors of the Apocalypse (08/10/2012)
69. Corners of the Universe (17.08.2012)
70. The last day of the Earth (24.08.2012)
71. 2012. Return of the Gods (31.08.2012)
72. Alien Bases (07.09.2012)
73. Laboratory of the Universe (13.09.2012)
74. Apocalypse. Weather sellers (21.09.2012)
75. In the footsteps of stellar aliens (28.09.2012)
76. In Search of Eternal Life (05.10.2012)
77. Life in a parallel dimension (12.10.2012)
78. Where the Abyss Leads (19.10.2012)
79. Bermuda Triangle. Secret Gates (26.10.2012)
80. Solar Apocalypse (02.11.2012)
81. Pyramids. Extraterrestrial technologies (09.11.2012)
82. Who occupied the Earth? (16.11.2012)
83. UFO. Another tree (11/23/2012)
84. Forbidden Archeology (30.11.2012)
85. Signs of Darkness (01/18/2013)
86. Monsters. Mysteries of Time (01/25/2013)
87. Secrets of the lunar seas (01.02.2013)
88. UFO. Second Coming (02/08/2013)
89. Stellar Alien Legacy (02/15/2013)
90. Secrets of Ancient Lands (22.02.2013)
91. Heavenly Fire (01.03.2013)
92. Planet Raiders (03/15/2013)
93. Kind Trolls of the Universe (22.03.2013)
94. Atlanteans from the planet Sirius (29.03.2013)
95. Beyond Heaven (05.04.2013)
96. Mars. One way ticket (12.04.2013)
97. Lost Treasures of the Ancients (19.04.2013)
98. Hostages of Distant Worlds (04/26/2013)
99. The road to the gates of fate (17.05.2013)
100. Chariots of the Gods (24.05.2013)
101. Pale Fire of the Universe (31.05.2013)
102. Space Rock Stars (07.06.2013)
103. The legacy of alien architects (14.06.2013)
104. Climate of the planet. From drought to typhoon (21.06.2013)
105. Reason. Forbidden Knowledge (08/23/2013)
106. Neighborhood with God (30.08.2013)
107. Brotherhood of the Universe (06.09.2013)
108. Silent people of Giza (13.09.2013)
109. Aviation of ancient peoples (20.09.2013)
110. Universe. No entry (27.09.2013)
111. Fuel for the Universe (04.10.2013)
112. Waiting for a new flood (11.10.2013)
113. Child of the Universe (18.10.2013)
114. Where Civilizations Disappear (25.10.2013)
115. Battles of Ancient Goddesses (01.11.2013)
116. UFO. Encryption from the bottom of the ocean (11/08/2013)
117. Starship Troopers (15.11.2013)
118. Forbidden Space (22.11.2013)
119. Nomads in the Universe (29.11.2013)
120. Space Predators (24.01.2014)
121. Threads of the Universe (31.01.2014)
122. Where to look for Shambhala (14.02.2014)
123. New Ice Age (21.02.2014)
124. Who invented the antiworld? (04.04.2014)
125. Is there life in the Universe? (11.04.2014)

01. The death of the planet. How it will be (13.01.11) 02. In search of Shambhala (20.01.11) 03. Saboteurs from space (27.01.11) 04. Rats. Underground Mind (03.02.2011) 05. UFO. Aliens on the Moon (02/10/2011) 06. Secrets of anomalous zones (02/17/2011) 07. Seven days until the end of the world (02/24/2011) 08. Werewolves. Code of the Beast (03.03.2011) 09. UFO. Neighbors in the Sun (10.03.2011) 10. UFO. Mysterious trace (17.03.2011) 11. The death of the planet. Impact from space (24.03.2011) 12. Mirror. Parallel worlds (31.03.2011) 13. Parallel reality. Life in a dream (04/07/2011) 14. Parallel worlds. Stop Time (04/14/2011) 15. UFO. Chronicle of catastrophes (21.04.2011) 16. Solar threat (28.04.2011) 17. Life after death (05.05.2011) 18. Superpowers. Miracles of the body (12.05.2011) 19. Stargate. The Mystery of the Lost Places (05/19/2011) 20. Unclean Power (05/25/2011) 21. Space travel. Attack on Mars (01.06.2011) 22. UFO. Established contact (08.06.2011) 23. In search of a parallel world (15.06.2011) 24. Bacteria. Mind in a microscope (06/22/2011) 25. People of the future (06/29/2011) 26. UFOs. The secret of the golden cradle (03.08.2011) 27. Bacteria. Elixir of youth (08/10/2011) 28. The world after 2012. The embodiment of prophecies (08/12/2011) 29. The planet of mutants (08/17/2011) 30. Secrets of holy and lost places (08/24/2011) 31. When the Earth turns over (09/02/2011 ) 32. Aliens. Door to the Universe (09.09.2011) 33. Secrets of time. Return to the future (09/16/2011) 34. Earth will explode tomorrow (09/23/2011) 35. Space wanderers (09/30/2011) 36. Lost in time (10/07/2011) 37. Ancestors from space (10/14/2011) 38. Dragons ... Star race (21.10.2011) 39. Death of the Earth (28.10.2011) 40. Spies from outer space (11.11.2011) 41. Universal mind (18.11.2011) 42. UFO BC (25.11.2011) 43. Apocalypse. The wrath of the planet (02.12.2011) 44. UFO. The mystery of the people in black (09.12.2011) 45. The conspiracy of the black forces (16.12.2011) 46. Blow up the Earth. Mission feasible (03.02.2012) 47. Call of the blood (10.02.2012) 48. Mars. Homeland of the Gods (17.02.2012) 49. Immortality. Life without a body (24.02.2012) 50. Space chronicle of the Earth (02.03.2012) 51. Tunnels of time (16.03.2012) 52. UFOs. Reptiles Among Us (23.03.2012) 53. UFOs. War of the Gods (30.03.2012) 54. Guests of Heaven (06.04.2012) 55. Apocalypse. Time bomb (13.04.2012) 56. Pyramids. Legacy of the Gods (20.04.2012) 57. Gold. Secret Power (04/27/2012) 58. Paradise Lost (05/04/2012) 59. Guests from Parallel Worlds (05/11/2012) 60. UFOs. Forbidden technologies (19.05.2012) 61. Parallel worlds. Zones X (25.05.2012) 62. Dwarfs in the Universe (05.11.2011) 63. Pyramids. The Mystery of Immortality (01.06.2012) 64. Treasures of Star Aliens (08.06.2012) 65. Wheel of Time (15.06.2012) 66. Invisible Race (22.06.2012) 67. In Contact with the Galaxy (29.06.2012) 68. Amazons. Survivors of the apocalypse (08/10/2012) 69. Back streets of the Universe (08/17/2012) 70. The last day of the Earth (08/24/2012) 71. 2012. Return of the gods (08/31/2012) 72. Alien bases (09/07/2012) 73. The laboratory of the universe (13.09.2012) 74. Apocalypse. Weather sellers (09.21.2012) 75. In the footsteps of stellar aliens (09/28/2012) 76. In search of eternal life (10/05/2012) 77. Life in a parallel dimension (10/12/2012) 78. Where the abyss leads (10/19/2012) 79. Bermuda Triangle. Secret gates (26.10.2012) 80. Solar apocalypse (02.11.2012) 81. Pyramids. Extraterrestrial technologies (09.11.2012) 82. Who occupied the Earth? (16.11.2012) 83. UFO. Another tree (23.11.2012) 84. Forbidden archeology (30.11.2012) 85. Signs of darkness (18.01.2013) 86. Monsters. Mysteries of time (01/25/2013) 87. Secrets of the lunar seas (02/01/2013) 88. UFOs. The Second Coming (02/08/2013) 89. The legacy of the stellar aliens (02/15/2013) 90. Secrets of the ancient lands (02/22/2013) 91. Heavenly fire (03/01/2013) 92. The planet thieves (03/15/2013) 93. Good trolls of the universe (22.03.2013) 94. Atlanteans from the planet Sirius (29.03.2013) 95. Beyond the edge of heaven (05.04.2013) 96. Mars. One-way ticket (12.04.2013) 97. Lost treasures of the ancients (19.04.2013) 98. Hostages of distant worlds (26.04.2013) 99. The road to the gates of fate (17.05.2013) 100. Chariots of the gods (24.05.2013) 101 Pale fire of the universe (31.05.2013) 102. Stars of space rock (07.06.2013) 103. The legacy of alien architects (14.06.2013) 104. Climate of the planet. From drought to typhoon (21.06.2013) 105. Reason. Forbidden knowledge (08/23/2013) 106. In the neighborhood of God (08/30/2013) 107. Brotherhood of the Universe (09/06/2013) 108. The silence of Giza (09/13/2013) 109. Aviation of ancient peoples (09/20/2013) 110. The Universe. No entry (27.09.2013)

The territory of delusions with Igor Prokopenko 2017 is an educational journey into the secrets of the universe. The journalist lifts the curtain over the secrets of antiquity and modernity together with a group of leading scientists from different branches of science. Prokopenko will publish materials that have been classified as "secret" for a long time.

The episodes of the series raise controversial questions in the fields of astronomy, archeology, physiology and history. Comments and interviews of serious scientists confirm and refute long-known facts. Official science is silent and sometimes openly ignores some inexplicable materials. But how deep is the rabbit hole?

All issues

"Territory of delusion" publishes many data and artifacts, which, to put it mildly, do not fit with the opinion of modern science. Unknown pages of history are confirmed by documents that will not be available to the official public for the coming years.

Each transmission of the cycle reveals the mystery and examines it from different points of view, often diametrically opposite. The author does not impose his point of view, only states the facts. Which side to take is up to the viewer himself.

The presenter's original manner gives food for thought, makes one think. The versions concerning the problems of our time are especially interesting, since they directly affect our life. Weather changes, the problem of refugees in Europe, versions of the murder of Nemtsov - the latest issues of "Territory of delusions".

Were Americans on the Moon? Is the moon an artificial object? Why did the research stop? The broadcast lifts the curtain over the history of the exploration of the Moon. Supporters of the "lunar conspiracy" will publish video and photographic materials that were allegedly filmed on a satellite of the Earth. But, despite hundreds of fake photographs, serious scientists admit that there was still a flight to the moon.
What did the astronauts actually face?

Classified materials become available - on the moon, astronauts recorded traces of an unknown civilization. Lunar phenomena are regularly recorded by astronomers.

One of the versions is the activity of the lunar civilization, which has a level of development much higher than that of the earth. This is confirmed by numerous photographs with objects of artificial origin.

How many times has humanity reached the highest point of development and degraded? Is modern man smarter than his ancient ancestors? Recent archaeological finds refute the classical theory of evolution. We are not descended from monkeys - sensational archaeological finds in Georgia testify to this. The age of human remains of the genus homo sapiens is almost 2 million years.

There is an opinion that modern mankind is smarter and more beautiful than those who built the pyramids. But research by physiologists and archaeologists says that the volume of gray matter decreases, a person becomes stupid. This is facilitated by the technocratic development of civilization. But is this development? Or is it degradation? The modern world is fragile, a few global man-made disasters are enough and the development of civilization can go backwards.

Where did the loot during the Second World War disappear? How do Nazi descendants interpret their history? The widespread resurgence of the Nazi movement is alarming.

The gold of the Third Reich has not yet been found. Separate items of loot scattered "float" in different parts of the world. But this is just the tip of the iceberg. Where is the bulk of the loot located?

Igor Prokopenko lifts the veil over some versions. Traces of the Reich's gold are found in Argentina and Chile, and there is a version that it became a payment for political asylum for Nazi criminals. The version is confirmed by documents and photographs.

Secret Territories is a popular science television program. Its task is to tell the viewer about the most unusual and strange events and animal phenomena that are increasingly occurring on planet Earth. Modern science has no explanation for the events taking place. The fact is that all this goes beyond the generally accepted framework of understanding. The transfer clearly shows the line between science and fantasy. To consider each case, a separate approach is used, all versions are carefully worked out, the independent opinion of experienced specialists is taken into account and eyewitness accounts are taken into account.

this program, its authors set themselves the goal of telling the viewer that everything unknown really exists, one has only to believe it. Only in this way can one come closer to solving the whole universe and touch the unknown. In the end, in order to understand that in our world there is a lot of everything mysterious and unexplored, one has only to reach out and the curtain itself will open slightly. This process will give a person a sense of their own worth. As a rule, the authors of the program raise questions of eternal interest to people. For example, does life exist on Mars, what secrets does the red planet still hide from us, what can people expect when they want to travel to Mars? All of this goes beyond ordinary perception and must be investigated.

Many people in different parts of our country are worried about the question, is there really an afterlife, ghosts? What happens to people after they die? Are there parallel dimensions with our life? Within the framework of the "Secret Territories" program, narrowly focused specialists will try to find answers to these and many other questions. The cycle of documentary investigations contains the most important and dramatic events that have taken place in our time. The authors of the program will be the first to publish secret documents about the most significant and influential figures on a global scale. The secret activities of special services, lost pages of history and unique archives will also be revealed. Eyewitnesses of anomalous and inexplicable phenomena, successful businessmen, former intelligence officers and famous politicians will share their secrets. You will be the first to know after what events the life of these people has changed dramatically and irrevocably.



Aliens! the coolest theme! even though Gagarin did not fly to Kosmots, and the Americans did not land on the moon, there is still someone there! What I like so much is that there are almost only facts based on experiments, the evidence is not from the realm of science fiction, but really logical - forcing you to think!


Liked the video of Antlantis. The transmission is interesting because it conveys the correct position on many anomalies or events. Sometimes it goes beyond fantasy. Perhaps this only seems to me due to the fact that I do not believe in aliens.


I watched a film from this series - Escape from Earth, which seems to be documentary, but it feels like it is from the category of fantasy. Only if large ships for deep space flights appear on earth in the near future, I wonder how much tickets for them will cost!

Pavel Vinogradov

Aliens .. Humannoids .. How many films have we watched with aliens. I think everyone has already lost count of this and are generally confused whether there is someone in the universe or not. But in my opinion this is all fiction, but it already seems to me that only in this world I do not believe in aliens, and everyone is just waiting for them to come to conquer us.

Artem Makeev

I think that this project of the Secret Territories of the author Prokopenko is more of a television hypothesis than indisputable facts. This should not be forgotten. But at the same time, this project touches upon many mysteries of mankind, and we understand that they do not cease to be riddles because of this! I wish you pleasant viewing and positive emotions for those interested in such films! It's great that the issues are the freshest, because the newest is always interesting to see!


This is the already well-known project of the Ren-TV channel from the TV presenter Prokopenko. The author examines various spheres of modern life in their unknown perspective. Many rare and little-known facts are provided in this project! The best and latest releases are presented here. Recent issues are increasingly devoted to apocalyptic themes. Is the end of the world coming soon? what to expect from the future? what will humanity be like in this century? ..


A rather mysterious project ... many of the topics considered by the host and author Prokopenko are undoubtedly controversial and difficult to understand. The author offers the viewer a new version, a new look ... Anyone who is interested in the riddles of history and the future of our planet, questions of mysticism, will certainly receive the product that interests him! As far as I understand, the project will be updated with new releases! After all, there are still a lot of mysteries, and there are still topics for this project!

Denis Klyuev

Abnormal events and phenomena are always attractive. Some points are well reflected in the program. I especially liked about the fogs. I recommend to everyone for viewing. The authors have chosen good stories. Special thanks to the creators of the site for such a selection for those who like to know everything and not watch the chewing gum that is shown on TV.

Love dokfilm

Cognitive program, intriguing questions are revealed. A transfer for such a rest with the intellect, and for such a thing to think about the mass. This channel, in my opinion, has gathered professionals. The best working film crew is involved here, impeccable shots that convey not just an illustration, but an integral atmosphere of the action. In essence, everything is amazing around us, and it's great that there are those who have every chance to demonstrate this to us.

Valentina Kolesnikova

An excellent popular science program. Here information is transmitted in the best, simple and understandable way. A convincing and confident voice-over, colorful footage and addictive animation and historical facts, as well as the music I really like here. It seems to me that this is the best option for showing children at school on the subject of "history". Everything is simple and clear. You will not need to read anything 100 times, but just look, spend time with pleasure, and even want to look further, although ... reading is also useful)))

Alexandra Grebenyuk

I have always been interested in stories about mysticism. There are still so many unknown and inexplicable things in the world. There are so many well-known mystical facts, and scientists have not yet found the answer to them. Igor Prokopenko examines each phenomenon in great detail, compares all the facts, evidence and eyewitness accounts. And the viewer allows the final conclusions and the search for the correct answer. I personally liked the story about ancient Atlantis with its many secrets the most.


It is very interesting to watch such materials, better than to read) It always seemed to me that China could not build such a wall! since China now copies everything from everyone and produces under the name of other companies that are in other countries, it is not difficult to think that they copied everything before and passed off everything as their own - the Chinese have always shown their greatness and of course, who wants to be considered as nobody just , since they copy everything and everyone, and therefore everyone from whom they copied and who did something, they could destroy such people, so that no one even knew that they thought that it was the Chinese themselves who did and are doing everything. It's just that now everyone knows that the Chinese copy everything at the milestones, they don't actually create anything of their own - even if they did everything with high quality, otherwise their negligence sometimes gets bored, especially when it comes to products ...


Description of some issues " Sernt territories"

In search of Shambhala
Documentary film Secret Territories. The search for Shambhala begins with the events that took place in Tibet in the mid-30s of the past century. Then the Nazis sought to find evidence proving the existence of high priests, whom they considered their blood ancestors. The idea of ​​high priests was assigned a special role - it was to become the basis of the new Germanic religion. According to her, only true Aryans could rule the world.

Parallel Worlds. Zone X
Film Secret Territories. Parallel Worlds. Zone X tells us about the events that took place in England in 2009. That day, an ordinary twelve-year-old girl, Elizabeth Tweiter, was returning home from another bike ride. At the exit of the park, the child encountered an invisible obstacle, which caused the feeling of being surrounded by an invisible wall. Elizabeth desperately tried to escape from a trap that had arisen from nowhere, but all her efforts were in vain - people passing by did not hear cries for help and did not notice the girl.

Guests from parallel worlds
Many of us attribute ghosts, ghosts and phantoms to creatures living in parallel worlds. It is worth noting that many modern scientists adhere to the theory of the multidimensionality of the Universe, according to which several civilizations can simultaneously exist on our planet. Thus, each of us can enter this or that world ...


The author of a fascinating project Secret territories: Tunnels of Time Igor Prokopenko tries to understand how true is the statement that a person is able to control time. Are there really so-called “corridors” between epochs and dimensions, through which you can find yourself in your world ...

Vergun Tatiana

Very exciting, sometimes creepy, but incredibly interesting. Everything secret and incomprehensible always attracts to itself, because it kind of throws a challenge to a person - a being who recognizes himself as the most intelligent creature on planet Earth, that not all things we can know and understand. So the journalists are trying to get to the bottom of these mysterious phenomena.

Transfer of Secret Territories. Parallel Worlds. Zone X tells us about the events that took place in England in 2009. That day, an ordinary twelve-year-old girl, Elizabeth Tweiter, was returning home from another bike ride. At the exit of the park, the child encountered an invisible obstacle, which caused the feeling of being surrounded by an invisible wall. Elizabeth desperately tried to escape from a trap that had arisen from nowhere, but all her efforts were in vain - people passing by did not hear cries for help and did not notice the girl.

A few hours later, the transparent wall disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared, thanks to which the girl was able to successfully return home. Scientists say that the child ended up in a parallel world. Thus, today, like many years ago, people do not cease to encounter inexplicable natural phenomena on their way of life. Fireballs, mysterious glow, crop circles - all this is still relevant today.


In the documentary Secret territories... Astronomers of Ancient Worlds (2014) is a Slavic legend about the creation of the world. In the text of this creation, historians have established a strange feature - events and facts that became known to mankind only in the middle of the last century are described here.

The translation of the Slavic legend into modern language made a real sensation. Ancient authors tell us that life on Earth began with a universal explosion that led to the emergence of stars and planets. Our monastery, which until this moment was deserted, acquired mountains and oceans as a result of a large-scale natural disaster. Over time, life arose on planet Earth.

Scientists who are studying ancient Slavic manuscripts insist that the Slavs' ideas about time, the world and even space were much deeper than the information that modern scientists have at their disposal. If you believe one of the Slavic manuscripts, then we do not live in 2014, but in 604389. Thus, time appeared long before the coming of Jesus Christ into this world. The chronicle also tells that the Slavs have been reckoning since the appearance of the three Suns, but it is not known exactly when this happened today.

Documentary Igor Prokopenko Secret territories. The lost gift of ancestors tells about Chinese medicine, unique calendars, the Sumerian chronicle and much more. All the achievements of ancient civilizations described here have not been surpassed until now. Many scientists believe that the emergence of this kind of evolutionary leaps was due to outside help.