Game about winter holidays and customs. Russian folk holidays. I. Organizational moment

Rod - One of the favorite holidays of the Russian people and in Orthodox Russia, and in modern Russia. Winter began with him

the shints (two-week period from Christmas to baptism, in the middle of which the new year was celebrated). Christmas on time coincided with the winter sun, when, according to the observations of our distant ancestors, began to gradually increase the light day. December 25 in antiquity celebrated the birthday of the Sun, which foreshadowed the spring revival of nature. Catholic and Protestant churches So far, the Christmas is celebrated on this day, and in Russia in 1918 he was postponed on January 7th.

The 40-day Christmas (Filippovsky) post was usually ended with the Christmas Christmas Eve, during which, with the appearance of the first star in the sky, a festive meal began.

From the morning of the Christmas day in Orthodox Russia, it was accepted by a rank (from the word "striding"). The exact meaning and origin of the word "strolle" is not yet installed. There is a suggestion that it has something common with the Roman word "calenda", which means the beginning of each month (hence the word "calendar"). Another hypothesis is reduced to the fact that the word "carriage" comes from the word "Kolo" - the circle, Kollet and means the end of the Solar Circle, its "turn" for the summer ("Sun - for the summer, winter - on the frost," says the Russian proverb ). The collage was also called one of the ancient-Slavic solar deities.

Colladed most often children and young people, less often adults. Driving from the house to the house with a star, symbolizing the Bethlehem star, as well as the singing of the carol (ancient congratulatory songs in honor of the strides), Christmas hymns, famous Christ, are the most important elements of the holiday. According to the Gospel, the Bethlehem Star led Magi to the cave, where Jesus was born. During the festive circumference of the courtyards, the rounders praised the owners, their children and the house.

For example:

Robbed a wheelchade

On the eve of Christmas

For the river, for fast.

As I was looking for Kolyada

Survae of the yard.

Found Kolyada

Survae of the yard!

Sovereign yard

Not small, not great

On ten pillars,

On seven winds.

The owners were granted ones, invited them to the house, treated. The Kolyada himself - the Version Slavic mythological character - is mentioned in most Christmas congratulatory folk songs.

The shints were celebrated from December 25 (January 7) until January 6 (January 19). The first six days was called "Saints Evening", the second six - "terrible evenings." In the ancient Slavs, for this period, there were holidays related to the cult of nature, its revival, turning the sun to the spring and an increase in the duration of the daylight. This explains many conditionally symbolic actions that have come down to us from pagan times. Religious magic rites aimed at care for the future crop, spells about the range of livestock symbolized the beginning of training for the spring, to a new cycle of agricultural work.

This caused the content of many carols, invariably involving the wishes of good harvest and well-being. In the middle of the shin, December 31 (January 13), i.e. On the eve of the new year, Vasilyev was celebrated (or as he was also called the "generous evening"). Again, children and young people went home with congratulations and songs-carols. Each participant of the rite had its favorite car bead, which he sang the owner of the house and members of his family.

In the New Year's rituality, the abundance of motifs associated with the domestic and summer peasant works is striking, although it would seem, to these works are still far away (in the collective songs, the hardworking owner, praised by the ranks, "walks around the courtyard", "collects a good harvest", and "Cattle grazes in the meadow). This is explained by the fact that the initial basis of the winter New Year's customs was the so-called "Magic of the first day": the peasants believed that everything that was happening on the first day of the new birth of the Sun would spread for the next days, weeks, months and year as a whole.

Gifting during the collage was not just a fee, but a peculiar magical act, designed, like the whole rite, to ensure the success of the family in the coming year. Chants received a special ritual food: curly cookies depicting pets ("Kozulki", "cows"), as well as pies, cheesecakes, etc. And until the XX century, the ancient meaning of this gifting was preserved in the consciousness of the peasants. It was believed that if the hostess would not give the quarrellies, then the crust in its farm in the coming year will be empty. This belief was reflected in the texts of the carol.

For example:

On the stove there is a cake,

You do not dir. do not break

Better all give!

Who will give a cake,

That is full of cattle yard,

Ninety bulls

Conference Cows.

And you do not give a cake,

We are a bull for the horns ...

With the magic of the first day, numerous fortune tells were associated with which people tried to guess their fate in the new year. Most of the fortunes committed in the second half of the shin. In the people, these evenings were called "scary", as it existed believing that all the unclean power resists the resurrecting sun and is going together to resist this. Any fortune-telling, according to people's beliefs, is impossible without the help of witches, devils, werewolves and other representatives of unclean power.

Within two weeks, the entire population was going to festive parties - the so-called gatherings and players, on which dance and dance songs, chastushki, organized all sorts of games, played scenes; It came here omens.

Lucky was one of the favorite entertainment of young people. Once there was a magical meaning, but over time it turned into entertainment.

Completes the Winter Christian Holiday Winter - Epiphany, On the eve of which the Epiphany Christmas Eve was celebrated, the last day of the barking festivities. Epiphany - from the twelve major (two-month) Christian holidays. It is based on the gospel legend of the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River by John the Baptist.

On the eve of the baptism of the girl gadal. At the same time, the so-called lay-up songs often sounded, which were removed from the vessel with water, belonging to a particular participant in divination. The words of the song, who performed at the same time, had to predict certain events in the life of the girl.

In Russia, the celebration of baptism was accompanied by rites associated with faith in the life-giving power of water. The main event of the holiday is the Water Engineering - the rite of great sanctification of water. It was held not only in Orthodox churches, but also in the corpus. The ice was done in the form of a cross, which according to tradition is called Jordan. It is sent after the church service headed by the priest's procession. Consecration of water, a solemn procession near Jordan, filling of vessels of holy water - the constituent elements of this ritual.

According to custom, the brightness was arranged in the people of brides: elegant girls stood near Jordan and the guys with their mother's brides looked after themselves.

On this day, the Russian people carefully followed the weather. It was noticed that if snowing during walking on the water, then the next year there will be a chopboard.

One of the favorite holidays of the Russian people was maslenitsa - The Holiday festival, marking farewell from the winter and a meeting of spring, in which the features of agrarian and family-kind crops are strongly expressed. For carnival, many conditionally symbolic actions are characterized associated with the expectation of the future harvest and livestock.

A number of ritual moments shows that the passenger festivities were associated with appeals to the Sun, "going for the summer". The whole range of the holiday, his plot and attributes were called upon to help the Sun win over the winter - the season of the cold, the darkness and temporary death of nature. Hence the special meaning of solar signs during the holiday: the image of the sun in the form of a riding burning wheel, pancakes, horse riding in a circle. All ritual actions are aimed at helping the Sun in its fight against cold and winter: primitive people would not believe that the sun would certainly make his circle, he had to help. "Help" of a person was expressed in seven magic - a circle or circular movement.

Mandatory pancakes for Maslenitsa not only symbolize the emerging sun, but are an ancient ritual memorial food of all Eastern Slavs. With the cult of ancestors is associated with the custom of leaving the first baked pancakes behind the window so that the birds will be laid out.

In some places, the first pancake was given to the poor, so that they remember the departed.

In many families, the pancakes began a stove from Monday. On the eve of the evening, when the stars appeared, the eldest woman in his family slowly went to the river, lake or to the well and called for a month look out the window and pour on the pione.

This affected the texts of some so-called passenger songs:

Month, you, month,

Gold your horns!

Look in the window,

Side on Para!

Each hostess had his recipe for preparing pancakes and kept him secret from the neighbors. Typically, pancakes were baked from buckwheat or wheat flour, large, in full swing or with a tea saucer, thin and lungs. These served sour cream, eggs, caviar, etc.

Maslenitsa is the most cheerful, rampant holiday, expected by all with great impatience. Maslenitsa was called honest, wide, cheerful. Majsed her and launching Maslenitsa, Mrs. Carnival.

From Saturday, the day before the holiday began to celebrate "Small Maslenka". On this day, children with special excitement rode from the mountains. There was a sign: who will ride further, the family in the family rushes longer. Last Sunday, in front of Maslenitsa, it was customary to apply visits to relatives, friends, neighbors and invite everyone to visit the carnival.

The passenger week was literally overflowing with festive affairs. Rit and theatrical acts, traditional games and fun to refilled all days. In many areas of Russia, it was decided to make the stuffed carnival from straw, dress it in a female dress and carry along the streets. Then it was stuffed somewhere in a prominent place: here mainly and passed carnival entertainment.

Atmosphere of universal joy and fun reigned on Carnival. Every day of the holiday had its own name, each was fixed for certain actions, rules of behavior, customs, etc.

The first day - Monday - was called "Maslenitsa Meeting". She was waiting for and met as a living being. Children in the morning went outside to build snow mountains. At the same time, they were due to the patter: "called, called an honest seven widespread carnival to his visit to the courtyard. Soul, you are mine, carnival, quail bones, paper TV, sugar you mouth, sweet your speech! Come to visit me on a wide courtyard on the mountains to ride, in the pancakes to be sanging, the heart is trembled, "" I am, my carnival, a red beauty, a blond braza, thirty brothers sister, forty grandmother grandchildren. Come to me in a speech house with a speech to enjoy, hang out the soul, to have a breath! ".

The meeting of Maslenitsa Russian people began with a visit to relatives, in the morning, the father-in-law with mother-in-law seen daughter-in-law on the day to his father with her mother, and in the evening they themselves came to the guests. Here, behind the circular bowl, we enjoyed how and where to spend time. Someone to visit when riding the streets on the top three.

By the first day of the carnival, public mountains were arranged, swing, hanging and round, bolages for crochets. Do not go to the mountains, do not ride a swing, do not sweat over grinders, do not have fun in the old days only one thing - to be sick, weak, live in bitter misfortune.

On the days of the holiday, the mother-in-law was obliged to teach his daughter-in-law pancakes, because the newlyweds meet with their family the first carnival. If there is no mother-in-law, then the mother-in-law comes to the son-in-law and teaches the bake pancakes his daughter. In the old days, son-in-law and daughter were to personally invite her to "teach the mind-mind," this invitation was considered our ancestors with great honor, all neighbors and relatives said about him. The name of the mother-in-law was obliged to send everything necessary for baking pancakes from the evening: Tagan, frying pan, airship and a tub, in which the dough was put. The father-in-law sent a bag of buckwheat or millet flour and cow oil. The disregard of the son-in-law to these customs was considered a big offense.

The second day of the holiday is Tuesday - called "ramps". Girls and wellmen were invited to the rayes to visit the guests on the mountains, to eat pancakes. To this day, the brothers sat down the mountains for the sisters among the courtyard. Parents sent "Zvatok" to their relatives and friends to invite their daughters and sons with the words: "We have mountains ready and bakes are baked - we ask you to complain." Messengers met with honor and greetings, treated wine and pancakes and retired: "Blank the owner and hostess with children, with all the households."

The third day of Maslenitsa - Wednesday - was called "Landek". On this day, the mother-in-law invited their inventions to pancakes. The mocking Russian people composed about the caring mother-in-law a few songs ("as a mother-in-law about the son-in-law of the pancakes", "like a mother-in-law hurts," "how the son-in-law is tired, Tesha" Thank you "said"), who in the evening only idle guys This is playing all what he saw in these songs.

"Wide" Thursday is the culmination of the holiday, his "rampant", a fracture. On this day, riding, through the streets, carnival rites and passed fist fights. For skating, whole trains were compiled. They chose huge sleighs, put in the middle of the pillar, tied the wheel on the pillar. For these sleighs stretched the train with singing and playing. In some places, in some places, a tree decorated with flaps and puments. The honest carnival was sitting nearby, accompanied by jesters and songwriters.

Fist fights began in the morning and ended in the evening. At first they were fighting "Self for himself", i.e. One on one, and then "wall on the wall."

Friday - "Teschins of the evening": a holiday still boils, but already begins to move towards its completion

On this day, the son-in-law treated their mother-in-law pancakes. In the old days, the son-in-law was obliged to invite mother-in-afternoon on the eve of the evening, and then, in the morning, send elegant messengers for her. The larger, the mother more "turned out to be honors. Usually these duties were performed by a friend or matchmakers and gifts received for their troubles on both sides.

Saturday - "Castle Sowing". On this day, young daughter-in-law invited her relatives to himself. If her sinks were still in the girls, the daughter-in-law summoned her girlfriends-maiden; If they were married, then all married relatives were invited with the whole train, while the newlywed daughter-in-law was obliged to bestow their sinks with gifts.

In many provinces on Saturday, children built on rivers, ponds, fields of a snow town with towers and gates. Then they shared in half: some guarded the town, others had to take him and destroy him with the fight. In this game, adults took part. After taking the town, universal fun began, then everyone was diverged with the songs.

The last day of Maslenitsa - Sunday - called "Wires", "Coroller", "Forgiveness Sunday".

Forgiveness Sunday marks 50 days before Easter. For a forgiven day, it is customary to repent in the holiday performed on the days of the holiday (and not only these days) of the sake of interest and ask for each other forgiveness for causing free or involuntary insults. In this, the special Christian meaning of the prosthetic sympathy: before the great 48-day post, each person should be cleaned and forgiven by all people and must forgive everyone close.

Forgiveness asked for alive, and the dead: in the morning everything went to the cemetery and remembered the parents. On the way back, they went to church, asked for forgiveness and reserving sins from (priests.

Newlyweds went to their native to give the tests from the mother-in-law, mother-in-law with mother-in-law, woven and friendships for wedding gifts. Everyone asked for forgiveness from all relatives and acquaintances. At the same time, people spoke each other: "Forgive me, perhaps, I will be to blame for you," after which I followed a low bow and kiss.

There was another ritual custom - the burning of the stuffed carnival. In forgiveness, Sunday, youth exported the scarecrow to Maslenitsa in a rye field with the song "Full, winter, wintering." Saying goodbye to Carnival, sang:

Maslenitsa, cheater,

Deceived, spent

Before the post brought

Herself died.

Carnival, spitting,

In the new year, show.

Maslenitsa, farewell

For that year come!

Finally, the carnival was set on fire with straw beams, throwing them up or spreading along the field. The magical meaning of such a rite has the origins in ancient beliefs, the fire has always been cleared and worried. Now the fire called on to melt snow, bring the spring to bring.

Thus, in this last winter holiday, we discover the mixture of ceremonies of pagan and Christian. The image of the carnival in the form of a straw stuffed (or a wooden idiot), bundling games, burning stuffed or throwing it into water belongs to the pagan rites, meanwhile as the requests of everyone about forgiveness on the eve of the Great Post, "Farewell to the dead" in the cemetery personifies Christian ideas. Some researchers consider the burnt rite stuffed by a symbol of the eternal celebration of Christianity over paganism.

Spring holidays

The arrival of spring in the folk consciousness was associated with the awakening of nature after the winter sleep and in general with the revival of life. March 22, on the day of the spring equinox and the start of astronomical spring, Soroki celebrated in Russia. There was a belief that it was on this day for forty birds, forty-pi bugs return to their homeland and forty begins to vite the nest. The hostess to this day were baked from the test of spring birds - the larks. Throwing up their up, the children sang the shafts - short clock songs, called ("Gukali") spring.

The arrival of spring, the arrival of birds, the appearance of the first greenery and colors always caused joy and creative rise from the people. After winter tests, hope appeared on a good spring and summer, on a rich harvest. And therefore, the people have always noted the arrival of spring with bright, beautiful rites and holidays. Spring impatiently waited. When she delays, the girls climbed onto the hillocks and sang the spring:

Bless, Mati,

Sprinky spring

Sprinky spring

Winter Warming!

Finally, she came, long-awaited. She was met by songs, rounds. April 7, the people noted the Christian holiday Annunciation. On this day, each Orthodox considered a sin to engage in some business. The Russian people existed belief that this custom somehow broke the cuckoo, trying to multiple the nest, and was punished for it: now she can never have a native nest and forced to throw her eggs in other people.

Annunciation is a Christian holiday - refers to the number of the two-month. It is based on the evangelical tradition about how Archangel Gabriel brought the Virgin Mary good news about the upcoming birth of her Divine Baby Jesus Christ.

The Christian religion emphasizes that this day is the beginning of the mysterious communication of God and man. Hence the special significance of the holiday for believers.

The celebration of the Annunciation coincides with the beginning of the Spring Seva: many of his rites are associated with the appeal to the Virgin Mary with prayers about a good abundant yield, warm summer, etc.

There is a belief in the people that the Virgin on this day falls all the Earth's copies from heavenly height.

The main Christian holiday is Easter -"Holiday holiday." He is celebrated by the Christian Church in honor of the resurrection of the crucified on the Cross of Jesus Christ.

Easter refers to the so-called moving holidays. The date of his celebration is constantly changing and depends on the lunar calendar. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon that followed the day of the spring equinox. To determine the day of the Easter celebration, special tables are drawn up - Easter, Easter roots goes back to the distant past. Initially, it was a spring holiday of cattle breeding, and then agricultural tribes.

Easter precedes semino-great post his last week is called passionate and devoted to memories of passions (suffering) of Christ. In the old days across Russia, there was a preparation for the meeting of Easter: removed, soaps, cleaned dwellings, baked cakes, painted eggs, preparing for a big celebration.

Thursday in the passing week is called the great Thursday. On this day, church services are dedicated to the memories of the secret evening. The night of Great Saturday was usually a great spectacle everywhere, where the Orthodox churches were: a procession began under the sounds of an induction (special type of bell tongues). In Moscow, solemn worship service in the Easter night took place in the Assumption Cathedral in the presence of the king.

On Saturday day it is supposed to be shy in the Temple of Culich and Easter. Culich is an Easter baked bread, baked with the addition of sweets, apples and berries. Easter is a ritual food that is kneaded on cottage cheese, sugar, eggs, raisons, oil. If Kulich is circular, then Easter has a four-step shape, symbolizing the grade of the Lord. And on the walls of the form, patterns and letters, symbolizing the feast of the resurrection, were highlighted. Consecration cake, the hostess rather went home. There was a belief that bread will also grow as quickly as the hostess returns home. Slices of slices have never thrown away, dried and carefully stored.

At Easter "The Sun plays." His pure beneficial rays carry us purification, joy. That's why in the old days went out at noon all the villages to look like "The Sun plays", asking him about the good harvest, good health

The people have many customers and rites associated with the celebration of Easter. At Easter, everyone goes to visit each other, they are Christ, wish the owners of happiness and prosperity, give each other painted eggs and herbs.

Festive walking begins with a light Sunday, who used to continue the whole of the bright week for Easter to everyone who wisp most of the people would be allowed to climb the bell tower and call the bell. Therefore, this day is always filled with solemn blade of bells.

With a bright week, the first spring dances, games and a walking on the free air begins. There is a preparation for the weddings that cope with the red hill.

The Russian people always relate to their ancestors respectfully, deified them. One of these days to commemorate people who left the life of people Raduitsa. Easter week passed, and Tuesday next was noted as a memorial day. Culichi, painted eggs took with them the cemetery.

According to the popular belief, the souls of our ancestors in these days of spring ascend over the ground and invisibly concern the treats that we bring to please. Memories of relatives, about loved ones, to know your own, care, so that the souls of the ancestors are not despite, and symbolizes the Radunitsa - spring commemoration. The word "Radi" itself concludes the meaning of the trouble, effort from the whole soul. Rada is and stubborn, take care. The people believed that, having arrange the spring commemoration, we enjoy the soul of the ancestors, and the overseas, care about them.

The height of spring festive festivities falls on Red hill. Red hill begins with a foma of Sunday. This is one of the folk holidays of the Red Spring; in this day, our ancestors met the spring, went with songs along the streets, drove round dances, played, sang the spring. A red hill were crowned on the red hill, weddings played.

The name of the holiday is due to the fact that the sun begins to shine brighter, staining the hillocks flashed from snow in a reddish color. Mountains and hillocks have always been revered by the ancient Slavs, endowed with magical properties: mountains, by legend, the cradle of mankind, the abode of the gods. In the mountains have long been buried the dead. Hence the custom after dinner on this day to go to the cemetery: to remember the departed, put in order and decorate the grave colors.

Holidays began with the sunrise when young people went on the hill or hill lit down on the sun. Under the leadership of the choir holding a round bread in one hand and a red egg in another, drove away dances and welcomed the spring. The grooms and the brides walked in the festive outfits, looking after each other.

The celebration of the Red Gorka was accompanied by different rites, among which brilliant rites can be distinguished. Young people gathered in Fomino Sunday after lunch and crowd went home, in which weddings were played on the eve. She was treated, gifted eggs, pie and herbs. After that, the young men and the girls again drove away dances, choosing a beautiful girl from their environments, symbolizing the spring. She was decorated with greens, flowers, dressed a wreath of live flowers on his head. Horics, binders, wreaths symbolized the return of the Sun, a new circle in life and in nature.

The sun shone everything brighter, the earth was covered with magnificent green vegetation, and on Thursday on the seventh week after Easter in Russia there was a holiday Sevent (Hence the name and its name). Semitsky rites take their origin in the pagan beliefs of the ancient Slavs, which revered the nature and spirits of vegetation. Before this day, the custom was preserved to decorate the dwelling of fresh greens and fragile herbs, branches and young birch trees, etc.

The semit banned the end of spring and the beginning of the summer. The foundation of the holiday is based on the cult of vegetation. The other name of the semic is preserved - green shints. They coped in groves, forests, on the banks of the rivers, where the youth to deep night sang, danced, wreath, curled birch, etc.

A cheerful crowd was often heading for the river to throw wreaths: the girl whose wreath is the first to get to the shore, the first will marry, if the wreath twists in one place, his owner is destined to see another year to sit "in girls."

These predictions served for fun, relaxing, jokes and fun. At the same time, they gave the ground to think about their fate. Old women were explained to young girls, which means different positions of wreaths, were taught to read on them, how fate begins, thereby pushing to the adoption of certain decisions.

Curvy of birch is a rite who came from distant antiquity. The girls believed that they were so binding themselves tightly firmly with a loved guy. I also walked about the future or wished soon recovery to our loved ones. It was believed that birch branches these days had a big healing force. The healing was considered an infusion of birch leaves. Birch branches defeated our ancestors from unclean spirits. Until now, in the corners of the houses, the peasants stick to the branches of Seminitsk birch, so that purity and healing spirit are transmitted to the walls.

It was Semitic Thursday that was the day when predicted to be. (If the curled birch branches did not fade to the Trinity, this meant that the conceived would necessarily come true).

Russian people master the seed honest, like Maslenitsa, read by one of the three main summer holidays, which confirm the words of the old "Trinity" songs:

As we have three holidays in the year:

The first holiday is an honest semit

Another holiday - Troitsyn day,

And the third holiday is a swimsuit.

N.P. Stepanov in his book "People's Holidays on Saint Rus" recalls the famous commander A.V. Suvorov, "That, despite all his greatness, in a semit collected guests with whom she had dined in a birch grove under curly green birch trees, sent multicolored ribbons, with singing of folk songs. After lunch, he played in dances not only with girls, but also with soldiers, played in the burner, running, like a young man "2.

On Sunday, after a semicline in Russia, there was everywhere Trinity or Pentecost.

2 Stepanov N.P. Folk holidays on Saint Rus. - M., 1992.-s. 52-53.

All Slavs Saturday on the eve of the Trinity - the traditional day of remembering the dead (in the Orthodox calendar he is called the "Parent Saturday"): On this day, it is customary to visit the cemetery, ordering prayers, burn the remembered fires. Sometimes boys and girls water dance around the "Saturday hobs". In these games, the ritual of cleansing with fire, closely associated with the cults of the earth and ancestors, is guessed in ancient times. Thus, the memory of the left and joyful meeting of spring shoots, a festive anthem of the Kormilice-Earth and everything that lives and growing on it was connected in ancient rolly.

The Trinity is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, hence its second name.

The Christian meaning of the holiday of the Trinity is based on the biblical legend of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles on the 50th day after the resurrection of Christ, after which they began to understand all languages. In the Christian religion, this is interpreted as the wish of Christ to carry his teaching to all the peoples of land in all languages.

The first day of Pentecost, the Sunday, the Church devotes to honoring the Blessed Trinity. This day in the people is called Tritizn Day; The next day, Monday, is dedicated to the spirit of the Most Holy, which is why he is called the perfume. These days in the temples are committed solemn worship services.

On holiday Trinity, it is customary to decorate the temples and dwellings with branches and flowers and to stand in the service with flowers.

In Russia, the Trinity has absorbed those customs and rites that are characteristic of the feast of a semit. Since ancient times, the Trinity was concomprised by curling wreaths, fortune telling, boating, etc.

The Russian birch began the symbol of the holiday. Dress up a birch, climb and curl wreaths, decorate the windows of houses with fresh birch branches, collecting medicinal herbs these days - all these customs originate in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs.

The Trinity Holiday notes the whole Christian world. And almost everywhere it is not only a church, but also a nationwide holiday. In the trinity of the ritigation, antique customs are traced everywhere, associated with the celebration of the heyday of nature, coming to the ground of heat and light. Rituals are performed, the main goal of which is to provide future harvest, health, well-being of all people, good rack of livestock, etc.

On this day, festive processions, dancing and dance, rites of blessing of people, fields, greenery and grass are arranged. Very common on the trinity of rites associated with water. Joking dumping of each other's water - echoes of the magic ritual of rain causing. Also popular boats decorated with greens and flowers, as well as pilgrimage to holy sources. The custom of the consecration of water is known for a long time, while the Troitskaya water is also attributed to the power and healing properties (sowing crop, irrigate the gardens, providing future harvest.)

Semis and Trinity - Holidays with dancing, noisy cheerful marchs, with the choice of Trinity Bride, etc. The Trinity Bride at the head of the festive procession commits a crowding of a village or city, sometimes participates in the rite of sanctification of fields and sources.

Ivan Kupala - The next large summer folk holiday. The Kupalskaya Week who noted among the ancient Slavs coincided on time with the day of summer solstice. The holiday was dedicated to the Sun and was associated with the ancient cults of Slavs - a cult of fire and water. On this day, the traditions were bonforad, bathed in warmer rivers, poured into each other with water.

After the adoption of Christianity in Russia on this day (June 24), the feast of the Christmas of John the Baptist (John the Forerunner) was celebrated, which, according to legend, baptized Jesus Christ. Due to the fact that the celebration of the Kupalskaya week coincided with this church holiday, the people approved his new name "Holiday Ivan Kupala".

The healing plants, which, according to legend, are performed by special medicinal strength, are also collected on Ivan Karapa. The meaning of the word "Kupala" is interpreted in different ways. Some researchers consider it derivatives from the word "buy" (cumulative, joint, connected). Others explain its origin from the word "kupa" (pile, kip). In some regions of Russia, the focus as a place in which the fire is burned is called a "bathing".

In the Old Slavic mythology, it was considered the deity of earthly fruit. Before collecting bread crops, he was sacrificed. At the same time, I caught - the deity is angry, hot, boiling by anger, rage, it serves as a symbol of fire. On popular belief, the sun on this day leaves three horses: silver, gold and diamond; It is having fun and scattered fire arrows across the sky. The people believe that the Sun "plays" five times a year: for Christmas, to baptism, for the Annunciation, Easter and on the day of Ivan Kupa. At the same time, on the sound, the word "buy" coincides with the word "bathe", immerse into the water. It is not by chance that the ritual bathing, druising with water - the indispensable attributes of the holiday. On this day, at the dawn it was customary to swim in the river, wash the dew - the magical, healing force was attributed to such actions.

From the summer holidays Day Ivan Kupala - the most cheerful and cheerful; It was attended by all the population, and the tradition required the active inclusion of each in all rites, mandatory compliance with customs.

The signs related to this holiday have reached this day: "Rosa to Ivan - to the crop of cucumbers," "On Ivanov at night, there will be a lot of mushrooms," if there will be a thunderstorm in Ivanov, then the nuts will eat little and they will be empty " .

Ivanovo rains caused the farmel at the same time and joy, and anxious: they are very necessary for bread and are already dangerous for the grass in front of the hay.

On the eve of Ivan the Kupala Peasanticians necessarily soaphed by the well or on the River "Svalers" - risks, in which they prepare the dough for baking bread.

One of the fairly common bath rituals is poured by water of all oncoming and transverse. Rustic guys dress up in old underwear and are sent with buckets and jugs on the river, where they fill them with water, go around the village, pouring everyone, making an exception only for old men and youngsters. But everything is more willing, of course, pour girls. In turn, and girls try to take revenge on the guys and are also running to the water river. The case is erected by the fact that the youth, swelling to the thread, gruba rushes to swim on the river.

The main feature of the Cupal Night is cleansing fires. Having obtained friction from the tree "Live Fire", bonfires were lit up under singing of special bathing songs, which are of symbolic meaning. In the fire tied the Beresto, so that burned fun and brighter. The guys and girls in the festive outfits were gathered usually at the fire, where they drove away the dances, and, holding hands, pairly jumped through these bonfires, thinking that it would save them from all angry, diseases, grief. Judging by the successful or awkward jump, predicted the coming happiness or misfortune, early or later marriage. "The fire clears from every bad flesh and spirit from all," he wrote one of the ethnographers of the XIX century, and the whole Russian village jumps on Ivan Ivan. " People's belief reads: who will jump above through the Kupali bonfire, and the ear of the bread is crushed above. Through the Kupali fire ran the home cattle to protect her from Mora. In the cotton bonfires of the mother burned the old, filmed with sorts of children, so that the diseases themselves are burned along with them.

Young people, teenagers, kids, slipping through the fires, organized noisy funny games. Be sure to play in the burner. Participants arranged in pairs with each other and sang the choir:

Gori, Gori clearly, not to go out.

Look at the sky - Motchka fly,

The bells are ringing:

Ding-Don, Ding-Don,

- Matchily out!

With the last words, the first pair, without spreading the hands, fled forward, and the leading tried to catch up with them. During the game, various polishers were performed, in each terrain their own, for example:

Stand, burn in place

Burn, do not burn,

On the sides of the eyes

Smaller shoot

And look at the sky,

There crawled

And we took the legs!

Drubacchi go there

Yes eating Kalachi.

- once, two, not rave

And run like fire.

According to the beliefs of the peasants, in Kupalskaya, the shortest night in a year, which is considered "terrible night," you can not sleep, because it comes to life and becomes especially active any evil (witches, wheels, mermaids, snakes, etc.)

Numerous customs and signs belonging to the plant world, who found their expression in Russian proverbs and sayings, are associated with the day of Ivan Kupala. ("Ivan Kupala - good herbs", Ivanov the day came the grass to collect went "). Part of the herbs and colors are collected during the day, part at night, and some in the morning dew. When girls tear herbs, then they sentence "Mother Land, bless me brother's grass."

Herbs and flowers collected on Ivanov's Day dried and catering, considering them very healing compared to those that are collected at another time. They emphasize the patients, fighting with evil spirits, they are thrown into a flooded oven during a thunderstorm to protect the house from the lightning strike, and also apply for the "incitement" of love or for "peacious".

On the day of Ivan's juggles, the girls curl wreaths of herbs, in the evening they let them on the water, watching how and where they walitate. Mature women, at the same time, help to interpret those or other wreath positions, thus pushing girls to accept one or another solution.

The main character of the holiday was a flower of a party. According to legend, this fiery flower appears only on the night of Ivan Kupala. The one who can find the Flower of the Fathers and disrupt him, will become the ruler of the forest, will rule the paths in the forest, to own the treasures underground, his most beautiful girls will love him, etc. The main ritual elements of this day are immersion in water, traditional bathing, fire inciting ("bathing"), joint (secondary) meal. Cooking in huge boilers of the woven porridge also had a symbolic meaning. Joint ritual meal symbolized the unity of people, an abundance, wealth, fertility of land, etc. On this day, the baths were treated, mounted on the floor grass and flowers. Paved brooms from Bogorodskaya grass, fern, chamomile, Ivan-da Maryi, the buttercups, wormwood, mint and other herbs to cast out bodily uncleanness.

Swimming in rivers, reckless fun, flushing with themselves Tosquito, diseases, the evil eye - all this was sheavenly an ancient paganism, custom of worshiping fire and water.

Most of the vintage rites have been preserved only partially. Therefore, value is what else survived. And we need to keep it for the people the past.

Next big summer holiday - Ilyin Day,the celebrated July 20 Art. (August 2, N.St.) in honor of the Ilya-prophet, one of the specially revered Christian saints. Ilyin Day served as a guideline for seasonal agricultural work, the end of the Senokos and the beginning of the harvest is connected with it. It is these household moments that did Ilyin day a significant celebration for the peasants. At the folk calendar, until the beginning of the 20th century, this day was symbolized by the image of the wheel. The wheel with six spokes as a guard from the thunderstorm was common with both Russians and Belarusians and Ukrainians. Such signs in the XIX century were often cut on the panels (skates of the History).

A sign in the form of a hexagon wheel occurs in the clay calendar of the IV century, and therefore long before the introduction of the official cult of Perun. It is quite clear why the day of reverence of this powerful deity and all its subsequent transformations fell on July 20. By this time, the summer approached their hot and the thunderstorm period. Grain crops were almost ready for the harvest. But there was a strong shower, lightning or hail, so that everything died.

Therefore, rites designed to preserve and protect both the harvest and the person himself in Ilyin the day.

What was the appearance of the Ilya-Prophet in the people's representation, and what rituals are related to his day? In various genres of folklore, he protrudes in different ways. In some, mainly in ritual poetry, he is merciful: it takes care of the harvest, Skot, the health of people. This side of his appearance clearly appears in the Belarusian ritual folklore: in generous, carols, stubborn songs, as well as in conspiracies. In them, Ilya-Prophet is a submitter of all kinds of benefits and mercies. In other genres, for example, in most legendary fairy tales, in crying, stories based on believing, he acts in his terrible look of the thumb, punishing and non-compass.

Biblical legend and apocryphal legends, inscriptions on icons, and later, the loudspeakers created an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Ilya-Prophet as a "fire", "Tuchenos" thumbnail, mooring lightning. Hading thunder, people said that this Ilya-prophet travels around the sky in a fiery chariot.

... Already on the tone of the chariot of fire,

Over the prophets of the prophet, with a blow, rattling,

Our father is shown.

Under it white, brave horse,

And this horse is not simple

Pod Konia Pearl Tail

And gold-plated grive

Large pearls

In the eyes of his stone margaritis,

From the mouth of his fire-flame burns.

Ilya is considered the people of the owner of the rain. "Ilya thunderstorm holds," says the proverb. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Ilya-prophet as a rainpiece also contributed to the church legend. The church adopted folk beliefs. For a long time in Ilyin, the day and a week after him were made the goddes with prayers about the rain and a bucket. In Novgorod, the churches of Ilya wet and dry existed in Starin. In the drought, a procession was committed with plenty of rain to the first church, and with a request for dry, clear weather - to the other. In Doparerovskaya Rus in the walking towards Ilya, the kings themselves took part in the dura and wet. The churches of dry and wets were built not only in Novgorod, but also in Moscow, Pskov and other cities. Since in many areas Ilyin, the day falls on the line between the summer and autumn, many proverbs, sayings, observations noting this fact are connected with it. For example: "To Ilya, a man bathes, and with Ilya with water forgiveness."

There are many people's explanations, why you can not swim after Ilyina: From Ilyina, the water is colder than that, "Ilya throws a piece of ice" (I violated this prohibition will certainly get sick).

With Ilinyan day, they ended, on folk expression, summer "red" days and began to turn on autumn. "Prophet Ilya Summer cums - Lives heabels." The first morning cold appears, the nights are lengthened: "Before Ilya, at least teased - after Ilya in Zipun," says the proverb.

With Ilinyan day, many agricultural councils are connected and signs related to the cleaning of breads, to the upcoming winter north, ripening of vegetables ("on Ilya, cover the pot cappist so that Bela was.".)

Most Ilinsky agricultural customs and rites refers to the harvest. With Ilya, one of the most ancient agricultural rites - "curling beard", common in the past both in Russia and in many countries of Europe. The initial meaning of this rite is the provision of harvest for the next year: "So, Ilya, beard, rja, oats, barley and wheat".

One of the most vivid rites of Ilina Day - collective meals with injection of a ram or bull (rites are distributed and in many nations of Europe). He originates in pre-Christian cults and has a completely definite magical purpose - to provide a crop, fertility of cattle, well-being in the family. The charming ritual could be different, but mostly he consisted in the following. The peasants were going to all arrival to the church and drove all the cattle there. The priest sprinkled with holy water animals. After the lunch was chosen and bought with the whole world for money collected "from every soul", an animal. It was hardened, the meat was cooked in the total boiler and distributed to those present.

Along with the "bobber" on the day of Ilya-prophet, beer was cooked from the grains collected from the villagers. In some places, Varka Beer occurred with the "bobber", in others there were in itself. The celebration was accompanied by games and historicals. At the same time, young people did gifts to girls, often presenting small samples. Ilya was considered the patron of happiness and love.

However, it would be wrong to see only an ally and defender in Ilya. In folk stories, fairy tales, legends and beliefs, Ilya stands like a formidable Bulletin of God's wrath, a non-compass, jealously caring about his worship. The punitive function of Ilya is closely related to the cleansing. According to the people's ideas, he is designed to purify the Earth from any uncleanness, pursuing and destroying evil spirits, punishing people for the bad acts ("thunder threatening over all the dark forces").

Its miraculous power was spread on the phenomena of nature, associated with Ilinyan day: Ilyinsky rain was satisfied, believing that he would protect from any "enemy char."

The variety of traditions and customs of Ilina Day, which is a kind of symbol of a responsible period of agricultural activities, affected folklore, first of all, in proverbs and sayings, designers, signs, etc. In their form, the results of centuries-old experience and practical wisdom of the peasant belonging to this period of the year were embodied.

In August, the Russian people celebrate three Savior - Holidays dedicated to the All-Food Savior (Savior): 1 (14) August - Honey Savior (saved on the water), 6 (19) August - Apple Savior (saved on the mountain), 16 (29) August - Nut Savior (saved on the canvas ). This saying is widely known:

"The first saved - stand on the water, the second saved - there are apples, the third saved - the canvas sell."

The first saved is called honey because since this day, on the people's posting, the bee is already ceased to take a honey bribe with flowers. On this day, Russian people went to visit each other, tried the first new honey. From August 6 throughout Russia began to collect and eat apples and fruits, which on this day were sanctified in the temples. Before that day there are apples it was impossible. The days following apple spas are called "Landsome". "On the second saved and the beggar apple will eat," says people. Carefully complied with the custom of sharing apples and other fruits with all the poor. From that time began to complete the harvest of garden and garden crops. Summer approached the end.

Autumn holidays

Live wires started with Semenov Day -from 1 (14) September. The custom of meeting the autumn was widespread in Russia. By the time he coincided with Babi summer. In mid-September celebrated Outnaire. Early in the morning, the women went to the coast of the river or the pond, met the Mother Ossenina with round oat bread.

The wonderful tradition of the Russian people was the so-called "cabbage", or "cabbagers", when the hosts were invited to visit people after collecting cabbage. Neighbors came to the house, congratulated the owners with a good harvest, then with special, dedicated to this event, the songs chuckled cabbage, shed her. Joint work has always been successful, happier, was lucky.

At the end of the work, a common meal was made, for which the beer was brewed in advance and pies were baked with cabbage. During this meal, the women promised to always help each other and be together and in the mountain, and in joy.

So work and life, weekdays and holidays closely intertwined with each other, contributing to the cohesion of people, their unity.

Among the autumn agricultural holidays should be noted the beginning of the harvest - healing and her ending - dogs.

Hagming and dogs are essential agricultural holidays. Many Russian life researchers tell about how they were held in Russia. "They went out in the morning of the fumes and burns to their heads, - writes in his work A.A. Corinthian, - Blooming-heated Niva with men with man's shirts, and scarves, ... Signs litigated from Mezhi to Mezh. On each patch there was ahead of all other hostesses with bread and salt yes with a candle.

The first compressed sheaf - "the burning" - called "sheaf-birthman" and was put on the other from others; Intr. took his fanitress, went with him ahead of his home, introduced into the hut and put the birthday in the red corner of the hut. This sheaf stood - up to the most online ... The "worldly folding" arranged on the villages of the villages, ... baked the cake from the new flour ... and celebrated the end of the harvest, accompanying special, 1 dedicated to the rites. Jacia cost all the teadatic fields and collected the remaining non-cut ears. From the latter, the wreath was twisted, intertwined with wildflowers. This wreath was put on the head of a young beautiful girl, and then everything went with songs to the village. On the way, the crowd increased by the oncoming peasants. Ahead of everyone was a boy with the last sheaf in his hands. "

Usually, the dogs fall for the period of celebrating three permissions. By this time, the harvest of rye ends. The owners who graduated from the harvest carried the last sheaf to the church, where he was sanctified. With such sprinkled holy water grains, winter fields were seeded.

The last compressed sheaf, decorated with ribbons, flaps, flowers, was also put under the image where he stood up to the very cover. According to legend, Sheaf had a magical force, he was well-being, protecting from hunger. On the day of the Intercession, he was solemnly endured in the courtyard and with special spells fought pets, so as not to hurt. The beam thus stamped was considered prepared for a long and harsh winter. From this day, she was no longer expelled on the grazing, since the cold came.

To other rites, the end of the harvest belongs to the custom of leaving several uncompressed ears on the lane, which were tied by the knot ("climbed the beard"). Then they were pressed against the ground with the words: "Ilya on the beard, so that the holy waters did not leave us for the next year without a crop."

A kind of border between autumn and winter was a holiday Pokrov to the Blessed Virgin, which was celebrated 1 (14) of October. "On the cover to lunch - autumn, after lunch - winter," the people mentioned.

Pokrov - One of the highly revered by the Orthodox believers of religious holidays. In ancient church books, there is a story about the wonderful phenomenon of the Virgin, which happened on October 1, 910. They are described in detail in detail and is described in detail, as before the end of the all-in-service worship, in the fourth o'clock in the morning, the local west named Andrei saw that the heads were praying in the air God's Mother accompanied by the Sweets of Angels and Saints. She shifted over the parishioners White covers and prayed for the salvation of the whole world, about delivering people from hunger, flooding, fire, sword and invasions of enemies. When the service ended, the Yurodny Andrei told people about her vision, and there was a news of the miracle. In honor of this wonderful phenomenon, the Russian Church has established a special holiday - the cover of the Most Holy Virgin. Virgin Mary Mary Maria, the mother of the Godroglove of Jesus Christ, according to Christian teaching, played an important role in the salvation of the world.

According to the people's ideas, the Virgin Mary was the patroness of the farmers. It was to her turned with a prayer for a crop Russian man. It was from her that he was waiting for help in heavy peasant labor. The very image of the earth female Mary, who gave birth to the Divine Son and donate for the sake of rescue people, was close and understood by believers, especially women. It was to the Virgin that they turned with their troubles, care, aspirations.

The festive church service on the day of the Intercession is built as to convince believers in the grace and intercession of the Virgin, in her ability to protect people from the troubles and consoles in Mount. The worship service on the holiday of Pokrov is devoted to the disclosure of her image as an omnipotent patronage of this world and as a spiritual person who unites heaven and earthly forces around himself.

By the time of the Celebration of the Intercession, autumn field works ended, and the peasants solemnly celebrated these events. The people's holiday harvest merged with Christian.

With the holiday of Pokrov, a lot of believes are associated with their roots in the distant old. Get acquainted with some of them. "The cover will come, the girl will cover the head," they say old people, and the girls, in turn, are secretly praying: "Pokrov's father, cutting ground with snow, and a young vest!" or "Pokrov, Most Holy Mother of God, I have a poor head with a pearl kokoshnik!". All day holiday girls spend in their circle, having arranged a cheerful feast in an innocent confidence that "if the cover is having fun, you will find a nice friend."

Thus, we reviewed the main calendar holidays, winter, spring, summer and autumn, in which the nature of the Russian people, his beliefs, customs and traditions reflected. For centuries, they certainly underwent some changes associated with certain historical events, a change of epoch. But the main meanings and the meanings of these holidays are still important for our people.


Diamond S.F., St. Petersburg P. Ya. Holidays of the Orthodox Church. M, 1962.

Afanasyev A.N. Poetic views of Slavs in nature.

Bazhenova A. Solar gods Slavs. Saratov, 1953.

Belov V.I. Lad: essays about folk aesthetics. Arkhangelsk, 1985.

Bible. Gospel (any publication).

Big Bible Travel Guide. M., 1993.

BRAGINSKAYA N.V. Calendar // Myths of the Peoples of the World. M., 1980. T. 1.S.614.

Belletskaya N.N. Pagan symbols of Slavic archaic rituals. M., 1978.

Vinogradova L.N. Winter calendar poetry of Western and Eastern Slavs: Genesis and Typology of COLD. M., 1982. Gromyko M. M. World of Russian Village M., 1991.

Zhigulsky k. holiday and culture. M., 1985.

Zabelin I. Russian people, his customs, rites, legends, superstition and poetry. M., 1992.

Zelenin D.K. East Slavic ethnography. M., 1991.

Zemtsovsky I.I. Poetry of peasant holidays. M., 1970.

Ivlev L.M. Out-in-Russian traditional culture. St. Petersburg., 1994.

Calendar customs and rites in countries of foreign Europe. Winter holidays. M., 1973. Spring holidays. M., 1977. Summer autumn holidays. M., 1978.

All year round Russian agricultural calendar / comp. A. F. Nekrylova. M., 1989.

People's Monasses. M., 1992.

Nekrylova A.F. Russian folk city holidays, envelope and spectacle. End of XVIII - early XX century. L, 1988.

Poetry of peasant holidays / Sost. Zemtsovsky I. I. M., 1973.

Festive services and church celebrations in Moscow. M., 1995.

Propp V. Ya. Russian Agrarian Holidays: Experience of Historical and Ethnographic Research. L., 1967.

Propp V.Ya. Russian agricultural holidays. L., 1963.

Rognova P. Radonitsa. M., 1991.

Russians: Historical and Ethnographic Atlas. T. 1-2. M., 1967 -1970.

Rybakov E.A. The paganism of the ancient Slavs. M., 1994.

Sakharov I.P. Talk of the Russian people. M., 1990.

Selshnikov S. I. The history of the calendar and chronology. M., 1977.

Snegolev I.M. Russian common holidays and superstitious

rituals. M., 1990.

Sokolova V.K. Spring-summer calendar rites of Russians,

ukrainians, Belarusians of the X1X-early XX centuries. M., 1979.

Sokolova Z.P. The cult of animals in religions. M., 1972.

Stepanov N.P. Folk holidays at Saint Rus. M., 1992.

Tereshchenko A. Life of the Russian people. St. Petersburg, 1996.

Tokarev S. A. Folk customs of the calendar cycle - samples

russian folk choreography. M., 1984.

Chicherov V.I. Winter period of the Russian national agricultural calendar Hu1-x1x centuries. M., 1957. Shmelev I. Summer Lord. M., 1989. Ethnography of the Eastern Slavs: Essays of traditional culture. M., 1987.

Yudin V. The days of magnificent. Pages of the People's Christian calendar. Saratov, 1992.

Chapter 4. Art Traditions of family-household holidays and rites

Calendar holidays are associated with the change of seasons of the year, with a cycle of nature. Another group of holidays and rites - family-domestic, devoted to the most important milestones of a different cycle - a cycle of human life, reflects the life of a person from birth to death, traditional life and family traditions.

These include: homeland, christening, named, housewarming, weddings, funeral. It should be noted that family-household and calendar holidays and rites are closely connected with each other. Many scientists believe that once agricultural and family-household rituals, especially wedding, constituted a single whole, having one common task - achieving well-being in the family, good harvest. Not by chance big similarity is observed In calendar and wedding songs of a spell character. A series of songs is performed on a calendar holiday and at the wedding. You can often observe the transformation of agrarian-calendar rituals in family-household (for example, bathing a newborn in a trough with grains of cereals, a meeting of young mother-in-law after a crown in a pulled fur coat, ritual dishes of christening and memorial trapez, etc.).

At the same time, the deritment to the most striking events in the personal life of each person, and not constantly repeating dates, due to the change of seasons, and, accordingly, other functions and other content allow you to allocate family-houses and rites into a separate group. The sequence of conducting objectively as the life of a person itself. Therefore, I will start acquaintance with family and household holidays with the consideration of maternity rituals.

MBDOU "Skokock Kindergarten" Teremok "

Winter and Spring Folk Holidays

(Material for the educator)

Nadezhda Nikolaevna, educator

first qualifying category.


Winter and spring folk holidays.

Russian folk holidays came to us from deep antiquity. People knew how to work, knew how to rest. Following the rules "case - time, fun - an hour," rested and entertained on holidays. Holidays were mostly religious. The most ancient of them, pagan, had Slavic origin and were associated with the agricultural calendar. The remaining holidays are Christian.
For example, the new year is the holiday pagan, and Christmas is Christian.

New Year's poems.

It smells like fresh resin,

We have a Christmas tree.

Our Christmas tree dressed up

The lights on it lit up.

Games, jokes, songs, dances!

There and then the masks flashes ...

You are a bear, and I - Fox -

That's what miracles!

Together stand up in the dance.

Hello hello,

New Year!

New Year (N. Founded).

Lighting the Christmas tree,

Under her shadow blue,

Spiky needles

As if in white more

She felt in warmth,

Played needles.

And with songs fun

We came to our Christmas tree.

Lights Fires Christmas tree

(L. Nekrasova)

Hello Dedushka Moroz!
You are probably a frozen:
Day went around the city
Restressed the beard ...
Nose bags on the battery.
I'll pour you now!

Chose dad Christmas tree
The most fluffy,
The most fluffy,
The most fragrant ...
The Christmas tree so smells -
Mom immediately faces!

(A. Usachev.)

About Christmas tree
Would have a Christmas tree
She would run
On the track.
She would dope
Together with us,
She would stand
Would be spinning on the Christmas tree
Toys -
Multicolored lanterns,
Would be splashing on the Christmas tree
From Punchova and Silver
Would laugh on the Christmas tree
And shumbled from joy
In palm.
Because now at night
At the gate
Knocked cheerful
New Year!
New, new,
With Gold Beard!

(Chukovsky's roots)

I met the animals of the new year.
Were driven dance.

Around the green christmas tree.
Danced and mole,
And hippo
And even - evil wolves!

Went to dance and dike -
Spiny needles
And everything is trembling,
And all - squeeze,
And all - run from the Christmas tree!

Looks like:
Although it is good! -
And he trembles from fear! ..

But I do not care! -
Said Che-Re-Paha!

We are wondering
But all

(Skay for Boris)

It was in January,
Stood a Christmas tree on the mountain
And near this tree
Wondered wolves.

That's how
Night sometimes
When in the forest so quietly,
Meet the wolf under the mountain
Run and bunny.

Who hunting new year
Get into the paws wolf!
Run to be rushed forward
And jumped on the tree.

They pressed ears,
Hung like toys.
Ten little things will mean
Hang on the tree and silent -
Deceived wolf.
It was in January -
He thought that on the grief
Decorated Christmas tree.

(Agniya Barto)

And on the Christmas tree, toys are frolic:
Horses, gnomes, bumps, balls,
Somewhere hid in the branches of the flap
And the rains of Mishura sparkle.

Wind Winter, Cold Pumps,
To our windows with snowflakes pours -
Also wants, probably for the holiday -
But nobody calls him to the house.

... a bright fairy tale will be used by the week
Under the rays of christmas stars,
And leaves, dissolving in a blizzard,
Good grandfather - Old Frost.


To us on the Christmas tree - oh oh-oh!
Santa Claus goes alive.
Well, Grandfather Frost! ..
What a cheek, what nose! ..
Beard, beard! ..
And on the header!
On the nose, the specks!
And the eyes are ... daddy!

(A. Shibayev)

He is to my eyebrows,
He climbed me in the boots.
They say, he is Santa Claus,
And Shalit, like small.
He spoiled a water crane
In our washbasin.
They say he with a beard,
And Shalit, like small.
He draws on glass
Palm trees, stars, yalks.
They say - he is a hundred years,
And Shalit as small!

(E. Tarakhovskaya)

If frost is over,
Snow melts white,
What grandfather frost
Poor will make?

Will run away from him
Streams on the floor,
From his beard then
Will be dripping too?

Good grandfather Frost,
Pretty, favorite!
Hide, grandfather frost,
In our refrigerator!

Poems about the Christmas tree, about the gray wolf, about dragonfly and about the poor goat
I love me to sit at the Christmas tree.
I love to see everything:
What toys do not miss them
Il who is not pleased with her neighbor
Here is a dragonfly hanging around.
And with a wolf toothy, see, the goat.
I think the dragonfly is cold here
And very scary poorly goat.
I'm near the frost hook star,
And this goat is in this way.
Here, by the way, the flower bloomed gold
And the sun shines ...
- Well, goat, stand!
But the bell. Porcelain he.
To him touch - the ringing is heard.
But the ballerina, but the rooster.
With him there is a chicken like a yellow gun.
And this is a clap, and this is the checkbox,
And this is a shepherd, he plays a horn.
Wait, I'll hang goat here.
Goat and shepherd - wonderful, yes?

Here is a balm bowl, it is a bear.
Here is a bird - she is going to sing.
And this is mushroom, and this is the moon,
And this is the scented Sayna Cock.
Wait, I'll hang goat here.
The goat at the shock is wonderful, yes?
But the goat suddenly screamed.
I look - the eyes sparkle because of the hay.
Laugh to fall: that's it!
Goat, I led to the wolf again!
I, it became, the christmas tree bypassed.

(E. Blaginina)

Puts Santa Claus to all the races under the Christmas tree
On a soft toy - fluffy wolf.
Let every panty plays in order
Who is horrified in the forest at him.

And each chantech - on a new comb
For fashionable, shiny and red hairstyles.
So that there was no time to take offended -
Hairstyle is needed to keep in order.

And what is the suppress Santa Claus a bear?
Malina basket? Barrel Medsk?
Left under her huge forest
Alarm clock that the bear will wake up in the spring.

(N. Slakova)

Fur coat, hat, mittens,

Syeschiki sit on the nose.
Beard and red nose -
This grandfather Frost!(T. Shatsky)


Street walks
Santa Claus,
Inay is scattered
On branches branches;
Walks, beard
White shakes
Grows nail
Only the crash goes.

(N. Yerozhkin).

* * *

Where does Santa Claus live?

Amazing question!
Not in the lamp, not in the alarm clock,
Let's see in the refrigerator!

* * * Christmas tree, necklack,
Where have you grew up? - In the woods.
What saw there? - Fox.
Wolves and bears,
Here are my neighbors.
And we have under the New Year
Every song sings.

White shiny bedspread
Everyone delayed Winter
And on the path of your new
That seemed herself.
Followed by him
Grandfather our favorite frost
And Mellagga runs away:
"Grandpa, what did we bring?"
How many pretty eyes
And painted cheeks ...
Hear sled climb,
Somehow I also ring.

Will there be dolls, toys?
Will there be piles of sweets?
Candles on the Christmas trees, slappers?
Grandpa! Yes or no?
Grandfather grinned Lukavo
And continues to walk.
Have you forgotten us, right,
Or does not want to say?
Mashed fir branches
Because of the wide back ...
He laughs everything: "Ah, kids!
Have you been obedient? "


New Year! New Year!
Many happiness will bring:
Adults - all sorts of joys,
Children - different sweets.
Get a terrible Rada
Christmas trees - new outfits,
Courtyards - snowmen,
Loda - cheerful creaking skates,
Sky - festive salute,
Santa Claus - Medal for work!

The long-awaited new year
We encounter together
There will be a friendly dance,
And poems, and songs.

Let on the Christmas Tree
It will be lit.
And on holiday Santa Claus
Bring gifts.

Santa Claus

I - frost, red nose,
With a white beard.
It is imboned - so before tears!
Do not joke with me.
Why why
Should I be angry?
I came to you, friends
To have fun!
New Year, New Year
I meet with you
Happy new year to all of you
I congratulate.

(E. Boguslavskaya)

Will soon be a new year,
Around the tree round
Santa Claus will come to us
Brought Gifts WHO.

He will fulfill all the dreams,
If you believe in him,
Everyone who behaved perfectly -
He will give gifts personally!

Came the elegant Christmas tree,
In beautiful lights!
Santa Claus, Snow Maiden,
Hurry up in your sleigh!

Today everything is beautiful,
And wait for gifts again,
Verses not in vain we taught us
Again about the new year!

Gifts, fruits, sweets,
Smoles around!
We congratulate everyone joyfully
And singing songs!

Snow Maiden

At the entrance, on the site
I gathered snow with a spatula.
Although there was a little snow,
I blindly blinded.
In the corridor put
And she ... melted!

(Y. Shigayev)

New Year's riddles

Christmas tree with toys,

Clowns with clappers.

All the people are having fun!

What holiday? (New Year)

In it twelve months

Easily fit.

All their collateral together

One word, it ... (year)

Decorated with toys

Balls and crackers -

Not a palm tree, not a pine,

And the festive ... (Christmas tree)

He comes with gifts

Horics with us leads.

White beard Obros

Good grandfather ... (Frost)

For children to visit Santa Claus

Granddaughter brought on the sleigh.

Snow figurine -

We will come to us ... (Snow Mary)

And in boxes and packages

Candy packed.

Falki so bright!

Will be all ... (gifts)

The whole year was lying on the shelf,

And now hangs on the Christmas tree.

This is not a flashlight,

And glass ... (ball)

Quickly light flashes,

From above down running down.

This friendly team

Called ... (garland)

On beauty forestry

Golden rain wave -

With silver cord

Down hangs down ... (Mishur)

Blizzard in the court walks,

In the house, the Christmas tree sparkles.

Children lead dance.

What holiday? (New Year)

All in the lights big tree,

Up flying petardes ringing.

Snow outdoors.

Comes ... (New Year)

All on Christmas tree toys:

Beads, balls, flappers.

Gift guys awaits.

What holiday? (New Year)

winter patters

  • Cap and fur coat - that's all the Mishutka.
  • I was driving from Sanya's slides, and on San Sani.
  • Little Sanya turned over Sani.
  • Sasha's hat bump.
  • On the street Snowman, Snowman's wife, snowman kids.

And I'm not up to the snowman, not to the snowman wife, not to the snowman kids.

Christmas shints

For the winter there was noisy and fun holiday -Nativity with sagnes. Sky (or holy evenings) arranged at the end of December - early January. These days, the Datvora was going to Vatagami and went homecollapse. Stopping under the windows of someone's huts, the kids sang special Christmas songs - carols. Their content was traditional - the wish of the owner, his home and the family of well-being and prosperity:

* * *
Came Kolyada
On the eve of Christmas
Give a cow
Oil head!
And God forbid that
Who is in this house!
His rye is thick
Dinner rye!
To him with the spikes of Osmin,
From the grain to him the row,
From half-chain - cake.
Would love you the Lord
And live and be
And wealth;
And create you, Lord,
Even better!
(Oplan - an old measure of bulk bodies, equal to one hundred liters)

* * *
Came Kolyada
Nativity ahead,
Forward carnival.
Kolyada entered
To you in the courtyard,
You have in the yard
Stands the tyn iron
And this date
Vereyushki sharp
Gild pillars,
Give you, Lord,
Cattle, abdomen,
Cow with a calf
Sheep with a lamb
Horse with a foal
Pig with a piglet.

* * *
Sway, I feel, sow
Happy New Year!
For the new year, for new happiness
Breakfasting wheat
Peas, lental!
On the field - coppers,
On the table - cakes!
Happy New Year,
Happy new happiness, hostess!

Behind the wheelcharge was supposed to be remuneration - something delicious. Among the collars there were even a special bag carrier for gifts. After the ranks, his participants were angry with the collected delicacies. If the hostess is burning, then the boly reminded her:

* * *
Open the chest
Get the Piglet!
Open the box
Get a penny!

And you will not give a cake - so much Boca!

Christmas poems.

Merry Christmas saints, wonderful
Congratulations on the soul!
On the expanses on heavenly
The asterisk sails into the silence.

Snow goes for christmas,
falls like the mercy of God.
Snow goes - and magic
on this day can happen.

On this day we are talking
About the birth of Christ.
On this day, it cannot be silent
Our children's mouth.

And the hearts wish to praise
Not migrant on no moment.
Enjoy God with us!
Do not silent - it is great.

So again christmas -
Heavenly Celebration Forces:
On this day, Christ came,
To save our world from angry.
Glory eternal to him
Converging darkness.
Congratulations on the whole soul
With this joy big.

Boy-God in Nursery was born
Among donks, lambs.
And star illuminated
Bethlehem and garden.

And I thought the donkey gray,
Looking a baby in the eyes:
"He came with good and faith,
Compassion and caress! "

And lessel puppy
Seen from the conera
How came Magi from the East,
Brought their gifts.

Christmas night
Olga Guzova

Snow lies white-white
on the hillock and at home;
i spark-Iney dressed
starus winter.

Still of the blue river ...
And do not need anything -
on painted porch
christmas attached.

The cradle is shifting
and call clouds away ...
All doubts debunk
that christmas night.

It's my birthday today
In the Lord Christ.
His plow singing
Filled with mouth.

Our children's hearts -
Live for the Spirit House -
As Nurserie Bethlehemsky
Christ we give.

How green churches,
We want to live forever
And, the Lord saved,
Always serve him.

Galina Vesikova

And I heard that Christ
People of happiness and joy brought.
Well, that he came to all,
And what is Christmas - good!

In front of light christmas

In the morning the Christmas tree dressed up
And a little tired.
Sit under her, sister,
How beautiful the Christmas tree!

Gilded top,
Throughout the Christmas tree - toys,
Lights garlands flicker
Like an asterisk shine.

And still from our tree
Smell like a fabulously needle,
Filling the world of the house
Before light christmas.

I love this day spring
April wonderful day.
Christ Jesus Resurrection
I'm not too lazy to celebrate me.
After all, he, destroying all the obstacles,
Rissed and for me!
I will be eternally glad with Jesus
And my whole family.
(Tikhonin Sergey)

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Shines the sun with heaven!
Gained the Dark Forest,
Christ is truly risen!
Spring came - it's time for wonders,
Rodschit Spring - Christ Risen!
Lighter in the world No Dobel -
Truly Christ Rissed!

Proverbs about christmas

  • On Petrovka Street, in the Great Christmas.
  • Not to Christmas goes to the Great.
  • On the holy shirt, at least a bad, yes whlen; To Christmas at least Surov, yes Nova.
  • On the Day of the Nativity of Christ, the owner is not coming from the courtyard to go: the sheep will be lost.
  • Under the Christmas and under the baptism, the manure is harvested among the courtyard, so that the parents warmed up on that light.
  • We ask for goodbye to your treat: to our baptism, christmas boom, tassel taste.
  • Front cover, back Christmas.
  • Did not cover the cover, it will not cover and Christmas.
  • Powered milk on the eve of Christmas, but something shudders.
  • Post Cold (Christmas), fasting hungry (Petrovsky), the post Great yes Lacquer post (Uspensky).
  • Dui do not blow, not to Christmas went, to the gender.
  • Lapti weave - a curve will be born; Sew for Christmas - it is stupid.


The most oldest people's celebration of the Wire Wires and Spring Meetings. The carnival week came in during the period of the Syropus week before the beginning of the Great Post. "Breaky", "wide" "abundant" Maslenitsa is the favorite winter holiday of the Russian people. Every day the carnival week was distinguished by its traditional rites and entertainment.

This holiday goes to us
Early spring
How many joys carries
He is always with him!
Ice mountains waiting
And the snow flashes,
Sledge from the slide down run,
Laughter does not cease.
Houses Aroma Blinov
Festive wonderful
For pancakes of friends call,
We will eat them together.
Noisy, merrily passes
Cheese saddemic
And behind her - a great post,
Time to pray.
So carnival arrived!
Masseman-boyaring carnival!
With cheese, butter, and pancake,
And ruddy pie!


Wide carnival - cheese week!
You came to celebrate the spring for us.
Bake pancakes and entertain all week,
So that the winter is a student from home to drive!

Congratulations on Carnival.

With carnival tender Congratulations to you,
Pies told the hour.
No pancakes do not eat winter wires,
To the song, to the joke, we invite you to joy!

Congratulations on your heart
And we welcome:
Throw all worries
Come to visit,
Right to our porch
To us on Maslenitsa.
Ensure yourself:
Treats pancakes
On sour cream to bat
Pies lush,
February - loss
Marta - "Hello" Let's say.

How on an oil week
From the oven pancakes flew!
With heat, with heat, from the furnace,
All blush, hot!
Maslenitsa, treat!
Serve all pancakes.
With heat, with heat - disassemble!
Do not forget to praise.

Song Blinam.
We have not flown pancakes for a long time,
We wanted pancakes.
Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,
You are my pancakes.
In the square of the new solvent,
Two hours of pancakes went.
My older sister
The furnace pancakes is the master.
She dried to eat
Hundred five, probably there.
On the tray pancakes puts,
Their itself carries.
Guests, be all healthy,
Here are my pancakes ready.

Proverbs about Maslenice

  • Maslenitsa, Semikova niece.
  • Maslenitsa jersey, the money of the referee.
  • Oillets walks weeks.
  • There was a shop of Maslenitsa, but he did not go to the hut.
  • Do not live, but carnival.
  • Not all cat carnival, there will be a great post.
  • Though with yourself to lay, and it is to conduct an oil.
  • Pancake oil climbs.
  • Without cat Mice Maslenitsa.
  • After the carnival, the great post, and for passionate Easter.
  • And the olive does not go forever.
  • Without pancakes not oil; Without a cake is not a birthday man.
  • On the mountains to ride, in pancakes to be sought.
  • Our kettle was told until Sunday.
  • They drank about the butter, and with a hangover broke on the Radunitsa.
  • To whom Maslin, and solid, and we are verbal, and passionate.
  • Not walked, did not complain about Christmas, nor in Maslenitsa, but brought God to the great post.
  • What day is the red, in such this wheat.
  • To whom Chin, who is damn, and to whom and wedge.
  • Do not eat pancake, drink before water!
  • Postpone pancakes to another day.
  • Badness on Sunday in front of the butter - to the crop of mushrooms.
  • Maspel spread wide: flooded the great post.

Palm Sunday, Easter.

In the Verbal Resurrection throughout Russia, a custom was widespread by a bunch of the willow of adults, children, homemade cattle. It was believed that it would add to them vitality. Having hit each other with branches, they usually uttered a spell: "Be healthy like the willow", "grow like the willow." Some spells were built as if no people beat each other by the branches of the Willow, and the Verba herself transmits them with their strength and health: "I'm not Bew, the willow beats," Verba Hleust, Bay to Tears. " At the end of the XIX century. These vintage spells gradually began to turn into comic children's songs.

Verba, Verba,
Verba Hleust
Verba Hleust
Beats to tears.
Verba Sinia
Beats rustle
Verba Krasnaya
Hits in vain
Verba Bela.
Beats the case
Verba Chleerst -
Beats to tears.


Stars disappeared from human gaze.

Brighten rivers, groves and lakes.

Tired of darkness and damp night,

Meet the morning new glow.

An unusual day, joyful will come,

Only in the morning the sun will vote,

It sparkles and plays in heaven,

And gold shines in the domes!

CHRIST IS RISEN! Call the bell!

And the ringing of them hears the sky and the earth!

Hurry up the people for a holiday in God's temple,

CHRIST IS RISEN! He gave to us!

Everywhere is heard a loud laughter,

Churred birds ringing

That the holiday has come

For each child.

2. Flooded with a bitch

At our threshold.

Curd Easter treats

I'll try a little.

3. I'll take a brush, gouache

And I will work on fame,

Coloring eggs in different color,

What B Easter shone.

4. Strike day, shower shines,

And the heart of God glorifies.

Rings in the distance of the Spring Forest,

And the song sounds: "Christ is risen!"

All children: truly resurrected!

Sergey Yesenin

Easter Blagovest

Bell Dremond

Woke up the fields

Smiled sun

Sleepy land.

Runs suffered

To the blue skies,

Walking out

Disappeared behind the river

Pale moon,

Ringly ran

Through, full.

Quiet valley

Distinguishes sleep

Somewhere for dear

Fucks ringing.

Andrei Usachev


On the ground comes with a bright holiday Easter,

Magic of any magic fairy tale,

Wonderful any earthly miracles:

Christ is risen!

Truly risen!

Easter ringing, and eggs with silences.

Birings got up with white candles.

And over the earth, the Blagovest is happening:

Christ is risen!

Truly risen!

And willow in honor of the Saint Resurrection

Spring put on decorations ...

And as if the temple, filled with stump forest:

Christ is risen!

Truly risen!

A. N. Maikov


Everywhere, Blagovsty buzzes,

Of all the churches, the people of Balit.

Zarya looks already with heaven ...

From the fields, the cover of the snow is removed,

And the hands are rushing from the shackles,

And the Green Middle Forest ...

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

Here the land wakes up

And dressed fields

Spring goes, full of miracles!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

A. A. Blok.


Boys da girls

Candles da recreation

Suffered home.

Sparkles warm up

Paschers are baptized

And smells in the spring.

The breeze is removed

Rain, little rain,

Do not blow fire.

Sunday verbal

Tomorrow I will stand first

For the Holy Date.

K. D. Balmont.


Willow of Sheaven

Wind heated

Gently treble

Morning light.

Easter branches,

Gently sad

Look cheerful

Whisper with bees.

Mirny cemetery

Mlexus flowers

Singing clearing

Pour waves.


Easter songs,

Heart chelelery

Eternal sheaves.

K. D. Fofanov

Under the entanglement of prayers of Easter

And under the ringing bells

Spring flies to us from distant,

From midday edges.

In a green dress

Miley dark forests,

The sky shines, exactly the sea,

The sea is exactly heaven.

Pines in Velvet Green,

And fragrant resin

On scaly columns

Amber leaps.

And in the garden we have today

I noticed like a secret

Ticked Lily of Lily

With blonde moth.

Proverbs and sayings about Easter .

  • He is like a child, do not enjoy the Easter egg - offended
  • Five times a year, the Sun plays: for Christmas, Epiphany, Annunciation, Light Resurrection, Ioannovo Birth
  • After the carnival, the great post, and for passionate Easter
  • Saint Week, Nice, Great, Great, Joyful
  • Alien Lask - Syrote Easter
  • How the testicle is round, so would and my horse was
  • There is a pillar on seven miles: on the center gates of apple trees, on an apple tree color in full light (Easter)
  • On holy rain - kind rye
  • On the night of a bright Sunday Frost - Pea will not be born
  • In christmas on the porch, on Easter in the stove
  • There was a post, there will be a holiday! There was a turn, there will be joy!
  • Spring is going full of wonderland - Christ is resurrected, Christ is risen!
  • Expensive egg in Christ day
  • Christ Sunday everyone is fun!
  • Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Reach angels from heaven!

Easter riddles.

1. Strong round bubble

Color white, inside yolk.

The chicken is carried,

Tell me, what is your name. (Egg.)

2. I live in seawater,

No me - and being trouble!

Every chef respects

And adds to taste. (Salt.)

3. Love drink kittens

Yes Small guys. (Milk.)

4. From me baked cooks,

And pancakes and pancakes.

In cakes, pies and buns

Put me should. (Flour.)

5. The branch is ripe,

Fruit handsome and tanned.

Love proteins gnaw him

Hide for winter in the hollow. (Nut.)

6. The grape was dried

On the sun put.

She destroyed from heat

And what turned into? (Raisins.)

Spring fun.

Spring, spring beautiful!
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with joy,
With great grace:
Urod luna high,
Rye, good oats!

Spring, spring red!
Come, spring, with joy!
With joy, with joy,
With the Great Grace!
With flax high
With the root of deep!
With bread abundant!
With Kalina-Malino!
With black currant
With pears, with apples!
With lyases with flowers,
With a trawl-musual!

Spring, spring beautiful!
Come, spring, with joy,
With joy, with joy,
With great grace:
Urod luna high,
Rye, good oats!

Spring-red, what came on?
On the soul, on the harrow
On horseback head
On oat fancy,
On Rzhan Karosochka,
On wheat grain.

Voddy, Voddy,
Jester Bystrica,
Oboh around
Weight our meadow!
In the forest, in the line
Grew grass-Muraba,
To the belt rose,
Burizka wrapped.
We are wreaths
Berezinka curved
Spring met,
Cuckoo shouted:
- Ku-ku, ku ku, ku-ku!

Spring came,
Spring red,
Ai, Luli-Luli,
Spring red.
Brought Spring
Golden keys
Ai, Luli-Luli,
Gold keys.
You are closed, spring,
Winter Lituya.
Otombni, spring,
Warmty fly
Ai, Luli-Luli,
Heat Petushko.

Larks, larks,
Give us summer
And we are winter to you,
We have no feed

Larks, arrive,
Break in spring bring.
Bring spring on your tail,
In the dry, blood
On oat anti-law.

Larks, arrive,
Studyman in the winter, take
Bring warmth to the spring:
Winter tired of us,
We had all the bread,
And straw dilved
And mycake raised.
You, Kulichki - Lark,
Soletage, falconic.

Lark, Lark!
Take yourself winter
And give us spring.
Take yourself a sleigh
And give us a cart.

On the field flies

The Russian winter with its generous snowfalls and trressing frosts has nothing to do with one of the symbols of Russia. Slavs have long been loved by winter, a lot of proverbs and sayings, mysteries and counters are devoted to her in folk art. Winter beauty always admired poets and artists.

Troika, Troika flew,
Hangs in that troika white.
And in the sleigh sits the queen
Belokosa, Belolitz.
How waved the sleeve -
Everything was covered with silver,

See how beautifully described in this winter riddle.

Winter in the imagination of our distant ancestors appeared like Bolhukh, that is, an amorrant, prominent, strong woman, a real mistress, who knows a lot. And her clothes were appropriate: warm bell swing coat, boots on wolf fur and an elegant headdress - Kika.

Winter commanded snow and snowdrifts, blizzards and blizzards, winds and harsh frosts, it appeared as a harsh lady.

"Winter will ask that in the summer she is seeded," says the old Russian proverb. And indeed, it was necessary to prepare for the winter - "Priviche", because "one day of summer the whole winter feeds." In summer, fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries and winter mushrooms were not only a real delicacy, but also an indispensable medicine in the event of a revel.

L.I. Brodskaya, "Frosty Morning", 1957

Interest in the presentation of the Russian people and the image of frost. Folklore is mentioned in the folk folklore, frost-truck and student who has a mysterious powerful force. They even said: "Frost and iron River, and the bird on the summer beats." But the favorite winter fun - riding a sleigh - came precisely on frosty days, when the bright sun lights decorated with silver fields and forests, and the creaking under his legs snow and calls on a fun walk!

There is a proverb: "In the winter cold - all young." And in fact, everyone knows how Bodrit Winter Spirit, Rough Cheek and gives shine to the eyes of Frost. The most joyful frosts, according to folk observations, came after January 24, the Day of Fedosia-Wereznay, and were called "thin": "Skudosi frosts with a silent force". Then the owners were worried about the cattle, watched her to be warm and satisfying.

A.P. Gurieva-Sazhaev, "Oh, Frost, Moroz", 2005

The Russian man always treated the snow with respect: "Thank you, frost, that the snow brought," "snow drifts in the fields - grain crop in the covers," "Snow is cold, and from the chairs she is covered." In the old days, knowledgeable people called the snow with peasant wealth and rejoiced if high snow drifts reliably covered sowing from the journey. After all, "if the field in winter is smooth, it will be smooth in Sousse."

And when outside the window, according to the expression of Sergey Yesenin, "blizzards are filled with cheerful spindles" and raging frosts, the village of Icestari arranged traditional cozy villages. For long winter evenings in the same house gathered old, and young.

Rustic youth loved to come to some old woman. The girls brought her needlework with them: embroidered, the faults, sewn, rushed, knitted. Useful occupation was accompanied by songs, promscakes and booms. As they say, "fun fun, fun and spinning." Representatives of the older generation told young about their lives, instructive stories about the mysterious forces of nature and the wonders of Russian saints.

So in a warm hollow, the puffing samovar, quietly and just passed sincere conversations, the youth adopted the experience of parents, listened to the advice. Without any TV and the Internet, youth the foundations of everyday wisdom assimilated, learned family values.

T.V. Rodionova, "Pishina Guard", 2005

Among other things, winter in Russia was a favorite sometimes weddings. "From baptism to Maslenitsa - time of weddings," said the saying.

Finally, it was for the winter who had the expensive hearts of the holidays: New Year, Christmas, Baptism, Sketch, Maslenitsa. With each of these holidays, many rites are associated with the Russian people and will accept. Soul in the souls have fun, having fun, arranging festive carols and fortune telling.

Especially carefully and diligently prepared for the Great Orthodox Holidays. Ancient traditions related, for example, with the preparation of Christmas junctions or with sanctification of water on the night of baptism, have been preserved to this day. For the holidays, the piglet was always cut, often rustic men went to the forest to hunt. Prey - Kabana or Elk - demonstratively carried on hergatines, and a pre-holiday mood was played in the village. So in winter, fun in Russian villages was almost no longer stopped.

A.P. Gurieva-Sazhaev, "Winter Tale", 2000.

However, on benchmarks, noisy fun and songs strictly-setting were prohibited. The end of December was considered the time of struggle of light and darkness. After December 25, Solventrot, it was believed that the sun turns for the summer, and winter - on the cold, the day begins to be added to the "smoking step". The old men said that the unclean force is angry with this and these days are considerable danger for both people and pets.

In the "terrible evenings" (from January 13 to January 19), when evil spirits wanting "the sun", people tried not to leave their homes at all and do not go outside without particular need. Distributed was the custom of driving a trait and a witch from the village. The men fastened fires, and funny walkings arranged around them to drive dark forces and strengthen their health.

K.A. Korovin, "Winter Landscape", 1927

Folk wisdom are filled with the oldest names of the winter months: December - "Stuzhilo", "Snezhen", "Gmury", "Weakness", "Lyutovy", "Winter Gate", January - "Prosinets", "Student", "Perezimier", " Fracture of winter ", February -" Sechen "," Snezhien "," Birdhogray "," Lyutny ". According to these old names, it can be seen how carefully the people follow the slightest changes in nature and weather. Not every day in the folk calendar something meant. In the snow, ice, wind, inlet, clouds, the sun, the stars, animal behavior, our ancestors predicted, how will the harvest be, will spring come, the roast is coming summer.

As the saying goes, "the old proverb will not be pushing." And today we all would not hurt to learn to "live by the mind and blessing of fathers and grandfathers", just like they, to love nature and be able to rejoice in every day.

Looking through the history of winter holidays in Russia, you realize that most holidays have sunk in the fly, and the mention of them can be found only on the pages of history. Not so far left until the onset of traditional New Year holidays, and we decided to make a small review of the winter holidays, briefly describe their features.

Opens the calendar of the winter holidays one of the twelve church holidays is the introduction to the temple of the Virgin, celebrated on December 4th. It was believed that it was from this moment on that winter officially enters his rights. It was on this day that the sun tried in the old way. This right to beautiful, lightly painted sleigh was provided to newlyweds.

December 7 - the day of Katerina Sannitsa. On this day, the races on the sleigh were traditionally organized in Russia. The whole village was going on some hillow, and watched the breathtaking spectacle of the sleigh on the snow-covered road Sanya. The evening "under Catherine" was considered one of the best for fortunes and burning.

New Year in Russia celebrated on January 1, by decree of Emperor Peter I. It was he who ordered to decorate at home and streets with New Year's decorations and arrange fireworks that simply adored.

But the custom to dress up the Christmas tree later and was borrowed from the Germans. Do you know the fact that the first christmas trees were sold in confectionery, because they were decorated with sweets? And then, after a certain number of years, the Christmas tree could be bought at the bazaar in Moscow.

The holiday of Vasilyev evening falls on the eve of the old New Year - January 13, just at the time when a new yield has been introduced in Russia. Celebrated this day, performing carols. Sounded with songs went home and folded in the bag prepared for this case from generous owners. Nowadays, this holiday does not lose relevance, and, as statistics shows, the old new year celebrates every second resident of our country. After all, this reason is once again seen with loved ones and native people, on everyday life, sometimes you just just do it.

Christ's holiday Christ is one of the most important holidays for the winter calendar. According to the solemnity of celebration, Christmas is inferior to another Orthodox holiday - the Resurrection of Christ (Easter), but in the West is the most important holiday of the year.

The most accurate divisions fell out for a soda week before the festival of baptism (celebrated January 19). Both science, and the church consider ghadney with an empty superstition, but people are nevertheless treated with this kind of predictions of the future.

February 15 is a church holiday with a member of the Lord. On this day, according to the narrative of the evangelist Luke, the Mother of God and the infant Christ came to the Jerusalem Temple.

February 23, the whole country celebrates the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. It will be a little wrong if we congratulate only the servicemen on this day. Each man, regardless of his status and the kind of activity, is primarily a defender of his homeland, his family. The older generation remembers that this holiday was named as the birthday of the Red Army, in Soviet times he wore a proud name - the day of the Soviet Army and the Navy, but no matter how it is called, for us it is primarily a day of real men. After all, if there are real men near, then we feel in complete safety.

And, of course, the carnival. This holiday was considered the most cheerful in Russia, and now it is celebrated no less interesting. The whole day was similar to a solid kaleidoscope of different fun. This is a sleigh riding, and a serious fight "Wall on the wall", as well as "fist fights", and, of course, the most important thing is Parisy's treat! In terms of the celebration of the Carnival look like foreign carnivals. On Maslenitsa, it was customary to visit close relatives, friends, neighbors. In the last days, Maslenitsa did a doll from the straw, which they dressed and sat in large sleighs, followed by rich, sinking songs. On Sunday evening, the carnival suffered in the presence of the entire village on the built fire on an elevation near the village - with jokes and shouts. Thus, it was believed that winter will finally retreated and the long-awaited warming will come.

The modern population notes far from all holidays, which are described above, and if notes, it is no longer with such a scope, as they did in Russia. Nowadays, the New Year, Christmas, Defender of the Fatherland and Carnival, is mostly celebrated. Gradually, those traditions that have adhered to the previous generation during the wagons are led to the background.

Elen Sirotkinkin
An abstract classes "Winter holidays. Christmas"

Winter holidays. Cf. c.

purpose: Introduce christmas holiday.

Shape the presentation of children about winter winter phenomena.

Develop a passive and active dictionary, memory, attention, thinking, creative imagination, fine motility of hands.

Consolidate winter months.

Equipment: Set of pictures about winter; Coloring with the image of the New Year tree; Training apparatus "Seasons" In shallow motility (with a set of clothes, signs winter: Sugro, Snowflakes, Clouds). Tambourine.

Vos. Guys, I once accidentally heard the conversation of dolls. Yes, this is exactly what I tell you, the dolls talked. After all, miracles occur under the New Year!

And you know, I was very upset, what I heard. And they said that they had never seen winter, and do not even know what it was, and even more and more than ever met a new year.

Guys, without you, I can not cope with this business.


Children: Yes!

The educator invites children to take a doll and approach winter picture.

Consider it and tell what is shown there.

List winter fun(skiing, skiing, skating, snowball game, sculpt a snowman, build a fortress.)

Vos. Guys, fun in winter?

Children: Yes!

Vos. But what kind of winter?

Children: Cold.

Vos. Winter cold season. And you still like it?

(children's responses)

Vos. And winter is very beautiful time of year.

And who will call me winter months?

Children: December January February.

Vos. Which one then holiday We celebrate in December?

Children: NEW YEAR!

Vos. And of course the new year can not be without beauty ... (Christmas trees)

Chief Hero on New Year's Eve the holiday is?

Children: Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

Vos. And gives children gifts. And what do you do on festival?

Children: We read poems, singing a song, dance, drive a dance around the tree.

Vos. I suggest you to arrange such fun for our dolls, but only on the street.

You said that winter cold season. So you need to dress warmer, put on our dolls.

Finger gymnastics.

"We went to the courtyard to walk"

One, two, three, four, five, (Children bend fingers)

We went to the courtyard to walk. (go on the table index, and average


Baby Snowy Lepii (pose with a nose with two hands)

Bird crumbs fed, ( "Kroshat" bread all fingers)

From the slides, we later rode (lead the index finger on the palm)

And in the snow they were lying down (palms are put on the table, then another


All in the snow came home, (shake palms)

Ate soup and went to bed ( "Eating soup")

Then children are suitable for boxes with clothes and dress up dolls observing the dressing algorithm (pants, jacket, hat, boots). Fit together with doll to rugs and create their own winter picture(Attach on velcroe: sun, drifts, clouds, snowflakes on a tree, bunny). While children work, audio recording sounds with wind sounds, snow screens.

Children answer the questions of the educator to consolidate the signs winter: The sun shines but does not warm, often a blizzard, wait a blizzard, the snow is in everywhere, the rivers covered with ice, trees are standing without leaves, only pines and spruce remain green.

Breathing exercises.

Children create an artificial storm.

Vos. Guys, something cold became. But we promised the doll to show how the new year is celebrated, but at the same time we get.

Horror around the tree. (under audio record)

Vos. Well, have fun, got sick? It's time for us to return back. We will soon come guests, and we need to prepare for their meeting, bring order.

Children disguise dolls, carefully fold things.

Surprise moment.

Children of the preparatory group come to visit us (dressed) With carols, and we give them candy.

Vos. That's how we celebrate CHRISTMAS!

Did you like it?

« CHRISTMAS And the new year is firmly connected with the tradition of dressing up a Christmas tree, dressing, carols, dances, universal fun, and give gifts. "

And for our dolls, we ourselves will make a gift with our own hands.

Children paint the New Year image and give dolls.

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