2 years of marriage. Wedding anniversaries their names by year and what to give. Gifts for a young family

For many, wedding day is the happiest day in their lives. Or one of them, because the birth of a joint child is much greater happiness. The name of weddings has very deep roots and it is better to come up with even modern educated minds. Indeed, in the old days people felt the nature much better and, identifying each person with it, they found the truths that modern psychologists teach for a long time in educational institutions. The names of wedding anniversaries by year are also determined by the gifts with which it is customary to give spouses.

But what is it for? Indeed, a modern person is used to celebrating only wedding anniversary dates, not attaching importance to intermediate ones. Previously, people believed more in the signs that their ancestors taught them and strictly observed them. Perhaps the power of persuasion, and maybe some higher powers, kept the marriage of those who did everything according to the rules. That is why absolutely everyone knew the names of wedding anniversaries by years and did not need special reminders.

It is worth explaining to a modern person why exactly the name of weddings is personified with one or another adjective. This is what we will do. So, the name of the weddings:

The wedding day is called green. Because a young family, like the greenery, with which any beginning was compared in the old days, is very beautiful, fresh, light, but at the same time fragile and immature. It is better if many flowers with greenery are presented on this day.

Calico or gauze wedding

1 year, 1st Wedding Anniversary - Print Wedding

First anniversary of family life. The most difficult year is over, the newlyweds got to know each other better, overcame the most real family difficulties, faced the routine of family relations.

A good gift for a chintz wedding is a beautiful set of bedding made of real cotton, chintz, silk, satin. Also, for a chintz wedding anniversary, you can give blankets, pillows, a bed to young spouses. By tradition, on the first wedding date, the wedding anniversary, it is customary to drink a bottle of champagne from the wedding day, hidden in advance.

Paper wedding

2 years, 2nd wedding anniversary - Paper Wedding

Two years of marriage. The second year is a test of patience and tolerance in a young family. Very often, a baby appears in the family for the second anniversary, and it is very important to be kinder to each other in order to build a friendly and strong family. Paper is a symbol of fragility, so it depends only on the husband and wife whether they can maintain the fragile balance of marriage.

A good gift for a paper wedding is a chic, expensive embossed family photo album, an exclusive notebook, good books, tickets to a concert with a popular celebrity or a good performance.

Leather or Wheat wedding

3 years, 3rd Wedding Anniversary - Leather Wedding

3 years of marriage. The family seems to be strong, but changes are still taking place in it, relationships continue to change like skin.

The best gift for a leather wedding is a high-quality men's wallet made of real leather for the husband of the family and an exquisite leather wallet for the mistress of the house. Also, for a leather wedding anniversary, beautiful crystal products can be presented as an elegant gift with taste.

Linen or Wax wedding

4 year, 4th Wedding Anniversary - Linen Wedding

4 years together. Flickering lights should be an obligatory attribute on the festive table, and beautiful candles as a gift. As a test of marital relations, a twin candle is lit on Zhen's anniversary, which should be in the room throughout the day. How many hours she will stand without extinguishing, so many happy years will the husband and wife spend together.

A great gift for a linen wedding anniversary is a beautiful tablecloth for a festive table. Or it can be a wonderful, warm blanket, an elegant bedding set, a chic bedspread, scented candles in fancifully curved candelabra. Household appliances such as a washing machine, microwave oven or food processor will be a very appropriate gift for a linen wedding.

Wooden wedding

5 Years Wedding Anniversary - Wooden Wedding

Five years of marriage. The tree symbolizes the strength of family relations; it is no longer chintz, paper or even leather. On this day, guests bring to the spouses wooden dishes, spoons, boxes, small pieces of furniture. The spouse himself must make some kind of wooden craft for the house to prove that he has not forgotten how to work with his hands. And the wife, in turn, will cover this craft with varnish as a proof of her female compliance.

The best gift for the first wedding anniversary of a young family is beautiful and durable wooden furniture - a bed or a sofa, an armchair or a family table.

Cast iron wedding

6 years,6th Wedding Anniversary - Cast Iron Wedding

6 years of marriage. Another crisis in marital relations. Cast iron, despite its external strength and weight, is a very brittle metal that can crack from any impact. The relations of the young, despite the considerable period of time, must be maintained, as well as the fire of the family hearth.

Guests can donate cast-iron pots, pans, and the wife must bake some family specialty in a cast-iron dish to prove her worth as a mistress of the house.
Zinc wedding

6.5 years,wedding date - Zinc Wedding

6, 5 years after marriage. This anniversary reminds that marriage, as well as galvanized crockery, must be polished over time. The crises are over, so home improvement is becoming the main task of the family.

Guests give the young sets of dishes, pots, some useful kitchen sets.
Copper wedding

7 years, 7th Wedding Anniversary - Copper Wedding

7 years after the start of marriage. First noble and confident anniversary. And although copper is not such a strong metal, it is still noble. Spouses exchange copper rings or coins - a symbol of sonorous happiness, relatives and friends give copper dishes and jewelry. The presented rings are worn by the spouses throughout the entire anniversary year.

The best copper wedding anniversary gift is silverware, cutlery set. Also, on the date of the copper wedding, it will be good if the husband gives his wife one or more coins made of precious metals such as gold, silver or platinum, and the wife, in return, also gives her husband at least an iron dollar or euro.

Tin wedding

8 years, 8th Wedding Anniversary - Tin Wedding

8 years of marriage. The strength of the family increases over the years, so tin becomes a symbol - a strong but flexible structure.

On a non-anniversary tin wedding anniversary, you can make a big gesture and give the spouses money so that they can buy whatever they want. And you can get off with some household gifts for the household, for example, a set of scoop spoons, a set of pots, basins or other household tin without sharp corners.

Willow, Palm or Faience wedding

9 years old, 9th wedding anniversary - Willow, Palm or Faience Wedding

9 years of marriage. Nobody argues about the strength of the family anymore. She is stronger than ever. Therefore, for the anniversary, earthenware cups are presented, which attract with their beauty. In addition, these cups are a symbol of a close-knit and friendly family (you can donate sets), which fills its family cup with prosperity.

A good gift for the 9th anniversary of a faience wedding is a porcelain service, any beautiful tableware.

Pink or Tin wedding

10 Years Round Wedding Anniversary - Pink or Tin Wedding

A decade of living together. On this day, the husband gives his wife a bouquet that reminds her of her wedding bouquet. In addition, gifts of scarlet roses are required, which speak of love that has already passed the test of ten years of family life and which is not afraid of thorns or obstacles in life.

On the anniversary of the pink wedding, the main gift is red and pink roses, a bouquet of 7 or more of which the husband must solemnly present to his beloved wife, and the invited guests who walked on the wedding day must dance in pairs and with roses in their hands.

Steel wedding

11 years, 11th Anniversary Wedding Date - Steel Wedding

11 years of marriage. The countdown of the new decade of family life shows that the relationship has become hardened, become stronger and stronger.

On the anniversary of the steel wedding, as the most popular and best gift, it is best to give exquisite jewelry, beds and chairs made of steel, iron, a car, a motorcycle.

Nickel wedding

12 years, 12th Wedding Anniversary - Nickel Wedding

This anniversary is somewhat reminiscent of a zinc wedding, and the purpose of the celebration is to renew the marriage relationship in a reminder that it is necessary to maintain the brilliance of family relationships. Celebrated by a narrow family circle.

On the anniversary of a nickel wedding, it is customary to give anything - from fruits and flowers, to money in those quantities with which guests do not mind parting.

Silk wedding

12.5 Years Wedding Date - Silk Wedding

On the non-round wedding date of a silk wedding, the most popular gift is beautiful, rich curtains, curtains or a silk or satin dress for the mistress of the house or a shirt for the owner of the house.

Lace or Lily of the Valley wedding

13 years of wedding, 13th Wedding Anniversary - Lace Wedding

13 years of marriage. Life goes on as usual and weaves its lace. On this day, spouses are presented with lace napkins, tablecloths, openwork products knitted from fine wool. On this anniversary, you can give each other lilies of the valley, as light and tender as your love.

On the 13th wedding anniversary, it is customary to give spouses lace, lace clothes for children, a lace tablecloth or curtain, as well as embroidery, icons made of fabric.

Bone or Agate wedding

14 years of wedding, 14th Wedding Anniversary - Bone or Agate Wedding

14 years of marriage. Every year, relations acquire new colors, the family hearth acquires more and more colors, like the agate stone itself, known for its various forms.

A good gift for the anniversary of agate, or as it is also called - bone, weddings - products from agate, ivory, statues, figurines, jewelry and original home luxury items.

Glass or Crystal wedding

15 Years, 15th Wedding Anniversary - Glass Wedding

15 years of marriage. This anniversary is the personification of the purity and clarity of family relationships, the cloudless happiness of two loving people, which is so fragile that it can break at any moment. It is rather a jubilee of faith in oneself and in the family.

Glass wedding is already a solid period, it is already an anniversary wedding date for a period of 15 years, and therefore gifts for a glass wedding should be expensive, fragile and tasteful. For a glass wedding, it is permissible to give the spouses a watch, dishes, crystal, small but eye-catching souvenirs.

Turquoise wedding

18 Years Old Wedding Anniversary - Turquoise Wedding

18 years of marriage. The brightness of turquoise symbolizes the end of all difficult and crisis situations that tormented families in their twenties.

Turquoise jewelry is presented on this anniversary.

Krypton wedding

19 Years, 19 Wedding Anniversary - Krypton Wedding

What to give for a krypton wedding? This is a difficult question, since 19 years is a long term of strong family relationships and you need to give something really good!

Krypton symbolizes light, so for such a wedding you can give a beautiful night light, a candlestick with candles or a lamp! Such a gift will bring prosperity and harmony to the family! You can buy sparklers and make a pleasant surprise for the perpetrators of the holiday - when they enter the room, light it up for everyone at the same time! A pleasant light will illuminate the room and fill the room with fun and happiness!

For a krypton wedding, you can donate a bedding set that will include beautiful capes and pillows! Choose only light and gentle colors!

You can give something practical - for example, a branded set of dishes or something from household appliances!

Porcelain wedding

20 Years Wedding Anniversary - Porcelain Wedding

20 years of marriage. On the new family anniversary, the festive table is served with new porcelain crockery, which shows the increased (compared to a faience wedding) family wealth.

The best gift for a porcelain wedding is a beautiful porcelain, a china service, or just two porcelain cups for a husband and wife. On the anniversary of the 20th wedding day, it is customary for spouses to throw out old, broken or simply ugly dishes together, accepting new cutlery from guests as a gift. And on the festive table, the newest porcelain service is sure to flaunt.

Opal wedding

21 Years, 21st Wedding Anniversary - Opal Wedding

First of all, opal is a symbol of guarantee and loyalty. And our contemporaries believe that opals develop intuition and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It is precisely such a noble and pure strength that he carries in himself.

A gift in the form of a fondyushnitsa or a chocolate fountain is suitable for a wife. Of course, if she is a lover of cooking. For a culinary husband, such gifts will also come in handy. For those who spend a lot of time on the road, a GPS navigator, a portable DVD player, or a player will do.

Bronze wedding

22 Years, 22nd Wedding Anniversary - Bronze Wedding

Bronze products have always been a sign of wealth and an attribute of luxury. Today humanity has a huge amount of newly invented materials, but bronze traditionally occupies its high position along with precious metals, as before, jewelry should be made of gold, cutlery made of silver, and sculptures, doorknobs, lamps and a number of interior accessories are kingdom of bronze.

Your gift can be either a small souvenir or a piece of furniture, a coffee table in the living room, for example. You can also decorate their interior with a mirror in a bronze "frame" or a bronze lamp, for example, a night light in the bedroom, which will create coziness in their intimate corner and remind them of a stormy youth and, possibly, awaken a dormant passion.

What else can you give to a married couple made of bronze? Of course, a medal! Yes, a bronze medal for such a solid period is the fairest gift. May they receive their first medal as a reward for this “Olympic game” called “marriage”. It will become an incentive for further "achievements" on the way to even more solid dates and more expensive medals.

Beryl wedding

23 Years, 23rd Wedding Anniversary - Beryl Wedding

Not much has been said about the Beryl wedding, but nevertheless, a beautiful custom has been preserved between the spouses to give each other beryl jewelry on this day, whether it be a bracelet or a ring, it does not matter, the main thing is to do it early in the morning, while all the household members are still sleeping. This is a kind of confession of eternal love at dawn - a very beautiful and romantic tradition.

In addition to beryl products, it is customary to give "pair" gifts for the 23rd anniversary: ​​a pair of mittens of different sizes, statuettes with couples in love, or something single, but in duplicate, for example, two tea mugs. Such a gift will unite the spouses even more, and will always remind them of you.

Satin wedding

24 Years 24th Wedding Anniversary - Satin Wedding

When you have been together for twenty-four years, the little legs of your grandchildren are mincing around, you look back and clearly realize the happiness of the past years: maybe something in your life you want to change, change, predict, but one thing should remain unnamed - your half, which gave life to your children, and subsequently to grandchildren

The best gifts for the 24th anniversary of family life will be any accessories or household items made from satin: tablecloths, bedspreads, bedding, satin scarves or gloves made of this silk fabric.

silver wedding

25 Years Wedding Anniversary - Silver Wedding

25th anniversary. A quarter of a century lived together is already a lot! Silver as a noble metal is a symbol of a wonderful and lasting family union. It is customary to celebrate the Silver wedding together with all relatives and friends. The couple exchange silver rings and subsequently wear them along with wedding rings throughout the anniversary year.

The gift for the 25th anniversary of the wedding date should only be made of silver: let it be small, or let it be a school medal, or a silver fork, but the gift should only be made of silver. At the same time, on the anniversary of the silver wedding, the spouses put a silver ring on their finger next to the gold wedding ring.

Jade wedding

26 Years, 26th Wedding Anniversary - Jade Wedding

From the day of the wedding, the union of two people develops, hardens, takes on its own, unlike other forms, every day it grows and grows stronger. When the 26th anniversary rolls around, the marriage becomes almost perfect, but not yet entirely predictable.
Usually by this time children grow up and mature, become independent, have their own families and parents again become "newlyweds", they devote more time to each other, parting with children brings them closer together.

Since 26 years is not a round date, it is usually spent in a narrow family circle. As a gift, heroes of the occasion are usually given jewelry or souvenirs made of jade, because, among other things, this mineral is still considered a virtue stone, it has healing properties and brings good luck.

Mahogany wedding

27 Years, 27th Wedding Anniversary - Mahogany Wedding

Mahogany wedding is the name of the 27th anniversary of family life. Mahogany personifies nobility, strength, and it is highly valued. So 27 years of marriage are very expensive. The silver anniversary is already behind.

Expensive mahogany or mahogany veneered items are natural gifts for this wedding. These can be miniature figurines, such as netsuke, or small jewelry boxes with many boxes. Maybe even this will be a furniture set for the dining room, why not? Or maybe it will be an umbrella from a designer collection with a mahogany handle.

Velvet wedding

29 Years, 29th Wedding Anniversary - Velvet Wedding

The family ship of this beautiful couple has been sailing the endless sea of ​​life for 29 years. He is not afraid of the endless expanses of the ocean, or strong storms. Even the ninth wave is not terrible! This ship docked in the Velvet Season Bay. It is this period that is considered the most favorable for rest and good pastime. Indeed, the children have already grown up, graduated from institutes, and started families. And the spouses can devote more time to each other, travel and recreation, meetings with friends. And also invite them to your holiday. Having lived together for 29 years, they celebrate the Velvet Wedding.

Know: today you can put on velvet from head to toe. Velvet exists in different incarnations: for loving spouses, you can choose a long, straight velvet dress for a lady and a velvet shirt for a gentleman. Let, having tried on your gift, they feel all the power of attraction of loving hearts - velvet beckons and seduces ... Affectionate, gentle, luxurious - it is impossible to resist. Do not forget to say that royal robes were sewn from this material! You can sew it too! And may this royal mantle remain with the newlyweds until the crown wedding, and will crown the seventieth anniversary of their life together!

Pearl wedding

30th Anniversary Wedding Round Anniversary Date - Pearl Wedding

Thirty years of marriage. Pearls are the symbol of impeccable family relationships, as real pearls never tarnish. And 30 years are like 30 pearls, strung on the thread of time. On this day, the husband presents his wife with a pearl necklace. This gift is a kind of reminder of the tears that were shed by the wife during family troubles, the husband, as it were, asks for forgiveness for his unfortunate words and actions.

The best gift for a pearl wedding is pearls, a pearl necklace that guests can buy individually or in a bundle. Also, for a 30 year wedding anniversary, you can safely give any of the above gifts.

Swarthy wedding

31 Years, 31 Wedding Anniversary - Amber Wedding

The thirty-first anniversary is popularly referred to as the Dark Wedding. Why this date was named that way is anyone's guess. For 31 years, all the lapping, hardening and tanning, wrinkles that reflect the places where smiles used to be - all this and other, amicably acquired over the years together, gives a certain swarthiness to the relationship. Young people look at you with interest, they still do not know the secret of your natural understanding and the even light of your love.

If the celebration of this anniversary happened in spring or summer, be sure to go to nature on this day! The smell of wildflowers, fire and barbecue will give the “newlyweds” their children, grandchildren and friends a good mood and the taste of a real holiday. Give one of the most responsible grandchildren a video camera so that he captures these moments for a long time. Then you and your loved ones will remember your 31st anniversary of family life for a long time.

Amber wedding

34 Years, 34th Wedding Anniversary - Amber Wedding

34 years. Amber is a magic stone, it must lie for several centuries to become what it is. So the family for this anniversary becomes a model. Almost perfect.

Jewelry made of amber can become gifts for the anniversary.

Linen, Linen or Coral wedding

35th Anniversary Wedding Anniversary - Linen or Coral Wedding

35 years of marriage. The symbol of this anniversary is a linen tablecloth, embodying peace, well-being and home comfort. This anniversary is the glorification of the mistress of the house, who managed to keep the warmth of the hearth all these years.

The most popular linen wedding anniversary gift is a classic bedding set, or clothes for children, or a carpet, or a blanket.

Aluminum wedding

37.5 Years Wedding Date - Aluminum Wedding

37 and a half years of marriage. This half-year anniversary testifies to strong marital happiness and the fact that such a strong family is ready to celebrate the holidays always and in a large and friendly company.

On an aluminum wedding anniversary, it is customary for spouses to give metal photo frames, cutlery.

Ruby wedding

40 Years Wedding Anniversary Wedding - Ruby Wedding

40 years of married life. Ruby is a symbol of fiery love. It is intended to remind spouses of the feelings that they experienced when they decided to become one family. In addition, this anniversary suggests that the intimacy of the spouses became blood, since the color of the ruby ​​is so similar to blood. On this day, a ring with a ruby ​​from a loving husband will be a wonderful gift for a wife.

The optimal gift on the date of a round wedding anniversary is either a precious jewelry with a ruby, or a basket of pomegranates and oranges. Also a perfectly acceptable gift for a 40th wedding anniversary would be a thing for home decoration.

Sapphire wedding

45th Anniversary Wedding - Sapphire Wedding

45 years of marriage. The symbol of this anniversary is the stone of fidelity - the sapphire. It is believed that this stone not only relieves of heavy thoughts, but also refreshes the senses, gives strength to fight hardships and diseases. On this day, the spouses are presented with sapphire jewelry. In addition, this anniversary is celebrated with friends who have been with the spouses all these years.

On the anniversary of the sapphire wedding, it is customary for spouses to give any jewelry, but jewelry with a sapphire stone is preferable.

Lavender wedding

46 Years 46 Wedding Anniversary - Lavender Wedding

46 years of marriage. Lavender is a mountain plant that can withstand even the most difficult natural disasters. The 46th anniversary has incredibly touching symbolism. Lavender symbolizes the longevity of relationships, kindness and tenderness between spouses.

Usually they give a bunch of lavender, whose delicate and strong scent will last for a very, very long time.

Cashmere or Woolen wedding

47 Years, 47 Wedding Anniversary - Cashmere Wedding

47 years of marriage. Present the spouses with wool or cashmere clothes that are as cozy, warm and reliable as their love.

Amethyst wedding

48 Years, 48th Wedding Anniversary - Amethyst Wedding

48 years of marriage. A husband gives his wife a piece of amethyst as a sign of marital fidelity. This stone symbolizes honesty and clarity of intentions, which should have been finally determined after 48 years of living together.

Cedar wedding

49 years old, 49th wedding anniversary - Cedar Wedding

49 years of marriage. This tree is as durable, reliable and warm as your relationship. It is customary to give fans made of wood, as well as various carved boxes.

Golden wedding

50th Wedding Anniversary, Half Century, Round Wedding Anniversary - Gold Wedding

The fiftieth anniversary of the wedding. It falls to the elite to reach this anniversary, and therefore this anniversary is celebrated solemnly and pompously. They invite relatives and friends, necessarily children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, friends and colleagues. The main gift for a golden wedding is new wedding rings instead of those that were donated 50 years ago. After all, gold could wear out over the years, so old rings are passed on as a family value to unmarried grandchildren and great-grandchildren. On the day of the 50th wedding anniversary, you can arrange a second wedding ceremony.

The best, coolest and most win-win gift for a golden wedding anniversary is gold in any form and any concentration. It is quite permissible to give a woman on her golden wedding day chic decorative cosmetics containing real soft gold of the highest 999.99% purity.

Emerald Wedding

55th Anniversary Wedding Anniversary - Emerald Wedding

55 years of marriage. May the brightness of feelings not be lost over the years! The bright green emerald stone should confirm that the spouses still harbor vivid emotions for each other.

A good gift for an emerald wedding - a lot of greenery, flowers, and even better - a trip around the world or at least a trip to Egypt or Prague.

Diamond or Diamond wedding

60 Years Wedding Anniversary - Diamond or Diamond Wedding

Sixtieth anniversary. The diamond is a symbol of this anniversary, it is the hardest of all precious stones. It symbolizes the strength of the marriage union. On this day, children and grandchildren give the spouses jewelry with diamonds.

A good but expensive gift for a 60th wedding anniversary is diamonds and diamonds. But if there is no money for this luxury jewelry, then it is quite possible to give a happy family an iron, coffee grinder, blender, mixer or electric kettle.

Iron wedding

65th Anniversary Wedding Anniversary - Iron Wedding

65 years of marriage. This anniversary is a rather rare event that testifies to the strength of family ties, that in such a time they have become as hard as iron.

On an iron anniversary wedding anniversary, you can pin up old people and give them a domestic car.

Stone wedding

67.5 years wedding date - Stone Wedding

67, 5 years of marriage. The stone lives for a very long time, but it is also subject to destruction. But love, which has lived for so many years, cannot destroy anything.

If the spouses are not against such an extreme gift, then on the anniversary of the stone wedding, they can give them a piece of land in the cemetery and let them choose the design of the tombstones. And it is better, of course, not to injure an old husband and wife, but simply to arrange a merry holiday for them somewhere in a cafe or in the fresh air.

Platinum, Grateful or Blessed Wedding

70 Years Anniversary Wedding - Platinum or Auspicious Wedding

70 years of marriage. On this day, the whole family gathers together: with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Looking back, the couple understand that such a faithful and long-lasting love is sent from heaven. And this is grace and true happiness.

On the jubilee anniversary of a platinum or blessed wedding, the best gift for old-timers-boarders would be contemplation of their entire family together, communication with grandchildren and children, and awareness of their own importance for children.

Crown wedding

75th Anniversary Wedding Anniversary - Crown Wedding

75 years of marriage. This anniversary crowns the long and happy life of two loving spouses. Celebrated by a wide range of relatives, children and grandchildren.

On the big and terribly long anniversary of the crown wedding, be sure to congratulate your husband and wife with warm words of sincere congratulations on so many happy years of family life, cheer up the old people, fulfill their any realistically feasible desire to the best of your ability and your capabilities.

Oak wedding

80s Anniversary Wedding Anniversary - Oak Wedding

80 years of marriage. Your family life is as strong as oak branches and as long as an oak tree lives.

On this day, the spouses are given an oak rosary.

Red wedding

100 years, the most round and rarest wedding anniversary - there is simply no more round anniversary and wedding anniversary: ​​Red Wedding.

Someone will say that so many - together for 100 years, do not live. And I will say that real miracles sometimes happen in life, if true Love soars at their source, which keeps two loving souls together for so long. The roundest 100-year anniversary red wedding anniversary in the world should be the coolest and most memorable anniversary in the life of a loving woman and man, husband and wife.

100th anniversary of your relationship. Of course, this anniversary is rare. Your family is glorified by the whole world! The name of the centenary was recently proposed by the long-living spouses Agayevs from Azerbaijan: 126-year-old Niftulla and his 116-year-old wife Balabeyim. They lived together for a century.

... Green wedding
Wedding day. This is the very first anniversary. It is the day of the wedding itself and the starting point for new anniversaries. A green wedding is celebrated during the first year after the marriage was concluded every month on the date of the wedding. Usually, only flowers are given as a gift, especially paying attention to how long they will last. The symbol of this anniversary is myrtle leaves in a wedding wreath, which the bride weaves for herself on her wedding day.

... 1 year -
First anniversary of family life. On this day, the young wife puts on a chintz dress and the spouses give each other chintz handkerchiefs. Also on this day, one bottle of champagne is drunk, left specially from the wedding.

... 2 year -
The second year is a test of patience and tolerance in a young family. Very often, a baby appears in the family for the second anniversary, and it is very important to be kinder to each other in order to build a friendly and strong family. Paper is a symbol of fragility, so it depends only on the husband and wife whether they can maintain the fragile balance of marriage. Guests give hand-made cards, origami, books with tips or recipes, beautiful paintings, photo albums for memory, etc.

... 3 years -
The family seems to be strong, but changes are still taking place in it, relationships continue to change like skin. Try to give genuine leather products for this anniversary that would serve the young for a long time: bags, wallets, folders, belts, gloves. Relatives can give a couple on this day useful and symbolic gifts: two pairs of leather slippers as a symbol of home comfort; the skin of some animal or its imitation as a symbol of wealth.

... 4 years -
On the festive table, linen tablecloths and beautiful candles should be an obligatory attribute. The custom has come down to this day to give a small bunch of flowering flax or a dried sheaf on this day. On the fourth wedding anniversary, spouses can give each other clothes made from linen: a suit, a shirt, a skirt. Friends and relatives can donate anything related to linen: bed linen, towels, bedclothes, linen tablecloths and a set of napkins. It is also good to give paired candles that are lit and placed in the spouses' room so that they burn as long as possible.

... 5 years -
The tree symbolizes the strength of family relations; it is no longer chintz, paper or even leather. On this day, guests bring to the spouses wooden dishes, spoons, mugs, cutting boards, photo frames, pictures carved from wood, boxes, small pieces of furniture, etc. By presenting spouses with wooden objects, guests, thus, wish their marriage strength and reliability, warmth and comfort. The spouse himself must make some kind of wooden craft for the house to prove that he has not forgotten how to work with his hands. And the wife, in turn, will cover this craft with varnish as a proof of her female compliance.

... 6 years -
Another crisis in marital relations. Cast iron, despite its external strength and weight, is a very brittle metal that can crack from any impact. The relations of the young, despite the considerable period of time, must be maintained, as well as the fire of the family hearth. Guests can donate cast-iron pots, pans, interior items (caskets, vases, candlesticks, photo frames), beautiful wrought-iron furniture (tables, chairs). The wife must definitely bake some family specialty in a cast-iron dish to prove her worth as a mistress of the house.

... 6.5 years -
This anniversary reminds that marriage, as well as galvanized crockery, must be polished over time. The crises are over, so home improvement is becoming the main task of the family. Guests give the young sets of dishes, pots, some useful kitchen sets.

... 7 years -
First noble and confident anniversary. The seven-year anniversary of married life is characterized by two materials - copper. Copper is a soft, ductile, malleable metal, an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, second only to silver in this. The spouses exchange copper coins so that happiness is ringing. Any souvenirs, interior items or household items, jewelry, clothing will do. Following the custom, one can present the spouses with copper rings, copper horseshoes that can be hung over the door and copper coins, which are showered on the husband and wife "for good luck."

... 8 Years - Tin Wedding
The strength of the family increases over the years, so tin becomes a symbol - a strong but flexible structure. For this anniversary, it is customary to give: tin products, such as trays, baking trays, baking dishes, as well as kitchen utensils, household electrical appliances. You can also give gifts related to cans, barrels, canned food. This could be a week's supply of beer or stew.
Less common is the name of this anniversary, like a bed wedding. It is customary to buy a new bed for the anniversary, as a symbol of the renewal of the hearth.

... 9 years - Faience wedding
Nobody argues about the strength of the family anymore. She is stronger than ever. The best gift for spouses on this day is earthenware. Traditionally, on this holiday, the spouses beat their old earthenware dishes. At the same time, with each broken object, past quarrels, discords and troubles are broken. It is believed that this ancient rite helps to renew the marriage and make it more durable. The process of breaking dishes is very interesting and fun, so you can also connect your friends-guests to this action.

... 10 years old - Pink wedding
This is the first significant wedding anniversary - 10 years. Traditionally, it is customary to give bouquets of roses on the day of a pink wedding. It is customary to serve fried poultry with a pink sauce to the festive table, and the young should spend their wedding night on a bed strewn with pink petals.

... 11th Anniversary - Steel Wedding
The countdown of the new decade of family life shows that the relationship has become hardened, become stronger and stronger. It is customary to give souvenirs made of steel, as well as various power tools. Also on this holiday, the wife and husband give each other bouquets of 11 flowers, which should decorate the house for 11 days.

... 12.5 Years - Nickel Wedding
In some ways, this anniversary is reminiscent of a zinc wedding, and the point of celebration is to renew the marriage relationship in a reminder that it is necessary to maintain the brilliance of family relationships. Celebrated by a narrow family circle. Jewelry can be presented as gifts. According to the custom that has come down to us from time immemorial, on the day of the anniversary nickel wedding, the spouses visit places that are memorable for both of them, they visit the church in which the wedding took place.

... 13 years old - Lace wedding or Lily of the valley wedding
Life goes on as usual and weaves its lace. On this day, spouses are presented with lace napkins, tablecloths, openwork products knitted from fine wool. On this anniversary, you can give each other lilies of the valley, as light and tender as your love. The festive table should be decorated with a lace tablecloth.

... 14th Anniversary - Agate Wedding
Every year, relations acquire new colors, the family hearth acquires more and more colors, like the agate stone itself, known for its various forms. It is customary for spouses to give agate products: for a wife it can be agate earrings, a ring or beads, and for a man - agate cufflinks or a tie clip. Since an agate wedding involves a lot of jewelry, guests can donate a jewelry box or chests for storing jewelry.

... 15th Anniversary - Glass Wedding or Crystal Wedding
This anniversary is the personification of the purity and clarity of family relationships, the cloudless happiness of two loving people, which is so fragile that it can break at any moment. Traditionally, crystal and glassware should prevail on the festive table of crystal heroes of the day. Drinking to the health and happiness of spouses is necessary only from crystal. On the 15th anniversary, the spouses exchange with each other gizmos made of crystal or glass. Tea sets, wine glasses, glasses, vases, salad bowls can be such gifts. Small figurines depicting human figures, animals, flowers or other objects will look very original.

... 18 years old - Turquoise wedding
The brightness of turquoise symbolizes the end of all difficult and crisis situations that tormented families in their twenties. This anniversary is presented with turquoise jewelry or things inlaid with turquoise.

. 19 years old - Krypton wedding (almost never celebrated)

... 20 years - Porcelain wedding
Porcelain is a valuable material, but very fragile. Therefore, the twentieth wedding anniversary is like a reminder that marriage must be treated with care. The main tradition followed when celebrating a porcelain wedding is table setting with porcelain dishes, which shows the increased (compared to a faience wedding) family wealth. It is customary to serve treats to guests only on new porcelain. As gifts, spouses are usually presented with porcelain products: dishes, vases, figurines.

. 21 years old - Opal wedding (almost never celebrated)
. 22 years old - Bronze wedding (almost never celebrated)
. 23 years old - Beryl wedding (almost never celebrated)
. 24 years old - Satin wedding (almost never celebrated)

... 25th Anniversary - Silver Wedding
A quarter of a century lived together is already a lot! Silver as a noble metal is a symbol of a wonderful and lasting family union. It is customary to celebrate the Silver wedding together with all relatives and friends. The couple exchange silver rings and subsequently wear them along with wedding rings throughout the anniversary year. Guests bring gifts related specifically to silver. It can be jewelry (chains, rings, earrings, bracelets), interior items (trays, vases), cutlery. These items are beautiful and durable, just like the life of a spouse.

. 26th Anniversary - Jade Wedding (almost never celebrated)
. 27 years - Mahogany wedding (hardly ever celebrated)
. 29 years old - Velvet wedding (almost never celebrated)

... 30th Anniversary - Pearl Wedding
Pearls are the symbol of impeccable family relationships, as real pearls never tarnish. And 30 years are like 30 pearls strung on a thread of time. On this day, the husband presents his wife with a pearl necklace. This gift is a kind of reminder of the tears that were shed by the wife during family troubles, the husband, as it were, asks for forgiveness for his unfortunate words and actions. And, of course, celebrating the 30th anniversary, you can invite all your friends and relatives and arrange a grand feast. Anniversaries are usually presented with a variety of pearl jewelry. However, gifts that are somehow connected with the personalities of the spouses are quite suitable: their family portrait, a photo album with their unusual photographs, and so on. Expensive gifts are always held in high esteem, for example, a new TV set, or any antique interior items. On this day, you should not skimp, because 30 years is a very significant date.

. 31 years old - Dark wedding (practically not celebrated)

... 34 years old - Amber Wedding
Amber is a magic stone, it must lie for several centuries to become what it is. So the family for this anniversary becomes exemplary. Almost perfect. Anniversary gifts can be jewelry or amber products.

... 35th Anniversary - Linen Wedding or Coral Wedding
The symbol of this anniversary is a linen tablecloth, embodying peace, well-being and home comfort. This anniversary is the glorification of the mistress of the house, who managed to keep the warmth of the hearth all these years. Linen tablecloths, napkins, bedspreads, a towel and sheets are presented as a gift. And also, since the anniversary has another name, coral products are presented, for example, coral beads. Children can give their parents real red wine, which can say a lot about the power of passion and love between spouses.

. 37 years old - Muslin wedding (practically not celebrated)

... 37.5 Years - Aluminum Wedding
This half-year anniversary testifies to strong marital happiness and the fact that such a strong family is ready to celebrate the holidays always and in a large and friendly company. It is customary to give household products made of aluminum and other metals, as well as souvenirs.

. 38 years old - Mercury wedding (almost never celebrated)
. 39 years old - Crepe wedding (almost never celebrated)

... 40th Anniversary - Ruby Wedding
Ruby is a symbol of fiery love. It is intended to remind spouses of the feelings that they experienced when they decided to become one family. In addition, this anniversary suggests that the intimacy of the spouses became blood, since the color of the ruby ​​is so similar to blood. On this day, a ring with a ruby ​​from a loving husband will be a wonderful gift for a wife. In the decoration of the room where the anniversary will be held, red should prevail. Naturally, jewelry and crafts with rubies should become the main gifts for a ruby ​​wedding. Ruby earrings, rings, bracelets, beads, brooches, necklaces, pendants, cufflinks, key rings are great, especially if rubies imitate flowers and bunches of berries. Caskets, chests, watches, vases and bowls can be decorated with rubies. And remember that the ruby ​​is also an amulet that can protect its owners.

. 42 years old - Mother of Pearl Wedding (almost never celebrated)
43 years old - Flannel wedding (almost never celebrated)
. 44 years old - Topaz wedding (almost never celebrated)

... 45th Anniversary - Sapphire Wedding
The symbol of this anniversary is the stone of fidelity - the sapphire. It is believed that this stone not only relieves of heavy thoughts, but also refreshes the senses, gives strength to fight hardships and diseases. On this day, the spouses are presented with sapphire jewelry. Sapphire is a stone with the ability to eliminate the effects of stress. Of course, this will not be superfluous for people of considerable age. The main tradition followed for this anniversary is the decoration of wedding rings with sapphire. In addition, this anniversary is celebrated with friends who have been with the spouses all these years.

... 46th Anniversary - Lavender Wedding
Lavender is a mountain plant that can withstand even the most difficult natural disasters. Usually they give a bunch of lavender, whose delicate and strong scent will last for a very, very long time.

... 47 years - Cashmere wedding, or Woolen wedding
Present the spouses with wool or cashmere clothes that are as cozy, warm and reliable as their love.

... 48th Anniversary - Violet Wedding
A husband gives his wife a piece of amethyst as a sign of marital fidelity. This stone symbolizes honesty and clarity of intentions, which should have been finally determined after 48 years of living together.

... 49th Anniversary - Cedar Wedding
This tree is as durable, reliable and warm as your relationship. It is customary to give fans made of wood, as well as various carved boxes.

... 50th Anniversary - Golden Wedding
Perhaps the most significant date of a married life. Behind him already half a century lived in marriage. A huge period, one might say, a whole life. And gold is the most suitable material to commemorate this anniversary. They invite relatives and friends, necessarily children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, friends and colleagues. The main gift for a golden wedding is new wedding rings instead of those that were donated 50 years ago. After all, gold could wear out over the years, so old rings are passed on as a family value to unmarried grandchildren and great-grandchildren. On the day of the 50th wedding anniversary, you can arrange a second wedding ceremony and celebrate it solemnly and magnificently. The evening can be ended by throwing the bride's bouquet. If a young woman catches him, she will soon get married, and if she is married, she will live in marriage as long as the spouses of the anniversary.

... 55th Anniversary - Emerald Wedding
May the brightness of feelings not be lost over the years! The bright green emerald stone should confirm that the spouses still harbor vivid emotions for each other. For this anniversary, it is customary to give jewelry with an emerald to the spouses. When planning a holiday, it is necessary to take into account the possibilities of the heroes of the occasion, because people at such a respectable age are very difficult to endure such noisy and crowded celebrations. It is much better if the holiday is eventful according to the program, but will take place in a close circle with the closest and dearest. It will be very good if this holiday becomes a real surprise for those anniversaries. After all, after a golden - half-century - wedding, such anniversaries are not often celebrated.

... 60th Anniversary - Diamond Wedding or Diamond Wedding
The diamond is a symbol of this anniversary, it is the hardest of all precious stones. It symbolizes the strength of the marriage union. On this day, children and grandchildren give the spouses jewelry with diamonds. The form of the celebration is a cross between a solemn celebration of the heroes of the day and a fun concert for them. The heroes themselves do not take part in the organization of the holiday, everything is done by younger relatives, in particular, children and grandchildren. The biggest gift for those anniversaries will be the very conduct of their wedding: since relatives remember the day of their anniversary, it means that they are loved and respected. If your parents or grandparents live in a different area, then bring them to your place, and if they do not want or cannot, then arrange a holiday with them.

... 65th Anniversary - Iron Wedding
This anniversary is a rather rare event that testifies to the strength of family ties, that in such a time they have become as hard as iron. Usually on this day, openwork iron coasters or iron souvenirs are presented.

... 67.5 years - Stone wedding
The stone lives for a very long time, but it is also subject to destruction. But love, which has lived for so many years, cannot destroy anything.

... 70th Anniversary - Blessed Wedding
On this day, the whole family gathers together: with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Looking back, the couple understand that such a faithful and long-lasting love is sent from heaven. And this is grace and true happiness.

... 75th Anniversary - Crown Wedding or Second Diamond Wedding
This anniversary crowns the long and happy life of two loving spouses. Celebrated by a wide range of relatives, children and grandchildren.

... 80th Anniversary - Oak Wedding
Your family life is as strong as oak branches and as long as an oak tree lives. On this day, the spouses are presented with an oak rosary.

... 90th Anniversary - Granite Wedding
Granite is the basis of the hardness of our planet. Love is the foundation of family strength. Unfortunately, not many people manage to live to that age. This is the only reason why it is necessary to arrange a holiday for the beloved heroes of the day of their almost century-old love! When a couple has been living together for ninety years, the best gift for them will be the attention of relatives and friends. Let the spouses feel like the kings of the ball on this day, take care of them, cook their favorite dishes and let a happy smile never leave their faces all day!

... 100th Anniversary - Red Wedding
To date, only one case of celebrating this anniversary is known. The long-living spouses Agayevs from Azerbaijan have lived together for a whole century. They gave the name to this anniversary. At the time of the 100-year celebration, the spouse was 126 years old, and the spouse was 116. They lived together for a century.
A red wedding is a beautiful feeling, a beautiful life. Probably, celebrating such a round wedding date, the spouses really understand that they have not lived their lives in vain, that they did everything right and were not mistaken in choosing each other. Their children and the children of their children should be proud of them.
This incredible date makes you really think that the choice of a life partner determines the fate for the rest of your life. It's a whole life dedicated to one person. It's even more than life, it's an eternity!

I wish you happiness, spouses.
The main wealth in life is love!


Wedding anniversaries are celebrated in all countries of the world, but they are treated differently due to cultural traditions and mentality. In addition, the names of wedding anniversaries are also different.

The most significant "dates" since the time of the Roman Empire were considered the silver (quarter century) and golden (half century) weddings. The 20th century made its own adjustments, since by that time life expectancy had increased. And now a diamond marital anniversary (60 years) is added to the official list of wedding anniversaries, and then the ribbon of significant dates is extended until the 90th anniversary of marriage. The 21st century was marked by two centuries-old dates in Azerbaijan, which, however, proved impossible to document.

There are no wedding anniversaries that are not celebrated by jubilees. There are no “good” and “bad” anniversaries for loving hearts. It's just that in the cultural tradition of many countries, it is customary to consider anniversaries after a certain date as 5 years, without assigning a name to each year. In the same weather, they name the borders up to the silver (in Spanish-speaking countries - golden) anniversary.

In most cases, the names of wedding anniversary dates are based on the strength of the material that symbolizes them.

First year together, or myrtle wedding

In Russia, the time from marriage to the first anniversary is called a green (myrtle) wedding. Note that this is a purely Russian idea; nowhere else in the world are “first years” included in the list of mentioned anniversaries. Newlyweds are allowed to celebrate their wedding at least every month, at least every week - that's why they are newlyweds.

It is curious that in the East, the "myrtle year" is considered and characterized quarterly:

  • 3 months - "green jubilee" (clean, spotless);
  • ½ year - a dream, or a dream, i.e. "Love is like a dream";
  • 9 months - "beer jubilee" (intoxicating, heady).

The name "green wedding" is connected not with the age of the spouses, but with the fact that the family is very young.

The term "myrtle" is taken from Greek mythology - myrtle and rose were sacred symbols of the goddess of love Aphrodite. Myrtle is traditionally part of the bride's bouquet.

This tradition was started by Queen Victoria during her wedding to Prince Albert in 1840. In some European countries, wreaths with myrtle leaves woven into them adorn the heads of the bride and groom.

First ten wedding dates

Calico anniversary - 1 year

The chintz anniversary is called, rather, as a joke, hinting that for the first year the newlyweds did not get out of bed, and therefore rubbed the bed linen into tatters. Hence the second Russian name - gauze wedding.

In the West, in the East and in Latin America, the first anniversary is called a paper one, emphasizing the dubious strength of the union at this stage. Only in some European countries, the first jubilee year is called chintz, as we do.

Gift ideas for the first anniversary of your life together.

Paper wedding - 2 years

With this date - exactly the opposite. Almost the whole world calls the second anniversary cotton (chintz), but in Russia it is called paper.

The Russian version reflects the special vulnerability of the family after the birth of a child - paper breaks easily. Other countries assume that fabric (cotton) is stronger than paper. Cotton is practical, versatile and durable. It symbolizes exactly those qualities that are necessary for a strong marriage, capable of adapting to any changes in life.

Ideas for original gifts for the second anniversary.

Leather anniversary - 3 years

Leather is a strong, abrasion-resistant, durable material, but extremely flexible and resilient. The skin takes on a given shape relatively easily and, with a solid frame, is able to hold it. High-quality leather will "embrace", warm and become your essence, while low-quality leather will coarsen in the cold and will only cause inconvenience.

3 years is the first serious milestone in a marriage union. Skin, performing well protective functions, at the same time retains warmth, so important for stability in the family. The emphasis on the flexibility of the symbol speaks of the relative strength of the relationship, which, nevertheless, is still vulnerable.

About gifts for the third anniversary.

Linen anniversary - 4 years

In Russia linen in the house spoke of stability and prosperity... In other words, the 4-year wedding anniversary indicated that the couple were engaged in arranging their nest, relegating feelings and emotions to the background. The prosperity of any level and its demonstration now come out on top - this position excludes doubts about the seriousness of the marriage.

In the East, silk is a symbol of stability and prosperity, therefore the 4th anniversary is called silk. In the West, you can often hear about the wax jubilee (putting a wax gloss in the house).

More romantic nations talk about a flower-fruit jubilee: marital relations blossomed with beautiful flowers and filled with juice, like ripe fruit. Moreover, the fruit is tied from a divine flower. This is the stage of renewing and refreshing relationships.

Wondering what to get for your 4th anniversary? The answers are here.

Wooden jubilee - 5 years

Solidity and wisdom are inherent in wood anniversary. The family put down roots and spread the crown, exposing it to the rays of the sun. The stronger the hidden base of the tree (root system), the more confidently it resists the winds. The wider the crown, the more comfortable it is to be under the shade of its foliage.

It was believed that by the age of five the family had already taken root and gave birth to new shoots, forming its own special "crown". Often, at this stage, the construction of a new home for a growing family was laid.

If the family remained childless (the Germans and Chinese were always especially scrupulous in this matter), then the couple would certainly plant a tree that was designed to help childless parents and fill the house with children's laughter.

Tin Anniversary - 8 Years

A tinny relationship is all about dazzling brilliance and variability. This is how an 8-year family union undergoing renewal is characterized.

Only in Eastern Europe, the stage is called a tin wedding, other peoples call it bronze, nickel or salt. No wonder - all three elements have been of great value for a long time and act as a guarantor of strength and confidence in the future.

Faience jubilee - 9 years

The name, on the one hand, is associated with another critical period in family relations, as indicated by the fragility of faience. On the other hand, it is in beautiful and stylish earthenware dishes that excellent tea is brewed and served, symbolizing the strength of the union.

Alternative names:

  • clay (clay malleability and kiln firing),
  • crystalline (transparency, purity and perfection of forms),
  • willow (the same pliability of the material, which gives a unique durable product at the output).

Pink anniversary - 10 years

First anniversary celebrated with fanfare. Perfect the beauty of the rose indicates the flawless beauty of the union, stepping over the 10-year milestone. It is believed that a marriage that has 10 years of experience behind it cannot destroy anything.

In the world, the anniversary is called tin, since for a long time it was tin that could ensure the safety of food and the durability of metals prone to corrosion (tinning). The couple, who, despite the obstacles, was able to walk with dignity a 10-year stretch of the road and withstand, probably figured out the secret of marital longevity and now will not break.

Silk (nickel) anniversary - 12 years

After 12 years of living together, it is time to enjoy luxury, generously flavored with juices of pleasure and bliss. It is assumed that the further path will be flawless and smooth as silk.

Literally in several regions of Russia and Eastern Europe, the 12-year wedding anniversary is called nickel, endowing the metal with symbolism similar to silk. It is assumed that the nickel line will open the same prospects that the Silk Road promises.

Petrushka wedding - 12.5 years

This is a major milestone - 1/8 century way... Why is parsley a symbol of such a significant day?

The Germans and the Chinese assure: only by spicing up the next 12.5 years with spices and aromatic herbs from the bottom of their hearts, the couple will triumphantly come to their silver jubilee.

They say that a couple who ignored this unusual date will continue on a boring and insipid path, like straw in a hayloft - without ups and downs, without languishing souls and disappointments. Couples, ready to move on and protect their family happiness, by all means hang a wreath on the door that day, into which parsley is abundantly woven, and the house is decorated with vases with parsley bouquets.

Lily of the valley anniversary - 13 years

The name "lace wedding" is quite common. 13 year marriage glorifies refined beauty and elegance of relationships.

The lily of the valley jubilee focuses on tenderness and light love, not overshadowed by anything. All storms and hardships were left behind, being unable to destroy that perfect lace fabric of love, which for many years was created by two strong hearts that continue to beat in unison.

Agate (bone) wedding -14 years

The first jubilee named in the Russian tradition with a “stone” name.

Agate symbolizes loyalty, devotion and longevity, protects from the intrigues of enemies, envious people and energy vampires.

In world practice, a 14-year marriage is called bone, or rather ivory (ivory), which is intended emphasize unique purity, magical power and incorruptibility... It is these traits that are attributed to the 14-year union.

Crystal celebration - 15 years

Clarity, unique transparency and purity of relations, which have become the hallmark of 15-year-olds, are truly dear, and therefore crystal is designated as the symbol of the celebration - a mystical element chosen by magicians and sorcerers.

Crystal personifies constancy, fidelity and purity of thinking... Crystal equally likely creates a barrier, or shows the gaze, or reflects, or refracts - much depends on what the owner of the magic crystal expects to see and receive (this is what the mystics have called him from time immemorial). It is believed that over 15 years of marriage, the spouses were able to get to know each other better than themselves.

Topaz celebration - 16 years

The gemstone that rules the 16th anniversary has an incredibly regular crystal structure, which once again emphasizes the harmony, strength and perfection of a 16-year-old marriage relationship.

Topaz - a stone of prudence, protecting from destructive mad passion.

It is difficult to work with, but it gains an incredible luster when professionally cut. According to legend, at this stage the spouses cut the “family topaz” with their worldly wisdom and made it shine with incredible power.

Orchid wedding -17 years

Again the theme of love and purity, inherent in the next milestone. Intimate splendor, unsullied tenderness and touching temptation are inherent in the shockingly beautiful orchid.

It is believed that the spouses who achieved harmony and their inner ideal received the blessing of Heaven, and therefore were able to preserve the fire of passion and the unfading joy of being.

Turquoise celebration - 18 years

The maturity of the union indicates its vitality and maturity, and turquoise is an indicator of purity of thoughts, nobility and genuineness - after all in the wrong hands, turquoise collapses.

Turquoise, symbolizing piety and prosperity, perfectly characterizes the state of family relations at this stage.

Back in the 13th century, the famous Persian poet Saadi said that turquoise fades before our eyes when love remains in the past.

Pomegranate wedding - 19 years

Pomegranate, heated by friction, attracts everything that is around (of course, not boulders), which is very symbolic. The friction of hearts, beating as a whole for so many years, gives rise to and maintains the strength of their mutual attraction.

Pomegranate is a skillful healer of the heart, soul, mind and memory. When warmed up, it attracts truly happy love. He bestows optimism and success only on those who are filled with passion and build relationships with full dedication.

Porcelain Anniversary - 20 Years

Is there anything more beautiful, harmonious and mysterious than aristocratic porcelain? Similar epithets apply to a marriage that has crossed the 20-year mark.

Real porcelain is fragile and elegant. It is impossible not to admire them, as well as the "porcelain" heroes of the day, who managed to pass the test of time with dignity and preserve their relationship in its original form. Caring for each other and the genuineness of feelings have become components of their overall success. And each couple has their own "secret ingredient" of a great union.

Gifts for porcelain anniversaries will help you find our selection.

Wedding anniversaries of the third decade

Wedding anniversaries are named in the world practice every year until the 50th anniversary, and then - with a step of 5 years with a few exceptions. All names are associated with the magical properties of the element whose name they bear. I would like to note that many countries stop annually marking anniversaries after 15-20 years, which does not mean, however, a refusal to celebrate them both in a close family circle and surrounded by friends and relatives.

Opal Anniversary - 21 Years

Tourmaline (bronze) anniversary - 22 years

In about half of the countries of Europe and in the New World, this anniversary is called the copper one.

Beryl (titanium) anniversary -23 years

Satin anniversary - 24 years

A satin anniversary was endowed with approximately the same signs and expectations as a silk wedding (12 years old), which is justified: a satin anniversary is exactly twice "older".

In addition, the satin anniversary was very symbolic - on the eve of the legendary silver wedding, known since the times of ancient Rome, when the spouses placed a silver crown on each other's heads, symbolizing the achievement of harmony of soul and body.

Silver anniversary - 25 years

Silver is a noble metal associated with the Moon and prolongs life. Nowadays, a silver crown is not placed on the head of a marriage partner. The couple exchange silver rings, which are worn on the same finger as gold wedding rings. The proximity of gold and silver on one finger means the highest wisdom and secret knowledge: people who have managed to live together for a quarter of a century may well tame and make friends such contradictory elements as the Sun and the Moon.

Silver jubilees evoke respect by the very fact of respectable joint longevity in peace and harmony. For a quarter of a century they have not separated them, they have preserved love and family, in spite of everyday difficulties and life's troubles.

Jade Frontier - 26

Sandalwood Frontier (Mahogany) - 27

Clove Frontier - 28

Ebony wedding - 29 years

In about half of the countries of the world, the 29th anniversary is called velvet... Latin America and some island countries endow the anniversary with the magic of precious ebony.

Pearl jubilee - 30 years

Pearls symbolize hidden beauty - after all, every pearl is born and matured in an oyster shell. A 30-year-old family, enriched with life experience, radiates a radiance of magical inner beauty that is beyond doubt.

The traditional string of pearls in this case is associated with the years strung one by one on the fishing line. The truly royal radiance of pearls is associated with the delightful wisdom of the heroes of the day.

Anniversary names of the fourth decade of marriage

Sunny wedding, or lime wedding - 31 years old

Lapis wedding - 32 years old

Quartz Jubilee (amethyst and volcanic) - 33 years

Garlic wedding - 33.5 years

A garlic wedding is a third of a century. Garlic represents vitality and an inexhaustible source of longevity. In the East, they say that whoever eats garlic has a pure soul.

The 33.5-year-old, whom the couple successfully overcame, suggests a complete cleansing of possible grievances.

Garlic, designed to be the couple's amulet at this stage, will give good health and protect the spouses from all that evil spirits that can darken their brilliant and pure union.

Amber anniversary - 34 years

Coral anniversary (aka jade) - 35 years

Corals, called the gardens of the sea that cover the bottom of the ocean, have been endowed with magical powers since ancient times. Corals were considered sacred elements capable of protecting against evil spells, misfortunes, harm and mental illness. Blood red coral color represents vitality such a solid marriage.

Corals symbolize a magical shield capable of protecting a blessed union.

Lunar wedding (aka muslin) - 36 years

Malachite wedding - 37 years

Aluminum anniversary - 37.5 years

This date is a half stage of the diamond wedding (75 years), which is also called the crown.

Aluminum symbolizes lightness, strength and reliability that characterize the partnership at this stage.

Fiery anniversary (aka mercury) - 38 years

Crepe anniversary - 39 years

Ruby anniversary -40 years

Ruby symbolizes fire, passion, love, blood. It is believed that in the very heart of the stone that symbolic fire is ripening, which does not allow the love between spouses to fade away. In other words, the spouses actually merged souls into one whole.

According to the oriental tradition, 4 decades together should be reflected in luxurious rubies inlaid in original wedding rings.

Fifth dozen wedding dates

Earth Wedding - 41

Mother of Pearl Wedding - 42 years old

Lead wedding (aka flannel) - 43 years old

Star (topaz) wedding - 44 years old

Sapphire Anniversary (aka Platinum) - 45 years

The delightful royal sapphire is the perfect stone to characterize a 45 year union. The stone of purity and fidelity, capable of attracting the favor of the Gods, protects against envy, sadness and disappointment.

The amazing viable edelweiss is considered the flower symbol of the 45th anniversary., symbolizing love and good luck, for the achievement of which it is required to overcome serious difficulties and conquer rebellious peaks. Was this not what the respectable couple, who lived together for 45 years, did, whose union is worthy of admiration and respect?

Lavender (marble) anniversary - 46 years

Cashmere anniversary - 47 years

Latin America, with enviable unanimity, calls the anniversary a pearl one. Nowhere else in the world is the term "pearlescent" used in relation to this anniversary.

Amethyst Jubilee - 48 years

Cedar (aka zircon, aka hyacinth) wedding - 49 years

Zircon is called the "cousin of the diamond". It is somewhat inferior in hardness, but in no way inferior in gloss. The Persians called zircon a golden-colored gem.

Zircon - stone wisdom and optimism... In terms of energy properties, the Indians put it on a par with diamond. Zircon not only "breathes" strength into a person, but also helps to see and decipher the signs of Heaven.

Golden jubilee - 50 years

As they say in the East, marriage has reached such a great value that it sparkles like gold and spreads radiance around. The half-century anniversary is wonderful a reason to get married again and renew your wedding rings, is not it? They assure that from this day the spouses are under the special protection of the Gods.

In ancient Rome, on the day of the 50th anniversary, the husband and wife exchanged gold crowns during a special ritual "golden wedding". The abundance of gold and symbolic golden luster on this day is associated with great wisdom, strength and prosperity of the union.

After the Golden Jubilee, the annual names of wedding milestones are present only in the countries of East Asia. Almost all of them are associated with religion, as well as stones and plants that can be found only in those regions. Europe, the New World and Latin America focus on anniversaries with a step of 5 years, which is obviously due to the low prevalence of such long marriages, which, in turn, is associated with life expectancy.

Round dates after half a century

Emerald (emerald) anniversary - 55 years

The name Precious Wedding is much more common, which is very accurate.

Emerald is a radiant stone of chastity and longevity, a stone of reality and rebirth. The emerald was revered as a keeper of secrets, clarifying the mind and blinding purposeful evil. The ancient Indians equated emerald with deities and worshiped it. In the same way, we are ready to bow our heads to those who have managed to keep love for 55 years.

Diamond wedding (aka diamond) - 60 years

The diamond symbolizes love, power, glory and immortality. The diamond nugget is unique, as is the 60-year union of two people.

Currently, Queen Elizabeth personally congratulates the 60-year-olds of her country, thereby demonstrating boundless respect for the spouses who have crossed the diamond line.

Iron (aka rosewood) wedding - 65 years

It is probably very difficult to convey the strength of a 65-year marriage. The epithet "rosewood jubilee" is intended to emphasize the elite status of matrimonial longevity and the unique strength of the partnership.

Rock wedding - 67.5 years

The emphasis on the anniversary is associated with an extremely exciting borderline - 2/3 century, which cannot but admire.

Comparison of marriage with a rock (stone) that has stood in a seething, restless ocean of life is quite justified.

Auspicious (glossy) anniversary - 70 years

In such a respectable longevity, both the West and the East see the hand of the Gods, emphasizing that God's grace descended on the spouses.

Oriental people, noting the rare duration of the union, call the anniversary Platinum, hinting that the value of platinum exceeds the value of gold.

Crowned Union, or Crown Marriage - 75 years

And also the Diamond Jubilee. The name itself contains the essence of the union - only a select few have been given to live together for three quarters of a century. For this reason, it is believed that now the union has definitely passed the coronation and got into the Book of Eternity.

Anniversary Oak (Walnut) - 80 years

The name of the anniversary indicates the longevity and incredible stability of marriage, the inflexibility of partners. In some European countries, marriage is called olive, wanting to emphasize the immortality of the union.

Wine wedding - 85 years

Granite wedding - 90 years

Throughout the 20th century, the Granite Jubilee was considered "overhead", which is understandable and justified by the duration of human life. Of course, the comparison of the union with eternal granite indicated the stability of the marriage, devotion and unbending will of the spouses.

In 2016, information appeared about two centennial anniversaries at once, which led to the extension of the "wedding anniversary sheet".

Baobab wedding - 95 years

Heavenly wedding (aka Red, aka Red Platinum, aka Water) - 100 years

The centenary anniversary has long been present in the eastern list, where it bears the name of the Paradise Union. Any name of the jubilee indicates its exceptional rarity, inexplicability and eternal existence.

The Azerbaijani spouses, who celebrated the 100th anniversary of their marriage, called their jubilee marriage Red (beautiful). The anniversary received other names because of associations with eternity.

It should be noted an interesting fact related to the naming of wedding anniversaries, which happened "almost overnight." At the beginning of the 20th century, in Europe and America (as opposed to East and Southeast Asia), only 8 wedding dates were revered, timed to coincide with 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50 and 75 anniversaries. In the "dashing 1920s" (on the eve of the Great Depression), American jewelers urgently needed to expand their markets for their products, and therefore a unique move was invented with the compilation of a "wedding anniversary list" and timed stones, jewelry and expensive gifts to each date. The "jubilee trend" soon spread to Europe, where it quickly expanded and continued.

Be that as it may, couples who have been married for one time or another are worthy of respect, and therefore they deserve a luxurious celebration of the anniversary with honors, beautiful speeches and gifts.

The wedding day ran like one moment, bright, exciting and unique. And there is a long and happy family life ahead of you, filled with both joy and small troubles that you can easily overcome together. And so that your feelings do not fade away, but light up with new facets, it is worth remembering this beautiful event every year and celebrating wedding anniversaries together, and then in the circle of a large family, in which children's laughter will be heard! That is why the Svadbagolik.ru portal has prepared for you a short overview of all wedding anniversaries up to 100 years.

Wedding anniversary names by year

Every year after the celebration, the spouses celebrate some kind of beautiful wedding anniversary, each of which has its own name judging by the years of a happy life together:

  • "Metal" anniversaries: copper, tin, tin, etc. After 25 years of marriage, "metal" anniversaries become more precious: silver, gold, platinum.
  • "Stone": beryl, ruby, opal, etc.
  • "Textile": chintz, linen, lace, muslin, etc.
  • "Floral": chamomile, lily of the valley, pink, etc.

In addition, there are other names of anniversaries that do not fit into this classification, for example, named after the most important materials in nature and everyday life: wood, glass, earthenware, as well as red, fertile, dark-skinned. In any case, all wedding anniversaries are a great occasion to please your spouse or your family with beautiful congratulations and gifts, so you should definitely know all wedding anniversaries and their names.

Wedding anniversaries: what symbols and what to give?

So that you know which wedding according to the years of life together should be celebrated in this or that segment of the marriage, we have prepared for you a brief description of them with a description of the symbols and examples of gifts:

  • 0 years- green wedding. On the wedding day, the couple celebrates their first anniversary, which is called "green" due to the fact that the spouses are still young and not mature, a thorny path awaits them ahead, which they must go hand in hand to become more experienced, and their feelings - even stronger.
  • 1 year- calico wedding. The first real anniversary, the leitmotif of which is chintz, it should be present both in the decor of the festive room and the clothes of the spouses, and in gifts. As the latter, you can use a tablecloth + napkins, bed linen, decorative pillows, etc.

  • 2 years- paper wedding. Two years after the wedding, the marriage of the spouses is still like paper: it can "break" at any time. Judging by the symbolism of the holiday, a variety of things can be used as gifts: books and notebooks, a photo collage on the wall, paintings.
  • 3 years- leather wedding. Relationships between spouses turn from “paper” into more durable “leather” ones. On this beautiful date, it is customary to give everything that is associated with the symbol of the anniversary: ​​leather wallets and bags, diaries, photos in a leather frame, belts and caskets lined with leather, etc.

  • 4 years- linen wedding. The leitmotif of this anniversary is a durable fabric, products from which it is customary to present as a gift to spouses: clothes, a set for table setting, pillows, handkerchiefs, etc., because what wedding and its anniversaries do without presenting.
  • 5 years- wooden wedding. The first round wedding anniversary, for which it is customary to give wooden interior items: furniture, photo frames, figurines, boxes.

  • 6 years- cast iron wedding. Although the relations of the spouses are becoming stronger, they can still "break", like cast iron from a strong blow. For this date, it is customary to buy kitchen utensils and household items: dishes, figurines, candlesticks.
  • 7 years- copper wedding. As in the case of a cast-iron wedding, things made of copper are presented for this holiday: figurines, candlesticks, frames, decorative bowls, etc.

  • 8 years- tin wedding. After such a period of time, the relations of the spouses move to a new level, they not only become stronger, but also brighter, like a shiny tin. What to gift? Tin household items: dishes, boxes, tea in a tin can, etc.
  • 9 years- faience wedding. This name means that nine years after the wedding, the relationship of the spouses is going through a crisis, they are fragile, like faience. As every year after the wedding, it is customary to give symbolic gifts for such an anniversary: ​​a tea set, faience figurines.

  • 10 years- pink or pewter wedding. Relationships between spouses become beautiful, like roses, in addition, husband and wife become more "flexible" to each other, like tin. It is customary to give tin interior items for such a holiday: frames, candlesticks, figurines, etc.; and, of course, a luxurious bouquet of roses will be an excellent gift for the main hero of the occasion.
  • 11 years- steel wedding. One of the "metal" wedding anniversaries, which, judging by the years lived together, was named "steel". It is customary for spouses to give objects made of steel, symbolizing the strength of family relations.
  • 12 years- nickel or silk wedding. By this period of family life, the relationship of the spouses becomes strong as nickel and beautiful as silk. What's a wedding anniversary without gifts ?! You can please spouses with both nickel interior items (figurines, boxes) and silk gifts (clothes, bed linen, tablecloths, etc.).

  • 13 years- lace or lily of the valley wedding. The feelings of the spouses 13 years after the wedding remain tender, like fragrant lilies of the valley, and beautiful, like ornate lace. An ideal gift for such a holiday will be a lace set for table setting, decorative pillows. If the wedding took place in the spring, then do not forget to please the spouses with a fragrant bouquet of lilies of the valley.

  • 14 years old- agate wedding. The symbol of this date is agate - a precious stone, products from which will become the best gifts for this beautiful date: jewelry and bijouterie, figurines, boxes, ashtray, etc.
  • 15 years- glass or crystal wedding. The symbols of this anniversary - glass and crystal - represent the purity of family relationships. It is customary to present to spouses glass / crystal glasses, decorative bowls and vases, salad bowls and dishes.

  • 16 years- topaz wedding. Because the symbol of this wedding is topaz, then it is he who should be present in the presentations prepared for the spouses: jewelry, a figurine, a candlestick, a box, cufflinks.
  • 17 years- pink or pewter wedding. Time to return to the relationship with the former romance. For this anniversary, tin gifts and gifts associated with pink will be appropriate. If nothing comes to your mind, then you can get by with the pink packaging.
  • 18 years old - turquoise wedding. After 18 years of family life, the relationship of the spouses should sparkle with new colors, like a turquoise stone. It is customary to give stone products to spouses for this anniversary: ​​both jewelry and interior items.

  • 19 years- krypton or pomegranate wedding. The relationship of spouses over 19 years of marriage can lose passion and ardor, the gem of garnet, a symbol of this anniversary, will help rekindle them. The second name is krypton, after the noble gas that is used in incandescent lamps. Therefore, it is customary to give on this anniversary both gifts of red (pomegranate) color, and various kinds of lighting devices.

  • 20 years- porcelain wedding. A beautiful anniversary, which is usually celebrated on a grand scale, giving gifts to spouses: dishes, expensive and symbolic souvenirs, etc. This name was given to the anniversary due to the fact that after 20 years the marriage is harmonious and beautiful, like real Chinese porcelain.
  • 21 years- an opal wedding. Its symbol is a beautiful stone, products from which it is customary to give to spouses: both jewelry and figurines, boxes, souvenirs.

  • 22- bronze wedding. An anniversary named symbolically for a tough, flexible alloy. What to choose as a presentation? Bronze products: various kinds of figurines, candlesticks, ashtrays, jewelry holders.
  • 23 years old- beryl wedding. The symbol of the anniversary is a beautiful stone - beryl - the keeper of the hearth, love and prosperity. As gifts for spouses, you can choose both jewelry from it, and all kinds of souvenirs.

  • 24 years- satin wedding. After 24 years, the relationship of the spouses is beautiful and smooth, like an atlas. It is customary to give bed linen, a bedspread, a set for setting the table for such an anniversary.
  • 25 years- silver wedding . Here it is - the first grandiose anniversary, named after the precious metal, therefore, as on many wedding anniversaries and anniversaries, it is customary to give worthy things to it: jewelry, silver-plated dishes and interior items.

  • 26 years- jade wedding. Relationships between spouses are as strong as jade, which is difficult to destroy mechanically and chemically. As gifts for such a holiday, you can use jade massagers, figurines, boxes and, of course, jewelry.
  • 27 years- mahogany wedding. The symbolism of mahogany - nobility, wisdom, endurance - ideally emphasizes the strength and strength of marital relations. What to gift? An excellent option would be mahogany gizmos: frames, boxes, etc.

  • 28 years- nickel wedding. Another "metal" anniversary, for which it is customary to give nickel products: dishes, figurines, caskets, a set of cutlery, a tray + glasses with a nickel leg.
  • 29 years- velvet wedding. Velvet is a beautiful and warm material, just like the feelings of the spouses after 29 years of marriage. Gifts based on this noble fabric will help to emphasize the beauty of their feelings: decorative pillows, bedspreads, curtains, etc.

  • 30 years- pearl wedding. The symbol of this anniversary - pearls - embodies the purity and beauty of marital relations after 30 years of marriage. You can please your husband and wife on this day with jewelry (necklaces and cufflinks), a box or a frame with pearls.

  • 31 year- a dark or sunny wedding. Such a positive name for the anniversary hints that if the couple were young before, now they are "tanned", having become more experienced. You can emphasize the theme of this beautiful date with all sorts of things that bring warmth into the house: a lamp, a blanket, an electric fireplace, etc. Do finances allow? Give your spouses a tour to a warm country.
  • 32 years- copper wedding. For this anniversary, you can delight each other with copper jewelry. Gifts from household items, for example, a set of copper dishes, a tray, etc., will also be appropriate.
  • 33 years- stone or strawberry wedding. Such seemingly different names of the anniversary harmoniously emphasize the "stone" strength of the relationship between the spouses and their closeness: as if strawberry bushes have intertwined into one fate of the spouses. What to give them? Stone figurines, boxes and other interior items, as well as a basket of fresh strawberries or a cake with this fragrant berry.

  • 34 years- amber wedding. As amber takes a long time to form from a viscous resin into a beautiful stone, so the relationship of the spouses has come a long way, becoming strong and beautiful. Suitable gifts for such an anniversary will be amber jewelry, caskets, glasses, decorative bowls with amber and other interior items with inserts from this stone.

  • 35 years- linen or coral wedding. The feelings of the spouses are strong as a sheet, and their family is large and numerous, like corals that have grown on the seabed. As a presentation, you can purchase both bedding, bedspreads, tablecloths, and coral products, for example, a beautiful nautical-style figurine.
  • 36 years is an untitled anniversary. It is not customary to celebrate this anniversary in Russia, which is why it has no name. In America, the 36th anniversary of the wedding is usually called the day of bone china. Products made from it are quite strong, like family relationships after 36 years, but unfortunately, with a strong blow, cracks may appear.
  • 37 years- muslin wedding. The symbol of this anniversary is an expensive fabric, which used to take a lot of time and effort to make; so the relationship of the spouses was honed every year, getting better and better. It is customary to give various muslin things for such a holiday: a bedspread, pillows, a set of handkerchiefs, etc.

  • 38 years- mercury wedding. As you know, mercury is a metal that easily changes its shape, and the relationship of spouses after 38 years is strong, like any metal, but flexible, like mercury itself, because the spouses have learned to adapt to each other and make compromises. It is customary to give silver-colored items (like mercury) for this date: dishes, figurines, a set of cutlery.
  • 39 years- crepe wedding. The relationship of the spouses is strong, like crepe fabric, which is very difficult to break - this is the symbolism this anniversary has. It is customary to give crepe items to it: bedspreads, decorative pillows and other textiles.
  • 40 years- ruby ​​wedding. The precious stone ruby ​​is able to return the passion to the relationship of the spouses 40 years after the wedding, therefore it is definitely worth presenting to the “newlyweds” jewelry or expensive souvenirs from this stone, for example, a casket; red textiles and objects made of deep red glass are also suitable: glasses, vases, decorative bowls, etc.

  • 41 years- earthen wedding. The symbol of this anniversary is the earth. It symbolizes fertility, abundance, the earth gives life to all living things. By this anniversary, the spouses have already given life to their children, they have waited for the appearance of their grandchildren. On this date, the heroes of the occasion can donate indoor plants.
  • 42 years- mother-of-pearl wedding. Mother-of-pearl has magical properties: it strengthens the relationship between spouses and brings happiness to the house, therefore the best gift for this anniversary will be a pearl necklace for a wife and cufflinks with mother-of-pearl for a husband, as well as interior items with mother-of-pearl: a box, a photo frame, etc.
  • 43 years- flannel wedding. The relationship of the spouses is soft and warm, like flannel. You can emphasize the symbolism of this anniversary with the help of correctly chosen presents: home suits / pajamas, bed linen.
  • 44 years- topaz wedding. The symbol is a precious stone, pure and durable, like the relationship of the spouses to this date (no offense or omission). It is customary to give for this holiday both jewelry and bijouterie, as well as boxes, figurines, souvenir trees and other interior items with topaz.
  • 45 years- sapphire or scarlet wedding. Another anniversary, the symbol of which is a precious stone, therefore gifts should be with a sapphire - a stone of love that protects from evil. In addition, this anniversary is also called scarlet, so you can easily prepare any presents for spouses in bright red: bed linen, bedspread, interior items, etc.
  • 46 years old- lavender wedding. After so many years, the couple retained their warm and tender feelings for each other, like lavender retains its unique aroma for a long time. What to give for such a holiday? Everything related to this plant and its palette: from a bunch of dried flowers and scented candles to textiles depicting lavender or in its "corporate" color, as well as various body care products: scrub, handmade soap.

  • 47 years- cashmere wedding. Anniversary symbol - cashmere - soft and pleasant to the touch fabric, like a relationship between spouses. It is customary to give cashmere clothes (scarf, sweater), plaid, etc. on this date.
  • 48 years old- amethyst wedding. This beautiful stone brings good luck and family well-being, which is why it is ideal as a symbol for the 48th wedding anniversary. It is customary to donate both jewelry and various interior items with purple stones: caskets, figurines, family trees.

  • 49 years old- cedar wedding. This anniversary was named in honor of a noble and hardy tree, so the spouses a year before the golden anniversary will not be afraid of any problems and hardships. As a present for such a holiday, you can use various cedar products: from boxes and figurines to cedar barrels - a kind of mini-bath.
  • 50 years- golden wedding. The anniversary, which is celebrated by all spouses, because love carried through half a century becomes truly "golden". They give him jewelry, gilded interior items and symbolic souvenirs.

  • 55 years- emerald wedding. The anniversary, named after a gem that symbolizes loyalty and dedication, as the couple have remained faithful to each other after 55 years. As a gift, you can present them with both jewelry and emerald-colored gifts: from textiles to paintings.
  • 60 years- diamond or platinum wedding. Judging by the years lived together, the love of the spouses is like a diamond - not only beautiful, but also indestructible. What to give for this wedding anniversary? Of course, jewelry with diamonds or other gifts with sparkling stones. Because Since this anniversary is also called "platinum", it is better to choose this metal as a material for jewelry.

  • 70 years- a blessed wedding. This name was given to the anniversary due to the fact that the spouses lived in fidelity and love for 70 years - isn't this the greatest blessing and happiness in the world. You can donate anything for this anniversary, the main thing is that the presents are not so much original as useful: textiles, a set of dishes, etc.
  • 75 years- crown or alabaster wedding. As a crown adorns the heads of kings, so love adorns this marriage from the date of the wedding until now, because judging by the years lived, it is not only royally beautiful, but also indestructible. The list of gifts for this holiday is quite wide, because at this age it is better for spouses to present the necessary and useful gifts, without much focusing on the name of this anniversary: ​​bed linen, dishes, appliances, etc.
  • 80 years- oak wedding. Like an eternal oak tree, the relationship of the spouses to this anniversary is strong and powerful, because they "stood" for 80 years. As a gift, you can present both useful gifts for everyday life, and symbolic gifts from oak: figurines, rosary, dishes.

  • 90 years- granite wedding. Those couples who have lived together for 90 years can boast of "granite" feelings. It is customary to donate various kinds of figurines, boxes and other symbolic granite items on this date.
  • 100 years- red wedding. Not every couple can boast of celebrating their 100th anniversary, called red after the color of love and passion. What to give? Everything that has a red palette: from clothing and home textiles to interior items.

The www.site portal told you what anniversaries are, their names by year and symbols. When choosing presents for a particular wedding anniversary, be sure to take into account its symbolic name, which is given for a reason, but according to the years spent together in marriage. Then you can not only please the spouses with a useful gift, but also emphasize the beauty and strength of their relationship!

For many, wedding day is the happiest day in their lives. Or one of them, because the birth of a joint child is much greater happiness. The name of weddings has very deep roots and it is better to come up with even modern educated minds. Indeed, in the old days people felt the nature much better and, identifying each person with it, they found the truths that modern psychologists teach for a long time in educational institutions. The names of wedding anniversaries by year are also determined by the gifts with which it is customary to give spouses.

But what is it for? Indeed, a modern person is used to celebrating only wedding anniversary dates, not attaching importance to intermediate ones. Previously, people believed more in the signs that their ancestors taught them and strictly observed them. Perhaps the power of persuasion, and maybe some higher powers, kept the marriage of those who did everything according to the rules. That is why absolutely everyone knew the names of wedding anniversaries by years and did not need special reminders.

It is worth explaining to a modern person why exactly the name of weddings is personified with one or another adjective. This is what we will do. So, the name of the weddings:

The wedding day is called green. Because a young family, like the greenery, with which any beginning was compared in the old days, is very beautiful, fresh, light, but at the same time fragile and immature. It is better if many flowers with greenery are presented on this day.

Calico or gauze wedding

1 year, 1st Wedding Anniversary - Print Wedding

First anniversary of family life. The most difficult year is over, the newlyweds got to know each other better, overcame the most real family difficulties, faced the routine of family relations.

A good gift for a chintz wedding is a beautiful set of bedding made of real cotton, chintz, silk, satin. Also, for a chintz wedding anniversary, you can give blankets, pillows, a bed to young spouses. By tradition, on the first wedding date, the wedding anniversary, it is customary to drink a bottle of champagne from the wedding day, hidden in advance.

Paper wedding

2 years, 2nd wedding anniversary - Paper Wedding

Two years of marriage. The second year is a test of patience and tolerance in a young family. Very often, a baby appears in the family for the second anniversary, and it is very important to be kinder to each other in order to build a friendly and strong family. Paper is a symbol of fragility, so it depends only on the husband and wife whether they can maintain the fragile balance of marriage.

A good gift for a paper wedding is a chic, expensive embossed family photo album, an exclusive notebook, good books, tickets to a concert with a popular celebrity or a good performance.

Leather or Wheat wedding

3 years, 3rd Wedding Anniversary - Leather Wedding

3 years of marriage. The family seems to be strong, but changes are still taking place in it, relationships continue to change like skin.

The best gift for a leather wedding is a high-quality men's wallet made of real leather for the husband of the family and an exquisite leather wallet for the mistress of the house. Also, for a leather wedding anniversary, beautiful crystal products can be presented as an elegant gift with taste.

Linen or Wax wedding

4 year, 4th Wedding Anniversary - Linen Wedding

4 years together. Flickering lights should be an obligatory attribute on the festive table, and beautiful candles as a gift. As a test of marital relations, a twin candle is lit on Zhen's anniversary, which should be in the room throughout the day. How many hours she will stand without extinguishing, so many happy years will the husband and wife spend together.

A great gift for a linen wedding anniversary is a beautiful tablecloth for a festive table. Or it can be a wonderful, warm blanket, an elegant bedding set, a chic bedspread, scented candles in fancifully curved candelabra. Household appliances such as a washing machine, microwave oven or food processor will be a very appropriate gift for a linen wedding.

Wooden wedding

5 Years Wedding Anniversary - Wooden Wedding

Five years of marriage. The tree symbolizes the strength of family relations; it is no longer chintz, paper or even leather. On this day, guests bring to the spouses wooden dishes, spoons, boxes, small pieces of furniture. The spouse himself must make some kind of wooden craft for the house to prove that he has not forgotten how to work with his hands. And the wife, in turn, will cover this craft with varnish as a proof of her female compliance.

The best gift for the first wedding anniversary of a young family is beautiful and durable wooden furniture - a bed or a sofa, an armchair or a family table.

Cast iron wedding

6 years,6th Wedding Anniversary - Cast Iron Wedding

6 years of marriage. Another crisis in marital relations. Cast iron, despite its external strength and weight, is a very brittle metal that can crack from any impact. The relations of the young, despite the considerable period of time, must be maintained, as well as the fire of the family hearth.

Guests can donate cast-iron pots, pans, and the wife must bake some family specialty in a cast-iron dish to prove her worth as a mistress of the house.
Zinc wedding

6.5 years,wedding date - Zinc Wedding

6, 5 years after marriage. This anniversary reminds that marriage, as well as galvanized crockery, must be polished over time. The crises are over, so home improvement is becoming the main task of the family.

Guests give the young sets of dishes, pots, some useful kitchen sets.
Copper wedding

7 years, 7th Wedding Anniversary - Copper Wedding

7 years after the start of marriage. First noble and confident anniversary. And although copper is not such a strong metal, it is still noble. Spouses exchange copper rings or coins - a symbol of sonorous happiness, relatives and friends give copper dishes and jewelry. The presented rings are worn by the spouses throughout the entire anniversary year.

The best copper wedding anniversary gift is silverware, cutlery set. Also, on the date of the copper wedding, it will be good if the husband gives his wife one or more coins made of precious metals such as gold, silver or platinum, and the wife, in return, also gives her husband at least an iron dollar or euro.

Tin wedding

8 years, 8th Wedding Anniversary - Tin Wedding

8 years of marriage. The strength of the family increases over the years, so tin becomes a symbol - a strong but flexible structure.

On a non-anniversary tin wedding anniversary, you can make a big gesture and give the spouses money so that they can buy whatever they want. And you can get off with some household gifts for the household, for example, a set of scoop spoons, a set of pots, basins or other household tin without sharp corners.

Willow, Palm or Faience wedding

9 years old, 9th wedding anniversary - Willow, Palm or Faience Wedding

9 years of marriage. Nobody argues about the strength of the family anymore. She is stronger than ever. Therefore, for the anniversary, earthenware cups are presented, which attract with their beauty. In addition, these cups are a symbol of a close-knit and friendly family (you can donate sets), which fills its family cup with prosperity.

A good gift for the 9th anniversary of a faience wedding is a porcelain service, any beautiful tableware.

Pink or Tin wedding

10 Years Round Wedding Anniversary - Pink or Tin Wedding

A decade of living together. On this day, the husband gives his wife a bouquet that reminds her of her wedding bouquet. In addition, gifts of scarlet roses are required, which speak of love that has already passed the test of ten years of family life and which is not afraid of thorns or obstacles in life.

On the anniversary of the pink wedding, the main gift is red and pink roses, a bouquet of 7 or more of which the husband must solemnly present to his beloved wife, and the invited guests who walked on the wedding day must dance in pairs and with roses in their hands.

Steel wedding

11 years, 11th Anniversary Wedding Date - Steel Wedding

11 years of marriage. The countdown of the new decade of family life shows that the relationship has become hardened, become stronger and stronger.

On the anniversary of the steel wedding, as the most popular and best gift, it is best to give exquisite jewelry, beds and chairs made of steel, iron, a car, a motorcycle.

Nickel wedding

12 years, 12th Wedding Anniversary - Nickel Wedding

This anniversary is somewhat reminiscent of a zinc wedding, and the purpose of the celebration is to renew the marriage relationship in a reminder that it is necessary to maintain the brilliance of family relationships. Celebrated by a narrow family circle.

On the anniversary of a nickel wedding, it is customary to give anything - from fruits and flowers, to money in those quantities with which guests do not mind parting.

Silk wedding

12.5 Years Wedding Date - Silk Wedding

On the non-round wedding date of a silk wedding, the most popular gift is beautiful, rich curtains, curtains or a silk or satin dress for the mistress of the house or a shirt for the owner of the house.

Lace or Lily of the Valley wedding

13 years of wedding, 13th Wedding Anniversary - Lace Wedding

13 years of marriage. Life goes on as usual and weaves its lace. On this day, spouses are presented with lace napkins, tablecloths, openwork products knitted from fine wool. On this anniversary, you can give each other lilies of the valley, as light and tender as your love.

On the 13th wedding anniversary, it is customary to give spouses lace, lace clothes for children, a lace tablecloth or curtain, as well as embroidery, icons made of fabric.

Bone or Agate wedding

14 years of wedding, 14th Wedding Anniversary - Bone or Agate Wedding

14 years of marriage. Every year, relations acquire new colors, the family hearth acquires more and more colors, like the agate stone itself, known for its various forms.

A good gift for the anniversary of agate, or as it is also called - bone, weddings - products from agate, ivory, statues, figurines, jewelry and original home luxury items.

Glass or Crystal wedding

15 Years, 15th Wedding Anniversary - Glass Wedding

15 years of marriage. This anniversary is the personification of the purity and clarity of family relationships, the cloudless happiness of two loving people, which is so fragile that it can break at any moment. It is rather a jubilee of faith in oneself and in the family.

Glass wedding is already a solid period, it is already an anniversary wedding date for a period of 15 years, and therefore gifts for a glass wedding should be expensive, fragile and tasteful. For a glass wedding, it is permissible to give the spouses a watch, dishes, crystal, small but eye-catching souvenirs.

Turquoise wedding

18 Years Old Wedding Anniversary - Turquoise Wedding

18 years of marriage. The brightness of turquoise symbolizes the end of all difficult and crisis situations that tormented families in their twenties.

Turquoise jewelry is presented on this anniversary.

Krypton wedding

19 Years, 19 Wedding Anniversary - Krypton Wedding

What to give for a krypton wedding? This is a difficult question, since 19 years is a long term of strong family relationships and you need to give something really good!

Krypton symbolizes light, so for such a wedding you can give a beautiful night light, a candlestick with candles or a lamp! Such a gift will bring prosperity and harmony to the family! You can buy sparklers and make a pleasant surprise for the perpetrators of the holiday - when they enter the room, light it up for everyone at the same time! A pleasant light will illuminate the room and fill the room with fun and happiness!

For a krypton wedding, you can donate a bedding set that will include beautiful capes and pillows! Choose only light and gentle colors!

You can give something practical - for example, a branded set of dishes or something from household appliances!

Porcelain wedding

20 Years Wedding Anniversary - Porcelain Wedding

20 years of marriage. On the new family anniversary, the festive table is served with new porcelain crockery, which shows the increased (compared to a faience wedding) family wealth.

The best gift for a porcelain wedding is a beautiful porcelain, a china service, or just two porcelain cups for a husband and wife. On the anniversary of the 20th wedding day, it is customary for spouses to throw out old, broken or simply ugly dishes together, accepting new cutlery from guests as a gift. And on the festive table, the newest porcelain service is sure to flaunt.

Opal wedding

21 Years, 21st Wedding Anniversary - Opal Wedding

First of all, opal is a symbol of guarantee and loyalty. And our contemporaries believe that opals develop intuition and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. It is precisely such a noble and pure strength that he carries in himself.

A gift in the form of a fondyushnitsa or a chocolate fountain is suitable for a wife. Of course, if she is a lover of cooking. For a culinary husband, such gifts will also come in handy. For those who spend a lot of time on the road, a GPS navigator, a portable DVD player, or a player will do.

Bronze wedding

22 Years, 22nd Wedding Anniversary - Bronze Wedding

Bronze products have always been a sign of wealth and an attribute of luxury. Today humanity has a huge amount of newly invented materials, but bronze traditionally occupies its high position along with precious metals, as before, jewelry should be made of gold, cutlery made of silver, and sculptures, doorknobs, lamps and a number of interior accessories are kingdom of bronze.

Your gift can be either a small souvenir or a piece of furniture, a coffee table in the living room, for example. You can also decorate their interior with a mirror in a bronze "frame" or a bronze lamp, for example, a night light in the bedroom, which will create coziness in their intimate corner and remind them of a stormy youth and, possibly, awaken a dormant passion.

What else can you give to a married couple made of bronze? Of course, a medal! Yes, a bronze medal for such a solid period is the fairest gift. May they receive their first medal as a reward for this “Olympic game” called “marriage”. It will become an incentive for further "achievements" on the way to even more solid dates and more expensive medals.

Beryl wedding

23 Years, 23rd Wedding Anniversary - Beryl Wedding

Not much has been said about the Beryl wedding, but nevertheless, a beautiful custom has been preserved between the spouses to give each other beryl jewelry on this day, whether it be a bracelet or a ring, it does not matter, the main thing is to do it early in the morning, while all the household members are still sleeping. This is a kind of confession of eternal love at dawn - a very beautiful and romantic tradition.

In addition to beryl products, it is customary to give "pair" gifts for the 23rd anniversary: ​​a pair of mittens of different sizes, statuettes with couples in love, or something single, but in duplicate, for example, two tea mugs. Such a gift will unite the spouses even more, and will always remind them of you.

Satin wedding

24 Years 24th Wedding Anniversary - Satin Wedding

When you have been together for twenty-four years, the little legs of your grandchildren are mincing around, you look back and clearly realize the happiness of the past years: maybe something in your life you want to change, change, predict, but one thing should remain unnamed - your half, which gave life to your children, and subsequently to grandchildren

The best gifts for the 24th anniversary of family life will be any accessories or household items made from satin: tablecloths, bedspreads, bedding, satin scarves or gloves made of this silk fabric.

silver wedding

25 Years Wedding Anniversary - Silver Wedding

25th anniversary. A quarter of a century lived together is already a lot! Silver as a noble metal is a symbol of a wonderful and lasting family union. It is customary to celebrate the Silver wedding together with all relatives and friends. The couple exchange silver rings and subsequently wear them along with wedding rings throughout the anniversary year.

The gift for the 25th anniversary of the wedding date should only be made of silver: let it be small, or let it be a school medal, or a silver fork, but the gift should only be made of silver. At the same time, on the anniversary of the silver wedding, the spouses put a silver ring on their finger next to the gold wedding ring.

Jade wedding

26 Years, 26th Wedding Anniversary - Jade Wedding

From the day of the wedding, the union of two people develops, hardens, takes on its own, unlike other forms, every day it grows and grows stronger. When the 26th anniversary rolls around, the marriage becomes almost perfect, but not yet entirely predictable.
Usually by this time children grow up and mature, become independent, have their own families and parents again become "newlyweds", they devote more time to each other, parting with children brings them closer together.

Since 26 years is not a round date, it is usually spent in a narrow family circle. As a gift, heroes of the occasion are usually given jewelry or souvenirs made of jade, because, among other things, this mineral is still considered a virtue stone, it has healing properties and brings good luck.

Mahogany wedding

27 Years, 27th Wedding Anniversary - Mahogany Wedding

Mahogany wedding is the name of the 27th anniversary of family life. Mahogany personifies nobility, strength, and it is highly valued. So 27 years of marriage are very expensive. The silver anniversary is already behind.

Expensive mahogany or mahogany veneered items are natural gifts for this wedding. These can be miniature figurines, such as netsuke, or small jewelry boxes with many boxes. Maybe even this will be a furniture set for the dining room, why not? Or maybe it will be an umbrella from a designer collection with a mahogany handle.

Velvet wedding

29 Years, 29th Wedding Anniversary - Velvet Wedding

The family ship of this beautiful couple has been sailing the endless sea of ​​life for 29 years. He is not afraid of the endless expanses of the ocean, or strong storms. Even the ninth wave is not terrible! This ship docked in the Velvet Season Bay. It is this period that is considered the most favorable for rest and good pastime. Indeed, the children have already grown up, graduated from institutes, and started families. And the spouses can devote more time to each other, travel and recreation, meetings with friends. And also invite them to your holiday. Having lived together for 29 years, they celebrate the Velvet Wedding.

Know: today you can put on velvet from head to toe. Velvet exists in different incarnations: for loving spouses, you can choose a long, straight velvet dress for a lady and a velvet shirt for a gentleman. Let, having tried on your gift, they feel all the power of attraction of loving hearts - velvet beckons and seduces ... Affectionate, gentle, luxurious - it is impossible to resist. Do not forget to say that royal robes were sewn from this material! You can sew it too! And may this royal mantle remain with the newlyweds until the crown wedding, and will crown the seventieth anniversary of their life together!

Pearl wedding

30th Anniversary Wedding Round Anniversary Date - Pearl Wedding

Thirty years of marriage. Pearls are the symbol of impeccable family relationships, as real pearls never tarnish. And 30 years are like 30 pearls, strung on the thread of time. On this day, the husband presents his wife with a pearl necklace. This gift is a kind of reminder of the tears that were shed by the wife during family troubles, the husband, as it were, asks for forgiveness for his unfortunate words and actions.

The best gift for a pearl wedding is pearls, a pearl necklace that guests can buy individually or in a bundle. Also, for a 30 year wedding anniversary, you can safely give any of the above gifts.

Swarthy wedding

31 Years, 31 Wedding Anniversary - Amber Wedding

The thirty-first anniversary is popularly referred to as the Dark Wedding. Why this date was named that way is anyone's guess. For 31 years, all the lapping, hardening and tanning, wrinkles that reflect the places where smiles used to be - all this and other, amicably acquired over the years together, gives a certain swarthiness to the relationship. Young people look at you with interest, they still do not know the secret of your natural understanding and the even light of your love.

If the celebration of this anniversary happened in spring or summer, be sure to go to nature on this day! The smell of wildflowers, fire and barbecue will give the “newlyweds” their children, grandchildren and friends a good mood and the taste of a real holiday. Give one of the most responsible grandchildren a video camera so that he captures these moments for a long time. Then you and your loved ones will remember your 31st anniversary of family life for a long time.

Amber wedding

34 Years, 34th Wedding Anniversary - Amber Wedding

34 years. Amber is a magic stone, it must lie for several centuries to become what it is. So the family for this anniversary becomes a model. Almost perfect.

Jewelry made of amber can become gifts for the anniversary.

Linen, Linen or Coral wedding

35th Anniversary Wedding Anniversary - Linen or Coral Wedding

35 years of marriage. The symbol of this anniversary is a linen tablecloth, embodying peace, well-being and home comfort. This anniversary is the glorification of the mistress of the house, who managed to keep the warmth of the hearth all these years.

The most popular linen wedding anniversary gift is a classic bedding set, or clothes for children, or a carpet, or a blanket.

Aluminum wedding

37.5 Years Wedding Date - Aluminum Wedding

37 and a half years of marriage. This half-year anniversary testifies to strong marital happiness and the fact that such a strong family is ready to celebrate the holidays always and in a large and friendly company.

On an aluminum wedding anniversary, it is customary for spouses to give metal photo frames, cutlery.

Ruby wedding

40 Years Wedding Anniversary Wedding - Ruby Wedding

40 years of married life. Ruby is a symbol of fiery love. It is intended to remind spouses of the feelings that they experienced when they decided to become one family. In addition, this anniversary suggests that the intimacy of the spouses became blood, since the color of the ruby ​​is so similar to blood. On this day, a ring with a ruby ​​from a loving husband will be a wonderful gift for a wife.

The optimal gift on the date of a round wedding anniversary is either a precious jewelry with a ruby, or a basket of pomegranates and oranges. Also a perfectly acceptable gift for a 40th wedding anniversary would be a thing for home decoration.

Sapphire wedding

45th Anniversary Wedding - Sapphire Wedding

45 years of marriage. The symbol of this anniversary is the stone of fidelity - the sapphire. It is believed that this stone not only relieves of heavy thoughts, but also refreshes the senses, gives strength to fight hardships and diseases. On this day, the spouses are presented with sapphire jewelry. In addition, this anniversary is celebrated with friends who have been with the spouses all these years.

On the anniversary of the sapphire wedding, it is customary for spouses to give any jewelry, but jewelry with a sapphire stone is preferable.

Lavender wedding

46 Years 46 Wedding Anniversary - Lavender Wedding

46 years of marriage. Lavender is a mountain plant that can withstand even the most difficult natural disasters. The 46th anniversary has incredibly touching symbolism. Lavender symbolizes the longevity of relationships, kindness and tenderness between spouses.

Usually they give a bunch of lavender, whose delicate and strong scent will last for a very, very long time.

Cashmere or Woolen wedding

47 Years, 47 Wedding Anniversary - Cashmere Wedding

47 years of marriage. Present the spouses with wool or cashmere clothes that are as cozy, warm and reliable as their love.

Amethyst wedding

48 Years, 48th Wedding Anniversary - Amethyst Wedding

48 years of marriage. A husband gives his wife a piece of amethyst as a sign of marital fidelity. This stone symbolizes honesty and clarity of intentions, which should have been finally determined after 48 years of living together.

Cedar wedding

49 years old, 49th wedding anniversary - Cedar Wedding

49 years of marriage. This tree is as durable, reliable and warm as your relationship. It is customary to give fans made of wood, as well as various carved boxes.

Golden wedding

50th Wedding Anniversary, Half Century, Round Wedding Anniversary - Gold Wedding

The fiftieth anniversary of the wedding. It falls to the elite to reach this anniversary, and therefore this anniversary is celebrated solemnly and pompously. They invite relatives and friends, necessarily children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, friends and colleagues. The main gift for a golden wedding is new wedding rings instead of those that were donated 50 years ago. After all, gold could wear out over the years, so old rings are passed on as a family value to unmarried grandchildren and great-grandchildren. On the day of the 50th wedding anniversary, you can arrange a second wedding ceremony.

The best, coolest and most win-win gift for a golden wedding anniversary is gold in any form and any concentration. It is quite permissible to give a woman on her golden wedding day chic decorative cosmetics containing real soft gold of the highest 999.99% purity.

Emerald Wedding

55th Anniversary Wedding Anniversary - Emerald Wedding

55 years of marriage. May the brightness of feelings not be lost over the years! The bright green emerald stone should confirm that the spouses still harbor vivid emotions for each other.

A good gift for an emerald wedding - a lot of greenery, flowers, and even better - a trip around the world or at least a trip to Egypt or Prague.

Diamond or Diamond wedding

60 Years Wedding Anniversary - Diamond or Diamond Wedding

Sixtieth anniversary. The diamond is a symbol of this anniversary, it is the hardest of all precious stones. It symbolizes the strength of the marriage union. On this day, children and grandchildren give the spouses jewelry with diamonds.

A good but expensive gift for a 60th wedding anniversary is diamonds and diamonds. But if there is no money for this luxury jewelry, then it is quite possible to give a happy family an iron, coffee grinder, blender, mixer or electric kettle.

Iron wedding

65th Anniversary Wedding Anniversary - Iron Wedding

65 years of marriage. This anniversary is a rather rare event that testifies to the strength of family ties, that in such a time they have become as hard as iron.

On an iron anniversary wedding anniversary, you can pin up old people and give them a domestic car.

Stone wedding

67.5 years wedding date - Stone Wedding

67, 5 years of marriage. The stone lives for a very long time, but it is also subject to destruction. But love, which has lived for so many years, cannot destroy anything.

If the spouses are not against such an extreme gift, then on the anniversary of the stone wedding, they can give them a piece of land in the cemetery and let them choose the design of the tombstones. And it is better, of course, not to injure an old husband and wife, but simply to arrange a merry holiday for them somewhere in a cafe or in the fresh air.

Platinum, Grateful or Blessed Wedding

70 Years Anniversary Wedding - Platinum or Auspicious Wedding

70 years of marriage. On this day, the whole family gathers together: with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Looking back, the couple understand that such a faithful and long-lasting love is sent from heaven. And this is grace and true happiness.

On the jubilee anniversary of a platinum or blessed wedding, the best gift for old-timers-boarders would be contemplation of their entire family together, communication with grandchildren and children, and awareness of their own importance for children.

Crown wedding

75th Anniversary Wedding Anniversary - Crown Wedding

75 years of marriage. This anniversary crowns the long and happy life of two loving spouses. Celebrated by a wide range of relatives, children and grandchildren.

On the big and terribly long anniversary of the crown wedding, be sure to congratulate your husband and wife with warm words of sincere congratulations on so many happy years of family life, cheer up the old people, fulfill their any realistically feasible desire to the best of your ability and your capabilities.

Oak wedding

80s Anniversary Wedding Anniversary - Oak Wedding

80 years of marriage. Your family life is as strong as oak branches and as long as an oak tree lives.

On this day, the spouses are given an oak rosary.

Red wedding

100 years, the most round and rarest wedding anniversary - there is simply no more round anniversary and wedding anniversary: ​​Red Wedding.

Someone will say that so many - together for 100 years, do not live. And I will say that real miracles sometimes happen in life, if true Love soars at their source, which keeps two loving souls together for so long. The roundest 100-year anniversary red wedding anniversary in the world should be the coolest and most memorable anniversary in the life of a loving woman and man, husband and wife.

100th anniversary of your relationship. Of course, this anniversary is rare. Your family is glorified by the whole world! The name of the centenary was recently proposed by the long-living spouses Agayevs from Azerbaijan: 126-year-old Niftulla and his 116-year-old wife Balabeyim. They lived together for a century.