What hyaluronic acid consists of. Hyaluronic acid injections: reviews, price. What is Hyaluronic Acid

Injection methods of rejuvenation and elimination of defects in appearance are very popular these days. One of the most demanded components for such procedures is hyaluronic acid (HA). Its presence determines the optimal water balance, skin elasticity, density and even youthfulness. HA is used not only for general skin health, but also for filling cavities in soft tissues.

Properties and tasks of the GC

In our body, hyaluronic acid is found in connective tissue, that is, lymph, blood, bones, cartilage, and also in the dermis. In addition to it, in the listed areas of our body there are compounds of proteins and amino acids, collagen and elastin fibers - that is, those components that are responsible for the condition of our skin and its appearance.

The absence of hyaluronic acid (or its active decay) increases the dryness of the skin, slows down the synthesis of fibroblasts, leads to an increase in the number of wrinkles, pigmentation, and ptosis. Usually, a decrease in the production of HA in the body is associated with a person's age, but external factors (sunlight, bad habits and unhealthy diet, frequent stress) also have a detrimental effect.

The properties of artificially created hyaluronic acid provide natural processes, the attraction of water molecules and the acceleration of the production of fibroblasts.


Hyaluronic acid in cosmetology is used to improve the overall condition of the skin, as well as to eliminate a number of defects in appearance.

Depending on the task facing the specialist, one or another type of substance is used:

  • Stabilized hyaluronic acid. It is a stitched synthetic material. As a result of special treatment, a tight adhesion occurs between its molecules, which allows them to remain in the skin for a long time. Products of this kind are used for contouring.
  • Unstabilized hyaluronic acid. It is a synthetic material that cannot be stitched. Provides a quick, pronounced, but short-lived positive effect. The molecules of the substance are easily disintegrated and excreted from the body in a short time. Products of this kind are introduced into the surface layers of the skin during biorevitalization and mesotherapy.

The classification of HA is carried out not only by the method of its processing, but also by the size of the molecules. So, it is customary to highlight the following options:

  • Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. It features a short chain of small molecules. It is used externally for the treatment of burns, acne, easily penetrates the pores.
  • Medium molecular weight hyaluronic acid. It is used not in cosmetology, but in medicine.
  • High molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Actively attracts water molecules, used for internal administration by injection. Provides hydration, improving the quality of the skin.

The use of synthetic hyaluric acid is currently practiced. It is considered cleaner, does not cause rejection and gives excellent results. An alternative to such products is HA of animal origin, but the risk of allergy to it is much higher.

How to use

Depending on the purpose of the procedures, the methods of injecting hyaluronic acid also differ. It is customary to highlight methods such as:

  • Outdoor. HA-based serums are applied superficially to the skin and penetrate the pores. For this method, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is used.
  • Internal. Substances are injected into the dermis. In this variant, high molecular weight HA is used.

The latter trend is especially popular in modern cosmetology. So, on the basis of hyaluronic acid, the following are carried out:

  • Biorevitalization. Moisturizing the skin and improving its condition. The duration of the preservation of HA in the skin is up to 2 weeks, the effect is up to 4 months. Injections are carried out into superficial areas.
  • Mesotherapy. Moisturizing and nourishing the skin. The duration of the preservation of HA is up to 2 weeks, the effect is up to 4 -5 months. Injections are performed in the superficial and midline areas.
  • Bioreparation. Moisturizing, improving and rejuvenating the skin. The duration of the preservation of HA is up to 3 weeks, the effect is six months. The substance is injected into the superficial and middle areas of the dermis.
  • Contour plastic. Filling imperfections in soft tissue volume with hyaluronic acid. In the place of introduction, it lasts up to 2 weeks, the result from its application - up to a year. The composition is introduced directly into the problem area to a considerable depth.

Consequences of use

After hyaluronic acid injections, one in two patients has temporary side effects. They manifest as changes in skin sensitivity, bruising and swelling. Such a negative reaction of the body lasts up to 3 days and does not require special treatment.

Unfortunately, in some cases, the consequences of injections are more serious, we are talking about such a rare phenomenon as an allergy to hyaluronic acid. Symptoms are often confused with common side effects. In the first hours, they are expressed in redness and itching, then edema forms. If it does not go away within a week, this is regarded as a clear sign of individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid. For the future, in such a situation, it is recommended to pass allergy tests.

There are also more dire consequences of injections than allergies. So, at the injection site of the drug in rare cases, there is fibrosis (thickening of the connective tissues). In a minimal amount, it is not dangerous, but it can grow and affect large areas of soft tissues, disfiguring a person's appearance. Fibrosis results from the injection of an excessive amount of hyaluronic acid or too deep an injection.


In some cases, hyaluronic acid is not used for rejuvenation; contraindications to its use are few, but still exist. As a rule, they boil down to the following diseases:

  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • diabetes;
  • malignant formations;
  • increased body temperature;
  • flu, tonsillitis, viral diseases;
  • aggravated state of pathologies of internal organs.

In addition, hyaluronic acid injections are not carried out during pregnancy, lactation, the first two months after childbirth. Another contraindication is an increased sensitivity of the skin, a tendency to scar formation.

Hyaluronate, or hyaluronic acid, whose properties and benefits are advertised by cosmetic companies, is the main remedy used for facial rejuvenation. The widespread use of products with its content makes many people wonder whether the procedures and home care with the help of such drugs are useful, or they are harmful to the face. To solve this issue, you need to understand what hyaluronic acid is and how to choose the right cosmetics in order to get an excellent result.

Hyaluronic acid in the human body

Polysaccharide is a chemical term that implies that a substance contains glucose molecules. In hyaluronate, they are linked in long chains. A hyaluronic acid molecule can contain up to 25,000 identical units. When interacting with a special protein (aggrecan), it acquires the ability to bind and retain water molecules in tissues.

Hyaluronic acid in the human body is part of the connective tissue: cartilage, tendons, etc. A lot of hyaluronate is found in the vitreous humor of the eye, in the synovial fluid, where it provides the viscosity of the medium. Together with collagen and elastin fibers, the substance enters the structure of the skin, ensuring its elasticity and participating in the regeneration processes. Where does hyaluronic acid come from if it has not yet been injected during cosmetic procedures?

Hyaluronate is produced by the body itself. In the body of an adult, the total mass of this substance reaches 15 g. But its natural synthesis slows down after 25 years of age, and the processes of decomposition of hyaluronate prevail over its production in the body. Over time, the proportion of acid in the skin decreases, and the tissues become dehydrated. Changes occur in the dermis that look like wrinkles. Due to a decrease in the amount of hyaluronate in other tissues, age-related changes affect the entire body.

Plants do not produce hyaluronic acid. Therefore, no diet with food intake containing soybeans, fiber or other substances affects the production of its own acid in the body. For skin rejuvenation, one or another cosmetic procedure with the use of hyaluronate preparations is needed.

Hyaluronic acid in cosmetology

The use of hyaluronic acid in cosmetology is based on its ability to retain water. Scientists' studies have proven that the combination of hyaluronate and succinic acid activates the metabolism in skin tissues, contributing to the restoration of its cells. The restorative effect of hyaluronic acid on the skin of the face leads not only to a visual improvement in the condition of the skin, but also renews it at the cellular level. To be convinced of this, you need to understand how hyaluronic acid acts on the skin of the face and why this or that procedure is needed.

As a component of the intercellular substance, hyaluronate promotes the movement of lymphocytes and fibroblasts to the sites of skin damage. In case of inflammation, in the case of minor trauma, these cells provide the fight against microorganisms and tissue healing. The regeneration processes also consist in the formation of a large number of elastin and collagen fibers, which maintain the elasticity of the skin.

In beauty parlors, visitors are offered services based on the injection of hyaluronic acid preparations into the skin. The result of all procedures is to increase the volume of thinned skin, fill in wrinkles, and eliminate skin defects (acne scars). There are the following uses for hyaluronic acid:

  • biorevitalization - for the treatment of acne, postpartum stretch marks, restoration of facial skin with age-related changes;
  • mesotherapy - correction of facial skin defects;
  • with redermalization, the composition of the preparations as an active ingredient includes both hyaluronic and succinic acids;
  • fillers with peptides and vitamins are used for bioreparation;
  • consists in restoring the oval of the face with hyaluronic acid;
  • contouring is used to change the shape and volume of individual parts of the face (for example, lips).

In addition to salon techniques, there are cosmetics that contain low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. They are intended for home skin care. To obtain the desired effect, and the skin was elastic and velvety, when using a serum or cream, you must follow the instructions for the preparation.

Video on the pros and cons of using hyaluronic acid for the face

When shouldn't hyaluronic acid products be used?

Sometimes you have to give up the use of hyaluronic acid and products containing it. This is due to the peculiarities of obtaining the substance. Despite modern methods of purifying hyaluronic acid, it can cause allergic reactions. The ability of the intercellular environment to conduct nutrients and lymphocytes inside the skin can play a negative role and serve as a way to move infectious agents or even altered cells (when there are tumors in the body). Side effects can also arise from the individual reaction of the body, therefore, it is better to get advice and carry out anti-aging treatment in large salons where certified specialists work.

Under the following conditions:

  • acute infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • reduced blood clotting or when taking anticoagulants;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • individual intolerance to drugs with hyaluronate;
  • allergies;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is undesirable to start the procedure if the face peeling (laser or chemical) was performed less than 30 days ago.

What is it like?

Manufacturers produce many drugs with designations that are not always clear to consumers of their products.

To choose the right product for home use or salon care, it must be borne in mind that the types of hyaluronic acid can vary in molecular length:

  1. For the treatment of arthritis, eye diseases, doctors use a medium molecular weight substance. This hyaluronic acid is more of a medicine than a cosmetic. Its introduction into the body stimulates fibroblasts and helps the body start producing its own hyaluronate.
  2. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid consists of short lengths and is included in home remedies: tonics or serums, emulsions, creams, etc. The small size of the particles helps them penetrate deep into the dermis. With the help of drugs based on this form of hyaluronate, complex skin diseases (trophic ulcers, psoriasis, etc.) are also treated. The disadvantage is the short term for the deposition of the acidic substance: it remains in the tissues for only 7-8 days.
  3. In salon procedures, high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, consisting of long polymer chains, is often used. It helps to hydrate the skin and retain moisture in it. Injected into the dermis, hyaluronic acid for the face is more useful than the previous one, because solutions based on it have a high viscosity and can be stored in the skin for up to 2 weeks. After that, the processes of its degradation begin, and the procedures have to be repeated after 6-10 months.

There are varieties of hyaluronate and the method of production. When choosing a product, it is worth asking what the hyaluron is made of. At present, a substance obtained from animal materials (umbilical cords, cockscombs, fish, etc.) is used less and less. It could not be properly cleaned of protein impurities, so the injections could cause an allergic reaction or rejection.

Currently, cosmetics manufacturers are producing biosynthesized hyaluronate. It is obtained through the activity of microorganisms. with this type, hyaluronas are considered hypoallergenic.

The system of hyaluronic acids used in cosmetology includes such types as:

  • stabilized, or native - biosynthesized molecules that have undergone the cross-linking process, which are less subject to degradation in human tissues;
  • unstabilized, i.e. devoid of these qualities.

Due to the characteristics of each type, cosmetology uses them in different ways. Unstabilized hyaluronic acid for the face is often used for general improvement of the skin condition (in or during biorevitalization), for moisturizing procedures. The stabilized shape is used to model the contours of the face, to replenish the volume of tissues in certain areas (to fill in wrinkles and smooth out folds). The scope of use of this or that drug depends on the degree of stabilization of the molecules: less stabilized drugs are recommended for correcting fine wrinkles, more viscous, with high stabilization - for smoothing folds and dips.

The consumer properties of hyaluronic acid of different types differ slightly. The main difference is the period of its preservation under the skin before degradation begins and the presence or absence of the likelihood of side effects.

Preparations and products with hyaluronic acid

The production of hyaluronic acid for the face and preparations based on it is carried out in different countries. The undoubted leader in the production of cosmetics with anti-aging effect is Korea. It was Korean cosmetics that gave hyaluronic acid its current popularity.

Anti-wrinkle hyaluronic acid is used externally and internally. Among the drugs, the following varieties can be distinguished:

  1. The cream or serum can be used by girls under 25 years of age. Hyaluronic acid for the face as an external remedy supplemented with herbal oils can protect the skin from drying out, but is practically unable to correct dermis imperfections. Topical remedies can also help with acne.
  2. For those over 30, hyaluronic acid rejuvenation should be performed using injection methods. During the procedure, the cosmetologist will inject filler where wrinkle filling is required: even sharp nasolabial, glabellar or frontal folds can be smoothed with hyaluronic acid. By collecting and retaining moisture, the product swells and smoothes the skin.
  3. You can also purchase the drug for oral administration. You need to drink hyaluronic acid in accordance with the instructions for the product: most often 1 tablet or capsule per day. This is the best method for those who are afraid of injections or do not trust other procedures. The effect of taking medications will have to wait 2-3 months, constantly taking the drug.

Modern cosmetology uses hyaluronate not only for the skin of the face. There are Korean cosmetics and (masks, serums, etc.). They act on the hair in the same way as the facial skin is moisturized with hyaluronic acid, i.e. create a protective film, keeping moisture inside the hair. Special means for men (to enlarge the penis) are also widely used.

Hyaluronic acid myths

Due to the relative novelty of restoring cosmetics with hyaluronate, a large number of different myths and conjectures are circulating around the methods of rejuvenation. Some of them are justified, but most are not true. One of these is the myth that hyaluronic acid in cosmetology is analogous to Botox.

In fact, botox is a drug that contains a toxin from the bacteria botulism. The substance relaxes and paralyzes muscle tissue, smoothing out wrinkles. The principle of action of hyaluronic acid is different: a viscous liquid simply fills the space under the skin, pushing part of it out. High-quality fillers are non-toxic and absolutely safe, because hyaluronic acid decomposes under the influence of human enzymes to simple sugars.

Women believe that it is better not to use moisturizing masks and creams containing hyaluronic acid (for the face) in winter colds. But it is in winter that the skin is exposed to dry air both outdoors and indoors. Moisturizers are needed to keep it from flaking and dehydration. When using a moisturizer, you need to know that hyaluronic acid is applied to the skin of the face 30-40 minutes before going outside. The product will have time to be absorbed into the dermis and protect it from drying out.

Another myth tells that intraocular pressure can increase due to the use of hyaluronate. This belief is completely unfounded, since drugs do not affect the processes in the body. Hyaluronic acid, the function of which is to accumulate and retain moisture, is already contained inside the eye and cannot get there from a cream or filler.

Many are also interested in the question of whether there can be an allergy to hyaluronic acid. When choosing quality products based on biosynthesized hyaluronic acid, the risk of allergic reactions is minimized. It does not matter what type of substance the manufacturer used in his care products: both low molecular weight and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid have the same side effects and contraindications. The composition of hyaluronic acid does not change, only the length of its molecules can be changed. When using creams and serums, allergies often arise due to the content of related substances of plant and animal origin (oils, fragrances or extracts).

Consumers also doubt the ability of molecules to penetrate the dermis when the drug is applied to the skin. Hyaluronic acid, which is used for the manufacture of such care products, has a small molecular size and easily penetrates into the intercellular space. The difference with injections lies in the depth of penetration: external agents are able to moisturize only the upper layers of the dermis. Therefore, their use is limited by the age of the woman.

Among the abundance of tools and methods of their application, it is easy to choose the best method suitable for every woman. When choosing one of them, you should take into account both your age and contraindications that can contribute to an allergic reaction or cause other troubles. It is best to seek the advice of an experienced beautician before proceeding with the procedure.

Today, references to hyaluronic acid are full of both glossy publications and the pages of ordinary media. Over the past few years, we have not ceased to repeat that “the secret of eternal youth of the skin has been revealed” and they offer to use this “elixir”. Let's try to figure out what is more in this unhealthy excitement - truthful information, accurate commercial calculation or banal philistine delusions.

Discoveries of the past that did not meet expectations

If you look into the very recent past, you can remember that similar situations have already been in the history of medicine:

  • The discovery of penicillin was presented as a complete victory over microorganisms (which, unfortunately, did not happen, despite the current spectrum).
  • The insulin produced was predicted to be victorious over (a vital and essential drug for diabetics, but a complete victory over diabetes is still a long way off).
  • The use of the first antipsychotics was presented as a cure for certain mental disorders, but even here everything is far from ideal expectations.

In general, the true picture after some time still differs from the forecasts and initial estimates. Therefore, it is very important to treat everything critically and as objectively as possible.

Debunking the myths about hyaluronic acid

None of the doctors will argue that hyaluronic acid is important for the human body, but that much information that can be found in the media today and which is presented as true, alas, does not come to us from professionals. Most often, innovative ideas are brought to the people by various beauty experts, self-taught bloggers and other people without specialized medical, pharmaceutical or biological education. They speak about a medicine based on their own evaluative impressions, information from questionable sources, or information taken out of context

This is how delusion is born. Let's try to separate the wheat from the chaff and understand this issue in more detail.


The main misconception is that the drug is called in the singular, but it is correct to call it in the plural - acids, since this is one of the compounds of the group of acidic mucopolysaccharides, which includes other compounds of similar composition and properties, and their mass can vary widely. Since the overwhelming majority of drugs released under the name "hyaluronic acid" are made from biological raw materials without special separation of fractions, it is completely incorrect to consider the drug as one, pure, compound.

Hyaluronic acid is the result of discoveries in beauty laboratories over the past two to three decades.

The substance itself was discovered back in 1930, and the study of its properties, functions, as well as the possibilities of application were taken up almost immediately after the discovery. The research itself did not stop, and starting from the 70s of the last century, their intensity began to increase.

This substance is used in cosmetic and cosmetic products

In addition to this developed area, hyaluronic acid is used for various diseases of other organs and systems as a medicine.

In cosmetic products, it improves the penetration of nutrients into the skin

Does not affect the level of cellular and intercellular permeability for various substances

Aging of the skin is associated with the loss of fluid due to a decrease in the level of substances of this group in all layers of the skin

If the decrease in the content of hyaluronates occurs with age, it is not so significant, and aging, including skin aging, is a complex multifaceted general biological process and it is simply stupid to reduce its manifestations to such banal reasons

The truth about hyaluronic acid

All properties and characteristics and distinctive features of hyaluronic acid are described in detail in the scientific and medical literature. However, it is oversaturated with many terms, which makes the available information not always understandable for a common layman.

If we try to simplify everything a little, it turns out that:

Each of the factions has its own set of properties and characteristics. So low molecular weight varieties substances have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, which ensured their use for burns, trophic ulcers, herpetic eruptions, psoriasis ... Medium molecular weight hyaluronic acid able to suppress cell multiplication and migration. Due to these properties, it is used in the treatment of some arthritis and eye diseases. High molecular weight fractions keep a huge number of water molecules around them and stimulate cellular processes in the skin itself. This type of hyaluronic acid has found its application in surgery, ophthalmology and cosmetology.

It's important to know! It is categorically impossible to use a drug with an unspecified size of the molecules of the active substance, since it is possible not only not to achieve the desired result, but also to worsen the condition.

The main indications for the use of hyaluronic acid

It should always be remembered that the introduction of drugs into the body hyaluronic acid injection is primarily a medical manipulation. There are quite strict medical criteria for the use of various techniques and procedures.

So, the main indications for the use of hyaluronic acid are:

  • the appearance of wrinkles (reduced skin turgor) due to loss of moisture;
  • an increase in the severity of existing wrinkles;
  • pronounced mimic wrinkles;
  • the need to normalize the skin relief;
  • the need to improve the turgor and contour of the red border of the lips.

Hyaluronic acid preparations in aesthetic medicine

In modern cosmetology, the demand for hyaluronic acid in the form of injections or other forms of the drug is explained by:

The modern pharmacological market offers hyaluronic acid in the form of injections. Moreover, it can be in the form:

  • Meso cocktail, which includes the main substance, supplemented with panthenol, vitamins, coenzymes, cell growth factors, peptides, etc.
  • Fillers- a dermal filler made from cross-linked HA, which biodegrades over time - it is absorbed in the body. It is produced in the form of a gel of various viscosities. The more viscous the substance, the more problems it is designed to cope with.
  • Redermalizants and biorevitalizants... Currently, 3 generations of these drugs can be found on the shelves of pharmacies. The latter are based on nucleic acids that create complexes with HA that can restore cell DNA and accelerate the production of their own hyaluronic acid, as well as elastin and collagen.
  • Bioreparants- preparations containing altered HA, to the chain of which peptides, vitamins, amino acids are attached. They have a prolonged and enhanced action.

Note: in the beauty industry, ointments, creams, gels, lotions for external use can be used, but their effectiveness is much lower than that of hyaluronic acid for injection.

The main types of procedures to improve the condition of the facial skin

The most popular injection procedures with hyaluronic acid are:

The main contraindications to the use of hyaluronic acid

If marketers are trying to assure you that hyaluronic acid injections, wherever they are carried out, are as safe as possible, know: this is a lie! Against the background of certain procedures, they are really safer, however, this drug has its own contraindications.

The main ones include:

  1. Any allergic reaction to the active substance or its components.
  2. Any infectious diseases in the acute period.
  3. Pregnancy, childbirth and subsequent lactation.
  4. Connective tissue pathology.
  5. General and systemic diseases, such as autoimmune lesions, oncological pathology of any organs and systems, sugar, pathology of the blood coagulation system.

In addition, birthmarks, moles, scars and inflammation should not be located at the injection site. If these contraindications are not followed, the results can be disastrous.

The effectiveness of hyaluronic acid creams

A separate group of drugs, and quite common, are creams with hyaluronic acid. They are applied by being applied to the surface of the skin, where they have a direct effect.

For superficial changes, skin protection, products containing high molecular weight fractions are used, which create a protective layer and do not penetrate into the skin.

To correct deep, age-related changes, funds with low-molecular fractions of the active substance are better suited, since it can partially penetrate to a certain depth into the inner layers, where their biological action is carried out.

In recent years, non-injection techniques have become increasingly popular, implying the application of a gel to the skin, followed by exposure to microcurrents, a laser, and ultrasound.

I would like to end with some advice: everything has its own time and reasons, and the basic rule of a healthy life, good mood and good looks is moderation. In pursuit of beauty, try to use even a product such as hyaluronic acid, no frills, and your skin will look good even in old age.

You will receive more detailed information on the use of hyaluronic acid preparations for the face by watching the video review:

Elena Nikolaevna Sovinskaya, therapist.

In cosmetology, injection procedures have the greatest success - contour plastics, biorevitalization, bioreparation. The active component of the drugs used for their implementation is hyaluronic acid (HA). Despite the ambiguous statements in the media, hyaluronic acid in cosmetology has not lost its popularity for about two decades.

The role of HA in the human body

All systems and organs are composed of cells: blood - from corpuscles, liver - from hepatocytes, the nervous system - from neurons. The space between all cells is occupied by connective tissue, which makes up about 85% of the entire organism. As a single structure, it interacts with all other tissues (epithelial, nervous, muscular, etc.) and implements their relationship with each other.

Connective tissue, depending on its composition, can be in various physical states - in liquid (blood, lymph, synovial intra-articular and cerebrospinal fluid), solid (bone), in the form of a gel (intercellular fluid and cartilage, vitreous body of the eye). It is most fully present in the skin structures - the dermis, hypodermal and basal layers.

Connective tissue is distinguished from other tissues of the body by the high development of its base with a relatively small number of cell structures. The base consists of elastin and collagen fibers, as well as complex molecular protein and amino acid compounds with amino sugars. The most important of them is hyaluronic acid.

One HA molecule is capable of binding about 500 water molecules. In a middle-aged human body, it is synthesized by fibroblasts in the amount of 15-17 grams. Half of it is contained in the cells of the stratum corneum, as well as between the fibers of elastin and collagen. It stimulates the production of these proteins, creates conditions for their fixed location, thereby giving firmness and elasticity to the skin.


Aging processes of tissues

Under the influence of the enzyme hyaluronidase, hyaluronic acid is destroyed. The processes of its restoration and splitting are going on continuously. About 70% is destroyed and restored within a day. The prevalence of a particular process depends on:

  • daily and seasonal biorhythms;
  • age;
  • psychological state;
  • poor nutrition;
  • nicotine intoxication and excessive UV exposure;
  • taking certain medications, etc.

These factors affect not only the synthesis of HA (hyaluronate), but also its structure. A decrease in its amount leads to a decrease in the bound water in the tissues and the appearance of signs of aging. Defective molecules retain the ability to bind water, but lose the ability to give it away. In addition, natural age-related processes lead to the concentration of HA in the deep skin layers, which is the cause of intercellular tissue edema at the border of the dermis and hypodermis and dehydration of the more superficial layers.

All these processes increase with age and under the influence of negative factors and lead to dry skin with simultaneous puffiness of the face and edema under the eyes, a decrease in its elasticity and firmness, the appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation.

Types of HA in the body

Its uniqueness lies in the presence of molecules with different polysaccharide chain lengths. The properties of hyaluronic acid and its effect on cells largely depend on the length of the chain:

  1. Short-chain molecules, or low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, have anti-inflammatory effects. This type of acid is used to treat burns, trophic ulcers, acne, psoriasis and herpetic eruptions. It is used in cosmetology in the form of one of the components of tonics and creams for external use, since without losing its properties, it penetrates deeply into the skin for a long time.
  2. Medium molecular weight HA, which has the property of suppressing migration, cell multiplication, etc. It is used in the treatment of eyes and some types of arthritis.
  3. High molecular weight - stimulates cellular processes in the skin and has the property of retaining a large number of water molecules. It gives the skin elasticity and high resistance to external negative factors. This type is used in ophthalmology, surgery, and in cosmetology - in preparations for injection techniques.

Industrial types

Depending on the production technology, sodium hyaluronate is divided into two types:

  1. For a long time, preparations with hyaluronic acid of animal origin have been used. It was obtained by enzymatic cleavage of crushed parts of animals (eyes and cartilage of cattle, cockscombs, synovial intra-articular fluid, umbilical cords) as a result of a special two-stage purification and sedimentation. The technology involved the use of distilled water and high temperature (85-100 degrees). A significant part of the high-molecular-weight fraction was destroyed, turning into a low-molecular one. In addition, proteins of animal origin remained.

    The effect after injections of such drugs for the purpose of cosmetic face correction did not last long, sometimes it contributed to the formation of dermal nodes. But the drug was especially dangerous because it often became the cause of severe inflammatory and allergic reactions due to the presence of animal protein. Therefore, this technology is almost never used.

  2. Recently, in the pharmaceutical industry, HA is obtained by the method of biotechnological synthesis. For these purposes, microorganisms (streptococci) grown in wheat broth are used. They produce hyaluronic acid, which is purified, dried and subjected to repeated bacteriological and chemical studies in subsequent stages. Such a drug almost completely corresponds to the acid produced in the human body. It almost does not cause allergic and inflammatory reactions.

Application in cosmetology

Hyaluronic acid is applied to the skin and subcutaneous layers in a variety of ways:

  1. Injection.
  2. No injection.

Injection procedures with hyaluronic acid are used in such techniques as:

  • , and - the introduction of the drug into the middle layers of the skin; it is used for age-related changes, dry skin and to increase its elasticity, tone and color, eliminate acne, stretch marks, etc.; the duration of the preservation of hyaluronic acid in the dermis - up to 14 days;
  • - filling the subcutaneous structures with the substance in order to smooth out wrinkles and correct the contours of the face; the drug remains under the skin for 1-2 weeks;
  • and - administration of modified hyaluronic acid, which remains in the skin for up to 3 weeks.


Which is Better: Botox or HA?

Given the multidirectional mechanisms of action of botox and hyaluronic acid, they are used to achieve various effects. A combination of them is possible. However, it must be remembered that at least two weeks must elapse after the introduction.

Is it possible to combine the administration of collagen fillers and HA?

Collagen and HA fillers work well together. The first provides the skin with density and structure and lasts an average of 4 months, the second - natural moisture and strength for 6-9 months.

Any use of hyaluronic acid injections should only be carried out by a cosmetologist.

Hyaluronic acid (synonyms: hyaluronate, hyaluronan) is a complex polysaccharide molecule, a polymer that is part of the intercellular substance and fills the voids among collagen and elastin molecules, and maintains them in working position.

The highest concentration of hyaluronic acid in the human body are:

  • epithelial, nervous tissue;
  • connective, bone tissue;
  • synovial fluid;
  • the vitreous and cornea of ​​the eye;
  • egg shells;
  • dermal integuments.

GC was discovered in the early 30s of the twentieth century, a tandem of scientists: K. Meyer and D. Palmer, however, the "victorious" procession of this substance began in the 90s of the twentieth century, in cosmetology and medicine.

Hyaluronan is a gel-like, slimy, transparent substance, colorless, tasteless and odorless and has truly excellent properties - attracting and retaining water.

In humans, the body contains about 15 grams of hyaluronic acid, of which, about 30%, is constantly being modified and transformed - broken down and synthesized again.

One of the most noticeable of its actions is the maintenance of the skin in a healthy and elastic state.

Our skin has three layers:

First : superficial - epidermal.

Second : medium - dermal.

Third : lower - subcutaneous fat.

A healthy and youthful skin condition directly depends on the dermal, middle layer, in which a whole "factory" works - special fibroblast cells that synthesize collagen, elastin and sodium hyaluronate.

Thanks to these three components, the skin is structured according to the principle of a "mattress" on which the epidermis rests. Springs are collagen and elastin fibers in the form of springs, and the role of the filling medium is water, drawn in and held in by hyaluronic acid. The stronger the springs, the denser the water environment, the younger the skin.

Its molecules, like glue, hold and hold collagen and elastin fibers, help to maintain the structure, filling the intercellular space.

One of the most important properties of HA is the ability to bind and retain water molecules on itself. One acid molecule is capable of binding up to 500! HOH molecules, at the same time, like a sponge, holds water on itself, thereby regulating the hydrobalance.

It is due to the accumulation of moisture that the skin becomes more voluminous, retains its youth and freshness, maintains moisture and elasticity. With HA deficiency, tissues become dehydrated and the skin wrinkles and withers.

HA is a kind of "transport" for the delivery of fluid to tissues, supplying the intercellular space with a sufficient amount of moisture. In addition, it serves as a lubricant for joints, stabilizes the pressure inside the eyeball, and increases skin elasticity.

The texture of the acid resembles a gel, its molecules form a three-dimensional network that tightly binds and holds the H2O molecules. It is HA that is the main component that maintains the hydrobalance not only of the skin, but also of other tissues and organs.

What is the threat of hyaluronic acid deficiency?

Over time, the body reduces the production of its own hyaluronic acid, which affects not only the appearance of the skin, but also leads to other problems:

1. joint diseases,

2. impaired vision,

3. increase in intraocular pressure.

On a note

The trace elements Magnesium and Zinc are able to stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid in the body. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly consume foods rich in these substances.

Magnesium: avocado, broccoli, potatoes, peanuts, spinach.

Zinc: brown rice, peanuts, potatoes, sunflower seeds.

The properties of the produced hyaluronate are also influenced by the size, and specifically the length of the molecule. Gradually, the chains of the polysaccharide are shortened, which becomes the root cause of the development of degenerative changes in tissues, joints, eyes.

In addition, a number of unfavorable factors affect the decrease in the production of HA and collagen:

  • bad habits;
  • bad ecology;
  • improper nutrition;
  • drug abuse;
  • UV irradiation.

How to make up for a lack of hyaluronic acid

The deficiency of hyaluronan in the body can be fully compensated. It is possible to increase the level and stimulate the reproduction of HA by special diets, the intake of dietary supplements, the use of cosmetics containing HA, a therapeutic course of injections, aesthetic and cosmetic procedures.

There is high molecular weight and low molecular weight HA. For the needs of cosmetology, low molecular weight is used, because it freely passes through the epithelial cells into the dermal layer, without losing its ability to accumulate water, like its high-molecular-weight analogue.

Currently, sodium hyaluronate is used in different qualities and methods, depending on the tasks at hand:

  • Injections;
  • Hardware cosmetology;
  • Cosmetic preparations;
  • Dietary supplements.


Injections are considered a fairly safe method. In modern cosmetology medicine, most of the "beauty injections" are based on derivatives from hyaluronic acid.

pros Minuses

Minimum side effects;
+ Fast visible effect;
+ Technical simplicity and availability;
+ Security.

A fairly wide range of contraindications for injections;
- The ability to implement them
only in a clinic;
- Expensive procedures.

There are several types of HA injection procedures:

Biorevitalization - introduction directly into the problem area, where the voids are filled, thereby increasing the volume and retaining moisture inside the cells. After the procedure, independent collagen synthesis starts, metabolic processes are activated.
Mesotherapy - with the help of cannulas (the thinnest flexible needles), 1% solution of hyaluronate is injected subcutaneously.
Bio-reinforcement - subcutaneously, along the lines or perpendicular to the dermis tension, hyaluronan preparations are injected.
Hyaluronoplasty ... Contour non-surgical plastic is able to increase the volume of the lips, correct the shape and features of the face, reduce the depth of wrinkles and folds, without resorting to a scalpel. It is carried out with the help of special means - fillers (English "to fill" - "fill").

Hardware cosmetology

Hardware cosmetology. Another of the methods of introducing hyaluronate. The procedures are based on accelerated filling of soft tissues with hyaluronate gel.

The most common:

  • aquaphoresis,
  • electrophoresis,
  • ultrasound,
  • laser,
  • TDES.

The advantage of these methods is painlessness, there are no noticeable traces after the procedures.
Stimulating natural processes. For this, chemical peeling is used. The peeling procedure starts the process of synthesis of its own HA, in response to the irritating effect of glycolic acid, as a protective reaction of the body.

Cosmetic preparations

Cosmetic products for external use. The main parameter when choosing such funds is to choose funds with low molecular weight acid for free penetration. skin layers. In cosmetics, hyaluronic acid is used primarily as a powerful moisturizer for the surface layers of the skin, significantly improving the overall appearance.

HA is one of the main ingredients of anti-aging cosmetics, not only care (creams, serums, lotions, etc.), but also decorative (foundation, lipstick, eye shadow, blush). In the composition of creams, HA is most often present in the form of sodium salt (sodium hyaluronate), and the concentration, although small - 0.5% or less, is quite enough to saturate the skin with water.

Medicines for various uses

Medicines. Certain pharmacological preparations containing HA in the form sodium salt, chondroitin sulfate, or glucosamine, belong to the group of correctors of the metabolism of bone and cartilaginous tissues and are produced for external use - in the form of ointments, for internal use - injections or oral (tablet form).

In modern medicine, hyaluronic acid is used in many branches of medicine:

  • in the treatment of wounds and burns;
  • to restore cartilage tissue;
  • in ophthalmology.

Dietary supplements

Biologically active additives. They are safe enough and are an excellent way to saturate the body with HA. Ensure the maintenance of health and youthfulness of the body as a whole.

There are preparations, both homogeneous and vitamin-mineral complexes. Various companies produce products that differ in their ingredients, combining HA with vitamins, macro- and microelements, and other substances.
After applying one or another method of HA delivery to the body, the effect of refreshed skin is visually noticeable, an increase in skin turgor is observed, pains in joints and muscles decrease or completely stop, and vision is aggravated.

Conducted in a variety of laboratory studies, years of practical use, unequivocally confirm the highest efficiency of its use in the field of aesthetic medicine.

Hyaluronic acid:

  • forms a protective film on the surface layer of the skin, thereby strengthening the natural barrier against aggressive environmental influences;
  • does not interfere with the natural processes of gas exchange, stabilizes the concentration of moisture in the cells;
  • filling in folds and unevenness, perfectly smoothes wrinkles, reduces the depth of creases;
  • moisturizes dry, flaky, dehydrated skin;
  • gives the skin softness, smoothes the surface;
  • rejuvenates, making the skin more elastic and elastic;
  • activates the action of other biologically active substances that make up cosmetics;
  • stimulates wound healing processes, without further formation of scars or scars;
  • activates metabolic processes by stimulating metabolic and restorative reactions.

Another of the positive aspects of the use of HA - visible results come after a single use of a cosmetic product, or a salon procedure with its use, in contrast to other natural preparations, the effect of which has to wait from several days to a month, sometimes even more.


The chemical formula of HA is identical in animals and humans. Hyaluronic acid is mandatory in the composition of a living organism, therefore there are no contraindications to its use.

Due to this, for medical purposes, HA, isolated from rooster combs, or the cartilaginous mass of cattle, was originally used, however, it had a major drawback - a high percentage of allergic reactions.

In the modern pharmaceutical industry, HA synthesized from streptococcus bacteria is used, due to this, there are no protein impurities in it, and as a result, there are no allergic manifestations.

There are contraindications to the procedures themselves, and not to hyaluronic acid.