Learning red for the little ones. Early development: when and how to start learning colors with your child

Color teaching plays an important role in a child's development. And not only because it is important for the baby to learn to distinguish colors, but also because from this moment the development of aesthetic perception begins. While this seems straightforward to us, it can be difficult for children to assimilate the information they need. The cartoons of the Very Important Channel will help here.

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Colored helicopters. Learning colors and shapes. Educational cartoons for children.


In the cartoons of this developmental channel, the main principle of any training is applied - the presentation of information in a playful way. Watching online cartoons "Funny study of flowers" on our website will be interesting for kids aged 2-4 years. Older children are usually already interested in play videos with a full storyline. A very important channel has collected a wide variety of cartoons dedicated to the study of flowers for kids. For example, children will certainly be interested in funny cars of different colors that drive around the city, arrange races, etc. There are videos in which kids are taught not only to distinguish colors, but also to assemble a whole from separate parts - these are puzzles dedicated to funny cars of different colors. There are also cartoons in which, instead of cars, other characters appear - for example, a boat. Moreover, such videos are built on the principle of virtual coloring pages.

The baby is laid in the womb. The direction of its development is determined in the first years of life. It depends on the parents what the baby knows and can do at the nursery age. Therefore, they are often interested in the question of how to teach children to distinguish colors.

In stores you can find a huge number of expensive educational toys. They are interesting and entertaining, but in order for knowledge to really accumulate, it is necessary to be guided by the peculiarities of children's development at every stage, to apply them with love and attention in communication with a little man.

Cognition of the colored world up to 1 year

A six-month-old baby begins to see the world in color. He reacts to bright things. This age is characterized by short-term monochrome color. So, for several days or weeks, the child chooses toys and objects of the same color (for example, yellow). The surrounding objects are full of obscurity for him.

What you need to know about how to teach children to distinguish colors at this stage?

  • The period is informative rather than educational. The task of parents is to interest and tell.
  • Constant communication is the foundation of early development.
  • Environmental awareness should be systematic.

Rules and methods of early learning "color" literacy

In this case, as in the development of any business, there are certain rules:

  • The verbal method is a description of the world around. Repetition is the mother of learning. Say what you see as often as possible. Walking with your child in the park, talk about the leaves on the trees, their color and shape. Tear off the leaf and let it tactilely familiarize yourself with the new object. Repeat the same on the next walk. And the third time, show the weed in the sequence he already knows. It will be useful to focus on the fact that the leaves and grass are green.
  • Do not rush! No need to chatter incessantly: the berry is red, the leaf is green, the sun is yellow. If you chose green first for training, only pay attention to things of this color for several weeks. Only then can one move on to new discoveries. Do not forget to remind about what is already known before.
  • Use Show cards with paint tone, name it. The duration of the playback is a few seconds. A gradual increase in the number of images and information about them is the key to more effective memorization.
  • Consider the character and mood of the child. You can learn only when he is full, satisfied and does not experience other needs.

How to teach a child to distinguish colors: a list of techniques

  • Verbal method (pronunciation).
  • Creative (drawing, modeling).
  • Rhymed (rhymes and songs).

Play and creativity among colors: from 1 to 2 years

This period is already more informative. The kid got acquainted with the world through parental stories and his own discoveries. He knows a lot, but he is just beginning to speak, understands the questions and can answer them by pointing his finger or nodding his head. At this stage, it is already possible to teach the child to distinguish between shapes and colors. It is at this age that such actions will bear the most noticeable results.

To do this, you need to know important nuances. Further - information on how to teach children to distinguish between colors:

  • The first year and a half - the accumulation of understanding of colloquial speech. After - the development of their own speech apparatus.
  • The child actively learns new things and remembers as a result of playing tasks and comparisons.
  • The period can be called the "second fundamental". The child, until he learns all the information by heart, will be confused and rarely show interest. But it depends on how the little man will navigate in the world of colors at the age of three.
  • There is no need to demand regular correct answers. Don't be discouraged if he points to green when asked about red. The main thing is the process of thinking.
  • We learn colors without shades: up to 2 years old - four basic ones.

Learning in the game is not only educational, but also very interesting.

Potential and limitations in the learning process from 2 to 3 years

The kid is already very well developed. The stage of independence comes to replace the knowledge of the world: he most often prefers to eat, dress, undress on his own. At the same time, his brain is prepared to receive new information and successfully memorize it. After certain achievements of a one-year-old baby, it is important to prevent inhibition of development and remember how to teach a 2-year-old child to distinguish colors.

  • The color range expands. He is able to remember more than four tones already. Black and white are added to the main ones. Optional - orange and purple (individually).
  • It is now possible to play effectively and learn not only with the help of toys, but also with clothes, household items and books.
  • Continue to use the already known methods in accordance with the age characteristics of the little man and the common truths on how to teach children to distinguish between colors.

Given these age-related changes, parents can teach their child a lot, including preparing them for an adequate perception of the color scheme.

  • We draw, sculpt, glue. Creativity is the engine for the development of a two-year-old, a teaching method and a means of self-realization. Paper, cardboard, salted dough, plasticine, watercolors are the main assistants in "color" science.
  • We do not stop talking about the colors around us. The little man remembers information better in a relaxed atmosphere. Have you seen a crow? Tell us about her, about the color of her plumage. Went out for a walk on a snowy frosty day? Play with white snow while speaking information. Later, periodically remind about what you saw and its characteristics. This reinforces associations and stimulates memory.
  • The base games are the same, with a corresponding expansion of the palette.
  • Introduce color grades to your wardrobe processes. When dressing for a walk, choose clothes in the same range with your baby. On another occasion, leave it in a conspicuous place in advance and ask to bring tights or a blouse of a certain shade.
  • "Colored things". Necessary items: pre-painted large pasta, multi-colored beads, mosaic elements, as well as 6-8 containers or boxes of the corresponding basic colors. Task: sort the "lost" objects by "houses".
  • "Colorful world". Draw a picture in advance, for example, a green meadow, a green tree, a red house, a yellow sun in the sky, a blue cloud, a flying black crow, a white stork, an orange ball, a purple car (the variety should correspond to the level of development). It is necessary to cut the same images out of colored paper. Ask your baby to make an applique. He can just sort things out, or he can use glue for this.
  • "Associations". Prepare colorful images. Place them in balls of the appropriate color. Inflate them and let your child play. Pop and make inferences.
  • "Colored letters". From this age, you need to begin acquaintance with letters and numbers. This should not be memorization, but a familiarization process. In this context, this is ideal. Sort letters, name the main ones. Ask to find "yellow letter A", "red letter A", "blue letter B", "orange letter B". The number of letters to study is 2-3. The emphasis is on colors.
  • Read together poems on this topic, learn songs. Children often memorize better in poetic or song form.

On the eve of the crisis of 3 years old, the child regularly shows character. It is important to listen to your baby, understand him, be able to interest him. Psycho-emotional harmony and mutual understanding are in the first place, and only then is learning.

Colors in the world of childhood from 3 to 4 years old

The kid is already quite adult and independent, he owns a certain stock of knowledge, which needs to continue to be replenished. It is important to show ingenuity and patience in order to teach a 3-year-old to distinguish colors. In connection with some peculiarities, inevitable, but surmountable difficulties arise.

What is important to know about how to teach a child to distinguish colors:

  • The crisis is 3 years old. It is characterized by the persistence of the child in what he wants and protest against everything that is imposed on him. There comes a period of awareness of one's own "I" and the formation of independence.
  • An important period of psychoemotional development. The color scheme is perceived differently. Expand your existing knowledge to 12 colors (add pink, purple, orange, blue, brown). Depending on the level of assimilation of the material, it is possible to get acquainted with the shades of the main colors (crimson, burgundy, beige, gray).

Speak, remember, remind. Tell your baby about everything that is around, focusing on the colors.

  • Play basic games: blocks and balls, bingo, puzzles, sorters, associations - and get creative: “colored things”, “colorful world”, “color” analysis of the wardrobe. Improvise with familiar game situations, reworking them in a new way.
  • "Rainbow". Children love rainbows. Try to learn the "memory" about her together. Draw a large rainbow. Cut out the colored circles in advance. Have the child arrange them in appropriate arcs.
  • "Multi-colored cars". Walking along the streets of the city, while waiting for public transport, kids watch the road and everything that happens around. Counting passing cars is a good activity. It is even more interesting to look for a car of a given color among them. You can also count the number of red or white cars on a given stretch of highway.
  • "Ice cream". Draw or cut and glue together images of sweet "horns" with different colored ice cream balls. Let him choose his favorite. There may be several shades and the task is to count pink (strawberry) or chocolate (brown). You can collect cutouts of your favorite dessert in your purse or shopping basket.
  • "Who is bigger?". While on a walk, select an interesting object (for example, a car). Play the game, who will count the most cars of a certain color.
  • Learn poetry, sing songs. Many children remember better this way.

If the baby does not show interest in the game, do not force it. Let your fantasy work in favor of his positive emotions. Trust is the key to quality learning. Based on their experience, adults usually already have a good understanding of how to teach a child to distinguish colors. 4 years is the age when it is time to expand and consolidate the previously acquired knowledge.

We repeat, teach, understand

At this age, the kid should already know 12 basic tones: he easily chooses clothes by color, performs tasks set by his parents, which were previously given with difficulty, he himself “teaches” others about the color scheme. If difficulties exist, continue to persevere with the above techniques. This period is the beginning of preparatory preschool. It is important to accustom you to a more assiduous and calm form of perception of knowledge (sitting at the table, using books, albums, goods for creativity). At the same time, it's time to learn shades: raspberry, burgundy, terracotta, lilac, beige, cream, turquoise, salad and others. Here, again, one must not rush. It is better to study more slowly and longer, but with good quality.

It has been scientifically proven that an intellectually developed person has a better and longer life. Invest in your child love and efforts, and he will delight you with his successes day after day.

Some children begin to consciously distinguish colors before they are one year old, but this is rare. In the vast majority of babies, these abilities appear from 1.5 to 2.5 years old. Possible exercises for learning colors depend on the level of knowledge about the world around and the development of fine motor skills. Below are the basic games and tricks for your first acquaintance with flowers.

The peculiarities of studying flowers with the smallest ones are that new subjects and materials for study must be introduced gradually. Many properties of unfamiliar materials can distract the baby from the main theme - color. Therefore, if the child is not yet familiar with drawing and modeling, then before starting to study colors, be sure to conduct several introductions to paints and plasticine.

Exploring Colors | Readiness to learn

Ikeevskaya plastic utensils go well with dishwashing sponge cubes

To test the willingness to learn colors, provide your child with a variety of objects of the same shape and size different colors and ask them to be divided into groups - sort. If the baby copes easily, you can begin to study individual colors.

Item options for sorting:

  • cubes;
  • details of constructors (Lego, etc.) and mosaics;
  • buttons;
  • colored plastic dishes;
  • foam cubes from a dishwashing sponge (In order to get cubes it is necessary to separate the hard dark green layer and cut the sponge with scissors. The green layer comes off neatly if the sponge is wet and dried a couple of times beforehand).

Exploring Colors | Color day plan

After you have identified that the child is successfully coping with distinguishing colors, you can begin to study them. It is better to spend the whole day studying the first names of colors (red, yellow, blue, green) (for each color for a day). I will describe one day of color study as an example. Other colors will be studied similarly.

Day plan for learning red:

1. Show a group of red objects and explain that they are red.
2. Draw a picture or paint a picture with red colors. If the baby is under two years old, one drawing tool is enough. For older toddlers, you can add variety by using red paints, felt-tip pens, pencils and crayons. An alternative to painting can be sculpting. If you like busy days, you can have time to draw and paint. For example, drawing before daytime sleep, and modeling in the evening. We read about modeling with kids and.
3. We offer sorting - choose the red parts from the proposed set of toys and objects of different colors.
4. We arrange a "hunt" for red things. Together we are looking for red everywhere. At home - in the interior and clothing, during a walk, please show the red cars.
5. We read books, look at cards with the image of red objects.

To increase the effectiveness of classes in the study of colors, it is necessary to actively use the names of the studied colors in speech. For example, we say not “Now we’ll put on a blouse and go for a walk,” but “now we’ll put on red blouse ... "," Let's eat red apple "," Look how beautiful red car ", etc.

To give the child even more impressions, dress the child in red clothes and add foods of the studied color to the diet of the day:

  • Red - berries, tomatoes, paprika;
  • Orange - pumpkin, carrot, orange;
  • Purple - grapes, blueberries;
  • Green - lettuce, peas, kiwi, avocado, grapes;
  • Yellow - pineapple, banana, paprika, cheese;
  • White - rice, cottage cheese, milk.

Exploring Colors | Drawing and modeling

Closer to two years old, mixing the modeling dough and the dye can be done together with the baby. In this case, of course, you must be ready to wash the soiled handles.

Creativity allows you to gain the most in-depth knowledge of colors. At the beginning of acquaintance with flowers, it is necessary to be creative with the use of one studied color. When the baby grows up, we demonstrate the receipt of shades by mixing:

Exploring Colors | Color lotto

Lotto options can be many. one of our options. Rules of the game:

  • We lay out cards with animals in front of the baby;
  • We give the kid one card with a palette and ask him to find an animal of a given color.

You can also, on the contrary, give out cards with animals and ask them to choose a palette.

After multiple successful palette selections, suggest a memory training game. Give the kid a black and white version of the animal card and ask him to choose a palette.

Exploring Colors | Flower books

To study colors, you can purchase books completely devoted to flowers, or you can use collections with various tasks. I described a large selection of collections with developing exercises for kids 1-2 years old

The following hits can be distinguished from books about flowers:

For the smallest 2-3 years old:

« What is blue»From the series Wonderful stickers of the Mosaic-Synthesis publishing house (Labyrinth, Ozone, My-Shop) The books of this series contain interesting tasks and cute stickers. The only drawback is the disposability of the stickers. For a more detailed description of the photo spreads, see

A picture book-a cardboard box with valves is what kids need!

The big book of the kid. Learning colors(Maze, Ozone, My-Shop)

Learning colors Photo book with spreads of different colors. Large format book with coated (glossy) paper and a high rating in the Labyrinth. To me such books seem useless and meaningless, but for some reason many people like such books. But after all, valves, stickers, quests, tasks and other interactive things are much more interesting about colors.

For children 3-4 years old:

Funny hiding places. Learn colors and counting (Maze, Ozone, My-Shop ) Book-wimmelbuch with high-quality illustrations for the search for items taken out in the margins.

Richard Scarry: Colors, Shapes and Numbers (Labyrinth)

Book-magazine from the classic children's book Richard Scarry. The book contains a bunch of tasks and includes stickers that must be placed correctly.

Hello color! (Maze, Ozone, My-Shop)

A small, ambitious interactive book about color mixing, warm and cold shades. Stylish design. Turning the wheel, you can change the color of the cut out image of the chameleon. For gourmets and aesthetes, the rest will say nonsense.

Toys and materials for learning about colors

Kit " Creativity from the cradle»(My-shop, ozon) a large set of cards with shades, books about basic colors, as well as manuals with ready-made lessons for studying colors and shades. My detailed review of the set. Lotto-memory “Learning colors. Who has appeared? " (my-shop)
A safe bet for exploring flowers is the color key sorter (my-shop). In addition to acquaintance with flowers, the child will also pump motor skills.

Exploring Colors | my approach

A few words about Yana's study of flowers. Her ability to distinguish colors began to appear at 1.3. It was at this age that we studied red, yellow, blue. The first color was the most difficult, each subsequent one was easier. For us, it would be more effective to study flowers from a year and a half, but I was really impatient 🙂. By the age of 1 year. 6m. Yana has mastered 10 basic colors. At that time, I offered her the simplest exercises. At this point, we have moved on to gaining skills in shade manipulation.

After I had acquired the skill of studying colors, I thought about the advisability of cramming the names of a large number of shades and came to the conclusion that this is unnecessary. We unobtrusively study only the most common (turquoise, light green, beige, etc.). In the future, I plan to expand to less common names for shades that I use myself (champagne, lilac, indigo, etc.)

In any process, the choice of the goal is important, otherwise there simply will be no result. After studying the primary colors, my main goal was to teach Yana to compare the colors of various objects and phenomena. I want her to be able to describe shades with images - "dark blue, like the sky in the early morning," "blue, like the sea in clear weather," "gray-blue, like a reflection of the sky in a muddy puddle", etc.

In conclusion

The study of colors is a qualitative broadening of one's horizons. Recognizing colors, the child receives a new method of classifying all surrounding objects - by color. By the way, in addition to the developmental effect, knowledge of colors opens up a large number of interesting games with color for the child.

Interesting discoveries for your kids!

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The child perceives different colors, having opened his eyes for the first time, and sees the world in colors. But what are all these paints called? There are so many of them and it seems that all the names cannot be remembered ... How to teach a child to distinguish colors and learn their names? This is detailed in our article.

It makes sense to start teaching colors with a child from infancy, and not only colors, at the same time you can learn both forms and even materials. When giving a rattle to a child, for example, say: "This is a rattle. The rattle is round, red, like a rattle rattles, but let's listen (we rattle)." If you approach this issue correctly, by the age of one year your child will know the basic colors and will be able to show you the toy of the color you ask for! But what to do if time is lost? Games, rhymes and songs will help, together with them, teaching the kid turns into a game.

Poems about colors for the little ones

In the ocean blue whale
dolphin says:
"I saw from afar
how the clouds passed. "

Learning colors: games for the little ones

It is necessary to cut shapes of different colors from colored cardboard and prepare envelopes of the same color (paint ordinary postal envelopes with pencils or stick an identification mark with the desired color on them). The child's task is to correctly arrange the figures in the envelopes, the parent's task is to repeat aloud the color of the figure. Later, the child himself will pronounce the colors. You can use this set to study shapes as well.

It will help to learn colors and computer games for kids well, but keep in mind that it is not advisable for a child to sit at the computer for up to a year, and after a year, you can stay at the monitor for no more than 30 minutes.

There is an excellent online game "Learning letters. Simulator for remembering the names of flowers for a child." The game is based on the same principle as the board game with cards. The child drags the colored figures with the cursor to the emoticons of the same color, and the game pronounces the name of the color aloud. You can play this game on the site GamesPlus.ru

Another game is Colored Magic Boxes. The child is invited to arrange objects of different colors in the boxes. This is a more difficult game than the previous one, because in it the shades of the same color may differ, and the child must navigate to which color the shade of a particular object is closer. ...

We also present to your attention an excellent educational presentation for your kids. In a poetic form, in a pleasant voice, the author Kyrchikova Dina will tell and show your children the basic colors. To download the presentation, click on the picture below. The presentation is started with the F5 key.

Talk to your child about the colors of the sun, sea, sky and all kinds of objects around us. Cards will help with this:

It will not be superfluous to tell the child that colors are warm and cold, and this will help to better understand the poster "The ABC of Color". To download and print the poster, click on the picture and open it in full size.

Color Learning Games

Traffic lights

A simple outdoor game, suitable as entertainment not only at home, but also on the street. And in a company with other children it will be even more fun. For kids, we cut out circles from cardboard: red, yellow and green. Coming up with simple actions for a specific color. For example, on red, children should stand, on yellow, wave their hands or jump in place, on green, take a step forward or backward. Gradually, you can gradually complicate the task: first, pronounce the color and show a circle of the corresponding color, then just show the circle, and then you can just name the color.

"What happens ..."

The game is not only for memorizing colors, but also for developing thinking and improving memory. Choose a specific color like yellow. And ask your kid a question: what is yellow? The sun, a flower, a typewriter, leaves and so on. The kid can answer independently, or you can answer in turn to make the game more interesting. An older child can also ask you a question in response: what is (the child's chosen) color? And you also have to answer. By the way, this game can be played on the road, on a walk, in line, involving other kids.

Butterflies on flowers

This is a simple game to help you learn colors. Moreover, this game is suitable for any child, you can start with the basic four colors, gradually increasing their number. For this game, you need to cut flowers and butterflies from colored cardboard (or you can print on a color printer on photo paper and then cut out). You can start with a set of four primary colors: red, blue, yellow and green, gradually adding new colors to them, for example, orange, brown, blue, pink. By the way, another option is to cut out of white cardboard and paint the necessary attributes with the child. The essence of the game is to plant a butterfly on a flower of the same color as it. Gradually, we complicate the game, specifying which butterfly to plant on which flower, for example: a yellow butterfly on a red flower, a blue one on a green one, and so on.

We build houses

For this game, you also need to prepare: cut out parts of the houses from colored cardboard, such as the roof (triangle), base (large square), windows (small squares). In the beginning, while the child is just starting to learn colors, only the base and the roof can be used. Collect houses, deliberately mixing up the colors: put a yellow roof on a red square, a blue roof on a yellow one, and so on. Then ask the kid to arrange the roofs correctly, on the yellow square - yellow, on the green - green. Gradually, you can complicate the game: ask the kid to assemble the houses on his own, first from the base and the roof of the same color, and then complicate it even more. Let the child assemble the house according to the criteria you named: red base, green roof, yellow window. That is, you name a part of the house and sound the color, and the child collects.

We play while going for a walk

Yes, yes, and even getting ready for a walk can be turned into a flower learning game. Prepare things for the baby, for example, 2-3 pants, the same number of T-shirts. Ask your child to bring a green T-shirt. Let the kid choose the right color from the proposed one. After the kid has completed the task, we put on a T-shirt and ask him to bring, for example, brown pants. The child must find the right one on his own. After the child begins to orientate with ease, the game can be slightly complicated. For example, put the shirts on the bed in the bedroom and the pants on the sofa in the living room. And ask to bring the right thing of a certain color from a specific place. For example, please bring a yellow T-shirt from the bed in the bedroom. The only drawback of this game is that you can play it only when you have free time. If you are in a hurry and quickly dress your child, then you will not be able to play.

We collect toys by color

As you tidy up the room, invite your child to take turns collecting toys of certain colors. For example, first collect everything yellow: yellow parts from constructors, yellow cars, a yellow ball or a book, and so on. The game is simple, but it will help you clean up toys and remember colors. But it also takes time.


Now almost every kid has a Lego-type constructor, a hollow, a crumb or a baby, with large building blocks, trains, a railway and so on. Suggest your young builder to build a house or even a small town using "bricks", trailers, railroad spans of only one specific color. For example, red. Quite a crumb can simply connect pieces of a certain color, building a wall.

A few of these simple games will help your child memorize basic colors quickly and easily. Gradually introduce new colors and shades into the game, and pretty soon your baby will delight you, recognizing and naming and on his own.

Knowledge check

Now let's check how the kid remembered the basic colors. Ask him to name as many items of the desired color as possible. At first, the following pictures will help:

And riddles will help to consolidate knowledge about colors.

Riddles about colors

Gave me this color
Fiery poppies bouquet.
Just like that, without a birthday,
To improve your mood. (Red)

Sweet color, tell me soon
What do you value in life?
Round pumpkin, carrot,
I grow them dexterously in the garden. (Orange)

A dandelion has grown in the field
Golden yellow boy.
He was friends with this color
And he looked like the sun. (Yellow)

Summer clothes for herself
Amazing color.
The bushes are painted with it,
Vegetable gardens and orchards. (Green)

A sonorous brook a brook -
The colors of this friend
With my pure water
Calls all friends to get drunk. (Blue)

Color heavenly forget-me-not
Didn't forget for a minute.
I dressed up all the flowers
Not one has forgotten. (Blue)

This color is one violet
Gave perfume - he does not mind.
He painted the violet,
Because he is beautiful. (Purple)

I'm a bull, but I don't roar
Because I'm in love! - I like to pinch the grass,
And my favorite color is ... (Green)

In the picture the sky is clear
We will draw you and me
And paint it over
As usual - ... (Blue)

Mother said to Bore:
- Let's not go now - it's dangerous!
Because at the traffic light
Not green light, but ... (Red)

I would paint cornflower
Even in black he could!
But, do not be afraid, I will not paint!
Its color is much more beautiful! (Blue)

Hello Dandelion!
And hello to the swimsuit!
Your cheerful, bright color
We all really like it! (Yellow)

The orange touched Lesha,
Gently stroked:
- You are beautiful and good,
Round and ... (Orange)

Mom as a gift
Choose your roses!
Red but not bright
Simple - ... (Pink)

At a notebook leaf
And the sugar has a piece
Both salt and chalk
What color happens? -… (White)

He is the dimmest of all,
Just believe it or not - You can see this color
And with your eyes closed! (Black)

Wolf, crow, sparrow,
The elephant and the little mouse -
All of them in winter and summer
Same color! (Gray)

And here are some more riddles about colors from Olesya Emelyanova:

He can croak with a frog,
Cry with the crocodile
Grow from the ground with grass,
But he cannot bloom.

Every orange is full of them
Even the clown is more fun with him,
He's all over the fox
And on a squirrel in a wheel.

He lies on the roof with snow,
They draw on it and write,
It's in cow's milk
And in sour cream and flour.

Even though it lurks in the chimney
He's always in vogue with panthers
Yes and ebony of anyone
Carries it every day.

He is in heaven on a fine day
And on forget-me-nots too,
And on the wings of a moth
Maybe he will fly off the flower.

It's in asphalt and concrete
In warm fluff on a raven,
In the wolf and its tail
And cats in the dark.

It is in coffee, in lentils,
In teddy bear and cinnamon
There is also chocolate -
You can't eat it without it.

A third of the flag is occupied by them,
He's in the name of the whale,
And in a cornflower blue bouquet,
And on the mailbox.

Seeing it under the eye,
They feel sorry for the brawler right away,
And here is the eggplant and plum
With him we are satisfied and happy.

Every sighted boy will say
About him, that he is girly,
If we dunk the stork,
Will become like a flamingo in it.

Sign of a talking fish
He's hidden in a box by a pirate
There is in the crown and in the ring,
And on the fabulous porch.

Read, play and develop your kid with us!

People everywhere are surrounded by a large number of different colors, and, of course, it is not easy for a small child to remember all of them at once. But he must know the basic colors. To help you, we have developed educational material "Learning colors game" for preschool children. With the help of these learning cards, your child will quickly and easily master all the basic colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple and even brown.

The training material is designed in the form of 8 playing fields, each of which consists of 5 parts: a round card with the main color and 4 parts of pictures with an image of an object of this color.

For classes with children, you need to download and print all the sheets of the game on a color printer, stick them on cardboard, you can glue them on top with adhesive tape, and cut them into cards.

Educational board game for children - learning colors puzzles

Educational board game for children - learning colors puzzles

Educational board game for children - learning colors puzzles

How to work with a child according to the didactic manual "Learning colors game"

1) With a very small baby 1-1.5 years old, you can first practice using round cards with the image of the main color. At first, this is enough for familiarization.

2) Lay out several cards in front of the child: with red, yellow, green and blue. Name the name of each color, show it on surrounding objects, toys. In the next lesson, add the rest of the colors to the study.

3) Then you can start collecting puzzles for each color with your child. Together with him, look for and fold around the circle pictures corresponding to the selected color, name each picture, explain why it fits here. And then mix them with the rest and have the child select and arrange the pictures on their own.

4) With children older than 3-4 years old, you can immediately proceed to collecting puzzles, they already, as a rule, determine the colors well.

5) Also, with this training manual, you can play "color loto" with children, distribute circles with flowers to the players, take out pictures one by one from a box or bag, invite the children to name the object and its color, then pass it on to the player who has the appropriate colored circle.

According to such a developmental guide, you can study flowers with children both at home and in kindergarten.

All training materials on our website are adapted for A4 paper size. You can download them for free and print them on a color printer.

Good luck and interesting activities!

Educational video for childrenLearning colors. Colors and examples in pictures "from the channel Lyalki Developers

Educational game: color puzzles with a child

Educational game: color puzzles with a child

Educational game: color puzzles with a child

Educational game: color puzzles with a child

Educational game: color puzzles with a child

Educational game: color puzzles with a child

Educational game: color puzzles with a child

Educational game: color puzzles with a child

Educational game: color puzzles with a child

Educational game: color puzzles with a child

Educational video for kids - Puzzles for kids - Learn colors! from the children's channel