How to walk with a newborn in winter Komarovsky. When should you not walk with your newborn in winter? When you can't walk with your baby

Young mothers, returning from the hospital, immediately face many questions, the most frequent of which is when to go for the first walk with a newborn. Parents whose babies are born in winter are especially worried. They are afraid that children might catch colds and get sick. When can you give your child the first walk in his life? What rules should be followed at different times of the year?

The baby, however, like his mother, is extremely important for fresh air. Regular walks increase appetite, improve blood circulation, and the newborn's sleep becomes deep and calm. Temperature drops outside and at home help to harden the child's body. Sunlight helps produce vitamin D, which prevents babies from developing.

First walk

Although some mothers "go out" with a baby the very next morning after discharge, pediatric neonatologists recommend taking walks in the fresh air only from the second week of a newborn's life, giving him time to adapt to new conditions. You should start with a 15-minute exercise, adding ten minutes every day and bringing the total duration of being out of the house to two to three hours a day. The duration of walks in the autumn-winter period, as a rule, is shorter than in the warm season.

The ability for their own thermoregulation in children develops gradually, therefore it is necessary dress them correctly to avoid the two extremes: hypothermia and overheating. Observe the "golden" principle: the baby should be dressed for the season, but a little warmer than the mother - plus another layer of clothing ( We read the article on the topic: How to dress a newborn for a walk (summer, autumn, winter) - ).

To make the first walk a real pleasure for the baby and mother, you need to take into account the weather conditions, the state of health of the baby, as well as the season.

We walk in the summer

Many parents mistakenly believe that in the summer months, you can walk with your child immediately after he is discharged, without limiting the time spent on the street. However, in hot summer, especially in the middle of the day, there is a risk of heatstroke for the baby due to overheating of the body. Do not forget that children under three months of age still have an insufficiently mature heat exchange system. Therefore, summer walks should be taken seriously and the basic rules should be followed:

Note to moms!

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  • Choose clothes made from natural materials so that they do not irritate the delicate skin of the newborn. Avoid buying stroller mattresses made of synthetic fabric.
  • If the temperature reaches 30 degrees, the time for walking should be postponed to the morning and evening, so that the summer heat does not interfere with the child.
  • Protect your baby's skin from direct sunlight. Wear a cap over his head to avoid sunstroke.
  • Walk several times a day, focusing on your baby's feeding schedule. Long walks are not very convenient, because the child still needs to change clothes, and you will also have other worries and troubles.
  • Take a bottle of boiled water or a nipple outside. If the child wakes up and cries, it can be distracted for a short time.

We walk in autumn and spring

In the off-season, the weather is often changeable: the bright sun is quickly replaced by torrential rains. In the autumn-spring period, the child can easily catch a cold. To prevent a runny nose and cough, pediatricians advise you to follow simple rules:

  • Don't go for a walk in rainy weather. Special raincoats create a kind of greenhouse effect inside the stroller, negatively affecting the health of the baby. A raincoat is convenient if you need to run home during a sudden downpour.
  • Even if the sun is bright outside, do not rush to undress your child to avoid hypothermia and colds. Use special demi-season overalls, they keep warm well, allowing the skin to breathe.
  • If the weather is dry and sunny, the first walk can be extended up to 15 minutes. Gradually bring the duration of the morning and evening promenade to one and a half hours.

Walking with a child in winter

The greatest doubts in terms of walking with young children are caused precisely by the cold season. Due to severe frosts and a piercing wind, the child can remain without fresh cold air for a long time. But you still need to walk, the main thing is to follow the elementary rules of child safety:

  • In winter, it is better to organize the first exit of the child on the street on the 14th day after his birth. If the weather permits (-5 degrees of frost), then you need to walk for 15 minutes. If the temperature drops to 15 degrees, then reduce the time of the first walk to 10 minutes.
  • You cannot go out into the yard with a newborn in severe frost or a piercing wind. No matter how warm you wrap your baby up, his nose and cheeks can freeze. Replace the exit to the street with airing the nursery or "walking" on the balcony.
  • The total duration of a winter walk should not exceed one and a half hours. Go outside twice a day.
  • Pay special attention to your baby's clothes. Get a convertible jumpsuit. It will not only keep warm, but will also allow the baby to change clothes almost instantly, without disturbing his sensitive sleep.
  1. Purchase a special stroller for your newborn: it must be on wheels with shock absorbers, with a flat bottom, with a mattress made of natural materials ().
  2. First you need to get dressed and get ready for a walk for mom, and only then - equip the baby so that he does not overheat and sweat, waiting until you are ready.
  3. Take a walk between your child's meals. This will prolong the time of joint trips and will keep the baby from freezing, and will also improve his sleep.
  4. Choose calm places for your walk, away from roads and congestions of cars. The most suitable places are a public garden, park areas or a playground.
  5. Don't forget to put a couple of pacifiers in your travel bag. After all, if the baby screams for a long time in the cold air, it can get sore throat.
  6. If the weather outside is unimportant, do not deprive children of the opportunity to breathe in the fresh air. An ordinary walk can be replaced by sleeping on a glassed-in balcony or loggia. Of course, you should take care of your baby's safe sleep. Protect it from drafts, make sure that nothing falls on it from the neighboring balconies.

When you can't walk with a newborn

Despite all the benefits of walking in the fresh air, sometimes they can be harmful to the baby. If he gets sick, he has a high fever, stay at home in any weather, constantly ventilating the nursery. By the way, the question of leaving home for the first time with a painful or premature baby should be resolved only with your pediatrician.

Avoid walking in unfavorable weather conditions: too hot (above +30) or frosty (below -15) weather, rain or a sharp cold wind will bring more negative than good.

Fresh air is vital for a newborn baby and his mother. Regular walks will strengthen the child's body, as well as improve your mood and give you the necessary physical activity, which will help you quickly get in shape after childbirth.

Walking in the fresh air is a prerequisite for the harmonious development of a child. They contribute to the development and maintenance of immunity, good sleep, appetite. Regularly you need to walk with your child regardless of the time of year, but in winter, young mothers are most often afraid to go out with a newborn, fearing harm to his health.

We take a walk in the winter with health benefits

Staying outdoors in winter has its advantages over walking on warm days. Cold air is much cleaner, and even during the spread of infectious diseases, it is almost impossible to get infected from other people on the street: viruses are not able to live at low temperatures and in conditions of high humidity. By the way, this is why, with the beginning of the heating season, it is very important to often ventilate the room and try not to warm it up above 20 degrees.

Winter walks also contribute to the formation and strengthening of the immune system, activate metabolic processes in the body, and improve the sleep of the newborn.

But as soon as the thermometer drops below 0 ° C, the young mother has doubts about the safety of winter walks. The fear that the baby will get sick due to hypothermia is so great that you have to give up staying in the fresh air until the onset of warmer days.

However, because of unreasonable doubts, it is not worth depriving the child of the benefits that winter walks bring. The main thing is to approach them responsibly.

Winter walks: when and how much

A newborn baby can be taken out into the fresh air for about 8-9 days of his life. The first walk, especially in winter, should not be long. The kid is just adapting to this world, so do not overload his body.

In winter, the first exit of a newborn to fresh air should be limited to 10 minutes outside. The next day, this time can be increased by 5 minutes, and so gradually bring it 40-60 minutes. Then you can add a second, or even a third walk with the same duration. By acting in this way, you can bring the total time the child is in the fresh air up to 1.5-3 hours a day, which is sufficient in winter.

Of course, such a walking mode is not entirely convenient, because Mom and baby will have to dress and undress several times during the day, but it will help to avoid the risk of hypothermia and provide the baby with sufficient oxygen.

The main factor that determines how long a child is in the fresh air is, of course, the weather. On warm days, children can walk almost all day, but in winter, the total duration of walks is reduced to 1.5-3 hours a day. If the air temperature drops below -10 ° C, it is better to refuse to walk.

However, in some regions with high levels of humidity or windiness, and higher temperatures do not contribute to prolonged exposure to fresh air, so be guided not only by the thermometer readings, but also by the climatic features of the area in which you live. So, in Sochi, due to the high humidity, the temperature of -5 ° C is more difficult to endure than -15 ° C in Irkutsk.

Dressing correctly

When preparing for a walk, do not forget about a very important rule: first, the mother gets dressed, and then the baby, otherwise the child runs the risk of sweating while still at home, which can lead to a cold.

Although young mothers are usually afraid to overcool the baby, overheating is no less dangerous for the baby. Therefore, try to be guided by the “plus one” recommendation, i.e. dress the baby as yourself but add another layer of clothing.

Swaddling and thoroughly wrapping before going out are undesirable. this makes it impossible for the child to move. In addition, a baby "tied" hand and foot will freeze much faster.

The child's face should always be open. The cheeks and nose may be cool while walking, this is normal. If the face of the newborn is flushed, the cheeks and neck are hot, then most likely he is hot, and next time you should dress the baby lighter. But the unusual pallor and cold surface of the skin in the neck area suggests that the baby is cold.

When choosing clothes for a walk, first of all put on a cotton long-sleeved bodysuit and romper for the child: natural fabric absorbs sweat and allows air to pass through well. The next layer can be a suit or jumpsuit with fleece. Then the baby can be dressed in outerwear: an envelope or overalls with insulation.

Do not forget to protect your baby's head and arms and legs from the cold. It is enough to put on a thin cotton cap and a warm hat on your head. If the outerwear of the crumbs is equipped with a hood, then put it on.

When buying a jumpsuit for a baby, try to get the model in which the arms and legs of the child do not look out. Then you don't have to put on extra mittens, socks and shoes.

Do not rush to purchase popular membrane overalls. Yes, they keep warm well and are very thin compared to regular outerwear. But the membrane is suitable for those children who are already actively moving for a walk: they run, jump, climb the playground. A newborn baby lying motionless is likely to be cold in it.

If for some reason the mother is unable to go out with the child, you can alternatively use the balcony, putting the baby to sleep in the stroller. While the newborn is asleep, you can do household chores or devote time to personal care.

Such a dream can be equated with a walk, provided that your balcony does not overlook a busy street filled with traffic. Otherwise, the very purpose of "balcony" sleep - finding the child in the fresh air, becomes unattainable. It is better to sleep in the house than in the polluted air. In addition, you must be sure that no foreign or dangerous objects from the street, roof, or upper floors get onto the balcony or into the stroller.

It is safe to leave your child alone while sleeping until they sit down, hold onto a support, or kneel. A kid who has mastered such skills may fall out of the stroller, because the carrycot is usually designed without seat belts.

Don't miss your baby's wake-up time, a baby monitor can help. Of course, if the whole dream of the child you will be in a room from which there is a direct exit to the balcony, you will not need it, because you will hear the child as soon as he wakes up. However, if you plan to spend time, for example, in the kitchen or cleaning the bathroom, you will still need a baby monitor.

Do not deprive your child of walks in the winter. Clean air remarkably saturates the newborn's body with oxygen, which is necessary for the harmonious development and proper functioning of the baby's body. Compliance with simple rules will allow you to get the most out of walks on cold winter days without risking the health of your baby.

Video: how long and under what conditions you need to walk with a newborn

The onset of winter - snowfall, low air temperature, cold wind - this is not a reason to cancel walks with children. Even with the little ones. Is it possible to walk with a newborn child in winter?

Walks have a very positive effect on the mood and on the development of babies. After the walks, after a year, the children gain impressions, life experience and get very tired, and the very little ones - newborns - wonderfully fall asleep in a stroller during winter walks. The main thing is to follow some rules.

How to walk with a child in winter

How to walk with a child in winter, of course, must be decided by the parents themselves. At what age to start walking with a child, only parents can also decide. Some mothers who gave birth to a newborn in winter begin to walk with him in a month, and some are waiting for summer. - this is not a reason to cancel walks. Frosty air has its advantages. It is more saturated with oxygen, there are no microbes and viruses in it, therefore, more oxygen enters the baby's blood, and he has no opportunity to get sick. In the frosty air, babies sleep very well and for a long time.

At what age can you start walking with a newborn in winter?

The baby's adaptation to the outside world begins from the very first minutes of life. And by the age of two weeks, the baby is already ready to visit the street. Don't worry if your baby is born in winter. Walking with a child in winter is very useful for him and for a young mother. The body of the newborn is saturated with oxygen, and the young mother takes a break from everyday worries.

There are several conditions for winter walks with a child. On the street it should not be lower than -5 degrees during the first walk with a newborn, for later walks - -10 degrees. From one month, stick to a temperature of -15. It is better to keep the duration of the walk in the first three months no more than fifteen minutes. And in the first month, five minutes in a frost of -5 degrees is enough for five or ten minutes.

I have personal experience when my son, who was born in January, and I walked about a month after birth in a frost of -18 degrees for about half an hour. Until I got cold. He was well wrapped in a blanket, lying in a carriage. Half an hour later, we went home, because I myself froze, and he felt very good. He slept after the walk for another two hours. After that we walked every day for half an hour. He felt great and slept for a long time. When we stayed at home, he was more capricious and did not want to sleep during the day.

How to dress your baby for a winter walk?

The warmth during the walk is provided by the air gap. That is, there must be an air gap between the layers of clothing. Three or a maximum of four layers of clothing will keep your baby warm. A newborn who lies motionless in a stroller should be dressed in four layers of clothing. And a baby after one year, who can move independently, needs three layers of clothing.

To check if the baby is frozen or not, stick your hand behind the collar. If it's warm there, then everything is in order. If not, go home soon. A good sign when a child has red cheeks during a winter walk, it means that he is active and not frozen.

Children are very fond of frosty air, snow, ice. They are ready to run and jump for hours on snowdrifts in any frost. In addition, walks with a child are very useful for all family members. Both mom and dad become closer and more united during walks with the child. Up to about four or five years old, a baby can only ride down a slide or go ice skating or skiing with his parents. When, if not at this time, does the whole family get closer? Both mom and dad and the baby enjoy walking together, riding slides, sledges, ice sleds, creating an ice fortress or ice sculptures.

During such events, do not forget that the baby may be hypothermic. Check out his mittens - they quickly become covered with snow and ice, so you need to have spare with you. Dress your child for the weather. It is very good that winter overalls and jackets with pants are now sewn for children, light and comfortable, waterproof and very warm. Children in them feel much more comfortable than before (remember the clumsy tsigay fur coats and hats?).

How long does it take to walk with my child in winter?

, depends on the age of the baby, the state of his health and, of course, the weather outside. If it's minus five to ten or fifteen degrees outside, walk with pleasure. If your baby is less than a year old and is in a stroller, walk for about half an hour, preferably after feeding. Scientists have found that it is better to walk with babies up to one year old after feeding. They feel better and fall asleep right away. If you take a hungry baby for a walk, in an hour or half an hour he will strongly want to eat and will start asking, you will urgently have to run home and feed him. Therefore, about half an hour after eating, it is best to walk with your child in winter. Such a walk can take half an hour, or even more, or continue on the balcony.

If the baby is over a year old, it is also better to feed him first, and then get ready for a walk with the baby. If the child is over a year old, the walk is continued until the baby gets tired. Naturally, take into account the weather - the temperature is at least -15 degrees, the wind is not strong. It is very good to keep your baby busy. For example, go for a ride on a slide, make a snowman, clean a path. Such classes can stretch for half an hour or an hour. Longer than an hour, I think, walking in the winter with a child will not work.

Is it possible to walk with a sick child in winter?

It depends on how sick the baby is. If the baby has a minor cold, mild cough, just keep walking to a minimum. The frosty air will provide the child with oxygen, he will sleep better. But if with a child, it is better to stay at home. Just wrap it up well during the daytime and open all the windows so that the frosty air enters the room.

Do not deprive your baby of walking in the cold. He will receive a good mood, light tempering and his life experience. And also, if the whole family is present during such walks, also the support and love of loved ones. whenever possible. In the northern part of Russia it is not so often possible, you need to "catch" good weather in order to walk with your child in winter. Do not wrap the baby tightly - he moves especially actively after reaching one year. Give him such pleasure.

All parents know that newborns need outdoor walks. The kid must adapt to the world around him, get used to the microclimate, start hardening, and just breathe fresh air. Young mothers wonder how long to walk with a newborn? It all depends on what time and under what weather conditions walks are made, on the state of health and age of the baby.

The benefits of walking

Walking down the street is very useful for a kid, and it doesn't matter what time of the year. Naturally, there is much more oxygen outside than in any room, and this is very important for the normal development of the baby. How long to walk with a newborn is another question, but what is necessary to do this is not disputed by anyone.

Firstly, during the day in the apartment the air stagnates, it becomes difficult for the child to breathe, and this has a bad effect on his health. The kid becomes capricious, does not sleep well, appetite disappears. After giving birth, he needs strength for active development and growth.

Secondly, walking with a baby on the street helps to strengthen his immunity. Those changes in temperature when leaving the house, which seem dangerous to us, actually increase the resistance of the young organism. In the off-season periods, this process is more intense.

Early autumn can give your baby the sun's rays, and this is an excellent recharge with vitamin D. It helps to strengthen the child's skeletal system. Walking in the park at a leisurely pace with a newborn, know that at this time you are developing its immunity.

Moms also benefit from walks. After childbirth, during a walk, they better restore their health, breathe oxygen, rest, and just enjoy life, because household chores of caring for a baby negatively affect their well-being. It is imperative to disconnect from problems and let your body relax. On the street, moms get to know each other, find common interests and sometimes become friends. Children in the future can go to one kindergarten, and then to school.

How long does it take to walk with a newborn after discharge

Previously, doctors recommended going out with a newborn after forty days after giving birth. Maybe this tradition goes back to the distant past, when it was believed that it was possible to show the baby for the first time to a christening. They took place on the fortieth day after birth. Now, on the question of how much to walk with the newborn and how long after giving birth, pediatricians have a different opinion and recommend going out with the baby in the summer on the 5-7th day, and in the autumn-winter period on the 10-14th day. During this time, after birth, the baby is already completely adapted to the environment, he begins to develop immunity, and fresh air, clean oxygen will only contribute to this.

How long can you walk with a newborn in autumn

It is better to start walking from 10-15 minutes. Add ten minutes every day, so gradually bring the time to 2-3 hours a day. In summer, of course, the time for walking can increase. In the off-season, wet weather is not worth walking for a long time. Naturally, you need to take into account the well-being of the baby, the season, weather conditions. So how much to walk with a newborn in the fall? In the off-season the weather is very changeable: as soon as the sun was shining, it began to rain a minute later. In the fall, it is recommended to walk with a newborn for no more than fifteen minutes. By a month, the walk can be increased to forty minutes, despite the fact that the weather allows it. You should not walk with your baby in rainy weather, even if there is a raincoat in the stroller. It creates a greenhouse effect, the microclimate in the stroller becomes uncomfortable. The raincoat is for emergencies only (run home when it starts raining).

Winter walks

If the baby was born in the cold season, the question arises: how long can you walk with a newborn in winter? Many parents have doubts at all whether it is worth taking their child out into the street. Pediatricians' recommendations - go out, depending on the weather, no earlier than the 14th day after childbirth. Things to consider in winter:

  • At a temperature of -5 degrees, you can walk for no more than 15 minutes.
  • The thermometer shows up to 15 degrees below zero - the walk should not last more than 10 minutes.
  • Do not go outside in a biting wind or severe frost. You can wrap up the body, but the baby's cheeks and nose may freeze. You can replace the street with a walk on the balcony or good ventilation of the children's room.
  • The total walking time per day should not exceed 1.5 hours, it is better to go out twice - in the morning and in the evening.
  • Put on a transforming jumpsuit on your baby. It is very comfortable, easy to take off / put on, the baby can sleep well, you won't bother him too much.

What to wear for a walk

How to dress your baby correctly so that he does not freeze, but at the same time does not get overcooled? Stick to one principle - clothes should not be too thick, dress your baby according to the cabbage method (several things). This keeps warmth better, and if necessary, it will be easier for you to remove something extra from it. Dress appropriately for the weather during the off-season. Early autumn allows you not to wrap up your child. At a temperature of 10 degrees, the following set will be optimal: a bodysuit with a sleeve, sliders and an autumn lightweight jumpsuit, a thin hat, a hood.

If mommy walks and the baby is in her sling, then it must be borne in mind that the child is warmed by the heat from her body, it is not worth wrapping him up much, because overheating will only be uncomfortable. In winter, it is better to use knitted soft things that retain heat well, but here it is important not to overdo it, not to overheat the child. The weather conditions determine how long you can walk with the newborn, while choosing the right clothes. Modern children's overalls perfectly help to protect themselves from wind and frost during walks. Take a light blanket with you to the street, when the wind suddenly starts, it will help protect the baby.

It is very important to get a high-quality stroller, comfortable for the baby, for walking. It doesn't matter how long you walk with the newborn, the baby should feel comfortable in it. The bottom should be flat, the wheels should be equipped with shock absorbers, the mattress should be made of natural ingredients. Before a walk, mommy must first get herself together, and only then dress the child so that he does not have time to sweat and overheat. The walk should be done between feedings, then:

  • it will be longer
  • the baby will sleep in a restful and deep sleep,
  • the child will not freeze.

It is best to walk away from highways and noisy highways. Choose parks, squares, quiet courtyards, playgrounds. Be sure to have some pacifiers in your travel bag. With a prolonged cry in the cold air, the baby may develop tonsillitis. If it's too cold outside, it's best not to go out. However, getting your dose of oxygen is essential, so organize balcony walks.

How can you tell if your baby is cold? The main criterion is the child's behavior itself. If he freezes, he reacts very violently - screams, moves his legs and arms, the skin becomes pale. A cold nose, heels, hands do not mean that the body is hypothermic. If the baby is calm and does not complain about anything, you can safely continue the walk.

If the baby is cold, you need to take him in your arms and warm him with your own warmth. Older children should be actively moving, this will make the blood circulate faster. Cover the baby with a blanket or another layer of clothing.

When you can't walk with your baby

As pediatricians say, you need to walk with children in any weather, including in the off-season. But this applies to healthy babies. If a child is sick, he has a fever, you should not take him outside. To ensure that he receives a sufficient amount of oxygen, ventilate the room, provide a fresh supply of air.

In summer, when the weather is fine, gradually adding time, you can walk with the newborn at least as long as possible, and this will only benefit him. In winter, the picture is different. You should definitely look at the thermometer. If the temperature is below -15 degrees, if the wind is cold, piercing, it is better to refuse to walk. You can only harm.

How to walk on the balcony

Winter children do not always have the opportunity to go out with their mother for a full walk. In this case, lucky those who have a balcony, it is better, of course, a closed type. If the frost outside is below -15 degrees, arrange your baby for a walk on the balcony. Pre-ventilate the area well, then close the windows if there is a draft. Collect the kid as if for a walk. Put the stroller or the stroller basket itself on the balcony and put the baby in it. The door to the room must be closed. There are a lot of opinions about balcony walks, someone claims that they are useless. But surely many will agree that in some cases, when weather conditions do not allow you to go for a full walk and get your dose of oxygen, the balcony comes to the rescue. Fresh, cool air has a hardening effect on the child in this case too.

How long can you be on the balcony

How long can you walk with a newborn on the balcony in winter? The criteria are the same as on the street. Start with 10-15 minutes, adding 10 minutes a day. If the baby gets used to sleeping in the fresh air, his sleep is deep and calm, then you can increase the walking time. The main thing is to make sure that the baby is well dressed, does not overcool. Drafts are not allowed on the balcony. Of course, balcony walks cannot replace street walks. Mothers should also walk, rest, breathe fresh air and restore their health after childbirth, because the further development of the baby depends on the mother's health and condition.

Walking with a newborn first of all, they are associated with adaptation to a new spatial volume. Therefore, before starting to go out with the baby on the street, it is necessary that he gets used to the huge space of the room for him.

By about 1-1.5 months, any healthy baby is able to spend about 30 minutes of his wakefulness naked at home and he loses sight of himself. The child always actively examines the room, turns his head behind the lights, peers into the wallpaper pattern. All this testifies to the fact that he has normally adapted to temperature and space.

If the child in the room freezes easily, inspects the environment rarely, mostly looks at his mother or sleeps - it is too early for him to walk! The transition from the diaper to the vastness of the room, and then from the room to the open sky of the street should be carried out gradually and very carefully.

On average, this habituation occurs during the first 30-40 days of life. Therefore, you should start walking on the street no earlier than this period. In summer, walks can be started earlier - from the 20th day, but they can be carried out on a closed balcony, covering the stroller with a cape and limiting the child's view.

It is advisable to walk with the child every day.

A baby born in winter can be taken outside from the 2nd week after discharge from the hospital. The very FIRST walk with a child born in winter is carried out at a temperature not lower than -5.

The walk is canceled if the thermometer falls below -10 C in the first month of the baby's life and below -15 C in the next 11 months. Do not spend more than 30 minutes outdoors if the ambient temperature is below 10 degrees Celsius. Under these conditions, newborns lose heat much faster.

You shouldn't walk with a baby in strong winds (15-20 meters per second and more) and / or high humidity (over 85%). In such weather, the cold is perceived more acutely and hypothermia quickly sets in.

FIRST walk with a newborn should go on 3-5 minutes in cold weather, and 10-15 minutes when warm.

Increase the time you spend outside by 5-10 minutes every day, so that during the week the duration of the walk increases to 1 hour. In winter, the duration of the walk increases to 1.5-2 hours, also depending on the weather. By 3-4 months, the baby should be outdoors 2-3 times a day for at least 4 hours a day!

You can replace a missed day with a walk on the balcony. You can take the stroller to the balcony so that the baby can sleep in the air. Of course, you need to dress the child so that he does not freeze.

In winter, it is important that the child does not start crying while walking, gasping for cold air. Therefore, the first walk of a newborn must be done. after feeding. No nipples, bottles and change of clothes, like mothers of summer babies, do not need to take with you. If the baby is in a complacent mood, then after a short contemplation of the sky, trees and birds, he will calmly fall asleep, and you can breathe fresh air and relax a little.

Choose places for a walk where there is really fresh air, otherwise if you walk along a busy highway, there will be no benefit from the walk, only harm.

How to dress a baby?

Going with newborns for a walk, remember to dress it the same way you dress yourself plus one more layer of clothing. Particular attention should be paid to the head, arms and legs.

Do not dress the newborn until you have dressed yourself. If you dress your child first, then run to dress yourself, your little one will quickly sweat and catch a cold outside.

Remember to wear a hat, even in warm weather. In winter, put a cap on your baby's head, and only then a warm woolen hat. You cannot wear a hat to a child without a cap or cotton scarf.

Walking with a premature baby

Walking is as necessary and useful for a premature baby as for a full-term baby. But premature babies weighing 2 kg or less should be taken out into the air during the first months of life with great care and only in the summer, gradually extending the walking time from 15-20 minutes to 3-4 hours. In no case should you keep your child in the sun!

In winter, children are taken out into the air only when they reach 3000 - 3500 g of weight, first for 10-15 minutes, and then gradually lengthening the walk, up to 45 minutes, 2-3 times a day. At temperatures below -5, exposure to the air should be temporarily stopped and replaced by “walks” at home with the window open. At the same time, the kid is dressed in the same way as for a walk on the street.

Video. how to dress a baby in winter for a walk