How to find a good guy for serious. Forums or online games. What girls don't like guys

Greetings you, cute readers!

Today we will discuss the current question for many girls. How to find your love in the form of a charming and attractive man, yes such to once and forever. Well, or at least for the coming years ... Do you want? Then I read further, and learn a lot of interesting things!

I am often asked where to meet a man for a serious relationship. Why do I ask this question? I think that you are interested in all girls who are married and at least do not complain about her husband. And if a married girl is impressed very happy, then it is asked all the more.

And it is right. The other day after the next such question, I decided to tell all my considerations on the blog about this. Only TSSSS, this conversation between us girls, and secret!

Every hunter wants to know where Pheasan sits? Remember such a children's phrase? Traditionally, hunters include men. But to find an answer to our exciting question, right now we will change the places for a short time. And we are looking for the answer, where they are hiding "Pheasants", that is, men. By the way, their number in our world is abused!

Really meet smart, interesting and good. In general, this, with whom you will have butterflies in your stomach and words from the head to fly out.

This is me for those who complains that after 18 ... 25 ... 30 ... years have no chance to arrange a personal life.

It is possible to think that the free interesting men have long been busy, and you have to live all my life in proud loneliness, it's still a passive position. And it brings the zero result. I believe that everything is in our hands, and therefore they can not be omitted. And this means that if you have everything quiet in the area of \u200b\u200brelationships, lonely and unpromising, then you need to fix it. And it is better than just whining girlfriends, complain or wait for a miracle.

It's time to act! But to do it in female wisely! The difference between creating a good term for dating is very different from imposing a man of his candidacy and especially hanging on his neck.

I am for the first way, and I will name it humane. In this case, a man does not feel a trapped pheasant in the middle of a crazy girl. Therefore, I will only write about him. So, where can I find your love?

Passwords - appearance or opportunities around you

Your living space

Where do you live? Not a specific house-street, but inhabited. What is he? Is it a small village, or a huge megapolis, or something intermediate? What reputation for him is the city of brides or the city of the grooms, or half a half?

You understand that if you live in a small village, the name of which, with all due respect, is interesting only to its inhabitants, then there is practically no choice. Here either can be content with what is, or to be resolved for moving to larger cities or district centers. Maybe you will come up with another real option that I do not know about.

I will tell you about one student girlfriend. Having received an education, she returned home and still could not find a life satellite in his small town. Men in it was much less women. And those who have not had time to "fuck" were mostly spoiled by female attention. Everyone felt like a prince, because several girls fought for his attention at the same time.

In general, such proud men girlfriend did not suit anyone, to seek someone was not in her style. And she decided the situation dramatically. Moved to live in the nearest major city. And there soon wore married.

It is difficult to decide on relocation, but do not take this option immediately. Look really on the situation, weigh the pros and cons, and then make a decision.

In any case, being in an unfamiliar city, you will discover the hidden reserves, and this is always good. Or at least, get memories that you will be sought in pensions and tell your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Look around yourself

Where do you often have?

Can this office center, Institute, Sport Complex, Cafe, Entertainment Center, Library, eventually, or something else?

Where do you spend a lot of time - at work, study or somewhere else? What kind of people with whom do you often interact? This can be company friends, customers of the company, office staff, partners, colleagues, classmates, etc.

All this initially contains many opportunities for dating. The more people around you and interact with you, the more chances to find your person. Think that you can add to your life from all this.

Maybe you should participate in a large-scale project from the university, or more actively getting up for events and meetings with friends? In winter, it is more likely to go skiing or skating, and in the summer on a bike and rollers?

Remark. Many cities in the summer are popular mass runs on rollers and great. You can also spend time, and find new acquaintances.

By the way, professions in which you need to communicate with many people, are very promoted by the device of personal life. For girls, it can be a position of an office manager in a large company, realtor, manager in a travel company, a hairdresser for men, secretary at the reception (dentistry, sports center, etc.) and many others.

At such positions, freely or unwittingly study to interact and find an approach to different people. And the ability to speak well and adequately will surely play a positive role when you meet.

In general, a network of personal and professional contacts, active communication, campaigning, and business meetings remain one of the most effective methods.

A lot of girls got acquainted with a decent and beloved man in a circle of their friends, in general companies, as well as together working or receiving education.

Internet, including social networks

Global opportunities for all, including for the device of personal life are located on the Internet. Among my friends, every sixth seventh found his love precisely thanks to him.

At the same time, those who do not have special hopes for him are often acquainted. If you come to dating sites, it is rare. But aptive.

In this way, you do not know for whom the person gives out itself on the other side of the screen, that in his words is true, but that the illusion. But a little common sense, and everything falls into place.

Where to meet the Internet? In addition to popular dating sites, there are all sorts of groups, public interests in social networks, forums where you can start a conversation with like-minded people, and then get acquainted with them live.

I know examples, as the couples got acquainted on the forums on cars (on a specific brand and divided by cities) and in the social network, finding common interests and topics for conversation.

Interests and addiction

  • If you are looking for the future laureate of the Nobel Prize, then look for it in my native environment. The same, if you are interested in a cheerful party, it makes sense to attend parties and clubs. And in them to be able to stand out from the crowd.
  • Need an elusive for the usual perception of the type, balancing on the verge of material and spiritual? Sign up in Esoteric Clubs, Energy Practices, participate in field events, training your spirit and body.
  • Interesting purposeful men? Go to trainings, conferences, master classes, seminars on personal growth. Good strong trainings are not for infantile guys. Exception when they promise freebies. For example, in one day teach how to earn millions.
  • Exhibitions - sectoral, educational, scientific, technical, trade and industrial. The same gradation for the interests and level of education.

In general, the meaning is understandable. Decide who are interested in and think about how he spends his time, what his interests he has. And go there. At a minimum you will find some new cognitive information and expand your horizons.


These are all sorts of trips, excursions, concerts, exhibitions, bowling, billiards, alloys on kayaks, hiking, etc. During such events, everything is configured positively, and feel on the rise. Excellent opportunity to communicate with interesting people.

Strong emotions initially bring together. Try to overcome in the company of unfamiliar people cool thresholds on the kayak or get drive emotions at the concert. After experienced, everyone who was near, become close.

A separate line will be putting beach holidays, clubs, etc. Doubtful option for long relationships, but there are exceptions.

Transport and all related to it

Another places where you can meet. Airports, airports, train stations, trains, cars, boats. ... Take a closer to a pretty neighbor. Maybe he is the one who do you need?

While I am writing an article, I certainly met that way.

Casual dating

They may be anywhere and anywhere. Then when you are not waiting for them at all. And even according to the law of meanness, when you are not painted, not sinking, not scratch and are not scented with a favorite perfume. This is the case when the fate itself is actively engaged in the device of your personal life.

On this occasion I love the joke - the longest relationship among familiar in winter. If you liked him in a thick sweater, a bulk down jacket, with a red nose and frozen cheeks, then this is exactly love.

Let's sum up

Answer your questions:

  • Who! That is, what kind of man is interesting to you, what is his type of type, what does he do and is fond of?
  • Where? Where does he spend his time? And where do you spend it yourself, and where to spend?
  • How? How can you be with him in one place at one time?

Write down the answers, think what and how you need to change and start acting!

Be open all opportunities! And it does not matter whether you will get acquainted due to a random coincidence or with a light share of schedule. The main thing is the result.

I sincerely wish you a successful acquaintance with the best man for you! With a man of your dreams.

And when you meet, do not commit typical mistakes, even the most excellent relationships. You can read about it

Be happy!

And share in the comments with your dating stories!

Subscribe to my blog, and to new meetings.

Hugging Anastasia Smolnets.

Many girls complain that, contrary to efforts, they cannot find a young man with whom it will be possible to build a serious relationship. The reason for failures is the lack of knowledge in the question of how to find a guy.

Usually, women are faced with a problem that concentrated career. And no wonder, because the personal life does not have time.

However, if you want to want a lot, everything will turn out. Need not to give up and look for a narrowed. Only those people seek success that go to the goal, no matter what.

Step-by-step action plan

  • Decide which guy want to find. Often lonely girls are looking for an ideal imposed by television and magazines. The sympathy that the surrounding guys exhibit is unnoticed. Usually surrounding young people do not shine a sense of humor or physical advantages. But, often, the worsens have qualities that are important for creating relationships and this is more than compensates for the deficit of the external gloss.
  • Endwill from routine . If you go to work in the afternoon and look at the nearest store, and in the evening, watch TV, nothing good will work. Get out of the house more often, attend cinemas, shopping centers and public places.
  • Walk without girlfriends . If you want to bring the time to get acquainted with a guy, go for a walk without girlfriends. Groups of girls scare young guys who have a desire to meet.
  • Get acquainted . Thanks to the expansion of the communication circle, new friends will appear, which will increase the chances of finding a guy.
  • Show patience and restraint . If noted that a man is in love, but hides his feelings, do not hurry to repel him, even if he is not suitable for the role of the prince. Learn it closer, it is possible that it will open on the other hand.
  • Find a group hobby . This classes will contribute to development and will provide a meeting with new people, among which may be the chosen one.
  • Connect to your search Internet . An unthinkable opportunity in the search for the second half offers the Internet. We recommend only to get acquainted on the Internet, but by developing the situation in real life.
  • Popular dating sites . People facing a career have to use the services of such portals by virtue of the deficit of free time.

Give preference to young people who live nearby. Otherwise, build relationships will not work, since the distance is hampered.

Video advice

I advise less think about the search for your loved one. Try to create a situation that helps him find you.

How to find a good guy

A response to the question of many girls are interested. I will describe general recommendations, because more extent depends on what kind of man you are looking for.

Dreams of a prince on a white horse is better to discard. The result will not make yourself wait if you carefully look at the young people who surround you. It often turns out that a man who has long been looking for, was there all the time.

The question in question intrigues and upsets. To achieve the goal, determine which things are unacceptable, and with whom you accept.

  1. If there is a guy, wonderful. This means that you have decided on expectations and wishes. Otherwise, try to create it, as the unknown complicates the search.
  2. The ideal is not a prototype, but a scheme. Never find a young man who fully complies with the requirements. Expand the ideas that it will help to find a man for which you get married.
  3. If a fan appeared, let him show himself. Sometimes girls tear the relationship, since the features of the character of the workers do not correspond to the criteria. High demands for men are the reason for which beautiful girls remain lonely.
  4. Agree, it's nice to listen to beautiful words from a new friend. It is not important. The actions of a person are louder than the forest phrase. In addition, no one will give a guarantee that the young man will fulfill promises.
  5. What does it mean? Everything is simple. Try the guy in practice, providing the opportunity to make a promise. If a young man can cope with the task, then it can be rejected on it.
  6. In no case, do not rush to extremes and do not chase the dreams. Do not become a happy woman, meeting with a person who does not like.

If you spend some time looking for the second half, you will achieve success. A man who will be able to find will take care of your health and well-being. Do not lose hope and move forward, look around, because the love of life is waiting for the next turn.

How to find a guy online

Each modern person has access to the Internet at home. At the same time, every day, people spend more time on the network using the Internet for entertainment, search for information and dating.

The network offers a huge selection of sites and social networks and each resource has features. To find a guy on the Internet, you will need a mobile phone, a PC or a netbook along with the desire to find a half.

  • Register on dating sites . If interested in creating a serious relationship, I recommend to refuse to visit resources hinting for sex. If a strategic goal provides for a familiarity with a man to create a family, pay attention to the sites on the pages of which are announcements concerning marriage dating.
  • Fill in the detailed form . A man wanting to find a girl will pay attention if the questionnaire is originally decorated.
  • Specify tastes, interests and features . It will not hurt to upload several photos. This will allow guys who apply for your heart to see what a charming girl you are.
  • Filter guys offering acquaintance or meeting . Each candidate is critical. As for the interlocutors, there are no photos in the questionnaires and some information, or ignore them, or communicate carefully.
  • Learn candidates . According to the manner of communicating the interlocutor, it is easy to understand what he represents himself. If a young man applies obscene vocabulary, rushes non-veteral words or makes mistakes, think about whether relationships are needed with such a person.
  • If you liked the guy, be sure to write . Do not wait for the moment until he finds your questionnaire. It is not excluded that this will not happen. For a start, make a short and original message that will awaken in your chosen interest. In the process of communication, you simply, avoid any ambiguity and shortcoming. And good humor will not hurt.

Visiting sites, act carefully and carefully, because the companion can be a fraudster, pervert or maniac. Before going to date, learn a person. If a secret fan suggests to meet in an unfamiliar place or join a suspicious company, refuse.

Video Secrets

Going on a date, let you know the close to whom you go. Caution will protect against unpleasant situations and serious consequences.

How to find a guy of his dream

The girls dream of a relationship with a guy dreams, but many cannot find him. There are many reasons to consider them meaningless. It is better to focus on solving the problem and achieve the goal. Make it is easy if you wait patiently, forgetting about the fear of loneliness.

There is no place in life chance. A person himself builds fate with thoughts, decisions and actions. There are exceptions, but they do not depend on us.

  1. Decide what is a dream guy . When looking for a person, not knowing what qualities he should possess, you will not find it.
  2. Searches will be successful if you change yourself . Life is an illusion, and every person gets in reality what represents and imagines. This will help material how to become attractive for men.
  3. Open for communication . If you do not get acquainted and communicate with representatives of the opposite sex, you will not find a soul mate. Just do not forget that the young man is most afraid of failure. If he sees such a mood, not suitable.
  4. Do not concentrate on the problem . On the contrary, relax and continue to live, hoping for the best.
  5. Try to constantly visualize . Mentally, imagine a man with whom you want to live life. Think how together go to the cafe, walk in the park or relax abroad.
  6. Men want to see a dream girl . Try to become it. You are still alone, because life is closed from communication with men and does not change.
  7. Believe in a happy life . Happiness is a pleasant feeling that a person creates the illusion. Throw thoughts about what is missing something.
  8. Go through life with a smile . The smile is a bait, which will "kick" the long-awaited man with whom will celebrate not one anniversary of the wedding.

If you want to be beloved and desirable, do not lock in four walls. More often appear on the street and the guy will pay attention to you.

How to find a guy if i'm ugly

The name of the subtitle does not take to heart. Believe me, you are more beautiful than it seems. Many attractive girls underestimate their beauty. Being in the company's girlfriend, they believe that it looks better. Women who pass by, they raise the goddesses.

There are no ugly women. People who consider differently are wrong. Even girls who are endowed with unreal beauty, are not always happy. It is a fact.

I will help get rid of prejudice and let the recommendations that will be learned to live in a new way. Believe me, it will take a little time, and you are aware of how much you were mistaken about beauty. A favorite man who will be near, will become this proof.

  • Do not forget about the inner world . If you are a wonderful person, men will see and be considered an attractive girl. The guy who will show interest will love you as you are. If men do not want to meet, considering not attractive enough, it means they are not suitable. They perceive the woman at all like this requires your case.
  • Internal beauty is more important than the appearance . Strive for finding a young man for whom inner beauty is in the first place, not appearance. With such a man, build happy and prolonged relationships.
  • Regardless of the situation emit confidence . Demonstrate the ability to stand up and independence from the opinion of others.
  • Stop afraid of people and forget about shy . If the guy who likes does not show the initiative, make the first step yourself. People who believe that the guys must invite for a date are mistaken.
  • Do not mumble and do not be nervous . If you manage to start a conversation with the chosen one, keep yourself confident and be fun. If there are problems with this, practice correctly speaking in front of the mirror.
  • Plan words guy at a meeting I do not advise . Otherwise, find yourself in an unpleasant situation when the development of events goes not according to the scenario. In addition, the prepared speech may you forget.
  • Adhere to the rules of hygiene . Clean your teeth, take a shower, use deodorants, spirits and cosmetics.
  • Think about appearance positive . Do not gain confidence, constantly thinking about the shortcomings. Remember, each person determines beauty in its own way.
  • Flirt, smile and shoot with eyes . Exercise aimed. I do not advise the stick stick.

Summing up, I note that it is enough to smile enough to achieve the goal, watch the cleanliness of the body, wearing beautiful clothes and

Probably, each of the girls at least once in his life wondered how to find a good guy, but to get the answer to it only as the smartest of them. What is their secret? The attenuation is very simple, just before others understand that if it does not manage to find a young man, or if every time they tie new relationships, they constantly end in collapse, it means something urgently need to be changed. Only smart girls can understand that the problem can be in them themselves and start changing themselves.

Lonely women every day becomes more and more. In recent years, becomes more girls who claim that loneliness is more preferable for them than family life. They are always trying to prove that they are not alone, but free.

Despite the fact that they are trying to conduct a full life, and at first they envy them, over time, they surprise suddenly discover that all their friends have long acquired families that they have their own troubles and no time to communicate with Unmarried girlfriends. Then the real loneliness comes. It is very important at the same time to understand that nothing terrible happened, and you still have a lot of time to correct and build your life. In no case can not be rushing in the arms of the first oncoming passing, only in order not to be. Instead, it is necessary to seriously think about how to find a good guy.

It's not so difficult to make a new relationship, but you can do it anywhere: in the club, a museum, in the gym, at a concert, in a cafe. Modern technologies can also be a good help. There are specialized dating sites, bulletin boards and even the most real marriage agencies. In addition, you can get acquainted with new people on forums or in chat rooms.

Unfortunately, such virtual meetings cannot be a full-fledged replacement for these relations. Interest in Internet interlocutors quickly fades, and after the relationship there is a precipitate. As a result, such meetings may cause a sense of own inferiority and lead to reluctance to get acquainted in the worldwide network. This is not the worst option! No one is immune from the fact that he will not meet any "man with oddities." It may forever repeal from the girl the desire to get acquainted not only in the network, but also in real life.

In general, any lonely girl thinking about how to find a good guy, There are three possible scenarios of how her life will develop. The first option is to come to terms with your loneliness, and stop looking for a suitable partner. The second option is to grab the first oncoming and almost pull it into the registry office. Happiness from this will be added hardly, but with loneliness will be finished. As a rule, those who choose this path console themselves by the fact that everything about the Prince on the White Kone is just a non-infant fantasy.

Maybe the third option, which lies in the fact that the girl continues to search for "of the one, the only" no matter what. Over time, they turn into something similar not to the unloved job. As a result, dislike and disgust for all men without exception and pity for themselves.

How to break this vicious circle? The most effective option is to combine people around them with the same problems. The more they are, the higher your chances will be to meet their prince among them. Even if your search and not crowned with success, you will have a lot of interesting things and you will not feel so acutely to feel your loneliness.

Easy your task for the search for a satellite can be determined by the circle of your interests. If you like Sport - Start more often visit gyms. If you like to draw - find out where art lovers spend their meetings in your city. In such dreams, the likelihood of a suitable young man is repeatedly increasing.

Your friends and girlfriends can help you in your quest. If they take you to our company and acquaint with its members, you can choose a satellite among them for yourself.

In any case, you must realize that you are not the only person on the planet experiencing such problems. There is a huge number of guys, unsuccessfully looking for their soul mate. More often attend places impregnated with fluids of love, and sooner or later you will definitely meet one of them, and your loneliness will disappear.

In the modern world, people relate to non-standard relations tolerant. If another 10 years ago, the attitude of two young people of the same sex caused shock, today this is no longer surprised. Yes, and what to hide, such pairs existed at all times. Simply today with open access to the media and the lack of censorship as such in many areas of life, people of unconventional orientation are not hiding, but they exhibit their feelings more openly and liberated.

But regardless of the orientation, gender and time, the question of dating and finding its half is always relevant. Only answer him for most people is still a bit simpler than, for example, to decide exactly where it is and we will try to find out in this article.

What attracts men in each other?

First of all, it is important to note that the same-sex relationship is not a perversion, but a feature of a person. Some scientists even argue that the change in attraction to the opposite sex is laid in intrauterine. And if a certain failure in the development of the fetus occurs and the center of the attraction turns out to be amazed - the orientation changes to same-sex.

It can be said that sympathy between guys is determined by nature. They are attracted to each other at the level of physiology.

But, of course, there are other reasons why the guys like this or other man:

  • Socio-psychological factors. Namely the role of the family in the bookmark of interests to a certain sex, as well as the direction of family education.
  • Behavioral aspects. Most often it is an unsuccessful experience with the partner of the opposite sex.

How to attract the guy you like?

As in any way, the attraction between guys can smell suddenly, and may manifest after a rather long period of time. And just as in standard relations, some young people prefer to hope for a miracle. And others do not sit folded hands, actively moving towards their goal, solving the problem: "Where to find a beautiful guy?".

In order to attract an object that causes sympathy, first of all it is necessary to look presentable. After all, in spite of everything is always met by clothes. Stylish clothes, fashionable shoes, laying, well-groomed face and manicure will definitely attract attention.

And after that you can already include all your charm, wit. The sense of humor and some non-standard knowledge will help intrigue the most impregnable guy himself.

It remains to solve the main task - where to find a guy guy. Consider the most popular options.

Standard dating sites

  • Specialized clubs for gays. In any, even the most small town you can find institutions that are focused only on the male contingent and their goal just solves the question: where to find a guy Gay.
  • Search among friends, on friendly parties. Often the guys are completely not allocated among other people. Thus, communicating in a noisy company, the likelihood is that one of handsome will be exactly the person who needs young gay.
  • On swing parties. Specially organized events for meetings and dating people of non-traditional sexual orientation. Usually they pass in country clubs, private apartments, in saunas. It is worth noting that most often people come to such meetings seeking if there is a mood on serious, prolonged relationships are better to look more carefully. Perhaps even in not quite ordinary places.

Unusual jobs for dating

Having wondered where to find a guy, the places discussed above give a rather large guarantee to find a guy of her dreams. But if after all, after visits to specialized meetings and events, Gay Prince has not yet been found, you should approach the task of non-standard.

To begin with, it should be determined what similar hobbies and hobbies can be at a potential partner. If it is painting, then you should attend various exhibitions and master classes. If these are literature, you can try to go to a literary club or a creative meeting of any author. Especially if the author writes on topics capable of attracting people with unconventional orientation.

Do not forget about sports. It is not a secret that guys-gay for the most part followed their body, and for this visit the gym, swimming pool, sporting events and various courses.

The only thing that should be considered when meeting in unusual places is to recognize Gaa much more difficult than, for example, in a specialized institution, where everything is known to know. But the probability of long, permanent relationship after acquaintance in a non-standard location is significantly higher.

Dating on the Internet

Nowadays, probably one of the easiest and most affordable ways where you can find a guy - this is the Internet. Each user, even the most uncertain is completely able to take advantage of this opportunity.

Where to looking for?

  1. First of all, you need to contact search engines - they will help you find specialized sites for dating. There are places to search for various relationships - only intimate, long-term and even friendly.
  2. A large number of gays actively uses social networks. Often their profiles are open and also in groups you can find a large number of ads about gay dating.
  3. Forums, chat rooms, sites and even blogs will help you find a guy guy.
  4. Recently, applications for smartphones about dating have become popular. They are convenient to use, and they are very functional.

The Internet is particularly helped by modest, shy or insecure young people who are looking for a guy. It makes it possible to open, get to know each other before the meeting. But thereby there is and danger to stumble upon a deception. For secure dating and communication on the Internet it is better to use Skype or video chat.

Continued acquaintance

After the question where to be resolved, and the partner can be found to go to the next stage - the continuation of acquaintance.

  • First meeting and first date. This stage is very important, since it is the first impression that is the foundation for the further development of relations. Naturally, there is a need for dating, if it provides for the format of the relationship. To meet you, you can choose a closed terrace of a restaurant, the last session in the cinema or just a walk around the city. It all depends on the mood and fantasy of partners.
  • Instead of a standard date, it is quite useful to rendezvous. Based on the above options where to find a good guy, you can choose a pool or gym. Continue acquaintance and communication stands there. Among other things, it is useful and interesting.
  • The transition to the stage of closer relations is solved by each gay couple individually. It is the opinion that men's pairs with unconventional orientation are only interested in sex, and especially hard. This opinion is mostly mistaken and in fact many couples do without rude intimate relationships.

  1. Stability. Deciding for an acquaintance with a guy and deciding where to find a guy guy, the main thing, not to retreat from my goal. Systematic and purposefully attend sites, parties and places where you can meet your destiny.
  2. Honesty. With any form of dating with the guy, it is important to honestly voice your goals. And also should not be too addicted about yourself because, as you know, the secret always becomes clear.
  3. Independence. Spromatic phrases, funny stories from life, undoubtedly attract and attract the future chosen one.

Whatever a way and wherever the acquaintance of the guy with a guy, it must necessarily be a bright, memorable event. And even if the acquaintance will not have the continuation of the meeting itself and communication should leave only pleasant memories.

A person is a social being, in principle, alone is alone, although, of course, exceptions from this rule are sometimes found. However, as for the fair sex representatives, then all women in the world want to love and be loved. And to achieve such a harmonious state, a good man needs to be supported in life, friend, spouse, the most native and close man. About the fact that this material will be informed.

How to find a good man: work on yourself

The first, where to begin when implementing a serious event called "Search a decent pair," is the correction of own personal qualities, behavior, thinking. This strategy may not be easy, but the result will exceed all your expectations. So, take the following recommendations for weapons:

  • Be yourself. A man must respect the woman with whom communicating and especially with which he enters into a serious relationship. And in order to achieve this behavior, you need to behave accordingly. The easiest way is not to wear a mask, do not pretend, but be natural. Of course, flirting and flirting is not rebiring, but everything is good within reason. Try not to look frivolous, with the wind in my head, then you will be taken seriously.
  • Become confident, learn how to keep yourself in your hands. Remember that no man, even the most calm and homely, will not like the permanent control and the intrusiveness on your part. Excessive emotionality, like the perfect lack of emotions will also serve you a bad service. Develop such qualities as increased self-esteem, compassion, kindness - with their help you will certainly win the heart of a really good man.
  • Share the solution of your psychological problems. If such a whole bunch has accumulated, do not postpone the case in a long box - go to a psychologist or deal with the studding of books on this topic and the study of special techniques / practices. The absence of internal complexes and blocks is a pledge of a meeting with a good person and building healthy relationships with him. Having the described luggage, you can attract only a similar instance.
  • Develop self-esteem and self-esteem. Making psychological violence over himself, pulling out its own principles to ensure that a specific person continue to communicate with you - all this indicates that you are not suitable for each other or he is not worthy of you. Do not go constantly for concessions: a compromise - the lot of both. Learn to respect yourself - you will find a person who will certainly be respected.
  • Be equally demanding to yourself and to potential candidates for your heart.. As they say, to meet the king, you need to be the queen - strictly follow this rule to find a good man.
  • Eradicate in yourself habit to complain about men, as such. Avoid repeating in conversations with different people and, as if by the way, the following phrases: "All men goats and bastards", "There are no normal men, you will not ourselves with fire", "Nobody needs me, since some assholes and alphony around " etc. First, all men by definition cannot be bad, like women - after all, do you think good? And secondly, such a negative attitude will not give you the slightest chance to attract a worthy person in your life.
  • In general, try to think positive. Fill your existence with positive emotions, live in full life, stop postpone the implementation of the grand projects and the execution of old desires. Stop feeling without a pair of an infallible person. The famous Thunder Osho said:
    "Learn to enjoy the company yourself. Be so happy that you will no longer disturb you, someone will come to you or not. You are already full. You do not expect with trepidation whether someone will lead to your door. Are you at home already. If someone comes - fine. No - also good. Only with such an attitude can be started. "

Photo: how to find a good man

How to find a good man: behavior features

  • Drop the fear before exploring the acquaintance initiative first. You need a good man, and those are usually interested in acquiring just the second half, a person of a loved one, understanding, but not just a woman as such, that is - any representative of weak gender. In other words, a normal man will adequately respond to the initiative that you show and even support it, because he himself can be shy or considering you too beautiful, smart, etc. Compared with you, and therefore would not dare to first step. You can tell a person compliments, but they should not wear too intimate.
  • Show sincerity in communicating with a person. If someone like you, admit the object of sympathy in your feelings. No need to pretend to be cold - this number does not pass with everyone as you would like. Again, in the absence of any delicate feelings to a person who is not indifferent to you, tell him about it directly. Do not give false hopes and play someone's heart.
  • If you want a person who liked or caring for you, a person who has made a worthy act, made you something pleasant, showed self-sacrifice, before you expect a similar from him, ask yourself: do you are ready for Specified actions for the sake of a man? In the case of the answer "No", do not wait for respect to your person, because this is a manifestation of egoism. And, as you know, this attracts like that.
  • To get acquainted at work, you need to become more sociable, always keep a pretty smile on the lips, good, sincere smile, try not to deny help to colleagues. In addition, you will need to work out your own style in clothes and behavior manners, be more direct, natural. To see, the opposite sex employees will instantly notice the changes in you and will perceive them as "green light" to the beginning of closer communication, which can be transferred beyond the boring office. Moreover, among the colleagues, there will be at least a para-triple of unfulfilled decent men of pleasant outfacities.

Photo: how to find a good man

  • If you want to find a person with whom it would be not only good, reliably, fun, but also interesting, become interesting and versatile. Get around a few exciting hobbies, take care of creativity, travel, study foreign languages, start keeping your author's blog in the network - in a word, do not dwell on the search for a suitable pair, and enjoy every moment of life, do yourself!
  • Attend certain places to search for a good person depending on who exactly do you want to meet. Taking a habit of habit to be in bars and nightclubs, keep in mind that you have great chances to meet an exclusively drinking fans of women. We will regularly walk with the goal voiced above in the temple - probably sooner or later get acquainted with a deeply believer man, or even a fanatik. Have this in mind.