How to draw neat arrows with liquid eyeliner. Technique for drawing perfect eyeliner arrows

In order to make the look charming and sophisticated, to emphasize the natural beauty of the eyes, it is recommended, in addition to mascara, to visually increase the size of the eyes with the help of arrows. The neatly drawn arrows are back in fashion for the new 2018 season. They ideally complement both bright evening and standard ones, it is only important to know some tricks of drawing arrows.

Arrows have been in vogue at all times, they were drawn by such world-famous women as the Italian movie star Sophia Loren and the American actress Marilyn Monroe. Today, no one can imagine them without arrows drawn in front of their eyes, which are the hallmark of their image and style. But drawing arrows in front of your eyes is not as easy as it might seem. Unsuccessfully set eyes are able to completely ruin the entire appearance of a girl, while arrows well matched to the cut and shape of the eyes will open up the gaze, and will also allow you to correct possible flaws in appearance.

There are different types of arrowheads for the eyes in width and length. Each girl makes the choice individually, depending on her preferences in makeup. Among the large number of arrows, those that are most popular with female representatives should be highlighted:

  • Classic arrows - thin lines... In order to correctly draw such arrows, it is necessary to lead a pencil from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one. Remember that at the end the line should be lifted slightly upward. It is imperative to monitor the width of the line, it is recommended to make it thin.

  • Arrows "double line"... They make the look unique, more expressive and bright. Perfectly emphasize the natural beauty of the eyes. An arrow on the upper eyelid is drawn from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. It should be noted that closer to the outer edge of the eye, the line should be thicker, and its edge should be slightly raised. The lower eyelid must be brought in, on the contrary, from the outer corner to the inner one. It is important to control that the arrows come out the same on both eyes for the aesthetic completion of the chosen image, the curves of the arrows should be smooth and graceful.
  • To visually increase the density of eyelashes, they are ideal "Thick arrows"... It is quite simple to draw such arrows, the width can be different, depending on the preferences of the girl. It is necessary to draw from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one.

Popular types of eyeliner arrows

  • Are very popular among young girls arrows "cat's eyes"... They emphasize the beauty of the eyes, making the look more confident. A feature of these arrows is that the edges of both lines are directed upward to the temple area.

Classic arrow options complement any girl's makeup, making the image more complete and harmonious, giving it some zest.

Matching the arrows to the shape of the eyes

In order for the arrows to decorate a woman, and not make her image caricature or even vulgar, it is necessary that the arrows match the shape of her eyes. Classic almond-shaped eyes Arrows of any kind will work well, spaced from the bridge of the nose at a normal distance. The happy owner of almond-shaped eyes can afford both thin and thick eyeliner. Any version of the arrows will look amazing on almond-shaped eyes.

Arrows on the eyes with blue shadows, rules for drawing beautiful arrows.

Women with round eyes the arrows will allow you to correct the shape of the eyes, to make it more elongated. To do this, start drawing the arrow from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. But from the middle of the eyelid, the arrow needs to be slightly raised up, instead of bringing it to the outer corner of the eye. Such an arrow will allow not only to visually correct the eyes and give them an almond-shaped shape, but also to avoid the "heavy" look that appears if the arrow is drawn along the entire contour of the round eyes. The width of the arrow on round eyes should be thin in the inner corners of the eyes, and then slightly thicker from the middle. The end of the arrow should not be abruptly cut off; it must be sharpened smoothly.

To add charm and open them, you need to draw a very thin arrow on the upper eyelid, as close as possible to the eyelashes. Towards the end of the eyelid, the direction of the arrow should go smoothly up, but not go beyond the outer corner of the eye.

If eyes are too wide apart, the arrow should be wide, starting at the inner corners of the eyes, and then gradually tapering towards the outer corners. If the eyes, on the contrary, are close to the bridge of the nose, then the arrow at the inner corners should be thin and thicken at the outer corners.

A video lesson in drawing arrows for any type of eyes: raised corners, lowered corners of the eyes, wide-set, narrow-set eyes, narrow eyes or wide ones.

Arrow drawing rules

The question of how to draw arrows correctly in front of their eyes worries so many women. A beautiful arrow can be drawn only if you do it sequentially in several stages.

  • You need to draw the arrow with a "firm" hand, otherwise the line will turn out to be not even, but wavy, which is unacceptable. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to put the mirror at eye level, and with the elbow of the hand that brings the eyes, rest against a hard surface.
  • You do not need to draw an arrow with your eyes closed or opening it open, this is inconvenient. It is best if the eye is half-closed. In this case, you will immediately see how well the arrow is drawn.

  • Whatever width you plan to draw the arrow, initially you need to draw it thin, and gradually thicken it if necessary.

  • Most women believe that the arrow should be drawn in one continuous line. But in this case, it is almost impossible to draw a straight line. It is best to draw the arrow in two passes. From the inner corner to the middle, and from the middle to the outer corner.
  • The inner edge of the arrow should be drawn along the lash line. If the distance between the eyelashes and the eyeliner is left, it will look sloppy, and the eyelashes will not look spectacular, even if they are very thick and beautifully painted.

  • The arrows on both eyes should be the same length and width. Even the slightest deviation of them is unacceptable, since with different arrows the eyes will look asymmetrical, even if in fact the woman does not have such a defect.

  • If eye makeup includes not only arrows, but also shadows, then arrows are drawn over the shadows.

What cosmetics to use to draw arrows

Painting with liquid eyeliner

Many girls, dreaming of bright arrows, immediately buy. Of course, eyeliner arrows look great, and they last a long time on any skin of the eyelids. But liquid eyeliner should be used only by those who already know how to draw arrows well, who can confidently draw a line and not get lost in the middle, ruining the whole effect. For those who are just learning eye makeup, it is better to draw an arrow using a pencil or shadows.

Arrows for the eyes with a pencil

You can draw an arrow with a hard or soft pencil. Soft pencil is suitable for beginners in visage, and professionals prefer to draw arrows with a hard pencil. Using a pencil when drawing arrows is convenient because they can be shaded and. It is with pencils that make-up artists draw arrows, creating “smoky eyes” makeup.

Beautifully drawn arrows will always harmoniously complement your chosen makeup. Arrows can be drawn using liquid eyeliner or special eyeliner; shadows are not recommended for this. Before starting work, it is important to remember how to draw arrows correctly if you are using a pencil. It is necessary to pre-paint the eyelid with shadows, so that the pencil "lays down" more easily and evenly. If the conceived makeup does not involve the use of shadows, it is important to degrease the eyelid with lotion before starting.

In order for the arrow to come out successful and beautiful, it is important that the hand has the correct position, namely, the elbow must have an emphasis. This will prevent possible makeup blemishes in case your hand trembles.

It is recommended to put yourself inconspicuous points in the places where the line will pass. By drawing an even, symmetrical arrow, this will give more confidence in the creation of the future look. Arrows in front of the eyes should be drawn in stages from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.

It is very important to choose a high-quality pencil for creating arrows, because low-quality products can lead to undesirable consequences and in the end spoil the intended image. The pencil may not be permanent and will wear off or peel off quickly. Now there is a sufficient number of high-quality products on the market of goods, so it is recommended to pay attention to such details.

Also, the color of the pencil may vary. Choosing a pencil of the right tone can favorably emphasize the color of the shadows or some specific details of the image.

Drawing arrows with a pencil is not as easy as it might seem. You need to competently approach the choice of products and work on makeup. Knowing some of the tricks will help create the desired image.

Drawing arrows in the eyes with shadows

It is equally convenient to draw arrows with the help of shadows. This requires a fine brush and a clean applicator. The brush must be pre-moistened with water, then type shadows of the selected color on it and draw a neat line along the eyelid. The eyeliner is soft and perfect for daytime makeup. You can draw a thin arrow with a brush, but if you need a wide contour, you can draw a wider one over the thin line with the edge of the applicator. If you want the arrow to be brighter, then a strip of shadows on the eyelid is applied with a wet applicator, if you need a muted arrow, then the applicator must be dry.

Fashionable version of the arrows on the eyes to perform makeup for gray eyes

Drawing arrows on the eyes with a liner

Liner liner is very popular today. This type of eyeliner resembles a felt-tip pen, and it is very convenient for them to draw a clear line, which turns out to be soft, and if the arrow does not turn out perfect the first time, then it is easy to remove it with a cotton swab dipped in water.

A video tutorial on how to draw arrows: shadows, pencil, an aliner. Selection of brushes, eyeshadows, eyeliners, know-how.

Choosing the color of the arrows

The classic color for drawing arrows is black. Combined with red lipstick, black arrows look incredibly sexy. But this look looks best at a party, and not in everyday life, when women are trying to use light natural shades in their makeup.

To make the arrow look appropriate and beautiful during the day, you can use brown, beige, blue or dark green shades to draw it. These colors work especially well with brown or black-brown mascara, which is best for everyday makeup. Be sure to take into account the color of the eyes when choosing a shade for the arrows. If the arrow is drawn to match the color of the eyes, then the look will become more expressive and deep, and if you use pearlescent shadows for the arrow, then it will be luminous. Each woman decides what color to choose for drawing an arrow, the main thing is that the arrow matches the shape of her eyes and makes the woman more attractive.

Fashionable makeup option with white arrows on the eyes

How to make the arrows perfectly straight in front of your eyes

It is very important when working on the arrows to make sure that the line comes out perfectly straight. This can be achieved due to several factors:

  • It is necessary, first of all, to choose the correct position of the hand, the elbow must have a certain support. This will ensure that the hand does not flinch and the line turns out to be straight.
  • The ends of the arrows should be marked with a pencil for perfect symmetry. This will ease the work ahead and help create a dazzling day and night.
  • Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare cotton swabs, thanks to which it will be possible to remove the defects obtained during the work on the makeup.

Perfectly straight arrows can be created using a special eyeliner or, if you prefer a pencil, it is important that it is firm, as using a soft pencil can ruin the outline of the arrows. Before drawing arrows in front of your eyes with a pencil, it is recommended to practice on paper.

Drawing arrows on the eyes with a gel base on the video.
base under the shade - Poppy Paint Pot Bare Study
pencil black - Benefit Bad Gal waterproof eyeliner

Arrows are needed to increase the size of the eyes, visually correct the eyelid line, and structurally draw the face. Arrows are not eye contours. This is part of creating a modern and contemporary look that can be very different from the original reflection in the mirror. If you think that you do not know how to draw arrows in front of your eyes, or they do not suit you, we will try to dispel your delusion. Arrows in front of our eyes go to absolutely everyone and without exception. Without arrows, you will not be able to attach the false eyelashes that are required this season. Big expressive eyes are a current trend.

To get the desired result, you can apply tons of the most fashionable mascara with curling and lengthening to your eyelashes, or you can simply stick on beautiful false eyelashes and draw arrows on your eyes - it will take a couple of minutes. Complex makeup, of course, will take more time, but just drawing out the contours with a good quality pencil or felt-tip pen is fast.

What is important to know in order to learn how to draw arrows in front of your eyes:
Important points are the correct choice of a drawing tool, preparation and application of preliminary make-up, masking bruises and swelling, understanding the structure of the main contour.

Choosing an arrow color

Do you still think that the arrow is necessarily a black stripe above the eye? Not necessary at all. The arrow can be of any color. Blue, green, pink, silver, white and even light beige. When camouflaging false eyelashes, keep in mind that there is a great white or clear glue. The arrow can be made both in solid color and with shading, for example, in the case of the classic smokey eye makeup. Smoky Eyes can now be beige or shimmery. The way you want to create a beautiful outline and an attractive look.

Don't forget about camouflage colors. Orange arrows will hide the blue on the eyelids. Yellow arrows will help to visually remove swelling. Cream - base under the shadow - required. Look closely at the picture and you will see orange and peach arrows, along which additional black outlines and structural turquoise lines are drawn.

Direction of drawing

The shape of the arrows can be any - even with birds or dragons and up to the very eyebrow. Don't strive to follow the canon. Do what you see fit. The direction of drawing is from the nose to the temples. The arrow can start from the very line of the nose, from the line of the middle of the eye, from 2/3 of the eye, from the outer corner of the eye. Draw arrows on the eyes in the direction from the nose, just so as not to damage the skin of the eyelids. ...

Selecting a painting tool

Professionals paint with brushes. This is how they are accustomed, this is how they were taught in childhood, when they went to art school. Without the skill to master the work with thin brushes, and even on a nervously twitching eyelid, it is problematic. Choose a tool according to your hand. Can you draw with felt-tip pens? Fine! Choose a special thin eyeliner and your result will be no worse than that of professionals. The only drawback of the markers for the eyes is that they dry out quickly. You need to learn how to draw quickly and immediately close the felt-tip pen tightly.

Painting gels. The advantage of the gel is a thin and clear line almost immediately. But first you need to learn how to create these lines.

A simplified technique for drawing arrows

Agree, it is much easier to draw when the outline is already defined. This is no longer drawing, but a simple coloring, an elementary technical problem. We reveal the secrets of how to quickly create the perfect outline of the future arrow.

  • Draw the outline of the arrows from the outer corner of the eye. Choose a direction. The arrow should continue with the line of the lower eyelid, or be parallel to the eyebrow line. If you continue the eyelid line, the arrow will be curved up. It doesn't always look good on round eyes. The more rounded the eyes, the higher the arrow will bend up. For round eyes, choose a line parallel to the eyebrow.
  • Attach a credit card or store discount card to your chosen line. Be sure to rinse the card with disinfectant before applying it to your face. Draw a line across the card like a ruler. You can use a beige pencil for a trial outline.
  • Mentally connect the point where the line ends with the point in the middle of the eye. Attach the card again and draw a line to form a triangle. The contour is ready, you can paint over. You can already paint over the contour with a brush - it is more difficult to overshoot with the finished contour. You should not paint over the eyelid with a pencil - there will be gaps. In addition, the pencil strongly stretches the delicate skin of the eyelids.
  • Using a soft brush and eyeshadow of a suitable color, paint over the area close to the lashes. You can use a sponge soaked in water. In this case, the line of shadows will be as bright as drawn with a pencil.
  • Apply false eyelashes, paste, paint over the arrows again.
  • Apply 1 layer of mascara to lashes - both fake and real at the same time.

The arrows on the lower eyelid must be drawn with great care. The irregular shape of the lower eyelid instantly visually reduces the eyes. If there are no problems with almond-shaped eyes, then you will have to tinker with round ones. Most importantly, it is not necessary to close the circuit at the outer corner of the eye. Accentuate the lash line with color - that's enough for a start. Thin and accurate drawing of the lower eyelid line requires great care and precision, and the result is not always visually beneficial. Try a trick from the arsenal of the cosplay and anime worlds.

Draw a white arrow on the lower eyelid. And already under it, measuring out the lines on the card, draw the desired shape of the lower eyelid line. Usually the desired shape differs from the real one. By drawing a new shape, you create a different eye shape, which, perhaps, suits you better.

Drawing arrows in front of your eyes is a fascinating exercise, if you do not try to exactly repeat natural contours, but draw new ones. Why not?

Life hack when drawing arrows

  • Be sure to treat the surface of the eyelid with highlighters and correctors. First you need to remove all blueness, swelling, swelling. Then apply foundation and a light shade of peach or lemon, depending on skin tone. Only then - draw arrows. If you are drawing arrows on the eyelids with swelling, swelling, redness and bruising, do not expect an amazing result. Makeup flaws and lack of elaboration will become even more noticeable. Draw bronze and turquoise feathering arrows. This does not require precise contouring.
  • Use stencils. Not the ones that our Asian friends sell, but just any handy items on which it is convenient to draw a direct line. Drawing perfectly straight lines on the skin is difficult at first, even with the best brushes and pencils. Draw lines of arrows using a credit card and other improvised means. * rice 10 *
  • Many girls use clean panty liners to apply makeup - both as a stencil and as a tool to quickly remove irregular lines.
  • If you don't want to figure out how to draw arrows in front of your eyes, use ready-made stickers. Don't buy expensive stickers right away if you don't have experience. You are guaranteed to spoil the first pair. Practice on cheap stickers and find the perfect arrow outline for yourself. * rice 6 *

You won't be able to immediately learn and draw perfect arrows before your eyes. Train! With a little practice, you will be able to draw wonderful arrows without even thinking.

Why you need to learn how to draw arrows in front of your eyes

Even if you despise makeup in general and prefer the "naked face" heavily advertised by celebrities, you definitely need to learn how to draw arrows, apply nude shadows, and work with a corrector. Ever wondered why the celebrity naked face is so different from yours? Because they won’t choose just anyone as a celebrity, are they beautiful and special from the very beginning? This is not true. It's just that modern makeup has reached such heights that it has become invisible. In terms of the level of correction, make-up is already significantly superior to the results of plastic surgery.

A celebrity, who is photographed literally in the morning, barely opening her eyes, already has arrows in her eyes, and shadows, and correction of the face shape with the elimination of pimples, redness, narrowing of pores, the tone of the face is corrected, a highlighter and sculptural shadows are applied. Not to mention that the eyebrows are combed and beautifully styled with gel. Then she is photographed in the right lighting, while the stylist, lighting and professional photographer is behind the scenes, choosing the correct angle and adjusting the correct lens.

It is impossible to discern professional work with an unprofessional eye. Want to look like a celebrity - learn to do a complete nude makeup. And you will also have to learn to draw arrows in front of your eyes. Radiant and illuminating freshness of the eyelids as "just after sleep".

The arrows will always be relevant. Not necessarily the arrows of the format of the stars of cinema of the 60s and Cleopatra performed by Elizabeth Taylor. It's just that now in fashion correction of the shape of the eyes, visual correction of the eyelids, adding volumes to the eyelashes, sculpting the eyelid. As if there are no arrows. But they are. Simply creating nude makeup requires much more strength and skill than a regular war paint.

The arrows on the eyelids are an ingenious invention. The means and technique of application, the palette and the bend - up to the most daring, can change, but they are always relevant, because they give the look and the whole image a special chic. How to draw the arrows in front of the eyes depends too much to be taken lightly.

The arrow can pass both through the entire upper eyelid, and through the entire lower eyelid, it can start from its middle, and end with a daring ray almost at the temple, or calmly but confidently outline the growth line of the eyelashes or the mucous membrane above them.

There are three main types of tools for forming arrows: pencil, shadow, eyeliner. The choice depends on the purpose of the makeup and the level of your skill, which is honed in this sequence. It is better to be patient and step by step to develop your skills if you intend to master this skill to perfection.

Drawing arrows with a pencil

This is where to start if you have little experience in drawing arrows or don't have enough time for a more elegant work with eyeliner or shadows. Using a hard lead you get a clear line, using a soft - slightly blurred, suitable for Smokey Ice makeup. A soft contour can ideally fill the space between the eyelashes, as well as the line of the mucous membrane - this will give the eyelashes density and additional volume.

This tool is also convenient to use for shading lines, especially since the choice of colors is very large. And if the black outline is not your theme, multi-colored leads are ready to help.

A pencil arrow is drawn from the middle of the eyelid towards the outer corner.

If the experiment with a pencil was successful, you can move on to a more complex version - eyeliner. It can be liquid, gel and highlighter - the latter is just for beginners. Liquid eyeliner, unlike pencil, requires skill and slowness.

Thin arrows

They accentuate the shape of the eye in a casual and weightless manner and are very good for daytime makeup. A perfectly thin arrow will turn out to be achieved with a high-quality liquid eyeliner. The very tip of the brush leads a line from the inner corner to the outer corner, laying it as close to the eyelashes as possible. Depending on the shape of the eye, the tip of the thin arrow may be slightly raised towards the temple or close the natural shape.

Wide arrows

They give the look a special energy and some drama. They are more appropriate for an evening out, however, in a daytime make-up, they are acceptable if they are made in a dull color scheme and are slightly shaded. A spectacular wide eyeliner is drawn in several stages.

  1. Outline the outline. The easiest way to do this is with a pencil, by drawing a check mark at the outer corner and connecting it to the crease of the eyelid.
  2. Draw a thick line above the lashes, which gets thinner as we get closer to the inner corner.
  3. Combine the first element with the second and draw another confident line on top.
  4. Fill the inner part of the arrow with color.

This technique creates a light smoky flair, making the eyes mesmerizingly delicate and more open. In addition, it does not require such scrupulousness as drawing with eyeliner. Another important advantage of painting with shadows: imperfections in shape can be easily corrected with a damp brush. The main thing is that their shade is in harmony with the color of the eyes.

  1. A brush with a beveled edge should be slightly moistened with water and lowered into dry shade.
  2. Shake off the excess powder so that later it does not crumble right before our eyes.
  3. The arrow goes from the inner corner to the outer corner along the lash line and rises slightly. To make the corner of the correct shape, you can use a strip of tape or a plastic card attached along the drawing path.

Features of arrows for eyes of different shapes

This makeup element is able not only to draw attention to the eyes, making them more expressive, but also to improve their shape, and even to give the missing harmony to the entire face. Therefore, it is so important to choose an application technique in accordance with the type of eyes and their natural characteristics.

They seem to be intended for shooters: they have an elongated shape and raised outer corners. On such eyes, it will be enough to outline the natural border of the eyelashes with a smooth thickening from the middle of the century to the end of the arrow going up.

In general, it is believed that almond-shaped outlines are in good harmony with arrows of any shape. Including with the contours returned to fashion in the style of the 60s of the XX century.

To shine with such makeup, in addition to the line extended to the outer corner, a carefully traced tail is needed, which, as it were, continues the lower eyelash and connects to the main line of the arrow.

Widely spaced eyes

To visually reduce the unwanted distance (which, by definition, exceeds the width of one eye), draw arrows in front of the eyes, leaving the inner corners unpainted. At the same time, we extend the line towards the bridge of the nose, and on the back side we do not go beyond the border of the outer corner.

In this case, the distance between the eyes is less than the width of one of them. Arrows starting closer to the center of the eyelid and going beyond the outer corner will help to make their arrangement more harmonious. The tail of the arrow is lengthened and directed upwards.

Round eyes

It is better to give such a calmer shape by visual lengthening. To do this, it is better to increase the thickness of the arrow in the central part of the eyelid, and to narrow it towards the corners. The "smoky" make-up copes with this task perfectly.

Small eyes

I really want to increase them, and arrows can help with this. Makeup artists advise you to start drawing, stepping back a little from the inner corner. The outer corner should also remain open. For greater effect, the lines are best shaded slightly with a pencil. It is better to bring the lower eyelid slightly from the outer edge.

Downcast eyes

Eyes of this shape usually give a sad expression to the face. Correct arrows can correct the situation. To do this, draw them from the middle of the upper eyelid and bring them up before the end of the strip of mucous membrane, visually lifting the corners. The inner corners are left without drawing.

The overhang makes the usual arrow invisible, moreover, the paint quickly spreads in such conditions. For the owners of this form, it is important to know how to draw arrows correctly, which will visually facilitate the look and maintain a clear outline throughout the day.

In this case, it is recommended to cover the entire outer corner of the eye with a horizontally rotated V pattern. It is better to draw thin and light lines. And to prevent smudging on the overhanging eyelid, it is advisable to choose eyeliners with a waterproof property.

When painting over the overhanging eyelid, the eye should be completely open, this is the only way to predict the result.

Narrow eyes

This form is inherent mainly in people of the Asian type. She is perfectly suited for wide arrows, which seem to open up the gaze - how to create them, we have considered above. It is best to choose a liquid eyeliner for this.

As in the case of small eyes, soft shaded lines are recommended here, as well as a very light, to white, outline on the inner eyelid.

Deep set eyes

Without the right makeup, they can look lackluster. They will be made more noticeable by arrows made as follows: a thin line along the contour of eyelash growth, as it approaches the outer edge, goes up and ends with a thinned tail.

A pronounced growth line of the lower eyelashes will successfully complement the upper arrow.

Experienced makeup artists know a lot about how to make eyelashes in order to provide them not only with a stunning look, but also with excellent durability. A few professional tips will help you to achieve excellence in this matter.

  1. The pencil should be well sharpened to create a clear outline and not scratch the eyelid. To do this, before sharpening, it is enough to hold it in the freezer for half a minute.
  2. To prevent the eyeliner from smearing during the day, before applying it, you need to degrease the skin of the eyelid with lotion or powder.
  3. When applying, it is not necessary to tighten the eyelid too much, otherwise the arrow will be deformed. Direct your gaze downward, while the eye is half-open - this way you can control the situation.
  4. For the line to be perfectly straight, the hand that applies it needs a fulcrum: the elbow should be on the table, and not hang in the air. Vanity can ruin everything.
  5. If, at the stage of mastering the technique, a straight line is not obtained, its application can be started from dots or light intermittent contours, connecting which, you get a solid line.
  6. Watch for symmetry. The slightest deviation in the drawing of the arrows can give a strange expression to the face. Irregularities are corrected with a cotton swab and make-up remover lotion.
  7. An emphasis on the face in the form of arrows requires impeccable eye makeup: a sufficient amount of mascara on the eyelashes and eyebrows, an even skin tone, and careful selection of shadows. Just do not draw the lower eyelid with liquid eyeliner - such a line gives vulgarity and adds age. The bottom contour should be light or shaded.

Arrows on the eyes improve their appearance. Sometimes they just transform the face. That is why many girls always use arrows in their makeup.

It is worth noting that it is important to be able to draw arrows correctly. They should emphasize the beauty of the eyes, not spoil them. That is why it is worth learning the techniques of drawing arrows, with which everything is done easier than at random. There are several such methods. We will talk about them, as well as how to learn how to draw arrows with liquid eyeliner or some other, in this article.

It is important to understand that the training of your hands plays an important role in this matter. If you often draw arrows for yourself in front of your eyes, you can, in the end, do it almost perfectly. Don't be discouraged if you have to erase what you have drawn and then output again. This is all normal. Rarely does anyone do everything well the first time.

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How to choose eyeliner

It is important to use the correct eyeliner to get the under-eye arrows. It must be of high quality and fresh. A product that is too dry or too thin is not suitable as it is very difficult to work with. The consistency of the eyeliner should be medium in density. If this is not the case, you may have come across a substandard product.

Benefits of a liquid eyeliner

Arrows on the eyes with liquid eyeliner are rich and bright. This effect cannot be achieved with a black pencil. At the same time, the arrows made with a liquid-type eyeliner are more resistant. They do not wear off for a long time and do not blur over time, which is an undoubted advantage.

Beautiful arrows on the eyes with liquid eyeliner can be made in chameleon color. The liquid product lends itself well to mixing, you can combine colors or initially purchase what you want. Such experiments will not work with a pencil.

Liquid eyeliner arrows are easiest to make. With a brush or felt-tip pen, you just need to draw the lines of the desired shape. The pencil is much more difficult to control. That is why liquid eyeliner should be taken by people who are just starting to use arrows in their makeup.

Photo from the site:

By what principle to choose a remedy

Pay attention to the consistency of the liner from the very beginning. It should be neither too thick nor too runny. It is quite difficult to draw both one and the other. To make sure that the eyeliner is of medium, comfortable thickness, open it and even try it on your hands. This way you will know if you can draw with this tool.

Also pay attention to the brush. It should be pliable and elastic. The tip should not be thick. The thinner it is, the easier it will be for them to paint. It is better to point the arrows several times than to immediately make them ugly thick. You can also appreciate all this by drawing a few stripes on your wrist.

For beginners, beauticians advise a liquid eyeliner with a felt-tip brush. It is very easy to draw with it. It turns out straight lines, which are practically impossible to do badly.

The eyeliner can be not only black, but also gray, brown or "chameleon". For those who are just learning how to draw arrows, it is better to choose a lighter color. It is not so noticeable, so if something is not perfect for you, few people will understand it.

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How to draw arrows with liquid eyeliner

First, create a comfortable workplace for yourself. The most important thing in drawing arrows is to keep your hand from shaking. To do this, you can fix your elbow on the table. You will rest against them, and this will reduce the likelihood of trembling in your hands.

If your good liquid eyeliner is thick and you need it urgently, then don't worry. The remedy can still be saved. How to do it? Wrap the liner in plastic and dip it in warm water. After a while, the product will melt and become more liquid. You can also add a little water or alcohol inside. This will bring your liquid eyeliner back to normal.

Apply a foundation of makeup to your eyelids and powder a little. This is important in order for the arrows drawn after to look crisp and beautiful. It will also visually enhance the contours of the brows.

When all the preparatory work is done, you can get down to business. We will tell you how to draw arrows with liquid eyeliner for yourself.

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How to draw arrows with liquid eyeliner using a teaspoon

You will need a regular teaspoon. Make sure it is dry. You should attach the spoon at an angle to the outside of the eye so that the rounded portion is near the corner. This will create something that looks like a ruler. Draw a line along it. It will turn out to be round and not beveled at the same time. This way of drawing arrows is very convenient. True, sometimes you have to carry a spoon with you for this.

If something doesn't work out quite smoothly, fix it right there before the eyeliner is dry. This can be done with damp cotton swabs. If the product has time to dry out, then the arrows can be corrected with a concealer or foundation.

The spoon can also be replaced with a sponge. Simply place the sponge in such a way that an arc forms over the eyelid. Everything is exactly the same as with a spoon. Then just circle with eyeliner.

You can also use a patch. It should be the most common one. Stick it in such a way that by tracing its edge you can draw a straight arrow. This method of applying eyeliner is somewhat traumatic, because the plaster will need to be ripped off after the procedure. So if you have delicate skin, it is better to choose other methods.

It's worth noting that the longer you make the arrows, the more bold they will look. Short ones will add tenderness to the look. It is not necessary to bully the arrows if you do your daily makeup. But for a party, you can make long bold arrows with raised edges.

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How to draw arrows with liquid eyeliner for beginners using a stencil

So, how to make arrows in front of your eyes with liquid eyeliner is difficult for a person who has never done this before, then you can use special stencils at first. It will be enough to attach them to the eye, and then draw a line along the inner incision.

Stencils can be purchased from a beauty store, or you can make your own from paper.

How to draw beautiful arrows with liquid eyeliner without aids

Interested in the question of how to paint arrows with liquid eyeliner right away, without stencils, spoons and other devices?

  1. To do this, carefully draw the arrow along the edge of the eyelid, just above the lashes. Raise the tip of the arrow slightly upward. The drawn line should be thin.
  2. Move the arrow starting from the middle of the line. You must close the edges of the new line with the first. You should end up with something that looks like a triangle.
  3. Paint in the light space between the lines.

To make the line as smooth as possible, you can place dots, which you then connect. This will make it easier for you.

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Make sure that there is no unpainted white strip left between the arrow and the eyelashes. She looks very ugly. Therefore, paint as close to the lash line as possible.

Some of these methods will definitely suit you. It is important to understand that not everything works out the first time, but everything can be fixed.

When drawing arrows, also use a concealer or corrector. With them, it will be easier for you to correct minimal inaccuracies, because of which you do not want to erase absolutely everything. A little bit of powder will help hide any remaining noticeable imperfections. Over time, you will learn to paint straight, which will reduce the use of corrective agents.

In order to make sure that there is nothing difficult in this, watch the video on how to draw an arrow in front of your eyes with liquid eyeliner. Seeing with your own eyes how everything is done, you will quickly learn how to draw beautiful arrows on your own.

01.03.2017 by

Which of our compatriots is not familiar with and loves the eternal classics - arrows in front of our eyes ?! No one will remember that first woman who painted them, but it seems that they have always been. It is impossible to imagine women known all over the world - Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, for whom arrows have become the hallmark of their style without eyed down. And Cleopatra is the queen of Egypt, whose image has been preserved for us by time? And what about the images of the Egyptian pharaohs?

How did they come about?

The history of the emergence of arrows dates back to the time of Ancient Egypt. Moreover, those first were with a religious meaning and reproduced the cut of the cat's eyes, but cats were worshiped by the Egyptians as sacred animals. The arrows were applied to the eyes with black paint (a mixture of clay, henna and Nile silt). A narrow strip from the corner of the eyes extended almost to the ears.

With the campaigns of the Macedonian, the Greeks began to fail their eyes, then the Romans. I must say that lead was used for the production of paint. Therefore, the beauties from Rome grew old early, their skin was literally corroded by lead.

The inhabitants of medieval harems were born of a new, eastern "arrow" tradition, when the arrows were drawn with a mixture containing antimony from lamb fat, almond oil and basma. It happened that ash was added here.
After the temporary oblivion of the Renaissance, the eyelid fashion was reborn. Italy was the first in Europe of the XIV century to remember them. They painted on the face, which was covered with whitewash so abundantly that it seemed as if an artist was painting on canvas: eyebrows, arrows above the eyes, lips. The flowering of cosmetics could not be stopped even by the prohibitions of the church. Women weren't the only ones to adorn themselves with arrows. Men also did this.

The French took over from Italy. It was here that not just long large lines came into fashion, but ornate curved, twisted into rings, of black, purple, blue, burgundy colors.

By the 19th century, cosmetics were already being produced by manufactories. Liners were sold dry and diluted with water prior to application. Natural makeup, airy beauty is in fashion. The arrows themselves became shorter and thinner, often quite short - barely noticeable notches at the corners of the eyes. It was permissible to draw them long and thick only for the ladies of the half-light.